HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-14, Page 3July 14th1904
rom, ARO) LANDS.
It 11 oU w a.ot of AOriterae et
fitImulestIor the Ilvilioe. eirowth.
The message of the scalp is at the
reot of all treatment Of the hair. By
atimulating the flow of Wood. to the
scalp new vigor is given to the hair,
Without thie massage hair restoratives
are of little avail.
Now this massage may be better done
by 4 masseur than by the man or
woman who le growing bald, but it hi
possible for that individual to Massage
Ins own scalp vvell enough to do the
hair a great deal of good.
• Tfolded
The hands should be half and
the ends of the fingers inade to touch
the scalp lightly, Then rub them slow-
ly over the seallt.
It is convenient to begin at the back
of the neck and rub the scalp slowly
up the center of the head to the fore-
head. Then the rubbing should be done
aJI ever the head from one stile a the
scalp to the other, It should be repeat-
ed several times.
The same glow that the eicpensive
fingers of the masseur produce follows,
showingthat the circulation la the
sealp has been stimulated. The fingers
should be pressed on the scalp with
sufficient force to cause the bloo0. to
l*Itlxcd 31.wrndoe Mete Proemial° he 111,.
vestment of 14111lons In the West.
Writing from Calgary,. G. C. Per.
ter, The Toronto WorliPs correspon-
Pomp dent, says: The toduatrial develop- •
went of A Iberia is probalily inotee
marked in the progress of irrigatiou.
than in other echemes for the intro..."
duction o mixed farming in this set,.
tiou of the west. To -day this sciva-
t Mu problem that proinises so touch
for tht, future of agriculture haffi been
reduced to a practical basis. The ter- •
ritory affords an excellent example
of the possibilities of the itlea for all
Ca,nada. There are in Alberta 100
canals with a total length of 400
miles-. The subject has assumed • the
proportions 6.t a coninicrolui Proposi-
tion in this part of the Dominion.
This method of reclamation of the
semi -arid region illustrates the evo-
lution of the theory as aPplied in
the Northwest Territories, What is
more significant is the tremendous• "
undertaking by which the e.P.R, is
preparing to irrigate a solid tract
of land 150 miles long by 60 wide.
It means the investment of seine .
000,000, employment .of hundreds of
high -salaried laborers and the tilti-
, mato opening to diversified farming
" of 8,000,000 acre. This is the co-
lossal scale upon which preparations
are being made for the reception Of .
the thousunds of new settlerserowd-
i into South ,rn Alberta It- is an
ng o .
enterprise involving t„he future pros-
perity of thousands of families. The •TIDAL WAVES,
contracts have been awarded,. Pre-
liminary preparations have been The Pewees, Which start Theme man-
made and the completion of twenty. serous; .vtoonnes of water.
miles of the great ditch is assueed The ocean tidal wave --- sometimes
, this year.• caned the primitive—is formed by the
I 1.1lig*Iity miles more of the bi ditsch 'union of two wares, preduced by ,the
will be excavated next year. glt is oombined attractions of the sun awl
expected to put this property on the
the moon. This wave In Its most dan-
market at from four to five dollars' •
per acre for grazing lands and . • gerous form ,sometimee sweeps ever.
about ten dollars for irrigated lande, ships in •the -open sea aid in'its (tali,
In other sections where farming lands nary course produces the tides proper.
under h-rigation are purchased, the • Where the outilue of the land, as in
tracts are disposed of under a .con- the baY. of Vondy and the Bristol chafe.
, tract to furnish water at an annual 'nel Compresses the force of its' flood
rental of not to exceed fifty cents an with narrow estuaries it also gives rise
acre. That assured a profitable basis •to tidal waves, which. are termed de -
of operation.
'Phis is the plan rivatIve• and are'also known colloguiati
lowed by the Alberta Coal Company, .
1 as "bore's" or eagres. •
and the Mormons find the experi-
• • li I 'r fit bl. Tit Earthipitikes are also a muse a tidal
ment xcite ng y p o a t .
i main ditch will he sixty feet wide at Wayee- of two sorts. One is: dna' /0
the bottom and will carry ten feet shocks which ciecur on' land and eatiee
of water. All these elaborate opera- a retreet and reflux of the sea within
St. .Heleas1
imait tif heel now is eluting,
at Miss ".1 Canwron's and ethers
in. Ui ti1lag-
.S. union br1ita:1 picnic was held in
Mr. Merton's eereee oil July 1st. There
'was a taste ittendance id ihe races
lie:thall came off well. The
ltoes te St. Hattie and No.. 14 had .et
football math lett Ogee was 00 score
n 'either
The Entrence examinatit O was held
in St. liel.res lest week. 'there were
thirty-six eaulideres in all, quite a
large lnerease ever other years. -
airs. Mate h:reen 'and t..aughter "of
Quell it k.Ve sisiting here.
Mr. Thos. B. Taylor has returneil
from ettending the meetieg-of the High
Court cf. the 'C. 0. V. at Toronto and
:ref eels hai,ing a pleaseut and profit-
. able tim•e.
Mr, ,Tolin 111cOuire and sister,. 'Mrs.
Ma elonald of Myth, called on f deeds
angled here last -week.
Mr. Thos. Joyut attended the fume -
al of Ins brether Andrew's child at
tivaforth last week. •
A return football; match wes played
li"tweee St. natio; and Dungannon at
the latter place, resulting la the for,
mer teem losieg in a e:ora of to 0.
• .. e!
. •
Mr. A.IiI1t,n si nproving the looks.
()Lids piece with a new wire fence al -
l))11 --the frfait di it. .•
Mr. Pcnnyhaker Of Port Huron • • is
visit big friends. in. teis Iceality.
. .
These fire •the enervating days when,
58 4earieftely • has said, men erop by
the salt:Arc/ t. as if the day of lire had
(law ii.d. ''th.y are fraught With dan-
ger to pee ple 110tie -systems. are poor-
ly sastaimd..;. and this leads, is .to
sa\' lutite n tereets of the less volatile
01 oer readers, that. the 1%11 I effect of
St„esaparilla is stall as to
suggest the propriety of ct.11ings • this
ntetliciett• something' lesides a 1:11)6t1
pnriber :Ltd t(11 c,-esav,. it susteneng-
It..niakes it inueli easier to hear
the lt:at, ELY:tires refres1 env; sleep "and'
will Withiait eny doubt ttvert nueh
sickness at' this time of year, .
Lions will be carried on east of Cal- -the 'Usual tidal* limits, but where an • . .
gary, : and mean the infhoduction of earthquake shakes the sea .betl• a dome
mixemg Fuca. .
d farinin a contiguous
islurped 'mount of water rises over the
of 400,000 acres, Dairying and graz-•
centerof the . disturbance and draws
ing are to -day the chief industries in
the *surrOundieg. Water int* the .vortex
the section that is to be covered .by -
- i •
This .oe .1beneath it. e As .this domsubsides . it
• •• • •o ditch
waterway will be the largest in the sends an lnimense• rolling tunas swing- ,
Dominion, and darrying a .greater ing across the ocean, •e;vhich ereetei a •
voltune of water over a greater .dis- • moat fermidable.tidal-wave..
tance than any irrigation enterprise • •
on either side of the line. Until this•
land is placed under irrigation the •' THE SWEETEST .ED171.0.,
company is renting sections from .0.- .
It An were a Can at a mem. at'Arren,
four to ten cents per acre, according, .
, a
to quaietity desired. It is one of the . •• Menueon,
interesting features of the scienoe •of •••• One of the finest echoes of Which, wee
irrigation as applied in the west that "•have•reeoril'isenentioned by BarthiuS,
thegrain yields are regular • and. in his'nOtes..on,' the Thebais
• double that .of the wheat fields of Thiseviii on the banka'of the Naha; be -
Manitoba. Ontario farmers who have . tween Coblenz and Bingen, '.where an
investigated the subject in this sec- e. O• riginal pound was repeated seventeen
tion. have expressed, the belief thet
ti • • ' •••• • , • '
•intelligent ditch buildmee.•
ing . in "spine . • •• . •
parts of EasternCanada would be t
AMilan is an echo_ which reiterates
found so profitable that once intro-
• the•report Of topistel from fifty to'sixtY
duced it wOuld never be abandoned. thnes; In a cave: of the .Pauthetne it le
it becomes merely" the " difference be-. ' said that the guide, by flapping his
tw e eta in- moisture whe lever de- Cleat makes h noiSe equal. to the •repoth
111 iss .Fedna.• fax:nerd is the "geest •of
her aunt,- Mrs. Ilaekei.t. " • . .
'Many for hiti t,.( ni. i On. Ife Visited. itis
'qrs.. W. A. 'It Itynas and daughter,
Miss R(li.1 •Rhyntte, will. leave . next
week for numeg.
111. I)ieeeeii, daughter; of Mr.
.t.olite T. Ilitess( it of "Tueltereniiiii, ftir-
in erly of town,. Itas the resition.
of •wish:thin': in the e.ffice of• the Regis-
trar (.1 the P,nivetsitV 0:Tort:Mo.
Iteekett, •at, Wiartort: at pres-.
tin t ! . -
sired, and the caprice Of nature. ons of .a.twelve-peunder. • Pliny speaks of
ee0 A.IOR1 oPliakrioNS...•
operations 'for piles- is
, .
Itr 11110 ,kitow of the efficiency
of 'Di; 't he .c's ()lament as a etire for
We- eilinent. • •.It eh:61ot
uree ter it hat • .fernh Of q• yoe have,'
eo.,1(;),tg•Z•1s nse: hase's. Oint4
naall,cartf. ally 1.11d py 11 ifti11 it 11111
:ea n 1),&1.•ruti I- and cure. • Ask ythar
Seitude "and. ti.ei;.hbors whet they heoW.
abent., preparetion. • •
dry season in every • eeven years, it a cave in Dalmatia where astone tossed.
IS assprted, will destrOy enough farm,•
roduthe cts to pay expense of con- in would raise kterfect 'storm., , • 717"
The eweetest echo in all the .world •eal e Lathitileakti.
structing Llfl irrigation ditch ona
a 11 at the side 'of the tomb • • -
farm of 1(0) acres in Ontario natut.-
a•-• , of .Nur-Mabal dad Jelianligir; at Agra..
ally situated for the diversion, Of
small st vea in: This is one. of , , the Tke guide rises the cry, "Great Is God,
tin ique su inert s that • the success of - and, Telehammed Is his prophetAllahl
irrigation in the west ' is Malting • A1lithI.4. • At first three- distiuct musical
prominent. There are several in-. ', hot& lire heard in the echo, which re -
stances in Southere Alberta Where ; Verberate round the dome aud• ascend
farming in a sinall way has ltnion ' u• ntil they reach. the •.sraaller: &Met
found inimensely profitable by the -where they , reunite aed escape. from.
most primitive methods df ' irrigie .
the.tetimie as one tone. •
. ..
., ,.
•tions. such as raising .water • by
means of, a windmill. over heavy (dr,.
structions. The solution of this prob-
• A..Feehhe intitater. .
it is an element of no incoosider- Albert. Vandana, a Freneh .writer,
able importance to the agricultural gives , this description • Of one of the
development of Alberta. " # leading republieans of Glimbetta's
time: "Bizoin lmd totendeneY inthe
A New Novella. tate the great Napoleon. He who had
Norman Duncan,whose stories of joined. Laixtartine• In his vigorous. pro -
Newfoundland have' found theirw" test against: the removal.of Napoleon's
into several United States ma.gaiiiiee, 2 •
aalies from St, Helen •
a to Paris struck
is a Canadian who *claims the city . • •
Ne. a •tit the entrap
of Drantimei as his • hirthelace.apeleonesoue attitud
-: .
Eight years of his life Were, spent, sin - O• f edulle VhOn reviewing the troops
the town of Mitchell in . Western on-e,:orthe undieciplinedewoebegonemassese
tario, and from there he entered• the. Standing' knee. deep in mud, who •were
university of Toronto. He left ..(hat .. . supposed . to represent - troops. • Ile
institution .without a degree., bee, trudged up and deVeu the lines witli.bis
cause lie found the science ceittrse hands behind him, then came to a slid-
e, hich he had chosen distasteful. nen Stop and, nodding bis bed Wills
Prole there he went to Auburn, •/%4... pered (he: had • no '.voice), .'Soldiers, .1.
Y., a n d engaged in jeurith 1 ist ic tun pleased with yeti.'" '
work. Two years bite!' he joined the' - . .. - . -•
est -a -freed the New York Evening. Post, 2, • • •
and to the atmosphere. of' that Office; i••••
uttt.ibutes his later success .in —Sofee: Of •the Japanese tradesmen' in .
tion: Bis first stories dealt with, " the silialler towns of Nippon haite a
lift. in the Syrian quarters of New cutieus 'Way adyertising_their hnsi-
York, and have since been .ptibilehe ness, On their right foreatres they
ed in book form with the title, "The tattoo figures—the shoemaker a shoe,
Soul of the Street." Reaction cans- . the 'woodcutter . art ax, the botcher a.
ed him to long for a change of Sub— cleave. Underneath these -emblems
ject, and he chose to study f•Ife eett •
Are sueh loecriptions as, "I doeny work
and those who fight with it. Ills niOdestly and cheaply," or ."I am as
subsequent work is the result of .• •
aSt ExpresS"Traiia.;:.lea've fol "it
Louis twiec dee 1 y ca ry fig • tin eagle
1,t,I1iifeie sit:entire, Your, ideal agent
will Make reitervations:: ••
yare See.se for' .the . Trip
'with. an. 2.kaio1 tneity or
Chleage,„ • Detroit •attd itt intermediate
Cenaditte etetioLs,
• '.Note-e0n lAie4tii:01, to „Mite -
d (Told, 1/, , . A., • 1 orento, nelosing
'hair coils hainisoine illus-
trated '1;ocilet. 11011 be • fornished.- ,
good ati my trade as most' Of eny fel*
three sultinwrs in Newfoundland, and ;
. C1 HO in Labrador. Ille• eecond book I lows." when they are hunting work;
• is a collection of Newfoundlandstor» I they bare their firms and walk abont.
les, 1118 third, to be issued riekt • the Streets.-• • •
fall, is to be his first long story, I •
.• 'When to Unite a ifenhOuse,,
kind it will bear the • title, "'Cho
Poultry heuses should never be
cliamidon," Canadians who have not
out. There s 110 Carla() a„ WHO „i4, wilt not permit them to be thor-
.built so late in the season that tinie
yet tasted his work, should seek..it
ou 111 dried he ore the winte saloon
lief ion to -day who gives greater • ,ege ,.,3! • X
promise than Norman Duncan. Ile -.•
recent', visited Toronto at the in -
•i11011"1,A.N DS OF •ON'I`AILIO...
Aluel c." a pxpre.i;s. trains; make direct
('01112,2 til ciAnu. all points on. tleor,
riffle Bey; • ..iietel;;O:e. lee. es and 1,alie Of
.i...eys."• Tourist tiekets cm sale
' 'rt) $.16:50. •• •
MS in 'Canadian' ICortiAvest
(.•;otel gc.:-Ing July 1.8th, rewriting until
Sept. eoti . tickets, -.illustrated
literature • kind fall information, apply
t6 V. R. • llodgens, Town Agent.; A? 0:
Pattison, Statioa • Agt:nt.
I .
*•:44,4•t•<>1.o.t. •
••. . • 0
• 1.)0 WANT • ' +
• • • . •
./ti 'to sell or mitt your. farin qt. +
• *0 • tots n property .? .
• flave yon live stock •for .•
• sele
Do you w
• cd help.? •
• • •
▪ So make time "of our 0
• +
nt to securehir.
• +
-1. small ou page 5. +
• ".• Advertising in The ilemfrs-
1teco.d. brings sellers anci
buyers torether. • • • 4.
+4,-1-00+0+-4s 4,>44.444.4
The Clitttotit News4tecord
o • • 4)44.4.0011P4P44#7414440040,40. 4001441.404P4444144‘.#444.10444. Ali
O - The News . of Cioderich. r;:„. , ,.
O (..) :i q
ia -Correspondent. • 4 .
e Mist; Ve A. Skirninge, - .
'i Z
z aixixiigo,Kixiscsyesy4XI.C.i,44.4(fAietiXio p.AX0)0(?...)®€4,49eikA)0::::WtXtor4
00000 • 0 �.
0 000
mother and sistere at 'Vilna -10r.
• Wrs. Slattery has been i h'i tine her ;gti/leiset. (1421ainl;esors.lis.tfuNr,efilvire,sle•rAeawtelints-e,(-)1t. tr e
The WeanatOe Institute met last Week 1. an't`• 'Clerks- Wallbank -c.f Cleveland
tamtlit,liieuracottlelifoeeadc:.1 wAill.(;s.i, .1e2 ovillitif,1%tultilv.)- , ttillit‘litiehirsi,t til‘ielir:filizitiiiil:Rpiir)i.clr.,:olts1)tit guests ci,si thi:r4
right . genii vet -home, lla leen wag '
inenbers orrive4 in gc od time, Klan I
prepared for th..ir reeepte,e, .ene lifie triiiixt3..otf,Ilii,e;Erkistiotilistirie,rMarrit4a. litinalt.etevili.ii.,
in the barelwagoneed KollIC IV. .carria- ten. of Bentoilier tad a delightful visit
hese while (Ahura ‘10,0yed, the welk ort, i iirO, (u'le'ri0 with lar sister, Mrs. IV.
4 ho elo Ale morning was_ followed by 1 .`"Ilite.• „ .
an ideal nfteritoon for ll jaunt in the 1 ,1Wiss,de.:. 1g4'a. vSeita4ivitIeiailltiiitert..4cirk Iii,lotke,leoniti.,
eoentry. At 3. o clock Mrs.' D, Centel- luldifitu
0tillia'r211.8,:it'ayiliaictilrekVin.ltegilitec71:%„4,e4a!sr laos.r • 1411,1tril.c.eT.0111.:5rrtiing3tIttilny'•
Sliepliard left kr
president and hyped that under- thiet 'or;otrivoinigfe;ithcAriotrualttguradtaytteultielrh'teektiloiez
presidency, of her successor that
II s brother Arthor was. with. him but
W. I. would continue to flouriele Wes.
A. . Beek, the new presidete, referred. is here yet. • .
thanks to her predecessor for Ler kind • .g.uAttisrts.s;revii:,),rtilajaeurgVe'rr.o',roxattlii)..s.: livsaittleire
remarks • and seel ' that elle was a
Working presieient, not a speaking one, Brough.
tied' that if nity were the bond be-• Mrs. •Trout and baby Berl:era, have
tween the members she felt sere - see referred to their loine Wiarton al -
we .1e eeItor vele, in every. seape and I je3erritt.,;einiiiilacesRaczt.td,vi‘s%iitthat41.rlie,siesoteler- shArrsie
form.. Itliss Mary Sallie:el' called the
oei, wee' teed: 'Airs, J(18. Sitilp8(111. Betthil. Bain) and Miss Bain
01 11 Statlil complifiaultd the mem., ttlio v,ell shortly return to Wiarton,
.bers• on the barge attAndance that al:•- 1\1‘'881.8. NeYeetith end Herbert
teswe 11 valise. shooed oett, • tear Lease Weed/maid hr,ivn. been epeneling a few.
Was. in the work of ' the Institute, mid -(.11:'').8 WWI' the -51essl's• R".Y. and Role
mined titian. if there were arty segges- gic Harrison -here. •
t ions i hey ft: 44:lit • tuette ' in order t� We" are 'glad to•Welcone..11lis.e 'Mac -
keep the Inititute in good •woreieg ef.ingetll and. her little nephews, John
order, She said some thoughl th4k awl Maurice Kielyeeff Torottto to lciWn
.ti(i ue member at mei; .nieetrug - should to spend 'their vaeatiori.
'demonstrate somethilig 4..11 coolong,, i‘iiSs Ilinrron and brollwr
%eking, , or 2,11 salads mai desserts, to ry ..of -1(.4.010.5... were the gnests on
whith suggestion at: ladies ucquiesced,. .Fettiirdity and Scndity of town friend:4.
I,;beitezer Ifaen of • Chicago was
Alt's, Colin Cannibell ettve the .members
ealltd • t thte-resideuee of • Ilics
Alt's. bin mother .bouig serious-
methhers, preraratory to deinciistrat- 1Y 111:10?' 14,111e
ing "How- •to .bone e•folt." ••• • •• Geolfrey Holt B. A., organist of St.
ggwip.SsiaZlito...tillresst1,111.1111:—!:'1 2.211) Ale) lit;teerir.4 1S1 ita'1111:‘(12 :. litire"v1 i11.(-el'attileanst: j,1
1T-Inett itstttedGletir;
dour, pint .w.t'iter, • three 1141%,11118; 1)111'' "C7"•LI 145t
hard boiltd tggs.. AUX- ill,: • butter; weq''' •
'deur and salt, aching the water," boil
up. ouce and remove from the fire, •
Lost ._Hia Apilk • Crop and
.1.14:11, add the •chopped eggs..
Anlther--2 tablespoonsful butter,' 2
tehlestooneftil of yolks of two
Cannot RecoverFrom.
ege7s, cup. teeter, 2 tUbleS11001tSigl
111112 11 juice; 1 teasfexet onicu piety. • - • Purchaser.
Stuffing fdr Eish--1 cup bread crumbs. •
3.-tablespotate better, !4 teaspoon•salte The ,fellotving decision 'S'1 11 111 ' IA.!'
- . . .. ..
.1:4 1.:1A181)0021 Pepper, ••1 teaspoon 'elm -poet'', t•, , ,e, :
int, imolai' %,..()Irrt ,- ..101 (Pli' C , 'Oil. Friday
Paisley,' .1 (1 2.'.i ehopped- .(711.i01.1.
litSt . Will lie (A .interest to. fruit .groW-
T 0 hoi1 fish,.Anit. salt,. vin....gar ,atul 1)43,' . - . . . ,. ,
. • .
leaves. in • (116- NN'ater but co 'not poll ers : • • . . , . .
. . .
long... . , ' _ - ...' - *, ' . • • ' : -.tee ' V,. U1) -7 d ;mere' '(C) en • olO-
ori3r1°-'3wiltea8sIlleteL-1. 1-0e;211),,ehefc}te.ebtereefie.ts,•,t.m. ks 211
.1.1.dere •of •COtinty Ctiort. sot leneoln a-.
:peal by defeinlar.t from.' judgettnt. .c.....f
talitcspOon.4 elle:held butter,. 1. le:al?irig warding. plaintiff $een as the ealue' of
• tiitleSpoon flour, : !4"...ttaal•Osar .Iitli; 11 cortair. .apples. ellreed to have ' beeu
Alec dn'tne",. meet butter 1)1 01111, slice largaii,ed 021(1, 8(21(1 by .p!aintill to • de-
olieee in 'it, Gen Iola tie! rest, .. ••
bCcilLght 212.1..". tah,le coe'ertd 1e,111 defendant to hey. alb:1 It,: alioles 11a-•
whit h wa5. it large 'orchard, cf• first an
At , this .j.nreture ..Mrs„ Canrpibeil liked. • Plaintiff agread to: nil •tind
ft fele n t .1 he • f e ng fee t(s1'.
.111:11 .on ' Which .lite". 1:m!. My, .tlAi apples thin 'NAN. on the
trout, ready • fur her to chein.nstrate frik‘s..; et.:$1 per leerrel .for firsts s'ad
,Ythe .U.ay. tz, .hoitc.• .1 he i vetlit.:4 • - pyr berrel . ha the etcoluls ;-
cheered lor .• mai Mrs. Guielry„ • Who,. olaititill .retein the culls ; pia hi 2)
held. lter AV:Al:01 W1416,11110,11 ti; "pick the apple:i amt. pfaee theta in
elioleethnoetliele in hen. 'minutes but i';i1es hi the oreliterO lis!fc.nclaitt to kr-
. .
if MC:C. • Cfal4ibel 1. • Litel 1.i.10t1V• 81W •111011:18. arc] . the ;
0-' 1(1 fleet, theoi it in less, 'the. rext to. convey eleen :tee -station
thng ciche •Catttplull .wite to •it 11 n.• :Plaintiff did oiele all
Celubit ti•i.Velliug or pi.rt'itble the, and them in. • 64.
sit e. ,eo thS. members Nc 1.0e8' in 1111. cireliard •IloLified de-
Oii•celertis;, Fatties,. methyil4ted spfrits feetleire• that* were„ready for pate:-
etid the • Wle )1 e Temple:el:MI.1.u. f Lei • T 11 as' Omit. the lat. Noyeni-
tie: tett was scret 1121 p1511' of "afeete her, .No •speeilie time WaS agreed:
ing in August; • wee erranged. be iiiani •whien, the apples ,shoulebtepached
held et "WillOwleirst" the pretty 'et.' wit..11 payment should be made. De-
reSitlence KIE 'Mrs. J. A. Atkin. ,4•Itel fenilent was. diseppointed• in securing
eaveethe K oiee" Wes :Oreg. by all. Three barrels and- packed only twelve barrels
111(11218 were thostm 'lc; prepare the 'PrO- 'the. Th..se were Oolimered 1(1
ream for the 1st •Thersilay :in August, ' hoe. The •other s reeteined on • , the
mesdatras Jainee •Miller °Charles, ground. and were frezen. and destiovee
• late in NoVenil,er, There lvae coeflict
Reid tine.; ..11lies- Della Porter.,
• 51054
ofv.evidditee. -ELS ICI- Whet bur WaS,
Tessie. Mein:to:It of Scranton,
said,. tat n the heroin teadj;
Poe • is ..gpend ing here yecati I
cn eertethe
gusst '.6f her fartnts, Mr. 'and.:
C.•Itteltittisli. :*"
The. Mis"sies • Warrifu.i. , of 'Windsor are.
haluragtai::21rr. as a term ,thereef.
Wa.s. :net imported
regfsteree at the St.. I,awrenece • '
Ire also tOuial. defendant at ea,
hle-elderinali ttgli Meltlatit. of Perk-.
anytbing plaietiff about I
(tele, 116w Toriefto, was. called. to
leek of nor did • he notify:
town 1).Y. the' scythes 1 its's of his
,plaintiff before the tipPles were aestr-
orother, Mr....I tunes MeMeth...'
:cg,:ersi•tisite); 01,111ntei e. o y extetohia)vekcicetheni 01'
sin:114110's is at prese Cal f Ore• 1-.1111t
plaiIl(ili 1)115,111 11 ••••ber de'
eirs.••.(De...) lianitin and detigeter 'of 1211140)1), 52111 lis
tiff •to ie. cover, 'the aPples
5i. Charles ]1os, 55,0 2to 12111)11",
Dctroit are rcgistcred it )1 (1141 V i:C!lNal.t..e' itdt'klte tcadiri. IfictObt,
;Col ' A .11. RONK' • i re and ,thildtien;
RdsH .1,11 :P4th November .the same, l000k-kee.:.•
were town last ,week ' Mrs.
svilf rethain gome : ipii(t)tt
' airs: ''Ptttters6rJ' of' Cal (copper
eoentry) and beri efster., itiCe. ATeLay of •8(1.11e.le•=c` 21! Ca gticl pi,;),t1(1)Colydi 14)ypilitra,%1%;.tefat:
are, the ge..ests or their
end approVed ."(,f by deft:IA..1a aiiiithat
anlit, Mrs'. Malcolm iNia‘!c'eniald,
the • ofoperty. •,11 the unpaeiked apples
Alt',• Tont; litee hey is. tow:aide .to
a.t toul his studio. •• •' • : s(siCectilt rtlei ,e tei,e011‘(..4114,111flot ti.W ei
Mile. 'W.. Saults 'took si'aderriv ill on f
this. eoach.sfon was .. not
le3ei1sqs1,seorit°iItiltsslYeeil:icidiksts- •warranted. , It "dit!, not appear ley the
with her -,dosighter,' Airs; Percival E. evidei cc that .anYthing was seed as to
• • who sliettld select the apple's ant': grade
1301. .'• •
fe.. Ifelsteed perehased from...die them "into . firsts; "aeconds alto culls, but
Canada .0O3 lb... bridge 'leen' the Wait- it lutist be itifernee feoni. • ale the cir-
lane. known. •as Bacelder's bridge; Mr:. cumsti,11,2'es •thht defendaet.- and • • his
Whettley of. Clinten hotigh( part Packers were to ffi) this weir t1,!0 00-
(,f the bridge from eir. Datsteed with operation or. epuctirrtnee at least of
the . understandieg 'that Mr, WIleatley P1 121)1111 awl it 2112 '.1. 1SC) be assintie4:
takes (Ally the timber, leaving tile litili,aetri))1..yf• Iteten to; jac::4 volt cble1 112.12.
1. 00 (11
fetal for 111111,
Captiiin TretheWay and his were two' circumstances l'fr condition:4'
:.wife arrived at the. residence , his lit the acgoitencii)iiiieuncit thoett(ti,cere:at t"theijittlinial.tritaie:
•fatIser, Captain T. •Trubeway, oth which
Jr' aud Will 813Lmt the summer 'here. -contention that the preperty' in the
Mr. deorge Milton of Detroit is Ile apples eeSeed .. to defeedatile 'the fact
guest ct his uncle and a;.1 t. Aire and that the safe was of a•pert. only of a
,Wesclemes• Ed, Swarte and ' AO, determine tie 'quaetity, quality :and
Sinah spent cottele of daYs last total. priec, Oefendatit was to eeparate •
•ham Li. belle, end classify the goods•
• week with Exet,er frietals.•
. Mrs. . MrS. It. II. (lilt " and to be taken hy hen,: retaming
. children are all holidaying' at Jentes- the 'culls ; out this work •platittill
• town: _Mrs. Jeffeesoit aseieta lee wait to co-operate oe concur, and had
II. eat
0. 40.; 1.itere during the abseto the right lci upoe the selectimis
Mre. T. V ideate talk cmantity and the fact. ilea to
• I .
Mr, T, G. Aflen of the Dessgennan, cognieed •standards of quality. 'Before
, vitatioi . of the Canadian . Club, arid • . public school, has purchased Also . eoltl, there -can he a bargaia iota sale, •es
made a decided impression. 'Of owe ' Methodist ''paseonoge and is movinge distinguished from tut executory agreee
dium statute., Mr. Duncan is not ',into it this. iminth, .111s 'little daegle • tient, (siii)eceliti.aier.tgleosodit4tiliositt . N1v)(ilic;tligi rteiCied toans...
one to impress ' one on sight, bet - lers, Cora ki.ild 1.2.1.ty, etre the guests fd to the
the face and the voice soon indicate .. their mint, Mrs: Rcibert Jones, . . tract is lei ithaele and it makes e nee
the gentle, earnest apirit. which. aid. 'Miss Mal....el Ilarland of Clinton, Who ('2(1112.11 21 that i the goods are as far
mates the man and which stampe visited - Goderitli recently 'tv te ' the aseertairka that ilie parties hive ee
„. , 1 .
him as one of earth's nobletilen,..- guest of Moss. Stritchan, . • . - greed that. they shall be taken... • front
Canadian Magazine. • ...Mr. leielsay Williams visited -friends Some Spneified larger stock. The laW
at Parkhill recently.. . gives effect teethe 4.U -other of the par -
Miss Seep:tint:1i mid ewe iteices the ties to deteemining whether the pro.
• •LL,)' of his fa • mily,• • :. being made accordkuite, with t le fie -
Greattes* SorreW,
Burt—I have no doubt you are sorry
about your uncle's death, notwithstand-
ing it brought you into a lot of Money.,
West—Yes; he was doing a good bust-
ness, you know, and if he bad Wired a
year or two longer he taight haye left
me a good deal More.
OnIe. en the outside.
"Why, Iiithel, you don't mean to t(11
me you Wiint to marry that baldheaded
Professor Whiteman?" •
"It is true he le held," Add
"but thlrik how many yoting Men of
today. ere bald off the leside of their
TO pleatte, ohe must make up hie
mind to he taught Many Things WWI
It already knoWth by Deopia who 44
*Wt know them,
e* A
The Landsotife silver trophy presete-
ed by the Free Prees Printing Com-
pany of Louden to the WeStert0 On-
tario Bowling Aesociation foe annual
ealtipetilloe in Aseociation Matehe
Misses Laeg el Stratford", are holasey-
hot len!.
Mrs.. hal d wad I i tile sou, Waster
Leonard of Berlin, Mr. mai Aire. Man-
ly Marks of New Montano atil Miss to. he Separated and clessMed by • ore
CI ristine Gendry of Chicago were all party, with the cencerreece or ea -op -
'Mrs. Ounereos gueste last week. ' eratioh of the other. A.ppeal allewed
Wise Tve has returned from, the Ote eat action dismissed except 48 to $10
tame Choseevotory of Wnsie after paid ieto court by defeeditelie which
speatiug a week in Toriesto the •guest should he paid owt. to plaintiff, No
tf relatives. ernAll of action or aPPeat..
Mss Emma Briegel or Montreal. • le
the guest of be anot, Mrs, Briegel, , 4
.Tolta Sheppard has removed OVII. GRANDVATIIER'S; 'YOUTH
•from East street to 8t, Patrick street.
Store closes every Saturday night
day at 6 o'clock at 10 o'clock
During July. and August this
store will be closed Wednesday afternoons
4 4
41 • ly Sale
4 j
• For the next thirty days we., have decided to
continue the big sale.
For the past two mteks hundreds of people
have gone away from this store well satisfied
that they got more than their money's worth,
and then again many people got our hand bills
J too late to sethre some Of our biggest bargain's,- ta
To give everyone a chance to save money on
.staple dry goods we wilt Continue' the Sale for.
Thirty Days more...
tarty passes,. Mit,. in the absence ,
toselptivocal expression of intention -
by 'boat . parties where tla stile le of an
unaseertained part of a bulk 'which has
This sale is not confined to thefollovving list,
you will find hundreds of other stoney saving
values not mentioned here
40 .
40 . •
40 12%c Fancy Duck. . . .' /c White Cotton for
and Pique for 8c • '
4 800 yards fauey DuCks, Piques .
1. , .., • ' 20300yintirechIseso Cy '4.1-r4nee; rweghjutietti.coptrtiocter
4 Priees: 120.. '• .76 far
4 tiod Chtim only.% reg filar •
121/2c Prints for 91/c
4• 500 yards goorleeeft printe,good
4 range tif patterns and colors,
4 regular 121,e sale price... •,, Sic
•4' 10:c Factory .
. Cotton for 72c
500 yards left extra heavy fee
4 eetory Cotton, 30 inches wide, •
4 50c, TablelLinen for 40c
Unbleached' all Pure Linene72 • .
4 inches . Wide, regular onto
..... . . :is 0c
3 $1 Table Linen for 80c.
44 Bleached • or 'unbleached, all .,
411/4' "pure Linen; 72 ifiches wide,
regular $1 for, :.; ...
4 •
4' 25c Children's
4 • Hose for 10o
, .
Childreit's black cotton hose.
peice 10e
6c i"
.64 s„
2 4, •
10C Flanelette fOr Sc
800 yards, 83 -inches wide, big
range of pritterna, regular
price 10e, sale price..
for .6ic
I50;yds odd pieees to eeleer out
re rine, regular price 3,2hc;efile .
price' ei • ;'.*, • • ' — .614c•
• .
C Table Linen for 21c
Unbleached 00 inch wide Table .
. Linen, regular price . 25e, •4
sale price, .• ' Ile '
Out these go
. •
25 ends, dress goods, rariging * .
k in pi ice from 50c to 75c, sale
Pince4 , .... • ,... 300
121c and 15c, Fancy 15c and 250 Ladies.
• rluslins for 10c Gloves for, loc
White and Cream grounds , Ladies Colored Gloves in frit!n
veith fancy Scroll and floral ! 13rown arid BluoCiregular —
'designs,regultir 121,e t5s ltefor, .10e prices 15c ad 25c for • 10
all sizes, regular 25e, sale '
Wrs, rowlie, Who tame from Detroit l'aralysie was almost ensheeed of in 4
per steamer Gm -honed, is speeding the yaittli of our .grandpareitts and
the snootier with' her mother, Mrs, Low nearly every newspaper contains 4
Alex. Crairie. • a record of someone being atrickee
Mr.. W. Craig:t bite rejo:ned ereW With this .dreadful form of helplessness.
.r.$ the Crerar. Paralysis ie i11 reality ei starVing. of
Mrs. Andrew Macdougall of Wingliam tie ficeveito alul can always be preven- 4;
is spending Rome days the gttest of her ted by the timely use o'f Dr. (hase's e4,
[ relatives, 111r, arel l‘tuwatt, Nerve rood, 11 preparation which has 4IF
404,1, ; , , no rival as it creator c,,f aerve inrccA
35c Ladies' Hose 25c
Ladies' cashmere Hose,. guar-
anteed fest black, all sizes,
regular price 35essele price,, 25e
15c Linen Collars for
'Mimeos and Mena Linen Col-
lars, odd sizes, regular price
. .. 4.4,6
$2.50 Black rloreen
Skirts for $2 6,
$1.00 Ladies
Gowns for:1175c ;
Well neade,deep flounce, three
frills; all sizes,Iregular priee
Made of fine, white Cotton and
hainsooke Illfripire or high
neck style, tastefully trim-
med with line lace end tlintir-
regular price $1,(X) for 7150 91.
' 1.25 1,00
1,50 1,28
4444 t
Successors to R. Coats & Son
• 044...44*.44.4-#0io.044-.W4444Att