HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-14, Page 1te-
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I 1 i
25th Year
otaeleteWieleMMeter,+3,* 'Oetv3aeli3tNefelel,91eMierieleMWie+Wielar
; ates-x-uxtimtexars,,,,MileteM861i
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Men's Odd Vests
At Half Price.
Last week we got a chalice to buy.
89 Men's Odd Vests at a big reduction
in price and on Friday place them all
on sale at exactly half price. They
come in dark and light Tweeds,that
will go with almost any color suit.
They have good• linings and are cut
in the season's st) le. The regular price
of these Vests is $1.75 and $2 each -
While They Last . - : s
$ 1
4 The price will be , . 41 <
> .
...,,, . <*t.<
< 5
t ? <1
aaaa...............e.a.e.e.eas.aetaasasee.a.e.eae.e.e.e.eae.e.eeeesee.seeesasela <>ea
Z > c*•, -2.
• • S Z.s>.
(( The J W Newcombe Co. .<>z,
J. W. Z >tt5
9 < ,5
ti5<$> • •
,... Ss,›
<6 T2 Tailoring- .
-Men's and Boys' Ready ei<t
' > Furnishings- --4o-Wear Clothing, Hat Z 5-0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
. The Sovereign .Bank •
><><>0.0.0•002.400.0. • **00<> *0•Q•
0 0
<> 0 0 0 0 0
Directs your atte.ntion to its special
facilities for issuing drafts on all the
leading towns and cities in Europe and
elsewhere at the lowest rates.
•' • • • .
This is the safest, simplest arid'ebect-
7efsrernittang money lo
Corr espondeoce or interview re-
quested. . . •
H. T. RANCE, Manager. • - W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
g'•0* • *0* •-000000040.0tWX44*0.0
0 0 0 0 0 0• 0
III!!! .1-14.1 I I 1 1 1 :÷14•1441•1÷
0 0 0 00
4. Is Here At Last -- --
.y. You will need a new and lighter
-I- suit. We can suijply you at less than
-, manufacturers' prices. •
.t. . .
+ This is no rnere statement, It
1' is a fact, and we invite you to give us .
-1- a call and see for yourself; You will be
.T. surprised when you see the ready -to- '
.. wear suits we are putting.. on sale at
• •
,just half price. . • .
• •
•• 100 of these Men's and Boys'
Suits are now ou sale and will con-
tinue until all are gone. •
• •
• •
• • You can't,do better any pince
• • in the 'county, soh.como along and pick
• •
up the snaps in Oldthing. •It will
mean dollars in your pocket. Money
saved is money earned.
• •
• •
T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton.
• •
4 •
• e
+++++.14-444-1•44•144-1-14•1111 1 1 1 I-1.1,44444
IOnly Fifty Cents
1 The News -Record will be
• sent to any address
until the end of 1904
for half a dollar.
Let's, Have Your Sub-
scription Now,
Mr. S. S. . Cor,per informed The On Menclay Cant0c,:n & Waliia sip-
Newe-Record on Mcnclay• that he has ped. 400 hogs to Toronto and .. Lonclea
Purchased a statue ef King -Edward to and ari• Tuesday R. Fitzsimons. shipped .
Wage the entrance to the hotel he a double - tlether to 1st °ratite. Five
is building.. cents was the . price paid.
Mr. J. A. King; baker and ccu-
fectioner, will close his store • each
Wedneactlay afternoon during July and.
August. The great inejority of oar
business places are new cicsed On that'
afterneon aad purchasers are a.craptiug
• themselves to circumstances.
The Orange demonstration at Wiag-
ham on -Tuesday was very largely at-
tended; some fifty ledges-, it is said,
being in 1ire. The Stanley and, two
Gedserich townstip lodges embarked at
Clinton, 366 tickets Aimee,' sol.e, at this
station. The weather •turned out fait
for the afternoons proceedings which
passed off satiala:ettai'ly.
As attsual the gerderic parey given -by
the "ladies of St, Pgul's church on the
rectory grounds GU Thursday evening
was a great success. The lawn 'was
crowded) there was aa bigdemand for
refreslanotte, the fish aoial was well
patronized 'malt 'all the while the Citi-
zensband discoursed sweet music. The
net receipts anmenteei. to nearly 1;125.: •
A special meeting 'Wilt be held.atthe
S. A. barracks this :evening to be
ducted by . hy •Adjutant• Cameron of Pe-
trolea arid the officers from the God -
.corps. • a • • . • - • •
On Wednesday evening .of next week
a lawn Social,. will be held 01s the
grounds apposite the harracks.' :A ple-
asant time is. assur•ed. Encourage the
officers and corps your .presence at
their .lawn sceialt It. will dc thee.
,• The •local• office's' sa.nd. brass •band
-atteeded a special meeting in Godetich
last aight. • - • ' • • • . • • .
Bishop Baldwin of the diocese cf
. .
1.1arou •visited St:. Paul's parish a• on
Situday, on the occasicei of. the re -op-
ening. of. •the ehuirelu.• °IBS Lordship
was greeted with loge cangiagadens
both. morning" and evening. fle) morn-
ing. discourse • was upon ,st: Jahn 8.18
"I aan one that beat Witness of My-
self'' :and the evening) discourse .•Mala -
obi 3 :At, "ltt that day when t 'make
. upmy jewdls.'! In the afterneon.there
was a very" intepeatina ceremony in: the
.shaact of a baptismal Service at whiela
Six children , were s•lia:ptited,.: The evtai-
ing Service was especialiv encOnitaging;
the Church Tieing filled 'to the very
doors by an attenefve congregatica
who • were. well •rewarcleciPby the elo-
quent and instructive 'aermori preached'
by his Lordship. Thecpilections at
all • three services were meat liberal.
Too• Muth praise. cannot be metedbut
tc• the - ladies. of St. Paul's .Guild,•
.They • took the work entirely in hand':
let the contracts, saw' .tO their being
carried 'oat,raised, the • fonds,' .and :in
every •way , have earned, the hearttfelt
.gratitude -of both 'Minister and people.
- . •
The' ehttech has been thorolighty. ren-
ovated and decorated by ' Messrs. . Wal -
thew and. W. H. 'Welter, church decor-
ators • Of St. Thomas.. The . Ladies'
Gullet . .a noble band of self-denying.
workers, tooklthe entatttr :fa hand.and
their .a.ssiduous 'efforts were crowned
with Success in being °hie to practi.
cally defray' the entire cost sinctuntingt
to over $P.Oo. The. fallowing is al de-
scription • of the work 'rhe Of.
tha church is .11'm:triedinto, eght,pariels
ly cakgrainal priacipals. The groa
ouriwork cf eadt 'Panel .is painted .4
• Ight• Wallin grey calor; earieheff, at the
bottom cd seed!' Panel by a raised -Work.
scroll,. Six' feet .1tyeight, painited.„in
relief. Atthe top, of e.ach spanel n.
centre • piece,elsa, painted • in•relief,•
:with blue background, surrounded Itet
hell totted ixader„ inside. of this •
double raised square bead; telieyed:
•fottir rosettes with light bine graund.
The'geouedwatk of the siee walls is a
darker than the ceiling, but -the
:same • cast of color and, is surmounted..
at the top • be .an. eighteen inch gothic .
border with panels of at:cab-nen, color..
A . pattern in three shades is atound
each, window. •At the battOnt.. of the
wallet and juit.over the wainseotting.
is first painted a six ,inch band t
eil, paint,' then a hand eighteen iaches.
Wide three shacleti . darker Alum s• the
wall, • with a small pattern at top and
heittont caed. above this. a serail carried
up on; the wall three feet the •steme•
color. . as hand, edged. with gold ..and
brawn, with small panel's aainted
salmon color edged with blaek. Aro-.
unit •the chancel is 'painted the text
,O worship. the Lord in the beauty of .
holiness" an a buff oritameated..ribbon
and on. dithet 'side of tlie arch is Paita,
ted a pellet tto represent an alcove,.
filled with eighteen richly painted or-
gan *.pipes. •The frent of the gallery.
is paiuted to match ithe frescoing. The
coilhigsof the: chancel 1$ painted a nett
blue, illuminatecl. by golden stars and
above this is a gothic harder %Vita
crimacn gothic • panels. The side
walls of the chancel are a richt dark
old gold color, reliev.ed by an ecclee-
iastical ornament in gold. The end of
the chancel is painted a rIch criensan
gold Beer dallis and over, etch
• of the three windows are pairitecl raised
mouldings resting on corbels 'and \over.
- the cotmn.eitiott table, on a daeb lAtte
is the text "This do in re-
inembrance of MO" in gold letters.
The side wells tare held up by a wain-
scotting- with large mottling on top,
also tan:fitted • itt relief ,',whtcht giyea
character to the chancel. Thc whole
of the woodwork has bedt re -painted,
grained atid varnished. The beatty of
the work exists in the happy blending
of all -the colors iced the soh, quiet,
aril yet rich appearance the entire
church has and which enact be de.
Scribed bet must be Ken to be ap-
predated. • •
A brass 'lectern of rather handsome
design has been presented to the elturch
and the shield 'fastened; theretobars
the following Uscription ,. •
To the (Bort+ of Ocd and
Iit bleseed , and Ittelitig memory
Born August 26th, 1880.
• Fell asleep Aubust 8th, 1.88-1.
tlie shall gather the lambs with ITis
arm and catty then) in IIis hosoeti,"
On Morality two carloads of hogs
were brought down trout the • nerd'.
The cars were allowed to stoat in chit
•yards - here Irani atm o'clock mail late
tr: the evening and before the train pul-
led out fifteen of the hogs were eeaer
with the Probahility iltat. still • more
of them • would kick: the backet before
Torontc was reached. The G. T. R.
ought to know that execs:dye heat wie
•tli little ventilation is fatal, even with
• Rev, De. Cook is preachinginidsima
nier sent -airs -less theia twenty mime
tes ia length.'
'111:e• Preabytentan S. S.. will • 'picnic -
in Bayfiehei on the 201.11 ant the On
Maio street on the 27th.
eluerries are being Kohl: pa the local
market.. The crop is said ..to be rot
quite as good as last year.
• A• •rtiecitirg of those interested in
Temperance. work _will; he held in the
Council chamber.- Friday evening; •
The C. 1'. R. •ti, not satisfied -with
the grade out a Ooderich. 'and has its
surveyors at ..wark•atirining other lines, •
roierV A,v4RAGED 1656 LBS.
• hidists. R, & J. Raneford .last •week
sold to 144, S. Smith. siatybead of
steers. ...These when, weighed averaged
1548 Ilta;• each; . The first forty weial ext.
.ottt of .the sixty ayentatted 1656 lbsarach...
• a 'me i•c ic no ..pick t ot.. cat cattle,
but What' suited hito, ancl left •. many.
.big Cattle behind, ..c.thertvise• the aver-.
age wcold have been -much higher,
Thi t is 'aeother. etidenee .uf the Maur-,
lent, „plentiful, ..rich •siteculeuce„ and. the
nct lesa • ,• than inarvelloas .nutriinent
pertaiting , to the pastures of Tucker=
smith :and.:}rel•lett .owneciiiliy R. & J.
Itanaford. . These certainly • ate bower
tOwiteltipS ia this famous • co•unty. • of
Huron., It. is quite .evideittthat besi-
des •poseessiag alucre. than. . usually
excellent eicee .of .1aed, .the gentleteere
• ha atiasott te•coneiitta•
late '.ilteinselies.• oar:the abi•tity display-!
.ed by 'their...leant'
-Glow,. When Purehasing's eattli!,- • It a ...be'
Orte • thiag. ta hate V1..0.6..caftle--
..but .'they meat . be. lane:Oita right in the
first • place.• and • this iS. where" Alt. •
Glew's• ability Shires •for • •
. . ,
DEAVII" •••()F-..DIt...HA-111.ILTON. . •
• ,
. . . - • • . •
After ••• icevend 'Weeks' iIliu,a 'Dr.. Hattie •
ilton daid -early TectsOitty irOraing,•-nged:
fifty-six:years:. •He: Was banain Mark -
014 Sept.:inlet,: 1848, lair 'shortly,.
afterwards • the family trucived • ta 'Strat-
ford, Where he -received. his early 'eclat
catieri.....In 1872 ho. gib:cleated
MeGill.17niyersitY; •Ittontreal,. •atne: . be- '
gait the practice of .medicine at. Strata
•foret Stilisequerit•ly • • - he, located '
Atwaitd, where he tuilt up a very large
practice. -.From. .there. 110 moved to
'Part J)ovr,'bu1ilL health • forcedt him
tea antire •for • seVeral,;years. 'Bat graWa•
ing. ticad al it activity • •lic fest:mut
praCtice in . elintOrt • in Apra • Of 'last
. . .
- • . • • . • •
.•• At an early' age he s•tcok an active•
iaterest. iris rnil1tary iitattera and dare;
Mg' the Fenian Raid; when- he • Wa.s aev-
ducat ..years ..e:t 'age, Ite•caliated • and
saw •active . service. •iltor several years
het. wes itn.,ofitecir :Oh the • Perth:. kegia.
Ment.. , •,:: . • • .. •
His. first . %vita -died minty , years ....ago
bit his second 'wile'. and three • sons
stirvive him: is ..f.40aS are all..i.engag.;
ed in. banking and hold, reaponailtia p0-
siLlLiiq Dtt Hamilton: in.. the
Bankaof . CaurtnereTa TotontOa. Freder-
ick ••..7, , •Hatinilton of the • :13catic. • of -
Ccatuntercea Catliarines aiid Gear-.
go A. Ham:Plain of the hank. of Toren..
Mentreal. ..• " •
:The re:mains Were taken 1.0 Strati.ord
and the funeral ill- 'take place this
afteraoon from the residenec • of . his
sister, -.. Afte..14ferrity,atta Avcndale scent-.
...During Dr. Ilanti.itoa'a -reeicterice Itt
Clinton he •Won the Toped of . • 'Our.
'Citi•zens. far Ada -.sterling Inte'grity and
machregretis eapressedthat lc shou-
Id be . called . away. when yeara'of use-
fulness seeined still. before 1ijin,.
• ••
The schedule laerosse match, Clinton
vs. .Wingharn, played .in. the latter
place on Friday last, ' ended In 41 de- •
eisive victory far the former,the score •
standing. 3 . to. o. And this notwith-
standing that J. Crocks atid E. Glad-
ney, t•wo ,of Clintatt's specedest play-
ers, were unene to take part. Their
. places. were takeet' by, W. lour and
J, Ma,c'kenriie. •
Services were held in the tent pitch- .
cat neer the Masan House Friday ev-
ening and Sunday afternoon and even.-
ing. They will be continueci this
fallowing week and Sunday afternoon,
at 3 o'clock and Seralay ,etening at 8
o'clock. The speaker's tobject Sunday
afternoon. was "Why I au an Advent;
est.". In the eveidnis the subject .pre-
sented was "The Great Image of Dart
II." Same c>f the thatights brought
out were as folhaes•; Thc> word 'Mel -
vent" meant:- earning arid the t,eren
"Adventist" is applied to that glass
of people who believe that. Christ's.
secceid coming is near, ainclwho make
the subject of the second coming 6
matter cf great importer...ice ia their.
reltgious belief. A search through the
'13011e-t1ie rule of faith for all Chris-
tians -will show whether Adventists
are testified in ..laving :so -much stress
on this subject. It Jesus the aticste
les and holy prophets realice this sub-
ject of impartauce ; if in -their; record .
ed discouraes. and 'writings. they . re-
peatedly bring this sub,ject up before •
their hearers, then certainly one,' who
does the same thing, is itt haritiony
with the •practice and teachings of the
Bible. 'We find that Christ was can-
• tinually refeering his hearers...tat, .that
great arkt. solemn. event. As -he stands
before the Jewith itigh priest we hear -
him uttering these • solemn Words
-"Ilferealfteashall ye •se a the , Celt if
Man .sittiag on the 'right hand of pow-
er, and comiug int the clouds of
'yen." Mat. 26 : 64 In the, parables
of the stares, the sheep and the goats,
the 'ten virgins, ete., Christ prescrits
Lis second conning in a most atnpres-
-sive way. ' In fact the . powers and
utteraaces of the 'Malan' language are
abeam: exhausted ,, as it were, in find;
big .words,.parables and. -figuress in
: which to su file ier ely : and ' impiessively
set before us the great importance' af
this subject. • Thescriptures ecntina-
alty ',setbefore' its...elitist's. Second
,Coming ...as a meat cattle:it • incentivei .
to holy -.living, : How: repeatedly' and
.earnestiv alaes our di•vitie Lord iirgens •
to 'watch that we may be ready Wheel
he conies. ' Itut tan tweaknon< the exact' .
time when scar' Lard shall' return ?"••
Plainly as it is reVel*.iled itt' scriptarea.
that: Jesita Shall : "appear the, second •
time " so also hasit beet, :made equal..
inlain and dear that theeakest time ,
.cani,itot hes known... ' 'het. on that s.:day
and hottr . kaowetly 'to mar,. ao, not !
.tlte ar.gcls itt Heaven, • but s Atte leather
only. ' Matt. 24 36. Sc then- be
who sets the exact 'tiine lor our 14. Ord
to coint is piin1y out of • harmony •
with his teachatg, But 'can we .know
wheal Christ's -corning is near ?. Read
Matt. .24th , chapter .and 33rd verse,
'So , likewise ,ye, whea ye shall' see all. •
these things• know that it is near, even
at the , doer.' L: The same. Lord then,.
who tells. :us that- we in a.y: net:. know
the .exact . time of his .ccOng, coma . •
elands -us •• to itow, where hie . canting '
ta near. The scriptures . bring to•
view that Whei; clirt'st 'Conies there will: •
be jottwo classes of .people; Those
wha are watching • and:waiting and
lcinging e return disceveting
the • signs I of His coming, and those
whoare not,: Read Hebrews 91.11 chap-
ter; • 28th .••verse, else • ist, TheSSaton-
farts , 5t11 chapter,- verses In Dane •
ic[ tlie
.him.' In the sfourth". verse ' the. .aagel.
at a e•to hienape t 'than ; 0 Daniel asitut
•UPthe': wcrds arid seal •the beCik even
to 'the tiline of 'the end : Many • shall
PIANO auc,ITALs, • •• '• • •
A number of Miss •Neweotate's
ils gave a very • intetresting recital. at
her studio the other "evetting. All' the
numbers showed 'geed technical • skill,
thoroughnesa and art. The pupils •whoi
took part were ; Misses Mary Hayes,
t5ebringville a: Nellie Medd, Conetance ;
Mary .elacdcriald, Brucetield; and Miss -
:es Leona Potts, Alta 'Mad Cook, Mar-
gery Manning,. 'Myrtle. Meltlath. - •
Oii TaeadaV elk:fling Miss Pearl Wise
•lIrtiectielil• entertained her. feiends-
and. others interested with Junior Con-.
servatcry pieces, Iler 'performance re-
flected' credit on herself and her
or as it shOwed marked talent togeth-
er with careful. training.
Miss Anna Whiddc,n of hayfield gave
a very successful recital on Weeatesday •
evening. Her program consisted of
Intermediate Ciaiservatory pieces. Her
hearers were delighted with the quality
of tone, the technique and expresaion
displayed in her perforiname.
. A noteworthy feature in all • the re-
citals is the amount ci neetratryt work
doite..• Miss Wise and Miss Whiddott
each playing her whole program-. en-
tirely memory with the exception
of one ntanber. •
The studio and entry were crowded
oir Thursday evenirg when Miss Sybil
Courtice gave a recital consisting th
'graduating,. ccasertatory pieces atial we
feel certatu that all were delighted
with the grace and skill of the per-
forater, Miss Cottrtice has passed eel
the Conservatory . examinations it.
theory, barincs.y, history, faun ata
piano: with the exception of the
last year piana examinatioli which:
she will take at lioneeet where she ilia
tends studying next year. the feet
that she has tensed every examinatica,
with first-class I tutors together with
her, rare skill . as a pianist. is, att hen -
or not only to herself but to Miss •
Newcombe f•rant whom she hag taken
all .tcer lessons.
',Misses Greene, Kaiser, Hampton and
Newcoinbe asalsted at the recitals with
vocal telecticts, Cottrtiee acting
as accotepasiat.
Miss E, Turner of the Publie. School
teaching staff has resigned and aecept-
ed •an engagement at .Maple Creek,
Assa..„ at a salary of ',5340. She has a,
sister teaching in Alberta. The resig-
nation of Bliss King is also said to he
impending. Miss Turner tea,ves for the
West next weak.
' Mr. Dan, Gliddon had a mare killed
by leghtaing on 'Friday ;light last..
The mare was insured. She left a, colt
a. month. old.
Mr.. A. E. Naftel returned a few
days ago from a visit to Ids son,Rev.,
1..acicocumelpanNiaedftaltoof.thRoattheis)a:laye.e Ile y • lei:
daughter, Miss •Ellie; who will remain
with her brcther for a few months,
Mrs. Howard Pinkerton and family
arrived • from Detroit last week ata
will spend the holidays cri Weadlatel,
Farm, the home of Mr. A. E. Naftel,
Wilson Steep and Philip Randall elf
the Huron Road had each, a steer kill-
ed by lightning a. few eiays ago. The
stack was insured in the McKillop
.°•-wririliesrss.Colcough is tisiting her sister„
aAtended the Orange demodstration in.
Mrs. Alf. Blackwell . of Wooesstock.
Company • which will reimburse the
A large number from the tot:1.11445
. . . .
an up-to-date sepa.rator with a rear
through,. Mr, T. T, Murphy of Clinton
cut attachment and blower. Alsci s.
20 lairae-power' traction • engine. „„The
outfit is 'epnailete and Will- enable Mr.:
McCartney. to give' his' .inatiy "patrons
still' better " salisfaetlomi this - cc,fining
season '
Mr, and Mrs, David Churchill spent
-Monday everting with. friends :mar Bel -
grave and Me luesday :toak iru . the
Orange demonstrationi at Wit:glum: :
Rev. W. II. Cole :prettehed. in. Cole's
churclu oat •Siablialli etiening last When
he delivered an elatatent, sertuoit. Next
Salsbath evening it is expected • he •wia.
take the service In the Barfield Meth-
odist .church.
Mrs. ' Beattie •Webater ' of Luck/tow
was last, week yialting ander :the pat -
ental roof oit the atla Can; .
. Airs, J.' Burton was last . week spene
.cling..a.; .few;days on the Bayfield Line.
• Mrs. Sparliag of Grey ' tovinshin, has
lteeit visiting at: her fatheys, . Mr. S. •
Railtweirs. • • a, : • . • . -. ,
.' Miss Beres . of Stratford 'is!. yisitiag.
Mr.. Andrew Maguire* • • •
a -
. Mr. .L. H. Lewere, .accoinpantie•O by
hie Mother, left Fialay niortuing cmaa,
trip. up the lakes tiiVtsit. the batter'e
brother . and sister, who!. live. at .IVIara
toe*, ctp Lake Superior. •• :
, Mies. Lilly,-Lincheay a tearonte Gener-
al hosprtal ..is. spendirtg' liar • vacaticn
wittla her parents, Ittrt and Mrs. James
Lindsay,. of the. 16th cam • , . ' : ---
Mr. W. Lindsay has had .cce.'of his
htana splitaaint qlitite an additicet pat'
i'n the centre. • lie now has a cot:wide.
barn :and elle with' few equal's. Mr,'
Oliver • Clark of Aniterit 'did the frame-
work and. it . is: well done. , Mr; 1,V.m. ,
Ellicitt • did • the ,stenework and - also
made. a: good stay..
a...Mrs, RobetE Huck :had •• an . attack
Of .lat grippe ,and itcwa•We axe plea,sed
to. •say, :fa recaveting • •-• i • .
' Mr. Eaaoin Gi . the Maitland a coin
is ia a •critical state at present. We'
hope lie .triay' sooti he restored to health
attatta . . •
.Mit. Frances MeIlveen is, we. , are
glad tti say, a little, be.tter. • a... • - .
Mr. :. Percy Sheppard of Edinburg,
North Dakotg; Who has been: spending
cu mcaith. with hie. wide,. •11/r. C. J.
'Nesbitt .of:.'the 16tha left abr.. hoinef tee
1' riday.
• 'thin < George • Sterda and •sister ' of '
Althorn , spent Satitla.y: 'with' friends- On
the 161.4.- .. .. . • . • . ' . . : •
•Messrs, Pert' Miir thy • *and, Thos. Mc--
Cartnev.• .spent 'San tey in Exeter vis-
iting the. ' .. ' . . '. . • ••• • .
Ml\IIrti)•hY Q. eo : Render. • heti, added to • :the '
.a.ripe'arance of his ,farim • thy • thetetec"
tiom cl a. new .Page fence. ' •
; Mr. 3ohil. Lindsay has: • had' a pow -
en windmill erected • ch. his cOntinodatits
bain :for g•tinding,. cutting. old pump -
mg.. A. few years hence arid moat- of.
the . farmers will •have one of • •thoSe
machine:S., as they are , a necessity in
this age of • stock raising.. . • '
Messrs, Hill • and • fltillbway. are busy.
making cement ' bliteltS for . the new
school on. the e6th. • We saw pome,. of
the Mocks and 'they look fine.'
• Mr. sand Mrs. George' Patrick of Lu -
can, aecbinpanied by. Mrs. Culbert of
Liman and hire. Itonlis aim( Misa':IttZ-
gerald• of I,onclett s ent Meath:don Day
Herta Thomphon. ., • • • • • •
at the . home of the • • daughter, Mrs,
.A large number hap this t •tOWnSlitip
werA tea Clinton to hear Bishop Bald-
win on 'Sunday.. • .
Misses mow'. pale,' Gertie Voddeu of
Hallett visited at Mr. J. 11. Lowery's
last week. .
Miss Bliettie Proctor is visiting her,
sister, Mrs, J. II. Lotvdey; .• '
.• Miss, (natio!' •Laithsvaite Ita,s return-
ed to:her .liorne in Goderich aftee
visitiag the Misses Nesbitt.
Mr. E. Yeo GP near ThilmeSvilla
Sunclayecl at Mr, C. Williaitna'.
ItIn and Mrs. Cole and family are
camping on .the Maitland Flats, iyirs.
J. Mulholland ifs vvitlathent. • 0' ' .
Miss Lthel Thick is spendi g . her
holidays at ;home.
Goderich Township.
Whole Number 1328
'fte members of the Ladies' Aid
of the IVIethodist church heid their
'monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. Rovatt cat thurseaty last and dee
Octal to hold garderi party on the
26th of Jul on the church. rcunds
They . exPect to have the a;itisieas''
hand of Clinton', Aatinission lac attii
1V127i0a,.. Va,astaue of -Winghatn, . this
Mrs. 'Green • visited Ler daughter,'
their azrnuU picittic in the grove crn •
cialtst,t,r.c.h Sunday schocl held
• Tiltuerysa3r.if. Insights • te Seaforth oacet
hied the ;pulpit Trinity church •
Sunday. : Ile gave an eloquent discoulta,
act to the Otangemen,
• • Mr. and Mrs. - Ores Macdonald if
.• Southanipten are the guests of 'their. .
sou, Mr. 1.).• Macdonald at present. a •
Mr. W. • • Brand:tin -spent the 12th Pit
• WIN4esair2Itt.delard.s. of Gcderien is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs.. J. McLeod. -
• • following persons' .1:ave. taiken •up
their residence in the •Wlutte City for .
the summer, : Rev: McLennan, wife and '
family of kippent Rev. 1VIcKibbell)
wile and family sof sAilsa Craig s Mr, -
and Mrs.. Fletcher cl Woodstocit. ; Mr.
- and Mrs. J. Colenian, Mr. 'and Mrs': •
'Parks • and family' of tteafarth ; • gra' .
• and Mrs. •el. 17. eleTege•aet and fain. •
ib), and ;..itirs. G. D. MeTaggart
.a:ad 'fatuity ..of Clinton ; Mr. and IVIra, .
J. H. -Chapman amt. fantily Csit I,ondona •
The follawitig 'table 'the excnrs 011
of...thes ,IIarott• Old Boys from Teranito
and spent'. their -yacatiou in the yin-
; riga : Miss lilla..MeGee, Messrs.,::. -Herne . s
•• Troyer,: . Chats. .11carard, Janes Sana
•derscat, Dr, J..., Stanbery • and sonas
Prolessor-•S. .Chaech -Mr. mid Mts.
H. Giecit -•ancl itliaaes . oP -
.1ot-onto, : • • -. . •• • .
. Mr. Alex. .McLeoil left this week for- .
-Detroit ..to spend a shott, thete. .
.BIisses Maggie . Yeastone Lillian, :
King 'left: chi Saba:clay" for . Winghanii
to spend a short time there, • . • „ t • .
Mr.. and Mrs, J. G. Stan:bury of EN-. . •
eta -spent a few days with his taareets„ : •
Dr. • and • -Mrs. Stanbety, Alta. . past,. • -
Mr: C. datrow Gaderklt was in
the village -teat. Friday • enbasiticas.
. • hiisa Rioy•Ii•isher•of .Kineardate is
the . guest .of 'her aunt, :Mrs..... V.• A; . •
Edwards, ;this •iveek. ,•• . • . • • •
' Mias asICIatich • Wilson. of Itteeeffeld Is
the . guest of Mrs.'. jeapes . McGee this • •
past ; week. '.. • . , .• • .• •.
••The • • falloWing• registered • . ; at -.. the . • : .•
•Coniatereial on Seedily •Mr. 'coed Mrs., , • • " •
Jae. harttaitt, Mr... and • Mrs. berhart,
W. hIeLettat, • wife 'and - Mrs.. .
Chesitey, Seciforth,• ..Thetnas Jackson,. •
Clinton .;, '...peoleasof • Sant:eel, .. Church, •
Tarroette Mra, ,D'unnanas Miss:..Dencan; 7 '
Miss•..N. :Duncan, GeselPh.;:. -
:Stilwell,. NesV. York: Mr, aMeGeact and
friend; Godetich ; . Mesars, Hoary. Wel- ••
leate... -and Albert .1,ovett.,
a:Lovett. and *hada Lyons,., Septa,. •
ethill ; Wm. .Archer, Varna,
•.. Miss 'Antra Whiddota •gave • a - very . •
..seceessful piano 'recital ...eta Clip ton: .itt
the studie of :her • teacheia. Miss New-.
ecitnbe - At Li C. M. •.'and." • her -work
showed••• fine... tone :tquality, techisical •
skill and .gead ..capteasior> . while • all ,
14,r:umbers. except 'andatvere • perform-. .: • -
. eat by. mentery. • .T1tose tithe, heard- her •.-
spent 4very tinjoyahle e'. e1t1ng
rat% Ao and -.Ira and. °knowledge eliall.be •
• inereated.!;•• •• From thesewords we.
learnathat. the -boa tat -Daniel was nOt.
to be understotal fully : in ,Le$ time. 11.s.
.was • to be clased lie, .tiot titiciarsteocl-
entil "a certaiu. time • called .
Timeof the • End.." . What: • wee • . to. - •
Meek the coiniag: of '"the time' • of .• the
eatd. ?; • Why; , (Many • shall...ratt•to. and
fro • and ktowledge. shall be..inereaatel,,,.
Have we • not reached that tante wheit
"Many" are. "mantling: 'to • baui fro"taind
has . not Yknitatilectge been most • mar-
Ye:lot:sly • ' liter -Caged.," s: Graback. ma,
:yearsand the •world •sttiocl, .as regards
.locomotiain• almost as 11. was: :in- the.
days • of the' 'Patriarchs- Btit how won-
derful • the change ilt tliis euet
• Great 'rrailread 'lines,. itaread. out • like •
ij retwark aver • cantbients, electric -
cars; bleycles,. antaireibilea, etc., pro-
claim -in :the loudest 'kind 61 • . .tonea •
that ,Vve leaveindeed reached- that per-
iodof t•iine marked oft by: the prophet
as ,'"thetime of the end" • when, "many
shall nin.. to• .and fro.," .•Ahd• ItotYwane
derfultyhas knewleclgebeen' increased.
in ) our time. • Nearly all the gteat
YentionS • belong, to 1.11a .191.11
StaallabOat 1807, 183itaPho-a-
tograPhy 1889, .'Eleci7rie. L;ght 18.46,
'Sewing ,•11tachiltei 1846,- Sublear•nte• Cab -
x8 1, :Telephone 187.6, Plicnograth • •
. y
vt, at; y ta. a. a
things, which- are i.eav as ist...were :holt- .
schold neceSsities have on1/1.,ecte -itt
existence a 'sheet. time. • Stoves, .coal
oil, Metier . mat:thee,steel pens, •etc.
Iltit not wily bas kr,owledige been indSt
amazingly increased in every...depart- -
meta .of • science but this "increase' • of
knowledge" .is Fiketvise _true as regards
Gott's • Worda . In .1429 CAM Nicludas
Belveara paidi$2-28 for a New Testa-
ment, Now 'one canget: a; New' Testa,
tient 'for asaccata, haat the open,.
. big of the teth cell:fairy God's . Word
.:Iiacl a very Meagre circulatieit, but
.sittee the 'opening .of the I91.11 ceatury
• to •• car time Bibles have been circu-
lated by the, millions and translations
)tave 'been made . into nearly every lan-
guage Olt the face of the earth. iiitirely
theact things all' itacak to US in it° un-
certain t011eS AS to vvItere we: are Oa
the stream of time. Theproialtedea
of the book of Daniel -were pot to
be . understa04 •folly tatil "the time
of the end." These twophiecies Itav•e
to do witlt . Christ's ;mond ' mating.
Ity a ecrrect. understanding of them
We are to iltitove when "the day of tim
tont iie near." ' Wel the an 'el, "The
wicked- .altali do • wickedly and none a
the wicked shall understand, but the
wise shall tutderstatel," Daniel 12•: to.
Here We • have two 'classes. and only
ttvo : Those Who ti•xlerstaltd, time
righteous ; those wisce do not under-
stand, the. wicked. Mulch elassa dear
friends are you Ira a.
.„ 4. 4e. .44
Mr. A, Keys iic1 ister of 'Varna
visited friends here on Sunday;
Mrs, Howell of Oesaulago: is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. notines.
Miss Bettie •Stanley was visiting fa-
ce& ht Tuckeramith.
Miss Sarah, Coirtice of Leamington
is home for the ,vacatioa.
Mrs. • Ed. Lavis• spent a few clays.
with frierele t 13ressele.
Notwithstanding the weather bit
Monday eight the lawn aodal was a
grand success. The proceedamounted
to al t t
miss May Ileatty of I,carclott is the
guest 04' her alibi, MI.'S. ‘17111. Sectt.
Mr. Will Baird is hoiteaying, at his
home in Stanley. •
'Miss JeSsie Oraingta. visited Clinton
friends Test week.
• ' .
.• Breteefield. ' •
• „Rev. 4...Areniaririd and wife. • haVe,
been renewingg adeuaintances in • *this, •
aiciffity 'eating the Past Weak. • • ..
.Miss. -Sullaran is visiting her friend,
Miss .1,ily McCowan. • . . • •
• i•ciltert Murdock spent punclari Withliis family
Misa Emma. Itathweli-Of Clinton
tcacbed' the. Metlio,dist cht.tr.c.h.
day w ler, cousin, Miss Itattie Rah-- • -
The glorious aeth being a• very we!• '
day many of dal Orangemen remained
at Loam • sThe. Seciforth •Loclge, how- .
ever, iavored . us With saran.•fihi ad
dram' music . cat their r'eturtt from
Pa.rkhilt. • • •
Mr,. hrovvaleet still • plays . the fife
and does it • 'well,'
'Me. and Mrs. Smith of Denfield have'
moved iato the tcilla:g'e and hav'aretila • •
eet the house from Mr, B. R. Higgins •
*innerly odcupied by .2.11-. haglet.. Mr,
rSnLi... int:ends. workieg ou. the rail -
o . • •
"Mreuemore, th liny .ksteag of On- ••
tario,.. was itt town clarmg the ..
Inglityhay.)itli4egarloas ths
lIehsaesiasolirippeth a great' •
• Mr. Jj. Caskey and wife. let 'ow' •
Monday, for. their: home in Maccicriald, •
Alan., followed. by • the •best • wishes of
the whole cairn/lenity, • • •• •
Mr, and Alra. Sewers and . fah:lily are •
tphiug a few days holidays,
• Miss •Rdbena: 13e11. 'pl. Sarnia is vis-
iting Mrs, James. •Blirdge. • .
Mr, and Mts.. Jack Aikentead 01 ••• . • •
Lonelon„ who were svisitieg Mr. Aiken -
head's mother,. Mrs. James. Aikeitheada. . •
for the past, week, . returned to the
Master Will and bliss ttlittuie Swan
sare visiting Godertch friends this week:, • •
Miss Maud \Mama has retest -fled from •
a very pleasant visit to hayfield,
Mrs. Jas. Dallas is very ill.
• Quite a, number front here took it* .
the Seaferth races. • ,
Mr. i and Mrs. -Walker ot Dakota are
visiting friends here. Itta twenty,.
three yaws since they • went_ West
and they see malty changes here in that
time. •
'Mrs. Swart and Mrs. Fred.. Tom-
linson slide. the 12th in Winghalin.
Willie Wilsca, George Stvans aul
George Munroe Sundayed in hayfield.
Miss Amy hartrant of Londoti is
the pest of Miss- Aggie Somers.
The many friends cf Mrs. George
Hart . will be sorry to hoar that she
Pc very Al, sulleritg 'from a severe at-
tack of pneumonia, cod heart trouble.
,a Miss Marguerite Stewart/ of New
York is visiting Mr. 'and Mrs; V.
Diehl, '
Mr. 'out Mts. Nell Yellowlees
and little daughter • Helen, Toronto,
are visititg at D. Macclonald'8. •
Mr. Jeek Rattenbery of (aortae call -
un friends laire on Wednesday. •
A very' pleasiag piano recital was . •
giveit. by Miss Pearl Wise iv the Audi
of her teacher, hltss Newcorelbe A. 10
Cf Mt, Clintra. Miss Wise .has
Oiled talent and this with the careful
training she has received made her
recital very enjoyable to the audienee.
All her unnthers exceptIone were give*
by Memory;
• _ •