HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-07, Page 88
July is the big Midsummer Bargain
month. It is the month we take to clean
all balances and broken lots of spring and
summer stocks. Our bargain list thisyear
is exceptionally attractive and we will
make it pay you well to do your summer
buying here.
Strictly summer stocks that have
been kept well assorted right up until the
close of the season and you can depend up-
on getting what you want when you want
it, if you come here.
Japanese Wash Silks at 25c a yard are a bar-
gain that, you do not get every day. A big , pur-
chase of these popular Silks enables us to put this
on our list of July. Bargains.% New goods, perfect
.11 every way, on sale Saturday.
300 yards Japanese Wash Silks, good weight, tirtn cloth,
in plain wait% blue and white, pink and white stripes. 0
Standat d 35c and 40c, qualities Saturday per yard ;
Clearing prices on many lines of Cotton Dress
Stuffs. Bargains that are, worth the having. This
Season must see this season's goods sold. Here is
the way we are clearing some lines..
Muslins at 10c Muslins at 15c
• • ,
150 yards of Fancy. Dress 200 yards Fancy Dress 1Vlus-
Muslins good quality and '. fins and cotton materials,
patterns, of somejust en- • length of 3 to 15 yardss
ough for 1 or 2 waists, of Last ends of various kinds
the others plenty for a that sold at 25 and 35. • We
dress of each pattern. Last• •• will. take no chances on
ends of lines that sold at 15c . • . having these ends accused
Clearing Saturday at per late so out they -go on:Sat-
. yard. . ,, 10c arclaY atjaeryard • ' 15,
. .
• • • • •
. .
150 yards Cotton Dress. Material waist and suit lengths,
plain white arid assorted color, last ends of lines that
sold at 35 and 40c, clearing Saturday %at. your :choiee
At 25c
per 25 yard. .. •
• =
. Our Millinery .mado for itself an .enviable
name this Spring. ....The result has been . 'a bigger
business tnan we have any record of. Now the
balance of the stock has its marching orders. .We
will, not carry any over, but raust.have an empty
Showroom when holiday time comes. .IIalf price
is how we are selling these lines.:
hats, good shapes and trimmed with good materials.
stylish and serviceable, clearing Saturday at • •
20 ready -to -Wear hats left1 to sell All ism good shades- .' - and are new tlais season. We have just these few • •
left, about 20 all and en Saturday Morning' put
them on sale at • ' EXACTLY HALF PRICE.
NE W YORK SAILORS -Fifteen New York Sailor Rats,
the last that- are left in stock, regular $1. and $1.50; •
stylish hets for summer wear, choice on Settled:1.y . •
Children's Ta.ms 25c •
15 only Wash Tain'O'Shantets,pliiin and fancy,,tegular 40e' 65,
and 50c clearing Saturday at each • A
Chiffon Collar forms standard quality, all
sizes,black or white, never sold at less than ,
10e. On sale Saturday -morning at each 5c
. . ..
. .
. . .
• . ,
• . .•
Next week is the last Week of the Free Art Needle
Work ClaAses. The ladies in charge are experts.. ,
The opportunity is exceptional, one that comes but
once in a great while, If you miss this opportun-
ity it will be a long time ,hofore you have another
like it. Classes at from 10 to 12 and from' 3 to 5.
.../... 1116•11b, 1116,1101116,1110.011iWilb.Albo'ib..lie4W16,11beib..,Ifteolb..
Oa Two Pairs for 25c
A bargain in Ladies' Cotton Stockings.
Goods on sale Saturday molting. It will pay ,
you to lay in a supply, before they are all
I gone.
2(9 pairs Ladies flack Cotton Stockings full fash• 25
toned spliced heels, Hermsdorf Dye, all sizes,
special at twe pairs for, • • • * .... • . • " '* '
Hodgens Bros
• Clinton
Cii.n.tott News -Record.
July 7th. i904 .
Our r'rices Aft 1111111ft n
Away D vur 311111111er Saie C011iiiilled -mossigir
own •
of Photo Albums, about thirty
On a:very fine assortment
Specials for Friday Morning
of 'them. The reason of it is
that they are a traveller's sam-
Our 'Summer Sale that commenced last week has been the most successful we have ever had -
pies which we bought at a
very substantial discoun. An- never have we been in a position to give you such bargains as now -everything we offer during this sale is
other reasoa is that they are new this season -many lines ha.ve just been bought from overloaded wholesale houses and jobbers, in
out of season, We mostly sell many cases, at less:than half prices. •
them at Christrna,s time. They During the first week of our Summer sale, people came from other towns to share in the bar -
are in good condition, as good gains -and all wentaway well pleased with their purchases, You will find it to your advantage to come
here to do your buying.
During July and August this store will be closed EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON,
A Great Ribbon Sale. Buy Your Millinery Here
and Save Money.
. This has been the greatest Ribbon Sale we have ever
had. Hundreds of yards were sold during the first week, but •
till h lots for this week's sellin •
as new, and the price advant-
age is a big one. There are
no two alike and really they
have in most cases JeAures
which we consider of merit
not possessed by regular stock.
This we will be glad to expla-
in to you ifyou are interested
enough to call and examine
them. •
• rronnannuER.• PIANO.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
W. Di Fair* Co '
tliten the Cheapest. . Always the Best.
We Know
Miss A: Wilida visited PIenaall friends.
last week.
•Mies L Agaew, who has been teaching
atWaltea, is borne for the "holidays.
'Mrs. .T.• Cooper apent •few .days "'of
.the ;,iast week with Kiteasdine fri-"
Miss E11a May PattersOn, "tile .sweet
singerof Wawanosh,"wagin town on
. Monday last."
Mr, and' 'Mrs.- J. P.. Sheppard • spent,
- Saturday and • Sunday with friends
around Dungannon • and , .the . •
Mr. W. MeTaggart- of. 'Toronto spent
'Friday with. his .inother,•
Mrs. Me -
Taggart Sr.. • . • •
Mr. Johp. Sharp of Port Arthur has
•. been 'spending • a. few, days at Mr;
•- Arthur Cantelon'st. • . -
Mrs .• James • Carson Of Caledonia IS'
visieg heritbD
brother, Mr. . 11, •K
' n
, .•• •
Men. J. E. Brcolts .of tebell• is thc
gticit of •her mother, 'Mrs. "W. •, Can,
Miss Mabel .Cook returned :to . Mitten'
Monday after •a,.•molith's visit; 'with
friends. in .Clinton andthe townsh;ps,
sire, • William Grigg is. spending. a eon
plc Of weeks with friefide in • St.
Catharines andc Grimsby. • ' -
Mrs. Wiltrara Camteltin returned , on
'Thursday from a two weeks' YiSit
Mr. Centelon. 'of
Termite.' • •
Kcr,• Mrs. IT. 11, RI, aad her
guests,. Mrs: • Mary 'Trafford and Mrs.
• J.oliat Chaeles; visited Goderich
Saturday. . • • • • .
Mrs. V. Ostrein C.S. Ripley haS" been
visiting at. Mr. • .3 oSli • Cook's of,
town rald John DenniseY'S., God-.
erich .towaship. " •
Mr. W. II...Newcombe left an. Tiessdae
•on a teo. clays' visit . to New . York
• 'and. , otter...points in She.. Eastere
Mrs., Mary TraiTerd of Berford andher
sister, Mrs: .John Charles of Round
Plains, were the gusts for a 'few
dayalast week of their cousin, Mrs.
II. B. Ker. • . .
Mr, W. J. • Lougheed, mathematiCal
master of the Collegiate, . leaves .tc-
, morrow for 'Ms.:home at :Forest end
will spead his I .elidays there and at
the lakesade. • • •
Miss 'Minnie 'KO!, *teacher at Deaflybroki for the. holidays She
coiConipanicict. her..frieed, Miss
Seales who went. on to'.Crediton to
, visit relativeS there:: , • : •
Misses 'Baldwie and. .Afaefarlane..
t awe. have Istam..cit Hedgeus • Brea,' •
. dry gocds estallIShinent for" the
past ten days giving instreetion
• in-
Crticei1i needle. work. , • .
11r. Thoa.: 11„. BrOwnlee• was in town
Thursday: on, „his' way.' baeh
Colborne where he had been Perforin-
• •ing the• duties a "best Irian at the
wedding - -Cousin ti,f' the' same,
name- from
The' folowing mind .up from LOndon
.. for Dominion Day arA remained. in
til onclay George Osborne. 'Dee' •
Dowser; Wilbur. 11,Luming,• wif. o and.
family. Mrs. Manning ateLthe ehd-
• siren remain.. with her mother for
some time. • -
Mr. John.. Spalding and Mr. \V. 1.:
• 'SpaldinriS !returned . home Monday
from a viSit. to relatives in Bentinck
ownshiP, Grey semrity. W. P. lived
hi that intinicipality,, once upon' a
time, and noticed a vast improve -
20c, 25C and'3oc:Ribbons at 12C. •
Your choice of over 30o yards of the
very best Silk and Satin Liberty Ribbons,
in assorted colors, that are regular 2oc, 25c
and 3oc values for....
... 2
20c to 80c Ginglianis and Muslims at 12 1-2e.
200 yards of the very nicest,Muslins, in colorings
of blue, pink.. green and linen,
etc, also 'Wash
Voiles in assorted colors -also black and white
Muslins inslifierent designs; regular prices . up to
'3pc ails to goat
35e to 45e Gingham and Mustins at 19e:
350 yards of the very finest white and colored
Muslins-also black and white Muslins, Silk Ging-
hams, etc. These are our choicest goods, that sold
at 35C and 45c; all to go at,.... . . .
Hats Trirnmed
During this Sale you can buy. any Untrimmed Hat in
the Store at exactly Half Price -we will also sell any flower in
the store at Half Price. $1.25 Tips at 75c, $1.75 Tips at
$1,15. We have just purchased 3 dozen Uptrimmed Fiats,
the very newest shapes to sell at Half Pric•e. All will be trim-
med Free of Charge.. . •'
$1.25 •
and $1.50 Ready=to=Wear Hats at 75c.
$2.00 and $2.50 Outing Hats at $i 00
am Coats Half Price.
Ladies Rain Coats of Cravenette in dark groy
only, the regularprice Of which. is 0M00 to go at $2.50
19c A Big Bargain on Ready -to -Wear Skirts and Waists.
400 more.. Silk . Chiffon Collar Forms, in black . 450 Homespun " " 3.25
and white, all sizes, from I2i • to 14, to go on . 5.50 I i i 4 .; 3 75
sale at. • • 100. - 7.50 Fancy Tweed " ..-•••••;. 4.95
• 10.00 " •" . " 6.00.
75e and 85c Belts at 50e.
Your choice of about two dozen S- ilk and crush leather belts 50
the regular prices 75c and 85e te go at... . . ... ....... ...... ....... C I White
35c Sheeting at 25C. - • •
• 100 yards of 9-1 plain bleached Sheeting,- extra fine quality, with ejgn
round even threa,d-.worth to day 35c, sale price ..... ... Liibe
50e All Woicil Serge 25e. . -
200 yards ef a fine all Wool •serp.,:e; 40 in. wide, in slides of Navy,
••• . Royal, Cardinal and Black,stleis serge is sold in several stores at •50c .
Our Sale Price is . •
• !
$2.'15 Linoleuni at $i • 1.
4 yard wide Linoleuna, good heavy quality, regular $2425, to go at $1410.
$1.50 Silk Waists a,t $3 25•. .,
• • • $5.50 • ' $4 00
$0.50 a „
$5.00.• • '
• • .
During This Sale you Can buy any Shirt -waist in the
Store at a Discount of 20 percent.
• •
Miss Aggie Porter, assistatit •at thepi.sLohhicc,
postollice,-.is taking a iniith's holi-
day$ at her' home at Elinvele -and in•
tier absence • the cloties of 'the ;soeitaor.
are being, performed' by 'Miss A -son-
story: 11s% Porter • ia'exceedingly
poptear. among the patrons • of . tLe'
(Ate, htt She leaves in her steada
youtg lady wile. is also very obii'g-
and caVable. -
Mr, S. McBride of Blake,' who was
accompanied by 'his four sons •and
lirother-in-ls, was in town Satur-
day a. fli. on his way home from
. ,attending a family gathering • held'
near Auburn tie day previous. Over
One hundred friends' .wera present,
from Galt, Tavistock, Michigan °Aid
elsewhere and a very enjoyable time
was spent. Inuring- the aSternoon the
whole group was photographed,
Mr, William ;twice was called to
Brat -More,: on Friday to 'attend the
funeral of Mrs. George Thompson, a
Cousin" of Mrs. Jones. He was at-
coMpanied by Mr. and • Mrs. Rory
Curwen of near Goderich and Mr.
,Tames Curwen of • Dune:anion. While
in Brantford Mr. Jones met IVIr.•
George A. Baird, formerly of Clin-
ton, who wishes to be remembered
to old friends here..
Messrs, ROA. Watkins of town and
Harry Woodyard of the Base Line
moved . few •itionths ago to Col-.
. Ltigwood, bet • about a month since
• weal to New Oatatio on a prospeet-
ing trip. They went as fax as Fort
Francis, but meld not see that the
prospeets., are any better than lit
Collingwood so have returned to that
town. Drring their abseteetheir
better halves visited their mother,
Mrs. Wallace of mar Surnmerhill,
and other Mende in the distrietlbut
Molul:.y Mrs. Ntratkine rejoined
her husbalid, Mrs. Woodyard and
her little son, lVfaster Minor, will
remain liege Iiei u, week or two longer
$11.00 %%foistsat 80c.
• ' • 1.25 " " 1.00.
1.50 di "120
4' 441.60:
• : , • • .2.00
. . .
• ,
. ,
• .
• Mr. , • Lester Whitely Of the. Woodstock,.
'Collegiate". teaching • staff, is hone
•for the holidays. . ' • .
Mr. anti Mrs. .13in.'Yeo of Manitoba.;
• were: gneats; Of. Mrs. David • Steep on
. „ ...
•MiS. A. HpoPer. Went 'cli..'SaturdaY, 1.0.
• ... . , ' , ' • . . . ., • '
. Bennsiller to visit friends there. for a
,few• (lave. - • • • •
Mr„ a.nd Mrs. William, .Pcrd spent-hron
Thursday, to ;Sunday evening with
.- . frierals el ..Staitle.y township.
Miss Priscilla Cook, , teacher at North
Sequin; Parry Settnd District, has
returned home :fur tie ltelietays. • '
'Miss Frost,. who haa been: living witli
her s'ster, Mrs. , "(Rev.) Greene, the.
Past 'ear, left on Saturday. for Ot-
tawa. ' -
Mrs. J. R. Siaellie returns :to'. her
licine in. St. Tiaairas today. atter' a
visit of several weeks -with •lier (Ian-
. elites, Mrs. A. 3 :. Grigg. • '. ..
Miss. Minnie Glazier, teaelier, 'of near
Myth, has re:Signet) her 'school and
is, at present visitir4.enutot, fiqoas
before returning- 'to her .. home. at
itirl‘SI`• rt,61.Ti'..,Alorrish :mei her little dom-
. ..
Otter returnecl Monday froma foets
night's visit with Kineardine"frit
• Port ,Artlair, were in Goderich Tiles-
111.iiisas.yes. Lillie :and, Mabel' •Can
cts10111 ac-
ompanied' 1,y. Mr. John Sharp of
. .
Miss ' Duulte. and Miss Alva Dunne of
Telethira were guesta: •of Mrs. ' John
.., Bell. from Thursday • until Monday'
afternoons •
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Kenn, •and family
• • 'returned to Louden Motday after-
noon ' after spendieg the holidays
with irtends in 'town and • (iderich
Al(11.(34;v1Viin.s.itjlii,sli:•Ilit aftet a couple of holidays
a.rland returned home Fri-
. spent at Niagara Valle. lie was
accompanied by Itis , geed wife who
had been visiting her. sister, • Mrs.
, Lepper a that city for a comic of
Itfwr,eel:1".L.T. 13 roWnsconibe; 'who has I.ten
attending 'Columbia, Pitiversity, New,
-York: for the past year, has leen
the gnest of his sister,... Mrs. W. H.
Neweonsbe, •Al ter vacation Mr.
Brownscombe • , goes to Moatpaliar,
Vermont, having accepted Ore post.
Con of stiperintendeat Of sel.vs:Is lit..
Ditiotay visitors a„t the home
of Mrs. A. Hooper were : Illisseit• At-
kinson and. Lewis of Exeter . Mrs..
Lynch of Wititsburg, Washington,
Mrs. Bogie and daughter. of Gocler-
leli. , In the afternoon the rotliParly
drove to the House of Refuge and
enjoyed themselt es very inueli. •
Mr. D. B Kennedy has. returned fronS
Ilagarsville where iie. attended . the
- wedding of his nephew, II. A. How.
arcs of 1:tui Antonia, Texas, the bri-
de being 'Miss Grace Johnstone of
Ilagarsville. It was a largely at-
teeded affair, gnests being present
• from Texas, • St. Thomas, Clinton
:• and eleewhere. After the eeretuoity
the bridal couple let's: on their wed,
cling tour Which inelteleti a trip down
the 6..t. Lawrenco to pitebec4
MiSa: M. Watsent.of Blytle Was :a 'visit;
or 'at -..Kennody's ' last
Friday, • • • •
Mr; and Mrs. :George..!13iSsett..df . God-
' erich were guests • -of .Mrs. ••
•: Cook "Sunday: • .• •,.
Miss "Clara -.Mae-sire of Guderich iown
• ship has heels spendityse.• a, ft:* days
with tier aunt, Miss IS. :Shanitalian...
Mrs, ITay of. 'Ingersoll was the
" gueSt. of Mr.. arid Mrs. . Jones
Pride*. 'and Saturday.'
Mr. 4rid . Mrs. ttIbzt McBrien visiteet
'Mts. MeBrien's Mother,, BIre.'
Sr. of town. this Week. •, • •
Mr, W. Grigg paid a, short, vislt tc
frienc's , in St. Catharines; Niagara':
Falls and Grinigby the past week.'
Mr. J. Miirray of Granton. was the
guest of his brother -in -NW,- Dr..
• .ThoinpSOn, '0I71 11•Ione4Ely •
Mrs. S. S. .Ccoper •and'. little ' •
Beryl are .1.s:ending a ' feUr days r4
the Inneestetal at Milverton, •
Miss: Carrie, Steep " was the, guest of
her ainit, Mrs. Challis Copp Goiter-.
• jell; front .14`riclae until Ifioaday.
Mr' •J antes. Duncan of Carafata• Man.., ,
spent • a- :foie . days with his 1111010,',Mr. W. Duncan Of to -11. .
Mr, 'Alf, .Rance retails:6 Torento
last- week after 'a sVery pleasant fort- .
night's Vacation: in the ' home
town. • .
Mr: • .101: COok, after a brief visit to .
his • brother -hi -law, Mr, Thos. Cole . •
of Goderich 'township, lois returned
.to his home iit Brooklyn, N. -
Mr, and Mrs, lames Slean aud. Miss
Maggie ' Sloan of DIelanctlion . were
guests oit Fil(14. Of Air, end Mrs: .S.
S. C.eoper, •
Mr. R. ,j. Bell of Tormito returned. to
that city Monday afternoon after
•spending the holidays witli his. par-
ents Mr. and Mrs., .Johti Bell,
The f011owints •are among our citizens
who were In Stratford yesterday :1.
Copp, J. Harland, F. Evans, • J. •
Wiseman, .
Miss Edna Hardy of the London, Road
. was the guest -of Mrs, Tlios, • Ben-
nett, formerly of the same Road but
• how of. near Mitchell for a, few days
the past week. .
ttraTaines Armstrong and Miss•Bertlia
of BrusSels were the guests of ' Mr.
and Mrs, • Ball. this week as
were also Mrs. Sohn Thornpacit and
• Miss Isles. of Hallett. Misses Arm-
; strong and Isies wete. trying their
examinations in music. .
• The. following from Clinton( took part
in an artificial bird shoot in Strat-
ford on Friday last : J. E. Cantel-
ott, G. PI Holmes, J. 1. Ilovey, R,
Graham, N., Illuett and W. G.: Doh-
erty. The first ,mentioned three
. • were well up itt the Cad •
Mr, and Mrs. T. R. to ts ,r t f are.
spent few says: t1'.e. pass \sic& :
at Mr. W. Cantelott`s. loorty years
Ittr. Foster was engaged in the
woollen business itt Clinton and is
still connected with that industry in
Tara. Ile noted numerous changes
since lie left here and the absence
of -many old friends, some of whom
have moved elsewhere while others
lie beneath the green sod awaitittg
the peat re-VniOn,,,
wear at 'Saving Prices.
• • '125 and 110 Gowns and Skirts 'at '(Oct
' 160 Gowns and Skirts at., $1.15
.35C "Corset Covers at.. ........"
• 0c Valenciennes lace at......; 8c.
• tO 12,i so • .o •••“.. 6C..
150 e.itton Veldt ‘tit • ;10e.
• :
.I5c 'and•20c Oolton ito.se 10e.;
75enorsets at • 415g.
.200 bone hair pins to go at'4 for5c.
. 15c and i2 Embroideviets at, • 8c.
• , . •
• • -.- •
• ,,,. „.••• , •• . •, . ,• .
Your niottei back
•you want it.
are going
o keep Busy.
• *ant keei) our workroom's busy
fOr thenext four Weeks. Its just between
•.‘.easons•when Ordeied Clothinetradei tis.
• tally ciniet and ordinary businesS ' coining
in isnotlarge enottga to keep all hands
gOing.. After the first week in August we. ;
will start making Up'. Our Nortli-West orders
and will be kept bus3r With. therri. To fill in
thesefew quiet weeks, .vire are offering two
DargairiS in Suits made to order that ,zneaTii.
the saving of 84.00. to $5.00 for those who
geftherri. . They are good_ Suits and. Will be
well triniined and. carefully mad up.
. .
snally Sold at $16.00to $17.00,
Men'isSuits Made frond fine itnported Tweeds.
These are the last ones that are left - of lines
that sold at $10.00 and $17,00. ' They Will be
.• well trimmedand mule up just as carefully
. • its.if we got the -full pride for them. Choice of
the lot commencing, Saturday each...
-Suits at $ir.00...
Usuaily.Sold at $2o 00.
\A few of our fine Scotch Tweeds 'and. English
Worsteds in the lot, Last few that are left
of lines that sold at $18.00 and $20.00," a feWitt
the lot that Were $22.00. All well trimmed. . •
and will be made ats carefully .as if you • paid
tis the regulat pi -ice for them. On saie at each nn
each .. .. ... ...... 4.4.64GYVbee•416.464Y4 11JIA0/,;
just because we want to keep the
Workrooms 'busy and to clean out
any balances of Spring and. Summer
• E1 tOokS. You can buy these fine
Suits made to your order at $4.00
and. S.00 less than their realworth.
liodgens Bros.
Clothing and NM's 1011101110.