HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-07, Page 5July 7th 1904
Incorporated:by Act of Parliament OM
i Capital authorized, $$,000,000 Capital paid up $3,000,000
The public will plettee bear in Maul], that we have removed from our
Reserve Fund $Z,1350.
V. old stand, ltattenbury etreet, to our new and spacious *Mee (whiclt I
iis now in the centre of the town) in the neW Coinbe block, corner of
Viet oi iit end Albert streets (opposite J. W, Irwin's grocery.) A call
t from the public generally is solicited,
• Interest allowed at highest current tales from date of
tdeposit to date of withdrawal.
iti. C. BRUWER, Manager.
tee' buggy, almeet as good as new.
Will be sold cleap. Apply Box
A Skik
" r Clinton I'. 0. 20
E PERFECT .Avente, - door east of
• and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen'e. London, .3rd
b. St, Autltews Chnreh. 1 asses sem-
•• PIied. 'Will be at the . Rattenbury
••• • Hoese, Clinton, Apri1-28, june a and
• .
• 30-
• •
• • .
. ice that the Municipal ectincil of the
Corporatiou'eef the To -en of Clintcei
intends tc. .ctinstruct gramilithic
sidewalks as per seledule below: audf
to essess the -final •cost thereof upon
the properties abetting . thereoet and
to be lenielitted thereby. and that a
etatement. ehowing the lands liable
to pay the said etesessti.ent and the
moues of the owners thereof, so ' her
as -ecat he aecertained • from tl:e _last
reeieed, oissessatieet roll is new. Oii.
file iti 'the (alive of an Clerk- of the
Municipality and is open ler inskei.e,
tiOn during. (glide 'hours.:
. Schedule- a prop/Need 'Walks : on
the west Side of Victoria street keine
Marib, 'Arcot, to and italieling 99 feet
fronting •• toes.. No; • 12 and i3, Vie.
eoria street, 4', feet, wide. Est ima1.-•:,
• .1 '.. eel cost •of week - St 048.95 of . , WI: i eh.
$70.47 • is to 11C. 'erre; ida eout of. the
general Nivea of ilie 1Vireicipelity.
, On the ' north :tide of. Townsend St.
• frothWilliam • St. .to Kirk .lit.,4 feet
.in• width: Estimated :cost Of
$07,6P.eif • which • $128.88 is to! 'he
proVidtid eat ef the igeneral funds; cif
•the• Alteticipalite.. •• . , :, . • .. •
'A Court of •Retesion will he -had
in the Cptineit Chiu•nber of the Mu-
nicipally- en •Friday, the; eetel dii-S".•
'of . July,. 19c4, at ...8 o'clock in. the
• eVetting • 'for tlie-- porpiise of heating.
. remplainta againet thee pr: sed as-
.sessreent or accurace of the fneetfige
ineaseireinetee or sow other . • Conte
.• plaints which 'persions.itttereeted weer. -
desire to• make and .whicli..arebY.Iew
., cegnizahle Ire ..the Cone.. • Detede •at•
: CIJ.11161i. t1li,i-:601..ily.•Of Jay,' I. ceotee
li. I ; , - AI aeplierseet, ' Clerk. • • - - -• • • ,
Pereens wishing to petition. • the
-Coencil against theeproposed • -work
'inus't do so int oribefcre the ..15th day.
of Auguste .1.904.--e1): •Te. ';;11taplierscei,
Clerk. • •.' . • • " . ' .• • . .
— I
We want the ,Jatron-
age of the "particu-
lar man" who times
his watch by the sec- .
ond's hand. Our rep-
air work will please
him. He will be in-
terested in our stock
of high grade myve-
ments. A good stock •
of different makes a-
lways on hand.
Just 'received a new
line of Souvenior
O r.
• •
•r•0-00-0•000-0-0-0•0-0-0-09-0-0-0-0 •••
W. II. Hellyar::
Jeweler and Optician
. .
We Couldn't.
Coilla You?
Have ;built Op a fh-st class
trade, .euelf as we have
unless our goods were
right in every way.. We sell
the Finest Goods for the finest
trade. One trialconvinces you
of this.
Am.:mg other lines we ex --
cel in - Fancy :Disc -nits. We.
keep Assorted Biscuits at 10c
per lb. up to Macaroons at50e.
In Olives and Pickles we have
only the best : Ohutney..Chill
reaeete Ohow-Ohow, sweet and
sour Village', Pickles and also
Horse Radish.
We still solicit your trade
• '
W. T. O'Neil.
We have a new Elie of Brown.
Stonewere itt Teion•ts, Bowls,
Vegetable Dishes, Crocks, Jel-
ly Moulds, Etc. .Also all dif-
ferent lines of ode. dishen in
tailored and white stoneware
.-Cupe and Saucers, Oper.- and-
--Covet cid Vegetable Dishes, Plat--
-•ters . Bowls, Sauce and Porrid-
---ge Doilies, lite. Whet; you are-
, - need ng anything in this. line- -
--give vs a call.
gggs taken in exchange for goods.
'Mrs. Shier's
'Houses for Sale.
r-dood Cottage and tworlots on
Iseae street.
.---Good House and two lots with
large plum orchard OD Vultotr
3-Comfortaldle Ilene and one lo•t
en Joseph street.
4 -Brick Itoese e.nd two lots oil Mary
5 -Two Menses .on Rattenbury street
west. •
6.--1 arge Brick House, with six acres
of land, barn and drivita barn, good
orchard, withiet it mile of centre of
7.-1rione House with eight teresi of
land, 1710114 and orchard, reit Dittsley
For terms, etc., apply to
'Saicitor, etc. Clifittet.
00AL I
FOR. ' YOUR. ' SEASON'S.' ;SUP-- •
pRICE • •- •••
, .
WARE, STORE. On wr.rit
You Can See.
For yourself 'how: much: ei sl -toe has .1.6
da with the seppeneanee of your foot.
What . is 'uglier• than a poorly shaped
•shoe ? Whet isedaintier than
•Cliat fits elosely about. ate -foot : and.
lii•ings out • its natural artistie lines.
We C7.11 'find a. ahoe to ilt-yoter foot
ito •inelter • .how Lard you are to suit.
Our spring 'stock has arr'ved .atal the
:prices are right.' We are showing. a
line ef shoes: for meit.at. $3e5o that.
can't • he heat for, ,price.' and .quality.
Also , a line of shoes • kr Women (The
Queen Alexander) for $2 which is extra
vertu. Coate 111 and L•eive a look at
oitr stoek. No trouble to show goods,
Our steel: is ceenplete. We have a
goOdi Brie of japan. Tees, greeln aed
black. "In package teas we carry the
Ludella, Red Rose; Min Ribbon ead
1,iptorts celebrated teas. • They were
bonglit before the advence' in price
which we will give ovr customers Alta
benefit of. Piton and Fancy Biscuits,
Boiled Ilani, Smoked Roll, Breakfast
Bacon, Pickled • Pigs Feet, Canned
Meats, Pickles in buI1 and bottles of
rill kinds. A trial ercter will conninee
you tliat we carry a eteak equal to
any in thetrede and the prices tea.-
soitaible. Also a ear oi?. Redpetli`s sug-
ar just arrieed which we are selling at
cost. •
Needs we have aot good Red
Clover, Alsike, TinictLy, Mangold and
'Turnip Red and all kindss sof • griatien
seedsi, orchard •grasst,
lit crockery we have a few diluter
Sets we sere selling" very cheap. Your
Vrade selected. •
Ogle Cooper's ole. etaird.
Cash for Butter and Eggat,
Pheitte 23
1 I 1
i:ATTY-e•IIORTON--At the resle•enee
cif the bride's uncle at LahrieYi
Ushorre township, on Juno 291.11,
by Rev. Dr. Hannon of Exeter,
Maggie Wenn Horton, nieei: of Mr.
Jelin Glenn, to John Beatty of
BROWNLEE-GOOD-At the res4ene
The Clinton ,Ikiews-Record
0 t00000
00 • 00000000000000
The News of Goderieh.
Miss B. A. Skimings, •
#0:4..xiirfA)(s)(EX.filik•)(Xf(ilti.)0(ffetiK)(.,), (K)(e)(.3"..
0 000
SAYS: . AS I DID NI 20."
Mrs. Chas. Bates of Alliance, Ohio, -• Miss Fox left for London on Monday.
her friend,
e • is .spending the seascu with her huse after a pleasaet visit with
cif lLo bride's parents Ct/lborne
. Dates.
.-harel's parents, 111r. and Mrs. George -Miss May Elliott. .
Miss •Ccenuilly of Si. Minaret's is
- Miss Hattie Harrison:et f Woodstoek home for the vacation.
. is speealing her vacation at her. •home. Miss Linda Sttady has returned kr
• Mrs. Wilmer Smith lat for Torentx her vacation: from Ahua College, fit.
' en Thursday it. in. ',Oleic she eper Teee,e„„
Dammam Div the guest of her sister, ...
township, tot June 296, by Rev.
Mr. Geister, Lily, eldest daughter
of Maltdward Oiled, to Thomas IT
Brownlee of Halt Ste. Marie,Ont
MUSTARD-111edylEGOR-At the resi-
dent:* of the • In itle's eta:rents ott
June 29th, by Rev. 1V1: McLennan;
*ladies Mustard!, to Jessie MeGre-
• gor, eldest. daughter of Ur. Axel:.
. McGregor, all of Iiippen.
LAMONT-110OG-At Clinton; on Jun"
22nt'l, by Rev, 3 tempts Cook, Al
hies. Doty mei her son, Mr. Vred.
- Mrs. Charles' Cover.
- Mr: Bert Martue of Winnipeg return- NrDoty,yhatretunied front a visit to
ed to his home here for it Lolaley. ew • or.k•e .
Chaeles DePendry
Mr. J. Mahal& 'with Northwest
left on Satur-
Mounted Police dress took Policeman .dar to retire; to Staunton, "Virgitua.
e .11/alert's place ori the. equare last Sueday hest was Flower Sunday .at
• ex Lamont. to Sarah Hogg, ad-
opteddaughter of Mrs. etotiert
Holgge all of Scolorthe
week.. • 'North street attach,. a very kaetty
. Mr. •and -airs: Robert T,ye .cif Strae- teem:Imre:it to the jute-mint/4o of the
.faad arrived on Tbursday-,st•nrl were new pastor, Rev. Mr, Hazen, late 'of
, - the guests' c.f. Airs. George Porter,. 'Mr: S44.-Iii4' to Lis Lew coagregation here.
Tye's neice. . Mr. Andrew Breckenridge of Howell's
;miss Jennie Ben arrived froin mite hardware store left for Chicago ot:
guest of iter mother, ,Mrs. Harry Bell. AI(6111;leaYel t4iiiiel: ijirteltYLiest church weddings
.ga,ra-on-the-Lake last week awl is the .
It r.' awl Mrs. Harry Ault of (nth:a- teed in, ;SA 01 Mt 101 Many years was
go opent lest • week' ihe guests of the solemnized at linerx church on Wednese .
lady's unele and aunt, Air. mita . Mrs. clay cif last - week. Tlei •ciontracting
Peter Men'arlan4. They were on their gpiattreteiesofwqeer.A.ITisisloilts,13eAlicSKee,Tilt tia4lauci
meld* ..trip and left for Detroit or'
,: Saturday% Walter . Buchanen, secoral sell oi Mr,
i • Captani Morrison of the life saving . J1"•" M'el'allan'' :111° pulpit "Ls'
richly decimated witlt fine tale paints
• Sunday last was Secrament ieturday. alute ficswer blossomed atuong tit
at lieux churele .coilectitet. The brale, who was givet
Quite it seric•us accidint occurred i tiway lw her failed, looked wonderful
Wednesday evening, 211 'It 1 tr: nearlyIv sweet. in her costanat of ivory white:,
Opposite • -the Wing 21.-ild(Wardt,-1:' ()lit: silk trimmed' witl:. white silk. applique
VISHEReePICKARD-At the residence
of the bride's mother in goltnes-
ville, • on Jute: 30.11, -.1ey Rev. A.
I. m...Thotnpson oi Marilee Bessie,
youngest daughter of _Mrs. T. C.
• Picktad, niaude L. Fisher of
POLLARD-BOLGER-At the reseden•
• se: Of the bride's parents on June
280, •Clarles Pollard, 1:6 Mary
Emily, daughter of Mr. - James
• . Bolger, all of Morrie.
28th in St.. Paul's cathedral nth-
• , don, by Rev. Caren Downie (eon-
- sin ef the bride) deo. F. Emerson
of London, formerly of Clint:qv to
- Miss Olive Willianesoo of ,Chetteutro
• church,. Gceleriele on June 29th,
• by RV. Jas. A. Anderson, Walter
A. Bischaran. of TorOuto, to Mabel
S.; younger deughter of 'Ihornes
• IlleKeneie, of Goderieh.
- • 28th, at the residence of the bride's.
parents; Oudarich, by Rev. Jas. A..
Anderson, assisted Rev. ...Dr.
Vree Percy Cornell of • TM-or/tie, to
;Lexie Dcaena, Olivet daughter.. of
- • Jes.• C, Sutherland. . •
• 281.1i, at the home a the bride;
Goderielo.by Rev'. Dr,. Daniel, Wile
Ham H. Gendry to Miss Aggie E.'
Washington- younger -daughter
• the. late John Washington!.
, jACKSON-POWELL-In Stn.cT2hyoaan,:abs;
. • church, Seakoth, •sen
Rev; Rural. Dean Hodaine, Lotus
eConsitant :Jackson, to •Abigail -Pare
.• ker' daughter. "the late
• Simen.Powelle all of Seafortla -
111cCITAIG-•MCDONALD-At the inaine
• * -Seafier the by Rev, , V., IL Ler-
kin; on June 21)1.11, n et:uaig.
. of to' Meet Gre,ee. Me-,
• Donald of. Grey.: •
DOIIERTY-1:EYES.-.-Afe, the. residence
• ii.f. Mr, Sidney .hitteibe, :lieteforeleon
Jima. 3oth, .1w • Rev; 1. 11. . nallwsn,
. Janie§
A. Doherty. of Strateord, • tO
• .•-• Ella -M. Eaves, 'niece of • Mrs..Jec- •
• obs. .
dence.• cif the brides parents, • •..on.
• j tare 2g11(1, by , nvv. •e. 11otclier
David • C. Gardiner lee Magnet,. elan-
- . glittee of Mr. 'Alexander. Deichney of
• the Th. -eines Road, 'Petiolate.
FAT ST-e-WITERTII-A t Credi t en on
• ',Time 29th; .• theellev. . G. :0,
1/anere. Ezra...Feist
• loth •Weertie,.- ,'ref Crcent,on. •
MeTAOd ART -al II NSTO N At *the
• • reeideece erf the bride's father, Jryili.
• ,con., Grey, ' by .Rev.'A.MacNalb,
Geo.•MeT4gart to Margaret.;
• ighter • ,.of -Mr. .Thinnas erdinstote
. both • of Grey....., : •
.611IALL--REA--Ati.the :Man:se, Waltou,
,• June 15th; by Rev:. .A.. MaeNstb;
• Adolphus R. Smell Of 'Torr.:alto ....to•
• Mary 'eldest daughter of 7Mr.,
•• Rea:, (7011. PreY•
• • Births,,
Ifullett on ,. June, 29th, to
• Mr: and Mrs, Jonet .;:iinttle. <1041-,
DUNCAle:-In Morriseon June 27t1/, to
1INI t411(1.. 11%4;1. Harry ••Dencan,
•WILLISo-In Sea,' fokh on June 28th, 'to.
. and Mrs. W. (1:Willis, .a :sone
• BROWN: -In Seaforth 21st, to
• 'Me. awl • .Mrs. W., litowno, e
daughter. ••• •,• ••
BLACK -In Ca-di:rich •or/ • Jena ',21et,
' 'to, Mr, mid .Mrs; Reginald .1.31.E.elou;
• daughter:. . •• " •!
dederich on ,Jane -26th, to
Mr. and MM. 11. We • Reed son" .
• Deaths.
. • . • .
BRANDON -In Morriss on .Teno. ioth,
Clerk .:11.111s Brandon, son of J.
• • .lirandon, aged '12 years and tt.inon-
• tit's, • , • .. •
... • '
PI1A1*N-4r., Goderich on' June 361.11,
- Plialen, aged 44'Yeae
rs. and -2 months. ' •
BRETT-In Seaforth me June 29t1e,
• Robert N Brett, aged 76 y.ears, 9'
..morehe and 2 days.. . •
dOVN'r-In • Seaforth on .Ttne 29t11,
• •Margarct Pumice., infant daughter
. • of Mr!..A. 1'. Joynt,•-
',tits, • • .
MeKillop 041 lune - eetee
• Very 13. Dodds, wife .rd Mr. Joha
.: Smith of Seaforth• aged • .22
Years .and 1 menthe.-
HYNDIVIAN-In Exeter on June 28tle,
• nr,$$ Ann Louisa Ilyirdenan, aged
.77 years.
MlefeSieReeTn ,IlIcaris on June 22ttil,
• Annie Messer, daughter of M. and
• Mrs. Alex. Messer, ageel 2 years, 9
• inontlis and 20 days. ,
LAMONT--In (Bey Jrne. 28tle Join
• C. eldest eon •of Mr. •Angus Lem-
eMt,• aged '31 years, mooth'. and
. 21 -days, •
organist of Ontario street Methodist
church. Teacher of Piano, Harmony,
Vann. Free Theory lecture sttt-
/leas evei-y Tuesday evening .at stu-
dio. • Over Newcombe's store, Clin-
Voters List for 1904.
• Township of Stanley,
Notice is hereby given that . I have
0-at:emitted or delivered to the pers-
ons :mentioned sections 8 and 9, of
the Ontario Voters' Lints Act,. the
copies re/piked by said sectiena to fire
so tr&reirittcd or delivered of the list
made oritreearit to said art, of ail per-
sotts appearing' in •the .last revised
Assessmeat Roll of the mid Ifuniel-
!pality at elections tl'or members of the
• Legislative Assembly and. at Municipal
!Ii:ections .and that said liet was first
'posted tip my office the Town -
'ship of Stanley, in the County of
Huron, cri the 5th day of July, 19o4,
Mid rosin's: there for 1r:sped:km Elec-
tors are called team to all and 'exam-
soieJ list and if any oinissicns or
• any other errors are friend therein to
take immediate proceediegs to have
said errors cerreetedi according to law,
1, E. HARNWELL, Clerk.
July $th, 1904, 07-3
crew, Detreit; ,•is the guest , of Iii•s
mother. and otha foreign slirtiles, y one
-VIOP•40.01P01111 .
Many Stiffer With Catarrh
• 4
and Don't Know It.
The Phase of Catarrh Most
Prevalent In Summer ls a
•Run Down, VVorn Out Con-
dition Known as Systemic
Catarrh. -
o 04 -0. -0 -o -•-•-e-4--,44.4-44•94,4••77•47•44-6-•••••
4Pe-ru-na Is the'Medicine for
'the Poor Man.'
Jell:ikon. wo engaged that evening tc, With white cif:inure She wore a bridal
drive some of the lady passengers of veil with wreath of lilies ef tile valley
the Greyhoerel to Baytield and . upot ,,,.„1
itixl carria,f a„ boquct of bridal macs
returning eellided- with Mr. George r1'.': maiden hair 'ferns, lila • brides-
a•ids, Miss Callow el Toronto teal
Sturdy Jr. an Lie •bieyele. The lave niss mat, Buchanan, sister. of: me
.vle of re certaiinty was :badly 'broken "
and Oliver Johnsten thrown. owe s le•icle, were eltermingle gewr;ktititi IlijiliSseo
the carriaga and reedered uncousetouts1 , Callow in white. to:110Eu, silk
. There was another ae,eident last week Inielianati in eream silk • eelientte over
which might 'have preyed fatal.. Geie•
e white silk. lioth. britlesinaids WON
McIntyre of Nile was drivingd1 , „, ,hale of •white chiffon 'trammel wrtlt
the, hill with a 'teamwhen . the. _ca ..
iG,-- ",„; lilies, of. the valley anti levee. streameri.x
is .supPosed have Slij)ped through . to '- 1 at -white, ribbon. and carried laaplets el
the ring aid t: amid thee horses to '' m roses. The gromnsinen were
nialte it wild -start doWn the hill. • : Ott • Fredieriek (idle v of Loneeen and Gor-
terniaig thie. errve tlicy sweeig towarde don Fergitsou efeTororto. Rev. Jaimee
the • inside .ef the track ._atal collided .•'...1.,i:iii.eyr.s.ori performed the. Wedding ceree
_With •it buggy driver,. leo Robert ;Wilson "''' 7,ohe tlaitlsatirltrstycle.lt4ezecilig.t.iltihse
and W. S. 1iiiights.• noth 'Men •were . el.'t.•'rell
jittocs- arid tV,C, wheels of their car -
thrown out: tate/ sustained spine in_ ileirrtillitilitel1i,zaiiillrieireilhea s oit.liectolitsital al pciaalr,etya
riage were broken off. and the shafts
. Mendel-sena:WS Weddiegg 111arele• While
ou. the bridal party retired to. the vestry.
Miss ' AreVitrie Sang in gook yoke,
sneislied. When the team• turoed
to. the l‘ritlge..the wagin, box .fall off
& :M
ful i.. McIntyre was hurt -tlicr.eby. ,
"Oh -F4iT1 Ob • fivieen aed Holy'''. and
Ills leases too .reeeived siamne. -'nry A r'ount of Mtsie:" A nun:flier -isf
•• earriagt•s. conveyed 'abort 8o guestS
.• . ,• • . to and • froin tlic church' Which gave
wAN'rE1), -20'0 coon (11P Gs. Bg8i'., (:T:.ir'S eitaii4.e'la114-We'labeig)re:tilvee.silt ‘tlitiel'.: e
. •
wages. • peal. Apply at . Rat:tat:bury' briii.c!:; home • •iii .seurptittes wedding:1'
'•Ilouse. •
• •
breakfast . was served.. •The gitestsi.frOna '
; .a distancewere :.• Mr.. and 'Mrs -Shark
. . .•• of Toror.to, - Miss . G.iilloiw. and her
AN ENGLYSII •FOX II.R.R1,fiR • PUP 3iter, •
Tussle of Tiwonto, • Mrs. ' II:
'Air. Goo. Maims, 808 Mass.,
Ave, Indianapolis, Ind., writes:
idPeruna has done me more
good than • anything 1 have
ever taken. . I am forty-five
years old now, and feel
good as 1 did at 20. 1 rea
very thin and rim down, hut
Pcruna acted /4:st right in 12* case. 1. am a carpenter and some
times need a tonic. Peruna is the medicine for a poor mem"—,
Mo. A. Hughes.
A Congressman Uses Pe•ru-na la ills
'Hon. Thos. J. Ltenclerson, Member of
Congress from Illinois, and Lieutenant
in the Thilon. Army for eight 'years,
writes from the Lemon building- Wash-
iagtoia, D. O., as follows: •
• flPernna has been used In my fora -
1y with the very best results and 1
take pleasure in recommending your
• valuable remedy to my friends as a
ionic and an effective cure torcatarrh."
....Thos. J. tlenderson.• '
Catarrh assumes different pilules fn
different seasons of the year, In the
early summer systemic caterrh is most
prevalent; That tired, all worn out fel.
..• 14.1414 .weeks 1dwee .stolen Itronethe Ileeormiek. and 'anise Vera Rofidnsoncife
Trete lees: or ...theeoatereeewa • en oleo. Halm Otero,: •. 'Miss Alice (Jitney • of .T.Q11-
• 3oth. if nee' retereed before'. •Jely itim, Mrs.. Wilil 10111 SOMervilW.of Oriel;
r legal proeeediege will be itektni.---- Mrs. N•ye igeNeneie, Mrs. *Wm. Miles
Ceelek„ 'Varna. . • ' • 2.e.4 of. Vaneklear,, Mr. and Mrs. • • •Edward
J •
. • : • :NI of • Strat ford , .111isses Melee
.. • ,
and McKay 'of 'Walkerton,: Mrs.. rAlex-.
. • ••• . . , •
SEA LED • r•exolms Rye:* ander 'MoKewie !?f
• •
•Al eNtan1 et•
•, Stewal t of liclerave •Mrs.
• ing in,nine cases out of ten is clue tea
catarrhal eondition of the mucous mem-
branes. Peruna ses the mucous
membranes and cures the catarrh
'wherever leettted. • • .
There are no remedies for catirrh just
• as good as Peruna. Accept no substi.
If you do not derive promptand satis-
. .
factoreeresults from the use of Peruna,
write at once te Dr. Hartman, giving a
fulestetement of your ease, and he will
be plettsed to give. you' his valuable ad -
Wee gratis..
Address Dr, Hartman, President of
The Hartaien Banitariam, Colnminen•
Ohio. .
• .
. . . .
lOse• Cut Clo.thing Prices' I:
•. .
Loved, by tiL udersigited for „ • t.'-• W.. 'r ittel iss Witt tele . of • Clarion, .e. . .•
. .
' River. up to • Jr ly.. ; 81.11-. • Plans • • and
ivoceee bridge across • the Bayttem •
•• •• . Mies •Sitider Coact/wee 'iti
•'. M•rs. •:* ' In order to 'keep. pace 'with the ever, increasnig:. • e•••-•:.
• • •
GeOrirt! t:04117i011 ICOrW1e11.
• specifieations may be seen at. '• 1:he
• "•
1111s.; eNellie Smith of Clint/at is- the • .e- • • •
• • "mands for %Uici-to-date,: Readr,-to4wear alothling we Will
. .
• • • •
• Clerk.aiTeillfice,-.1:. E. Harnwell, Clerk guest Of • her 'auto., rs, 3 olut Yule. .Xplace in stOck • In twO or.three "Vveelts' one the 1..,..4. .!e
cf Ve.:rita 13, 0, • • 27-.2 MrS•MiSA fluidal:. A
, .•. • . the gitests• last Week of Mrs, .Abtal, v., on. „
.and Mr. Will 'Whitely of Clinton wei-e .on.d. hest assorted -ranges-of clothing je;Ter Shown
For this. purpose we have .chosen: the .famous .‘.`Reg-
%unix, dark -cloth: :flecked. with .• Mrs.'. P. B. Crewo, of •Kingston and
1,0st on • Unroll Rixi.d.;.,betWeen Clio" daxghter aro -the- guests. of Mrs. made .to snit. both young and old .• • . x
der will receiye. reward on. i•cturning' • , Mrs.• kites Price and two. 4,11-4.rs, .. -
ton wed: Goiter-L.6o .Tunci.' 13,the Vine Pridloune • a • ••.:•• :2; • . •••• •• ' • • • .... 4
•,-.1 the 'liaises •Dore: •cuift.' Man' .11a.ve* owe e: •
-tat I 4. • But it is not•Of the'Regent Brand 'we :wish • to speal•,
Lowr.t—A. Ltrri,F, f..3 M. 1.114,R• • Brand " well tailored modera.tepriced•line of cloth- X
::to .J.•41.1egaw,,Goderieb., , • • • •
• • • ' ' • lfaruilton relatives :.but Of the money..savint,)' room' making bargains' you. earl 31:
• •Great - •:•110W• filld i•ll • ur t - •
DOG *Slit A 1,71U i. -T 11 'ST R A yED -
front thetkireinisee of the undersigned'
• abe-ut three week's:ago,. a' short tail'
• :collie.. dog, black, • 1.,rown legs. • and
. • brown tips tow •eyes. 'Auncine . fee.
. • turning, senile or. gteing- informetion
• •.'wh•ich Will lead . to. its • reeOvery will
• greatly. oblege,--.-l'eter, McGee, ..
•• nte.sville P. • Oe • ,
. • • . • . . .
o s ore. . •• .•
• Mrs,' II. W. Ball and daughter, Miss 4.i4. ' . •"•. ; ..' ••
; • • , , •::••
tiler at 11ranclon.
, A 'musical faieW1•11 ,was • 11i6.1118 Grey Tweed regUlar $6..50 Value at 3.90 sit
on'. Frailty evenbig ley• Airs. Shirley, '1,Men s S.uits 'at $5--0(1(1 sizes in a nice: dark' $7 •
wife of the U. S. •consul. The tar re • • •••
(lining .was decorated for .1.1e • • ' 1 ft •
VIorenee have gone la spend, the sew_ 4.men,s
Suits at $3 90-L--(rily.. a few leftof our •
1)r.• and; Mrs.. Daniel a.t Hotel nediOrd : • • • • .•
oecasson. • The wall. a,t the back of the •:I'• -
• piano .• WaS • draped with • the - rnitio• M8 .$9 .•$.1.0.and $12 Suits; equally:cheap;
. . 7.. , .
•, Jack -neck Stars and. Stripes findeenall-• • ••• • • . ,. • • . • • , . • • • • ..
• loan • ]3u11 for s
neve. two
'hert •. Note,. lot
• .• • eening. .
i. t • AExtra Values in BootS and Shoes
• . .
'Airs. Dr.. Richardson cif Aylmer is • .
• . .• liii 1 • if at. u ••
• . • . ,
. • 'B ' r
. ' • •
• ,• • 5:00.' A
emeereeee.m • pane er flags adorned the electroliers.. •oy s. knickers at tiOc and 75c Men s Odd -Pants ,431 tip ;•
ale' nionthS Old. • guests, taring about thirty, Were .1. .•• • •
• • . ..•
• inet at the fOot Of the stairs ea they Odd Vests at $1 -Meh s Odd Coats at than half pricey
sel mai c icap. -
Star:ley" entered by Mr. and Mrst: Shieley, who' ee ,
24,• C0.11.4. 21 , •
x5 paid •them every attenlimi.ditring the. ,Sorno'areat values in adie's Wintewear. •
Lot 3, 32, con. 9, Goclericl towriship,
consisting of 8o acres, 40, acres seed=
ed. down, 6 acres in fall wheat,, or-
chard, brick 'house and bank barn..14.
mile from SCI100, 24; miles " from
•ITohnesville, •5 miles from • Clinton.
• Immediate possession can he
George J. Contell, Clinton P. 0.
tom e g ter •eaca on to esn n e .: , . . • • . .. '• 2.
Of Custrene House Officer Farrow. • ,• . es:: ' •
'Mrs..George Porter had a five-o'cloek A.
tea' be honor of hee• undies; Mr. R. Tye.. 'X
of Stratford and ' Captain Ediwaid 4 '.
Marlton- of ,Vancovver po• Saturday. t .
. Mrs. Captain McKay 'and: Mrs.,Neil y
Campbell returned.' on -.11Ionday•.from • . ai YTh
6 Old:Stand. • .
Clinton. 44
three monithe" visit' at- Toronto • aret
Brantford. •• -
MallE•inninallIMMIUMNOMMEageraliginaii1 I le JI 1. .0,1aamitutansumnimhEmil
1111 111111111111111 1111111 1111111111
00o Doors for 80c
$1.25 Doors for $1.10 •
$1.50 Doors for $1.25
$1,75 Doors for•
$2.00 Doors for $1.75
All sizes, from 150 to 40c
$ . All sizes at reducei prices
from 350 to $1.25
With cover from 20e to 60c
1 .• Without cover from 12 to 350,
1 -
2 prong Hay Fork, bent handle, strap ferule only 250
3 prong Hay Fork, straight handle " s 35c
,6 boxes Axle Grease for 25e
I COAL ALL SIZES—Ohestnut, Stove, Egg and Grate, • Farmers can have their coal any day they come. If
no cars in we cqn supply from our sheds.
Oval and fiat styles
• of Paint and Varn•
ish Brushes from 5e up
CAN OPENERS—From 8 to 12c •
Just the thing for picnics atid camping.
A PEW SECONDS—In Granite .Covered Pails
— at a very low price.; Just the thing for carrying
water to the harvest field. •
75e Watering Pot for 60c
50c Watering Pot for 38c
30c Watering Pot for 22c
CALL AND GET—Our special priceS ($ii Samson
Portland Clement and Binder Twine
Pure English; Paris Green 25e per lb,
. •
4,16,,,yeeatelieetwellelaellielareiktAiellseelea•Illeeh,Waasieeeeakeeloseaoleeeleaeiteeieelleile•estellkolas0,akenne3re 41bAb.411.-441bAlhAmbAb/..,•‘-vogr,ih.iwo*,446Alk,,
• Imaisasseseatiot.
<-,-.•,•ir.aaaalgraliajaiggilail I
••••••• 14•111