HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-07-07, Page 4' ^ The Newsy -Record published •every Thursday at • .The Nesse7,ReCorti • Printing Mesa • 4LURTSTREET, , CLINTON. Terineo aubscription-7$t per year in edvaatee t 14.5o may be eharged• if Hot se paid. No paper discontinued until eat arrears are. paid, unlese the option of the entblieber. The date to which every subscription ie paid is denoted on the lebele. Advertising rates- Transient. adver- tisements, 10 cents per uouperiel hue for first insertion St1d 3 centS per line for each subsequent insertion, Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such. as "Lost," "Stray- ed," "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents and vaeli 'subsequent in-, sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be aceoutpained by the name of the writer. • To tusure publication in eurrettt issue copy 01 a.dvertietnnents should be sent in early. Contract rates -The follooeing. table shows ottr rates for specified per- iods and space 1 yr. 6 eve, 3 mo. 1 rno. - I Column $70 00 .$40 00 $25 00 $8.-50. % Column 40 06 00 ,15 oo 6 oo % Coleinn 25 00 15 Q0 8 oo 2 50 '4 Column 18 oo to oo 5 so 2 ea Inch 6_ oo 3 50 2 oo 1 25 W. J. . Falitor and Prop, ietor., McKillop Township,' The. people at Cavan chiral, Wiatio rop, had a plot. entertainment an TINS- day- evening of .last week, The straw--; bernes and lee cream were mai . and the addresses and inasie were • ' ffirste ' " class. . .. -'. • Miss Alice Duras. has gone to. visit .. , relatives in Manitoba. We we:ill Iter . a, pleasam time while there 'andkl,'' safe return home. , e. Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Muskoka Were visiting relatives and friends here last - week. .. . Miss Elizabeth Shannon ailed -her ' aunt, Mrs. Berwick, have gone • . to. : Sault Stu._ Marie on a visit. , . . .. . Mr. Wm.McIntosh -and. Miss .. Mc-. Intosh of Winthrop •liat e taken a trip• to Maeitolta. ' - . - • - The meadows are E.,bcve the average:- beee this season, but .are a. fOrt!ilght. , .. later that. _ usual. • ' . . _. • A little .daughter has cottic toi.brighe ten the home of Alr. and Airs. ,Rielo . ard tit in . ; - ; . • •. e*. Atiss . Kate Foy, of Landon- has .lbeell. engaged to ieacli the schOotehr• sectioir No. 8 after. i he holidays, .. • . . • :el,. Miss' ..Violet Irvine has 'been' awaY. ' -•visitini at the. luentoof heo-uncle -. in .Blansh rd • for the past krt.-Wight; ...e • . I ,'.- . f . • 4;1E11114)11 1(4)137ti..1Z(col*ct JuIy Itti 194141 I I I I I I I The County Council Will Borrow $20,000. Owing to a. clerical error in a by -.w passed at the Jiate seSsion a to conaty emitted a, special Meeting, was held last week tor tbe perpose of ree. tifyin„,r it. The by-law in question is for the Purpose of raising $2o,000, half of thas amount to be applied on tl\e, wdaitiOIL to' the House (if Refuge and the baleree to he expended (ai new !Pr; ;Xitliet tir::(71 1 seareely t: t• x „ I. i i 10 alnieh the cornea tan borrow without a vote of •the ratepayers. The eetentkres 'will run ler fifteen years and will bear four per cent, interest at which rate they should command a premium. According • to the erovis- iene of the by-121w7$2,<x0 will be re- ed annually, $Soo for 411terest and the balance to _provide a sinking fund Death of a Sister of • Mr. David Cook of:Clinton. •Streetsville Review Eliza, relict of the late Joseph Re.gers, passed ' away at her home in Streetsville on Mon- day morning at tte good old age of 82 years, 1 mouth, A• few weeks ago slat was taking. up a carpet and in doe :hoe so hurt her side end had to take to bed. She did out get aay better, but 'granally grew worse and the result el the accident was ler death. Mrs.. Rogers • Was.. a delicate woman and it wwi 11 surprise to her family that •she lived se long • as An: Airs. Reiers leaves a faintly c six sons eta! one daughter to mettrn ter death: Samuel . or Alt. Vorest, -David and Henn! of Trafalgar, \ illiaio, Jetties end Ie homes and airs. S. oil •of Toronto township. Twenty -live grated - children and live great grandchildren survive her besides a sister,. Airs.. Gor- don,who Jive'. •with and te broth- er, Mr. David Cook t>f Chntou. The remains. were neteered in Streetweille cemetery. -Five . of her Sensand a gyettalson; Jos, Rogers of Toronto, race Led as pallbearers. . - West Tuekersmith. Port Albert. Misses. Gertie and. Liezie „ Cermet,' Goderich, spent Dontinien Day , their aunt, Mrs. John Grinten..- • Miss 'faunal' Wi1is is very Sick and under the doctor's care. • Miss Evelyn Hayden spent a few days in Gdaeriele the past week. '• William Quaid and Wife, ':Manitou, 1, Man., ere visiting, los parents. ".' • 1 The children! enjoyed their pienie tbe ist of July,' '. Mr. R. R. Anderson . is spending hclidays at his home at Constance, ' • Mr. and Mrs. .Telitt Campbell of Ste Helens spent the 1st' with her: par- ents. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge spent Dominien Day with Mr. and Nels. Pearson. • . , The C. O. F. ball on the ist•Was' a fair success. Evelyn Hayden a.nei Blanche Oliver if -wrote at the et.tranee e„t• Goderieli.. Both being smart -children (Lir. ' their • age we 'expect' they• will succeed in • passing. ' " • • . •• • •, ..• • „ East Watvanosh. • • j .1.rote_ein •was" rendered. • Mn.. 'Cape - land's gramophone _selections. bronglit• CoWn the grounds. 1)r; Selle•ry.sateg liass•'sol�. in a. way,. that. ; showed, .1.1.ti £iii.--effeets cif •Miss - Keiser's • voeee - A duettebe Aiisses Dina:dale and. Woodle.V - Showed - a harmanioe•s• mid tasteful • blending 'of • Voices, -'• .MiSs' ,WoodleY'S ,pittito .SeleetiGns were Much Rev, Mr..11I1cIatittan was in foie fettle .and• -spoke humorously:: • •A. .Branclt stio•wed how inar.rieelonten cOuld oVerpothe• domestic infelicity. When .tett late at uight* by •taleitiglame 'peace' offering. • Roy'. gr::: Shaw made: a. line' chairman,: • t. - • - • 'On WedneSilay afternoon •of - last week a -.evvitt. took place - the -residence .of Archibald MeGregor,• :Lon- don . Road, above i peen, : his daughter, JeSsie Istebel,•. was' united in marriage • with aloes . Mustard, - Mr, McLennan officiated. • Tim council met In the town hall, Seaforth, on June 25th. • The 1()110W- ing . resolution .was passed Med . the (Jerk instrneted to forward' a copy to• Mrs. Win: MeNatgliton ..i.Atoved 'by MeNerin, seconded by George fe, illaek, that. the,members of 'this coun- cil. desire to. express • their sincere, sympathy 'and..deem regret at the death of their late. colleague', Mr. 11'no. Mt: - Naughton, and we desire to place on record 'our high apPreciation of hint as a • Ainnecipal,011icer as well as our esteem tor hini as a Private gen- tlettan. We also' desire to express our sincere and .h.eirtfelt .sympathy with the widowand family 61 Ileeeitsed on account of the .irreparable 1.041 they have sustained. Ihat *the .elerk„151 re-. questetletb send a .copy of this re:ion'. ticat to Mrs. MeNaughtoe.l' Tlioree.ve issued his warrant fon'a new electiMe to lilt Ole vacancy caused by the death ofthe. late .\,'AteNat.ehton and notices, are tam 'out.. calling • a meeting. el the electors , titrong's hail on:Monday, ;tidy ..0.1t, at one o'clockfor the- neinination of • can- 'didates. The election will be held the. Monekey; if. one eh; necessary.. The snot:eat 5192.22.:Was. received from Parties 'assesSed forothe clearing . out- br. the -:lig" drain, who WiShed to • pay their . asseseetent in cash; Debentures for the balance of the emount• author- 'izedby by -law -were sold to James Me - Murray. of Hensall at par. Atesks. F.1111 Se. Cc. Welting completed ihoiz Contracts for the..Stewart, Gordon and, Ilottetao bridges,- were paid the balatre ee tiuctleni, $515..0. t01.0.,1 COgt or the superstructere for these three bridges ' is 517365.4o.. .Accourits were. passed amounting 'to '1;4 i 4.0.. The nee xt )*ittetolg will he held' at Seafoith Saturday,' 304-13otli, at one . . '• •.. • • The good ateople of Kkjmen. Alethedis elmech hav,e good 'reason- to eongrkatue late. themselves over the •Stlecess of their arden party*.on the spacious 'Old . beatai ;awn. .of. Joine Dmsdalee on. '1:tiesday. night,' Despite :the ,iippeara.ne eit Of. rain there was a: hue. torn • • oitt and thu receints amounted* to .$45.* A rich ancl varied 'slipper was ,served'' .orr long tables, after which 0.11.. fitt1:1r6Stipf,1 ' Air. .teeta Mrs. ,f-ttraunt• were At Home to a fe.w of their young trienes. Friday niel.e. • 111r. atid Mrs, •A; MeGoWan "spent. Senday at Mr, F. Andersen's. ..:, Mr. end • Airs. .1: A. Rath, who haVe been visiting friends it, this vicinity. • for sortie One, left last . week for 'Clin- • ten where they will Visit Mr-itatle's sister, Mrs. Kemp. •Froni •thetice they will return- to their home.' :in Dundalk. Mr. John Noble .of Sunday - ed at Mr. M. Walsh's.- Mr.' R. Corley left last Week ,tO•visit frierels in Essex minty, . Mrs. I'. Hallahan •and son, Mr. .l Hallahan, who have been st.h. visitors for some time,. left - for their I tine In Detroit last Week. ' . •• - >Jr. I). McGill, who •lias spent • the past year in Alberta; returued Amine last Thursday,: called by the: serious illness of Lis father,' 11,-. ;Ins: McGill, who we hope will soon be well, ••-,. • Mrs. .1. Coultes visited at Mr. •TlioS. Ross' last week. Mr.-ated Airs. A. IT.. NelherY.of Sar- nia bo,Ve 151011 the guests. Of...the' • for- mer's parents duriog the last week.. Mr. D. Danner pureliastd new bin-. eer from' Brun•scion Bros.. last week. Mrs. and the Misses Kettacily, ; who have been the guests of tir. and. Mrs. L. Nethery, return:0 to their home in Toilette last week, Mr. Ike Quiin attended the . • gard. en-. party at Lotieeshoto Friday night and reports a good time. It is said he did t.ot go alone. - Mr. Robert 141cOuire of Druce Algoma, Itas been visiting friends here recently. • Mr. .its. McCallum. raised- his new barn recently. Mr. Kennedy of Toronto was the guest ef Air. and Mr.e..• L. N'ethery recentjy. • Mr. Sentinel Walsit's WEIS the seem of a merry dance 'the. other evening. Mr. J. Coultas lots moved his house- hold effects to the Valicanip farm which be 1as rented for three years, Miss Lillie Neeliery -wee At Dome to a few ()litter frit/ids Mre evenitegt frast week. Aft enjoytAble Ulna Was spent by all. Airs. J. Bell le2,9 beeo very ill :tt the resideitce of her dairglitere • • .,as. ef. Wilson •of Myth, • Miss L. Livingstone of Myth e Twee been the guest of her aunt,- Mrs. ja.s. Cloakey, Messrs. Thos. Williams and 1,1Tilliaen Love attended the I,. 0. L. meeting at Pelee -aye ena fecertine ittembera. Tlelgrave will soon riVnl tolideShOra it1 the Mee ita Maur: Lodge, • .Blyth. • . • Mrs. John Witford and • Mr. F. C; Wilford were in •Worel-stoek at tending the 'eocarriage of Mr. ,Morria • Nesbit atie. Miss Sadie MeTilteherit. The. groont. .19 the youngest son at .Mr, and Mrs. James Nesl? t. of this village and the bride • is a popular' yomig lady of Woodstock. Air, C. Wilford ' per- formed the duties et groomsman. Mr. Norman Murele cf Clinton has been engaged tcr.teach P. Se S. No. 12, Hullett and Morris, Iris duties will commence after the summer yam - tion and the salary will be $350 1,ier Outten. Miss 11f. Glazier has 'resigried her' position, as teacher in I% S, No. 11, Hullett and Met Witwatiosh. Porter's Hill. Sesforth, Rev. A. K. Dirks, the new pastor of the Metleelist. eteerele occupied the pidpit• _of that -elturch on Suuday. happy event toale playa lest The- Ooderich. Like A 1Viiracle • 4.1.4+40:440:44.4.1.:,•1,..),:,“:«4444.04 ••• Miss Tilsit; Dell of Detroit spent her vaeation, with her 'areas, Mr. :net Mrs. W. Dell. Una SleCor uielt anti daughter Tot rsdey 1:e4 1110g iI,the marriage ot Mr. A f-tltulfa111,11m:. 11481111011, :Wynne Price and Miss Alice Ca:1511)1nel, Alfsa ),"cla Robinson e..1 Several of our hillebitants took in the exeursion en the Oreetiound ' Detroit mai all report a ni(5st able time. \ J mites Munition v• isi ted at Porter's 11111 on Sunday, Miss Laura Bannister of Ann Arbor is visiting frieeds here. All are pleas- ed to see ler pleasant face once more, Mrs. Stewart Macdougall, who has been very ill, is, we aro pleased to stty, slowly recovering, Mr, mid Ittre. Fred Mergate have the Sympathy of the community ;it the loss of their infant eaughter. Mr, O. C. Potter ham MAIL hoge addition to his hetise which, improves the appearamie pf the village!. of Seaferth at the residence (51 the the sirine city registered at the limas 'bride's brollier Titekeremith. Louse aleie in lone rind len for „ ughan on The sday Ite re tley A largely attended meeting of toe tisited Mrs. Hanson, sister of Mrs, representative farmers of the surroun- Gang townships. was held at the Com- . Meteial House ou FrIday evening to consider the project of fortmng joint stock vompany for the purchase ei threShing outfit. The outfit •corakilete will cost • . in the neighbinlocci .of $3,000 and is one of the new machines with an attachment for cutting, straw, The PrOject was favorably looked upon: "by those present and in all abort six- ty 'farmers will forta the conpany. A. pretty weeeing took piece; or; TueSday morning. of last week in ft: Jame:4' chereit, :when Air. Jack' Ryan ei Welton was etrited in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Dickson, .0, • popular yorag lady ig Seefortia Rev, Father Corcoran performed the ceremony. 'rho bride was supported by her sister,Miss TeSsie Dieksote who. looked pretty in a dress of white voile withethleen titre hat and carried white carnatious. Ur. James Ryan Was best -mart • A. quiet weild:ng was celebrated in* St. Minas church on Wedr.esdey who* Miss A.libie Powell- totid tar. L. C. Jai:loam of the firm of -Jackson Broth- ers, was united in" marriage. The ceremony wet; performed by Rev, Rur- al ISZeoiellodgias and the bride ,Kwas O'Connell sang at the offertory "Rest Alelortatek. Miss •Gruee Straug left on Friday for Mcntreal to attend a summer class in French .10. conttectioe with McGill rniversity. .11iss Strang of Orinesby Iligh• School will accompany tier sis- ter. Mr, 'and -Mrs. Cinude Fisher of ,e-ine ton took up their residence here 1st weele in Miss Oliver's .turniellted Loose 0.12 AMUR:. 1111.8. Layt(gt cif Clinton Mid her daughter, :SUNS Ilillette w(nt: the guests last week of Mrs. Walker. Miss lime of Washington, 1). Zs the guest of her sister, Airs. Calitorne. AIrs. A. J. Paitridge and little dau- ghter are the -guests af Mrs. J. O. -Keefer Of Norwood. Will Smith of Dattle Cteek, hntmerly of 1.110 Bank of Ccaumerce here, .- enjoyed kis short visit here wenaleOully. Alr. and Airs, e. E. Shaw left . week on a trip to. Eliglard., The funeral of the bite Catharine Amelia •Velfe of .Policeman Richard aeleileu, foot. plata: on Satur- day. Thee requiem mass was vele:hott- ed by Red. Father McRae. Mrs .i J. 1):' given 'away by. her brother , Mr. Chas. in the Lord,' . -Miss Florence 'Tranneh . of Philadelphia. A'. flambee of song at communion the. pret o ty sol 11 22 friende of Bir, and Mrs. Jackson "Face_ to Face" and Mrs,: J-. J.. Doy- nssetubled- at the ,vharch to witness tiee ll: sing ' the "Dies Tritte'l The pall- eerenamy. -. - - • e • • -, bearers were four relatives of the (1e- ' • .' • - ' ' ‘1‘,ased lady's fain Is, Thom aie - . and .Martin Cummings, Dennis Neville and ... . .. . Meeting of Disiriet . son .1, 1). Neville, anei Walter Shar- man of town end. 'John Redmond • of •• . .. 1t,,.,* 0.01 'The decea.sed was Married R T. .of T. Council. Erinville by Rev. Father Hogan on June 25th, e883. 085 she and • At. 91e semi-animar meeting 'of the lair husband came front Addington to Huron District,' Royal Tempters of Huron, . living seeqessiv'ely in St. Temperance Couneil. lield in Clinton Angustine and Westfielei and have last week, fthe fb,114..aing coirrtoitt0i! re- been. 2li Years in Goderich. purts were presented : • • Phalen le•av es to mourn:their sad Itees Report of Committee on Distribution. a "loving husband and . four children, 1-Inasinuch as the letter of our Misses Hanora (Dora), Nellie and District Secretary seen.s to in -ti -mate Hazel,andonly one. eon, Master Wile that she cannot perforin the 1211t108, lie. gout as en .active secretary is imperil- • At North street chervil on the °Stela Lively neeessary in the interests " el' noon of Flower Sunday Miss Millie this District Cornell, We recommend Campbell Presided at ilio organ. Sup, that Mrs..F. W.. Watts of Clinton he eeiateedent .Pridhant • addressed the THE WONDERFUL Discovultv- A NIPINSING MAN. STRICKEN WITH PARTIAL PARA- LYSIS UR WAS UNA131,,K TO VSE niTIIER RIGHT ARM OR RIGHT - LEG. ilir John Craig, a Well known far - fuer 1 iv int; near N i pi ssi ute dis- trict, Ont., is another, et the ermty paralytics who towes his present.. good lealth and ability to go . Omit -If not life itself -to the WW2 of Dr. 1Williams Pink Pills. 111.1. Craig gives this experience as follows : "Dot fcr (the blessing of God and the. us.e - of *Dr, Williams Pink Pills I do not be- lieve that I would be alive today. - I was stricken wah that terrible afflic- tion, partial paralysis. I had abso- lutely no power iu my right min or leg'. WU'S not able _to sit ttp-e 111 fact if I tried. to do 80 I would fall over, P Lad to bit lifted like a ehad and my family and friends, believed death was very near. The doctor told me that he weld do nothing for me am" that • I was 'liable at any •mement. to have a secend stroke which would carry me off. was in this dtedlorable. condition when was advised to use Dr. Williams Pink PilIs.- I sent for tkree boxes. and be- fore they were all used. I mule, • move 'the lingers on: hand, - bad • Mtherto :been absolutely emelt, aed powerless. -• tt can 'scarcely Imagine my joy at • this coitv hieing preof that the pills were loleiug tutu From . Obi on I kept. getting stronger and the. -control of tuy paralyzed limbs • giretettailv eame litkelte uutil .Wati again able to .witili alit ut and. even. tually ' to . woele. To my nvighbers my cure seemee like a miracle rii iii)1 One of them ever: expected to .Set.: 3111e la•t Of 'bed tisitin. i gladly 'give per- missicn to Intl:fish th.. siticy • of • my cure with the wish tl at.. it .tney bring :life aed hope and tieti.;**:„.' .0 some other sufferer." . l The etre •of. Mr. Craig giveti . kiddie 11 031511 evi•dtitee 11 kt.' Dr. W il 1 i am s Pink Pills are not an ordinary medi- ',eine. and that • their .power. to . cure I in all troubleS 'of the blood or verve8 pletee.8 them be'yoial all other , ittedi. ..eines. - You ;can teet these pills from • any triediente dealer :or direct Ily•tnail . itt 50 • Petits 2. 14,1*.c. or six boxes for $2.56 . by writing • 'th, 1)r. Williams Medicine Co.', •Bro•ekville, 'Out. See, that • the fell nannt• hIrr. Wil•liains, Piuk -Pills for Pale People" is printed. apPointed -to •eoly net .- the work durtlig .ekiildren. . . , oil. -the. wralexper around every box. • . • • • . . . • the balance .of _ the ' term. • . . • . , . . . . .• ... . .. .. .2. -.That the .advisahllito of ••• again a...1...M..isGsraje4e.".chatilp3irt(a1;,ii•-bentlit•rosiet-,illi-st•r.sailtielinnte '. . ' . . . • • . . . urging . upon -the Grand- Cinoteit the ing a two weeks' vacatton liere -the:- men.orial for direct jtayment of the gneSt.'of mother and sis•ter.. 'District tax to the District' Coutteils Missjifl MeMteth, teacher:, Tercel:to, .for ,whonteit. is raised, be 'ageite eon-. is .spending her vaeatien i1t her' home sidered. ley this District. Connell. • 11a.ylield Road. •• • • -' '112 question. of A einiier- IlIr. and MrS. It, Ransforeit Clinton, ance, 111 .politics, as sttggested ,by .the are in their "eettage by the sea,"-* District CoMicillor, be sulitnitted".to a Captain • • A. (11(2 ;31: Louis :Expo:400n. . McGregoe. is: at the: special committee .consisting r District Comte Treasorer • John- ' Mrs. I,ciftlia Ei Dance)*has returned' stem and Airs. C.! Campbell, '•• • tram. r. viett to Sarnia -end Detroit. ..,...4e -That tint queetion. of *official * Airs...111. 21ie2111t1ites 'of Botireielii.s..the visits of „the ,D,steiet Cotiecillor.lie re-: guest of .her sititee,HATI.S. Abtore; • furred to the .Conimittee Stete or ...vrr, and Mrs.. 1 endall':'.•and family*. 04 tha Dreier .4 .and' the matter 'of sernions Cliesley :Tee! their holideY's -With •Mrs., ou ',Ventecomee to the Committee' .on. I\ 1144118. 11,rs:.- .:Tetwiteraitee' work,. ee. 1: • AI 1‘. and*. 11/1:s. Tint .11161;i:tinhaVe The 'report WaS adopted as.read after taken a trip to the state- of Washing -full. 'discussian. ' : • .ton. fct the benefit of Mrio• McLean's: Rept:rt. of .Continatee. on State of The health,- . . • ' ". „Order:, . -Mrs, Sandy 'Ale.Lean. ii visiting her ut , 1-Yocommittee' believe. 'that the* datfgliters• on Detroit: • .. • • • • Distioet Councillor. Shoehl. visit everei. 211i',',Vesl3 • Watsou. las' obtained Council. ill this District at, leaet mice leave .froin the sehaol trustees to at.' the present' tuna and suggest tend the .Nortoal ..College • al Mo1i. ilia Ite notitY the • Select 'and Ntee• fer one 'year. ••111.1ss LeTcnizel has been. Councillors Una Secretary of each •appc.inted to take Lee'pl 402dteisva- vouncil of the (111122 of of his *visrt Mid ealemo • ' • ileigheoring 220011221 IS , to *attend ‘. with: i -eh are the geeiete of -her Parents, -Mr. ()fl 'hitineon :melt • in eine ease. klifere Airs, LeTouzel, : 7 the Officers: of a neighboring ,Ooloteil urs, Alex. Mehean vour 2201 attend 'With . 'nottelee. councillor,. respondent tita:t her hosbahol and all on the necessary travelling' .expenses or 'the Tug IVA•elyt• While at:the Nortille those; vOoperating he patd, • • ' *. .weee Reef fisilieg •sew Shoals trf potati> Th-e-•ri:pitrt was adapted, the leiers.Switioniug clown, •' triet tax to remain at 'two. cents- Po; . Mr. Been of': C6.1borne has botight Member to Meet -the expenses : th. the ilogan farm. " - work propesed. .• • . • • • • • . •. . invite the• officers • .and Moaners of :ors. JOnes Duart.' and.' taut ehilde. Goderieh. Miss Guest' of the "London Normal School class ill after the tnicisinirtuer Nacattot • teiteli the .,Tunior 'Divisien of .'•Ilayid'•s Ward schac I. • . Uiss Queenie. Rabertsthe late .teaelt- er of the .Jurdor DiviSion of St. Dave id's ward school will a.ttend the Nor,- tual schtial at -Hamilton this year.' • 'Air, end Mrs.' A.. W. • Stobi22. ha:ye. re- turned. to thetr. home *at •Seaforth ate - ter a pleasant -visit at the residence of Mr. •and Johri • . Miss Daly eef the guest. of her. Sistel., Arrs. J. I), . , • Mrs: '1,`; likrk. Clintini spent aeon - :pie of • days: '01 ' towa fast Week, the' •gutiteusitteyeatni'ine;;;sr.el.titt,isc,ems,..111rs..• Fred'. mOst Sincerely -thank:ow friends, hMeilt7tleill'aOrfic,..6rro'SCPSa. SE1(1)61.1)17a.rleal large Nile or a • pretty 'botplet Oef poeny rbse •e8,. -sweet 'and ribbon' grass, • tributes • for Deaninien, Day, We heve teft. thank • Mesdaines Capt;) Gundry,' Jeseph -111titel.V; W. Gorclint p.ed .priiikwalter " Ihr• ,weeldie.g. favors: • • in 38110: ' • "`• • • • • . .. • • . . committee dr, • Temperange Work. . .• ....• \ --- - 11 -This committee Ndieve :that ' C.4. - . ' .. :i : .. ' ' ." . . ' ' . . ' . - be preached. during- the S..eil.r '. by each • .'. McKillop. -... - • •least. two tintrperance :senor:its 4110111(1f close:Oman in 1.14. 1111 aed we : re:. •. 11.C.voters'. list for. tliis towiesUp. .co)emend Ado tee s.,to, :nee came. • for woe has lteeti issued' and from it aed feee.reeary ..e, 1 e,,,ee, , , :mai, he a• we e gather •the following stati•stics• 1.. coluniatee .to 'itferView th... elereeetter. - The- °821111)er ol.. 'Persons eligible te•.vilte their'sc'etions••te diet .vaie efts, As_ at heti' ntithiCipal 1103..t148122- and elev- . 1411.! 4. 5(811 trl allgLll1*111s i'. 10 31 52 ..tientet to tin. : Legeelat•ive. .11,Sseitinly- deietired • advisable. •,wheee (OiiSLnt1$ .654 ; pe1 8O218 • elig•i'ble• ice vote. at. •eltictiens citily;'-'4'20:: persona •2e-e1'itat 11 CoPte this i.e.:taint:ion. be. :0•41.7.11110 (..vt& at elections ie.'. the sent tc. each eIergyinall. tied. to .each Select Councillor: or to the Secretar22 . to be :read :in the C.otliteil, -•." 3 -Your cornenittee: ask" this .- Conn cxl to s,etteider the guestien' of having. e, ee,g, TeMperance -Rally gatI:erin r . pienie at ..80121'Central pciitt itt the.. near:.futtiee,..t0 Whielt -sMiie prominent speakers shaald Ire invited.. • • - . remises ,1 nd•"2. were' adopted as read and •elatise 3 feleared. tri• -.the - • total meeting. ill .Talitiary for • eorsieeir- atione the sentiment. of thosa,•pre.sent * being • -1 pen ins ouSly • in . favor of. the . •propettCd g-atliering, but -.the -.majority . la,vored •Doneinicat. Day toi•• • the piost suitable mid ccitvenien t • for.1 a larg-e • • . Mr. 'Thos. Naftel of • aoderielt gave 12 rePOrt Of . attendance at Grand- h.e received avote After the 'Passage of softie accounts -the report of :Treasitrer, Johnston was .reac'i and .adepted as follows : ••. -from ...January •report 5 89 Reed, from Pis, Sees'.. • ' it 15. Recd. train 'Orrend CC5111e1I . . •' Disteict tax 'collected ti • .Legesiative •Assend•lv• onle,, 36. There are 400, persor.S elinible to serve. as jurors... • • • $28 94 Expenditeres-bills just Passed 6 66 Balance on baud . • . $22 28 Ilikettr was selected 128 the place* of holding the annual meeting 101 Jae - nary 2905, and a hearty vote of than- ks .was teadered the mentbere of T,c,y. alty Council of Clinton for their gene .eroa's hospitality in entertaining the District Connell. . • Baby Laughs. Daby • lalighs .whett mother 'givee him Daby's Own Tablets ; they taste goof!. and make him well mid happy. They are mother'e help and baby's ko-ery day friend, Guaranteed to' mitten.' Ino opiate or hannial The tableee aid digestion, cure collo, prevent diarrhoea, elertnee the bowels, aIlay teefeeng irritation, mid cure nil the commune ills of ehildinexl. Xi, cross, sleePlese cloldrett in homes where Baby's Own Tablets are useei, Mrs. M. Ready, Denbiele 0511 a 'seys : 'I don't knOW. t% 1. raise I yen give Ilabv's tiwn Tablets ' than say that 1woino5401il oion 10 .the holm. T have foteld diem all tha& is claimed arid keep them cm hand to tueet any emerge Arty," Sold by all Medicine dealers everywhere, 01 sent by nein at 25 teti(e by writing The 1)5., Williams' Medicine Co., Drocktelle, Ont, 000000 > . 4 .• • • . a Pin .uttg t -m 101•11. •i• e 0000000 • 00000 • . Guide. . .• : ••• - The handsome_ oublieatiiin •wIrieli the Grand. Trunk RitilWay •Syston has 'is- • t..1.8a1cit'icr'ieli b;:ca. eyrIe'''(:ievlee(11,141,t 11:;.0.a6iieriof .1., Company. an,. (.4-1(...gt4 with rcqnes- :ts .:fOr copies of tlie pnblicatiOn, TIor 'hook . 1.8 li Very 1 usefel tee, giering•125 It doee a, brief,• though etimprehensive iltscriptim • of . the $50,60(5,000 Fair, in - eluding the 'best,..tnaps...af the Worlae ,Grotor414,, •1•• .81.. Louis ':a.rd the.. (lrane.. Trunk Railway System ;thawing V..etriable roitteS to and' - front - 'the i.*IYory • ' No one elioukl miss. securiug a copy' which will be sent , MeI)er•alcl, District 'Passenger A• gent, Tarmac>, on•reeeipt• a . four cents jui elanips. . • • \ 6%)0 00000000000 • 00 31 31 3. 3. 3. 3. Wall Paper 3. 3. 5. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. :is the most effective and most economical method of improving and brightening of the . interior ..• appear, ane of your dwelling. 001 the' many beautiful paternsi •many of • them exclusive in our new line, vie are certain you Min select eaSily the right paper to milt your tasteand purse, • Let tie show you onr handsome array of stYles.. ALL P.A.P.Olt Tursomn OR.E.111. , . IMQ.KINNON & CO eeeeeeeeeeee, •,. .• aelokie/eeekik5eert..•1+1.440.****00.4e.e.el ••• ** ItliL 1 4 INERY .1? y Men 4 13albriggan Unclerweette.i» all sizes,. at 25e, 35e and We,- leidies' Eine Underwear, in vests ttlgi deawere, at 7c, 8e, 10e, 15e • Lialrefs"'11.;2.f(e' t)tny Hose, with btee fronte, in 2511 25-e. 1.44, 4301' feloyee, in silk,. taffeta, 411(1 -Visit, 111eend, in plainn•nd lace effects, in black. white and et'eaiti, at 15v, 23)e,. 2,5e and85. • Ladies' French Kld. Gloves, in white,. black and colors, at 75e, 85e, Aleitti.1341311adok$162a5s.hi»eee Sox, Silk tette anti j1(4,']5, at 25e and 80e. . •1 Men's Overalls, in blinds, Wile and fancy etiiites, with or without bibs, very special at Me, 75e, 85e and $1. Alleti's Valley .8t1AW fiats, new mud Vert, swell; tit Z/00 ' • •• Boys' Snits, in all sizes,..froin 25 to 33, ft ow $1.50. to $5. • . - •4* .• Alett's Suits in ee,T(atevittlety, at $3.50, $1,:51), $0, 'Wand $10. . . • Carriages and Go -Carts Now its ihe meaeon ie drawing to a eleee W22 41114 1101410118 10 redileo oar atiek to tile loweol, pos4ibh" point. We will Carry nothing 01.1e1' to ;1l3111 1)44' season if low prices, will clear them out thir stock is all new and op -to date in 'rettionell mid Untrimineel flats, iteady-to-weavs, Sailors, 1•Xe., ;deo Palley 'Trimmings, Feat la ars, Floivere. Dnekles, Itibbone, Vidifone, Etre From rem rili the end of the 1('1403 0- WO: Win melee terrine rmloctiontilo pric('s to clear. 1,* :f „;. S tTMM E R Cp1-001)S - on,, stock is Inily ass 5rt air the hot weathe'. Most of the folk *.s. owing goode weie bought months ago before the advance in • .2 P5 ices, and will be sold at old prices : ee .e. ee *1;4. * 4.1P 4:4 4.44 441. • • ". 7: .. - limeNa•- Marafimiaroyi..101.17 - , frq-i7:10"..amptior 'Imies¢1.3•21ww77- McKINNON & CO MYTH • * ". 4' 4,....144..41$4.4) 06+44 •40...............++++. A Very Pretty Shoe . • • .., .... ., ... .. t 74. weTbsealti'sr,v, $1.2t,151.ey all say aboilt the "Peeilese Shoe" for Lneliee, which * • Sie .: 311 39 made of fine Dongnia Kid with iepatent tip, Cuban heel Ine51- • ' lime sole and medium round toe. • a . et• * <Kee 4.01)0( 00C.K.X41..0, ,•E NX..3, X* k *1060( 3,-.0.36. %%AAA." it,* ,, i f y Al tjue.aufkyoMprjencl, t i i. . ' * • . : • • • • .A Shoe -That ' • las well • 78 . . . Looks well * ! • . .. i1l'4".6:'a.aree. . . eeeeee:ee3ai•rs. 11. Q1,11I. d7;::;77;:>eeeleeeeer*"Y074EWE4$0 tA KJ ae • Allizes ;1::.nd have a look 0niryoi3Oofftlair. • 41. ': In Men'sShoes we have sOine yery nice lines at front $2,501,0 $5. • .. , . Here's Soniethiitg-for the boys- in s*a 7 to 10 for. 05e, - ' * : 0 t 0 t . 11. to 1 for 75e 4) 2' to 5 for 8:ie. Just the. th. . ing for the' Sum neer Holidays. . . • • • Forethe Girls,--A.boot 50 . pre of Kid Rettoned, Diced Boots end Strap Slippers, 81505 11 to 2, worth 5 frant $1.2to.$1.75 all' going . • -- 4t) • .Also 25 pairs Ohildren's Oxford and Strap Slippers to clear at 0;.5e. The .0Icl Reliable : WM TAYLOR & SON *t.**********444,..40044 44..44 ••4•444,•4•4.0.4)404).+44.........***•440...t...... J. 13. HOOVER. . NELSON BALL I • . FURNITURE UNI)ERTAKING WE• • • Play now safely predict the advent of Spring.. You will require Furniture. 41`. 44' See us about it before buying. • . . Sewing tiViaciiine's. . High grade; •up=todate, made in ,•-Canada; Machines.- One • • . • price to.all. - . .• :•. • .HOOVER 84 BALL. 't t'Night and Sunday cats answered as residence of either of the princi- •4.*****••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6'100 0 0016 C.)' it THE' GREAT CASH STORE (.2) (0_ re? Poi' the next two weeks we will offer to, (11? BARGAINS IN THE -MILLINERY .1 `(:)) (..) • Depa.rtinent. Everything pertaining to Summer ri) 69 Millinery is to go at sweeping reductions. r.) It will pay you to .see•what we are offering in €t)• LADIES' WHITEWEAR • • We secnred a bargain in that line and are selling, them at greatly reduced prices. • 0) e) • (e) See what we have in • CO • The new 100f Go•Claita with their ewell Automobile gear' and rich enamel finish are on hand-, They are deeidedly smart and unto -date, prices horn $10,00 to $25.00, • Children's Carringee and Xpress Waggons $1to $7.50 (4) .,„ (c) LADIES' BLACK UNDER.SKIRTS.' -0) le} 4 At will be to your advantage tO get Prices before bilying elsoWber We hatte it snap in Alen's Harvest Shoes, Ah2o 48 fine range of ;`"1-1) BOOTS, SHOES AND, TRUNKS. • • • • 04,000000000000000000000000 00000000 41 • .......1 4., .42...,••• ••,-,.....••••••• • ••.,...2,..• ••_._••,,,-...• •....••••• • ••••• •••-,••,•-..• • • • • • • ,e) Any quantity of- Butterand Flggs taken in exchange for goods. • • . M McBEATH, BLYTH- 0000000 000000 • 0000 000 C.OXo.A.‘411X...13X.i.XiXoeo• 0000 Progressive business men. advertise in The NewsoRecord. • •