HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-30, Page 44
The .4 ewswPecord
ie published every Thuadn'y 'at '
The NeWs-V.ecord Printing House
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a.dvalice : $1,50 may be charged. if
not se paid. NO paper diseontinued
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. Tito
date to which every subscriptiou is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates— Tratiaient adver-
tisements, to cents per noupariel
line for first insorlion and 3 centS
per line for each suhsequent insertion.
Small advertisemeats not to exceed
one inch, such as "Lost," "Stray-
ed," "Stolen," etc., inserted once
for 35 cents and ea.elx subsequent -ins
sertion to cents.
Communications intended for publica-
tion must, as a guarantee. of good
taitlt, be accompanied by the name
of t1.0 writer.
To insure publication in current issue
copy of advertisements should be
sent in • early.
Contract rates—The 10110a -big table
shows our rates for specified per-
iods and space ;
1 yr. 6 itio. 3 nio. 1 mo,
t Column $70 00 4o 00 $25 00 $8 59
1,4 Colman 40 ou a; 00 15 oci 6 ao
1/4 Column 25 oo 15 oo 8 00 2 50
Column 18 oo to 00 5 so 2 oo
Iuch 600 3 50 2 00 .1 25
Editor and Pro 9, it tor.
Here and There.
A competent authority says du Mb-
eral• nulmbers cjf th.! .}kos uf COn-
mons are thoroughly dragooned, a
terse way _of statiug that not. on.01..
tient dare scarcely call ,his SOO • •hi.s.
owtj ia inF„,tters with- which,the
motts has to deal.. This is,. perhaps,._
what might be expected, but it i
nom: the less to ..be regretted for -it
indicates that !Bossism" s Ireate
in What. was once a Liberal party., •
• "
Mr. John I,c.rn Macdougaj,-. Auditor -
General, has. retired, tired teathe point
f xhaust ion, as he States himself,
in attempting to prevtia tke I,attrier
party Prom, raiding the treasury,
Matdougall is bilyeral and. was • .ap:
pointed by tle Mackenzie Gov.entraWit1,-
but the. attee set by. the Laurier Casa-.
elalliellt it to swift for hint and hl.
hs resigned, much to their delight:
It gives them a freer hand. l•
• •
Sir _Frecieriek Bordtn, Ministe' .'Of
has made statennMtaitf the
noose oICtimmors whieb have—been,
promptlyand flatly contradieted:: Tlie
Toronto New!". says a•.liar -should have -
no.. place in a-t2onadian- . COvernment
Lnd•. intiquates • that Sir Frederick
should. re t i re.' l3t • a minister who
whL stra:u at 7the -truth. is nOt likely
to- have 11.41c1i regard for thc:other. tine.
Lord Dtimlonald has been unable to.
get along' with the Ottawa. Goverri-!,
nient.- Ile is a gentleman of lintlepen-
()mt. means, has WCA7I filtlie itt.active
service, is not interested in' 'Canadian'
political warfare .and has 'to 1.6
grind: He labored hard to 'make the;
Canadian militia efficient.; hat has
been continually thwarted hy the'(.46v-
eminent which is seemingly inore.ccnr
cerned in promoting am iti.t.s party
friends than' in thoroughly equipping
and traintailtirg the .force. .• This, state
of atiaire continued until Lord Dna:-
60na1d's patience • beearne .exhausted
and he gave public eXpr.essiou to his
dissatisfaction. The Goverualott has.
since had trinity • • impleasas.t. -hones
atul atleast two of its members •are
accused 04. del.herately. making ' false
statements. • •
Week In Parliament.
411t .
ament -during, the past week'.
a '1* t\ A private ant% Covet -Meet -Oa
i 441I, 4
v ...onservatives in the
bit were nsedered. Two , private
—4 , were defeated on strai7.
mates < r.
to as
One wits.. ill measure
osi ions as masters aml
ve,.aels to British :stria.'
jects.... ' h. fitc 1 States •so protects.
its ; bit on this side of Abe:
line the nerican has as free a ltar!cl
as the 'Can ad Mit. he Other ordinance
was to make the railways. keep Watch
wee on all erossings, 111 toWiii. or :vill-
ages where the...speed of ti-ities is "ex-
cesaive ard likelyto endanger life, .
In supply the Opposition were • able
to allow It at the. al Mister of ALeriee
and, Flatteries had been disposing of the
property of • the Ititel to la, °rites.... at
prices fax below ,their true yalttatiorta
Several seisudals of this .nature!.•were
ventilated, 1110 Alin,ster, •respoimible
for this sort of thing, wais imable to
give any infortliation to. .to the. .reeson
tor so treattipg the 4. roperty • of those,
he represents itt Ilia ofjieIa ettpaei ty.
The Inindonannloisher incident Was
brought up by ,the leader of 'the .0plio-
sition who *declared, by restitution that
the Government had no right to allow
the Militia to be made it canal:mg terc.-
taw! for political's. 11, was adman .tha\
the M•inister of Agricaltrire hail. not
only interfered ant k .11te In•Oper. 'carry-
ing out of the pleas of the General
Officer Cotratiateliog fee the improve-.
ment, or the eorce, . but that he :in isrep-
resented Lite facta of Oaf, case in the
House of Com:noes, by . reading' a sin::
tement ahich was 4 f ariance with
remarks alade by 1 iqtt on the seeeei.
arty at a tater stage of • the reedit
debate on the question. The 'Liberals
enclared that the expulaioe of taaal
Dundonald front the coMmaltd, of the
tnilitia was it vtaa er proceedinre atul
that Mr. Vieher hatt done right
meddling in the work of the most com-
petent officer that hag ever teatime/id-
ed the Canadiati forces,
A Tribute To Dundonald.
(Sir Frederick Berdeta itt iontreali).
(October 223
"We might congratulate ourselves itt
this country mt baying at the head of
the tuilitarf side of tite iffilitia, De-
partment a e. attleinan who understood
the ilitprrlattee of all he (Sir Freda
W.) bee. said. (Cheers.) He Was not
only a great warrior, as lie had proved
111 &Vett battlea-a(eheerS)eablit he
was a, man of stand sense ard n•Ig:1
inent, • Who . was Isere for the purpese
not of Alfaggreldisfinert, not .of
playIng to thegalleryand having his
name and .priases soundtd on every
possible .opportunity, but of develop -
big' the. Material he found into me Of
the hest fighting farces en the earth."
"A Foreigner."
(Servant Brown .(11ot/trea1) .of the
Royal astla Victoria, Fusiliters—and of.
the 'First Contingent—reads OW Wil-
frid's speeeh in the mess after the ev-
ening parade and speaks his mind.) •
"A foreigner," Loy% !, That beats trie;
1 ear.'t get over that. '
It fazes me entirely 1 don't - know
where I'm at. •
The rnion Jack is upon the wall ;
doesn't look lot torn ; •
And I wondet. 111'111. a "lareigater,"too
in the' country where I was born. •
Sir Wilfrid calls iota "a foreigner,"
alien in mind are) in heart.
Then were we a "loreign'" tegion, soar-
ing .the Oneen for lure. •
When we marched with Roberts eeross
t1t2 veldt; ;trying to do our part, "
By the Gordons' side, in long days'
m•arelt; ets Croatie's. pitiless fire .
I wonder if I'm it "foreigrer?" • Was I
- -serving a• "foreigu" Quetit ?
Have I lost .My -Canadian birthright in
Oa places where a have. bccr. ?
havenever been under a different fittg
from the ma: ota the wall there now,
But r•either has Lord Dundonald e and
, yet he's a• "foreigner 1Iow•S .
Gottiata, Shrtipshires and Corttwalls ;
Boys of ite Old Brigade,
Wars it it stranger's welcome we got
from yote •comrades ? No• 1
Right from the lseartamy brothers; an6
brotheas' cheerful aid. •
Vie; did not kulw wewere...I:ore:linter/xi'
till- Our Premier told tat •so, • • •
sorra alma $ir lt 'livid a I. thicin-
ght lthe a r.Ighl: t.tOoa kind ;
And 1111 torry I gave hint a vote
Iwo before he: shuteye 118 his ,miad
.11(.11., never give him another while •
the Modder grass grows green .
O'er suy celarades who • died .a...eatli
.• "foreign" thug in alte pay •of t fer-
• eign" Queen—
Morris .Township.
' Mrs, Jas, Cleanan tantlftisa• Cletniart
left.for Detroit. on Tuettlay .of last
Week. Mrs..C.leuntin has . gone. in " the
interest p.f her health While Miss C10).-
11511is. eC4111)illi4; .1)liSilleSS and. pleas- .
txre. • ' ••
Thia..week .W. II. Mataiders
itig.brick frotti Brussels S'tation, shinp-
ed itt front Drew. for the prorpose .• of •
voneenng his resideneewitielt. he: has.
raised and ; enlarged. • •
Ardrew 111cliav.;• who has beei2 atten-
ding the Ibor�foivh t. ()liege at Tora
onto.' Passed 1 is veto:tins:laces exCepe
tionally auceesafully and 18 ‘isitins
his brother's, 11: „Taclison's, :.for
• :4104 Uthe before4oing. West. • •
Owing to her eyes hotherina her Miss
.31arioti,•31eKenile, teacher it. 13titt on's
aeliont, hes. gone.. home • fora reSt.• Ilder
,brother, Dom, al Medical alticlent,
supplying . the Sehaol, autril vacation:
Ile :is' ah..olcl aeirelice ain't kraters...: how
Io teach the: .idea, • • . •
Thos. 13"-a.dalraw, 4th Line,has.
. .
beenon: the sick list ler the past three
weeks With, peritouitis bat is et:insider-
:ably. . better butstill confined:to, her
bed.' Her .1nother, ltirs., Ned.' (McNeil
of It'acateter, • is waitingan her,
• A good yearling colt 'embanking to
John Sherrie, 41h, 'Line, was killed last
week: Ity ...a atake running into • Rs
:flank. Xt was. worth, S125.. ,
11ir.sa Jas.. D: .Shurrie; 4th. Line, was
v faking •for a Week 'with' her daughter,
Mrs. Sherp, e.1 Goderteli, returning on
Saturday nettelit.ted by the trip. .
Miss Nora Mame:tees was visiting
Iter Mater; Mrsega:V.) Vint.beinee, at
Sebringville, d tiring • tke past week,.
Nelsoa Ma,tuiders .aectinipanied .her:•
Jannea Bolger mid wife of Belmont,
Maaitelbas` arrived here last week ,for
visit of a few Months. It is two yea.
re •since they ;were: lteee. Mr, 13Olger
Sold, out his butcher business and also
disposed Of faint 1. a good profit..
Since then lie has. purchased more land
iti the Daaathia section. He is a ;snit,
of James ',Bolger, 8014,ine. .
•• 'the .15th day ty":,.J tine will be a red
letter -da Y 'the histOry . of Wm. 12.,
Nerney, :4th Line, 1111-.7:rris, as that was
the date of his tua.friage to MiSs./4.ett-
ie; of John .I,awrason, 8th
lime!. Rev. A.; ItlacNalt, of Waltarr tied
the tie-U.4i3on i bOva. ,at the Manse.
In the ,evereingae.W":„ ception was held for.
Mr. Kerney and Itia'-abride.' • • -
Thepassing slimy of the aged resia
tharta is eonsteatly 'going 011, and be -
lore long the: pioneers will Inave ell
gone to tlteir • rest. ,week Mr:
,Robt.' Bleont field • hs been tinialv.!red
with ,the 'dead; Deceased was a natitie.
of Ireland bat reittoveil 1,o . Canada
when' a, young man. After . living near
Clinton 'for aa.thile, he cante• to Morris
and 'fel' .forty-seytn, years reaided 'on
1o1: to, ton. 2. Ilis age . giver.: at
79,' though some, placed it at 85. Ot
late: years he had become feeble ' and
more recently • the infiemities.• of age
inereased. He was alt enthindastic. Or-
angeman a tltid . an honest indlistrioua
imam Marty speciiinna ef his hareli-
awork 1tav 7>icii la:mitred and, show 711
latent -talent along constructive
Ile, leaves .a. widow to .coatiiitie
journey alone soul one attn. The funer-
al 1.00k Place 1.111 W0111.04(itty, his • Or-
ange bretkern conducting the service Of
the Oilier at: thes
grave; - • ..
Save Baby's Life.
• Von. cannot Watels your 1itt1 01108'
earefilllY during the hot weather,
At this . time aiektwasaecontis (prickly
k,11-(1 - the auntie of the little life
apt to glide away alittoxit before -. you
know it . • D,yseittery, a i art hoett I Cholera,
inlet -Auto and stonaelt troubles ore al-
armingly . fregrant clitratg -the hot wee-,
ther. At the first sign of ally • of these'
troubles. Baby's Otte Tablet'a. should
.givemalietter stiff an occasicatal
dose. will prevent these troubles Com-
. ing and the Tablets should' therefore
•be kept itt eyery ',home. - Promptness.
' save your eltild's life. Mrs,
11. ,Standen, Weylturit,,N, W. "1`., says:
"Mby s Own I alrlets .are valmaile lit ,
. cases of cliatriatea, constipation, Itiveri
lie when. teething. I have neter used
t inettkilte that gives spell good sat-
isfaction.' This is Ile: experamce a
alt nothers -who have used the Tab-
lets, If you do reet find the Tablets
at your drugkista .atral /5 cents to
The 'Dr. Medicifte Co,, Brock-
• ville, Ont., at5 it box Will he malt you
. by lost paid.
t In the Canadian stock market ,to -
clay Dcittinion Ccal &elfin:AA° 40, Do
Initial" Steel preferred to 20 and Nova
Scotia Steel to 68. C, P, It, err:Stied
-Clinton News -Record
McKillop Township. •
The pienie , and eum2ner caraival at
,Columbart •Wednesday af tat
week Was it complete sueeess. There
Was 11 tremendous crowd*preeent mad
the sports and pastimes- provide6 werti.
of lit railed !and iely nature. The re-
sults financiallywas entirely
tory' to tItoSe • who had the affair in.
The family of Mr. Samuel Macpher-
son have beta, severely afflicted fc•r
the lastthree months. Of the six cf.
the family fit:chow) ban or are now
down with ty.plid fever and it ••itt
said that � tw ill gum a -re yet en-
tirely out of danger. A t hysiefalitand
trained nurse, hare beou In 4047 ata
terdanee., .
The masons hake coinpleted the
stonework of the barn of Mr. Albert
Dundas.. •
My. .J&1t Scarlett has lte&n attead-
Ing the Synod of the. AnglicantOrreto
at, London. .
Mr. JanalS Bull of Stratford, a for-
mer resident- of McKilloin was up here
last week. .11.: is thinking about en-
gaging in the hay presaing. business,. -
Mr. j. Irvine, who has been visi-
ting 10.- StratfordiSt. Marya
Teroulo for upwards of a Autinth, has
returned hone. He says that between
Seaforth and Stratford' the crops 106k
better than anywhere .betweets here and
Toronto. Mr. Irvine reports having a
realnice time and weighs several po-
unds more than when he,went .way.
Annual Meeting of the West
Huron fFanners' Institute..
The 'annual meeting 'el . the West
Huron - PartnersInstitute was. held
.011 Wedneacla,y of. last 'week at the
tome: of 111.r.. Harry Morris, Colborne.
Theea was attentlenee • of mem-,
laws. present, tearly every section • of
the lading- being. tepresoneed,
• .
F.,. C.. li:lford, • secretary-tree:ewer,
gate his eepoet... Be explained that
was really .110 difference between
plemer.tary meetings • and 'regular 'nee-
tiegs.- The. expellees 'or the speakers at
.the regular meetangs were 'paid by
the. Government mai- tltose • tit tilt:stip.:
p]eiueuitarv pr local were.
'met out. taf, Oft: 'funds :of the Institute..
Aside front. the two meetings that. had
(gere by lt IiirlierbeothlrtjhLeiL.lal'talteltlitaritT
06and inttreSt taken 'in the . meetings; .
The •• Meetings laidat' Holniteivine,
where sixty we're pyesent• in the alter -
110013 and WO -hundred alnight,'
tail and Atthcru Were •ainotg the.bctst•
in= paint of ratttudanee that. had . beeij.
held deriaa the vtr..•...;
• The financialatatentent: for • the year
was as followS :
' • a • Receipts
• Cash on Antoci •• .. $89 '89,
•• •Mtrinbera'.• fees.. .
53• 50
Igtnieilbil 'great 25 00
Legislative ,grent '1300
P.eceipts from Exetirsion 31831(3
• '
• Expentli t tires
Expenses of ttiettitig,.i.,
Officers' salaries ' ,
Postage' and Station ry
• I'riiiting
Expenses ofspealwas
2:51; 70
59 25 .
31 04
29 .
• 22 00 •
$'244. 69
Ilalait •e mt.:hand. $66.70. • •
. The foliowing were elected a.s.
hoor6 (Bret:tees :
Ashliel1-3 as. Illayilen•,: John Ileimet„.
1(.1;1‘1'elitt t nc: thefts 1.".ottirgi
. •
Jos..„Mallouglt, 13ailie. • •
..,•East Wawanosh—Andrew Cerrie,::
C. Stoltz., -J. II.. Illeelintoti.. • .. ' ..•
Colborree—Ra 31: Yoilie, , Harry' Mot -
.ris; Neatinte Kernighan;•
-.allulfett—"Jantes: tanek "jai:1'2.01a-
(leo. ThOn.s011. • ' '
•Turnberrye-Gae in wi'son.
Gederiel:' .3.12 aldwt.j1, .
j,: \v, Salheld, W. C.. Elford.
'• Go/191CP. 11411.11i Geoa.
ISilicitt; Colin Canipbell. ' .
Wiimetiese—peter • a Can tebelt, Joliii
Agnew;:W.': P. Grierson. •
• itlythalrratil., Metcalf.. A, -Fa, Bradi.
win A. II; Jaeolai. •
• . C1int011-408. Illeatlev. W. lin tleilde,.
3, Fair... •
J.."iitnii.av., and:. (lids: qii,\.;fl, were
reaappointed, atit'iittirt. 'for .thensuing
year,. ••
Atia.atiliserment meeting ilia
• i
rectors ' R. Ar. Young' was re-elected
Preshient and II. J., Morris Viee-presi-
'Owing to- the . retirement__ ofatilr... El-: =
'ford - •froul the .seeretary-treasarershipa
that 011010 waS lilleil, by . the appoint-
Meat tif:' •Win.: :Bailie,. itie .. 'remain:Ian.
.tion: liteing•Placed at. No. ' .. .• . :.."
. . . . .. .
.If...*as..de-eicled-. to . liold the. :aregolar
Meeting:. at Danger -Matt and. . Anteirta
.and the Supplementary meetings ; at.
•Kintail, •. Gotieriela .. .• litilineseille : •aed
S. Ilefeiii1, a The -holding : . Of a local
'meeting's 'was left . over for the • exeett-
tiVe-to c'eefile • latee.:, • t . . • '. • • •
: The preeident was :grant 01 $i.50..aild
orPertscs.ard •the . secretary 51 no .• and
expeesesper day• Whila• nt la nil nig the
meetings • Of. the .instittite; •1.
. . s.
' !fie uatail. grant. of $ i o' watt ..triaile 'to •
the Wonan's It..stitute.
T .1..
• he place for. holding th'
e: neXt aa- • a
fetal "itieethig .wits let t to the clecialott • V
et' the •execative a • ' . . - • ..
•The ' ,thanke of the Institute .. iyetat •
tetidered to Va C.. Bil ford who .had. been.
seereter.y-treastirer for five years.' -. He •
was made an honorary. mcarber cf the I,
institute, .. ..... •. . .
. •
An:,3 Addiv Rath:Nod ga..e it. piano
rat:ital., at her home itt Sealorth on
Salta( ay . hoe, that>. PplAIS
taktzug 1 ant. 1••• 1.• .06 Mil
tit 1144110 li•S, (111; 3.1 alti 1t rianliag
ol -the markt; of her pitails- in their
reeent examination. Bliss Matti it
Fowler won the :prize in the 181, grade.
which Was a pleture entitled "Ilar-
away" beautifully painted ancli fram-
ed, representang harmony iit music.
Miss Iseebella 1 .. 1itiie itt
the and grade, it bertha:am: music Iloi-
lo. Miss Rathwell treated them to
tee cream and cake ant" -.goat: • sclint
choice . eulections tat .thte platio. All
tslt:yunsie.thoute. more tuterested itt
•Mr. John Camen and Miss; .Ar.nie
Cartiochan were tati,ted Itt tuarriage son
311110 22t4 at thet home or the
bride'a parents,. Tnekertanith, by the
Rev; F. II. Lars in. Alter the eerentony
1.1 reception VMS held at. the Lome, of
the groom's father, "Sunrise Fawn,"
ton'i a large • number oE.
Invited guests tendered their . congratu-
lotions to the happy young couple.
Mr: Dan. .rlannery's of thn Huron
Road east and Miss Maggie illattltemes
StColumban were united. in marriate
by Rev. rather 111tri4ewn at the • St.
Coltembota church cm Jim,: 2 iSt• .
011 Wednesday evening of • last week
the . of . Mr. Wm. Dale; Ituroll
Road West, was the scene. ol a happy
event when his claa.ghter; Miss Alice,
was united in Marriage to:111r. Wesley
Knott, a prosperous youig farmer of
Trekerranith, The ecrettiony was per-
fonnital in the. preaence Of a large MIMI'
ber of frienda and ineite.' guests.
c7upvt; iiare Ite!(1..sefittl, pre: stilts testi-
fied to the esteem which t
in he young -
Ott Tuesday cf last wekts Mr. Alecn.
Dales, a gentleman of 86 years, resid-
ing with his grand-danglt ter, iIlrs.,JcltlL
Simpson, at. Itgenotalsille.„ was the vic-
tim of an tinfortuaate accident inwld-
ell he sustAlued a 1 sadly freetared anin.
He was ere.ssingthe street. in front of
:Mr. James . Dick's hotel and being
st inewhat -deaf did not tioliee the. ap-
proach, Of n runaway horse front :the
sOnth- .and ere he ceitld, get out of the.
way. he was knocked down•withabove
results. Owing „ .exteerne,
he is !tow in, a precarious ,condition*
It is °fir sad duty to eltreniele . the
deatle of Me. Lynn Workinitn at the •
age of 22 years. Lynn had Iteen,
in a; box•• factory iil London -'up to
a fety'vaieka ago When lie became ill.
Ire returned to his • 110100. here but the
.tr011ble stilt continued and he decided.
inntergo an operatioa, The . operae,
tion watt performed. .at• the Victoria
It:capital, • ,I;onetan, on, Satardity but
he diet) on Sunday, • The xemaius were
brotigll. to his home' 1..ere oa Monday
and oti ItiesclaY afternoon were int,err-
'01 in the Herman noon ettnietery,- He:
leafrea to melon their loss,. seven • b•ro-..
thers Tito nas of North Dakcta, iNar-
Man of • Sarailli• 1411).1);:
Herbert and l'erey of frillsgreen ;• and
three sisters end.Evelyri
of: Iiiiirigreem. Who have the symnatitY)
eif their mawy blinds in their bereave: -
meta,. • •
Rev: A: 13, MeKilition,.:Of Ai lse....Craig
w;11 • 00001)y'. the pulpit of • ilat aftttho-
dist (larch • moit Sunday. • .• • ' '
Measica.R. F. Stelek. and W. ..1:ae„7
rott..ar,e 'home for • vapatirite. . •
• Mr, 3, W. Hogg:turtle. teacher: of SS.
No. 3, returned ti hishome tnis week.'
alfle.. John Maiwell still eitialtittes..
aerionsly ill and bub hopes. .are
entertained for 1tis• recta, cry, •
A -large number from this vicinity ,
will spend Dotninion Day in Baylield.
The annual picnic, of the Presbyterian
Sunday school was held at Bayficlil on.
Sattireny iasb. .
. .
Dr. Giuseppe Lapponi.
ES DR. wirimAus inicx mus.
Dr. Lapponi, NORM skill preserved
the life of Ow late Pote Leo XIII to.
.the great age of 92 am' to whose euro
the health of the presi at Pope, . His
thilowss Pius X., is ecnfided, has
written the remarkable letter of which
the following is it treuslaticn :
„ "I certify thet I rove trim Or. Wil.
Halos' in four •• eases of the
aimple anaemia of def elopment.. After
a few weeks of treettnent„ the result
came fully lip to my expectations. For
that reasen I shall not fail itt the
future to extend the use of this Laud-
able preparation not only inthe treat-
ment of, other morbid forms of the
etetegary 01..A1iaeinia or Chlorosis,
also in cases of Neurasthenia tout the
Dr. Giuseppe LaprOni.
Giusetae Lapponi, Physicianto
the Pope, who I.as . written i. letter.' •
In praise of Dr. Wit Beaux.' Pink •
Pills for • Pale People.'
It fvettld be innaiSsible to 'eXaggerate
the' importance of this- opinion; De
•Papponi's high tiniend poeitson places
Itis. atrofessiatall competent:2e - above
:question .'and it 'is eertaia..that lor••• did
not. write as abotti. without weigting
Itis words or. witlickut . a tull
the effeet • his" Opinion typtild ,have.
The "simple anaemia, nt. develop-
•ment'' referred to lty Papponi isof
course that tired,. languid conditioe of
" young.' all -la • whose etivelopmeat 10 vve-
,•matillood ,le tardy,. aux), whosehealth;
al,' the period . of that, develOpment,: is
so often imperilled., A girLettright end
merry. eamsglt itt childhood; will in her
teens. •grow, • by degree•pa.
s le .and
Fregaent • headaches . and " a sense
•of 7,,t.neutor,eks,'W17.iclishe.canuc.t 'under-
stand, Makes'.her itliseetublea'Jnat
It it; time for her to leave off., being a
,girl .and 1)02010.4 :a Wcintatnaa • chaege
which . oes, to :different Irelifilduals .4
'tlifferaint; " agese-her 'development ..liag-
ers-awk.y?..:, IleCatise. .100aIfttIe
blood. .is.what,'Itt. Lapponiarreans
3,i,;11:eti ,Spetiks itt....the..Seichtillc • lan-'
guage: na I ural 'to .1 tint Of "the, artaein i a
.of , developnwnt I At',
Pills.for. Pale .PcOple Lave 1111 power- of
making:new bltioth 'they cuee.auttputia
tuat its-food.•ctirea7hunger:, 'ritatis hoW.
.they help:growing girls Who,' for .W1.44
oh. • reW bjcod, oftrti :drift itIto
•el).ronie .."go. into • • a de-•
means • emistimp.tioni-_..
sonld save.
'rite N..altip-'• of hr....win:lain:4' „Pink
Pills. as a lierve..-timic., referred. • to 1v
Dr.. Lapponi, makestIttent •Caluablea, to'
men as well as women. They act on
the ntrees ahriiitalt 'the blood •and: thus
euro diseases' like. St; Vitas dance,.
aintreligia.," paralysis- it14. 1i)cb,mqlor,-
ataxta: bity-Ma 'these . 1)1710 it is'.
i:,itatortaitt. i.o see 'that,. .full. name -
Pith .Pills • Tor l'eoL
ple:'' .18 pri1tte6 on the wrapper around
Mozer take a substitute' • as
it is :worSe 'than. a Waste of annney-a-it
• a. menace '..tn• luntit I.. 11 Volt eatnot
get the :genuine pills from '-our . dealer
terate the Dr. . NVilliants! 3Xediein CO.;
BroCkville, :mut. the pills will be
Sent, you :Posta Raid at 50. coats' .8 ii•OcK
or, aixboxes tor' ikl.50, •
. . .
We 'are scirry •to hear of the ,serions .
illness of )31r. Ilerry Dunstapre, Of.
WeStiteld.. Mr. Dew:more has 'been. ,
afhittg- for • acetic: time With .
an6 18 ln,t 1 10prCiVillg.1.5 his
niany friends woul0 wiah. . • • ,
Mrs. •• Chullenger• of Itullett visited
her' sister, Mrs, JOhn.DoW..of
field, c.1...er 'fitindaY; • "
Mrs. •••• and. tlte ,Misses Kennedy • • of
Taroato are,,spapding a couple of ,wee•ks '
With • friends in East, WaWanoslt. . • " •
' ()rite. •xt nuntluir of -voting...1011.s from
Westiitild tGok :itt t1 excursion •at
Goderich; .
ATVS, lor of Lim 6th •Lino
hak been visiting iter sister, Mrs. ,C11411.-
eroni of Lileknow, •
000000000000 • 00000
r- Putting on
Wa,11 Paper
Thee anattal nieetirg cf. .the • Weenetes
Institute was held at Ole° same place
012 the :tame clay.
Mrs. C. Campbell, .secretary -treas-
urer, read her report. The proapects
for the Institote are brigl a, she said.
'there are now fifty-seven Institutes
organize() itt Out arie. each having
front cite to eight branches, The
Inetnberehip last year Was over 6,000
and' the names this year are coming
in very ' rapidly. . West Iluron
there arc now fouls bratichee with' a
ineudership of. 106. During the year
twenty-foer meetings were held, sixty
laapers and aeldreases were given .and
there vette an aggregate attendance of
over aric). The tc;tal receipts during
the year tverc $61'.90 and; the -expendi-
ture $49.37, leaving a balance ett hand
of $12.53. ,
The electioa of officers' Wart then held
and, rest/Reel as follows :
President, c. Beek, Ilodrielt
Vice, Mrs, Clinic., Withfltaluf
Sec. -Treasurer, Mrs. ColIii Cattlpbell,
Direitors—Goderich, Mrs, I. Salkeld
Jr., Mrs. C. Campbell': Holmes
vine, Mrs. Vora:ter, ItIra. George
'ft:bleat ; Witighatit, Arm J. J. El-
liott, Mrs. Currie ; Anhui -fa Mrs.
Jeltuston, Mrs. R. M. Yowl ;
borne, Miss 1141. Green, Mrs. 3,
'r. (lnidthnrpe; Aaltfield, Miss :V°.
ung (ICititail), Mins Jessie Cowan,
• 1
• /
• /
• at
a •
is the most effective
and most economical
method of improving
and brightening of
the interior appeal -
a Dee Of your dwelling.
.• . a
.3fr. Thom 10i SLitiscll . and • datgliter
an{:; sen f '-llaatield • and Miss Mary
S :f CH' te,r., MP('1it Satttr&lay
and; Sesiday visitiog, Mrs, W. J,
gen • atat I ,---Grecnway 'cories-
pandetee of Gazette Review.
From the many beautiful patterns, manY
thrall exclusive i•n opv new line, we ixre tertain you
.. van eeleet easily the right paper to suit your taste and
Letts show you our handsome arraY.of styles.
Carriages and
Go -Carts
The now That GreCittta w• ith
their' swell automobile gear a rid
Pleb etetineltinish are on hand
They at'e decidedly snotet 0 nd
nlato-chttes nriees from $10,00 10
Children's Carriages and
Express Waggons $1to $/.50
0 00000 00000000000000
.00 *00000
< •
1 09.
June 30th 1904
1144444+04,44044441,••.;!*;*"..*****.:44.4.4; .:4444,44,44KK44004.
s. it
*40 "-at:W.44..0 OartAloN*3004 h 0••••040.•04•4
Now as Ihte Millinery , semen) is drawittg to a close wt. areanxious sa
to recluice our stock to Ott, loweet poeeible point. We will carry
nothing over to another season if loW priees will clear them out.
Our stork is all limy awl lip -to. date 10 Taimmed and Untrimmed '?
Ileatly-to•wears, Salton., Etc. ..t..,Farley Trimming'sw , Feal.11-
ere, Flowers. Bliekles, Ribbons,. Chl.tiltits, 14,11e. From no1111 t b ...
e .2
end of Ow season tre Will toltketerrille 1%41mq ions in prices j,) clear, 4,
il. 4
. :?:
' . Our stock is frilly ;warted far the lint weather, . Most alt he _roll- 4,..
Owing goods were bought, mouths ago 1 Om e the advance in V,
prices, and will be geld at..old •
prices; ....)
. 044):
Men's 13albt igetto Underwear, 111 all sizes, nt. 25e, 35c and 50e, e,
2. Ladies' Fine Underwear, in vests mid drawers, at 7e, 8e, 10c, 15e 3:4
. ... el 20c. . ea
•:'- Ladies' Faney IloSe, wi t,h lace fronts, in an sizes, et 2e, ac
'.2: Ladies' ()Doves, in silk, talYeta mai lalsle thread, lt) plitin and lade eii
.I.: .effeets, in bliwk, whiteand: cream, at.'15e 20e, 25e and 35,
s • Ladles' .1, lynch laid (.3 to Yes, in white,' black and colors, • at, We, 859. - ,:(
*la $1 and $L25. •. 1 •
.; . Men's. Black Cashmere Sox, silk toe.= and heels,. at 25e and 30e. :la.
' . Mert's.Overalla, in. idark„ blue and fatwy at ipes, Wilh . or without 1..
• . bibs, yerti Cineeial at 50e,• 75e, 85c nod $1. 4,..*
Men s Fancy Straw Hats, new •and very b%k Vii, itt We & 75e. -
I'a Bos's' Snits, ill all sizes, halm 25 to 33, from- $1.50 to $5, 47,4
Men's Salts, in great variety, at $3.50, $1,50, $0, 813 -and $10.
). . ,
.st• •
t M-oKIN NON & 00 BLYTH . *
y ..,,,,.,..,,,,,,,.,,...„,„,:.,..;..,4„,....,}:„.„...„..,..„„.„:„...:„..:„....„..,...,..,....„.;.„....„.„..
f 40•44••••*********••••••••••••••••••••••••:
- That make your feet nelie. Wear a parr of the "Worth 4to
Goshlon Sole Shoes" and you will en:Jot:life. . ,
They a re Made on the most u/noadate lasts, from the best 40
a.. leatinare, awl combine good appearance with good wear. 0
• .
Call and. have a pair for only $5, a sizes front 6 to 10, •
They are WORTH the money, . Men's Shops for everyday- . 0
' .. wear front 00e to $3, pee'peir. •
, The following brands of Shoe A ressinga tire id waya:carried 41 '
. in stock x-2 in 1, Ezyshine, Liberty, •Dlindy's • G
Com binatiota Black Beauty; (.nd Sorstirl. •
Pickard's Special io 'black mid tatra ..
. 0
Call:and see out Bargain r.Pdble 4
. • for Saturday. 4
. 4
. 4„*,.
...9,17400,44.44...767.444,4474 44.1747474.5,470744104.04.447.004, . .•
he Old Reliable
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•*••••• -
: -
i. :
Nay now safely predict the ad •
: vent .
• .
t of Spring. You will require Furniture. •
t See us about it before buying: •
• •
• •
. .elyi *rig,. lel tt.c h i lies :
• *
• Highgrade, ' uprto-date, made in , •
• •
. Canada, Bail -=Bearing 'Machines. •
i 'One price to. all, .
t . . . . •
O 'Night and Sunday etills-antiwcrect ti residence ef.either of : thi prin014
pals. •
00000 SOD
:For the next two weeks we will'offer
Department, 'Everything pertaining. to 'Summer
Millinery isto go at sweeping' reductions.
It will pay you to see. what we are offering in
We secured a bargain in that line andare selling
them at greatly reduced pr"ces.
See what we have in
It will be to your advantage to get mires before :buying elsewher
We have. a snap itt IVIetk'ti Harvest Shoe*. Also n fine range of
Any quantity ot Eutteran(1 Eggs taken in exehange for goods,
Progressive business men
advertise in The