The Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-30, Page 3June 30th '1904
1. 1
The Clinton News -Record
•6 .1,110gtlatAir."..1i,LIid.11, • 111.00/17.
Clearing out the balance of Messrs. R.
$10,000 dollars worth of staple Dry Goods, Mens Furnishings, fiats and Caps, Ordered
in the next two weeks AT LESS THAN 4.30ST PRICE. -YOU will save money every
carefully the following money -saving list, This is a genuine sale. We don't mark our goods
ed if goods are not what we represent them to 'be.
10c Factory Cotton fd 7ic $1.25 Table Linen for .$1.00
1,X0 yards Factory Cotton, PI.-
tra heavy weight, 3(1 in. wide71n
regular 10e, sale price 12U; •
7c White Cotton for 6c
2aayorck nue white Cotton. P.6:.
in. wide, rt•gular price 7e, sale A
price u .
Sc Flannelette for 7c.
500 yards, all. colors, 33 in. wide,
regular price Se, sale price .1c.
10c Flanneletts for Sc
mu yds, tin color. regithi}iOn
price I0e, sale price
12Lc Wrapperetts for8c
209 yds Floral di sign and stripes, •
• 8c, ,
Regular 12i sale price
25c Table Linen.for 21c
Bleached or unbleached 00.
regula r •price 25c stile p Ivo 21c
50c Table Linen for 40c
111ca lied or unbleached, allpure
linen 72 in. wide regular price ilik/inn
sale ',Hee given
$1,00 Table Linen for 80c•
Bleached tn. imblerichetl, ell .
linen 72 in wide,• regular In.ice800
$1.00, sale price....-
Bleached or unbleached, all pure lin-
en, 72 in. Wide, regular price, $1.25
sale price
12e prints for.
9.140 •
.1,4200 yds. all colors, sOft Cloth,
patterns, regular price, 121c,
• :price
5e to 15C ribbous.foz 3c
• 500 yds. all colors and Wiilth, from
. inch to 2 inches, sale price
25e Ladies Collars for 150
50 Ladies Stock Collars, all popular
colors, regular Rrice 25c, sale price....
50c Ladies Cellars for 40c
100 Ladies Stock Collars, popular
colors, regular price 50c, sale price....
213c Clildren Hose for 15c
Black Cotton Hose; all sizes, regular „
. price 25.c,. sale -price 30
350 Ladies Cashmore Hose for 25c
..All sizes, guaranteed fastblack, re-
gular 35c line,' sale price
1-111 ridreds
Store closes
at 6 p.m.
MCA ••••,.:4,11,....0aCrefe..1....04.
• COO yds. Print, regnlar 120 ign t
Low .
• • These are the bal-
ance of Messrs. R. Coats .•
& Son's last year prints. j
• Splendid patterns for lin- j
ing quilts, I
2 pair Cotton Hose for 2.5c
Ladies I3Ittek cotton hose gnaw-
anteed, stainless black, elastic
Lop, sale price 2 for ' ... ' • ' • L"ggn.
12i Ginghams for 10e
Checks and Stripes fast colo
1:4c sale price rs41
25c Mens and i3.oys,-Caps 15c
Tweed and Cawing tops, leather
and cloth peaks; relpilar 2e sale 'Igo
• price ... • [UV'
$1,00 White Uunderskirts 8�c.
. .
Made �f of ••liffe. Cotton, • •
sqv• rat styles, lawn. and . em-
broidery frill, regular pride $1•00,80
side price., . • •
p.egnitir $1,25 line for
"• $l50 " "„ Lizo
$2.00 a Ai. .7.. 44. jaw.
" 'TONS .141111144al, '!.•411.e•e••••••••••.•••••••
Coats & Son's Stock.
Clothirg, Ready Made Clothing, to be cleared out
day that y9n attend this • great SALE. Read
up to cut them down ior a sale. Money refund -
15c and 250 Ladies Glows for 10,e
Ladies' colored Gloves solid fawns,
• Brown and blues, regular lbc and 25c
sale price
15c Cushion Cords 10e
• All leading colors and mixtures, regu-
lar price 15c, per yard sale price
75c Men's Colored Shirts 50e
• fifty different coloring -s, all sizes, reg.
price 75c, sale price
• • 54.
$2,50 Black.Moreen Skirts -for .$2.00
• . Well 'made, deep flounce, three
• . all sizes, 'regular price $2.50, sale
- price
20e to 350 Dress Goods for 100.
Odd ends, 1- Dress Goods, worth
from 20C to 35c, regular, 'saleprice
..5e .Fancy • Dress Sateens for. 10(3.
. • .250 yards,all colors and designs,
regular. 15c, sale price • 1OCI
Out These Go
25 ends Dress Goods; ran?;ing .in. price
50e to ?5c,. sale price
mon,ey saving values
5O Ladies' !lc): r:•teSgotilltr. stfc2e52e5
50e,,sale price
75c i.;adies' Waists. 25c •
Only twelve in the. lot,. different,
styles and voters, assorted sizes,f) gn
regular prices 75e, sate price Z.;11/1
Odd end 2-pIy Wool 'Carpets
All good patterns, length from 5
to 15.vatcls, regular priee togrin
75e, sole price ....... .........
Mill ends Canton Flaimel
10 ends, 5 to 10 yards' in each' Flo
• piece„ worth 00: side- price •1.041
$1.00- Ladies Gowns for 75c •
Awe of fine' white cotton Intd
nainsook, itltapa
ire nd high neck
styles, teatetidly trimmed with
fine: embroidery, full insertion
itiel lace frills, regular price $1.00 75c
Sale. price •Regular.$1. 25 line for 111,00..
Regular S1.50.11110 for $1 25,
. . •
'1:4c and 15.c Faney Muslin
For foe:
Whitegmd unwithjancy scroll,
str pe and floral desigus, regular- of n
iceiti2ati and 15c,• sale .price.... (Ili
Regular 20C and. 25.c line, 1ic,
35c, Regular ',pc. and 5oc
ot mentioned.
. • • .......ssamkenftwererasaestarreft eft
. .
77.7- .ramaer:scrmitratit oinie4Ftst.ear.sae=te.-=-....21cssr•-....=eamectititger=• . •
• ...f."5•1i
"at.. ' •
" • • Tiling,. 01100.411pm: coiltioaes. • • ' , .•
• • . .
• '16,••
Tramp of Armed Men Menacing
Each Other in Far Rest.
Kuropatklit's Army and the Two, jai)
Armies. Under Cons, Oku and Kurold„ '
In Touch All Along the .Line and
the Probability Is. That the Decisive
Ilattle of the War Is Now On-rlring
Around Port Arthur. • •
St. Petersburg, June .
Oen. Sukharoff's despatch, received.'
last, night confirms the ..belief that-.
1 the great decisive battle of the cont
pa t get between en. Kuroputkin s
main army and the armies of Gen-
erals ()ku and K.uroki is. imminent.,
TM. three armies probably aggregate
800,000 men, and their :outposts aro
to -nay Jo touch all along the anes _
Battle Expected.
With (len. . Kut•olci, in tine field,
June In, Vitt Fusalu •(11clayecl in
t a us/it smi on ,-TI J a paio•se hti e
ache/iced for two days, and a battle
is expvetvd in elltotion l'uss, where •
the Russians are entrenched. A:Hits-
shall outpost of ;MD retren Led I:n.101
the Japatiese.
dor, oast/am Aswice.
't. Petersburg, June 2.. -the. general
staff has received the f cilowine .1e- -
snatch from LIeut.-Gen. Saidar At,
dated June 26:
"There is reason to suppose .that
considerable tof•ee of the enemy pro.,
ceeded from the Wangteia Station in
the direction of the mounteine tnereh-
ing northward townrcl the Chepan Pass.
Our patrols on June 25 noticed that the
Japanese were bewhintna• to move aloti•r
the northern Slayen-Kelehou rood
from Toutalcau and Pantsiapel., in the
direction of Wnita Pass. • .
"The enenty en „Tune, 25 undertook to
advance from Sehtehnn to1var 1 the
1.1noyttng mnin road, and ale° along the
rend leading to the 71fen'inn PtieS, thre
Tangputze and Tefangku, 11 miles(
northwest of Opluchan. A battelion ad-
vanced along the Lianynng mein reed
end a regiment of infantry rine IWO
equadrona of enyftli.y rchne volley
of the Ppm' River. A ba•tc.•1 n 4)81
two Feninclenne mnrehrd ne.e."1.e.rd 141
the direction of the mountlins.
• ' . "During the night •of June 26 ' the,
enemy, a reginient of infantry exid a 1
regiment ox ou.voril: strong, remained at l
'ruinpu. At 9 o'clock on 1:the morning i
of june 20 a Japanese battalion march. I
ed along the Siuyen-Haicheng ro.:1,1 1
-from ' Stokhedza, in the direction of i
Vandziapudza. The enemy's infante .1 :
and mountain guns follewed the van- I
1 guard at midday. The enemy also
• The next visit was to 91 reCer . • •
. . ..• • ... .
. emit. ShIpplee sheep SOld st tend TO ae. .
t aet Wher De• was bo rding. ;
He h d only been them. a ueeitC, coin- ..• TH E MARKETS, •illifiludbsusiecadotailteT.2.2a5t g:ra iloba • • . . .
at 10 pant.
lad 1.1veti • ' • . . .
- Ong from Dulltila, Where lie I Ilecrpnal-aud 'Lower at • of fat Itce,e sold at:about 514,c per Lb.
•.• since he left the "pen.' .11,e- was •ar------------------ .• .• •
!....Iterintred Iionylienrs lIttnd-te7/Iand Fight,
' • Cico. tvStock . ' *AST .BUFFALO
7800 •heed, 15e to4)e iower• dile; prime • •• ' Out of ..e.tenaetery. . • • •
3 • •
Enst Buffalo, June 27.---Clottle --Receipt , .
steers, 4Z.75.•to• $0.25; shipping, $4.85 to • • . .
.$5.50; .hutebers' • S.1.25 to $5.15; betters, OVerigtse, • 'Phibet • June 28.-41 41
g • , •
' rested and locked up in No. 2 Stet- . s
• •Artillory and In anti. ; to 'Drive Them
Two Counterfeiters Run Down ee that he would, hare. .no'
By Detectives in Toronto.. • -chance of speaking to I) iggins, who 1
surned the advance on the Alorning of . • . •
was in No, 10. -Itis personal effectS .
were also taken. to headquarters. In
of Ikhakhesun, along the main' road, , cnarltei Figgins and. Anthony Decker, Ea- Ins trunk'. there was found a platO
which looks like 4.15. imitation. on:
Stine .26 from T12101112: in the direelloq • •
hy the road to the litiotien defile, thrii i• • :ports and Br-BOstvIete.. .Citughe •SOMO bank, but AAA it was CeVer4d.
to the Macliapticize Pass, turning ntir i • with ii, preparation AO protect ,it, it .
Urlundi, and by the"monatainoes. road - •
I shrewd officers 'IA illilt 1.31,11-11.1=11
right. The enemy located in the Mho... r . Was Taken • 'Whoa at ,Work--.Ont-Cel; . :was not clearly 'extunined last- night. •
Also Secured ii.lifest (annotate Counter- Neither of the priaonc•ra made any .•
tien Pass. At east a regimen, o .n. 1,
Santry, With artillery,. was ordered :20 1 stateineni4O the pollee.. ,. : ': ••• .... .. ,
proceed along. the •thain road. to Liao- ! • tenors' Outsit--ierhionerelKeet Seeurate. The:two men ,will appear .in .• the
yang. This detachment; re:tebed Tithe- I ' . , • • •• • • police court this morning: . .:,.
vaiza at 9 A.m. We hat- I receivel•no I: 'Toronto,. • :June 2ff.-•:--Pol. remY
further report -regarding' this Movement. , Sherwooq, chief of the DOmiaion see. ' ..:„. ' ...
' Toyota* HIgh•wayinen,s Work.
; . -
..• 4:inanition* .i.e.irim; *card. ' . 1 Oyet . seri:fee, •wa,S • in Toronto lust woronto, ..11unp ,28: -At 2 6•alock
this 'mornin A man Was found in a
InSpeCtor Stark. The. restilt. -of •his g •1 • 1 • •
LOedon, Jun • 'Standard '14- Wednesday. had a conference
Tokio Correspendent. ivpot•ts Irons badly battered 'battered con on n a ant. .11 ,.
Ing :. was heard In. the dirt•etloti • of . He. said he -heel 'been •assaulted early
1 yesterday afternoon of:: ••• tQb
-..Ihe• Latest Quotations... ,. •
illoculny Erecting, .Tune 27.. •
:••!-1.1verpled • wheat •rutiiree eioeect toelay
"Ineirenged• to higher then'Sattertlay,
iced 00131 •t0 V,11.10W0r. '.•• •
. .
. .01ilrete0 •it•hgstt elospd we. lower .
thnit, .tintd1r11,1:rt July add -
!Icily 'oats 'unchanged. . • :
• le ORE LtIN •
.. . ,
' 1.owlon..Ttlee -Cora-80'ot quo- •
haloes, AillYrietla• uti:ted.. 21s 34: lolonr-
Spot ..iptoottions, Mtimenpoll8 patent, 205.
Od. 1V•ltelit ea. Passage, wore Inquiry; par-
cel No. -1 Nortuern, Manitoba.. ...114111'). 815,
!et]: .pareels ?o. -2 Nortbero, Alasitoba,
July, 31s; parevis ".No. 3 Northern,
to14, passalo.i, 20s 10%d„ !Cora,- ou passage;
'firm, lint not active. • " ' • " _
tette , Men,' Julie..
!elf „WC: September Red- • Decembet., . 20f.
•Yloar, , tone nria, JuiM 2tf aud..•
T •t
Dee., . 27.1 • 20e. la :Praiser, cloudy': ,
• rotes a St, ' u ttled. • • . . • •
In the evening :by four xifen. and • : . • Titx visintx, S151' -PLY'. ,••
Compari.d.1 111 Welek ago, the: vfsible
ittlIttply ..if itl 01=011. ttllil the United
Sc1f4e8 t[001•084011 3,01)'2,000:b1.1titlettil cora.,
licevelcOrd 811,000' bushels,- oats deeveas,...1
lueitoni bushels.- The foiloWing 'le a. teen-
eniaave statemeat for ...rite• week ending
teeLay, ;the preeeding ett1.
r61,1Vit'll.trig'wt•citTof last year: .•
jence:40.'04..,fune 27.'03.
• • i
Wheat, -be ..14,4l52.00e 10.343,000 17,459.00
oats, :be 4.777,cee 4,1137.0.$) 4.553.,•03
(.4.1 u. • tat ..... 5,434,040. • 5,12,3,ou,
s‘ippiy of . ••ilii./it in (Innoda.
.1•1141 the 1141 Led' Slt•trs' 10,d' 111(1 with that
el 'to rope is 011/1S 000 blieliels,
( /linear sources that • cc/M.11111011S fir- ' • ''t . 1 ' d .Ossington avenue and /uncles ,
Alfred' KOse alius AnthOnY.Deulter.
.1une 25 to the • morning Al' June 20. •
'91ChLer e • .c Serions condition.: Re Said one of his
Port Arthur front the afternoon • of 1 bed Of $27. Ile appeared :to be in a
P t t e't
les Higgins, alias harles ,
assailants was named Allen,. a fele
C he •Foo,. ;lune 28.-2Citiliette. 1 Both these men have done tittle be- 1°w 'Workman.. • , .
.4aP I'0""k• - " words, -354 East Front ,street. • .• , : •
ifie' junke -froth the vicinit",^ . of ; fore • o'n practicalfyi the same charges. • .• • Firebug Ciete 12 Yeaie« "
Port . Arthur report that• :the ltaSsi- Anthony. Decker,. for . that is 'his • real ,•• port Arthar, . June
film haii.• ordered all 'Chinese to leaVe I . naMe, although he registered under Tangor, who confeSsed- to having
the: place.: A number. of- shells' 'tn.] the name. of. Rose at police head- fire to • the OP .it. stOck, yordS ,stables
the toWii. of: I?ort. Arthur. during the' I quarters is tho older Ceiminal of tho. , at Fort William/ was •sentended tO
beitibatoluient by the • japes/est.. on .1 two, ' He -is about 68- yeare of -age, .twelvo. yetii•s Ruigston I ern:ten-
...June 23. bet •no darting'. was done.; end was. eonyieted. on 'March- .tiary by • Police. Magifetrate ..
many cif then' failing to exPlodc,. • A um°, it Woodstock, for counterfeit- . Dcegall •Of Fort William yesterdeY .
$3•50 to $3; tios, $2.25 to $4; nulls,.43 to • eral •31' actionald,.' • with: r• int
heifers,. $2.05 to $3.15; fresh gm, 11101.1:8, entercef.O.'etngt se .1.11110 2,;, et -
qty.. a t 4*
$ ce's an to« era, o $ , stock-. .
' seruegers, dull, $3 to 1$5 lower; choice, $40' ter a somewhat -.0eVere. light At ith the
• . luau, $18 te $25. .2 . • . • • •• • .
, eale-ltecelpts,. 1.10e head, 'eative, $4110
•• • • 8 .; nem,tscet;'•, .
Milea . distant... •Tlie• monestoey::••
. .
ilogs-11 I t •1'" •
heavy and medium, $5.55 to $5.6"): yorkers. houra .. of artillery, infantry and
to $48; "neaten' to von, $28 •to $35; emu' Thibeten t '
. to• $7.23. "" ' . • • 8. et! ongly. .by the ,1•11 be t a ns,
•• •
e•ra p s, • 0)300 head; cleave; who were only driven. out after -four
545 to $5;55; pigs, $5,'..i5 to 030; roukhs, hand-to-hand 1r 1 ti 1
8:44444 to $4./5;. Stags, $3 -to $3:50; dairies, 12, 1 T• 14." t •
sbeep •Ztfil Lambs-heeelpts, 7200 •head; tol. and six wounded. 'rile 'I'llibetans'
landiti, active; stfet•p, :deni-i; lambs, $5 to .
yearlings, $d t0.$6.e.1; wet.her.s, .$4.75
62.50 to $4.71S. • : . . ,
loss was Considerable, hut ,the es,
. -
• It r0
Ss se to 45.50; • • ••• . '.1 -he British . force los five then kill-
. limated _ntinthers were nbi given Out.
$5; • ewes $3.75 to $4.• sheep, mixed,
w ng LIVE avocx. . 33 CAUGHT CONDUIT.
Nevif York. June 27,i-Deevet-ltei:elpts,
30;t7. rime steers An to 10.2 higher. '
. , p . .
K' t '• • -
nlc...sitriterrP11:01.sge,..ei elan' ea
Death In a Caciadian
'i,thers steady;' bulls and- eowe. • steady tO
.• -arieeetigetle
3.5e loWer; 'steers, S4,10 to $6.50; hulle,. $3
'Morrow, 750 cattle, 1045 eheep'.aud 2400 .
to 44.25; eeeVs, $1.60 to $4.. -Exports to- • Angs on, , nia ca., .J tine
.• • ..
quarters of beet. . Thirty-three • pc.irsoris were killed bY.'
CaIrestieeelptS, 6459; • I pals,: 25e lower; ' an accident. whiCh ocCurred near
buttermilks, 23e to' 35c• off; •reals, 1480 to ,tipanishtown ' (tenE. miles Vest .ot.
•$5; tops, $0.e5; eultertnilks,_ $2.75 to $3,25. , Kinestdn) Yesterday in the Mitin
'Sheep and famil,s-Becelpt8, 10,300; good • ,
handy sheet', Mout Steady; others slow -conduit of, the Vi est India Electric
to-lea'er; lireVy.' Shi:0)), Itot wanted; prime which Operates . the • street ears .
• , lambo, firth to shade higher; niedlem.11101'l from Kingston and the shareliOldce8.
t, s tete,
•:. to $4.75: tuns, $2. to $2.4o; tames, se 0. of which are principally: Canadians.
. 97.95: two curs' extra, Nearly' • 1,00 laborers had been d-
11 7111. 11 783; market, steady . -tidied to r ni v • • • 1
0 • solid .41 o. t te (nor -
t t • t t re 1* la, I • •
.1 a pa gene *ollIce.e., who . wen t on boat if I. fsg, and. sent to. the lilifigston afternoon.. Vben he Wits actked if he 64,LA,000 Intslein 'the.. preeious mouS •pipe, whIch is .a long, and •
o .s tong; s e • .iiney.vitu iggS
• $5.,Til to s5.8t1 • • • • • i
one of the junks off the ; tentiary for live years. fie ivas liber- had anything to say, Tenor it e: and i'el.oint,eou 14114141es a. yese age. . which ve s water .from the •rt
• DDICAGO TAPE:STOCK, • ' • I ' °1:1 ' 7
' mete' 71 thilee south of POrt Arthur,. -ated.. on March 25 .ot. this v4 al.. plied that Frank Thomas of the C. • IxAptzto 1 take on the :Rio Ccibre to the ter -
I. 1'01'90') bon( ' was :damaged" during ' wards, was arreated two years ago. , 'service, had paid : lilide
; told the :Chinese that one ',Julianne; 1 X.Iiegins, under the name of: ,Ed.. • p..E,. special
N'ew York .
;. the ,etuengetrient (11 l'Ort • Alt hbr oft / 'He. was found guilty of "shaving"• a ten dollars to 'set, the fire. He said
Thomas had given hint the key . to ' 11,4,. !eols .......
, Milli, The ofIleer stated that two oth- The principal sufferers were inerch- the stables and had waited for hitt",
. 4 ot.
'nine. 123 1111(1 -1,t11.k It1 lhe Cult of lee 'counterfeit $5. Molson"s Dank bill.
1 Jitivaimice..torpecio -busts "tele. had- ants on West Queen street. He dis- . getting' the key . back after the fire. : 444 .11,411t • :
1 TOIto1ero •irr. • LAWititINCI1 MAItICIer.
sed •of about $200 worth •of this was ,det. The statement' is. laughed
. Sept. 000 yake. One
jiij W 76 to Mc higher; good •to.,pritne' steers,. $5.60 •
, .'.'t eL° bines. of tho • power -house. .1he work .
6,, nettlattlg.,1000 %oxalis,. market strong , , • • • . • • •
62% . '.fed steer's, ,$•2 85 to $5'.:e3
And been. practically con4pleted.• when
. • ha% 8/1A
tel• $0.65; poor ealere • $2,50 to s5• Yezini" orders Wore given to allow, a• •
• , - • quantity of water to enter the cort•f • .
• • legs--lteeeipts, . 3ti,01.4); nierket, epened • • " • • ,
altee Inure mem Leer.
•".rhe enemy on the mein road was
lirst stopped by te o comp.thies ef
reerpshootern 6 ilia' 0.1r Vail
posts, Which slowly re (red nurthwur.l.
Reinforced by two compuntel, the
enemy cc' 2.3o' In toe afternoon tecii.
pled T81114,44. The searpeithoters rotate!
icurth tee 4.• ed 22 11111eff
north ef Selucham. Our loAses wee.;
Lieut. Oglobeif and five sharpshooter4
"On June 25, about a battalion of
Japanese infantry marching out from
ngputze, flve • miles northwerd of
Sciuchan, along the road to the Mao.
Oen Pass, was repulsea by two coot.
pa isles ef our sharpshooter outpoe
Lear Tafanglcu. 'rhe sharpshooters fel
hick at firot upon Urtungtl and than
noon Kentslaputze. Capt. Ytinchuevelcg,
In command of one company Of the
shorpshooters, was wounded. tilt
wounds were dressed by 7'2.•. Ityeelikoff
of the Red Cross and Capt. YanehtlkOV-
sky wog being otirrIed to the rear ot; 14
eh etcher when the Japonese rushed on
from the flank. Three striteher bearers
v..ere wounded and etipturld rind C•1pt.
7•1 It chnItovelty end Ityschlcoff were al.')
••••• :1( 004'), Wei els, hod 4.0 8) sharnshont •
r• Itly.". end Perpulchev•t1-.,
and thirteen sharpshooters woUndel
1 1 a •• ol 444 4444
Was given two• years, and his time . .
eau i.t hos • condemned 17114 Wit into , i
. Caught Wiille Ai Work. ' , London, Jtme 2S. -In the !foam of i
tending tbe work of the Norfolk cr4n- .
mission, said tho volunteer system 1.
it•intflonitoct "stuff" before he was put away. He I
• Vladivostoci., ..liint. 28: -The Ize ekpired. MaY 17 last. , System Droko Down.
Ilussian N'Intli‘,oslock squadron re,-• -Defer° Col. Shot WO° t. ,. 0' ron -0 ' Lords debate, Lord NeWton in 'de. , in the le traits of Corea) • for.' be had an • understanding with. ln-
carrying: contraband of War, and :has,. 'Spector 'Stark. It. 'sots the intention
teiclistelted. the ship. earl her c,tego then to put out the drag net, but
of (1,506 tons of anthracite • coal,. ' the time -was-not •yet ripe. So it was
valued at $500,0(0). The !Ifni at arranged that Detective Parkinson of
Singapore, to which the teal was • I Col. Sherw•ood's staff would arrive
eon:Signed, is tis. same Concern that 1 here •On Monday. He canto; so did E.
supplied .Tapan with contraband 410r- 'i It. Carrington. of Montreal, „the Ca-
ing the dapaneseChinese war. The • nadian manager of the Thief Dotec,;•
Japanese schooner Captured by the I tive 'Service Company of Chicago.
Russian torpedo• boats at the time of 1 They saw Inspector Stark' and he
the regent raid' has also been. con- I placed at their, disposal Detectivea
downed.. The captains •of the prizes Cuddy, Black, Idackie and Twigg of
Itlereata. Bowed a month which to ap- his staff. They proceeded to make a
• "rOund up." Their first Visit Was
. Blade to room 18 in the .Cornell
Wong- Run ,Agefe. ' Building at 88 Church street, They
Ottawa, , June 280.--C. n. Powell, found the door locked. That did not
Mi'.., announces' definitely that he bother then' Much. The door was
will not he a candidate for re-elec. t forced and Cuddy rushed in and
tiott to the• Legislature. • Ile -says it.' : grabbed the only •occuparit. That WaS
takeif too much of 'his 'Unto. 'Mayor .. Inggins, They caught hint . With the
MIN is spoken of as the probable ; goods on him.' Ife was in his shit•t
1 eleeves ' busy making counterfeit ' $2
Conservative nontintat.
, !..1)0minion of Canada notes. • -
"Isitillons for Autos. ! rrisonors liept Separate.
Aecot•ding to nn alithority On auto- The officers also fotind a InoSt emit-
niohilittg, °mat, liritain provides the • plete counterfeiters' outfit -plates,
world'a largest Ittarkt.t, .f01' 11104 Or-. . dies, Stones, &Oda and all the news -
cars. The . great majority of these. 'sary preparations for turning out a
machines come from the Vontinent.. good sample of the "queer," one
the importation figures for 1902 be- that would easily &delve the pUblie.
Mg 8,500 cars, valued at f.15,230,-
000; for the year just closed tho
figures ittereased -to 5,830 car14.
ainoUnting• in Valet, to $14,000,000.
It, is 'said that 10091 of 'the expense,
Is a matter of wages, as . the raw
material of the machines. is of little
comparative value.
I. The dog lish (At the
. ,
steenier Ai t on:. • (captured bY 't he •
coast threaten to ruin Cho fisheries.
'There was nothing crude about the
work that was being done. They.
WS° found a number of hills which
was printed on one Nide only. These
apert officers say that the work watt
as clever, if not better, than any
counterfeiting they have come in con-
tact wuth during , their experience.
Iiiggins was locked up and the con-
tents Of the rootta reinoved to police
bi.oke down badly at the time of the
Boer war when Britain WAS Obliand
; r‘‘,:d1,t
tO $...,
1Vitent, !wing, 0 00 .
Wheat, goose, bush •
Itionis, hush • • •-:.* ... :::: el• :IT% . ...•-•
. 0 O. 77' . • 0 . •
1:111; 0:1,, 11111.11 • 6 1.1.., • V
• . 0 801/2 0 87..i
Oa ts, 1411411
Itye, bush .,......, ..... . . 0. 5t.1 • ....
' 1 cas; bush ., ...,.
• Iluckwheat, Imish" -
-.5c lower,. elosecl•wIth deeline and reeevered:
Wiled' and butchers', $5.25 to $5.40; good
to choice heavy, $5.35 to $5.45,• rough /Warr.
1505 to $5.30; .light. $5,20 to- $0,32O2; hulk
01 ?ales, $5.25 to 45,35. •
• elhee.p-itecelPts,_ 18,000; -good to choice!
"tethers,' $4.85 to *5; fair to choice) mixed,
$9J0 to $4.50; native iambs. 14 to $7,
• Wirc;iess Station Working:.
0 0.5, • . Montreal, June -28.-The first of
• 0 47 0 43 • the seven wireless stations whichare
' 1 under agreement with. thd Canadian'
. . . 1 -11.kiliv(Pc1)". 11' diiiillifPori2Jailiolillerati'it 8ept:tek:ritu;
, Government waS opened • for traffic
• They Railway OommIsiiton:.
- .. 1. ; 3 1.., 6 41; e..t es 4r 1. last Saturday evening. It is situated
• Dee., nominal, •Corn, Atherlean mixed ne .., at Fame Point, ' 320 miles below
• ommy, 4m 4d; Ainerkein 'nixed obl, earty, 4s QUebec. The first' steamer, in con -
011; futores quiet; July, 45 4.401; Sept. .4s . .
to. ask the assistance of the celonies. 1 tAvittroor., 0,11A1N AND .'PRODIJCIG eing by the.Mareotil CoMpany
'Hamilton, *Tune 28. -If mi. A. G.
Blair, Hon, M. Bernice' and Dr.
Mills of the Railway :Commission vis-
ited Itamilien yesterday and had a
look over the proposed silo of the
north end bridge.
• :•
• Nava' 1W -dew •AbandOned.
• Xiel, June 28. -It. is •ansounced
that the elaborate naval review
which it was planned to hold here
yesterday and to-doy. has been
alsandoned at the request of King
lirakatott's ShiterPs•VisionS,
The Petit PariSien'e St. Petersburg
correspondent sends a sad story re-
garding the sister of
roff, Whose hair, although She is on-
ly fifty years old, has turned abso-
lutely white. She told jt
tiVe of the press that She had two
.visions ott the night. of the admir-
ara death, when he appeared and
told her of the explosion. ITer name
Is 'Untie, Tabounoll. She is the wid-
ow of an officer and receives only a
small pension, which Admiral Make.
roff used to suppletnent.-London
for steers, and 410 per ih, for bullet. good
biediton sOld at 4tfie to Se: grafting Mg -
014. 11. ProviaciaI Assessor of donna, 8/40 to 4140, 'and the common stock
Me to 3%e per lb. Most of the good
1.11,rei,,,ii/litigC(1)111iityl1"111y2i.ccs518itxtge))1."vieted of cm- • reeves Were hettltht un before 1411(4111K tilo
mad« rti s It.410 111.10 50 to $0
Pork, menu. nweg westen, 041,,t7 neetion With it was the Pension,
s; ward boOnd, front 'Mont reit 4.11 1.1 ver -
oar pool, A. large number of- mosual.,,,s,
Ich..112ht. firm. 40:•• ieug eloer uti•PUrs, MOStly congratulatory, t• • •
Sil 16Y,
Itt irvy, aria, • Sits Sholidere. &marl, • -
1;11)„ ;67,4, oiccoc. mac.ricas. wwic„.• cnanged, The second sietion wit,
ti1ilet. as 43: Ainehlettn thief*, coiored, ready in a fortnigitt atul two otlitoi•
385 MI. Tim imports of whoa into before the eltdscif August:1
Liverpool last weeic were 31,400 muirteee
flow 11.)rtS, and tNiOur from Pautite
ned 914,01)0 trom other -ports, The. liaports
of torn front. Atlantic porta last weerwera
5200 quarters. .
I •
• •
Cables Unchanged...Cattle 1/4e *b.
Mittker eli Mesitreat Market.
• 1.02don, June. 27.-Canstchan ,uttle Aro
itetuir at Ile to lau.,e iit.r lb.' rt.fit140tatot
to.••1, ntlie to 104. per 10. Sheep, atettclY•
12e to 14e per ite; yenrlinga, 111e.
310$11thiAt, LIV14 STOCk.
litentrcal, Jane 21,••-Ahout 500 bend ne
fottellerS' eattle, .10 ealeVS end 500 alleep
ited latubs wore terered for sele tho
- Pastern End Abattoir block -
ors -were out strong mai, tIdert,9 MIS 1111 110*
bot' 414'luaod fer tO0 .111 4.0- it61.1
111100. of these Wive ollg.1111111.1•0:• of 11 vont
per lb, higher than on 11151 week's mareeife
iiItIppers brought 42 head of the iorwcst
and best eattio.,, paying 50 to rov• per 10.
••• •
noion thirlow.
Toronto, June 28, -Tin• yolthe: 1..1;
drowned in. the lion 00 ;U r;(.4:.
nalph litirlow, P. '111. fireeme
Who. boarded at Toronto Junction..
Japanese Women Minty Smokers.
Smoking is almost a universal cus-
tom among Japanese women. The
ZImpress uses a silver pipe with a
stem ten inches long. The bowl is
small, in fact, only a quantity of to-
bacect sufficient to. give the smoker
two or three whlfls can be put into
It, Then the ashes are knocked out
1 and the pipe Is carefully cleaned be-
! fore it is refilled. .To • a Canadian
; this form of smoking seems to in-
; volve too • much work. . A pipe IS
' afte1110021. 'Me japall(Nie word for
• smoking. means, literally, "drinking
teolelavitld2n, any Omen in the course Of
I •
i :grid It I'll til••r 'Ross pm
I1.osvs s:gr• Iv 1)u(1;g to ill In Milt,
Through leisapprehdnicion.. accident, '
or carelessness, the 'full force of wa-
ter was turned on and a, .mad strug-
gle to' means of the man- ;
holes ensued, With the result:that 33
persolia Were
An investigation•ir,tte• the' WISP is
;IOW jn..progreSs,
. Died Front Burns.
• St.' Catharines, .7tIne 28.-e•A fife oc-•
tirred at Merrittem 'at 11 o'elock on .
Sunday evening which resulted fatal-
ly. .A lamp exploded in a house Linn-
od by Charles Doyle and occupied by'
Mrs. LatIerty.• ' The •dainage to the
property Wits Very slight, as tlie Are
was soon extinguished, but not be-
fore two of Mrs. Lafferty's; daugh-
ters, Florence, aged 15, and tthel,•
aged 9,were badly burned. They
were removed to tho hospital M thig •
'My, where Plorence- died yesterday
morning. •Vthel Is doing nicely,
Voting 'Woman named.
'Toronto June 28.-44 the effort to
oxtlItg'uIsh some burning cortains
which had caught fire from 11 match
ettroloAsly thrown towards an open
window after lighting a .gas stove,
'Miss Xatie A. Boe, whose 'mother is
housekeeper for Dr. Adams, at 44
rest Queen street, was ve"r Serleits-
1Y burned yesterday after. (ion , the
upper part of her germentP brine; .
tirely eonsinned. The viedical na- '
thorities expect her to recover, al-
' though her injuries are severe..
Lost An Bye. .
Thothae, +lune 11111,
a .15 -year-old boy, Son of Mr14 .1,
iTill, (45 Ilineks street, while striking
a wire nail 1111 with such force it
flew up, hitting Ole eye and mine-
turing .11. A 4l (114 found it move
nary ta•reinove the injortol optic,
1•111,o. „ f.ino
child !wilily Itave giv• n t(.1
Ittaltity Itomus ior the 1.11.a. ur
Paris!, ,