HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-30, Page 1a 25th Year *sow 3meter <a> Fvc <a• eele <. < 4. 4 4) 4 40 4f 14 40 > 5 < t5 > Furnishings— .•—to -Wear Clothing, flat < je. t • CLINTON,--- > 4*le*W*eler,4',39PJelerel(erieleleieie 4,64*teletasisieser-,4e,*r-Asie6`: Ner,,mxxxx.mr,r/..aarotolotalk. 04E;MIXACK-4 • IV CLINTCN /S. Iteme4q0ex, oeteciesereiepelorr,mie ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• wiemer .4, Hot Weather Specials. qp.4.10.0“lwei.0.41.4“41.0........"0.e.6•4104•4•111.16.1441...I00.11.011.41•6•4044148.11“41.0.6. Straw Hats• Men's and Boys' Straw Hats in all the new shapes, from 2sc to $2.00. Soft Front) Shirts. Tooke's Shirts are said. tobe the best shirts in Canada for the money. We are sole agents for this part of' the country and can give:You dozens of pat- terns to chose from. Boys' Shirts, 50c to 85c Men's Shirts, 75c to $1.25 A New Suit 4, 40 4, 40 if < ) 1; • Do you need a new suit ? If so, We ask . you to < call and see our values. We are offering smile pretty strong inducements in the clothing line and it will (< pay you to investigate. . < 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41•41•••••/••".•••41•8•••••••••••• • , The J. W...NeW-Cornbe..COitH. • .-:-Aa ' .—Men's and Bays Ready Tailoring— t5a•e• k: 0000 00000 0000 0•00$00**00<><>0 ' I • • • 0000 00 . . The Sovereign Bank . . 0000 • 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 000 Meets your attetaion to its special facilities for issaing drafts on all the . • leading towns and eitiee in Europe rend • elsewhere at the lowest rates.; This is the safest, 'simplest and 'chew, pestmethod of remitting money to. foreign cOuntries- • Correspondence orinterview re- qaested. -• • ' 0000.0 <4' 00.04 004 . CLINTON BRANCH . 000 00000000 000 T. RANCE, Manager. - W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. • 0.00.0000•00 <>0444-`ak <X> • • 0 0 000 000 000 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 ++++++44414•144144-1. I I 1/ I111::.11i3l 1 111431331 '44''4'4" • • • Spring • • Is Here At Last • You will need`a new an,d lighter • suit We can supply you at less than manufacturers' prices. This is no- mere statement. It is a fact, and we invite -you to give us a call and see for yourself. You will be surprised when you see the ready -to- •° wear suits we are putting OR sale at " just half price. 100 of ..these lVfen's and Boys' Suits are now on sale and will con- tinue until all are gone . You can'tldo ,better any place in the county, soicome along and pick up the snaps in Clothing, It will mean dollars in your pocket.. • Money saved is money earned. ip••• • • doe T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. •- 3 I 3 3 3 34-3-3,34+44 • NEVS-RECORD. CLINTON, ONTARIO, TRURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1904, AT HOME, Miss Stareey will be "‘et Home" at the Rattenburajtouse the est and 3r4 Wednesdays of each moirth, A ROUSING PICNIC, The Ontairia street Suraletea school hasalecieed upon having earousing pic- nic et Bayfield on July 2rst when the little ones, an4 the bigger (eras, will put in cr day of eolid enjoyment at Lake Huron's balmiest pleasure re- sort. THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 88e te 900. Oats 30e to 31c, Butter, tub, 12ea to r3c. Butter,. crock, rre to eee. r Eggs eXe to 13e, Strawberries, basket, ee to 9e. Live IlogS f4.80. rii nAxics.wzr,T., CLOSE. The loeal Banks have for sate time been keeping their deers opea for bu- siness Satercley afternoons, but they now announce that they will in future close at one p. in. sharp on that eay, the, year menet INSTALLING THE OFFICERS. The ollieers-eleet of the IVIasonie Lodge were installed on Friday, evme air last by the District DeputyGrau Master, W. Elliott of Mitche I, as- sisted by. Messre. Beek and Clark of • the Got:knelt Lodge. Several of the Seaforth brethrea were also present. Ilie business of the evening being end- ed, refreshinents were aerved: in the dining room and a very. pleasant hall . • hour spent in fraternal intercourse. PERSQNALS. TO BAYFIELD TOMORROW.• Miss Anna Balkwill of Port Hilton is . the guest of her cousin, Mrs. John A Dottnini'on Day celebration will be Harlan& held in BayReld tomorrow for which . Mrs. W. 1-1. Gceelfellow and two sons an energetic committee has ma& great of Detroit are visitirg at the for- prt.4earations. Bayfield is. the favorite mer's home, Mr, 1). Macdonald's. hcliday resort for the citizens of Cline Mrs. Will, 13eecom has returned from ton and viciniey many of whom well Toronto where she spent three mon attend the celebration. • tbs. Her little son Elmer is still to • Mac bring. home, but is hr.. proving- at the Sick- Children's hoe- • pital. on the Island. • • . . • LITTLE LOCALS. . . • All pl R. .Fierclay, Fitzs ons an.d Cantelon & Wal- lis Made T1iincnts of -live: hogs to Toronto- thisweek.' of. business wiU be clased Rev. Dr. .Stewart and Rev. ManninV excheaged pulpies 'last Sunday a. m. Eraest Rumball, an employee of •1McKenzia's factory, was ecalded in the. face on Monday While cleaning • the boiler,. Tlacrosse team •plays.' in •Xina cardiae tomorrow. •The- Royal Templers of Clattere Londe•sboro end: Seaforth will hold a union picnic in Bayileld on Daneinien. Day. • A GAME OF BOWLS, • - • Four rinks from the local bonding club. played WiGoderich Saturday .af- •teem:yen • last, •Mt, Jackson's qaartette winning by three „points. The rialte were compoeedeof : .• •• J, Speeileing, W. W. Fairan, W. jtuckson. Courtice, • J.. Johnetana E. C. Dowdinee d, B, Hoorn • • .1. Lepine, 4. Arinetrong,' J. Wise- man, W. P. Spaiddiat• • W. .J. Lotgheed E. Hilton, A.• por- ter, E. •K. McLean. • • • TILE INSURANCE PAID, , ,• .• On Saturday last Mr. A: Hooper fiaid to Mrs. E. Hall •12e6.59, the in sieraiice :Onthe life of her aon who was killed in a Grand Trunk' collision Sometime age. .While engaged as. a liaggagemare the. yeurig• neit had taken an accident palicy iole er,000, but changing his activation to• the • More hazardous • orie of brakesmana without at the same time clangiag his policy, cieecaling • to its provisions', hie heirs are only entitled to the aeiraeune of 'fie- aurance for which his premium paid: BASEBALL lveATCH. • • , . 'The • local baseball nine *played in Myth last Friday afternpou and after. a lively genie the vietory rested with the Blyth team lay a score Of 5 to 4, • Fitzsimons struck outeight men and Pinner wed '.leap" Cook Made" • grand stand 'catches. TheClinton players Were : •• Ce;tolier, Ed. Jolason • : Pitcher, le••• Fitzsanons , rat Base, Wallace Irwin . • 2nd Base, .II. Ateestrorg .• . 3rd Base,: le. Brewer • Shortstop, J. Doherty• • Right Fielcl E: Cook.. . Left ' .rield Gladney • CenF tre ield.,• F.• Pinner.- . A STOLEN WATCH.. 'CLINTON P. S. PROMOTIONS. • The following aupila of the Model soiled have beet; *promoted to the senior third, Miss Wilson's' division : Kathleen East, •Mary Holmes, Floren- ce Dunlop, Willie Doliertyl Ilekn Fair, Broder MeTeggart, J. „Chelley, Donald Ross, Susie. Carling, Dolly . Menial; Ford-, Jima Scott, ,atella Annie 'Cochrane, Stella • Perdue, Dot Ball, Barbara hfurray ace. - Son, Jessie O'Neil, lered •Tisdal•. Keta .Gran, Agnes . Ir -win, e Clara aeteman, Annie . Walker. DOING VERY WELL. . • • Mr. I. R. (eke) Read of Morereal wrote his eister, here, Mrs. W, J. Har- land, ca Sunday informing:her of the arrival thate (leyof a little daughter: Aeweele .previors .another sister, - Spencer new of Dim -areal, also .geere birth .to a daeight'er.• "Wu sea" said Ike, "that the Montreal branch oi the family .• are . daing very. ,•well,".. Mr.. • • Rea.d arid Ales. Spencer are natiVeeof Cliriton .and our citizens Will read witli" much • intereet the ramouncenients in the birth edluanne BOWLING ••PARACR.A.PIIS.' • The . bowling elub • has Ita,c1 a teleph- one Put fie their club house w•lrich will 'be d, conveneenee to the-pleyers•. • teoe.e • reeks- of the eoyeliag *club will play, in • Leadau on Friday. a ..The . big bowline; tournameat at Lan- don. • commences July 2.411 meal . will continue . four days. Mr. W. Jackson •yall defend the Labatt • Trophy with the Same rink, .that le had last yeak? Seaferth tournament ta.kes place July r2th and 13th ard. Clinten ' will likely send four �r five .1 et .,.• • . 'DEFEATED . SleAFORpo • . . . • . • The laerosee match played. on the: local groom% on Monday . between the Seafertle and Clieton Jeerers' re- eulted in . the easiest of victories • her the latter, the score standing : Cline young man named 301111 . Gibson, who had been .a resident of Clint:cat foe a maple of months, stole n Watch from the till of the Mason House ou Thursday • last and left by the after-. ncon pain for Landon. The titn,e piece was soon missed and, it,' was . foetid that Gibson had sold it to .a &Wen for three dollars. The police at Lon- don were netified and he wes nabbed as lee left the train. Constable Welsh went to 'Landoir next morning . and brought him back. On Saturday le appeared before Mayor Homer and pleading guilty was allowed to go on suspended sentence. Gibson is a mem- ber of a respectable family in the Niag- ara; district, abut has apparently chosen the wide road that dcesn't lead to haute • enjoyment. His father, • who was tele:0101'10d Ice, came ap on Pre - day,. paid all the expenses in cotnee- tion with the case and took his'erriet son away, • DISTRICT I, 6, 0, F. .1.40130. The annual meeting of lIteron Dis- trict Ledge 1.0. 0. F. was held, • in Brumfield on Friday last. There was a large attendance, every ecedge le the, seven in the district being .represented except leican. D. D. G. M. Idly .of Ilensall presided., During his term of office the Order has prospered in • Hiircer aS was shown by the reports presented. toil .9, Seaforth a: The home players . Rev: John• Kennedy• while the. ,pata• . Mr. Geo. Hill has added a.nothet fire • • • • •••••••••••••• Auburn, Mr, Jaltais Medd Was in Clinton( gota We are creditably iriformed that ten of • our 'young. ladies will dining the next •few menths enter the married state. . . Co upland uPland and Miss •Maleel Coupe land were in Clinton on Tuesday. • The men are busy at the.brickwork of the new Presb•yteriaie church. The Oraagemert will celebrate the GlariousTwelfth at Winghtan. They will be accompanied by their band which :,i's now making ready under the leadership. of Mr. II. Blackstone of ,Oceerich. . and Mrs, John Njc1icsoni and family started on. Tuesday On a driv- ivg . trio to Sarepta in, South Huron. We expect them -home on Saturday, • Miss Patterson, who gees to Mani- toba eliortly„ will be sadly missed by the choirof the Presbyterian church to which she has for years given her service's. freely. The "'Sweet 'Singer cf W,awanosh" has long been .the most popiaar deloist in this part ce the county. • We . all wish her k pleasant • trip and a speedy kesteratiore to good bei‘ailrth. John Mile visited the Hub -of ihe county on Tuesday. - .. We amierstand kr. Dave Patterson contemplates :a visit • to Manitoba sho- rtly: • . . Yoirreas seloel presented!. Hi teacher, Miss -E. M. Patterson, . with a purse c,ohtainixteethe min of $26.. ••• Miss - Tillie Roberten- of • Walkerville left for 'Galt last Monday. -She is to be 'Wedded •in the near •future, • Mr, C. Askwith warned home from Lefrey test. Saturday, ' .: • Settee talk of.,iVir S.. Young .of Winghten buying the01(1mill site to -Maid a new flour Mrs,. Vaneant, Miss Vanzant. • and Miss. C, Lawlor of Detroit visited at . Mr.- Henry Lawlor's That •. . Mrs.. (Dr:) Stan(1isha and Master Bev-. erly.• tea in the- excursion to .Detrait as. also did Mr. and -Mes:, IL Ie3ung- bhit aud Mr: I). Peeterson. - Miss C. Spaiiig intends giartng ep•-• her school at the holidays and it is said will take 'e tree to -the West, . :Miss •Mianie.• Marsh was • united , in marriage ,te .Wfr...-Jones aereer Dane genii:on-last ,Wednesday. • . ' .• . • Rev J.' L. „Small, -his aunt, e Mrs, . ,. • . Small. 'me herdevaliter Maggie • • in - teed :. letieing• thd week for- , 'three weeke' :visit ..at.. Arthur. RaveDr. Mc Lean:of: 131yeli.'wile takabie Work: ler teed:, ..Sinalays • 'and. Rev, Mr. .Elliott of Goderich en. tee 3ecle ••• • : • • e .Mies ..Alite..Kole:was..60.- the • sick _ L list- last Week. . • • • • •Molaanct Tommy' Andersen ief Dengtennen.•Were in the mi. -Monday. •• ... .•- • '• •.• • . • • •eMisia•Nellie Fraser of Wellaceburg. le • tlui gueet of Mrs: (De.)..Statitliele. • e • • • . flullett Township. . • Thnrsday last:Mr. Henry Warren breathed his laet after a long end painful illness. He was a native . of England, but lived in this tolerable, since raeo and WaS held in high teseeeet. Tie, was a member of the municipal council, Where he rex,* good service, but declining health cone, pelted ban te• resign. The very large - r Goderich Township.. • Mr. Guy Hicks sold a driving .horse 'last Week to Fisher .itt Waldron Ol Clinton ler a good figure and has since bought tv two-year-old filly from- Mr. Vialliam Colwell for which he paid ov- er $150. iMs..George Contell sold a two-yearolcefilly for a good price, Mr. Frank II. Powell was iii Haea- ifton on Friday laet visiting his trio- • ther who is ill and a, •patient in the snital ' • tllat elt Whole Number 1326 • Rea. J. Snell , exchanged •pulpits with Rev, Yelland of Beimiller on: Sunday. Messrs. R. Bailey and Harry Marks left on Tuesday morning for Edmore- . ton, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and two thild- zeta., Mr. and • Mrs. Clippord and three children . and Mr. Tlarry Clippord of. Detroit - are guests at Dlr. John • Ver. gusou's: Mr. II. F. F,dwards is visitin ends in Strathroy at present. • ' Hessian fly is at work on the wheat. . Some. of our fann-ers report that the ' returred home after' spending the past Mr. J. A, Xing et Clinton 'spent . - Dr not the pest • Sunday in. the village. We doiet knew whether elessrs. Walla:ee Irwin of • cliatoe. • ' . Rey. Jeeninga mid Mr. Charles Cook • is general 'bat We Nev. not, and .1, 'Nesbit' of Toronto sperit three .inontlis in l'inglaed. . Sun- day , in the village.. . . Mr. . John ,Darrow of Ilersall pure . chesed ...the Queen's hatel last week- . Messrs. 'Latimer. of Seaforth and Ward of Stretford .were in the village . Tuesday on business. The tug J. M. Diver . of the Sarnia ' . . lennaer • Co. was in the larbor • ore Tuesday Lifter a raft ci logs. . Rev. A. E. Shaw and wife and Mrs. -- Scott • of Hense.,11 epent Saturday in • the village, • • Mr. and Mrs. George Dewar . of . . • .. , Stanley were the glICAS f;ff'111r. nerd Mrs. IL - Datrow on - Sunday. . - Ma.. -George Thomson • of 'Gala:Leh - and his - Son, Rev, A. E. Thomson, . . were in .the ;village on Tuesday. . . • . • . Mt. Christi -tau, representiag• the Wil• Rams Shoe' Co.. of Galt, spent Sunday. in tlie,village, .. . - •' Cliatoa were . in the village, Monday out ,. ' a Messrs. • Ireland and Halstead ot . - insareace business.. , . . On the eve of her depaetare toie.her neW.- home Mrs.:. JallICS Ferguson . eves . presented by • the Miesion Band of St. Aa4reW'e clierch withete •very: hand- ... . ,soine bible and boakemark -aecomParaie - .ed .with ' el: kindly worded address. We . . • hope t. she entry act ,feegeteller • . malty; ' .. ' ' ' friends here. . • a .- .• • •. • . • - . - . • In the • supplementary estireatee .pree • - seated to Parliamerat oneTaesday, ' is the• Sam - el Sieoo for lite exteneima of. • . southerni. pier, to complete peyineete.... . Mr. Wilson, brother of Mrs. W. O. Elliott,. and Mr. Carson, hrother-in- law, both of Toronte, were guests of Mrs. glliott For a ample- of days last week, Miss E. Middletcal returned on Sate urday from tee Ottawa Ladies' Cell- ege accompanied by Miss Walker of Lachuta, Quebec, and Miss Patterson of Wakefield, same ;province, who Me tend speadirg the summer months vis- iting Miss Myna .11liddletcee • Rev. el. Rhodes is visiting. in his former parish near Lendon , this week, on atnital by his family. ace . • • . Hohneavilie. On Wednesdav.. of last week .a very pretty wedding took place' in ;he Me- thedist church when Edythe second daughter of Mr. Geo. Tebbuttc was meted in marriage to Win-. E. •Siterpi, ard of Stockhclin, Aesa„. key. J. Hussar performed the ceremony. The church was very nicely: decorated in White and ,greev. Precisely .at al amt. the: hridal eneaessiort moved up the aisle and inanedietely alter •the core - moray the wedding party went to the bride's home where they teartook ' elf the wedding diener. • Tle • briee 'looked charmitg in a pretty costume of white .orgenche. with white elalloe. bat aed. 'carried white' rms. 'The bride was . attended by ler sister, Mise Vina,who. alsc wore a white organdie dress with large bleak het and carried -pink roses. The groom was assated by his bro- ther, • Shefeetad of Edinburg, North .Dalcata. The happy 'maple left• on the' 3.33 train for Niagara and oth- . eerpreintAsifivii. Hohnee cf 1,`ort Wayne,• • Detrait, is the guest • of •,las? grand- motheo• Mrs...tHolmes..... • •• • • • - 'Mr. Cemet ce from near••BelleVille eia- ited his unele, Mr. A, „T.: Cc:Lebec. • Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Courace :visited their daughter, Miss Sarah, at Learra it•tegItre.11N1-.g'•seNt''...,wieeraekWartha 'Sent six pupils' to the • iintrarce exam. this .week. We• wish, .thene. all •SecCess. ' . Oie: Satercla.y Mrs.' A,: J. Courtice' felt and broke her ankle which will fay hPr up :its eon -a tinee. . The Sabbath sclera! and: Epwortla League intend holding their. annual steawbetry festival aext Monday : on Mr. H. Eefard'e lawn. The aleatori Citizera' band have beet engaged frit the. oCcasion. • • • • IVIies Logan of the Parr Line, Stan- ley, wes a .geest at the wedding :of P044- Pickard' c Tueeday - • • • • te attended faneral tock place ' on . • . S • Stanley 'township. It is with feelings of deteast-scerow. we record the cleatli of, Miss' Dora A. • Erratt, •eldestalaughtee Cif Mr. Isaac Eiratt of the Babylon whey pees- • ed away ott Sunday afternoon 14S't • tet an elleass of seven weeks. She had " -an attack of le grippe ielueli settled on her ,. lungs, but .was able to go • ae • • round till the,..day before her death, " so although vers . her death was , ; • ithexpected• and Canie very suddenly, . but • rejoice that timing, her 'sick- nees she felt her. Sa.viceir precious arid a • was not ' 'afraid 'to die. She was of a ' very quiet and retiriag aispo:sitioh and .one wirese rare. Value was felt. mare arid more as you came ineeloser 'touch with her. In her home she :leaves aj bright memory of ; her miselfeslineas. Evert in her dying moniente her thane .' ght was for those, around ber, , not realizing •that . soorl Slie Was to • ." leave . them, A devoted father and . modelle' theca brothers and toe sistee. • . ••• are :kft to inouruethe loss of a "belay- • ' . . . • ed daughter:end sister.. The deepest sympathy of the whele .ecinanunity • gces out to these sorrowiese .enee and • we hope there will not he one mew. •ing it ethat .glorwasate-eciont on the' rcisurnation morn, •The -fufieral • teak .place to Baylield.' ceiteeely on. Tiles: - day.' The services Were conducted by „ Rev, Miller. . . , . Maud Rathwell of Goder:eh township spent: Sunday at the .hcane of her giaridmother, Mrs. Robert Keys of the e3abylpii Liue. ' Mr., and' Mrs: Vir, Patterson of Sea- ' , fceth were guests of 13abYlora 'Line ' friends oue day recently. • • ' : • Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peale of the e. . BehyloraLine Were' guests of the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Artdrew Arenstrong of the •Brownsca. Line, oge• day this ' • On Monday *and Tiiesclay. • of this : ,week 1V1r. and Mrs.. Win. Cox of Goder- jell Visited relatives on the Parr a.nxl Babylen: Lime. • „ • . : Miss Susie . Brcivncti• has returned lame after spending. a: e OW days in Seaforth last .Week: • • . Miss Maggie Clarke is epeaceing ' • fele days this week at the horne ot! Mr. ,Dave Dewar. • Mr. R. Peck and Miss Dalrymple left . Sunday ifor, the latter'e ^home ire St.. Mary's eta attend the wedding of 11,Vtas Dalryinale's °sister... • elr. Jchn Macdonald ,Suadayed at the home of Treasiaer Reid. ' . 'Misses Stella.' and •Edith. R.athwell ed helve ,on Thursday. At present visited at the hone .ot Mr, James week the guest of her ceusin, • Miss amaay, they will take ep their residence with Mr. and Mrs. John Buttota 1 • ' _ Elsie eluitote " Miss Elsie Potter of 13IYth is this eaa Miss Lily .Duncan and Chester pun - 'Spielman one day ,last week,. visited at ,Me- R. Perhale's•oit ,Mrs: John : Miller. of near Wingbam It is '• elected that the new post- returned hoine 64 Satin -00T after speadingi a lew days with . friends, ' Mr, I3oyes, Patlantester oil • the . 13rownson Line beat, has -been improve ing the road with tee. 'grader. • Mi. Alex. Mansoe called at the par., odd befcre leaving for !Meal- 8"attirde.y afterracn to Cliaton• e • ununer tgry. The services Were conducted by Goal, A. Mitchell Point, B. Johnston . Cover Point,. G. Miller Defence, C. Sheppard , A.. Brewer, P. Dowier Centre 1VI. Chotwen - , Home,' Shapparclele. Chin:Chill, E. Outside, A. Carrick • Inside, R.. Cautplor,1 • AN .EXCHANGE. OF HORSES. • • Messrs. John Wisernaa and B.T. Gibhings vvere delegates 'from C1infoi. Lodge .• to the Oddfellows' Dist ict meeting. held in Brucefield last Friday p, an. When getting ready to return home they ferencl that their horse had disa.Ppeered, stre.ngeaone, to them', being . left in, its place. As it was eii- titer use the nag to return. to the boa' cen of their families or stay with Charlie Wilson, till 'Taxi day, they hitched it up °and came 'home. On Saturday the missing horse was lo - Pate& in a See.forth livery stable, ehe gentleman who .dreve it not knotwieg till his return to the stable that the lostler had Meet a irdstake and given 1iini the wrong horse. " ONTARIO STREET LEA:GUE. • Last Monday. evening this • League had an interesting and instructive study of Whittier's life and some • of his works: IVLiss Ida Tebbutt. gave a. good sketch of hie life. Misses Lucy Grata, Mabel Flintoff and Ida Minch, gave appropriate readings froth his works while Miss Lucy Stevens re- viewed (me- of his pcetris and . aeso drew some valuable lessons from his writings and life. Dr: Cook spoke cf the lessons to be ectund elve study el Whittier'e weeks emit gave a review of tee poem, " ',My Soul •ar,d J." During the evening Miss pirribull of •Goderich rendered a pretty solo. Next Monday evening there will be the usual month- . ' ly Coreeeration service, also reports Irani tta eerie:us vice-presidenes and from the delegate to the Wingham • Convention, ' bearer', were the gentlemen who. Serve,d hot*to his herd; got near Xitileurn, with the deeeased ia the Council : R. Mr. '. j. W. Hill -elso- purchased one Ferris, W. Pettereoa, W. Moon and r. Irml 'irt.' BlnerSc4:`of Gc'eerie4 twii- efeelellan, with yhoin• were associated gill). • the clerk, Mr, : James •Canipleell, ead Mr. I). •Barr ' visited friends near, Warren the township loses a inats of A :Varna! on' Saturday end Sunday. Mr. . E.,: Butt . is Making . eitenelve MO .Williain• Fear. In the death of Mr. publ ie. spirit', and . eterlitrg integrityhaprovemente ca hie •banr. Among those who attendalethe funeral Mr. e•Ilayes hes added a new 'fence were Then -raj . Pengally, Rochester,. which: is qrate an impreweinent. ' • New York; and.leobert ;Warren, swine We are sorry ,to have to.record • the, state, brotheran-la* end brother of death oe Mrs. g.,.. Ball which sad event deceaeed, respettively. " • ' teak place al TueSday ' aighe. The It is with Mueli sorrow thet'we are sympathy' of the 'community goes c4tit called epee. to panounce the death • of eo Mr. Ball. - Mrs. Elias. Ball. of the•Ba.se Line whi- Miss. Jennie Wright is still feaprave i _ . eh took .plaee ore Tuesday evening. ag in hecilth. .ia Mrs: •Ball was Much estecenee by her • Mr. R. G. Reid spent Sueeay \ No lodge has made greater progress daring the past. twelve months Ulna has Caracas. Which low steeds second in point of menibeishiP; : Mr. R. Reid otaGetderich was elected ' ' • 1.)% Grand ,1C1 ter After the busiftess of the District a ,• had Veen transacted it lodge of le- . . ********************** 4••••••••••••••••••••• struction was held .when the second degree was exemplified by the Heasall Only Fifty Cents The News -Record will be sent 0 any address until the end of 1904 for half a dollar. Let's Have Your Sub- seription Now, 4p44.••••••••••••••••••••4441.••••••••••••444 team, the two candidates being front Clintom The work was exceedingly well done, tee Noble Grated in Par* ticalar excelling. After the brethern were cratertaera at a Wen patty whieli they eery enueli enjoyed. All in all the Distriet ineet- frig Was. pleasant"' and profitable one and the brat:I:ern ekeeak very highly of • their entertaiameitt by the Odd -fellows of Brucefield. Among those preseet &ten Cliatoti were B. J. Gibbings, John Wiseman, W, Itellyar, T, Jackson, J. Ireland, C. L. Fisher, A, Tunier„ 3. C. SteVenSolt, P. Pester, W. Tows- ende ' tIeS PASTORATE AT AN END,. • 011 Stnelaa last Rev. J. C. Dunlop preteelied his farewell sermoia twee to- day his pastorate of the Clinton: and Base Line Baptist churches is at an • ord. Ile has ;been here three and a half years and has wan the esteem of our eitieens regardlees of denomina- tional lines. The avow lien to be a brc•adanindecl tristian gentleman. 1.r. Dunlop likes Clinton ar.d. said ta The News-Raced:1 that in his twenty- four years pastceal work he has ace .1reen Stationed in it place where the people' amnion friendly coal courteous. than here, • lie las not yet decided Where . lie Will locate thou& he hae had several calls. Ite goes to Stayner, a former field of labor, for a few days. During ,Mr. Dunicee's twenty four years in the • miristry lie never failed to take eliarge,of Sunday's work elecept occasionally. became of sick- nesS or impassible roads, other words he hae not yet had areal holi- day, Spent, many :. friends for her enemyevirtues. this vieinitY, ' i She was of a. eympathetic natural. a . Master All. Mcnrien he had aitv model head of a libuseliold and a de- attack: of blood Poisoning; hut is kJ - voted wife. .Tp her litisban4, •who is Prcieing' • • L lifttis swo6tshaellayffilioertehaevriets,s hatailide avelicwie-6ii,:s. Me: Jas. Miller ha. also beta ()lithe sick list. • - • • OM roads are beirg in.1,1roved by onii,ilthittlyleiss.illexcetreXeseYdl.i1113'afthheYfibiktrilae*L teacre's place on Thursday , afternoca ao Ball's the use of ,the Gocleriel townehip arta der, which is being .edgeueered • by Mr. . • Sabi. johnson of Tayler's Corner. ceDmire.t.elZaMinil Glidden]: has sold a two- . year-old delving colt to Mr. Joe . . . Reynolds for x6o. 'This is oral of Constance. rha coke. le has had from the same mare and the second he disposed , clf ex- eer. arid Mrs. Williatrx Button atria - Miss Mary. Brawn visited her sister in Detroit last week, The, raising of,Mr. ,James Snell's new bean on Tuesday of last week:yeas at- tended eiy nearly 2oo hundred then, bat, owing to the rain interfering with the • work somewhat it ttrn. •not office will be „ready for. Monday aext, faiishecl Mail noon next day. 'lite bent Mr. McAllister is sending up six frit is 68a76 .011 a ten foot wall. Last year . entrance this year, viz i Nellie .Stithere Mr, Saell built a sheep' stable which: is lane, Edith' "Ceimpliell, Edna Taylor, 33x173 'feet,: SO, With! the. Part now being B - o Elsie atton, Russel :McIntosh, Jolla erected •he ought to have ample stelae minian. . . "cute' Mr. Snell is a Pre"gressiee lar" hliss Madge McKinney oe Bervie ' mer and likes to have everything ala spent Sunday with her cousin, Nelhe . out the place in perfect order. There toba .. . Sutherland. ••• •' InsTom making his - . S. McCcol. liged,lihs foot badly bruised', . Mies *Annie Wyatt is vesititt Iriendfe. rotmpector ds again and is finding Stailley • , • Were a few aesidents at the raisiege William Vektr got his hand burt,• while this. week in the villa.ge. Rev, Mr Kentieely _preached hes fare- Lecti;rete.rs right it bud arid up to the - in the case of Thothas Lee it WO !IliS .' 4" well sermon last Sunday andt ' i, is After a lingering illness of over two head that suffered damage. t d th t Rev Mr Clement will Eddie Tye and Johnny .flicutivelvan n preach et uislay, are writitig on, the Entrance exam in xS•passed to its reward last Saittirday, Clinton this week. e yeats the spirit of Henry Taylor • • afternoon at the home of his sort, Williaini of the ead, concession, Stan - The many Weil& of Ernest Adana; 'Stanley Township, ley. Ire had long been waitingj for of whom mention was made in. it icr- mer issue, will be well pleaeed to hear the MI:Mucus so- whet thee cry was . Mr, G. S. 'Howard, prireipal of that he is prcgressing favorably. jilted pro., made "Ileholil the Bridegroota Come The Bandon echool annual pietiie .1s3ildalteg n•a.tw'''''vgargapart° wus. etli, Go Ye Forth to Meet Hen" he tcok place cei 'Friday last in IVIr. examinor (.1 went gladly forward ktowing that all wee, • Mr John Alba s beauti ul grove. thet Salem ay handaig over tiVears ilgo this•nionYth Stirlingshia.c4, ' the papers to IVIr, G. Baird, who. • is • • games were more attractive that, usual t big the work, Mr. Howard having e cothund and. came te. tles comae' as a tomilber of new features were in- as trodueed, including- a r:etclle 'race, a decided to take a trip West on the 2eth neatly sexty years ego,. Ile took tip bock ram ar.d it three legged race. illste • • • where ha helped to elatee a comfartala Mr. Thomas Dale has pat up a iteye ' le honie for ehnself teed family. The wire fence. a w days teg'o. a, ..1‘girray.erIchltiiiti.;,reetnaa ataaaaea am sae. on the /rid eon: The • s L'ze' of the barn ns' . founetation of •Duneart• 11/climates bane funeral tmk Place on Menthe)" to nere temeitry. Itullett where the re - Several from aroued here .went te Mr, tones GraSsick has left 0 , yer. W. L. • Keys bit for .Edmoneea lauct the rah coneessiou latilett i.e.' toreleeberot. • will Mr. Richard Volker has Opened up 11;80101,sfoetiave eceeple. ted the • mains were laid to. rest besidathose oe, Sunday. S k r a of MS Wik • Who predeceaeed himathree years. lie leaves four sells Sosepli, as atoon. Gig -i. The er- s Date a number attended theMr. Peter Douglas has gene woad- .the . lientane a. .y 1 Rev. Dr, Stewart cold at the ceinetera i ing of Mee Alice Mile of the naval Northwest Me it prospecting tome vices at the leeuse were erulucted by, Road near Alma. 'by Rev. Mr. Ittemiltot The pallbeare Mrs, Moee Mann is on the Skit list Mr. and tetra P. 11. Sibley left ers were : Glean, te. • Ilaird, R. Vale - ileiS 'Week, t • Monday leir NeW Yorke . rami, A. reties, M1 and IL lefeliWele, -• • ••••••‘••••••••01•114m•,...•rno•-•-•