The Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-16, Page 7June 16th 1904
G. D, McTaggart
ALBERT watimr, c LINTON'.
(Successor to Mr.... .Tain: s Scott.),
°dice formerly
J aims ;.-leott,
occupied be ItIr„-
in Ellie Lt Hlt,ck.
RiporT & MALE
v.onveyanetrs, etmemissioners, Real
Estate and Insuranee Agency:
IN-lottey to Loan.
Dr, W. Germ L. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S.'
, •
Dr. .T. Nisbet Gui n ..U. R. C. S. Eng,
L. R. C. 1, London • • • •
Night calls at front door of rtaidence
Rittlenbury street, Opposite •
Presby.terialt church. • . ••
OFFICE.- Ontario street —CLINTON.
OFFICE:— Ontario street .—CLINTON.
Opposite St, '.u1 's
Spucial attention given to diseases of •
the 1‘;‘)e, Ear, Nose and Throat .
—011ice and .Residence— • -
North of Rattenbery St. •
(Mice formerly occupied by Dr. Pal-
lister on Main street.
• ••-
Office adjoining Ph.d.,, 'Gantry. ripen
every atiy and iiights until
to o'clock.
espccialii.t 171 t...rt,wii oat. tiralge Were
D. D. S.—Grtiduit•te oi ti,e ltoyai Col-
lege (A 1ielo.„1 purket.111S „AA 01.11.111"^
L. I). class honor gr:Aduate.
Dental Department of. 1,,4
n versity
Special attention paid to .Ls.•:rVattori
uf children s teeth. •
1411 I be at the. lIattl, By tedd,
every illoaday from to a. to 4.0 t,.
▪ member of the Veti.r.In.ry
A ssociat ions of London, and Edin-
bui git anti t; tad 114t,13 01 •tlle Ontar,
io Veterincry Col.tge.
• Fl II urt in t —CLINToN.
Next to Commercial Hotel,
Whom: 97
a . •
Tel 4.
%." .14.C. *.•
ISSUED 131:'
J. B. IZumball Clinton
ct A al X
Ni DR. OVENS OF Loxpag • ete
. •
Sufgcon, Denlist;. Speeiaist,
Discasus of Eye, Ei.r, Nose 11.11(1
Thrtntt,. visits monthlyerl,
Nasal Catarrh at.tal DatfeeSs-
treated. (14
r4ondon ()(ike 225 Quetot.'S .AAc.(5„.;
Clinton ()nice Combies Dritg
S tore.
Hoi rs 8 a. in. to 4 p.. nt. Oattj
es of vhdts—Tuesdays—Peb. 2, Et
Mar. 1, Mar. 29, May 3, May N
:0, June 2s, July 2f,, Sent. h, Lig
Oct. 4, Nob, I, Nov. 29.
MONTHLY Aamiirim
The Beet le Current Literature
PAPERS ON Yinitot-tomos
$2.50 PER YEAR; 25 011a A COPY
Caught it the riot Triiet.
Ur. Cleverly—I have a great joke 4.10
My wife. I've just bought iter a hat
for $5 and had it sent home with a
fifteen dollar mark on U $hell never
knoW the difference. JrL Cleverly
(later)—Harold, deer, 1 guese I would.
better buy my own hats after this. I
ould have done a good deal better
for $15. You've been awfully cheated.
,Why, 1 saw this very sante hat in the
window with a five dollar mark on ft.
Double Steamers, or 40Y,,
"But your hero and heroiee get mar
tied in the middle of the story. How
do you expect the public to keep on
being interested in a book like thatr"
"Ah," said the new author, "but they
get divorced in the last chapter and
live happily ever after. So, you see
tho reader is made twice glad for one
price of admission!"
y 113,e..., in, di .1.e.1 at. 1
"14', 4.011 /7 el 1,1
s see . Th: Sotithweattit
new electric: 'lighted ti ain of the t:blett
go, , Iti :v ht. :WI Railway,
has hem places • in service, Ii(ago to
Kansas cit.:, the coon. Loy oilers the
Inist. services it, the west 111:
rough three important. 1.,,attivairs—Nen.
sas • City, Omaha 4nd It. Pti1.
The Pioneer L1t31te0, t•Itt,eate•:. to
S t. Paul. .• la,' 'eters
dwell thete oat pce,iulitr 4.1 a,11 let 'n eitws. III0. ()Vt.2-Ittri. 1
411 ICag0 IL On:0113. altf ur. ps1.,iat isc of
is ow :fl, 1r:t1tit:omit-t1t144.'
train ; ihrot git Om atm,. . • • •
. fz'outhwest Tiutj tt d, Chlea•go to
K ans City, witi: its ikti,11..r.L. ;13
Colireartment :dee ..ers, library Observe...
titin •cars and •••ollar excellent • rotip•
ment,- Offers •traVelers •• tc, •the11111
west • 1,e1t eV st•i•i iee t ban. they li tv ;kyr
.to Tore in'oyi d, utd 10
Las pi ()\ 11(1 0, miceeSs It oin its mit:al
• .T. Taylor, C. P, gnt,1.4
East Torouto..:
Tho flicKilion Mutual Fir.
Ini9Ora1109• 000-lariU.
—Farlii and Isolated Tovm Property--
•••• Insured.- • • • ,
J,.11.• McLean,' 1residen-1-, • Vionen
0. ; -Thos. Vras.:r, Vice -President, .
firneefield P. 0; T: E. Ilays, See,••
TrAasurer, Seafurtli P,
Sliesnee, Seafor •jr,hti
Grieve, ll'inthroP ;'• George Da.le, • Seto
forth ;• Jolla Walt, ITarloek ,; •
flennewit s,. Broillutgan . .1 anies 1:lvans
;Jauie Connolly,' Cliatou
. .
Rober,t• Smith,. • Ilarlock ; E'Hie.
ebley.,•• Sea fort 11 ; nines CUM 111higs.,
'11;gmondVille J, W.. Yet), Holmes-
•' Parties . desirous to effect insurance
f )1. .transactother business will' he
• promptly attended to. on.. applica.tion
•10 any of the aboveofficers addressee.
'totheirri•spective. postoffices. hosses
.inspectedthe. dirtetor • who liVes.
. .
tiparcst the ..s.cene
'.1•111I14*.; -TABLE.
Trains'will arrive, at and depart
ront Clinton •stiftion os f.O1 iows
.. • ,
. Going East Express-. • • •
Sloing .I.Cast 3:23 p10,
• '
Going West • 5.20 9.01,.
Going West Elver; ss: I2.55
' ' " arrive t leave•f3.40
ro.32 p.m.
tThing Sonth lr.,sj,ress •7..47. 3;mi.
. '4.15
. .
• • • " North' 'Wspress. • .10.15
5:33 p.m.
A. 0. P T I SO -1,7;;- 'Slat ion
Town 'fleet Agent,
MACDONALD, Dktriet -Passel).
gr Agent,. Foronto..
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
• Ladies' Irayorkte,
IS the only safe, reliable
regulator on which woman
can depend "in •the hour
and thne or need!,
Prepared in two degrees a
strength. No. 1 and NA. 2,
• No, 1.-11'or ordinary cases
;1 by far the ,best dollar
medicine keown.
No. 2--2'or special eases -10 degrees
stronger—tbeee dollars per box.
Laclies—ask your druggist for Coeles
Cotton nook Compound. "rake no other
as allpills mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. 'Nn, 1 and NO. 2 are sold and
renommended by alt druggists in the Do-
niinfon of Canada. Mailed in atilt addreat
on receipt of_ Mee end our S -cent postage
stampa. • trite Coalc Company,
Windatot), Onba
Na. t and No. 2 are Sold itt Clinton
by Watts & Co., fl. P. Condit, R. P.
Reckitt and 3. E. Hovey, druggists.
,o I s 1111
Tnant Nis:mitts
Aniono tootling A olostob nod desorloUnO mai
etnekly nanortnio our opinion free wootiter an
Inveution is emboli, patentable. omolco.
nous otriettyconfidontiol.,,HANREcmu
00E ort pacing
tea m, 0
fro144.5t agency ler securing patents.
..,1„,Abioto taken tbrougb ?Amin & co, recetre
toolat IlOtte6;. Wylt2t1t charge-, 111.1110
A Onorloomeir illuttottod weekly. •1,nrizett dr-
eubition of Any antennae inurnat Terms, $3
• roar: four roOothat*L• Soid by na towanonlert,
MUNN &Co 26"NadwaY' New York
OrA0on mike. Cu t' 131.4 Wathington, D. O.
Ito Clinton riQursoRecord
petting her lips With MIS of lier finger*
to discourage a yaWn.
"Didn't your queried Mary lance
eently. "Parlatips I never did Mention
itr Then at the ectund of footsteps on
the gravel she added rather hurriedly,
"Don't lay it up agninat the poor fel-
low, 04:nigh."
Two dark figures were approaching
from the foot Of the lawn, It Con-
stance jumped at the conclusion that
Copyriy7tt,1003-,by 2 a. McClure
Douglas SUMO wee a widower just be -
"No," said Conetance 0 a tone of canoe ShO said, "Tell that to Dog -
Unshakable cOnvietion tte she lay, her las Stone when he Sae MI," it Was
chin. propped open her handl), atnid her own fault,
the subdued richness Of the oriental Meantime that young lady'a greeting
to Mr. Stone Was a trifle stiff, but no
Pillows. "No; 1 might love a convict or One but her tormenting cousin noticed
1. oaight love a ROttenot but a widOw- It The gentleman bin:melt 'seemed ut.
er, neverr teriy unconecious. Ile, had determined
Iler cousin, .111ary Singleton, a prae- , to learn his fate, and in the grip of
tical young woman more given to $ests that mighty resolve all minor 'things
than Sentiment, eyed her curionaly, but escaped hie notice,
did not speak. •• Miss Singleteseemed bent upon aid -
"Just ancy," Constance continned.
. • nhag him, for the and her fiance were
with scornful derision, "being a meter; lost sight around a bend of the road.
Stane "Iloodtooedr after the manner
Pecondhoice„ listening to a reboil or the cottagers In the neighborhood,
of WS Sot lovemaking! Gracious!" •but no answer catne back. .
'1Xer tone implied that the thing wa$ "Deserted us already," he ialighed,
Well nigh unimaginable, but her cousin his voice a little shaken by the great
only 'laughed a bit skeptically and took question that trenableti on ble lipa
the other side of the question. ' "Let'S hurry and catch up with
i'De you Mean to say that because 1
them," suggested his companion. - •
a person has, loved "I1,6W extreinely unflattering:" came once be She, his answer. "I was just longing to
:for that raatter—cannot lore again
without feeling Viet it IS a rehash of have you all to myself." •
Me triedto speak 'lightly, but eager -
the old love?" she asked, with a yawn, Mae vibrated in his voice. They had
"My dear girl, you're all wrOngi The emerged from. the grove end stood at
secend love is simply a different Mat- the edge of the rocks. .
ter," • . I "My 'dear, dear lover • He took both TUE BABY'S TROUBLES.
"The average human being," she of the smelt hands in his Own and
continued shrewdly, "is capable of a steed Looking down, at her, Struggling
good many loves. I don't at all.belleve to speak calrel3r.
in thee one love individuals—the sort 1 "-Yon know — you must know," he
• 'who mourn forever, you know. That went on eagerly, "that you are the only
sea of thing is simply emotional 1.• woman on earth to nie. • How . I've
poverty." ,) lived all these. years, Without you I do
Having delivered herself of thi0 not know. 1..pan't foe lito withbut
worldly observation, shegianced at the I you any. longer:. I never knew what
cioct and began to cell up her loosened it was to live until 1putt you." '
hair in a way that signified that it Was A clinch, change. :CAMS. over Con-
tinie that she went to her room to dress- tstrince's face; even in the dim light•
for dinner. •he *Ss*. .it and wondered, and she
"Soulless creature!" taunted Con- wrenched her hands AWAY.'
stance,with an indulgent but gently .1 . "For shame!" she said hotly,
superior • air. "Defend widowers, it shamel bo you think any woman Will
you'ehociae, lint none of them fornie!"1love you better. for ignoring hertlifit
"You n girls with fine sentiments,"' .Other—the one whein other years was
Mary retorted tenslrfgly, her band on.. 'all the world' to you?"
the doorknob, "are just the ones to. 1 She stopped, unable to- go .further,
leek. out for." And •she 'passed Out, because •the tears were' choking her.
.srntliug, into the hall. A. moment later A look of blank amazeMent • over -
she opened the door again end, thrust,spread Stane'a face, and he stared at
ing.her head into tlio. room, said in. au• iter with eyes that -were a etineentiat-
enigmatical- Untlaner:' ed interrogation. •JOY OF -LIVING.
"•13y the Way, Con, be sure to. telt
Douglits:•Statte that Wben he asks
yeti!" • Then,' beforeher cottsineopld
she vanished, slamming the door
behind her. . , • • .
nCoostonee stood in the middle. of the
robin- for a, minima perfectly motion-.
less .wondering if she 'could- have beard
aright, . Douglas Stane a •widowert
yoe. of .course .that was •Verhat:-.Mitry-
ment.. Douglas Stone widovrer!
in the -four months itt Which they bad
been. growing 'daily feeder of efiCh
• er.she had never b beard the fact
•:With .4.. quick tno:vemen
.towerel the door andlo
With her hands clasped 1
Was the experitnee Mrs. 10:. V. '.'it
t'4. r.,1 Ditusville hat', with rhentnatism
wiiieh•resisted everything till Nervilitto
Wk.!: tried old it errt-d. 1 N.*: orily
- relief I ever gct was Nes-
%Dine on" writt.i Cette.r. "It
pcnArated to the very core ot the- pale
ond eanea sny suffering after a few
v.poo.„tion•:.1 Jtse used many Then-
niatie retie:dies but tame had the soo-
. thing, pain sill • !Rime:, rower of Nervil-
• ir.o which 1' yet:cilium nt*, highly. Try
1\'ervilino yourself. 0( od- tor Mug nal
um; iLILtIii.X4A14.1lt, to rut, on. l'rice 26e.
Japanese Mains.
In Japanese the word "Inikasa" in-
tiietilos WIIrS1Ila and "morn" a ship
a commerce.
Vim wi.nt a mild stimulant like Dr.
lItmilton's Pills of Mandl a and. Thar
ornv t vet:4M cure inextive liver, re -
roust il:ittit.n soul sick headittiv.• 1St.
mice. l'Se only ,Dr. 11,onilton's
price -23e.
Swallows In rilestbie..
In Palestine the ,su allows are nilowr
ed not oniy the freedom of the Itousea
and, livitnr rooms, but of Hie mosques
Mist tonibs, • where they • build their
• nests andrear their -young...
The greatest snifering of thildliood is
eituatil e4.1.e13 ik..2 scald 11...acl1 chafing
or other forms sk irritatu r4 or
crept b,a. Because 0, Its extracrdinarY
htitling power Dr,. Chasers
Ointment is of inestimable value in
tli•J home 'there are anion. child-
ren'. No mother , Wholias• leo:med. the„
scores of witYs in Willett Dr. Cluisc's.
()intuit 114. 4.11,0 be used would think • .of.
beiiigt• without It. 111 , the hese. •
.Drug Stores In Sweden.
Pc.tent medicines are • never sekl in
the apothecary shops. Of -Sweden. The
government limtts the number of these
shops; and there' are only 350 in . the
.whole ceuntry, Stockholm, with a pop-
• ulation of 300,000, haying only twenty-
•• •
she. glided
• painful
tightness, she Stead 'in the middle Of
• the moth and repeated With growing.
thereditlity: "A widower! Douglas
S-41 Ile a widower!" • • • • .•
"It ..can't be true -4t can't be --it
„can't her .she prOtested; with a moan: ,
likeness rose before .her—tall,
:broad and a bit stern of face., Then,
toleg•bot and old by thrns,• she sank
•doVen. upon Abe divan once More and
'buried her 'head 'in the pillows: ..,
"Her. lover!" Thnt, was.:What her
heart cried out, and, thongli she Would
not permit herself to say it there was
'a wild, sweet bliss . in the thought.
Subtly she 'had known it -almost from
the first.. But a widower! "
•' She EdIlVered nO-w at the very remem-
brance of thiugs that had Once thrilled
her -7.0e uncOnseloua softening: of -his
keen eyes when.they., met hers,' the'.
elusive but unmistakable tenderness of
.his tenchwhen he helped her over a
rough place or held her wrap,.. Time
was -when ,the caress' 'of - bus gbanee
made her • blood tingle. Now she. re.
Inenabered.-lt with a ort Of leathitig.
Had his 'eyes ,not softened:- for Some
other woman?
Thus she Wrestled With lave 'and pain
Until the striking of the clock reminded
her that the dinner hair WO at hand,
J umping up,' she began to dash cold ,
water over ' her gushed face and wet
* yea while' she tried to steady her
surging milt:410mi. • • . • . •
.."Iliverything Went wrong,": she apol-
ogized when she 'appeared at the din-
ner table rather flurried and breath-• .
lees. . "Couldn't get My heir 'tip right,
licioirs. Wouldn't hook; and •-• buttene
wouldn't button," ' ••
•Iler cousin Omiled, .
"Methinks the lady tItith protest too
much," she thought to herseli.
"Diek just telephOned," she Ltimonne-
ed, feeling rather small and guilty as
she noted goestanee's flushed face and
feverish eyes, "HS and Douglas $tane
are eoming up after dinner to take ns
down to the Spouting Rock." . .
• Constance opened her lipa With the
evident ititention of deClining, but be-
fore she could epeak her cousin eon.
tioued glihlyt • , •
"I just accepted . for both of tie be-,
cause I knew you Would liketo go."
Then she continued under her breath: candidates,"
"Poor old D.otig1eS1 Wouldn't I like to Whereupon he began attending the
bear what she says to him! Row' shall •Primilrles•
ever make my peace with them, 1," Ile worked faithfully forthe nominee.
Wender?" '' • tion of sober, honest, and reputable can- 4
cLe, et patoililet is for free ills -
When, the dinner over, they sat on didates, •°idled:ion and 'May be obtained -frau
the broad piazza in the twilight she- _ But it did no geed.• any, of the agents of tit; Grand Trulik
half regretted her prank and decided - The other fellaWs turned out in,great- Railway Syston.
to speak, but before .her good, into. 'r nnixtberS and ontroted him,'.and had
eon crystallized into' 'words Constance; Men were nominated and. elected to of -
evoke to her, and at the studied indif- floe tie before. ,
fereece of the latter's Telco and the He felt that he .bad a tight to Melt OVer T110
Marked entitil Of her manner all her
Iota of mischief returned.. -
never before heard you ..reentien
that )4r. atm* is a widower" she oid,
"Oh, it seenis to me," she went on ,
passionately, "that if 1 Were a man
and had once loved a worilan well
enough to merry her, and sbe had.
died. I'd be a little bit true to her
tueinoryi • ig I *anted care; eompan7'
ionship, whatever it is that men re-.
marry 'for, I'd say So, instesid of pre,
tending that r had never really ,loved
before!" •••
• 'Had she been lesowougitup by
her• feelings, she might have .noticed
that 'during- this tirade several expres-
'sion$ fluttered like shadows across.her
loyer's face. Astonishment' pre way •
t.o understanding, and that in turn to
grhn determination, •
"1 sOc," he s'eld 'slimly,* bet in a
YOlee whose ring made her look up at
him with- the convietion .that he was
no longer A :suppliant ,for ber fever.:
"You reject my love beeausef"—
"Been:use' you have heea.xnattled be-.
fore," she finished attIbborialy, • '
".Iealous of a dead , woman," he
unised, loOking at her through .eyea
it is. ,oni v., t he Iwo' thy who „find 1.
reid , joy inv life. , Wtmv, nery•ous,'
latigoid and •dist•ouragal ja ople • -find
„ti:w--,hcpe and tii:rgy • in. 1..Pe. use of .
• Dk: Ntrve .Ft.ocl, With new,.
13(.41: coursing through the 'veins
and Or:. .thrill - of itt•tv Iler e foree 'sent'
.tiegiing along ..the • lire fibres,' thejov.
liric le', 0hti itIs arid •,• and ..weiik-
w2s34 0a34.tear. .. • -
Yvatieolorea Baths.
, Clean and. rentove all stains froin
• the enamel rub „Well With. Nitwit . salt
nielsterted with. :vinegar, •Thio wUl
clean. equally.'Well enameled pots and
• Pais, no matter how .burned or. (Bagel-
• The Cradle,
The poetical Greek -name for credie
is the 'same as the :name .of the win-
• nowing' fan or basket, the traditional
.narrowed to a mere slit. "Ah; roe!" • eradle of the infant Bacchus.
• . Then, as If the episode Were elosieC - •
lhtecbasokuodse..?tiu, Jotly, "Shall:We retuin- to . To. '
• • Berne of the :tons with .which. the
She felt suddenly ' terrified, bereft. Chinese amuse themselves are as large
She hid' expeeted something very dif-' • " barrels. It tikes three men to spin
tion. A. mighty Ertruggle was going on
fica- 41.111etter dirkeclevietrailluhitusndtireSdoPyldrdtshaatUrctlayn.. be
• .ferant—expostulation. self justi
within her. • But -abeve the din -of 'con -
'tending feelings she. heard one deer., 'WIZ,. OYER' SIXTY Y• EAR.S.
cry, "I hive hini! I love 'him!" and •
she held out, her bands as beseechingly
So 'a '. •• • ••
• •- "You. pOOri. silly • little • girl!" . be
Whispered itt A voiee'a great content .
:et he,iswept her up ,in his arms; "Who ,
ever told you that hsurd tale?,. But
' Rye prev,$d to you that you would •
have loved' Me even if 1 had been!"
I • y
• "Witko, fltshi tuodern tk.Q S pusit,•
drive, ,• get • there son •tv(Is hard
Ott 'the nerves,. harei •on .the digestion,,
hard en), steep.. Votir 15605. gets .thin.
ant', Strength, 'goes dov 11 hill. Buse'
people .111itst• 'Maintain • healthy'
build up. 'Take Ferrov.tme, • it sha16,1ti115
the appetite, formit rich, tee, ';'" blood,,
develops strenieti t its if 1,1- :Per-
romme i 5 terve ani brain took that
keep. a ' rebuilding. going • 00 in, the Sys-
letn arid: brings vigor and 'energy tot
ticse 'who need it. Try Vertrizoise
555 onprove:
50e at druggists;
• Once Where Was Ana. • ,
• °nee there was a man vvho complain-
ed that unworthy men were too fre-
quently elected to office. •
• "Do you attend the primarleii?" asked ,
his bearers. '
"1 do bot," he said.
"Then you have no right tO itiek?‘"
they toldbini, "It is the duty of every
good eitiren to attend the priniaries and
see that the best Men are eimeett as
•, Mrs. Winslow's 'Soothing Syrup • has
:been' Used by Millions of .inothersior
theirchildren while teething. • If dis-..
•turbed by night and broken , of :your
restby a sick • ehild ,•suffering . and
Crying with pain . of ,Cuttingteeth send
at -onee and get: a bottle of • "Mrs.
vir.fnalowrs. Soothing Syrup". tor
ren teething.. .It will relicire. the poor
little sufferer immediately. Depend
wi11 it, mothers, there is no rnistake
ttbout it. It cures ' Diarrhoea, • regu-
lates' the, Stomach and 13oWels, cures
Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces
•Inflammation • and gives tone and en-
ergy tothe whole- system "Mrs,
A'inslow,_'s Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething is pleasant to . the taste
and is the prescription of .one of the
ol (lest and • best female. physiciansand
nurses in the United •States. 'Price
z5 cents s, bottle. . Sold by all'cirtig-
giSts throughoutthe world. Be sure
and ask. •for .Winslow's• Sooth-
• .A $50,000,000'
The aboVe Lige is .the caption of. an
hatiresting.... Pamphlet' issued Ity the
Passenger department 'Of the Grand
Trunk Itailway . System .eolimet
with the World's : Fair it t St. Louis,
Aprit aoth to Deedniber ist, ION. The
ptiblication conic ins it vet v• co p Maim.
siv.e and interesting. description Of 1
tite• • Hon.. Richard Ilartholdt in the
Irotifie of • RepresettatiVes,.Washingtori,
e n:formation' eclittitined iri .the hto-
eltifTe tyill tell you how to soIve • the
li50,otio;000 pro -Motu and 10p- vot',to
deehleoptn du beat way to reach St,
the cost, amity suggestions awl
it number (4 side trips that' can be
takentnroitte, with the .ptiee ot tick
And. 115 neither a dopy mixture, a
• CriXibleSzAnt atomizer pi ari irritat
11.1117.=.11... . . eaten&me which is recotniudiucted—ty—fat•
east twenty -thousand physicians In
'.'nited. States and Canada. bal.
amie vapor of Catarthozotte at
1,300to the source of disease, kills tim
ants, heals sore spots ; it prevents
troppitig in the throat, 5, 1. s tin; nos -
Vevor's Ttead)Disiareetant Seat
Powder la be than oilier sonp you clefs, •1°
gi it else 407.4 as IA. tteinteetstit,
this time, and he eomplained ttgain.
"Do you attend the priinariell?" his
hearers asked him.'
,"Tlied you ought to keep Your mouth
Ant,'" they said. "You are a part of
the croWd that notninatee these bad
111031, and you aro responeible for them"
Moral.—Do you get off here or. Wait
1111 the ear stops? --Chicago Tribune.
Wabash. •
1‘,„ the gretit.1,Vortd"N Pair, St.tottis,
Mo. Come with, tta and see this, the
greatest exposition in the history of
the world. New* and eleVant pulace
sieepitg cars 1.4.)w running daily he.
tweet T 1311(11 11 110131 St. 1,0111$. 0001'
Paci fie and Wahash,
Where the Elattenullisr combo' bk". by all tech; the quickest and best
"Charley, dca.r,"' Said yoUng Mrs. TOr.• route. • All tickets good via clirket
klns "1 haste found. out Sonlething line or vol.. ( hieugc, will' stop over
aliont IMMO rasing."
"What is that?" 1%)‘)11;ialisfiesis loier .11111) itcangwoi..,4' jhuel
rag ?Oyu and tures foul breath. Citre "The idea of the tame le not eo much controls its 04/1 r,oils from
s elcuiplete and penettneut when. Cal- to Wk. winnet to be able to eft- 41frett t,r;',, the 1P,011‘e s rah' For
inie-tain-s end ut•seri[t :VC IttItl...;,* ft1-
.1.111(111.'" 08 11804' It plain why most of !your iS,,,...ettle.as_Imp2 ciiress any ti 14:0 (t1t, Ito j, A. 1, ick,
tatottY to .ry can , WA? Y g petted to VAte beaten. wasmegtou, aregml, ass, ra,
ompleie o ar outfit guarantee( ; mar.
rial Site 2,50, rse Cata.rthcaoile4 • l'orohio. and fit. 1ltutu4s.
4afeesi Wars el rutaishintir tIte Itelitat
tires et Vrinalunle.
Angue lIntnilton in his book on Mo.
rea says: "The inhabitants are peen!.
"larly proficient in the art of doing
nothing gracefully. Titere ore, there.
for, Infinite charm and variety in the
daily life 4af ICorea. The natives take
their pleasures passively, and their
constitutional incepaelty makes it ap-
pear as if there were little to do but
to indulge in a gentle stroll in the bri1.
lloot eunshint or to sit cross legged
within the shades of their houses. In-
action becomes them. Nothing roul4
be More unsuited to the character of
moil. Peculiar costtune than vigorous
movement. The stolid dignity of their
Appearance and their stately demeanor
add vastly to the picturesqueness of
the street scenes. The white coated,
white trouserecl, white .soeired, slowly
etriding population is irresistibly. (as-
einating to the eye."
Mere are some of tne punisinnents
prescribed by Korean Iaw: Treason,
man—Decapitated, together with male
relatives to the fifth degree. Mother,
wife and daughter poisoned or reduced
tO'SlaverY. Treason, woinan—Poisoned.
Murder,. naan—Decapitated. Wife poi -
Boned. Murder, woman—Strangled or
PolSoned. Arson, man—Strangled or
poisoned. Wife poisoned. Arson,wo-
nian—Polooned. Tbeft, man—Stimn-
gled, decapitated or banished. Wife'
reduced. to slavery; confiscation ef alt
property.. Desecration of graves—De-
capitated, together with male relatives
to the fifth degree. Mother, wife mad
daughter poisoned, Counterfeiting --
Strangulation • or ; decapitation, Wife
. Frisigha Case (ilk(
Protri.134:k.-?, Piles
Doctor wanted to Pyi,;,s-n tfrm
. with roc -hot firori—iMired. by
Or. Ohaee's ointment,
lyss. At,sx. McLEAN, Talbot Vale, N.'S.,
writes.— As section hand on the railroad, 1
; was exposed to all so:11 of weather, my b•anii
; failed and I beeante it 1,1t,tirll of. retruning piles:
Though a noeter treated iiit,
for piles, they only grew wrnyt
and 1 was forced to give tin
work mid go home. My .
suiteriegs could veareely be
th-.;,! ibe I, 1 cueld tiot walk
or lie down, and wink; the
rest of the 1;i:idly slept i
would be roiling witti ex.-
cruelating i.ins."
"The scc,;,01 (lector told
-I be berned with a red-hot
iron, but 1 could not thin% -
me the piles would have to
of undergolug 01401 an oper-
ation, 00 310 eve we a box of
Ivg. 111eLEAN salve, for which he ehargeil
me two dollars, but did me no good. My ex.
perience with Dr. Chase's Ointment is that the
I first application did me more good than did the
two doctors, and finally made me as well. and
free front piles as any man. Since being cured I
worked during the winter in the lumber woods,
god bad no return of nw old trouble. Dr
• 'Chase's Ointment was worth one bunched -dollars
a box to me." , .
•144. •••-•2'31
"How greeefully young* Skivett
; raises his hat."
; wish he could raise the price of
I..the hat half as gracefully."
loto Luck,
'Artist—What a bean 1 Val place, this
is! I suppose you etitne( here for the
; view? Old Lady --No, I wasn't consult.
ed. I was born here.
ig Progra of Sports
Water Sports
Running Races
Pas ehall, Football
Horse Races
Anne and enjoy a day at flie
lakeside and river, Bathing
and 'loafing
16"11, 1904
•:••:,••:••:**:,••:•++,•;•+,•:14:,••:,44,••:••:••:••:.•149,:••.:••:••:••:••;••••:••;.,44:*•:••:••:,••,:••:•••.**.:•44.4•40 tt
• •
• •
Is sure
to be. ah.ead
of. yours • if
ou don't hurry up,
ho'il be The
Why not
• have your bilis
• printed at The
Ne*s - Record
office and an
• ad put in this
• 4.•
31, '
• •
please Ton
t A