HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-16, Page 2.414 .Stuffect Up , , v.v. t1,4, ,•i.,,)Alitio,,, .t many sufferers ' trot* catarrh, especially in the morning. Great didiculty is experienced in clear... ' •, :•,t ' 3ng the head and threat, No wonder .catarrh •causes headache, impairs the taste, smell and bearing,1 .",•;"! pollutes the breath., deranges the stem. .731 gob and affects t4e appetite. I '4 To cure catarrh, -treatment must be. •• constitutional -alterative and tonic. "X was ill for four months with. caterrn. I a: . . ee In the tared end throet. Rad, a had cored, and ralsed blood.. i bad become Ws. i -ea eouraged when my husbend bought a bottle ' •'4".• of Ilood'a Sareeperille end perouaded me to try it. I eallee all to take it. It has cured and built me op.," Mits. liven Bea IJOYAIII, West Llecemb, N. Se - flood's Sarsaparilla curetiurI-.* soothes and Strength- ens the tonoort$ naerabratee and. builds up the .,whole system, 44p.crar.i.'4,4K4,VM-4=;MI +.4044.0•••••••••••••44 --MAY'S_ z• 0. tiortfiern grOWil Soacis 3 Notthern CITown Seeds • are known to' be sti- iperior to any other,being earlier, hurdierand more O ,irodueive. . • A • We -are selling thee" . seeds at the same price 0,4 as the big departmental :2', sump,. • • •••• ie• • • 4. t 90 a Package The, Clinton NewsvR,ecord. n''..C:034•K•ii;t01.k.41:1161(4043***** remorse,. "1 van tu)t 'keeping a looL. ,t out um should have liven. 1 should have seen the beastly thlim.. It was - -fault. Will you \forgive Ine?" AYoung - By charles Garvice Author of "A Modern Juliet," n, pr 4. "Better Than Life," Srust.. "Once in a Life." "Yes, oh, yeti; but there ia nothing to forgf Ver.' j'hi? said, her 'hand ehoping and unelamping each -ether, her eyes fixed- on the water. "Why didn't the boat turn over? thought it had done eo. 1 suppose we should have been -drowned," she added, with iriterskivoclutie. n Katie intotheir place and laughed shortly as he pulled : few strokes. - ' "Neal think not," bo said, glano- ing at the shore, and remenaawing %;•••1'••;•;":•••': '1' s•;:;•3#4-• •1,,;<V;•014i4tWIPWAREi?4.4)14#4,?4,Vili4P . how he had battled with. the waves nue day when be had saved a come- \ • rade front what looked certain death, "1 see," he said. , He stood- loot- what would ledeed have been certain death if he, Bernard, had not swum with the tAtill of 4 Leanderand the strength of a Ilereutes. "NO, thiale not. It isn't much of a switn, and 1 should have -got yott to land somehow, or"--ahe paueed, and looked at -him waltingly-•"I was going to Say, perished in the ata tempt:- but that would bo Inutting too. much side on for 4 little swan like. that, . No, we shouldn't have been dreamed, thoughel deserve to be -at •least. 1 deservp to be kicked. • Are yOa sure you are not frightened? le you aXe eaa punish. me Mate sufficiently ,1)-37. telling .tue to turn "1 ani not frightened at ail," she said, "Dot-ibut it IS getting late." • "No, it isn't,". he said. "Let nae• take you a little turther. Lt woold spoil .it to go back now," lathe felt that, and: Stink back. ac- quiescent. .Ile rowed on, pulling :hard.- now With strong, steady strokes, andathe. boat went swiftly.. Nance let • hand dabble in the water -no 'women ever sat in a fast -going boat without trailing her hand -and they sat in -silence. Presently he brought up •'at the edge of some steps, pat oa his coat, and leaped out,' • , • "Wait,: say, live minutes," he said" -a•"only - five IninUtks." • • - To was • gone .scareely longer,and returned earryingea salver•With a Cup • of tea: . • • . . "Awfully lucky!" • he , saki; "I found the 'kettle honing.. Yon will. .. "Oh, yes, yes!" she . -* drink it, won't .you, Miss Grey? If Ile lighted a cigaretto;it himself you had been a may, I sheuld have :down to the bottom of the boat, and • • brought a brandy and soda. But tott's .leaned againstthethwart in,. lazy the lady's one aad only 'drink .on all ingdown at her for It lnomot, tato. -"May 1 sat dOwe?" iw tested in his 'frank, way, but .with the deference ha 'would • have sboun to the iionkst Indy or his aequaintanee. _ SIM moved a little atal he sat down. . • 'flt was very kind or you to bring the books,'she said, strugglieg e, I 5 Paeleeges fora . 25C 33 Pa:Ai:ages for 50c ' :: 68 PoCkages for .$1,00 ..:;'. 4: Make out your list Of., 2 4t• - . Vegetable fil 111 Flower 4. 4.., t• Seeds and bring it to 0 11 l'a let T; store... W•e have the far- . g 1 Igest variety to amuse frorn. In ordertng*.by t. i 4, mail send -pos.,tal. note: .., Z- , o•o>....44e4,4444,44.4 4 9 11. B. Combe, • • Chemist and Druggistl • '•••$.44 4449 'fft.9.940•904.4011440 • • • • 77, • • • • r " " " • " " • • k • • • • " • • • • • " • • MANY CAI.,LS are reCeit.ed . :from business firtns gad malty. eta:Letts ere placed in. good • positionsettelt• year the 1110101.13 -CENTRAL. . -STRATFORD,: ONT., Nance glom% at them; she_ envied them no longer. "This • is the sort of thing you Ought to go In for, Miss Orey,.." Said Bernard, leaning forward as he nett- edon tils oars. "I am via'y glad you have come; itireaeare you?, She raititai her eyes to his shyly, . "Yee," aim murmured. "littt are you not tired-haye we not come a self-possession, lend getting it atter a long way? Ought we not to be fashion, "But' I tun sorry you going back?" . •trenailed to bring them yourself.". Bernard had hard work to., repress "It was no trouble," ,he said, %title te sIOI1C. Tired! They bad .only been drifting; and he had. been stroke hi suppressed •eagernese, and glancing -Ut his college eight. . her face .eo see t-ive were angry, 11 -ow beautiful she was! Was it the "I am not at all tired," he eajca reflection of, the sunlight that ant • "and. as for .going back, why should the :soft tinge .orcolor to the, wo go yet? 'Lt is quite early; the cote ivory of ber face en,1 the de.q), sun has not s'et, and. the river' is MIL Ifght; to bet, violet: eyes? The gooeu. proving. After all, there is nothing threads, ghiminered in the toemen to touch. Father Thames, They tele 'hair; tine dark .lashes looked black about the-. rivers . of, the• the, Danube, the Itt•ussa and all the as night as they_ swept her •chevia "It was no trouble. I" ---he laugh-.. rest of them, but there ien't one that,. ed the tau elees laugh- of his clues.- ean beat ours.- -haven't anything lit the wined to "You have ramp them'?" :she said, do, and the booi•S were an emtuse"-- almost to herself. she. raised her eyes and teat d at Ito nodded carelessly. him half: feat -fully, „ bait pitetnedy--. "Yes; .and I tell aott, Miss Ort,y, 'for .a walk.' 1-"Ve I wought you two that the view-. from Westminster or three novels end n volume of: .Bride -that's one kite). of viewaatid poetry: I hope the last will be worth tho Thames, up Marlow -e .way-lhave yielding, 1 don't anew anylh•ng _another -bent all the rivers ' a?.. out it. Inz,•••seu." Ile laughed again, Tanrope, liow fast the tide. is' rime' •"In fact, I'm a regular ignoramus, airing! May I. smoke a eigerette?" - I'm -afraid. 1 hope 'Yotell.eneby them Might he -smoke a cigarette! It andeaand 3,ou meet be kind: cnough eeetued. . woaderfulto hc•r" that he should ask; • Mr, Grey sineked the to let Inc lend yoto some 'more," • Kind onougili washe- nineking. her? strongest of strong, shag mean noare She glanced up at him.. 'Bis dos and without asking her permiesion, • were .bent.. on her. With a. geriOUS, bit- tent.iegai'4, with as: expression which amele hr lwaele beat with a strange - mixture of fear' andepleesure. • • ante sited to like' them," she .."1-1iave, read: -so feet .books,•'. 'After- all" be .said, as if speal•- ieg 'to" himself, "I•rn not _sttre• thae- -you.. ought to read much. it leit't• ..content. . . • • • occasions, ien!t• it?" - . • Nance located at hint with a dreamy ; She took the cup 'and looked up at . . content and. a nameless ,joy• .11.0 was :hiniewith a blueh of surprise and,wen- so .near she eould, by .stretchingout dee that • seemed to • Bernardtho. het. hand, • have touched lihn, • 'The-. .oweetest, loVeliest thing- he- had ever change enough front your work,' Yoe ; scent of •tho '1.urleish toleteco wafted 'seen. • • . long- walks and drives," she heard his •t•oice, ". , P waht to .get out and about,: to talo r across her' fare; eyen his 4nenee • "Where, did yoti-get it?" •sha. asked,: She jaoked at hini, net -reProaelte And. he?. A •eubtle feeling -of de- • Ile jerked „hie head over' 'his Shout... • fully, but *ith a gentle wonoere light, of peaceful JoY, 'took posses- der. ' "Br Svere?" •she said, with • a smilesion of him. . `.There's a hotel just al/eve," he "'lley are for the rich I ant very Ile 000131 see her face, her saki; "and 1 got Tte laughed as .. ..Forgive mei"..11:e. Said; peilitently. .intO' deep red • gold:. knew that hyr • hadfluttered the hotel peonita. the • • po transfornie•d • liy the. sunset...s. 'rays he thought of .the 'way In Which ,he • "1-1. • .eoegoe: e *as -thinking time__ • • 'eyes were dwelling on aim. • . • a. • 3..ei.e.,•feteeas_ete aetim• rail hwy.." • (hinaly1- •thre'l•l•ts: and by • which 'Oat at you- Were tall 333' to one of • , , <erectly cup of tea had heeo procuted. 1.1 • • • t • 1 • 1 • • 1 1 in• %aid. • wid the ' taken' this :coninionitInee outing So :full. of Man Menace, ac- I t I . 0 n14, r . so. . te 11Y' l'arie nettitia, end 1 got?Int-1 t..knoet•ledegline jeer fig an NI , sent , co re,he venni( the tea elowly,eite• sit:7 . 1 le e()1.1 ( on 3 1116 blbOtr! co 'her face.- - -• • • • • „.. . „ take: ht3-..eafter: In to . the ceurit rya in his said, with 'the' sett -low laugh 1h *1(1, tioncerl! 11e Couto picture 'd'ustvelYidttatlihanitaaeheelildpre; the tclutep,dteilit- Must not forget. aigaina• She. deg-•eart; 'if: lie •dotilif lalte••bee:•1:,, - • it- a.,.t.tatti:...esi•iltatelting iter,,eixat.alet :wet ole••••• those eyet; • of hers :••ilgitibig •.' on, • he ' heard ' many' Llama' • 11 uld h te•e his 111! If 1 1 1 • en Lill 41StU11(1 1 "aS in, a Ian rY. • . et.. • 80 • r : glace in the curve of her •throate the ; since. aesterdaye• : •• • ' glowing, like st,ave Wider •• the• hie . „ „ fainte exquisite color 111 wr • • • ' subtle magie.of t•teit mueic and' the 'nu enudY Put -the cuP and salver on I As. she spohe, the boat with' its '. of. pt e ft( eh a r, the . • I face, then - This scheil stands ler the highest and best in litesetiess e•ducattow in Caa- &tea. tadee. Many hesiness Colleges' '. employ out -graduates as tea•Chers.. We leave scores of aPplicatioaS from. other •• tolleges. Ask to see' theeit tliti day 'you : enter,. Commence coarse' 'ettW:. .Cala•-• 1.igue free. . • „ • • W. eT. 3•;131.,,tOrr, PriheipaLT round her, • „ ••• • Ile %Yea: silent a mottunt, then ne face. ''Ysin must • let nie to he von .• id. " - Yes V'es pleashe Sala, glarie- se " * it$ if a etalden idea had struck fofthep tin,.2 lou• ye 110 . • • • toad ol young people, still laughipg• • •• • 0Teteteeind prepared to• roitsawaY., • . • and efiteing, Timsed .the „strewn • Aarru:I. •fue im.etured.kher 0.1(48u.r.e israhce 'gazed at•thette heeitatingia..-• again .• .•She • leaked ' at them, , and .11iS • • they • find • theta? • .W111 . seves:folloWed• the direction of leers. • . .. • • :eon of him and filled 111111 -with they nott, be lost?" •sheaVentarecl. . • Ile lenverna o arouse It ..took noeses- v„n„ sele„ . find theta, :fight , . . . . • • . g • • . last1.0%.:• 'enough," lie said carelesely, •with the q'Yes," she. said; • "1 think ' they. • "'rade' neust not ,be .oite ..naitet .beeyery happy, They have.not- 'Vbs. Grrey,"..he 'said so:suddenly that Sublime indifference:of the ..man -who . cc:retied lattgle and Sing for eaer 'she started. She imd been: in 0 • nas paid enough to compensate for: so leng.". . d or dreame, her eyes fixed , on his• • • their. ,ios• :w.o. row back • • : hew beatttiful it is." • • et:eetetivewse, teemed the,beat: and, Milled 1.61. surely but Stronglydowaestreant: iteeptng near the bank awl bat of tha se.ding:ft. do You Mean? 'Oh, yes. • I mito h3. the seen:darer, dyaog. An1 L. . shoold•iiot'know what to do 'without thimt. in ibe 'wilderness tereireg front ' current'. , "Ai•e: Yeti fetal of theewetter?" . :She Irereibled., It Was tio hard to "Of the' water?" echoed Iganee. "01 'gay 'no • R-INGb friend. a'One never feel . quite. a a - the Ver. ig n 4-d a colupaniQn, a. Offered draught. of , water! • • Ime t I ate ' • "I was going to ask• you inelv You • • like being on the river notv yea gine ite arteng 1300 1011 refusmg, 1 v.. .( • , 0.• • o it " 1 e ' alter • 0 .100 Ladies,- . 00., at • .leas .prefer Rings to 'anyl.....other.. !..iiid of Jewelry,..r reas,)-:i We: ks.paetat. • I • • .• , den 'to •this.Iiue, • . You will.frind..all the:.favor- ite Stones .erimbinations at their best with us. '. .• DIAMONDS, PEARGS,... linams, I' OPALS, • OLIVINLtS Tirlf.QC&JA, .• . E very Ri at ts 'very best. bot h. as to val ue and u al ity. T A. J. 10-ri .1 Wii1C,fillt. AND Orli:MAN lowly while' it is near," • the proffered loaf of bread, ' • • Ile gaz.ed at her with an -idle, •riell • "I;Ott • t ' • a t." a a •,a, pause. '"But it would tee a mot:keno, yoneg wonder at her s nip leaning netiner. to 'her, bii4 awe :turn, .siMpese you :have resolved tame. to • centent. od .to hers aw.hy shoodiret you? e trust yourself in a boat with me g te world to do. A • • "Yes? But •Ie meant, do yoU lilac nothin • tl • n- d gain,, . • • boat," shrefiliede e • • ape, /owning darkly in the twilight . „ . . : • sh et 133(0 013; \V11,1I a s ,ig t going on It -rowing, I't3 r tted? • Ae. he spoke, his voice making IT- “I‘r°; i-rlik° it very nnich•"'' she Intve never,. beim 111 a small ' resitoilihe welsh; in her ears, a black Said: "Do you Dilate ine such a cow - • Berl -triad -rose tee ea,„ soldher • ritieS. 'to • cathe. the salute. :. • . eaddenly dowit upon them,: ale einkle. , ,.• ' . - . - :. ; . •• lie looked: at her with a ,steady re- . .- . '.. . .. • -, - was., a barge, heavily laden,. and drift- a"W•ould you like to go for 11 DOW?", ing swiftly up loth the tide ' ' • • gar& and some.taing shining in the. lire, Pl'eg made him respond In a for his . ekes Were liked on her face., tone, uf -ini-Onse conviction; She . (Litt not rise., but Uttered ft fwittt• "A coward? 'No. I should say that .ery. 0.( warn.i.n.g,. : , • ... ..;, You were very brave. .Yesa", .. • ' - n•1 e it ii 1,1 •• wl tt beege, aeue seized The ears, . . the hoat neerly upset,'" she' sold, pea- . The, bargeinan at the helin..-saw the . • . 'boat •let the' aame moment, and for- . "But 'OnIV rop.•e, moment," he urge ' -tied the .tillen:aountl,. - • - ' ' . ed, earnestly. "It , was ' so stuldea; ••• Mit the action .watiettlintesti too late, • 'end that wretched barge must . have tookcd..so black and lerge..1: netieed," .the haege Struck. the Skiff, 'and, the • bght •,boat. heeled, Oyer. perilously, . Nance, - Unconsciously, . rose % with 'he 'asked; with represeed, •eagerness • Nance 'alt before '.13ernard did; • vo "Just .'a little way, It r a lovely evening; The tide ha.s turned, and le doeVing up." „ She. tooked. at him with" etartlecl. dyes. • . . "x•I.7. ph,. no, oci!".. • "'S•":011 Say' 'no,' but soilMhow : I think you, mean 'yes,' ." he with '• feigned careleeseess. . "Just wait 13, moment." . • • • ITti strode off to. the. place. where they let 'boats, and;.• _almost before Nanee -could' realize, tvhat was' hap.. pening,. :she eaW him Pulling . down stream.; toward her, ,IfOrtunately for him be Wag in et menning euit tweed, and :Wore a bowler hat. IIe. etopped 'the boat pat lielOw ber, and. with •ft smile ..beeleoned her. • , alkinee, tailed to here. . Nance roSe and walked to the edge of: the entlianknietit, •and lopked dealt at hitn hesitatingly. If there had been the least sign of hertitation on his part, 'he would have shaken:her; head alai doelimd, but as he held. the .iikiff fast by flu,. boatahook,, lat look- ed up at her with the frank, confi- dent smile' which* 'feW women could resist, and she stepped into' ., the boat. , ,Ile held' her band tightly tiel she had gained her seat in the stern., supporting end guiding. her with his .firtit strong hand, "l'here you ave.! Are you comfort- able? 'Take the tiller lbws in your. hand Can you steer? Oh, beg *Dertffird looked 'round, Saw' the And 3'et :Iva8 e . etently. • the othee night,• that you aid „ not taint -not 'really faint -Omagh yott outsteetehed hands.. : • were 'hurt, and the 'shock must have. The 'barge passed on,, leaving be- wen far you. Most evennen. hind ,an atmosphere ot profanity, • feottlil have gone into bysteries and ' juet grazing' the boat, Which. righted tna,,due.03011/deinht16,6?f,a,sfhitesas.."4'id,... •thoughtf.., itself; but she did not rtiali•ee that • they were saved, and sunk back with 'AMY. "I don't knew any wennert." • . ""Oh, conte!'' he said. "Not cloy?" Ix faint ery, ' -3h1. ((3)3.01 rotted, law, felt her head sinking on etiS it Stir1)1"ed'I)Nr hooey noone, see no .one;, exeeptiag Ids litTaSt, and: ••• "Neuee, dear. Nancet" roll; in her. father," ears.. Re was' silent far a moment; ITer ••loneliness •steuck hint with • • .its Simple foree, , • .• "It least he Ve1•y dull for you,he "Nuevo, .NttliCO, deaf' Nancei" . • eaid.'"I woruler-" • • ' •Ilati be :vain, egmlten. these Wdrele, Ile Imused• • ' • ••• • • or tied she only • decant/el elle had ' She did not. ask him What het Wag heard thent in that moment of send- going tb. say; but ehe raised her t'yes uncoasetoitenerea? Iler• head rested on to his, and, with the slighteet hest- his- breast, silo felt his arms round tation, went on, looleng , hard' at her,' his face touelted her hair; it • the bottom of the boat: was• not • fear that made her quiyea 1, -"I Wonder if you would. eare for a from head to footeanot fear, for at arive some daY, Miss. OreY?"' 1`.• that Moment death would have had "4 drivel" no terror for her. '• She repeated the words With Moo - It 11'ati but a moment t hat passion cetit • surprise. 0.1 o ome .1.r3 • so Attractive but that artistic photoe will improlre No matter how much you enjoy your 11=3, 'oliotoo4a,rplis of y DU.0 triatir 4 and members of your fain. ily increase your ea,sure We oan make you a bea,uttful characteristic plot- ure PHOTO 81E110. your pardon. I forgot, Never mind; --the word is too gross -that .the "Yes " 1 in quite a matter- . 83151310. let them fall; inanagla" • . • . spoil held her,' boiled her hand and ' of -fact torte, "/ •was thiakfitg a ), Na. /Ica shd said, I Will s / • 1' Y. toter,. body and soul, She wolte front that Ittee-work of yourri," "ItIght," he 'said, wilh a, short the deeitineeif dream it waseattod "My work?" She said. out laugh, "I'll teach you. Shall we go ehrunk betels, her' hands to her face, What coimeetioe could theie be bett U3) :dream . or' down? tp, '1 think. Nov,', pull yp•ur right-hand rope, and I'll turn 1,110 boat round, That is it! . Why, Mies Grey, you would learn in no time," Slut had ladled the wrong,rope,. of course, but he swting the boitt round easily, frotwithstanding, and ro.wed slowly up stream, away from the noisy, crowded, smoky city, totvard .the green tneadowa and trees of the country. Nance leaned .htleic, her 0341e8 hid be. mild their long lashes. . Ware elm dooming.? • Was the really sitting In a boat Opporilte hint? No, no; It could only be a dream, 'and /he would wake pentiently to find that she lia.d fallen asleep over her work, "Do you Bite it? •Tolly, Isn't it?" he said. "It, fs jos* the evening for the riVer, Capitill little boat, and moven like a feather." They paseed tbe ether boat With Its Werra, eretta 3.. her violet eyes, with a strange tWern that and a drive? dread, a, strange appeal in them, 'Yes: Was thinking *of It as / Seeking his face, Went houte the other night" ---he /iad Bernard still knelt beside her. Ills been thinking ot her, then; the face was pale, his dark oyes glowilig thought mode her heart flutter -"and with a. man's tenderness for the wo- it occurred to me that it Would help man to whom he has brought peril. yoU a great deal if you sato Home "It is eight," he said; and his pictures of old lace, some pOetraits voiee 'sounded thick nod strained „in et tile people who nged .tn Wear it. hfg OWn ears. "It is all right. 'rho They used to have a great deal of it barge, hat paSsed, arid no harm IS in the Charles'e time, didn't they?"' done. Ihne't bo afraid -Miss' Cerea," "Yes," she said, with evident in - no called her "Miss OreY•" Then, „terest; "both the nien„and the wo- she' met have fancied the "Nance, , men," Nance, clear Nance'," "I thought so," he said, nodding ani not frightened," she said in 'with' pleased atnerity; "ail over them, a low Voice that. quivered eta she her-. pretty nearly. Well, I know a place, self had quivered a mo1nent or so just but of towia where Nem tan tree since, "I was afraid, but 1 tun not Patna of those portraits; and, by now," fleorgel pow come In think 0! it, • "It was. all my fault," he said. gome 014 iw,c, itself -some of the real "No, ao," she murmured, woinon- thing; in glass vaees, volt knote." ifkl°17.hke rits," he sqld„ witlt.love (tt, 4 piaev called $Tampton "Yes," 14110 said, loaning forward. v—ss • .eourt Palace: But perhaps been there?" Nance shook her head. "No," she said; "1 have beard of it, read about it; but 1 have never been there. 1 have b'l'en, to so kw places -none, Indeed" .. "Well, I was very nearly saying that 1 was glad you haven't," lie said, with a short laugh. "Bemuse 1 should like. you to see it, •.tuni-and take you there, if you'd care to go." Mho sunk back -slowly,. andthe tinge -of eoior left, her facie in width he read het• refuted, for stet did ten, speak tor a moment or two; then she said: . "Oh, no, no -thank vout" "Why not?" he said, as (Wilany Atg before, and, as • before, looking hard at the water, "Are' you thinking of the time you'll waste? It won't be wasted, you know, because eott Ivey get all sorts of /tints from the - pie - Nees and the lace. It's the tort of place yote aught to see. And there are otherre .1 believe there's tonne lace at the :Kensington Mamma" "I know," ehe salO, .bn a low voice. "Bet there's SOUlething else at Ilampton Court," be went cm. "It's a very jolly plaxe, tot old paluee and that -10ral of thing; and there are•gar-. dens: --the flower/ie.-they would he •worth seeing just now, by the .way --4 and the river runs under the *wall, and NNT couldget aaromaa" Ile. paused:, stopped:by tho tighten- ing of the live, the half-elosed eyes'. It, Wag a muto appeal' to hinl. She Saw the picture he was drawing -saw 4 all too plainly -felt in imagination 'the -delight of it all. But, still, there was refusal In her very attitude. "Why 'Won't You come?" 'he asked. And yet they talk of woman's 'per. istencet • "Wawa • would be the harm?". • "ITartn?" She raised her eyes' to his with _ n, sudden questioning whose iantwenee smote hint. "Of e:ourse not," he snicl, confi- dently. "S,urely two „ friends -we friends, are we not, Miss -Orey?-ettit take a /title drive Into tlie• comitoy, especially When it is an 'business. Suppose" -a bright idea struck 'lima. - "suppose I 'wanted some of that old *ace copied, and wanted' it done ac- curately, couldn't I ask you togo with. me to See It? Surely' I could?" .!She loteaed Irene side to side. The sun .had sunk,- thetwilight had deep- ened. But for the passing of soma steamer that sooried up. and 'down the- streuer; .ar a tumbering bat•oe that . •floated vaguely by' them, they Were on'the layer that. looked vast and -wide in lhe. gloauting. • 'A •dietant ehureh .b 30 chimed s ftl, ' Ilie Voice -every, note of. which found an ocho in. her _heart -seemed tia her .t.0 sing in harmony With the bell, the . eon. plash, .of the scans. ' :."Wouldn't you ' go theria`' he &sta. • ed. ' sr.e...6 •last, • and: tn 'a hushed; -half-fearful. ....t9'n'Ye.es.L-al. one:" a, he said, speaking, • . ' '•Alonet'a Ilre aoice sunk .,, into • a ;pate of disappointinente, "But -but,--. , well, that .Would be a11 very ,wel.lafer • 'yoti; .bitt; 'elon"t . yoix eee-e-doe't.. you. ..tiOok inc selfish., if :adu Can help • it•••••-' 1. ,''Yria•O1i...t.s'e.te6.1eitlill':itaacice;‘:.2-'h-e. ' '1'.'n't.i' nina'red,'' . incredelously:' , .• , . • •• .' a "Yee," he. iresponded-- With • prompt . Mendacity.: . '`What, :I Said .just e now -has' giren. Me We •Icipae• .I tio 'want' e Spine .010' late copied: It'se.thie . way; ' YOU hnow, te -yining •fellow..• -•a :brute- . ...loreage•te a lob cif kindness shown 'him' by lealies-edid:ladies-a•I Mean. They , , • • • , . • • • are. always. .asking him .' to their. • • h ouees„ tte• their parties,..dineers, •aral all that; "alai he doesn't' find it aeasY to. make any return, because, . don't You :atm, yeti . Cont very, well ask. • ladiea beyond a_certain 'age. to lunch- .. eons at -the Star .and Galley.", .• • - • •.:gthe Star ..and- Garter?" She. mier- .• • • kale 16th 04 ,1 o...i..,ii.t 1, 1 at hniflast ifV0 eielocit? T'll be here leits-4-4,•,,, _ ,,,,,... ,,, to the Minute, just at tho top of , r th •se steps." l'ate 0.913euted 11.3r ,e, Motion of her i ik,1 we. hand "You will let me see you home?" he aottd. "No, no." "ttood-bye," and went quickly from hint. When she retteleid home, leonine as though the hart welked hard, though her pace- had 1311301( 1100. as she neared the cottage, she found her father sit- ting in the arm -chair. Be was asleep and breathing heat. She went to hon encl. laid 4 band that •trentbled on his ebotilder. She would tell lant of ber outing, her expedition with Mr. Bernard, and her. promiee to go with 11111i on the fuer- • reetv. :"leataer-" her valve Cat it'Qr(qt. 11(3 rOliSed, Stiri stared tip at her with bloodshot eyes, mid her hand fell from his ehoulder. is that you, Nance? I've --I've been half Asleep. I've had a .ot' a day; been woaing like a clog. Talk of telexes; Ian slave, if you like, 'Where have Van been? went my tea." "Yes, father." Slue turned to the fire ana put on tbe kettle 411d begat/ setting the tea: things. "I am sorrY 1 ma so late, rye letati-" Re retie, strotehing biteself, and breaking upon her falter ink' speech With 'a yawn. "Been to get tome of emur In, 1 hope," he •said, morosely. "1 wnut sonte money:" "No, father; I've hern.--" "Why the deuce/ don't you make them pay up on the nail," heesaid, angrily. " te got 00 . sense -no sense. Any other girl knowing that, her fettle!. wanted money as badly as do, would taltaa 31111*' trouble. But ..you 'doil't care. 1 Olken% wait for tea; L'1'e got aft appointinent,'' Ile reached for Ids hat, and. went -toward • the duter, none. too. steadily. : Nance .1/tit out hoe hand as if to • stay him, 'Tether, want to. tell You . something," ..she id,. her face pale. • "Well, vault is it? .Won't it keep till I e01110 hack? elta'n't be long,. I don't I note, thoughal may lei late. Don't sit up." She hoard tee door' slain after him, and gt (I for a inoment • or two with herhands elaele • . Then. she •sauf, lying on her um et: -1 ablee . . square • papee pateel. . him. took It, up; it . was a/Meese:el, in- Bernard's public • 1. school I. • • • .1, : She "held ihe ettreel in her% 'hand; • .. - looking dime.' at it iireamilv. fere .a 'moment • ale . 1 n ore'. "eniconsc ou sly, she raised it- to her lips. aotl kissed the single line ot et . . • Bernard Wa 1144 11 *3)31)3' . ,TTis pulse ! .4, i7.."'?1,) iN Allrillitn1•13"r1111: WHffN .;,:i. j.1:11:1:1:::14113, 431 1v.PANr. AN.,) IN TN11 ..t, 1, .!•• 3,110 refer cenea D41.01141 THAT' eco-rro 0041.14.?ioN, . 30. ,I ,. 4 chlaza, p6. r ,04 : : :4Pr:', .1....33141;414 ..1);47r4Lf Q."411417crarf.411:346,71Y1 .41,410P(74 ',Wm pr:41,71W gL: nor -,I iViOriigR *Mgt - SI•cri-r s.; laiw NE.; Chictai*ts, 8..?. -5 fie tree temple. ea. api $k.Q0 i 431 datesetts.(434111°' - alj -i•Wen•da...,.,,,,p:•2•74 ,,retil'4.,Itevr444,4•,.;:t. J. 1.1 !Ear • • ••r• ••• • ,IA:rAkser.• s. .11 as the ganie proceeded, 1m •• drank glass after glass. New, he was Due of those wen NV)10 VIM 81and a great deal of wine, but .t0 -night it seemed to affect blue pley grew wild and careless -so wild. that the two nun who sat next to him vtinturea on a remonstrance. • "Ifave you tome into et fortune. Ilerniel" mild. one., " u play as, if you'd got the old Ind , Mimed - needle Street at vour e 'Bernard only laughed he pushed his last etake eterose tl table to Lord Stoyle. •"I'lle neat best thing to ''inning is losing," ho said. "Go on, Stoyle, How sio.w the game goes! Let them bring us mime more cluoopagne." He loot Wavily, and. a aereater porteon of the eve hundred, pounds tWrhanicslifeiT'erdTt‘o'll'In,oQ‘;d1181.4toggt•'.a. Mill was It was, as one of the ()there re- marked, "a particularly hot night'," but Bernard rorte from the table with a reckless .1aup,.:11 and the same belg•ht light int! he heayAiel.ost lieavily, h13 hail, ter the time, at any rate, been ahle to dro1Yri the volee of conscierwe. The eel]. gpirit was smiling at his elbow. Ile had • driven bis gearillan angel, sorrowing, still further front. biln. OlLelaTajt X.... Name sat up. late that night --while Bernard tens losing his money ;to . Lord Stoyle-readlog • one .of the books •he had lent lii•re It was a 1103:44, 11. 331033' of love .411A adventure ,. fairly mixed; but the. cleverly wovtal piot failed to . hold. her atteutinti. lier own romance, stranger aeateaore vivid 'than that of the was thrilling every ra rem in her • body. • the piece of the hero ef the eibry. stie put • Bernard; aini he herojw 3 was• -e hot•self, latory now and theo eho. raised her eyes and looked 'dreamily sionttnoo 'yfttacc6a,ncylisctaen,Illitiligg upthe 3111110. - to the deep, Anusieal• yoice of the man who hatl Slipped .into her, dull; gray life like a prince in a• fairy story! ..•• What romance that bad :ever been writ' en . could coinpare with this one of hers, simple aS it w•as? What norel hero Could be the. peer of -alb .....tran.,wkose• image had erent into lter • Aleiert and sat emon the• throne. there- . . All 'night she lay. awake: thinking of yesterday, Met uring the '.titorrow, • Sho, tried to. a ork through•the morn- "' tifg;•• hue in Vain: • The' threacle-egote • "entaxtgleta •the •design became' blqrred . • as if in a mist.. • was ' bee ing no 11 dly: he .•saw nothing .of the hoeses, 1.110 imssers-by; he was like.a.muu in 10,, grin of a feverish dream.- . The 831 eei vele face, the VW- ., • let eyes', 'WWI? 1/1"Thrl, him. all the way. when .h,, 00.1thed • his rooms la. flung' his hot ..asid e and, paSsed ,01$•• liaad . over .his brow, ..as 'a 'man does . whose • • d 'el I 1 • ••••• • ..9110e91'111111gft1t1:(1.11.0(!1;;Irt)'fiii9,;1'• a'fter . 11 conferee, of_ other j es • • o flere e :smoking: ailing it ieto the grate. lit-Cctiretinita'.- . a bad man; • Ile..was not: vicious, not • a Lord Stovie kelfieh imscrupulotoa; . , and. his conselefwe smete him, toe- - :tueed him. Whither'. Nr ty.; he drictine • And whither, .in his . drifting, Was he '.1eacling the hinocent •gh.1 who trested • illitnie siow:gt.11.11n11.,vi..0e7sieefsea.epiliemit.•liyo?piii,.. his 1 The thOusanda of' peeple who write t9 Me sayinealliat • face. almost' as pale as. Nance's . had been when 'she pal fl•ant him ; and • 6:74,0._. * 10. _...._ );'l . 'his two • angels, the guardian - spirit, a) R.B.R.aeogl,- 3 - . Mitred. , . . • •".Yest. at Richtnoncla It is a verv good phtee 'lot; bench. • • 'There is a• splendid view from the terrace.' YOU inuot•-••"e Ito toetped :in time. /re wae gotaa to et.ty, "You ' let : ma: take you there. '.! . "Well,.". he wee on, encl./ifs 'voice "sting" to hen T;le n n g• if ; • 1 should • •IiRe to: lisslce one of thein eepecially"-he 13 (41 • Lada Wiest -ore in. his raiiidee"a •little Present; and theta vouldn't : 'be aaY-•- thing in 'the •worlii. more.. apPro Hate than earepY of ,Old lace-eHa good copY, eueh as pea Make, you' know,'" • "1 will go apd eee it," She said.* low voice. - , • . • • • . 'gnomic u ' he aid "But -but ,f• iliould like teosee it, too, and • se - 333(1 tapieee. NOW; it's.abeurd our go- ing lit different • tithe's; beside, I - - should like to have your advice. It's ' very likale,--nren are such idiots In' such matters -that I should pick out, the very 'worst :model; ifin't it?" • A. ebght 'smile curved Nance's tightened lips. ,"It is very likely.," she adinitted. - "'flier° you are!" he . excheimeda• triunaihantly, and ae if that settled' the question. • -1301 Nance.'t fate: still' said "No," • Yin. bite bis lip aid, t tined 'a vigor - one, not to say vieione stroke, • . f • ' beg your. pardon/ I inn twireeing you. Perhaps yolfel rather go alone,'" he said, With WI. mait'S 'ffelheettfAireneette.411.3esaltietta 'hire heart.; smote him, for ,a• look -of pain passed over her..faele; .•ated • her lips rele..xed and euivered. . In silence• he pulled up to the-boate 0011813, ahiPped the 'sculls, and helped' her whore, . 't "Thauk von,''Nance murmured -a.' ''.1bank you -e." • •• ' • "Vor 'pearly drotening yott," he fin- ished, With a' finuile, kut , with ate eX0-• pressiOn Of :disappointment, in • his eyes, "You won't trout • 50t118e1f to. 11113 agelti, Miss tliew, yini are right; I don't di•serve that you should, oiler my Clumsiness anti ettre- lesenese this afternoon." Tier face went very pale. She -drew her hand from his and looked away for 011 hist:alit. then With •an intense. appeal in the ryes that. met his, she said in Iota veicet • • "It le not that." Re. waited While she seemed to be trying for words, She Went on in a 'still lower voice: "T-4. Will go with you to nompton .CciltItist'e;es Tighted up and he took her hand •again, "You will? Itow goof , ot you!" foreing himself to speak earoiessly, for hi$ eagerness had brought the color to her face and an almost frightened look into her eyes. "When ghalt we go? To-ittorroW?" The Weather. IS very line now, outl- and I should like to. have the lace as soon as I can. Yoh. see," lie stalled, "it's 'quite a wetter of businees.", • ("1;11•19e'ZI11.;illeE:Ost1111111.ho'f',Ogro-?" T. see: To- morrow, then? I will cell for you---" Tre roomed a moment ag he thought of the gossip that Would arise an1011ff Ike hi T.`deti T'litee if luadrove 1111 to 1100 door, "'Perhaps you itaoteichft 'hind atieetipatthe leaver eV % with tying's. of heavenla. puritY, and. ,,0"-a- _- the black twilit of evil, floated at his • unipti,on . side. One evideperecl, "Clo.backr., Thera s yettete1 a mete:tout ep tee . pity!'.' The other whispered, -Where is the harin? All' is. well!" • Two ..paths lay, bottom him, The I . . . . Prim rose • Path, et tulcilAi With:* IT otv.ers but, leading .to 'outer . clarliness'i• . the •Narrow 'Way, eet ,with thorns . aini • eharp-edged. rocke, heyolid whit h atho . broad plains el aalght tind ,: • . - • , • • . . • Whichwould• he take? "1 w.111 send „her a note; tell- ber -I call • not 'go. • P will not, eee tigaie,''' he Mutter., '11:3::),•17ee‘‘eh'elent1 SIn til ixtm8g19,111"1111Tisss' 'Catrit419,. : Neve.r see her, agaent . Never . hear . ed, hoarsely. • Then Nanecis' face rotee eeee......-ae•-aae • that voice .agaiii! -Never .againe 011, he could not glee tier up, -eould not!. The -bright 'aogel with .the... white . Ye•ings •soerowinge the dark spirit remained, 0.1unit/taint, ' ' • Yes,' 00. would ,take her , with him p11. the inerrow.. Why,' had• he net pro- . toieed, • and .shottld not, a; Man keep• his promise?: But it should be , tho . ••• last inCeting, After that- .. He rang tor • his '1011111,- and .dr6sse • le . sere ant • Mita cm the , serious seam -Peskin. ott Ine • it to 'vets faee, aid thought;: been hit hard: over the:0033d8 .a.Taee, •1 suppoeti.'' •. • iil to- 1)43 V(413' 051*101133,5 ure 'the Lung Tonle .careeltheni of chronic coughs cannot all be mistaken. There must be truth in, it Try a bottle for that tough of yOurs.. Price s 25c., 60c. and $1.60. s. c. WELLS & co. , Toronto, Can. • LeRoy, N.Y. . • .ae(1)11:11ti. is.' his imat and over-. . "1,8114' dine (it the elub,• Do , not tilt' up," lie said, absently, a. as a man speaks: Whose thoughts tire 'fixed on atone tell-tit/sorbing subject. • e 'down -Jo -OAF . and woe greeted '21:3 . With a WEt1111 WekOlne,1 and joined' three or four. Inert tit a table. Just as they were finielting, dinner, Lord Stoyle -sauntered ato • lie tedded With MS usual. cold frieectlinces to Ito:hard. and presently , suggested Intecto•at, mai, though Bere. nerd. had almost -reeoIveti not to -Play again, he:joined the othees, Ile had drunk quite enoireh pagne at dilator, and his manner was rather ntwe excited than usual; his i eyes. shone . with more than. their tural .brightness, and his, /aughter I had a. stt•arige ring in it. •'. Lord Stoele, as they at doivh to the card-IWO, glanced +et him With ; covert ecrittiny, ' I "Let us have tome champagne," he said. One or tWo of the men detnerred, reinai•king that they *tad had enotigh, but Bernard assented with 1•eeltless 11111"(:a1;eitsY, -and POmerey,"• he said, • . The eliampag'ne wage brought, and .......4tte.15.4.*Wkwewtont.iNi100414. AAISIt•AlAshAtletAlts,s1AI 4•104•.... • . At. half past" fwo 'she atteit out tO 'ttyhe,sbiela.'leittii(111.gt-iiritj'4s1Sceed..1.1tit•slel.i.fulillic'iniestt:1,11°at'is7 -a einiple enough 'toilet at that; and ., etiough slue did not knew it or think ' of • it, :every inch of -the slim, grace. • Oil, upright .flgure looked that,. of a. • . As. .sbe neared Atte' river -side stepie she • saw.' a high- dog -cart, with a ..,ItialY. '.• . • - ' *. . , ' aeight , hef horse et if a t • .. . It looked ' •fearfor grand and awee• • inspiring to. Nance; cant Bernard hitt)... eeff, in his light coVert coat, '. and . t ' ' lot air ot "I was -born ., to • command,"" seemed .to her something- iirinCe-like and .far,•,•- ' very, Ve,r3i far.: ....40bol.:hvgeeie.oltlewdr'ao'swiin,o tghTtiOto:taht,. 'haendio.hri'ogrld'aro:tod, . (.19"(18°Iv'e 3n� 37003 halid;" he g;aid and • . . . 0"tte, Skillfully -lifted.- her. on to Ihe ' • lett iba(t'set.cleLithe put'Ithis s •daufis‘1.9-ietd•raili . round you, It's Wonderful how dusty Otte gets, • Is. that all right?" . he ask- ' ad., with reepettable solicitude. "Are tett (mite .• comfortable? Will you have a cushion behind yen?. there .il a %Spare one at the bottein 01 .11113 ..1.4tert'ucforta.hle? • A •ciiSttion? .. Nancel . . could scarcely rePress a smile: /ler greatest luxury. in vehicles, hit 11(.110, had been a hansom; and this "C"-• • epring dog -carte . with its curved, softly padded back, seemed even 100 ' .111."1Y11.01(s),11' 8I- Wag' . arraid I 'was late; then I began to think you: had ellattged your tatted, and woeld not eome, after WV he said, as lie let . the reetIees, high-spirited horst/ .Illyt.ft,'111;1Aatildiallt°411111)seetttliaciftsilhe'llt8na'sitd4''simN : "Do you 'like it?" he said, with a, . Smile, es he flicked an 'imaginary fly. off the horse's near ear. "Yes, slie.1 Mit a bad oee; she eon moo you like going feet?' It 1 "I don't know," she, said in a low use if you do, we Wilt havatt. Apia when we get eleanof the streets. .What a lovely afternoon! 1 am -glad you come.'' Not much to say, but the worda fie drove carefully-1m georl driver Made her heart leap. • . ever drives rect:Iessla-through 11s3 etreete, nett Naiwe looked &ewe ee round about. her WW1 a feel:111S wonder. WaS AO really sitting' .113' hie 'side, driving theouph. London end It the conntry with 111111, or Woe i. toil;!! d1'4'130)? 'OostiNt30,0. Moro than t.tif the battle ,in ;leaning greasy (Ashes is in the 'soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap it's the bost,