HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-16, Page 1we. Fn "I\ v g - '4 25th Year nieteseleiemeletemeoarmmormeeteoeteieoW0ercaotettx4Emmer' -ostesev,,+-x-,T,;teieemeletemet-HGE ' "^ s") Tookes . . ft 46 4, (2> • 44 41 4 > 4 4* 4* 4 4 4 4* 4 4 1 4 4.* Z75 Z4.5 TAILOR-MADE SHIRTS We are agents in this part of the country for Tooks Shirts - We can give you a big selection of patterns both in hard and soft fronts at 75c, $1 00 and $1.25. {it 040.0.40•14.41.44••••••••••••,.....0••••••••••••••••••••••••40.0.4. 011.4161440.,,404,01.$4.10••••••••46.146 <„). < .> u • Watch out forsomething Q (.› g▪ ee -A 8d‘Q Tailoring- ek•<••• , Special next week in -<es < > >es. Boys' -,ClotKing. 5. <, 5 •'-',J•?. • Z.).Z 7ii:;48K-4-',.•31ctetateteleiatototars-,,tetsteletefeKsAermaxiotelsh-+Avrt, ;d:Metele•rddisliefOrid,Y,(r/d:,:::fesid.:19101'di',..r/A,7d£36Crifah01010IGNOlVdYkric./:;+-,, dheerereeti.. . • . • . • • • 1.14. II. •••• .1..6. • • 1.1" • The J. W. Newco\nibe Co Furnishings- -Men's and Boy's' Ready . -tosWear Clothing; Hat --CLINTON-- CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1904. ON 'mu MEND. The many friends of Mrs, Geo. Cot- tle will be pleased to hear 'thitt recovering her voice •as a result of the operation performed last week by Drs. Thompsmi and Turnbull. The operat- ion was the removal a 0, tumor which completely filled the larynx and lewd to be taken out by cuttingia frolnif the outside. CHDIAP POULTRY. The Government Poultry St/ation Holmesville will sell: hoes 1, and 2 years old during the next few days. The stock is in good condition, pure bred Barred Rock being the stock for this season. Cockerels $1, hens 13r per pair. The station is under the man- agement of Mr. F. C. ONTARIO STREET E. L. SOCIAL AND BAND CONCERT, A lawn social u4 band convert will be 'given in the recreation park under the auspices of t•he Citizeue' Baud on Tuesday evertingin , June 2811, whre- freshments of. various kinds, as are in season, *011ie served. The bend will render a prograin of elaseical music. This being the first cencert of the sea- son we hpe othat. yea and your friend A HAPPY e will be present and enjoy the pleasur- - MAN. • *Next Aleeday eveniug the Bible stady • es -of .the evening. , • Mr. A. Vodden employed•Mr. Harvey will be continued, subject "iourncY-• TiA Ortne'e wjono/NG, evine to put down an artesicted veal ings" Num. 251-316, The tuissiduairy- for him. They started work on Tues. meeting last Mond•ay evenitg Was quite • A very .quiet but pretty wedding was d••• s • Frtday. last had the well canpleted apart Was celebrated at 12 o'clock -yesterday at a. we and ont eueeess o s t• s .1 discussed under various heactirgs. Miss the •hone Of Mr.. an•cl Mrs. Finley Me with a depth of 75 feet of waiter .• A- Turnbull . told°about the people a.n(d . es days d 'II' i, • • #3 (... . .. . FAi 11 wirer their eldest daughter, Ella, bout thr , was wetted I« the holy bonds of met - thing and as -Alr. Vodden expected it three of our , Japanese missionaries rimony to Herbert W. Alexander of would take two weeks,'he was cer- and Miss Greene gave a splendid epi- this pieced Dr, Stewart olliciated. etialginalgyeclyealt1 l‘>11reasirl...A..kirici,,t1hreesvtleurssianow tem of the address given at the W. Only the immediate relatives' anet tri- ms got nown about 6o feet, and: lao . iMe v.v SNI.,occ1/4osnvaesnot it; 1‘1..leithstls t,atif t(.03nocle\rvlbelot v01114 . c ds N 1, e -ech tl s s s e.•, liie LITTLE LOCALS. . has spent six years in the country, Toledo on the 4.15 train in a . Short . C011iple left for Detroit and . The Japanese views shown, by our pas- 1 • e,.. 0 . tor, DrdCook, were very flue. RECORD. • Hullett Township. Bandon •picni.e will be held in. .Me. Alien's bush on June e4th. All hinds (if expected. Everybody mow and enjoy youeself. Leech served .at' r. This is tube one of the. 'best 'picnics of the season, Mr, Robert Colwell of the 13th con- • eeseion is bvilding a..briek residttece. Mr. Thomas Hill ed Londeshora haa: bought e, hotel , Wilighnan Airs. Brunsdon Hadtney, Man., is • visiting the' old homestead. -It is te- years sinee she left Hullett. Mr.. • John •Caldwell of East Wawa, 110A1 IS to !he inerried to Miss W.ahlon on...Wednesday, ie-th-of•June, at v.), o'clock noon, Arrangoinents are -being made hold the amend picnic of el. S'. •No. 5 on. the grounds od S. McCool on the afternoon •cf Thursday, June the 3oth, . 4.. .. musicant - literary trent will be given, in addi- tion tot aigood program of races; foot. ball etc. Come with us and en' a igood tune. • • The people- in thne is. igirborhOed have commenced their statute Mr. Henry IdreeMan lbought two fin steers. Irani: Mr. Mt of .Clintere last Week.' • • ft R. Futzsienons shipped a car. old hog% •t>•Torcrto co Monday and D. Tneeday. • -• • Catnitel”- 'WEDDING .BELLS, . • .•• d • . . . • on a ear Of hogs to.the Save place on . - . . . .• . A very prettywedding. took place ' I1Ir Wm. Cishnote, the Hay eerage y-esterday at the hotiie of - es in .this. seetica. buying 'hay, . • .. • Cuchuore -when his deughter,- Miss Alice : Lim...Si:gm Co. are .thorougle, up- was united. din marriage to Mr, AL igoK1 Work done Wouldandanyone wi: Ward . of :Wyedining, Ont. The. bride to date s..writets' ,sh.; advieable for -them to have be. looked chairnang 01 a gown oft _White ing some glee .•aett de, oegeodie trimmed with .s'atin. , The. same before he ltsaves here. . 1,3ricieemaid,. who was 'suss Rose Coi. - Mr, Harvey Mellrien lias bougdit, the .nell. - was • dressed ia: bine voile.. dttid . . . . • • house ocertpieddby the' Misees ,raira oO Mr.: Wilt Codinore performed-. the stir - Victoria street owned by. Mr. Willi:ave. ce• f - tr ri:sii In The: cenemony . -iteathey.. • • •-• • ,' , ..„, et . . : . , • .. tool...edam sat 0110 0 Plock .aial': mimed - W ; lately afte.r they sat down toeiddahrty - Mr, Jahn Grieve,of Seaforth, Veter- luncheon and ,Mr. ati<V1VIrs. Ward left. inary Surgeon of Seafertle a shortfor their 'home in Wromints on tthe,4,2o time ago,. while engaged in his remit, •train.arnie a hower of rice and Ilow- accidentally cut .his hand and he cord. ers: The N'eWs-Record • joinst., theid semtence was laidi off from. his. work., Many •friends.' in extending, congratula- On Satueday last he•received a ehectque tic us and good wishes for ahanpy for $11•25 from Mr, A. Hooper, • with futuee. • . . whom Mr. t cdrieve carried an aceident policy.; • : - ELECTION 0.1P- OFFICERS •. • M . r.W.Cole of .the Gravel- Road notth ' • • ' • • • . . Of •down, las bought •the. old, Turnbull ' The regular meeting, Of Cliuton toile- • office and is this•week hawing it.moved cil. R. T. of T.' took place last Iliers- .• 001)10(1 by Dr...Thonipson . ey evening. After the. usual ieusiitess had been dispensec'e which included the to his farm. The office wag d once •oe' - Lava errargemeets. for. the Ditte 'I .,-; Mt e ti>0 Watch •sfOr. an English. Cluirch• Sotiel annonneeme.nt in. the near, fut.. to • be • held 1:ere on ' the L 24th 111S, .. .1. . are. . . . .. . •‘• . : . ' :week train next if ricloye'ille I:lei:lice, of i • - Ore of tlie greatest Orangi. celebrat-• c.flicees took • place. ttno resulted . lois ..in ' thaele St (dee .0,1 He, ei, comity:. follows : . • • , • to be held in Winglictin on July ie. t 'Select Copeeilldr, S. .tdadretra . •• Redaeed . rates . of e•Are; have been! . • ar- Vice Ccencillor, J. Cooper - • .raeigett oa •the:radver..v$;. . chapla.M., W111. laWSSert. , On .Friday last Mr.- Chas. Roadhouse ' Ree. -Secretary, Mrs. • P.: W. Watts s • of BlYthreceived from A. Heoper a Fine:Secretary F.• Wilson• • • .cheque• for $32.15 as indemnity for an • Trtstsurere Miss .A..• Burnett • • • - . . - i.njeeed..'dhinitb. , Me., R•oedit. °use carries IIerald, :Wal•ter •1e15115t.:31(1 .. . ' , •all accident pcdiee. , .. ... •. Depute. 1111 id, Alisa. E. Ihurrett •• '- The .• I. 0. F.', w•ill ettend• divine ser- Gi.d.rd, Miss AI: Coding. .• - ' . • .. • . vice in. the Presbyterian cdtercht next Sentinel, J. Manning - . • . Sunday, Jute 19th.. The brethern , ee:- ()tea ests, A lest.% Al. el viteluil .aiid pect r..! large turn' put AS they hale . ... ,IL. Greene. . - • . • , • . ' • :. •, • , sent' invitations to all the ' neighbor- • • 'Mg .towns, • . .. •• .. . • •' SMALLPDX IN' CAMP. . • : The invitations. are out Sot. the Wed. . •• • .. .' .' • '. - ' • .• . .cling of cne of • clederich township's .. A. CkiSC* of: einallpdx. Wes.disecivereet • fairest young ladiee to a prosperous at .the Lendoe •• 'camp Iast ,ThursdaVe. ;. cerrodiy will be. performed :ie. St.Je- 2214 fixfc'ra • The Tirivate .- ItleCi•ae 'of N• . , t,Conipanye : Rides, .ciiiiito. he c. young, farmer of Tfickersidith. . I sepseicS•i•faligire3lier tali reedre 'a couat3d -.tieed that die.ht4-. •59,0741.srpts On hie. ... ' .. „ • -. , • , :. wIthe the, rest ef the sOldSer.s. • no- courieit ereeeeeeeee, , .. . . : e - :body 'i1 11111 he was riiable,..to• account . . : .. • • • "•• . • • • • - - , fate. They ..inereased lit .,•itinnber-• and TIIE IIQUGI-I CUP REMAINS IiEle1i . he deaselted• the. Chief medical °Aker • - and. was toldthat he had contracted .The last game in• the Hotigh • Cup shmae iete. :• .... , • • .• . : : • . •seties. • for the te,rm :was • played ort. • ' • • ••• - • Saturday last whey..•the evertvietprious • There are about d.1,30e Men, tinder' Cli.nten 'Collegiate team d.eleated - the - eitirvue in London :andrthe report creat - Galt .Collegiate teaan by a•sente s: of • ed a- senSation. • . t • ••.., • . , ' , 2 to 9: This is the final game; as . . . . ''' Step's: were taken iinniedietely . fOt • • • . . The Sovereign Ilmak . Directs your atteation to its special facilities for issuing drafts on all the leading towns a.nd cities in Europe and ' <> elsewhere at the lowest rates, 0 This is the safest, 'simplest and chea- pest method of remitting money to 0 foreign countries. • 000000 • • 0040..00.94000 • • • GOrt eeponden co quested. or interview ' - .00 0 0000 . . CLINTON BRANCH . H. T. RANCE, Manager. - - ':• W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. <XX> 00000 0•04\iiXWX:><>0.0"0**** *****• 000 6 have no MeCrae's • isolalien. :Ile had been .• • . Woodstock, keowing they .1.++++++++++++++++ q.-÷+++4 ++++44++1 1 II 1 k+. (thence gent word that they wouta dee • ' fault ' their "gaine. Saturday's gaw° tent.: The first thing -done %MS toere- sleePing with four other Men he • one • . t.; iriakes: 6 victories this terin• for the • , • move MeCree to a :remote corner of the 'grounds and the four men to an- other. The bed clothes Were burned ar..d. also the elothieg of all tlie mem •Then the ()Meer canemendittes gave or- ders that every man in the company, ferty. .strceg, be vaccinated, and • this was aCco•rdingly EXCURSION •TO GUELPH. One of the largest excursion trains that has hit Clinton station for some time was.dhat Which carried the hake crowd to, Guelph cii• Saturday laSt, .. . The train made:up at Clinton. coed. .Qeite . a number. from around -here sieted of , some 19 coaches, .8 Tic.* God- detteraled -the . funeral of jamee. - Mc- crich, 8 !ran •Wingliam and 5 from Neil's hifeht child which( died e.f pneti. London (2 of these were taken . down mpnie .0zi Wedueschay last. . •• • ,. by the .regulate leaving 19. for- the • ex- .. Quite a rinnfedr took in the excels cursi'on.) • The train left the depot Sion to: 'Glade*, 'on. Saturday last,. •; • 'teethed 'by. two large:11mgal or three . Mr, Eli Crich and wife were visitors wheel' engines, A pleasant time . is at Mr. Henry Freeman's last Suuday, reported as the <ley wasdexcellent. . . . • • . • • . - : Miss'. May AleRniglii:• visi-td her 'site. t...•'‘A.Nd.DIANS IN NCI-T,..4.Np.- - • ter, - Mrs. Richard Tasker, hest week:, Aliils . M. .Crawford. and beother are • At, Liyerpool an .eathusiestic resep- tion W.aS given to. the Canadian bow- ' Vending"a- couple -of . days . with, their grandmother, -Mrs. II-. Freeman.. , here : learn landing, hy representatives • The dfollowing Shows ' the. relative ahreachi notified and , a. delegatdon,f..r.To:Ine ' • the fdverpool :Iresociat loll. As .the standing of dee pupils' of No: 5, fou moith of _Ai May, -based- based. aut - class records, . vesSel elo:eked . the te.ain sang . . . .e.ttend "nee and geueral proficiency :. Maple. Leaf and were heartily- cheer-- ece. An informal eeduitian 'on board e • c. gSGri, ettivh.i4r1:,.yflitii•uc•cl•aocokisi OisTiVt•rilar ailaAcIeet: folio:Wed.- : -The. :teeth; •incleding .. haertee er eae party,. are well era". red Elle; • Webb ,!. e Freak' Hibbert, • 14esie Port a fine Voyeige. None of - : thein Blair. • - . • . • • . '. , - . - Whole Number 1324 Bayfield Rev. J. 'Snell and wife retnrned home last Friday froth London where he has been attending the Nethodist Conference.! 'Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Exeter ere guests of that Foie Rev. Snell this week, Thomas Ell ott end Miss Bella \Vitiation took in the. excursion to the Model Vann .at Guelph on Saturday last. . Mr. diaines of ilelyrcod was the guest of his ditughter, :Mist Diet:man, a few days the past week, Mrs. Haue, es returned maim with hint atilt! spending the past month with her Claus The tug- .7. IL Watsou with a num- ber of .20<di and teams la:hinging to the Sarnia ,Lumber Co„ are engaged gathering legs. on the beaeb at this place. • Mr; James Ft0eritson .and Son. left last week for Peri Dover edit willeake up their resnlenee in that place where Air; Fergueon. is tugereed the ;fishing , • • Dr. and Mrs. Metcalf of Detrtit spent a -few days iii the village tthe • past week. •Misees• •Edith Faleoner•- and Myrtle: t Coesins. Goderieldspent •Smiday witie friends lit•the . • . • : • Air. JI -he, Whidthin Itsft. Tuesday, • - for Toronto to- spend a week with • !friends- .. . • Rev, : J.• Aie,Neii retained last week . • froni St„l'ohn, New•DrensWiek, where . • Le was 'et tending. the Otidral Assent- ." • Mile .T.• •Torreited 'ant/ .tlaughter, Miss • Grad: of ; Clinton spent. a week• with • 111,1eiii•sititillaerg,c. Aire demi; Alelhoretirl• • .. • Mr, and Mrs. Ale Cal lu in • dif :Me Tt• i 110P were the- guests of 'Mr. and ides.: leren.: don a, feet days, the past veeek. • '-Messrs. IS,. Gardner: and W. irdrin of . . el intOn spent Tuesday •in thee village, -,. • " c.o• , GeOrgti Greenslade was in -Lord ' 1 el laSt Fridav on business. While missed a meal . tau 4.11 rereivecl the . Jr...4t11.-Gertic .V.teddvn, idsloh 131 °Wee. ti: ere ha -attended the R Circus., teshreeatte,,:sitatte.11,11t.iii4inobfarptili yogi •Majg,gr.. 3Crdc:7_1%. Aies "littriri • enejitc)iglierd anecicile(1. . since ..playteJ .the s.sociatio:n Ernest Yodelen, Flossie ditown, were, • . . . . • • . . uit • • • It' g Orval Rapscii Seel. AVallaete AI • • 1 'Mrs 7 111eT eod have. Moved ' C • • 4WD 0_1 • Fin • Is ere At Last • •• • : ••• -Cup. Holders awl .9 elute .111e3d... . 1,O.::t<s': • • • • ' ' •ee ' tne "'esp.. two years :ego. elle •,Galt teadn arrived, on, thee one o'cieick ' train •and appeared •iir, the.-field.puoctually at 2.0. -The . referee, Mr, •13rOwniee :. • of liensall; bleW '1110 WM SOO .at . 3.0,C1:Ock ar.d.the 'game Was 'etarted wale.. 'Gelb having the. • eick ,plid :The 1 ball was • sOtir an the Galt. goal' And .eften a led, _DEATH,: .. • . - ... ..• . . . tries Ale. Aiken:head.. sent .the ball,titi- aa •der . the bar, • Clinton thee scoring . one ' goal in: siX.Inimites• Play,:dhiring tile, rest. of VMS f Ull. the play' .Wati: . about • evenly divided, neither side beingeable Lllfltoli ......• . .., -• . to score.: In •this seeond half. although. "•Afterladlingering illness.. Of sederal• kicking •against the Wiwi. the -Clinton.' months' duration, Benjamin :Clad -chill of . hpys . had .. the best of it and : . 'only. this. place .breatlied.his •Iiiat and paesed Otte wes their .goal: iii. deeper, In . a tethe greatbeyond at seven 'o'clock on. Mix mg bef0re the -Gat. goal the ball: Aidaiday eventing.of this. week: The 'end,. waSifkieked throngliand the score was. Which was idit tinexpected, Camegent- 2 to .,•0 ill favor of ellitten. ' Galt • now 1Y :ant!. he passed away Surrounded. by . played it .defeitee gaine. as thee., realie. hie' familY and the many .warin Ifrie-rds edtliat in •the halence of the, time • to which lie 'hiar't •formed since his advent play it• would be impoesiblO to score. among tee: -The deceased was born...at. This proved todbe all the scariag and o 'llied.•gatlidderticd• 'T't Or 't>'' 'ilVfitrOV''''' '-' ' ''''-a'.1iiii-lfigettteCia'411iir it -,,Crin.\eSilltili112;244eligriT16NNril.'lltill? . (2.1frli‘.111110.":6-ait . boys :PI -EA -lid' ' ' et, VerY • gOOtt gaged at different, tint:ea diem rditett the Ich . businese he Was eabsequently en-. Pdilei Ocir 81•179nge.st .111011.beIng the. coentry. Ile. emigrated from •thitario - back line. The. Clinton half back line to Manitoba in 1891 and cameto this ie the. strongest 0411 of •cliateeds.teatin -county ' lour .years later. dlit ionat!Cht-. 'Mustard McKinnon and .Wills niaking lately engaged in tailoring. ate•Neelie a. Inc. that. are hard tO beat., Clinton's and •for .several years et:titbit led , a.very forward „line lies beet. better '<hail . any siteeesafid: business. Later he, was .eit- . • • 6 • Of their O'pponents', Whiddore Ab, and gaged, s.. honk. isitatitar lines at •Pargo.. A • ••• Mac. ' Aikenhead, Copt; -Mustard and few years ago he wept atfanning in 41m• Youngblut bein • all 'very speedy, • lie- which irsitistry; he also was 'successful. .. -ery team hat I a stronger, back .11fie },rem Classton. lie - canie•to tido place. .• •than ' Crinton but- our baCks, Mcildwee and purchased delivery business of A. ••• and McQueen, have iniptoVed •consider- J, • Robinsten, which he -colit'ineted for • :... ably .sdice the first' game. Mirth in several ,months." 'flicitce lie went ,. to .s 4 • goat is a star ,arlcl. is the .equal of -,cu,y 'his' farm needdVoltaire, when lie came. --back to thi s to. wri, in failing health.. the• result of the. season's' play• has . • , . o • You will need a new and lighter = suit. We can supply you at less than manufacturers' prices.. • • • • This is no mere statement: It i - • • • 6 it, • i'' is a fact, and we invite you --to .give --Us: • • --•• •. • . .1- '' a call and see for your .You will be- - .67.4. '1.• surprised wileti. y03,1 se 0 re*ly-to- .. , ,... ..„....... ....„ • ...... . . .,...... ,,,... ,.._ . . ._.. . . .. ,.. wear suits we- are . putting .On sale at • . •• just half price. ' +._ 100 of these 1Vien'a. and B•oys' Suits are now on sale and will. con- tinue until all are gone. You can't do better any place in the county, so come along and pick . up the snaps in Clothing. It will mean dollars in your pocket, Money saved is money earned. . T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. 44.0 .4o4 r• The • following • i8 taken' from the ilamiltOn, "North Dakota Independ- ent and refere 1.0 1., former reeiclent of the. north of Ragland.- 'al-sP f<efees7 Lee, •Aemardl ileCoel, • t harlie Lee. • intnr•Ailri•( joie- itergusciat's e9ttief,'e . ter ;awl at . ' • • • • .• •Sr. 2ncl-Epheann . ..Charlie Colina street, • • • \redden Cora. ' MeCaol, Earl 1VIaeon, ss • Edi tit • Speeki n en Of am ia A..apeci‘l eeeetiots• of thee -town cowl- jr, dend-Wesley Hoggart, • Richard the guest of Mrs, Dreltraan this week, TOWN C.01.7•NCIie ; . • • . • Sam. Appleby, Helen !dale.* • = ' . • .• • cil was.held. last Altnid.ay. night: • - • . yochlen,Edith Iiotbs • ' drhe park committee 'reported to have . Pt' .211d---1t`dint .Welble.•Aclile Little, ' • ' • •• • • • . • :• • . , the •ehtitters and .doors..oti the•grand Ploy- Cole, WIllie :Wes:Lucretia • '.May„ . • StarelzyeTtlwiiship. • stared fixtd aed: 'that two more rows • sr 't. est -Maggie. Mair; . fA..setit's be added •to. thdpreserif. grand- . \redden Flea. McCool .• Mr.' and 'Mrs:- ..Wheatleye : • 8t'arrilicel: new scht:dule•ratett d'or gamea . . . ' ' • . • at, thelPerk is -reedollows, t• Slagle genie '53 -or' 20 per cent • of .the receipts. The grounds; may 1>c: leased ,by' ' any chile wishing ..to hold a neitherof games duri-ng theseeson. The cluh sub - it •the untidier 9f .gainice and the dat- es onwhich they are•tobe played to the 'coninittee Of'. the douncil composed • • goal keeper playing the game. All that loving relatives mid friends • ee givto Clinton' Collegiate a reputation weld do was done fol. him but their for foot/ball thet bas beent unprecedent- efforts were powerless to, stay tlal hand of the grim reaper and 111i gratin-, -Notes of -the Game - Tilt ;pen boys were geeteelearey ally amik until Monday evening when boys and took tteir defeat all righthe joined the great majority. The Owing to the fact that the council daeaased Was a Yol•lig mail of tide. MO proachable character <eel sterling <p • al- WM WO MO ea had passed a motion to the effect that ities • • t any team using the reereg.tiou atx!, a large circle of warm frt.-, . _ se +++++++444±14+44444+++++.14++++++,141-1-t÷r+++++ „bout b, obligee Le pay e4 tb, ends as well as a loviug And faithful .. . „ . . ..dee . use of the grounds the hoys thought it wife' and at kind father latneet his us.- would be more profitable not to collect timely end. lie was bur ed at Glass - 4) *04 04,4". 64•••4444+•41044 41.41****•••••••••44.114141 at the gate and ask Ithoee presene to t•°11041 Wedneeday, services over the 4$1 give what they felt like giving: when remains being conducted in the Pres., Only Fifty Cents . . The News-Reeord will bo sent to any address until the end of .1904 for half a dollar. Let's Have Your Sub- scription Now, • •••••••••••••••••••••44.••••••••••••••......4 e. 3 clean e mit It ia P nee )3' the hat was passed armed. At half (110 tone Mr. John Ransforcl made an (do- Rev. IL MeMillate. Despi.te the ;lichen: - Tient; appeal on behalf of the boys 011qr cf the weather ez large concourse atul WA a result ab•out Silz was collect.. of friends turned out to pay their last ed which would help to defray the ex. trilaite and mark of respect, to the penses of the game, decettsed, aud he was !hitt to rest mid - Referee nrownten gave, entire •eathe et the scenea of his former hone. The faction to Loth testes, . • following friends of the deicer -tied acted The ladies turned out lmu largo limn- as Pall-IA'arers A. McPhee" It'Thert' tiers. Thieir PreSenco during the gam° McClellan, A. J, Robin 011, David Zinn, contributed considerable to the boys, , Creigton, aiid Louis Mahar." $.1100088, Ak. Churchill was a vephcw of the The boys will riow settle dowit to Messrs. ‚1,1 03 and Ben, Churchill of hard study for the next three weeks Goderich Township and learned his od we %visit them tik success hi their trate with Mr. Josh Cole, who tad exams that they hoe had irt the foot- his tailorts1101 over Coats' OW Stand, ball tic144 ••••••••••••011•••••• $ of the mayor, • the chairman of the park etenutittee and the chterinan. of the fidence .• eonseitteld The fee for public celebratierte 'and Iniblie holiday* is ale' left on the hands of the ,albove speefaid committee. • • . ' . • I,ACR.OSSE MATCH'. .. ••••• . The first: Lettgi.c gamnt. on the hone. . ground's was . pleyecl o're Wednesday,. eVe eniag•in recreation park between :tive Whigleani team • and .the. Su-ghat:s of town... Frond the first blow of • . the WhiStle it 'just took 30 seeafids .. and the • Stratheonas hadeNot• t to credit,not mem toueltieg a'' .• inglitain stick.. The ball Wus again • brought Lack tO. centre ;Was only a neat - ter •of ,ts few minutes before they had No; 2 10 their credit also. ,i•efore. the quarter dended the •lidene team • had. scored No. 3, e.nel •4 While :their •• op- pon?nte had Stieteeded ir faaliog the nets once:. The second quarter was not emitas fast . as• the first, the home' 'team being anittio fill 'the air'' . but succeeded in seerimek two diiore while their opponents had scortd a like '<unifier.. At half time the, scone stood 6-73, 111 favor of Clinton; dhle 3rd quarter ..e.a* soine fest lacrosse both teams. play ng £.1 ta.st gaino which likgan to toll on balli teainS as 'the pa.ce was too fast .for piled team to. stand.. 'the 3rd quarter .ended• 7-e4. Winightin started off witid a rust, but soon met with 'disaster at the hands of the" localdefence who were coverlet's 'their !reheats 'closer.' any lierikid in the game The 'Honed played 'sone lightnieg Combination .chiriug' tigrela.st quarter andstieceedect ding' up three mceee . goals. The final •score Was ro-4. in favor a 00 -Straitheorms. Mr. Jackson acted as referee andtgave gen- eral satisfaction. The Whitehall' • team are a lot of .gentlegnanly plaVers and . will be welcomed back any time. The Stratheutas lined tip as follow Goal, W. Johnson • • . • Point, V; Xer • C., Point, W. J, °roots /se Defence, W..7, Tozer' • • end defence, W. Gibson • • scrolvidreefi • -3 11 I)oh-erty rde , 1". Jolujisoiu 1101110, .7. MCKOI1I.a'C end 1101110, P. COUCh. 1St 11.0111ei C, -Shepherd Outside, P. Pinner • inside, G. H. Pinner ilm.••••••••• Auburn. • Mrs. r, Richards and! Sect of tritssold Stuidayea at Mr, S. Searres, also Mr. Jas. Armstrong atut bit tie may spent a few days ixj this noighliorhood, , Quite a number 'took ill die exeursioil to Guelph last Saturday. Miss Annie Jenkins of Irohniesville Is the guest of Mr. J. Washington at present, Mr. J1.18. Anderson' amid Miss Ander- son of Ietnybrooke Stindayecl at Mr. The Independent Order of. Good' Tetlis plars held their amain/ Dietrict Meet- ing in the. Auburn temple NO, :.;04 last McAuley afternoon. Mr. Smith roif Riversdale Lodge District Chief Tent- plar,talso Mr. L.1Farultran of Rinburit, District Secretary, attl others were 1100Itt and went through the business., ••• -1.,. : ,. •.1,1' d •.:3°.sl'h pieed • ist-EPearl -Ilebbs,lla,Etta:Brod/Ira Raeisto.•1‘n• re. Sdintowe're: guests at the home. - of - • Edna •• • •• 'Richardson n eo. .-Senday. ., .• ... .• . ... • . ....,• . . . ... , . - . -. .• .. Viva Cola-in e, :TantApplel>er..• • • • • -, - l'a.$t.• • Enrolled attendance .43, ayerage.. 28.. .. • -.Mr. - Thomas . Brownett. and sisters - -• • - ....'1'.he -court ..for the. -revision. ,•.• ..0d the tookin the .eXcursion .to13. neipli".... cot , •AsSessenciet•deoll of thetoWnship• - Of .- Sanhia:Y... . • . • I i \ • • • • • • 13if119tt . WP•S held eni :Saturday, the e81ut - •Alr. John Reidand lifs.•sisiers;•:.111,isid. • . : . . Wad'. .. :: : :. „" . '. • • ••• • • ... '.. ' Vs .14va: and. ide,..• seexit •.Sendad, at • the ' :: •• • ..T.', 4.ppeals • Ihroftii;. the-. 1311fTelephoite• Co•e .116the .,bf Mr.: .dolinnie 'Reich-'01'.;,theddstle:.•.,.. '• eteines:.•:,;eyti.32:'..'i..11d.:R, .',.._.:f..... -Ransfora•- eog,6eggion,,,, ,- •:- ; _.' : .•• „. . - : • ' • were Aitaircl. dud, their asseasinent ,-eou-• : :. • - • -. ' '. •-: .. , . . .- • Miss .C.- tiatentett: of Goderichnie'.. at ..... ,,. • .-. . , . . . firmed.• iri ca.elt••case...- ....• .•-•'..,-••..." • , .: Several' ChUrigeS W• ert illadS .in the. d•'1.• . • • • minim and •tenants • three naines .were • Liiiicelot..Reid, accianpanied by . • telded "air!, Manhood" rr,anchise T oLrs, bus sister, Miss Rad.el eau."' Mr. Geor- nine degswere steitek IT, tin. .16witere .go Reid, attended.the eireite in Lencton • ' claiming 11 03 .were killed, the .atceesk. or: Friday. e. t: e• • , • . •: ment roll W0.8. 1.1:en passed and the Aiiiter.g..ebese w/.0 bee. 1,e west: • .court elosed. ,A In of theie coll, eil watt they held velum ae petition. was ..k"nl• t.h. vjcinitiv,.0.n...t.ne•sil.atv. ..ivan, • • :presented- by,. Alr. j,ohrt 15,1101 asking riut..."-V".• -K9r!s..." tne: 1.sab:Yi•en 1`140.' • tlie • Council • to. containte the statata mOr.dted" evening,' Neh'ol.4.. • ' labor. in • • the "I-liellett -raddion of thy KeYs:..6T:. 'the I3a1.Yk11 1 1111 returned. • ManeeshbeisattlintPxoloie.e.Ndoiilliarrtof , .fr.cni Michw igan. here slee' bad been k . . cotincil referring to theerebtiehling of a bridge on 35 and -36 was resein•-• ded and ,the 'reeye Lwas aethorieecl to. purchase • a new read alto:yea:pee from. Mr. M. ;Dyer ata riest not eXceediug ."900 a.S tO sa.ve.,the beilding of <4 bridge which by estimationewatilcl cost $240e. ' Tn0. council have already. let to contractore, the building • of .• "three small steel bridges and cement' culeert and another,' dim -1',aWler bridge. on the bouinlary of I -T.. and E. -W. will. 4110 let on the 217,th. All cf •those bridges. will be flored • with Cement. • • • • A • ninoberof accounts were passed arid council adjourned utitil June• • Hilsgreen. Mr • Will. Love; ;who has been home vic,e41.; returned to Stratford reishiesS. to reaume his studies. • Mr, Ed..Troyer purcha.sed d valttaible I•orse, from Mr. Hansford' Of 'Exetet re- cently. • • Mr; Lin Workman:, elm hes -been lat London Inc the past few months; is home .on the sick list. . Mr, Jehm .C6chravc. is busily, tugag- . . ed in taking out timber for his new barn. Mr.. 13a.ker is overseeing, the Work,: • Mr. Geo. Campbell aed, sister visited ; &t Mr. (Alas. Stelk's on Saturday of last week. Air. Sohn Ma•xwell still continues in very pc>or health. Air. Will Jarrott visited friends . Seaford Saturday and Sunday. week.' Quite 'a nendber fron here took in. the Model remit Excursion . Mr, erd Mrs. nailer of Dryadale• visited at Mr. Ed. 'froyers' last week, Mr, J. dt", Hogarth took Rev. Shaw's work next Sabbath Chiselliurst. Mr.. Johnson of Kippeit occupied the pulpit here last Sabletth the abeeit• ce of Rev. .Shaw. Mr, Isaac Hudson, purchased a fine driver recently. A large timber • froie this vicinity attended the fenerel of Mr. John Elg- ie of Tuckersinith. A very pretty Wedding took. placeat the Doom of Mr. Thos. Sherrit, Shake, when his second daughter, Mae Aunie„ wassmited dat the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr. John Turner, eldest aort, of Mr, James Tindier; Parr Line, T•he 110•PPY' couple 'have settled down oa Mr. Terneids farm jest north of the village. . Voir ehrrespendent whit their many friends joins in wishing' them a safe journey throng!. hie. Mrs, Vance and son a Toronto have been. visiting Mr, Chas. Troyer this week, . Mr; 1.4.tta Ii‘ttroliar Juts returned borne front StratfOrd Iti,:siveSs College, welting relatiyes and attending .15'ialliksest:•,-Emeyheistersei-(ttien:ciitetaiiceinieire 6, was the tetieSt of her 'neice,.leirta. 11.0111 A.. Robinsoit of the l'arr 14ine "• • • •foe ,eouple, of days rectally. • ' • Master Clifford EtlyS of the Babylon • • ." Line and his 8 8teril Aliss Reta, spent Sattirday and 'Sunday as guests :c.f , their cousins, Mr, ate ..adte newer of . . the, Salad!: Idne. • , .• Mr. H. W. Graham, of Otelei• eh Tp., aeicompanied by his sister, Aliss Bev- tha mid his cat sin, Miss ' 13, - Stanley, wilre guests cll. their' cousins', Mr. are' Mrs.(. R. id„eys of die Bahwe • 'Mr.; GeRdihdeys Of the...130,1,61'0,f r,i . wcflt „ttopei'l;Lirtzillit...ttontein;410'1(tiegsedla,y1.fatsfiza •eeters. 'Ilia mother. itecoinpanied him • .atal 'will visit ft -fends. in the city, Mr, •DulicaM.A1e1-1:wan: Of the. etd•con.- . • • • • . eassiotit'ofdeSt<ttley.::Ita-s••teotteplestetV::111",-lid..e.d:".!•-.7drdedethdd etonewerk a his 46,80 foot barn. 'rt. . • aork was dons lye. Mr. throne Hill of .. Clinton, Mr, has a splendid stall •ef , and. Air. AleEwen is highly e pleased .vvitli the .jolie • - . • . Quite • adiated•er cif the friends • ..arnt. • relatives' ,. 'the - • late Mrs. • John • Cummings- otter:40d the funeral. • in , 'Myth. dast. -Weeks • -- •. • Porter's Hill. Re -opening -Bethel Methodist chnrch hae been closed for some time tinder- goiag extensive repairs but will be re -opened the 26th inst, when -services will he held at e.3o and 7 p, . it is expected that Rev, Air• Yelland; for- ma pastor, will pretech. A strawber- • rid fekival will he held on Mr, Alex, Coxec lawn .on Monday evening, the 27111, • ie. the interest of the church and: Sunday school. Bills will be out Mr. John Harrison Sr, nearly lost his life i11 Mr• Hamilton's bush on the • • dtit eon. !While loading a heavy maple log en the trucks &ith a team. the chant breke letting: the leg back. It rolled over 'Air, frarrison, \then the log sees talent off hi -in it was reeting 00 his head. . Aliso Weida Coutts is visiting Mrs. t-htewart McDougall. Atr, jolts. l'honson ef the llayiteld Liao passed thrcugt our village the other eight. A menber of ,peceile ere soingl ter tae 111 the excursien to Detroit 'en de Greyhound. There wag to he a bie crop of apples at Porter's Hill ard. kr, Leslie Cox 18 getting a etoper hi his shop. Mr, 'Harris llone spent Serulay Ihreyside,