HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-09, Page 5.11.flie 9th 1904 - THE MOLSONS BANk InconpOrated by Act of Parliament 1855 Capital authorized, $5,000,000 Capital paid up $3,000,000 Roaerve Fund $2,850,000 ----REMOVAL— The public will please bear in mind that we have removed from Our old stand, Rattenbriry street, to our new and spacious oMce (which is now in the centre i the town) in the new Combo block, corner of Victoria and Albert streets (opposite J. W, Irwin'e grocery.) A Call fvoin the public generally is solicited. —SAVINGS BANK DBPARTMENT---- Interest allowed at highest current rates from date of deposit to date of withdrawal . . 01.400. . • ... 11. C. BREMER, Manager, e CLINTON. 4,4„;, ......40.401.11.......414.•••••••••••••• as-aec-re-arene---seawn---nem • , e VW:94.14.1444 • The most Pleasing Pres- ents are among the • . SILVER E. WARE AND CUT GLASS NO BRIDE EVER YET RECEIVED TOO MUCH OF EITHER. WE ARE SHOWING A VERY CHOICE AS- SORTMENT OF SILVER- .0 •10 MOI ft* 04 OM Of • • WARE AND CUT GLASS •-• FOR Wedding I Presents .11.0 MI6 MID MO O. if ▪ AND THOSE. WHO HAVE. ne FRIENDS, WHO ARE ABOUT "" ▪ TC ENTER THE HAPPY •••• STATE, SHOULD INSPECT • -• OUR STOCK. THESE GOODS •-• - • M UST BE SEEN TO BE-. • -• APPRECIATED. H. :"*.. Jeweler and Optician —CLINTON.-- ++• 44444 14++++ 1.• 144 +++++ We Gowan mum You? mO1101.110O.J110 i , .• Havebuilt • up a first Class Jade, SUCil aS we have unless our goods . Were right in every way. We sell a the Finest Goods for the fittest- • trade. One trial convinces yoti Of this. Among other lines we ex- - eel in Fancy Biscuits. We keep Assorted Billet:its at 10c - per lb. up to Macaroons at 50e. - In Olives and Pickles we haVe .only the best : Chutney., Chili Sauce, Chow -Chow, sweet and sour Vinegar Pickles and also ' Rorke Red 'Wassail solicit roue trade W. T. O'Neil.. CLINTON - ft. leOit SALE. --A TIIINII te S'.111C.K. steers :and two erth.. naw initli cows. -John Holmes, Huren Road. Clatton P. 0. IS* FARM TO ..RENT OR FOR. SALE. -- Lot. .32, on. 9, GoderIcle township, .consisting of 8o acres, 40 acres seed- ed :Iowa, 6. acresin fall wlenat,, or- chaed, bridle house and bank barn. % mile front school, 25 miles • • from Hohneevilla, 5 lailes front Clinton. Immediate possession can be, given.- GeorgeJ. Commit, Clinton P, O. . CAROL E. NEWCOMBE A. L. C. M. - organist of Ontario street. Methodist church. Teacher of Piano,• Harmony,. Fenn, Free Theory lecture to stn. cleats every Tuesday evening at stu- dio. Over Newcombe's store, Clin- ton.. s CLINTON DYEWORKS-I AM PE R - pared' to do all :kilns. of Cleaning., Dyeing and Pressing *of' Clothes. . All work done an short notice and satisfaction ..gursraii teecls7J, T. SE - WARD. WARD. . • • •• • • .' DR, BUTLEts. EVES EAR, NOSE and. Throat. Speeislist, • 370 . Queen's' Avenue,. London; 3rd door ectet• Of St. Andrew's Church' Glasses sup.: plied, Will be at the . Rattenbery Iloase, Clinton, April 2e, 2 and '30, • Buy Your Bicycle Here. ta0AL. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR YOUR. SEASON'S•:.SUP-, • pLY OF COAL-. WE CARRY, ONLY TEE.VERY BEST GRA - BE SOLD. AT- THE I.ipw#,st.. Possuir,E . . , • ORDERS MAY 131 T,EFT'AT DAVIS. & ROWLAND'S HARD- •wARg STORE OR WITH - Marriages.• COOK -ROSS -In -Clint= Wednes- - day, June tith.„ by Rev. IL M. Manning, Air. J. T. Ross of Tor- onto to 14eda, Cianghter of Mt. IL W. Cook of Clinton. SELLARS-HAWTHORNE-In Lower lAringliain, en May seih, by Rev. J. N. McLean, 13. A., . Mr. Willeani Sellars to Miss Martha Hawthor- ne. AleGOWAN-120Sfe---In East Wawanosh on May 241,h, by Rev. Dr. McLean', Mr. 'Daniel McGowan to Miss Isa- bella Rees, daughter of Mt. Thos. Ross. CORRIYEAV-DENOMY-On May 24, at the Sauble Line charelt, 'by the Rev. Father Loiselle, IVIr. Peter Corriveksu .of • Michigan to Miss Josephine Deranny. TURNER-e3Illittatill.s-At the home of the bride's patents, near Blake, on , Wednesday, June zst,• Mr. Turner of near Ilillsgreen to Mies Rebecca Sharriat, daughter of Mr. earl eine Thos. faherritt. • SCHADE-WILHE,LIVIe-At the home of the bride's mcrents in Poole, Air. Henry Scheele, of the Sauble Line, to atlies Ida • Wilhelm, daugh- ter, of Mr. aneit Mrs. George' Wil- helm of Poole, Ont.. • • CARTER-PRATT-At the Methodist Parsonage,' Brussels, on May 30t11,, • by Rev._ Wesley Cosens'Mr, John Thomas Crater to Miss may mlee. Pratt, both c.f Blyth. Births. MeLEAN-In Pilot Mound, Man., cat My 2301, to Mr.= and iAass. Ern McLean (nee -1VilS9 Erna Wallace of Somanerlall) a sdaughter. HORAN-.-In Mcleillcp on FriCay, May 27th, to Mr.' and Mrs. .Edward .Horan, a sole. Hibbert township_ on ,Sariday; May 29th, to Mr, . and Mrs. Pat Williams, a .sou. DUGGAN-In Seaforth on Sunday, 'May 29th, tc Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Deggats a. son. • • THORNTON-In Staloitti 'on *Monday,: • 'May- ,300., to Mr. anenblies, . Wm. Therntone a daughter. • BONEs--In Morris on May 29th, . Mr. seal Mrs,. Thos. W. Bone; a HOLMES-In -Whitechurch May 29, .. to Mr.. and Mee. J. T. Holmes,- •a ' daughter. _. ' " • BATE,MAN-In Grey on May 2oth, to . Mr. _and Mrs, Henry Bateman, nee • . Alias 14.,..Herineit. of Clinton, a 'eon... You ..0an.:Oee. For yourself hoi.niueIi ea shoe has td do with the appearance .of yoer foot.. What ..is Uglier than a poorly shaped • shoe. ? What' is daintier than . • A TRIAL CLEAN C1TT SHOE • that fits closely 'about the foot and bring e out its natural' artistic lines, We er.:n find. a. shoe to fit yosai foot no matter love hard you are to suit. Our spring stock late' arrived and the prices. are right.; We ere showing • a line of Shoes'. for men at 433.5o that can't be , heat for price .and :peaty: .Also • a Iins 01 shoes -for Women. (The -Qiieee Alexander) for $2 Weil is extra ;valtie-Come in atalhave a look at our. s•to.ek.• ;No trouble to .show goods. If you want goad solid coni fort in wheeling, bey a Cush- ion Frame bicycle with a Coeiss- ter Brake. We keep theta in stock from the best makers. We also keep all kinds of bicycle sundries. I,awn Mowers, Scissors, bit Knives, etc., 'sharpened. ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUAR, .` ANTRIM. CALL AND SEE US. SHOP OPEN EVERY EVENING BUT TUF,SDAY Al) THURSDAY. A. Turner. age • Groceries,._ • Otir stack is complete. We have . good: line of •Japrai. Teas., 'green: 'and leineks: laftenen4.ges", islenaeVe3S;FeCTI3easAllIte Ludella, Red Rose, Blue Ribbon and Liptores celebrated teas. They.. • were boeght before the ,. advance in • price which .we will give tier custianers' the: benefit of. Plant cued Valley Biscuits, Boiled Hain, Smoked Dreakfast Ilacon, • Pickled Pige Feet, , Canned Meath, Pickles in belle and ..laittles' of all kinds, A. trial c rder will -convince you that we carry a :stock etptal . to any 'in the, trade •ancl: the prices. rea.:- tionishle. Also a .car Redpeth's sug- ar jest arrieed which we are selling at. cost. In seeds we have got good Red Clover, Aleike, thy; Alankold and Tarnip eced and all kinds • of garden sectIS, . orchard grass. 'In .crockery • we have a few. dinner, sets we are selling very cheap. Year tra.de selected. • . • Deaths. . Clinton. •cii Satierclay.,, June • .4th, Clara,Reeeit aged tit. years. DUNCAN-In Cliaton• oie June eth, ' "Williiien Duncesi, aged • 52 Years- and. 1 anonth.. . ' . • .IVALPIeRla Berlin tin Jima 1st, Abel .Walpee, at • the age of .75.. erodes. PAUL-In.13eassels on May .e9.thileev. R. l'auls • agsd. 77 years arid ' st5 IIARRtS-A 1, Wroxeter on May 24th, George -Harris, aged 56 years. . •• ELLIOTT-s•In Winghem , on . Sunday, • . May 29th, Mrs. Chas. Elliottaplesed . 64 years end 6 months.: . • , IRVINasin, Lower. Wingliam. ea Friday, May • 27tIa. , Robt.. 'Irvin, . aged -• 53 y.ears, M !months and, 15 'days,. , MeMANNUS-shi Wingliam o•ri June 1, . Sohn Alexander, infaut son • of.Mrs and Mrs. js. J.:. McMersaiss aged. 5 months. . •• • E.gniondville. on -May• •• 3:st, " •-•Cathertne -1Vfetelay, . relict • of the- • late: John Ilarnialt'aaged. - 94 . • years,. 2 nannths and 19 - • Hil-bert on Itieuy 29th,.Tolut • Sein ofthe tate,Robert Elgie, • agee5 int years. • • . , BELL-4i.Heilsale a the residence Of .•lu.r gratelfather, Mr.' Win. • Bell,,on May eist; Betsy -A., daughter .of Mr. • Rcbert . P. 13e11: of .,Seafortle • alged 25 years. 'end 8 inoutha,. GIRL WANTED.a-ABOUT THE set OF Jely, nurse for • two . chiles'en: -Girl , • over 20 ,preferred.. Referencee. require . ed. Apply- .tee 1VIrs, • Heaton, • cane '. of Attrill„ Gederich. • 9-.:2 • WOOL WANTEDa--HIGHEST MAR- . ket mice will be paid for any quan- tity el wool at the :Stemless/ Ele- at:iota-W. 0: Smith. 9-3 GRAHAM. Ogle Cooper's old 'stand. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 23 Call and See. Wle WOULD ASN 11 Pli•AE'l'ON FOR SALE. -IN. FIRST - class condition. Ilia child's seat in front. Will be seld. tend:inv. 21 FOR SALE: -GOOD SECOND 11A.ND toP buggy, • almest as goad as new; Will be sold cheap.. Apply Box ion 'Clintou P. OS • 2o LADIES' . BICYCLE FOR SALE: Very little ' used.=APpIY at The News -Record' ofilee. • 20 CALL AND SEE OUR eneOCK OPGRANITHWARE AND TINWARE. GOOD QUA- LITY AT 'IMW PRICES,. Our stoek admit/rises everything cessary for home use. Eggs taken in °Whinge foe goods. The Clinton Nova -Record Oil I Seaforth. His many friends regret tits 'continu- ed illness of Mr. John Stect front inflammatory thetanatism. A representative -of the Lvons Sign Co. is doing some seen work and dis- play advertising around town. A new roof is being put cu the main part of the furniture factory, elso cit the dry kiln and the engine room. The Dublin base ball club are 'getting into line fcr a game with a picked team at the St. Cole -mins picnic on .June 2211d. Mrs. Mary. Clark of Ilellett has pur- chased the residence of Mr. S. Mullett, north Main street, p.aying .$9.5o for the sante. Alr. George *Ewing, an oh/ Seaforth boy, was in town last week visiting his mother and renewing old acquaint- ances. He left the first or, the weele for Sudbury. Mr, Bert: Hillen, son of Mr. James of McKillop, who has been tea- chingschael near Claselleursni is re- covering soinewhat from LI severe at- tack of pneumonia, . In the absence of the pastor at Ccia femme'Rev. IVIY. Carswell of Cavan and Duff's church, IticKillop, 'preached in . the Methodist eliarch last Sunday evening last. • ' Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob Weber arrived in town recently after spending the whi- te; at Ocean Park, Califernies. They are at present Visiting at the home of Mr. ;Joseph Weber, ' Wilfrid, a young eoni of 5Vm.• Aber- herdt, Egmondville, ..inet with a nasty • accident while. playing football on the school grounds, having! his collar berm broken. • 'Mr. Thos. Boultonsuffered a serious accident cn Monclay. while assisting at a barn, raisitg „for Alr. Thos. Price, 9th con of McKillop. A. petline poet. bro- ke from its fastening and fell, • carry- ing hien to the grotied with it. • He sustained a eompound. fracture 'of both bones in the ' left leg near the ankle. and the:ankle joint was also dislocated making a very painful eracture. St. Joseph. Dr, Rouiiner has melted into: the shonse recently vacated' by Mr. Miner. - Me. Cantin received a telegram the other .dity.' from Me. Currie,. Ottawa,. .Which .. stated that they were about • to begin work driathe dock . • • Miss: Mary Iladour, 'attuned 'home limp Stratford after an absence ofstwo mentl.S. • . • . Miss Mary Chareete left on Sunday week to. visit her sister in Exeter. . Mr. S; Alecieson of Ottawa is help- ing Mr. Collins fcetnt lete the 'staves' cif the electric read,. Miss Emelia elasse and Miss Annie Plant hare started eadresarnaleing..shcp. in St.. Joseph' line are prepated to turns out first lass work at the shortest totice. . • • . • The* St. Jcseeli Separate School are indicting a 'fencs. around tit. lot.o • they bought fro 11. Mr. 3. Peseinsait. 'Mr. -.1s1S. 'Cantin -and Dr: Retaltier. leftsfor OttaIva. on busimes.e but iie:p Let Co -retern this •week.;. Mr. Nelsio.! 'Masse late improved. . the „appearance of his dwelling by. haying kitchensadded to it.. • • . :ve• Aultilav.. .0'. Dena:rile • •ancl. 'Miss • • Maggie Oben paid: Loa. ndon -sheet Yisit. re• 50 Members of Congress Send Letters of Endorsemen To the inventor ofthe Great Catarrh Remedy, . .• . Foundation.. Truths .• of, • 'the • Temperance Reform. . • . " • , irnoXicating licrors are not ths product of .vital action !bet of decay. • . • . 2—That the degree of their evil ' cf- *the waste or destruction -Cf true' • .;assThat any perceptible effect on the -- human syetorn .for eail. atishnot • for . • • -4-L-That the degree •- of their ;evil ces.• fect is proportioneee -other thinks being equal, to. • tie. ameent and frequency of their: use. . • 5 -That • they are eiffer- eat from all proper . articles of , ccia sun -lotion . - • • .. . -6-That theta is no deSire Or crue- ing. ',let them till they are tieede - wed that this .dises,sect•toncSition is not; de-- Peadent . on the will 'or -prieviciug -chars 'tater •of the consumer: e • . • . • n'rhrit.' the efiecte of seek 'liquors in au their:variety Rad. en-eh:ace can csa lit - prevented by excluding the li- quors from the dietary, . eta stones :and Commerce of mankind. Alliance Revenew. . PIMA A:1110,,. 4SOlcigc. Rousd and las in the village cf 1191,, mesville. The undersigned oilers for sett ter large two-story brick hou- se, With: slate roof, good. eellanle.rge rooms, fisrfts.ce • hard- and soft water itt been.; etude ane drive shed,g'ood garden, all kinds of Smits.- •Also about 2% nctee of lend is: offered tor• 'sale,. Convenient. to .railroad stat'oti, pestollice, church and. saved.- App:r by mail or on it prated:4o hIrs. T. C. Pickard,. Iteisieess Lill.15.4* • Mrs, Shier's XV PAPER- .1-IANGING.-WHEN YOU require any paper hanging, . done do nist ferget to givesine a call. Satis- • factioriguaranteed or no !money ask - 01. Price 01 havging, ten cents per roll. -Orders left at A. Couch's meat market or at my residence, west end Retteribury street, will receive prom- pt aeterition-Theoclore Hale. 20 FOR. SALE OR TO ILBNT-A COM- fortable house situated on corner of Church and Osborne streets. -Apply to CHAS, OVERBITRY. jnly retit. brxtoRoxiitun itps,t;IsTnivo) heat . Bull for .sale, 13 months old. Ila,ve two, will sell one cheap. -Al- bert Nott, leit 24, coin 2, Stat4l4Y. Clinton P. 0. 15 \ • MEETING • .tek„THE COI/NCIL .01r The Cinnity ron.-The condi of at County of the 'council Chamber itt.t floderich (Ai Tuesday„ June at 3 Welock. All accounts to i. before the council most be place with the Clerk oh ur before first d'ay of trieeting.--W, Lone, Clerk., Dated May *rd, 3904. HE'S .ONLY ONE OUT or SCORES BUT. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE • HIM A NEW MAN. • RICHARD QUIRK. DOCTORED FOR A DOZEN YEARS AND: THOUGHT HIS CASE. INCIIRABLE;--DODD'S- . • KIDNEY 'PII.,LS, curign HIM. • • • 'ssFortiffie e. Innate'. •Atild.a. 'Suite • (Special.) -Scores of peotile in 1is neighborhood are living proofs thitt .Dc dd's .Kidney • rino• cure all .1Cidney aihnehts •froin Backache to Bright's Disease.. Among the more remarkable cures is that, of Mr: Richard Qairlt, and ke gives the story .cif it to the public. as follows : • 'suffered for over twenty years front Lumbago and -Kidney Disease and at, intervals was totally unable to work. After ten or twelve years of doetors' treatment, I had made up zny mind that any complaintwas necural- lteading of cures by •Dotld's Kidney Pills tempted me to try' them: I did so with little faith, bin to. my great sumac 1' had hot taken nmre • than half a box beecere X felt relief and after the use of seven or eight boxes / was fully cured and a ttew man. Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured my' faitniza.ge, seal Kidney Disease and the best of et is 1 have stayed cured." . will meet in 4 tOWTh oi he 71.11, inc Congressman Linney from North,Caroling, Writes: "Aly secretary had as bad e case of catarrh as .1 ever easy, and. since he has taken one bottle of reran& he Poems like a different man." -Romulus Z. Linuey, Taylorsville, N. 0, Congressman Ogden front Writes: "I can coactentiously recom• Mend your Peruna."-li. W. Ogden, Benton, La. Congressman Smith fromllilinols, WrItes from Marphysboros Ill. "1 have taken one bottle of Portant for myca- terrh and. I feel very much benented."- Geo. Vse, Smith, Congressman Meekison fronvOhlo, Bay: "1 have used several bottles of reruns, and feel greatly lamented there- by from zny catarrh of the head." - David Meektson, Napoleon, 0. . Congressman Punnet! from Minnesota, Writes from Owatowna, Minn.: "Your Pornna has been used by myself and friends not only as a cure for catarrh but also as an admirable tenth for phypical recuperation." Congressman Thompson of KenhiCky, 'Writes: "Besides being ono ef the very best tonics Perunnts a goodasubstantlat catarrh remetly."-Phil. B. Thompson. • Senator Thurston of Nebraska, Writes from Omaha, Neb.: "Peruna 'entirely relieved me of a very irritating ,iough."--J. Al. Thurston. • Congressman Worthington front Nevada, Writes: "I have takert ono bottle of leonine; and and it has benefited me im- mensely..",. -H. G. Worthington. " Congressman Dankhead from Alabama, • Writes : "Your Permits is one of the best medicines I ever tried." --1. II. Bank- head, Fayette, Ala, Congressman Powers from Vermont, Writes from Morrisville Vt.: "I can recommend Poruna as an excellent family remedy." -H. Henry Powers. Senator Sullivan from Mississippi. Writes from ()angel, "I take. pleasure In recommending your greast national cattErrh cure, Peruna, as the best. niers over tried." -W. V. Sullivan. Congressman Snover °Michigan, . Wr'etes from Port Austin, Mich. "I have found Peruna a very efficient and speedy remedy for a persistent andannoying cough." -II. G. Shover; • Senator McEnery• of Louisiana, .• Writes: gi Peruna is an exeellent•tonic. I have used it sufficiently to say that r believe it to he all that you claem for IL" -S. D. IVIcEnery, New Orloani, La. . Congres:stnan Brownlow of Tennessee, Writes: et have taken three bottles of Peruna. end feel satisfied thatI am rtow • almost, ifnot permanently, cured of era tarrh of the stomach." -W. P. Brown- low, 'Jonesboro, Tenn. e, • . Senator Mallory of Ploricia.' • . Writes from Pensacola, Fla.: "I Its;Ye used your eseellentremedy, Pertma, a.nd have recommended it both as atonlo and, a. safe catarrh • remedy." -Stephen Mallory, . , A .True Lover. • SenatorButier of South caroling, IT. S. Senator M. O. Butler evrites: "1 eau recommend Peruna, for dyspepsia and stomach 'trou.ble."-M. 0. 13utler, Edgfleld, 5,0, Congressman Brookshire of Indians. Says: ;Trent what my friends say Pe - rune. Is a good tonic and a safe catarrh eure."-B.V.Drooltshire,Crawfordsville, 111(1. Congressman DovIner of West Virginia, Writes from Wheeling, W. Va.; "1 join with my colleagues in the HOMO of Rep- resentatives ln recommending your ex- cellent remedy." -D. B. Dovinger. Congressman Broderick of KanSaSt Writes from Hoiton, teas. : "I have taken two bottles of Peruna and find it to be an excellent remedy, for cold and throat trorible."-Case 13roder1c1. Congressman Yoder of Ohio. Writes: "I only used poruna for a short time and am thorougfiky salisfled as to its merits,'? -S, S. Yoder, Lima., 0. Conitessman Mahon of Pennsylvania. Writes from Chambersburg, Pa.: if I commend Perunaas a substantial tonic." -Thad M. Mahon. 1 capitol 1.0%•••••.M.M.M.M.0 Congressman Sparkman of Florida.; Writes /rem Tampa, Florida: ' can in- dorse reruns:, .as a first nit° tonic and e very effective ;cure' for catarrh.” -B, M. Congressman Prewar of Alabama, • • • 'Writes :•"I have used one .bottle of Pe - lama for lassitude'. 1 recofuniend.jt."- Willie Brewer, ilaynesville, Ala. sLt 5, &osier (leer Wows, ' ITS:Res from Burlington, la.: "Peruna I can recommend to all ae. a Very good tonic," --John IL Gear. . • congressman Culberson of Texas, Writes: ...I can rebommend. Peruna as. one of the very best of tonics." -D,13. Cielberson, Jeffersoh, Texas. . • Congress:ruin Livingaton froth Georgia, "Writes: "I take pleasure in joining with General Wheeler, Congressman 'Brewer and others in recommending Peruna as an excellent tonic and a catarrh cure.”L. L Livingston; Kings, Ga. - Congressman Clark of Missouri, Says: "I canreconrmend your Perana as a good, substantial tonic and as one of the best remedies for catarrhal, troubles." -John /3. Clark. . • .. "Say' that youwilt' be mine t" It was .evening . in. Salt Lake ,.: City:. The Pale inoon . had risen retkilendent over . the plains . of Utab.. For a moni- ent ;the theautafa pirl 1ii not reply. Then she said inviringly "I ant not the Only giri you, ever a No, rte.:4111g, ." raTplied her • laver. • "Net quite. .:•.rtere are five. othe.rs., But yon are the ' • •.. 7 • - I here was .a inrnitentti Sileitec .and then she said 'a- • ••• • . • • a- "I- don't want tee be selfielt, 'dear.- I. , ale afraid that' if you take me off .on• • a trip the .others will tines pal ;tea mech.!' . • filesniiicd reassuringly. • s'Iteive. no .feat of that," he, replied "They are used to, an occasionalhoney moon On Iny . • . ."-Bitt areyou sere 'that Yon Will•inst • grow.. tired of. me .?•1." . . • • 'Nevar, •darlinge.... in Proof ...of this,. havel 'ever grown. tired of the ethere?' • • • "Bet are you- •sttee' there is.: room. V.3; ."My pet, • there is always totrai • for one . . • • • • ' • a . . . . Still the proud ..beatity....hesitated. She ,thoeght el„ • het simple .houte I in • -Vermont.: • Site thought of the •oitea she 'had . • left behind, her:, • "I -Cannot .1' ' ' she said at last. '"It wonldtbe, . too selfish cf. me. Behind me ,X have left :.foiir.eyeengeLsisters. all en - provided . . -Init. the tall, liendsoni e:• • prospective United .States Senator. only folded- her • iat his arias With renewed.. euergya . "Enoligh.," ' .he se..:d • elneoet..sternly., AL II • Corigressniall Pelham o Writ:et from Bancroft, Va.: in-law has been teeing Peru one week for catarrh of the tit manifelitly improved."-O.Pel Congressman Burnett of AI Writes; "I cheerfully recommead nit as a, very good catarrh remedy a good, substantial tonre."-John. L. nett, Gadsden, Ala, Congressman Botkin of Kansas, Writes from Holton, Nan.: eP-. rune, has given me almost complete relief from catarrh of the eternise:4 and constips,- tion." -J. D. BOtkin. Congressman VVhiteof North Canning, Writes from Tarboro, N. 0,: "1 find Pee rune to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I lave used it in my family." -G. II. White. Congressman Wilber of New York, ln a letter from Oneonta. N. Y., says: "I am fully convinced that Perumais all you claim for it."-Dayld Wilb.e.r. Congressman Dungan of Ohio, • Writes from Ja,eleson, 0.: "I recommend Peruna, to anyone in need of an Invigor- ating tonio."-Irvine Dungan. CODspesarnan Barham from California. Writes from Santa Bose, CaLt "/ used your Parana and can cheerfully raceme ,A.. Barham, Congressman Deweese from Indiana, Writes: "Peruna shortIel be in every household." --John I. Deweese, •Congressman Turner from Kansas, Writes; "Peruna is certainly a euro for catarrh." ---E. J. Turner. Other meinbers of Congress who ens dorse Peruna, are. Ex -U. S. Senator, B. P. Rice, of Okla.. home. Congressman Fred. S. Goodrich, of Florida. •• . • Congressman flarry Skinner, -01 North Carolina. '• Ex -Congressman 1,. P. Featherstone, of Beaumont, Texas.• Congressman J. B. Hiding, of West Virginia. Congressman D. L. Russell, of North Carolina. Congressrnan Spencer Bl.sokburn Of North Carolina. • C.ongressmanTurnerof New York. Congressnran Culberson, oi Texas. Congressman Nunn, of Tennessee. Congressn2an Fitzpatrick, from ICen- . . lucky. • • Congressman Purntan, from Florida. Congressman Hazleton, Wisconsin. Congressman Bartine, fri2111 Nevada. • 11. S. Senator Call, of Florida. For free book 'address the Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohl°, , • AL I AuthraCite Coai . * from the best mining dis.- tri.ct in, Pensylvattia. Ail Sizes of • . • Chestnut - • Stove • • Egg and Grate Coal, highest grades at lowest market price; qual- ity considered. It pays to buy the best ' Bituminous Coal Massillon and Hocking Valley Select Lump, purest and best soft coal in the market for domestic use. ' Charcoal 15 cents per sacks or 2 sacks for 25 cents. Just the. thing for starting fires, Toasting, Broiling, etc. Leave your orders at our Store. 'Prompt delivery and satisfaction gUaranteed. . • • .1 HALANB D.. ROS. ee, •$ "If this is all, ease no Stier. • leor '..; ' • your :twt sake if necessaR ry I will TOES ' AND , HARDWARE marry them 411;•"-.41:o'n 11"s'''n.' arelealee'laseeeneseaaniareastasaseseeielasenaneaniesniainseeeeeeaneesinsenavaaea-4 • . - •• . Where To Fish.• Yon will find the best. fieltiag in the Northwest alcmg the line, of the, Great 'Northerft Railway. The • Minnesota Lake. Region, with its innumerable lakes and trout streatns, offers excell- ent .. opportunities: for fishermen. Ex- cellent train service to fishing points on the line of the Great Neirthern to and from the. Twin Cities. Send six ceuts p,estage 1 or illustrated book on . "Shooting and letshiag" to • Houses for' Sale. I -Good Cottage and two. lots on Isaac street, • 2. --Good Ilause and two lots with large plain orchard on Editor: ,strect. 3 -Comfortable House and one lot eft Joseph street. 4-11rick notise and two lots on Mary street. $-Two, ItOuses on Itattenbury street west. • • 6-LargeMelt House, with •Six acres of land, barn and driving barn, good orchard, Within a mile of centre of Clinton. 7 -Frame Mouse with eight acres' of land, barns and orchard, alt Mushy Terrace. tertrie, ete., apply to IMMIX $01kft.,(Zr, etc. Clinten. If. WHITNEY, • petteral Passenger and Ticket Agent, $t. • Paul, Minn. • • The Guelph Excursion. TLISyear the Farmers" Institutes of West, East and South Huron will /mire aljOint excursiou .to the Ontario exper- imental farm at -Guelph. on Saturday next, Jima tali, and, as. this will be the ' only excursion from Hitroh• cornty to the' lVlodel Farm -ibis year it will probably belargely patronized. The trip to the Aloclel Farm . eaeh,year ie licccoiing 'imite. popular, the itumber who went I last .Tuitebeine larger than Oa :thy previous Occasion. June iith is one of the days of elm Guelph horse show atel this excursion will afford .an .excellerit opportunity to eta it. Tho new MePonald Wafture for the study of donestic science arid thanuel train- ing and the new .Alassey buildings iVailtS been completed - suririe the past .year and Will, no .clottlett afford additional .interest to those who have been at the Model Farm oft previose excursi- ons. They has e 'issued .0,• convenient time -table for the specisl trains and; have afforded, Farmers' Institutes of Huron County with a ver" low tate and( ample train aceoltrmodatiolt is be- ing provided. AM tickets will be good • to return by regular trains flIontlay. • t: Close .Cut.ClottAing.Prices. • ). + In order to keep pace with the ever increasing de- • + 44 muds for Up-to-date Ready-to-wear clothing .we will X place in stock, in two or three weeks, one of the largest + and best assorted ranges of' Clothing ever shown in Olin - ton, For this purpose we have chosen the fam.ous "Reg - X etit Brand " a well tailored moderate priced line of cloth- ing'made to suit both young and old. 13tit it is not of the Regent Brand we wish to speak but of the money saving, room making bargains you can - now End in our store. • • Men's Suits at $3.90—Only a few left of our ? men's Grey Tweed Suits, regular $6.50 valm at 3.90 Men's Suits at $5—Odd sizes in a nice dark $7 ;i: Suit at • 5.00 $8, $9, $10 and $12 Suits equally cheap. Boy's Knickers at 50c and 75C Men's Odd Pants $1 up Odd Vests at $1 Men's Odd Coats at less than half price 34: Sotne great values in Ladle's Whitewear. •t• + EXtra values in Boots and Shoes. 4 * $. 444 H. PLUM:STEEL, X The Old Stand. Clinton. .i.,1..;..•.•..,:. ,}