HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-09, Page 47 ^ the iiews Record poullo cyery Thurs4a, The 1'4%4 -Record Printing Rouse ERT SMUT, ee• CLINTON. 01 eabSeription—$z per year in P.30 may be charged if t Weld. No peper discentinued ell arrears are paid, unless at 0 Option ref the puldishetr. The .elate tr/ 'which every sabscription Paid 1IS denoted on the label. MVO -tieing rates—, Transient adver- tieements, 20 cents per nenpariel Ter 4ret inseetion and e eosin .pen nee for eaelt stibseqnent insotion, • .1 f Sntall advertisements not to exceed •• one inch, such as ',Lost," “Stray. ed,'' "Stolen," etc., inserted OILe0 - har 35 cents and leach subsequent ine sertion le cents. Communications intended for spublica- - then must, as a guarantee of good lade, be accenupanied by the name the writer. 'urn publication in current issue 01 advertisements should be In early.. . et ratds--The folloe•ing • table our rates for specified per, 14:ids and space : yr. 6 um. 3 mo. X mo. 'x Celleinn 570 oo 540 oo 525, oo R1 50 . Column 40 oo oo 15 00 6 oo ri Column 25 00 15 oo 8 oo 2 50 % Column 18 00 so oo 5 so 9 oo Inch 6 oo 350 200 125 W. J. MITCHELL, Editor Led Prole iet ea • • The Week In Parliament. • • During the week a. numbee of Gov-- • ernneent bills were consic'excl and passed. - In private legislation co.nsiderelble progress was mac'te,. The opposition- nuarbere pressed several bills in the interest of the public. These were fully discussed het at 1 the instance of the Government .were buried in committee instead of being dealt witk directly by e committee of the whole house. er..Vielfrid Laurier was roundly de- nounced for comealing the original application of the Grand Trunk Pacif- ic promoters for Government aid, for. the building of a line of railway front . North Bay to Poet Simpson. It Was esteblished, that while the • document had been withheld from Parliament, it had been shown to private members •cn . the Liberal side of the Commens for party n imposes. The premier was accuse , • ed of deception, a charge that leas never ...- before made against a Premier of Can- ada. In this eonnection a maim: was made for all papers cf am- kind. hay - 't4 .A motion in• favor of furthir pratects. . • . ion for the market garners .of C.affache was voted down by the Liberals. Mr:. ing ens, leasiee on the railivay deal. Archibald Campbell, who wa.s elected • to push this very question, sought ref- uge from a NOM by tak.ng the Speak- ers chair. It. was the first timeor % record that the Chair of the Cceramisne %had been so degraded:, es to be used% for poll teel purposes. In supply scene progress was made The Coneervatives were • able to force , the Minister of Inland Revenue to con- . fess that the Standard Chemical •com- pant( still sepplied wood alchohol to the -Government et exorbitant. prmes, . although the former minister -- had pledged benself to .discontima • the deal. . - • . • Flooding Canada • - witlifaupers. ‘• Tee city of Montreal is face to. face. with a very serious uroblem, as a re.— stilt of the insane immigration policy of the Cleverer:neat. Thoreanes of pm,. esety stricken Italians are walking: the st ets and have become a charge on . to malmader the revenuesderived front stlie -gicatly• increased taxation that • has prevailed in, Canada :duce 1890. Anneig the 8ta4sorters of tile Govern- ment the pledging Of $150,000,noo is rether looked open ;LS ;quirt and the men who are •enjoyisss thelun tell their Ideas that no matter what the Lib. , eras may do, they will have the sup- port of 'the electors. With this belief firmly fixed in their minds they ab- stain from performing their duties and - allow things to drift eleng in any way their political bosses may decide upon. The result is inevitable. When the vote was takett .c.ni the bill to en- . able Sir Wilfrid .to spew. a WM eciaal to 50- per cent. of the national debt,' over half of the sepporters of the ai'e ministration • were not in a postlion to give an intelligent vote on the. question. Yet these. are the men who, are in possession of the couutry's funds and who declare that the people are so easily. 'gelled that they ,will, permit the outrage to continue. The exhibi. elon• furnished by Sir Wilfrid ane i his followers. is •enough to inak.e one dceibt the advantages of re.1.:onsib1e govern- ment, If the men who j are sent to Parliairant to suppOrt the Liberal par- ty ceunot find time to watch the pro- gress of a measure involving an outlay of 145o,eotiexo, they ehodlei be 'left et home at the earliest eossible mo- ment. Let The Railway. Belong To The People Who Pay For It. If the country is bound to be sadd- led with nine -tenths of the expense building. the Grand Truhk. Pacific Ril ways itwill be .quite some enough to give it awey, alto...we:have tried the experiment of Governineul ownerslep. indeed, it any government • of Ore Dominion centat :manage a transcon- tinental' railtitty more in the interest of the neephe 'or Canada thaleet would he:managed by a• dividend -seeking Cor - tot -elation it might be worth while t� try a chenge of Government before giVing away suelt art expensive public asset. Itnotewoeily that the Laurier Goverrtnentes •two ministers of. . rail- ways, Mr. •13Iair . and 11.1r. Simeereore hey° both' expresso.). .theineelves doe Chicly h.: favor - of Government own.: ership and the euppressed,Bla.ir IVIeince tandem was largely . devoted to a Yin-. clication of the _Geverninent ownership of . the Intarcelonial. The .*Toranto News . says :- "A. GoVerninent-owned transcontinental' railway is. a national issue o[. rare 'attractiveness • to the average elector." • *The' News • is* . pre- bebly correct,. 'hut at any rate,, it is a.. good thing that the electors of Canada should have. an. cipportunity • : ef _ex-, pressing their opinionon the. subject, —Montreal Stan. • .• A Great Issue Fairly Placed. By • his' Speed. f.antS ;resolution in; the In:ewe ,,c,f Commons last: Week' Mr. dal • has irrevocably - •tosate ;steed his party to;the principle , or Public • we're' ership of railevavs. Tsileech • deliv- ered arid 'mediation Oha ffered ease oo ersinethilig etiore•• than .4. Mere ateadeMic thalaretison. iI favor. of anebeteact.,• principle: .• The.. leedei-I...ce..tlie •-0-Ppeede. tion declare.ch ie theencist unequiviecai in.enner that -ea the.people'place • Itiin in. power et •the next' election he' Will at gime 'eacipt itnea.euree for thetaking aver' of,• Trunk. Pacific end the .operation of that:•lin:e .as• a... state enterprise.. The great •cieeiltion. -before the electors of Canada in •the.next con- test will be -whether this .second erarae continental' line is 'tee rys.. under... • the •eontrol of priva.te •Compariy or ef.. the Government as representing- .thd pecple. •, •S'oreetlring.:erecire. will be. -behind tl • settlerneet .9f- -that . question. . .11 • the. decision , is in the •affirmative.the :0.1)Th- eaticn of pleblic ownership will hardly Stop withtheeGrend..Trtiak'-Pacific,'eX-..' tension. ..The Idigic , of.. Iheiepsition Will pratica11y.force4 in teiria„.•the.'national, hation of *the Grand. Treink proper • the Canadian Peeilsie and •-e-.11. other. 'lines now; in the • lear,c1s• Cif pr. ieate .edeporae. tions; .• ' • . , ,Borden has reised... the most fin. • portant issue whieh. haft been 'placed • before the people of Canada since Ctn-. feckaation.—Weekly,_Sen.•• '• • • • • •• , • the public. Worse, too, is the con- . dition exitainge in many of, the: .senall ' towns of Oraario, e hell ere also 're, ceiving many of these eindeeirables edue . • basic gseen brought to the cesartry am. . der false pretenses. The starving str- I - -• . angers cannot lind work. They .cannet ' return to their homes for 'want • of • . funds. The United States arthorities • , will not allow them to ctoss , the bor- der- and the intuit:elite:victims epon • whom if ey have been ' threet, must • support them for charity sake. And all. this has -come to pass, despite the vigoretis protests of the Opposition for three long years. Why should the ans. ' c nici•palities be confronted with such eonditions ? 'Why were not those help- ( lees creatures sent beck to their hothee by - the agents of ti e Government ? . . These are questions that are agitating '- those who must rens seller for . the I neglect of the Interne- Department. Han. Clifford Sifton d.nied every pre- vious session (e.' the. presint Parliament , that dere was owthing wrong with . • his pclicy. New he admits, adieu too late,. that he has beers altogether . tco • . hie enforcement of. regulatiotts. 'circulated te• keep the country free from the presence of ,the very classes that are becoming a burden instead of a soiree of strength to Canada. )Mach has been said of the splendid Mani - grants that have been pouriree into the land et the Maple Leaf, but Ole .. experiences cf the past few weeks heve pierced a lot of Mr. Sirtons bubbles. None of the Governi•nent-s shorteoin- • inge lave proved more disastrous than their ruincets and near sighted imeiii- . gration polies:. Those who have to pay the bills will appreciate this most. Zurich . Mrs. Peine*.of London:wee the guest of Mrs:...Ti, Deichert on:Sunday; of last Frits.has" purchase& a.pair cf Eaglet:1 hares from IMre Andrew Mi ttelholte. • . • Mrs. J. Kelleernin of Dashwocd was the guest of Mrs. .C.• Fritallonday ev- tnng week. . '•- • . Miss Clara 13i:clic-elanis hot e• from Toronto' University . to spend tI1e ltcli- ays. • Me. • F . red.•ITowold, Wife -a12.t child liensallespent Sanday ofelase'. weeb with% friends -in town., .• . ' Miss Louise Wurm, •who' mient. • the paStfew mensths .in Dethoit, arrived tome: last . weeles ' • • ' Mr.. Wendel. tolosky arid son'Of the state of Indiana • is visitieg with lis brothers, Cyrus i.,nd Sampson, at. pres- ent. , ".• • • • • ;lune Mth is the date which has been. liked for Iteleing, the nublic school pic- nic.. The town. trustees Wilt be asked to helve . UM; a eivie holiclaes. , Mr. 'Ed. Christie,. who has been con- nected with the Sovereign Bank, Exet- er, for some tiene, who was formerly' cit . the staff of the bank here, has. beett. placed, in 'Wyoming, _ Sovereign Batik leave apnea a branch , - The menibers' f ?Aria. Ledge A. F. and A. M..'had "the pleasure of an offk clifft visit froth the District Deputy Graiid Master, Mr. Elliott o; Mitchell, on "Hatred:ay night. ' • Don't Care How . Money is Spent. • Candi:an Parliatnent contains 734 Liberals, but out Of this large number the Government found it al- enaest impossible to keep a lieSrusit (20 members) in the House durirg the discussion of the Grand Trunk Pacific contract. It I is lard to be- lieve the statement in the face of the fact that the deal means an increase in tke national debt of same $150,0e0,- 000, but so notorious has beeft the ne- glect oft the Liberal side of the House that". on. Oile,• occasion Sir ;Wilfrid Lair- ier was forced to adjourn' at six o'clock owing to the hidiffereuce shoWit by his followers to the expersliture of suet: vast sums of the people's motley. The, party in power has reached. it "• stage wilt ti all thouglt of safeguard at the treasiity seems to have beets abandoned. The broken pledges t)f the Cadets of „, the earstwhile economists • tolnyto be natt1(11 ts 1keilsos Tito Clinton ?lows -Record My Township. 'rhe following is the report of the Pupils of S. S. No. 14, Ilav, /ea the Month of May, Wig, based on attend - mess . demeanor ar4 general poolicrens ey stls--Oliver Pee. 4th—Ennly Pee, Nellie MeArthur,, Kara Potty, Letitia Jessie McArthur, Eliza Mulholland, George Cheenthere, Percy Clark. 4th—Grace Andersen, Sr. 3rd—Iil4ca llusinson, George Petty . • Sr. end—George Pee, 'Grata Ivison, I -01a Itet ry, Victor - in Datars„ Clarence McConnell, Bythwy MeArtimr, John Clack. Jr. 'enst—Clartnee Deters, .Williant Petty. Pt. end—Retes Thompson, .111q,pie Fee. Orville McConnell. ist Ivison, Elmore Da.tars, Pt. 1st Jr.—Rae. McArthur, Lisle Thompson. T. R. -Brownlee, Teaelser, Hensall. Geo. McEwen of Ailste Craig was in town on iisriclay week. 'Mk. IlleEwca is a practical- bee man and last year isposed of io.. tons of honeys -lie lost quite a number of swasinsi dur- ing the last severe winter but fared better than many others throughout the ‘erovinee.. We miderstend that there will be two of three • alipeals to the judge againet• the findings of the eaert of revision. 1),_ A. "Ciantelon, our great produce exporter, jute iilacee,- two very hand- some signs in his shop windows. The letters are in gold on mitilese glass, the handiwork of 3.. Steacy.. The who- le :effect is (pita citified. • - — _ At the regular weekly nieeting of the Hensel], .1.4 O. 0. r. lodge held on Pei - day night Dave Nichol was elected re- preeentative to the Grand I,odge which. rreets id September, The representa- tives to the district lodge •vvtifieh nmets itt Deucelield in June are 5. T. Hopper and ,John MeArthar. During, the Prevalenee of the big el- ectienal storm • on .Thersdey evening a etebie on Kohert E1gis place. Was. struelse by lightening- &int wreekSel con- siderably. •A go•ocl 'horse silandinge the building was •aleo . killed. The -resi- dence' of Walken Dougall on. the side - roe() -south, ofelleissall was struek and the chimney • badly • shattered. -A .-cow belonging - to Alex. new. cif 'the tnal con was killecj. an andther. injured... 4 It - was With regret that the citieens of Hensall learned on Saterday, that Mrs.. keit 1, . sr had passed, - away at liethe itt •Winflinese, Where she neov- •cia.alyout. a yeas 'Ego. ,•DeceaseckIfac) been a resident, of this section:for Many, years. fithe and -her -husband • :resided on the end line in Hay • till Itisaacci-- ileittal :death where elee. moved .tc% town 'She was •a • a p.uar most highly ,fe- :speeteel. by'.ell who. bad .the pleasit.ie:of her acquaintaricee•. The .deceased was a .meniber of .Cerreel..eletech. She leaves - of ehildren.and erandeliildien • to molten their • toss,. remains • arrived here' ente m caning train and •wire• at • oitee-difiveyed to Irensali. Union ,Cemetery fisie intr.:intent. . • . -. • • • - • Winghem.. Bandleaetee Hiincan is off Work her ft :teiv days with iftenniatilun 111 his ;arina . • • . • • • George „Qt! ingbeire, a: • •gredtiate of .`forontiy% .Veterinary College,- is preetisieg with .1: Wilson, -V. S. . Mrs. I% ilson of eley i eisi ling lier daughter, Mrs. k: J, MeMethe Who has been very, ill lett is how iniCi•ov- . • Dr. T., :Agnew isspen&ing a. few. weeks in the hospitals in Chicatro. Itt his 'absence. Dr. Ablett of:Louden •in charge'. of ti e office.. •• • •• ,111.tee Mi-sses Diewsone•E..eSeel- ler, S.koderus and M. Plenty; Rev. AV, Lon/C. and Mrs E. Nash attended the Com:alien. in Gordo last . week, :Among:those who are in .attemlance .et the -Methodist Cor ferenee' in Lon- don • this week are—key; Dee Gundy and Join, Kerr 01 tOwn :and TIlirm4s Higgins of Glenfarrow.. • . • ••••••• ' At • the semi-annual Orange meeting of Howick district, held en Gerrie last week • it was unanimotiely decide() to accept. the ' invitation- of Wingham bre- thren tee loin. With them re .celebretiess • the (Battle- of the Boyne. • • 'Mr.' Thos. 'Forbes met: with are acei- .dente �ri the • evening al the241.11. of May. -Wasstanding talking , to .some friendS. itt remit of Mr. koderes' • store when sonielsocla near Knese'a res- tattrent. thee* a tore:Alefireecracker, down close to him, . explaed, the .case er shell striking him o11. the left ankle, displacing small hone in the foot and breishvg both ankle and foot 'badly. We , sere glad to say he is •improving .and seen be • able to be ar.cend -again,. Morris Township. Spring grain comes on slowly. Mrs. M. M. Cardiff is home from her visit to Toronto. A mother nomthis town.hip atten- ded ths .airrual aneetins of East Raton Liberals .at Brussels last week. Airs. Midlaw of Seaforth and Robert MeGa.w of Goderich, her in n, were/ vie- itorstat Itobt. Souelee, 3rd Lite. They are cousins. • . Many a fine bunch of cattle are to be seen grezatg on Morris township acres this season and dcing first class on the excellent pasturage this. spring. Last week George and Mrs. Penned moved from the farm on the gravel Road to tbs. prcperty • they recently purchased in Illuoyale. We wish them a pleasant sojdurn in Bluevale but we dent like the idea. of Charlie having .tc• batch it on the farfu. A leap year party should make an. attacle and cap- ture the young man before he suffers any hardships. Messrs, Nicholson and Gough of the .130din•in Lime Worles inade fast tirine on their wheels from Belgrasie to Winghent, • a distance' of .6 miles,) in 55 minutes. • They .say 'the roads had been in first-elass shape they could have doue. it hi, less wane as 'they both are hustlers on the wheel. They would 13.4 to know who can beat -that,• bar- ing chainpicais. . 0r1. a recent eight when Prank Dun- -can went :home lie hienti a. Mall asleep on the floor of tie .1c it ( Ile routed. up the intruder and diecoveredi him to be IA tramp, Italian cr soinethine akin to this, whet was not any too well pleased to be disturbed. from lis drea- ms, even if he had obtained:admission eneske6 or without asking, ha.vingscp-. eyed the door and walked in after the family had retieed:to rest. Whether he . tstraugo was seeking night'e ging or was there to pilfer is not known but ,he was quickly admonishecl to leave :width:he. .did and was sap- posedto join e •fellow "tourist" who .was seen in the locality. l'euple - -are very foolish to harbor such gentry 04; they are not. to be trusted. . • To Busy To Make A Noise. A. Kansas :City teacher of a kinder- garten .was. incapacitated front work ore day by thefollowing incident. The subject of the lecture and •ohject -lesson- was aninials, birds. and then snore ani- mals. . • • . ,e` Now, children,". said the teacher; • • want each of- you to . think of some anienel' cr bird and try.. for • a mothere to be *like the particelar cafe you are thinking Mena anCinake* the seane Wed of • noise$. it: is in the habit • of making:" ' • • Instantly the schoolroons became a. menagerie, lio-ns roaring, digs bark-. ing,.. birdssilting tan) twittering, -cows lowing, - .calvds bleating, cats mowing, 0.11,ie an uproar. and exciterneatee all,• With orie single exception. . ••-•• • • : • 011. in .a reenote• ectner was *sitting. perfectly Stine. apparently -indifferent , -and unteindful, Of , the . •reete$ •The teacher, -observing hini, an... - prowled and 'sited - • " ;Wed do, • why ere -Yoenot' takisig part S With - theothereh ildeen. -• .• • Weenie- -thee 011 with a • &price tating--, land .and vkle, • rebel; Mg. vele; . he: efore ecetly.• !whispered : •.• • •. "Sleaeleeela -teachee Sesh 1. m • .• . -"oostees aad • -I'm aig "ee Ransae City.•Star.• . • •• • . . . • • GO NOW . S THE . GREAT I * "WORLD'S • 'PAIR AT S'L • ee 7.55 -for •rciund trip; with privileges s of visiting in Chimps, also at Cancel dian station:4 atu itt Detroit. Blue - tailed Roe:tame lied -full information I apply at Grand Tst ilk Agents on to,Jei -McDonald, :Disteict Passenger Agent at Toronto: •• • • VPSIT . YOUR PkIENDS, IN •CHICA- Dyspepsia Cured. A SEVERE` ST.71`71MEll TFI,L5 HOW Uhl OVERCAME THE TROUDI,Ve ;Not only do I not hesitate to de- elere the benefit I have received frun Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, bet 1 feel it my duty to do so. These are. the wor- ds which Mr. Edward Lavoie ef destine,. Que.1lately addressed to the editor of L'Avenir du Need, when ' relating the story of his euro, Mr. .Lavoie is well known in St. Jerome, feel what he says :carries weight. .ameng those .who know him. For a 'considerable time he was a great sufferer -from dyspepsia,. which caused Severe headaches, veins in the stom- ach and sometimes nausea. Some- times he felt as though he would suf- focate, he would. become dicey, and • experienced ringieg.. noises in the ears. Ills appetite became eoor and his 'general. health so bad that he foetid it almost impossible - to woks fend when the leackaches .attacked Lim he lied to. quit work: Por six months, he. says, . he suffered both physically atel mentally more than can be Mt- ngined. During this time he tcolc medicine from several doctors, but . fared no help. Then ime dalr he reaa of the ,cure of a sientlar ease through lbSC of Dr. , Pink Pills, ,and decidi d to try thou. He used the pills - for a •couple of numths and they have made him feel like' a new person. Ile is eel longertrcubled with any o the old symptoms arid says he can siow go about his work as thcaghs he never bad dyseepsie, - The 'digestive organs—like. : all the other °twang of the body -eget their strength and neurishment from the, . blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ac- tually make uew blood. Th.is new blood streneth, us the stonmeh, stints ulates .the*lieer, regulates the lowels and sets the wle!le digestive system in 4 healthy, vigorous. state. • -Good blood is the true secret sof good Deane th. That is. why Dr. Williamsl• Pink. Pills always bringgood healthto those - who use them You can get these pills from your medicive dealer ceby • Melt so cents a Lox or six boxes foe ,Se,5o by writing.' The Dr; .Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. . . President Cooper's Opinion • -On The Popular World's Fair Route- . The Grand Trunk ka.ilvvey System are in receipt of. a letter.- from the Ca.,' radian Press- Association, signed by their President?. Mr, Jahn A. Cooper, .extending their appreciatien. for the service .efforded them by the • Grand Trunk Railway System while en route' to the World's Peer at St, :Louis, Moe. . recently. An abstractfeont the •letter reads as folliews : '!On behalf ef' the Members' of the 'Canadian. Press .ASsociation ..dxcursion party to•the Louisiana Purchase positicn; •I desire to express to yet.: our. appreciaticn, .of theeexcelleet ser- vice • afforded by- the Grand • Teunki ailw.ey SyStein betWeen • Sti, Louis .anel Toronto: TIM tweietsetWo hours' (melt way in your magnificent trahee 'over your excellent ..'read -bed, peesed quickly because of thee atter lack of .. .e)isebinforts oh'eny Pied.. The le-Onept- nese with which, the trains were run„ the cheerfulness .and 'atteation cP your. officials and the perfection .of manage- • inent iinpressed •the Members of oar.. party 'and eltould insure 'you a large traffic between Cena.cla end St.-Lcuis 004. I' should *like to refer ess pecially to 'the exeellence of the. dining, car service.and of the -Pullman evil), silentwith which •yOue; triune are. pro- vided; these are the finest.I have ever seen. We are proud to knew that a *Canoe alien railway hag ,a eeteeice And a steff unexcelled by• any. railway running' into St: LCMise Nraur db.:play at. the Pair is also most crenitable • and,. ;a' undoubtet?- ly. ono c1 the fixeStsadeertisements Ca- .ria.da ti1l receive this.•Eaiposi- . • . • On your NVE.:31 to the grat )5o,00.co,7, Ooe axptisition at St.Louie,' as • the . low tate of $J,7.53 in effect Dom Cline .1 ton enables you. to stop over at' Chi- .1 cago 'and also.' at any Caimelian stas , tic:neat:A Detroit., A large number wl•o'. leive -already returned from the, Pair, state that bevorel all :comparison it • is *the • best exposition mar held.: Poe • tickets, illustrated literature' and full • infermation apply to any Grand • Trtink Agent Or to J. D. MeDienaid,. • Dieteict Peesenger ;Ag1 ent, •Toronto. For 'The' Children's Sake, . . . • . • A :salooreiteepet .recenthe '-cleseide out business and...opened:mite, email • drv. geode stoic instead, . One ..of .1tis- iiceptaintencee Lnowing th.t he was gin - nig up a good. Meanie for it limited oae, - reinonstrated with hine• - "I can't help. it, Jilin." .said the •sedooliskeeper, any children are' groseing u1 . and they 1.e - gilt to ask • quest:lolls 'about the liquor bueinese that leceuldn. t enswer with- out being a•hained 1 efprf them. They • c'idn't like to see their fitiher Whiskey., . they ..said. I'd rather beetit'a• tope :Seaga that there's. no qinatioe about and be aloe nee chi -elfin in -the 'face! • If • Otlor Soys. and Igfris were.. only Wise se theselele•neeelier'.s thildree ebotit. Whiskey senile; • it ere ' would be Iless of it. .letit- scene boya have. Sa. mistaltot idea ,that • a eethein is .c.; Manly place and' nit at tract i Ve one and the mistake leads to stem Death of Rev. Paul. Anold and highly respected resident of Brussels passed away on SunZ'iay of last week iv. Use person of Rey, • Paul, aged 7fr years and .15 days. Mr. Paul Was well Itinavit to Malty neePle in thissectio11 and had on many oceas Mons tonic the pelpit \York in , the .111etlioelist church here, and a few' weas ago occupied the pulpit 111 the Presbyterian eltrrch. Deceased had al- ways been a malt of . strong constitus tion mit*. Was ill only a few -days.. Mr, sratii was . a suPeratinuated Methodist .minister and iii his younger days filled many Smportatitschtrges ; he first preas Cited itiellltwale ;mid Bruesels districts over forty yeas ago. Mrs. stos. Pugh of Illuevale is a daughter of deceased. Mr. Paul had arranged all details in connection with Iiis funeral prior to his death. The funeral,. which was very largely attettessi, took place to the 'Iltowntowit semetery ssi Volubly after- noon. The pallbearers; were selected 1st, Mr. Paul as follows o W. 11. lerr, Farrow, IL Getry, Sohn Grainger, Eli. Sinai's and Rarry Brover.—Wittgltani TiftieS, Nature's Cure For Children. ' Soothing medicines, opiates .aeid strong drugs shouls never be given to :little childreit, aly Coetor will tell you this. Baby's Own Talsiets should, Jie -used because they •eartitot, hann . the smallest, weakest • infant: These tab - leis instantly relieve and . proinistly cure all .stoniach and bowel troubles breek up cedes, preeent crone destroy worms. atul allay the irritation accom- panying the cutting of teeth.. Thous- ands of mothers say .they are the best medicine in the world ; one of these. Mrs. R. .Calaboesie, Ont.,. wri- tes : ' 1 have tried itniny of the tenicelies for. children but Baby's Own Tablets is the best I Isatte ever used. 1 have been giving them oecasionally -to MY child shice he WAS six inouthe old. They have alWev-s kept him well and he is a. hg healthy baba." All medic:Me dealers sell these 'tablets ' or you ,essi get tht post paid at as5- con - di ts box by aims The to .Dr. Will- iftinS Medicines..`t 0,, Broekville, Ont. 0 • 0 0000000000 .> o• , •17. ' 0 0 • 11 00 • 000000 e Putting on Fast Printing Press. 'The l'Neee•York 'Herald'hasilistall- en .the fastest printiree .press be the wceld. 300,0c8o, four • Page papers an ,hour,• or 2,50o a aliala 1 e: ' is twelve presece CA1C itt' folds counts •and pp deliyers the kiers in-bund- lettin-bund- lett'of fifty. ' This pteep Sweep; the salmi of mechanical ingetititV. Ninety ; or sixty • to sixty-five toes,' • of.' i.n.apers are used in the: leammeth pi Lies* operating for ten leceirs. . This am- ! onnt of paper world .reach 1,073 miles I in. a straight line. 00000000000.O000000000 Wall Paper • is the mo8t effective and most economic4 method of improving and brightening of the interior appear- • an.e.of your dwelling. Tqlo 111111'1 nom the • wooly beatitifte patterns, (rainy ef • them exclusive in our; new line, we are certain you select easily the right paper to snit your taste and • Let us show you our handsome array of styles. ALL PAPER TRIMMED. FUER ' Carriages and Go -Carts The no* 1001 Go -Mitts with their swell autninobile gear and rich enamel finish nee on hand— They are decidedly smart and iip•to.ditte, prices horn $10,00 to • $25.00. • - Children's Carriages and gxpressWagons $1to $7.50 000000000000000000000000000000•0000 • 00 • 4 4; 4: 4' 4, 4 4. 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 4k" Jnue 9th 1904 as,------sese. seeee 1.0440440004108.:44444.4444,0044i.1.;., ....i 4-4000.4...;4404441 BLYTH 3: . . I„ I, r, •••••••••t•,• at, . r. . A it 14, t *.$4 This week we show it fine assortment of New Goods, suitable for the.t: hot weather, at rock bottom prices, in the following new and up -Ls -dates -S. goods: t .): Printed Muslim, in stripes- and Borate, in. a great range of colors, at . $ y 80. 10c, 15e, 20e and toe. , v White Moslins, in stripes and spots, nt 5c, Se, 10e, 15e and 20e. •-.• White Lawn, 45. inches wide, very51.) 4'6 0 I, 11 t 100f 15c and 20e. A t French Organdies, in a full range of qualities, in black and white, at V 10c 15e, 20; 25;ttid ax. . India, Linens, in black and white, at 10e, 12; 1.5e, 20e and 25c. 13Iack Muslins, in plain and fancy open stelpee, my special at 150, 20e and 25e,a Mercerized. Vestings,in white and colors,very stylish goods, at 15c, 25'e, • t, 11114 r . . Black Grenadines, in stripes, cheeks and floret pa tternaat 00c! 750 & $1. 4- .0., Fancy Linen Goods, for dresees oe waists, in fancy silk stripes, very • stylish gooda, at 80e cis 35e. ..$4. Black and Colored Voiles, ill it good range of colors, for dresses or ,,t waists, at 50e, 75c and SI, ft. feelieSi Black Cotton Hose, vefy special. 4 pairs for 215e. r) Ladies' Heavy Plain or RibbQ11 4441,011 Home regular Mei 2 pair for 25g. -.:, Men's Ootton.Sox, bine and brown mixed, 4 pairs for 25e. t Men's Resvy Wool Sox, worth. 18e, 2 pairs for 25c tO Boys' Heavy Ribbed Marto Hose, at 15c, 20e and 25c, • 'J.. Ladiee' Fine Rernisclorf Black Ootton Huse, with natural wool feet,Use t correct thing for hot weather; at 25e. . • ee pe, AA 2 Ask to see our new Waterproof Coats, from $3 to $10, •. ss Xt ..i.. .........v7 4, A . A i... i MoKINNON • & CO 'MYTH *4 MoKINNON & CO 4, to 4. 4.4 4. 54 4,4 X4. Hot Weather Goods se• •;',• " t' 0 e••••••••• t...4).444.••••••••••••••••••••• . I New Spring Footwear i at The. Old Reliable. :. Our stock is equal- led by tea, and excelled by none,. • - Special values in • Men's Fine•Shoes, Our School Boots for boys and girlie made • to ours own order, are Trade Winners, . We shall -be pleased to shosv you Mar stock •and give you our prices. it might be money in your Pocket. • • • • Our Spring Stock • of Boots and Shoes, is. now complete. We •• have the largest and ' hest assortment to • • • • - 9 • choose horn••Itnd we know our Pt -ices are the • lowest. . The • Inmeense • de- mand for TAYLOR'S SHOES Is the best :avid- .. •ence that our elSo.rts to surmly yeliable and sty- • lish Footwear at reason . • able ririces has caught . the attention of Shrewd Enyers.. A: .0A.14.; SOLICITED We fire praCtical Shoemakers,•havirig had it expevierica and you. • run no risk when you 'perch:lee your footwearlrotti us, ' •-:T.h.e. Old. • Reliable SO r. ••••4••••••••••••••••• *********************************************t NELSON ALL. J.B.11OOVR.:' F. U. ItN1111. IT It E VINDE11.17 AXING' W ill flay now safely predict the advent of Spring. You will require Furniture. See us about it before buying. Sewing Machines High grade, up-to=date, made in Canada, Balt=Bearing Mathiries. One price to all, HOOVER & Night and Sunday calls answered as 'residence of either of the' princi- pals. . - ®,c)0000 •sseo-JA<;Avl*:','?.xD$4•+),J5o,;(4,01,,,:siA5corb, o oscx) 0 0 0 E GREAT CASH STORE ANOTHER LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF READY-MADE Spring' and Summer Suits for Men and Boys Just passed into stock and will be rushed off at astonishing , low prices, IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE OUR FELT RATS FOR, MEN" AND BOYS BEFORE 13UYING BLS'EWHERE. In ou :Emit and She department Yoe: will find values that cannot be beaten, • WE HAVE STILL SOME Big Bargains in Lace Curtains and Carpets. It will be to youradvantage to sea them We have an immense range of Ladies' Ready-matle 131ouses, • in the latest New York Styles. They fit perfectly and wear well, also an immense reline of 'Ladies' Wrappers and White Wear to choose from, • In the Millinery department yon will find all the newest and most up-to-date goods in the motekets and you can tie— . pend on getting the best of satisfaction at a, moderate price. . • :es • .Any nantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods; ' • os MoBEATHI BLYTI-hz 00 430(eXIXXXe.-sfli 00*(s.,Wss)Cs J.) Progressive business me n 'advertise in The News Record,