HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-09, Page 3June 9th 1904
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The News of .Goderich
Miss E. A. SkmIngs1.
!Xi!, (k, k I Li) X ei Cs R,(LICK:41Yir
The Canadian Press Assatiation gives
the Grand Triad: a great mead of
praise kr luinishatg thain with the
finest trains for their excursion to St.
Louis. Ti e train was made tp t. fling
vestibuli ears that had never been in
service before. Seven of than were
eepers and there were abut 1. eoo in tie
party, comprising newspaper men, front
Ontario and Quebec with their wives
and daughters. Mr. ,
G. T. R. District Passinger Algent,
Tonaito, accompanied the party, i'ra-
ise from the Canadian Press intst bt.
valve to tie G. T. R.
June opened the summer season with
n ref reshing lLt.\ t. J t t glories m
oat:rings of roses. May tha have
!Attack:us supaly.
Miss Eva. MeMath grathatid at
Mount Sinai hospital, New York, with
homas, in May, as a trained =se.
She is a daughter of Mr. kind Mrs.
51eMath of the Bay field Road.
She also aim the director s ariaeof
Why will people keep any po.lConotts
liquids, or tablets in the home, especi-
ally those who have children. The
other day in Blontreal wet.. na [ent-
ity lost tl eir only thild, a bcatitiful
buy at three years, by apetiag a ilacka
age o: tablets left in the drawer of 'a
bureau and tle little fellow had saun-
tered in evidently on an exploring tour
MS mother was preparing, a) Lo to the
seaside and when she missed the little.
1 at she found him standing at the. op-
en !rawer watt his little hands hold-
ing it. She divined the situation in a
int/merit and putting her angel into
the child's 'mouth she drew out the Well, we Saw t114 iday Queen oo East
®€. 00' •(!)•0000000 :;!:)(;),i(erf,S,)
Birth—On Sunday, 39th Max, to Mr.
and .11Irs. George Fawley, Saltford, u.
Mrs. T. Tilt is spending this week
visitiag Tiit's 'mother at 'Blair end
friends at Berlin and -Galt. Slie will
also visit her son, Mr. Joseph 'tit, of-
Mr. .1(0. h Tut, late. of the Mitish
Exclarp., is clerk' at 'the hotel
mond., at Preston.'
We were sorry to _learn on Thursday
last a -the th:licate state of health of
Mrs. W. 0,. Smith, Nelson street. ner
illness is prolonzed by the inability of
l'er heart tot eet properly.
ldr. McMath was, alt Ting froln
indisposition th eat two weeks. We
trust lie was atic to gct with kis emu -
Pally to London on Tuesday.
Penner -Gould have .lost his
life last *week. Ile went • to the pas-
ture to drive the bull to the stable,
whet the animal attacked tam. Reba
ert Elliott, who saw the attack, rush -
cd to Mr. Goad's assistance and with
hs bun: land grasped the ring. in the
animal's. nose and twisted it NO effect-.
'tally for a while, thereby releasing
Alr. Gould from .los dangerous • post,
One of his •hausls. was •lim113.,. in-
jured and was .otl erwise ecinsiderably
bruised. Ro5ert • is to be con-
gratulated on his great foresight,
pluck . and sangfroid. • . •
• Miss May Elliott returned to .London•
from New ),"ork in May ana is pow
spending her holidays at ler Itome,St.
David's street, She is a great leader
Of fashion. • . •
week. :come arid see the
tablets. A doctor was immediately street last:
brougtt Ina the tablets lied done
their work. They were strychnine tab-
lets. lo two hours that happy, weal-
thy mother was childless. The rela-
tives. in Goderich told us of the adeir
bal it was noted in the Montreal pap-
ers. In our own Loan a similar affair
occurred in. April. A gentleman has a
medicine chest which adlortunately he
left unlocked and his boy found a
good chance to see what was m it and
soon discoveree. a bottle that he thou- ey, wife of Captain Wiley,' Lighthouse
ght was perfinne.. He did not like to . street, and John Robertsbn, • -East
take the whole bcAtte, 80 looking ab- .street, „marble cutter, town andi Cap -
out he found what lie Waivted, a small fain •Utlward- Roliertsom Sarnia,: also
one and as the little boy was. In his. .Mr, George .RobeilsoU, Chicago passed
filling it. Of course the result was as her iath birthday quietly attho resi-
might. he au„var,..ki, tit ltqiiid an tlie dente of her • daughter, -i-Ifs. Captaill
larger bottle ran over :the smeller Wiley, LigLthottae street, on. May 15111.
aaa and sa the little boy was in his Mrs; 14,,bertsonlived lor 'years 'in the
ng -ht robe it. ran- down Ills chest and
. first •postollice' ..Goderielt ever. had., The
hotaie it was 'said was the • first,:lailt•
burned as it ran. It was carbolic acid
and .his cries brought assistance • _and. ii 0(Xlerielt, but it'has been' 'torn do -
some •home remedies were aa,t,alied. wn.• • -• Many i• artist* painted that ...old
before a Elector could come. He 00es',log house.. 'Mrs.- -Robertson' iS • ' not
r ot now want to know anything alout - very 'Well, . • .
May. Quecui. a. lady said, and when -.we
got to the. (icor other house we saw.
a baby's *coil -mot, 1,0 r• wieL lilac boa,
The child waS Olive) 'baby..'girl
of Mr,' and' Mrs. Ben 'Allen and • Miss.
1•Iattie /hitcher was decorat'or- and art-
ist. Quito a. cortege of giris followed
the carriage and it was, 11. novel -and a
beautiful. thought of Miss • Hattie. Bel-
cher that •May day..• '
Mrs. Robertson, mother of .Mrs.
carbolic acid as a perfume.
A circular has been isstaa:ic by -Cho L.
O. la Hair asking the ca -operation of.
the Orangemen .of S•outh Huron to.
have the semi-annual meeting on June
decide on Parkhill gaarantees all neca
essa.ry expenses.—R. W. Jackson is'
secretary of th.i committee at Park.:
hill; . • . • .
Mrs. J. C. llarroan had her June
roses oil Weeresday ist June. They
came out that a. In. on the rosebush
in her shop window. • .. ..
When our W. C. Ti IT. ladies get the
sale of cigarettes stopped so that our
young men and boys can Smoke them
ac more they can turn their attentiini
t th , sale of Strychnine tablets whi-
LindsaY.," Willionia, • Who- spent
some niantlis-in .Toronte,Ja
ing. at the old-110Mb •olt Market..-Atreet.
Mr. Magnus. §WanSon has• been spen-
ding the past ,nitinelt.at . •' • ,
". _The .traver '5IeDerniOtt's castle,
now. the proPerty Ot•Mrs, ..Camerim, • is
to be . remodelled; - .exposure,' • , .tok. 'the
rains :ant). winds- front. fhe lake.. has
ma -a
rred its `beauty ..nei:-an, .itrchiteet
will *supervise .tlic -adding :ter its pre-
sent deNigra , . • , , •
• .' MaSteraSkiniticl- sp) .Who was :e
-measenger .. boy at Parson's Fair. for
sonic • ye.0.1.:.3 15 i.l• o't• •tu, . • 4.01 Li eed . to, .
McClay , - the Haai .1 i on strert baker. • •
Master . Wilfrid Laurier Bell ht. now '
the messenger 'boy at Parson's' Fair.
ch are bought. 1001 used by—not cigar- GoclericL „property might • alt be
ette smokers—but for those w 110 want bought at .auction -.by one- of ChiCago's '
to gain line cminima , res. ,. • ', ,': . la. i a'aaaaa
on Wellington 'street near the% lake
The Gaderich—Baylield see 1,1 iv par- '
'which the town gave gratutiously to
ty left the Oddfellow's hall co:. Pay -
the Daughters. ckf the Empire .•:'!.or.' the
field at 4.30 v• m. on Wedn.i-alav, 1st •
.. Mariue . hosPit al . site. . . ' '.- .
June. The party consisted ,,, ' , Mof r...
By .,our •business men and • a .goOd
and Mrs Robt. Janes, and •the bride
and groom, lect. The cab Was riven
many of onr. citizens •thbre. is Eis:Anuch
by 51r. Con. 'Murphy, who was in his e . e.
interest 1. iii the . Ma.tarie• Intelligence eta,
glory in his rain st.it, smoking his dig-. .e.'17. 'la)" as in the Russ—Jap neWs.. So
many of our .saikra •are still at •tlietr•
ar wl ich lie lit before he mounted the
box. and the rain fell' fast. ' - 1.,1011101.. Tim .sea'4"' ''-i:(:'311-10(Tk* is Poor
6 *ter but Jaime is a.., good place*. in heititlt
Mrs. Niihau Sr. is able to leav
and .sickness. • . • . .. .
room now and will, we trust, be able •
Rev. J.. R, Na.ftel, a former sttdent
to take a. walk before Jena is over.. . - '
of. the Collegiate Institute„ and . Rev..
Mr. James 'flu:11as has .built ,quite
Fria..., Hovey i'd.• A., ,IT agarSville.; were
a. neat, little wierehouse on ,a.ve, •
ordaisted priests ort ,Trinity: Sunday. at":
kind painted it in a most attractive
Chriat .eharch ckaliectrul,,bv.* 'Bishop
inalawr. Ile iatenda to press 11w/inter
. . Da Monlin. Rev. J. R. gaitei iki -.e.
on. . .
spa cyf Alf red.' N a f t e 1 hi;,,.1layfield•
Aliss Maggie Lamprey, tailoress, has -
ROA, and has beer at. Rpthsa-
We went ver to Mrs. Voung's gar- o " „: y and
taken a position it: Toiorto. ..
twO other .atations„ .noW assuming full
den ou Tuesday, the lk.st day of May, "tole of Ilfal, Parish:- * -.• ". •- .
The 46114m -foot raft citthe -saw ' Mill
to get a pansy or two from the old • •
left, Moon river sonic days. agOand,' Is
W ilk inson garden on 1,',1g in a,vernaa- fa-
capected 'at this pert -at or • before
tutus tor its large purple and yellow. . . ,
velvet pansies, and also since •it came the rit4 of. the 'week.. .
We regiet :a eta., • Mach I he. t'aath of .
limier the watchlul eyes of Mrs. R. '
young, but while thlatter was in - . C. McGregor of II. 'M's Ctatoms at: ,
California. picking the flowers of that 8tratfT•rd, Mrs. McGregor has been
for ,serrie years it delicate health Jrut
land the last winter, -with its mow '
and frcast took the licantiful pansies mr, l‘le0regcr tI. 112. a \great part *af,
from her ga.rdin.
Quite a lot of tielaable plants,. shr-
ubs, etc., I -ave been taken lately,: 0:1 -jt
front the verandahs of giine of our
citizens. (If course-. they took doWn
their knees and as a consequence -Some
passers-by feel tempted to have flowers
itheir own parterres.
There are some haely pansies in the
Court atouse park. Mr. Watt Will
have laok after them.
.T antes Eag I esor. , lialsCsteetitell•KIMP
in May to visit his nixie, Mr, Ed--
. .•
Eitglcs(ai in Ilakota. . .
yet . onti of them extqadiaa, lo jpoaareaailie,,
The new Viciatia Park exists .
orly ill name. ,Our worthy mayor is M,'Ilicil h•Cright ,anklia•apar, •.. . . • .. .
so 'busy looking tp railroad stock he ',Miss ..14Ydia, •Beek of .Stratfordilitai.,
has no time to. stc.ek. Victoria Park' testi College, .ia: haine• for:the %%Leal,
wadi anything more attractive ' thaw •Iirecistwhilitteltus18.0441t3sectkintisil inSel:Itictirollirleitc•6: ! ,.Aott•
trees. As for the park, Mother Nat- •
tire thoks after it ane, it is. full of clo- Ilodgens' _links. - .• • ..:. • ..
ser, lyarring- the thistles. Nem, if ' he ii'llyzessareors..1‘,Iiiiiiy. ItLyill.eciorniiili:(1)vtshea•tai?rictIt
would only plant some cif Registrar
tr)ett,,tirtl(e)inte.e. m(iil.h.i4..12t1AielrorrRiso,betti'ita-. siis1.1
C.'n'ates' rose hushes we would ' lave
the emblems of 1(ngland, Ireland,Scot-.'
ter, wlio took suet,' an active interest
ILivl and Canada "All at Wansta"
ha the work of the D. 0. E. regarding
The tlexteri(h bride aucl gruain who
taltietetrthitt:i i• ilriikliatiligiitnoit tfatinedh•r•csrislccIti*
drove tc. Baylield to be married on
Wednesday afternoon were Mr. George •
. Mr.. 'Alex.. Ile(-1,aw of the eanitohL
- Stewart of the lirithl Exclange, -for-
merly of Detroit E•rd Miss Relit11 Bak- and lake:Moron Milling CO's Dent' bit
er, farinerly of Bayfield, voingest or. it linsiftess, trip last ' week for Win,
his holiday visits here on the Bowl -
no. laivn with his confrere:a litre:dor()
has; lost a faithful' eitizcn. •
T Pia' week being' a Veritable' holiday
week • the .1", 0. :Of St. George's,
Jthrcll did. not '...hold their' bi-weekly
Miss Ansebrook returnital from Tor-
onto on Friday evelffikar conipalny
with Mrs. Anaebrook, who spent a. Sow
slays in Toronto last week, to ;their
residence, Cottage, 'Cheirch •
We. have 'two Town *hip of (lodericc-
weddings alum our matrimonial slate, ,
daughter of tile late Prederick`llaker of* 11 il)cg'
A- wedding was soleinvized at Knox
that village. At aato p. ni. at
f tl rik e
i • a...other-al-taw, chureli tualthe on '13,aaatekalav .1,une
id nee o le 'fhti contraeting parties were. It.
Tlie Clinton News -Record
Miss Linie, Jchuston, nurse ;11 ti tan- It Is Attention to Little Whinge That . Five giontreet Typee Who Toured Ontario
ir.g at Cornwall is taking a, three wee- Makes near So Attractive, in the Vertigo.
k's holiday at the re,sielegea of her Ask any one to explain why a eel. -
Parents, Mr. taid. Mrs. Alex. Johnston g g One of the first, minstrel shows
tan irl ii; re arded as pretty and see that traveled in Canada way back in
of Elgin a% mire. if you get a direct answer. Probably JAM was composed of live Montreal
you will hear that "she certainly is printers who found there was more
Rev. Ceorge halter of Bluevale WaS pretty, but really X don't know why, money in playing darkey than in set-
hcid the services tit Sunday le.st at face, and, now X come to think about ting type at $6 and #7 a, week. Each
sent th by the Loutlion Conference to for Ore has not a good feature in her
'Victoria street church. On Sutallay it, one played An instrument as well as
Livening tile Rev. gentleman preached 1 have seen prettier complexions.” taking part end-men—bones and tam -
"The Garden of Gethsemane" taleing does not alone make a girl worth look.
cloes not bo—two violins and, a banjo player.
They had tine voiees, and as the
songs and music were now and of an
it 'beautiful sermon, his subject being ;She May have a good figure, but that
for his text St. Mathew 26-36. Ing at twice and certainly airy character, the printer minstrels
gain her a reputation for prettiness. succeeded in drawing good houses all
Sunday next will be Children's Flow- 'Your "pretty girl," you will find, is itu- through Canada. The song of Camp-
er Sunday' at Victoria street church. inaculately fresh and neat looking. Her town Races was just out, and the
The subject of the morning sermon will
be "Eyes." Iii the afternoon them hair looks well brushed and is well and morning after the appearance of the
arranged; her dress is well minstrels in London every boy M
Will' be a great rally of the cltilc'iren. becomingly
town was singing or whistling Do-da-
osen In color, and however simple in
In the e.vena.a; the sermon will he a , , clay and betting his money on the
' 4Ilow a young man made history." style, It is thoroughly trim at the neck,
bob -tail nag, and challenging any -
We congratulate Principal Trgert of and there is never a suspicion of rags body to bet on the bay. Charley Kid.
1.1-e Centeal school on being so fortun- or untidiness about her skirt braid or nor was a Montreal printer and per-•
ate, as to procure that handsomer house ber petticoat. sonally knew all of *the minstrels,
of Mrs. Lynn's on Wellington street so The "little things" of that girl's tot. some of them hexing worked with
near 'the river. Wu feel certain that let are not slurred over, and her hands him as fellow -apprentices, and he
Prineipal Tigert may loug, enioy living, and feet are as dainty as care can rue.de an especial effort to see that
there as his rule itv the c entral school make them, for her innate refinement his old friends had a good house.
is very much a.ppreciated lry trustees, London had no daily paper then,
makes her abhor the dictum of the
Parents and pupils. though shortly afterward The Free
sloven that "all that matters is the
Press tried the experiment of getting
Mrs. J. A. Vowler after visiting general effect, and little details are not
Toronto is now •ote a visit- to, her worth bothering about." Those little . out an evening paper, so Mr. Kidner
hired the town crier and. sent him
mother at Listowel, details just make all the difference be- -around town ringing his bell 'and
. .
Captains Malcolm McDonald and. tween the well and badly dressed girl. . with ' stentorian voice announcingthe
MeDiarivid came Vovtra from Kincar- but attention M them Is not enough to advent of negro minstrels in the Me -
dine to await orders as- to where the gain a girl of average looks the repute- cherries' Institute Hall that evening.
dredge Arnoldi and tug Huron will tion of being riretty. Look at ber well —Toronto ,Telegram.
proceeed, . the work being done at Kin- . and see if her irregular features do not
carcline. form part of' bright and aniraated , EXCURSION'S TO THE 'CIRCI.TS.
Mr. Meitti.rrich of Ce.11ingwocer is face that makes you feel -glad when . ;, • .
• . cwecial excursion, ratten 011 all. lir.es
bnild ng the. deck. of the ',"Carib,00". you look at it. The attractive girl Who
• of tratel have been arraaged kr by the
for Bucharean, :Lawson & Co. Without beauty is considered to pos. management of Ringling litothers'
_ sess it Is -a girl of culture and refine- World's Greatest Shows, and, those
ment, and the. reason. why ugly girls , who wish to go to London where this
are less often met now than in former great circus exhibits' Friday, Tithe'
times is owing to the superior. educe- 001, can d0. sa at very . expense.
tion which maidens of today itt. .every. .1
class of life enjoy.
I this sei:son and ro Otte •Aliould miss the
• oPPortuttity lo witness it. Ringling
• hrothers' circus* has, been • the -leading-
, arenic exhiblition of America,. for years
How to Make -a Serviceable One , 1)01. tlye 8how never:1'0cm permitted
• . FV01711 .Ordinary Wire. .
to rekt tivev reputation. Althcogli
' Photograph or letter. racks come in it -long ago passed the point of coin -
various more: or legs drmfmental de- petition, every season sees ,a greater'
signs and are very handy in the home:, and .grander show. This year's . per -
Here a. suggestion by which y'etH fOrntauce ia• entirely new .and entails.
• .ilie Fernibincel efforts •of 36'5 tvonderikil
0•1•0•1•0•14+0•14+9+044÷.4. .
• • • •• • 0
4, DO YOU WANT • • • +
.1- to sellof rent your farm or +
town prcperty ? . .
+ • Advertising' in. The News-" +
• 'Record.. brings senora and •
• buyer8 together. „ • • . +
.0 • .0
• .4.
IIave• you live Stock •. for
sale.? •
P0 you Want to Secure 4- •
? -* .
so Make use or our. •
sniall ad column on Page 5.
Acted as His Anianuoreds—Smalts of
Methods and the HILIAllerli 001 the,
:Great liev•;11st. •
'There ,Iles beyond the oltt tushtvick
nieadowai . says .,rhe Brooklyn Daily
Eagle, •Ori the brow Of a tha
little.: stragglirrig hamlet • of Fort --
Mar. El this out-of-the-way tipot,lives.
a Woman of advanced -years, Iler
name is it:melia Thurston. A single
glance at •her. denotes her a lady,
born and bred. Theahonae in Which.
'she lives. is an humble' one, ittit, :for
all that, More than One •' author of '•
-world-wide .:fanto has p'aid hiS
spects to that lowly cot; • ,
'The singular interest' that attachee
to this estimable woman Is due to
the fact :that she we:I for many years'
intimately associated. With Charles'
Dickens, and at one time his ararinu-
ensiaa :
. The following interyiew with-' this
accornplished woman is given to .the
public hist as the words fell.fican her
own' lips, and is a true -statement
' "1:Was barn in Massachusetts, :in -
the' suburbs. of DOStrin.
'Very early in life I got . hold of
the works of Dickens and fell in- love
With them, particularly "Slretches
by Boz,'' "David Copperfleld,'' and
"Nioholas Nickell -Ty " • They' made
such' an impression upon. my young
mind that, though still a girl in my
teens,' 1 resolved to cross the water
and -know for znyseIf personally.: the
man :whoie works had .delighted
, ,
inc. ••Supplied by indulgent', fath-
er 'with . plenty. of money, . 1. . went
with 'my. maid t-� London, and there
procured for myself comfortable
apartments not, far from ' old 'Bow
Square Chitr.c1i. :
"It was atitumin The `people -were
as yet largely out -of town. Mr.
Dickens Was on the continent.
tnrned my back on myself and
Worked. Mit •this- homesickness Into h
story! of New England life which I
sent to Mr. Diekens as silbkr he
returned, -•• • ,
• "About this time unhappy riunors
of domestic infelicity in Ta;Vistock
:House went out into •the start-
ed by.literary Men Who .snarled ,en-
viously at the heele el the great
,writer, Added to such sorrows; which
told upon. him very perceptibly, .were,
multiplied the incessitrit toil and so-
cial stress which greatly increased ,
his daily cares, spite of all these. erly
later an four' men were digging .erig-
with bleeding dngers around the
-things, however, possibly the mere *Cc, : •
becatise X •was 'a girl, alone and un- Almost in lees time than it: takes
friended in London, he took time' to to tell it these unfortunate fellotes
• pis
Mr. Robert Brown, the bride entered ,
,Taittes Rodger itud Elizabeth Jane -
8 1.:
the parlor leaning on the arm Oil Sr.
It( bert Tones who gave her zway. She Snell,. both of Wawanosh, '
Mr. Ed. Watson won thz secemd time
was dressed in a lovely costaine of •
. white f )1. gandt e , the . skirt a which. Att the •Itist-laint on rridaY: Two
out of live in a little it ,r..rer Nan one. ,
had three deep floances, tri•mniedi yti:th
Captain Dan Stititerlotal , has made '
many rOW8 of belie ribbon, the watst.
two trips for lun.bcr to Parry Sottiel .
liaviiig a Stylish drcii yoke of flowered
dim SeaS011 21-.,'CLathani. .
all over.. net. She wore a hunch al
the harbor ou llf,nday at. in, tho
lilies of the valley in her liair and
steamer Rosedale
carried 1:, liC.iii.et of.pitik eitynatioitn, laY ht ;II,' dlet,ator, :
lil ies of the valley and 'ferns. Rev. cilleT'• Avel,sasfe,itiXacls14( Piir.c1.1tliftatiillieullil.a)errhbort.
amity. A lovely sapper was prepared .
E. Virginia, With her Aar Otter, Mrs.
t',, elerich. Thee returned 111.1 follow:ling Martin IIayes • of that city, Master
: •
may -make a very s.erviceable one your-
self Out of -ordinary Wire: The single e
parts tifib ''rac. are three , inches t
wide • and two and a quarter Inches .
high. .Take strong • coplier Wire •:!"
and cut off Veces -about twelve inches
long, which you- form form into the shapes
ehoWn in our illustration With the help
of.a. pair of tweezers .or strong sells -
'sore. They. are Joined together by •
hooks: The holder can, be iiaade,of two,
three or More parts,- but .each part
Must be bent carefully anduceuratelY.
• 'artissts. the- equestrian,. gvtur.lastic,..-
. equilibrist,e; acrobettib and atrial line,
'together' walrforty famous •clowns
• , hundreds of lesser. hundred'
;! and lilt./ horses are mad and at mar.
velotts trained anitra1. department
presented., The' .eiretta. this • Season , 18,
greatly-• enlarged by the . speetacidar
;prodrction. of Jertiaelem and. the Cru-
: sades) it • pantomimie . presentation of
1 the .well .ktiown ant', beautiful historical
narratiVe of life, Crusr.ders,..The vast
imenageric.• hundredn... of,
-,, features the enly.'. :pair of.
afies, • the :first.- haliy eleii4nt•.succesS-'
',bred and Feared: in America: and
the Andy. thineroees in...ealytivity.-• 'There.
is.. a .g'6tgeints nA.,.ival -of the .Itornan
, races and 'Maw • Other
sttipandaita .` .leaturep .311.' 1:111S grpat•
• circus'. .. • Circus (Lys "1..• opens with •
• -
,. hrillik..nt street parede,, thtee••
itt lerigth.-. • bee't fail . to see it:.• •.: , •
• . • .. • .
VISIT ;YOUR • Pj,&1,1NDS . N
Si 7,:58. yolk . ROUND' :TR/Pi
• Str.,4) over- aiso•:.allowc,d at Cane:Aran '4;
stations. and Detroit . • • 4
We have a big variety of Summer fabrics
and novelty weaves in light wools, silks, litlen$
4, voils, muslins, etc. that invite inspection.
Panama Canvas Cloth
lVfa,de from selected wool, best dye and clear worsted
• finish, nice even weaves, very fashionable for
4 tailor-made or shirt waist suits,separate etc.
4 black, blue and creain,
prices 50c, 65c, 75c and
47 -
New Etamines
.t All pure wool, sheer rough 'finish, best French dye, • .
I in black. A, very stylish material adapted esp-
'ecially for shirt waists, suits, dress.es, etc„ price $1.00 4
41. Wool Voiles
4, '' t
4, •
1 •All pure wool, nice even *cave, in fine, medium and '-- ,
. .
4 coarse mesh best dye and sheer crisp finish' in
* , ,
4, black and largo selections of rich shades. '. .
, prices 50c, 75c and.$1.00 ti
Linen Voiles
n four rshades, "Ilight blue, :dark blue, charripaign.
4 and green. These are scarce goods and .ye.ry p6p7.
4 ular. for ontin,g diesslps, •de. price *5c;
To: See ,:.the. World's Fair ey:'
rythifig is fresh kind .exhibit a are .at
heir • best, now' • the date, • • ,
.Vor • ticketS, ' illustrated iiterature,.."
egardinas •. World:s 'Fair aad further
idol -anal= aPply to .
. • •• •
ihiggest el ,poid Nuggets.
. .
Could 'even fiction . or • east side
melodrnnaa suggest a.ny situation,'
more romantic? , Figure' • to . yourself, `.
-as the .Preneh say, . four Men:" sinking
down ,exliausted in the art& Anatral- •
ian bushi way back' in the "Never -
Never" country, where rain does.nOt
fall. for years at a stretch,. and the
only plant • that forces it's way
throUgh the choking sand is the
drea.ded'' spinifex, or Australian spear
graasi whose Points pierce the pedes-
trian like a latibe.
:PhOST 8ank down t� die: Their
horses, toe, were exhausted; and Ono
of -these •in itumbling struck its fore-
foot against a small piece of rock
that projected a• few inches out of
the sandy soil. • The eye a •of • One of
the men f011oWed the stumble; •
the next moment he hactetruggled to -
his 'feet, shonting, "Gold, goldl."
Sane enough, the supposed "rock"
strucit- by the. iron shod hoof glisten-
ed in the pitiless sun, • arid a moment
Mr. Fnell performed the marriage cere- We will give all 1:11c. harbori notes next 1.
for the .Party vital their gaitsts.
5Irs.. Captain: Gibson lia.s returned
Mr and Mrs. Robert Jones accompaiti-
id the bride and and groom froni mil spending the winter at Itamprien,
Tu.., it i a g, reaching home on Thu"( *t Gerald aceentipanied Nrrs. 011,son, to
.11: r 1st, at 1 o'clock. It rained the her benne hayfield Road last Week.
via le way down but the calr was rain . Itcv. Mr, McComas of' Sarnia will
,t,I. The bri•de received some very " learn,. 'succeed Dr, Daniels here as •
Ili,. preseuts. Mr. alid yrn. 81e WtVrt pantor Of ikl*Crtlt street Methodist elan.,
liff,, taken up flfrir renia heti ir., thC eh.
rooms adjoining Dr. ('. M Sale's Den- mr. remow «f Dungomon is spod.;
tal Nretry McLean's block, h Uis WO6k i WW1&
read my manuscript. To my great . had enearthed ,the larrt mese .of ,
gratifietetititrilandeenVirittP•be';'ateept,,,,..L,,,,deo.,.0iirikwer, minigs..,,,;6v,-,nr,,,:,
ed it, paid me liberally for it, • and seen. 'This le know n as 'the fanious
asked. inc to go on contributirig to' ' "Welcome Stranger" nugget, Xt is of
his magazine. • , '1 the. enormous weight -of :10,000
'Not long after this incident 'in my •ouocci,.,ao4 every wince of it virgin
life, Mr. Dickens sent 11:10 a note, in. , gold, there being practically no alloy
viting• me to tall upon him at his Whatever. It -is iri, the shape .of a
house; on such. a day and, limo% • rotigh cross, . . .
Punctirality Was :ono of .tho gods he This. marvellous '. find acted. as a
Worshiped. Net being much acqitaint- tonic lipon the men arid.: they .. were,
ed with the map. of London, X Went enebled to make their way i tb the..
a "undabout way, striviPg • ai. his nearest township, which chanced to
residence half an hoar late. The. but- be Itallarat. Hero tho "Welcome
ler Informed me, nitieh • to niy eha- • Stranger" was deposited in the bank,
grin., that Mr: Dickenti had 'Waited and after it Was incited down Irrought
for me half an hour, but had been at Ow rate of $20 an ouece, so fine
obliged to go to hie office and that :teas the quality of the. gold. .A, ftill
he would expect me on the ,• same '. sized model of the "Welcome. Strait.
day and. hour the to/lowing week. ger" may be . seen by viiiitors to Lon -
Once more a inonetious fog prevent- don in the. Department of Minerals
ed him from reaching home iit tim° • and PreCious Stones in the great4
to meet me, Which brought a, note of Natural ;History Museum . In the
explanation and a . renewed appoint- CroraWell Road, South KeaSington. :
"The third attempt *as Auccegsful,
and X found myself face to face with
the man who of all others X most
desired , to meet, Charles Dickens, at
"Not long after X wag surprised to
reeeive a note from him informing
nie that he Was coining to site me. X
was living at that time near the
West, End, in a rather antiquated
stone cottage. The day came and
with it Mr, Dickens, on timo to the
ant. He Wrote carnf.ully, slaughtered
mercilessly and made many changes,".
"Wo sat and talked, as he outlin-
ed a series Of researches into the dif-
ferent phases of London life. This
Wan to be My study ot human na-
ture. X accepted his suggeetions and
spent years in following them out,
reportingto him as X progressed
each new find.
"in this way 1 came to knoW Mr.
Dickens very wen, often acting at
lest afi hie arnanuenairi and Aseiet-
The Essential Thing.
"The time to jump on a dre is
When it le itt its infancy. No expense
should bo spared in getting quick and
Sure notice to the fire halls of every
little blaze that starts Up any,.
' Where."—Toronto Star.
That is the estiontial thing in fire
fighting, "
COnflagratien after conflagration
has proved that once a fire gets real-
ly under way, nothing stops it but
The shacks of Hull, the lumber
yards of Ottawa, the steel slcyserap-
ors of Daltimore, the stone ware-
houses of Toronto, all tell the same
story. Lot a IWO got going well
with a Wind blowing, and Aro bri••
gadeS aro but flies on a Wheel.
he great thing is to jumon a
flre at the istart.--,Ottalvit Jeurnal.
joheri an Optimist?"
"Is he That man would pay
V.. licdgeas, Town Agent. . 4,
'A. O. Pattiscn, Depot Agent. , 4,
11, Navy: bldelc and white 'ground 'With dot, ' 'spots,
4 stripe .and figures. Matersal is very pep -
• .c..t
.. •
The:yesting is in assorted self colored -designs. All
.are very newoleat patternk, an ideal material for
.. shirt waists. price 25c'
. The test of a heating system
is the warrnth of the halls in
, the early morning. A _hot
water system -will keep:
comfortable, even tempera.,
ture all over the -house day
and night. Getting -up time
ncl s perfect comfort all
over the house. The :
Oxford -
=Hot Water
is the highest development
of hot water beating. Other
makers come as near as they
can or dare to the Oxford
idea, That is the standard
they try 'to reach. If you
prefer the Oxford idea, in-
sist that you get it in the
original not the imitation.
This illustration shows the
utility of the grate construc-
tion. The ash base front
is easily renr1OVed, repairs
made to grate and returned
to its place, without the as-
sistance of a specialist.
Our beeklets on home heating will
intetest you—they are free—write us.
The Gurney roundry
Co. i Limited
• ular for ladies' suits, 'girls' d.resses, boys'. blouses7
• .etc., price 12
:White Skirts
4' Made of fine cotton, several styles, lawn and .exn- .
4 ' broidery frill full . $1.00. I
Made of fine cotton,. lawn frills, lace insertion, frill i.
of .four tucks and frill of embroidery, French
• bands, etc, • $200. r
' le • •
4 • Corset .Covers
4 '
white Cotton and fine white nainsook, full length
style, beautiful embroidery, fancy trimming,
tuc4cl yokes, prices 2c,. 50c, 75c, $1, and up
Ladies' Gowns,
4 4 All shades and colors, soft «ciose $
# cloth,will make up bea,utiful for
!ladies shirt waists, dresses, wrap. ' 1
pers and children dresses, worth i
to -day 1214c, special 9
Li fine white cotton and...nainsook; Empire or high
neck style., are tastefully thiMmed with.' fine em-
iSroidery, full insertionand lace frill, all slies,
prices $1, .1.25 and .1.50. t,
Sppcial in Prints at 91c
Successors to IV, .oats a Son