HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-02, Page 7June 204. 190 The Cliutott News.Recorut ••••••••,.. vs. G. D McTaggart, Bn IN 'EARNEST. - Be in carnet aleint your leelth, *not suppoee that the headaches, hack.' , aches and other symptoms from which yi.tt sager will pess atvey of ,heir GENE:RAI, BANKING BUSINESS own aecord inetead of developing into serious etd thronie disease. 11 . seet TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN-- aft subject to kidney, liver and bowel 23.1.4-• ' • derangements there is 110 preparetion TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST • •whith w.11 be so helpful to von as • . Dr. Chit -Vs Kidney -Liver Pills. One ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - Pill a dose: ALBERT STREET, cLawroN, • • .1 • - &mix thousand acres in E Merit Assinetioht 1 toe been pureltaie-d v Chieago syndicate. W. BRYDONli;, . • BARRISTER, SOL Tcrrov.. NOTARY, PUBLIC; .11:Te. ,STIIIPORN • SKIN. DISEASES. Notitilig is more discouraginge.than -I ease of •ticitena or Fejt theten whieh refefeis to heel. By using De. Chase's OFFICE: -SloaneBlock- CLINTON, Ointment, Itewever, you eoon See lLat, new stilt is horming and the Fore pert • e • is1 :401111aillg' smaller - and smaller. h Benin• is entire' • ov Hercome • after ENRY BEATTIE (Successor to Mr. dames Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETQ °Rice formerly occupied by Zit. James Scott, in Elliott 131oels , MONEY TO LOAN. RIDOUT & HALE. • • .1 Lonveyaneers, Commissioners, Real • Estate and Insurance Agency: Money to Loan. C. B. HALE 44. JOHN RIDOUT. DRS, GUNN & MINN , Dr. W. CUM L. R. C. P. &. L. R.C.S... • 'a :few applications arel you ere pieen Fat isfai•tory evidenee tltat l4 C011tillaa- ' tion Or the treatineut. will lining a. thorceigh , • TIMM GATEWAYS. TO THE WEST .ledinbutgh: .. • Dr. J. Nisbet Gain Ai. R. C. Se Eng. L. R. C. le London, . • , . . Night calls at front door of residence .on Itattenlory street, uppesite. 1 Presbykerialt church.' • OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON. DR. SHAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON:. OFFICE,- Ontario street -CLINTON. Opposite St. Paul's 'church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON • PHYSICIAN AND • SURGEON. . Special .atteution given to diseases of .the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . -Office and Residence - ALBERT STIT.EET WEST, CLINTON. North of RattenburY St,• • • DR; G. W. MANNING SMITH. PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON. •Otlice ferineely occupied by Dr. Pal-• dister on Maiii street. .113AI1'IELD, 7 c4/4T DR. .AGNEW, DENTIST. • Ditice adjoining Photo Gallery. open every day and Satin -Jay nights until' res----Jer 3.0 o'clock. CLINTON, -- --- - .ONT. ' G. ER.NusT HOLMES • „ apecialist in Lrown and Bridge :Work D. D. S. -Graduate of the 'Royal •Col- lege di Dental Surgeons 01 :Outer - ice L. D. S. -First class honor •graditati of Dental peparuntiit of Loroutii.. University. e . Special attention paid to j .eseetiation of cloldren's teeth. . Will be at the River.Hotel, held, every Monday Bore to aeni to er 11.111. R. J. FREEMAN VETERINARY. SURGEON. :2t member of the Veterinary. Me.lica,I. Associations of 'London and...hOin-: burgh and Graduate ul the thitare .144 Veterinary Coliege. ',OFFICE- Huron street -eCLIeNTON; Next to Commercial .11(itel. ;Phone 97 Marriage •.• • a J...censes ISSUED 13Y J B. Rtunball Clinton •Eal.niiifirialliiiiii is is A m iiiifilliarilki f.V. ' • 11.0 NI DR. OVENS OFLONDON lin Lsil . Ig tic Surgeon, Oculist, Specia,ist, eig leg Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose ;end bte Throet, visits Llinton inonaly IN- asj fejt GLASSES pRopiotriv itrrriu) 0c Lai kg._ Nasal Catarrh and Deafuess eee IN treated. • (IA Dej London Oflice 225 Oucor'S ;Ave. ne feel belt Clinton °died • Combe's Deng pai 120! }itore. tit 0 [tej Hones 8 a. in. to 4 le. In, Dat- „CI : 115.1es of visits-Ttiesdays---Fels, 2, (al . Et Afar. 1, Ater. 29, May 3, May liti ,',,esj 3f, June 2e, julY 26, Sept. re ' tesi fail (Jet. 4, Nob. f, IN 0V. 29. LC!' III ...:, • E.11 1W zrifugrillirY; 41 XgriligIrliftliltIMIXIMIA / KINZ1I .-.....,.- ....-.-.,.............-4....,,...,....-- -..... ......-.12.tali:00/111111t • • Since 'the Soethwest l,imi•tte• the new electric-lightet1 tiain uf the Oliva - go, lIlliwitekee ,x1 lend Railway, has beeit places in. service, .Chicage, to Kensas .City, .-the .1.'CluliA1y-ollerS 'the best•• of train services tr. the west th- rough three •imeortatit $reeteways--Kau- sas• City, (Media end St-. Peed. • The Pioneer ieneeett, to St. Pitel and Alinnetteolis rues been the •• most poetiler- trion hetween. these cities.. The Overlan-1 Limitel, Chicago to Omaha. an& San -.Vranciseo, is the ;meat :famous of transeentirentel trains throt.gh Omaha. ' Tlie Siettlevest Limited, . -. to Kansas. City, with_ .its ,:tatulftra: t ta conipartetent .Sleepees, library obeerva- tien ears end . other eaeellent 4.(otip-.• mem, offerstravelers te the Fetitie- 'westreitter. service than 1:y have la re to fore . n'oyed, • era in.: Ceti ;evince has proeed suceesis from. its •1n i.rip;-A. J.; Taylor, C..1'.. ;agent, ... '8 King East Torpitio. Flick's Weather Forecast for June 1 Boat weft -subject to direct grosS cell- : tamitiation fisna thaiintge water terieg ! iaeler the feetirry Loess and the streee . nis 01 dirty slimu colld 1)4.4 seen. even - From Word and Works, eetaaftge end through, eke- nights, fug Into tltti wale aboat lour Wet be - A roe:theta:re permit Le ;Aimee:Lowe emitting contimmus. Peelers that id- . low the surlitee. Both these ureters is central on the 1st and 2n4l. days of anti -nate the eight: like iatarth I ,r lily ; 'W'crc very hid, so foul thee. animals ,Tune, calling fisr higher temperature, pyrotechnics. Let Inatimid, nervoes i would not • touch them, seta a well falling Itaroineter, • inereaseei humidity person stiffer rneesrness or 14081111 ' is rtnerally tetuml a "minerel" one and progressive storms of wind, rain c.pprehension ' at such diselays as in the secte n, i' 4 0 aiily because the and thender 'iron, the est io Wont lite .tfety are not in the least aims:sue-es. 4..so1plettretted allt.‘y(4.11(rk()%retilv,;141)L411.eactompioishl; m 31d. Rising . baroeter, eltanee. to lite, onecoming, concentrated Ia. alder J :Lim, eleusts westerly - W1 ds, clearing rend (ooler storm, at this season is very &lima !that of nethita reek tier wte ar. will ;supplant and folhew the etoint and .calls for all possible prudeneti. ; Improvement Neeessary,.-A. factory • . . _ area, t1.4 change :behind the etoems Tillie and a:gatn. have we -earned 4.2 Improvement . caunot. he kept tincentantinated . rassiug eestwerd across the .country. readers, both in our Almanae Li i1 in well front about the 3r4.:1 to the 5th. . ' Word and 1,Vorks, against .taking • is.i(13sp•(I)sTig syasetxtir 04r1rtithin,aittauilnyl isw,1111coyt . Western eXtrenns will lurean io led; Tislilnetlitiearr neder .green treea and other 111a:tiering these eiviouit I carefully waked. after, so that the first .the gre.wing influence of the vulean nean•by . 1.lieuensel'er storms in 'June., : esseutial for- 0.• pee,: meter supply front Stolen period ets early as the 4t11i and Standing ter walking in fresh, 1)110est2 1.Nhitt ex(1(1thrunj)ere< er:cvyelli)saistet4iieutilicilltraoirtnagiew. •-$1.11• 'Tills Period is ceuLleth on the earth, or riding on. bo.rseback, (1.il title et:ate:ding Irom the etti to the- any. 'vehicle forming .threet metallic well, including . Bet ea:a:ring, so as 'not connection with the groand, are eell eetuaily dargez-cos 'in a. sharp, . June thunder storm. The nearer - yott can 91.11. '.11118 period will begut . with ehenge to much. warmer 'in v . stein sectione,the barometer will fall first in the same seettore and .isung tern» come to placingperfectly dry wood or Perat tire, fallirt . barometer and storms or rein, wont and th elder will rubber between. you and all connection march tastwardly across the country tvilhletilsfle'er Toutitstwielairtbjel. (I)17 alt 4.31.rrents' from abont the fith to the 9t11e On . • . .. and • fondling Tuesday the 71.11 this The 23041; 241:1: end 25th are•centrel disturbance -s will be at their crises in detes of a reactionary storne perioeie the . regions central -in the 1Vlississippi' On these' 'days there 'trill be increased and Ohio valleys: tinder pressure of - teneenties -• ter :decided- etornis-rhighor the perihelion . of the great plauet,. teinperatere, Billing bermileter, erow- jcpiter, Con:bintd. with the annual fug humidity,all followed ley storms . • scinnier soistiee perturl4etions, -touch of; wind, rain - and thender. Chenge to , It itt•not tlx emelt or ,i 114.4011.1 of electrical photo nom will attona all the: we.sterly wine:re • rising barometer water ' that denotee its conditien, Samples •cif .water, which to: the storm petite's in 1441e. ' This V Olean and 'fair, 4:00:er weather will • come in-' 1.21 ).14V west are north as the storia.. sense of miiell or sight Dr taste are period wilimee be ' mll exception. The from '1.143 tendency.. to much . lightning- itt the eV- areas pest; • Ott to the eastward. • . I Pel Let,' - Yet . sfuslaY rveli with filth tav!tigs and throughout the' nights '1 • • . • . - . - i The 114(1.4.12144.1kit we cannot detect will be very marked, even outside of .: II dune coines to 1:e cities itt the midst] by :our etitSes' are :far more dangerous a regitler .storm perical, This ner- I then .1.1-..(sse 51 IA ',we eel; detect.. the limits of • 1.11..- regular • steam of periods.' • . . . . 1.144 iS eentral on the- 2901, ecitettang (>1 r', verY . truly, . . • from • the.270 • to. ,Tel'• ilte-2inl. - On • - • Ahout the roll- ane 1 i th or June . Monday • the 271.11, the. .first da- of . W. A. Clestions, Publication Cler1;;.. north pole con•tact with the %roue • declination -south,. indicating: i . , . etery year our globe passes what may .4.114,1 period, the 1120021 is at full .and•ex7- be celled a • . setae equator. ' As :a result of this tleat disturhiances of this period will. Tr . 001, sANsAU rioD. CQIRING . 'THE peculiar- relation. Gi Earth and Stint I develop. early in Ur.: period, and the • Earth becomes. g-reatly • charged . thole with greater or less in t ensi tv • ' , • BOI)li I 1 AMT. with_ anagnetiera . • alai • electricity. . for several days. :lite .4.4-1 t.re ef e ' . . . Thtnderm . - sters, general and exeeS-. barometric ' preSsure' wThe dePlathit is being acquired by ill lie -. to the •-• 1.41(1(15 (11(1.', Of Cam -cilium throegh. ttsiug . .. sive sheet lielenIne, .yolcanic disturb- sou•th, iuduchig northerly r,ir currents . .. 0.er.11.4.d. cures for. Catarrh.. centaining totees and, setsmie.. phenomena • are • anii causing :ciaill nOrtlierlve to ' uortli-'. • 4 to.. permit surfece waellings. !lowing in. ; As Prof. Shutt: pointed out, this drainage matter. avert front Lts actu- ally poieonoue ehareeter, ie the very 11811.14(1141 tteon whielt mierobee and ger- ms live, vat water polluted; from the bernyarcl, privy, etc., is always loa0.- ed With e04)1114.1155.millions cf bacteria. . It • is impossible to; turn mit. first clime . (hairy products where such water . is 'need,' or vien front the dollars . and I eents ktioulpo'nt improvettente this ' ' ' , respect 13; imperative. . earemon eesalts of meximten easterly reins during most of . this . other tlangsrona drugs. Doctors claim. eleetrieal . •ex.eitation. Stich disturb- 'period, over all seetione north. 'of the • - • 't 0111.... Yr .C. c.11( ter ein cute ;ones will reaeli a-inasiiiiinn. about the centre 0:1: low barometer. • • , . . • -for eat arrii--fritgraut lealing 1.. at 4(4(11 and 1 1 th and continue ' in marked • -• • .. - . ., , . - force. E.V..1 ..frailititri.w. tintil near the end We 11E,Ne otter, explained. the peen- 1141.108 21141111 which. ettres bv. medicated Tan- a: the moitth. , , . . - . 'Rarities - of , the June Solstiee storms, or il. et is • beeathed• itireet 10 the 'seat . . .. • • find llat physical .-eatises, ci tile same.; .rer„the.:• disease.- • '.11143 balsainte vapor -of. • A• reactionary' storm • eerieel will be but newegereeretions 'awl -new readers Catarehoioee -• killa .. the germs; heats_ 1 (nt,r44,1 ',Ai-. du; B. .12:tit. :• n.'d 1 3 • 1 ' it• the 1111 1r I.fur ni:.ny. and 'ontinued rcpoti sor7e spots;-llSdtiocapPtee droppings .in the moon at 1101andextremenorttions At this tinte our earth is at11143ttt"tlrz.:telei-tnrillea0wh eV11111eiitlyertrace- Tmldeclinationona. 41,:1..aliet(118-thepointenherorbitwherewe •Mvery.icKilorMutual Fir.Lurbances immediatelyTreeeeeng these: • Sav sliLireverse;iher• direction and ler eaterth tl4e. system. • Catarrh°- ligran:8o -eFartnand Isolated Town Property7: • ,--Ooly ,Insured:;- • . OFFICERS, .T.13 ATeLean' . President, IN:ippen O..; :Thos.. Fraser; Vice-Presideett, 13r 20011.1(1 O..; . T. E. Hays, See.. Tete:a:roe Seaforth 1'. Or DIRECTORS. Wiiliaiii a Slisney, Seaferth . ; , John. Grieve, IVintlirbp ;.•George -Dale, Sea - forth ; John Watt, Hex:lock ; 301111 Bennewies, Brodhagan •James Beechwood-; Jatiies Connolly, ,Clinton. AGENTS.. Robert • Smith, . Harlock. •,'' E. .efiley, • Seafoeth 1 141105 catientinga, EgmonclvilIa ; ' J. W, Yeo, ' Holmes- ville. • • • Parties • desireus to effeet Madre -nee or tranAttet other business Will let promptlyattended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to theie, respective postoffices.- Losses inspected; by the director who lives nearest the scene. • dates well. run over into! Otis. period. I north ..mile begins to :Move westward,-. vont., eau t fail .; it's goveranteed. Two The temperature will e.se 'greatly and • the •winel .currents -Leconte epirfusefl months treatment Si., trial sive 251.1 - - . • readings on. and ' touching; the." 13t1t, li thunder peislie 'and dren.l.r.v doWei- : -. . veith many electrical Stoma in transit, : polite of rain up: from teen; s e 1 • the from ' west 'to east.. This' reactiolI tare . conipitss from Whieli rains do um A. ,.Sur,..-iin.er: School f or ' p1041 (1 .Wi 11 be :within the Met:eery . 01 (1411 come., :clones; . that 14ave brace, aS seine ,by the accompanyerg:pessede , to the • east often whIrl sett- istieent diagram,. which fact . wilt • ' nee &illy • b ackwar(1. : u r t'1<'- 1 c ee, SI' rprte- disthrbenees, but 10411 increase: the pro- . and .eVerwlielnring yes, ary locitie will pro, hie a stmener school ler tea - only .add to" the- ititensity • of ... the eine bab".11.ty 01 a Continued. sPell of threw- eteiesAte111;11.1(11irettlio• itri. . Instead of ilia (hers (bring the' coming raeatione 14 timintr,,,, 'sior..iii.), wel1.1.111:r. -Normally ... „seal ord.er7totte ite up, . :he :-..e. 21 Ls 1r0.441 fro )1' western', term 1.11A • eeleiid. fre•iii :July,..stIr . te the'. !:taitiPeratere . wot.14- tall,: the.• bar- :roirots i 1. the, conipass--7.inany of, ctn.'. 4..oly .,2;,it14,• . il.,041;dv4., gild tk,,;.. eerie. minter' rife! ' tint.) .' cordCr, . lair weather. -11,41,..st rAtilm strike its iron. 1:1IS 14.7.2 Will. velisist of PraCtiCal Neture. Steute aPIPcar itlenft . tlii : 14114 to •:: loth, . schools. .11(l 512(11 set 11. theuges in 1) 4-411(21(1 . de,' se jettee eel ird, Fact. a. the • matter - ,..hc. .1.0,:ises. .m,iii 1.w 111(111 till. -the mice... ..1.o.•*vOulletisterle direct il,IIR . (1 urillg •1.111l• .:silii?..bit fo.i. 61u, 1,104: erees may alipe,..0 ; but the chanceS -of- tie,. Intrainetrie (1.2i!ressio.ns . are • d _!-, t11 11 ,' of 1)4 't 11: .,AttiltIrew ' of tie. cont.:inn& - thender. st ()were, :With here ; ttea, d , 11(11 54-8(14. ((1 .,. •into ' nerrovie Metelone.14) ; • Institifte . r.nd 'Professor , tont th..:re . • storms Of . V i9lini., ptopor- 1 14811(1 localities, .and 'these 4.1.- \Villi.O.111 • 1.0Clilload Of O.:. .13iolOgical .1•40'. s, are gra (1: for nitlin.. (lays;• reach- 10 °'l • well -holes voostitnte , YaFt!= tngeinto ileid •tbrine, It the :next regulae •I-iiiitS. ireteiewluelt the: neatest. , le,..e., tt,,.. . Deieertvi Litt.. in tler..thitario • A.grieteetees ••'' i 1.1 Col.e,,,=, -•••.aAmsttd 'liv' • teat 11411.4 .. , of b • ".thes next • storm period.' is:. ecutrals.,.ii ter.. from . what direction... . " ; • ' ; 815(3' - L 2 a -r1"8 t'db.lettb- h.: • barometer ,win tan to • storm I (led,. varialile, often. ileivinti staldtn . Nature Study.. .. • .• • • The. Matedonitld ititete at • the. ors tad° ':AgriCultural Lollege: Guelph, eterai purred. . • • theneer cloud es sure tey ri.she, no mitt- . . . fitnes4 in th • '• ' • • . the Ode at(' the Alercury•period •is . ift *the' nature •of ,T linen 0.'en1ral ••on•the 16th, so that tho twq bring many sl;owers and 'some ga-' the 1 6th to the. 21 st . :This period 'is we eral bard to most sections, lint do 'not, believe that the rain falls Perloas •, combine their 11111111)12.4.5 110111 of the' ceurse. • 'pie Alaedonald 111 (1(1(1.1. is situated 011' .ate -, A, lot1 0f t1itOn'ear•m, Ag i - CV 1 tura!, C4,11fige and •r:ne mile .froiii the city of Gitelph tint) is reaelud bly the •aleo rear the center of the siMinier rwilf eonie tip to. the. average., .talillig electric street. railway. . , • : . sclst. ce, . (iirils acing' the. moon's 'Seri- ti -,,S- -.6.,,,,,iitrv as a al ole, This: nteaus:. i he course will . biel:thorSughly prac-: gee on the 1 611i, and also••al first:waro. .- r -course, -iliat seine sectione Will have ticitle: fa -y.614,61* elail,y . excurshme, .lee - ter • and on. the . celestial . equator ,. shortnge of moisture LefOre :lite elos,e,' -tee:es and 1111)4.) 4(1112 woepe (11;:; prep&r, on elle aDtli. All these causes, cOrn ... et the eueintle We belieVe 21 set- 4.4.14-11 144)) (41 .01 Alai:Inc ,;ItuclN collections and Spir1t:1g ' 4.21114 fl the eotripaiis or. this Ifeat. i and even ea.ngero.'.•esec: t'ioS rei 11 le in (1 1.:: .or:.:to . eMmgirs-ek aof rea•d'r g i.ii C.illts• treticee' 43,-1 Sunlit periodtile ellarJees for gtural: notheestern 4)41(5 of the 101101.11 AillsubjectdiscussiiAeafletgiv 18Stormsate44,112e41ea111)ualcOediti1112id1(ringthe 8i1le4'ii.01iiti1i0nmay11e1112(11)Y ; i ti Th ill ,• erites . of this •:- period. will fall' froil I remainder of the sinnmer, we w , sae multiplied greatly- at th s me. eteplicat iiai tit Ine W.. IT. 'Withdrew, about Satun:lay .the 18th, • to ' r . I that a IlarS'r period . dom ilia Les the htst1)1 4.11 . of . the • instam i.e... . th.i eist; the e tom s Celt tee i fig. -'14.1.-411(10414; ‘. lei:I:elf e't JIL•1.3.' • 1 „ . and that. th3 clieettcter of . dee:a:Idly ..on. and tot:whim; the :2oth, aftill'and weather prevailing as we. : Look .for etartling. and cOntintlotuf• 'HS- : peleletetereiti..leisentirae,71;13:telr•iircOdligi4l.11.aYjc11,'e • :Jai, •••1;!91t OVER: .s1x1,1 'YEARS. .• . . . . . phies '. Of lightnlrg •ti'r.""Igh°Lt kl-li . ',Auguste ette fear that there•will bethao. .. • • Airs. .Winslow's Soothing Syrup: Ilea TIME nights at this period', paid most Bd.,: yi.; fr for .en any (1 ayS thrceigh all the cer ;rie()triet rggreaohit ir;k)svecer.tilLitlxs of • ol beeli used 1.)3' ()f Iliuthers for their children while teething. If dis- • ' 1 ' Trails 'will arrive at and depart from Clinton station as °Rowe : BUFALO -AND GODERIbIl Going East Express • 7.38a.11l. 1 I I 1 11 3,23 pee. Coine," . • 5.20 pen. Going West . • 10.15 a.trt• Goiug West Exprese ......22.55 pan. " artire 6.15 leave 6.40- „ , . • to.32 p.m. LONDON,: lIURO,N• AND BRUCE prv. Going South Express " %North . lexpress , 147 a.m. . 4.15 4/.111, 10.15 5,35 p.m. • A, 0. PATTISON,, Station Agent, • F. R. TIODGENS, Town Ticket Agent. erts of-: the iinantli:. • • coolly N'd intereriteee- peat Lica cos • : it is welt :to: reinember .t.hat ' t cr.ofe.eurreitit events needs : 14e3 be terbielby,- night and broken Of your greeter 'part . o this stiiPmtr SOlstice. • tOld ia.t 'our: forecasts. for the month rest by a evick chil(1... Sidlerieg. .and , , Of- May up, to: go: nt preSS With, 0.)ilig:Witb., pain .of crating teeth send V‘ilea n the- I Lull). 11. a1001)12. .‘1:.,1!Isokalewe,s; ftilflhl<<! 1(1aSii0d0t.grleiftlif!S;b191ltIVLe2 of r C11%4'11.1(1: of what is known as ebeet. dene' Word and Wor •s, ,wei-e • is. iittrcly. 1,arniless.• At • this season the bitter. Twenty to: thirt•-• ban'is suinmer elands Oft,...u. • fluat peri shed 122 stoein and totna(eo, 41.14,1, • t.,i.4-.re11 '14tn, all the lorion in tile property little st!ifaret epend up,itltDiarrhoca,regu- igltniilg--'[h't 15 - --,---. • , • . lates the Stomach and • /3.owe1a, startling Facts in .Regard to the Water upply. • eofteim the Gums, reduces • '1 4' • In lamination and gives tone and 'en- . ergy to the whole system. "Mrs. '• , :Winslow's Soothing Syrup''fon child- . len teethingis pleasant to 'the -taste .-Soma rather startling. facts' lir regard „longer • dispese- of oe':purify. the waste, • • • to the•water stipply oer fartils, eine- wInelttenelis to soak Ban and:Mix with and .is e the•preseriptioit of oue bf the irneight out 'at the conference or: dairy are 50 construtted as te be Mere. sur flarScs in the United .States. Prime. 01 se factorieS and creatneries, Were the grand: water. Spine surface.wells oldest and best female physieia.us and 2 Sold by all drug - are 5 cents a. bottle.' itstreetors and exeerts held in Ottatv;a, ! face drainage pits ; ,thet. is they gists throughout the 'world, Be sure .T. D. MACDONALD, • District vasseee last fall, the o cia r p . ger Agent, 'roronto, is now being distrilmted 1Vir. J, A.I th and. hence receive the surface Wash- 111g Syrup," I I I • e ort of which ' not raised ebove . the sarroteeleng ear- and aek for . "Mre.. Winslow's Sooth- . .e4reer.*eeriereorerevirrearsee waweeeeseeme itudOicle,' thief of :the • dairY Mg direct. Farmers and MakerS (night • Cook's Cotton Root Compound. ladles' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on wbieh woman cart 'depend "in the hair and time of need." 'Prepared In two degrees of Strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No, 1. -For ordinary cases Is by far tbe best dollar medicine known. No. 2 -Por special cases -10 degrees stroneerthree dollars per box. letdies7ask your druggist ter Cook's Cotton Root Compotood. Take nO Other as all mixturee and Imitations are dangerotts. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and reeemmendcd by ail druggiate In the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address On receipt of j)rice and four 2 -cent postage StallaliSr Wlso Coglx Company, . Windsor, Out. Na. r and NO. 2 are SOhl Clititoti by NITatts & Co., B. Cottle:, R. P. Reekie and J. E. Hovey, drue.gists. • • _- 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY 'MAGAZINE A P411/1111.Yc,LIEIRARY The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLCTC NOVELS 'MALY MANY SNORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2480 Pell 'YEAR 25 CI'S. A COPY, NO OC•NTINUEO STORIES • • tiitY NUMBEit COM Kett IN MIMS , , 17,0.00 Ottawa,' • In discitssing the sanitation. elicese factories end ereanteries, Dr. Cornell bsteteriologist ..-at tlte •leinge to' realize that a surface well dote,. no get its water .froin eoneehidden. source below, but is simply a collecting res- ervoir Dairy school, pointed. oat : thee ervoir lox : the „ground Weter derived. eat eanitary requisite is "good: eirrri rain amt. saow water. Atu : ur t - elle grwitter.. Alost, of our ;rectories . clitithe that if the still in the reefghborl 110tI 1 1,eie :water from shallow wens,.,403,a, Itfeal of such a. well is saturated with 'few timing Water from deep -wells, Spr, stion Water 411(.1 fia or factory drain' ings, creeks or rivers. Good : watee aerie that sooner of later' these wil1. eel), be setureit from shallow or mu- 1114.11.4. thei•r w-uY int() "le Well' ' • I'Ve • .:Wens, Yct 'such water is alwaYs - Some Teets. -Prof. Shutt's chemical when it is 'used fot driltking purposes. saililDtawlYtrt8heo.finfaaranriity\:Veell'iliwe arvt'eetils tiotalv): 'elassi Mel its. kespiciosta by sanitariene The reason for this sintply. la that sin- 'little' better than cesspools... Prom. Too Cli vvatereiS grcapd water, derived by to 206 sonples a year are.nnitlysed at seepage through soil of the, rain or the chemical taboratory al 'the Centeal Fieiw ;water. Shallow wells are usual- ,EXperiniental Vann • and not one-fifth which they are to suPP1Y voelltoltelsieosItnec.an 11.311r be 1)88541(1 le agsresitatfeer,ntait1141( lactories -1 ly placed quite close. to the houses Of dila thus the eoil in their neighbor- 1er 1 aere etterly condemned, while ot.he hood is apt to become containinated Ices are reported as .suspicions, •putting .101(1 title contamination is sooner or j'thein in the category of those that later cattle() by seepage into the Well. I me tenetfe :to use, The bacteriological Fnittely, . tlio sett 18 an excellent .exatitivations of Dr. Coneell mid Prof, Olteritets antI .tleansing agent, but it es Harrison. of- the Ontario Agrienlittral only eble to ttlisPoSe of a eettain nait- I,Collegei : show similar results. Dr. (0411 of eenterutilin' fog 1 IA tcrIal. fli:v11,1 Contiellmentioned that: •ott of a (keen diseosal takes; tittle, .40 ttat if there, 1, factory . waters sent him last summer 134 a partiettlarly heavy reel; die eon- 'not (me was found fit for use, A11 latiettatittg 'natter tpety: be earct.s1 far I were badly :eelitiontuateel and for &M- int() the earth beIew the reelfy ng' king purposes. would be immediately laver and thus soak! into aid .41.11S. • 11 I eondeitined. . Later Dr. Connell. 1. atl an alargc aitiolatt, 0-.. this coreaniinathig `•,teeoetenety 01 seehig, tivo of the wel114 1 4 il I t) in )1es were taken. A $50,000,000 Problem. The alboire title is thiecaption'of 1111 !Mere:41.4:g " pall) pl! let 'issued b.ti the, passenger department (if the "Grand Trunk Railway Systeill vounR. t with the World's Vail* at Bt. Louis, April '30t11 to Dectimber :1st, 4ee,04. -'1`be publication contains s verv coloPreliene sive and iuteresting description of t: „the 1Ion. Richard I3artholclt. at -the . 'House (iY Representatives, 'Washington, 'The idairanation centained in. the Iwo' ditire Will tell• bow to , son%) the -850,000,coo probiten and. help eon to deeide upon the hest way to rea,ch, St, LOOS; the eitste many suggeetions and a number of side trips' that - earl be taken in route, with the price of tick- ets; etc. The pamphlet is for free dis- tribution and :may be obtained from any of the itgents -o.1-the Grail& Trunk Railway System. cHowns Goma To Tani: .euters. Intenee intereet 1•as bawl at‘uhed .this ecnenunity Iry tait, arnouncenwnt that Ring -Leg Brothers' immense circus ' ;eel 30. is io exhibit in London Endes.; ;lune loth. ;level al lire; exeursunr, will • go front this vicinity v1.41 14 4:4,1 peo.pla will 18 w'11 trovstooll at the big show. Those tell() go from here ehould make every ellort, to arrive in time to sem the magnilitent raw free•street per- • ade, Which 2ftitta ili tht: murmur, preceding the upening performance. thee mate of I exude glertes are (ANL - MA into thirty seetions end fetch sec- tion is a show in itself -elk parade stall as the work' has never seen before. In this wonderfui dteplay are • shown 108 beeutiful dens, lairs and metes or rate anLmals, a hod ef„ forty leg aud little elephants,. fiso horses fer el ove 1,4.20(2people, elm' section of the pro- cessien is devoted: to magnificent and ec.stly• iloate; reetesenting Genitally, Endhuel, :env. 0, 2 laILL, Persia Set:t1ole:4 the truittel States and other: toteitries. Ilte performance that fel- lows. and uhiel: includes tiie suPcrb speciatettlar predactent of Jerusalem. end the Crusades, is tha most magnifi- cent Olsplay areeic wonders eyer presented by Lily amusement enter- prise hi America. The. meneeerie is Lille() to overflowing witle e 1 al laqt,S11.4 Old 1nrc.b, imiludirIg. the ouly lethy elephoit brut and E8151C4 in the United Slates, .tiwi •44nly 1 li nviceros in $c0.1:- Livity. • THE BEST LAXATIVE SOLD Ts lir. liamillon's. Pills of Mardrake - and, Butternut, which' relieves censt.- laden, ; Ileadael.e and liver -complaitet 111 8 atw. hours. Very mild, yet, 'cer- tain. Use. (Ally Dr.: Haittitten's price 25c. About -pitpile ilt Ole %tar • take 1 art in the 4111.111114.4.' eeam 3 etuere ice the High Selmole 4.11 114 „:e., PEND • ^ • ereete• tee y nue *3 teeet nu: Tillie .0. 1.44 Catnip, wlf1.(4•Ang ('.1.44)24.1(1,1,',, 3, Vull•;:(la;301Ono. v 1),E :LOW it. ridifey 0.:sene and Rhex'anLatlic--1 These terribly Painful ailments are thorou* ly eurecl by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Is Since rheumatism arise* from derangements of the kklneys it can n vet. be cmcd until those organs are restored to ily acting directly on. the kidneys lir. C:-..se'e Kidney -laver Pills cure both kidney disease and rheumatism. 1401.1.10. Ne U market, Ont., states:- " have used Dr. CI: e's Kithwy-Liver rills for kidney trouble, arol.weuld not be'without them for a great deal. They have certainly Clone me a world of good, and- would not Mink of using any other medicine for an ailment of this kind. "My husband is troubled with sciatic rheu- matism and is using 1 r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Thefare doing him more good than any inedieine he ever used, and we both heartily re- comeiend them as.an excenenetnedieine." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the comfort of old age. one pill a dose, 25 lents a box, at all dealers. Portrait and signature of 'Dr. A. W. Chase 'on every box. aePhate Pnlacanstellr°1tseaxippaut where Dr, Chase's Back. ON ION DAY KE 1.11111ON'S PRETTIEST RESORT " Progr ater Sports mining Races Baseball, Footba]l orse aces -77-TH i.0.0*.i.,.0.0.itt..:00.41 enjoys-a...40y itt111.0.. avcsissamitaaraacresdoboneemsbeatamme •• . • :••:••:•••:••:••:••:••:.•:;••:••:••:•••:••:4+•:••:••:•••:••:••;4.•:•*.!..:••,1.4••!•••••••••••*:••••••••••.•••••••••••••••:••••••:••••••••••:••.70.• .,t. . t 4.:•4 '•:•*:• •:••:• •t••:• •:••:••:•11:• 4:4 •••. • • .. •0 . A.:. • • A. . 4:„. • A t 4. • 'Ile second anumil Lawn Social to beheld 4, y .:. y under the auspices ot (,ourt belwood, C. O. 1., •i •••. 1, ., _ y 4.. will take place on - .:. •.• ... A : 2 .t. A' . 4•i. 4. .1 4, Mr, W. Stanley's Lawn : 4. X .. X 'HOLIVIESVILLE Over The J'Tabash . To the great World's 'flair, St. M thing is now wide' • • 1 tri ; tickets on sale daily Lail December ist, lowoet first elas'a one way fare, ge.rd lif. tet days, late ead a third, good sixty (invite •Now is the tittle to see this, bie preatext of alt Expo' 241121148 in the hi:4(4ov 411 the wotld., The gru,t tat';n It is the, banner • tin!, the illortest lout qirickest rou- te from Canada to St., Louis, Tho lltroogli tra'ns c41 110 Wa"V1.414. are *OW aft11118t11041 of all travellere ing to St. Lotds. For time tahleS anti deseriptive folder addrees S. A. Richardson, District Pasectieer Agent, North east coiner King and Young Ste Tot oa to. TRADC MARI% InaCerts1 finds its way into t , front whit. i sa • Lou s, o., every COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending ftsketehrtnd description may wowl ascertain our opinion free whether all trentttin is Probably patentable. CoMmunlcso Ilene striotlyconddennal. ilaudbOOkOn Patents sent free. oldest agency for seetaringisatente. Patents taken thrOu$12 Munn & NOM exam matt, witheut emirs% in the • Scientific. Mtnericatt A handsomely Mustret(4d weekly. /ergot, els . intlation Of any setentme Rennet. Toonts.$8 Mar! four months. $1. Seidbyan oases:per MUNN & CO 26 Itiroadway, oil 'to 0,„„,„b 0)11042.625 r St.,Waslittnettni. 8.4.-. 1,0:Or's t• -t Mtge IleadjTheittfeetant Soap Powder ia better than other /Map powders, it ow at Cie it (Loin feetere the earth becomee soared 2111(1 4 en 1.0 , • • DID YOU GE' Iv Tinto • At this season. tiredness fastens, it- self even upon the tealthy mild strong. et Mit .e.ilinge well you Amid - :MOM up,' get more lihiod into your Veins, increase • your , store of nerveenergy: tthat ;toil 110414 1. tlmnt 1 1 1 2114(1 10111e. Ferree:one, which contains the strotithening elterients your • system nettle. Ferrozone niakes &telt, nerve ' and muscle ; gives yea appetite rebut- ' (taut energy, buoyant spirit2*-44 elloct Verrozone 44.414100e8 health and costs 5041 itt all drogighds. (let-Ferro/clue to- day. , - A. IVO MINUTE CgAlql) C1.112:104 . • - That isle l equalied the world Over I is Nerelliree, -the greatest relief' • for 1 .craniliS sled stomach pair.S•ever ' . i coetire(), Nerviline acts Promptly.. lost I is. 'eery: 'pleasant to tette, "I th•uk ! N.erviliee isthe finest reittecly in the . .1 1 f ' I•t. nil ereums" writes W. it. Wilton of Toledo. "When. I. take 1 . .. . NerViliite I Limey it's trohig to relieve I (Wieldy and for that reason I tim never I Iwithont it. I have foiette:f Ntrriline , good- Cor sick headache anci stomach . troubles. 04 rectountetid it for if" eenge I th and suet:Inas." Excellott for wale' 111L-- good 1.1.7 rub. oit. Price 05e. ' 44,4 •S A t 44:44 A A t •,• ri• ••• A + : •oe ,. Ot. :: i 'A A 4ot t, % .40 4t; • 1 .4e 0 .•:• 44.'41 4 :••:• •:• •I'• •:••:• 44.'• 4444 40 •:• 4444 4,4 4444 4,44 •:* 41/4 44 t4.:• 44 •:.• 4,44 44 •:• 44 •:••:• •:4 . A0 .04 is/losh".4~1.4641.41.46As.Wwla.melvios....1!:ftes.ir lb. 16.11•411.11•111.41•111.11.11111 1101,6 .11•11 4 at 440 11:4 4444+44 4•4•44 •:••:• Oit• 41+ 40:4 4*o:44444 i:14.• 6:4 4+44+484 40 +4444 4'40.8+ 41, •44: $ on the evening of FRIDAY, JUNE 1 The program'will consist of addresses by * seVcral prominent inen and vocal and instru- mental nrusic by talent frorn the township and 4:* o. vicinity. • s • ••• 4:* e • 4:4. •:/ Refreshments including ice cream, etc. rA will be served on the grouguls. A Conveyances"Iyill be run from the.Market44. Square, Clinton, every half hour commencing },;:e at 7 o'clock. Fare for the round trip 10e. F; et• Band, Clinton'-.: o, WILL BE PRESENT •• Mr. VV. Baillie, Dunganoon, will be chairtnan:i r •:* .......•...............---- ..................... Admission, Including Refreshments, 25c 1 •s• ,.. • 4, l' 1 .•1 , X 44: