HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-02, Page 5• June 2nd 1904 1 1,... 1T THE M.OLSONS BANK Incorporated 1,•ty Act Of Padlanlent 1855 Capital authorized, $5,000,000 Capital paid ups $3,000,000 Reserve Fund $Z,850,000 REMOVAL --- :40 The public will please bear in mind that we have removed from out nhl stend, Itattenhury street, to our now Itnd spaeious office (which is now in the centre of the town) in the new Combe block, collier of Victoria and Albert streets (opposite J. W Irwin's grocery.) A call from the public generally is solicited. --SAVINGS !RANK DEPARTMENT— I 'Arrest till owed at highest en:Tent ral es from date of deposit to date of witbdrawal........\. H. C. BRISWER, Manager, • CLINTON. ...0.41,...0.........40•••••••••••••••••0+44••• ++++++4 -i -t -i -H 1t11124++4, The most Pleasing Pres-7.- ents are among SILVER • WARE 7, AND CUT • GLASS • • • • 04-0 • • • • • • NO BRIDE EVER, YET RECEIVED TOO MUCH A OF EITHER. FOR. SALE. -A ntne.•77,if sootle steers and two or thoel ;taw. m cows.--Jclut •Holmas, .14nron Road. cllitton P. O. PARM TO RENT OR 'FOR SALE.-- • 14ot A •con. 9, Godericle. township, . consisting of 8o acres, 40 acres seed- - ed (lean, 6 acres in fall wItteat,i or- . chard,brick house and bank barn. N mile from School, 2% miles (rain Holanesville, 5 Miles: from Clititon. „. Immediate possession. can be triven.-: • George .J. Clinton P. O. . • CAROL It NEWCOMBE A. t, C. organist of Ontorio• street Methedist te• . church. •Teacher of Piano, HetineUYi Penn.. Free Theory lecture. to ant - (leas every Tuesday evening at stu- dio. -Over Newcombe's store, ellie • ton. • • • WE ARE SPIOWING A. VERY (.31010E AS • • SORTM ENT OF SILVER.. lie WARE AND CUT GLASS: FOR Wedding Presents AND THOSE WHO HAVE FRIENDS, WHO ARE ABOUT •• • TC ENTER THE HAPPY' STATE. SHOULD INSPECt OUR sTocric, tril ESE GOODS *0-: MUST BE SEEN TO BE 1.• APPRECIATED. ••• • •D -0000-00-o00-0-0-0-0-0.•• W. II. Heliyar Jeweler and Optician e —CLINTON.• — 4 -14.1 -1.4 -144.4 -1 -1+1 -1 -1÷1÷1 -1 -1 -1 - We Couldn't. - Coal You? • Have. built up e. first class ead•e, such as we have 2 ' unless our goods were right, in every vyey... We sell the Finest Goods for the finest track.. One trial convinces you of this. • . Among other lines we cel in Fancy Biscuits. • We _- keep Assortud 13iscuits at ific per lb. up to Macaroons at Me, In Olives and Pickles we. have only the best : 'Chutney Chili • ;Sauce, Chow -Chow, sweet ana emir Vinegar Pickles and elsci Horse Radish. ' • We still solicit your trede W. T. O'Neil. CLINTON ,A4 Buy Tour Bicycle Here. 'CLINTON DYE WORKS -I AM PRE - pared to do all kiges. of . Cleaning, • Dyeieg and Pressing . of Clothes. • All Werk don,: an. short notice and satisfaction -van ii eed • WARD. • • • • DR. BUTLER, EYE, EAR, NOSE and Throat Specialist, 370 Queens A.venoe, Landon, 3rd cloer east .of St. Andrew's Church:. Glasses 'sap- . Plia • Will be, at the . Rettenhitry lloese, 'Clinton, April .28, „Tulle 2. and • • • COAL! LEAVE. YOITR.:ORDF;RS :NOW . . • FOR YOUR, SEASON'S SUP- prx• . COAL. WE CARRY •ONLY THY. VERY -BEST GRA- • •; DES AlTpcir .wir,r, BE SOLD.... • AT THE 'LOWEST .POSSIBLE .• • PRICE • - • ORDERS MAY 13E:LEPTAT. nAvi-§•&-ib* I; A N 13,S I TARO- . WARE STORE OR WITH . Stevenson. The Clinton Novs-Record 1.1111011111111111010.111111111111.11111.0111 Marriages. Goderich. NEWCOAIIIE-STERCII-In the Nerd,. 'Woodward .vnrc 1%I. E. church,. Detroit, tot June • ist, by Rev. Ches. B. Allen, Lillian, daughter of Mr. Chas. Sterch, Detroit,, to J. W. Nteieconthe of Clinton, Ont. BURGESS-I:JENKINS-At the home ol the bride's parents,. Ternberry, on May 24t13, by Rev. r. Swaim; Bluevale,_ Mr. James Burgess of • Brentford, to•Miss Jennie, young- est daughter of Mr, areli Mrs. Thos, . Jenkins. REID-OWENS-At Luelttiow or May Ly Rev. J. N. McLean, 13. A., of Wingbane Mr. Freckrick Owens of Warren, Mieb., to Miss jernieidaughter of Mr. Reb,ert Reid of Ltianow- ' BISHOP -KNIGHTS -At Knox cht4rch =use. on Itiey 25th,, by Rev. Jas.. A. Anderson B. A., Prederick J,. Bishop to Rosie Knights,. young- est dauglter cf Charles Knights, all a GcO'crich.. • • Births. AlacPARLANE-In Stanley Ot1 191,11,, to Mr. and Mrs...lahn Parlane, a, daughter, JUDDt-In Clietion on Mey 3ollt, to Mr; and Mrs. Thos: Judd, a...daughter. Lavridt-,u Plaid t (.4 hley • t4the to . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Little, a dau- ghter, COPSINS-In Hullett on May 26the to . • Mr. •and tootsins, a • daugt 1:er. ' •. SCHAPER-In Winglisim on May 250, • to Mr. • and Mrs. Adam Schafer, a son. S:afortli on May 3rd, to . • Mr. arid Mrs. A. Smith, i4 SC.N. •BLANSHARD-In McKillap • art .May :** nod, :to . Mr. and Mrs. William Rlansha,rd, a son. • HOGGARTH-In Tuckersinith on May 23rd,. • to Mr. and Mrs. William • 1-loggarth, a son. WEST -In Bluevale on. Mr v 2oth, to 'Rev. end Mrs, \Vest, a ,se.s. LAWSON-In Colborne c•n May i8th, to hit. and Mrs. R. Lawson,twins, boy and . girl, ' • . . WALLACE-.In Goderich on May 23rd, to Mr: and Mrs Wiliiain Wallace, e, son. •• ••". HARDY -In Coderich on gay 23rd, ta Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Hardy,: a. Sen. • • Deaths. • ANDERSON -In Goderich' township on : May 26th, ..lobn 'Atidersierei aged 86 years.. - FITZSIMONSe-In Clinton on gay -27, • . Amy • Pitzimens, •daughter of th•e.. :late Samuel Pitzsimens, •aged 30 • . • years. . . •• • • ALEXANDER -In Gcdericli township On May • 28th, P.;•lizabeth Splann, • reliet 'of Alm; •lete• William AleXan- , der, agod.oe years. • • • .• .• •• STORDY-in Ambero cit May zetit, • • 'Mrs. jahe e • d ?-•) vear. COOK -In 3.31yth .on May 31S1, *Roland: • • .U.bk, Agee:J. 38 years- and i9 ilays. at • , • blare Ogilvie.,.wife of the late John 13.• -Grieve, aged ti7 years, • • McKillop on May 251.11„. • Edward • :fames Howes, aged 72 years. HARRIS -•At. Wroxeter on 'Bay • 24th, :(org llarris, agid 56 years:. •Winglieni, on MayZziel, Elizabeth • Inv rtlet (-A. the • • • late /saheb. Ingram,' forinerly of • 111eKillop',:iu•her, 471.11' year.: • • A mothers' Meeting was lield on toi. day at the lenw (if Mrs. D. :Camera, - ,The Cellegiate sports •took place cat Priday last. We like .0, little unthus- iresin to enter the hearts of our citi- zens ou certain occasions and the Col- legiate sports reqvire wore enthusia- sm than was shown co. Friday. The tiperts..were .good, the young men End Wallita this term were all reaely for. the fray but the hand stand was not .1/11102 more than One third :of it oc- cupied. The bittycle races and the egg race had girl students .conmetefor the prizes. hliss Evelyn McDonald won first prize, a perfume bottle for the bicycle race and Miss'Vesta How- ell sewed.. Miss . ES0Iyif Maedoimid wen in the girl's' race and Harvey Hillier the boys: The ex-stedents ev- ent:: were woe by Tont Cosford and Howard Robertson. Miss Myrtle,How- ell got first and Miss •Id a Hood sec- (ael in the spilte• driving .contest. Sick race -Prank Saunders end. Bruce • An- Olerson. The senior cluottpioeship was wort by Stewart Merray. The prizes :were presented lijr Dirs. Field.• May . Mac- pon yourself 'haw inuch a 'shoe haft to do •with the appearance of your. foCt- . What -isehan a poorly shaped shoe.? • Whot is •daintier than • . • . • A TRIM' CLEAN CUT zuoz...... • • • e an • that fits closely aboutth • • ot• • ••d brings • out its natural -.artistic 'lines. We. cen find •a 'slice 1.6 fit youe fcot- no matter how lord. you are tomtit. Our spring stock has arrived • and the priceie are right.' We. are •showing a line. • of ehoes for Men at $3:5o that can'tbe •'• licet for twice anti quality.. Also 'a line .6f. shawl for woMen (The: Queen Alexander) fer,152. Which is extra value.. Come in. mei have a look at Mir stock. No tremble to show goods.. If you went god solid com fort in wheeling, hey a Cush- ion Praane,bicycle with Et cow ter Brake. We keep thine in stock from the best makers. We also keep all keds., of bicycle suncli•ies. Lawn Mowers, Sciasors, Knives, etc., sharpened. ENTIRE S'ATISPACTION GUAR- ANTEED. CALL ANI) SEE STIOP oritN rtvititv v•irmialia iuy'rTttIMAV AND TItURSDAY, A.. Turner, Groceries, pII4ETON POR 'SALE: -IN- FIRST- :e1nsscoiidioii. Has child's seat in front. • Willhe sold Cliettp•-,-J. Rate teirbiiry. •2I FOR SALE,-GOODSECOND 4IAND Act) buggy, 'aIntost es • good: as eiew. • Will Sold .eleap.- APplY• ; Clinton . -- LADIES'..-BICCLE FOR . SALE.' ,-Very • little esed.--Apply at •The News-Re:cord • ollice. eo Morris Township. A mare belonging- to -.J8421eS 3rd Line, presented her owner . with twin colt:: recently but, uefortitnetely both died-. . Michie, who went West a few Month; ego, is employed 111 the Indian • Heed locality; He may not become, a permanent resident. " The school wes re-opentid at Iltewn- town and preeching was •resemed last Sabbath afterthe close -down ()wing te the pre:amity of smallpox.. •• A new clue ch shed is being built at BroWntown 46e66 feet WAAL w a. • af- ford greater accommodation for the . - conveyances of thoseworshipping the- re, • ars. 1). Murchison of Glenonne.n,,Mr, •McDer.ald c.f. St: Helens and Mrs. Wal- ter Sheep. of Goderich were visitors at James Sherrie's, 4th tine, !this week. • George Bielby, .who has .completed his. .first year in the Arts course at. Victoria POiYersity,. Tort:at:0; left hist week- on a trip to the West Where he purposes spending his .ya,cE.tipAt. • • .1 . Mrs, Gilbert Speir, 4th Line, has Mt& beim euite as well as •nsual •tor the past few .weeks, her heart being.... the cause. -She is NVell kirOwli it) tie • ceno umnity and has been vironderfolly.•ac- tiVe and bright •for. a Women of her . age, •haVing passed her .84th birthday in March. . . Win: and •.Mrs.- Bryanse 4th • Iiine•,•ar rived home .Monday from ,Teronto af- ter spendieg. a few days .in the ' city consulting • specialists' alaiut . M.ss illeitcle's • ankle •which shi.3 had.• broken two •years .& half- ego.and which: :has not been doing as well as Jur friends would. wish..Miss .Alaudc 'venial:eel in -the city for. treat:Meet, Chas.,. Prank • and George ,GereesS; formerly ,.• of the • 3rd ..com, have...each taken up • Itkil -.acres • in the. Nieissieg .Distriet. • The • farine•are. located' about: :4 4. • aril leso• foam : • New • 'Lis:keg:rd.,. • . the it- • Postolliee bein: Charlton. Getage-. .anct• hiS • tet.si"Xilliam •or.e. here. Ior the • seiniti6r • bet a.nd Prank villre- main-in: the 'earth., • • •• • • DESIRABLE • *OATH • Houseand lots iii the c•f Hale • mestrille, The 'undersigned. Oilers for sale tier: large 'two-story britli hou- se, with .slate roof., good rellar;large fertiece, hard and S9it *atAir in :11cuse; stable .and•drive shed,good -garden,- all kinds c,l• frnits. ,Also .• about 2%. •acres cif • leed is offered -lar • sale, • Convenient- to railro.id poStollice; clitirch•and Scheel. Apply byI mail.. or oh e.114. premises hirs. ...C. • Pickard; lTwee eO, . . , • . . • PAPER. 'HANGINGe---WHEN• YOU • • require any •.paler katiging done: ;40 not forget togive ine a call. ,Satis- .•feetion guaranteed. or nanioney ask- ed. Price- of -havging; ten cents per roll. Orders. left at. A. Couch's meet. ;market or at 'my' residencc;•, west 'mid, • Ratteeleiry street, will receive prom-• pt .attettion.i-Thcodore Hale, zo thir stock is cOmplete. We. have ro goodtline of .lionot Tees, green aed black, Ti r•ackage teas we carry the letdella; Red. Rose, Blue Ribbon. and Liptools celebrated teas. • •were booght before the adVillia: in price Which we gi • e• ocr customers the benefit of. and .Pailey Biscuits,. lloiled llam, Steel:ed. Roll,Breakfast Bacon,Pickled .Pigs .Peet, Calmed .Meitts, Pickles in bulb and •bottles cl all kinds. A Wel order Will convince youthat -we carry a stock equal -.to . anti' hi the trecle and the prices rea- sonable, AlsOa ear (O.' Redp*.th's Set- • or just arrited which we are selling at cost. In seeds we have gct good Red Clover, Alsike, TinictLy; Mangold and Ternip 'seed and alt kinds of garden • seeds, orchard grass. • lit crockery we have a few dinner Sets we ere selling very cheap. You trade selected. R. GRAHAM • Ogle Cooper's ole, stand. Cash for Butter atid Eggs. PliOne 23 140•••••••••••••• Call and See. wit worm) ASC.: vor CALL AND SEE Orit• NEW STOCK 01` GRA.NITEWARE AND TINWARE. (:001) OVA- mro AT LOW rivomo: FOR. .SALW 'OR TO :RENT., -A. COM- • fertdble tioese• situated -ott tomer . of Church' and Osborne strcets.-Apply • to. CHAS, OVER13DRY. July • THOROBRED REGISTE1M DUR- hem -Bull for .sale, 13 months old. • llave.Iwo, will sell one cheap. -Al- bert Nott, lot 24, con. 2, Staulch Clintoe I'. 0. 15 Our etoek econprises eterything • neceSsary for home use. Eggs takeri in exchange for goods. 1 Mrs, Shier'$ vs'atiri ..-.Belgrave, - • Mronee•Alio:::: ,j Vannaitip of Morris, gro.arel Mrs. . Jas. • Nichol :61 .13elgravei .and, • Mr. and Mrs.. R. -Owens of East. Wawaeash„ spent Sunday...at Mr: Jas.'. Nethery's, • • • • . ••• , . • • . Messrs. P..W..; Spett and 1. talker have ereeted new windmills. • • " • hlr." 1J J Hallahan ..spent • Sunday with -friends at- St. ..Aagustitie. • •••• . • . . . Conites Guelph .is visit- ing friends no this Viciniiy, • • •i• '1.Bri•- .I.Olut.•Masoin lost..a ' terY valtede,. •le.'-eow -last:week 'from. a tumor on the •—.• .• Intigs:• .' • '; • •• • • •• • . .''Ilie..feairierS: are •letao...on Mr, •.Drivid tettiliat's -11*W..brabh • -- - • • • - .Gc•sman is :engaged . at• Mr. ,as; Anderson's." . • - • • • . Thos: Willianks spent. Sunday. • • • with .Wieigheni Messrs. A. :Nethery cad. A. Williams spent Seneny witli JItalett.: friends.o. • • .Miss .:•Leishinee.left:•. - for gm...Rohn • ov:Wednesd.ay -6f.last Wee,k, We wish her. eVery success.Ocw• .• • • ' • • MEETING OF THE C0UNC/1.4 OF The County of Huron. -The council of the County of Herm will meet in the council chamlber in. the towo of Goderich T.uesday, June the 7th, at 3 o'.elock. All accounts to come • before the council most beplaced, with the Clerk on or before first day • of meeting. -W. Lane, Clerk., Dated May e3rd, 1904. souses for Sale. Whainn. E*chainge Says Tlie..fallOwing: from -•the tValliteeburg News, is • troe of The News -Record.: icOer paper. is 'never .disconti-nued when a sObscriber's time -is up utile,ss orclere ed.- dam so atthat time by the sob- acriber and, areears ate paid and then it will be dorm so. Lock at your lab- el and then yini•cen see aiow you stand,. If We stopped the paper' when nab, Wilber andarrearSare paid and) then, the niajoritY of :people wlio would gay "dente you think we're worth, it ?" Who would :13c. 'without the News any- way rio. •• • • •• • :Hard.. on the Clergy. • A well known Huron clergymentells the following rather good story on' hireself. It seems that little den- gliter had ,,requested something for her" and he complieifi with her request hv Illarkr0g, out tlie figaire of a one.u. ;Tape," iiinocernly queried the little girl ls that a -gentle- man Or a- mipistee ry 1 -Good Cottage and two lots ott Isaac street. 2-G00al House arid two lots with large plum orchard on Pultort street. • 3 -Comfortable House and ono lot cu Joseph etrect. 4-Bricloll'oese mid two lots oit Mary street. 5-Twa Houses 'on Rattenbury street west. 6 -Large Brick House, with siX acres of land, barn and drivivg barn, good orchard, withiva mile of centre of • Clinton. 7-14`rante Ilouse with eight cores of land, buns and orchard, on Diusley Terrace. loot terms, etc., applv ta HENRY BEATTIE, ii01citor1 etc. Clinton, NO OPERATIONS NEEDED NOW. _ 4, , 1, • Li oet TO. TIE WOMEN OF ME UNMI) S,TATEi Successful Home Treatment. Dr. Hartman's Cure, for Female Diseases—A Generous Offer to Women. *writs. Women'. are Z.A.pplying by. Thousand3 for Or. Hartman's A.74. Leaf Club, 1402 eth Vir013 Home Treatment by Letter. J'.r.COA.DY, Treasurer of the gq 0,0,41:10,1„ counoo. Bluffs, Iowa,Writes: Avenue, 1lii?'" ',per... Is no exPerhnental One. 1 have used it off and on now for three years. 441 that time 1 was cured of irregular and painful men- struation. Since that time 1 have taken it for indigestion or whenever I felt overworked and in ,wed of a tonic, and 1 have always found that it was of great benefit to me. I ani therefore pleased and happy to say a word in its praise and shall gladly indorse it to my friends." --.Mrs. J. P. Coady., ,M4sa Hattie Orace, 254 West 40th St., Now York, writes: “Peruna has changed me from a fretful, irritable, nervous woman into 4. healthy .and a happy one. Nothing seems to worry" and to fret me any more. Since early womanhood 1 sof. fererl with bearing down pains and nervousness. ',was thin and worried, but Peruna restored me. Those who knew me before cannot understand Me change. but I cttn sum Hall up lathe • blessed wordPeruna."...11attle Grace, Mrs. Illizebetlt Poreuson, No.1.8/ Glst at, Brooklyn, N. :Ye President West R,tp,otampleased ritt yAersedi ubono-i$0lvrh 91ciotya,tasi wribtleess: ,4r,tig PCruna has. been to me. Severalyears HATTIE a.iraavv, n•MaYncrIO31acastrolt dualoundesweehmetehderhp llin vreco • Or 4lied. • 1 had taken so much merit. eine that the sight.Of a bottle made me 1 had read about Permit:curing •wor,:en, and I thought perhaps it would • help inc. :1 bought a bottle and beforo. iVr.IS i!nkhedl felt better. • 1 kept on taking' it, and after three months' faithful use 1 waS a well woritan and .tbl6 to do, the work .and undergo the - strain of yotinger Pergiison, . in Ile* of the groat multitude of wo- men suffering,from eon° form Of mos. disease and yot unable teellnd any mire, Dr. Hartman, the renowned gynecolo- gist; has announced hia'-willingriess to direct the treatment of as many eases as make application to him during tho summer months without charge. 'I'hatreatmeet will bo conducted by oorrespondenoe, The doctor will. pito- . . seribe.all medicines,applications, hy- oleitio and dietary regulations noceseery lc. complete a Cure. The medicines pro- m -Oiled• can • be Obtained, at all. dreg devoted:exclusively to the treatment. of OftoeOyear after year. : e Loxes. This offer :Will hold geed only :female cligessior. Ho is thus brought to No Martyr in, .pcietryor 'heroine in %during' tho• slimmer months: Any wo- ace thousands of. Alai cases every yes,r,• romance reakes a more touching appeal . •irien can heconie a •regular, patient by the tnest of whoin totarn totheir homes to leinian sympathy than. the Woman ecielIng &writtee Statentent a her age, to bo treated .by'.corroppopdonco; •The Inirderted. with.: the earea of it faintly; eriedltion a lifte history and eynipterne principal remedr:hatelies upohin such trying: to carry -the extra load •of some oi her derangements:. • . ' case's 1.3 Penance Which every woman toretionting and eVer • pre.seitt female. • All email of female (Repast* inclitcling hould have whohas any. affection...of disease. • . .. • • .• • "iennetrual irregularities, clitifilszernents, ..this:•kitid. • Those' Wishing "to become Dr: Hartman's. sympathy :for ,sinsh le • Operations,. inilautinationie disehargeS, patients should address Ir S D.' Ilare. :Unbounded, and .his Will:Mowed to help' 'irritation of the ovaries, tamers .and ManrOolumbus,,Ohio.: . •• them limited- poly. to Itis /it:item.' • . • : gr'143•511112•I6:•agttasakaiket•eisApaiaaatazatibtiliiietv=ignoTtersi . • • Porter'S• • •• 111.Aabo,11.,:d44/6-4S:444110k,S9, • • • COADY. Euzpse .e.F.Rousoiv. taXigekamte,loswiffrize.acassoglIC.1....1..bo • J;11:Z . HARTMAN. ..ellaitiV2b3WoelggVa$3 • dropsy of the abdomen, should apply at NO one knows better than Dr. 13art- once and become registered as regular man how much the women suffer with • . patients. All correspondence will be diseases peculiar to their sex. No one -held strictly •Conildential. knows better than he does how many As is well known, Dr. Hartman is the of •thern suffer with such diseases.. president of The Hartman Sanitarium, Patiently, hopefully, wearily, and often an institution which hasa department sllently, thOY eke out a. Miserable exist- Miss l'.earl. Pcitere wl o with • her' 0.• inether; and: little sister spent. severe& . weeks visitieg • faciels in .Woedstock, upen her reiern• was taken very ill, re-. ettiriu.g' the 'services • 'of a 'Pflyicitak. We. hcpe to.hear. of -her ' speOly recov- . • Mr: Pre& Morgan, our•populax ener-: chant.i. ;has greatly added- to the epp-' 'earonce of his enemies by. the erection of a netit fence., • •. :•Mr. • L. *eh& 6f the 13atifield Line • visited Mr. Jahn Bettcani nt Friday of. . L1r J. Hamilton, contractor, ;Who • made 'a' business • trip. to Sudbury, ate ter a -short :absence returned; He says..a.fter all his travels .there is:. 'no Place like old Coderich•toeinship... Several'. of our young. peeple took in thee deuce .at• J.Owett?s Ba.y.. .11e1d, last Weduesday 'eight. • 'Ilea. ardor was considerable dampened' be-. fore- returning lititua as it rained all GRAVEL AND MADDER DISEASE .• c.matn in:, DODD'S KIDNEV InLLS. Mit mmot 400 • LondeShorb. •• „ . . R. T,. of T. 'Loyally .t.tetecil,.- -ton, .Vigited the councilhere.' an der week. A choice. program, Subston• • tial Mitch,. speeches; ete„ •ferilled- tte • order otthe evening and pleasant .tinie - was, evidently isetoo. liy all. .. • .• . , TORONTO BRICICI4AYEk RELIEV- •ED OF THOSE -TERRIBLE TROU-. nr,us-No;n1cAr, Ocirivck; mAx. ES ANOTHER MOVE PORWARD. l'oroittoo Ont., May 3c» -(Special) - Medical Science has at length awaken- ed to the fact that Gravel and other bladder troikles are causal by dis- ordered kidneys tan6 that the incdern method of coring them is, to- cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kideey Pills. TleN does awaywith those terrible opera- tionsi that n past yes.rs have been all toa CCArliii011: - The ease of William Thomas, brick- layer, 1'58 1VRII street, thie city, is one of the recent proofs of the efficiency of the treatment. Mr. Thomas says : had been troubled with gravel and bladder disease for seven years. I bad to go to the hospital and have water Wren from inc. X tried Medi- cines of different Wit& butthey failed to remove the trouble. Hearing of cures by them, prompted 1110 tO try Dodd's. Kidney Pills (Met al, ter taking' them for a time 1 passeda stone the size of a large bean. roue boxes of Dodd's Ridney Pills 'Mad* a somplete cure of my ease." • The Methodist Sunday school. *Will hold their' •annuol lawn social • on the grounds' of the parectnage on the tiven.- mg- c.. Wetbieseloy; Jtine the. zzed. Ef- ficept cowaiiitteca are dc.puig alp iiitheir. pottierto have every .featore -a suciess: Keep the date °Lien end...mach for fur - the.r antioniicenuoits.: .: • • • . • Rev.-. Mr. Kennedy oer ou iiiesday morningi: to 's,tterd: -Conference at Loa - don. blesses, R.G. Web , ane' W. Jowett vsill oafilisc(ib •iattocant. ddas,. representatives ,of. the Dux. rice. pathent at Auburn �it Tnesda'v Last, Henry Riley of the..P. eel!. C. spent: the recent•holidays at home, • • . • ' Ali's. John Bell of Clioton visit- ing fiends here recently. • • • Miss Goodwin of Clinton has found necessary to discontinue her class in music petit the fall, Mr. Cook, •a very efficient teacher arid musiciatt,will, take charge of her lerge class • . here. Mr. Cook is a pupil of Professor. Caui- Pbcfl and Conies highly recommended. • Hensall. 4 ; On hlonclity evening- week the geed people of Cern' el church held an int. portant meeting to decide as to who was to be their itilda SII01)1.0rd. Olt 0, motioe the 'members 'expressed Odr willingness to vote. On the first bal- lot being counted it Was nett that Rev. Mr. Smith of -Milton, who prea- 'cited last Sabbath, was the favorite, , and further votes gale him the requir- ed tWo thirds of the 'vote taken. •the Saturday- eveoing A..hfcriterson wes seizeit with 0, :40401.0 -attack of lier- nia and 1t. '070.% 1010121 necessary to per- form ari operation to. save his life. Dr, Gu•nu of Clinton was sent for, and assisted by Dr. Mactlierwid •audi • Miss Mathewsom the mese who is taking care of Mrs. Maims, Mr. i'dePherson 'came throligh the • olieration nicely and is recoveriug steadily. It will be some tilve licfere he is -able to Munie his leisiness "but the preepects are that his health will be lictter than, ever. 1 I• Set:titer Al. S. Quay of Prosolvanot 'i, dying. Ile is (lie of the most no - Timis of American politician:to • OAL Authracite. Coal • from, the hest mining dis- trict. i Pensylvania... Ail Sizes dt Chestnu.tsi.ove Egg • and Grate Coal, highest grades.at lowest market price; qual- ity considered. It pays to buy the hest: • Bituminous Coal • Massillon and Hocking . Valley Select fauxip,.. purest and best soft coal in the naarket for doraesti3 use. - Charcoal •. • 15 cents per sacks OT 2 • sacks for 25 cents. Just the thing for starting fires, Toasting, Broiling, etc. ; Loavo your orders at oni Store. Prompt delivery and Satisfaction guaranteed. - $' • . AR1 ND BROS STOVES .1" ..A.ND • : HARDWAE,,E N.sougmlonseammoilitujimmiemosninwsinismonsucansidlIN . . . .• ress Goods, Trimmings Silks, y Prints,• Staples, etc. :. to •• j "•r:„ 1 • : „ „ „ „ „ , „ „ „ „ „ „ ft • • X •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••• •••••••••••••••••44 ••• ••• +.4 0,4 to ••• ••• • • • .s • • ,t• a y .1. .aa31, • • ii! .itI#: .0Fresrrivas4. •.4*:4: • (2 7 ' p.2I4n4:„, iyy • • • • • • • " •/.• 44 gbollOWAIVW1611/4101116.111016•11 + •:* :i: CI) 41) 3, •: 0 0.• •' X •$26 .ei •New Dress G-oods 4;• tp (T), 1. „, :::::: ; :r+ i,::: : : •: : Yua:boryeiWia:isetit.nog. s . ,.... - •{Im "• .-., Ladies' Parasols .1, 0 1... s z.,. .. , • ›.,,• co • , c.. =•,u. : t 14 .t. .4 > g:4 =0. .• ? 0 y . cti E ,,, :$ or 441 gt We purpose keeping 0121 y371: • iall 4. ". 14 1/) 4•S:the best arid most up -to-; 11,71' i 4*. co ;.., + 1$: 5 :ei J..) .4:: date goods atlowestprioes + • 44: '5 .t. • ,r) .s. 1 *I t% *fr•. t 0 4 .S. pc 4,:, •.1: 'A 4.1 1: H. Plurnsteel. t. • ... .:. + y 4s, •t. .-,+. ). • .... 1: The Old Stand. Clinton...I. 4. +.t. •-• ::: I. 44,4 . ja 444,444.44.4•40.*tos.....••••••40 44414 44'044 4:0444•41 • 0.44.:+4.4•404,•• + lit. ••44 :::: %Pr' toots and Shoes, good quality "gt.. +. t. *. .t. ..7.1 111:. *.i: .t. tr low price. Ladies' Rubbers 45c 44 r: • 11 4.