The Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-02, Page 4The NewswRecord is published every Thursday at The News -Record Printing &woe ALBERT S'PREET, — tI 'A 1,1m. Terms of subscription -4r per year in advanet t f1.50 may be charged if Pot st paid.. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the optfoo of the publisher. The date to which every subscription. is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates— Transient adver- tieements, I0 cents per noupariel line for first insertion and 3 eenla per line for each sulakouent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed, one neh, such as "I,Ost," "Stray- ed," "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 55 cents and each subsequent in- sertion le cents. Communications intended for publics. - tam must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by. the harm of tke writer, • To meure publication in current issue copy ot advertisements should Ie sent in early, Contract ,retes—The following table sliows our rates for sPecilied per. iods and space : yr. 6 in°. 3 mo. 1 mo. 1 Column $70 oo 1340 00 $25, 00 $8 Colunin 40 00 25 00 T5 00 6 co X Column 25 oo 15 cio 8 oa 2 so '14 Column 18 cio to 00 5 50 2 co 1 Inch 6 00 3 so 2 oo 1 25 W. J. ATITCHL'I.LI Editpr eed Prole, ittor. • The Week In Parliament, • Thi• Grant Triu' jtcifi con:reetas - anitnd,0 in the interests pf the Grand Trim" I4 oil wee Co n pony, • easited . h Commons this week: The Government ina!,ority was 46,..the Fete etendieg to 39 in favor ct the deal. • .- . The Government to thevery re:Insect to accept efly .a.mendenents . ,to the measure whreli was i-oted through es it came 'from. the railway pro • inciters. Mr. R. I,. 13ordvn; the Conservative leader, placed himself on •reco.rd as strongly in favor 91 Government own - of tie new tronscoet•in, real line, and declared that it Lis eerty. be return:d to power at the next general' electiew„ they will bring in 1egit:10.10u to tale over the rued, no matter 'hoe' far its t or,:tructioe will have, lean navel:eel with. . •' 31r. Borden alto con lowe tel the ton leo"! of the cote:try bya rail:wee corporat ice. 1 be of ' he, •C on 5et-votive:4, he a -temente. d, wai; 1,0 place • • the •Goverament alievette end eit cot. torations.lie pciiiiied oat...that 'the. peoele instead ef beittg given a. 'goy... • ernment .ownt d railway . wete to: be preSen Led wi th a railway os ned gO.V. . ern:meat- .11e :ince • , d •ar4 •asneutli" calling upon the 1,d13oinistration' to as - some liability.. one:Until greater then: it is ttitder a • ing wad build ,and. •'oper. ate the toad,. Of course this was vot- ed doe n by older of the Grand 'frank. A . ft ature of the elatiing heeirsof the debate wee a speech by:the Minister C[ Railways,- who hat'. hardly been in Itis seat. diutireg the entire' discussnm of the bill. Mr. Emmereon swallowed all • of his past professions iiifavcjof gov- 1.1 nment ownership: • .:• . • 1 1114; surd statement that a line -from. pe(en to 'ocean could be beilt. id: a coet .of 4,000e -ex), .• • . . 111 r. Fielding .. a,gai reoeatee T.11 .inade .enother effott 10 secure - protection foe ,Canadian -en.gintitS , • woer. are- being .eXeluded bythe Grand Trunk en order to lieepley Asee ericans..- - All that the Altnieter: of 'Lab-. or weeeld • proolitse.. Was a edminission • to enquirelate the matter, atielenicee • while the Ainericane 'ore' to be.: to rumen 111 the.. einotoy :of: :the. :ceol- pany,: who are •spending the - people's money to hie:Agit:ors: . • : • . • • • •-•- • At. the last ind tont -the -govern-, ment, through .Mr. Fieldisige submitted a statement of •the demands.• of the Ora.nd Trunk for subsidy:10T; :11 from Nerth Bay- tO the. Paeirice was referred to as a coned: ntial dome; nate by the late Mr. 11IeCteary • on April 29•111, 'Sir. Wilfrid Laurier-: ..hail declared thet ell -Papers. had • leitet' brought clown on this • triteetion. - was abeolutely iilltVOC 11 thil. btee of• the Proinier's anuouneentent awl • Sir • Wilfrid is the iirst man,. who, .1e; Pre- ' ernier of Canada, bas made a tallier.- • -aeely Use 'statement to.. Parliament. - -• • - . • • -`1P.NPFP14•••••... 9 --That the Government eliottld have 1 :hat -lege rightS and running powers ov- er the Western eirvisiOn for tit4 Iseried granted to the company over the Eastern envision. /0-..11et the Government be oes- powere4 to expropriate the railway front ocean to ocean upon ratline fair compensatiose. to ---That the Government be gi,Ven the powers of expropriation(. in the ev- eta urey diversion oc freight from Cenadiatt unnelS. . Open Door For Foreigners. Untited States civil civincers; con- tractors, manufacturers, artizans 13.13(1laborers will Lave thentSelves to blame if they de not get ntacle a 1 the moo- ey about to be eeent in the "Nation- al" Transcontituntal tailway, The whole Situation is now in the hands of A.merican engineers, whe are to be protected by the Government to this exteret, that none are to be. deported ert Ontario comely (exert Judge hes atv opportunity to Mal out. jf tneu, whose American addresses have been in the Lamle c 1 the Minister of Labor for weeks, are. really }lying 411! Canada. Of course the farce will last fee inoo- ths anO ifl the ineaatime the Yankees will be elvtting rich at the exeense, of Ceinaeinns. -United- States manufactur- ers and labor should fare well e.t the hands of their fellow • countrymen, who- se sympathies are ho ina tt 00 • with those of their own, nationality, l'Le Conservative arty vtunlv erged upon* Utz Painier that, in the'best interests•• of tle .Country i3, claim r•hould be in- serted in the 0. T. It, :contract lo :com- pel the Grand Trunk to emplcy . only .;anadian labor in all branches. That is. Just allot was done alien the Crows Nest contract .wiis araA lip axe.] 1,1 Grits have been preisine. their thought- fulness' .that occaelon ever smee. If the preeav.tion was a wise cne ifl. ch.t case of th.: .Crows Nest; bowie:mit itiore necessery • is it in es:meet:ion. with the great. cohere:et the °overlie ment las • loreeei tlirrrigh• Parliament, which 'involves the epenet no. of Milliens mm on illions more • theta Ole cost of the Crows. Nest. But Sir Wilfrid La- orter, hotted :hand k,41e• foot the Grand 'Thmk, epliipellect • his followers vac :doe n ' the. OpposItion amend-. lane. Eighty:six • Liberals ranged themselves against the- Canedian wcrk- nen and in, favor of aliens,. too many of wham orte alre*,cl 1 1. pay of the • • •Ountry as. sure:eV-ors on the new line; Canada has been squeezed • p.retty hard by the reilway'er.ontoters in this gedat grab,. Initthere is evidently more to fellow, ' . . • . . . . • . '** The 'Man From -MaixiOtulin . • • . Speaks At Mit ehell . , Mach:ill., May 2,Stll__.i\fr 1I R., Gene, . ey'e- Visit to Mitchell lest night ',imbu- e/et a. ghat' crewd t0 town, (hi hiti • err it al 1 ti en ei ober leie A tan i tit til in Was evrtnedtiel . by the; brass.. band...-. • peeple". ono: font? L, milts antl. .lee • lerge o,vera,.. bail was erded:d to stolOcation hile hone -reds were: unable • togUn Odin i tie nee . Mr: Gainey .spo-ke hionearle.- three boars dealing 'with the. reschreee. Of New, Ontario MA"' with •the Ia./nous ti ICI 111 vehicle/lei was ofie of ilte central' ligiires, and was well date:rod tc throaglimet: . . . • • , . • • .• • 'Northeast Stanley.. . • . . • Mr, Adam Ste*art brought .hictuc . (rani the - Ripley district last .week 1. irty four stockers whieff' will,•••toehe thilitt 'eighty heed hi now hes grazing OIL his two -hawked acres of gr -ss ' Air Malcolm AI -cloven brought. io 'twenty' our- grassers from : Isaolt connive • ' ,Mr, Duncan MeEwen'hae had' his ;eon decked .up end. is -having a stone • Viek.dation /Milt: ender. it. The frani•er Matt • Mains .ancl the .inason, Hiram goarsuitee „ that.- gOeta work will „ite done. •. . Mr. W. Attwood., Who was., • for three years •of • Viotti:Stewart,: has intieed 1,olideS .;e ..)oro 'where his better 'hall . Will -remain, ,thule he -ProSpeetri in the-. North West. The many friends of .Mrie J9Ine•Cum- 'wings- of. Aforrielt regret te jettrn 'that Ler •health has Mot impreeeed as they would like to see. • . • Our farners. havetheir corn •platited, i t e too .t eat :they did not get. it Sowed, before the recent teties. .This .is, quite- .a. settlenient for s'l s • • s- • , Mr. John Meefailline's smile is even more genial then usual beettaseocr the arrival of a bonny little dangititer; at 'his home ou, 514v 19th: • • ' 1r. . Glom has half 'the .• oId ;teltiem of 1:sbarn. torn' down anet 'vihl ' replece. it "by a new 'oie. The eomplete barn will be ,6ox89 feet and. one of the largest...end best cee:dopecl 01 the • coulter....'Ilii diStriet. of fertile lOnd. • nel • . .• • What The Liberals • • ‘. • '• Rld"toel., „- The Liberalparty has ectea down amendment 'atter oinendiotret offeeed.11y: the Conservative party in the interests of the, • peddle. The followiitg is a synopsis of, the inipeov ing atom.; submitted to the OPtositich this .ses- sion and bowled not by the Party win: cle is tied to ti e apron • stelege 61 the . Grand Trunk 1. • ,• , 1—That the 0. 'P. It. Conipatty should pay fair.' rental for artY lease of tht line froth Witenipeg to: North Bay. 2—That the 0 civet litilelit mid supervise the .agreeinent between the two companies ( the Grand.: Temile and Orr nd Trent. Pacific) respecting the istock issue of the 0, T. P. wed Outs prevent ame creation :of watered 3.....That e Ooeernment should receive sI mete of the common stock . of the 0..1'. P. in preeporticer 'to the support given by the GevernMent to the chtett else. 4—That ellen labor Shall not, be em- ployed in the eonetriection of ehe rail- way except where the Department. of Labor decieos it is neeesea.ry. 5—T1tat the etoek of the 0, shotild Hot be pineal Mt the marina tinieSS heeled payaide at par, • 41 ---That ire ease the Ovine. Trunk tor Grand! Trim"( Pacific shall divert Up.; ilk to Portland, env compliant there- on shall lit investigoteti by Ito way Vriftimission anti reported to Par- Iiant r' tor act ism. 7-1hat the Prairie feted on :11 .11 he eoniplet with itt heir yearS Or the pitteallir Of th • 11. T. P. attettipts to tom • I •ti tir,l'etio,i(iit untworitalr. le 'Wenches, the (lovernment secure nil pr t.ny ronalmitg bfattehes, • • West Tuekeromith. Mr. W. •Grant has •erected a wood- , shed. Iddo evict, is under the ietc,"'s care although net 'coOlined to the . house. He is laid oh work. Mrs. Robt. Bi nter of St.. Joseph Island arrived - lane on Saturtley last. , Mr. Hunter will follow in a, short time and they will take up their rest - deuce on the London Road 1,1,3 the ,1113;111 petehased. Ire en Mr. Wm. Grant • last • Mr. Isaac Weavers was laid off work several days ()meow the past week. • A ntaulheriofe our people hose had A sligrt attack of the erevailing • Miss. Elsie Beenett of Mitchell is • visiting old .triends throueti these parts. 1: • • Runoff Township. On Tuesday eve u:ng- Mr, Chas. Ale - Crew _entertained a large- number te Ls. friends from. Seaforth, . Clinton, .11lyth, 't1oderie11 towtohip, ' 1 the:rend- th aed other places to a- deuce in .the iontodices residence of Mr. and Mrs. D.. Fly sm. The Lane brothers :of Tuck- er:4114h furnished the milsic. • The township colleen inet per . jciernineret at Qidgley's bridge Ga May 23re1 ancl. let the following contracts : one -to AP, Qitigley oi lttong jIl stnall bridge with earth and gravel, this bridge is east of Qx.igley s large .briclge, ; Jas. Brownwell to put in a sewer . pipe culvert at lot 22, con. 7, eneN William Wheatley, Clint:Me oue e,f -filling a small bridge south of . Wal- lace'elarge briclge. . . • - • • AB% Thos. AleMillatt,' councillor, had his barn struck by lightning or; 'Onus- . • claMyet7;resii..ingWilliant Taylor and G. Thompeon Of the. Gravel Road . .are making . some improvements • to: their residences this summer.- mr, Alex, 1,eitelt is making . internal improveniente residenee .• this 1.31rijer•1111e. 1.1•11 •l * :•e.r.toei Day holidays at his hutne. •11iss t1. J, . Crewforel. leas • returned after - On ..extended.• visit to her „cotisiei. Langley ' of .Niage.ret. ' • Airs. It, Carter Spent the 241:11 holi- days With relatives in the . 'Forest City:. • . • Aliss A. Brighein. of Clinton; accom- panied by her trietd, mi -48 nLr.s • pf Parolee,: were the guests of ...the for - titer's sister, Mrs, A.. Vodeleni: -on alontloy. • • • Mr. R.- II Knox haii sold .his., fern', -80tita, _ban of ,0, CoiiJ. 12, • containag tp9 aereet• tot John' -Rapson of -1Itillett.' -.Joe Sacie. The farth is taw of. -the •besttin• • ,.'13lyth.: e It:ally tin 'Friday mete:lig sonte.sittatt Alees . rang die. hoe a.,h It is St "Atli' el ey 'Mi_. befOtfiit! r.dlid pre- .. - punith d, ' • • , • • •. •• • . . . • . le.. H. Vo.ittg,:o.r• village clerk, heisi s ostel of Lis .11eauti fill residence • on : biteley .etreet....to • 11r. den.ist, .price ;s21.00. • • . - • ' :the SPO.rts Of. opi- town were • well rePresenled in Clinton: on the 24th: . Several ..tue.etinge are 'being held . East •• Wa.wanosli this •Weelt terdst of the, roilWay. by-latei• • . ' ...Ale. • William .71dineon, cattle buyer, is having .erected a ceatimodious stable on his- property which he. pureliiised 41' this burg, a' short ,time ago: • . • .• The V. P. A. of Trinity eller-eh Roe - lel, hie1i' Wag helel lit Tenipereteee• bell. on,. Friday evt Mug , was well' attended, aud. titne Wae spent. • - • . .:.• . • „ •• . . ••• . . . , • . ' • • ' • Dungannon,. • •••••• ••. - Mine Ineitess of the Mallough flouse• is haVing li t ceizonied ions stable; re - 't he wprk is leis* cicke by. - JAS. Elliott, care( neer, Alike. Mrs. Wm. ateick, of Aelt field : cohtigitpuii •to 0 knii e ffiJl, after hes- Mg en extend.c) visit• to yelati.tee „Art Chiceee' tine) .• other .11.s, a rived Leine last. week.. ' • : • • The • n Onterotis... frieudst :of kleveard Anderson, Sot • of. homae Aslifiefil,‘ are ileased: to know thg,t, having utelergone a siteceseful ppera- tien for ail 'Metre • whiel. was eimsed by ale' seedeetal'ialt revel:. , • he is. thus far doing, nicely and good hopes for lis recovery in the n eir future are •entertailicd:' . A. McNally of IDyth had on ex- hibition here a' model of an improved eement inaehine for mating cement blocks of anydi.merreiteis necessary • to bii,ld, clwaiing lomeee, . All pet wins • 'who have ,seet, it pronounce: • it to be an excellent niaehine• for the purpoSe, Ile :states tl:at it hoe taken 4:levet...too r years - to complete it. He has been successful. ni °Mewing' a tiieteet for it and he deserves great ered'et out pat- oroge. • • • • • • • • • • . , Holmesville. :Ito:Eder& anent the holidaYS with his daughter, Mrs,, A. 1‹, Birks London.. ' Mr. are Mrs. IL Gotile-' Mel family of Clinton visited lit.', parents recently. Miss . 011ie Nesbitt of the 16th eon: end miss Miunte Martin di Ttecker- smith areguests at. Mr. 1ebbett's7 Mrs. Douglas and Mee. Hancock and son, of twat Woodstock visited Mrs, , • Walter recen:Ove • • • • Miss Rose Tehtlintt of Goderiell is spending.. few days at benne.' Several from here a.ttencled the tea - electing at .the Nile on the 24tli; while others spent the day . in Clinton. •• On Wecheatelay of last week Mr, • Bradford,' blacksmith of this village, was married to Miss Jordan of the iteth eon. • The eerenrony eves per - teemed by. Rev, J, Unseat. We wish ATr. and •Mrs. Bradford happiness ' and eroeper,ty itt their wedded life, • Zurich. A I/teethe; of the 4:tirectors of the ltav Booth frrienfintal Sottiety wsts held on Ateniday evening-. A number nf chatiges were traide.ln the erie.e list. Yt. was elso deekt ct letve a farmer's trot when a. purse of $25 will be ofler- 4. Ties Xerielt brass Timid Will be engaged for the occasion. The dates for the fait have beer' fixed, for Sept. Nth and 15t11. Mrs. 'NI:Tit , mot her Mrs. LOais Roceldilet, formerly- of this tow', bet row residing fti Louden, recently brola• two ribs as the result of a' fall. She ts Itt It very weak state at pres- nt. ' We tesfed 'diet Mr. Alex. Thompson had -1,osielit Mr, Matt Ellwood's real - (sore in Ittnoall. Mr. Thomason- ivas shire ch.mtgtil his mind aid has. boa - tilt the lin» residence of Mr. Alex. Jol,trqem of the same place payirg a- bout tom for it, Marnock. • • Rieheid .Noble, ;Mixon Road,' visited fritexte itt Eiest %Viewer/mit last W -eek. • John Soar, 4alt• Line, Was. itt Clod- erieli .litet Saturday. Mr, and IllisS Craig (24: Morris and Miss. N et heey of the Gravel 149:id vis; 0 tied at Alt, 11.,',,Crie:g's of .1Itillett •. on , 0 •Stinday last. • 0 Frail: Farley' of . Hollett • 'visited 0 0 Westfield frit ndS eni Senday: last. 0 Harry Hyde- of -tho Soo- it poying a. - 0 1. shortvieit to frierele in East Wawa- 0 i- ntuit. • . . Westfield Leapt) held a very sticeess- o.',"4/1 fel floral meeting ent Friday evenine of 4) 'last week,• The Aliases Taylor of the 6th Line tisited at. Wm. Slackhoese's of West- field' on Sortlay, • The Clinton riewtPiRecord .1.141111),OVUO* The Epwerth League of the Goderich District hate arreotge4 to held a grand rally itt Clint( n itt Wesley churvli (44 JUJU! 23111. .111 tit Leeetics, :at et expec- ted to attend this meeting. Remember .the C, 0, mita e,n W. Staulev's lawn on Priday, the loth. inst. Refitelt malts tenteisting of ice- tation toted all the other good things will be served. The Clinton Citiztusl Band willbullish the music. lie sere and cenuu Oa bring soinebeelv with you . as a good those is. expected. Rev- Ilttssar .atel Mr. Geo. Ha - awl are in, Imedore attend re the Loh - don .conferenee el the Alethedist Chut- l'1w Saliba :LW' seined and Upwertle Levee' have eilecit'sed. to hold •a lawn social in, the near future. Watch for flit ere antionneements. Aliss Ida Holmes cf. Clintort was the guest of Miss Susie Acluese.n. on Sun- day. adiss 8. Rapson of Constarce, Miss Da.wsen of AO:urn and Mr. 'Wilkinson of Hallett' were .goests' at Mr. Osbeel-, c1itstot's on Siliala.Y. - We are glad te learn that Baby Alvin Leonora. hi fully recotered from aii attaek of scarlet fever. Mr. John Crockeeof. Clinton: wast• in our Village on Sunday. .„ • Conatanee, • Alt. andSite. Jpe. Coombs of Myth spent Victoria Day at illre. • 11-4111out Snell's. • Miss. Kate . McMann at -rived in oar village. again a:ter several WeckS' alt - 8(111(30. Mrs: McCulley returned. to. our vill- age after spending einnet Olio • with friends at Beech:vale and Stra.third. AIr. aud iItts W. Steph.:•nson. Mr. and .11Irs, . Cole of Mortis vieited 111r. anl • .' Cole are! other • .friends• ireeted around the vill- age. - . Mrs Coeieer has arrived • for - the simmer Months An' oui• village; L. Andrew of Gorrie called on his sistee:;• • Mee. 11: • Stealeenson• stud others on Saturtley: • Alise Maetin 'of Seafeerth .epent last week in this village. , Mr, . William- Wien and neice,: -1Vlis.e Amite Clark„evisitedefrieurts :in Strat- ford on- the 24t11 .Alar, .• - Miss Eva Retdson intends 'spending eceite time in Clinton learninge dress- • le Henith for Girls DR:, WILLIAMS' PINK: PILLS XIA.KE STRONG HEALTHY ROS1.7-C1110:- KED I,A.ShltS. " I was attacked with apputdici- • says Miss Val -dole •Grianualet, detighter of Mr. Charles Grunt) out, Prosperous farmer ef Champion', flue.,.• "and witIle the doctor who - toided me cartd Me of title •trouble, , left belied after •effects from which it 1 seemed almost iinpossible to recover. - I grew weak and very pale e my appe- tite wes poor t sallered at times ' been severe f.eadaelies ; end: the least exertion left me sentipletely worn out. I tried several remedies, but instead of getting better I was 'go:401y grcw- ire; worse.- Any work abont the house 1ft me weak and dispirittd and I felt altncst giv ing lip. At .this tient a. iriezid who had used Dr. 11 illittente ' 'Pink Pills with intuit benefit urged ine to give tit 'itt a trial. I got a, box and as I (id not feel any better when lead used them, I would. have given, them up but for the feet that try fri- end urged 'that coe box was not 0. heir trial. I then decided. to continue the use c.f the pills and by the time • I ha,d taken three boxes' I found my ecettliticee '-wes improving:. I used el- ght boxes in all 'enei by tlic totai I leo! taken them My old time health had returned, hoc' impro- ved, I had gained in weight and the glow- et health hat returned to •iny face. I eatinot too strongly- recomin- end Dre Pink' Pith; to ell pale and weak. girle." Oci:id blood IS 01 alwoltde nec' essitY, and •-the orely. way to have a cousteni. SuliPly rielt, red health-g•iving !do - eel is to tette Dr. W,lliams' Pink Ville. •Every dose .110es tie make new blc.cel, aud te driee from the system; -such trembles see autenidee. Imigiodrese, neu- ralgia, dyispepsia, . rheumatism, ete. Ivir, can .get these pills from say med- • ieine dealer, or .by mail. at 50 cents a , box, .or six boxes for $2.30 by writing ',the. Dr. Williams Medicine CO„ Brock- ville, Ont. • . . Huron Road East; Mr; W. T. Nchle, wife and family of ;East • Wawanosh have boon the guests of hee mother, Mrs: .11.: Noble of the ,Huroe Road. • .. • •Crich.13rothers and that wives were I the gaeste of. Mr. -W. Pall on Friday evening, ma mg, • . e - . I Mr. " John Noble has .the carpenters Miss Paul 'ot Brussels' is. visiting hero at . work erecting a kitchen and if it sister, •Mies 111atid Paul in the vili../ liad riot been for the 'assistance, or age, ', • - - • • 1 sotue yoi it; ladies, who were 'vieiling. . ' 1 at the lentee,.. they would newer have . • • been able to raise the frame. ' • •: ' • Mrs. Siblene has genie' on at tette' I . . SettfOttbeF • Mr. Harry. Stewart ei the :firm,. of Oreig .8; SteeVatt; ,wati the victito. Of 40 unfortenete recently • by .ehich pert•of hes right foot: Was near- ly sevettd. • Ile lad 'pone...oat 14) "Split same wood, tisilfg. neWlv sharPenect tXto While ebrifig down'for a Stroke it eseeeht tl brain'1'. of g: tree,. inie- directing.. tl,c blow and 'strikieef hie 1111(1,Wil beeween, the.. arelelee. • end' to: s, cotting 111(1.theebone. ,,Stewar1. d tor the office of Drs. 4.-1eot t & Met: av but 'vide:110y oterestimated his strength as lid fainted from toes of blotid and' pain before • reeehing eltere, Ile Was taken heoie by. the it..tghleme, • lie ..Whicle tithe 11 (Ileal.assistatice arrived:, Nine. stie. aes were revered Po cliese: theewoiind Ina it will lie many weeks liefore will be able t�tesetne his Usual (Jut - Mr. D.., 11. Aviison :intrioses going' to the Old Country "this Stuninct and Will :Ittend the liait-Presbyttirian epunCil . which weetii in I,iverried in %Tem:: Ire will lie accoinpaniQd •lly lis deughter, .will be neeceopented ley his daughter, '• mfoilnal :Meeting of :the' terten teemed was held last FriciaY eVetting.. to discees ugfnt the' advise:It= lity of purehas.ing a etOne ertisher and l'eetcl roller.", „Both •of the ine,clones were offered to tile .corpoiation for it !Orin iit th.z.ilingli.),Orhood. of S4,300. Aleny wili. regret to learn 'of the deae tit , Of Mr. John ' Wesley • Aikenhead sec- ond . Non. of. Mr, Peter Aikenletad• of t Mtlfeet, • .Sastateliewato -.N. W. '.4%; roe7 of Stenley. Mr. Aikentwad con- treeted lung trouble it little deter a Year' ago mid was advised bee tysiei- .'ns to go ,tioetle.•:He left home • verv. reluctantly,. going .to Detroit' and front% thence to Phoenix., :A•rieona. The last. teed.- t NiTeeks pt • Itii; life . was spent in COlorado f;ttriatee, Colorado, :where deeeAli nnexPeetedly overtook hint. 'Iles • iI• ieltniaaltr•em.tivifeorret..taken to his • former ho - ed visit to Tdrontp. • Miss .:Ooveriloek, te0.e1Let- of • 4 O. 1 school, .e.Fcrit' a, coaPle of IlaYs '‘‘ 1111 her auot, Mrs...Edward '.Iones. ' Mr. W. Ball encl, wde spent •Stinetay * at the latter's home on the Ba.se Line- • M.r.. Will. 1 • bed the etisfor- 11'0e •1.c... • lose it valuable, 130 18(1 tee eley I last, Week': . • • : • . Mr. Theis: Shililey was the. guest • •ol his deughtere1'.Irt0 .Lavis .91 ::Goderieli, •Stinitaye:', .•,: ' • I Afr:' Cballter-GleW 'Mir" Wifie dallied on ; the Mali:mad: brothers • on, ,Fritlay ' evening. '• • , ; ' • East Wawanosk. • • • • . • Mr. arid—Mrs. eTa'., Kelly of Toroieto Were %the guests of Mr: and Mrs, • D: Ceok over Victoria • • ..• • . 'Mr., reel Airs.' P.. W. • Scott gave - fe* 9f -their yeeing•,friends 1 ae.ty one evening recently. ' program eon- sisted of dousic- end • dancing anct was much en :oved. Alt.' IT. Leisliman of .Marnock and Mr. .1. Stair.leigh of Doirty'n't. )1c.Spcitt Sur.altv nt Mr. Win. .N4.1 herv' • • • • ..'.'\[rs 1>:Segnis 1114 'infant •son• .' et . . ()wee .Sound • are the gitc..sts..' )1' ...qr.; and . Mrs. IT. Edwards., • . .r Thee, . Tenney' re terned. • kaattoba.' last •week r.r,d •looks: cx- ceedinglv well,: • . • •Mr. Willie.ms 1, f oragcd'• with Mr, W. P. Halted:an for the sullen er enoetlis. . •••• • ..-• • •' Mr.-. NV, .. Cook recently. lost .a. vette- able' horse width he :valued nit Sepo. • • • • Mrs. eTeihn 1-lamitton of B. C. is Vis,•• iting her •hrotlir, Ali \\ 111 • '• A fideeson. raisedhisaew:. barn :on Ftiday of :litet • week.:' • Mr: jas. .Netliery 14', purchased, . Dew:baggy, . • - : • Mr: R: Roberts had the Misfortune Jo run. a Lail :into his foo t •• which leaves him: very lame., bet we •. hope tp site him ell right again soon. • Jntle 2nd 1904 ,..;.+4,••••04.44..0.4444.1044**.o4p:+4•44i,..;‘, ;-;•:04.4$4.4-84+++.? .4. .BLYTH:f We Made- a great 1-ent II) 1.1 st week in buying a ra '8 stow owe eensi LADIES' NEW YORK HATS A r HALF PRICE.* • + McKINNON & CO Pi pies of High-class .New Yo • k }lois for ladies, 'They, a, e ail Dew, i fresh goods and hove only beet) on the road about tett days, They • :). , '41 wore imported specially for the June trade, and ate tip -to -dal e ill every respect There- a re ten dozen 1 la ts in the lot. This seeins 0, : ;1 • Y large qua ntity to add to one present stock, but, as they were offered , .t. at such ridieulottsly low prices, and whit our increasing trade, we y 1 :1' ran handle large lots.. especially when we get t hem to sell them at A •,.• se. stienit half price. They eome in Rear- to -wears, Sailors mot Un- 4 ...?. trimmed Shapes. There is tomb a veriety, met no two alike, WO Will TIOta•ttellipt to dereribil 1•1'8111, but enly mention. a few to glee ...c. : 1 .s. you au idea of 1 he /mug:tine n.c. Its vo to- show you : 11 i. 1. Ladies' Sailors . in varione -styles, weal) $1, for 5ffe. :e. e Ladies' Reacl„y:to.wear Hats, irt white and colored, worth $1.15, A 1' for 88e . • , t g Ladies' Hid Hilt lliki Shapes, very stylish, worth $1.59, for Itie. ' X t, Ladieb' Untrimilled Shapes, line (polity, worth $3, for -$1,50. .t. st `44.' .. T ( ..• NEW CORSETS .t. *.s. .1* We have sorted lip our Corset stock fee the -summer 4 rade in the 0:. . .1.' : following special 'mikes ; ..t. 14: Summer Corsets, la net, noel fine pereale, et 25e, 85c and 50e. :?. es Ot•outtptoe's Tripe GI idle Corsete, in all eizes, 50e.. , 1 0' . 1). & A. White Baptiste Coreete, with got -tors -tittaPhINI, 756, se, ..s; Cromptou'eAlilititry Dip, steel filled; ull sizes, at 50e, 75c and $1. ..e, 13. & CI. Erect Form., set night front, steel tilled. .F. ., . 4,,, E. T. W.. teh Spring Corsets, sizes Ir otn 20 1 et ;40, at $1.25. 4. Grompten's Yitt•iza Corsets, in ell itizee. at 41,25. ..:. D. & A.. Crest:Corsets, glove fitting, at. $1.25'. . .t• os g B. & 1. Corsets, steel filled, with three /aces, $1.25. t ..' et. ots. 1lVicKINNON & CO BLYTH 4)+4)44).404).40 14.40..443 44.34•410000.0•0 4...0.44*. • 4) • New Spring Footwear at • The Old Reliable. . ' Onv stevk i equal,' Our Spring Stock ' * led by few and excelled of Boots nod Shoes, is now complete. Wo have the largeet and .. peelnl values' in • ; • kci4ltei(%3otaws eotnIf5rrin°1111..tline esAnnot•dre.. ts41t1Cie)' • : ' Meo's Fine Sho.es. • -• loweet. . by mate. • • . Our Schdol I3oots • for boys and girls, intide to OtIr OW.n. order, iti e Trade Wi inters.: 4 , . i to . to showyou our stock . We shell he pleased ,I). . and give yori one peices. • 4 . ' lt might. he money in yieor Poets et • • 4. p We are practical Shoemalsers, having. lvtd a long experiente and you iD ,c4r, ran no risk wheu ytni parch:tee pier tootweee from tte. • 4 • • . The Irnmense de. • mond for TAYLOR'S .• . StIOES is the hest-evid- 1. elide that, Mir efiCiets to . .,•40 . supply tellable and sty- *.• • fish Footwear at re1190n. .able prices .has 'caught the attention of Shrewd . • 81137 • • • • • • • • • • • • • A CALte SOT:4017M ti • The Old Reliable WM. l*AYLOR & SON. 2 440,4t••4•••44•4••444444 !, eoo• ..- • •\ .• • „.......****+,4.4.4****.•,****.4410.44......•••••f.4•41)44 . • :‘ NELSON BALL • .0-FirlitNITURE UNDERTAKING.: • riay now Safely predict the advent of Spring.. You will require Furniture. 1,41. • • 0 0 • 0 0 0 TOO , 11 p. The Ills of Childhood.. EVery child in .the coeutry tit:eels, at some tittle 01` other, a 1111111CM:1 to eerrect ineident to childhood. 11 Ba1ty'42 Own Pablets are 'kept itt the house and occasionally given to the little ones they will prevent illness and make the little ones e1ged, stt ong and rheerfill. Mothers should in- sist on haVilig this ineeielne because it contain,: tte oe:ete or harmful drug, mid eliddrell talto tit. Tablets Its read- ily as they toke candy. If von have a neighbor w11o. has used the Tabletask her and she will .tell you n het splen- did sa t isfact lett they give, Here is what ewe mother, Mrs, Witt, Sinclair, Hebron, 'N. D., says : "I have used iseby s Owe I oblete with 50 much sat- istactien that I do not feel safe when have 'ilea got a beet in the totise. I poi mitt thet other mothers will be quite as well pleased willt Gem." Veat can get the Tablets thro it-li yoor druggist or by mail at 25 0.111:11 111)0)1 , by Writing The nr, Williants-' Medicine Coe Brookville, Ont. 0.0 • 000 • 0 00 '':tre--7-7-re7-y-ereey-veyory• Y -M-7 •••••• • • • 0000000000 • 0000000000 Wall Paper is the rnost'effeetive and 'most .economical. method.ot improving and brighteni o the interior appear - an e of your dwelling. , • Pifau the many beautiful patterns, many of thrum exclusive in our tiew hine We are certain you can select t,asily the riglit .paper to suit -your taste and . ettele4 , ' • '• i• el' se 0 0 0 0 0 - • See us about it before buying. Sewingillaehines High grade, up-to-date, made in Canada, Balf-13earing Machines. One price to all, HOOVER & BALL. ..„..* Night and Sunday Celli answered itv resieltnee of either Of the Princi- ptls 1 . . •044:0$4.41,......****444#11•44.4:44.4.444.4114.•414..,.. Let ut sliow yon OtIr handsctne.array 14 stiles. ALL PAPER TRIMMED PURE Carriages and 11 4 4 4 4 4 Go..Carts. • The new 1004 Go -Ott ts with • . • their swell automobile gear and rich enamel finish itt e on hand— They nre deeldedly stmirt and ' 111-1-1.0•date, pi ices ft om $10,00 to $25.00. Children's Carriages atid • Express Wagons $1 to $7.80 , 4 34 4 4 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 .4" a 4 4 0 .41 • 4100;▪ sCeteyi 00 • 000 • 00000 ,i(9.nliXi4fe't:?..Re 00 000- E GREAT CASH STORE . • • . • • . ANOTHER.LARGE OONSIGNMENT OF 11.gADY-mAt1i • Spring and Summer Suits, for Men and Boys' , :just pltwa into. stock and will be rushed off 4.6 astonishing •, I • . low prleeti. • , : • ' . IT WILT, PAY YOU TO SEE. OUR, PELT RATS- P011 MEN AND noxs 13EPORE BUYING ELSE WII ERE, ' • In our Boot and Shoe department yon will find vaittee that., 'cannot be beaten: . .W14.1 HAVE STILL SOME 11) I3ig Bargains in Lace Curtains an Carpets. • (t) It will he t0. your advantage to see. theni f.4.) We have an immense rttnge of Ladies' Iteenlvonacle131onseo, • in the latest New York Styles; They fit perfectly mut (0) wear well, also an immense rank() Of Ladies' Wrappers- ds' , and White Wear to choose from. , • ;;,, rti the Millinery department yon will find 'itll the newest and , roost Op-W.41/W .14-001.1.8 in the market, and you Call de- • ee pend on getting* the best of satiefaetiOn *113 (3, moderate price, ling quantity of 'latter and Eggs taken in exchange fin' goods. ‘,) 0 (.9 00000 MoBEATH, a a ELY ni Vci)POC?MiX0ACiAg.0)10.K.0 (0X,DOC)0®®0 0 0 -0)(.4-0)4.k9vSAV,,X0.0) Progressive business men adirertise in The News•Record.