HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-02, Page 3oi.,01.1. 0000C
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The News of Goderich.
Ms* U. A.SkJming, Correspondent,
.i)Ci.Y..fe.C'Irt";:ViRATeFoe700?,CC,q? • 0 • $W,
The .GoChtriclo Gun CluL• has been 1 -Mr. ,Allens teaelatr, Illt.olcp, with his
"o,preaentedwith EX halEISOIEne Silver 04) Wife and three pretty little datighters,
s. to lie won . by some of its members. :Corea Myrtle and Ruby, were tte
X. D. Ilcogvie won it on Friday, nis 'guests doring the Teachers' COrNen.
score'being 1W. Tba vap has to be won 1 tion of Mrs. Alleas eister, 111rs. Rolf;
five times before it :becemea the pro- ert J.coes.
petty of the winner.
Miss •Jessie Miller arrived ,from
Woodsteek on Morday.
The: ilat has gone cut that the 'pion-
eer British Exchange is to be remota-
-Plied after a. period of bait centory
or more since it was built An mai-
000* 0 000000
teet from' Wiudsor t as boot for some
Vitale pA the hotel preparing plans and
• oPecifications. The front vvill be torn
out and be replaced.by n rritalern bevel
plate glass. The interior alterations
will be mainly new arid 41-.0re medern
lavoratories aucl washrooms. . The,
verandah will' be .111:10 lip -to -date
with the use cti art gams and electric
Two• commodious sample
rooms are to be added to the buildnig
with modern improvements. - 111r. C. Jo
Harper has the nittnibing contraet ancl-
Mr. Robert Jones the carpenter work
Lor- the new improvements
. Mr. 11. J. Sualts has, fitted the bar
of the Sults Hotta with a pretty of-
fice, cannier, Mr. Satilts is a Success-.
fttl and obliging 'hotel men. .
Mr, .11. Parr leas quito proud cf
Celia B. taking: first. prize at the Mit-
chell races free-for-all on May 24th. P.
Elliott's Logan Landeman • was' to the
fore too in . the run and was awarded
the first prize.I •
The . S:cus of England will hold a
district picnic at Ben:Oilier, en June
x6th.. •
Mrs. Charles Seeger. . is.t.ending.
. these eays in Tomato the _gust 6? her
sister, Mrs. • (Judge) •Sinelmr, • -
Mr. • Tom Nairn. "visited'hia brother,
Mr.. George• Nairn., in Windsor, . last
week. .
Miss Allie Lewis has returned from
her prolenged.- vigit at .Chicago,
. The Bayfield scribe hada wedd:ag trJ
. report this -week,. 'if luelineW Of it, for
- •
cur first of June God erich weddings
took place with relatives of the .bride
A delightful- ball was held to inaug-
urate the opening of the SeaSen at
•. Hotel Gederieno Tne Blackstone cath-
estrawas in -attendance, .o.A. great
- many . county people were eipected to
ruri tio by the late train, but it did
non -reach Goderiele unUi abet 1,30
next morviag. Mr.' Hoot of tiro - Bank
of . Commerce, Settforth, represeated
that busy • town. • Some .of'' the cos-
tumes worn by the ladies were erea•-•
bons of :the: dressotalce.es art, 1,1i1eri
:luncheon was aratotateed..We thought we
were in .soimeogreat city hotel, every-
. was so artietically: aeryen a.nd
the waiters . allia.Wnite and wit. and
-• hionor• flowing when ;coffee. Was -
. Thc. host and hostess, Mr.oatal, Mrs,.
W. H. 'Smitle• the latter ia 0. white.
costume with waist -cf enibroidery,
were as delighted with the,"evenlag's
.entertainment as were the .guests..Ma-
yor Lewis was. loyel`.te• theoinvitatio.n.'
• sent him. and returned from his .Lou-
.. desbOro campaigu. to offer .. his -good
wishes to' 'Mr. ad Mrs. •Srititho• Mt.
Walter- lbichana.n 1 of • .Toronto,' . Mr.
.Myers of the bank at Seaferth. aad-
couple . 'other 'gentlemen. from • • our.
'county were present• :- " : • •
Miss Matid Johnston will • please •reo
ceive , Our oharits for theOlovely hunch
of narcissus with Which • slie.kreserited.
' 118 on' Empire" Day.
Miss Tichbourne of Brantford spent
• Empire Day in tori the. guest _of the
• Mi'sses Johnston. • • -
Oai Sur.day, 22nd Mitv,..Croint Attor-
ney Seager received the sad.' announce,-
ment, of the death onothat daY
Edwin H. Carr, nee.. Gertracie-•• 11. Sin-
clair, only daughter oh the 'Into. Judge
Sitteair of'.Haniilton, and •Wife,'Of . the -
late • E. H. Carr. She leaves • two
children to . mourn • the.. loss :of a
• mother, Mrs. Carr . spent". a. kW Weeks
at Baltimorethis season and •en
return seemed" to he in :.perfectly geed.
health. The Dr. said .decialoWas • dee
to heinorthae•e at Some': artery Con-
nected with.the liver 'or, ,kidneys. SIic
was a loyely..wonian and was her fa-
ther's companiott dtiring. his..,"so;ourit in'
California .for his health. • •• , "••
We .are very sorry to, be eallect upen
to Mite the Accident whieliOliefel.
.Tatraies Eagleson while co.a Visit --. to
his. parents, Mr.' and MO.:. William
Eagl .sc n Baynelds lowing taken
bicycletrio to that fort -on the. Morn -
ink 'of '.Arictotia Day.' -• A' number.. of
his friends - Were eejoying a football'
'game and 1i pci haps after the exercise
the • trilo.o,ave was not 11111;yl pr-'
pared for further sport;-- fern' a • very
simple' way While.' makime ,hig •tua •
fell 'Ortd hurt his thooldeioi but ffid not
stop playing fin- • thi time.. • IlOwever
te had.-to.lie driven loam arra .wheri the
Dr, put the X • rays open the th :Med.
part he fomid the- shrailder blade nt9.-
• ken at the back and new -Fe 'must Wear
his •right atm ..itt a sling „for ••ssaine
time, Mr. Pogloton • is ern- •the.
organ factory staff. , . •
Court Gran:rich C:. 0. •P. will eele.-
hrate• • their AntiVergaro lw MIA it link
Divine service .in • North •street • church
. an Sunday, Janelath,. •at 11 .'a, In..
Courts Port Albert,' Dungannon; .NB;,
Auburn, Beratiller, Clinton, Holmes -
The Motet* Newsoltecord
The Laying of the Corner Stone of the
New Presbyterian Church at Auburn.
Colborne Township, 1
The Ryan engine with the Potter
cement mixer on its tank anti al load
of gravel lotehol cat behind, steamed
by here on Saturday afterticon en
mute for AsIdield to Con. (Riley's,
terion clotrch at Aithurn was laid with.
Ilie cconer stone Of the new Presby. their 'Ace ia August, 186ci. After. -
:. ' on, former: -
where San.. has contat foundation
Masonic ceremony on Menday after- wards the sessim was arolinented b
the erdination of Mr. Charles Rogers
ly preceptress o'2. our seltool here, and
Miss Eton Cc. ''' '*
-Y work to do.
in (./etober, 166a. Until the dor of now in
charge of the Porter's, Hill
. Grind Master of the Grand iiegige of
noon by 3r4ge Bare.„Ing oi ' Lindsay, their death. they devoted their thought school,
after the recent teaelters' con -
Canada. and energy to the faithful performasme
volition in Goderielt visited old friends
cf the duties of that sacred office We
tney consider, thereforee• the.8th d'ay of here, being 1 hi gt lest of the Misses
• Judge Harding, who arrived in August, 18.6;4 as the dand of the Lawsoo at Lornside. With them she
One of the saddest events of the Clinton on the I 'oelock train, was met formal organiaationof the Manchester was ili at Lobel n and saw a number
month wits the d.m.th at the hospital of old frioids there at the e. E.
on nis arrival • by a naintor of the ccrergoirengt.6"12. until 3 tn-,5 Mr.. John Ste -
for sick. children, Toronto, aist May, local bretherri and accon.liaanied to wart was the minister and the eldest .one of 'its most
ineethat. Wien here Miss Cooper was
ctive members.
of the little three-year-old Edith, third One of our liet known aral moat
daughter of Rev. Mr. Grahame. News er, Dr. Shaw, -W. D. Pair, D. 13. Xen-
Auburn by: the fallowing : J. B. Hwy- ones now living have kindly reeollee-
tions of the earnest work. "done by highly respected residents was the late
laid been received by Saturday's mail uedy, A. J. Holloway 414 Percy Pair, both Mrs, Currie and nit./ Stewart.
3866, recently. Mr. Grinamett was born
jesse Grummett; • whoee death occarred
that little Edith was progressing rice- .With them . went the Gr4ud Ledge •. On the i9th day of September,
Mr. Stephen Young, .now of Clifford, in Clinton. fifty-two years ago and for
ly and on Sunday p. no while Rev, regalia, five trunks full, which was 34
Mr. Grahame wan teaching. his Bible A:barge of Mr. William Tether ef •Ontario, in the Saugeert preslavtery,vvas three years after his marriage le re -
ordained and inducted as minister of sided at Langford, on ilt • efamilton
class a telegram advising ham a the IIImilton.
road a short distance out a 13rautford
death of little Edith was handed in to On their arrival at Auburn an espe-i ter. Previous to this settlement the
• Burn's church, Hullett, and Menthes -
Mr. Grunnuett was married in 18M7 to
Mrs. Grahame, Diptheria. set in after
Elizabeth Reid, the eldest daughter of
measles,and all was over. 'They buried cial cotnniunication of the Grand Lodge Presbytery had orgaaized Blyth and
Was neld which was attended by near- Belgrave into a separate charge, leas- the late Alexarder Reid. Por the past
her in Mt. I'leaoant cemetery, Toren- ly one hundred members of the order,. ing Hollett aed Manchester together. twenty-four years he lied• been a resi.
to. . The respective offices were filled as Mr. Young's pastorate was successful dent here, 'where. he plied his callingas
Miss lielwigo cif. Auburn 'spent Sun- follows : and happy. The 'manse Veep built ear- al •general blacksmith and 114 Will be
-day with her sister,. ars, Robert: Jon- Grand Master, J. E. Harditer
nt.eatly Missed. One seri, George, with
CS . - • . Depaty Grand Master, Joseph Beek ly In, hos pe . • te... • . .
.... J. Harper, Goikrii h and a (laugh -
•Sunday was the entli. anniversary of District Deputy, eleorge Portet .0n the 4th day of Aptil, '187o, the 0 T
,C.ollowing were elected to the eldership: ter, Miss Annie, at home, are the
the pastorate of Rev.: J. A.. Auderson
• GrEttld Sr. Warden, .1, 13. ' Tierney children. Mr. Grumtnett was a mein -
and was fittingly observed. Rev. ,An., Grand Jr, Warden,. J. W. Shaw Messrs. Prancis Stalker, John, Kernt-
oer of Morning Star Taxige, Carlavvt
demon' was presenttd with a highly Grand' Treasater, D. E.- Munro • ghan, Sanies.:Laidlaw and JaaneS Rat- a
Grand Registet, A. J. Holloway chile. And on the 151.11 day •of .0ctob-
ed with Masonic rites. ..A.
and the funeral Service at the house
embellished -copy of "The West of
Happines$' '„ by the • Christian Endo.- Grand Secretary, J. B. Hoover er, 1876, Mr. ThomasAriderson. was
larl,ne morlicr /.., ai.eins
Was eoneitict
were present
. Grand Sr. Deacon, .1% YOung "nrdained to the eldership and he , re -
from . Goderich Auburn and lateknow
voir. .
'Grand Jr, Deacon, W. D. Tye mains - with Us to this clay, meth be-
as.,well as the local lodge. Mr. Ortim-
Mr. and Mrs. Marwick remained at
Tobefirciray,, or one other of those •• Grand Supt. of Works, W, D. Pair Passed' 'nlvvitY, •
loved. Of . the other elders,. alb have"
exeept •Mr. John Kerni- mett was alsc: a member of Court
,fishing. stations, all winter and have Grand -Dire.ctor of Cere,monies, Dungannono No, 79,. C..0,, P. - Fully"
• .. W. Noung• ghan who at present reside in. • God -
260 eonveyaneea it'd Odle 7oo people
rented the•ir house on Essex street to
mer. . Grard Sword Bearer, J. A. 'Parcae erich' and is still faitLful in worlu for
• were present, ineltiding relatives from
Mrs, •Pather of Louden for. the...sum- ' .
. 'Grand Or rt his Lord and Master.
Toronto, Clinton, Kinlough and other
' Grand Pursuivant, if. W. Ball congregation at I,ondesboro was es -
During Mr. ' Vaung's pastorate. the
'outside. Points. After the many friends
Mr. Walter Sanits has rented his -' .... Gordon,
house on St. George's crescent EE.. 517
had taken a last look open all that
per montb •unfrotialied. ' Grand Stewards Jo Wilson, w, tablished and iv 1W7, after Mr. • You -
.Grand Tyler, P, . W, Scott. . rin's. transit:tient to Clifford congre-
non, the presbytery formed. annett the non:rad left the elution, for Cotner-
. • • - Wilsoto S.. ltiesett, R. Huston ' remained of their neighbor and- friend
•Mrs, James Stewart has arrived from
Montreal accoMpanied, by her son who
After :instructions from - the. Grand and Liondeaboro into, one pastoral &all ne cemetery where he was buried with
was so d,an„enrously ill of scarlet fever,
'marched to the . church site.- They ge;. and 'united. Siiiiith' s. Hill to :Yfetto
order. Floral emblems were . Sent by
Master the procession Was:formed and the 'beautiful service . of the *atomic -
What he took ill ' he was studying
.were welcorned..in graceful words• ' hy. &ester to form the .present pastor• al'
the Masons, Foresters, friends: in tenni,
hard for the comirg examination • at
. , eepted• a 'call to Forest, Ontario. Thu.,: - EXCBRHIONS TO THE CIRCUS, '
McGill. eollego... The McGill .eXaminerS
the pastor, .• Rev. J. I.,, Sinall, wk./of 'In .1874 Mr. • Jaines Pritchard was
. ..
• • •
Louisville, Ky., .and °thee points.
waived. his exaniination, kr.owMg how
presented. the Grand, Master with a &lily inducted' as minister and continio
clever he was, and :granted Wm his
clink:411a,, . • • • . silner 'troWel. beautifully •engrostied. A ed in the Mho until 1886 when, Ite ac-
. • .
sw.e.et . little.Miss alio Presented .hitri
Mrs. EuSeby .Einos..of Toronto' and
with. a borpiet .which was suitably ink his pastorate Messrs. JanteS Drown Special excursion' .rates• on ail Hoes
daughter, Miss 'Enna, were last.. week
atheowledged. A': • Masonic- ode . waS and John: Symington were elected and ',cf travel have -beta arranged for by the
the guests .of Mrs, J. P. Brown..
then stirg" and the ,oremony pro:ceded' ordained to the eldership. (Tune 1882,) . managemert ,of Ringling ...-Brothers'
., Mrs, .Carleton 'o atew verandah locks
with, .the • Grand Mast.er conducting: Mr, Synilikton is . still fulfIllinir .. the Workl's • Greatest Shows, and those
.lovely', with its green roof and Wnite
toxicnt• of Worka.•-and placed ' in the duties •of the office, and is much ' r. who . .• : • • •
pilla,rs and: front piece.: , , ' The scroll' was -read..hy the Superino. who wish to go to 1,onclon where this.
Inland Revel -ate Officer ' Egener and • • -"great . circus .exhibits Fridays -Juee
Mrs. Egover . spent. Empire Day: : in atone togetlur with copies . of ' the In '1887 Mr. • .A.lexaraler McMillan, loth; can dei, so at very littlo expense.
Clinton. . . •• • county, Vomit° arid .clitirth ,papers, now of St. Enoch's.,thareln, Toronto,. This. will be, the. coly p.oiat "n • this
dwelt and other reeores, gains 'of . the A.
Nvi.s ordaintel E..nd. indseted . and coit-,. vicinity 'vtitere . the show will 'exhibit
: We must ernigratulate Miss consat•
realite • ete. l'he cement was then canned to labor zealously Until x$91 this 51 Son and to ote should misa the
of Hillsgraen on being elected • vice-
nresident of the West:Marco. Teachers' spread 1:•y the Grandliaster and the whenite resigned to proseeu.te his sta- opportunity to Wanes& it. • • Blueing
Assotiation and as seek doe of' the stone lowered into' pesition't The - ini-. dieS at Edinburg14 • '.. • •
Brothers'. circus has'. been , the leading.
nlemeats of the:r. ofliee. were. applied to . Early in the yeat :1892' a vete Was ! 417viiie eXhibiticiii of. America; for year.%
delegates to the 0. X. A. 'While 'here
it .by • the 'Deputy .Grand . Master,' Sr. talon anent the intrecleetion : of „ an. '' Intl ti e slow • has never 'hoen. perioitted„
Miss Consitt was' the guest of . Mrs.
organ into ?ho Church, .
James Eagleson, - : , and ,. dro Wardens and they repotteio wit ich • vote .. re- .1 to rest tioc:o its reputatien.' Although
that the . craftsmen hail done their c''Suited ". in favor of the organ.. Duririg .ot long' r od l' ' I ' .
.. Miss. Ethel Welsh Of Stratford' - at-.
. • . the • .year the organ , was introOticeil (.• • •
tended. the ball at the• I:Totel Go -ler- ty: the ,Grand lVluster filen consecrat- . - • . - e . • . • . petition:, every seasori sees * greater.
ich on- tbe stone '•• With corn, 'Wine and ;oil '.
with: Miss 'Jean Ratcliffe as Organist' and gri•-nder ;how. .This year's.' 'per!.
:and . pronemiccd it 'well' made truly :and Mr, jarnes Mitch as leader. . foemance is entirely .new and . entails'
. Mr..•Harry'.'.1.yelsli bas.'returned..froM.
laid; well•preareds trtie and tmaii-... -.1. i842 Me..• Robert HeaderSont:
1,Vcxxistoelio . • . • . .. , , , .: . +•Ya's ',the . combined efforts 'of• 3t5 •Wondeetti
. Mrs. .Tern OlineeshaW returned from, • • ^ -. inclected :as pastor mrd did :faithful
tho Wcrk- until the end of "1960.'*liell ' artists ..: in the. :ecmestriaiio gymeastie; .
'The ..- Grand . Master. ..addreased ' .
. ..
Cellingwood.for• Vieteria'Dor. . : 'large• assenrhly, yelon.tle proceasicir, was . •Il'e. '': equilibristies acrobatic end 'aerial. Tine;
o resigned •eivirg. to ill liealtlo. ..
, - , • . ShottiV. together with forty ftnripits •clotyris al
re,iffortned and-reterned to. 'the .ilialhano . one,: Lis • resigention .Mr. Hoe:lei:Son.
the .Lodge,VvaS.elpeed. in due -form: •.•. litindreds. of lesser 1-gat.s. :SiX hundred: -
; 'owas :Calledote his reward: Ile is held
Ihe eaVail need by Oho Grand,Master., ifi .loving memory. - • and fifty horses are used and a mar-
Historsi of . file - .• . -
Was 'gold mounted, . The wood. was:. ..in 'May 1893 Dr. MeLatighlin... and yelollti trained animal department ' --ia.
.frion: the battleship Maine, the, gavel Mr,, Wm. Waite were ordained to the :areati-
pres:eitted.. 'The, eiraus this : ,seasen; IS
. . Clinton Ggni! . Club. !beink presente'd to judge ,Harding by eldership. • Mr. Waite E.S. Still *Ulf its 7 y enlarged by . the spectacular
the Greed ,Leidge'•'•of Michigan,' '..: . • .. _;..etal 'a.- veined. nientber of the seesitin- . preelr et ion or. e-rtisaler.n. and the 'Crti.•
• •
On the rettirn 'ilf the...Gtand.:Me,iter,,1 -In Noveinlier,..ifickr, Miss•h,14 , . ,ads, a.' pantintiliniC presentation . Of
• •
`I - ,t ,, • '
1`"' u. . Well knOW17I' ahei lkalltifUl. hiStorietil
and .Wcrsbipful OM... Tocher to Clinten'sPEAterson. was • elieeri Orgattist . mid narrative Of Ole Crusaders. The, vast
they Were.: entertained hy '' the ' Icear ' choir leader. Soon. after. Miss .• Rliby •
.brethern ar. menagerie • hag'. anmeg hundreds :• • of •
id, 'tine " fellowing .Morning .Youtig. was . appointecl..organist • .. nith. • features the Only liv:ing pair. of. gut-.
left for thair•l••'-' . '-'•. • • , . . Miss P.atte.rsmo as .lecider. TheSe two...alma,. •
• The 'day'a •-ectilleetione: • amotinted . to : yonig •ladies..hav.e continued the•ir fai,.
. thie first baby elephant Stiecesg
. fully' bred and reared ' in "Anterica': and,
. . . .. '. thrall -services •gratattously • , up. to. the
•- - • • present . time: and these sarviees: 2.94 • ''s• ., o; g. ''• -1 f f the. R
the OnlyiiiiiierocOLin taptivitiy. There
.- .
A resoytery that Leeburn 'could be i„.i.m-' „circus, . .circus •• •.d.4,s omig...... *iti,
•The Church when finished . will ' a highly • appreciatecli. • • . -
monurneet .. to. the liberality ' ,ef the • During, 1901 it was 0161144 Ivy_ the .hippodrome races and. many : 'other.
congregation • and to the energy of the •D 't e , StenliendOUS 'feAturos in this • greca•
pastor, Rey, oa. I: y: Woo. • . .• • , .
ed to the paSteral 'charge arol doe.:13•.eit , .
-.The .contractor. ia. Mr. • D..Prior, of
.,, • ": ill.; tO street' .41 thr ' miles,
was, - made accordingly: Bat , this , , .41.-- iti length. • Don't fail to see•if,„!,
c.•,!iiiitija.......- -
.• . • . •,
r., ,Cew months -when; . in regpoioite to a , „.;,- ' • 1••• o ..„ „• • • .. ,
' ' - rankeinent .reniained in ,• yogua.. for r: niy. .,.. . - . .... ,- . •
-Iniatory. of the Church. •
- -petition.: front different copgregaroi ono, : ' :4.+0+.49.14'rcvni*Mv
,, . ' • . , -
: The• early tistory of the con
. ,kraga, the 'Presbytery iseverecl. ihe 'connections 0 . '• • ' ' : • i .. '
:tion is. some.what vague,..owaitio to the then leaving the. pastoral charge - as ...÷ DO YOU 'WANT •
before, viz, :.Manchester' and S-triith's. ,..,
lapse of years' ancr the .fiepattnre front •
this life. of .the great mejority oll those Hilt .o• . .. . . . , • . . • + to sell or rent' your farm or .o.•
. .
who ..• were - actively • asSopiated . •witn • Afters a. prolonged .vaeariey 'A ., •c011. • 0 tonn prcperty,?• '. •• • ., '*
the *ark in. these 'early days:. The' was; exterided: fia tho .present Pastors.. ' •+' , . • • ' I ' ' • • - • '''., - . .+
earliest. • recollections are 'Of ' Services' Jelutia Striation. A„ •anclt the incluc- •,'• 0 Have •••you, live stock for .,
held ofortnightly by Hie Minister •of tion toelO plaie cm Jane sid, 190. ° , .., 4... sale ?: - . • ••...,:•••:. • ' ', ... :" • +.,,....
Myth ' and - Mullett in • the' blaCk- • : .In. Mayo roo3s, Mr. • siot...m. .Pingland . 0.. ,-: ' . • .:-.. ,. . ;" , '. ' ' : • . tO ,
smith sLop idiete •Mrs. Wm„ Syming-'• 'was' ,added. tiotlie 'eldership, and.! -Do yeti waaCto.secure-hir.
ton'S 'residence now 'stands', and in the seasion .now consists.'of Jeilin .1i. Small.. , r> ,ed. help ?, .. . „ . - : • .:••
old school: hoose which:was situated a- inederator and Meisrs..' Andersen, .:Sy-. + ,' -.. ; '., .',- , . :'• • ' •"+ -
hout ', where Afr..-.2. Robert Stalker - uoec on ingt ono 'Waite • . mid 1 Pinglank . elder's.. • ' . ' *.' „ It sce.onake• use 'of ' . our .0.
jives; • , .... ••• • :. - . -.. ' . ' ' •,... • . • • . The. ,Ptesbytery at its Oreeting ' • in : on, amain ad 'column on. Page..5.:' +
- The miristers..ConduCting' the -seivie. :Jetwary, : .1901„. agreed to 'thange the. ..<>„ •• .. , ... ' ...,...t.., • 0.
es in the :early days were Misgienaries 'name of'.oilr chard' Irani kne.ac clietch +' : Acivertigifig ,in :The News- • iin,
appOinted by the presbytery' for three " IVIanehester, toi, Knox •charch Anbura, •• .• * Record. • brings sellers • Loci •-* ,
dr. Six moittlia • et a othima •Aiming In Marche 1903, at a spedialrtheetiOg ... qii buyers together: • ' ' + •
• •
theati Was a Rev. Mr. kaeKa.Y; 'who is a the eengregation. a reaoletion ' WO . Oi , . • .
stillorememnertd. by ,a few Of the early ,o , ,
oa,sied tel,:the effect that 'anew: church .4
, .. _ o o • 0• o o o o o+0.
settlers. , In .186o the . Retr: ' Arch. pe .Dittit in 1904 alio this resolntion is •
Currie Was 'called., and duly Settled • as 'beirig carried • out with great hearti- . • • , .
pastor . on Blyth, Hallett and ,Manchas- ness .by time congregation. • • VISIT YOUR YRIENDS, IN • CHI-
eA,10, EN kora; TO THE GR.4sir!
ter and continrech•aa 'paSter-itrAil ear-- . Oa the' last 'Sabbath Of March of 'thiS ' : '
ly in the' year 1862,. • ...;•• .. . present year, .1.904, Rev: . S. : youttei. of WORLO'S r AIR. AT ST LOUIS.. '
' It Was donmeaVir. Currie's pa:ornate •
, (.!lifford conducted the closing services $17..55 .FOR: ROUND
that - the chiirch building Was C t ce ted in .the old: cherch and SC.011. 'alter., tte ' • • Sfop. over also alloine4. at . earadiait
Id. ‘ t • a ' • A 1 'et e f stations' ail, •Detrciit . • • '
• ' - - • • • '• , but mg was pia own. oi on o . , : . a . . .. ,
although it was rot Mail seYeral years.
iifter that "the' oborcit. Was: .fitIlY corn- UR: oldochurch _will be attached to. this • To. sec: • the World's "Pair while eye.,
pleted. The dear. Ones Who are One nitifory. and deposited 'in the • eorner erytle.ag, is fresh. and eXhibits.• are at.
were cornea and• happy in• their thatch' stone• . Of the -new. edifice. ••Witlo •gratif their, best, tow. iti: the .date,. .... ''' ..
tude to God for His goodness dna is ' riir ' . tickets, illustrated lithraturei,
. .
subinitted t:s. the; accredited historYf rega.rding ...World's. Vs.'ir and • further
our •congregation. . .• iiiforniatioe apply.. to ' •
.,Signed oti behalf 'of. the 'congregation, P.' .R. licaltetis, Town Agent,.
,ri.,.4,..z:4,,,....;,;,.,„v.,.:.:..,.. .J.4 14;• >Swain, Past:Oro' o. • o.A...., 0o,P.atitison, ',DePtotoAnCnitiro
. .
' The"....Glin and Rodin a recent (sate
.. . • . . . .., .
1 ad - the . fodlcwing. : • ..
' ••••oTlitt' Clinton . Gun . Cleft. Was. organix-.
ed, ativay- baCk. MI :the seveaties atd ..112.0
contint:ed to shoot till the present„, It
hat; else ....,grois re, : to lie ,one of the str-
"oageat in Canada in "Shooting. material
as . ,, well as financially. It was. -IMAM
'wotk. for quite a while owing to price
.of , ammunition, guns, etc. .,TO M.
Win.: Poster '•le'..cltie the screCtt for •,enn-
tinuation as well aS-orgartizin,g Of...the
club and.' though itearly•seventy jeers
of age he con yetomake the ' younger
Mei-liners go some ist the ,shooting•ga.-
me and Can cliscotiat• the best el the.
dab members in the bush.' The first
trap ..- to • be used was the glass ballo
Orao, then tne Niagara, Which Used to
• throw •targeta with pasteboard points.
'then. the, .Standard, and lastly,' and the
-Oita in ase At present the Clevelatie,
experts. . :At thie.time the boys eSed to
make their con:a:birds, remoulding the
••olii.brokeit. targets arid %eying' a-. little
-fresh material When' it Would becente
too still to work over. . The club esed
fig years the reereatienopark•for ithoo.
titig purpoSes, until the residente ••• ob-
jected , to the • noise And the , brOlten
targets: 'on the ground bothered..the ball
players; so the club bad hi moVe. ' It
Wes ilic,ft Wit our'. club was eiganized
as it is •today ' and we have just ,pass-
ed . our tenth Iiirthday as the Merit
Clan' Club Limited, being twin:Taira:ed.
by lieu itt And owning a "beanti-
fel park, the fin.2.St (Ai:Ito:4%re o•lkotteg
eark . in Canticle. ' Ike 1.,,riiiir.o are eit-•
'thited nc,ar tli. GoT, R. station, and
elob . house... The background ?tt i:er-
feet and Oil club today nas a int:other-
t•Itip of alanit fifty and. 'the mon of
ilieni are live ore:o: The aid.) has ''. al-
ways 'bon fortunate in having mem- '
bets who could keep th in end' up .n tie
best et. compoiy, among 'whom in
years gone by have loon' W.' Pi irbeso.l.
Blacken, . lo llIcOlitrrity . and W..
Greigg, the 'last n.ained now (Ikea:soh'
"Peace to his ashes.," .- At presert we
have ,J. E. Hovey,. winner of the. ag-
• , gre,gate priie at ilaolast &loot ofl the
ville and Baylield. are all invited to at- in:mink:3i 91
. Canada Trap Shooters 1.1 .
tend. . . • • Association held. inoTonnito on August
The county council Will •nuatt. next.
12, - 13, 1'4, 15, 1903, He Also won the
Tuesdav : '• Parket. gun event and high average for-. • , : Benin:Hier'.
The flag at the .(c1urt House ' was the 3rd day's' ahoot, At present he• . . .
unfurled: oit MondaY: incinjog 'to al.'''' holdis the Robin -Hood' Trephos which AnuiS Fisher and wife spool Senday
prise. our', . citizens of' 1. u. it
e •nival of is 5111)1001.tt to enallenge, ,ancoo; and Monday with 'friends r Clinton
d is
Chief juR•
stice . M. Meredith,. • t o
, bletratic of the cloric
apuship of Can- and ether points. '
Can -
ded at the' anti -jury sittings wiOE atia. . , • • Amos risher . delivered a dozen fine
The dding of Miss Rteeose, yurgest
j: E. &Melons, ist vice-presixp
cleat of export cattle at God • e. titirday
the ' nigh t: c.,ir, c. . • weo.
darghter of MrCharles Knightto tLe Domittion 'cif &ileac. Trap' Shoot- last. • 5., Stnith, of Clinton was the
.. s:
MrPre& J. Bishoptok place ers' Association aral 'Seelretary. of • the buYer'' .
, , oon
club, better known as ."ShOrty," who :M. McDowell,' teacher in S. S.. No. fo,
. .
Onedeesdayo Rev. ;fames A. Andersim
perfontling the eerecnoay. The bride tied' far first place in the•Canadiatt speat a few clays in Alto ti•••oitining .of
was stylishly Wit quietly dressed i
Handicap at Hamilton in January, the week with friends at 'Ilespeler and.
'n a
lovely coattone of pearl grey broad- 1940, . With 'a perfect acore and later oilier poiats. , ' ' : .''.• '
clottli deep collar of
eroot grit (Dee. to, 'i903) 'tied for first place at A. 8. Gledbill left laSt week for
triton_ St, Thomas with aftother perfeet to co I< Award:Inc 'where he Will' enter into
white chip -picture hat prettily
re. The above scores were at livo bir- oartaeratile with his brother in the
ed with white eltiffous: lace ar.d. white
sactt ribbon and steel beeme, _.!1,41a ds. He has also held the Robin, lleoil taint mat shoe N.:shiest:.
Trophy ahd veer( the best aVerti, of
1-2.,PPY bridn end gnitim, drove to their
6, the Clinton (10t1 Club for ' 1902:and
new home on Regent street where
., 1903, W. G. Doherty, who sedied . •
few of their relatives' received them.. 49 CONSUMPTION is , scoultODTG -
' We wish them .every itappinesa ,this out of so in, Torotto last Aukttat i tilts The water reservoir of the •
the bot score m•ade it a fifty-bird'etr•
life alto,rda.- • CANADA.
A lady of etilture told us •the mit at the tottotaiiiteitt. *.thero wor-
Year by year tho Uhite plague AO; Imperjal. Oxfo,rd Range
other clay that 6, school teacher ' ilia thy of mention are R. 1,4i:alinio. Inton
dily gains headway and why ? Be-
not want any that' Miler school age dent of the club Dr.. rl. .1;I, Holraegs
Be -
to he taught the alphabet at home, "Dollie" Ls •so designed that it keepS a large volume of water at it high tempera,.
and ' lots of voting Hoed cause eareless people let their oeilds o.
Then how can it eliiiit of five Yenta he wining tins the kind that make top-. run into catarrh( which irottira becotres ' ture. This reservoir attachment of the Imperial Oxford Range is 50
expected to "sail right into study": notchers. At the annual nteetttig of tonsuMptiota Vietinrat of catarrh need -
arranged that it conies in close contact with the heat flues and keeps
. .
without laving bad a little practical tile doh ruld Ian 29111, 1904, 1103 tie- it't be discouraged, for fragrant heal-
aottrer's report showed thz ilub to Le ing Catarrhozonc perinatently cures a plentiful supply of hot water ready at hand. • The range is also fitted
' httowledge of the Work at home. 0
type of catarrh. .11e soothirg • with an exceedingly powerful water fVont for use in connection with a
course ' that teaeher's ideas. lia , the, in a strceg financial condition, having, every
• basis of the Kindergarten gystons will- a ettfll bnlitnee On hand ot 475 kitchen boiler. it your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford,
aid vapor of Catartheizente . itnotediately
spouOver 20,000 targets were shot at last prevents them from 'again- enternng tO us for particulars, !
cii ShOWS• if PareittO lidore no tittle to aesets Valued at Snow ; liabilities ail. kills the ,gervis that cause catarrh tiod
. t on developing kno*leage itt 'their
'year system, Relief tvill be quieksettre
-oria totter .' age ehddrera they ' ' some The Curtsey' IroundrY Coo, Limited
N - told tr. wait fiat the primary. iestrue- frrife oftleers elected were as folloiwa I , will be certain, absolute freedom front
', nittaiiiisonli Toronto, Canada
any trace of catctrrh follows the tete
' 'Coo at the Public Selloolta PreSidents R, Graham Visin.eitsisvene
. We rettond.d. the entertaintritat given. ' Vice-presideot, J. Ireland ,n1 Catnallotono, It is a stientific re- "Winstitsisit
in tle lecture room rif lino% •chiirch rreasurer, .3, 1t, oToeea
!inedy warranted to mire lung trouble, +. .
cii Thursday evening whicli was well secretary, 3, It. e,Kolon !bronchitis and catarrh. Cure guaran-
. patronised, The ProPirri WO %MI, Direetaft, IC Poster,' WM, Pester, , teed With tte0 3310111119 treat:matt. Price,/ .
lad b Davis & Rowland, Clinton'
olliercti I' e GAMOW/ ? JiriAvelll OrNuison. $i ; ealitPle size 480, IN•P tic '
partially fisnshed, with it:a barn salla
and: plank seats . 'and they • inereased
their: comforts only, as their Means
• The. first 'sessioli • consisted of .
Mr. Corrie, moderator, and Messrs.,
Joseph, DoVie anii John Jacksen; eld-
ers. These elder$ were ordained- to
t 114
We have a big variety of Summer fabrics
and novelty weaves in light wools, silks, linens,
voils, =Mins etc., that invite inspection.
P4nania Canvas Cloth
Made from selected wool, best dye and clear worsted
finish, nice even weaves, very fashionable for
tailor-made or shirt waist suits,separate skirts, etc. •
black, blue and cream,
prices 50c, 65c, 75c and $1.
New Etamines
All pure wool, sheer rough finish, best French (lye,
in black. A very stylish material adapted esp-
ecially for shirt waists, suits, dresses, etc., price $1.00
* •
VVool. *Voile
4' All pure wool nice. even weave in fine 'medium and
4, coarse meso best dye and sheer crisp finish, in •
4, ..black and large selections of rich shades. •
4! • • ! prices 59c, 75c .and 0.06
In four shades, lightblue, darkblue, charnpaign 4
4L, and green. Those are scarce goods and very pop-
ular, for outing suits, dresses, etc. price 15c.
:White Mercerized. Vestiing
The vesting is in assorted self colored desi All
4 are very new neat pattern, an ideal material for
4•shirtwaists. • price 25c.
Navy Meek and white ground , with dots, spots,
stripes and figures. This roatersal is very pop-
eutle, ic
ular fporrleadies' !nits, "girle'dresses, 'boys' blouses,
White Skirts
Made of fine cotton several
broidery frill full
• ••
styles; -lawn
and ern -
Made of fine cotton, lawn frills, lace insertion, frill
of four tucks and frillof embroidery, French.
• ..
bands, etc, $200
COtiSt COyerS
In white cotton and fine white nainsook, full -length ,
style, ! beautiful embroidery, ! fancy trimming, .
tucked 'yokes, prices 25c, 50C, 75c, $,1, and tip
Ladies' owns
In fine white cotton and nainsook, Empire or high .s.
neck style, are tastefully trimmed with fine em- •-*
• broidery, full insertion and lace frill, all sizes,• it
' prices $1, 1.25 and 1.30. t
4.,..A..,........../......,..........i."6,..Ab....,.........b,44...... :
Special in. Prints at 9i -c $ t
$ All shades and colors, soft close $ i
• cloth, will make up beautiful for •1
1 ladies shirt waists, dresses, wrap- 4
pers'and children dresses, worth i
to -day 3.%c, special• 914c. 4„).
...............1111,1116.4.11,411,01116,1111. Albv11101110111.0111e1110"6"11W6,1110. 4 It
• i.
Successors to P. Coats eic Son i
iff4•4•0#044.4,44404#***4444.44-4**4444r#444wo i