HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-06-02, Page 1< 0 < < > • ,••••• ' 4 1111E r INTON 25th Year MOM otele4vulit,:a jseiteteoet.e.4a. ) ) <3 <.) <•:>. 4 4 1 4 4 >sat c> ) AA _ ,;-4eseleoee Warm Weather Needs -46,,nowibriorivilbeilfr 0 0 Men's and Boys' Swell Soft Front Shirts in the very newest patterns, "Tookes" fam- ous make, perfect fitting, best washing colors, • 75c9 $'l and $1.25 • . , Washable Duck Vests in plain white and black and and white, just the , thing ,for warm weather . • each $2 Newest, in Leather Belts, narrow and Wide widths. All the new. -leathers for the. , summer , -25c to .75c §.4 0 Straw Hats in every style worn this year -.... ,.• <sbW< > ..,, Mes .50c to $2 < a k:1') > <., Boys 15c to Z5c. ?: < t> ,,s? <5( ? The J. W. Newcombe Co., < < , ,..,, . --.1Yien's and Boys' Ready (>6 • -.5<- Talloring--: aa<• Furnishings— ' —to -Wear Clothing, Hat olo )> Z.5 > CLINTON-L-- ..5:p2)i,-;riaeleiet9totatcsolemoraseteiclat:U.W4eteteialeteiSie001r1/7‘01MCVX )/4: t,);40i,Xt-steMeieletE,-sOlelet••9MIelertita0109fer::.- ao a ' -arootOrviCtrAK . . >n; k'st who has licnight Mr. ,T. Solinstone's • Townsend street cottage. at present watching the luoving - of Alr. J . A. While Mr. David etc.,. Sir, was On Saturday last another 'a the early settlers of this township 'aassed 45 ' tenanted by Mr, Harvey 1VIcBrieri, asag into eterrail rest in the person of Mrs. , King's atable an Aliaiday, a r, Cl 711 MI a • rlrotzi,, ORD. (CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1904. Whole Number 1322 Tali LOCAL MARKET'. Wheat 93e to 97e. Butter, loose, Toe to tic. Butter, tub, Ise to 12C. Eggs xaNe to 13e, Live Ilogs IN HARD LUCK. WILT, BE WEDDED SOON... WILL KEEP THE CUP.. ; Auburn. Bayfield :The invitations are out for another wedding in -town in. which the . con- tracting • partica will he one of our fashionable dressmakers and a young .: fatalness man of Wyclning, formerly of . . • Clinton.. The date will be about t - fifteeuth. he Mr. William Shipley' of the. Huron R,viemoad lost a 920oatnare last week 1:y PREPAR.A,roRx the bursting of a blood vessel. He has had hard luelc, in horses, .haring wilarlisPaseiaittiarrehY on eur viler? awyi lost fifteert in the last thirteen years, Rev. J. L. Small of -Auburn will ,"irea- REAL ESTATE TRANSFER, Isla" Communion will be administered ori Sunday. m. when Ta.stor Stewart Air. J. Beronen, tato. recently return- Will be in charge but for the eveuiti The Brassels. Herald says : "For a eollegiete team, Clinton is a strong one ana will lila le efl the Histigh Ciia• this•season. lileKinnou la a won - dei and Clinton's pride.". NOT ENOVGII DWELLINGS. Dweliing houses are s'ery scarce • in Clinton and for every vacaney there are half a dozen applicants. On Mon- day a family whieh had been living in the coiintry went sto -Toronto, not •being able to secure a suitable house here at all Rents • have, . •sceme instances, atan anceo. . 11.. • ed from Alanitoba to --take up Ilia he will make an .exchange with residenee in Clinton,- Lea bought the ;Hamilton of Londeshoro. - Fells' cottage on Joseph streot - for ; . some time occupied .hv Mrs. Townseaa,, MIGIIT HAVE BEEN WORSE Goderich Township. Z45 •<, (Ye.a •ort •Eq' •5 • ***OS ****. «o<>oxoo . . The Sovereign Bank.. * *** .004. 0000 000 * 0000 * 0000000 Ditecta your attention to its special facilities for issuing drafts On all the leading towns and cities. in Europe and elsoW her e at the loWest rates. . • This is.the safest, simplest and chea- pest Method of remittipg toonetr to foreign countries. • Cotiespondence or interview re quested oo44000000000oGo00400 1 *****ooi . . CLINTON 13RANCI-I . n. T. RANCE, Manager. •- W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. 0000 000 000 * 0,*4*** 4******4* 0000 000 0000 •000 * 0 0 0 0 •0 0 0 0 0 0 ..• . , '.-+++4-1-1-14++++-H-14 1 1 !,x4 11.3 :,•tt++44.4: • Spring . Is Here At Last _ You will need a new and lighter suit. We can supply you at less than manufacturers' prices. • This is no mere statement. It is a fact, and we invite you to give us ,• + a call and see for yourself. You will be, surprised when you sec, the readpto- wear suits we are putting.' on sale at just half price. 4. 100 of these Men's and. Boys' Suits are new on sale and will Con- tinue until all are gone. , .• t • • • • You canldo better any place in the county, soicome along and pick up the snaps in Clothing. It will mean dollars in'your pocket. Money • saved is money earned. . T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton. ....1-144.++++++44+++44++++++++++++. Only Fifty Cents ' e • •••••••••••••••4444.•• 1 . The.News-Itecord will be . , sent. to any address until the end of 1904 for half a dollar, Let's Have Your Sub. scription Now, #••••••••••+••••••••••••••••••••••4444.4*.+.44 Alexand.er, who had reached allE wasarFany CHANGES HANDS:. < piece of tintLier swonta an' struck him the Waverly House, which las been under the mauagament of S. Pi-ke on the shins, lintickinfahim down' and the ripe old age of ninety-twc. - • She however, to, prevent lis •atten- came. with her parents to Canada eigla • ty-five - years ago. • After living for • for number of years, .tas been leased, prietor of , the Colborne House,. Goder, tion to basne.ss. • .. •• about. thirteen years at Hull, Quebec, - by Mr.. George Bia<ton, formerly • pro TRANSFV,R. OF OFFICERS: .. they moved to Goderich township and and 'more reeently of the brewery .at Saltford, who.. will • take•. possession tooE up laial op the 6th con.. Here the.• Captain -Pattenden and Meat, Setter, stibje t . of this sketcla wlioae maiden in a few days : • . • wha 'awe. been for several In•oritlis • in . I:raising him somew nct enough,- was born near Belfast Irelaral and i • t 14,1 •.-, b .1 i'p . ., was- mar- ried to: Wiliam Alexander and they.. spttle.d.:upon.. F... 1 Ot...on the .7th cot, •whi-; eh continued italic their hisiim‘until the final sun, • .• .. - "1 • .ored. •faithfully while I ere.' .The -corps di:attic...is and 'thrifty -and seen made e ,. . y a .. regret • losing . them, • • C''PL`l'i coma:friable • home for themselves' and WroaS from ' GoderiCh succeedin • fatally. But they. had to ,endure • all the hardships incident tea pioneering of - - S. AND C. 'E._ CONVENTION. .• •:. which • the pre:tett goteration .. knows . A ' convention . of • tt e •• Sanctity • Schaal .nothiag . eacept by . Matra ay . - During Assceialion and Christian. - Entleavar theMackeiaies rebellion Of 18•317.• Mr: 'Union of -Huron '-will be held in Wing- Alex/oiler :wets amougathe toyed trren Of _ tam. on Jane nith- and. isth The first this • township- who reapalicied to , the • clay will .be- devoted, to Christian 'Era- .calla.of euCy and proceeded • to the aeat •cleavor work, , while the • secan0 will he . "of '''troati.le.: In the • sparsely: settled. Sunday 'SMOG' .Day. Friends of the state in which the totenship was at cease .• are • look ing'. forward. . •. to the that • • time the .. absence • of the men cans/Mai:on With mach enticipatice. ' meant • ailditionai. duties .and testa:mai- - • CONFER-I:WC:hi SUNDAY. .. ' . i .• . • fulla . borne. ••• Stout : hearted- ...,were . , .. . • ......., ......... , a . ..a. . .. . ,hilities. Wnich were .readifsa ead eluiet.7 GOOD STOCK. Among the live.. stock delivered to -Mr. C. IL. .Reicl..litst week was : steer bought Irani .Mr. :William :Snell. of Hallett which veigheil. -1725 ;•oi 'and realized $88.25. The. steer was not -qaite • three years ald eat •in auality and finialiwas,. a: •aperItir ni1Pei • 111 the saine,:,shipinent w.ts j . bought froth 1I?. - J. AleCailmigh Stanley which weighed 1575 pounds. . LITTLE LOCALS.. • • •..,. .• • There were te.n. intetthents .in Clinton cemetery-- during the. Mouth •• cf May..• ' The - aramal trieetirig of. the •Gaderich Distriet Epworth .I4eagtie . will be held in Clinton -an- Jane 23rd.•. •' . . • - . .Pro-fessor 'W. Clean Caniiihell • •has added a. "technicon", to his stadia .for the..benefit .of •Itis :.• ; : - Owing' to en aceinent en- the Buffelo. division a• Mile or so. west of .the taws.' taaraing's- trainwaa an Lour late. ...; --- -. ••... 1 -lick's weather '...fiareeaSts. far .Jane 4ppear..• 'on page 7: ;ilia Godeasicha eur- w1ponduwL, a aketeh,:of ..the Cliiitari- QuraCialy, an account. of the laving of 'tet 8ael:k1VIeses oarLnis.i vuot ecA nb)g, • the. corner .stone..ofathe new Presbater- ken at .Autnina an . page. • .• . • . Arra Arthur C.witel on Ilea inc.ved • to Isaae • .atreet and theatiause a he : liass 't aeatect .haa • :becn. taken by.. Mr:: , 3... „ Marray,, 'who has ''beenr. speadiag ?one. Months.. with.. his ,claugt•ter Sumane.ra hill. Mrs. .Murry returned a few days ago • front New .Yealt. after lengthy tris,kt with. •• Incialiers.: • af..her ' family there. . •• '• • • • " • • . , CI,INTON: C. I; WINS AGAIN. cominand of the Salvation Arany local " corps, have been transferred, the, Cap- tain. to Essex. and the Lieut. to Dres- den. They are zealous officers and lab - . . • the pioneers of 'Oda county.' . Nine ; The Landon Confereuce being now iii • years ago Mr. Alexancfer wait. gatlicted :session in London with the Revs. to the fathers and now his :faithful illanning, and Coat •attendance their. lielpniate has jollied him.• 'Until the 1•No.f. itroetitglick last few years she enjeyed: goad health' will occupy the Wealey pulpit,.while Wit during the past few :months alte Was -seized by. an .exceedingly painful' the :Ontario' sti-eet -churelt Air. : 'rhos; wiik tow aii.o.age cr the 4110,1_ complaint froia .which she antlered lau s bore- t with Christian. ing .service. In rt.he'•eVenin r there Will fortitude. Uri Saturday. iucrliing she• ' away. She is 'survived by the ' . ' . • . ,iq pe 4 o 111) limn, Mrs. ToVarna.., llaWiug of her children : Mrs. John • ' • Peter . Cantelon of the 8th eon. Mar:. tlia arid James • at kaanta. and Airs. Thos.. 'Mackenzie of Chilton. .The. lar- attyatter-tied funeral took place .to Clintoii cemetery. on Alcinclay afternoon, - the services at batik and gaaveside be- ing- condacted by Rev.; Mr.' Rhodes, the deceased .having been a member of the 'Anglican Church. Oa pallbeerets. Were Sohn Hudie; "Pa 11. Elliott, SA/nuel , Itasinention, ' Carate, .1 °seat, ;Currie and George Vaiiiterbial. Alr; and Mrs. •Elliptt arrived from Kepnel iti thae .to attend the farieral. • One . of. the few rea>aiiihig pioneers of Gocterieh townst•ip..WaS, Mr.., John. . T.; Anderson 'of the Baylield: Line, • Who chliaarted this life cat :Friday, last. :136t4i di. Comity Ferortinagl t; eighty-sik years iiga he Came- to Can- ada .irj 044and after liaing, for • ten vears at. Btaritforn he moved. to - this 'township and se(tled aupoii the lot en the Bayfield Lima upon. Which he, te-' ineined iintit death came. The district ti was tten. it. lariat, %but 'by industry' and :perseve.rance Ite soon'hewed out, a clonifortable ht,iiie. Oii ,May hte was • married and the. nartnenof his. loya and ii-OrraWs survives itt the . age of seVerity-eight... It is bat a fortaigtt. anal' tley celebratecl sheik.' diamond wedding: To' :•Mr. end: Mrs. "Andersori were horn twelve elilleiren, eight sous' and four daughters, cf wharf tenare• stillliviag, aamely : iltobert. J. of Idea Gregor,••Man. .; George E. of Griswold,.. •Man. ; Bee...of the Torenta•police far- ce-; Jantea of Kansas ; end, Charles .• of' Dakota ; Albeit and Louis on the homestead. ; Mks.. Jolia Shepp- ard and •Ittra, Jelin Thoiripson of the Bavlield•Tine. One brother and three sisters also survive. Mr. _Ai:del-am-1. Waa in, 'religion a Methodist .aad in - Politica . Conservative. • Tie funeral took place c:n Monday • efternmari to Bayfield • cemetery andthe '• vere large: titioulance vaS ati indication of the.esa teeni itt Which Ji was held in the cattail -amity: s. ;Privilea Troia allit over the toVoiship,- Clintali anis ;11aadield were presert and -the, cortege was a long ofie. The services at 'house and .ceinetety were conducted_ by Reya . Mr. Yellatrir'vehile "Oa, pallbearers Were7'.six sans of deeea.acet : 'William, • Charles, Alberti Jr.nies, Louis aid Ben. • ,Mr.'.Rdiand Cook, •who was barn itt ttis'.towaship years ago and 'Was." sa. son of Alt; William took of the .T011 concession, died at his home -in.111vth Tuesesiy It is about a'• fortnight less than • a year •since he was niarticd. to Mies Maina,, daughter of the late Saa„ Alain% Of East. Wawancialt. Mr. Cook Was 'member of the .Cifiiscii Friends •Cotai- cif, Ileimesville, whichwill attead the lateral in a body on Thursday. He I eldnit insurance • in the order; of Snot)°. Council inet on. Atonaity as a Court of Revision. The • follov iiiersons were struck off the assessment roll ; W. Sivaim, W. E. MeHteci,. V- O. McIlveen, W. Batts,' Catharme Lov- ett, Airs. Joie. Affairs. Appeal against A. J, Butts was not sustained. Ap- peal of Sae. Ccimolly against assess- ,. td ggfaf their soil /Sane, who, rs has Imen e,s. 4 iarairy • reduced $.5oo, - Wilmot went of cheese factory was stistained,' Mr, Ed. Mole has secured. situa- tion Mi. the London Free Tress. • Mr. William Sturay left for Parry Sound , .• 1 Miss L. l'atterson is very ill at present, Miss hunk: Straughan visited her sister in Lucktow recently. Miss Annie Yunglaut of Chatham is visiting under the •parental roof in the Ms:Aland It los Miss Elva. Wallace was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W, T. Riddell. Rev, Mr. C011 planet is attending Coaference . at London. .Air, R. Ander- son of Ihn".nybrocik is the delegate ior this Circuit. Mr. Ed, Mole and Miss Snawdsn .Seaforth Suneayed at Auburn, visa Mr. William _Mole of Dan Lamm. Miss Emma Yungblat favistrek was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Co. Lena), for a few days Miss • Hasten, of Londesbaro n as the guest. of Miss M. Caupland ovar f -un - ay. Mrs. Wm. Lyon aa atsa guest at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. C. iioa,e of linton visited at his brother .1ohn'a and eta, witnessed the laying ef tUe touter slime of the new' Presbyterian thi !ch. • On Thursday laftt another 4 f our picnic:era crossed the: bourne in the person of Atria John Sturdy who had reached the good cAd age of four note, years. She Was a devoted Christian woman and for very. many years a member 'of • the -Angtican Church. She was anuch respected in the ccimmunity in which let death makes a gap. She is s survived; by her hashanel.,alid. three sans.. and two daughters, 'namely : Wil- liam of Parry Sorest, Harry, ; Gone, aud Mary• and on the hainestead, to 'wham the sympathy of vs all is extemied. The-funtral took placcatc cenietery and was one of the. largest ever seen in this section.. The ceremony was •pcigormed. by ten.' T.B. .Coupland, 'Thus ose hY One the early Settlers •; are abeing called to 'their loag • • • • large number of Teeple asahered itt the village •on Mendity,altd Witnessed the laying with Ma.Sonsie . ceremony , of the sportier 'gone o( the new Presbyter- ian church. The ceremony was per - :foamed ;Ridge Harding. aA Lindsay, Grand Mastet of the. Grand- - Lodge. of Canada. ••• Pia:Varela of one 'Mildred ine,-. mbera. <A the alder were preSent, from Clinton; Blyth, Qederich and elsewhere. The collections amounted 16.545o. . fht• Saturday last the London C. 1. focithall team- and a number' aup-. porters- journeyed to .Clinton ,to make - their "'secondl attempt to :lift ;the:Hough Cup. _They came.. up on 'the • 10.15. train and and' as they desired- to return, on the 4 .train the game. Was called, for 2 o'•006k.. Shortie. •after that..tour Ref- eree • Bailey. blew. the The Clinton boys had the choice ',of goals ard Loadon the kick: oft.. 'Oa former . soon lied. the hall and brought it down 'to- thaer .opptitants' goal. They missed the. first try. but. with•in .five ininrites front starting starting Younglilut sent the 'hall throngh andClinton •was. ahead; The spectatois and:. playera thinight, they had. en easy liting in .Londan an.c1 the • boys let up. Then Taaidon tock a spurt and . before 'half tithe their had scored two goals. The half .caded 2 to s favor 'of. London. • • • Things' begcn lot,k serious. : The thc•tight • of London cart '0.. hatat the Cup was tocamuCh to 'contemplate and .when the whistle, blew for the ztd half Clitton boys started going. - 'In tv., initiates. they had the ball. in London goal and .in a short time were suc- cessful in.scorina, Mac. Aikefthead putt - lag. the .ball threogli. This was .coasaging as it meant that London' had .to get anOthet to win, The 'bell was kic-ked off . 'and. in a few minutes Youirgblia. scored againsar.ei • • .Cliiiton, was one ahead. The boys . not let up ann scon Aikenlead .scoredf the fourth goal. A few miratea • before time was called Aikenhead. . scored again ard when the whistle blear' the Score stood 5--.-2 in favor of Clinton • London not scoring in •this half . and Cliiittotiaucceeding in eeding 4 to their • scare el' the ist half: • ' ' ' " In the last<half of the:a;aine London was- certainly snot'in it,- thcf.h. men Be- ing completely fagged cut .while • the Chattel). bey a were -almost• .as flesh- as when they started. The teams jilted up as. follows • . , , Loudon • - .Oosii-Goverlock, • • • • Backs -Stile anct DoWning; • Wiagiais and '. 'Wallace. • Eorwards-Carter, Gillies, Garret, MeWilli.ams ane, Garrett. , Clintord Goal -N: Murcia Backs -J. Mchlwes, A.. J, McQueen 'Ian -backs -C. 1Vlastaid, McKinnon. and Walls. Forwards-Whiadoia, T. Mustard, .• A. Aikothead, W. Yourigtaut, • • At , 'Aikeithead. • Notes' .of the game, This is the 3rd Bough Cup gable for Referee Bailey, He ought .scon to be the official referee. Ilis.,work is den - Utility satisfactory. " I be Lawton team were Se t toti ou the greatest crowd . of kickers. ever scot here. Almost every p•Ia.y of .Clititrai was "offside" and "foul" with them. • • 'Lite gate receipts were hot large, Messrs. Hooper,. March and ihompstai: ,DEATH..0. MISS FIVSSiSION.S. . . a On Friday:. last ' hiss Amy Fitasia f Mans, aeinglitet .af 1.,,,irs: Ile.rry, Stev- , ens, apassea into rea: after. a fang ills lill'S.S,. .. She was. an ilillI iatle •yorins• firila,.. beloved by • tier' aisocietes, and, fl.:,:r..the afflicted.. nit•ther• and .' family . mach' syinpathy . is , _expresa....6.• .•'lle funeral tgok place Sunday . afterationr 'Use sera vices being .coaducted by -Rev, Dr.• Cook Wii,ile the pallbearers Were the . .fallowing, Chosen 1)y deccastd : Harry rirzsipiont, Ea. Munro, George pot-; 'ter ..and, Walter Marlowe. ,. • • ABOBT"..St'd AR • 'AIDA'S. . • , _ . . . , .. . . .. . . , Mr, , tilliam Graham, 'inspector . for ' the ' Perlin -Sugar :Company, • : s'AS out ..astitong Ote growers ;of whotri hp. st.ells us there are .q.0. in 'his inSpectorate, prinCipally ... in the County of • 1-Iiirelia. He is.. particillarly tilinictis • to heve tle crap property takeit• care of. for by so ' • doing it will' add twia of beets. •ir.ore to the rgaseawal...,..pay doubly for :the labor :bestowed am it. •The farniers of ttes- . grand • old; atimity •will...aat, be., behind in this respcet.:. when they have the- soil.' sds well, adapted :for:the, grow - ng Of beets, . .. "...,, .- .. . a - • • , • • . ' • " ..* .•1. • • . A- suNg WEDDING. ... . ..... An hitelesting event hieh the . citizens of Clinton are interested took Place in Detroit yesterday Where Miss Stetch, daughter of Mr.Chailes Sterch of tlat city, beceine the brine of Mr. W. Newcombe, merchaat cf Clinton. • The, cereniony was perfornied by Rein- Charles •13. Allen. It was 'a quiet wedding; :only the family • being ..i>resent. • . ' • • The fair hride. was a resident of Clinton" for' ii:couple of years, while the groom is one of oisr most • pro- gressive business They, are a muck esteemed and -popular comae tot 'wlicnn their mitneyeaa fyiends are. now exteliditig gocei wishes. • Mr, and Airs, NoScoatbe will. take up their residenee on (fibbing's -street, ' JOE.RAI"fENBITRY RETIRES'. • • This Week Mr. Joe, Ratteabury re- tires from tIM hotel bashisss in width bellies' been engaged for the pest ta era ty-eigt It years. It. was .on •May st, .1876, that InOicigan to assist his b•ro- ther„ the hate-. Ziattentairy, and on the lattees, retirement in 1895 he succeec'ed him and lies since 'continued to eater to the travell-ing public. . How well he has aucceetled ia seen in the splendid. iseptitation .which „the House etioys; • • The family have Weil. in the In til buslitesi; since 1845 wheit the late William •Ra.ttenbury purchased from "Yankee" Reid a log tavern situated whare '118(1411's block ,row is and gave to the place its. name of Clinton in 'tailor of Lord Clinton ' apcn whose Tartu in Engle:aid Mr. itattentrury's. ra- t1ier was a• tenart. . For twealy-seven years lie carried on the business 'Out the -hotel became famous because of the Po,P1-1aril.Y and goierona clispatitioa tif eial Mrs. Rattelibury. to 1812 they retired, leaving the hate% char- onlv 812.05. The Collegiate girls are o loyal crowd, They never miss a gante and their applause telps the boys. won- derfully: , This is the 'seventh successive vie - tory far the Hough Cup defenders.. The Loildon ' boys have decided they Will iiat try for the cup tor twhi1e agaiti. The day Was a perfect one for sport. The home team eia: tot play the game they played 'with Weasels, but they did it well enough to pat Leta Ion out of business. "'What we have, we'll hold," • Next—Ileritn--Friday. above stated, Was sacceetled 111 1895 by the 'Meseta proprietor. 1\lra. Joe Rattenbury has beett mitre hostess for tweaty years and to her thotightfulnese and consideration for the comfort of her guests, together with her skill in the culinery depart - meet, is due much of 'the popularity which the House eatcys. Smiley next will be tic tweatv-first ataiversary of the wedding of MI:, am Mrs, V attethilmry and before that they will have moved into their residence on Willisuti atm whieh luta for taweral ion t h Ititackie • Was asaessen for lot 3, con. 11, as owner, David 'Chard -MI Was as- sessed for pt. tot 21, cora 16, ass's , owner, Barry Hibbs vats. assessed for pt. lot 21, IL R. coil., as owner, Rich- ard Jewell itfil Wm. Jewell were as- sessed for pt. lot x8, con. 8, ea owner, Moved by John Stewart, seemiclact by J. C, Woods, That asaasament roll as now read alta reviled be passed. MM. utes of last meetinki of council were rtaa and' iiessed, Maned by *Tea. Cox, aeconded John Pore, That tha fel- t lowing accounts be pain 1 Teterboro a Vines, collector's and guide, $., A serious. accident befel airs. Robe,rt. Dennison on .Morday lasts: While ,,a,t work . 111, the cellar e :accidentally' ,triPped and felt, dislodating Some. • of. the. bones of her , hip. As Mrs. Deniii son is s ard old lady it will no doubt - lay .1..er• up for .$041..0 time, hut: her F.many friends hope for her'. speedy re- • covci y. . • •Alt, W. T. 'Keys •whiatles .a.ncl. sings gni merrily at his work. those, <hays: ard all oat account of:, the arrivalf girl a.t his •house. •• DaviciSon and 'wife' left . on. Atoadinis for St. John, New Brunswick, , General Assembly.: TI ey wilt.alAds via - Where lie goes as. a delegate". to a the it friends •in Neva Scalia belote re- turning'. . • • ' - Mr... .W. •F. Key. s has secared the cinttract for, the new phurek sheds. at. Holanasville. . • : • Mr. • 'William' Archer had 'the inia- fortung• to lose One, of ,his horses an Monday. last. It was •"playing,.arianal .aroand the orchard . when. it Wake .ofie 'of its leg's and hae, to be shot, , • :Sortie of „the.. villagers spent .the 24th fishing at , the river', but thtire;'appear- - Ce, to he more fishers than !Ish. „ , , Rev. John. McNeil of .:Bayfielcl • and Rev. ' Mi; Sawers .of BrucefieliF • were •glitsi::. at ..the Rev: Mr, Davidson. .ort May 24th. • . • • • •-' ' • Thos.•Slphin,sc,ii. of the Parr. IAne iiiiga;ged With Mr, . W., F.' Keys ,fat the itinunier tab:tabs.. Toni- is a good 'limn and can make. ea Much sawdust in -a day as •wiy cue. • a • Arr. T. Carr has coinpleted hia-Cona. treat on the .ceinent faundraien of Abe new school which is now ready. forsthe brick work which will be done .biring 'summer holidays. • • • . . . Rev. Snell,' wife and family left for • London on Mouday to attend the IVIetitodist: Conference. Air, Albert Vanstatie left or i Tues. day for \\Ingham where he hes accep- •teAtiira naldsttuation .son of al: Soo ar- rived home., Saturday to spend a- few days with his prir.ents. Mesdames. Parker and Parsons left this week for tuition, .North, Dakota,. te• .apend the summer with their data. glyters.. • ' Alt. II. Drehinerar is wearing a ainil.e; now, son having arrived last Sunday, to stay. Mr, James Delgaty •of Stanley occia pied. the pulpit of St. Andrew's church lasAtirs8.11ellitsYneesr anntildg'Son' Gear.ga• of Sea - Rita, spent Sinalay in the village. ',Visa Carter and'Dr. Atkinaoa's few- ity of Detroit arrivedi last week to th on %putt. fk.tw days, the past Week with lair parents, Mr, and Mrs. Porterfield - e•f lialgrave. Airs. (Dia) Stenbury spent a fe 'NV • clays ii011c1p11. the past week. • Mr. James Atacdonahl, who .1 as • apent tte past winter with Ids son. itt; 'Washington D. C. ; arrived •Ite re last week -to speud the- Summer. • - Mr, II. Erwin alai daughter, Aims - Clara, • and Miss Flay Edwards". speat •... feiy idays in Kincardine • visit ma • fries. • • elicit; the pest week.r Mrs. Varkinsen and son :left .for their • .. honk,: at .Detroit oni Saturday after • speeding the naat.thanth -• • ther, Mrs,: Card. • • ROI!. ' .1. AicNeil .at St. Audrests.s .elts • • urch has. beent holdrng revival -services the' past . few- weeks., We hone. much *a. good has been aceciniplished -by 'these meetinga.- . . _ • • _' Miss. Carter, -Casey arid. Carnet -"At., 'deem and gra: .1Dr.):. Atkinson of 'De.. troit have.. arrived -.here far the Mina. : • a . . • Atlas. Sadie ---------atson we:a he, ,gueat . - Mesa Meta Erwia last • week. . -Miss -Jessie Sinith - is snending • • . a,:. week at. • •.John Stsrgeon has raturiied • . . front '• Tort Dovet. - .": -" ..• . 1, .3 woes ...Macdonald has.. returned from •WaShiagton whete gni. spent. the Whites . ••• - with, his son'•.T.ernea." " • • •••• a • ..• Do' not Satget that -Oa: Lay field Sicilia -.• ea chase...at p. 'each ,Tuesday s- Tlimrallay. I: Remember the two, T' S. • . • M,iss \Vitiation 0.f "Gut:tali Wladdai 'on 'Weakerton a4th at their lionte,... . • • • . Dr.. Atkin-win:of'. Detro4..--spent. SimS deV :with Intuit-Y.44a. ••• • -the 24th - of' AIu.y •pasSeal "Mae, Se...fetal apervis the .clay....taittoig, .-. and fishing'. anti. some ; tack. ia tit.. sports at :Look .out for. a big-time .fiete on.sst,•• ".• July.-. Prepatatioas: are 'nada to •• •• ..• Celehrate.• that day 111 UM: •atage. • re'a .sure to be a • crowd.. , • .' • l• Oct Tueacley.. Aiiaa Maude Pollack,. it;cabiale.y• • r Itlirig left for. Alan' -: Born -On .22rid. May, the wife". of Ha • .brehmann.,' .•'-•• • • ' • .Thegadies of tte. W61114:11 Inatitute • ' ate: •premianigaitiite novel • entertain . - went, At least:novel t:Ot 'the' people -7' or, this Vieinity,-"bt the ..-11en...k ' • . two . ittaies, •.•.Alisscs.•IIill 'and :Millar,: • .Whe: are 'Sent _pet -by ..the 'Government; • sire in Baylield in the town:hell an Fraley, June 3rtl,. to s lecture Oa ..stitute tirbrk. • Iit the tifternoan Miss- ' •will give a talk . : on licinte-• • . 'Nursing. Ole...what • .I.C) do easeS. 0:11:ergeociv4. • Iliss aboirt..•• • •.. foOd-' and will- • give' -E,3 jiractic,41. Oman- •atratiaii. of ccialtina: In • ilia .•.eyeeing ' • Township.- John. ,Tolins spent Sunday ; the home of Mr, Win. Rath...veils ' . and Atria. Taylor ate' 'faun- ily visited the lattees parents a oa .Simeaty.. • . • .• • • Mr, encl. Airs. Items), Peck are .spend- ing a. few days- near Exeter this week with "f.ltribelel'a. aCeciiiipaiiied .15Y la's sisters, Misses F,va •and Reid,were the gi..esta af Mr. Peter Cele of the Be.yfield Lille $4111day. • Mr. .1Prauk Willis and Miss' ..Adaie Bothwell of Seaforth spent the. 24th of May at the holm of .Mr. Willianit•Tata • Mr.. Wille•ani • Ratii.Well attendiag con:fen:rice- in Loneon this week as • o, delegate from 'Varna Circuit.. Mrs. Wm. Clarke...sr. is spowng. few days this week with her son, Mr. Latincelot Clark of the Goslyets Line. Miss Mary Dawson of Clinton spoil. Sunday at her home On the Babylon Line. . Mr..and•Ahat. Davitlson of Bay- field were the pietas of Mr, William • R thWell. on Slind-y Miss -Rachel Clarke of Seaforth -spent - the 240 at her home. Miss Maggie Richardsom who , has been at home for sonte time, retlirned to Wyoming. on Menday. last - Miss Lucinda Reid is at aresent visiting relatives at Wyoming. Mrs. J. Richardson and daughters Miss Kate, of Goderich township, vis-• Red at the home, of Mrs. • Joseph :Richardson 011 Saturday last.. • been. in the hands of' the pithiters, ear 'venters Out masons, who have wrou ght great improvement. 'rho grain. bv Mr. Sas. Copp is snit yon would expect from flat Well krowi artist. It is a beautiful home %chid - 35 ; W. A. ;Mustard, cedar, $i515, - Council atlicir,tned to meet on the first - Monday at aTtily at 1 c.'elock.-Nfacca Sturilg, Clerk, The News -Record will be sent to a1I37 1 address mail the OW; <A 1904 for lifty it is hope4 the really will Is.ng enjoy. Mats will. initaik alkali: 'the. k.fi 1118 1 aitd objects at. -.Walachia .Institutes and Mitis •:1\tillar willagive sante '"Glei..nings f roin In :addition to thi:s tit the ever,ing. there Will he e pro - pain rendered 'the best lace]. taleiia available. Everyone will be 'welcome at ltah(eTit, ackiiitilitimis!ogat,ilignkeratioenoneln518 tvcli ie.: tends Will be disappointed.'. • Those ; froin the country .who wish to remain for the caroling sessicht , will please bring :baskets for it basket piodc ut the • .'• . • -• .• • Eruigh of the Cantineteial drave...LO Medford_ : •oit •Satiard.ity, returtung• on MotieJay..-• • . 11,,Ionclay gni te •0, number of our citizens' ati elided .the. cett•mony ;of the . 'laying et the eatuer ..stone -x4. the. • •taw,. Presbyterian cluireh Auburn, • • ...• - The angel of 'death hes .c)nce „More visited 'our petteefal billy' • and taken • "..a. •-• luane • Irani us .on. - Tuesday - meaning, Rowland. Ccolt, . Eas beerier great fhwer for s' 8011M: • tithe.. The • finieral. .tattes plaCe' from liis late 'residence -oil Thursday to AlItot. e.ei-is it viteeit..yery for .t� town to as iL alli4n1rdcrYatnae year: slite.e .116 %nsad lta.sIitarIiscl eirit five. • •The bereaved -ones have the spas.. . aathy of the. entire community.. Air, Isaac" flisow,sitil'i.a)snttiltriltiiisai.70,11. have finished tte 'cement bleak 'work or the • 110* arleatioil to the Commercial hotel • whicli leaks. very The 'Preen-tam:Us Itelet a meeting in their hall on Tuesday. • Ifeilron Bros. are busy- getting tht. cellia and foundation chig Mit. for their i,lertn,13A1-1Ii<licinidnagy (1.)ihreClat•legettillftS11:1's71..tti lig of the • tth Divis;o0 Court' will be alis .ttator Judge 110 t presiding. Mr. Will. takes pciaaessieft •ort the 15th. of the Waltnii which lie recently pt.rehased. . . „ 1 Colborne Township. . • itv n of the Nile ciecupiett Zion, Ashfield Township. . The following statistics are from Shea Aslifielit assesament roll far the presost year : No. cf .acres- .. 63,915 No. ot acres clearcei• • . '-. Assessed setae . $1",•68a,55o Assessed value of persalial pro- perty • •,,$,..6.50 No-. of cattle .8,049 Ni. of sheep - 2,846 No. <A hogs ii18,58 No. of horses 101717 Acres cif garden or orchard 1,-04'14 .311V) Cetitta No, of eerea fall wites.i. A G paha eit Sabbath afternoon,. The Orangemen of the Nile Dun- gaanoit and Enniskillen will picnic in Mr. Alex, Voulig's grave near th,e Nile tin June nith, A good time is expected. . Mr. Melville ,Tewell sold a sptin of eriVers to .Mr. Mass Gawky: of 1.0<*iderich for :which he receiveairs Paid figure.. • The Misses Elliott of iitaleritilt were the p,ties Ls of Mr. mid 'Sara. Batters on babliath. Mr. Geo, Bata had a mishit:1 on. Wednesday of *last week putting' up his atav barn. Eraest Mitthell and Hugh JIM were CaPla WS, 1Ite fortner's side being the winneria a.