HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-19, Page 8kht
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Artistic 'Millinery.
We keep a close watch on the Millinery Mar.
kets and follow changing fashions as they are pro-
duced, so that you are always sure of finding what is
newest and just out " in Millinery styles here. This
week some late novelties in American Hats. and
Flowers are on our tables. They are new, they are
novel, they are styliSh,-Come and see them.
Illessanommemommossi. 0,111111N.
The Cheap
.r•-•7 • yr, .
The Clinton Newts.Ftecord May 19th 1904
Pial:; Is Now.A Special List -of Bargains 'During
ivy; Is Here
The Forenoon of May 24th
That Whitewear we Started to sell last week is
cheap, but it is not ordinary cheap stuff, skimped and
stinted in every possible way .to .lower the price. •It is
Whitewear that was made to sell for a good deal
more than we ask, for a good deal more than we
could possibly sell it for, had we not bought it cheap
on account of Toronto's great fire. •
Every garment is. perfect. Every g4rment full
size. All made for this season's trade. Here is a list
of prices. See last weeks papers for fill' particulars:
Gowns at 47e, made to sell at 65c
Gov't us at 75c, made to sell at $1.00
GOMIS at 90c, made to sell at. $1.25
Gowns at $1.00, made to seil
GOMIS at $1.0, made to s611 at$2.00
Corset Covers at 120, made to sell at 20C
Corset Covers at 19c, made to sell at 25c
Corset Co' ers at 29e, made to sell at 40c
Corset Covcrs itt See, made to sell at 50c
Skirts at 50r, made to sell at 75c
Skirts at The, made to sell at $1.06 • •
Skirts at 90c, made to sell at
Skirts at $1,00, made to sell at $1.5o
Skirts at $1.26, made to sell at $2.00
In every case the quoted value is well within the mark
of what the Maker intenied these gcods to be sold for:
House cleaving 'Nal be on you
with a rush and you will need. some
Wall Paper. It takes a Hate tone to
seledt it, a little time to deliver at to
you. Yon leave* more time now, so
have we. Do you not consider it a
reasonable proposal that you seo our'
stock. early, then when you are ready
the paper wall be ready.
Our stock is open for inspeetion,,
hig in variety and good int valve.
Prices from 3c to re per roll. •At 8e
we have some specials, in fact they
foe very special. Will you come and
. . . • '
see thent
Raincoats of Style.
The Raincoat of to -day is a garment fit for almost any oc-
casion and far removed froni the clumsy and- unsightly water-
proof of a few years ago. 'Our Raincoats'are made from light
weight all -wool imported Cloths, cut in the newest and most
popular styles. They look well and will give satisfactory wear.
New garments just opened fQrMseJiing1..• .
At $5.00
. .
Ladies' Raincoats, made from pure wool English Cloths,int
ported by ourselves, coat collars full length and. skirt, all sizes'$5/
fawns, and greys, very special value at, each •
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
D, Fair Go•
Often the Cheapest. Always the Best.
We lin OW
Mr. C. J. Wallis was in Exeter on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Fluicer spent Sunday
with Auburn relativeS.
Mr. David Beacom. spent Sunday with
• his son, Mr..' A. W. Beacom, Har-
. lock: • •
MrS, Wm. Pearson of Seaforth was
the guest or•Mrs.. 'Jas. Mair over
Sunday. • . •
Kiss Maggie Hillen of Seaforth has
been •tlie gnest. cf her sister.,.. ' Mrs.
John. Walker..
Rev.' Dr. Stewart inade an exchange
'I'm Sunday with Rev. Mr. Hamilton
of Londesboro:
Mr. George Osmond ' left. Monday to
accept: a_poskion in the organ lac-
• -tory. at London. • • • '
Mr. and Mrs', Albert Marien of Hen
sal' visited Clinton axr.1 Base Line
. friends*en Sunday. • . • •
Messrs. Thos. and, 7George King, Bay-
• field; were guests• of their brother, .
Mr.• J'. A. King, oil Saturday.
Mrs. James AT.)uniord and family arriv-.
cd last week. -and • are again •se%tled
in their .cild -home ' on Station street::
Mr. Fred: .Eagleson, son ,,of • Mr: . Jas. •
' Eagleson, forinerly of:Clinton , was
in twin on Monday 'on, his :Yr-ly• to
'South Dakota,: • •
The -111isieS .Pensonneatilt, sisters of
•• the popular priest- of St. , Joseph •
•Parish, are idaying e. .weeks'•
visit. to Mends at •Windser.• • . •
Mr. and Mrs.'. Eeward Good and their
little daughter of Colborne were
•guests oft,Mr. and 1VIrs. James Levy,
town, 8titt.rday.:and Suneay.. ..•
Mr. 'NI, Daly Hamilton of the nispec-.
• tor's ,Staff Uthe Bank .O.f Commerce
was town Part • Of. the .past week.
the guest of his father, Dr .Hatati/-
At $8.5o
Ladies' Raincoats, made from pure u °alien Cloths in greys and
fawns, new sleeve, shoulder canes, MilitaryCollar, brass or Gun el) nn
MetalButtons, each QU.k1U
At $11.00
i.,adies Raincoats, made from fine finish all wool Cloths, cut in
rie of -the seasons most popular styles, Military Collar, Ilene
fawn, each ••00
sleeve, shoulder capes, Gilt or Gun Motal Buttons, 'grey o11-1
• •
Shower -proof Cloths by the yard $1,25, tr.56 and $2.25
iGood Hosiery Values..
! ! ! STORE WILL CLOSE AT 12 30 SHARP 21 1
In order.to give our customers from the country who will attend the celebration here on May 24th
a chance to do their shopping, we have dscided to keep our store open during the forenoon of May 24th
and in order to make things doubly interesting we will place on sale a rousing list of bargains for the
forenoon only.
Come to our store Tuesday morning and share in the bargains and then enjoy yourselves during
the afternoon at the park.
$1.60 and $1 50 Lace
Curtains at $1.10.
waist lined, regular $1 for.
• $1.00 Wra,ppers at .790
Ladle's Wrappers made of a. fest color, red ami blue print, full skirt, •79 13
of Kay 24th at 1 1 0
4 1.50 and. $175 Underskirts at $
50 paira of 'very fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, 4 yards long, extra fine $
open lace effect, regular $1,50 and $1.60 values on Sale tbe morning
50 Black Satana Underskirts extra well made and finislied.trimmed with 1 00
Hosiery business keeps growing here right along. That
must be because we sell reliable qualities and makes that gives
satisfactory wear. Our values, too, are good, or we could not
do the trade we do. This season's•stock-should win us new.
customers, for the values are such you will find hard to dupli-
cate. Here are a few of them. There are lots more :
Ladies' black Cotton Stockings, scentless spliced heel, fast black, onf,
all sizes, very spacial value attwo pale for •.. &WIN
At 25c.
Ladies fine Egyptian Cotton
Hose, fins, high spliced heels,
and feet with at. without many -
al wool soles, Her msdc.rf dye, .
guaranteed not to loose their.
color, alba Ladies plain Cash-
mere Hose, full fashioned, spli- • •
cel heels,nicei soft wool, elc," •
Spring weight, a 1sizes,per pair LOW
At 50c.
Ladies' extrafIne black Cash-
mere Hose, plain or ribed, soft
finish, high spliced 'heels and
double soles, with or without
silkEmbroidery, also Ladies ex-
tra. quality black Lisle thread
Hose, German goods, guaran-
teed to keep their color and 500
wear well, at per pair
The famous Black Cat Stocking or Boys
25ed 35os 400. .
Dry Goods
ton. • • '• * •
Mrs:. John Hamilton of Nelson, B. C.,
is. the guest of her sister; Mrs. S.
'Kemp. Mr. Hamilton is a C. P.
oflicial and maytar, of the .prosperous
city of. Nelson. • • .
G. M. Peebles. of 'aid tO•Wii; of:
• Colborne was; in ,Clititon Saturday on
his.- way ' • from to • Spend
•• Sunday with' his Coosin, Mr. 0. R.
• Keys of . Stanley. "• . • •
The Misses Hainshere will a.rrive this
.wdlafe..front 'Louden,: England; and 'be-
come residents of Clinton; having -in
iew engaging in business here. :They
are .siSterS.. of Mrs. •W,.. TT. Hellyer.
Mr. Oliver ',Tolleson returned • lootne •
...Friday last from the Northwest
ther he wet. 'with a carload of of kor-
ses. Tie was at OXliow Assa., and
• Hartney,. Man., 7 among Other places
aiid .says the whole country is boom
. . .
Mr: and Mrs. F. 12...1-16dgens,.Mr. and,
Mrs. W. -Jackson :and .Dr., and , Mrs.
Slaw left Friday last -cn the Can:
' adian Railway fieket. Sellers' ,Asso-
ciaAion excursion far the St.. Louis
•Exposition, They will, be home this.
week, . • . ' ' •
Mr,. J. C. Tc;wnseint leaves t1:is • week
for Cuminings„- North Dakota., with
the intention of: remaining in ...that
'State for the. suirrnier. •IVIrs. Towne
• send and her neice, Miss Jennie Jon-•
• es, expect to [olkw in a couple . of
months.. ."• • " " •
Dr. Snaith and Mr. W Whidden, Bay-
' field, were in 'town Tuesday making,
arrangements fcr -a big DoMinten
Day celebration in their baliny :V111;
age. Theprograrii which they ,are
' preParing. will ensure . a day's • solici
enjoyment for a large, Crewel,
Mr. •AlL.Askirith of Atiburn . Was • in
'Clinton` on Saturday. Mr. 'Askwitli
is (Inc of the trustees or.' that police
village and one of the most energetic
• 'business men in: theplace. Ile has
been active in•proanoting the C. P.R.
extension and looks 'forward. with
..eonfideneci to a considera.ble growth.
in the size 'and business of Attlinrn
in consequence. " •
IVIr: Fred. Halstead of Waterloo, sup-.
erintenclent cif agencies, Dominion
• LifeInsurance Company,' was111
town last week. Tit has been going
over the ground with Mr. John. Ire-
land, the eistrict agent,anct was
so :favorably impressed by the coun-
ty- and the business prospects • that
he says tl:c Dononion Life will pay
special attention to Huron in future„
The Company's interests are being
well looked -after by Mr. Ireland,
Mr. W. J. Ross, whO . has been con-
nected with the' orgati factory for
the past ten years, for nearly two
years as superintendent, lately
ceiVeC' • several handsome oilers front
outside .firms„ but has finally deeid•
• eel to remain and has made a new
engagement with the Conpany. Tits
host of friends will be midi pleased
• to kitiyw that he will not leave
town after all. In :various circles
Mr. Ross and his estimable better
half would have. been much missed.
Mr. J. Taylor is one of the thirty
Ontaric, laWit bowlers who leave on
- Tuesday next for Montreal Where
they take boat for Great Britain to
Make a sixweeks' tour cif England,
Ireland and Scotland. Thirty years
close and successful application to
Intskess well •entitles Mr, Taylor.to
, this trip. He needs the outing and
we hope will enjoy • it. During his
o the I tisinecss will be in char-
, go of Mr. John Derry who has been
18 tlie employ of the • "Old Reliable"
for seventeen years and gives the
• i seine close and eonsektitious")atteat-
. tiara t(; the business .in the absence a
the proprietor as he does la his
$2.00 and $2.25 Lace
Curtains at $1.60. • Bargains in Tailor Made Skirts
several small frills, regular $1() to $1.75 on.May2ith to go at
20. pairs of 8 yard long lace curtains, extra fine open design, our hest $2 an $5.50 to 50.50 Skirts at $3..50. Two different. styles
a•nd $2 25, On Sale May 21th at
I• aU. U A few Tailor -blade Skirts to go at 2.00
Our Best All Wool Carpet at 69c. •
100 yards ot 36 inch wide ail pure Wool Oarpetielegant Br ussels designs,
• Just Received $
• $1. On Sale May 21th only.at
• 69 $ •
A fine assortment of I•Tew Wash Goods, in the new
three patterns to choose from, this quality is sold in most stores at
Best. 65c Tapestry Carpet at 50c. # blue and linen color,
• • •
200 yards of our very best27 inch wide Tapestry Carpet. in a good range 50
of designs, regular 65c Carpets on Sale May 24th et •.
500,60c to 75c Dress Goods at 30c
3.50 rdts of 38 to 42 inch wide all wool Dress Goods in. assorted colors of
0.‘ressr. is;Ass..iifr4a...‘"ssesa-Ara.-as.q...-40.Ass;.6.;•ms-na.41b^b..
3oc Ribbons at 20c
200 yards of pure silk Neck Ribbons in assorted calm% regular 30c Rib- 20
bons on.Stile May 21.tb at
aVY1ac k, etc., t he regu tat pr ices o f th •
goods are 50c, 60c to 75c all to go on May the 24th at. ... ..„ ... ..
, Red, Royal, Brown, B ese 30
60c to 75c Wool Waistings at 30c
Fancy Collars at 25c
50 fancy Collars etc., in assorted. Styles regular prices up to $1 on May 25
24th to go at
20 Waist Lengths of fine, wool satin cloths, etc. in a fine range of color% . •
• these are oar finest 00c to 76e lines and go on Sale Tuesday 21th at 30 75c and. $100 Kid Gloves at 50c
per yard
20e and 125e Ginghains at 15c 100 1:tatitcrisadfiltilcsitig IflitC4crcl in assorted shades, regular 75e gloves..
200 yards of fine Scotch and American Ginghams in asiorted fancy stri- •.15 50c and' 75c Silk Belts at 30c
- pes for shirt waists, etc., regular 20c and 25c values on Sale at • I
8C Linen. Towling at 50
200 yards of pure Linen 'Crash Toweling, regular 8c for
76e Table Linen.'...at 38&•
• . . • .
150 pairs of fine all'weol Cashmere. Hose, regularvalue 85e to' ge at ' ,:25*
23 yards of full bleached Tabla Linen, 70 inches wide and xyarratited. all
- • . ... •
pin*. linen. regular price 75e On account Of it being slightly dam- 38 100 yards of Sil consisting of Short.lengthS, in assOrted 'colors; regular. •
• '45.
• . aged tine price will be " " ' • ri5c to to .go at .
'Oorset Covers Worth 40c a,t 30c ,1: $1i5 in .$1.60 Skirtsiand gowns toga at $l •
• 30 Silk Belts that sold. from 50c tp 75c. to go at. . . .... . ... . ....
Just .Bargains.
210 Mars of Puritan Brand,:ribbed Uotton bose, til sizes to 0, regular? ' •
prices up to 250; atlic.rpllr. . . ...
950...Tables.Linen at. 45p.
75c White Skirts to go at 4.0c • White Shirt Waists at $i
ro yards of Unitleaehed Table Linen extra fine quality, good design, our 75c „ made of fine lavvn. and nicely trio:dual;
• best 65c value, May 24th the -price
. . . . . •
• • •
. ,
• . -
• . •
• Personal. Blyth.
Mr, Fred. • •avlio • bas • becnlearning
• the• bakivi,with Messrs. 111c.C.14 cold
Warner of ••• Goderiih, .bas • returned
. . .
.• ..• . • . , • • .
. •
West Tuekersinith.*
•.The hineral of the .late' Mrs. Francis
Laytalt-whielt took. place Thursday,.
last, Was • .numeronsly attended, so
many • manifesting by their presence the
respect eral 'esteem entertained for the
deceasee. The -services were -conducted
by Rev. • Mr.., Allen while the •pall-
bearers • were': E. Walters, H. Crick,
G. !Turner W; Crick, R. Pepper and
C. landsboro.. • ;
•The Tuekersinith council. met in the •
town • 'hall, Seaforth, on. April '30t11,
a1•1 the members present.. Mr. .
Naughton's many friends' will be pleas-
ed to -know that he has sufficiently .re-
• covered from his severe ii1ncs tobe
able •to, attend to his *municipal 'duties
and wili lope that- e will •• soon •be
quite Well again. Tie 'contract . for
the cleaning out of the ligf drain was
let to Messrs. J. Priest and A. Doug-
all of Hensel', Who expect to cointm
•enee work. as soonas it is dry. •The
contractprice is $590. • A to.tition was
'presented sigsied by64 ratepayers of
the. anunicipality, praying that -by-law
No. 5, of 189 t. lie so amended as to
allow• cattle to run at latgeon the
public highways ofilte municlindity.
Filed for future consieeration: The
clerk was • instructed • te• get posters:
printed .asking sealed tenders for -34
Jobs 'of gravelling in vaximrs parts
of, the. township, which will be let at
next meeting. • For particulars see
pesters. The next meeting will be held
at Strong's hall on May 28th, at to
o'clock, as c court of reVISiOn. C01, the
assessment roll caner for general busi-
ness at the close of the court.
.. • . .
• olborne Township:
Rev. Mr. Graham •of Goderich (woo -
pled Zion pulpit on Sabbath afternoon
taking for his text Acts 26 : 24 and
. Quite a number from . around here
attended the funeral of Miss Jennie
Brownlee of Tuckersinith on Sabbath
and quite a *few attended the funeral
of Mrs. 'Irvine of Xircardine Sabbath
Miss Ray Million of Goderich Slat-
da.yed tattler the parental roof.
Mr. Connolly of Goderich was the
guest oil Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allin,
on• Sabbath,
Mr. 3a.s. Straughan delivered four
. head of fine 'cattle' to Mr. Anthony
AIM: of Dunk.p cat Saturday for whi-
ch 1.e received a fine stun of utoneyt
Messrs. 'Chas, and George Syinonds
were in Cedar Valley on Sabbath
?Jr. John McAe of Atiltrit, the popu-
lar tree agent, passed through C. V.
oit Satmahty on Itis way to Ileumiller
nursery, 7'
The • two'liarbers who bought out
the husineSS: Of. Mr. 'T....Watson ,a; short
bine ago • have quit with -the intention'
r to the.:•Wwit,' to seek • •thei
•fortunes. .• • • . .
Mesnra.. 'Sinners and Davidson of.
Lucknow Stuidayed in town. . •
Mrs. James of 'Brussels . was visiting.
friends :M town on Ti..esday. . • .
• Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was.
• achninistered. in St. Andrew's church
on Sunday last. • • • .
Mrs; .T
• .Etnigof the Comainercial
• was visiting -friends' iWinglan on
Saturday. •
1111. .rolin Heffron has: bought a vac -
alit piece of lard .froin Mr. 1). • B. Mc-.
Kinnc.n between .the postodice • • and
tlec,;• Powell's grocery store ..and • • •in-
tents putting tip ;iv bedding for .. a
butener shop'. ••
• Mr. Will Rsibiinscu has anc:ar • anil
.teuttas engaged digging out the cellar
and eNnurelation for his near brick store..
The foundation 'for th 1-forticir of
the IConinereick iSi about ready, ,for.,11•4-
cej neat brockS.
to seciire your tickets early for the
Grand Concert in • connection with
Clinton's Monster Celebration, May
The ;Tellowing artists have been
secured. to make this the best concert
of the year : Mr. Harry Darker, one of
Toronto's hauling baritones ;. Mr. W.
P, Spaulding, vocal st ; lVTiss laturina
11, Ertiser, vocalist Sol, Walters,
Tcronto, late of New York, itt comic
song and .character sketches ; ; •
Norman Murelt, vocalist ; Mist Maud
Maelsrmighton, vocalist ; The Great
ranown • in an exhibition of The
Black Art ; Mrs. MeHareiy-Stuith,
piano, accompanist ; chorus by the
Lacrosse Team In uniform.
And last, but not least, drawitig for
Pree Trip to World's Pair, St. Louis.
Remember each admission ticket eith-
er to grounds or concert gives you
a theme to wan- the phrize, the draw-
ing for which will be conducted by a
lady selected frotin: the andience. Plait
ol hall et Fair's !look Store. Sale of
Tickets beg us Friday, loth inst. Aet-
IlliSSIOn 2$ cents, reserved seats 35e,
• Something'New
041&41/4011. -
For. the Holiday.
New Hats, Shirts and. Ties are.' bound
to be in big dernand, for the koJiday. • Here is
the place to come for them. " The nobbiest .Hats,
. .
thenewestShirts, the niftiest Ties are on .Our
counters. Many novelties just opened up the
last'few-dais." Cone in and'Sie".ihem. • •'
• New York Hats.
Latest Styles, hard or soft,
$2.50 •$235 •$3.00.
New Summer Shirts,
• Fast Colors, Neat Patterns,
750 $1.00 $1.25
The line at 150 is decided bargain
• New Sumther Neckwear,
• Fashionable colorings, Nifty patterns,
250 ft 50e
Hodgens Bros.
Clothing and *Ws frishings.
- • -