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The Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-19, Page 7
'4044 4 May 19th 1004 G. DTaguatit BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING. I3USINESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISPOUN- e- TED. DRAM ISSUED. INei•ratrisT - ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTF,R, SOLICITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, &C. 6 OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTQN. • 11 EN RY BEArrIE (Successor to -Mr. Jams Scott.) BARRISTER, SOL1CITOR, BAT; office formerly occupied by Mr, James Scott, in Elliott Block . . MONEY TO LOAN. xmouT & HALE oonveyanctrs, Commissioners, Real - Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. B. IIALE JOHN RIDOUT. DRS. GUNN & CUNN Dr. W. Gum L. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S. Edinburgh. Dr. J. Nisbet Gut n M. R. C. S. Erg, I,. R. C. P. London Night calls at front door of res'alence oa Rattenbury street, opposite , Presbyterian church. OFFi&e- Ontario street -CLINTON. • DR. SHAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON: • OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON'. -Opposite St. Paul's church. - DR, C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICrAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of• the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat -Office and Residence - ALBERT STREET WEST, ci,INToN. North of Rattenbury St, ' DR. G, W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON." ' Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Blain street,. bAYFIELD, - -7 ONT: DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Office adjoining Photo -Gaiters-. open every day and SaterdOy nights' until • to o'clock. CLINTON, ONT. I-1.11. 0. ERNEST HOLMES opecialist in Crown and Fridg.e • Work JD. D. S. -Graduate of the -Royal Cot - lege of Dental Surgeons of. -Ontar- io. D S. -First class . honor graduate oi Dental Department of -teenito University.. • Specialf attention paid to 1 ale:maim of children's" teeth. Will be at. the River Hotel, ltss field, every Monday from to a. m • to 6 • P• m• 11)1). J. FREEMAN . VETERINARY SURGEON. :so• member of the Vett r.nery. Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Gradttate of . the Outer io Veterinary College.. . . 0 IPFICF,- Huron street -.CLINTON. Next to Commercial tIotel Phone 97 Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY J. B. Rumball filinton goememotaiselemeameimeoliapeoesomextiwarl D lil DR. OVENS OF I,ONDON g Surgeon, Oculist, Speciaist, Lit] Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose' andEjg 0 Throat, visits Clinton monthly. Ei Cl 1:3 GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Nasal Catarrh and Deafness En treated. 0 London Office 225 Queen's 'Ate. g4.1 (3 Clinton Office Combe's Drug [.] Store. IEI Es Hot Ts 8 a, m. to .4 11,. 111. •t:at- RI es of t s-Tuesdaye-Pele. g rig Mar. I, Mer. 29, May 3, May El ti 31, June 28, July '26, Sept. 6, 0 rJ Oct. 4, Nob. I, N-ov. 29. &T• arr: frodY ie-fi,„Lreffr, tigE01 niglafieletEr Et) 121 tLf.1 0 ;LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current thereinto 12 Com PLUME NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 FiEh WEAR: 26 et& A 000Y NO CONTINUED STORIES Evenv NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITtirLio •,#,11/#11,41104 .8#####A.410‘111,111e Mr. Rogera C. E., 'while making. the 'survey for a report on the drainage work} expresssd great edmiration for the Inanner in which the beck yards of onr village ore kept. Ilis assistant, . from Toronto, ales) stattal that he had never stem a prettier plane. These opinions oeght to stimulate the citi- , zens to clean up ant unprove as there ' are always a few different ones who !need stimulating ond rouraging. V Vuagblut 'and. wife•drove miles to Ellice tcwnship to attend • the funeral of Mr. Yungblut's brother's wi.fe who dad during the latterpart Of the week. Quite a' r, miler of cur cititensdrove to St. Joeeph on Sunday .'n quest of "Magnates,' but except to a couple a highly favored c res the quest woe ,ram. Hcseever, the Emperor of St, • Joeuple dispensed: regal hospitality and sent them home well pleased. Miss Millie Petty left last week for Winnipeg where she has seeured an ex- cellent position in tin office. • Collie Hudson le1t lastweek for Rohester, N. Y., where he sent an order fur a cork leg smile time ago and has now gone to have it fitted. It 'IS. to be hoped thae lie will deriee greet satisfaetiot. aid confort front its use. . ()Nee eAuSE OF ANAEMIA. - Is wefl 14miwn lc• 1e. c mstipation which can - be- ita•c•idial if Dr, Beloit - time; Pills of Mendratmoincl Butternut are used riceitsionolly,... Unequaled. fer 'the stornech, liver and bowels, tax only Dr. Ibiutilte.it's Pilis; price 25e, - es. For an: up -to date .:HAIR CUT . AND- -CLEAN .SI-IAVE trythe. leading barber. DOOR TO litWIN'g GINCSIZT George D. Roberton 4,60*000• Tho IlloKillop Mutual Fire Insuranca Cumciang • -Farinsind • Isolated -Town Property7 -Only Insured.-- ' • • • J. B. 111cT,can, :Preei tient , Kippen 'P. 0. ; • Tilos. Fresh., Vice -President, linicefield P. 0..; T. E, itaye, Sec, - 'treasurer Seaforill:'P. 0 ' ;DIRECTORS,' . . Viiliatii •Shestiee , : Sealerth. ; John Grieve, Winthrop e 'George Dale, Sea - forth ; -John • Wqtt, •Harlock ; John Bennewieso Brodloigen ; James Evaus, •Beechw.00d •Jame. Connollo, Clinton, •• •• :AGENTS. 'Robert Sniffle, Ha'rloek ;' E. iiin- chley, Seafor .; Jollies • Cummings,. ISemondville ;. • J.. W.. Yeit, Holmes- ville.• - . • Parties desirous to effeet insurance or transact . other business will be promptly attended.. to. on .apPIieation to any of the- alsove °nieces addressed . to their respective ' plistolfices, •Losses inspected by • the director -who jives nearest- the •scene.. •• SWO,;Efttl% TIME TA13I,E, • Trains will airiee at and depart from Clinton station as follows : BlIF.tefJO AND GODERICH DIV Goileg.East Express , 7,38 aori. , • I • 343. P.M . Going East e . . 5.1e p.m. •Going, West ; •ro.i5 a.m. C.1oing West Expr,si 72.55 pon. ,., • , 1 ' arrive 6.15 leave 6.4o LONDON, HURON. AND e1312:17C4 DIV. Going South Express , " Nooth .Express 7.47 eon,. 4.15 P.m. too 5 a.m. 5.53 P.111. A. ,D. PATTISON,' Station Agent. F. R. HODGENSo Town Ticket Agent. J. fl. Al D ONA I,D, . Pasnen- ... gee ,Agent, Toronto. „ "444'. • '4'44.. 444'444''_ :4'7, '14437'54.34. 4.4" • : 'Cook's Cotton Root Compound.' Ladies. Vavoriteto Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the bOur and time of need." • Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. • No. 1. -For ordinary cases iff by far tho best dollar niedielne known, - NO, 2 -'-Tor special cases -40 degrees Stronger -three doilites per box. , Ladles -ask your druggist' for Cooky" Cotton Uoot Compound. Take no other as all pills; mixtures and Imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and . recommended ,by all druggists in the Do - Million of Canada. .Mailed to any address on receipt ofopriee 'and four 2 -cent postage fitamps. Whe Cools . Company, Windsor, Out. Na. r -and No, 2 are sold in Clinton by Watts & Co., -1.1..11. Combe, R. P. Reeleie Ond J,' E. Hovey, druggists,' 50 YEAR'S, EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT'S ate. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly aseertain our opinion free whether as `mention is probably patentabie. Communloa. sons strictly confidential. Plaralboek on Patents sent free, oidest agency for neourins_potents. Patents taken through Munn & co. rosin" roam notice, without char e, 111 tho . ji SdentifiC Illatitall. A handsemelY Illustrated Weekly. taMilet ein tulatton of tiny eolentino learned. Terme, p II I four months, $1. Soid Ilya nominee UNI1 Coi_362erodwal. New Yqi B.. 0... s• St.. WWII:isnot. )2.‘,. — Nolon. The Clinton Nows.Recore Grading Up the Poultty Flock. Dear reader, will you permit toe: to talk with you is few moments on the choiceeof proper means for the produc- tion a vggs. or .fowls for eable toe. Tis is a, very _common •setbject and)well known to all farmers and farolers, ilitention is to give you iart of my • eXpertence in this- •matter and t Awe simply one of the many meens to take to have fowls that will ,/ay. Tie sob- jeet will etohops not interest a great outober„ but allow me to s y Met if there is a profitable industry, much neglected by the fanner, and which demands also boshlittle eapitol end little work, .it is poultry ramoqe, • Is • it not true that we :see pcultry 114 the voids Of many fanners ?- Why .s The answer is readily found. Is it not because the farmer or farmers find- that. it. is profitable to kee‘a. these Write_ ? It may be toe the supply of eggs or meat for the hanily mainten- ance, or it maybe for sale at the' Weal. -earl:et, nIttel: will hi return fur- nish the neeessities Of the hoesehold. Then, ;f you find -that there ie profit with a, few hots, •such yen generally lotep, What would be the pro - tit vonwOuld realtse if Sem kept those that .sho-old be' keel, ? First, what var- iety do you VS, WI tohae ? Thi$ iS very important queetieu. Beton; you reply, lei me •ask you what kind you hove on- hand. The -common fowls, 1 , . suPPose. yoa want to improve 3`0-11r little liOek in a. predective sense? What have you to do for the improve - meet of your s oaltry ?. Crossing anl. select:16n, uothing more: . This is a grave subject, Saye Etre. Gavot "Every eew comer, • whoever be may be in the culture of pooltry, is prac- tically • at eea,„ CI -Geeing as dancans of reproditetiow as every...one- knows, is. not -a matter of rdifference • or oof After having -itadi, the selection of httic.. importaiwe. IS It is not ,:the beet. leyerse aek. yoerself„ "Shoeld- demi ,_ well the result iehad, • When. it .1 take the bretd. • that will produce does not trill:Tuve, it does . harm aggee.orprod nee the 1551 IA:le fowl." , to. theOlock ; .•it. alter', .the. race. Thou- If • yeu wish to, rit'ee.. poll try for egg •ghtteita. meting: attuomj onto kerer var., prodrce, chobse -0 good cock of out Of faits. AceS senoos injury to them and the followink"e Hand/ergs,: L4401'1'18 er. .weakties them in their partieularchar- Mmercos. Ca the contrary, if y111;iiit.. .'acteeistice; :Cereful ''inating amongwish -both eggs a e et tisbl irde, reasonable. aember of a loceSlity :Would clumSe it Pleunotith •Rock _coek,- Dorke„ reotrilette Without 'doubt to the- rais- in,•".. Faverclee, OrPingion. or -Wpm- ing more quieely of superior stock', dte....11::the first placee yam should. otherwise this important result, would • endeavor' le increase the sUpply of " beleceit easel), realized' by- an • Improve- ment , zone the less urgent, for preser- ving the h alth Of the -breed... Practis- ed at haeard and " wrongfal ly, even a- mong well. cliceen -specimens. .• of our better varieties, it can .clestroy both ad give bat' oocr„ reselts.". • • 11 yols woh tie cotiontime with birds .el .it new variety 01 Pure blood, cr, ifl buying' eggs- for setting Of:it:pare rate, it may be from an experienced, breeder Or:friaii.'an -experimental f MM.' At Ums. eilee the oviduct is very narrow and besides the hen 1S, ocuo tilts- slothful. The cock, on whom depends in great part the success of the iloel- , etrald .at - at lies the lull weight and size of h s -bread he should he vigorous, with good :Arcing legs, elionld lie covereei with hog feathers ; the comb rich and of a 17eillairld red ;th ithuoag 0,1•On- dant end of a brilliant shede ; the beak short and strclig, ; the chest Full ;. ex- pi-ession -fiery • and carriage. ireposiog. ;He. should .crew trequtatly enei should 1.17-to o smetimes good, for breeding at six devoted to his companione. A. cock IS atls, but lie is worth mcre if Mit • used moo ti,,y,o 'months, and retains los vigor itp to. four -years. Before elmosiog gevariety, „ilwaysask ycurself just hew much ce.ipital yon hove to (berme of, the spaceof gro- und you have, whet enclosures would be necessary, shelters, etc. For a lem., ited capital, take a, variety of quiet ways, such as the Mama, Coelthi. Bantam, Langshan or even the Palatal, But remember that these breeds are lititriiettitchnosoei froelcvoistiofi::ernitidlieloursethatira. epgrvo; Although Br:drams and Coclons may be nice large fowl's, the chicks require too much time to develop. tafote they are ready for market, about the, old of July. The three lastominiths of Oleic growth are entirely devoted to •the foreeatieo - of their structure. -They are ready •sooner for domestic porpos- es. Dark ngs , • Faverol les, Orpingtons, 11ym01.1.11 Rocks and Wvendotths are also - cptiet varieties and suite:hie •• for the ',noduction of eggs and table use. On tlw other h*."ud if you 1 ave unliin- itee .srace,. :old if you deserts to.. raise poultry for egg production, choose -a variety o: noisy (savieget) dispasition, such . as the Hamburg, Leeltorn, Min- orca, Red Caps, etc., eggs from yorr. present Bock, without; - however; increasing the nunther of the- rartiollar kind which you have, Last-• ly,"you ehould inerease t lie sup.ply of eggsi ' from the /reed than yeas have. and • at the :41,11K4 tiuie yon t.110111d alSO iseprove fin:tattle produce, . • . .126m:other - that if you would • con - thole ' niaeket in ..these ',regressive titneS,' yeti *must keep .ietroducing new •blOod • ig your •flock-, .because...yonk • starth , )OOIL is net. fa :It:still point, 111 rate,: cicif:se- better layers; thole 'you ' n.at ng 1 ;Alas s ith , their . fa Clieret yoo .ausenee'Yonr. dock choose: hens -with will-.11itee seiod results', bet after. two: eat .lobes 'eathea. well _clefinal, of..".•ticaeli• or 'three yeors Witte amolt, -white color, coiilh dud eyelids. red,laely ea, bird ed. 'the "same, ..race......That is to. .deeelie•ed and featherselong.."and sa,y; for the aim. that': \'Ofl p1Opcise to leteliy..an 1 hitaging ,ablint the reette.o. attain. As long. as get. !Arcing -and 'Above tale do net. forgot tO • choose .thoee. that. ad'. 1 prcaltree the 'best. Wii eta • • • . .1'11;re: ear v a'154:1fe,' s ' 1 . Other an: 111ab; On the .fit'rfil;..it. 0. .n...eess.ary' .1 o not, raise' a whoie flock of -those that are lost „petted 'winte,re layer's, . able .to egg's: when they • are•• dear end' fine large . early chicks,: so that. we are elite sittioner to sell eheme chi- cks. when 'the market price are fifteen to :twenty ceiets. a potual.. W,e should havegood:layers in both winter met siturnsere ' ; ' • A. 'len 'that does. Mk ley in Winter is a lairdenand shOuld be killed and there- -Iry made t si. c in scene o. her waV.'.''A foWl that :ha:4 elm ewiduet 'closed .froni the. itooth Of September to 'the Month of . the folio -Whig March ehouldi no1. lie kept • or: a farm, On the other .hand, the- OW winter layer Will „dwaye have the 'oviduct opis. and in aetivity.. 'In ihoe,eing • fowls •Foryourpiettry yards (Mae: n hose. oviducts - are epen throe, 'prOdtiee hirek.that . are ..1cter 0111411101114111 cow, whose calf owes. itse eloet- will • .gluiett the:winter monthie you will fird • 81111'. ence to being :sustained by a' 'gtateretis jed; t& chelera. A, bad . layer hae,gere rnilkcr . • St ' '• ce. • s erally a dull eolith •'..sellep- the • others . • : • haye red, .• 'PI es 'color ; hr etail:A' :near- ' In eoncInsion, nliatever. purPoae. yote ly Olt the year ,at rare intervalS, may hOvd:' fre.View, again. saye • •tor hoWever, 'GM aab es:mines a muh thnbationt chooseyely the eggs ircen deeper red; for'.some hours. In this your 'beiSt. Winter' layerS. • ' vigorous eleclis that w:11 acquire . • tlie greatest weight `,itissible for their breed it, 'is not.' iieeeseary' to introduce , ' new bloOde .But as .ecion as von' iverceiVe that the chicks are Tot, .eO "vigoteitts or that' .116" lotteerehave, the- desirable. size, tholeit is One' to intrednce, new blood. In a ,word;' Os sthin as degeirer ation Isegine to she**, , change the sire„ It is muelt easier. to' let 01004 •degels- crate than it . to iniptav.esit.• To preeente thie hatipening, you sl•Ould be very suutions in the 'Amoco •• of male' • ' One t It: r,:g mere. rseless • h‘ its that consunic. More than they stately should' be re formed ()tensed.. fooefi,00., ' • , In 014 choice of agge for inetibatioir it is very important to be well informs tat ae to the special inerita of the hen that hae laid them:. It wonld, • more- over, , be, of interest to ,I.now '• froth Whence Come the- eggs 'that are placed iri the i•nealeetor, as for .eXasnple; we observe thavariatis Characterielies of a What It Costs Get Rid of to Raise A Calf. Experiments cOnclucted at the Stoer ••.:gr. Exp. StatiliO ice thes jatipose ',of findingout; tha est of 'aiming 'raises tip to 'the age. of six inotiths",. sliesw the 1 folloWing .resulte : Two . loth . of celyes were experimented. upon, .The first were 'feel newonilk for four weeks, licit .• skinf lnitk'NVE.:4.81111rStitIll,e2, j....;;* it ; ith the eecoriet lot thiS change wes made v,tion the calves, Were leas than two loyer'sit.Z(Vitisettead)rdeinfeetant Soap Powder it butter than other aoap powders, 1.3 it 414 Setif 148tt, 4,einioldtati weeks cid. 'Rower,- hay (er hay cut' for ,,the second Ore in 'the mat- sOn). was kept, before them . Ile r ily 'The. first lot. was hot givers airjr .grain, lett tte ethers had grain ;oven them for the last two months. 'lite first, set. galeed 14 lbs per day per calf ; the second 1 is3lbs., bails ofWIli'lh -geins were cotesiderect as • satisfactory., ,SS these calves Were destined :or the dai- ry herd and- 11. was tha-efore, not de-.: sirahle that' they should lay est fat. The ccst of' thefirst set averaged 472 3 cents per week that of the sewed. e:eil:experiintaits tie show the cost ofsraising calves to greater age were also made, the perical of testing being twO years toed eighteen lays. When. fed 185 e,eys as *hove. • 188. days at pasture ;with CAW 71011114 Cr grain per day, 181 clays in the stabIo at, „50 cetits per week ' .ra ual, nd 194 days at pas- ture with 120 lbs of grain, the av- erage cost. otir animal was .estiniated $33,20. -Farmers' Advocate. WHY CATARIM POISONS 'run SYSTEM'. '1111 • catarrhal gerni eXcitte 111110.11,a - that, offensive secretione are thrown off Mel pass into Circulation', contaanimita mg the river of tile mai thus wreck the whole body. Every Catarrh Victim thoulc ithe fragrant healing Catarrho- zone, the surest cure for every type of 'catarrh yet discovered. •Catarrho- s.one can't fail to cure beeanse its, Yap or kills the germs and ecnicver the cause of the trouble. Then it soollt$ . and heals, stops the cough ard relleves the stuffed 'up ceadition c.f the nos41 mid throat. Tens el theeeterds have cured by Catarrhonete whiclt is gear - anted. Pee only Catarrhozone. • Com - plata $.1;p0 trial sic 2,5e, The Bar=room. TliCre is. uothieig pertaining tee poli- tical economy„ or social or mcial elite • ice,. that throws -SO clark it pall over the future of • Oh; fair lend of curs, as' the ever vexed and • worry* question of the 1> tt roonis• . • Never in the . history" of the world Was there it 'louder call for every tree eitizen to' stand' out clearly, against the • bar -room 'than ;at, the , \nesent thne • If we 'de. not. fail to read aright the. Mtgits of the times,there were never prospeets of a better grounder\ leope of success in overcoming theliar-ropm power than now. • . The people are getting aroused -upon ,this waiter as they have hot lweneend 'elan the peciele mote something • has .1.1te bar -room is a menace to good eeciety in that it festers ireloleoce, harbors vice, begets crime, engenders disease, robs the- widow etal orphan and becomes a public burden. What.true man or woinati that would not array themselves iegeatist stech • multiheaded cm-sc.-Good Tht ngs. • THRIM OATEWAVS TO '71IE'VEST Sin'lite Southwest LiMiteee the new electric -lighted train of the Chica- go, Milwaukee •&, St. Peed Railway, ',has been places in serviee, Chicago tri Katisas City, the 'cowpony offers the, best of train services to the west th- rough t hree. important gateways -K a it- sas City, Omaha, and St. Paul. The Pioneer 1,iiiiiteet Chicego to St, Paul and Minneatehie foi p ars beta the most popular ain lv:tas 04111 these cities,. The Overland Limited, Chicago. to Omaha aue Sao eraacieco, is the mest fathaits tranecontinental traiit; throtgh °Manta• ' The Sonthwest Limittd, Chisetgo to Kansas City, With its Ito:AV& id compartmeht, sleepers, library observe - Oen cars and other excellent equip - molt, offers travelers tc the • Seuth- west 'totter service than they' fieve litre to -fore eteoyed, and In c'nee pience t as proved a success front Its initial trip.. -A. 3. Taylor, C. P. Agent, 8 Kill East Toronto. • • Remarks On the Side. A. certain. girt ef this twat, ,last week, 'met with the Misfortune of fall- ing on the eie,e,walk and breaking three ribs-cf her umbrella. The -frunkard dearly loses his worst enemy. The- Sluiw windows of the wise niers chant are foundein Dist rawspepers. • The yteing man who falls in love at first sight is pretty Aept to lina out that •second sight woulet have been bet- ter. The average. pOot Amulet take his. poems to it cloropodist inetee,d of to alt esliter, from the fact that the feet of his produetwri are apt totneed atten- tion. 1 ACCordiltg tO the evol•ationary theory it. takes a million yearsfor a.. monkey. to make a suan, but' a man eats Make toonkey f himself in less than two Minutes. RICH corAni. •AND SOFT SKIN. May be imitated, -but beauty is more than stela deep -it is hidden in the. blood. Eliminate the poissatous pro- duces of insligestion by Ferrozone and cemplexion rapidiy improves. lucrease the red 'coloring matter in the blood, give it more autritian and inoro red cells, -do this and cosmetics won't Le Deeded... 'Give up, coemetics, they with- er too quickly, Use Fare:zone. and have your .compiexion firmly establislt- ed. '1 leere isn't a case of Notched skin Poor complexien or lack -of CoLor, that can't be quickly remedied by Ferro - zone. Try tt. Price 5oc. As A SurgLon Must Not Drink. jr, Lorenz, . the eminent Eitrepetue• surgeon 'who has just Male his Sell- and -visit to America, . ain't whose, re- markable operations haVe .attracted much attention,emphatically declares the .danger of alcoholic drinks, A ban- quet was given itohis honor in Nev' York City, .ar_d wine was eerved.. The eminent guest 'declined .it and politely requested. 'the • -waiter to bring him cup of tea. This. caused eim • to be asked if lre were -a totalabstainer from wines and other 1 tileors, The answer was as follows "I cannot say ttat I pan la tonlicra.nee .agitator, bat I am '0 surgeini.. My 'success. ch.1,een1s upot • my .beain being .cleer, '411.1S - cies . firm andmy neryes :steady. No one can take ale,thodic. lilleors without blunting these phystical powers which .1 :Must' always. keep cn.,etge.. As it surgeeri- .I mast not drink.. -'rho Pro- hibitionist, • XOTJIIN I,0081iNS COLDS. . • • On the chest . and relieve' s, thattight feelirig and hard cotteli like Nerviline writes .E. '1'.e.12.ters1 all of Stitton.• neyet nett any other reitied,y butNer: viline and gild it seri. es 0.S••t... gencial hotisehold lininitnt best of rens colds et,C1 inflaniatory pats are quickly .eured by Nervilines and itit ac- ticm en colds,. coughs . and •sore throat is .unecitialhid Iv anything.- L ever mied. ;Nerviline beth powerful, Pleasiutt and reliable.' Every -mother should use Nervilirei. Price. 25e. • From Josh Billing's Farmer's Allminax. • • . . • • • I hes seen men 'so Tond ov a.rgtivecia• that they would dionte with a guide board at.the forks .ov 'a kiintry road about the, distaneesto, the next tosetl. What feels ! • *Para ik tiienty of phelks:, lit thie World whoze }miles- bleed far the poor but whoze poekebbooks tieyer do. . The 'more rare a made qua.litys are, the more he will be foitnet di,st on •di.senond is alseus. more no- ticeable than (lost on, 0 bilick: , . Intelekt Without jedgirient . What eats abi'ot one-II:tiff the smart' people to this world. There ain't timeglt ball Mk in the whcle tvorld to ruin eny eae Man, not if fie fite it out on Lbot bre. . 11th is like moiety, we never hey; Oe true hie of its value until we hie' Se.etets toe relate to take Medielite mat be :r tic (tiotio.whotioing totieli eu tolds by apu.esew.)levte they breathe it, Established itY79 Whooping Cough, Croup Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, . Asthma 'Diphtheria CRESOLENE IS A BOON TO AniimATICEI cassormo is a Meg established end standard remedy for the diseases lorileatc4. 16; cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptio ti carded over the diseased elirfaceo of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving. prolonged and constant treatment. Those of a consumptive tendency, or sufferers front chrome bronchitis, find immediate relief from cotnths or inflanied conditiono[the throat. Deacriptive booklet free. ILEEMINGs MUMS ofi (10. 1031 Noire Pante 81., Montreal, cowman Agents Cresolene disoolved in the month are effective and WIC ter • . coughs and irritation of the throat. Antiseptic Tablets lee. a box. ALI. ireeWea,;To-, FOR OVER. SIXTY YEARS. Mrs, Winslow's Soothitig Syrup has been used. by millions at mothers for their children , while teething. If dis- turbed by night and broken, of your rest by a sack, child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth emid at once and get a bottle of "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" tor child - Ten. teething. ,It will. relieve the poor littlo sufferer immediately. Depend aprni it, mothers, there is no mistake . about it. ' It • cures • Diarrhoea, regu- 1 lateS the Stomach and Bowels, mires t Wind Colic, softens the Gains, reduces Inflammation mid gives tone and. en- ergy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing.. Syrup" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and-- is the prescription .of one of the oldest and best female • physicians and nurses 111 the United States, Prim 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be stire and :ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup.'' DON'T TRUST TO LI:Cle.7. Even if there is such n thing as 11‘Ck voncaraiot afford to trust to it ir . C11541 of sickness. Yoe know by t.1eexperietati oi others that Dr. Chase's' Nerve food actually forms. xew blood and .t -issue tool revitaliees- the nerves and by rsing itregularly yet! cart be certeen -Lime your system is bong built U p and that weakness. :and .eiscase are tieing overcome; ' Huron's Population Decreasing. • • , • Colborne ' Clinton • cssment Tolls of the various municipal - it les • far 1903 : • ' ' A of III.•ron county as • foliowing lig . stetement of the Imre' etion• .. . ... 3iii aisylyitliiiiele.lit.(1t. County Clerk Lane has p,r.24:11.1:720.421r1)00e(.1. the Ilrossels .533. • ' 865, lip45 • .• '..1:1;.:Itt:rricit townell te ., '.(GrIrt:leyrie:1,i: -.4,015. 2,360 3;20.. - 1,895, 'Irosvick.' lItey ' • ' 3,395.. Ibillett Ilensall• ' 217,11- . 722• ' 1\inrris: . ... 2,368' - • MeIcillop • .. 2,497 1ickrsi .S8titilillit% 3 . ' '5.1'.ake'rtiini...11 .,‘..":231:91:‘(.)141 fr)831:-..'1. . • • 'Ttlrlibt.try, •2,0r38 ••• ' rsborne • . 2,191 • . . East ,Weteancelt ', 1,835. '• -- - ' West Weseanosh \\Ingham ' , I hey made 1.S. m1 mind that human hieppmess konsists in having s'a • goad deal to do and then to keep doing it: '11,Ionkiral .141V eobe cheated, but they Want to have it dun hi all artist. Ile Wl.choz nothing. to do in this evcrld bet to. anomie horself, has got - the hardest 'job on liendel' lino uv: Tit man whoze ambisloin is simply to liv, iz no snore importanse in this world than an extruy rat . Goon DicEstiox. If Oa can keep your digestive sys- tem in proper condition the body will be Well tourished and you need loeve little fear of disease. '13y 'regulating ti e kidneys, liver and bowels Dr. Cho - se's Kichtey-tiiver ensure a heal- thful conditiou of the organs of diges- tion atul for this reaeoit, are indispen- sible as a faimily medicine. A Note Of Warning shOwn by the ass- 24(t12 2,266 roxe,ter 1 Total 5.7,692654 , ---- I In 1901 the' populatiop of the, county I as' shown by the aesessment - rolls Was ; 59,e86, In the two years :there Was a ; cleeectiee of t ;822. Every inimiditality. shoves a &crease except Itullett. Spare the Birds. excharge says : Perim:* the tea:- cher:4 in...the school allay 'find a taeire•, five minutes before dismissal to say a few . .words to the pupils in behalf - oe -- the birds-. we now. have. 'with ue. Birds are.1Lilled foul nestsare robbed,' ' • • a spirit (-.1 Wanttat intschief. rather • then cruelty. Art..appear to the boys . to .• sl)a.re • and preteet the. birds • we feel eertitia. listentd • NEWS -RECORD. WILL BE, SENT. •• TO- ANY ADDRESS UNTI,L! THE . END' Or 104 FOR I tA • - A DOM • Goat48Fit-Oreq.©f PrLy3 - . , Left arm got. numb-eDectoitt • saJd rearvous exivareatioiti- Fteenarleablea ceerD:e DP. . . Chasfys Rier7Ve . Fed. MRS. CHAS. S. CRAVEN, North Cower, Ont., wiites " I. do not hesitate to reoommend I)r.. Chase's Nerve Food . would Alet begrudge.' fifty dollars for, the sood it; has . done mc. • • • . For six years .1 suffered with severe -pslins irx flIy riele shoulder and rumih- ness in my left arm. No tongue can telt what I suit - en. 1. The doctors said the tr .ble was front the nerveS • but their medieines proved of no avail se I resolved to • glee pr.. Chases Nerve, F. al a trial: After using six boxes of this medicine my health was se, greatly improved that I got more and 1 used in all twenty• MRS. CRAVEN eight boxes with the result that I am completely. cured. I do not feel that I can use strong enough Words M recommending this medicine to all who suffer as I did." - " . Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 50 cents a box. To protect yOu against imitations the portrait and signature • of -Dr. Ao W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box of isle remedies. • • • • 40:44;••;••:* ..; 44:44•4•44:44:44;••;4:44::•:* 44+4;44,4 ••;• asosese•sse steSeees•seses see sseeeeeeeos• vex,. ex,. ::: A 1 weeseeweitswweesawaseeeweasaesesewareewelewsesataliewelale gee: , sir:air. ee e .i.•. .•• • . . . • • • • • • . • • • • • 4. • ,• • .• • • • • • • • • A • # ••• • • *$ T • • e - .a.•••• •••••••••••aa e••••••••••••••••••"*.4,••• AA AAA, 4.44% ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••44,44 • • • .4`, , ... .. . *4,• 4, .t .Xi . . 4 ,:• A 4 r••4, t .:* : ' .:: ... • , y . ••• :,' . •:• • Y .:• Y •t• Y . • The Canailiaa Ribbott Tal.ings publislee the folloWhig.•waruhig : Mrs, E. IL .ingalis, National . Com- missioner for World's Fair, sentle time - 1v inform:Woe for any tif ourgirls skho•are gohas unproteeted to St. Louis' for their :smith= onteig. She saye, "What we. weht. to do is ti protect the Winn:flit girls cOmirg to Its at this Vane mid we ..110.11 be • able to ea , Woman wtaring badges will be at the etation to help emprotected girls; of these the deacohesees mei the SalvaLime Arniy will lie enifornicei and 110 yotiog woman can titter die Vision Stahel and-its:pare Of any 041e of the these classea f women without re, ceiviug good advice," She wisl es this ;inform:Moir circulated. • Get it pritatd in the local eivetts, ;ulnae ledgera in , thestation:4, churches. and in. all pelehc Ogees. it is eel, eale Met 'straagers, melt or women, miless they wear badges representing mo 1141 setiety ea, a pont:Moan's raiformo Off The second 'anpu-6,i *Lawn Social to be held 5. under the auspices of Court Se1wood,F0. O.' F., will take pilaemn e 4.4 •tt y . 4,•4 4. Mr: W. Stanley's Lawn HOLNIESITILLE • • • -on the evening of: FRIDAY, JUNE 1 • The program will consist of addresses by several prominent men and vocal and instill - mental music by talent from the twnsip ad vicinity. ohn. Refreshments including ice cream, etc. 2 will be served on the grounds. , •. Conveyances will be run froxn the Market Square, Clinton, every half hour commencing 1, at 7 o'clock. Fare for the round trip 10c. Citizen's Band, Clinton x WILL BE PRESENT .t. t$4 .2. y .••.. 2 .2., 624, • 4. • .• ...i.. • is.: N + Admission, Including Refreshments, 25c :::::: .s. • ••1 t ii + /AI 4 4• •4• T $ 1 '? M . e 44,• t _..1 • ... 4 A Ay . 1 4 4.. .../..4.1.,.../......ii.i.:64.1.w........6-......i........4......46.4.4.,...h.i.AveAr."4.... 4;4 91 , V 4. • 444 Al •.9 c.94,8.....+4.+++4,44:406+4.4.0:444.1,4444.4 4.4. 44+.80444:44.+4.444+ A - tit +0,,004,4044.+4+844:401.4.44,8,4+:.048,4108,4+0,4:4 Mr. W. Baillie Dunga,nnon, will be chairm n 1 7 4.* •••• •2: 44. •••• 4. .444 •$4:4 ,