HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-19, Page 5May 1901.1904 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE- MOLSONS' BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 Capital authorized, $5,000000 Capital paid up $3•000,000 Reserve Fund $Z,850,000 The public will please bear lit mind that we have removed from our old stand, Rattenbury street, to our new alld BpaCIOUS °Mee (WhiCh is new in the centre of the town) in the new Oombe block, cornet, or Victoria and Albert streets (opposite J. W. Lewin's grocery.) A call froni the public generally is solicited. • —SAMOS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed it highest current rates from date of • deposit to date of withdrawal . C. BREWER, Manager, " e CLINTON. 4444.0.40 4k44•••••••••11#40. ••••••••••••••••••••• z7 -,i • 111.•c.EL-AlimMi444c.4,741----7"1—;%' .1714+444-1•4••I'4•••1•4••1••1•4••1••1••1••11•1•4•. The r,)est PleaSitlg Pres- • EA,RM 10 RENT OR FOR: SALE,— Lot 3.2, COL 9) Go4eriel4 township, • • censisting of 8o acres, 40 acres seed- ** ed down, 6 a.cres in fall .).ylietato or- ... Kits are among the •• E. SILVER 0. • • • • • • • • ▪ • • - AND • chard, brick house and bank ham mile from schoel, 2I); miles from • Holanesville, 5 ;Liles from Clinton. •-• Immediate possession can be riven,— • George 3. Coneell, Clinton P. O. 4 1 • e* CAROL E. NEWCOMBE A, L. C. M.— :: organist of Ontario street Methodist ▪ church. Teacher of Piano, Harmony, ee Form. Free Theory lecture te stir- • • dents- every Tuesday evening at etii- . dace Over leeweembe s store, Chu- • • • • • • • • • ite. NO BRIDE EVER YET .•. RECEIVED TOO hl UCH 4•4 OF EITHER. • • e• • WE ARE SHOWING •-e • DR. DITTLER, EYE,' EA12,-. 'NOSE and Throat Specialist, 370 . Queen's Avenee, London, 3rd door east of St. .411d17eW'S Cliurch, . Glasses sup- plied. • Will be at the • Rattenbury House-, Clinton, April 28; June. 2 and CLINTON DYE WORKS—I AM PRE - pared to do all kines of Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing of. Clothes. All work done an short notice and satisfaction. guaranteed., --3. '1'. SE - WARD., . A VERY CHOICE AS- ••e• e. SORTM ENT OF SILVER- • • WARE AND C'UT GLASS FOR Wedding Presents AND THOSE WHO HAVE,":. FRIENDS, WHO ARE A.BOUT' TC ENTER TUE HAPPY' STATE, SHOULD INSPECT OUR STOCK. THESEGOODS MUST BE SEEN TO BE •• APPRECIATED. • •• W. H. Hellyar Jeweler and Optician , CLINTON. . .7 • .1 We canna. 0"-- Boma You ? •. Have built up a first +class 1 Hale, such as we have• unless our goods were right in every way. We sell the Finest Goods fer the finest trade. One trial convinces yoti of this. Among other lines we ex- cel in Farley Biscuits. We keep Assorted Biscuits at 10e per lb. up to Macaroons at 50e. In Olives and Pickles we have only the best: Chutney Chili Sance, Chow-Ohow, sweet and.. sour Vinegar Pickles and also Horse Radish. We still solicit vont. trade W. T. O'Nei • CLINTON • COAL! . . . AVE. YOUR ORDERS NOW •-FOR YOUR. SEASON'S' SUP- •• prAr • OF COAL.. 'WE CARRY • • -ONLY. THE VERY BEST. GRA,. • • DES' WHICH WILL BE'SOLD AT THE LOWEST. rossmigu pittere,.. • • . • • ..O.DERS MAY, BE.LEFT Al,'. DAVIS Sr ROWLAND'S HARD- . • • 1VA1.E S;TQRJ OktTH •: You Oan See. • • •'For -yourself hoi• much u shoe has to do with the.:aPpearence of your :What. i glier ehan a poorly shaped shoe.? •Wheit isdalntier than. "' • A TRTM..CLEAN CUT SHOE „ that titsclosely dbent the foot` . and, 'brings out its. nattiraI . artistic llama,. We -can find a.. ghee' to. fit youo feot. no matter. how hard you are to suit. Our .spring stock has arrived and the prices are right.We are showing. a line Of •-shoes Jar men at 3,,50 that. cata't be • beat for price. and quality. Aiso a line of shock- for waihen (The ' Queen Alexander) for $2 Which, is extra value, Cotne•in and have a .10ok our stock, No trouble to Show•gocids.; Groceries,. • •• our.,stock. is complete. •We have a . . goiadi line of ,Teeeit Tees, groom at.d black. In eackage teas we carry • the ' leidella, 'Red Rose, Blue. Ribbon r.tnd Lipton's: celebrated teas.; They were bought • before the. adeauce in 13?*le whicla We will giee ova- customers the • beeetit of. Plain and Vanci• Biscuits,' •'Boiled Hem, Situated IthIl, 13reekfast Bacom . Pickled Pies •1/eet, ' Canned' Meats, Pickles in. 1,11 ud bettlei • el all kinds. A. trial ciete• will conviame you that we carry e stock eettal • to any in tfe • triale.and • the prices' roe. - Also a 'ear a? Itedpathis 'sug- ar' just arrieed which We are selling at cost. ' •• . • • . • In seeds we have get good •Red Clover, 'Alsike, .Tinicthy, Mangold. and Ternip seed . mid all kiwis of gardeit seeds, orchard grass. • In seroekery we. have a few • 'dinner sets We' are selling very cheap. Your trade selected. LADIES'• BICYCLE FOR SALK Very little used.—Alady at The News -Record ' office. 20 FOR SALE. --A BUN".3I ;1;P STOCK steers .and two or tbite• new ankh cows.—Jelui 'Holmes, lfuron Roach CI:ntort P. 0. 1$* o•oi.i,vits volt sAix. —1. WILL BE at the Commercial hotel; Seaforth, at i °clock ion Wednesday, May 25th, and liontleshoro at 1 o'clock Saturday May 28th, with a load of caves foe! sale.—Jas. C. Parsons, • Kippen. • • • • CALVES FOR SALE. --P WILL BE at Londesbcro at 1 o'clock on Sat- urdav, May nath, with a lead of cal- ves tor saleee-Jas. C. Parsons, The. Clinton News.Recaril 1 • HARBURN—RILEV—At the resideace 1 the bride's parents in MeKilloP on May nth, by .Ree. Mr. Caswell, Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Wirlield Riley, to J. I. Hay - burn of ITsberne. BRP,',NNER—STEWART—At the rest - deuce of Mr. Henry Gould, Exeter, on May 40, by Rev, Wm, Martin, Mr. Ezra, Brenner of Grand Bend, to Miss Annie Stewart. Births. Marriages. PASTURE.—A LIMITED- NUMBER cf cow e will be taken for pasture cal ! the grounds of the Golf Club. For terms apply to N. Fair, Clinton, - • • HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENT OR for sale If so make use of this - column. 35c for first insertion and ro. cents each sulaseeuent time. . . • .. DESIRABLE HOME FOR SALE.— Nouse and lots in the village ef Hot- - inesville. The undersigned oilers • for • sale her large two-story brick hen- - • se, with slate roof; good cellar,lerge rooms, furnace, hard and soft water in.lacese, stable and drive shed,geod garden, all kinds of. fraite. Also about 2N acres cif land is offered for • -• sale. • Convenient to railroad Itat'on, postolliee, cluireh and Klein'. by. mail or on premines Mrs. T.. C. Pickard, 1*,,I.aes4.111.:1. 18-e • • • B-AYRIELD COURT OF REVISION.a.: • Notice, is :hereby given • that the. 'Court for • the Revision of the ..AS-. . :7e:same:it Roll • of. the. Village of • Baylield Will. be held in the ' Town Hall on Thursc'tay, the 26th day of . _May, at . 10.30 a. en., for the •purpose hearing • and •Settlin•ge eoneplainte against the said. asaCesment. Persons having business at the court • will 'please tietend at the -said. tim.e and place -without further notice,-,; . H. W. Erwin, Clerk,Bayfield; May 6th, . 1904. • , . . . niTI,Lwrr. COURT OF . REVISION.----. Nctice. • is hereby given that- the • Court for the We ision of the Xs- - spsNimmt • Roll .of. the Townt:hip- Of . will lx: held in the4TOwnship . Hall nri •Sittiircle,y,,• the 28th of May,' • at io a n,, for the- purpose of hoer-- ingeand settling. eiimPleints •.aigainst he' 1.1 t6.id • asses'ithent .roll.• • perseas, haying biteinces. at 'the! 'Coitet .will . 'please. .at tend iit the 'said • thane . and .place lei tliout further., nc Catepbell, ,Clerke Hulleet, •.-May &the 1904. . . .• •• • • • PAPER.- IIANGING.WITEN •YOU • require ..any , paper hanging done. do: MA target- to .give Satis7,- . 'f afc t it> ri guaranteed; or :nar tinoutiy..aske• . ed. Price • Ofehanginge ten .centsper,' Orders left at At • t'.'6iich's 'meet .niarket, or. at say residence., west -end. ; RettenburY prorne. Pt attertion.-eTheedore••Hale. • . .20 . .. • • • FOR • SALE OR TO RENT—A COM- , fortable house aitliated On corner of Church and Osborne streets.—Apply to CHAS. OVER/31112.Y, July x6th. . • THORQBRED REGISTER M IH"R- ' hate • Bell for sale, ,r3 months' 'old. Have two, • will sell one elicap;-:-Al- ••bert Nott, lot 24; •coat. 2i Stalliey, Cliat011.P.' O..•• J5 • •AirtTioN SALE. OF .vijdrAntill residence property in' the townshep of St-nley, •in the •County of Huron one Dinsley Terrace; • edjoining. , • the . tOW11 of C ihto4I.• pursitint • to • the • .• power .of sale Cdl.taillettir a. certain er.ortge.ge, which will be prodecod at . ,•:the time of „sale, there will be offer- • ed for sale by public, auction by . -Tlenuas Brown, 'Auctioneer,. 'at the. , premises, on Thersday, •the .2nd daY. of June, 1904, at the 'hoer of Cale o'clock . ir 'the afteriman the fellow- . erg , prcperty, • nil/ nely , park lots- . attimbers 18, 19,-, ,the sotatherly • two' a,cree of pare lot 20, DinSley . 'Terrace, containing about eight .acres . lead. There. is.a good house,• .• leaeies tend orchard end -the properly ,is just . ontside the Corporation: of -the town of Clinton.• Terans of sale .—Twenty per •eerat. el the purchase 3noneyon the. eay o. sale- and • the • balance ie twenty 'days. thereafter. The property *Will' be sold subject' to • a •• reserve •bid. •Purther. -.particulars. and conditions 'side 'wall be made. • known on the day of sate �r may . be• had on .; application to .eitherOf. ' the undersigned.—H. 13tattie, Selici- feorThee, Bn row, Auctioneer., Det - .ed the xst daY of May, 1904. . 18-3 •• • • Houses for Sale. I—Good, Cottage arid two lois „On Iss.ac street. ' . •• • • • • ' 2—Good House and . two- .lots with large - plum orchard' ore Fulton Street. •• —Comfortable House and ofie • lot cat Joseph street. • , 4—Brick"House and tier) lots on Mary street. . 5—Two Houses • on Rattenbury street R. GRAH •Am. west. 6—targe Brick House, with six acres of land„ barn and driving barn. good Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phisne 23 Clinton. 7—lorame House with eight acres of land., burns and orchard, cn Diftsley • • Terrace. Have "Tour _Beautify . For ternM, etc., apply to• HENRY BEATTIE, • sliettor, etc. • Clinton. BicycleRepaired THE WHEELING SEASON W/LL SOON BE ON. NOW TS THE TIME TO 'W HAVE YOUR HEEL OVER- HAULED AND IMPAIRED SO AS 10 BE READY VOR THE C.400D ROADS. WE HAVE IN MICH A NUM- BER OR THE 11EST witims MADE .AND KEEP AU laisinf.; OF rx SUNDRIES. ENTIRP; SATISFACTION GUAR'- the Room. A 1'R.E1.1.*2 LAMP HELPS TO BEAUTIFY A ROOM. 1VE HAVE SUCH LAMPS AND IN oitnuit. REDITCE STOCH HAVE MAR - ICED DOWN 'am. PRICE AS PM - LOWS :• $5.50 Lamps ,for $3.98 4,00 Lamps for 2.75 • 2.25 Lamps for 1..75 1,75 Lamps for 1.28 Our it.ock cortoprises et;erything • ANTEE15. CALL AND SEE US. necessary ior home use. IMP OPEN EVERY itlinmilo J1ULTITICSDAY AND TritTE.SDAY. Eggs takeri exeltange for goods. A. Turner. Bring . Your Checks. YOUR CHECKS ARE WORTH money to •you and when you worth money to you and when • yon have onot:gh to make /it bring them to. the Palate Larindry, next door to •the • Chinese, and get a key that will open the lock ot a $6o bicycle. Bring your laundry along and try your luck, it costs *volt , nothing. We also clean, dye, press and. repair all kirids of clothing and Make them look like new at very reasonable prices. If the wheel is won by It lady it ealb he exchanged AtirsShi,er's ?pan for ladies' WI*6C1. •CONSIONTW, • BARIGE—In Clinton oa. May 15th, to . Mr, end Mrs. Alf. Barge, a son. . DeLONG—In Goderich CAI May 9211, to Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. II. DeLerg, son. VANSTONE—In. •Treelierry on Mays, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vanstone, SOIL CRUIKSIIANIZS—In Win:glum on May 7th, to Mr. aud Mrs. Rcibt. Cruik- shanks, a Noe. . ROBINSON.,-In Ternberry on May • aoth, to Mr. and Mrs.- Win. Robin- son, as daughter. RUMPF---At St. Joseph on May 8114 to Mr.- and Mrs. Fred. Rumpf, a . daughter, .SARARAS—At the Goshen Lane, Hay • . township, on May exth, to Mr. • and Mrs. Simon Serene>, a 4;10- . tee. ROSS—At Guelph on May 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ross of Fergus, • formerly , of Brussels, 0. son.. NASH-ear., Clinton cn May 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs-. Daniel Nash, a daughter.' ROUTLEDGE—In Clinton on May . 3rd,- to Mr. and Mrs, George Rout- ledge, a son. .! Deaths, • JENKINS—In Goderich township on May i5th, Charles Jam Jenkins, son of Mr. John Jenkins,. aged • 19 years, 6 months. and IT days. MOORE-4n Clinton on May 12th, Al- fred Moore, aged 68. 'years and - 4 months.. MILLER—In Hullett 3 en May 18th, John, eldest 8011 ( Mr. W. J. Miller, aged 14 *years and ao mon- . ths. • MeNALLYIn Tara •May x2th,Mrs. • (Dr.) McNally, formerly of •Clinten aged 40 years. SKEI4TON.—In the hospital, .Toretito, • Louisa Thuell, relict Of the late , George Skelton, Morris township, , • in her 4511: year. •' -• YOU:HILL—in Winneeepe or: May 5th,; Jennie Wyatt,' wife Of ;Tease& You- • lull, .nged 33_years. • CONSTABLE --an *We:Them on May .• loth, Emana Eva. Hanna, Wife EX Mr,'Leslie. Constable, aged • 32• - r • • - • MeINNES—in Exeter on May Meleinese aged 74 -'years.• HOLLINGER-1AL Grenfell, A.ssae,• on May 71.1, Edward Hollinger, . aged 27 Years, 6 inciriChs nerd 76 -days. MeLP.101)-4At •Cypress River, Wen.; 'cat •• April. 28th, tVilliain MeIacele • •for- • . • mealy Of Morris toweehip, aged $6•: • years e,aul to months. ' . • CAMPIIELI In MeRallop on hie.Yete. etli, Ann Jane Campbell; . _of Mr 'Robert Campbell, •eg.ed • • .years .1110111.111i. ' •• • ..=•••• - 11111 1 1 • , I I • • . • - OW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED SPRING CATARRH BY USE OF PE,R1J-,NA. a .Nothincr Robs One of Strength Like Spring Catarrh ---Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh, Mrs, Leone Dolohan, in a letter from the Oommercaal Minneapolis, Minna writes; ., The Parana, Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. , aeleuenwer, direr two m'onths my physician experimented mo trying to euro A hard cold which settled in my stomatila - causing inflammation and catarrh. I then made up ray raind ho was simply unable to help me, and refuting Rime of the, flattering testimonials as to the value of Peruna ouch eases, I thought I would try it. "It was eix weeks before I could at a meal 'without unpleasant effects, but I have now boon well for six months, and I give all tho credit to Poruna."—Mrs. Leone Doke= , aak (.4a- 441, .... .............................. .......... " ....... .. ............. . .. 111ra. Leone Doleb.a.n. Miss Helen Whitma,n, 808X Grand Ave.,. Milwaulcee, Wis., writes t "There is nothing like POT1,112a for that tired feeling, which gives you. no ambition for work or play. After a pro- longed illness, about a year ago I felt unable to regain my health, but four bottles of Ferman, made a 'wonderful • change and restored me to perfect health. At long as you keep your blood in a• i• good oonditioa you aro all right, and ' , Porting, seems to 1111 the veins witl) pure, • healthful blood. I thoroughly endorse it."—Miss Helen. Whitman. • ilew to Get Strong Nentes. e Pirst, repair the injury already done to your nerves. The way to do this is to do exactly as clid Mr. Hal. P. Denton, Chief Department Publicity and Promo- tion of National Export Exposition, Ho writes; “Toward the latter part of August 1'1mnd. myself in a very much run -clown coudition. My family physician aaid I had nervous,prostra- tion and ree.ommended a sea voyage. I gradually grew worse. A. kind friend whom I had known in Ohio recom- mended Peruna. • Though skeptical, I finally yielded, to his advice. After wing one bottle I was much improved • and with the fifth bottle came complete recovery. andin perfect health today and owe everything to Perana."—Ilal. • A. Spring .Tonla.• • . • • , Almost everybody rieede tonie in the • • • FOUND WIIAT HE - • WAS 'LOOKING FOR.. • A COIVIPLETE CURE FOR. BLADDER • PTI2.110,TT.2.LES • IN l?01/D:S KIDNEY 'JAMES- • ATWELL TRTED • OTHER 'MEDICINES AND .13ANDAGEE-BUT. THEY,' FAILEDa-DODD'S NIDNIW PILLS DIDN'T. • Cempbellferd.„ Ont., May i 6 (PPee,!sa)' —"I had, Lumbago and Blailder„.Trouba. le for. years... I could' get nee relief till. I tried DedilX,Kideey Pills': and • their- . cured me." • , • ' • ' This is :the •seatenient • of • Sanwa At well 'el .this place, andeall lusiieigh- bors lteciv- it. stet be , true.- Speaking. further cf Iris eere Mr. Atwell says :. "For fiveernentliii ' of the taire - the pains in my. bladder Were verysevere and in passing my urine Wohia„ .. hurt me se as to„ almost. causo tears; •., to come to: my eyes. . • - - , • • ..,-, . ' ' t .n.sed 'other •-pilli and got nceretecf. 1 .used a bandage and got.: tio relief. Dedd's , Kidney PHIS. cured me • • . com- pletely- and permanently." ' e. • • 'All ' bladder' diseases -are caused ' by dipordered.kielliee:s. There is just . ope natural way to • cure them—hy ':curing the kidneys • with Dodd' a Kielhey rim. . . , . ,. .. . • .g,uw004, Henitall, and will hiove to. .. • - . that. piece shortly. . , • ' . .... FIVE ROOM COTTAGE i.••ei WILL- • A cow . belongirg to Mr.. R. R.' • . lean street to rent. --R CIA. Marshall, Johnston got fast lit' the . ditch ' east • ' • • 20 of • town- .on Wednesday ;and it •took . . ' • - . about: tWeney nieu to haul, . her .:. out.. , . ' - '• ' . .:- :.. ,. .- . • She was neat; the: warse.for her mod . . -,...,. Zurich. . • . - • • . " • •,•• ............ • • rve11:.nt,..017/ . ................. .......... • ••••••.• spring. Soxnething to brace the nerves, invigorate the larein, and. cleanse the blood,' That .Peruna will do this is be- yond all question. ,Everyone Who has tried it has had the same experience as Mrs. 'D. W. Timberlake, of Lynchburg, Vs:, who, in a•recent letter, maidens& of the following words: "I always take a dose of Peruna after business hours as it is a groat thing for the neriea. Th'ere is. no better spring tonic, and I have used about;a11 of them."—Mrs D V. Timberlake. . • • Mr. Fred. }less Sr. dies . planted 3 about am thousand sini..11 trees in. 1134.s park lot eaSt of tovitne TheSe tree are mostly rna.Ple, be.sswood aild. 'ash 'and touch work Was incurred in • getting .1.1 • t f tl • • -I e tranManting Ahem. ••. • ' • • . • Or.r Saturday Mr: N. Cantin had the misfortune to ,set one • of his• hands quite severely at St., . It,. seeniS that he was. haralliag • same plate glass,' when iris •fir.gers came in..• donfact . with the edge -and cei. a result the Ups .of some of his fitters . were . A. ciellision occurred Saturday •night aeehort distance West of town: A ity- • cry returning. from St. Joseph' ; .and • • ownecl. INY 1. Murdock, Hensall, cel;' lided„- with . ielc;irry Badour's rig -and :as ,result •. the .shafts ' of both vehieleS :were sinaskied... 'end the . rigs :.otherwise daanaged.:-, Luckily .• tior.c of the .oecii- •panta were hurt: , Mr. William &alder has left for .Crair- berry Istand , where • he will i entai'm fet. some time! looking. • after 311r. MagelS -and his Inmbereinterest- • Mr. :Alex. Thompson, Who reccally sole •iiis feint west of Blake, has pur- Chaeecl the • residence of ..Mr. Matt. FOR SALE.—GOOD • SECOND HAND'bath; • tcpluiggy, almeet • as good as new. • The Members of'. the Lutheran church 1Vill be, sod -1 eel). •. Apply Box on, Clintori P. O. . •• •• . • ..2o • . . • !. • . • • - • MR. • AND AIRS; .T.• TO1VNSEND,• Ontario street; will diSpose of their ' houselolcl furniture; -carpets, etc:, by • private sale. They also offer • their• . house to rent, Will rent for particulars of wkielt apply to Miss Jennie Jones. All 'claims aga- inst Mr. and Mrs. Townsendentuse•be • presented within tee days. „.. • STANLEY, . COURT. OF REVISION. -- Notice is herely given that a Court • 'for. •the Revision cf the Assessment . 'Roll of the Township . of Stanley:- • will be held in the Township Iran, Varna, at 10 o'clotk a. m. on Mon- day, May 3oth,. for the purpose of hearing said settling complaints a- gainst the said Assesintient -Roll.. All persons iaterested are tequested. • to attend.—J. E. • Harnwell, Clerk of the. Munieliaality. 20 Ogle Cooper's olei stand. orthard, Avithite a, mile of centre of•• 'AUCTION SALE OP VALUABLE li.E- •aideittal Property it Clinton.. --There • will be . altered ;''.'or sale at the. Rat. • tenbury. Hetet, in the Town of Clin- • ton, on Thursday, the 211d clay, of June, 1904,. at the hour of 1.30 o eke ck, nt. by Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer, the f011eeving valuable pre - parties belouging to the estate. et the late Robert Cots : 'Brick House and three lots, numbers 59,61 and 62, Mary ntreet, 11 the Tcwm of Clinton, Brick House and about 6 • acres of land, •being .part. of. Lot 36 in the .17111 concession of Godetich Township, situated otie of Clinton Post Office. there ano good stables and entimildiirgs . and about two acres (ifetreliard. The • house and buildings are in ° splendid condition. Terms—To per cent. down day of sale, balance in 3o days -other terms and comlitic its will be made known on day of sale or May be seen .at the 0flicc of the vender's st1.• Iicitor, Henry Beattie, Clinton, Ont. Thos. 'Brown; Auctioneer, 19-3 • 11We d6Cided 1,6 make etyma improve-. Menta to. the' choral property larior to :the begiriniag or the Synod which will .h+210 here the latter part of this month. The 'old fence has been ' torn away and a new pm, will be .put itt its plitee. A comeet sidewalk. will also be Melt 111 plaee of the one in front . of the egerela . . Catarrh In Spring. • The spring is the best time to treat eatarrh. Nature readws ,horself every spring. The system is rejuvenated by sPrizig weather. This renders medi- Ci110111.mora effective. A short course of Pernna, assisted by the balmy air of • spring, will -cure old, stulaboan cases of catarrh that have resisted tri4pment for years. Everybody ehordd hiiye a copy of Dr:, Hir treat's latest book 0,4 catarrh. Address The • Peritua Medici* Co" Co.' iambi* Ohio.' , • Anthracite Coal tBs_ • from the.best iniPg. a • rict ir PepsYlvAnia All Sizes ofCli. S. • ostrtutstpve. . . / and Grate Coal, highest grades at lowest market price„,qual- ity considered. It pays to buy the best,. a # Bituminous Coal . • . • Massillon and Flocking '.rValley Select Lump, 'purest and best soft '. 9 . . . 2. -coal in the market for domestic use. $ .. Charcoal 1 . 15 .cents:per sacks or 2 sacks for . $ . 25 cents. Just the j thing for starting fires ' Toasting., Broilin.g, etc, . . $ • tLeave your 'ordersat. our Store. Prompt delivery and\ satisfaction guaranteed. va $ ' HARLAND EROS.Si STOVES AND HARDWARE S y•:••:••:4•••:••:••:••:•44444..x.••:••:-.1••:••:••:••:••:••:••:•4••:••4•••:•4•1••:••:••:••:••x• Dress Goods, Truntriings Silks, Prints, Staples etc or A y .%. Colborne Township. "L X The seliblars 'of •the . .sehool and their teacher, T,iit Knox, steed -lie - fere the camera of a Clinton artist et Monday. •About twenty-five Were . in the group, sicknese amen the scholars catising the eleseuce of- about • eight, With the exception of three teathers the pedagogues in charge of the schoel have always made this an event. Mr. Knox is the secend. gentleman that has been taken in the groups of the preseht and the past. Q. 11. Williams was the first teacher of the school, in 1889, the 'other •teachers being ladies, E. Walters , who has been hi, the grocery business at, Collingwood (1ur- ing • It* paid ten years vitas pm -chased the general store here 'from A. :Gledhill. 'rehe• following figures are taken Iran the assessor's roll for Colborne town- ship : A,xereage clearee 30,000 Total value of real and personal property $1.084,100 Male persons from 21 to bo yrs. 407 (a decrease of 20 front last vear) Total population 1,liei) (k. decrease of /01.. . Cattle 4,410 . . Sheep II, ro6 • ITegs e,630 (alt increase of *over son) lbor• • . Births Acres of orehard flO Acres of fall wheat 1,42e 4 Deaths ta School children '350 (a decrease of e7 .00 front last year =, low price. Ladies' Rubbers 45e • OP. +Children 'between the eges ,5 .. 2 4 •• A 404.:•+•:•.:••:•.:,•:••:••:••:•,:•.:„.•:.•:••:•••:•,•:•+4. +48.44, . + •.1•• ..i: *4 . a a ; li • 14 ...i. Fresh Arrivai , . s ., CD •• e 1° ec Y Y. 4 41 Y th ..., ••• 4.1.....................A.,.............4........w................. , % ,,o. .. a. S. • 0.4 ••• 1 di a) s ... _ t, •• + cd 0. X New Dzss Goods ...., v - + v. • • • * f„'d 444, y ti) ..., y z c 2, x ,....s.,.. if, .i. Fancy aistings .4 L'Z' O-1 :I: 70 • .a, ...e Ladies' Parasols X cA = e $ w ,.. „... • x -x . ;4 :2 0 et" ...t. . E.., a; .. ..... 0i .±. .2 5: Umbrellas, etc. 4.-1.4 .,..: : 1: We purpose keeping only i LA- 6-4 1..• t. 2, ..„ '4 - 0.... A g• •se 16 14 la + the best and most up -to- 4. ,„ x 1 : g t.). ::date goods at lowest prices 3: . ci, •.X .3. 0 0 et .s. n 1: A mez ›. •I• A 0 ... A otz 0. iip, g I: H. Plumsteel. 4 y.• e .Y4 ,4 t: 4 X x Xe d Stand. Clinton. :.. : .. . u 444.4-:-:-:-:444444-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:•••:44•4444::: „ .. .Pr Boots and Shoes, good quality "14. 4. .t. 21, 468 (a decrease of tel.) 'AJ 1.0 44,4 •:••:44:44•44 4'4 44 44+4444 4.444,4 4.44 4.4. 6:4+ 4:4 •,t• 4:464,44:444 4.44