HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-12, Page 98
The Clinton, News -Record' w
smairisimimmommosommommumoraimommemaios,i Niami moviimma
4Z; N°w Our !Any Stock . •
T Fl A T
We regret that otil account of the non -arrival of
the Bargain Whitewm advertised last week so many
people were so much disappointed, The delay was
entirely iinforseen and, although we did our best to
have the goods here on time, they were late. How-
ever, they are now opened up and on sale. The
Bargain prices are genuine,. In every case you can
buy the garments for the same money, or less, than
merchants all over Canada paid for the same goods,
Gheaper Whitewear we NEVER sold, could not pos-
sibly do it now had it not been for Toronto's great
fire. Remember, every gyment is rrfect, free from
will want for a year or more when you can buy at
these prices:
touch of water or smell of smoke. ay in all you
73e. Gowns tor 41c
Ladies gowns made from strong English cotton. full size, neck, front and
cuffs trimmed with cambric embroid-
ery, a gown that was tnatle to sell at
tkic to 75e, on sale Saturday at •
each •
$M10 and $1.15Gowns at 75c
Ladies' G owns made from strong' Eng -
fish cotton, cambric finisb, yoke
back, three lines in this lot, they are
handsomely trimmed with insertion,
hemstitching and embroidery auu
made to be sold at $1.00 to $1..25,1upt
5 dozen of them to sell, com-
- „,
mencing Satnrday at each.... -10e
$1.50 Gomm for a.dollai bill
•Hi dozen in dela lot all made from good
English cotton, two lines, one each
square collar arid yoke, of fine • tucks
trimmed with insertion and mutated,
err, the other has circular- yoke With
hemstitching and • tucks, trimmed
with Valencinnen lace, regular $1.50,
on sale teeturday nioruing at ee
each 101,00
Special line at•81,15.
Ladies' Gowns ramie from very. •fine
English cottsn, trimmedwith Inser-
seer ion, featherstitch .braid 'and tor-
chon lace, also another line trinitnee:
with twide embroidery', madeto be
soid -ab $1.40 to $1.65, oure.,
prh e ou eaturday each., Piele;
. ,
$'2.00 Gowns at'51.25. • ••
Ladies' gowne made from fine, strong
English -cottons, bright •Cambric..fin.
ish, these axe handsomely teener:Led.
with insertion conl.embreidery, made
to sell at $2 00, on sale eattue •
den 11101'11 ng ae each .... ; .
Skirts at prices we never equaled
and are not likely to again for neatly a
1 day to corae. All made from good
cotton, full size and nicely trimmed
with embroidery and lace. .
• Skirts at 40e
White Underskirts made from strong
coteime wide frill. trimmed
with hemstitching and tucks, made
to sell for 75c, otiSaturdayeat
each e . . .. • •
•8Idirts at 75c
_ .
Ladies' white cotton underslcirts, two
- lines, one with wide frill with hand-
serne embroidery and one row inser-
nap, the other with 12 inch frill
• trimmed with insertion and torchon
;lace. The man that made them in-
• tended them to sell at $1.00 and $L25;
• they go on sale 4aturday at
• each • 75c.
•I Ladies' Skirls 90e
I This' is a special line made to aelt. close
at $1.25. It has 15 inch frill taimmed
• with hemstitching and embroiderer,
special on Saturday morning
eteach.. , ... • . . , .....„. letee
•#51.50 Skirt ior $1.00
Ladies skietsenade from goon .quality
English cotton, 20 inch fern of tine
cambric embroidery, made to*sell
_ at $1.50, on sale Saturday
. thoining at each . $1.00
$2.00 Skirts lor $1.25
melee skirts made from good quality
I English cotton, 20 inch frill of ern-
broidery and tucking, regular $2.00,
line? Saturdey mornieg youg d,
cliatthe of this lot, ..-......... ee.e.z,a
• House cleaning will be oz you
with a rush f.nd you will aced same
Wail rainy. rt takes m little t tme to
set it, a little time, to delieer it to
you. You (have more thne rIQW, so
1,1:17.7).1.7royiZrttaxgeLoitott:t.tiundreds of Dollars worth of Bright New Goods must
stock early, then when you are ready
the paper will be ready.
Our stock is cpen for iespectione
- big in veeriety and good ine nneree•
Prices from ec•to eoc per roll. At 1:1c
we have scene specials, in fact they
are very special. Will you come s.nr1
see them .
36 Sample Gowns- ...-8:dmpl.Skirts... -
With the above special we cleared.
the factory's complete set of •samplee
at a very lioeral discount. There are
a few handsome. garments in the lot
they would ram. up to $4.00 each We
will put them on sale Saturday morn-
ing, every garment marked at a ,good
deal less than the regular wholesale'
price .11 you want a fine gown this is
your chance, •
. •
We cleerecl tbe sample ekirte as well
•es the gowns Med. on Saturday put
on sale about 26 ektett flue gaements,
the•best would 'retail frona *500 to
e6.09. They are handsomely trimmed,
.with laCe. and embroidery. en every,
criee Ornernice would he a good deal .
less than tho maker's .wholesale price.
Peau-de-Soie Silk 65c
This Whitewear maker, also made Silk Blouses. The
firm that bought him out wanted to clean. Out the Silks.
One end only black Peatadeesoie elik, fine sott finishawill not cut, .•
just the thirig,for Waists, very special bargain at.per Yard • u
rroRmi=iwnR. PIANOS.
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
Wigt D. Fair Go
Often the Cheapest. Alevays the Best,
We Know
home.R.ckkrics M, V, spent Sunday at
lierrietereBeettie was in Coderich on
• Monday. •
Ailey& Hoover was in London • and
St.Thomas this week. ' •
Mr. • Adam •Cook ot Acton spent Sun-
day at Mr. Arthur Coole'e,
Mr. and Mrs. •'Jelin Davidson of Bay-
field -were, in town on Saturtlaer.
Mr. • Henry •Beacom is visiting ' old
'friends in the vicinity of Teeswater.
Mr. ;.John Mae wed Mies Genainere of
Auburn were in Chen= on Monday.
Mrs. • II. Bea.ttee Visited the parental
home in Seaforth Mcnclity and •Tnee-
day. • • '
Mr. W. Cook, Milton, visitmg his
relatives, the •Centelon • families of
Mrs. H. Combe, who has been vis-
ititig Mitchell friends, he•s returned
Mr, Will., Centelon; Toronto, is yisit-
iire bis: parents,. Mr, ar.xl. Mrs. W.
' Cantelon. .
Solni Driceeneee is on en extend -
'ed visit to her deughteri Mrs.Cliarles
• Adair, • ' ••.
Miee Pet'Baker tas reternee honte
• after speediue a week with her ses-
new near Dungannon. , •
Min ead Mrs. Felward Cartet and Miss
Certetareft on Tuceday to spend •tile
. . ,
-slimmer Manitoba. '•
ene. W. G. "Doiterey returned Tueseey
from' a four •:months' business • trip
• tbreugle to the Pacille Coast.
Mrs. R. J. efacdcnald, whoehad been
the guest of her. mother,: Mrs. Faere
returned to Toronto, on Thursday. •
Mr. Joeeph •Taylore whoeamat
ep .16
•''attend the sale of the • parental es‘
tate, returned hoine 'roronto oe
Mr, D. Cintelop •gcies to Bolton today.
• On leisiness and will ,be accompanied
by Josh .Cook., Albert Thompson eve
• Henry Cor.nelt. •• • -.
Mies Flossie Stewart 'end Miss Edna
. Staples of Seafcrth were guests ol
Mrs. Ilarry Routhelge from Satur-
• day tee Monday. '
Mi. 'rhos. Meoie, Miss Nettie' Centel -
cif and Miss .8. Peeningtee spent
Saturday and. Sunday with Goderi•ce
• ar.d Caleoree friends.. ' • •
Ceueeillor :rend has been confined. to
• the houseby illness since Saierday
. hut is now eecovering: To be thus
aftheted is an ctsual eepertence to the
• affable •couacillor: .
M. • W. I.ougheeite - mathematical,
master . L, will give a paper
at the eareial meeting of the• East
: . Innen Teachers'. enstitute to be. held.
- • - . - • 'at Seeforth Friday' Seturday.
CO .1-4ZS 0 V
Mrs; Peter Cook has returned to town
. .
Four BARGAINS in Corset Cover S and th,ey ar 11 GOOD
Corset Covers Hie
Corset Covers made from fine white
cotton, . embroidery around neck,
pearl buttons, all sizes, special, s, ,
each.. . In§C
Corset Covers I9e
t Orset COvers'29e
Corset Coves made from fine English
•• cotton, neck and. sleeves trimmed
-with line emm
broidery, ade to des
• ' sell at 45c, on sae Saturday, at''JC
Corset Covers at 39e . •
COT set Covers made from fine eambric Cerset CoverS inade from fine English
finish Brutish cotton, embroidery. eotkon, cambric finish, meek, sleeves
around neck and sleeves, made to andfront trimmed with fine lace or
sell each a bargain at 26e, on 'embroidery, very special value
sale Satnrday, each Jen at each ... . .
. .
Some Embroidery Bargains
• .
Hundreds �l yards at 5e. •
Hundreds of yards of cambric embroidery, pare ot an tleuereeear-inae'
er's stock, neat designs as welt as eheeleavier makes, regular 7c, en and ,0
10e, on sale with the underwear at your ehoice of the lot for.. ,.or
Canton Flannel at 6c.
19c and Itie qualities. • .• • •
Here is a bargain we omitted to tnetion 'last week. Over
000 yards of canton flannel, slihtly damaged by smoke or
water, selling at near the half-price mark.
arida Well , take etp her abode in, ter
former residence, Albert 'street, at
Present •occe•pied by Dere eolin.Wise-.
entrn,tuleCharhe Tietlalf -was. •:in- , 140Thel6n
. ••
this week. writing on the:Matricide-.
. tion exam . to the ,Royal Militery.
Cellege; • Kingston, in which he pure.
. poses takieg• .course. • • •
. ...
'kal r. Merles Merryfield • of Monk:ten, 0,
• member of the Perth ecraety coencil,
• .wa;S:- in town tUe.,sclay anti celled up-.
on his old acqesentances, Dr., ; ia n-
' . -Mon -.cad •A. Drantleeberger, • e . .. •
Mr. W. . Jackson was in Tecudon ' ane,
.. Gent on Monday pureliesieg a power.
.- and electric light plant ..for the .leak -
son Mfg. Cc's factory, te lie install-
- ed 'as speedily as possible.• .. .
. ••fr.orn, a...merles • business ;trip ea
Mr. B. Batt reterneel on •• ,Sattirdey
IVIanitobe.. . e . says the - West ie
booming and immigrants. pouring in
• fast. •Seeding, is well. advanced. Mr.
llutt will make enotleer trip in July.
Mr,. . P. D. ;lefaeorreentlale of Tarmac"
inspeceor ,of the Manufacturers Life,
. Peed a visit to Mr. A. Hooper lase
• week East e found the business of 'Lis
agency 15 a eery satiefaete.ry comb-
Min, . A. II. • Goodwin, Ra,tteobitry
street west, is, her many friends. will
be glad to hear, doing well . after
,. -th-e eperatiori she rccenely underWent
and . is now aale eti sit up for • .a
' short time each day. • , •
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C,elborne , left
... for Chicago on Monday after' a tett
• clays' vieit aincmg Clinton and Layne -
:drip friends. They lead e„ very pleire
, az e4..iniee Mrs. Colboree pm -Motherly.
enjoyirig her firet visa to- this prce
Mrs, James Carter, who had been iii
. Stratford . for a mouth itudergoitig
• medical treatment • and melerwent
tee° operetions, returnee home ott
Saturday, 1Ier friends are sorry to
learn that the treatreent dM not
prove in beneficial as was expected.
Mr, ' G. A. Walker of Goren, C, Q. Ie,
• organizer, has been in town the ',met
week ire the interests of Court Maple
',Leaf turd • the result of lie labors
has been a considerable increase iii
the membership. Gorrie is only a
• -small village, but no less three tour
Canadian Yore:net erganizers call it
home, Messre. 'keg, teeitplend, Wal-
ker and Strong.
leegistrer Coats moved his faintly' in
Goderielt last week so Chet los pest -
office address vs no longer 'Clinton
He took along fifty rose 'bushes, of
the goo he bee here, and will make
the gromiles el the registry °Mee
eloom, as they never did before,
Heee's lipping thee the genial regis-
trar taxi hie worthy family MaV meet
with nothing but Iteppeness tied pros.
petite' in the county toWn,
1000 yards unbleached canton•flatinee good quelity, slightly dam- : •
aged fit the end by water, WII1 noteir any way interfere with tbe wear,
qualities that sell regularly at 10o ited 120, on sale Saturday morn—
ing at per
Last Saturday. broke all records in the Millinery Depart-
ment. It wound up a record-bteaking week and was by far
the best and biggegt day in the history of the Department.
This is just the kind of proof we like •that our millinery is
meeting with popular approval. Some late American novel.
ties in Flowerand Hats were opened up this week. They
are the season's " very newest." Come la and see them,
whether you care to buy or not, ••
The lines Wa advertise above are all good. If We bad not been tiure
the quality we won't' not give them Weise roora for a tninate. As eve Aeld
!net week, we want to make short woret of the telling, and for thnt terison
have made the prices exeeedingin doge. We know they are bargains,
Come and prove It for yourself, Yon Will BaNe money..
HOD Gr' ENS E31-104,
- '
eduction Sale Continues
May 12th 1904
It will be like putting Dollars into your pocket -book to come to Newcornbes' during this sale ,
Be turned into • cash at once
The very backward season is the cause of these big reductions.
The sale appeals to every woman who has personal and h u eholda 11 t b It
mere selling of odds and ends, but great lots of fresh goods.
Read us aright. We haven't reduced everything, but enough things are to be had underprice to
meet all reasonable demands. Where stocks are greatest prices are cut deepest,
B.uy Your. Carpet Now Dress Goods and Silks at Sale Prices.
60c and 75c Waistings at 30c •
Your choice of about 30 waist length of the New •Wool Waistings in
During Our 111a,y Sale
400 Tapestry Clerpet'at 325 65e Tapestry Cat.pet at 151esc
80o Union Carpet at 28e * fiec Wool Carpet at 690
Wool Carpet worth $1.00 at 815e
• A lot of Carpet Remnants to go at Clearing Prices.
$L25 AND $1.50 LACE CURTAINS AT $1.10
100 pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains, all new spring lines that sold at 1el
$1.25 also odd lines of our $1.50 Curtains all to clear at •
1 1 U
assorted colors and designs -these au e our best waist lugs at 60c & 75e
• to go daring Sete at •
• 60c to 85c Wool Dress Goods at 50c
200 yards of New dress goods in fancy designs, assorted colors- Oro odd .50
'hies ot black goods worth up to 85e, to go at per yard. • , . .......
$1,00 & $L25 Flomesprins, in assorted colors, at • • •
75e to $1 Silks at 45c
Skirts, Coats and Underskirts ifferent
Short ends of silk in several d ----------------- pieces
$7.50 Tailor -Made. Skirts at $4.95
Yoer choice of several tailor made skirts of Fancy Tweeds etc.,th t we
gob as models from a New York skirt than, they'• have now set ed
• their purpose and must go .$7.50 ones for a . . . ,
$10,00 Skirts for ... ... .. ... • • • • .*5-,54)
$5.50 and 6.50 Skirts at $3.50
there • is enough for waist. lengths -assorted colors -regular '?Sc, 45
8.ec and $L00 qualitiee to go at • .
1.50 Black Peau -de Soie at $1.15
100'si'ds ofBlack Silke-extra heavy quality, guaranteed net to cut, this 15
•oue best $1.60 quality to go at •
145c White Waisting atla0c •
Your choice of about a dozer.) skirts made ofit plain black and dark grey 100 yards re the new efereeeized White Waisting in assorted patterns
• hemespine also several tweed effects that sold at $5.50 &$6.50. 2 gn our regular 40c and 45c values to go 3 0
togo at....... ............ . ... 41 . •••:••••••• . • . • ...... •••••••••• Wlyv ... •••••••te ••,•••
A 'Big Snap in Underskirts
• •
$1 .50 Noreen Underskirts at • .... .. . „ • .. . . .. . ...... : .. ' ;as St
aples at Bargain Prices
$L 50 3: $1.75 Black Sabina ,Undersk ills at . $1.15 .
$1 Print Wrappers at 79c --
50 wrappers made ,of a fest color print -regular $1.00 at...... . .79
300 yards of 32 inch wide Canadian Prints, in light and dark colers. All 10
are warranted feat, tegnlar price 14c, Sale price
400 Yarcie of 36 Melt wide white Cettoe, extra heavy quality, regular 14,
value at •I 0 •
ne0 pleased Cottoned° wbich is an extra heavy quality, regular 25c, a
lios,iery and Under wear Bargains-
%Table for .
• • •• erns to go at .••
. • 2u0 yards of8e, Oc & 1•0e, Striped Flannelette, all good colors and pate. .0112
16.c, 20e and 25c Cotton Elose at 10c 500 yard, of good heteyy Factory Cotton, regular Value to day 70, ng
720 pairs of Puritem Brand Cotton Hose in all sizes froin 6 to al, This • • ' ..
Sale °rice ' . • .. •.. . . .. , 05
ts two Red oner•ibLed hose that will •give exeellent 'wear. The reguler .10 20c 25c to 30eWhite and Colored Muslin at 10c •
prices are 15c, 200 anti 25c. Di•ming our Ma,y tittl•e tee price will be—
35c Cashmere Mose at 25c •• •
.300y,„,,b, of plain white and colored Muslins in assorted colors and I 0
2:30 pairs of plain and ribbed Cashmere liotee, extra good quality anti
„.35c.t.ti 25
, sale price ...,....... .. . a. . ..
Cotton Vests at. 15c
31,X) Vests made of fine cotton yarn in white and creanaspecial at .15
Corset Covers made of fine Scotch nitineook, full ft ont .trimmed with 30
. lace; well worth 45c, sale price • °
'.• :I II
' designs, regular 209, 25c &30c qualities to go at . ...• ..• ,. ... ..,,
20c and 25c Gingham at 15c . : •
200 yei.ds of tine American Gieghates in essortee colored stripes.regulae
20e and 25e for - '• • ••.15
200 yards of pure linen, Crash Tovvelling, t egular 8c quality to go at... , .05 • e
200 pairs of extra large.Linen Towels, some with fringe and others Wale ••
, . hetnneed ends. All are extra velne et our regular prices 35c and 40c •
a pail $abe price,..10..•••"•••••11 •••• .. • . ••••••••••••••4•••••• .. ••••.,•••• .*
Ye VIrt 100111.110Y HACK.
A Y. M. C. A. For Clinton.
To the Editor of The. 'News:Record :
Dear Site -The era:inter of esta.elish..
ing a•Yeiing Mcrae Chnstian Associa,
lion in Clinton has' been the •subject et
considerable elietusston of rite by the -
ladies and others interested in the yen=
thee:churches -of the town. It ie*
matter cl surprise to many cline pea-
ces where such instituticine exist that
progressive mei matoeciate; toten like
Cane, with a population cf twente-ei-
ght hundrere has not before eller es-
ti:artiste:4 what ie now considered es-
sential to the moral well-beina eof ev-
ery town and- city, e Y..M. C. A.
The entireties do their part in the mor-
al treiniree of our yoena men, but the
dangers of evenings with enoteine tc
de ane• nowhere er, 'go" arc as insid-
ious" in a small place as in re Jaege
city. It is ceieecled thee the Ye 111. C,
A. on the litres it is conducted inadete
ies all over America is one of • the
geeatest social and Moral agonies •of
tee age. Reelwar cumeanies recegeize
Incinerate operation •ot similar organi-
.,zations in other places mu) let us
hasten the clay when as religiene nod-
ees we will be drawn nearer together ;
then our sympathies will broaden and
. ,
ehristiars bearina the sante name in
our ,townS will worShip: in 'one place ,
seed elevcte some of the eerplus chur- I
ches lo a caupe which every reek -
thinking mean will epprove and receive
in the end thet epprovel. • '
• •
. •
Onearic streej. will eispoee cf their ,•
licasel.old furniture, carpets, etc., by
• priv&to tole. 'rhey also offer their
house to iene. rent elle piano,'
fee particulars- of, wenn a,p,pliy to
• Mess .reneie .Tons. All elainis a.ga-
inst err. and Mrs. Towneentl ontese be '
presented wilier, ten days, ,
• . • ' . . ' . .
its beneficent int Ilene() upon their On-. . .
.ployees and have been momt...liecial in. . . • • . • , • •
. - ••
contr,buting taward its support and a eerealiaeneee • • •
enelbeftente . estententenee. . •
vadat' b -ranch of inilroael Y. M. C. A. • • . . .
land. -Vexing mete and boy. must, have We...... .
..,.., beer! established attd-is how in , . - . ' •
existence the lettgth and lit aetle of our • .
meet. Left to their owe- devices eoung On. -3, : .... .
entertaintecia, . recreation and etrinse- • • • • • • • ... •' , .
mete are bound to make. some false- . •
steps. • • • .
Clinton edioule haVe a• r. el. C, A. -..
. . .
loeated M. rooms where games . aed •%.+eneeNeeeeeeeee . *ellbeele:4. --
nursid and gyinnastie appliances Woitid . . . .
he a.vailafile. A plaee where the. re- . es#e bave ecured. the
figious atinoephere woulcl •. not ' be so • •
We s •
much in evie.ence 'as to be oppressive serviees of a .
or distasteful tre them. In London and •
St. Thomas, for instance., the er. M. C.
T $ i
A. is the popular evening resort of Frst-Class ,
tee young mem not necessarily relig-
ious young men, but those. of all de-
nominations, and MOM/. ,W1,0 are not
even thurch getre, 'The Y. M. C. A.
*reed have all manner of games, be-
sides bathe, readieg tout writing Neil -
1 ities, ete. Of course Clinena cattlet hot
expect to have everything ttee.rly so
contplete • for some time, but there is
no reasott why. it eliould riot eventual-
ly become a self-stietaining and pop" -
lar rendezvous for the yoeng •rneti and
youth who now hang tenet the streets
at .night, simply because themes noth-
ing doine end no place to go.
Preaching is all very well in Its
place,but it must be hacked up e by
practical effort. The "Natural De-
previty" of mankind tannot to eradi-
cated by a weeLly, boieharefinent of .
•half-lietetad to eennons. Severe nighte
of nothing to do and nowhere 'to go
will Iasi° all the religion you tan
cram vireo a youtg matt lit tWo weekly
Let the elturch people- or the tOWn
get together, call a mass ineetitig end
take up the .questicti of the eatablish-
tricot el a et, M. C A. in Clinton with
Wholeenerted, practical eartteetness,
based upon the etteceesful eetebIish-
Upholsterer $
—von-- #
One Week Only #
Customers desiring to
have any re-covering
done will confer a
favor by calling at the
store and leaving their
is...4 „A"....-.., .,.....
J. Ce Stevenson,
Furniture ct Undertaking,-
4•0,44, live04400.40.-4.44*.
. :S. jilts: for the.'...:
• Particular Mothers usually find for their
boy just what they want when they come here.
Our boy's suits are natty, stylish garments a:nd
tnade from honest ma terials that will wear and keep
• in shape. They are just the right kind in every
way, price, style and quality.
At $3.5o.
' Boy's two piece Suits,Notfolle jacket, made •
from good quality Blue Serge, pants3ern
• lined, special. each ' `e"
Boy's two piece Suits made from good qual-
• • e eacket, eid linings, used. through- 4.
ity Tweetls nea,t patterns, Norfolk
otit, eric « • • ••• •'
At 1.75 . . •
-Boy's Sailor Suits' Made • from. blue Serge, • eh..
sailor style, quiet) nobby. each....... • 01.75 •
• . . •
15c for $1.00 Shirt.
•Not often. dc: you get a 'Shirt like this for
,•5c. The usual price is $1,00. We got a, lot at
a bargain, now it is your turn.
Mena "Neglige" Shirts, made from good.
quality American "Madras" fast
colors, pearl buttons, good assort
ment of new nobby patterns, with
• or Without detached collars, regular
value $1.00, special value
Hodgens Bros.
Clothing ilnd WM furnishings.•