HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-12, Page 8May 12th 1904 The Clinton News -Rear(' O. � MeTaggart LUCIMOW. BANKER, A GENERAL BANKING susumss WRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- e• TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON. HENRY BEATTIE (Success -or to Mr. James Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC office formerly .occupied by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block . . MONEY TO LOAN. RIDOUT & IIALE e:onveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. B. HALE - JOHN RIDOUT. DRS. GUNN & GUNN Dr. W. Gum I,. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S. Edinburg -h. Dr, J. Nisbet Guru M. R. C. S. Eng: L. R. C. P. London - Night calls at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite . Presbyterian church. OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON. DR. SHAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON.. Opposite St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THO.MPSON PHYSICrAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to dieea.ses of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . . . -Office and Residence - ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON. North of Rattenbury St. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pale lister on Main street. StAYFIELD, - - ONT DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Office adjoiiiing Photo Gallery. open every day and Saturday nights until -- • *So -jeCroa.7' CLINTON, ONT. sa. G. ERNEST HOLMES fepecialist in Crown and Bridge Work D. 1). S. -Graduate of the Royal • Col- lege cif Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class honor •graduate of Dental Department, of. Toneuto University. Special attention paid to e...eservation of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, /ley field, every Monday -from to •a. 111 to 6 p. DR. J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of the Vettrinary efeclical Associations of Londcm and Edin- burgh and Graduate . of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. OFFICE- Huron street -CLINTON. Next to Commercial Hotel Phone 97 Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY J. B. Rumball Clinton J • DR. OVENS OF LONDON 0 tj El [3 Nasal Caterrh and Deafness 0 0 El Il D. sat Surgeon, . Oculist, Spe-cheist, DU( - I) i sease.8 of Eye, Ear, Nose and Thror.,t, visits Clinton, monthly E3 GLASSES l'ROPERLY FITTED ale >1 treated. 0 I,ontlon Office 225 Quectr'S kkvn, • 0 Clinton Office Combees Drug ig Store. 0 0 Ell 0 141,112111c aipeermornexixoeinieletetwere Hours S a. ne to 4 pc, no Dat- es of isits-Tueselays-Fele. 2, Mar. 1, 'Her. 29, May 3, May 31, June 28, .y ely 26, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Note 1, Nov. 29. U11110011' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARV The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT' STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 Pnri YEAR 25 oleo A COPY NO CONTINUED stoRies EVERY NUM1DER comourrit tIrotLF lie home of Pr. and Mrs. A. M. SpenCe waS the Scene of a happy gath- ering on Fridav evraeing, the occasion being the twelfth anniversary: of their wedding. - The .liendsome drawiteg room, was tastefully decorated with beauti- ful rose g7 cernations and other flowers at, a, very pleasant .evening Was spent :in social genes, etc., by the large nuMber of invited guests present. Mr. I. Augastine,Ashileld,o, proves- ive farmer, has. ewe which rectntly gave, birth to two heavies., one of -which had toowell developed heads. KELT THEBALANCE VP. It has bee n truthfully seid that any disturbance of the ,even: balance of health causes scrims' trouble. Nobody can lie too careful to 'keep this billence up. When people begin to lose appe- tite, or to get tired ec.silv, the least imprudencebrings on sickness, 'weak- ness and debility. The system heeds. 0; tonic, craves it, and 'should. not be. denied it ; and. the best trade of which we have eity knowledge is Hood's - Sete separate. \that the; Medicine. has done in keeping healthy people itetelthy, in keeping: up• the even balance of health,gives it the sante distinction as u preventative that it eneoes-. as cc cure. Its early use has ithistrated the wisdom of the old saying+ thee a •stit- ch in time saves nine. Take Hood's' for appetite, strength' end endurance. 0'04 4: .+9.4 S For an tip -to date . 0 HAIR CUT 0 0 .C.> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 -AND -- CLEAN. SHAVE try the leading barber. NEXT DOOR TO IRRIN'S 'GROCERY George D. 1ZOberton.4 I e> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 efeemeetae,e-aeteareer-neeleeeiere.:eeee The rfloKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Conaganu For Good Roads. The present seems a seasonable time for a sermon on the sebject .of road improvement. If ever farmers are to he effectually interested' in this ques- tion, one world suppose it is while they are. .plesiging through mud and mire. in the attempt to get to town or to do any itecessary teeming. flie inemiceivable thet there should be so much itieeertint apathy. and indellerence in regerd to tiee nl.vh needed reform on the part of that olerwIteheiogly ;turner -nes section el the people' ' the fanning .comeneriity. We grantthet thorough and permanent road building is a large subject, one that means mu- elt expendittere of rnensy eed it is doubtless thetvision of taxation more than any other cause that makes men fight shy of the pronivsitione. Na one questions the -desiraletity of . solid, stnooth royals'•coetforte.bly efassable at all seasons, bet the ewers and: decades. roll past, leaving the people" int meaty districts still dragging their weary wey through mud ,or bumping ••• over frozen lumps 'of day, with practically' ne improvement on the neatls of fifty. years ago. When we think of the complacency with velum farmers who peer probably reee-tenthsof the taxes collected••in• this coentey. vetIng by our legislators of •hundreds efernileients •to railway corparationa - to .roads for their own aggrardizement and the hundeede of thousands of ..public money. appropriated for improvement of can- als and harbors, the erection of ex- trevegant •post office buildings for the 'convenience of city end town people:, mid delivery Of thea mails at their doors, : it need hat illy be Considered strange that farmers eltculd- , re- garded. • as a meek and lowly. people, and content to be leinvera -. •wo!ott and drewers of water. for the enoet favored:classes. • Why Should not: the farmers •who have Made the con - try .what it is, and who represent it most important itelitetry; demand a. , fair share .of their 'own, and insist up - cat at least. their. leedingefoads being : - made permanently Passable o1. inalie money. .Road reform, . in lee best sense, • may , well be regarded too :large- an undertaking ice' .ce, town- ship •or a coenty, . but.why alieuld- not - the • Prrieince wed the Dellehtion . con- tribute- towarate what may- prckeerly. be clainted . as e public iletatelit'? And why should the prestnt gereration be - called upon to bear all -the expense of building Permanent roads for the use of future .generotions ? Wley not -bond the township, the county, the Province if need be, mid petition the Natioual Government for a liberal centribution as well ? Let the ondertalting, be anced in a businesslike way, ilia Dent- ition, the Province, ante the municipal-. ity 'co-operating for the public good, the and ri4aettnr. have some road s worthy of The share- of public noney -appropri- ' ated by -the Government to agriculture the interests of . the fanners, is inanitesteal •whett compared with the magnitude -of the industry and its value to tho country, and in many cases where aid has been proffered tt has been so cumbered by cotehticets as to render it practically Until -farmers more generally shake off the shacklesof politieal partylsin and vote and act in their centinterests and the beet interests of the country, little headway may, be expected to he registered • in the matter of national roaden ak ing,. but „the signs, though yet ieeble, are pointing towards' an awak- ening and we -would Lege upon farmers individually and collectively, to 181 - press upon their, .representetives in Parlienteut their determination to. de - mend .ancl insist upon their rights. be- ing re.eeected itt this regard. . . -In the -meantime inveh, may be done byn jIl4iC1011;•: UM: C.!: statute labor,- or of the 4 DAMN raised • by coinvnreing statute-tete:Sr under existing road laws and by reasonable. Money grants from teuriship and county ftineis to vinpveve the roads we haire, by the purchase andeus,e of improver!' roatlevalong iii* clacry, by grading. and solidifying tlie roadelied,••and by surface draining, to quickly remove sueplee water and fac- ilitate .repid drying in slide& .and after reins. at all, seasons. The institution by the Ontario .Government of a good - reads department and eh instructor in the art shotAd have the circa through -- opt the province, as we are glad korai,- it .has had in some sections, of stimulating the anebitien of. tee tarn'- . ers' to improve their .picens Of trans- portation On the common toads. There 'is cc -one -tor- time 'hi...having • gob(' rovis ••• there is • Lidded -ability to. • take . larger; loads ea- market. and .etldea emu - fort going to teen or . driving ,for any • pitepose.-Fariecers' • Advocate: ' • -Farm and +Isolated Town Property- --Only Insured.-- . Inbre6ding===Line Brpeditig OFFICERS... J. B. McLean, -PresidentKippeh ..P., 0. ; Thos....Feaser, Vice -President, Bruceficild • P. O•e; T. H. Heys, . See.- Treasurer, Seaforth• P. 0.. . • • ' • . DIRECTORS. . . • William Shesney, Seaforth ; .Tohn. Grioye, Winthrop ; • Georgel loath e. John: Watt-,. ; John Benneivies, Brodltagari -,...Jaines Evans, Beteliwootl e.l. eines' Coneolly, AGENTS, Robert Smith, ••Harlock. • ; chley, Seaforth.;+ . James' Egmondville•; ' J. %V. ,Yep, ,•Hohnes-:, ville. •• • • . . • Parties.. desirous to ' effect • iesinance or transact other . buSineas vvill be promptly attended -toe on application to any of the ..ebovea officers addresied to their respeetive:postoffices. Losses inspected by 'the . dieeetor who lives. nearest the,. scene, • • TIME TABLE. • Trains will arrive at and. depart from Clinton station as follows : BTJFAI,0 AND GODS:R.1CH DIV. Going EastEXpresa Going East ' Going West Going West Express arrive 11 11., II. :•7„38 a.tn. 3.?3 Pan. ' 5.20 p.m. • lo.re rent.' ie.es pan: 6.te• leave ee4o 10;32 pen. BRUCE DIV. . • '1.47 aene 4.15 13-m. 10.15 am, 5.3,3 P.m. LONDON, HURON AND Going South Express.. " North. Express • : • 1 A. 0. PATTTSON,..Stattott Agent. ' F. R.:HODGE:NS, Town 'Ticket Agent. J. D.' MACDONALD, • Dietriet Passen- S . ger , Ageat,.. Toronto. 'Wood's •Plt6aphodine, Thi arestEeslish Remade, .111 an old, well estatk lished • and reliable preparation. Ilas been prescribed_ and used over4e years. All drug, gists in the Dominion of Canada sell- and recommend . as being Before and After, the only =Alain° of .• its.kitut that cures and: gives universalsatbdaction. Iti promptly and permanently elate all forme of .NervoUs Weak nese, Rmissione, Sperniatorrlima, Intpeterievi and alleffeets of abuse Or excesses',the excessive use of Tobacco'Opium or Stininlattte,.-Menial and Brain„WorrY, all of which lead to Infirmity, Intanity, Consumption and an Early 'Grave. • Price Si per package or Ai% for 15. One will Incase, six will cure. Mailed ,promptY on re• oeipt ot price. Bend for free pamphlet. Addreae Mao Wood Clonapany,• WindlioreOnt., Canada, Woods Phosphodine is sold in Clin- ton by Watts & Co., 11. B. Combo, R. P. Reekie and J. S. Hovey, Drug - 60 YEARS' /W. EXPERIENGZ ATEIITS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS , COPYRIGHTS &c. ittiono sending a sketbh and description may Fairlon ton is probably patentabie. communica. y ascertain our opinion freewhether au ns tristirciontidentua, mautmeetten Patent* seat tea °moat stoney for securinnuitents. P/i6 nu taken through srunnAt Co, WWI efec,i, notice, without merge, in tho SciettlifiC American. A handsomely illustrated'weekly. l_ersert eta de ri entation of any soientioo iourniti. Term years. tete mouths, $1. fioulliyaltpows muNN & co 38 toroadway, New y erosion Office, 166 ir St.. Werbiostor, Ix 0. tover'st.2(WisolreadMielnfeetant8oftp Powder ia better than other oar) powderer, strength, jOitality Red vigor that it is it ISItiO 44.11 66 6 disinfectant. 2' USfii 19 tio MOD: Try it. Price soc. A readee .bas asked us e0. explain the differened between in•hrecding end -line , . lieeed itte, • and ; the significance • of each s-Tisetl7rnee• eine.; 't he 'Weird attP1 Ms; eta:. blending+ •of consangeineees lines in - the practice -et breeding as opposed- to tfie• .practice .of niatieg "uurelated •ani- 'Mats,- • S.lan. inlifeeding .is • Persistent, ./y folleeved, it is coitenionly called. in- e.rid:eirliretding. The object of the pre- ctice• IS to secure and retain a ibtity of type • by front the par- entsalt ossi1,l differeoees of: charact- er, . etc., to insure the corkentrie: thino; %blood a • grater clegeee of pre- potency. in Uio Offeering end. O.; develop tea greater extent any peculieeity of forpoeenctione o th.r charaCteristic. Th:t value of inbreediPt in the iir.pro- venient of stock Is easily realized by all, bet • in any avoid 11 througlit' fear of ite results- foe it .la ,Itist• as potent- pneesfrable characteristics as in fixing „the. Mies. ' StA11C. breeders •also- .aelieve that aegeneretion natirtallv.-followe or is .the • remilt of andireedielgo • Tests twee demonstrated that' tent:Medi • close' inrand-inbreeding 'first licws its nitirioas..- *hi. im- paired reProductive .ftinetions and next. in a+.diecretiee cite -mental nowere eo we steer:- crieclucle that AS long -ae : these • are :not affected there is no • injury from the practice, provided there has. been exercistid proper care itt stileetion. ,But these. remarks apply • to 1.reand40- .breedie,g rather then to • in' e•ceOling, the firsts :pp it: 'enore intensive practi- ' ce. :tad .wkch of ieirelf Wiz n practiced .onee' 'cannot be 'seal:. 10, inititte injarioiSs coneequeneesJn the lower an- imals. •-• • • • " • Line...ereeding, • to .put it simply,, is jest a trioditied, fortn af iti-andt-inbreed:- er •liretding within a. .few closely- lated stock or faru i I is fol for the eanie reeeoh -aseiniireedingebtit those• -who practise it try to. avoid the physical deetty supposed to,he attend- ant Inyon snore Incestuous Mating. :An illustratiori of ihe-praetice wonido-be•- etc:" select . a trait of animal'sand then to I enterina,te their pro.. ii • 'et h • after .the• oliird generation, if it Were suffi- ciently numerone, could ' he bred. with- .• out enceseuNis niatinge•eint .when bred .weuld corstitute line lifetil'ne,... *Smile ' breed.ers hose . taken": their own herds as starting pc tit, . ;eel c eraieered all the ' fisprieg • of • any I i•rd • • I -steeck,- Others Would broaden" the .prae- tice to. include all stock that traced ,to' a certain parentage,. no matter • , haw, distant.:-Ftniers' Advocate. . • . . The Forestry Question. -' • •. • elle. •Flue... larethet 'Burke of Alhetton, ISIS. T.,- Sias .1.t.ie intereseing. article in .1„e' recent number of - the ..lifeeienae.• Fare. incr. iec connection • with the Meeting. held M. Ottawa last. months to , discuss the forestry epteStion.• :.I& Would be a • good thing. if :leather Burke creed in theepeople end the „legislatures of Caneda . with .sonte t,e • his oivit. enthus- is.ent abeett this importerit subject. Ile Pointe out he eines:say .is the pre-. t etireation of th forests in order to pre- vent:the. count., y Stifieritig from alter - 'tate floode .e.tiei deetiths. He says-.: .: "We weitt the 'rot -este then as a greet. eational asset -a reeetuieemaker beyoad comparisen ; we ware the foreete • to permit is to folio* successfully the ligricultisiae operation so important to out prosperity ;.we .want the forest to Maintain par uneepiallcd wa.ter courses, those . arteries through which the com- mercial life of the' dietary flow-; we ware the forest to snake us the vigor- ous race of men capableof living the sixenitotie••life af this: great. northern lend, land enakieg it sceond tono other itationen the face of the earth ;.- we want the fotest to sttstain the .teestlte- lie side of Citita.dian, life, to adteleclour and 'brightness to ite togive shade alto comfort to our hones' send render please lug . and pi:elect the panortiota . whice trevel and 'Prospect unfold before 11R;t1/11 want the forest, especially in provinces like Mu* own, to prevent the great ero- skin of the coast live and that, also, which freshets operate itt our fertile fields ; we- want forests from a hundred and one. important considerations whi- ch . we canf.ot now wart to entonerate ;. arid, therefore, nobody should longer ' show indifference on this subject,. hut rather , lend every help to the perfect- ing of, a general +oystien .which will in- sure all these benefits to our country and people." . - Looking at our forests simply . as it great national asset, it is astonishing that our Government. (which, as a rule, are not indifferent to sourets of rot:Owe') do not attn.th more finport- • . . ante .to their preservatioe and develop-. minte Father . leurite gives• Ontario '.cretlit having .oweerated to t1S 1111 pertance the subjecee but se:aye that • 'Quebec -has .not fully realized the ne- tessity in a provincial melee of adopt- ing • an adequate adolinistratiea of, *her forests." He points out that in Maine .the'fOrests- are well. preserved; carefully .patrolled against fire and .cutout only . tothe mature timber, previsiou be- ing Made alvvays for a .ottia •growth. fit 'Quebec, on the'ether hand, he says,- - negled stared. one in the •face everywhere.. There appeared to be tio regard far the .vvoedlaiel stretches eke county Capable of growing .ro other crop ; and, for miles and miles we pass through nothing but rain -pikes and strewo and scarred ltenleir rentr4ee 'where neither seed nor.:sptotit can tee produce the Ilea wood growth." • • This subject is one which ought to connitand a.. good deal of consideration from eke Greve-emu:dee and Legislature. They are, cA. cteeree, interested in' it in ,a Lend .ref wt.just .as they are interested: in the nate:Ina Canal or the littioage• of -the Nile, bute they do not neein to lie overburdened with a...settee of reepensibility itt thi matter. -..Mott-• treal etar , A. GREAT 'LITTLE *WORKERS . • • • • During a long Hie. time the heart will propel half a million teats of blo- od' through the .1-xely, and so long the blood is in a healthy :condition It .repa.ii. itself as feat as it wastes, patiently Iteepieg up the play of its valves and the rhythm of its -throb. If the actionof the heart. gets weak, irregular ant) fluttering, the blood is lacking in itourislving qualities and re-• quires just sech assistenco.as ie best eupplied by Dr, Chaee's Nerve Food, tl.e great blood 'Fonder mid, nerve restorative. . MAST'S MOST- C12.1T/CAL AGE, Very oftcrt the vital resources are small at forty-to, hut if not then between fifty.seven and sixty-two yFa- rscf: age theta is a strange slowing down mut loss of 4, itrlity. It,is inexittarit that this transient .perind period •of decay should he elteetred. -streogth tutist he imparted: to the tired •bettitt, the weaketted nerves must Le fOrtified. The wise men will use Ferr- ozone whose potency is perticulerly applicable tir. these critical periods. • Ferrozone quickens the whole being, imparts vigor and .power, pushes, back the onset of senility in a very' mani- fest way. It's liecireserrerrozot.o wves Morris Tournihip. Thete• are a couple or fwtnies Oar- • wattled neer Drown:town with whet ts pronotineed as light ettacks of muall- pox, said to be broeglit from Itlanito- ha. by it eisitor. Gilbert lifetlallien, 8th Line, tits ban bothered •consideraley 211.1 in.: the 'past winter With 1 licumatisin hilt we hope thi • • epritig Weather will invigorete hint. Mr. McCallum has passed his 8otit birthday stiel as been a rugged 111111.1alsitil SundaV evrIlir Charlie„ - the hair -Year-old 5t.11 of William Smelt, 361 Line, had the Misfortune to have a. Pertiott of the tomtit end third fingers of his left harrl taken olf by a root itt the barn. IT HARDLY BMIOVES There is eo much ba& in the • beat •• of us And so much OW in the worst of US That it hardly behoves any of us . To speak ill of the rest of us. i'Do Business On Business Methods:. Bteeiness men who never thitlk abotit beating down the banker,: the butcher or the draynnut in . their rates will haggle with the newspaper over the Attlee of a small advertisement, even after the same paper has teone them many c. kindness. If 'they only. kaew Ito* small they mice themselves •ap- peer, they would deal with the paper tit thesame straightforward lines on which they like to do their own btisi- ness.-Forest Free Press. BI,001,/ POISON OFTEN RESULTS . ' From paring corns with razors. Wise PeoPie Ilse Pr.tualin's Vain:less Corn and Wart Extractcr, the standard- cure- of America and Great Britajn. fete ell• sor- ts of corns, warts and bunions. tise only. Putnam's. Fetal March. mis old fitslarniedwinter has been hard on the I.:teethe. The returrs front the, .Proviecial Board of. Heal-th show that March was the most fatal Month of any during tlt.: last seven years,the death'rate being red. per 1,000. Con- sumption carried off -191, while other contagious diseases only cE.-Jused deaths.- • l'hese -figures may well spur 'on those iaterested in celnleetingthe, white plague, for its .ilevagesetre truly appalling. . • . CATARRH ISeCER.TAINLY . • - • CURABLE. ..In -fact it is one of the most cure - able diseesee if fragrant healing Cat- arrliozone is used. No matter how long you have -aitliered with catarrh von can be perfectlycurd by inhaling. .1.4te antiseptic vapor. of Ca.tarrhOzone, .which strikes at the foundation 'of the trouble flc cstahjishcs sitch a heattllY condition in the. system that eatarrhal geniis simply can't exist. • "I .stiliered from., caeerrh ..ef the wise and throat for -years," .Wrieus S. H.. Downie . of viatts, iIle. ltty nostrils.,evere always stuffed itp.and Iliad a mcst disagree - abbe hacking•cougli. Cetterrhoeone cure ed •nie coinpletely.s Catarrh -Ozone nev- er 'fails.. Tne wo •inths eree4,nielete$1.00i pear siz,eetee. „. • . . - • • . • SOetirOrt.4.. ' The annuah'conventemi of the' tea- eitere of last Heroii. will be held in 'the aesembly hall. of 'the ,Seafortill Col- legiete lastitetti, on 'Friday and Sainte. day,. • 314 :t4th,. commencing' at So-We1r-0e ii lerida.y. " . • Then: • passed. away at :the residence Of • het son -an -Wee Mr. Geo., Stoidill,. or Friday last.,...Miss Elizabeth • Shaw, aged'.3ty years. •:The deceesed hael been. a• getiat..eufferee -for .yeare ircere rheu- matic • trot -tiles 'and heti been .conlined to her heel for twat -le -Soo -• • • e :A nu eIcG regoe, • Wife of • Mr. Robert Calder; died tere..siteelettly at :her -lioole- nes,-r.ellinthropeon -May 3rd. She suffered. a 'Severe attack. ' of pneumonia. end died after. Onlet a -few days 'illness. Deceased was highly nipped:eel and will be .greatly nitiesed liy• eit:Cle) c,f Nerds and •tteiterea tames. She lea% es a husband : aed-grown up to mourn.: their • lese. ....... .Persntr:iite young to tp.ironiodiclite nie.S- be cur; d of croup., whooping cough and colds by using Vapottlresolene--they breathe it. . • . - FOR, OVER. SIXTY YEARS. . Mes. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been .used by millions of mothers for theie children while teething. .11, aise turbedley night and broken cif' your rest by .a sick child , suffering . and. erying with pain of cutting teeth Send at once and get ,C. bottle of "Mrs. Wimslow's Soothing Syrup' ' for . child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little stilIerer • immediately. ' 'Depend taron it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. .It cures Diarrhoeee rept- lateithe Stomach and Bowels; cures Wind colic,' softens the Guins, ;educes Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the whole systein. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for eh Id - reit teething is pleasant to the t ste and ie the prescription of • (Me of. tite eldest and best female' physicians and nurses: in.. the United. States. Price 28 cents a bottle. , Sold by ..all drug- gists* throughout -the world. .13e sure and 'ask for "Mrs, Winslow's, Sopth-' mg 'Syrup," Taalavercrtiiisar: • . Dean Marryat of Adelaide, Aus- tralia, Is. a nephew of Captain Marryat, that prince of marine story tellers,' The Dean recently gaVe a re- formed little larrikin an orthodox Sunday school story book. A feer weeks later the Dean asked the boy how he liked It, and receleed tho 'disconcerting reply; "Not bad, btit nothingl near so good as 'Midship- man ,Easy,' and them other 'stunning yarns of y0urs.0- . • Nervous Headache and Rheumatism Oath thoroughly cured lby is comae ei treat* meat wish or. Muses Nerve Food aad Kidney#Liver Pins. These two great remedies of Dr. Chase are used together with great success by many per- sons, \Vhile the KidnepLiver P1II awaken the action of the liver invigorate the kidneys, and regulate the bowels, the NerVe Food forms new tich blood, Creates new nerve force and builds upthe System. Mas. C. Barium, 373 Murray St, Ottawa, statesi-"For some time twits a sufferer from' nervousness, dizzi- ness, nervout headache end rheumatism. 1 had the rheumatic plebe for about three years. Selo /./ eml weeks ago I began 4/ the use of Dr. Chase's Mrs. Battling Nerve Food and Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and have found that theta medicines Werked together most satisfactorily in t•ny ease. 1 hae taken altogether several boxes of the Nevin Food and am to* enfirely Gyred of my old Midge, know of others who have used these prepare. dons and been cured, and 1 tan therefore heartily redommend there." The portrait and signature D6 A. W. 11,86 Oft every box. • 4slaLlis4ed .109 Whooping Cough, Croup r.,44 Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, Astinna, Diphtheilit ORESOLENE ISA BOON TO ASTHMATICS Centime it along established and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It cures because the alr reederea drone!), antiseptic ie °arrive over the diseased surfaces of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. Those ot aconstimptive tendency, or aufferers from chronic bronchitis, find immediate relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of tho throat. Descriptive booklet free. MEWING, MILES 4 CO.#11051 Notre Dante Eit., Montreal, Canadian Agtate Cresolene dissolved itt the mouth are effective and safe for • coughs and irritation of the throat. Antiseptic Tablets zo. a box. ALL DREGGISTS 304 •Teiti rotating to a piano that was stand- ing in the locomotive roundhouse of the Misaouri Pacific railroad near Kansas City, an English, visitor'remarked, see your road supplies you with mu - 01011 entertainment." • • "Guese not," replied the foreman. "That piano is for testing the engines." The Englishman thought it a• joke, says a writer In the World'Work, but When.a uniformed planiet struck a note which harmonized with the noise of vi- bration in each part of the locomotive as it was tested he understood that there could be no flaws or cracks in the engine. Ile was informed that if the noise of the locomotive .made a dis- COrd with the musical note the locomo- Ow Would be thus proved, defective. The method has been discovered to be more emirate than the old way of hanernering each part. ' Ancient Servant finveritition. . It is popularly believed even in this day and age of the world that bees die almost immediately after tieing 'their' stings. This may be.true; in fact, I etheriti. But what do you think a the . belleye that it is so stated on good au-. outlines of tha . ethers, until. the whole • pack was discovered to be - idea of. a' poisonous serpent dying as ' doggedly* f ollo Wing the 'rig. • • . "The travelers were oVithout fire- , soon as he hateinflieted the fatal bite? arme of any kind, and then only did Pliny, a writer bt the first ceneury after Christ, says: "Serpents, no odds tdhaew r.e aulp ()dna danger o. f l•vtohievite.0 plowscitotnoltto . ' but once; neither kill they many to- when they see a prospective prey- ror mlic/111 more dangerous • and dewing. • how poisonous the variety, can hurt gether, to say nothing how. When they treating than when a stead us made. ' ..• have bitten or stung a man they • die I The men, too, slid not Tose any time had some 'remorse or conscience after-. i f:r. very grief and sorrow that they -1 In increasing tho speed of their horse • • ward..? • .. . . . . . • I wolves: The hungry animals sped ter- race between the travelers and it rapidly resolved itself in to re • and tine have done such a Mischief, as If they . 0144E13 IlY HUNGRY WOLVES). of....a•MS Strummer* Wiso rind as Itzeittap Theo • Quito Hoar Winnipeg. . _ ' Only' fieUrteen miles front 'Winnipeg two co.mmercial travelers had an ex- citing chase by a hungry pack of wolves a, weekor two. ago. The Win- nipeg Tribune tells the stow: 'A pack of timber wollitelt was be- . tided an the read a -shore distance ahead of them, • These ,anialuals in- variably show their heels velum ap- proached, but on this occasiofl. they gave promise of makitig• a deternen- ed steed. The travelers, however, drove along apparently uninindfui of amongst the . drifts . of snow and them the pack slunk sullenly away. thew, end when within a few. feet of 1. . .a opleiltaitliie. scrub,eol 1C ;4 1. I. 1)1 Q /10 (LI ty ' _ 0 fa tthte'hisjunceuro, - rig ammo a ) . believing that, as is customary, the animals would look Inc other Prey, But • in this they wen) •dlsappointed.. •... Ono . of the ticeupan Le of the :rig. in glancing aroundhappened to. notido. the. 'outline of one of the gaunt •axii- Incas as it leapedfront one knoll to another. This -eves followed by the • ; et* the ground at lightning rate, and,. I becoming more daring,- took. to the' 'Wondered, • . ' rash boy," she . said, looking 'You ' road' behind the fleeing rig.: ' Vertu-. nattily the men Were dieViog a good sweetly' Up at him as she iendarly. piece of horseflshand drew his. silk scarf about his throat, • e; . just managed •Liet, eepah Stcaey Moontairi. Wad ..,:if e"you hiuptiatt go. out .in the. eight 'air. • without•being mote careful ' You are ' liraOcta;n4pal.p.:. Mee` they catered ,: At ; .kneek pace; to the titter :• listen - so careless. - You: ought to have !male- ishment of One or two 'of. the village . body. to watch -Over you and keep you ers, who happened to .be about at ' - ' . • .!‘ from catching your, death." . Arid still . that ' ;walk hour. of the .Morning. ' • he wonderedas hpwent henie whether 0'; ' emirate -the *elves gave . tip the:. he woPtcl• knie her.frfendaliip forever if hunt at *this. he were to dare .to ask ••her tce.ba hie- .- Jollow, Up the -rig into.' the - .villegei '- point; not daring 'to • •.' The ' winter has been' .Serticalarly . whet,' • he returned Ma the • f011owing .• . hard on there. animals, and °has been evening' ' • * • • " - . . .. .. . . .. , • - , making them • look loe 'food . ether • . • •., . • i' than by theausual_chatextele. ' _MeV - ...... tViso Blaushints Girl. were making their oppearancvery oll May -know if a girl likes. you by . n ill Oh closer to settled sections of the I e. . the way she behaveswhen you meet.. countrY than hereeofore." her, Mail be taken in by the mere .1 • i fact that she changes Color. .Girls 'do !. ' ' IlerVoeation, that. from . a thousand- different.cepeei, '' Tess -Why, Miss •UPpisch'e grand. • fled there is noreasonwhy she should Mother was merely a • servant girl, ••• be in love with mweent she? Jess -Oh; no,.bideedl Miss you merely because • . oe blushes, • . ' ' tippisela says WA was ts• "household ' . - epeotallat." ' • - • ' ft- ' .„..,.-.....i.....i.m. ' • . • •:••:••:•4•4•4•4•4•40••:,••:••:••:••:••:••,:e•X••:••:••:••:• •:•::••:sf 44,44:44•4••:••:••:#4.404,••:••:•••:•+ • reeeeavtaweeeleve oatioweeeeweeeteeeweewevoloweemewaterwavieweelle ••• y••••:•••••:•••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:i•:••:••••:••:••:,•••:•••:,••:,•4•••:••:,•••:•+,:te:•:••:.••:••:•4:•,•,:••:••:••;•••e. ••• ••• et.; • ••• • ••• Jorrepollr X :I: :4 • ••• • X •I• •!• .40 g We would ask our correspon- X •It• X dents to send in their budgets + ••• Y each week whetherthey are little oo k t + 4•4.. or big. We are looking o the sx terests of ouisubscribers in their + Y particularllocality and want the news wla ether it is little or much. x • Sometimes you ma3r not have • Y • • • much news- to send, but don't •• •• X ts. A keep that little until you have mg $4ore. When news is scarce that + is the time your two or three it- - ems, or even one, are especially - appreciated by the reader in, your section. Send a big budget every week it you can, iln.ot, the + small one will be welcomed. X • •• •• t• ( •S• $ •$41 t:...4.e,..!•. ..t ..... • • 4• 'e i.:1 i+• •14 .,.,., , .- a a ••• ). e•-• S: a + . • 1444 4,144•4•4•444•444:4441.414:4 44.44.•:444•:•4411:444•444#4.•••#•44••••44•#A44••••;# ••• oeweylvweve•44,110amalaireawstamystiamairaeowei,w,‘"Aaeeolsia.44,1hAa.weve~soli .6t# 4:4 •:• •:•4•4.4 4:4 4# 44, •:of •:.• 4.4.4. ++4. 4• 4:4 i';• •:444 •:••:• 444+14 4. •:••:* •:• 14 10 •