HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-12, Page 5May 1203 1904 Clinton NOWS•ReCONI THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by .At of Parliament lE1)5 CaSW anthor1;ed, $5,000,000 Capital paid up $3M00,000 ReserVc Fund $21050,009 The public will please beer in mind that we have removed from our old etend, Rattenbury street, to our new and spaciono office (which is now in the centre of the town) in the new Combo block, corner of Victoria. and Alberta atreets (opposite J. W . Irwin'e grocery.) A call from the public generally is solicited. --SAVINGS BANK DEPAR.TAIENT--. Interest allowed at highest current titles from date of deposit to date of withdrawal 11. O. BRWER, Manager, • CLINTON. ••• ,Z)400,3•4•••••••••444•• •••••••40.4.••••••••• lavaao,...-.4111101W211816_,,-_-1_11.111,17MW -1-1-1÷1-14.1-41 I I 1 1 :-.1414+++' .1. • The most Pleasing Pres- • . ents are among the E SILVER Om* 1.••• WARE AND : CUT ••• ••• •.•• •••• • • • • GLASS NO BRIDE EVER YET RECEIVED TOO MUCH OF EITHER. WE ARE SHOWING A. VERY 01-1010E AS - FARM TO. Rim OR FOR. SALE,-. Lot 32, eon. 9, Godericht township, consisting of Sot acres, 40. acres seed- ed down, 6 aeres in fall wheat', or- chard, brick house and bank barn. 'A mile from school, 2;1 miles from Hohnesville, 5 14i1os frotn Clinton. Inonechate possession can be given. - George J. Connell, Clinton P. 0. THE RATTENOURY HOUSE. TO. Rent. -Having decided to retire front- .. business I oder the .Rattentirry Hou- .. se for rental for a. termof years. Immediate posseSsion 'can -he given. - Jos. Rattenbury. •••• 4WD ••• •mi 0.8 SORTMENT OF SILVER- ". • WARE AND CUT GLASS-' a FOR .4. Wedding Presents ••3 •nm• •••• I• AND THOSE WHO HAVE ' : FRIENDS, WHO ARE ABOUT TC ENTER THE HAPPY • STATE, SHOULD INSPEcT OUR STOCK . THESE GOODS MUST BE SEEN TO BE TAPPRECIATED. • • • .0-0-0-0-C") 0 - CS) - 0 Hellyar ""I Jeweler and Optician _CLINTON.- . +++++++++4 +4-1 ++44+44++ We Coulan't 1111 You ? . NI Have built up a first class lade, such as we have unless our goods were right in every way. We sell the Finest Goods for the finest trade. One trial convinces you of this. Among .other lines we ex- cel Fancy Biscuits. We keep Assorted •Hiscuits. at 10c per lb. up to Macaroons at 50c. In Olives and Pickles we have only the best : Chutney Chili Sauc-e, Chow -Chow, sweet and sour Vinegar FicklEs and also Horse Radish. We still solicit your trade W. T. O'Neil. CLINTON Have Your Bicycle Repaired • • THE WHEELING SEASON WILL ••• I SOON BE ON. NOW IS THE TIME •'• TO HAVE YOUR wnEnt, OVER- ,•! HAULED AND REPAIRED 4,90 AS . TO BE READY FOR THE GOOD t ROADS. , • • ;' . WE HAVE IN STOCK" A NUM- ' BER OF THE BEST WHEELS MADE • ' AND KEEP ALI, RIN9S OF BICY- • C1,E SUNDRIES. ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED. CALI, AND SEE US. •SHOT' OPEN EVERY EVEN/NO BUT TUESDAN.' •AND THURSDAY. t, • CAROL E. NEWCOMBE A, L. C,.M.- organist of Ontario street Methodist church. Teacher of Piano., Harmony, Form. Free Theory lecture to stir, dents every Tuesday- evening at stu- dio. Over Newcombe's store, Clin- ton. . . CLINTON Dyn wonns-a AM PRE - pared to do all ,kines of - Cleaning; Dyeing and Pressing of Clothes. All wcrk done an short notice and satisfaction guarariteed.-J. T. SE - WARD. CO . LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR YOUR SEASON'S SUP- • - .PLY COAL,' `WE PARRY • •. •ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA- • DES WHICH WIT4L BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST. POSSIBLE PRICE • ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT ; DAVIS & ROWLAND'S-HARD. :WARE; STORE OR WITH, , W, J. Stevenson. WILL PERSONS HOLDING XEY$ to the old post-oflice outfit katdly return them at once to W. D. Fair. roR Pie. STOCK steers ,and two ot tbo.... new in kb cows.-Jchn ilurou Read. Clinton P. 0. 18* CALVES FOR sm1n.-4 WILL DE fn Brucefield at 1 o'cloek Wednes- day, May r8th, and at the Cc/rimier- eial hotel, Clinton, at 1 o'elock on Saturday, May 21st,, with /41 load of calves for sale. -Jas. Q. Parsons, Kipper,. cAnyns non s4r,E.-1, mi.', Du at Londesboro at 01e10C11 On Sat- urday, May mtli, with a load of cal- ves for sale. -Jas. C. Parsons. DESIRABLE iromn FOR SALE. - House and lots in the village cf Hol-• mesville, The undersigned 'offers for sale tter large two-story • brick hou- se, with slate roof, good cellar,large rooms, frrnate, liard and soft water in house, stable and drive slied,good garden, all kinds of fruits. Also about,2,14 acres of land is offered for sale. •Convenient to tailroad :tat 'on, postonice, chureli and sch-i,vi. •APPlY by mail or on -.1to. premises_ ,o bIrs. T. C. Pickard., I8•4* B.A.WIELD COURT OF REVISION - Notice is heteby given that • the Court for the Revision of the As- sessment Roll of 'the. Village of I3ayfield will be held in the Town Hall on Thursc'tay, the 26th day of May, at 10.30 a. m., for the purpose of hearing and settliitt complaints against the said assessment roll. Persons having business at the court will please attend at the said time and place without further notice. - H. W. Erwin,. Clerk, Bayfield, May 6th, 1904, ,• • . HITLI.,PiTT COURT 'OF. R:nvIsroN..- . xx.t.ice is hereby given than the Court for the Revision! of the As- - sessineitt Roll .of the Township Of Hullett will be held in theiTowiship Hall on. Saturday, •the. 28th of May, . at to a.. m.„ for the purpose -of hear- • ing and settliag%complaints against the'. said assessment roll,. -Persons , having business at 'the, Court will please attendat the 'said Aline and place without further notiee.-JanteS Catnpbell, Clerk. Hullett, May 6th, 1904. ' •• • You ,CAu See.* For yourself how much at sloe has to do with the. t-ppearatice of your foot. What is uglier than a poorly. 'shaped shoe ? What is daintier than., A TRIM. CLEAN CUT $11014 that fits closely about: the foot and brings out Its natural artistic lines: We can find a itoe to ilt -yoi.o foot no matter Ito* lard yott are to Suit. • Our spring stock has arrived And the. prices are right.i We are showing a line of shoes for men. at $3.5o that can't be beat for price, and quality. ' Also a line of shoes for wrianen (Tho Queen Alexander) for $2 which is extra value. Conte in and have a look ,t our stock. No trouble to show goods. . . . • Gr.° 0.011..4 Oar stock is completh.• We-hava. E good line of .Tali•oir %Teas, great, atal black. In rackage teas we•carry. the Ludella; Red Rose, Bide 'Ribbon and Lipton's. celebrated teas. They Were bought before .the • advatice'in • price,. which we will.give orr castornais the benefit of. Plain and. Fancy.13iseuits, Boiled Ham,- SitiO%ricl Roll, Breakfast Ba,c.on, . Pickhd • Pigs rect., Panned' Meats, Pickles in and bottles. of all kinds. A *trial order will convince you that •we carry. a -stock- any- in tte trod., and the prices tea. - scalable. Also a car or:-Reclpath's sug- ar just arrived uhich we are selling at cost. In seeti•s we have got good ' Red Clover, Alsike,. Timothy; Maiigold'itud Turnip seed and all kinds of• garden seeds, orchard gra.ss. ' • In crockery we have a feW dinner sets we ore selling very cheap. Your. trade selected. • R. ORAHANI Ogle Cooper's ow. stand, • Cash for Butter and E,ggs. Phone 23 Beautify the Room. A PRETTY LAMP. HELPS TO BEAUTIFY A ROOM, WE IIA.VE SUCH LAMPS AND IN oRDAR REDUCE OUR STOCK *HAVE MAR- KED Dowrt Tnn vven AS pot. Lows $$,5o Lamps ,for $3.98 4-00 tamps for 1.75.. 2.25 Lamps for .1.7s t475 Lamps for , r..28 • Oor storek 001npti$1C$ everything necessary for home use. -Eggs takerf.in exchange for goods. , IL. Turner. :LVIrs. $hier's • • . . FOR SALE OR TO RENT -7-A COM-.- • fortable. tense situated on corner of • Church and °Shortie 'streets.. -Apply to el -us. oyn4nD13.y. .July ,t6th. • • • • Goderich. i‘ The Wouten's Institute will meet in Oat:rich on, June 14th. miss Miller. Guelph, and Miss Hills, °Toronto, will be the speakers. Druggist Thomson has taken the re- sidence of Mr.John Wynn who moves to the residence of Mrs. Frank Nolte'. • Mrs. and bliss Binghtien 1.4,ee re- : turnedto their summer residence near the MarfigtgeS, •WAT,DEN-McD0.WELL--At the resi- deuce of the . bride's • parents, • on • April . 217th, by Rev. T. 13. 'Corp- - land of Auburn,. Mr. Walt, • den to Clara,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs., John -McDowell, all 'of East Wa,wanosh. • • THOMPSON--PATRICK-At the resi- dence of the bride's parents on May 3rd, by the Rey. IT; Ayearst, Mr. Harry J. Thompson, of Goder- townShip„ to Miss. Maud, four- th daughter el Mr. Geo. Patrick of THII(1,11;via,Iir-1. SINCLAIR:At the Presby terian manse, elyth, an May t4th, • by Rev, Dr,' McLean, Mr. Robert. 3. Thuell to Miss Luey Sinclair,. both of Brussels. • • DUNSEITH-1TARPER-At the Meth- -. • artist parsonage, Vullartore, on May •40, by Rev. J. Greene, Mis•s• Addle, Harper of 'Fullerton, . to 'Mr. F. E. Dunseith cf Brooksdale, .0xfard . county. - • • • Births.. - • .• - TOZER-Ilt. Clinton on • bife.y 7th, to . Mr. :end. Mrs. W. J. Tozer., a son. LYON -7 -In Ilullett on May 7th, to IVIr. and Mrs,. Harrison Lyon, •a, daugh- ter, GRAINGERI--In • Hullett on ...kay 9th, to. Mr, and Mrs.' John Grainger, a daughter, CURRIFe-7Int Goderiet• township on . . May 7th, to Mr:. and' Mrs..•Arthur • .Currie, a son. • • • LOC•KERIDGE-In Lower Winghani on • .y 4th, .4 1 .1, • R • t• , Lockeridge, dangliter. • • . • REEVES -In Seaforth On April 3othi. •dtoa.ugMhrerand,..Mrs....Frecl.. • .R • eeyesi BAGSI-IAW-In -.Stephen-on May •srd, to Mr, and Mrs. itbrabant , Bag- clanghter. ' • . • • • Deaths .,. ,• . . . .LAVTON-•--In Tacke.rstnitit -cO :May 9,. •'• 'Elizabeth Ann- Appleton,. relia of.. •. .the Isite. Francis Layton, aged 56.• • .. • I it.; ' ' .• BELL77-In. Clinton. on May nth,. :the .••,, •infant daughter of 'Mr. • R. A. Bell. • DALE -0n the Huron' Road,. Tucker-. , . on May. SDI,. John Daley, 'formerly of Wroxeter,• • aged . 78 • year. • • •• • .• . • . ••• OTTERSONOn' the London. Roiacl,• • Ticekerstintli; •on • May .David• .. • • Otterson,. aged Si. years. ' - • .• •'• I WIGHTMAN-In 'East Wawairosh••••• or) ApriJ 3oth, Wightinans • r.eliet• •'of: the late'. Henry • Wightinan, aged • • •- 77, yea • • . . • . Sea,forelr Npril•• 2oth.;•• '••'• .''Elizalieth, Sliewiseeond. daughter of M. Shaw, Escl--i•';ged '39- year:of I CALDER. --411-• Ma<illop,•• •ME6, 'AT* 'McGregor, wife 'cif Mr: •Roliert • . • Calder, •aged 6$ •yearS.. •• • ••••, . *C.ttRRUTHERS-In Goderich oil! May I. . ‘...Ath.• Mrs. James Cattuthers,:' •_aged ..••'.$4.;years, • 7...niOntlis and •to clays. .• Patictiale 'ear Ativ • •,, -,3td,' . Joseph. Vosper, .s.an. .**,- Ggorge Vosper, formerly. of Exeter, ,• •.n. year. .••• .• •' I4onisa, daughtcr of Mr •..mGeactyr •g8et . :Swallow, aged 4 years and . . • , .• , . • . ••• .•'. • • • • •• .A.QAIN IN BUSINESS.1 REG, TO , • announce that I sin again • in the 1 butchering • business, haying Opened • Out shop in 'the old' postetilice where I shall be pleaSed 'td receive al call from 'illy old customers and many •• • hew • ones. Prompt attention, paid to all orders.. Any person • having tCA _STATEMENT OF A • • fat 'cattle Tor sale will find it • • :his advantage to leave 'wo-rd at my • shop. -Arthur • Cottek; Clinton. ' '15 • THOlt013RED:" REGISTERED DI:a- ttain' Bull for sale, 13 Months old. Have . two; will sell: one eheap.77A1- bert Nott, Ir.A..24, con. /, Stanley, Clinton P.. O. 15. . ••, ,. • . DR. BUXLER, EYE, EAR, • NOSE and Throat •Specialist, o Queen's Avenva, :London, 3rd door east of St::• • Andrew's Church. ,Glasses sup- plied. Will be at the Rattenbury lIonse, Clinton, April 28, June z and • . . ' • •, • . • • . • TENDERS WANTED. - TENDERS Will be received by the council of the . township of Hullett until 2 p. no on Monday, the i6th day of May, 1904, for the erection of concrete abut- . mon s o s pi cr iree sin . steel. bridges, al.eo kr concrete arch 22.ft. long' and 43 inches diameter. Two OE the bridges are within.2,4 miles of ' T4ondesbcro and. the other near Clin- ton. The lowest or gilY tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and. specifications can be seen at the Clerk's office Londesbota.----James Campbell, Clerk, I,ondesboro, • • ouses—for,Sale, 1 -Good Cottage and two lots on Isaac street. • 2 -Good House and two lots with large plum orchard or., Fulton Street, 3 -Comfortable House and one lot on Joseph street. 4 ---Brick aloaSe ,and two. IotS on Mary, 5-Twa Houses on Rattenbury street west. 6 -Large Brick House, with six acres of land, barn and driving barn, good orchard, within a mile of centre of Clinton. 7-Vrame House with eight acres of laird, •banis and orchard, car Dinsley 'Terrace., • • For terms, etc., applv to HENRY BPIATTIE, Solicitor, etc. Clintraft. Bring Your Cheeks. YOUR CHECItS ARE WORTH money to you and when you worth money to you stnd when you have- citot.ghto make $1 bring them to P the alace Laundry, next door to the Chinese, and get a key that will open the lock a a $60 bicycle. 13ring your laundryalong arid, try your luck, it costs you nothing. We also clean, dye, press and repair all kinds of clothing and make them look like iietv at very reasonable prices. If the wheel is won by a lay it can be exchanged for a ladies' wkeel, peNstoxzy, STOCK :GROWR HIS LUMBAGO WAS CURED BY DODD'S' 'KIDNEY. PILLS. . SUFFERED. FOR TW E',4; TY YEARS " BEFORE HE FOUND Ii_._ELIEF IN THE GREAT CANADIAN KIT*gy. ittAinDy. • • :• . . . Ri;s&'tdr.fe, May 9 -(Special.)--• Robert .0. •Latimtnan, :the . well knoWn Gain.Sboro• farmer :and stock grower, is :Completely 'cured of 16 -lig -standing ease Of latnbago lancl he hos. made. a statement for tile • benefit of the pub-. lie,: in which he gives the entire credit for the cure to Dodds Kidney Pills. la los statement Mr. LamPinan says or twenty years I 41.flered from lumbago with: all • its • worst, Sympionis. • I 'had the most distressing pains . it seemed possible to bear, coupled with an irrits.tion of the At times 'was .entirely prostrated and was .for weeks unable to cid any-, thing whatever, and required the ser- vices of -tny family to assist me in dressing and moving fiCant• a chair to the sofa. , ' ' • • I tried doctors and medicines,. but: got •no benefit till, art the advice of a neighbor I coinmenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. 'After the first box.'I noticed at improvernent and heft I had taken 'six boxes every symptom pf MY..trouble. had take rhe anatism lninbagoi is cattSed by uric acid in the blood. Soued Kidrcys take all the urie acid • out of the hlocd. Dcdd's Kidney Pills make gonna kidneys. PASTURE. -A LIMITED NUMBER. c,f cows will be taken for pasture dir the grounds of the Golf Club. For terms apply to N. Fair, Clinton, Auc'txoN sAnn -or VALUABLE, residence property in the township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, on . binsley Terrace, adjoinitg the ' tovvri a clinton. -rtirsumi$ to the • Power of sale ccntairred in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time .of sale, there will be Offer- ed for sale by litiblie auction by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at the premises, on Thursday, the 2nd day of June, 1904, at the hoar of one o'clock in the afternoon, he follow- ing property, mit nely•: park. lots numbers 18, 19, and the southerly \I two acre, of park lot 20, thusley 'Terrace, t) 1111dt-zing about eight acres of laral. There is a gOod house,' 'barns and -orchard' and the property is just outside tke Corporation of the town, of Clinton. Terms of sale --..Twenty per cent. of the purchase motley on the day of sale' aml the balance' itt twerJty days thereafter. The property will, be scld stiNect to a, reserve' bid. Further nartieulars and conditions of sale Will be made known on the day of sae or may be had on application to eitlier of the Midersigned.-II, Beattie, Solici- tor 1 Thes. Brown, Auctioneer., bat- ed the ist day of May, t9o4„ 18-3 It Goderielt. tires families, who lived liere for 'many The frietds of the Nolan and Hot. sysTEmie cATARRH so 'OTTO UNDE Rtrraal? Claims Many Thousands. A Tragedian's Thanks to Prerulta, years, were saddened on 2114'4 May by. O. telegram advising them of the death of Sarah Agues Nolan, wife of Station blaster II. 5. Holmes of Acton, and youngest daughter of the lute Peter Nolan of Ooderich and of Mrs. Peter - Nolan of Benton, Harbor, Mich., who could not accompany the remains) of her davgliter which arrived tete '011 Thorsdaya the funeral taking Place from the 0, T. R. station. Rev, Father MaeRae officiated at the R. 0. cemetery, CclUorne. Mr 13rydges has placed a very pret- ty balecny in the front of his store building on East street. The "e ngine wcrks are engaged upon aottult E..4coh,oine°0 which hs peisr salatPyP°wsliediellto7 turn after leaving' tte machine will be ready for budding purposes. No delay now for hailidiing brick houses. 1VIrs: Goebel has sold her residence on Cambria street to Mr. Fred. Tabb, Mr. 'John Mitchell and his daughter have removed !rum their late resi- derive on St. Patrick's street to the rooms above, P. T. Dean's grocery where Miss Mitchell will. carry on • dressmaking. • Mrs. Peter MeEWari Sr. has had her • residence oe Cambria Road re - shingled. How • the Smith • settos increase in this town, The new band master for the •Marine band is the latest edition, Theo. V, Smith, late of the Kent Regimental band, Chatham. Mrs. (Rev.) 3, A.. Anderson and Mrs. .Warnock were the delegates to the: annual meeting of the W. .F. M.• S. of the Presbyterian church in Canada at Toronto last; week. • We have much pleasure in :announc- ing to our readers the forming of a Loyal Temperance Legion, L. T. L, The names of the officers will be an - flounced next issue of The News- Recold. It is under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. and meets every other 1VIonclay, afternoon. • At the meeting 011 . . May . 2n6 33 'boys were present, all anxious to 'work in the temperance arse. Mrs.: Brown president of the W. C. T. IL, is indefatigable • in her desire tO ,"look after the -boys:" Charles Humber is adding ,a summer . . kitchen to his handsome rencleace- on Victoria street. Mr. Neil McIver and Captain Jas. Sutherland have -both had their houses painted white. Rev, Dr, Daniel .ancitlint wife attend- - ed a iyedding, of a rels.tiVe , Mrs. Daniel at Vomit° last Week'. . : Mr. R.- S.. Williams returned !lest Week from a; trip to New York. Mr, Harry Wat.Sori has built- a new Icitchea to his'residence and has. had Ills residence, newly painted. Mr. Neil MeIver, who suffered for some years from aw•infirred• 'ankle, • is Vow receiving treatment fel; it which he .trusts will...be beneficial, • • Ice in Kincardine harbor last' Week drew the rudder off the•Siebold. ' Miss Ida Harland is spending 'a) few weeks in Clinton at the:home' Of her •hrother. •• • Mr. L. Levis 'brOught his bride ...to their new brick 'residence 'Ori, Nelson Mr. and Mrs: Leekie,• who' since com- ing to• otir town have had roams in the "Fait" building, have rented, a house Corners Watet10,2 street. .' • The Buffalo 'Courier ,pnblishad a full figtire portrait 'of Mr. Alexander Itirk- bride who has been an Ochltellow 'for fifty-nine years. and. Mason for 'forty years, • and claims to he the oldest Ocldfellow in this. hemisphere. Ile joined the Oc'tlfellews'iLoclgo ia Apple-, by, . Westmoreland; England. He !was Grand Master of the Oddfellowa here when he .had:his ,portrait talten With his regalia on. 'Our .toWnsmen,. Mr. George John- • ston, incited seventeen tons of lead,. producing therefrom 52,906 pet 'sinkers for the fWiina•tugs that alr.0 lea,ving our harbor. . • • • • . The remains of Effie IlIcSn*n.; ',wife Of • Captain John Morrison, arrived front . Port Coldwill, .Algoina . on Thurs,day'S train arid • were taken to the residence Of 1VIrs.. W. 1-1, Baker. The remains • were •accornpa.nied by Ca.ptain John Morrison, hitsband. • ' cf the deceased lady;:his son Angus. of Port *COldivell,', A. A. paidWin cf (Heti*, . AngitS McSween of. Tiverton, Ont. • The late. Mrs. Morrisen eame to 'Canada from Harris; .Sentlandi with her :fa:tinily in 7863 in her inth year and,. was 'Married the same year to.Captain John Mor' risco. 111 Kincardine. •Eight years ago she with her husband and next a their large family went Oki to Port ColdiVell to reside, the. remainder of the. staying the old home here. • Her daughters, Sara at home Mrs. k.' Smith. of Nepigon and' Mrs'. ;. A. A. Baldwin of IVIiddleton,• and her sister- in-law, 1111S:1 Marlon. MeSween, trained nurse in Montreal, were alI with Mrs. Iliforrispit in her last illness. The easketlha.d sonic lovely 'floral offerings hart upon it, Rev. James A. Ander- son officiated at the lintel -al and the. pallbearers' were Capte,inn 'McLeod and Dan McKay, and Mesars,::.Tohn Robert 'Clark, Jetties Tait and .; John. Bmaekr6ri;towre... ' ' Miss' Emerson is spending the :sum- . ROBERT DOWNING, THE FAMOUS TRAGEDIAN. 41.11.11,11.•••••••••••••••IFINF4.0 In speaking of Perim% Robert Down- ing, the famous tragedian, says: find Peruna a, preventative against all sudden stimmer ills that swoop upon one in changing climates and water. It is the finest traveling companion and safeguard against malarial influences. "You may notice that persons in poor health always find the heat most intol- erable; this I eyelid by using Peruna. I lino* by the therrnoineter that the weather is hotoyet I havefelt the heat less this summer than ever., . -• "The cooling ,actiOn of Pertme, on the mucous membrano. makes it invaluable to actors and singers, ail. it does away 'cvith that tendeney to sudden hoarseness int apt to overtake one on emerging from a hot dressing roe= to "To sum it up, Peruna has done me more good than any tonics lAbsoFeever taken." -Robert Downing. Dr. Hartman was the first Prim' inthe United States to aeettra 7 de- scribe systemic catarrh. His remedy I'eruna, the only systemic catarrh rem. edy yet devised, is now knolyn all. over the civilized world. A person. having used it once can never be persuaded to be 'Without it when.in need, of such a remedy. Write for a copy of Dr. Hartmant latest book entitled "Stunmer Catarrh."' Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus,. O. stage. 1 draughty. . . . . . • . • • Bargain Sale IS 9 .1•1.• We have purchased a' large 0, stock of Seconds Granite -ware ; at a very low rate on. the dollar. If in need of anything iii,the line it will pay to ca,lland look thr- ough, as we will n.ave them ap• marked at Bargainrices. 0 $ See display in south side store.andgwinclow. $ •Everything marked in plain figures. $ HARLAND BROS.' STOVES AND 'HARDWARE. • :4+ • , An • English 'scientific journal- reealls some renta.rkable eases of resuicita- thin in discussing the actual • danger of premature burial. There is 'on rec- ord the case -of a .man who. was, .cs.rp- sized froin a, sailboat and sank with weightS oft 'top of him, :With the ex- . . • option. of .his • left 'arm he was entire- • ly- submerged for almost fifteen inirtut-. es ; but was revived, though with con- siderable difficulty, arid eventually re- covered. Exam -pies of recovery after periods of submersion .lasting for twenty ntinutes, , one hour and even two hours, are recorded.. Another inter- esting. Cal0 is that of a criminal who was. banged, .being ,suspended for. -twen- ty minutes. Ills ,death was certified to and the laxly removed for Post-mortem examitiatiou ; but while the surbgeons were making their preparations for work he suckle* sat up, fully alive., althorgb he . afterwards died .14 pul- monary congestion. Another inste,nce relates to the surpri'sing' experience of ' nrnsian generul.who was shot throu- gh the. head and buried „ hy kis orderly' who • had • satisfied himself that the officer Was dead. Two hours afterwatcla the general re- ported himself. to the Emperor ; and it is recorded that he lived for many years told that he served, incidentally, as a pall4bearer to the orderly who bad buried him. Aga(n, there is the case cf a man who took 12o grains of chloral with- apparently fatal results. His respiration had ceased' entirely,the sounds of his heart were imperceptible aucl there V70,11 110 pule at the wrist. After having been in this edinlitikui for •Soate hours be was successfully re- vived and made a permanent recovery, 1-no,rper. 44; ••• •,* y y ••• ••• ••• y +.• •,••••• te, so.• •• ••• ••• y y y •",41•.4.• • 's WeeklA s Goods, Trimmings, x 4 wti.„ Pr ' ints, Staples etc. * •0 •:• •:• •:• •:• •,:• •:4 •,:• •:• 4:4 4:4 4.4 4:4 •:• •;• 4:• •:• •:• •:4 • $ 3. ..s.• 4 4. 4 x x res rriva s .4 1 y 0 : • ;:• *.s. „ y e A ,, , :. 0 cie,) 2 . ' .0 y p$ .. •-• :$ 12. + Ai /a A " ew Dress Goods 2 cn " X A 17.7: ei• •.• ,i): Lik : I:: Fancy7aistings X t4 V + X = " jd Ladies Parasols , y s. ct y •,,44, ir eie •••• . $. ate. 0 ••? .1: , 'al• X Umbrellas, etc. .$ .. A -t. -43 r .e. 0 0, : .i. o :t. $4‘$) E *.r. • . - . X trk = X x = fp, We purpose keeping only* • to + + . •i„ 'X the best and most up -to- * F, if. 44•1:• 41 1 +II date go. ods at lowest prices j:, & Y x' ,, 0 z .t. , .t. . 4: (.4 4. clit• 4 + H. Plurnsteel. X 9 . i a * 4o •,$* .24, • :4, 3. s•t• The Old Stand. . Clinton. 2 + .!. : . ,s• , .. •:•44 Rt• 44 4* 44 4* • + •:• 40 484 4* R:•• 44, 44 4:* •:• 44 , 44 +44 4$0:4 4•41:# X .4 . Yi et. • 4. . A es* ) + ailina Boots and Shoes, good qualit .1% , • es: X )" I ..s. 9,116 A,$$• low.price. Ladies' Rubbers 45e 5112