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The Clinton News -Record
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CAC/1U Townshipf
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• is PUb1iSb44 eery Thursday t Funny Course
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Editor and Proeeit ter,
The Week In Parliament.
Inning • ti 6 week Partite -Mod • made
considerable et ogresswith the Craud
Trunk Pacific contract.- 'Lite •
t01 of Finance stated in the ceerse qf
the debe.te that theeproposek Own-
• gen had been -forced upon. the' Gov-
iiinieflt, were .compelltel. .to
accept the terms ea the Grand Truale
Company, or allow. the .oentraci .. of
last . year to go by default:a A •Mor'e
extraordinary • adMission Was probably
never I eard in the Reese. •... ••
That the Ministers - have • ilea given.
the anwedments to thecontract. e :the
con-sideratIon they deserve, was • Made,
clear by the dente ignorence. • displayee
by them in :regard' to the most . ;he-
-portant clauses of the new' tall: To
date, the ComMona has ;not been .fa.ve
coed With a etalenant showing the
additional ..iiabilieiese.of Atte ..coratry
under the latest arreengeetwet .end • Mr,
Fielding • cooly informed .". erl 01111 ell 1
that it is °milt°, now tilatelie. is•
Cct in thc PreVi..ttiolt ot s Ole n.porta-
itt . . • '
It. • also to: no: i rt. . • het,- the ,Govern.
meat are. .atirtere. that the:. . Grated
Trun't is eol, a Tarty :to • iliceeoatract
anei that they an tiot • pm -tem • that
the ."7111PanY Shan • asatlitibe.eoy • • re-
saonsibiji te- in the . Matter:. -• • .
Winn the Grand Trunk Pacific bill
of tue•orporation was before Parlia-
ment, authority was asked to allow
the pret»oters to issue -toreferred and
comenon stock ic the amomet of
•es:tempo, The gee -eminent ohjected to
. this on the grotoul thnt,tho capitalize -
that was excessive and that the people
of thu west wculd be forced to PaY
eel:normal freight rates to provide divi-
der:els on the extra, stock jester. In -
consequence, the party in: power insist..
ed. on reducing the stpck :time to
000eet() and heralded theinselvee as the
Plardians of the public weal. But ;
what is the, porotiou today ?a' The
Granh Trunk is to be allotved to get
away with hesatoo,.ocx) coonnon stock
- which it may not be :wiled upon.
:to Pay 4eent and uPeu which tha pet-
rous of: the proposed railway tuaat pay
divide -Os' for all time: :11 the priect.
• ple laid down by Sir 'Wilfrid Litt:trier
, and his. aesociates, ot Whom Hun. A,
Blair was at the tittle a distengue
ished member, was a sauna .me a tear
ago, surely it is equally sensible new,
uncler the charm of Ur. /Divs.:vet
eht G. T. P. promoters„ the "nier
seems to have lost eight 'al the dang-
ers ea over capitalizatien. The (-hand
Trunk is to be given a free ;land alai
he east as well as -the west w
aimed to beer the burden, The (lis-
ting-Mel)ing features (4 the emended G.
la. la conttect seems to be 'Ow Oland, -
()lima of every clause "a hielt weede..
elated in the first ease to be ot int.
portance from thecountry's. stand-
point.. •
The "Opposition nerd. • • eeeon. ele)
Trent iel• • the n.ceesitY of 'protecting
,Canadien ecapnrts, inview' „of -• Alto
admiseicin that • tee Grand Trill& a
whieh .will have the elleposat of •feeialet
at .tt.e tealmard, will be. in 'aapertiitten
to• do • e h et • it eartsiders•• ie. the . best
interests • cif its American einuteetienS
in roil Ong. freight.
Tie MinisterS • Of Finance- and. :
tiee . tried -toeglitsseover,. the . important
clectaratioes they intole lest-. year - in
regard, to the •wiseeem „ of -krcing (he
t3rend 't'rt'i1 to iteettiete anti,. hold. the
525,600,000 . 'of Ctaticl Trinile. • Tacit -Lie,
con it: n oii stock .whic h • • w ill • become
charge on its .patrena.. • • • • •
Scarcely. .a .wotel. was .0'tereel-ain
fence of the provision by. • ,which .. the
Coverr meat.' will be prevented fr011t
. foreclosing. its inortgagi, itt caSe the
. railway .comptoni..eloee •pot .•pay
intoreet in the' horicl i•satue • •
'The Opposition 'offered „ a Moldier .or
ionenamerees • and the •:Gievernenent..'aske
eel .tinte to .consider. eltem.,. • e".", ...•
Several laberala 'erged, . theca .tite..daty
on.. louden le increased, .hat„ . allOther
. group kicked vigorofsly eliotit ° the
tartfT .eltenged this respect. •
The sudden death of .. 4jr: •1;V: • lc .
McCreary, it'd -.Liberal ..meinter.• ." for
Selkirk, east a deep" gleiMit • - over ..the.
Conernons. The Senetee too, etientined.
a greet loss 1:y the death ,:f• • Senator
Reid of British Columbia,. '
. ' . • •
Are Multiplying,
The bonds of the . Oran(' . 1 note -Pa-
cific Railway Compaity. are to be ghat --
woad by the Government.. to the ex•
teat of threeepiarters of the ceist. • • 01
constractiore or the Prairie ond Moen-.
tatit ,,,see done ;and .,tlei..t.lt,wei a vent will
build the Eastere .section. '1:6' ' -COM:
patty tiadertakes to pay the interest cai
the bends. llut•there is 110 agsurallee
. .
that the • new 'railway 'midi 'ever • ea.r.
sufficient to enable the promoters • to
do this. to case there is a defaultthe
country mast pay the bills and look
for the money in env dr:Toot other
thee the railway enee notes. They are
ma to be le:melted ureter aCy eircutto
atancee. Iltit epart from • the • hypo-
thesis that the Grand Trenk Pacific
may default, there isa serious pro-
position staritie the (reerentent . itt
the lace. The company taidertale et' to
pay three per Cent, irterost oit the bon-
ds. Teere, ' tit eie obligatton ceases.
Within a short %jam elle coentry• -.has
been forced to pay hare pea gent.. ,to
repliae expired • beetle. No matt tem
saythat the 'motley macket in the
near future will produce better re -
salts. If the war itt the Earit lasts any
length of time there is humid to lie a
demand for loans that will give • the
moray market at. upwardfel:eh:neer, and
Coracle will have, to staler tvith the
rest of the world. Suppose that at
the Unite tlte Lords are floated the rate
is as high as Wine-, what does it
mean ? This wintry is going to be
. out of poettet the digerence between
three and four 'ler cent. The tettiourit
for which the Clitvertneent 15 aceeptittg
resporeibilito tioll at least reach the
sum of Ststanoe,,non. The interest on
that solo at one per relit. is Sts,Soococlo
per 'annum". PerhaPS thiS may • be .21.
trifle, but Who in Canecla cleetrishim-
self rielt eriagh to ignore the inapti-
tude of tit -is • fortune ? 'this is just
where the cotortry will stead, if the
fluareciers of the Nvc-rld are inclitted to
look at thitnee fromtheir preseht
view point. The government, however,
have not even considered it of suffici-
ent importione to tee -e Otte allege of
�e tematiali 'into eopeitlerattota
• A Warning From Quebec.
The. day is not far off, says the Hur,
eingdon Gleaner, when Oretario is like-.
• ty .to as notch diflicelty in enaking
Wing ham,
Crawl Trunk railWaee atirvat or is
.expevted .in \\Ingham this week to
make natasineutents prio•e to preparing
plans tan a new station house and
freight ehtels• understroul that the
present freight flied will be •moved eon -
tit on the yard. and will be reed
elusively by the itulliture num,
Mr. W. O. Paton has purchased Mr.
Va,shieder's interest in thenmehine
shoo and repair business read a ..11 eon -
thine in the old stand. teierices
of Mr. VeslAnder will to retained. .
Mr. and Mrro W. .11..Cant dell, Who
have been resteents of. the ' Wingham
:Town Plot for a. number of 'ears, left
'last week for Mildmay where -they will
:reside. Mr: -Cetupbell ilas reuted
his farm to his son, • Robert Camp.
Itlssrs. Walker ea Cleti onnailved
work on their new furniture - feetory
:building last leech, The eround is be-
ing leeeled and trenches made It the
foundetton, founantbin will be
built of concrete and Work on this
will. be coateraneed this week. The !ism
hopes to, have the buildings .tompleted,
if possible, by the ist. of Jay. •
• Mr. Edward Bowles,' father of Mrs.
Robt, Johnsten ot tilos town, died at
St. Joni la's hospital, London, tat
Tuesday of last. week. "Mr. ;exudes had
beeu in failing health, for .sotne VOW.
He was for many years a resident 01
Paisley at *Inch phew • the fun.: al
took place. •
• Me. John Tattersoa of "Moletateell;
was in town on Satetalay delivering
his driving horse to a Cliraon gr idio-
m= to whom Ite had sold it. :tile
'animal was sired by Stander.
-tls meet as Ottelae ..cliwa now.
' ls is -a .warung •Should be.
iceded.• .'1 ••-Gleatter,. " .pralislted ir
Itteibec, Las' personal knowledge, of the
.1.iflicultiee. that • A -wince- experiences
nieettligaits, .obligatams, , The Cicala..
er, too,: • know.s•. bow . these
were Hereated. • It Was by • the smite
-eoaree, . are pursuing here—
,riting up elebt tear by year. • • ,
. Time • . was. whet) -.0ittario hacl•-. Ito
10141. , We haveone now. It arnotinted.
'to Six inillions and.ehree quarters at
'he end of 1903' -and Wepaid in intee-
• •st priveiped account 'cif. it last
year Atpwards - of $209,000e .
bonus voted • .the. 'brand • Trunk.
Pacific. ittet befcee the lagisleture.
• ourned'ev'illaadd to the' atitinett of our
-nbli'grations. •
Wben are :the people going. to -demand
"al a acne 'which cannot be inistincler-
deod that this. adding to the .:eveight •
of the entlIstcoe' Mae& one neckS, shall
. .
.e.ease ?..-Weekly - • •
. After lank', and- weary travail and
mechperturbation, it issaid ttat the
..re-organizatich • of. the' eLake Superior.
• Comteany, has been eoinpletea,•ancl.that
ho' new. ecnap,nnY .will • • start • operae.
Liens' .131 :aekte ..dayS with -ten
flalars., in .: If tide...421'one. ''.--kkee•.
tatisfaetion...will inviyersal.,..•as the
Matinee • ..eloa a of that ... yest.' eeneern
ware: "rat "Only very. adorioes. ,to , Sault .
.13te, Marie • and Nen''Ontario, but •• it
was 'liable. to..seare .foreign capital -
.way trent otheioCanadtaii .iiivestrneres,•
The pity al the closing- dou a. Was that
it might leate .been 'avoided. • aria Fran -
is H.: • Clergue. , was hailedso loudly
.and ,pereistentiv .as the. arch Napfcleon
. of eriterprise—lie Wae..eo bewrieten.,
lauded; - benictured.• andebee,ined—taat 110
like lefechial'' after...be -bed Irsereared
ltis- courage to. . thestickine,
thieught that: it wee:impossible to fail..
ills first -venture was the per:chase of
the .Ptewer canal 'front, theemenieipality
of -Sault, Ste. Marie.. It wasliis inien-
tton to sell...thirt power to. nianufacter-•
ere, but: as ne eastomors .• were,
fc,rthcoming, .1.e bailie. the •Sault. Ste.:
aferie PUlea mine After that, • eater-.
ateseafoltowed: enterprise,: - and 'included:
:iron niincis, eleetric' tailwayee. Steam
railways, . rail mating -tibia, Shins,'
•attil, half . Ion:died other tbiagS. • The'
troctlile.'we8 that Mr., .Clergee....dhl not
...wait • for cue. enteepriee..to, pay before
.fie. started •anet heir: ,It itt a.. story that
reetilinds- eine •of f Forttinatus... • and Alia.
sons, who were the. peeseNeors .of - an.
iiteihateStible Parse' of,..grold and a wish-
- ea, ,which, •however, in the end,
proved. the -0E.1.18e 01 their ruin Me.
Clergeo was backed. up by. millionaires
.etel •he seemed only. 'tc.,-eave to wish,"
;old Preet e,,. :the „thing was deAte.,,,With
elte.•aelvent of . lier.•alorgatt's.billion dol-
lar trice' trust • Ilowever. a change 00110
(Wee . the . spirit of teeny • a fin elk hit
beau- . Coniteinatieee ,followed, ecArd
..‘tione tl.cre' Were rallivey' trusts, _Ship-
.. ;Mg erustso meat tetirtte,.. ettipbuilding
triestre •ceei1..trest8, ltatiee.buildieg true..
es,' and.. with hit11 say What elee."
gaily' the public •.bottgla firet;.,1• but '
tt'lien the market collapsed' after the
corner orb d act Lc alien • stet 1
etteninge. fell • off, . and when scandals
followed .. the 'dibentery of • the • great
elalece of 'water .that had .been turaed.
iit1d. • 5 edeli a 'of •- theogre.e.t • . comb i ea -
(tons; them .the,pahlic got 'shy"-, of buy -
heel stocks' of.' any • kind; and has"' tint,
• -recovered its tlIstlal. boldness • to.. Oh,:
data: There came. a -time where battles
had ray 'More money to lend lo Mr..
Clergue'Smillioiiaire friends,. when the
'Colman stock of his atliea compatties.
was threwit • cit the niarket atid..solcl
for n eons -tied when t1.1 Ids glitterieg
dreams eaded itt di8aster, The .soely
regrettalrie feature- •of the hew ,start
for Mr. Cktgew's. eitterprieeti itt that
the Ontario government itt guarantee -
:lig the eonipatty's• hotels to the extent
oft two dialers on a strict par-
Yote, 'rite ettatoritv in favor of this
was :only two and includedin ia Were
.sev.eral members -financially ' interested
in the coficern,—Montreal Witness (Li-
Mr. McDonald of Itippeit shipped to
flue colt 'from here to Woodslee. The
erdt, •which 18 an exceptionally good
Mier. 18 just ewo years Old. .
Ortweitt received a letter on
aioncley ittforntihghim of the serious
illness f hie daughter, Mrs. Hassell of
Baltimore, from typhoid fever,
Miss Rathleen Blacken has returnee
home front Clinton Where she hag been
We are pleased to SPe that alr: Geo.
Coleman of Hayis able to be cut after
his lerig aid severe illrtestt. .
Miss Eva, Stonettian hos tesigned her
position itt Mr. CopelittaVe music store
tool her place has 'been taken by Miss
Jetittie •
The council root Mr. Begets, C. E.
of Mitchell, who tame ler8 reeently
and eseisted them itt startino the stir-
vey far the proposed gster0.t drainage
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MeDooald 'have
returned after spending the winter FIND NEW 1iE1tT11 IN THE 'USE
mouths in Windsor and Detroit with OP DR.. WILLIAMS' PINE. PILLS.
their deldren. thre. They allo s reit
titout a eforta.glit in :(iolerieh with A few years ago Mrs. Jetates 1.
Mrs. (Dr.) Cheri', theitdaughter. hIri. Street of -Thome& mh
Ont., o is well
McDonald has had 'many g- chat enown to most of the residents of
tr ie(t)Itedes4-cif.tilste 7/1(iSTI4NiVgilarlif:Slie();r aenxii eittetrce7 ftlitelmilesItiteirt oltef artrke(123;
in Detroit -IIe gives .u't • an anasnota. As tole( practecally in her
-Mg mond .of the 1.•lockade of the owu .words, airs. Stuart says : "
ferries. between Windsor .end Detroit. blood was turnol elmost to water ;
tine winter. Mr: MeDoeald intend:a:1 suffered fro „ meet, too ocl. head -
this . •seamier to NONA exhibits from ',moos,
and tileast exertion would
his aimuoth orchard for the St. Lon- caun
se y
m -
is World's t• heart to.palpitate 51)
Despondent Viromen.
HoraCe Fisher left for Oananoque on ly as to render me almost breathless.
1 wasted: :away in liesti and often. was
'Thursday last, .witere he, will follow 1 is
- trade. . so Weak that I weld not -walk. about.
a .was limier the o• re of lt, good -doctor
Ed. Walters, wife and family -arrived but 1 was not getting: better, I grew
:front Collingwotel last week. . melancholy endeeesPondeut and felt I
. • was hereon:lug it _hopeless invalid. At
• - this stage 'I was advised' to use Dr,
, ...Williams' Pink- Pills and I legen tak--
Dungannon,' mg them; thinking it would Ip a ink --
Dolt llitte.,Trnenzils'ttoi(41 It'hdeun7elfriltaisnosn. el aggriecatiC gtriawtYincet it" qh.el'I`)lelfin".1tellt:(1;c' bncelnY
Mr. and Mrs, D. Johnston, AsIdteld,
kook place in Duagantion cemetery..
Rev. e, Rutherford eondutited the a,-
sequiee. An unusually large cortege
of 'sorrowing relatives and. sympatluz-
ingt-acqraintanees accompanied the re -
h eviaelre, the eyi eeithy.slici-
-mains f:rotr1. the residence to. e .ceine-
tery whicwit to the bereaved in their sorrow.
The deceased was afflicted with para-
lysis, to the effects • of which he
embed at tite age of rmeetwo . years
` awl/three monthre : •
, Chitties. Durnin Sr. of 'West Wawee
nosh has, bought James Walker's rest.
• St. Augustine.
Thos. and Cec. Leddy have taken • a
large corttrect.of cutting- Wow, fcr A.
Jas. Brophey was -visiting with fri-
ends ' and .e.ectuatutatices 14:ingete idge
and Coderieh last week. • . •
Harry Walters* has Started aerie
with .Toe Fletun. He and To me hoar
pelattag• the latter's hoese." •
We are pleased tosee Dick • Tnliop.
ecni,. who had hia-leg, broken Paine tone
ago, able to be arciond again-. , • .
• Den. Leddy is going to start. forbus
new home'. in Alpine, on Wednescley.•
Fle is taking two fin•e horses and about
tate theueard 'bushels a • seen grain,
with h-im. '•
Zurich. -
bad runaway occurred oreaday last
weelt ia front .af the Dominion Hoese,
One of Mardock's livery teams • was.
taking . a censignuient. ef. pint wine to
St. Joseph, ednsetting .olthree barrels
and. one, large hogshead, addressed to
Becipteul. Thedriver stopped at
the Dominion to water In's:horses . and
took oft, oae iof the bridles, when they
started off end making. a short . :turn
ilpset .theewago.a and wine. into the
street. The,. wire. will be ..nea,rly • p.
total loss as the 'large barrel wait
Smashed 'and the' suitiller. OW5. glare or
tette eatnaged: , TIte. borSes..eise-aped un-
hurt.. ••• •,. • .
'the . directc rs . aud eherehotders of
tie Stratford and St,' Joseph gleefric
Itailwa,tr • Co. held a .inaet!ag. at •St,
jeseph on Saturday. • • • • •• a
.• Mr. • Sinion'deiger IA last week. for
Scottard.• a:ccomparty Mr.
Willeam Murdock of lenteetield ..who is'
talong 'five caricade of eettleaacross
tire .oecan. to that countr.y. • • • ". •
Mr. J. 4. Williams has erected a
new shed at the otill .place of • the
c:ne• which collapsed la:a .winter.
Itttley had the contract•ander hand and
the shed erected, speake well for 13i11's
ehility in this, line, • • . •.
•• -Township .Treaeurer T. • Johnsen Was
nt Clcideeiele last eveele where he had his
Irdoei.) • &edited by ' the: 'provincial
deor. The hatite .were 'found • to he
;correct in every -way and Mr. Johrlson
is to be -eongratulateef -c.ni the c.are and
.prinlenee 4 '‘'.exereiscs to keep them SO,
Mr. Daniel .Smitl: of the•Lake'Rcacl
,niade bity. c 'and e, half galibos of
maple • sYrnii this season . from • 232
• A large' amount: of..Duich setts have
I been. ..alrendy •sowaitt- flits vicinity,
owing ito doubt:loathe fact that. - the
price , of...them • was -very hi *It -thee
, '. • . • .
.• The .Conference of 'the • Lutheran char-,
cli 'wi11, be held Imre this month. It
'tviii.1xtgin cea May 16 'and eptite
number of ministers are expected to be
present. •
.East. Wnwanosh.
wris. T. Densmore is teaching school
at present.
Fall wheat 10 this secn tioas a rule
, lookitig roar. • '
Mite; Maggie' Atepaagall eieiting
in" Belgrave.
Mrs. Foaletoo of Elma is visiting,
Ler daugl ter, Mrs. Itni. Apeervon.
The Misses Martin were visiting
their ccusitt, Mrs Alex. Scott, , last
•weCelki;ts. Roger of Ili erafield c ne,ag cl
with Alex, Scoit, 6th I,ine, ,tior the
eel:liner mouths.
The Misses .lichlt of Ithoa tout:ship
lave moved intee (ltd hatoen J.Ityfe's
farm, 12th con,
afrs. J. Jackson of Torcitito ware the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Roble Currie,
for several weeks.
Sone of tbe fanners araand Donny-
brook threshed their last year's crop
of clover last week and report a fair
Sympathy is extehded to Mr. atul
Mot, , Wm. Bennett, 6th Line, in the
. loss of their infant detgl:ter last
A meeting was Wit 20 leo, 9 school
house for the purpose of re-orgenizing
the Sabbath school for the summer,
Mr. A. IL Lloyd of WI-light:art was
appoiated superintendent., '
Rosy, Hearty Children
If yon want to keep your little °ties
rosy, tearty and full of life give
them Ilabyai Own Tablet% the 100111 -
ant they show signs of being but (e!"
order in any way. This Otediente
Orel; all forms of stomach and bewel
troubles, breaks up colds, prevettts
crcup, destroys worms, allays teeth-
ing irritation, and gives the little
ones sound, • nateral sleep. Nee child
objects' to taking the Tablets and the
mother has a gua.rantee that they eon -
lode no °Oleic or harmful drug., Nei
other medicine for little, ones gives Oils
guarantee. Mrs. 'Geo. Campbell, Xill-
arney, Man., W110 ban } much experi-
ence says ; "? find Baby's Own Tab-
lets it fine medicine for eltildrcet. They
are Protript r.clieviog little title and
gelato la their eatiatt." All medichee
dealers sell these Tabletri or yott can
get. theta. by Mail at 15 tents it box
1.),y writing The Dr. Willitorts Medlcftte
Mockville, Ont.
teem the pills less than a month . I
foune. my health improving. • I used
about a dc,ziett boxes in all and: .foutel
• Myself eteoeiti,i C•'10..` neate, the bleestng
el good 'health. I heel been. reduced to
almost a ''okeleton in 'appearance ard
while tetiong the awls eain (I aver tw-
enty vo,rds :11 W. i -hi 1_ r.ratefully
• recommend the pills to other aillog
wrn-13.e•n,.. Thik Pitts axe the
greatest hlood .trialder and eervetante
kuowti. to medical scienee, Through
their use pule .cheeks are made rosy,
dull eyes. ntede bright, and thin wasted
figurea •made. plump. Every dose, utak-
Mr. - tend Mrs. Durnin•owirig to 1111 ---es new, rich red bared that. drives out
health and 'advt.:need years, have deei. 'disease aria strengthens every •organ -in
10eate' in the bear lettere an
ded to retire from farming and ."
preniises. he lately, parekastel, • .
Willis Bell, natattgr decided to retire boxes • for. .:52.,ao by writing the De.
e, rom farming, recently sold his farm, Williams' Medicine • C B -oek '11
south half of lot x6, 'cal -concesaion.•3; • Ont,-
• ••
West Wawanosh, . to. Jas. . of .
the same ..toweship: .Mr. Bell has per-•
• •
chased • W.. Male's • -reeielence • and pretne • A Michigan. Swindle. •
ises. and intends to .becoinoa 'citizen of •-•
cur 'neat preeperous • 'tillage., • "Ringing the farmers" is the latest
Wm. Aridrews) who 110 's6'irlswindlIng ,gatne in western Michigan..
farm in Wes( Wawatiosh to Mark Wile In the .first net (a -this new -style tea -
sen of. .Ashfieeld„ .1 aS rented the Meth- gedy, .stranger: appears on the- .road,
ises af Win. Fowler be the village .for MVO , ri 'tense diligently eeerclung
leire and has -moved here with elds . • ..
family._ .. • . ,fot . "a lest eltatriceet,•ring," . As
does. not find. it -he . °Ilea reward
.-Mr.Wilson and frently have moved on" ftiT its r4covccr., ge• goes -away with -
'to the premises , which...he purchaSed • . out. finding the ring and etortly afterfroni Mr, ,
:A1\6e7A. We 'Mr'' Wil° ward a -tramp picks up a. eing... • .The
son ..arel faintly..secee.ss ie. their new•
. antler who, is tit be- 66 vietint . otters
' the 'tramp 525: for the einge expectiug
, to get the .Suro reward. The tramp
' • hesitates but finally accepts it . and
- leaves. When elle fanner cannot find.
, Mafia ' liteG or r's Hill
. the straliger. he; grows suspicioes and
jeweler examine' the ring. It
the guest of Mrs. Shannalitot last wlever. iiisagetnielerally :teat -eh' about • 15 Cents.
Rev. Jaimes Livingstore, eiepresident
of the London •Cenference, preached •
last Sunday in the Methcalist church, A ee • "
Liredlt tO The Capttal.
The soccasion was the Educational:an- 41k
niece:taro. Mr..: Livingstone is . , ,
well The Ottawa '.Cittien COnitaity....• I.,ini-
loio.wit i'ltroughout Western Ontario as „ „ 'has heat 'completed I-kl. •. twee siX.-
a preacher' and oratoe of the higlicet ,,
aboltys, . . . ., . .. storey fire-f)rodf bililding.1 which is one
of the finest peWspaper huildings. p,n
Mrs. Randolplr:pttrchased the' hand- 0 , ee 1 he whiffle. is very 'hand-
some Wick eiatage jtist coposite the: --a-a—
ono) and imposing,. and is a credit to
woollen mills at Tr:ornately:ale , from hire °,`, c Caned ien Cap i tat. a"he C i tizen
W. 1/. \trenEgitioiel and Will '• take up a`a
her resident:it' thete some time. . next ; `64'PanY 1 Ila °Ise': -inst'alli-11 -6 • now
three-deek . Ilete press with D.,: esitmeity
week. Her. tesidenee on .Tolen street
ivill be- 'oecapied liy. L. M. Appleford :. ce ree,peo spapers. per , hour.. -
Mr, Stepliere Lamb has purchased the 1 . . -- . '
beitding and • livery, besicess on Mein 1
street from the estate of the late T.D. 1 • '
Levy, paying $4,500 Tor iale 51311ti, • .
The cohgregation of Ow -First Pres- • ,
hyterian • aurae Seefortle. held their 4-Sseshor Hamill= has coinTrtaed.
loot service in •their church, as it at trig work for the preseett year and froto
Ike assessment roll, We take the fol -
present exists, on, Suneay evening: •
week. • It. ,vearly •thirte-six years lowing. pa.tticillars relating to onr.vil-.
• . • .
slate •-ilte eleirch Was . erected and the lege : real property $1911,3oo, kiersoeal
present etudiaciritroe.liaa lieea ocerjoied ProlierCY'.23,500,' ipoialge -inqouie 511m,
for about thirtv-three years. On Sun.' .totale persotal „pro:pert)! aed taxable
day night, the littiche Wee crowded and •itteonue .Sele,tion, total real and • pet -
the pastor,,•Reve Mr. Larkin, improved Sonal, -prcaeity and, taxable indositie
the ciecarelon lby preaching: a epeetat • Feareeno,, childrerd between the ages of
8ermen. in whieh, in his usual' forcible ofive eed tienty-orie 21, Children be-
agee of five And siictiren
end. practicaleruseatiete he bratigite tenite :tweert the
; pepalation, &ref>, an..iaerease of el
to all many emeriti and helpful -lessons .,
suggested by. the event a neer last year, acres 429.. '
eil. which eire
elect atentel • the text, "Oar fathers, 1 The annual repOrt fen •Trinity church
where: :are they ?": On the folloaring has been priate'cl and shows the past
Monday evening the ladies of the con-. year to -be a apleitded one ;finaticeelly,.
gregsalon ' gave a; farewell social. or., Tte •totee receipts . tor the year encliug
eeitn,on adapt as also very. largely'. East:eta' April 3rd, teoro were $1110.84
attended,. 'see -et -el front other eiturcheseeraidehe expetulittire .watt 'Sxcieet2,e, lea-
ieititng in' wita tkoree tnorce imorediete- Yew a balatice Oa hand of SIM°, The
ly. interested enethis coirervgatitea. 'The total: .thanksgiving catering. was '2.er..8(3
infreslituents were served te 'the heed- ' end the aline int contributed' to the
titea)t, and were,, ass ttsral, • abundant general hind wae 5220065. The rector,
arid cf elie. very best.. An excellent clad officials and congregation are .
lengther • program was given in the • cortgratalated upon their . excellent
• d i tor i , • allowing. • • - •
00000 • 0
rrrr.rr ... rrr
. ..‘ .
Putting- on
O >, Wall Paper
O ,
O ,
O .is the 1110SteffeetiVe
0 2.
0 1. and most econornica1.,.
• method of improving.
$. and brightening of
• the n ten o r appear.:
• an e of your dwelling,
I IIII • 1 1 a I II
May 12th 1004
• la•te Et: refeleeee-otee•ifertetteett•iteetette,G•aeltealateee•te stote , „ Oer• a ea ea tote, el.
x We have a great many lines of New Bowls we would. like to tell you 4
I itbOU tp hut as the printer Halite us to space we (Ito only mention a fetv "
X tpecys this week t .0
X t, Mop Knickers, -made of strong tweeds,. lined through!, double seats and to
dmilde. knees, in all Hizeri from 25 to'313.rit 50e, We and 75e.
.4. Boys' Tweed and Fine Wool Serge Suite, in sizes from 25 to 33, with short 't*
4. Men's Salta, in Tweed itt Vine All -Vol Black tend Navy Serge, very spec- 4.4.
e.: fat, from $325 to .$10, .% .
..,; Wool Tweeds, in ttew patterne, suitable for title suits, good values
v i •, . e
3.05e for 25e.
le Floetnelette Blankets, now #%•01'11/ $1.25, for $1.,
y Prints, new patterns, very spec:aid, lit Se, 7e, 8e, 10c and 123/4c,
y, New Muslim:, in stripes mai repots, at 5e, 7e, 10e nncl 121c.
'4, New Organdies, 10 bleak mid white, at 10e, 15e, 25e and $5e, •
1 India Linene, in median) and fine wrath lee, front 10e to 35e. .,
soe, New Mercer ized Weller s, lovely geoids, at 15e, 200. 25e .I3Ve and 590
.7tiew Dress (epode, in d1 the new frehrice, trout ra to $1 CO. • y
4. New therpete, in Hemp, Union, wool and Tapestry, itt special prices: at
e• Scotch Linoletints, in new Prawns, two yards wide, at 374e per square ea
1" yard. . .
Y Floor Oil Oloth, in all•widt he ire 25e per yard.
. . "....
:fa Nottingham Loco.Ourtains, taped edged, 2$ yards long, 40 inehea wide,new
designs, sit, 50e per pile, .
•.!.. Nottingham Lare..Cut tains, lock at itch edges, phtin or fancy, scroll centres •/.•
.e. 33/4 yards long; 54 inches wide, $1. . . I..
i:,• Ladies" Orevanette Watet-proof ()oats, with small cape, very special at $5 *.e.
,s***************************************** t
New Spring Footwear
at Tb.e Old Reliable
Our stock"is equal-
led by few and excelled
dor none.
• Sperinl rattles in
Alen's Pine Shoes. .
- •
Opr School Boats
tor boys and,girls, mach;
to our own order, Ate
'• Trade Winners.
. We shall be pleased- .
. to show you. stOck.
and give you our prices.
lt might • be inoneyin
'our Pocket. .
Onr, Spring Stock
of Boots and Shoes, is
now • complete. We •
have the largest and a
•beet . assortment to '
choose front and eve
know due Prices are the
•The• Immense dee
toroancl for •TAYLOR'.5
SHOES is tbe best evid- -
en' that our efforts to
supply reliable, .rendety- . .
lish Footwear at reason.
able peicies • has caught -
t he attention of Shrewd .
. Buyers.
• We are practical Shoemakers, having hld a long- experience and you 4>
run no risk when you purchase your footwear from ps.
1 . .
The Old Reliable
• ;
rlay now safely predict the advent
of Spring. You will require Furniture.
. .
See us about it before buyirig.
Sewing Machines
High grade, up...to..date, made in
Canada, Ballt.BearingMachines.
One price to ail
Night •And, Sunday cans answ‘red residcnce of either of 114 pelted-
pels, ' ••
Pi on, 1 he Many beantiful patterns, many of
them excluAve in our new line, we are certain' you'
can select easily the right paper to suit yourtaste and
purse, -
:Let as show ion ottr'hand.eomearray '
Carriages and
The new MI Go.Out ts with
their swell automobile gear 44 nd
rich enamel finish ate 00
They are decidedly •smart and
up.to.date, pekes ft oto $10,00 to
ChIldren's CarriageS and
Express WitgOtts $1to $/.543
• 'to
Big Carpet and Lace Curtail:is
0000000 • 0
A. .041).1.L44.1.
000 00000000000000000 0 •0000000•000
• 0
. I.-
Ous Annual Carpet and Curtain Sale is now in frill swing.
.Tust what is needed at this season Of the year where every
house keeper is looking for something. new to tone up both
windows and floors.
We have been preparing for months in the way of securing
the very best values in Carpets from the Manufacturers and
have now a complete range. The prudent housekeeper can
save money by buying her Carpets and Lace Curtains at this
See our Nov Pompadour Curtains. They are beauties.,pr.
• In the Millinery department new goods ore arriving every
few days. Ready-to.wear Hats in the moi31. up.to-date styles
in great variety, Never before have we shown such a fins
selection of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets at rock bottom prices,
In Men's and Boys' Spring Suits, Bats and Caps we have
excellent value.
See our Boot ancl Shoe Department, It will be your -Meant.
Any uttantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. ,
reeeie)(1),.1 Oya
rogressive business rnen
•advertise in The