HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-12, Page 3y 12th 1904
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The News of 6oderich,
E. A. iSklitlingS, a Correspondent,
The clInten News -Record,
May To Be A Month of Severe Storms. Belgrnve. • *****************
Irl R. ifieks, the St. Loeis prophet,
&wee the following prognostications
- for May in the current nutnber
"Word and Werks," :-
Veinis Period of disturbance is care-
tral on the 4th cif May and its die-
turinng power 'oats . near the
end cif the monde Without modi-
fying causes unknown to us, he first
Ween in May will bring. many .acteve,
L f not dangerous storms. About the
ist to 3r4 look for change to very
warm, sturting in the west 4taci
spreadieg .easwa.rd. The barometer
.will fail to very low readin s • .anci•
from about de 3rd to .6th violent
storms will • pass ,oestwardly over
most parts of the country. 'this is
tinne alant tornadoes are very prob-
abie,. making it wise to heed, all Italie
Cations.. of coming .Stornisaad taking
"stteit precautionary measures for .safe-
tv as may he reasonable or practi-
cibien Heavy elownpoursof rain .and
hen, with great electrieal elisPlaya,
will most likely attead these distur-
aences. Behind these storms •look for
high barometer1. west wiuds and
gales and .stulden- changes to. very'
cool. lisreats need net • surprise • any
in all central to nerthera sections
of the country, • • • .
Reactionary storm coinlitions will
return oi 11e $t1, 91.11 aedioth,-
bringing a nitwit of high tempera -
dee, elow - be.roneter„ great hitiniclity,
and mote storms. of greater Or • less
violence • and danger: AB through
this ',Part a, May the solar facets is
central along -the Middle States,ex,,
tending east and west and.claily
cycles of heavy thunder. and rain
storms often . occur for many sacces- •
sive days, culminating in a wide- and •
aweeping seriesof storms. Such will
probably result at this reacticuary
peried, • lasting. perhaps 4ntO the reg-
ular storm •.period which is central
en the-. ieth...- If . a srelden high bar-
ometer develops behindthe rain • arel
thender storms about the loth, reg-
ione tothe .northward _May look for
About th I4UL•look for ..change to
Ur. .and Mrs. .Jos. Colborne .of Chi-, . Mrs. Jam Wilay. (nee Miss Mary
eago, who have been visiting their re- Agnes AltieKay) seemul daughter Zi
latives in. and about •Cliutc•a,- were the Mr.. Donald 111eKey, arel wife of Air.
guests last week of Air. tera:', Mrs. Da John Wiley of Camillus, N. Y. after
Stoddart. Mr. Collawne is quite an- the brief marriage of te months, sank
admirer of Goderieli Saenary and styes - to rest at lin: late home on APrd .30th
to him it looks to be progressive, Vitt • leaving 6 belay boy of Ova liotirs and
if the -Anieriettne Oa/led it they would •lier !husband to survive her. 'the re -
have it turned upside down • in a- 11141118 arrived at the hcnneof the
short Vine. fie low.s wilnderfully well. Parents c't. (le.ccils41 :-(1" 11"."4•14, °rm
coming ikon, such 4 bustling ea:y as lug iteconpateled lie the sorrowtag 'hats -
Chicago. band, his frteed Air. ILarl Harrington
. ard Ansa Sada Mae:.:itv, youngest ss -
Mrs. Harry Rotliwell, acemitranired . ter of the deeemed. Lady, alto went
by •Mr. Bower, both Of Text:into,. ar. :to Cantillus, one month liefOre her
• rived on Wedneeday with the reluitiits sister's death. -The beautiful white
.. of their month Old a,reridelenghter, 'the. velvet casket .was covered with floral
baby daughter of Mr. Harry Jebuston .' designs, among which. we roted 4 love -
of 'New York City. They were met at : ly large attellor of cream roses, the tri -
the station 'by Air., Eil. Vanliverse :mite .0( Mr, Raney of Camillus, N.Y.,
brother of Mrs.- Rethwell, wlica'droee. ' and, a large pillow of roses and lilies,
to Maitleed cemetery where • the babe :de offering of Mr. Earl Ilarriagton of
was laid. to rest beside her great . ii
...it: same place ; lovely- cross -of roses
grauclparents, Mr. end Mrs. T. li.
VanEvery. . 'bane. Mrs: Captain J. Wiggins. and
' festiilya; caeket boimet of white gar -
Ota ladies will be pleased to learn •nations from Mityor and Mrs, li. N.
that a number of English girls . are Lewis . one of white hyacinths front
coming out to fill .eceitiOnS aS ilONISQ- • MiSS • Mary Illertin ; also fro ti • tbo
maid's, conks, nurses, etc., an'cl ttey Wiley atintia at cantinee, N. y., . an
are wise lor wages are tempting these aeceiisite casket. boettet. of roses and
days. The housemaia has her beard fem.: casket icamets front Mrs: Mel/,
and good weges and has oltnost ' as - Allan iiiiki Miss .Aliail r.ial eLee auntee
good a salary as the nvera.ge teacher, McIver. Airs. Ataibrook brought a
- without having to ema4 money on ..lovely bunch of blue vielets„ .the favor -
books and in many eases • . pay . her ate flower of -the deceased Italy, . which
board for years in preparatory. study .were 4,aliteed upon her bree.st, They
to get her certificate for 'Leaching, atid. -dressed her in her bridal robe qf ereent
the housemaid's work is gentwel. • colered . :silk to lay her in her casket,
Little Master .1Brogden AleMath Prc- ' A. rosary of -pearls„ too, was wound
sented us on ear birthday, 211d may, arotael ' her hands. ' Rev. 'Or. T.7re alli-
with a •haielsome seuvenir Yese with a -
vrew of the Courthouse aral Square
upon the front of it. Ile will he a
second_ Aloy.art, .nneking rapid- progeees
cia cc at the residence and cemeterv.
The ‘,allb•earers1 were Ailessrs • - W
n. .
Marlto. Videan, W. Rutson
I tingle, W. 'Wit, J. Haley.' The fen -
t r. at bridge in music. • oral, • Whi.lr was yelry. took
Mr. and Mrs. Falconer of Bayfieldplace oa Weduesday. - Air. Wiley, .now
drove up or. Saturday aed spent Sun- of Camillus, N. Y„ was one of the
day as guests of Mrs. Falcoaer's
ter, Mrs. Llierlie Samoirs. : elevator staff alto eame •from King-
. seon with ilir. 11. Mocere• and, several
Miss Ethel McGregor of Waelsore
who remairad with her • others ..and . left Goderieh • later for -.the
•krand.Catherl above mentioned- American tOwn. .
Captain McGregor,' has returned to b.er Ales. George Ciitheare of Toronto ac -
home at Windsor. Came:Ali McGregcr. earepaleee
is selliree (NI all his household, •furni- 1;er- Mother, Mrs.. Henry
Wason, to. her -residence cn Kea s
tun: and . breaking up his home.
Mr. W. ie and Mrs. Alex, Kirk-
' bride tool: some of the . largest • and.
most palesablc .parsajps. Out • of the
ground from their respective •gardens
when the snow eeaaed to fall. ' • .
Mr. end Airs. C. E. Shaw .are at.
Lake VieW for the season. a •
We hope some of onr county reaciers
will give a plan to .The NatvaeReeerd
for protecting the.eherry trees, currant
bastes, etc., front the ravages _.of the
field mice.
Miss Maggie Protalfoot spent May
Day at the residence o.f her: parents,.
Mr. and Mrs, John Proudifoot,- return-
ing te, the Business College at Strat-
ford by early train next. monteig. .
We are sorry to learn .of • thn. sera:an:-
illness of Mrs. J. Edward, Britannia
.George Green is having . a new.
atone fouadation put, tinder : the hatme .
et present ocerpitice by Miss 'Wiesner..
Dr Nicholson drew. cair attention:one
clav. last week to a. line inbeile. pit West
street, a few yards west of •Iiis edetaal
surgery which had the. -, hark .at 'Ore
side 01 -the botteat of the tree broken
off al vigetlien, and'•higlier ep. in. the
tree. 'He thinks..it IS either causedby
lightrii•ng or the electric wires. '
Mr. George •Crabb reinceved .to De-
troit with his efainily from. Brantford,
recently. • • ' . . • •
IVIr. :I. Walters is -2:1,1e•te be at his
- work again.
Mrs. Stoddart received . the iritellt-
genee of the illness of ...her son's wife,
Mrs. (Rev.) Stoddart, at the '.Itospital •
;Lebanapie Ky.., het ale is reccarer-,
ing nicely now. • • .
.The AlePiWan. Salt Works are beotn-
ing. The Alaniton had a. Consignment
el salt for the fishing. isladds..on +Cr.
trip rorth... We hope the firm . Will
liourielt this season.
. Air. Wynn will have his -time filled up
pretty- well beforethe next ...sitting • 6f-;
Parliament at Toronto. 'Ile has been
appointed weigh master • at the •elevet-
or, and JIMe more efficient tharalue
could have been chosen.. •
Never iti the history: af GoderiCh
was . there a. line.a day for a: laueelt,'
nor •never before.' did• e siniilare event.'
bring out such a .crowd of- epeeteitoria
"You areto late, Misa S." said .our
genial county clerk, '!too )ate, ••• thci.
boat was latmelied al 3 p. in., • the our
givtu,". het in the interest. of
News -Record readers:we PaSSee, • on
through St. George's- Cresceet to
Carey's steps., where•te number :of lad-
ies andgoalie/1i n were sitting aant. the
bank and rear the steps 'so we... said
"We know we are too late; to see
the Cariboo lainiehed but we are..going
down." Ora of • ilia Party, Air. Wadd-
ell, said "Ole no you are net too late;
the -boat itet:Itteralied • Of
course we were OW we had a respite
so down Carey's steps we Went, acres's.
the R. R. tracks and over t0. the saw-
mill where .we had a-. loVely vieW". of '
the 1\oat, t which seemed of' very .largc.
dimensions, standing like the.•skeltiton.
of some ntamenoth :foWl. A lot'. Of
bays were in her and lltige-itt stern
and bow and the. ; and: 'pier
lined with speetaters. After a creak or
tWii'doWn. greeefelly glidetl the
boo, but rot like its namesake. The
stern went first, follow,ed so ettlickly by
de bow that the boat •seeene.c1 •to -nos-.
sess life and in the twinielirg Of ••0.11 e.Ye
turned itself gidtave.ys tothe land and
Otere it remained.. Miss Evelyn Craig -
ie was bonored„by being thosen to.
chrietei: her, but it is said the glass of
which the caenpagne bottle was mate, -
not the eampagne—that is siniply con-.
Id be broken, but lateryoutigeNielipl-
sou, witlt same canny power of Ifs:
own, broke it sled out went the cam-,
vague foaming at the delay .caer .the
Cariboo. The Fettle had streamers
more than a yard long-. of red, • White
blue and green, 4 . colors, 1..aelity young
informer said and he had samples et
the same pinieel on his leech • The
whistles of the elevator, Ettittnotiet
and all the vessels at thx. harbor grave
the Catiboa a loud salute. We• fear
our county clerk mistook softie . other
tug for the launch.
We were delighted. to meet: •Captain
Baxter Sr. at the launch, -looking
wonderfully well after his whiter's in,
On Monday four funeral Cards were
on the posts at once and: all ..edvisitig
Is of the (halt; ef • frieride of cur
citizens, .tito rentains off three of them
to reach God.erielt by. train; on different
The nederich ToWnship Rifle ;Mb
will take part in 5, . eonipetition . at
Auburn at art early date. • TheY have
won tce.
Mrs. wiHarry Rathweil 'while iix toWit
wits the guest .of Mrs. S. II. 'Whitely,
No sootier dal Mr. George Aelieson
return from Goderieli than he. began to
make preparations for buildingit bri.
ek residence on North street.
Mrs. lItitry Wilson retitrned ltast
week of April from Tomato where she
was all winter the grest of her
4augliter, Masz George .Catheartz
.street • and , spentait a week w .. her.
making • things. 'comfortable for the.
seaSon.C still- art ' lot sba.nd • 'is
one, of the Telegrent stall and she Said
they feared at one tible, alter all their
exertions to stay the flames that the
Telegram office .arterld fall Fel prey to
Mr. Ban' 'AlaKity visitedbis son in
. .
Toronto, retarning • last .week, • Hie
son is scrionsly ill. • • •
Mrs. HenryHorton, we ate sorry
th say, does not . make much improve-
irient towards recovery. . •• • •
Mrs,. Gieins, who* Was • Stricken .re4
cently with a second attack of • parsily-.7.
is..gettang on, nicely, •.
. :Mr. Anderson of ,the organ, factory
-.hOS•reteoved..to the house, ,former kit
' on' 713rtice street by Mr; .Holl-
and, .• ' ' '‘ • : •
Is Mr.: 'Walter and bride _had'.
rather a. prolonead• 'serenade ?fierce,
them an theirreturn t.o tow,by way
of chariwari. We think .tlise. custom
might to. berelegated tothe dark
ages.. ,
qinitrant.pt: .7 t.ine•.Snn kola. Ntras.:.'ser-
.ionsly ill all lest.' Week. • •
Mrs. :Henderson; Who Was Seriously
111 is. impri.wing ,rapidly, we are' hap-
py to state, Alia:, Carrick frona Luck -
now came down. to rentaiti. with -her
during her. ,illiiesS. • . . •
The last 'of the Itarmany 'Clab'S" SO-
eial haps was held at edneedity. , of
last Week. Abot.t. thirty. couples were
'present and a very sOciil thne WaS
speala The guests. furnished the music',
notably .Afisees Grace. Smith, •Neville,
Ella Ciellinsonalidaa Streeton; Gracie
Martin and itlessfs. Reggie, Nayamith,
Fred. • Egener, .Prenk.. Saunclers.• . Odd-
feIlow.'s hallhad quitc. a gala 'appear-
ance. for, the • last. hop, the .decorations
for Ibe 0tidfellew's At :Mine., not be-
ing taken down. Thc club had amOst
herrnottious eceesen and •for their
tczy .to • all their. guests ,they deserve.
the.. warnieet pratee, • •
•141. II. • Arotris; the energetic'
worker. for the- Marine hospital, was
Called away. last *week by the 'illiitss
oE her breelter,...Mri• •
,that: itY,"af
, . •
Dr, Wild •�f Toronto was the first
Pastor of the Victoria siCeet eltureh
when it was known as thee Nev Con:-
nee:ion church, and a gentleman who
showed nte • a plicte:graph Of the dozx-
nt that tune said that he was a
Mrs. Isaac Coates' has reineved Irina
Wolfe street to the premises formerly
Ovniecl by Mrs, W. Pridham ancl now
by Mr. Zone en Trafalgar street,
MISS Alay . Coates ie very ill • of
'llaater Roy -The, einaet from Stokes
Bayvisited. his home herit and has she-
ep gone ta Sernia.
.The laps and the "rub„
intmentorial. the,•liathtab
has beet: ..ait honorable. institutiOn • in.
'Japan... in steied of •aecold. dip: in• -.the.;
Moriiiitg the .1 aps take their baths hot'
in the afternoon id about five d'elOck,
and, heginn:Itg' at (ne. hundred . de-
grees, the:teitcleacy is 10 raise the tent-
perattlre. as one bet:Pines acclimatized,
so to speak. One traveller tells' of "the
•Kitwaraytt bathers, who -stay in the
oil) for several Weeks it a time/ With
stones in tletir laps to keep their leod-
•ies 'from lleatiag while they are asleep...
The tietial. Oleg is tir have, the tub
on de lavati with a charcoal fire ' be-
neath il, so that one eau get into the
water at 8o degrees and sit in :it until
it reaches, ice) degrees. At this poiat it
"griffin," which is to eat', it new.chute
ti greenhorn, or a• tenderfoot. usually
has' to get out, for it becomes literal-
ly too liot,for hint. IMO after a year
pr. two of practice, he can manage 1/5
degrees.. The Saps themselves can um -
a bath even at i28 degrees.
A traveller tells an amusing; tale .of
how he visited a Japanese frieud 011
At. Hanle day Old accepted the .oiter
of a bath int the la k ti iret 111 whet*
lite water was tepid aud enjoyed; . it
bratieusely up to ninety soniethieg.
Just as he was thinkmg of getting out
his friend's • wife and ()au:Otter put in
tot 4apearance and began to wash rice
at it well hear by. Now, the regula-
tion bathing dress of a .1apatt is hike
it footless stocking without ai leg,, or
bungtole without it barrel around
it roue our traveller hadn't it with
hint at the time. Ile etalured another
five degrees and then, with death by
boiling -staring hint iii the fate he
'Was- forced out with au 'involuntary
yell that attracted much attention.
The fact is that in Japan everybody
bathes itt purls natitralibus. It is the-
ir way and it is not till a, European
has livedamong them for years that
he or she realizes that, after all, there
le; nothing veryterrible about it„-,--Mcd.
gin Society,
. Should kuow how quickly-Nerviline
. can recommend 'Nerviline: •
very highly .for . ---sore • throat.," Writes
Alr.:•. McKeneie of Ste -George, • "I ,
once had a • veeysore throat end my
chest was full of cold 'and soreness. ".
Every cough hurt Inc. I..ctire.d myself
.quickly . by. ruhbing imiy•• Cheat and
throat,eagorottsly with. Nerviline .• and
rising it also -as. 'a •gargle. 1 believe 3
Nerviline to be •tlu. general rent- .
.ecly. for emergent sickness- tbat one
an.. get. We ltai,e used it Tor twenty
years ho.ctir house," Price 25c..•
• • . ,
warmer, the barometer will ag
fall to low readings, aed manlier s
Miss Gracie Ferguson, who has ha.d
sli I t tt k f di
ns Mrs. Lucy Barkley, who has been
havirg a' pleasant visit with her dau-• 3
ea ghters during the past winter in De-
h. troll, and Toledo, U. b., has returned ,si
as 'Le lielgra,ve. ' 11.
The W. M. S. of Belgrave Methodist .
".17"' church held their mutual public meet -
P" in in Ilelgrate on May 3rd, The mee-
ts ting was/opened with singing by .the .
.... congregation and prayer by'Rev. J.. J.
Hastie eit. Belgrave. After it few intro-
gi a ae o appen citis, we
aiu are pleased to say is improving.
hes of rain, wind and thunder ston
across the country, culminating
will . take up their eastward mar
and tonclung the J4th, i5th and 161
At this as well as other May perio
if the air is warm end humid, wi
low atid falling barometer, no getth
ing. storm sliculd lee allolved to a
proach without careful watch. en
Great and sudden revulsions fro
warm to unseasonably cool are cha
acteristies of the Venus perturb
tions aud when these Venus , perlot
fall in the numth of May, the wilde
ferloeesttr.ical storms are 'often follow
by surprisirg changes to cool al
The next return of storm, condetio
will be from the eicalt to the 23rd.
if marked change to warmer, fallin
barometer, and more active storms
thunder and rain do not spread pr
gressively over the country f rot
east to west during% the clays name(
The crisis of these sic,rms will fall c
and tonch;ng . the 22rd and •23ri
If your baroweter is very low—
thutg ,ntost likely at this time— ac-
cept the indication as a warning of
dangerous storms and govern your-
self acecrthogly. .
The last storm period for the month
is central on the 26t11,, covering, the
?4th to 29111. Thia. period will come
in with ris'ng -temperature, the .baro.
meter will fall deeidedly in all west:
erte parts by the 26th and. during
the a7th, 28th encl 29th, moat parts
a the country will be toticheil by
active stmens °their eastwerd sweep
across , the pounder, •
As to.the pram'. otalook for May,
are• belie\ that it will be up to or
F...4',ONN the average ite warmth, There
will be witch bright . and pleasant
weather between the peri.oels of
:elver° storms. All parts will have
moisture sufficient for present needs,
but large areas will -approach' the
summer period verging ou to drouth
cenditions. • . ' .•
netory temarks by dui pastor, Rev.
a -
is E. jinteS).- n. concise t;nes. spicy ad -
des was delivered by Rev. Mr. Has -
ea, • .tie in his usual pleasing manner. A
, selection by the choir was followed. by
- • -
. Miss M. J. Irwin, returned missionary
from Shanghai, China, who addressed
rs ee the Meeting. •Slie. spoke eltielly on the
n, work which was continually going On
6 in their mission in Shanghai, aad clos-
'ed, with a few pleasing, remarks to the
caildrim, concerning John Chinaman
and asked all to remember her and
1. her fellow -workers in the great work
a in Chins. in their prayers. An offering
• was taken up in behalf of the missi-
Morris Township,
James Evans has• returned from a
visit witlt friends in Oxford -comity.
He complains et little of the effects of
a fall he had• lest winter but we hope
no. serious results will follow.
'Last. Sabbath - afternoov the indent
Sunday •School Was re -opened for the
sedson in the Anderson School house,,
rd Line. Thomas. Strachan of Grey
is the faithful superintendent,
THE pro3.E 1312,ED SCOTCH eixpE,-
• • t
. • -
e . .
.As a work for family reference•thert
• was. prebably never com•piled se more
eseful book' thea Dr. Chaee's Recei*
Book. • Besides . contaming the. eyiiip-
toms d,sease, . their ..cause •and cure
and; the great prescriptions gathered
tbgethee • daring half a century e of
ziiedtca practice,. this book replete
with receipts for cooking and • has a
templetc department. devoted to the
care of farm stocki lves, domestic ani-
mals, etc.. roe in 11 a Orel Fed ars earl le
ladmanseit, Bette; & Co., .Tptiontde .
. . .
Government Should Show
. . . .
• • • • - • • • •....- • .
.. •
• • Pitiden:TP.;
. . • • • . .• • • •
_Prialint: farmers noting the signs
he e('..iningeof another- :period: of de-.
ression..ere extreising,.partiettla,r care.
n -regard to all -their eapentlitureio • •
Sir Robin 11)
Sir- Rolyin is. a r.ich coal b1aIt 'in te
.color •.Withi two white fetlocks - and. 1
small stripe in face. He. etancls .165, .P
'tends high . with goodflat bore, good St"
feet and superior action. , He. 1.e.s . • st.'
good, temperand is itt evety. respect e.• 112
superior • 'animal. Ile Wad fcaledi July - a
5"1,11,.. 1901; and was bred by D. Soinera- fi
Ville, Balloch, • Scotland. Sir_aRobin tl
was• iziiportcd'' by...Graham . Bros, of '
Claremont, •Ont; I1is sire was 'William n
the • .Compiewor (3426) (eo93), client Y
Jean. • • a •
There is. no: evid;,•fice (1'. like elite . on
he' -pert • of • our: Goveraments, The'
,egislaturee . just.. before' pipaigatieti,
ledged. the credit Of. tke Proviii‘je to .
e,000;000 ' in guarraiteeS and. granted
utright-, $4106„000• in cash 'and at
ast•ltalf dollars in lartd tb •
private railway eMporetion, ' The
rst draft of •estfinates presented by
10 Dondriott .GoverinMeit .fer'alt
xpenditure Of "$63,000,00$23,060,900:
tore theft the total eapend'aiee, of ten.
ears age.
It is time farmera to drottse .
iemselves and demand from l'Arlia-
ent and the Legislature the tante
rt. of ceonouty ferinets are. forced. to
xereise in private. ittittire..:-Wei hie
Sir..Rebin.• will .statiel...for tlte impno- 11
lyoe‘lvii:e:tt, :dock this season fol.- an
Ivai'e his owii stable,. e
. 'so
BaYlielcl, .aad. proceed to Wilaon Ceok's
Ifoled, Varna, for noon, ilence homit.
for night and rentaiii IVednesday.
morning... • • .
Wednesday—Will proceed to R. SitC•w,
Sauble leira for iMon, • thence.
home for night and remain, till Friday:
morning. . • • .'
Friday—Will proceed to Tames Swit-
zer's; Ilityfield Tam, for;nbot4 thence
himite for 'night where he Will remain.
until the following. Monday Morning.
Tern-is—To insure fcal, $15.:
The Japanese stetimshep service be-
tween Sao Fraticiseg and, the Orient•is
to be. suspended. Until -after the close of
the war, • • •
Tickets Now
• - On .Sale.
to the, Great 1636,(X)0,006 • Exposition.
'The Canadian Press Asseciation ,are
going to St. Louis May x3th via, . the
Grand" Trunk and Illinois Central Rale
ways, in special train of Pulltheen ears,
and' • will 1.ist.t without doubt the' most
representatiVe, body • of newspaper men
that ever left_ Canada.: • They go ear-
ly to. see the fair', exhibits and builda
lagS while cearything. is f resit. and et
their best.: May. arel Jnite will be good
months tc. 'Make •yeur 'visit, - •
Redtteed rte tieleeta. are • nO.W •Olt
sale 4 Single. -.fare, good ',for 1.5 , days..
Fare and cne third, good for 3e, days.!
and So. per. eent..of . double one • way
fare good or Season aud• stop .over
will e :- allowed at' any intermediate
Canadian station .also. et Detroit and
.• For tickets and further information
apply to • agents or to J.D. Macdon-
ald, -District passeuger. Agent, Toron-
to,' •
• . • •
c• • -
.• • •
. • to sell.or rent your farm Or +
• town ptaperty ? *
• Tlave you.•live -stock 'ler •
+ sale ? • ." •
• •• * •
4. DO you want to secure.hir 4.
Cd liclp
9 If SO inake Use of our .4
+ .eemall ad aolanin on page 5,1 +
•• • "
+ Advertising in The News- +
4' Record briiigi sellers wadi
+ buyers together. • ,
It is Now Open.
.•. The Great •Faii- at St. T,ouis and
tickets are Onesale daily from Clineoil
Goodi 15 days 1 . $117.55 •
. - •Goo(1.30 deys. -.. • '
, Good for season • '. ' . • $27,430
.With stop over 'privileges at . any
interniediate Canadian 'ataticrer also
at Detroit and Chicago, .
i To set the.:,rair ,evItile eeerything ie.,
i fresh andi eXhibita are at their best,
I the, menthe of May and June will be
15.1.e time. ' '. . .
1 For tiekets,.•,illestrated literatur0,
. .
regarding .World'S Fair 'old other in,
, formation, apply. to Ii*. R. Hodgensi
town ' agent I A, 0...Pattison, depot
Proprietor and Manager. .
Crossfield is • a Clydesdale' stallion
(No. 3279; veli 12) , with white' fore-
feet, white 'on 'face and one. white hind
foot. He was • foaled August 1899,
stands 16 hands and weighs about 1..700.
pounds. He has superior bone, plerity.
of hair and good aetion. He was bred
by A. n. ;kat, •Vanleek, Ont.
.• •Croeefield was •, sired by RakeiIe1d-
inip.• (481) • (4190) ; dant Moonlight •
(2oi6) • sire . dame, The Red Cross
(849) ; seeond 'dam Kate tongwith
( 2251, lry Macgregor ( r,tern ird
clam Xate .of 1,orliwitli (1018), by The
Laird (616,$) ; fourth. claw, Nell of
ICirkpatrick 0442), lw Lord Clyde.
• Crossfield statut for the nepro-
ventent of stock this season as fol-
1()wltIsra:ulay—Will leave his own. stable;
Iot 22, eon. 12, Statiley, and go soak
to Nieholsoa's Hotel, Blake, for noon,
thence. west to Drysdale, thence north
to Snowden's for night, •
Toesdav—Will proceed north and tten
east tO, CM .1 stable Where he • will
remain until the following morniug..
Wednesday—Will proceed to P, J.
Stephenson's, 'Goshen Line, for nowt,
thence east to Parr Litico;‘,nd north to
CoolOs Hotel, Varna, for night.
Thursday—Will go north, to Goderich
township and west tc. Peter t,oltt's., 9th
con., for noon, thence north to Adam
Cattteloit's lc* nig•ht. •
Friday—Will go north to Cut Lire,
theme west to Jelin Cox's for noon,
then west to 181 con. • arid south to
james Wallis' ICA' night.
Satu•rday—Will proceed lw way of
Ilayfield to h•is own stable for noon
where he will remain ur.til the follow-
iier Monday morning.
Terms : To insure foal, 810 ; mares
from same ower, $M.
Proprietor 0,nd Manager,
un f ticket agent.
Guessing at the heat of an oven spoils.
more food than inexperienced cooks.
Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are
ruined if the -oven is too hot ot not ,
hot enough.. The oven thertnometer of the .Imperial Oxford Range
does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can ten to a
certainty when the oven is ready for baking Or roasting..
• Uvery housekeeper will appreciate this c,onvenience of the , •
Imperial Oxford
'o oWbji1dsnt be tiacid 'the 'fiat that' YOU don t know
your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat .
of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact
temperature., .
Write for the Imperial Oxford bociltiet. Or bettor
still, will you call at one of oux...agencies and see
the stove itself?
The Gurney
laundry Co
\ Limited
Toronto. Canada
Montreal, 'Winnipeg
Sold. by Davis & Rowland, Clinton
I. lit I -•
•• ••
A 'Coiled Spring Wire Fence
Wfth large; stiff stn y wires, makes perfect fence
Not one pound of soft Wire enters into the construction of
TH13 FROST. The uprights 'ire immovably locked to the
C running wires with THE PROST WEDGE -LOCK, making an
absolutely Stock -proof Vence, The Locks bind without kinking •
c't or crimping either the stays or lateral Wire.s. Will not slip, and our •
new method of enamelling and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly
to the appearance di the fence. Make no mistake. Sup THE moo.
it is the hesVieSt and the hitt. Bor sale by
•AJOSHUA VV. HILL, Summerhill.
44 IIE Dress Goods of the moment are !
lightweight of course for summer is i
* .
* right upon us Just look over the t
* . ,.I.
ing suggestions for a summer 'dress or :
i Mercerized Vestings
4, ?
4, White Mercerized Vestings in fa,r2c3r 4
SU 011 §tripe and dot patternwill
Lwash like a cup and sauser .25 1:
Also large range of other fancy wash i
'W'aistings, heavier weight .3,5
Linen Suitings 4
44 Linen Wash Suitings in light blue,
4.. '.ii.' .140 10011$10., 1 _ 1,;;.. „111.1000.10
t. shirt waist.
* dark blum
elchapaign,pink and green
/ 27 inches wide .15 *
4 6
1.4 W2h5ittenuFfeaonicoyrysMiViaarundlisds1Siiipnnlisella
; # ends, four *
1 it./.-......,........,....:/..../......„........,.../....,......,......../0,........,%1
.27 inch Wide for waists in black
, , pink, xiavy, red, brown, green, cha,m-
Also Black Muslin' 10c, 12%o, 15c, 20c and
. paign and the leading shades .
portation prices loc, tvAc, 15c, 20c and
Jap Silks
ai:ncuhrleollg'whiten" 3in15".0
3 and. cream. stripes, per yard i
. , • . • . . '
4 Vests Corsets Gowns.
Ladies' Gowns made of good cotton 1,
4, several neat styles Mother Hubbart • *
yoke tucks, insertions, etc.I. finished t
Ile with embroidery and. frills, any 1*
I Crompton Corset's
3, Erect form model, made from fine
lightweight batist, full gorge bns,
4 cut deep, hip, all sizes all styles,
4' fitted with fine tempered rust -proof
steels, priCeS 50c up :to 2.00
4 k
4 Ladies summer vests lfine light weight •
. . 6
4 cottori elastic knit, swiss ribbed,low *
4 square neck, no sleeves, neatly trim -
med., a,11 sizes, prices • 10c tof35c
Privttyare the .New Parasols
Ladies' High G -rade Parasols, silk coy-. •
4 eriugs, black and colors, handles are I'
handsome in new design : in ivory,
* pea,r1, smoked pearl inlaid"with sil-
ver, prices $1.50 up to 3.00
Golf, Automobile
4 and Motor Caps 41
1 Dame fashion now says it's not at all 11
1 necessary. to own an automobile or
4 even ride in one to wear then" soc and .75 ;
Traveller's Samples
100 Ladies' Collars in lace, stecks,tabs
an.d washable neckwear at less than
It 'wholesale prices. These are snaps
• and worth your while to investigate.
• • • • Men's Shirts
1: 26 Men's Fancy Colored Shirts inpla,in
1 and pleated soft frontslreg. $1.25 at 1.00 t
_Ties, Collars and Cuffs
- This is a new department and is full t
ofnew and tip -to -date Men's wear. t
Natty Ties, all colors and shapes, 25c •
to 75c
Collars, all sizes and makes 2 for 25c,
Mr. Comba is giving the best of satisfaction in this
Nobby Tweed Suits from $16 up
Pure Botany worsteds irom $15 up
4 Made-to-order Trousers frOm $3.50 up
• Pants, Overalls,' Smocks, Jumpers, etc., at all prices
and pod value,
• Successors to R. (-oats & Son