HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-05, Page 8The Clinton News -Record An pxtraordinary Bargain Story for Saturday and following week. A list of bargains that are extraordinary, because the circum - seanccs that made tem possible were extraordinar 4 The selling. will start SATURDAY, May 7th and continue all the following week. Here is the story as brief as we can make it. The Gualt Bros. Co,, Ltd., of.Montreal, is the largest wholesale dry goods house in Canada. Several weeks ago the warehouse next to theirs was destroyed by fire. The smoke got through the dividing wall and a portion of Messrs. Gaults' stock was damaged by water. As soon as the insurance was adjusted they sent for several of their Iar'gest customers to come to Montreal Our buyer went down at once and succeeded in picking up these bargains, which go on sale . SATUR- DAY MORNING. Everything must be sold at once, as we do not want these *specials to conflict with our regular stock. The money -saving chance is exceptional, It is tor you to say whether you will profit by it or not. Come Saturday morning; if not then, as early as possible. White Cotton. • Slightly Damaged by linter. 5 -yard ends 38c. . • Io-yard,ends 75C. Over 1200 yards of fine white Cotton and Cambric, from 0 to 8 inches on' one side water -soaked, • with .au occasional mark from smoke. This is full yard wide, very fine and extra. quality: One lot Canadian and the other is English mitke. could .not. possibly he sold'for less•than i'f.hought ht the regular •way. We bought it cheap and will sell it, in 'the same way.. Will .be sold by the end only; at the urtirurtn, rate of 7•ac per•yiwd, 5 -yd ends, 38c. • 10 •yd ends •75c•' Damaged B. �C < - •• 200 yards fancy Curtain gorm', regular 15e quality, this line is dam- aged worse than the other—all go. onSaturday morning at per amp*. yard Bleached Table Damask iiOi One end 'only bleached Table Da- mask, all pure Linen, heavy weight WAS not touched by either sni�ke or water, regular 05c to 75c, commenc- ing ommending Saturday: morning, Rer yard 81,25 Damask 750 One end only .extra fine Table = • Damask, guaranteed full bleached, all pure Linen,. slightly •imperfeict, but . will give excellent, wear, regular$1,25,specialconinnenc ,.. ing Saturday. . .... .... , .. ' 15c'enrtailn Scrim 'Pc 100 yards stripe Curtain: 'Sea plain ground; fancy colored stripes . 80 to 40 inches wide, make splen _ summer curtains, wash and well, .Just the least bit py water, regular 1.5c, 1500 yards toe Gingham at 6c Very little,- if any, of .it damaged, , None of it even wet'. Neat checks, suitable to children's wear, in: fact for anything. you could use Gingham for, colors' fast. cloth soft and free front dressing.; pinks, reds, blues, greens, etc. Firm, strong cloth, that will wash and wear well. .blade to sell at .100 per yard. Commencing Saturday, we•.htave 1,500 yards ta sell at per yard : e d • Plain Sheeting at 17c.. ''• 60 to 75 yards best plain half bleached . Sheeting, regular 22e to 25c quality. Could not he Ent in stock for the price we ask. fxl walimpoieliposimmonswoompommommi May 5th 104 I i..mils Our May Sale .. Commences Saturday -the 7th SEE BILLS FOR PRICE LAST—. Staples at Bargain Prices .30(1 yards of 82 inch wide Canadian Prints, in light and dark colors, All are warranted fast, regular price 123c, Sale price f. 1 y 400 yards ie. � 6 inch wide white Cotton, extra heavy quality, regular 123,valN 1 0 150 yards of Cottonade which is an extra heavy quality, regular 25o value for el 250 yards of 83e, 9c & 104, Striped Flannelette, all good colors and pati• 1 erns to go at IU 12 500 yards of good heavy Factory Cotton, regular value to day 7c, Sale price . , .05 20c, 25c to 30c White and Colored Muslin at 100 ' 300 yards of plain white and colored Musitns in assorted colors and designs, regular 20c, 250 & 30e qualities to go at ... 4 20c and 25c Gingham at 15c 200 yards of fine American .Ginghawsin assorted colored stripes,regular 200 and 25c for 200 yards of pure linen, Crash Towelling, regular 8c quality to gb at, , , , 200 pairs of extra large Linen Towels, some with fringe and others with .hetnmed ends. Atl•are citta value at ourregular prices85c and.40c a pair Sale price,..., i 5 $7.50 Tailor -Made Skirts at $4.95 Hosiery and Underwear Bargains 1$c, 20c and 25c Cotton Mose at 10c 720 pairs of Puritan Brand Cotton 1Lose in all sizes from 0 to ai . Thi is two and oneribbed hose thatwill give excellent wear. The regular 10 prices are 15e, talc and 25e. During our May hale the price will be.. . • 35C Cashmere Hose at 25c• 250 pairs of plain and t ibbed eabhinere Hose, extra good quality and .26 worth 85e, sale price ................ ,....,.,., Cotton Vests at 15c 800 Vests made of fine cotton yarn in white and creatn,speciai at,.;.,.,. ' ,13 , Corset Covers made of fine Scotch nxinsuok, full front, trinauied.with 3t1 lace, well worth 45e, sale price • . Skirts, Coats and Underskirts Your clime of several tailor made Alas of 1aa,ncyTweeds etc.,that we got as models from a New York skirt firm, they have note served 4 (1 g 25 ' their purpose and must go $7.50 ones for $10,00 Skirts for .,, _.$43.50 . ° $5.50 and 6.50 Skirts at $3.50 Your choice of about a dozen akirts.mada of a plain Nuck and darkrey at $c homespun also several .tweed effects. that gold $5.50 $O. 50, ./'�jryr��j to 'go at YfVO A Big Snap in Underskirts .$11.50 Moreeu Underskirts at.,.. , , ..,,... .85 i1.50 St $1.75 Black Satana, Underskirts at • ..... • $1.15 • • 100. Underskirts .''lade of a fast black. A .Great Snap In..Table Linen . This lot consists of about 560 yards of slightly imperfect Table Linen we cleared out from a manufacturer's agent some time ago, Here's the way we will sell l.hem during this May Sale 70 inpcb`8 ide White Table Linen (pure linen) regular value 75e, May sale fQ v 72 inch wide White Table Linen, regular $1,00'for .601 Print Wrappers at 79c 72 " " i4 " " " $1.35 and $1,50 at. .75 50 wrappers made of a fast color print—regular $1.00 nt.,,,,. .79 65c Table Linen unbleached 72 inches wide, (half linen) to go at • ,45 A Few. Carpet Barns For Our May Sale • 40c Tapestry .Carpet at 32c 65e Tapestry��Carpet at 150c 30o Union Carpet fit' 25c • 85e Wool Carpet at 63c • Wool Carpet worth $1.00' at 850 . A lot of Carpet Remnants: to go at Clearing' Prices. fiousefurnishi'ngs At Sale Price: SOILED CURTAINS AT HALF PRICE On Saturday morning we will place on sale all the Lace Cl have been using as samples at exactly Half Price..' $L25 AND $L50 LACE CURTAINS AT $1.10 ' 100 pairs of Nottingham Lace Qlurtains, all new spring, lines that sold 'at $1.25 also odd lines of aur $1.50 Curtains all to clear :at ' . 25c to 40c Caps at 15.c • • Obildrens•Tanis and Caps in assorted styles regular 25c to 40c, On salad at .15 Santana Cloth. extra heavy quitlity-nirely trirnrued.with frills, etc. These are our best $1,50 and $.1.75 lines and are good value at"our: lirices, 1 ! I g May sale price will be • .. 1 .'.aces. Embroideries, • Collars ,and art Belts.. � epresented in this ns w� R p th S Sale 50c Silk Belts at 30c • :Several dozen Belts made of 4t good quality of tnffetia•silk, having fancy buckle at front and back, our regular 50c belt to go at....... , .... .3 0 10c Lace. at 6c ress;Goods and Silks aat'. Sale'Prices 800 yards of Lace fti•Valencienne and Torchon in assorted •widtbs and �+ designs, regular value up to 10e at,OU' c and 75C vvaistings at 30e. • 15c Embroideries at 10c-200 yards in assoa ted widths andP atterns..:. our choiceof about 80 war se length of the New Wool Wais'tings in : Dollarsworth up to $1 at 25c—In assorted- styles assorted,colors and designs—these : are' our best waistings at 00e: & 75e to go during Sale at • 60c to 85c Wool Dress Goods at 50c 200 yards•of New dress goods in fancy designs, assorted calors also odd' • pla es f lack good orf up to Suc, 'ho goat per yard ,�U $1:00 &$1.2o Homespuns,in assorted colors, at.. ,7S • i c�Yksat 4•c . 75o t �' Sil 5 up aged ,..rnrnene- Slightly damaged by water, full 2 yards. wide, special per . ing Saturday morning at per yard.... , .... , • , , ... 17c yard;• .. . ItUC Wool Wa stings 31e. Plaid Dress Goods at Hie 1e1itlar Price would d re•6 0e ta:75. 100 yards wool w listings, • '• mos tly.• cream ground with colored stripe, a few dark pees in the lot. These were not even e n wet, and you cannot- de-tect the slightest mienof smoke uponthern,'. reg OOc to 75c, commencing Saturday per yd' Oi;C. Fancy Dress Goods at 35c Regular o s � � C ail['. Ql: 200 yards fancy plaid'Dress Goods, 40 inc, wide, good, weight, suitable.for'.`quilt linings • nd children's dresses, wilt give excellent wear. They were made to sell for 25e a yard. We put them on sale Saturday' 'morning at exactly half ., that price, per yard ' I ie A clearing line of fancy wool.. Dress Goods. We could not see'. that they are the least bit _'dam aged, however the Insurance Co. allowed for them, and we got the BARGAIN—now it is.:your turn About 150 yards fancy dress goods, neat Tittle snow flake: effects. in green, .blues, browns and black, very stylish and will give excellent wear, regular 50c arid • OOc materials, on sale Saturday morning at per. yard ane Some Wonderfulhitewear Bargains. There is another'story to tell about this Whitewear.: ' It is a fire story too, The firm that makes '.our .whit:ewear was burned out yin the great Toronto : fire, The next week they bought the plant Of another 'concern,' Our buyer' was on hand when they were taking stock They offered' us some, big.. inducements to clear lines, offered 'them•for'less4money than we were offered goods that had been damaged by smoke. We took them at their word, and on Saturday morning will. put on sale the .Cheapest: Whitewear that has ever been• sold in Clinton, That's a strong statement, but we have the goods to bak it up. All is new, .:all in good condition, all perfect, every .garment well made'and we will sell'iti at less than, the maker's wholesale prices.. ' It's a great BARGAIN CHANCE. Do not `miss it1 •••4N••••••w•4•••••••• HosiierySanipies •. • Samples of 'Cashmere Hose at a saving of at least I. regular price.. We .cannot lump thein at •one 1 •price or we would, but . ypeople who buy them t'are going to save money. t •••• •••••4N•••••••• •p** • 75e Gowns'at`41r. • • • • '.'Skirts'. Ladies' downs, .made :from strong English .' Skirtsat prices we have never Cotton, full size, neck, front and cuffs" trimmed withcambric embroidery, a Gown that wee made equalled and: are not likely to again for to sell at 050 to 75e, on sale Saturday at many a .to come. All made from each 4'le Y day„ good Cotton,.full size . and nicely true» $1.00 and .$1.25 Gowns' for 71e : med with, embroidery and lace Ladies' Gowns•made•from strong English Cot ton, eatnbric finish, yoke baelaw, three lines in . this . ,klrts at; evC • • lot, they are handsomely trimmed with insertion. • White Underskirts made fronts strongi+nglish Cotton,' wide frill trimmed with .hemstitching and tucks, made to sell for 75c, on sale Satur- day at each 60c Skirts at 7.5c hemstitching and embroidery and made to he sold at $1.00 to $1.25;' Just 'a dozen of them to sen, commencing Saturday, at each. ... 7 &' $1.10 Gowns for a Dollar Bill 4a dozen in this lot, all made from good English Cotton, two lines, one each square collar.and yoke • of fine tucks, trimmed with insertion and em= broidery, the other has circular yoke with hem- stitching and tucks. trimmed with Valoncinnes Lace, 'regular $1,50, on .suds Saturday 'morningat each , . ; :.� 1+ Special Liao at $1.1 5. Ladies Go "vena, made from very fine English Cotton, trimmed' with insertion, feather -stitch braid and torchon lace, also artothex line, trimmed; with wide embroidery, made to be sold at $1.50 to $1,65, oug price on Saturday; each $l.it% S. 04eOW115lat$1.25 Ladies' (towns, made from strong English Cottons; e rr 1 t. cambric finish, Lie e are hartd- soniely taintrned with Insertion and Embroidery, made to soli at $2.00, on sale Saturday morning at cacti . $1,5 Z 5,,.,•.4••••••••4.4. Me. •••••N•t : 36 Sample Gowns. 1s, With the above special we cleared the flaetory's complete set of samples at ae; very liberal discount. There are it rete handsorrie garments in :the lot, they would retail up to $1.00 each. We will put them on sale Saha at w d morning, over ai t , nr ni; mar esti yr. •, Yb at a 1 good deal less than the, regular wholesale - price . If you Want a fine gown -this is your chance to secure one: •. ••4. a6444 4,4104,••••••1•••4,•••444•N•• • Ladies' white cotton 'Underskirts, two lines, one with wide frill of hendsorne 'Embroidery and one row insertion, the other ' with 12 -inch frill, trimmed with insertion and torchon lace.; The Man that made thein intended them to sell tat $1 and $1.25, they go on sale Saturday morn- ang at each Ladies' Shirts at 99e 750. ' This is a specinl line made to sell close at $1.25 I5' has a 15 -inch frill, trimmed with .hemstitching and enihroidery,special on Saturday .Morning ,..., 9E11r $1.50 Skirts for $l, 0 •Ladies' Skirts nirtde from good duality English Cotton 20 -inch frill of fine cambric embroidery, made to sell at$1.50, on side Saturday nnorn- ing ateach i.•,. .YPAtli% .$2.00 Skirts for $i,6,t5 • 'w'hite Skirts, mndci from good qualityEnglish Cotton,•20-inch frill of .%Embroidery and tucking, regular $200 line, Saturday morning, choice: of this lot' "P•'• Sample Skirts • +. We c e,trecl the sample tl 1 t t n e 5kii . is as well as the e clowns and on Saturciny will put on sale about 25•.. extra fine garments, the hest would retail at from $5.00 to $0.00. They are handsornely trimmed With lace and embroidery. In every case our price Would be as good dead less than the M'aker's whole- sale price, �dens Bros. Dry Goods Merchants - r' Clinton. Sissmaissmwaismommuniwasummompasol a 1.10 211 Cushion Cords to go t per yard. .... .... , "vv ' ,08 Your choice of any Cushion Top in the store at .., ..,. „ .,.,,,,;...,s”•:.35 FOOT STOOLS AT 60c • . we lot rt. chaance to itu 1b l O Laaat vee y • itver pre rice. L: HUNDRED FOOT STOOLS tbe•titps of :which. are' upholstered in` a s 'N . _ c to • , P, sorted • . ' • o .red plush�the..legs are made ' of met,Ll'; making, them y t g very s •Tong. • The regular alae oft•� Short ends of silk in several different kinds—In •many of the pieces . - • • . hese stools is $1.26. Out, duringahfs Sale Will "there is enough for waist lengths—ussot ted colors—ref;ular 75e , /� be each 69c.• 85c and $100 qualities to• go at , .`f5 MINIATURE FOOT STOOLS • $1;50 Black Peau- de Sole at •$'1.15 Far Pin Cushions made the mime as above at 150 or 2 for •25c.. •• 100 yards of Black Silk—extra heav ' ualitSee the•Dis to in Vlrind'o p q y, guaranteed not to cut, tlriil P Y w • is oar best $1.60 quality to•go.at• 1 . 1 5 • �'• seealialaveleaa *TOM itioetuir SICK • 1F Foy W'ANT IT About,Craig. friends. • , Mr. Murray McEwen .is'visitingAilsa Will'. kattenbury•.was in •LondaySun- day and Monday. ' • M.ss McIntyre of Hensel' visited Min - ' ton friends •ern Friday fast, We Know w . Manager. 1 aria. of the •Sovercigri Bank, CLINTON'. People Mrs:. 1ltidgens Sr,..`fs elle. guest of iter. Exeter, and i Ir, W. '1'aivan • of the son: Mr. Ilan. Hodgens, Goderic arias place," were in tows. yesterday. Mrs. �I,. Ker.n,ady, Seaford', was . u Mr George ,S`iminonds of wetasktwiti,. Alberta, is spenilingi a couple ,, of town`on:•'i'ivursduy. e • weeks with Clinton friends. me was bliss Jean. gcLaren 'ef Mrs. ch' , Was • formerly in the G. 1'. R. . service in tic guest of her aunt, Mrs. 11•filtte, Clinton.: last week, Stattcn'Agent Brarxlt of .Herman was Mrs. Ie. Agnew, •town, and : bliss Ag- til •town «'etlnesday: Mrs. Brandt; n is of Wiaghain, were ilii London ' who has been • in po health .. •'for this week. sc 1fle :tiute,•is : now. tart'a`r 'teen treat Miss lathe, Cook has returned • from . .Toronto and will remain at': hcnae ''.silt in the Gunn I o4spttal. frit a few weeks., •Mr., J. W. ' Chatmnbers of ,Londe` was Mr. '11. Maairien, .mine host •••.of the in town • over Sondes.• He reports • Hotel ,Auburn, was in' town on Mon business exceedingly geed in his lirae. dads ana already has itis hands . full for Mr. W. Il:, Ncwcambe, with the other-• the ,reason rr►cntlrers of: the purchasing • syndica- Mr,Jaurucs, Mcl,ay of ,Goderich was .. ire to was in Toronto last week on •. temp On Tuesday.lle ,has ..sokl. his • business; house.: an l'rirccss street'•Which has Mrs. E. Laird is in Toronto •this week .. been for Some time occupied by .1V1r. es a delegate from Willis church to John McCeel who •It asbought an- other n- terian Wainara'sc 1 c sign Missting of the ionary Mrs. a `fin.T. property leacross ft on .Tuesday Society. tax visit her sister at Lorc'esboro. •Mr,• Jchn' Agnew, Who 'wrote on his its 31r. Atwood has been in', the employ linen sexual.' at . the sl'estcri Mcdleai:l far some time, but has made at- frassing acf . Mr. Adam Stewart Of Stanley Schaot, London .• sirecessfui ir,r and comae of • time rattgetri'ettts to, go:West a:atd will • will .be t.r duly. qualified M. D. The kat e. rrlvtitc l'i'st excursion. • News -Record, extends congratula-...Mr. .lames• Carter returned hone from. tiatns. Stratford `yesterday after spending Mr William Rvans,. who recently:bon. t' 'a few days with,.his"wifei'whoa, her elft the Cassels Eaten on the Bauble i • Menai regret to hear, is. not int - Lire ; Stanley, and has located there, proving. • Mrs, Carter was removed was in town Monday, lie comes . ; to the city Itospitall 00! Tuesday. , from the township of West. McOwili- where site is receiving every atten- ' inibury 614the esteem in, wI:uclt to siert ' was held byItis friends of many Mr, and lifts. ,Toseplt Colborne arrived 1 t• acid ChicagoSaturday as fr t i r t. oat tku g• i was shown in years standing ansa ]~ Y'itis ren' let r so visiting .address and presentation which was will :vend •a fortnight o 6` /' made lint on the eve of his deprrct- at the old homestead in:Godcriclr Tp. nme for Statutes. Mr. Evans had rrud among ether friends. Mr. Col - retired train, farthing but becoming borne has lived foe several years in. • tired of the inactivity he is at 4t Cl:,icago and being an experienced expert artisan again. To The News -Record lie ex, aril he draws big wages, but hressecl his gratification. at having ,;quite freely admits that located itt a section where the net- it mccltai;ic is . better off i1C •a smatter githors c so indeed as well as in city or town at inch lower wages, name. The ecst of living is veryhigh and Q., Peebles et Collicrrtrc; the dere are other drawbacks as.well. • Mr. C ril t past The weather conditions this pa Tlt vc nvctii or unci soar a �factttrcr of tete Colborne voting •wachinai way its winter were not any more Iavorable town Morday evening te• Yc'etuonstra- in •Ctlieago than elsewhere, so that to to the council the economy, safety •tar.theta utmost thes. irestt alai' re enjoying Itrtg- aucl speed •af his device. It does without printed ballots, aloes net ,gilt slit'Huron. s of .. „r., require a poll clerk, if tic divisions were doubled up it would do the WILLETl comer .oi' °ItuvxstoN•. -- Notice is hereby game! then the Court for the Revision of the As- sessineltt Roll of the Township of 11 • 1 <t as ' Mika will tie held int c, wr flip Ilrril on Saturday, the 28th of May, at • ro a, Stu., for the. purpose of hear- ing and settling ernnpiait is against the said assessment roll. ' Persons ltavirg business at these Coate will please attend rat the said time and place without further maim—Agues Campbell, Clerk, ilnllett, lday Gtit, x904., wcrk for two of thee'.' and the .ne- tttettt the . last vote is recorded the result of the day's polling ' is in • evidence, there ate it a longwaits. The machine has, we understated, been: used its . the tcwtt of Cot - beret where it has given excellent satisfaction• As the council• did not conclude its business until. at late hour, as meeting was arranged for Mr. Peebles Thursday evening,. Ile waited tame the Stanley toenail pet Mowlay5 . , , • • t •L.•�idi.a�f—t�lY.lii -4!• .• Ten Doll • 1 Is not a big sum to pay for a spring suit. We are selling the best suits for that money we ever sold. That Is saying a good deal but it is so. The styles are better, the materials better and they are better made. The cut above shows how they look. Here is s ahint of how they aremade. Mens Snits, cut in the latest style for the spring . of 1001. Made from pure wool tweeds, worsteds tend Borges, good lining used throughout. The rnside:,as good as the out Carefully put to•gcther by experienced tailors. Suits that have style and will keep their shape and wear well, blues Wacks Rud fancy twea,ds, very special I b value at • tiod gens Bros. ewrntag ana Men's Flq'M8hlpg8. 11111111110ftwomougasaftatawawillatir •