HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-05, Page 7May Sth 1004
NOTARY, runr,re, ETC.
OFFICE -4-Sloane Block—, CLINTON.
(Successor to M. James Scott)
office formerly occupied by Mr.
James Scott, in Elliott Diode .
Conveyancers, Conimissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
' Money to Loan.
Dr. W. Gunn L. R. C. I'. & L, R.C.S,
Dr. J. Nisbet Gurn M; R. C. SEng.
I,. R. C. P. London
Night calls at front door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church..
OFFICE— Ontario street —CLINTON.
OFFICE,— Ontario street —CLINTON
Opposite St. Paul's church.'
Special atten.tioe given to diseases. Of
the Eye, Ear, Nose .and Throat ,.
—Write and Residence—
North of Rattenhury St. •
Office . formerly occupied by Dr.' l'al7
lister on Main street.
°Mee adjoining Photo Gallery. .
Saturday nights ttnt.11 •
every' day and
to o'clock.
tzta. • G. ERNEST HOLMES .
liecialist in Crown atid Bridge V�r
D. D. S.—Graduate of. the Royal :Cola
lege of Dental Sutgeons. of Ontao-•
io. •
L. D. S.—First class .honor , graduate
• cif D.eatal Department Of Toronto.
University, -
Special attention paid to j .eservation•
- of children's teeth.- ' . •
Will be at the River Irpto,
every Monday from to a. ni trad.
A member of the VieterInary Media&
Associations of London and Edite;
burgh and Graduate 'of the Oatar-
io 'Veterinary College.
OFFICE— Huron street —CLINTON'
Next to • Cominereial Hotel •
Phone 97
J. B. Rumball Clinton
Esj • DR. OVENS OF LONDON ' . • nej
iE); Surgeon, Oculist, Specia:ist, -fel)
ff,r) Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and . Ei
El Throat, visits Clinton, monthly 'Eg,
R . .E
kJ"? - .• . Et ..
s(A., Nasal Catarrh and Deafness WI
NI treated. . 0
0 • • 0
Er London ()nice 225 Queen's 'dist. ge]..
O 0'
Dali Clintort Offiee Combe's Drug,afier
El Store. . El .
0 • ' • 0
n..,g Hairs 8 a. no to 4 Is., art. Dat- 0
0 es of visits—Ttiesdayv-,7;rehe 2, raij
0 Mar. i, Mr. 29, May,. May. E
0 3i, June 28, July 26, Sept, •d;
0 Oct. 4, Nob. 1, Nov..
11.11 • • 0
. .. ... .. . ..
[CM ariffit'11iarnuramsonmatstectsmants
reillql erre° E
.faieete e II
ttill...**NTHLY MAGAV NE": :
' A rAr.ilLy Lit:BABY
2.1.0 b Carol illoraturo
11 II Co.aaseirre tar
iletan (EMILY'
!Ic*IfIl`t...4'10r21:24,'S AND
i . .Ar E,Ris :: NI 1 1,,MCLY ropict
...._,--------------------------------- b
!, "IX° Pen , • ye ; is. •`'', O rd. A ti O 'et*? ; ---- - g
I ', 04-t.l'iCiTy IN . t 1:r kt;TO fl I KS ' ZeVeton't4.(Wiserfead)DisinfeetantSeaP
i IOC .!Snit ?. 'i' .lN llOgi.ki ' Powder in better than other soap wd
it. 144.1 ..4.eft., ....10.• illiais. ; . • * "' ' la it 009 nett SA 4 disiafeetitnt a. si q
Awl utter weariness are due to the
171Ziod being tvealceued through faulty '
The gate .elielcial as gni girl let it
swAng lathiral her and twea4 toward.
lite young inan who was. radveneing
throngit the dusky b113,e OWS. .0E the ea.-
"Geerge," eite quieklY said, "yon -a
you int.sn't .come here any more.
Father is. very angry, .and there will
be trouble unless yoe stay away."
.riw youngmart laughed softly.
'that's nonsencO," ite said, "arrant
nonsense. Pia vour stepfather • think
he conic) frighten rne ? How am to,
see you unless I come ,Juire Poolt,.
pock, ler your 'fiery relative. 1,11 say
it to•his face if he attempts his high-
handed ways with nat. . But there
dear, don't you Worry.. ,Conte,, we'll
tithe • a little stroll and let step -pa
nerse hjs wrath tutil we come back,"
"You don't talk seriottsly, George,"
said the girl, : "Father has a very
hasty teurper, he is quite beside him-
self, lic wouldn't hesitate,• at such
tittles to -do yott any injury that Tay in
.his power." .
"I will be right • there at - the time,
my dear , girl," taeglied the yorng
Man, "and full Y awake to the interestiug dttaile. Bet; come,- let us talk
o1,. scsnething more pleasant'. What
further ,delaysare ycnt planning."
am . afraial to speola t o faititer,
George," site arswered„ "lin suet. a
miserable colteard,"
, The,young mere ivbietledasc•ftly 'es
they moved down the deeply . shaded.
l'Is that *the• entisU of the delay ?''-he
asked. "Well, well. This makes it all
the more imperative for me: to speak
to yeur father .iet an early date,"
• "You- must let so eare•ful, George,"
she said. .- "Conciliate hirn first before
Von ask alty. favors; don't. take any
chances, dear."
. Hc. la.tighed again and slyly . caught
.licoleand. and. pressed it,
itI (Lax girl," he said, "yon
elfstre.ss , yourself needlessly,: . I sem
quite fetraliar -with bad Men and men •
who ere ,out looking for. trouble, so
there is nothing territyiuk itothe Ont -
look. Of eolose, I 'understand yoor
stepfather's poeit'cr.. nt the Matter,
.He ear.i't bear the idea of losing • von.
It Wonld lie• an experisive. matter • to
replace: Noir esteemed staP-
fatitter is a decidedly' selfish person,
and it: we:aid. •he .quite rolig for 'ne
to humor him.'!.
•, :tan' the girl, ''!-!Yon
talk So.:wildly.. Deit there, . yon nund
go back now. It I stay out- any, lo•ng•
er he will 'anise inc.• .
" Wouldn"t that . be, drew -111A ?"
leughed.. the - yoeng man. ". Wander
nhat he :will do ;when' he•iteisse'a 'yeti
for -gotd. and all ? ,Now, Mark ;niv
words be no rootn• • in Our
little borne for, •that .stepfather . • of
onething satiat insist
• . %,
'the • girl paused .11 tt I e . from •• the.
gate. • . •
• "Now,- go, .George- clear,l' she • mur-
mured, 'wt. lie shafik his head. •- ' •
- • • ' riiit ready: yet Jt said. "It
graten;cirenie a.little to be'Serve.das if
. were criniiisd.- 1 fieney -1 tire quite •
good.'•enoiigh •:tc: 'he .t reatod withaordizo
04.y:decency ll at.. inarirs —
more , the luane., that Shelt-
ers:: the giri of Iny •:- • * •
Titry:::arere losing A .y.) gate., ,• t1;e
girl on • the• Iriside .and thainen : facing '
action of the kidneys ion' ItAer. It's i.
.srrplits of energy,lots of red vitaiie-
inee 12iood you need :and it can be a,e-
quirial nuickly by using Ferrozone.,, the
• greatest strangt leasing tune made.
"No tonie eqeals Ferrozone;" writes
Jennings. of Westport. "Last
spring, I was tired ard. .depressed, hadi
, backache and /ached strength. Ferro-
zoae soon brought me IAA gand heal-
th and made tire well. Priee 50e at
The Clintou Ncws.Rocord
A •Change of Front.
It Caused Business.
• 'A
The North:tvestern millers. have coat-
pleined that throuph newspaper ad-
vertising the health food or breakfast
foo4 men have :gained a vast trade,
'Nonni of it at the expense.of the white
flour millers. After a long contro-
versy the latter have reached the con-
elesion ..litat the only way to ' defend
themselves is to buy newspaper .space
.liberally. • It ,is newspeper .advertiaing
that creates business and the lack of it
whittle causes a decline in business.
To relieve constiPated headache jitat
try Di. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake
and Butternat. Wonderfully .prompt,
emit never cause gripping pains, For
headache and billiouseess use only Dr:
Hamilton's Pills. Brice 25e. •
04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000
For an up -to date
try the leading barber.
•George D. Roberton
• 4*.0.0*
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The 11101(111oP Mutual Me
losprance Conicianu
---,,-Fa,rtn and Isolated ToWn'Property--:•.'
—Only Insured.-- . •
J. B. McLean,. 'Presidnt,.:1(iplien
0. ; •Th)s, Fraser; Vice -President;
Brueefielcl P....0. ; ''r, E..Ilays,. :.Sec;-
'rreaSarer •SeafOrth P. 0,
Wililain Shesney, Seaforth • ; • john
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dole, Sea -
forth.; John Watt, Ifarloelr John
13ennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans;Beecliwod ; ' James Conn011ya.Clinton.„
• •
Robert Smith, 'ITarlock ; E. Vin-
chley, Seaforth . James Cummings;
Eennondville ; J. W. 'Yep, 1-lolmes-
ville. ' • .
. • - -
,Parties desirous to . effect .insiiranee
or transact other • biesiriess will bel
proniptly. attended to on, application
to any cif the ,..dsciVe officers addressed.
to their respective Postoffiees. Losses
inaPected • by the director. who lives
nearest the -scene, ' •
' Trains Will arrive at and depart
from.. Clinton station as follows : •
, BUFALO AND dpiisitTen
'Going. East Express
(loin East.
Going West Express
• 7.38, tia-ro•
•3!•23 P•11"
• 12.55 p,in.
• :7.o5 pan.
10,32 .p.m.
"Going: Seierilt .E.4*PraSs • • • 7-47Etail•
" North Express
4-1.5 P•Ill-
:ro.15 a.m.-
-55 P.111 :
A. 0 PA'rTi8ost, Station Agent.
HQDGENS, Town Ticket Agent.
J. D. 'MACDONALD, District Passim-
• g -or -Agent, Toronto.
Cook's. Cotton Root Compound.
Ladies, raverite,
Is the only safe, reliable
regulator on which woman
tart depend "in the hour
and time of need."
Prepared In two degrees of
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
1,—E'or ordinary eases
is by far the •best dallier
medicine known,
2—Por special cases -10 degrees
etronger—Uree <toilets per box. .
LadieS—.ask your druggist for Conk's
Cotton Hoot Compound. Take no other
as all pills, mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. No, 1 and No, 2 are soldand
recommended by an 'Ingests in the Do-
minion of Canada. Mailed to any addres$
On receipt Of price and our 2-eent postage
IiitamPs, Uie 00olc Oomptutto, •
'Windsor, Out.
• Na. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Clinton
by Watt's &'Co., IL 13. (Aube, hP.
Reekia and J.. B. Itovey,, druggists. .
tO Yttiii/S*
. DelliaNS
°tie smithy
vA4riitotooFoung: aisetef 271124"' 4°.
cm/indent in.,..Handboolt On Patent]
et Pititibtr,°° et Et 11 1 En::, 61
iota tree. west agency for secturing_pstonte.
Patents tskon through Munn & co, receive
erweldt notice, without oberee, le the
Sdentifit Rotarian. -g
• "Say auother 'w&d;•.Anna," .he lap-.
glied; 'and 12 will mareit.eight into the
lion's data" •,. •• • • • ••
... There was. a beaVy ,step behind the
Couple, . and a harsh, voice • Startled.
• !! Ala are yoti there ?" it. said
menacingly. • • • .• •
"If you n..eali me,"' latathed othe'
young man, "I am -.certainly :here...a.
five feet . ten. of
, `:` 'Stand aside," sa'cl.the newcomer
•to the ..girl. a'Get into • the . house.;
I've .somethIng to Say .tc -this• young
Spark that it may not lie pleasant
hear." : • . •
"Don't, latiter,"- said . the : girl in
pleading' tones.' • : ,
He Waved lier aside. -.1..
, "Go, Amia," Said. the yot.ng!“ man,'
"I have soinethirg to. Say to your
fatter that lie may act. want lyou to
hear. Go,. de.a.r,i' • • • • ,
, The girl slowly tire*: iind went
up the porch steps.
"N.'ou .linve' a high and mighty way'
about you;" Said theolderametna,'!that
'needs coneleing &tun bit.'• .
!'We ail need a little `disciplining at
.tiines," said the Other', •"but still, I
hardly th;nic you are tha man for.. the
,job this tiine,' Mr. Jim
,"I could break you in ttvo and fling
yoe" into the. street," growled the old..
et' tnati. • . • • ' •
'He was .a burly man With a hea,vy
a red face and thick 'grey hair.
The young. man• Idoked low over.
with a critical eye in the fast waning
light. , : • .
lie a Somewhat difficult
proPoSition. to liandle,'' be Raid, '
if yea do a • have the 'advantage of
weight. Bet Ifere," he .cnickly tieslee, •
as the Older ".sr.jlTed tonteauptecats....
ly,. "there is nothing to be gained by.
wrangling Out here -tr,! the street like -
two fisherineto Let us 'go to the •
house and talk this thing over, dike
.two • Meta . • •
Ale burly man Stared. at the• 'iro:rdtg
fellow, • ' • • '
"Very .well," lie Said, " &rine' le,
Make the , Most of it... It will he ' the
laet tinic,"
Dc:' yr,At larow," said the young
man lightly, as he ftglowed. the other,
"do you know that ,I'so not Sp mire of
that," • .. • • • • ' ' ,
The older ,niati 'ptithed the rotor
open as the: yornger man' followed,
finding himself in an apartinent that
evidcaly Was used as a •sintiking and
apartirittft by the nielt ef
the lioese. There were papers I scat-
. "flung your impt.deaee;" snarl
the other. "Do you come in here
tO insult me ?"
• Certanyly didn't come here to
. insulted," tient the younger man.
"Say what yott have to say," cried
• the •Older seen, "and got ()ate'
'rhe younger man smiled.
• • "I must take my OW11 time atid.ifly
•own way,'le .said. "In tite first
place, • as a no:nine:1 gatardian of
Your stepdatgliter, I ask for your
.eonsent to our marriage"'
"You don't get it„'• -cried the older
man. •
" We will waive that :for the pres-
ent,'' sant the young man, 'We cad .
easily go back to it, • And • now • I
will grant that yoe. are to certain
extent rigi•t aixiat me. . My IWIXAC is
I OCOrge- X am twenty-eight,
with a; good education, good health,
and a latrly good temper. Anyway,
I ain glad to thilik it . is auttell better
tha,n .yours.''
The older wan started_ at '
uncomplimentary allealoo, and swell- •
lowed hard. . . • ,
"Never mind lify temper," he snarl- •
"Thanks," raid •the young lima. '4
snind it very little..
•. Go on,. go cm 1"
"Well, :I came to your Village on
little matter of business. I saw yo
stepdangitter.. Site attracted any. a
tention. - -made her acquaintance.
have diagered here 'longer 'than I i
tended, eihe has promised to be ri
wife. Ie. giving nue that Kali -dee al
insisted that I must : go thi•ough t
formality of asking your consent,
be frank with you, 1 do not consiel
your conseut at ..all necessary."'
."1".ent. don't," gasped. the. irate step-
father • • •
, replied the 3•ounger man.
fact is, I do not .belleye that y.as
intereet in your stepdatgleter .is on a
of Unselfish variety." . .
"What I"' blustered . the. old sumo'
"Peehaps,"1 the -young man *cat •o
'I 'do. you an. injestice, ' would • b
giad to elisciiver that 1:have Inas
se.flt a mistake". r.v.4r, however, tha
my supposition is well handed."
. You done ?"
Not yet," sniilod young-rnati.
" I 'will give you - three. Ann -Atte
longer," 'cried the stepfather,. . "The
I'll throw you out of ray. hearse "
ed "Anna," , callede
She was there in a moment, looking
be from one to the other with anxious
reached. the point where Anna can be
called ?
The old, man nodded and went to the
The old luau took her hand.
"Anna," he said slowly, "this young
man wants 10 marry :you."
"Yes, father."
"It was natural that I should feel
anxious about the matter, that
should want to be sure that he was
a man worthy of you, dear."
"Of course, father,"
'T have talked witie him and found
exit who' he is, and—and I am quite
yon should marry hint—and
hope you will be 'very happy,"
"Thank yon, father, dear," murmur-
ed the girl.
Aud, the younger stepped for: -
ward and took the old man's hand in
his firm grip.
"That Willi spoken, fore'man,"
he said.
It's. the drit7a spytunt floatiog. in the
air that gets into your lungs and caus-
es consuialption. A sure. preventive is
'fragrant healing .Catarrimzeine, which
it is •inhaled right into the lungs, kills
ur every germ, heals the sore membranes
1.• suet cures tharoughly • every type of
1 catarrh, bronchitis, asthma and lung
n- trouble. "1 cangrit seyere.cold which.
ty developed:into catarrh and fir,ally set-
ae tled my Inapt," writes Mr. A.
he Northrop.- of Redford. Catarrhozoue
'o relieved quickly and cored...me. I re-
er centiliter:a Certierrhoeone highly." Two
rionalta . treatment St.00 ; 'sift
11 A Legal .Right.
A newspaper has a legal right. to
a, pailli•sh whatever an individual has a
a legal right to circolate orally. In
c. let w re s, an dividual has na tnore
t right to make criticisms and teeensat-.
ions Or the street than a .ifewspaper
• hale in its columns,. This is something-
• the aver ege man doesn't know • 11
S clicl woitld keeP, his ounitli • closed
a. more than he •does. • •
"There you go pga " cried ' the
• Young man. "Von know if. isn't your .
hpuse. It is yonr stepdaughter's.'!
V.*: older man started and scowled.
"50 you've been sneaking:a•bout and,
finding out allot the, girl's •. worth,
have you ?' he sneered:
'Anything that interests' her. inter-
estS inc,' replied the young man, "I
fancy she world 'have been,Worth more
if she had a lose selfilh stepfather.
•seirpose ' you. are' •the one, Who indetced
her to mortgage the Property." •
And I can here-- tha.. !mortgage
foreclosed when I please," ' growled_
r are. wrong
You ',have no control paler it.. It
Chi:spit bands."
`Ilea . Sinikal and •. ook hiS
'Change d ands ' ,
"Yes, , the 'pleat' IS all .10 Anna's
name, Tree ..froni menu I ;antic. You
I[ find .the .recoed in the. : clerk's
' !!Whose. work iS this •?''
tinif the old mart look-
laisinesn have' You meddling
in. oar affairs ?'! •stritiemerial.'
. • " My dear eir. eaid tha'aisitor,
•.i81.1.re.IX • yOU CELIA' see. -timely, '
usual a man's meddling •:ta • the
affair.s. of the • wolean •nicats•
tnake • his- wife. I screclY .thittk•mv
art -will he criticixed .eVen :1>y
Ann -a." ' ' ' • •
c! ',Bat she wOn't marry:. you .withfat.t.
consent.'.' I • •
• I :don't care, to '.diseass that .,Avith,
you. .11ave it Yorit• nen way. Eleety-
ever; mean to. get yotir• consent and
it will be voluntary, . lafore . leeiVe
this rooni." • • •
• The older lean laughed barably.
',Yale are Mit '(lIeg .eibbet it it ,a
'very. proinisaig way,:'. he said.: ,
."It will ' become more , promising: • as
it` nears ..the ' said• the rsitar,
aiicl the reenit isn't 'in dotibt..1.', •
"PrOceed,'" • •
...."You: haye.a...fenc. good qedlities, as
well as several ..hael Ames."
..."Thank you, - GO on:"
"V,ott are dothineering, aVer bully-
."'rhank you again. Go 'on." • .
•''t don't suppose year, con entirely.
help . these ,traits. They.. come:. from
your . Lancashire .origin. You , have
the reputation of being '•.a quick-tinn-
tiered 'and..pugitacious felliiw, and' 1
thirik you: enjoy it." .
."Atly mitree?" • • . , • ::, • •
"In the 'street vernacular you would
he classed alt had man aed ra:itey
there never was a bad mats Wien! clidit't
ti...,ke. pride in the 'terror reputation
inspired. But really; My own •opinion
is that yor. ,are not half so; bad as yo
would have us believe, • '
""rhata your oainion; is it ?"
and, it's my honest opheithi,
1 now you are a. gocd werkintai apf:
le of your sixty-iliree years)'. .
"'What are yon battering Me tor ?"
young. man hiitghed. ' •
"Von are not. accustomed to flat-
tery, eh. Well, it's the truth. • You
are ilte foreman �f • the •tempering. de4
pertinent of the Arnie Toed 'Factory,
Yoe are .paki $1200 vear.
The older man started.
. "Are yint after my job r, lie groWl-
tenni etyma and pipes and toiiacco, on
the table.. 2 •
The, older man'.•carefv•Ily closet? the 1.„,
ecor behIrd hint. e
• ‘cSit &mu," he growled,
' 'Than', you." • • .
there was a t f41 nee. .
'W114,11 warn- a, limn •EQ keep away
from my house' he generally has sense I
.enotigh to go it. If he liasr,"t,, lte gets it
the sense hnoeloxi into tiqt wit 1 hese
l'inickles.'And he 'opened and closed
his hand menacingly.
"Quite an effective scheme, 1 shoirbl
integitle,'" Said yoting man.
• The burley Irian Came it cloner. •c;
ho are yon ? asked.
"Voii knOw My name," replied. the
°L'11:eN'taines are aothing. Von cattle
swaggeridg into this village of ours,
and naotly knows who you are or
where yra.) eame from. Yon wear .
ood clothes and carry a gold watch,
and have 'a sneaking sirtOothliess
about you Abet catches the gt
The -..vor.ttg- matt "alight& merrily.
"No,'" lie said. •
"Tilet what are you' sneaking arormd
le factory for ? '
Again the youttg matt laughed.
'So. suspicious,, ' 'he said, And yet
y excuse seems a g•ocd .onc,Von
an't blame a man for intere'sting
iniself in matters, that are of vital .in -
crest to him, can 3 -on ?". .
"Vat do you mean by that ?" •
"You .9,1X: a little slow, toreenstia"
The old man atared hard at his vis-
or.' The latter leol,vd hack and look -
I at lion with Itis boyish smile.
"I -A -I don't anderstand," "
"Take your time, foreinsol." • -
The old inan's jaw chopped a, little,
Yon --you have beetti sent by the
Witers ?" stalattlered.
'"Iletter thou that, foreman,"
'Dater than that."
'I am the °atter myself.'
"Von v 1"
A hiteddontelrillitetryfted freckly, gAreeet tin
mention or earecioraten Journal. Toms, Ea ri
roe: four menthe, 1 doid twat' nowsderders.
MUNN & Co asintogmvp flow Ytta
lr SL Wast4,,sts.„
It seems to have eatight nor Aline., i
tit r want you to understand she's
ot a father who wsil break every '
one in your duclieli fyiely if you don't
et out of here and. let her alone."
There was another brief silence,
"Your manner is very, offensive, Mr.
1.16 ON Sim Maitland," said the younger man
"nought the facte.ry from 'my node,
Mr. Toel Rexford, last montk, That's
what. brought Inc down here. There
was U� necessity of aeitiertising the
fact. Von and St.vt, lIastito are the
only men in the village that know
about it, . 1 haven't mei told Anna."
llteolt mot twisttd los fingers
together. Ms lips trembled,
"1-4 have anode a mistake sir," he
said, "and I'm sor.ry for it:"
• The young matt arose.
"That's quite enot0," Iw paid, and,
paused 4 little. "Perhaps we have
• Paha, sallow,: .yellow skin tells, -of a.
torpid, sluggish liver and iinparities 111
thii. blood which will be entirely re-
moved when Dr, Chase's R'idney-Liver .
Pills 'are i.sed. This 'great snedicine
.2.,witkens. the. :actiolt. at the
'orates 'the hitliwys .and 'regulateS. time •
bowels. As n result digestion' -is
protred, pante :disappear .• and the • .
-health is benefited in every .way..
. .
• .
'int ; too ycittr,.. to take niedicine nial be
,.111' id.c.:cinp., whetting couab andeolcts Ly •
qii.e.y.breuthe ' •
- • . -
Estalishat 16'79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, ()rip,
Asthnut, Diphtheria • -
Osstormta is a long established end standsol remedy for the disease* indicated. It
eines because tha eir rendered poorly entiseptio is carried over the diseased eurfacee
of the bronchls.1 tubes with every reath, giving prolonged and. constant treatment.
Those of *consumptive tendency, or sufferers frOn) ohrooto bronchitis, lind immediate
relief trom coughs or inflamed condition* ot the throat, Descriptive booklet free.
LIMNING, NUM oh CO.. 1814 Notre Dome Montreal, llatuullart, Agents
CreSolene dissolved in the mouth ore effective and safe for
• coughs and irtitatipn of the throat.
Antiseptic Tablets
Tod Sensitive, April Weather CallSOS
The jaaitor emplOyed in a Pltiladel-
phia school resigned his. position .the
other day; after having held the job
for only a. little over a week, "I
guess I'm too :hensative," he explain-
ed. "Whenever I found anything, that
had been lost I always hong it rup:on.
the blackboard where the •owner could
see it. and claim. it.' Thal other • morn-
ing I 'weat, into one of the rooms ear-
ly to clean-up, anei there, on the black-
board written, 'Fled the multi-
plieand.; I looked all over but coAdd-
n't Mal anything, • The next snorning
'I went into the same room ard or2 the
idackboard Aves written, 'Villa the lea -
et common divisor."rhea I says. to
in.yseli 'If them things is lost and
clim't turn up the first thing I know
they'll accuse elle of swipirt! them.' So
I threw ..up the job.".
. Weal:toss and disease' cause disc:oar,.
agestient, failure and -unhappiness, 'but
with the use. of Dr, Chase's Nerve
'Food, there 'comes new. vigor -and ener-
gy, ace, hopes .ane mw confidence, str-
onger cletermination to Suceeed
the ability to apply one's self moital-
ly And physically, Health and...success,.
go hand in hand.' 13y restoring -good..
health . Dr. • Chasei'v. Neree Food Ileitis
,to success a4d. liappineks,
- Many Nervous Wrecks.
. The effect cf April weather Upon the
nervous system has not been properly
apprdeiated by physicians. The rapid
1 transformation of winter. into summer,
I the many atmospher ea, chatiges, Mag •
ileac, . electrical ard tliermic, conspire
I to make the mc -nth of Apra ti very
.1 trying One •to the pecAdle of nervous -
I temperaments, ,
IOverworked PeOPle brea,k . down' in '
, this . month. Invalids .. from nervous.
' diseeses • get warse. People Who never
• reeaffee they , bad nerves discover . for
. the tirst time • that , they are becoiniug '
I restless, sleepless, irritab.le, and 'easily
I. agitated. -
j . This- cundition has -been folly descri-
. bed by Dr. Hartman, the renowned
• cetera,. specialist. •The tame he has.
. given to that peculiar phase of ' n'er-
• yousness excited by. April weather . is
• Catarrhal Nervousness.
IThe nittcous inernbearies of the .whole.
body , are in a •state of. , catarrhal .• . con -
'gas tiott. 'The food. is not- properly di-
gested noir asstindated.. Discharges of-
: . mums . operatt. as a -drain, .ita.on the .- --
1 system ..,,.. The nerve centres are depiet- '
I ed—the • eosistitution enclernoved.. ' •
' .. The sedden withdrawal of. the -brae- •
Mg climate oi Winter, added to • 'all :
these ;influences, produbes niany a tier-
' You's wreck tiering. the. nionth'•of April...,
.. It is daring .thie inenth that ' ..
many ,peeple. found Pet -iota of priceless . .
:tante. •A hettile of Perima • taken • ea . .
carding do the directions, duriug. . the • -
Month of April, is: worth it's weight in. .
golds,. ; • •
. . .
Toigs-u,rfrris-Is norNra. AROUND. - .
T� Lncate, Treasure.
• woodstock, • April 27—Equipped with
.r.4,14par..sh,.!'dip'.ncealle.".cen, instrument -
to' determine the loeatiou of Mitierale,
James Ostrander of •Ilig Rapida, Micha
bas gone to Charlottevdie; a village on
the southern bOrder of Oxford County,
where he hopes to discover the Icca-
tion of' the. elan .of ,515,oao in gold and
silver eoir.S, representing money btit,
ied by his father at the time . of • the
:American:invasion 'of Western Ontario
in the War of 1812. •
•'Iwoheavy brass cannon Were also
buried near the criins. There •werel the
equipinent of .0, .regit-ncat • .of British
soldiers, which. retreated •after. thit de-'
kat- of 'the Canadian forces :near Mor-
eiviat;itowno •
Mrs. WinsloW's Soothing Syrup Ife:i
been used by millions of mothers for
their children while teething. If dis-
turbed by night and ,broken of :. your
rest by .AL sickchild suffering and
eryin With pain of cutting teeth:send
at pace and get a bottle of "Mrs.
WidSlOw'a Soothuig-, Syrup" for child-
ren teething. It will relieve :the prior'
little sufferer immediately. Depencl.
ripen it, niOthers, the is no Mistake
about it. It cures lj,irrhoca, re
latethe Stoniac19. and, Wels;" z s
a re es•
Inflammation and givestone and en-
ergy' to the whole system. "111r6.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething is 'pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest 'and best female physicians and'
anises in the 'United States. • Price
25 cents a bottle; Sold by • all drug-
gists throughout the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs.. Winslow's Sooth-
Wind Colic, softens the G4
mg Syrup,"
A :Hard Questinn. ,
This -hard 'one is asked the Chatham
Planet by a borrespontlent : "Would
you -kindly ittforin •yoer many readers
why so many of our teading singers
Use, 80 jmenliar a .prononacia.tion of ma-
ny, of their words that they' make • it
almost impossible forthe majorityof
our cougregatione to aniderstand the
&edits . they .sing, and in c'onseuittence
the effect. and impression on; the mind
ard Iteext in our religious services •
destroyed? •• •
Lyle' On -Hell.
. ,Lyle of the second Presby.,-
terian church, Hamiltau, in a recent
serinor. on "Ilie Theology of, Toile.y,";
expressed a strong disbelief in a liter-
al: hell and said if he believed .God
polished ,peoplefroni the time :of :Adam
till, the presint .by keelaing "them. : in
torment* ' he. 'would quit the Christian
ministry. Dr, Lyle.. Said belief' in 'the:
verbal ;inspiration or the Bible had'.
been .ttl)1o(ied by ,science....With. refer-
enee • to the •flat, earth. theory, hesaid
bit Woodiered "at' Irantillott people..going
tt hear.' such • a' foolish, lectere, • •
and. 'n11 intoan-lai Try, a
of Nerviline, ; price 25e
And exerylyoily •S Wonder:Mg- what, to
. .
dc -e; • Here is a simple ettee.. Use a gar -
Ale -of Nereiline Water recoan-• •
mended it; the. directions and rub your
- threat' and.. chest vigoroukly'' with Net-
• viline.- ••Thiabas been ieSted and pi -ova • -
'eel' sneciessfal . thoesand Nen..
vilina is a:spedlie far tOnsni tia - dud in
fa.et." we know' of nothingalialf • sogood
for :breaking • .up cOlda,.. curing' .tight ••
Thlt Cough
• whieb, ordinary remedies have not reached,-
will.quicitly yield to
n cures those heavy, deep-seated coughs—takes-away'.
the soreness --heals the throat -,-strengthens the lungs, •
None the less effective because itis pleasant to take.
Just try one bottle and see'how quickly you get rid
Of that cough. At your drugiists. 2, bottle. •
4:41•4•4:••:••:••:44:4444:••:••:,44•4:,•4:44,40:44:••:44•4:4444:• 4••:••:44,44:•••:•••••••,:••:•41.444,••:••:••:••:•4,••:••:••:••••••• ,
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•• 2
.•:: $.
14 $ 1:1.•
4. We would ask our correspon-
t dents to send in their. budgets
,. r.
... • ..1: each week whetherthey are little
..T * or big. We are looking.to the in-
. # it:. terests of our subscribersin their
e * Particular locality and want the
• ± *news whether it is 'little or much.
. Sometimeg you .inay not have
much news to sen.d, but don't .
. • keep that little until you have
".....,. more, When news is scarce that
. .t. is the time your two or three it-
. :
: x ems, or even one, are especially
, . . appreciated by the reader in
' 's. your section. Send a big budget
- -every week it you can, if not, the
small one will be welcomed.
orroolli li
• •
A Woman's Tribute to .4
Dr. Chase's Remedies GA
allowing how these great family medicines
who the eontldettee of the people, and
estobilalt themselves In the homes.
MRS. JOHN WORRALL, 33s Victoria Street,
London, Ont:, states :—"For years I suffered
• a great deal with catarrh in the head. tned
everything I could hear of for it, but it
I remained for Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure teeth*
inc. Though entirely treed from catarrh! I
was left in h nervous and run down condition
and then began using
Dr, Chest'a Nerve Food,
which has built up my
system, strengthened my
nerves and made me
strong and well. We
hatre also used Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine in our
family for coughs and
colds, and never knew it
to fail to Cure these ail.
D. hf t y
Mrl. Wong medicines have proven
their tight to a place fri every home, and have
cstise to be considered indispensable. To
. protect you against imitations the petal& and
signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the throouS
receipt took author, are On Mr, box of Ns
X 4
.: VP144
.$. ,94,5411pe
+ . ailo",e, le
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) '•:•
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X 4*.
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