HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-05, Page 5• May 5th 1904 THE IVIOLSONS BANK InCorporated by Act of Parliament 113.74 Capital authorized, $5,000,000 Capital paid up $3,000,000 " ReserYe Fund $Z,85 0,000 The public will please bear in mind that we have removed from our old Stand, Rattenbury street, to onc now and spacious 4100 (which is now in the centre of the town) in the new Oombe block, corner of Victoria and Albert streets (opposite J. W. Irwires grocery.) A. call -fron: they:Mlle generally is solicited, --sAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ----,- Interest allowed at highest current rates from date of deposit, to date of withdrawal. ti C BRE'vVBR, Manager, " LINTON. ,,,,,,,040.41,,o...,...."11•••••••••••••11.•4144+.11.••+ law ovst"717-11 4...144,1•40I-4•144"144++++441,1*.PA.PER HANGING.-WHE'V 011 • rekuire any paper hanging cione clo ▪ not forget to give me a, call. Satis- faetiou guaranteed or rio money ask- ed. Price for fitanging ten -cents per roll. Orders left at A. Couch's meat market or at my residence, west end Rattesibury street,. will receive prom- pt attention. -Theodore Hale. .4.40 0,4 1.4 - CHEAP FOR GOOD AND 4.1 go to Hellyar's• A LARGE STOOK TO SELEOT FROM: THEY ARE UP-TO-DATE IN • DESIGN AND FIN. ISH AND ARE DUR- **: • • • ABLE. • • • • 4 • • • 4. • 4 1.4 • 'BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY' busineSs.- for sale. Well established • • and • doing a • large andprofstable trade.The bakery is well -equipPeel, mixer, ,ga,00line engine, etc, Good •••• • reasons. for A. King.- .. 141 • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • 4.4 CLINTON. DYE WORKS -I AM PRE - CARO L E. NEWCOMBE A. L. M. - organist of Ontario street Methodist church. Teaeher of Pia -no, Harmony, Form. Free Theory lecture to Btu:- de:AA- every Tuesday evening at stu- dio. Over Newcombe's stor,e, Clin- ton. 4.11 Try Ilellyar's Maitehles Silver ▪ Polish. It is Reliable - SIM W;H. Hellyar- ... • Jeweler and Optician —CLINTONI. We Couldn't. ufil You ? 111611144.4.44 u ve built up. a .first class H ade, such as -we have. • miless our 'goods were right in ..every visy. We, sell . the Finest Gooels for +the tintist trade. One trial convinces you of this. Among other lines we ex- cel in Fancy Biscuits. We keep Assorted Biscuits- at .106 per lb. up to Macaroons at 50c. • In Olives and.Pickles we have . only the . best: Chaney' Ohili Sauce, Citow-Chow, sweet and '• sour Vinegar Pickles and also . Horse Radish. • • . • • We still. solicit Your trade W. T. O'Neil. aLniToN pared to• do all kinds of Cleanbig, Dyeing- and•Pressing • • of Clothes. All .wcrk doite. an sliert notice and sat:iota:Wen guaraliteed.4-J. T.. SE - WARD.: • .. COAL ! • LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW : FOR " YOURSEASON'S SUP- PLY OF COAL. WE CARRY' ONLY HE VERY- BEST GRA,' * DES WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE • PRICE • • ORDERS MAY DE LEP[' A.T. • DAVIS • & ROWLAND'S IIARD, • lvAitn.STORE OR WITH , tevenson You Can See. For yourself ..kow -much a• shoe has to do with .the appearance .of . your fact.. 'What is .uglier than a .poorly • shaped 'shoe ? What is daiptiet than • -• . A TRIM CLEAN CUT SHOE. that fits closely about' the foot • and: brings. .cnit. its natural ,artistic firma. We can . find ,W Shoe to fit' your' foot•• n� .matter..: how bard you ,are to snit. Our spring Stock, has arriVed and the . prices -aye right.): ..We are :showing line ' of Shoes for men at $3,5o that can't .' be beat for price and -quality, Also. a line .of shoes for woMen. (The. °need Alexander) for 52 whicli is extra value. Coine-inancl lace a... look at our stock. No trouble to Show goods. . Groceries Our stock is complete. We liav.e goodl 1 ilia.' of LI: Teas, grecon• aad black.- 1r aekage teas' we carry the. Ludella, .Red • Rose, Ilion -Ribbon and LiPtou's celebrated teas. They were.. banglit before tins. ,advuneejit -• price which •we will gi.e orr .custoiners the •betiefit of. Plain arat Fancy 13iscuits, Boiled Ifain, 'Stir:O....RI Roll, Breakfast.. Ilacon, .P id rig s Peet, canucid Meats, Pickles' in bull 6n1 hOttles of all kinds. A . trial cida Will convince yor., that We carry a sleek equal. • to aify in tit•e tide and the prices rea- sonable. Also a ear Redpath's sug- ar just arrived which we are sellingat cost. • . • In' seedswe have got good Red Clover, Alsike, 'Timothy, 11lanVold• and Trani,P seedand all kinds of garden seeds,• orchard grass.. • . •In • crockery we have' a few dinner Sets we are selling very -cheap, Your trade selected. • R. GRAFI A Ogle Cooper's ()let stand. Cash for Butter and Fgge. ' Phone 23 Have Your We Bicyc1e4epaired Have Moved Tun WHEELING SEASON WILL - SOON BE ON. NOW IS THE TINE TO HAVE YOUR WHEEL OV101.-; HAULED ANT) itnyAtanD. so AS- T() BE JLnApD y FOR THE GOO' ROADS:- WE HAVE IN STOCK A :NUM- BER OF THE BEST WHEELS MADE ANT) IIP ALL XMAS OP BIM' CLE SUNDRIES. ENT/RE SATISFACTION GUAR!, .ANTEED, CALL ANT) SEE US, • SHOP OPEN EVERY EVENING nnT TIES DA Y A ND • TtIURSDMt,. Turner. INTO: OTTR NEW STORE IN TISDALL BLOCK WHE- RE WE WILL DE PLEASIO) TO HAVI-,.; Tun PATRONAGE OF OUR. OLD CUSTO1VIERS AND MA.Ny NEN ONES. The Nile, James MeWhinney lost a. valrable 'Lincoln volt last week. Mr. Gardiner of Zion passed through hero tu u. business trip one day last week. A few of the young people enjoyed pleasaut time at the home of Harry Morris recently. Anson Clirvin is going into the dairy basiness, having purchased four • Ape milk, :cows to add to his herd. CALVES FOR SAI4E.-'11 WILL DE _ LondeSburo at I o'clock on 'Se.t urelay, May 1.4th,.with a •load of cal- ves for sale.--das. C. Parsons. , - PASTURE. -A iinvuTED NUMBER of cows wsll be taken for pasture cfl. the grounds Of the Golf Club. Fr terms apply to N. Fair, Clinton.. • THE RATTENBURY HOUSE TO Rent. -Having decided to retire from business I offer the Rattenfiitiry Hou - Se for rental for a term a years. Immediate possession can be givene-- Jos, Rattenbery. CLINTON COURT OF 'REV.ttON.- .. Take notice that a "Court Of Revi- sion for the Town of Clinton will heldits first sitting in the Council Claudier on Thursday, May 26th, A. D., 1904, contMencing" at 8 o'clock p, in., for the purpose W.' hearing and - rectifying all complaints against or . errors in 'the Assesmitent Roll of the present year.All parties interested. are requested to antend.-D, L. Mac- pherson, Clerk of - the Municipality.. 'Clinton, .May 3. • • 2t The Clinton N,wwsarliecorcl .0111111111 -• • h i hi I Belgrave. Last week John Armstrong, cattle drover here brought 72 yearlIng calves hqu Toronto, 40 ol them were bow - got at N9 a piece hy John Wheeler, Nieholson 13ros"' C. Withinsen caxl R. Corley, each if the Soar tutving ro head. The balance of the lot was sold at a lower price. - The East Wawanosh Agricultural Society has been wound tip owingi to 4-..ek fat cordial support and the meinb•- erShip fees retained from last year's Members are being paid. There, will be a balance of about $50 in hand and a -committee of three was .apuointed to see about that. Rev. Mr. Edmonds,' English clatirelt incumbent, whose -charge has. been Blyth, Belgra,ve and Anhurut tendered - his resignation some time, ago but has been pressed to withdraw a24 has doe sc. on et-milt:ion that Auburn be placed witi $011te other charge as the day's work was tee, heavy. CALVES FOR SALE. -I .WILL BE at the Commercial heAel, Clinton, at . 1 o'clock on Tuesday, May 3rd, and at the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, at the .same hour on Saturday, May- - 7th, with loads of calvesfor sale. : • -Jas. C. Parsons, Kippen. • FOR SALE OR TO RENT -A COM- fortable !Wain situated on corner of • Church and Osbornestreets:-Apply to CHAS. OVERBURY. July ifith., AGAIN .IN . TO • announce .- that 1 ani. again in *the butcherifig business, • liaving opened out a shop ii. the old postoilsce where I shall be 'pleased .to reeeiVe• (sail from thy. old enstontera • and .. many , new. oneS. Prompt attention pan' to all orders.- .Any person having •-'fat • cattle for:sale will find • it . to • his advantage to leave 'word at .'iny shop.-.Arther -Ceara?, •Clinton..: IS .THOR013RED REGISTE1:0X ham ...Dull for sale,, 13 triontlis . lia.ve tWo., will sell one cheap..•; -AL: bort . Not:. ; lot • 24 I don. .2,- Statileyi Mitten I': 0: • .15 Our stock comprises everything necessary for home use. , Eggs taken hi exchange for goods, 1 , Mrs Shier's iiicarl ._ BTTTLF,R, EYE, EAR, 'NOSE • and 'lin-oat Specialist, 37o, Queen's Aveni,e, LondOn, rd -door east df. ••St. • Andrew' Church. Glasses stip«. Plied'. Will ,at the Rattenbury" House, Clinton, April 28; June 2 and • TENDERS WA.N'TET, - TENDERS will be received by the council of the township of Hullett until 2 p. in. on :Monday; the ifith day 'of May, 1904, for 'the erection of concrete abut- ' snefits:to suppert three small steel bridges, also for concrete arch 22ft: long and 43.inches diameter, Two, of the bridges are Within 25'2 miles of Londtaboro and the other neat Clin- ton. • The lowest or any tender.. not necessarily accepted. Plans and , specifications can :be Seen at'' the Clerk's . 'officetondesbor0.—Jatues Campbell, Clerk, LOndesbor6. ••-• HEREFORDBULLS FOR SALE. -•-- Three regietered Hereford, bulls for sale; ye:arling, two-year-old and • 1 aged.z-W, Eilicit. & Son, Pertet's Hill. • '. •-• • HOUSE AND LOT ON ERIE STREET .for sale at a bargain. Cost $450, will sell for $25o. acre of land With bearing orchard. Good ,frame house, kitchen, woodshed and stable, ne hard a, soft water.' Will sell on easy terms. -James Carter, Clinton, • . • FARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE.-- - Lot 32, con • 9, Goderich township, consisting- of 80. acres, 40.oaeres-8eed7 cd down, 6 acres in fali wheat, or- chard, brick house and bank barn. •14. niile • from sehocl, 21)2 miles ' from Holmaskrille, 5 miles front Clinton. Iimnediate possession can be riven.-' George J. Connell, Clinton P. 0, Zou.ses for Sale. x -Good .Cottage and two lots on Isaac street. . • 2 -;-Good" Cottagnand two lots en Pulton . street. 3 -Comfortable 'Hollow and one lot On Iosephs street. ' 4 -Brick Muse and. tWo ' lots on Mary street, 5 -Two Houses on Rattenbury street 6awie,statig c Brick House, with six , acres of land, barn and driving barn'good ocrifilistaornd., within a. mile of centre of '7-Vratiie HOuse. witheighe acres of land, barns and orchard, on Dinsley Terrace. ' .For terms, etc:, 'apply to HENRY 13EATTIE. , • Solicitor,. etc.' Clinton. Bring Your Cheeks. Carlow. The fall. WIleb,t is improving wonder- fully under the influence of the recent rains, • • Sugar making is over for this year, The season was prolenged by the cs..te frosts, so, that, • contrary tO, expecta- tion, it turned out fairly well .for the sugar masers. The people of this •sectIon regret very notch Miss Patterson's illness, 'whichhas compelled her to give up her oehool until midsummer. .• Marriages, SILLIB-SIIANNONAt the residence of the bride's mother, in Londoo, on April 27th, Ethel,. only datigh- ter of the late John Shansion, to Walter Sjlhb of Goderich. CUNNINGHAIVI-KEOUGHt-At Cal- gary, Alberta, on April aoth, ,hIr. Uriah. Cutningliaiti of -Straithccua, Alberta, .formerly of. Exeter, • - to Miss' Kathleen Keough .of Detroit, • - daughter of the late Patrick'iKeou- • •gh of f:-.hipka; . . • Births,. • EASOM-In Godericir.township on A -p-• • ri1,20th,• to Mr. .and Mrs, • David 14:;asom, a son.; . , BAYLEY-1n Hulled; on April 2 I St, to Mr, and .111..rO« John Bayley, a .. daughter. • • • • COOK -In` ClintLai 'on May •and, to Mr, auci Mrs. John , Cook, a dem- ,. ghter. . • • ELLISON-ran -Clinton on A.pril 26th, to mr. ' and Mrs. Jol tv F,Ilisoit,.. • • sOri.. • • . GLEW-In. Hullett on April 3Oth, to Mr.. and Mrs'. Mathias Glen*, a daughter. • • . . W/IITFIELD-In • Grey on. April '1.5d., to Mr. and Mrs. 'George Whitfield; MeNAMARA--In Seafortli n April ,27th, to Mr. and Mrs. 'James Mc- .• .Namara, a son. , • MeCRACKEN-In Brnssels on. ;April 23rd1 to Mr'. and Mrs. Fred. MC- • ' Cracken, a daughter. SANIIERSIn Stephen on April 2ist, • to Mr. and Mrs:. Robert Sanders; cl a atig-hter.. •' . DEY-in• Wingham on April 22nd, to; • Mr. 'ar.d-,Mis. James Dey; a ,son. YOIT,NQ--In East WaWanash on April. 2oth, to Mr. and Mrs, James Ye,- ung, claiighter,• . RUSSELL -In Exeter ,on April 23, •to Mr: and Mrs. Jan -.es Russell, a •ANDERSON -Ir« Ilabornd on April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. James Andersout, PREaSsZ°CnATOR,. In. 'Stephen on. April .26th, -to -Mr. and Mrs. John Presz- . • cator, a daughter. JOIINS-In Exeter on. April to Mr. and Mrs. Win. 3, .Tohits.,•• a. • dal , Deaths: . DANito,s—Iii Clinton, April 29t11, Lot - Ile Daniels, daughter 61 Mrs. C. Witt, aged 21 years, , • SHIPLF.X-In. Clinton on May lnd,, Mattie, 'daughter of Mrs. 'John Shipley, aged 3o years ,ainl 9111911- HINI:ILEY-4n Hullett On May rst,, • . John Ilinehley, 'aged :8r years. ' ARMSTRONG -In Kitiloss on, April. . tfind, Mr's. Joseph' ArinstrotngOmo-, ther of Mrs. !lector ,MeOuarrie,, Grey, aged 8o •years. ,STRAN'G--:In Exeter on April! 21st,, 23rd, Moses Cressnoun: aged 71. years, 4 ' COLEMAN -4d Walton on April 23rd„ .Ellen Sullivan, relict • Of the late Daniel Coleman, s:gect years - GRIFFIN -At Elora en April' 2otln Caleb Griffin, father • of C.- !X« __Griffin of ,Wingliani, aged 86. years.P STRANG7--In *Exeter 'onl April 21stv Joh* Strang, .aged 85 years. •• NEEB-In' Dashwood• April' 26th, - Ed. Neeb„ in his 32:al year.. REICHERT--In Zurich on Apr;11. 21st Christina, tvidon7 of the late alenry Reichert Sr. " Goderich. On Monday evellirg the liPwerth League of Victoria street church held an entertainment, the chief 'feature of which was a lecture entitled "Chris- tian Citizenship" by Rev. C. T. Scott of London. lite Blackstone orchestra -opened thc. musical part of the' pro- gram. Miss Drew sang very pleasing- ly "Abide with •us.". The duo '..6,411:p MICT" WALS well rendered 'by :Messrs. E. and Sydney Belcher. Miss 13' ydgcs recited •“Ezeliiel's Oxen" 1, ery natural- ly. Refreshments were served in the lecture room. We were presented on Wednesday wi- th a bunch of April wild flowers. iron Ransforcro Grove by Miss. Margnerette the little elocutionist of Maple. street, •. Miss O'Mara is the guest oft Miss. 1)Y Mrs. J. atmis• and daughter,. Miss 11,1ary Clunis were called to Goderich last week by the. illueos of Mr. Alfred Satins, .her brother, who is laid ip. at. the residence of his .sister, Mrs. P. E, Bell,. Rev. "Dr.. Cleaver of Toronto was greetedori, Thursday evening „0.t North street • church with a -full house to hear his ."Story of„. Jean Valjean." For two hours the Rev. speaker kept the 'audience: awestruck with the ever recurringstory of "Man's Inhumanity to Mau, , , • . .The Lumber Co.- expect' to have their saw -mill in operation next week when the ice it is hoped Will have all disappeared. They have i4 Sailivieut quanti•ty of logs on hand to keep them busy for a:coupie of .weeks and -a militon .feet lying at the:mouth, of he Moon river, to be 'rafted. down' 'when navigation opens. • • . -- Mrs. W. G. Smith has beiit laid up withan attack of .pnettnionia• • Mr. Ed, Watson has moved from $t, George's crescent to the house on Pie - tow street owned -by • Mrs, Lewis . ••Mr, George.. Barry- slipped at door on Thursdayje,v,iiing and sprain- ed his shoulder.• . . Captain.',Totn Macdonald had totake his schooner the. Azov to the dry..dock at Port Huron, a• leak calming • him anxiety : In spite..Of riday.'s.-. -rain • -.quite . . a, number of ladies. attended the Moth- ers' meeting which was held at. • Me residence - Of Mrs. 'Sntherland. Mrs. Brown Presided, . • .• . . • A.- 'young, lady.: lost her mogieria wedding ring, a heavy .gold outer.. two -years age., which stipPecl..• seine. wdY through..the base of an upper.• room. A •mechanic was called..in and iie feud that.there Was a v acuttin and that the ring had perforce' gone down • to the lower- sill of the house, .- On taking off the. siding of the loWer, part ',of- • the . building he found the ring: among some brolla.. plaster, • etc. ,• • • • . If wonien• are to be obliged.•tO remo- ve tbeir. hats oa entering the. churches' .whereare they :going to put them. ? And 'where are they:going • to . get. a tnirrOr to -see , that the hat •when • Tut.' olf is straight ?. Andhoiy. kurAican opera. house .freni a,' Church ?. Br., Daniel has all.: these -•:questidits • -to . answer. - It s only the Aninister him, 'self that they are .suppcsed . to lock at ..:-a•ne.. the choir- and we... thArk-they ate silliciently. elevated for every eye - in the -elOng•regation to see ths.sr4.• • We Were sorry- to -learn from Couit-1 eilion :Elliott • of the. denth• •.0f..- :141isis Ruby $Parling , at . home Nina, Man., .. from- an .attack • riteningitiS, after. a•":OW-.days' ..• . At- the residence of Um. bride's moth. et, • LOtidon,i on.• April ettli, 'by.. the. Rev. •• S • 3' . Walter •Sillibi of • Go& erich t� Miss Ethel, only- itanghter.: of•. the" late Jam Shannon.. • • ••• . • • John Bedford Sr.,. has -41returned froni her .N.iSit to. Detroit., We . well delighted... to meet/ .',Ifirs. Conquest • out or,r1Vfonclay a.- tn.Mrs. • Conquest Sister. of ,.Mrs..• Jedge. Holt 'old came.,.1.6 her • old home . in .Goderich .for .a change, Ater. .-health.re-: qUitin-g Orte.. •• • • • • . .. •• • ..• Mrs. ,John Elwoocl -will...spend: this smuttier .•in• town ...the pest her' sister, „lVirs.. _Shannon, • • , . • ..Mrs. Wallace 'of Petroleas Up with ..nervous• prostration and :has not yet- recOVerecl. ••MrS. • Sprung, -toot-A.vfie' went down to. wait tipott her, was .• disposed • icon.. • a kw days: after iter jOorne,y. . • • •• • • • Monday' :.Was" ari,niversary • of - yMir correspcnide,nt's.• birthday...and the ciafiodils • seeined..toWish' us • a .gOldeio. year. - • • -. . • • -.• . ..„"Rew: todeai With..the evils of in- .tenterance". was • the subject -chosen. by. :Rev, W., 1). McGee of . the Baptist clittrch :last :SUMMIT 'evening... At- •: the - offertory' • Miss. Thirza. Lewitt •• • sang v ery ..sweetly !Throw ono the life - • The .childreln of MaYor.. Lewis have qulte. recovered: front ,their- late position:. . • • • " • Miss Mabel Tom atteudeci • the Sit-. kitirA)gderi wedding,: at • Buffalo.' 'Rho; aninial.• district meeting Of . the' Goclerich; Disttict. - of the . Methodist Church • 'will'. .be held in the Victoria street church' on May ,It3th. YOUR CHECKS ARE WORTH money to you and whe* you worth inotey to you and when you have eitoagh . to . make fix bring. them to the Palace Lantalry, text door. to the Chinese, and get a key that will open the lock of 5 $6o bicycle. Bring your laundry along and try your luck, it costs you nothing. We also clean, dye, press and repair all kin& of clothing and make them look like' new at very reasonable prices, If the wheel is won by 0. lacy it can be exchanged for A, Wits' wifeel. C014$101•71W, The Time To Buy, ;soapy WRECKEDBeamiller. , ' ••••••••••••• Norman Snyder spent Sunday at home. • • Qoarterly sow es vieo• ve ondu td at ts • MAUI tau Sunday ot 10.30 �. no Herman Mat:del has gone toNorwich tc• learn the. baking business with his. brother. After an absence of five years Horace I Fisher las returned brine.. Three years ago he enlisted in the .South African constabulary and since' that times has .beett doingduty in, that -capacity. J1I relates many experiences connected , with his work while in South Africa. On the whole he ,-expresses hiinsli as wciU sathdledi with the exist -ng eon- - (Mims M South- Africa. • A pretty NeW York. Womon's lioankferY the Tallt of list Nahterhus Mond& Seaforth. Mr. Charles Soole met with a pain- ful accident recently. He was doing: some work at the Royal hotel and while standing on a ladder handing sone tools throagli a tra.phole to a room above hin., the ladder , broke and Mr. ..loolcs fell to the floor and as a result two bones in his 'right ankle were fractured, One day last week Mr. Jahn Grieve V. S.,. had the misfortune te meet -wit -ix a painful accident. Hewas performing, an •operation ma, horse at Mr.. John °Mehl's, in Tuckersznitkand during Lite operation the horse moved and' a knife Mr. Grieve- was using caught his left boa, making a gash which re- quired several.. stitches. • AA' a meeting of the Methodist con- gregation 'held -last week it was • de- cided- to proceed with tint erection of a new parsonage at once. ilii • new building will be a two story and will be erected on the site cif the present parsonage which' is .oectipiettliy the caretaker. This will be turn down and the. Imilc)ing next to it, itow occit, pied:by Mr. L. Shade, which also be- longs to the congregation,. -wilt be re, moved_ to the res.'r. of the lot and fitted up for a residence for the caretaker. Mr. George Henderson ; of • the .Counneraial. hotel had a very • line ar- ray of indressed fers.'displayed •in his sample rooms. The entire:lot • • Were captured throughout- this district with- in a • rachens cf 15•iniles. -and werepun-. thased by Henderson; The . dis- play. consisted of two dozen red lox skins, . three dozer' mink, .125 'skunk, • .roe -coon, about 50 iireskrat and .a. -few 'groutd-Itog... The. , skins throughout were ,fine.speeitriens and . -were awaiting the inspectiori of a prdspectitte. purch, • aser.. The 16t was yalued at close to --• • • ' • • • IS NO LONGER A DEATH SENTENCE' BRIGHT'S, DISEASE. AGAIN cram) BV Donnis KIDNEY PILLS.' • s Now.. MISS 10HANN MAYOR,• GIVEN UP 13Y TWO DOCTORS, IS A- • • GaAIRIINTL. A STRONG, HEALTHY Lochiel, Glengerry Co., Ont.., May 2. --.(Special)-That 13rig:lit's Disease has Here czticieicavivaitlitsinnothlectrigeaerchottof The Place I a •• To Buy House Cleaning. writ 'be on yon with a rush and von:will need some. Wall Paper. It takes a ttttkl utile to, .selee't it, a little time to deliver it to yeti. You have more tinic now, so have we. Do your not considerit a. reasonable proposal that yon seo our , stock early, then when you aro ready the paper. Will be ready. Our stock is .oPett for inspection,: 'big in vaticiy and good iity: vane. Prices from 3c to 500 per roll. At Se we have sone specials, in fact they are very special. Will you come and see theft: ? NORD/HOMER PIANOS. Agents•Barker's Dye Works. D. Fair Go. .'IL j; Downey has; 'purchaAil.the: res- idence' at present occupied by Thos...X. Richardson,. North ward, /or $800. We understand 320 has ,pttrelta.sed a gfasS farth ili McKillop township land purposes going extensively into the cattle business., • • • • • MRS. ILI E. -FINN. Mrs. J, E, Finn, 83 East High street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohl°. Gentletnen:,-"A few years ago I had to give up social life entirely, as my health was completely broken down. The doctor advised a complete rest for e, year. As this was out of the question for a tlmo, I began to look for some other means of restoring my health. "I had often, heard of l'erana as an exeellent tonic, so I bought a bottle to • see what it would do for me, and it cer- tainly took Ig!ld of my system and re-. juTenated me, and in less than two months I was in perfect health, and now when'T feel worn out and tired a dose or two of Peruna is all that I need.” -Mrs. J. E. Finn, Address Dr. Hartnian,President of The flartinag Sanitarium. Co - Iambus. O., for free advice. R. Itcarst secured 'ill. el. cu.- clorfienient of the Chicago Deinoeracy securing 227 votes as against /95 for C.a.tter Harrison. 41.111111111111111111M11111111111111111111: , tatio.1.1.a itii Asysa.,liales«.-iiia--in.,*.rio....•••O:•-esseversriores....sia.an....42,..:16.1'n" 0: *. 0 m 1E3107 .- S : •raiiitetvare, :. $ Argo*. ale $ carable diseaSes is. again, proved in the 'case �f IVTiss Johann Mayor of this, •place• -In an interview Miss Mayor saws : • 1/T.Itad Bright's Disease in its worst star.s and had to give up w profitable pc,stlion with a corset firm. Two doc- tors whom I consulted gave me up, telling me I had let the disease go too far.. I spent a fcrttine with doctors besideS going to Caledonia. Spr.ugs ea- ch summer, bat 'no good resulted!. and I began tI;o. think I could 'not endure life much longer. 0.1t. was :len I started to t180 nod' d's ICidecy Pitts and a is owing theut entirely that I aan at work to - ()ay, a strorg, nealthy girl. It took eight boxes :it all to complete the cure but did not take the first two boxes regularly as I had no faith' in them. You may ke stre in future 1 will nev, et- be williont Dodd's Kidney Pills." Doild's Kidney Pills cure Bright's Disease. /Tow sure it is they will cure all. theearlier stages of Kidney Disease. Woaistnek City Council refused to vote $2oo to entertain the 13th Battalion of Hamilton on May 11001. The Commons Railway Committee approved two bills provictIng for the 0 tett the Cheapest. 4IWaya theBestz txtacti(,Atorsitectlett„al ililiwt4Y6$ frail* Gutikli IS J We have purcha,sed a large stock of Seconds Graniteware at a very:low rate on the dollar. If in need of anything in the line it will pay to calland look, thr- ough, as we will nave them marked at Bargain Prices. ee display in south side store andrwindow. Everything marked in plain figures. $ HARLAND BROS. STOVES AND IIARDWARE. x Ye•t,i•$.s•• 4a.g4... 4•- ,...4..6 I• 4L4.• 4.X..0. Dress ,G4o0:o4d0s4,4T.rm••mn..,g•4s..,:• 8S.•Xi.l.k•+s4,• .. ••o 4.4.u, 44 " Prints, Stas, etc. ir "• ••r • 4y .4X•• •,•••1. 0 ..i2et1.•.Ve.S. 4 1 I Il i . i + X X .•:* t ti) 40 1 r resli Arriva s -e fo 4 0 •• , 0 t ...,• .s. Orl e ..e. -1 .4.; : A -'-' x + .4 g .., 4•01~6~%.1164•Ofiriblawiirii•Wholbligiel•Al•Wile,& + % .:. x 0 ct,',) 2 .s. .. :. 'a : .t. a .: al y y r, lra • 4 •-•-• X New Dress Goodse tA ) 0 *X Fancy Waistings .*. 4- 0 •Ladies' Parasols X 0 gr Umbrellas, etc. + S4 0 • tgi cil 0 OA :I' = Pa F. 1:0 = Cu x . x :k We purpose keeping °Wyk t. the best and most lip -to- .4. ..!• X : date goods at lowest prices * y ; H. Plumsteel e if. The Old,Stand. Clinton. + X :2. n 4:2 + rin • et: 4*4 4tt••4 • ••••••••••• ••• 4,4 •:••:• •:••:• 4•44 4444 4:4 44 4 4,4 4,4 f•to it• 44 440,0 ,,;1 44i: "1.1.):;; and Shoes, good qualit 4i: ) .407 e ::••• low price. Ladies' Rubbers 45c !Sit*