HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-05, Page 41 The NewswaRes a-ea...i.e.' fixed at $2,t8oci. Da a. beautiful state . , VIetUll. VI • a affers has resulted. Mr. Been never cee.sed •to be tte private secretary of is Pablished. ewer Thursday at the Minister a Customs. The entir- e,. ing the essistant ccentuissioner van - ALBERT STREET, - CLINT°'• ishied into tldn air as soon as the sal- ary was voted. Moreoverahlr. Patter - Terms a subSeriptiOnee$1. Per year in n Isa'd tb'q bad taste to order! Mr. al ittteareaktu r e t Arid advance ; 51.50 may bia eliarged if tiarenretsGulwt rilPlayStirnile)saigf1 on xot so paid. No paper discontinued Conservative party known as "Politi! until all arrears are paid, indeP at val Pointers No,t' a, and 3." The work the option of the publishetr. The of the departmentwas allc.weet to sta- date to which every subscription es int over while the Opposition were be- ; ing al.:meal by this civil servant. Cou. paid le deigned on the label. sidering that 11/1r. Patterson has dis- Advertising rates- Transient , adver- missed more . enksloyees since 1896 for The News -Record Printing Reuse mous amount of work that was await- T•t1"....,••••• tiseinents, it; cents per nonpariee no1iticc.l partizensirq7 than any other the worst poseible Itght. • Mr. Bain minister, the situation steal.; .out in lino or first insertion and 3 cents per lise for each subsequent irisertiOn- Mal no right to pen the matter wiiiele Small a.dvertisernents not to exceed is to be used against the Ccuservative one inch, such as "Lost," "Steer. Party at the next general election and, ed," "Stolen etc., inserted once alre.ncePaitnteorsrcredirtggVisityeitolfpi'ao eewortse for 35 cents and each subsequent ine violate his oath of cam. It Ts- d:-- sertion 10 cents. grading, spectitele to see a mare, who has. himself turned men ctn. of office, Communications intended -for publica- for trivial •olIences, cotnneitting and don must as a guarantee of good ordered to 1y.: committed acts • of taith, he accompanied by the name partizanship' ' far more serious than those for which heads ot fainilicA were of the wri-ter. • •turnedt adrift. Mr. Patterson spent To insure publication in current issue 1.11cueands' cf dollars to find pretexts copy of advertisements should be for di:missing officials from his em- ploy and he row appears in. the- role sent in early. . of one who • has ordered a public . sere Contract rates -The following table vont to ort-Herai Herod, It. is a shows our rates for specifigd per. delightful speetecle, Mr. Bain should diemissed from the seitv,ice, or Mr, iods and space : Patterson,, if gr.ilty of forcing his. see - 1 yr. 6 ino, 3 neo. 1 rno.retary to writepainplitets,• ehotild be r Column $7o oo $4o oo $25 or; S8 50 left at home when the next oPportuir- ...X C.olunin 40 oo 25 oo 15 oo 6 ora ity oilers. . X Column 25 oo 15 oo 8 oo 2 50. . % Column 18 cm zo oo 3 so 2 co Inch 600 350 200 1 15 W. J. MITCHELL, Editor Lad Prep* jetor. • . • •....e. • • • The Week In Parliament. The IVIieister of Customs, Hon, Wire Patterson, was given e lively time . of it this week by the Opposition. . Patterson crelered his -deputy ' cane'. • missioner• of customs to write cern- .paign literature for the Liberal party and Mr. John Bain did his best to • Constance. A. very quiet , weer -Eng took place at Lines:shore 1„.arsonage • on Wednesday of last week Whin MiSs Susie Wheat- ley- became the bride of Robert Roger-. son,- both • of the • 'tewnshie c. Hullett. • Miss Siltile Whee.tlev Was the. organist of the 'Methodist Clinrch 'at this place and will he nuich missed. • •Corgraaula- Retr: Mr, • Kennedy tied the • • • William. Jamieson of .13resseis visiteet his. parents • here, .Mr, and Mrs.' Gavin Janiesext, on Manley. •, ' Miss Ada 'Drake Of Stffa s spcntl- ing o, clays with. Mr. Richard Hot - ham. I • • • • • Seeding. mid "hoeseeleaning IS • the order of the 'day. • Mr, Thos.. Tudor of Seaforth • visited. his brother, Mr. 'Duncan Titelor„ on Sordaye - • • . Mr. .Ifinehley passed away Mt Senday ' night. Deceased. leaves . - to nneern• his •eudden death. two daujhter Mrs.; Frank Best.of Seaforth end Mrs, William Leitch,- and four Sense ..„Tatueti on the .1roineetead.,...George-in :Manitoba. and e :Tack .ond .-Edward of ..Seaforth The 401041 tookepla.ce.• en Tuesdayto, the. Maitlandbank aeinetery„.S6Ofortle. • ..1\fr; William Lindsay and ...,•Thonme Pollard were:. it:lien:Miller, •Oti • • •Mors, damage the .cause of the Conservatives , party in Politica' pointers Nies.- I,: 2 . and 3. Mr. Patterson, inCeed, thinks. it is a proper thing for an official,. paid by the Government to .serve ' all classes of Canadians, to devote • . his' time to . abasing about heir of .theur: • In tte course Of the debate on -the• Grand Trunk Pacific deal some warm .' passages took place between. the two parties.- Sir Wilfrid Laurier was lore.- • ed to tender an apology to Mr. • •.• Osier .or certain coarse reinarlis • used- - by the Prenvier. This was the second:. exiilanation. offered by. the Liberal lea- der as to the employment of aletisi•ve• language during the past few weeks. On an ateencln-.ent that. the Govern- ment -appeal to the cotettry:. on the : 0,. T. F, scheme' beicre -coneneitting ! - Canada to sireti a large expenditure the Liberals were only able to -Master- ees-. majority. The same' of Podia- . inentary C uties thot has character-3SO.. '.. the Liberal members since the $1.50 - o00,000 bill Was introduced was • res. spoesible for the clasecall onsthie.Oc---.- casion.- , • . • • The next day .the Premier took his.• followers to task at a party! •eatterte Led lectured them severely: This had the effect • of. increasing. their •inajoritye* to 44 on the following .night, hot it is .' self-evident that 'Many • of the votes : were given without the Liberals know- ing whet they. were voting for. • .; Colborne ToWnship. Seeding, is the order Of the day and sane will finish this week. • We are sorry to say: that Mr.- Jesee Gearnitieyis not improving in healtli. • Mr. Bert. Grainger purchaeed. 'a three a.... year old colt -from Mr. Win: Illaniilton one 'airy stle..past wealc for the stmi 01 ' ' •TX. 1 • •:No. Harloce • 78 • 2: $roo.3 .156 . ' Mrs. Jones of Carlow has purchased No 4, kondeehorof 90. 15 •••. 166 a newpiano, No 6, l. Hall 511 ' . '134. • • • ; -No 7: Surturgs ' • en •: 4 .• I\Ir. • John B.uelia„narr is laid up. with • sore eye at present. We hope to,_ ,54 5172, Tito Clinton News -Record ..1 Hunett Township. Mr, John -Cartwright has purchased a. farm a 1.0o acres in East Wawano- elt. It is a rough place and he in- tends %Whig it us a pasture lot. M. Lon Varidtain bought a horse from Mr. Johti Cartwright l'est• week and sold a fine Hereford 141: gall to M. Middletcn of •Godericti towirshiP• Mr, James McGillleft for London on Tuesday where 'he is engaged for the stinun-er at cheese ;flaking. Mr. 'Wallace McGregor will ruuIe Londesboro el:Leese faetory this year. • Mr. Win. Stewart is spendlik hie Spare time bee:eking in feta pair of black colts. 'Mr. S. is a lover or race horses. • The framers are working at Ileree wood Brae.' new •barn. Mr. Robert Rogerson arid Miss Susy Wheatley were quietly married last Wednesday •at Loncleshoro. They are worthy of I the community's beet wish- es. • Mr. Thos. Quigley sold a twceyear- old stock steer to Mr. Grainger or the snug sten of $5o. This is a good price. It pays tc,. raise said cattle. This.- eteeriwas bought for Mr'. Herbert Crieh 'of Ttickerstuith to put cm. . Ids grass fermi. IvIcssrs Ereeet and Owen Reynolds Of tl:e 5th con. leave the latter part a • this week for New Ontario where the fc,rmer . took up land last year. . . Mr. .Toslt r1. Iiiwoed-, a former resi- dent of the i7th ease but recently. a. llomus, is 'renewing old lemma:ne- at:Mos on the 6t1 and .7th cOn. Alth- ough hcinderiflg. on four score yearbe looks Well.• '1\1r. James Ferguson purchased • a g -cod •working horses last •week frbm M. Thos. Murphy, implement- agent of Clinton, ata reasonable, price. Mr.. and Mrs, D. 'Churchill •of Geder- ich township were Visiting Hellett fri- • ends ..ov. .Stuida.y. Mss Lizzie •Morriseri of Clinton spent Surday and 'Monday .at her home in , Mr. John Freeman Sold a fine driver last..week for a 'good figure. Mr. T. Glew . wears a- broad smile. Why.? It's es girl. Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Freeman \visited - their daughtere .111re. Ed,- Crawford, last • Sunday; ..•• • The farmers, are bosy. seeding. in:0as .vielnity. • ..- • Messrs; :Robert and John: Freeman bought a. veleahle mere last, week. iii Iticegillop... It takes Jcl:n to pick cut o'geod mare. , Mr. and Mrs. •Dciii McNeil's second oldest daughter is lying very ill witl. pneunionia, .••-- • :. • . Mrs, De.Cole are\ Mrs, Aclem 01aeier called. on Mrs. Joseph end •Mrse,Henry Freeman'one dati last. week. Mr. Pete Glazier of town has moired ,into the cottage of Oliver MiliS on the Baron Road., - • • • 1\1r. James Miller has hoiight. a., lot of Stockers tb put. on the. grass. • . Mr. T. GletY is oatebitynig. cattle for a. 4 3. Itansferd, • ' ...Rev-. 111r. .Allen called on the -mane ber$ cif his cougregation in this vicin- ity:Met week. , • ' . • •' The Vote Sin thee by-law . on. Friday last ..tp .hity the right oft way for ithe Ci R.;.tetisop resulted as jol- lows • se • . • • • •.-• • ..ce. • gc" *C.; s't .4 rat. . The Opposition -moved aevate• of .eene. sure on the Speaker for giving Orel- • ing for which there was no .precedent.' and waide was intended to avert :the • vote which •showed up • the weakness of . the government. The Prim:tier . Was forced- ta take the Conservative • view of the Speaker's action. - • •.• • Messrs. - Clarke, Bell, Richardson,* Bennett, Leven, Armstrong,. Lennox, .. Oster ane, Katilbach spoke etrengly - opposition to the Nth and .6alled• for the • payment ofan additional seen neceese ary enable the country to, own attd• control any new national line, • that . • may be built. • • ' • Receut events in ,the Corn -mons. haye • established •the strength of the Opposi- tion forces. The government hes re- ceived several dressings down that are likely to have a goal •effeet on. eonie- cf the more enthusiastic Liberals,.Sr .. „- Wilfrid Laurier, since the House opcu- e(l, has cn t more- than one occasion r5.• ed -language Which walla be best suit- .. ed to a prize fight, and the •Conserva- tives tired of this eontinrions • coaree. abuse. The result bas not beer:. alto- • gether to the Ekon; of the •ollenCers and on two cceesions Ile Prcenier Ira.s been forced to trialere his opponents a apology and explein t1itha- wee .net. justified in applying to merribers eine tints which came to hien on the spur. (4 the moment. Tte Speaker • Of , the Horse, too, inade the migtaket nf. 'using his position to giVe a ruling in favor of his friends. • Tin • Opposition leader promptly inoved • the adjoin -lima of the licuse, which'*as tantamount 'to a Vote of censttre. . Again an apology had to be made to the Conservative members. Agein an admission Of wea- kness came from Cue of the ninst tro,, ininent Liberals in the House. In: sup- ply, the Opposition came out 'equally well in a test of stiength with the governinent. The Minister of Customs refused time and again to 'give • •the Opposit.c.n information in regard .to large expenditures of money and &tid- ed insult to injury. But the Weil ..did not work and Mr. Patterson - had to ;nuke a complete and enzoiali.tiOnel surreeder. It would be well for --the Liberel papers that delight • to talkof the weakness of the Opposition totelte these facts into corasiderotiort and -re- member that if tlie Conservatives. -ere weak, the Liberals must lie still wea- ker. At every stage the Opposition has won out and Cohservatives iit all parts of the cotietry may well • feel intend of their representatives. Government Badly Pounded..- Degrading the Civil Services A yetir agO non, 'Mr, Patterson ash - e' Parliament to Vote a, .sain eitilickut to enable him to aprioint at deputy commissiotter of customs. X. wes plained to the noose that the com- miesinner was so overworked tits,t 011 assistant Was ihdispeuelble, 'The Con- gervativee offered Ito objeetiorre to the appointment and Mr. John Mr. Patterson's private seeretary, wag 4.IVC11 the poeitiores Tim Salary was 110113ACIWilles. Mr. Oliter Willson was home fOr few days. Dlr. SVin. Elford, wife,and son of • Goderich ssiset Sunday at Mr. r. C. Elford's. Mr. Robte Currie ed the Soo is tte guest of- Ina wash), r. N. W. ..Tre- "Orlttil;:riti' ay evening a Special "meeting of -Coert Selwaxl C. 0. F.' will he hoei wilen, ell the members are re- quested tc, bepresent as important bustiessolliow stiongis thereportbetransad 'iof :ate pu- pils a S. S. No. 3, leased or; gocel depatinent, punctuality and general proficiency : Sr. 4th -Herbert Ross, Oscar Tebb- atte Albert Pielterd,• Maitland John- ston, Egerton Willson„ Florence Lave. is. Jr. 4th-440114.11'0rd, .11litriel Wilisen, Frances Potter, Howard Trewartha, Myrtle Connell, Peed Maier, May McCartney, Etta Colelough, -Clarice 13adour, Ida, Huller, Edith Levis,. Wil- bert Halstead, Lulta MuIhoIlaiict, MM- nie Sturdy, Arthur c,tartly: Sr. 3rde-fPcisid • Maser'Myrtle Tre- wartime 'John Sturdy, Clifio•rd Mc- Cartney, Clarence Pater. - Jr, 3rd -.Ella .I.Mvereagt, -Alex. end-Clierlie Levis, Frank Wil- . lime, Lizzie, Badour, Homer •Cantelon, Rett a Ross„ Larne Jervis. • • Jr.. and -Norman Miller, Percy Mina nings.,, Albert Proctor, Napoleon: Gray- cli, Ernest Huller, Sterling 0empsey, Jessie . Ross,- Pt 20.7 -Lift WAlson, Lorne Mc- Cartney, Blanche Maser, Ella Col- clongh. • Pt. ist-jOSeph Palmer, Fern •Elford, •Delbort Huller,- Annie Ross, Hattie Miller, . Ernest •McCartney,: Carman liusser, Elva, Froetore ••, • - 'No, 'ori roll 5,• Overage •Trewartha, • Teacher. ' soon see him aroun aggin. • Mr: and Mrs. Win, ..13roetalee. Of Goa, cricks • alsc Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mit- chell were the guests of Mr., and Mrs • Wileat Brownlee on 'Sabbath: • • Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Moore and family have moved. down' to their new farm. • ' . We are glad le say that Air. Alex. lerm is able to be around again after an attack of scarlet' fever. • Mr.. McPhee was on his route on Thursday of :laid:- week with. his pedd- .. - - s 02, (Painted. with • Mrs. Fred. Fair • of . Detroit during her' visits to ',her .•bro- • A.. J. D. Cook, and. -will Iearn: tvith sincere regret. of.' her • sleath whicti took Place in: that , city very recentSy. . She • was a daughter of the late Major COok of Gederich where she, /spent...lee younger dews; Though Itar health liad been pbor -for $oine time her death Iran paralysis was •. a • great. Shock to • her: : foiriily • and• iriendk , • • . A few days..Ago.1. Mureock. observ- ei d a fire burning „n the building Situ - :AO • next .to his house and .eiearirinas. tion showed that an Old mattress ly- ng tt the •back end was on fire. Tent dragged: it. out • and prevented what might have. been. o. serious matter.' While driving. home from Exeter re- . • • Many ...of oitr Citizens beeasiee ae- Majority fOr • by -late .tattnber necessary• to give assent 9i. The plans for • the:right ' ev,Oy vey -of the .110derieh exteasion have been . completed-by:111e, engineers • and • •thit• estiniates, of the total. eait .of the eextenSion are being -.prepared. and will im submitted' to the •ollicials °l.'s the. .C. P. R. some time • during the next week or • sc.-A:mai h Herale.. . The 'lollewiiig shows the relative' •etreieding of the, pupilsof `S...S. Na e - for erionth of .Aprilbased co.• exaMina- • tionk • attendance. and genera, 1. robeten- cy. An asterisk shows thOse s1n tea.- every clay. :: . Sr'. 4tle--1\1abe1 McCook E,ssie Moir; ofin ...Wallace, *Frani', Hibbert, ' Elia •Weleb; ' Harry .11Ccol, 1lfle „Jackebre 4th-Gertie yoddee, Bro- wn, Maggie Cole,. Bert Nott. • • •;• Jr...3rde-*DellMcCools *Ernest Vod- deh, •Mabel *Lee, *Flessie .Brown, Mary Jackson, *Sept. 'Wane...cc, • *Orval Rale- sonS *Armee(' McCoci, Charlie Lee. • Sr, encl-*Epleaiin Snell, *Earl Mas - m,• *Charlie Vodden, .. *Cora •1V.I6Cciol, Sam. Appleby, Helen Little., • • Jr.. end -Wesley II.oggart, Richard Voiltlen. • •• . . . • .Pt, end -Edna WcL4, rloy Cole, Wevenoutle, May Appleby, A.de- •14iro . • . • - Sr. Pt, iste-Maggie Mair, SEfea Ceolv Mary VoCrlen. . • Jr. Pt.. /et-I:clue Lee, -Etta Brown; • Tommy •Appleby. • Enrolled attendance 39, ,average 28.- • A; Johns.; Teacher, • cently Donald' Ilrepthart was eteized • with an aitack of paralysis; Mrs, 1.1r-! qutart who was withhint euceeeded ilt getting him 'home wherehe received proMpt medical attentioe and as the attack was a light one good hopes. of his reeovery are' entertained. Zurich. Messrs. C. Grab. and 1. Preeter have had the. -electrieglights put in their stores, Acetylene gas was formerly ' used for lighting purposes but owing to the many' accidents caused by its Ufie in other place Mr. Orel) has deci- ded to remota: the machine. Mr. Robert Broderick, who ha $ been spending the winter with his unele,, Mr, Fred: Schnettler, left for his home in Clevelard, Oltio, on Wedliesdr.y. While here Mr. Droclicrick took out a Canadian patent on an electric ate• light of which he is the inventor and which is being successfully used in the 'United Stites. Mr. John Westlake of Stanley town- ship has heel a very successful maple +' . Baby's Hold On Life: The littIe (Mee are frail -their hold Mem life is slight, .T116 slightest symptom of trotible 'shuld beu oe et by a reliable correctiV6 artcdicifle. . Bathy's Own Tablethave provedby their record of gnomes to be an trite' niedi-. eine for the ills of infants ivel. ycling childree. .• The Talelete curd'all stom- ach and boWel 'troubles, allay . the • ir- ritation *of. teething, break Lk; colds, prevent croup and destroy. worms. Ti.e Mother has, a guarantee that this rnetlicirie contains no opiate ' or harmfttl drug. Mrs. T. E. Greaves, Qtn., says : "X have used, Baby's Own •Tablets witt , great - sue- cess. They raver fail, in Inv expert- tc• cure the little ills of chit- ' drett," Vow can get these , Tablets front any inetdieine dealer, or they will be sent by mall at 25 cents a, box by writing% The Pr, Wjfliains Medicine Co., Iltakville, Ont, syrup gown, [le fi I Ie las a ne t on his farm comprising nearly sevetity- flee acres mid most of them are maple, Ile oleo has- an evaporator mode es- pecially for boiling sap. The, sopr i5. noted brio the first apartment anci after going through several other a- partments, lent at differer.t degrees of heat, it tomes cut, good, penult% ma- ple " syrup. Mr. Westle.ke hire . sent some a the syrup to the St. Louis Exposition Mid we will no doubt hear a good report of it. Messrs. Joseph awl 0eorge- Brisson of Drysdale, have left.'ior Detroit where they have secured good fattia- tions with the street car company of that city. Dr. L. G. Routhier, who had been sPenclitegr the winter in San Antonia, TeXas, has returned to St, Sosepill Stanley Township. The following is the April monthly report for • 8. 8; NO. 14,- Stanley, ileums ate in order of malt : 5th -Mary' Sohneton, Albert 'Jilin:1- %ton Frank Clegg. 4t1I-Eleanor Hord, Edward Clew, Edwin Oeunnel. yd-Ittnia McllcaLli, Aggie Gemmel, E. jarrott. 2tul-,Tolitt Reid, Oda AlelleitElt, nou- rish M. nitistiale, Pt /11(1, -Arthur Jones, Lola Rath - well. Thc best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were : 5th, Mary „Tblitistort ; 4th, Eleanor Hood ; 3rd, M. M, Fisher 2ind, (Via Metleath ; Pt. 211d1 Arthur Jotiesi _ •111•111'11 Morris Township. I Alay 5t1i1904 Blotchy Skins. ; A TROUBLE DUE TO• IMPURE BLOOD EASILY REMEDIED. Dad blood is the aue great cause of • had complexions and blotchy skive. This is why you roust attack the trouble through the blast with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. All blotches, boils, ulcers, pimples and Nacho's are • the direct,. •unniistalrable •result • ofweak blood loaded, with itopiiri- ties. . Pr. Williauis Pmk Pills Con- quer the poison, they drive out ell • the iineurities ; they actually make new, lecke red blend ; they strike riglit at the root of all complexion -troubles ; they are 0, positive and fler- maneet cure for virrient skin dis- • eases Bin eczema, scrofula, pimples . and eysipelas. They give youa clear, clean soft .sktn, free 'freen all blemish and fiat of rosy. health. Mr. Mathew .Coolt, Lamerton, N. W. T., tells tow Dr. 11-illituns' -.Pink Pills cured him of erysipeles after other medicines had failed. He says : "My skin was inflesued my flesh tender and sore ; my heed !'ached niy tongue -was coated ;. I had 1i11 and thought 1 was taking fever. I tried 'several medicines, imt nothing helped me until -1 Legen using • Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and drove the , trouble from my system,' and .1 ain now • it. the best of health. 1 think then pilis the best medicine in the world for blood troubles." It is an every day record ..of• cures like this .1.1:athas given Dr.. .Pink -Pills • their' world-wide promipente. • They cure when - other medicines fail, lint, vou •intist .get the genuine with 11 c "full 1ianie Pinre Pills • for • 1 pie on the wrapper around eve y box. Yoa ran get these pills at All drug- gists, aby mail at so centsa• box, or six • boxes for $2,51> by writing, The Dr.. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. • .-• The . township council will . meet . Monday, May - seat. . • • . • Richard Cardiff.'.ie home...from Tama' to aad will coirtinee •his. residence here for a While. . •.. . ...'• '• ' ' Miss Bertha Sharp has gone to, Lon- don and Miss Lily has returned to the parental .home, .5t11 Line, . • • We. .are • Sorryto report.. that. Reeve • Isbister • had OM misfortore to -.fall: from a.: load o1. hay in. Ks ..barn by the Wanting pole breaking mid received ,iientry. • • .• - • • -.- . Oneof the -abider-milts at the . 4th bridge over .the .1Vfaitlandwas , Slightly . dont-aged by the spring- 'freshet, The bridge at the stone school house su tiered- :wprse,. but on the'whole Mor- ris off. 'Very' well- wiren:the",•great 'detail'. of snow last Winter is consicler- Id andthe camagc :that Mights ,,Shave. been:, ' • • • .• •-• , • ". •''.NSies Mary Irwin 'of •fikinglia.i, 'China, who has . spent tried:ye- years' that -Meet. interesting • of lencls„ under: the.. American. -Wanien's Meson. Board of •Missiens,..is hare on fuelcuet, •and is 110W• .visrti* Ler . sisters Mre; NV... H. - Feregusera st1i.1,ine....81:e. has mortYan• intere.eting., story of.ltet.• . . -111i-es.eS Elizabeth l'OndGeaCe-.:'Trwia. Meter-. of -Blisg Mary Ore. also in China.. the .latter working, trider:•thegreat and widely •krioten. fled:ion Taylor. . .t. x.+... M,.... ,.o...,.K.I...N.._N..00...N. ' 8 00 1.....-.. . SLYTH f .A)!IS' 114(Yr1 .,.. 041E -C XVI li. ; .... 4 44. ) We fled a growing di mad for Tisanes' Read,-te wear Shirte, end te ie• • e supply the demand walleye gone more exteneively Mho this line and hove se, ,S• plawmin tied in stock * very laree or:t of the rU eevese styles in dll a, eit, .4. Drille, Pique, Dilek and flea:Wary Skirts for minus and summer weer. e« 2 . Below we give * d eeeriam La ef A few of the diff •reta lines we wry. We will be pleatied to have you (All and inspm these Skirts wheilia you Ore *it .$ x 1.4 s$,* prepartd to buy or not. 6 Ci 0 Cll. .M li rt IV I -A ,. 10. , y ...., 140 cl. Raney Tweed Effects and Elelred Shirty, with black strappinz, aims 39, S. iv •,t 40 and 42, very epeetal at $1.75. ites :es. I Bleak Home spun, in spring weights, main, at 92,25. . sizes, great valae at $2 75. :to 131eck Vicainne, skirts, 8 o ustere of eructing, saga etrapping, 7 gore, in ell eets 40 Ohev et Skirts, 7 gore. with ter; rows of efeelleie a: if button% galore Ideole Se g and navy. siz i811 40 42 ttst 44, very etylleh, $8.05 as Cheviet Walking Blurts, with, ane l treat of self, strapping, etitchimi •"' i ow/pleats, colors bleak and Weld, S4 50 6 •:• 4' Black Venetian Cloth Skirts, trunine I Around the bottom with cording, e,„ 4* satin strapping wild eritehiag, 55. rese •:.• Black Lustre Stride, lined through lilt and hotted with velvet, gime 38, et, .:. aQ and 42, great valoe at $1.75 and $2.25. 5", .1. COtit0/1 Stilit-t s , i, is 4$. Deck Skirte, 7 gore, with facing of plain duck coins black and navy, 4'. 1 •;4. .:. . • stripes and spate, at $1,25 and $1.50, Handsome White Pique Skirts, trirnuaed w1•11 Swiss insertion, sizes: 38, t. Is 40 and 42, great value at $1 75. - et* 4., Flecked Linen Sklets, trimmed with white piping, co:ore navy, grey and 4:4p " • Live Stock Market. • Toronto, May 3-e•The ran at the city cattle market toe -ay W0,ii•81 loads,with 3,3.`i'5' head of battle; 4421 sheep and lambs, 1,20o hogs and 182 calves, di • the 'opening of nes; igot ion there sexport cattle frotn teady out.dy.dt.Itotita..Ke hl or two .cs.tlie boats will pre/bi4l:1y .lea- ve Moutroal WS week: . As result. there • was a good briek .trade all ex- ound..at the market today,' .", •• '.• Export -Good. 'etelicord.'• •Prices -firm. a.. 54:66 ad 54.$5 and 54.90 re,pixled' in several •cases'. • : • - ..; • Buteliers--Geock brisk trees: in ihe lattehers'' .•.mar-lect, Prices -• Steady at • $4.25 and 54,50, and i0. cents higher for chOice picked cattle. • , • Stcekers • aud reaers-Fair ineetiry for gogices.sioleardwy itantcl •s3111,o7,5et t� 546c. Sheep and Lamb's -Light run, all sold and peospeets steady. . • Hogs-.11Tarket trenier at, an advance' r lee ; .soeeLs $5, to ;'lights arid -fats. 54.85.• - . • •.• .• • .• According fo the Postal 142.41.1.. Accadatg to.: the new. postal law newspaper. publishers can. hold fOr tia- aiclanyon4 who takes a. paper 4trinn the office. tad :refuses4aynteut ; ant!, the rean•Who allows 3nbscriptitin to be uimeid ard'' then Creers a, postmaster VA mail: a •pt-pei- 'refused, .' and. 'seas notification to the pnblisher, lays - • himself liable to 'arrest and 'fine. • .Hy Township. .The..fcllowing is the •report of S• S• 14, . Hay, fore the month of April haaedeon attendance, demeanor arei '• _ _ . geeeral .prc.ffeiency : : • . • • 51 It • • Class. --01 i Yin Fee. •. " . • , Sr. 4th ---Nellie Letitia Mulhollaiid," Jessie McArthur; • Sara Petty,:. George 'Chambers, Eliza Mul- hollaiid, •111Mily Fee, l'ereys Clerk. • Jr;• 4t11 -Grace . Anderson. . r. 3rd-Geinte Petty,. • Elizo Than - Sr. 21td-Victeria' Dateies,' • -I,aura, Fee. . • • • • , 21111-Gretta 'IViscn; George. Mulhole. land, Sydney AlcArthen, Ella 'Berry., . .Clarehee SIeCennel I , Jack -Clark• . • . Jr. 211d--:Clareace Doe ars, Willie. Pt. 2114-Reta Thomson, Maggie Orville. McCcnrtcU. .• • . Ft,:ist-Elmore Deta,rs Emily . 1 . son. ' •• ' ist Jr.-e-Coflisle• Thompson. -T. 11. 73roteri1eees Teecher. ' 0 0 0 0 0 • • ,Kind W�rds.•• _e".11:teS.News-Itec.ord's Subscription l•is I coritinttes to grow, • 'Huron aiid a -e broad. New. :subs...reached us this. Week. from ....Ye:retriever 11. IC:, Illuelields• • .•Nic- arattia, Central -Arnerfca, • Creik,ASSa., end Seymour; Illinois. All .four epeati. -cinumer•datory • ternis • ••• Of . The- reople.S...Paper, • the •Slayinoin eubseribe er • • ., vvritjug • : ''Though inow 0.'resident ot the T.„1":: T feel, s.'s though. I can- not- .' get along without • your .valuable paper,. whielt please' serxistolthe above address. .''• , • Baron Ilayashi, the japanese •-•Minie- ter 'in London,- -predicts that Port Ar- thur.. will be either inken...bV She Jap- anese hard .iprecta ote, starved out • . September.. He 'admits that . neither • Port 'Arthur nor. yiadivostah .call be taken fr-oni the seo frent. • • 0000000000000 • 00000001. 11 Ij 1. ---Teseeeeery-yeeeserveve Putting on .. Wall, Paper . isths most effective and most economical method of improving and brightening of the interior appear- ary.e of your dwelling. 000000000000 00000000 - From the many beautiful patterns, monk of • them exclusive ftuotir new line, we are 'certain you can select easily the right paper to suit yOut taste and purse, . Let us show you our handsome array of 5t3'1e8. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE Carriages and Go..Carts Thenew 1004 Goi•Oat ts With heir swell automobile gear and, rich enamel finish are 00 hand - They are decidedly smart and up.to-date, prices ft OM $10,00 (0 $25.0). • Wren's Carriages and Express Wagons $1 to $7.50 4 -4 11 f 4 0 0 light blue, ell size, a snap at MeKNNON & CO BLYTH X • .)......0.441).44A00...44.44.••••••••••••••. A .New Spring Footwear •• at Tb.e Old Reliable.: Our -stock is erptah led by few and•exeelled.• by none. • • - • Special 'alies in.. • S Men's 'Fine -Shoes. Our School Boots • for, boysand girls, rivide' • to our own or er, • Trade Winn . .• We shall be pie:wed. , to show you our etoele •• and give you our prices. •, it Might be money in, your Pocket. Our. Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes is now. complete, - 4e. have , the largest. and best. •assortment to Choose from and we know Our Prices are the lowest, - • -The Irnmense . 111i1C4 for TAYLOR'S. ••• Sti OES is t he,hest evid- -ene e our eiTorts to sanply Tellable arid sty- - -lish Footwear at reason.. 'able • 'prices has caught .t he attention' of Shrewd uyers; . B . - A 044.4. SOLICITED 6 'We are practical Shoemakers, baVing had it long eliperienee and you* run no risk when you pnrehase your footwear...froth us. • ' . o The 'Old Reliable WIVI. TAYLOR & SON. •••••••••••••••••••44. 4,44.40.4441,0•40440.....0* 0 : J. B. 1-.100VER. NELSON BALL FURNITURE • • UNDERTAKING •:t • E Ilaynow safely predict.the,adven * of Spring. You will require Furniture. • See us about it before buying. • • Sewing Machines High grade, up-to-date, made in Canada, Ball -Bearing Machines. One price to all, . . ' o-o-o-00-0o-'60:0-00-0-0000,0-0-0-000,0-0-00000-0-oo-00-0-06 • HOOVER 84 BALL. NiAit and Sundity'ealls. aims evad n residcnce of either of the princi- • 4 1........444:4044.40 444., 4440.44.440.+.444404444 pds se)(.;Yeri4iKi)';').":?s'iivrtWiSP/-Fl-tXt..) ei4t.;ret•ti'V;')...'0)$,C.€,-(ez4,;(0 00 • 000 • 0 THE GREAT CASH STORE Big Carpet and Lace Curtains Sale . 'Ons Annual Carpet and Curtain Sale is now In full swing. Just what is needed.at this season of the year where .every house keeper is Woking for something new to tone up: both windows and floors. . . We have been p aring for months in the way of securing the very best values n Carpets frtim the •Manufacturer$ and have now a complete range.. The, prudent housekeeper can savetnoney by buying her Carnets and Lave Curtains at this store, See Our New Pompadour Curtains. Their are beauties. • In the Millinery departtnent new goods are arriving every few days. Ready.to-wear Hats in lttti- Most up•to.date styles. in great variety. Nevelt before heve we shown such a fine' selection of Trimmed Hats and 13otinets itt tock bottom prices.' In Men's and Boys' Spring Snits, flats and Cape we have • excellent value. ' See our Boot and Sive Department. It will be your:admit. age, ' - Any utiantilty of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods.. ,•.tee1i.eflee.4..e.&-k4ke 000000000000 00 0000000 .000000 • .Seit 0 • MoBEATH, sLyTH Protorla 000 Cing-ItSca4S0.),..1)(eyeese•seeio et• Progressive business men advertise in The News•Record.