HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-05, Page 3The News of Goderich.
Miss, O. A. SlchnilagS)
• gere rif Aitlein is levelling his
•• ...Wan. Ile. intenee litter to ?build
Itantinene ;portico in front of: the Mol-
e AIN; and a seat arOulul his liandstmie '
Old Wil.low tree.
Mr. T. Itclorrow is about removing.
the residenee en Mr. Tilt's ferm,
• Rod.
• left-. Area. Clerk has pnt taw fotee
01 wire on his: learn, theeposts, of :Lehi -
ate pointed red. ,
Odtlfellows" bellavas a scene of
ty and delight' on the evening of the
Sale anniversary. 'rhe lodge room
was thrown open to Ole gaOsts who
Caine fit full dress to the M Leoute.
Mr. Harry • Reid was. chairma».
of the evenbeg ad made .his first ail-
eress in public, an address Witiell Was
-. received with its full etrota of appleta
• se. On the platform among others was
the goest of edit. evening, D. D. C.; .
Petty of ' Hensel?, aid W. II. Dail,
• The Blackstone orchestra. teemed
musical program with .sunie. floe selec-
tions after which, Miss Maed Tilt
mug in fate voice a ••eaio:ifoo - teeei
song and for tor recal sang. "Beelia."
Sato - Bean was in his 'glory iri the.
"Two Peters" (Tether and son.) Miss.
Catnpaigue ma' Mr. -1..eitheralge favore
ed the. large audience . with the • gay
instrumental' duo "Sun-fioever Dance.
The other numbers WCYC well tendered
and applauileet .the singers being Mr.
C. g. lItunfier, Miss lIeVittie, Miss
Brown and lir. Lionel Parrion:s, Ittera
tees Patterson of the Collegiate Insti-
tute brought down the house with
his Dutch song "Plea for the Saloom" .
• The guest ef the evening, ,gr, Petty,
• mede a very nice address. He.. was
the falter of the Hensel!' _Lcalge, . he
• seed, and thought when he Saw in the
large aodietice so many livaalsome • and
lookitvg ladies. thet .GoLler-
ielt should, have a "Rebecca"' Loilge.•
He •• thanked the I. 0. 0. P. cordially
• for giving .hirn an invitation . to :the
• At llorne which .110 theroughly: enjoyed
•a,nd.which enjoyment illuminated his
face. Miss I,aura Brydges delighted = We saw by the Ila'yfield eorreeponda lowing to.the principle -of equal taxa-
. all with hue favorite "Them Oxeu"and -•eree in teat week's issue -of :The News- tion and to the distribution anvotig the
won a loud eneere for which - Record.. .tbat •Dr., Metcalfe .of Detroit mind, 'Acetifies of the greater part .Of
the. aclai:tional revenue to .be collected'
front reilweys.: One political party in
this'. Province is ;thus definitely
pledged, to a great refoem. .:That. one
'fact clone is justification for •ureueas-
urea satisfactiosi. •r.
' On $2,000,o0o. Sault • gueteatee„
again, .Mr. .Whitney and the • Opposi-
tion -took the eight .positionand fought•
:modelle in. sepport ef the • positiou
taken fo• them. To the pledgieg- • of
the 'credit The. Proaitice for"the.
benefit. of Ea number •of Atnericau -mil-
lionaires. who are • loaded ap with', a.
Jot :.of.tedestries• form whieli the .water
•hae, . beta sglieez.ed eirt, , they . offered.
Liner:tin:prom i s g.. opposi ti Me •
It is. tcv be regret:1i a that Whit-
ney atel las folliewers'aidnot take as
tir.onoeneed A. sta : eat some" other
neeasteres Of :et. least licaial iniPottance.
Th'# .• did - not tirenat a united, • front
againale the laines.Bay, railway ,,goar-,
•antm, thev..failed to call; the yeas
.ana reilye on .the great .or 540piwo atid•
.1,7axemet• acres of laud to the •• Port
breech of the, Greed •.T.renk.
P.eeille • acheme•-•-the. loose ..- trtjutetill-
able .ecrientlerieg teealeetooney
alienation Of fpublic..ltaids" •,veleieli
the .1,egisla4yre .114 .ever 'teen .guiity,
The Grand. •Tritrck -grab should • • have
been fought' to a . and the.. . Otte
poaitioe, • by failing in .ita duiy. .in: -this
patticular,••mitst aseente;a:portioit of
the blame, restirree upon ther.Geoierne
ment, kith sulintitied 'the ...prcipoeie
t.C.On tie. the •ItegistateirP. , • • '
I IA • the .record Of ..ilinseaeion. • there
are a fetv, names. which statia• out.
tuiniently betto•se of .ecitespicuirets sere
trice well donee ,Clark., ot „Bruce, Dewe
ne.Y.- of Wellington,' end • Hattillal of
Laitehtern are three' De•en who des.erve.
were Jttnies -13uchanan• Sr., George, . - well. not. intly :.•• their Conet.ittients
Berry, • Robert C. Macke George • 11.1. ety is enetty advenced.• •• .
The Clititot: N‘ms-Record
e eie
The Record of the Session. Important. Chan-
• The. wytk of the Legislature. 18. over, for a grant of lam) item, V1US $4,000
and the utenebers haViogonti home. per mile to eacalier railwey scheme,
eXacCelo The record •of tirocetalings is in .ore and one whiel• the peomoters • wain
respect a USe 01 sore eilsappoint- bound to carry through, evert if not
'Ile press everywhere informs its of
00 • 0.000000
most sineere gratillea- an aere of land or a dollar Sif mom
the fear sons of a Mrs. Cirties art Nor- - zugntt• arAl
man, Illinois, who haso ell attained tion iri another. •rt •was at once a had been voted. The exp•lanation• GI
stale great height, one of thole being 1%0*c/ration session and a tanners' or the course talara by Mr. Pettypiece in
ple's session Never before have these subsidy mutters may lie in the
six foot seven inches high. We think peo
the sonsorf the late Mr. and Mrs.iterd the corpora:time' Obtained so touch, fact that last year (nay 13 members
on the treWoshiP and earlier pioneere of lett never before was a better. fight voted against the land grant and his
our coot . town, • could Ito.ve motelted put in support of palette rights- agamet sViputiey, -iatasticirinutic:ief citem.tr3zu, neteirt 41t1(,1 ,snvciliepoal-f
that :dory. private' aggression. •
-.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell retuned • The corporations Neve secured the litte hiastlitvisotelosttlitieblgeOitillhlt.4W0.3ilatisrmlyweirtar
on Saeurday fr0111 their three weeks' pled•giog of the credit • of the Pro-
inigle Itaiat loot etefeated. "lie this. as.
yisit to Mr. Bell's. 'father at 'Wawa- vim) to the extent of $2,000,000 in.
nosh, teko now haft token .up his nisi- 'support of the Satit industries ; tla.
iiitiete this session proves thaA he has
may, the. .course taken lty Mr. Petty-
deove at Dungsennon. • oero/, the either been using popular. cries for a
Rev. Ilemiltco Wigle a Regime, for IlawicleiesobBt4itertiltailawalayttartoolitiedes
perscual purpon or else that he has
merly Of Winnipeg,- eis ore of the S. antoant (4 $5,000,000.;.. they have been
not the coura.ge to•-statell hy his con -
S., superinterdents who left - a few _granted $looroo bostus for the Hunts- vaitious, no matter what Ole effect of
weelt; ego to bold a _401:.v0p1,k)0 in vine and Joke of Gass ltailw4Y "..theif atoich a- etistrse uray be. -
Jerusalem, Mr. Wight is a son-in-law have got their betels on $400,oiote
of Mrs. George Co' and when last lea- the peep -leas • money and 1,2ooaxm The present position of the 'I./melee;
little daughter Poro 1 leo
A lady told its on Saturdee"thret her l
. acres of the people'a. lands for the with which the n,arlintaet7Ifnehalsr.t.tre
Port Arthur .bronch of - the 0
rd front weal at Greece.
Grand piece has Leen Mortified, is net what
awl a half, 'went with her no Itturney's ' they hove been successful in peatpon-
aged 5 years i Trunk's transcoutineeetal Schein*, and we would :desire.
time has been given for discassiori and
he law today. .. More than sufficient
butcher shop. After giving tile' order• tng the applicatioo of the principle of
the lay and her 'little daughter left equal taxation to .railway teed other entiluiry. The. principal•ot ..capial teea.
"Itjautte, la Mr. lefurney the Emperor?" • -
Our .citizens are icli.ite interested ,itt a,
i the. corporations have obtained. . -
corporation Pee:Petty: •• All thereethitn.ge tion was diecuseed an:%111-iciLLt clyoztreeci;
If .the reccrd eiieted here the friends intredixed his bill :three years agO, The
repert of :.1 commission
mint wIteu • •little porotitY• said:
the shop and. .what was the - estimisla
through The 'Sun before'llr: Pettypieco,
wedding; the -contracting. perties re-, of the people might well be in -despair.
into the whole assessment question i 1 -
siding 111, or utter St. Helots.. -. But fortunately it does • uot ova here.. , 1
eluding railway- t• x '
'Airs. R. B. Sinith has bad her rest-. On the- other sale there is to la 'ere -
the t4egisletare ityc,a- tsli..?sns'10111'15:4saglier:I"Ae
bon, detyliceic• fact itilli at ies t vlietswt i;tielteer:10:rtilutils:
outside. of the relealtir sessioa for the
dence re -shingled ' and a pretty' charmer . seat°. committee 04. the Itesise met hest• fall,
window built. on the roof.
• purpose of taresItiog out -the whole
ldr. Walter &Ilia and bride arrived• etlelein.g like a real ' Opposit ion.-
by.dtrain front Leedon. on Wednesday Whitney- and his. folleavera • have
Mrs. Bryce. of Toronto I. as been call- .
. not 'gone as far in lighthig. tho coo: amite.',"' The aPir)(41111irtty.nysitmo)tf a•asseelvionp.
on of ei
lias intimated, a further.
ed . here' •. by the illness of her sister,. poration policy Of tIte,, Ge,,r_ivet2vnient ..a,,s 01,0ent;triescie
leY snout" 'have go—. step in advance ; it merely 'aiforee an
eelninte. . •
i i i ti, tl .
n ourii op n o
But t ey have adeanced further .oleng
excuse for. delay, aml a moms of tem -
Mrs. Georg,e Sutton. • this 'line than -ever before, Mr. Wh.it-
We lave heird that -Mr. R. Rails- porattly avoldires a direct voter against •
the principle of equal taxation. But, ,
ford .of 'Clinton. his' rented oue of the .o.
ney supported the motion of. Major
Lewis' cottages and that Mrs, Raps- %.-4.ark to substitute' the Pettypieee bill
ford will spend the summer by the for Our eleuses dealiag with
railway eIVIrre.rjIleftttylite)lin6ceishialif icalIcelen1111);' • tleivelvivayi,E. •
• •
taxa;tion ,in the aloyeroment's General•
ges of Tuze,
Mixed train now leaNing Stratford at
Itoto a. In, deity except Sundey, will
be chettged to full passenger train,
leaving Stratford. to.30 a. no, (daily
eecept Sunday) Palmerston 12.20800a,
2resa,e)hli)ngulOwtit Sound and Wiaston at
ma. connectiog for Ocdericit and Icce-
p. m., axriving. at Stratford e.00 p.
ieuerston at role la no, Listowel San
:re:.w passenger. train will leave PE.:1-
New passenger train will leave Stra-
tford 5.00 p. to., terivingt Clinton 6.15
P. sna Gotlerich.7.05 P. no, taking pia-
ce of present Mixect train leaying Str-
atford 4.40 p. In. and. reaching Goder-
ich 7,4o p.
New passenger 'train (to) will leaoe
Stratford ae 6.50 p. ane. arrive at
Toronto 9.50 p, toe coonecting :for
Montreal. This train will take place
of mixed traira now leaving Stratford
7•30 la no, awl reaching Toronto 11.4o
P• 211.
Train Weaving Berlin 6,30 p. nt. will
ern through. to Elmira returning leave
Ehnira 7..to 0. tn., arriving at Berlin
7.40 p. ne, rue.ALing direct connectioa• .
wtrietalii,,new train for -Toronto encl. lVfoo-
New passenger train will leave Tor-
onto at axe) p. no, .1.'or Mentreel and
-fast express now leasing deify at 19.00
p. no,. will depart from Toronto at
10.30 p, no, reaching Montreal 7.39
a. M., es at present.
These improvements. calling for tar.-
gelyeittereased mileage will ao • doalit
be appreciated by the travelling. pub-
lic. and are in line with Grand •Triatk
ktelicy to give the best service that the
husinese will warrant.
• the cause ,most eon hetically is not I \
Assessment bill' arel Mr Whitney'
fee her home at: Tdronter on .Satureley himself moved to substitute "the Petty- 1.c•si•• The Prieciple of .eqltrel- taka.tiou
Reffway will still be urgt,d by. The .Sun. The
. , • • .
Mrs. Harper returneil.from her Visit •
night, - • .. piece fc,,r the Goernment.
farmers'. organo.ations that have 'ers`s-'
'The :, Women'e Institute. will. ...hote...
- • • Taxation hill. 'By these acts the lead-
talized public opinion .ell 'over the Plea
tlteir meeting on Meer ..•1201. • • `h. of the. Oppoiitiova has 'ilefinitel:
vinee in support of .that prilIC
. ecni in 'tied le th • hanself
all(1- his ill 'lee •even. more active and aggreisP•sleivewiiirl
_the future than the past,. and with Mr,
whitney and hie Lietire.following (With
the exception. of lir. Carnation -of.
-Velnillalt1), eoltimitteed, to the princifil*"'
• its. early (Mac:Went- into law is esstire
. . .
. .
The record. of the aessi•ore so far as
Matters of vi lel import are .. epee:ern.:
ed, has been. placed.' before the people. •
They •Ivow thc•men ‘vlio. voted footle-. .
gave "Specially Jim. teupper. wes lia.s •purchased two • acres more • land
served in the ball room and proved • a Which will give hint huntense grounds
. great success. About 35o, of- 400 gilesta. for Lis 'nen, beildin,g. If the doctor
were in atteneance. • • t
. intends coneerting.hi building . into
, Some' of our business men have been a saivitaritrin his patients -will' have
obliged to change .their quarters , on lots. of hied te• ramble over, • .
account of scarlet .fever• making its. kiss Laura Drew, -soloist'in l'ictoria.
aepettrance in their. • fondly. . circle. street • choir, left for Detract on
- • The patients are rearly all. well now urday. -She, possesses a. finve voice: ..
atel the disease seems stamped out. - '' Mr. J. J. Wright has returned. front
The funeral of the late Moses Cress- London accompenied by Ills sore 'Mt.
Mall took. place April 26th. 'under the • T. C. wright, the latter' returning to
. auspices of the A. 0.. la W. of evItich the 'citti the next day, •, • •, . • '.
boc'y he was a sincere member. • lir.: • -
Wel lia-gtori.E...Daaisow .lias. taken.the
Cressman wes an invalid •,fc,r -the. past ,
msition of bOok-keker witlt • Clearle.s
five. years las illness developing into 1 , • • .. . • - ..
..,.. , .
paresis which ended in his • death ' on • e• •• • - .
St. George's Day. lie: was bone in, ' Mr....Dick Bleak' has. qukte a .cOatract
Ilia , county .of ' Waterloo, Iris ' perents :On for painting • at. the . !meteor. tit pres• -
removed -to Comae NOM .Pennsylvan- -ent, 11a:wield's tll.e. brush ,•onethe Mani -
114,' settling near Hespeler.. Mr. Cresta , ton which will . be re -1i ainted : ontsi de
man married Miss Agnes .1,aidlaw. ,,f apd in and the new steesttere Cariboo
Galt and ment into Ow carriage. blacka. is. in t.is.11.1ends• .: e.... . • ‘, , . . .
smith huteness in Berlin. He coeimai, .' Mrs. Robert • Boyd 'accornpanied her
Goderich skeet forty. years ago: Two' mother, Mrs. • Sweetland' to tier, home'
sons Messrs. Joak la Creseman • of . itt Durham . and is spending a etinPle.
Revelstol:e and George A. (1fell, ll'e . or three...weeks. aisiting her meny .frie
. Customs, Toronto ; and two .a.atiohterke ,encls he that .. Own and et, Hanover...* .
litre Alex. Samaclers and Mere -Ai -drew • ' 14)64 lilts the rent: W EA ' to. record. . of '
'Oliver of Oalt; elle. with his 'Widow ' the. Meithere. meetings thee were 'in
survive him. The casket was. Cervered •aregue .60 Or oneyests ago. Mrs. .$1.rth-
• with. lovely floral • aroblenis, ameng erlancl, whd - is Mghty• years.. Of •age,
. Which we noted. 6 large wreath ' of-, says . they,.were heid.in Quebec :that
-re-- - • • • and other flowers, tribute" 'troth ,- niatty years ..a.go „amt. in this ceonty •
the Ancient Order of Foresters ; ••a " too. .. .
. . • . , . •
, harp of pink and white. rone, -tribute 'The fishermen were keying -a: bee list
from t43. organ fiLetory f caslier. lrequet out,,,,eay
of I?,aeter Mica from Mrs. Andrew' Oli-,..- -getting: all their nets front
the , old ' cootie.' 1 chesnlber ,..eaken•-dOwii:- to
ver of Galt, large wreath Of roses' from :their respective. tugs o They..1m,ve hact
the grandsces of deceased,. the Messks..,. tit,. town -hall for ..seVerol ecastells• .' •
Scumulers, and casket' licaraets fcm...1. ;
Mrs. P. Stneeth and Miss ittaePliersotte' A...h.:: t4..taskr.in °r.`"°. o -Obtained' e'er chick -
Rev. Dr. Daniel officiated at honeo and ', Lets lecen. . hi.S. that inetilettor 'hetch
Maitland cemetery. The pall -bearers ao. tl has a targe..1.00reber... Of ...settings ...in
• • • • o t }Its heno-
but of 'the Province' at large. a These:
Tho•nsGn, W. C.- Lane and W. R:.' • . MA' W. Anti:toy is to th'e..foret. . with..
rendered, notable service. ip,.• fighting.
kobertsc n. Tie organ factory telOg ...his • ' 1)1 telt ' Minorca, fowl. , He shoetree
the inigititeste 52 000,000 .guarantee,
closet'. the employeee • all attended' the scene 4d -cid -Oral friends 'two ant -mins; in siipportivg tee• prittelple of 'equal
funeral. Quite- a large number 'of ear:- • ef eggs laid 1 v his 'hero . eh 1 eon r-
, ep... . n 0... i to • • •
. . eex,ation, and 111, opposing the .grab of
•riages were in attendance, . - "• ' dee .8 by 6 inches'. • ' .
.. • . . ' • ' 1 Woo/on .111 cash ..ond 1,2oceoop .. • acrea
• --a in lam!. In feet; it is not going too
• 44 -A6 -say ilea' -te, titpae :men. :the.
. . .• - . .
Nalues-,.or Bran and: Oats...
Province . is ehiefly itidebted -Mt • the
. .• fact thato the _ Opp osttios. has .. ibis sea-
. . .
sion gtitic.•• so fat: he simport ' of the
• - • . • - • , . .,
rights -pi toe people as. .a.gaihst the
A cerrespondent asks the qt.estione: fOr hOg..feed and little' ire left to elioca's
greed xif . ihe corporations,...
"Which is the mete 'profitable to bity:• ao ' from between. oats and bran, ' for
to feed with barley for cows and pig*, feeding •eigs, '
. . • .
bout eA eighteen (toilers per, . toe or * . • see•fae. •fa one investigation ezei ..aaee
cats at forty cepts per bushel ?!.' left.Alte Cirusideration of cost out • of
on its iace Ude queetion Iree'cs quite ale; :cfnestion, but have found for the
simple. One would netarally steppose purpOseee men•tionen that bone Weeill
that by ascertaining by rearroece , to, be. the More desirdielma Looking at:the
egemical analysis. the amounta of di- ecrst we fin.`,.that the o nety4wo poun-•
lay "in the eqpitliz.ation of taxation .;
they know the mot who voted •for the
pledgiug of the credit. of the l'royinee
tc the extent of $7,Ocxeteoo in the Soo.
ar.d. James Bay Railtvay isioirantees ;.
they know the. niLii who voted 5t0,0(a)
to a little local line of railiyaye :tont
5490,000 in Cash and I,:log,ono *acres of
land •ite the Grand Trunk's . Port . Ar -
'Oar briotelo It is for them to see that
these . men .arc oat even.te-nceninated
aga 1 -t hat 110 • in an is. plat:eel nol e -
Melton. by. tit Per perty • :valor, is not on
the right Mita in the, great •cenflict
betweeu Mat ate and eta:palette itreee
.on the. e.t.a sidireeend•the Miblie right§
and, interests on the, other.. •
-• The otenibers for -Manitoulin -.Eitiei•
Algoma. (Ileeerti.,--,Gainey..and,''Stnyels).
.iso perforined itepublit, duty. omelet-,
the. tiorst • trying ...circumstance'T
s, heir •
tenstitneneies are, vitally .interestedle,
.Seo. industries.. 'Seines ..of their. .auta
.portets. .tirged • .theee.-• .representatives
to 'join in woli'itg the. public treasury..
for ,.what -it .was .believed woold prat
gestilde outritnts • furnrehed 1by..each ode •ofeproton and two Motored' and .11.1- a ;local benefit. But the pressure Was
4 a their cotnparative 'values " kieuld. teetWo patinas of fat equivalentin tin. in salve Meseta. :Smyth. arid. • Gainey"
took the straight course in this matter
at, all events, and .for. ta...tage it they
deserve, tell. possibly, 'credit. . •, .° • ' •
On . the .other sett ... • .. • Le are . th see
alio ' have not niettsitred 'up to public:
expectations. Artiong these are Messrs..
Hoyle .aed. Petty -pieces. • .• .
the manure made from. ante -fats • feel We.. have still 'to. cereeithir tile. trues- Mr.. Hoyle. *as .• electedabst, a Pieta
nem tae food purchosed a.ncl every tic*, .in. en .. I In1r: , 1 i, h.., - tie:mete,. .. the'. form. •of oPpiesitien to 5111)51(1108 41 all'
feeder before deciding velie„thei oe,ta or volue of. ea 11 heal ,as 'zi. fertilieer, In kinds.. and eti41 when it came to •se -
bran is the snore PrGiltaltIc enlist 0(242 14 roads. •litere, 013 (1331. chesalcat.- coring somethiag for his. own . riding.
Ile fell by the wayside. • He as - one
shier the relative amounts .ea,ch - food .. substances (het . tire' veluable for. this
it , . 0,,.., .o. . ,reeepoorie or the. .few eormervatiVe. members. Who
contributes to the fertiliziag" ingredi: lettpose, etamele,...
e . „acid and pianilo. 1 ha ton of bats - sliPltorted the propasition to gua.rata
eras of the •mareire heap... ' ., •
, the. •felooe..ea• ..ctuttaine -two' litutilrol and six; eighty tee the bonds of (bit 3 aloes Bay LeibSippose eve estimaic
and sixty:two patinas, .respective; Way 1.6 Alte oxtail of 455,000,00o. Why?
values of these -two. foods simpler epotr .. 1.‘vois
ly, 141tit.eubstatieee,-inetitioued, to a There cate be but One tanewer -e. be-.
their uses for feediug alone.. A tett of
gesthoo etariee-4, teeeeye.., ton of bran thine is • two liverdreel . met .catise .the• lin•e patine 'through •.• .titerry.
oat:alias of ell. Towitship in hie own riding. Tr ar, a
sixey-seyete pouncla 'Of' ititrogeto • ••twc.
two pecitnas ef proteio (flesh former., ..
"ited .eiehtvatine of phosphatic guatantec Of the. loads' of the railway
and one of the pritteiple.iitgrediente of.; IlfaiLlied
- v lent of • tero lope; aeol,.... and 'one. Order& and siXty-one is 'teas Obiectiotable Qat.- a straight
. 4.• th r ti i Id -
be Ascertained e. arel this is .true • to a too 01 •oets .costs tw.entv-three dialers
certain extent. 11. is !true if the ople' end liftraive.cenes aniCthe one loin-.
consideration is the prOduetiosi of milk ..dree and ewente.aee, .o0onee f . • le
or the increase of weight.• But: tkeSe tein arel tear - lil nil od and 'ore() . pot. lief('
aresnot the cioly questions to lie eciii. of fat 'equivalent in the bran costs oi
tattered if we are to etetermitia whiele ly • eightt en• dollars From this siaaciee
food is the more profitable. There is. Peitte,* al ' , branlitas • thz. aclva.ntage.
the question of the fertilizing Value of .-. •• ' s()'• • . .
milk) and the ecpt, a. . . , -.. 4
, (if notasn. . 1 nese are all . val.lotus (11 (1 e g an tee o te guar-
dred and lifty•two pounds. of fete:vi,:bi;:' 'Pout&
tielrle. stiestances it moraine. 11 1)011- eantee •was accemptirded . by .
01 gni. itt the form of commercial fertilve I A with -
ch goes to. the Proditetinir of heat, Oa drawal. of bonuses ; but there is no
ergy and fat in the corcass. A tot)
ers, or ais ordinary immure, the tono-, reasou why Ale: Province. sitoulea .
bran centaitts one hundred and twenty -
tat contained itt a (10 of bren woold either, one or the ether, Trite also
two paints of pretein and the 011411 421t
in nietty ceseS 'nearly as Much there was the etroegast kind of .pree-
vaknt of two buttered and one pounds of., efoe. .stire put upon hint e by. his- (mei riding
as bran for feeding and all .
of fat. - .Protein is by slit odds the trio-
fertilitye is voided by the -arainala, it, but is matt should stand by his eonvie-
re valuable of •the two, fugredients an -
der coneiacration .and the toe of brae. let not legoired for sust nattce. 01 life dome regardlese of consequences. •'
fertilizing • yalue of bran, there.... Ae for Mr. Pettypiece, littl d
conteine thirty potteets more of pro- T le
tein that! OCS
1 the seine weight of foreislalrY "41'114 erable.' be Said. I e flee
(.015 : the oats, howeserthave fitty-mte .These are some of the, questions to Passage of his bill tide scream!. When
more ef fat equivalcot, be considered• in deciding what 'close of the Opposition mite to his suPPort. be
fortunately, it is tinpossilde to attach concerittated reOing stua to hity. Am! had the Governmett 111 Ilia power. If
tbic • 1.1 Crt t %I 1' he had remained steadfast, other
actual %allies to either proteir .fat
in foods, but their ratios. :levering in differeut foods ia One a the .questions members • ott the' • Govertatient side
teem e„0 foods about repieseure their of modern farming that more and more Would tot Veep dared to vote agaitist ;
1 (I att ntt t as our soil 1 e- his bill and in that ease the Covertt- •
Tickets Now
On Sale.
to the .,Great ..559.,o00,090 'E.Nposition•
. . •
the .• .Cattaditin Tress Mecca:lion.' are
going to St. .I,onis Mtly 131 le via; the
Grand .1.,•etaik• 'and Central Rced-
ways, in. special ti:ain. of Pullnean ears,
and will !Ier .withilet desibta.the twist
representative laxly of never:Paper. men
filet ever: lett Canede... •They, per tig.,r,
ly.. to 'see. the .fair; exhibits tend beard-
enge •while ee eey thing is faesh. Mal at
their' best. May' arel...ltate will be geed.
'months to 'make your visit.
'• Redeeed. rate. tickete are now. on
sale at adogle.,fare,i good fee 15 days'
Pate and ene thitd, •good [kir ':days;
'said flo. per cepa of doable one „way
•fare.. good tcir- SeaSOn . and stop. over
will be .allOwed..ni any intermearate
Canadian- station, Mac ',et' Detroit eed•
Fhicagne • . ' ",
'Itor• tickets ...end !anther :information
aliply. to agente • Or AO J. D. kritedeinr
aid :District litiasengat Agent, Torcet-
. •
average relative value, nantely, tW • to c email s 0 c4 , /
one. On this 1;asis then brt..0 world comes depleted front year to year. One meat would have boot forced to ac-
he the better food to buy. Ilat the of the most ditlicute ?vaunts en this ..eePt the Measure in oreer to escape
purchaser) fecal is t� be mixed . • with coeneetion is to realize that so inuelt defeat. But his rootage failed him ;
barley, and leaky is a food rielt in fertility really • exists lin bran. The bit the inward struggle between what
producing ingredients ; higher the price of oats . and . their bo censidered fealty to party and duty
: i9 ere less so, att-----------------..2,rtbet cadent effect 11Pon the atteatale to to the people who plated Mot in of -
heat 'and force
mei poor wbere barley in richtrail, which they are (id seeltie to discredit flee, the former triumphed . Ana tete
therefere, would naturally be the but- the conteriaiket Molt ,. hoer are lose vat- member far East Latebton permitted
ter food to 'mix with barley: eSpecial- liable as a •fertflizer or food then bran his bill to be slaughtered leaflet titan
ly for milk cows.; a14 11. makes a ration bit the enhartud value of oats at this do thot which his Mestere In the Colt -
light eita auitable for their tests. For :mei:loiter time is , not. on account of Met objected to his doing. Not only .
other retteore not explainable (Mellott- their It•igher cot:tett cvf digestible nut. did Mr, rettypiece weaken, oil hia own
kat grounds a 'mixture of the three ristvert or fertilizivg etilystaticeS, but le111,• lett he WOCACtiltd CY1'd UM Subsidy
W0111(1 be 'better than of auy tWo of the, because of their peculiar suitability queStiott as well. Last seasiott he
well suttee, to utilize tight graitt rat- supply to the demand and titer fact at ten per titi t. to a C ori.„tte ai ay
graine. Hoe. . 1
1 enittrrn a, large anitount of that .eed i a 11 t.t..11 111 ; .. not only voted, •against
1 I b t i k a • 'net it as
t ers (1( not tett c the v 1 e scl.e e he
are rot so tor feeding horses, the relation of the voted against a lend gratet of 7,orio
loos, wide t •
fibre, as clees Itratt, consetatenlay the to loan that its fertilng poWer War- t se ante, ti st e git
lhirre WaS ' WI Il -attended told ircter-
e.stitig meeting of the members of
0. L. 182 on es6th District Mas-
ter. Charles Johnston' end...several Nis-
itors being present,
Mire, McCall 'left • for Blind River
where her sister, resides• and has now
been cOnlined her bed •for four
months 'enei. tears ere eneereained for
her :recovery: Mias Beatrice McColl:
hare: been; with her emit •. some
time. • •
It is Now Open.
The Great Fair at St. Louis out
tickets are on sale daily. from Clinton
Gi.oe:•1 5 days . • •. 5117.55.
Good. 3o days
• GOO for season' • . . $2,17e80
Willi etc*. 'over Pityileges at • any
intermediate Canadian stations, • also
• at -Detroit and Chicago.• •
.To see t be • Fa ir •vell i et erYthing, • is
• fresh • tinei 'exhibits. are at• theie best,
the morale; 'of .11ay .and Julie will • be
tl'e time. , • ..• • , .••
' • For. tickets, illustrated liferatwre,
regarding..World'a Pair and. other -in-
formation,. nerply. to F. R. Undgens,
town agent ; A. 0. Pattiatem.'depot
ticket agent,•
OUS-7.011ANING 1
- -Use . The -.Gutter. • •- .
. • . e
Malty • reei.dents, .Gf Clitteen, particu-
larly... the earetakers our -- pubiuit
butleings,, •have complained .• to ehe •
News-Record:of the. prevalettee at the
tabacco-spitting habit. They, say that
they; may eleari.the walks .well. today,
only to•have them freseoed wille to-
bacco juice. tomorrow. They,' 1411(1 011.1
ers,..esk that those who have been in
the feeble expettorating on.. the.
.ceinent walk; •usii 'the:gutter as; .a.
•eicspidor: It would .look better .anka.t
tate seree. thoe:ltreere eleanly.
An Association .
• • • : for Protection.•
• • '.eW01- merehants • of 'Gaetano:we.. have
..7cogkinized .association .to :protect
themielvos agaitiat "dead beats"' arid
.people. of doubtful 'Ivey...Once a tr.onth
ehey will.have, printed On a "sheet el
paper a. list .cif .those wito run..aceretots
and etifuse to Pay thenf. A• *copy is.to
.. be furitiiihed every mesnber and t, part
the. 'agreement...le • that ao 'one. whose
;nanie appears en, the. list shall reeetVe•
• ' ercelit.
11Wg ; 4'. jr ‘15 V UV,
).rr, '''r ' ..1..' .;! • tape -
roc Z -rt. .0.,• 4t-/,.e.a.::: 'coo'
- a• -re :-.. .
ace Curtains 1
Lace Curtainsi,'
Perhaps you got a glimpse °flour pretty t
curtains at our curtain display in February last,
if so, we are sure you will come back to see the .
restlof our stock. In you didn't we :invite you t
now. You'll never be sorry. They are as dainty iv,
and - handsome a showing as have ever, been
seen in Clinton."'
2% Yards Long at 25c • 3 Yards Long at 50c 4
These have cord stitched Splendid value,floral cen- *
edges and fancy centre 25c tres, cord stitched edges 50c i
. *
• IP
••••••••••••••• 0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• )
• • • 11''
.± Special 33 Yards Long at 95c
t Cord stitched edges, floral and scroll centres. i i II
•••• ••This line is worth $1.25 at regular prices. ** -• ,:ip
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••********************:* t
Also large range up to $5.00 • ' ;t •
Household. Linens and Bedding
• For the wornan who, "lopketh well to the ways of
her household'', you Will find our stook complete and
our prices right •
- Full bleached and unbleached satin Damask, width, •
from 60 to 72 inches, range in price from 25c tip. to
$1.50 per yard.
• *
NIADE IN CANADA—Canadian crochet Bed 3,
Spreads, assorted. patterns, ready: for use, prices from 750 ti
up to $4.00. • ;
—Towels— .
(tie. of superior quAlitY, fast colored borders, sizes 18x30;
. Three quarter, Bleached, Huckabaok Towel:. These.
. .
at 1.0c each.
—FLOOR ,01Ls_
Scotch Linoleums Nairns 2 yards wide •45c square yard
" " 4 , 60o "
4' Oil Cloth .Good Patterns 1.•• " 25c "
4, • .
cc it cc 35c "
" 41 37c "
The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range and the old'
fashioned spit before an open fireplace do better roasting than any other cooking
apparatus invented.•
In Me olden days the spit had to be kept turning to get all sides of a roast
cooked.. It is much the same with the,ordinary cook -stove. The heat of the
oven is greatest on the fire side --roasts, bread,• pies, cakes, etc., have to be
tumed and twisted to get them cooked at all. The result is uneven, unsatisfac-
tory cooking—good food ruined, The diffusive flue construction of the
Imp- erial Oxford
draws fresh air Into the flue chamber, super -heats it and diffuses it evenly over the
oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniforrely—baele, front and sides
are at the same equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender toasts, light,.
dainty pastry, evenly raised bread—successful cooking.
When you buy tut Imperial Oxford Raege you get tbe result of over sixty years'
thought and experience in scientific construction of cooking apparatus.
The Gurney F'oundry CO., X•inkited
Toronto, Ceiranda
Winnined '
• 4
4, 1.8x36 Door watts,
I 21)48 Rugs
25x60 Rtigs •
27x60 New Dagdag Rugs
4 ar
Besi three ply wool CrpetS
• Itwo • " •
Half wool .two Ply *carpets • .60
Union Carpets, large- range to choos•e from,
prices ' 5o to 50e
—RUGS --
good design,
Sod bp' Davis & Rowland, Clinton t
Ornamental Oates
Light ha weight Artistic In design
Reasonable in OHO
Also a largo line of Standard Vann Oates
always on hand. Every progressive mid •
up•to•date farmer instate Ott haying IROS
GATES. 'Catalog Rnd ie oftte4tiai.-
HILL, Summerhill.
latter is somewhat at eithadvotqo ,rauts4 Weitz This aes61'011 VOteei iv ailenco 11444444W4**44,410.0,*$$$*14
111111 Mil • IlIlIlIll, Rini 1 IlIrruII 111 III i 111
500 & MOO
1.75 •
3.00 up
• •
Big Range to choose from, prices $$.50 up,
If you are not already a customer of
ours we would be pleased to have you
become one.
It •
Successors to R. (oats & Son