HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-05-05, Page 1;13 •
'25th 'Year
are sole agentg in Clinton
Barker Brand
• >00000A000,V00000.
• The: J. NeWContbe
-Men's and Boys' Ready-
Furnishings- to -Wear Clothing, Hats.
0 0 000000000
0 00 0000000
0 0 00 00 00 0 00 0 000 00 0 0 00 0
. . The Sovereign Bank
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0
00 0 00 00
Amherstbnrg, Ont. . Havelock,' Ont . " . • .
Aylmer, Ont. ' Hensall, ont. .
Belmont, Ont. Markham Ont.- ..
Burk's Pans, Ont. • Marmots,: Out. . • •
Claremont, tint. Milverton, Ont. ' • '
Clinton, Ont. Mount .s.lbert, Ont. .
Crediton, Ont.. Mount Forest, Ont.
Dashwood, Ont. Montreal, Que.
Exeter, Ont. Montreal, West End, Que.
Prelighsburg, Que. Newmarket,.Ont.
Barrow, Ont., . Ottawa Ont
0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0
00 000 00000 0
Ottawa: Market Been, On.
Perth, Ont.
St. Catharines, Ont.
Stanbridge East, Que.
Stirling. Ont. •
stouffyine. Ont.
Sutton, Que.
Toronto, Ont. ,
Unionville, Ont.
Waterloo. Que.
Zurich, Ont.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
00 0 0 0
W. -BRYDONE, Solicitor.
, .
11. T. RANCE, Manager.
.0.4$ 4:M14:04.7
000 000 000
0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0
Is Here At Last
You will need anew and lighter.
suit. We can supply you at less.than
manufacturers' prices. •
This is ticmere statement It
is a fact, and we invite you to give us
a call and see for yourself, You will be '
surprised When you see the ready-to-
wear suits we are putting on sale at
just half. priee.
100 of these Men's and Boys'
• Suits are now on sale and will con-,
tinue until all are gone.
You oan't do: better any place
in the county; so come along and pick
up the snaps in Clothing. It will
mean dollars in your ,pocket. Money
saved is money earned. •
Jackson Sr.,
On. Thursday night last• Mrs, ,A,rtitur
Twitehell met with rot accident which
has Mace coofiried her to Old house.
She slipped and fell down stairs, re-
ceiving a cut Oa the head and 01 hod
The House ei Refsge* building •cont.
mitto of the moldy council met •Cin
Tuesday but as the excavation has not
been finished there was but little for
thein to do,
Mr. James Dunford returned to town
Monday after over a year's resilience
in Listevvel. Ile liked that townq well,
• but naturally thinks more of Clinton.
He is now getting settled clown and
purpcses making several improvements
in and about his house. Mrs. Dunford
and, family will not arrive for a con-
ple of weeks whiclt they are spending
with Brussels friends.
Mr. Arthur Cook has been engaged
for several days upon Mr. W. W. Far -
run's big orchard where he placed
7,000 grafts. Iii addition to this lie
bridged seventy trees which he
expects will now fully recover 'iron
the ravages of the mice. This bridg-
Mg prc,cess is an interesting one,quite
simple when you know.thow and by its
general use very many trees,
are otherwise doomed, may be saved.
On•the i,6th inst. Court Prosperity
A. 0, Y. will. celebrate its latlr anni-
versary with an At Home. This
Court has had a remarkable rim Of
luck, not in all those twelve, years
having lost a member through death,
nor has a meinber lost his wife.
John Derry, who again fills the Chief
Ranger's chair, is designated the
"Daddy of the Court" inasmuch as he
was instrumental in its Organization
'and has been a staunch friend all the
way through.
• mnunNp OF THE Toyx COUNCIL,
Monday night's Meeting athe town
• council was not characterized by its
• brevity ; rather 'it„ was very mach
61ith. e 1-tand asked fOr a:grant
of $260. Messrs. McLeod and Downs
supported the request and laiddown
• several good whys . and wherefores.
Councillor Gibbing, strongly suiaport-
ed such .a grant,. Being a .bancisman
himself he could speak froni experien-
ce Of the expense and difficulties to be
• met with in keeping such. an orgauiza,
• boil alive aad Vigorous. :Mr: Gibpings
made opt a good" case' and put • it
, neatly: • .
Councillor. Wiltsie, who only takes
the Libor Avhei he has .something to
tke point to say, expressed his sym-
pathy for the band, adding that while
he personally might think a $2oo grant
was, justifiable, hi doubted ' if the
• majority of the "ratepayers would as-
sent to more then Stsce and aCcording-:
1Y.Inoved a resolution to that effect.
Councillor Levis toolo the same view
• and seberiditig the inoticri it was &-
dared carried. •
Another matter which affected the
band Was the presentation of a'good-
sizedpetition requesting the Celebra-
tion Committee to band over the funds
which. have been in its keeping fOr a
few years. •Our' "citizens general:1v Un-
' • h h
„ •-0
sive as some would like vel. it will
no doubt effect a great Change in
what had become alt eyesore. •
Mr. W. B; Hale of Chicage, brother
of Mr. C. B. Hale of town; has taken
inn& interest in tlie safety of tow
towo hall /and, is ofler tci supply pait
of the equipment for the fire escape was
acknowledged by the council plaeing on.
the reeords a voteof thalks.
One of. the councillors contended that
the town should net be Paying . for
gravel while.the owner of a pit al/1 he
proposed that the pit be uftooverecl.
But he received no Support., the other
Monitors having a better knots inlge of
What the cost would be. • .
•it was decided to buy a fire escape
forthe town liall,,,but they matter Was
left in the hands of the tonunittee.
The escape May never be used, to
be hoped not, but when the ,. proper
precaution has beenitakeit it Iletares no
Muse for after regrets.
.The street committee outlined a
gOod .montles work which will be
pushedforwardas expeditibosly as
possible. The curbing will be laid
aroutd the ipoStoffice and the flower
plot put in Ave, A tile drain • will
be placed alog Huron street and
the property owners from NeWcono-
be's corner to the Commercial hotel
notified re, cement walk,/ Cinders from
the various industries will be plaeed
upon streets most in heed of ?hem.
The committee urges a, general clear,
erstati a, . a
been laid, a.side ,for ,a celebration, a
fund; ,ras it were,' but cele,
bra:tions seelmng to have gone out of
fashion in Clinton., it has been ton- '
terded that there was tio longer .any
Mr. Thos. IL Cook is limping about
this weelo, having hu.ei ono c,f his toes
broken and another creshed by a hor-
se stepping upon it while engaged in
Elliott's livery stable.
There is n dearth of dwelling houses
in Clinton as citizeils, who for one
reason or 'other have had occasions to
move lately, now full well be exper-
ience. More houses are a necessity
and ought toprove a good iovestment
if located io the right part a the
loins AMOUNTED TO $660.
The license ' 'hoard of West Huron
met at the residence of ChainnanStev-
ens an Tuesday to wind tp tke busi-
/less of the year. The fines during the
past twelve months have aggregated
$66o,, made up as follows : 26 $2o fin-
es, two of $25, •one of Sao and one of
$5o. This is considerably larger a-
mount then was this collected- • the
previous year.
A new time table went into .effect on
the -G. T. R. onolVIontlay and as there
have been several changes intending
traVellers will do well to note. The
evening train from Stretford arrives at
.6.15 and lipaves at 6".4o, while/ the
London train lea,ves at 6.35 instead of
6.55 as heretofore. In:conesquence of
this change the postoilice wieket will
close ,at 7 o'clock lttit access mai.y. be
had to the loCk boxes until 9 o clock.
The ollicerS-elect of the Wesley Lea-
gue for the ensuing term. are as fel-
President„ H. E. Rorke, •• •
Vice, A. Tyndall
• 2nd vice, Miss M: Davis
• 3rd vice, Miss Lizzie Reid
4th vice, Miss M. Rudd •
Secretary, 0. Rogers •
• 3
Cor. -Secretary miss Cunningharne
Treasurer, Win. Townsend
Organist, Mitis Ida Holmes.
. ' •
HisLordship the Bishop of Huron
has arranged to visit for confirmation
the parishes of the County of Huron
from May Sth to May *pi, Thoeate
fer- his visit to • Clintori is fixed . for
Monday oext on which ,occasiOndivine
service, . at which it is expected, the
Bishop will- preach and. -hold a con:,
firination, will be held at .7.3o p.
in St. •Paul's church. As his Lord-
ship's addresses aret appreciated by
many Members •of the various de-
nominations in town, no doubt ; there
will be a large attendance. •
•• • • , .
shaking up.
Mr. J. E. Hovey, the winner of
several trophies, has' given a, loving
cup for competition amorig the mem-
bers of the gun club. It's eohatidscene
piece, of plate which there will be keen,
competition to possess.
A. moving -Pictures • leetere illustrat-
ing the life and work of,Consul Booth-
Tecker will be given in the town 'hall
this evening under the ausnices a the.
S. Ao Attend and show yonr sympa-
thy for the Army in the great work
111 which it is engaged.
The first football match of the
season 'was played in 'the park on
Tuesday evening between the defenders
of the Hough .Cup and ti local team.
It was a brisk gaine and stowed that
the defenders are in good 'clan, good
•enotigh to hold the Cup or very nearly
die in the attempt.
Mr, David La.nskg of the Base Line
believes 'there is money in hog raising
and during the course of twelve mon-
ths sends a considerable nurriber id
the packers. On Moneay he delivered
to Centel= 84 Wallis twenty pcirkeri
• which weighed 5,00o pounds and nett.:
• ed Mr. Lansing $235. •
• On Friday la.s.t joottie D,ailiels; dau-
ghter of Mrs. C. Witt, passed. •into
the great beYond. She had long been
ill, but bore her sufferings with rare
resignation in. one so yon:Ing. Hers"
was a sweet disposition andhe was
• Weliffinberealcr teodokbyOloaclle 7151 Sallibes°•eafiYateasr:
ternoon wlben a large ti itnber o citi-
zens wended their way to the cemetery
to pay .this tribute of' respect, . • ale;
servicee,,Were conduCted by Rev.. C.
Gtinne While the Pe:All:bearers were. :
Dr. Preernin, J. McIntyre,- W. -Smith,
W. Inviti, H. Bartliff, G. Meishall:
imeessity for- bolts g the, money. e . ,
comenittee, or at • least some • of the TENNIS cx.,0 RE -ORGANIZED. .
members, have expressed •theinselVes as • • • • ,
• Willing to agree to this if the council Lawn tennis, which was not Played
Merantee : them against any 11- in Clinton last year, hailing "been sup-
nancial annoyances 0111 .9,ccoun t thereof.
This point was discussed from all•po-
•ints of view, until at last his worship
ruled the whole iliscusaion out of order:
Park briprovemetita were. talked a-'
lxatt, Councillor Ford, who always
.manifests a ,coratnenelable public spir-
it, is in favor of doing • the work
thoroughly, but sone( of his colleagues
hesitate :on :the score of the cost. It
was finally resolved that when the
grandstand is moved that the site .of
the old exhitiition hall be, levelled off
and that trees be planted.If what is
performed. this season is not as exten-
tip of main street as soon a.s pos-
Paytticlits.• •
C„ Carter $20 00
W, Fluker • to 28
W. 3. Milker
2 lie
11, Carrick
A. Sanders
7 /0
2 X0
W. Steep Jr.
R. ergo 31)
0. Crich• 28 00
• . .10 oo
IL Shaine:than
2 50 ,
Eleetric Light Co.
3. Wheatley 199 /
R. , Welsh • 9 19
25 c,6
. D. uhlacerheraoit
.62 50
xo 00
A. Seeley
I, West .7 So
0 25
11,/, tS.initla Rectipts oo
we$34 So
SealeS d
It 1,5
erseeed by golf, is regaining its pop.
ularity and the •club has been . re,
organized With the I olloyeirigoas biro.
•eers• . • • . • :
Hon, •President, Rev, C. R. Gprine
l'resident, Dr. J. Nisbet Gunn,
• Vice Miss 13rewer .
See.:Treasurer,, J. Constantine
• Assistant, Miss Deherty. . - • •
Ground" Committee, P. Pair, N. B.
• Henry, J. Z. Hovey, C. Tindall
• arid T. Rance.
. ,
• The fee will be: ladies 75c, gentle-
men Inso. A um ient that it be soc
and $r 50 was brou lit up lby a couple
cif •the gentlemen, b it it was prdenpt-
ly and tinanimously voted down, by
the laeies. .
Rev. Mr. Gunne has kindly offered
the club the use of the rectory .lawn,
Ori •Monday evening the Ontario
- Street League held an ellection Of offi-
• cers" • for the next six Months,
Hdaorary President is Dr. Cook. The
•former President Mi i Stevens who
has dope duch exeellent work,..was un-
anianouslY re-elected. 'hie other offi-
cers axe
• 1st Vice, Miss Kate March
2511 Vice, IVIiss itt.. Tolybutt
3rd Vice, Miss Lucy Grant
4t11 Vice, Miss Emma Smith,
Secretary, Perry , Pluansteel •
Cor. -Secretary, Miss Emma Rathwell
. Treasurer, Silas Murch
Pianist, Miss Sybil Courtice
Reporter, Miss Ida Murch .
Ushers, Messrs. A. Cassels and J.
Next 13/loadity evening the Bible
study will be continued. The leaders
would like all to prepare question
and as l'ar as possible in &newer to
the same, •
No death which has taken, place itt
this town for years aroused more pro-
found sorrow then that of Miss IVIattie
Shipley, who passed away at six
o'clock Monday morithig after only'
few days' illness. Always the picture
of lealthottincia,eurprise was manifest-
ed wheii it became known thatshe
was seriously ill and what the news
spread that her condition was critical
if rot hopeless, the loving sympathy
of numerous friends went out to, the
mother and family. Miss Shipley was
Ooble young *moan arid Will lag
Ie 'borne in allectiohate remembrance.
The funeral, which Was a very leap
one, took place yesterday slteriicon,
the services Uhl conducted. by Rev.
Dr., Cook. The pallbearers were
Crooks, W. Plumsteel, P. Couth, W.
Stevens, P. 3seksou, ,T, W. Necvecnii-
lie, The easket, was alinost, bidden
beneath the floral offerings, among
the iittinber a very handsonie one
front the Ladies' ,A.id and. Sttioiey
es11001 ch the Ontario street church,
• Mr. James Donaldson in renewing
his subseription requested that his
copy of The News -Record be forwarded
to Sault Ste. Merle, he having moved
from Bruce Mines 'tc . that town in
order to ' "help Clergue • spend that
two millions." Mr: Donaldson, • is a
'believer in the future the, Soh and
will contribute his quota to the tOnin.'s
• The Rev.. Canon Dalin M. A., rector
of St. "Pard'S cathedral, London, is
expeeted to be present at the re -open-
ing of St. Patti's schoorhose on•
day evenin'g' of next week and to, give
his• lecture"oh "Ireland and the Irish."
• The subject as lia:ndleel by the Rev.
gentleman, who by the way was a
eaten of Limerick Cathedral before
coming to Canacle.,,, is .interesting,
amusing and, instructive.. The • young
people • Who. have hod .the improve-
ments of the schOol house • in hand,
on this. occasioo, ,sell tickets' for
the lecture.
The ;.T,acksor.i.Mfg.• So. have now an
electric 'setvite, receivine.their power
front Messrs. Fairs mill, The motor
yo.rs installed yesterday and the Cotn-
pany's Machine's are again in, opera-
tion -Iter.a couple_ of days silence.
'this arrangentent is merely tempor-
ary -its an act of Courtesy on the
part of the'Messrs....Fair in order • to
keep die clothing: factory goirig- and
will orily last until the Cpany have
time to instal their new power plant.
'They have been using' a „gasolite• en-
gine, but in the Course Pf a few weeks
will have a „Complete steam and elec-
tric service Of their owo.
• ;
' •The prospects " for ai good laCrosse
season here are excellent and the''Stra...
thcons.s start otit with the best lot a
moterial they have ever had available.
Among the players who will • wear
,their colors are ; 'W. J. Tozer, J.
Cro,oirs, . P. Conch, C. McKinnon, P.
Johnson,. C. • Sheppard; W. Johnson,
P ,Ker, E Dayment, J. Mackenzie, W.
Arrnstning and K. Chowen, Mr. A.J.
Morrish ' will in all probability b
manager, if So it will be the right
man in the right place.
The 'Strati:toms have entered in the
• Senior C. T,. A. Series and have been
Placed in No. 4 District with Mitchell,
Seafortlb, •Witigham, Listowel and Kin-
cardine. A meeting will be held in
Winghant to arrange • a. schedule. Mr,
H. 5. ,Hensfon, Clinton; is sonveriot.
• • • -
It is proposed to have o day's games
in the park an May 24th for which
arrangements are being 'made with
several outside dabs. . .
Miss Minnie "WQ last Salkath ably
presided at the organ in Cole's church
in the absence of Miss Cole.
Mrs. George Anderson of Stratford
is visiting at her father-in-lcav's,
Jan Anderson's, Bayfieldi Line.
Mr, Arthur Cooper has been again
cenfined to the house with his old/
Mr. John IVIiddletoil Jr is doing a,
coosiderable amount of woven wire
Mr. Percy Cole fu company with his
sister spent Sunday with friends on
the Front Road, Stanley,
The Qoarterly Sacramental service of
the ,Bayfield circuit will be held in
Cole's church next Sunday moriong at
Mr. Arthur..Welsh and Mr, E, Mc -
Gavin spent last week a very pleasant
evening at Mr. Henry Peck',s, Stanley.
Mr, Alto Rathwell had the misfor-
trine to lose o two-year-old heifer by
fallinV into a well,
lVfiss Winnifred Miller spentlast
Ithelt at the 'homestead on • the 9th
Seeding snow the order of the day'
and the farmers are anxious toj finish
es quickly as possible.
111r. William Cole returned to his
hoine in Galt last week.
• Mr. Hanley Cantelon sold a valuaUle
horse last week, He likes a variety
and only the best,
Miss Ida Miller is organist of Sharon
church. :We Wish her. success.
Mr. .11 G. Steep has quite a stock
of horses, some of them colts and val-
uable. •
• Mrs. ,David Easom has been lying:
• Very low at the home of her fattier,
Mr. hr.' Oakes of the t6th , concession,
the past two weeks. There were at
times very little hope for her redovery
• hut we are glad to hear there has been
n change for the better now and hope
the • improvement will' continue and
that she may soon be quite recovered.
Mr. C. H. liollancl. has rented his
farm on the Telephone Road to Mr.
• Jas. A. Smith who: is also tonal:A 011.
the A. Cantelon,place On the • Clinton
Road. Mr. Smith haSI also bought the
live stock. Mrs. Holland arid family
remain in the house, Mr. Holland
will, 'we melee:amide engage iV4 some
coMmercial work and went to Toronto
this week.
Whole Number 1317
./We have a grand opening' hi the
village for a. drosSmaket. Suitable
preinises conicl be cibtainid "and we
thiuk,that a dreismo.lier would do well
here as we have nOlie at present.
Mr. Alex. Robinson of Goietich was
in the villete On Tuesday,
Mrs. Currie and, family 0: Goderich
township „moved into the village last
week and have taken up their reside*.
cs in her , 'mother's, Mrs. hTicholson's,
Mr, Hamilton of Huron College,
London', occupied the pulpit of Trin-
ity church last Sunday.
• Mrs. Smith and Miss Lizzie Mc-
Cormick-, who were visiting friends
here, returned to their, homes last
The merchants o$ aur village are
agitating the early closing 4novement
during the , summer, partictiara of
wlbich will be given later.
Miss Phissie Attwood is visiting fri-
ends at Lennie:4:0r° this week,
Mrs. Purdy arid grancl-daughter, Miss
Wintie McNaughton, of Varna were the
gnests of Mr. nude 1VIrs. John:Tippet
last week.
Miss Grace Cameron visited friends
in Clinton last week. •
Miss Ethel Watson of Stanley wits
the guest a Mrs, McGee/ si few days
last week,
Mr.: H. Darrow, proprietor of the
Commercial hotel, was in London one
day last week on business.
Mr. D. Gardner of Clinton was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. A: h.:dwards
the past week.
Mr. John Sturgeon left last week
for Port •Dover where he has an en-•
gageonent for the summer's fishing:
Rev. J, Snell e3ceripied the pulpit of
IsTertt, street 'Methodist church, Goder-
ich, an Suoday when Iris work wa.s
token here by Mr. Young !of Goderich.
Rev, P. Ryan of Durboor was in the
village this week on business. • '
'Masters Thomas Burnside and., Gor-
don. CaMeroji left on Tuesday for
Owen Sound to join the erew of • the
• Government survey boat, the Bayfield.
. . • •
.1-1'oese cleaning is the rda OL the
eay in this -burgs •
'CM Thursday evening about seventy-
-Ave old and 'young of Trinity eiirr
congregation assembled: at the ti si-
deuce of Mrs. T. W/SCott and Spent a
most enjoyable evening. After' .f ell
,seleeted pr.cgraim had been gone thro-
ugh with, by the: talented ones and
much appreciated, Miss Annie:Ha:mil..
ton,' the organist Of thit church,' was
presented -with a twenty dollar gold
.piece acecirnpanied by an addressin
recognition'ef her valuable Services to
the church. Miss Hamilton, made •a
very, "..feeling and suitable response,
• thanking .-one and all.After refresh-
ments had been • partaken/ of the ..coni -
pony .1.eft for,-thex, respective shornes.
Mr. and Mis. Alexander, having
spent the • winter here "withfriends,
returned to their twine in Winnipeg en
Thursday. • ••
Ort laonclay Messrs. T, Crawford,
Malcolm •Somers and Wes, Quinn left
fot the West where they intend fol.;
lowing tlte stoncina,sonry.
Qn -Tuesday several mem started pul-
ling, down a .portion .of the front: of
the' Comanercial hotel which has stood
for many 'a long year and which is to
be replaced•by ts.cernentrblook front..
A number of our citizens have coin-
inenced 'gardening. •'
Mrs. p. Murray is sisking friends in
Seaforth this week,.•
Mr. B. A. Higgins was 'in, Seeiforth
.onmMr.o.nadiuspilirs. •Dixoir of 13ityficia
Visited friends in Varna- on Friday
Mrs. Purdy arid" Miss Winnie Mc-
Nauglitori spent several days with
friends itt Ba.y.field Oast•'.Week. •• •
Mr. Wilson Cook was ,in Clinton on
business cal Tuesday, •
. „
Mr. Gil DOWS011 cf clint011. .sp,dnt
Sunday sit the thor.ne of his Parents on
the Babylon Live., ;
Merchent 1-larrovell has again, start-
ed • on his rounds with Itis peddling
wagon. John always : likes to be
early and Ent; • •
•• Mr., Ran Fields of Bayfield purchas-
ed a valuable ..eriving horse on, Mon-
day • frOni •B. A. Higgins.' As it is
very speedy Ran will make it inter-
esting for the Bayfield boys,
Quarterly- services were: held iri ihe
Methodist church here on, Sunday and
the quarterly.board.rnet alonde.iy. •
Mr. Jas. Dewar was in Varna on
• Monday, .ccinitining business with
PiliaT•itr6if. Cole.lough is laici Olt work
• with a very sore throat. . .
..Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Dowson
(nee Miss Lizzie Poker) (.; danghtar orl
April 28th. ' •
Mrs. J. Genoinharcit, 1Dettoia,
iting her father, Mr. t
Mr. • ROTA, Pcuhale vi,ile1 at Mr.•
: Chas', Ward's one day last week.
• Varna,*
• ,Miss Robinson of. Wing -Ilan is the
• gitest of her brothex here,
: • Mrs:, Walker is t ie guest a her, Os-
ier, Miss Maggie HaarriltOti.
Mr. John R,a,thwell heid a beast fall
••in the cistern last week, •
St. -Helen's
Mr. HenryWoods of Williscroft vis-
ited friends around St. I-Ielens this• r
week. • I
Mr. Thorborn Mowbray ' and figs
. Martha A. .Durnin were United in
Marriage last. Wednesday by the, ltt,y.
• C. Kann of Whitecharch. • - •
Seeding:is the order of the day. • •
-Mr: Wm, Mowbray liaS engaged w; at
Mr. Rob t. 'Woods for • the Summer.
East Wwanosh.
MisS Laura BrydgeS of 'Goderich
spent a few days last week with her
frierd, Mrs. James Arinour Wot-
fietldh.ario'8 Rogers
Of Westfield is
gaged for the summer with IV/r. Alex.
• Scott of the 6th Line. •
• Mr. James Nethery, Gravel Road,
• has' secured the services of Robert
. Roberts, formerly of England„ for the
• comin season. ••
• Farmers in this. viciiiity say the Out-
look at present for a largo wheat crop
is but poor. •
Mr, Jas. Noble of the 6th Line
tettds • improving his farin 1,y erecting
a 1ot of the slat felice shortly,
Welt sympathy is extended to Mr. -
and Mrs. Win, Bennett of "blast Wawa-
• nosh in the loss of their Mont &tit-
, titter last week,
• Mrs. Henry Wightman, an oid and
highlyrespected. tesident t f t lie Mb
e, s at present var., low ond
hopes are entertained flir her'tevocery.
The Misses Martin of flullett vlsited
their cousin, Mrs. Alex. Soatt, .61h
Line, last week,
F. Farely of Eullett attended the
•'wedding of Miss McDowell and Wm,
Walden which took place last Wedues-
' day,
Mr. •tA,C013 TAYLOR.
Mr. Taylor has beet, soperinteodetit
of the Ontario street Steulay school
for'eight years, end so emelt appreciat-
ed have been I•Us Services that he has
been tinaminiously re-elected. rt.,ali
those years hediet not once fail to be
• present. Rain ,or, shine, ir sickness or
health lie has always been On hand.
He possesses much tact and handles
• the work With ability. He has been
engaged At Sunday Achool work for
twenty-five years and previous to • ac-
cepting the superattetulancy was for ten
years a Bible class teacher,t
Mr, H. E. tiodgens •paia a.htisiness• .
trip to Toronto last weels, •
,Mrs. Walter XCtg was at Bromfield
. yesterday attending the funeral of
, Mrs.. Albett Knox which took place
• to liaird's cemetery. Mrs. Ktiox,
who• was a daughter of Mr. W. D,
*Wilson of near Brucefield but for-
merly of Auburn, was/ a. reSident of
Stratford. Slte was taken . snddcrily
111 611 Friday and on Saturday was
• operated,' on tut diea ctt Moody,
yOtingeet an infant of nine weeks. Monday..
Stanley Township.
M. and 1VIrs, Henry Peck Were gues-
ts at Mr. T. Clark's on Sunday. .
Miss Stella Rathwell spent a few
days in Sealorth last week.•
ultnIrdsa.;.0.•.Ke,tinedy. was the guest of
her daughter, Mrs, Ed. Jchnson„ • on.
Mr,. George Reid has hited with Mr.
J. W. Reid for a dnonth. ••
Miss Georgina Johnson and kiss
Susie BroWnett were in Seaforth a day
last week,ou business. •
• Mr, J. C. Reid's span of arise:is ran
away lagt week, but tlizoo WEIS Mit
Mr. D.. Barr spent bort Of last weeh
visiting- friends at Blyth and Auburn.
Mr. •and •Mrs. Jos, Colborne' of. Chi-
cago are .visiting itt Oho home of Mr:
John Colborne, 16tio con. , •
The . Orange Lodge met/ on 1VIonday,
evening. • •
Our maw pastor; Rev. Mr, Rhodes,
has already 'made o. favorable int -
pression. • • ' ,
Several around here lave scored
supplies of suckers at Bernoiller,
Mr. George inn delivered a. . fine
speeimeo of horse flesh an Monday.
-• Mr. 'Jchtt Hayes has engagedwith
Me. Thos. Lindsay. . • •
, Miss. Katie Lovett 'of Leadbitry. has
1)0011 .visiting at Mr. Chas. Lovett's.
°Mr. Jos. Watkins hr. .18 on the sick
Weare pleased to hear that Miss•
.Tonne Wright is recovering from her
recent severe illness.
. The reliort of the schocl here for the
- month of April, based. on attendance,
diligence and denieithot, 18 •Ets follows :
Sr. Hill, Ethel tovott,
Sr. 4tho-Eroest Clialleuger, Annie
Challenger, Grant Atelier.
Sr. 5rd-Eritta, Scram), Annie Miller,
Maud Johnston.
Jr. 3rcla-Ata Mair, Myrtle Beacom
Sr. onda-Veed Labia Howard; nit!,
Albert McLarghlita,
Jr. end -Eldred Malden, Siimes Lo -
Nett, Elsie Pesquheir.
Sr. Pt. eid-Lois Chalicliger, Lynn
Moir, 'Eddie Mllkr.'
Sr. Pt, and -Maggie. Eusom, 'Frank
•Lobto• Dudek Nesbitt, -.3% 11, LOWorYt
laving three sin alt children, t lc Garnet Melirien was in Auburn
I .