The Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-28, Page 80
The ClintoulN,wn*Record
The attractiveness of oiler Millinery and
the style there is about the Hats turned out
by this department is winning us new :cus-
tomers right along.
Millinery .business is good, 'remarkably
good when the weather is considered. The
only reason we can give for such exception-
al business as we are having is that' there is
a distinctiveness and style about our Mil-
linery that stamps. it as absolutely correct. -
Again we • remind you of the ' advant-
ages of mo'r'ning shopping. We are never
•asbusy in the morning as after the noon
hour and you will find it by far the best
time for Millinery Shopping if you can' pos-
sibly make it convenient to come then.
New siylesin Rain Caatsjust in tnls weed I
Good. Wool Carpets.
There is a wide difference in Wool Carpets.
Some are poorly woven and heavy grease with and
impurities, soon losing their -new fresh look. Others
are firmly and evenly woven, as free :from dirt and
grease as thorough scouring tan getthem, and re-
tain their bright appearance until worn out. The
latter are the kind to buy and the kind to sell.
The mill that makes our Carpets • is the lar 'est
in Can
ado. The wool. enters It as it comes from
the sheep's back and leaves it woven into the best
carpets: made in Canada. Every :'yard guaranteed
pure wool only,, no fillin', no rease—just wool
and . clean - wool at that,• -=These three ' qualities
are gold :–•1
At 75C.
heavy all -wool Carpets, two-ply, colors guaranteed
not to run, medium and dark colorings, suitable for any,
room, will give.excellent wear, per yard
" � ...
At 85c , .
Heavy all -wool Carpets, extra super _two-ply,' our
best seller,: gives.excellent wear, a big range of new
patterns, at per yard. .........,...... ' 85C
• The best -we can buy,' NO BET',CER BADE,' heavy,
all -wool, three-ply, patterns and colorings suitable for
any room, a carpet that will •stand, any amount of.
hard wear, per ,yard- i 1,vu
We cut, 'make' 'make' and. lay
: ;a1l • of • the ..above
e •
.. ra ch
Uni 'Ca
n - rets.
Our union' Carpets are made: in .the same mill'
as theool'
w s
are the best
ableto find and we hsva
been. buyln carpets
•g P.
for good many ways,. s,. A1
not;: to run.
30c, 40c, .45c, 0050"' •
er yard.
� •.
... c P
It is best to .order
your carpet about a week
before•you will want it put down. While •the busy
season is• oh we have to arrange our work some .
time ahead •and if you give us a little time we will
guarantee not' to dissappoint your
1 Ce. Out' New Rain toms Coat
S art $5.0
Japanese Wash Silks
At 35c per yard.
Nothing better than. Japanese' wash =silks for
wash waists. They ttre cool, stylish and serviceable
and the colors will wash without fading:
300 yards d'apenese Wash Silks.. heavy weight;
shall cords in pink and white, firm and strong, special 1350
per yard.....
1 i 1 111 1111 11 rill.
The Times oW
To Buy
The Place
To Buy S Hire
House cleaving will be on you
with a rush, ked vee.+ will need some
Wall Paper. 1't takes -a little tante two, a little time to deliver it to
you. You have mare time now, so
have we. Do you notconsider it a
reasonable proposal that you see our
stack early, then when you are redly
the paper will be ready.
Our stock is open for inspection,
big iur variety ' and good it', vaat:'e..
Prices from 3c to pc per roll. At 8c
we have some specials,, ,in fact they
Pre very special. Will you come and
see them ?
Agents Parker's Dye Works, .
I D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest. Always Ute Best.
About .
• We Know
Postmaster McKinnon of Blyt'Jv was in
town on Morxlay.
Mr. S. J. Andrews was itu.I.ordesboro
yesterday on business.
Miss Maud Gic'•ley of Blyth is the
guest of Miss I izw,ie Trowhill.
Miss 'Gertie Sinai a Auburn visited
Miss Ida Muruliy last week.
Mrs. R. J. Macdonald, Toronto, is the
guest of her 'mother,. Mrs.- Fair Sr.
Mr. ' . W, E. Belcher, G. T. R. official,.
Toronto, was ,n Clinton on Tuesday,
Mr Robert. Quaid of near Goderic#
visited friends in Clinton a few days
this week.
Miss May Chill of Seafcrth visited at
her cousin's, Miss Mabel Sheppard's,.
over *Sunday. •
Mrs,; . R. Rsnisford and 'Mrs, ,T; la,
Hovey have beenspending as few
clays Tcionto. •
Mrs. Pattenden.. Torcthc, has been
visiting her.. daughter; Captain Pat
teuden, the -past •week.,
Mrs.. H. 0. 13611 and her little daught-.
er. leave next Monday to join' . Mr.
Bell at Fort Francis. ' '•
Mr. and Mrs. Albert•McBrien of Hen -
_ Sall spent Sunday at the ii tter's mio-
ther':s, : Mrs: R. Miller's;
Charles McNeviri has been moved from
the G. T. R. station fere to Cli�t-
ton.—Mt, Forest Representaative.
Rev. Dr. McLean • of Blythe was in `town
Monday. on his way . to attend a
meeting of the Synod in Hamilton.
Mr; H'. G. Davis. of Haitiilton,-sere-
tary of the Brotherhood • of St. An-
drew, is in'town today to revive
the local Chapter.
Mrs: and Miss Taylor of' Townsend
street 1isve 'returned from London
where they spent • the winter with
Mrs. W. N. Manning..
Mr.. and Mrs:. T..' C. McElroy of Blyth;
'who have 'many friends. in Clinton,
' have taken 'tp. their, residence in St.
• George where Mr:: McElroy has sec-
• tired.a good situation. ` •
Messrs. W. and W. .1. Milker .and Mr.
and Mrs George .'Taylor attended the
funeral of the late William Flukey,
the patriarch : of West Waawanesh; oil
Wednesday of •.last week.'
Mr: and Ntrs. 4I,'rauk Crich, and their
• son; Mr. Newton Cricli of 'ucker-
amitli, left Tuesday for Arcola,
Assa. They obtained transportation
from Mr. W. Jackson, C. P. R. ag.
Mr. J,olin Agnew, ivho last week cont`,
pleted his four-year course. -at the
'Western Mec'ical School, Lcndon,atd
went :up, for exam:, visited his bro-
ther, Dr. Agnew, -llionday'• acid lues
Mr. Adana Cantelon', after spending: a
year and a half .in 'Hurons, principal-
ly.. ;at ..the ltoinestead in. Goderich
township, left Monday to return to
Iridian': IIeacl, Assi ., fn wi:•kit dis;
trict he IS -.a property owner
Mr, James. Carter returned' on Friday'
from Stratford where
he had been
spending• afew.days vete hiswife
who is -very ill at the h?Snrie of her
brother. Mrs. Carter underwent aro
operation 'and is .how improving
somewhat,, Paisley aisley goes to Loudeshorc
Lcsnorrow to value for Mr. Thontas
Hill, who assold d his interest in
the, hotel in that 1:1ace to Mr. Rob-
bort Bruce of krullett, :who was
formerly engaged in the sante bust-
ness at. Belgrave.
Miss M. Ker, after -s i i
nd ig. a •
weelc aatPe
Borne ,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
• II. B. ,Ker, returned to her schc'ol at
Dornybroos< on .•Monday,•••accciitpani•.•
ed . by her . Mend, Miss 'Thompson,
Who 110 been. her vest and also
-Mrs. D. B. Keratedy's, •
Mr. ;A: J': Ta,yler, Canadian Passenger
Agentof: t1•be C. M. and St. P. Rail-
way, and Mr. W. T. Dockrill, Travel-
ling Passeiuger Agerit of the C. P. R.,
were in town on Thursday' spending .
at pleasant hours With the local
representative of the O. P. R., Mr.
W. Jackson.
Rev C'. Rk..Gunne delivered his very
interesting lecture on "Wireless '1'ele-
grapiiy" in Southampton on Monday
v i u . u
evening nlrt at
n e, he s tc
es •f St.
• Paul's church of that place. He was
)alai d
acc alert a by Harry Brewer whose
outfit was used to illustrate the pos-
sibilities of the Wireless.
Mr. Joseph Foster, ,accompanied' by
Ins daughter, Miss Foster, Varna,
WAS in town Saturday. He recently
sold his property in that village
with intention of moving to
Manitoba ..brat owing- to the illness
of • Mrs. Foster ,will restrain in this
province 'and take tip his; residence in
Vrs. G. J. Stewart and faintly left on
Toesday for Hartfiey, Man., to .join
Mr. Stewart ; who Itas beers engaged
'in business fn• that growing town for
several inoiatlis. .The removal of this
estimable family is a loss to Clin-
ton, but. The Nows-Record joins
their nntany friends in wishing them
prosperity and happiness in their
new Rinne, i ,
Mr. A, J. 'Holloway left on Tuesday
for North Da, to enter upon his
tow duties as Government official on
the lc
amina Railway.hard-
'Is ldr
ly knew when he left lust what wou-
Id be the nature of has work, but it
,is not expected that it will be of a
difficult nature or tile hours unduly
long, while the pay is good and sure,
A. J. is the second of the unsuccess-
ful applicants for the postiiiastership
wlit' has been elsewhere provided ."or,
the other -being .Mr, Lack Kenitedy
who is marking tune, also on, the
Apr 13 1904
ow For Your New 'Carpet
F YOU buy your new carpet here you will have the satisfaction of knowink that Y
are getting the best, value that isos 1
p s ble for the price you. pay. We have just
received nearly three thousand yards of new Carpet for the spring trade, all of which
4 was bought with our sydicate of stores at a very low price. We are safe in saying that
buying in such large quanties, as we have done, we are enabled to sell you a carpet ten
to twenty per cent. lower than is charged in most stores, We invite you to come and,
see our stock and compare values and prices with other store, \.
Hemp Carpets
At 140, 18c, 22c and 25c ,
All Wool Carpets at 68c, 75c and 85c
These are all heavy qualities and are made of the best yarn,. which was.
thoroughly cleaned before waking, every design in the lot is the very
latest,,all our wool and union carpets are reversable.
Tapestry Coirpets at 40c, 50c, 60c and 75c'
At the above prices we are showing a. very choice range of the very new-
, est patterns and colors in Tapestry Carpets. The values -.are A. 1 and
the quality the very best that can be found anywhere for the money.
Brussels. Carpets at 85c, 1 and $1,.25
Several hundred yards of the very newest colors and designs in Brussels
Oarpetare here for you to choose trorn. We guarantee them to give
excellent wear. • „
Lace Curtains
Nottingham Lace Curtains 2i yards lo.lg at 25c per pair
2i a «; 35c « . ,«
ac 3 r: as " 50c, 75c and 85c
Lace Curtains at $1, $ 1.25, $ 1.50 to $5
3i yards long, Lace Curtains, all having. the lock stitch-
ed edges, come in a large range of new designs, these are the
best values we have ever had.
Union • Carpets At 25e, 3oc, 40c, 50c and bac
AU of which are choice patterns and colors
L.inoleums and Floors Oilcloths
d Geo a
Two yard wide Linoleum in a choice lot of new designs at $lie, an
square yard.
Four.yard wide Linoleuins in block�ancl floral designs,good colors. All at
one price $2.25 fora running yard,
Floor .Oilcloths
In widths of 1, 1*,14, and 2 yards at 25e a squire yard.
Japanese •Matings
At 15c, 1$c, 20c, 22c, 25c and 30c
The largest stock of wettings we have ever shown is now here, They
are'by far the best values we have ever bad, they come in assorted.
colors and "designs.
Our Millinery in Great Favor.
With trimmed hats that are in the newest styles,trimmed
with the richest materials, it is unnecessary for us to refer to
the big success of this department. - Our milinery is growing
ingr'eater favor every day. We are selling more than in any
previous season. We have shown that beautiful styles, fine
materials need not .always be linked with very high prices.
Beautiful Trimmed Hats et $4, $5. eta.
Ready-to-wear Hats at $1.50, $2, $2.50 to $5,
Misses' and Ohildren's Trimmed and: Ready-to-wear . fiats in.
all the newest styles
Bargains• for Friday and S4tu.rday.
X1:50 Black:Noreen Underskirts at 98c
Commencing Fridaymorning•we will place on sale the balance: of aur n
best $1.50 black, Morten underskirts,, at each. r98
$7 Black silk Underskirts. at $3.50
Your choice of our black underskirts made of an extra good quality of
taffeta silk, the regular value of .which is $7 to clear 'at.....,;., •, 3.50
Black Cashmere Hose worth 35cifor 25c
75c and $1 Corsets at 40c
Your choice of about two dozen'pairs of corsets that are regular. 75c and.
• $l lines of 40.
These are odd' makes of corsets that we are pot keeping in stock, but all: •
are good values, the sires we have are .18,19,;20, 23, 21,=25 .and;26'
regular 5c'a it nn
gu 7 n $1 for. ...... .. .... .. ..... .`F0.
Corset. `Covers at 30c•
5 dozen full front Corset Covers; made of Very; fine quality of Nainsook,,
trimmed with lace and ribbon veryspeciaal at 3 0
Fine Wool •bests. at 50c
200 pairs of plain and ribbed cashmere Bose, sizes.8},9 and 9},the regular Ladies White Wool Vest's with long •sleeves, these
value is 35c to : goat..
. , .... .... .L 5, and are great demand.
viz UR ItIONEr BACK • • '
• -11P.3/011/ .WANT•\T: •
Personal. Holmesville..
14Ir: S .G. Plummer was in . Auburn
last week visiting Mrs. John Sturdy
who is . very ill.
Mr. William 'Taylor, wlio came home
to attend the funeral ''of his inother,
returned. to Chicago on'Frie,ay.
Mr. F. W. 'French, iaronto, j rother-
in-law of Superintendent Taylor, ad-
dressed the Ontario Street S. S. on
Sunday. n a
Captati•.McTagg*art- and Mrs, McTaigg-
'art. returned Saturday atter,'. spend-
. ing the •wecic with Toronto .and Mor-
risburg friends.
Miss :Heeston. of Ripley visited her
sister, Miss C. Hueston, lastweek.
d Auburn re-
Mabel C
Miss abet . ot.P tan of
ac uaintances in these' arts
q p
last week.
T. H. Cole moved Itis traction en-
gine to Seafortlt lest week where . he
will have it repaired ready for the
season's ;operations. - ,
Mrs. Wen.. Snell is visiting relatives.
and. friends on. the 13tli,
Seeding has has cornanenced and with.
favorable weather it will progress
J. E. Robertson, teacher, has. pur-
chased a bicycle which will no doulbt,
t rte the c istance to .his: home at
Aulnirn. •
Previous to the departure o" Mrs.
G. Bradford, to whom thecredit Of
l'aving an R. 'T. of T. loo'ge here` , is
largely g y due , a social meeting was held
at the close of the regular meeting on.
Monday night::. Light refresltmerats
were indulged in arse a half .hour was
spent very pleasantly in social chat.
With watchwords "Movieg Forward"
and "What we have we'll told" and
with • membership increasing at .the
same rate as in the past few months,
r oneesboro Council bids well to be
one of the banner lodges oil the dis-
!air. W. Minn of Constance and Mr.
.T. Clark were visiting at the foymer's.
sister's, Mrs. W. H. McGavin's. •
Mr. 8. Stitt left for Manitoba, cid -
Tuesday. Silvester will he much iniss-
ed as he is a 'general cfaVorite a -
Huron Road East. •
The *Worth League held their half -
yearly election of • °deicers on Monday
evening when the following were epos-
en:. ,•
• President, Lewis' Tcbbutt
est vice, Mrs: W. `Pickard
211d vice, Mrs. Hussar • .
3rd vice,. Miss Ahna Yeo
4th vice,. Misa Carrie ri
e WaIt
'ec•-7 u.'.
re r
. S as er, Miss liertlta Stanley •
Organist; Miss Edythe '1',tibbutt _ •
Choir Leader, Will yea
-: Librarian, Miss Sadie . Cantelon
'treasurer for •'•Forward Movement,
Mrs. W. Pickard.
On Monday while
Mr. Fred. Leonard
was takingtwo calves to Clinton, one
of them became frightened and jumped
otat• of the wagon breaking its leg. •
Miss Edith Mulholland orClinton
spent Sunday with her parents.
The Quarterly Baeramental services
will be field in the Methodist church
on Sunday morning. •Tlie Quarterly
•board • will -meet Monday evening at
seven o'clock:
' Miss Cantelon of the 7th con is
visiting Miss Proctor.
Rev, Mr. Rhodes, the new inetan
bent for this'parisl:•, .preachedin , St,
John's cltw"rcf:r ori Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mabel Dempsey is spending a
cottk)le of weeks at lier home on : the
9th con.
D. Cole and
o a children.of Ethel
are at resent the uest' f
p guests c Mr.enol
Mrs. Cole and " other friends in and
_around the village.
Mr. Junes Clark of Manitoba is vis-
icing at his father's; Mr, Gec. Clark•'s; '
-who is in very poor health.
Mr. Hinckley Sr. continues very low
with very little lope of recovery.
Miss Lilo Stanley of Toledo, Ohio,
• and Mr. William Stanley •o'f Holmes-
ville visited the latter's daugilater,Mrs,
D. Tudor, on Thursday; -
- Mrs. William Cole returnees on Sat-
urday, after spending some time with
her saris at Ethel.
Miss Gertrude Tamlfit left on Mon-
c'ay for Chicago after spending • the
winter here' with friends and acquain-
tances. -
cnong the youtig people, •
Mr. .1"olin: McGavin .Sr. moved to `Miss Biggins gest Miss Gook of Clines
Scafortlt last week. , gg
Master Russel Stewart of Clinton ton were the guests of Miss Arndt
Noble • "t
spent a very pleasant week visitingat b `� uiday,
his aunt's, Mrs. J. Scarlett's, beore blivcr Mills, Torr enterprising+ ycning
leaving for Manitoba. cattle Meyer, is going that rounds and
A ntvnber of people •frcur.' around here has pure ,ascd a very fine bunch from,
- atter,ded the funeral of the late 1f. Mr. Charles Mew.
Allen last week. - Mitis' cottage acrd moved there this
Mrs. Sleeth and Master Bobby were Mills' cottage lanai• moved their . this
visiting friends in Newry last week. week.
Mr. A. Ii;. Scarlett was visiting fri- \v. Bail has been busy nnovin% his
ends in .5tiatanierlitil on Saturday end stock and itnploiit'ents to. the Whitely
'j`9ri<liel'a ufii , Sulnds.y: _ tarin which he receaztiy purebased;
Days •
re the spring,weight
There ,is no garment
-like. the rain -coat; If it : ~'
rains, why the Coat will
shed the water like a
duck's back, If it is fine,
It '
. he bill
as a light
• at, for it is cut and
tailored as .well and isas
dressy as the best spring
e coat
Our Cloth Raincoats
are .made ' front imported
Tweeds, cut in ':correct styles, and are dressy,;•
servicable garments,
Cloth Rain -coats, $ 7.50, $10.00, : 12.00
Tweed Rain -coats, Rubber interlinihig,
$5.00 and $7.50
Mi Coats. $2,00 and' $3.00
LION Brand .Knickers ickers wear a
long time before they need
mending. That is because
they are honestly made
from honest all -wool
isn't it nearly time for a new Spring
A" Hat ? Of course, when you want it
N E W you 'will naturally turn to this THE
Hat Store of the County. Wever as big
A T a,stock, never as good values, never
as many natty shapes .as to -day.
Hard Hats, $1.50,11x.00, $2.46 and $3.00
Cott Hats $1.25, $.1,50, $2.00 and $2.50
FIodgens Bros.
..141h n hn WS's f'I n shi