The Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-28, Page 22.
lopicorAr.pat , I I
- The Clintett News -Record
Ae? dInclent Foe
To health and hOPPluttes li801.0411"
ea Ugly 40 ever since LIMO iraMeraorlial. '
It caUses bunchee Pa the neck,
figures the Skin, intlanieS the naUeolie
Anetahrane, Waetee the intiaciee, weak.
Om the bOnes, redneee the power of
rosietance to diene and the capacity
for recovery, wad deVelOpe into eon.
"Two of ray childten bad scrofula sorer/
vatieh kept growing deeper and kept them
front Weir to 401100 for three roontbs.
Ointments and medicines, did no good until
My Lady Peggy
Goesto Town
teayitlekt. MI. by TUE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY eff
Degan giving tbem llopd's Scireaparfila. • • L• • • --eme
010,010ce.,, j.
We medicine caused the sores to heal, and
the °Michels have abown no Piens of Nast
. meGlea, woodotocit, Ont '
• Amolig these, two lurked In the eland- Mask:
hrooci s Sarsaparilla ow of the trees, They IN'ere Sir Robin
and the vicar,
nutnently, as it has rid thowiande, chosen a crimson color for his new fault
exactly corresponding to that of Ono
Or these gallants, that his cloak of 'sable
• 44.0"04).../*“...... ....M. hue Wile also quite the ton and that 11
y 0
could thus with eese mingle with the
Air A -rr-I
• -- al 4 •L -----""' ..perty, and presently no doubt either
4, discover Lady Peggy's identity, or
., more
Runtern th.,.. likely. she herself Weuld disclose
will rid you of it, radno former noted with
ically and per- deep joy that he had by a, happy chance
the same to hint and at last reward
his faithfulness and patience. No
grawn833111 conscience pocket with regard to hie
supposed vletina, although it is true
he had given hint vicious thought as
he bad stood near the river's bank
quaint Visited the little gentleman's
Northern GroWn S
are known to fbe
perior to any other,b nng -
• earlier,hardier -and more . •
• prod.u.ciVe.
• We are selling those
seeds. a& the same ,p .1i
as the big depaitrno i 'al
stores. • - . •
26 6,..Pan zag 3
13 'Packages fo Z.
33 Packages for ' 50c' •
OS Packages for $1.00
Make out .your. list. of
1 Vegetable . and. 'Flow J•r
. Seeds afid bring it to oiir..
, store!. We have the I ir-
i. gest Variety. tO cho )se
from: In ordering. by.
. mail send postal Dote.:
, 044...,4p......4.•••••••
. • 4
C113.2115t. an I Drug ;1st; Yt'•
a -Late& de..4-1X44$404,•••••••
waiting for Mr. Drummers barge to
come in sight. So had Peggy 40 she
was being rowed past the old Dove
pier. Into her mind and lute Sir Per-
ey's had come the memory Of the Sun-
day night, but he spoke Of It no 'More
;Lan, certes, did she.
Sir Robin, his Cup overfiewing 'with
pleasurable anticipation and the grati-
fied sense that the one who had sworn
fo take his life lay, fieh food; -at the
Jettoin of the a'haines, flitted hither
aid yea, dragging the bewildered vicar,
of Frisk.ingdean in irls wake.
Wherever thecompany of Mr. Brum-
mei 'wandered there followed, banging
an to the trim* ts 'twere, these two,
whom presently oue-halt the gueats ac
pepted as a ;matter Of course to be of
Sir RObin at last Made, bold to ad -
tress a few worda; as it chanced, to •
dm lively Lady Biddy O'Toole.'
It had seemed to him after a careful
servey of all and having been able by
dint of his ears to learn ;which -was
Kennaston, *hose -testi the only •Per
mnality so far in his possession, that
'Lady Biddy's arch turn of the head
Was the most like to belong to the
leet or bis passion. So up he springs,
'wincing, leaving the vicar to huddle in
he shade. and. pulling her ladyship's
reask, riband with a twitching finger
Ind thumb, ashe had seen others do
lust how; he said,' Vela; low, in her ear:
"I'm Sure 1 know who your ladyship
14,•,- • •
.' "Out with it." sitYri.she; very low too
"It's she whose linage isi writ on my
"'Why do youthink so, Sr Robin, Had
pray, if were Lady Peggy, what now
• would you be fitting* saying to iner
"Zenefist "ris eller exelaifils the bur-
• onet, carried away by the fact that
Lady 13Iddy's bend beneath her elOak
ba fi more than half Way wet bis own
motet and trembling fiia
"Lovelleet of women; Oh, 'twits in-
deed by your express directions, was't
not, that Mr. Incognito On. tdondaY,
• Watching for me In High .Ilolitore nigh
. the shep of Ideunseer Jabot, bid :me
come here tonight to meet yen?" -
Lady piddy, although much• averse
to the clammy touch ef her cavalier,
gives his fiugere itsauring pressure.
"Why, oh, why," pursues Sir Robin,
• uow .as much' elated by. ibis tacit con-
• fession of her passion for him es he
was but lately oveewhelmed by the
: 'mention of such strange words as
"hanging, highwayman, Sir Percy de
13Ohun." etc.—"why have you. seen fit
to keep me in ouch a length of sus -
pewit? Why have I net been allowed
before' this to behold you aod renew
the days. of our sojourn • .1E- Kent?
• Speak. my Liege!, 'speak!". . '
• "La; eir," murmurs Lady Biddy,
Waxlike. ever. auxious: to get at the
heart of this now much -deepened enig-
'•Ina--"la, Mr; do you .not knew bet. toci
well the whys end. wherefOres of ;my.
seerecy?"- • Her ledyshlp from Cork ,ae-
• tually squeezes • the little •barouet's
crooked little band. •
."That do I not!' Mr. Incognito never
would tell me aught but thus' and so
and bade ree from your adorable lips '
, keep myself in .seclusion. and safety,
nor ever,"' continues he, hie tone sink—
• Ing. to- a mere breath; "endanger My:
;wedelns self," now stooping to imprint
a chaste kiss on het ladyship's; hand.
in •the. meeting even once of Sir Percy.
de Bohuit; for he had givers) to kill me
;on beholding lee Dearestpro-•
cep s Sir Robin, wtthdrawing Laity -
;Biddy e bit into the shade of the greet
thee, "I have obeyed your commands.'
I have .never set eyes upon the ecoun-
drel..bta have kept myself..elose housed
tit my 'inn in Pisfilleo, 'awaiting your .•
dear nleasure."
"Have ye?" mermurs Lady Biddy,'
now more betaildered , thau :She ever
was before In her lire .and. seeing no
Cleet -either to read the puzzle or.
- teeth to tell, to elude" the gentleman.
MA.NY , CALLS... are t.cei.vCcl." from
business firms a.r.d manY stineents are .
placed good 'positions each year by
' ihe famous •
heart." anawers be.
lead., and ineybe notas soen,.since the
surgeons defa tut up eierybody. Lud,
sir, give me .3'oer naine, and we'll talk
• of your 'heart 'won." • • .
—1. am Sir imbia Mc'rart of Belting -
weld, Kola:" exclaims he,- feelfng pest-
tive that title saucy infiix is mine other
than bis adored. - for, be it remembered,
Lady Biddy •spoke under her breath
end with a elsguisedtone toher volte.
"'Odat blood!" now:whispers her
ladyship, with an:riecent Meek ter-
ror, luta Sir Boni's, ear. .• "You, the
highWaYman, the eetthroat., the robber
whet. I've heard, sticks gentlemen in
the back or has your ;men do it for
you and profits by that same-!" laugh-
ing fit to kill bersele.• : •
-• But the little. man: does net !angle
The Cold sweat stands out all over his
sallow countenance, and -h�'S ste terrl-
fled, recalling the threats Of Mr. Biole;
Sure,". answers she; "that's a thing
•that can never be knewn until you're
This, school stands for the • highest
and best in IntSiness edtteaticm
tede.y. Mae); business colleges
employ our gradeates as. teachers. We '
hafee Scores of applipatimts front other
colleges. Ask to. see them the day you
enter. • 6:nuntenee course now. Catitz.
• logae free:. •
• .
W. a:. xcLt,rovr Princlpal
.•OC 100 •• • .
1..e.• • a . t4S -
Robin comes to his bait, and Lady Bid -
kind of . jewelry. For this ,gt
sey, that he stands stock still and real -
y cannot: Move a leg. •. : . • •
They•itt•e. nigh the Dirk walks as Sir
prefer Rings to any other
ly. not pausing even t� note his'sfience,
oes merrily oa.avith her most apt dis-
renson We a s ect 1Atten-
ion to this ••
You will -find' all the fav );
• i te Sto nes and •combin a ti
at their best with us.
utSe. • .
• •
"Oh," proceeds she, "but yen are the
tem of the day, Sir Robin, and It's My -
elf that's prend to be in your cbm.-
patty, and; faith, I'd like to have. died
tinning to see you bring on Saturday
gqips le, getting back the
:Use_ f hie eoiee, bet not Or his 'shaking
lege, "Stability last!"
- • . • ,V6 VW. ••Ag.b.,
'Don't be thet beslaftil, 'Sir. Robin,
untking as if you'd never belied of !filch.
• , Every Ring tit its very best before!" .A,nd- Lady Biddy gives the
baronet's cloak a playful tweak. "laid,
both as to value and 99a1.. Sir,. you and Sir Percy de I3ehun's the
• tWo most talked about of all the bucks
*in town!"
IN . •
Are tie yorrigg,knees knocking together.
- "Sir Percy de Bohm!" repeats he, his
JEWILLEIL ANCLOPTIOIAN : :gibbet? • Oh, go along with you Sir
Robin! You can't palaver Lady"—
"Lady wbo?" he connives tO ejacu-
"Sure'n didn't be save yob from the
' ate, struck nearly duzith at this men,
I, ' •!,.... ..i.
v.4•110_ M Ill• I MI
Iona -his rind; While Lady Biddy noW
bridles and is mute,
"You. are Lady Peggy Burgoyne, are
you not?" be goes on more softly, bend-
ing toward his oompanion and conclud,
leg at last that the lady's words must
• have been the, mere •haphitzards 'of a
spn rkling diapositiOn.
Now, Lady Biddy. In cOmraon with
other:ladies of fashion and moving in.
certain high circles; of -society, had.
heard a -deal of the mysterious and all
inseen Lady Peggy.. She well kneve,
he supposition that watt rife as to
Jay Peggy . being secretly the'wife of
Ir Robin McTartt She 'knew from
et' hoSout friend, Lady Diana Weston,
"ho had the game moat diked from her
alto, Lord Nennaston. Lady reggee
wit twin. brother, that his Sister Was
rom home, unknoWn her 'whereabouts
o father Or mother, kith Or kin, maid
r wan. save that she was'"up in Lon'
00;" that Sir Percy de Bohiln
wad for love and lose of ho; that
et. brother, bad he not been la like
:Ise by means of Lady Diana/ would
ng sinee have Made public search, as
e was indeed Making cinch privately,
or the 'discovery et the eloping fair,
he likewise was aware that Sir Robin
requented the gay W'orld, was. not
verse -to ogling n lady, as she herself
sated testify; Stopped at Mr. •BrUM-
ers house, and, albeit 'twee Mild
ad fought e duel with Sir Peres, be
moo of Lady Peggy, Still did not rib*
%tit himself from muy rout, ridottO or
all on ber alwaye absent aeconnt.
So, equipped With such a fund of
newledge end any amount Of mumble,
repilet) co/17 haliagl) b�
Any user of the 'cam. h
era 08,11 make a photo. et,
• graph, but it recittirea
expepenee, • ability'
andjudgment to pro- r
dace the speaking ut
likanesses we turn im
• out We can and will
please you. 14t.
Yet the wits of 4 lady, especially if she
, happen to bard been •born in 'Ireland.
-may usually be trusted tO extricate her
troll) almost any ..dileinnia, therefore,
When -Sir •Robln ,hite done swearing of
.his jumetient probation, passed at the
Wiled Hen, says she, tweaking her
ittaip ttnd niaklnga courtesy; • ••
Llidt Robin." (the 'hussy), 'but you
' are a ' irllhlng creature. ,Nay, nay,"
drawing out a .few steps, 'he after ber,
front ilte 'siltade �r.tbe treee• and more
• in the flare of the twinkling globe
Mines: ,"Naytaery here but a moinent.
There are the Seine reasons for -your,
net itceoMpanying Inc now :that :bare.'
ve epon. ineto keep our matters' •
abounding spirits and to gain trot
her the detuiled iteeount of ber en
counter with Sir Roble, Percy, in th
• Midst of her voluble tongue and be
IIIM.lineetriving to tom some plan
of action which WWI tide night bring
Matters to tile touch hettreen Ittinsel
. and the baronet stud Helve one
. **other ot tem Stitt and stark.
1 Meantime Sir Robin, with greedy
eyes fixed on Ledy Biddy so long as
t lie tan see ber and until she and her
( eonmanions withdraw int° a box
• stantis US if at one tvith the wooden
; Hon Presently, however, his gaze Is
dtverted hither and yon; TKrt °ply by
tin' playful. and engagiug reworks of
various young ladies who challenge
, naItis isk in themost direct and oblig.
Ing fashion, but by a certain .figure
which he beholda snoring about aim-
, lessly, It would seem. and 'alone be-
neath the dark Shadows Of' the trees
toward the' river. • ,
There Is stnnething In this figure's
Mations. Although cloaked and masked
--therefore, the baronet notes, one of
Mr.. Drummers party—which etrIlies
him -as familiar, and when presently
the unknoWn lifts tilara and reveals the
countenande behind It sir: Robin sidles
up, one 'eye on the wooden - lion aisle
1 trysthowever, and. plucking Lady
Peggy by the arm, stirs: •
"Ho. Mr. Incognito!"
• Peggy turns, and betwixt disgust,
dismay. horror and amusement reroutes
44 nt:Is I, sir, •Robin MeTart," lifting
his own mask a trifle to assure his
companion of his identity.
• "So," returns she, q do percelye."
."Oh, Mr. Incognito, what do I • not
owe toyour being In sty lady's employ?
She is'indeed beret"
Her ladyship, taking tins for a ques-
tiou, answers thus. with .emphasis:
"Yes; she's bere. Indeed."
• "I have seen her."' sighs the little
barouet, leaning his Iselid,Just exactly
the' height of her 'ladyship's own, down
on Peggy's shoulder in an exeesa of
• .seesibility.
• "Have you" ekelaims she, not dar-
• leg to stir in the embarrassment of be
Hering It .possible that the scoundrel
has discovered her identity-
• -"Oil, yes." sighs. Sir Robin; "I have
received a nressere;amy, tie): of,'etn—
: froui ber heed. I've kissed her. fingers,
I await her rettirte to meet me at the
wooden lion Yonder." ' -
"Da you?" .eays' Ludy Peggy; mysti-.
. tied berm] everything, • "Did She look
as you expected her' to?". "
"Ala" peps Sir • Robin, :"she hes not
Yet lifted. ber mask for me to .behold.
her countenance. but when'Sbe- returns.
I shall beseech herfor one -glimpse." .
"Alt!" returns Pega.,• no*, folly per-
suaded that same One leis been snakligv
a jest of her eompanlote• butnone the,.
less disquieted*on lust oWp Score..
11 rk; ye. Sir nobill."-.snys' slie, "yet;
lieve ever found toy counselS;w1se. 13e
advised by -me now. LeaVe-Napxhell.
ist once; 'Lade 'Peggy Duraoyee is not
safe so king tts yon.terry. here." • .
The..1 It tie baronet donee ti lthough
trembling. puts his baud' to his hilt.
• "Nay. sir," 'emattinesi, Peg. , "Yet*.
Weapon 'would not nyall for her preSe.r,,
.vation. She reeves town,this very night
o onk, !MUM but tor the eager eye*,
. fixed on the pair In the box entrance.
• Theo presently crowed into the thron(
and, Joining others Of the maskers.
were loot to her view. But the baronet
anti Lady Biddy bed not beet* idle ot
f *their ionguee this while.
Much simpering, angling for news„
' 'Uttering and a neat show of wit In
the manner et plying a gentleman with
questions on a matter about which he
was qutte igueraist, on the lady's Hide;
, ardor, impatience, as much tiepin as
his little spirit permitted, ou Use gen.
Cesium's. leinally he said:
"Mr. Incognito says you start for
Keunaston MIS very night, usy clearest
life. Is't so?"
"Tell Me who is Mr. Incognito," nye
she, "and Vll answer you straight."
! "He's your paid servant sworn slave
and the bearer of all. tender messages
between us. Now, go you to Kennaston
1 tonight?"
"As sere as Itn1 Lady. Peggy Bur-
goyne," returns Biddy. "I start for
home sre,coOlicrow."
. "I'll follow you postlitlete, but," cries
Sir Robin, "loveliest of created beings,
I beseech, I implore, one elleePfle et
your . angelic countenance before we
part, to meetonly when I can claim
you as My ewe."
for Keentiston:•, Do you the:sante. nor
risk deteetion longer here:" Her Itid9- •
ship uses the word • advisedly, 'and has
the satisfaction of seeing Sir Robin
shiver with. terror.' then, steady
as he reflects that her liativship's fears
Can but be In corineetiou. with her own
escapade Once 'tis plain from alt he.
can, spy' and eneeedrop not a -soul as
. yet has• •inissed Sir Percy de.• Bohon
"No, no!" exclaims Biddy, restraining
the baronet's hand, vvhich is laid upon
the lutestring of her mask.
"But, divine creature, I insist!" with
one arm seiSIng the buxom Lady Biddy
about the waist, while with the other
he essaysto untie the iband which
hides her cherms from view.
i Then Lady BiddyOuroole,whose lungs
Vere of the best, let such a bawl as
rang fur up and down the Theme,
causing a score of red stoekinged boat-
* Men to leteVe their wherries and dash
up the gardens, causing every tongue
in Vauxhall to cease clacking, every
glass to jingle to its table, every echo -
to resound, every other lady there to
shriek, the musicians to stop, the wait.
ers to drop their trays, each gentle-
: men to draw sword and a vast num-
ber of persons of both sexes to shout:
• "Watch! Watch! Murder! Thieves!
Highwaymen!" and whatevee else be-
side, while a concourse of people of every
" eonditton at once closed In around Sir
Robin and Lady Biddy, at the Outside
rim of which, shivering betwixt terror
and that lively curiosity which over-
rides even a desire for personal safety,
. gaped. the now unmasked vicar of
Priskingalean, unable to find his nat-
ural protector and Some time pupil in •
all this Marty burly.
tiot tar orr or to) now. That this weazen
wretch may meet his dues, for not only
don be masquerade his face, but tieeke 1
to usurp the character andname et one
whomwe all know to be both baud- • •
some, brave and courageoue."
Perey's blood rune high as be speake
these generous words, with° every soul
about him steeds breathless, staring,.
struck dumb with the slogularity ot
the episode.
"But I am Sir Robin Ille're.rtr' erlea
the baronet, brandia....iiing his weapon
Voth masks came or at the sante instant
-with a will, since there is none' to op-
pose him, anti the vicar, now, although
well nigh cinaced, not above ten yarcle
distant from. him. .
tosd Lord Escombe.• ".Yosir gauleM
re"sati:t, tut, sir, whoevet you are," tn.
up, end you'd better give- your Iles a
"Hold!" • cries Sir Percy to Mitten.
• "Whoever yeti are,..1 challenge you to
light lee tee minutes hence, •yontler itt
the open toward the river, and those
tea minutes my friends and I'll spend
In calling the naval sir itobbi me.Tftr,t
',your presenee and centre:Ai ng
; Your tallithim* with Leod
toe your • htegs, '1113' lords end gentle-
men. Sir Roldn'si in t?eli ;,,oineWhere in
i the gardens, as we 1111 know."
'. And with one neeord the mitout went
!. rip4 ringing, op end down the eiVer and
; far tigress to the higliWay,. where 1
Yetinsed the:hot:Se patrol to think Um
every highwaymen In the kiugdom bat
broken: plibse npon •"1"11 ux int 11 and :pres
e.41‘st,t(!ati•;ribo'sg•o.tigittiel 1:itx,i iscanructii
atr:iiillggi. Ovine:17u; snag
right .j11311 left, ante the midst Of th
stirgJn. theuariMie thl' alt sftout
ingi.",sir:•1Zoblu Merart! 511' Robin Me
TAM. Sir Ittatiel Sir Robin! Sir lieu,
•in lic'Parti" atthe•tep or -their voices
I , Ent for all their Viawling..60•.*P itt
sWertel, uo -one pante, and but 0110 of
the vast throng went:. • •'
• .Thlk was- Ledy Peggy. at a loss. to
• , •..
know ..the meaning -of the sheets, not
havingbeen uear enwgit to tbescene
of the 'encounter to learn. its 'purport
and only now .realezing that 'tWashu
self 'wee sought and meantby the con -
vetted cry that :rent the. alt. Scenting
a new, if unknown danger she follow-
ed her wonian's Instinct and • in the
•Walting. pause Diet *succeeded. the tu-
-Multnous. ealt Peggy tied to the tend.
• ing pressed a handful of shillings•• al-
most her Mat,' into the pinta of the only.'
boatman there., jumped into the Wherry
and bade hire ..get ber as 'swiftly as -he
could ni.--Queenhlthe stairs. for 'deter-
niinee was she now .niore than ever,
to ,leate . no traces' lii her wake and to
:return at all rialtil to Mr. Brutnmeil
!tense ter . her , bundle .of •:Woman's
. For a long way down the Thames
• the renewed ery of the Vauxhall emelt
rang in her distracted ears: •
• "Sir Robin 'Maar* Sir Robin Me:
Tarti• Sir Robin!, Sir ItOblai-,•71sere
are you?' Come Partin Show
. • • .
yr -
self!" other
:tt•tri' and
. be
. . • .._. •
baronet... taking Such ,courage .as be
.might throne), ids aritonishment at Sir.
Percy's' beingalive, and pet forgetting,
.evep•at thia.point, to reckonhon'lunch
the. lying • esstuatina bed -mulcted
of, new,• -in thesecond breathless halt '
of the calling his- own name, waved
'his' Weepon and .enswered. it,. •ssybig.,
againt . :
"lam Siren me • " ' • -
• "Prove it!". shouted' Chaiinerif, with
derisive:abrug.' . •
• "Faith, and :so he 'can. me!" .
c a med the pammg %leer, .bottte •
rather: by the surging of the p eiple
then by ltis slender-legs.the !tenant 01'
the cloth was pitched somewhat Me,:
ceremoniously head fiest into his, pu-
}TEN Lady Diana and Percy
quitted the: Lek he, atter
conducting. her. to the care
of Lady Brookwood, strodo.
ofe into the Dark stileys,1 taking With
lihn:not Keenaston, for the hopeless;
• yontli; flouted still by Diana, had .gone
. vi -mooning :by the tiger's -bank, but.
-company. of valiant anti merrY gentle-
. •
men, all raised , a bit by the paetaking
of the famous Vauxhall Punch, and to
them lie coPfided suflicl�nt. •
eons and letentiees as Made plain theit
cougse to them as .his friends, to do
• angbt and all in their several poWere
• • toward the promoting "of it quarrel be -
tem') his accustomed' haunts. •
"But she stvore me she'd be beck in.
few mentents; Incoguito, and,•
• sever; hitherto: I pray ytila, stir not
• front the neighborhood of this wooden
lion—see'—until I return. which ,I will
• do presently," • ' •
"POHL". cries tlie baronet, "I'll not
budge.,ruy diviue Peggy: Until Yen are
; once .inore • at 'my: side," • And withit
horrid leer through.. his .peephole S .he
essays to take Lady. IliddY's head once.
more, but She's off; ,balking• ••
Quick as •• thought She scaMpered,..
across to the edge ef..the . orchestra; .
n test she dispovered a group of masks'
and .e ni °fig. ene whom • hy.the rose.
Pinned to her bloom colored bodice she .
knew to be Lady Diem, and she made
.certelii filet two ;of the three blooda•
• near :her; aties dangling at. their but. .
lonlieles. must be .Sir Percy: end. Lord -
.Sennesten: • • . •
"past!" exelnime Lady Biddy; pant-.
• ing partly -front speed, partly from the; •
iright a lady alone Inlet exnerieukin
. , .
Feleath, ale," pereelving . Lady . Biddy"
emerging trent the box and advancing.
toward the lion elone;'"there she isr,
Off and away Sit. Robin atIcTurt t�
loin his fair. while Lady Peggy:screen...
• ed by: the: lecreashig. shad,oves, for the .
dripping tattles tire, lene by one by .thie
d cl • 1' h 7
. , •
bee• --She d IV! n ..nOt .which—oe..Beau
Dreanners lady:guests eiturtesyleg end 1
. , • •
. greeting. the baronet. with. Jier huger
tips. : . • ••
Now my lady's heart's.: ty-thuining
monstrous berth She beholds, as ‘W.01,. Sit* Robin and. his, SupPosed Peggy,
two others. Alae, She. powe too well •.
-*Ito they are, a -peening.. out trona the
corner . of . the box etitrauce .whence••
Lady Belily.eame just now and -Watch -
big her:encounter, with Sit Robin; . -
Thee° ,are Lady Diana and Sir PercY.
:Together?' Aye. :and a -gating to be
"together' for all their, lives, she sadly
thinks, both of .thent, mite forgetting,
save. Dere lance for it moment's • be-
guilement, *her very existence. • 13ut It
behooves her, if :not for her own 'peke, .
tviixt .bini . and Sir: Robin McTart,
whom:,he wonld, pgliaeritiy mint out
. to them as' they should Stroll, seen:ling;
•.careless; the lengthot the walk. .
• 'Thus, arm in arm, Sir Percy Sir*
Wyatt Lovell, his grace of Escombe
and Mr. .Tack Chalmers across the path, ,
swaggering with 'sticks and *tassels • .
hanging, bats at cock, perfumed with
. Miming the gantlet or eo many tnnew •
rattle 'and fops...not to speak of thieve,. !
'Mid :pieltptielots, tie perforee. ,was •th,.
ease In progressing abet' t veuxhalL -;
"IrVitat is't iliddy,.•fer 1 kaow youby I
':your NI;ver hep;dr. sinswprs, Lady• DI I.
"Mlseldef; I'll dare be sworn, or it's nor' i
you. Speak your meld. There's stone I
here bet what cen'keep it secret. And i
the whole of tot tave beet' a -watching 1
Y011 with some .int , fle, at the entrance
to the Dark alleys " I
• "Is Sir Pereyhere? Is thla ber
Whispers Biddy.• .
Sir Percy , bows.for he • le • there.
While the other two gentlemen. in-
ferring froin her Ione -that sliti-seelce
private ear. Instantly withdraw to one
of the boXes for. a glass of Burgundy
to -refresh their spirits., .
"I've news for you Of one yon're -
a -dying foe. of Ledy Peggy litirgoyeel" •
esclulnis eite triumphantly.
"Wilt! IVItnti" conies shunitane- •
otisly from behindeach of the masks
site addresses. •
"Aye. I'm after learning from whom.
think' yoll?" ' •
"Premed, instdain," earl Pore, ver$
lovv. • -
"P1'01111'111 Wed supposed te be hot
heshand. Mr Robin Merart, that pils-
took me for her," Biddy tittera; "that
elie's here Wight by .alt appolutuient
With him,. made by a trusted eervaut •
of. hers called 'Mr. InrognIt0;* aria to
Wet Sir Robin before the shop. of M.
jabot In Hamm, end MN not Seen her
ladyship -1 meat; Sir Robin's net seen
her since they Were sojoUrnlilg In Rent
together, aud there'e toyetery for you,
And I made muses and • left Hite
a -standing by the lion. for I (multi no
hanger eonfnin the neWgi but mist rue
intek to Wm now to extra& the rod of
tt. Pray heaven Lady Peggy herself
Citrate not by and lets ont that I was
not she at nil. at
"Ileavensl" nittrMnrS Percy uhder
hie breath Biddy •rattlee on. "Can
this thing be/ And what does it all
•Restraining Lady Biddy, both he And
Ledy Diann endeavor to quiet her
2t,C, .d.ta 5r,
.Venus * oil, and most locund ef denkean-
O-17,- with Beau Brunintel behind 'see
Staying, waving hie tittle Muff and
ting with Lord Wootton and one Or
two . more gay sparks, all disporting
theinseives carelessly, .but hilts eased
for" the dee:Wing.. • , "
Just ae they, were .-nearing the wood- •
•en lion of. Sir Robin's tryet Lady Bid.
"dy's 'Shriek assailed their ears, and Sir
Percy, thanking Providence for .so op-
portune. an -occurrence, which, not to
ifey that it was in any wayPrentedi7 .
:fated," yet. continued' 'to 'ring eut. leud.
era:pad:louder even'after"Sir Rabin had
-•eeased to Dull ather mask .
of* which she has. come •the. Peas Of- .
reekine but little then for her father'e •
aod inothees, now to bid. farewell for- threw them into the masked face' of
ever to. diriguises. faleehoods, cheatings,
Sir R21
obin MeTart. • • •
. string a
stood, held fast in her ladyship's stout
grasp, the very center of a blaze of
light from footmen's -flambeaux, they
and the masses pushiog every way,
screaming and cursing.
Into the thick of this melee dashed ,
• Sir Percy de Bolton, 'with hie friends
on either side of him. ' . ••
But a moment sufficed for him to
wrest the lady from her assailant and
to deliver her over to the care of Diana
and the duchess, •who carried her,
swooning. (whether with laughter or
emotion 'twould be difficult to set
down), to the room. .
In another second, 'taking his silver
fringed gloves from .his pocket he
tan's estate and even the meittpelsoly
hance'of -seeing the. cOnntelinnee.or'Sir :
The little baronet, vfho had both tem-
per and •vanity which braeno e w go
), • y, Sixe will off pr0sently and roneb the upper hand of his cowardice, and,
homeas best she maY• • believing that Lady Peggy's eyes Were
upon him, that Sir Percy was at the
bottom of the Thames, and with full
forekn wied e that ho oould run tiway
before the meeting .pould be arranged,
caught the gloves as they struck and
flung them back into their owner's cov-
ered countenance. ,
"Take that, Mdeathi" squeaked sir
Robin, now much the more Valiant as
he beheld the vicar screwing his Way
toward him through the excited crowds.
"Unmask and show yourself for who
yott are!" cried Percy, every one of hie
companion e echoing:
"linnittek! • 'Unmask! Unmask, or 0
we'll run yel"
"Willingly," responded the trembling
gentleman from Kant, tugging at the
elip.knot In his mask string.
"1 ant Sir Itobbt • MeTarti Who the.
devil are you?" •
"1 am sir Verey de Bohunl" replied 'a
his opponent, as both masks came off
at the same instant and the two con-
fronted one another, staring With four
eyes that fairly panned in theirsockets. t
i 'Twetlid be hard to say which of
these tVro was the mo‘fe astounded, al- 0
though SIC Petty's amazement had t
quite d different flavor from the barIt
onet's abjeet terror,
"Yoe! Sir Percy de Boluitti" he t
quavered, turning ashy pale. •erii not t
believe 'Tis a Bel" •
"Toni Sir Robin MeTarti" replied b
Percy hotly. "Geutienten," turning tO
his frlends, "1 pray you bear me out in p
title, not to the exclusion of my ehal'
lenge ot this itnpostor, Which hold,/
good Midi One Or *titer Of US ebedi
Wood, but for the preserVatieti of the 6
honor Of n valiant ge,atleman W110 le
A few minutes t»oro or less can make
no odds. and 'tie hut too true thatnier
ladyship stood there in anibUsli of the
brenehee the .valn hope Oita Perey
;night lift his Mask if btit for an in-
stant and tints allow ber. parting gaze ,
to rest upon Ids features. • • . •
It Is (pale true that mortals, although .
itt heyer stteh haste CO .reach, it desired
crisis, still °Mimes halt at. the thresh-
old of its Internment. So her lady.'
alsip, with now. nothing to hinder her
esettpe. still stood leaning against .
1401 Wilt, ft WWI ralifl far itp 054
deton th0 Viitnno,
ltnd whispered as he knelt:. . •• . • '
. • "Dear lad, thou that art my lady's
s twin, When next theu Beast her, Sure I
e . :hkrnooww.,.asnilde'Itilielar!' shhee; 1 dfienadj. tilt' Pi s!" on
a etilicyy .
kissed the bey : as he spoke, "Tis
' doubtless more than she'd care to. dis- .
. cover, bet, :if .death comes. 'twill ease*
• the blett.and charm the pain while I
.rementher this Message that i send her '
. .
now"•• . ,-. .
• . .
He turned away and left Peg's broth?
er,..lyieg thee!. te.• Waken at_his l_e_isure.
.tieg 7.-: ..,a.t1,14 the w a IR ,egal n, 110
other clamor . greeted' bins , identicat •
with its predecessee. 1 • . ; • . . ,
,,i.......,..—........??..................e"e„-a-a......-..... ea:- •
• - -: --- •:-•• -- •••• --7•: —1"7---='1"
Apri/ 28th 1004
Eight cent s a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion, and by tak-
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bOttle was finished.
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma-
terial. Some pay more, SOrrie
less, some get nothing for
their money. You get your
money's worth when you buy,
Scott's Emulsion,
We will send .you a little
Toronto, • Ontario.
soc, and $r.00.; all druggists.
He Cast art eye about the place look- ,
Jog for.Sir noble. and Ms voles were
fairly on fire to kitow the' color of his
rival's blood and Write,' front Ms, he
hoped, dying lips a con4ssian Of where •
Lady Peggy was, .Presently, not epy. ••
ing 'his oppouent, he.- begged Ilscombe
anti Chalmers to have the goodness to
beak him out; settle, the spot, ask. "
to choose his seconds, 'call a surgeon,
Of whom' there were always a. score in • .
ttttenllauce. at Vauxhall, ready for just .•
Such affairs; while he himself swung 1
down towerd the river to look for
kennaston and give him: one last word • •
tor •Peggy should 'Sir Robin .rtin idol •
through. • .
Peg's twin lay on the turf. sleeping.
Such are the effects of being at once a
poet and .a lover. not .yet twenty, and • .
Tette fagged with wideawake. nights
and days and a fair lady's true' .
Prices. Sir Peecy-lOoked'at.htip, stniled
pil's middle. Sputtering, but yet Win.'
ning the attention which truth and the
clergy usually and righteously obtain,
the vicar' raised his, right hand, and,
laying his left on the baronet's shout -
der, he s 61* • . .
Coughing. is the outward sin'
of inward disease. • .
Cure the, disease
s• ,
Cconautrlivotion 1. •
ure The Lung Tonic
and the cough will stop... .
Try it te-night. '
Jf it doesn't benefit you
your wine'olni egyivbeack.
Prices 25c., 50c. end $1.00
. • • S. c..waeLs•az co.
Toronto, Can. • Leltoy, N.Y. 3
• . . ,
, • . •
;4'S:iv noble MeTart.i. 81 Robin %Mc -
Tart! Sir Robin'. Robin!' Come • •
'forth of yew. seclusiael The time : .
up! -Sir Robin, 1 saY-y-y-y!"' •
This Sir Robin MeTart had. vanis.hed
as mysteriously .as the' other one, *and.'
%though *the entire eompaity Made the • • •
• welkin ring with the same cry Orer-
agitin--"Sir nobin..meTartt 'Sir Robin! • :.
MeTart!"--no Sir •
Robin appeared or could be•:foundf and .
they were fehr be content, re -enforced
by tile lathes, „now well out of their.
swoons and, terrors, to finish ,ups the ' •
. ' •
• .
•"Thie is Sir Robin aleTart of Robins- nab omelet.
weld, Kent, 1 have known biro from
his birth; his father befoee him. He
has been my pupil Who dares use his
name than hinmelflis an gamester and
A thief!" .
I "What!" and now comes forward Mr.
Drummer with open hand. "And my
.old Mend," says he, " 'sdeath, Mr.
What's-youe-name, you were a citrate
when we mei lest, twenty years ago,
but I remember you, sir, at Ito:bins-
weld. So this," surveying the baronet,
Is my old friend's son and lieir? Of
it truth be. favors his sire more than the
retty young rapecallion that's been
-fooling us all for noW tbese four
Weeke past; for gentlemen," adds the
Beau, turning to. Sir Percy, ." 'Hs as
well we confestst ourselves to have been
uped. Gad, sir," this sotto vcsee to
Percy alone, "I always wondered where
Sir Hector found that handsome lad;
Or be wins as ugly a gentleman as ever
vvas wedded to wife."
After the storm there came that calm
Which is the inevitable sUccessor, save
hat in this case while the noise sub,.
Ided the wonder greve. ' Every ono,
f Mr. Brumraere company and all of
he rest of the world besides was re -
easing his nod her own surprise as to
he IdentIfy of the young gentleman
Who had for abOve a Moth been the
Own WM and who had now distil).
eared as suddenly all be came, SOnie
elleved him to be Tem Nidde
ome a lord out of Prance, etnne
rinee of the blood, some the devil,
omo an astrologer. There Wes no
lick of inventions as to her ladyship's
dotty by the time the ten mintitee
f sir races totting bad coma to an
. end.s• -
risk 'enielet is. a nice breakfaet dish.
Almost any white fish will answer,
codfish or halibut being recommended -
Flake thetooked fish and flavor with
salt PePPer and a tiny bit of nutmeg. •
Beat up very. lightly it Sufficient nurn.
ber of eggs to make the .fish into a thin
paste, mix and try like, any omelet. '
• • . .
Most vat:liable Aimanite.
The most valoable almanac in the • • •
world is preserved In the British Mu- .
sewn. It is written red ink on
papyrus and is believed to 'he abolit
8,000 years old.
The Fire* maekintoehes.
Early 111 1518 the Spaniards in life*
leo heti learned to make eaoutelunia .
sap into shoes end also to use it ter
Waxing their cloak.; to render tient
waterproof, and no donbt that was the
origin of the idea of int manufacture
into waterproof cloth and the modern
mackintosh. . •
Sunlight Soap
your blankets or
will make them
will not injure
harden thern, it
soft. wilito end