HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-21, Page 9Tho Mutsu Now$MRecord April 21st SW illinery. . 'The Time * Nom To Buy e The Pgluey e To Is Here We are very busy la the Millinery Department. That' is the kind of proof we like that our Millinery "is ,meeting with popular app.oval, Notwithstanding ng the backward season, sales are discounting any we have record of, New shapes and trimmings, late New York novelties just opened and passed into stock this week. Come in and• see,them, even if you don't want 'a Hat just yet. ,Shop in the Morning. If at all possible. it will be inyour own inter- est to do your millinery shopping at least hi the morn- ing. We are always rushed hi the afternoon, but in the morning can give you all the time and attention you desire. Whatever time it suits you best to come we will do our best to give you every attention, but we always have more time in the morning; 1 W.6.Corsets leas for Comfort and [ urablitty. ANew Carpet. If you are going to buya new Carpet, you'll make no mistake to buy early, and to. buy here... Early buyers get best choice, and people who buy here get the widest 'variety to be found hereabouts to select from. The advantage of having two stores under our ' control tell more for broader assortments in the Carpets than in any other department. We show practically double the number of. atterns we possibly could,had ;we but one store 'to buyfor: P possibly • r New stocks are all in Designs are attractive,pleasing and up-to-date. They are the..product of the best Carpet ' de England `and ' a Canada, theleading mills 'of these signers, of C 11 d g h two countries niade the 'Carpets we show to -da, P Y Union Carpets Full yard wide,' reversible,; good weight, all. made .from clean, honest yarns, colors will not run, new patterns at:.....,. 30c, 40c and 50c Wool.: Carpets. Wool Carpets here are all pure wool; . no shoddy, no grease; no foreign matter .to' make it feel heavy. • 1\ oth- mg but wool,•:dyed with the best dyes that moneycan buy. Many . new patterns - at <.;.:75c., 85c and: $1.00. Tapestry ar . ets All made in: England, choice new designs ',and color combinations , tterns suitable :for :an ' room, uali-. .' .p� . Y cl.. ties : that will' stand hard, z,. 37 c, 50e 65c 75c: wear, at per yard 7 7 Brussels carpets Handsome designs. in three popular Carpets --Nothing' better made for rooms that are much used. •New patterns - • in ` English- made p 1.00 $1 .1.0 1.25 f Brussels at �.$ . $ English Velvets.: English• Axminsters ilii. ,. e �'a esir Carpel l at 65 gee our special' f 1 Scotch I, rrirCU Nothing like linoleum for kitchen or dinning room wear. not is much. more for' a cheap et car while'the lin:- The cost p oleum will wear the .carpet out a halt a dozen times over.: We import our Linoleurns direct from Scotland; The cloths are fully seasoned and ill give excellent wear: New designs, either block or floral 3 widths -2 3 and 4 yards wide,. House dealing will be on . you With a rusk and von will need sante Wall Paper. 1't takes a little trine to select it, a little tittle to delir cr it to you. You {have more time tow, so have we. 1)e you not consider it a reasonable proposal that you see' our stock early, then when you are ready the paper will be ready. Our stock ,is open for inspection,, 'big in variety ' and good i'ii vaitt.•e, ]rices from 3e to she tier roll. .At 8e we have some, specials, in fact they are very special., Will you conte and see them? NORDHEIMFit PI PtNQS. ` Agents Parker's'Dye Works. • Wr D._. Fair. 0. f. Often` the Cheapest. . .]ways •the Best. About People We Know Mr, D, B, Kennedy: was in Goderich on Monday: 112x, Jewitt of near Wing:aani was . in - town this week. • Mr. W, King has accepted a pos:ticn en ' the Myth Standard Hiss Henry of Xincardine is the guest of her cousin,' Miss Leslie Mrs. M.- D: McTaggart is visiting at her old home' it Morrisburg., . Miss E. Thompson of Donnybrook ;s - the'. guest of Mrs.' D. 13,: Kennedy, 717x, T„ 'Iowarc:, of tendon. was the guest of: his at,nt, hjrs. Cterling,; last week, Mrs. WA. Brown of I,onclesboro spent. Thursday 1a;st•.• with ltcr sister in town; . • Messrs: Chas. Winters and" Joe I:1oyd • of Seaforth• yisitetl in . town over Sunday. Miss Walton of Godericli• has been the guest the, past .week, of .Mts. • John Hariz- nd.: 'slues in Skirts Waists and Rain Cots iWe have good reason to feel pleased with the sales in our readywto-wear de- alrtmeut this season. p You will say :withus, when you see the quality and style of these Skirts, Waists and Coats, and the very low prices at which they are marked, that these are indeed sufficient reasons for ourgreat sueGess. Nothing but giving the best values and carrying the largest variety 'fiord which to select, could account �' � lIa -� � � . ic for the big increase in this department. More people are learning every day that they can get better styles,here for less money than elsewhere. 14Ir.. kr. i',. Ilodgetis returned home last evening from ai busi#iess tripe .l to 'Montreal. I1t:Speeter Paisley was in. the northern . Dart of his .ilispeetc,rate this wee]] int 01E0 41 T>1iS1#' Sti. Mr: and 14Irs. •John Cool: r of Toronto re" visftiugr .at: the fort er'S':nloth- vin r's, Mrs. W, Cooper's. . Miss Ker; teacker near -'St. Augustine, is spending this week at the:lrarental home,. Mr. II. B. ' Miss Wright of• Listowel, is visiting' her cousin, ,Arts. G. Stewart :of Ful- ton street, and ether friends. Miss Lulu, Stanley Of Toledo, Ohio,- is' spending.. a couple of weeks with fri- ends in town And Goderich , tow)1sl:ip. Mrs, .Agnew, whohas been living, at Blake • for a ntunher cf 'years, took ep leer residence in Clinton this week • Mr. George 'fhir pson of St. .Mary's, has been the guest of his brrether,Dr; ' 'Thompson, the past, week. recruiting from a' severe. illness. .• Miss 'Annie. Wright of Goderich was •in Clinton cnitionday oli.her wayt.to, `,isit her sister, Miss Jennie, who is very. ill at Mr, .T;., 1?.al tier., s Mr," and . Mrs: 'Dios: Alan-aghdii •; and their son, MasterITs.reey, returned 11a7me Tuesday after spending n' few days with fr,t.ntls . ill London;.- • Miss Lay Hunt :altcl, :Mr. John .Hunt leave cit. Saturday for' a visit . 'of several weeks to: relatives it1' Calr- fornia• whom .they havemit seen for several years. Mr.' John Scotehlriere•of kelso,, North Dakota, . who. has • beet) visiting' atthe. homestead • in. ; Stanley, wasthe guest of his. sster, :M s.: A Towne- l•.end, this week. Mayor. Hoover Week Mr. R.•.Bell are ill Detroit this week placing- a couple of nionttrnentS in .one CC the, city. eenia- teries. The class of work turned out by Iloover '& Ball must iie good wl:t•n they can secure big:jobs iii the City dealers' :territory, Mi•. 13: R. T-Iiggins of 13rdtcefield Was 111 town ; on Monday celivering a horse to an ot:tside, buyer for which r Ire, received $ii o. A short tittle ago liesold a pair of two-year-old colts. .for •$4o'o, This may seems bi'g'►srice • .ter two-year olds; bue.tlie•ce.lts were u •r � pair. , it superior or s a AIr,: Il, D. Davis, son of Editor Davis of the .14Iitchell t -vocate, . • was ie town Saturcl;ay" last. He has been nienarg'tng the mechaii-ical department' of. the. Advocate for several years ' past, :but., now has tinder contempla- tion embarking in business on . Lis own• account and may establish a ' paper at New I:asiceard, a town of considerable promise in New Outar- ie'. Cot,nctllcr Keys of Stanley, his c'Rut- gltter, Miss Keys, and his fattier,,. 'Mr, James I{eys cf Vale, Micli, were . in town on Saturday. The . latter c..ilie over tc ..attend the funeral - of itis brother, the late Robert keys of the Iia;byloit Eine. Ile was hcxrr, ill Irclaiitl, hitt come out when' a"1act lie knickerbockers . with his parents,who Settled in Stanley, and atter .tieing there for over' tliir•ty years moved to •11Iicliigan. Time has ' dealt gently with flim. Mr.- .Keys speaks' approv- ingly Of the rural mail delivery sys- ' tens • which has been established in ' . ` 1'yard : Michigan for some years and he Woih 8 qualities— . 50c and 60c square 'dere soiltewliat that Ontario has lint `1 +� yet aeopted it, • New Qoads Erom Japan. Last weak it was silks from Japan. This week it is rnattings. By long odds the biggest stock we ever put in our Carpet Room, New -patterns and good qualities. Per yard itie 18e, lei, and 30c. gens tiros. • • • • Constance. Mr. T. Proctor of T;ondon visited' his parents, 11Ir• and Mrs. James Proc- tor, last week. ,:1frs. Peter ritpitteau and daughter are at present the bt.ests of her mother Mrs, Geo. Clark.) Mrs. Win. McIntosh spent Saturday with her ds;ughter, Mrs. Johri 11'Ii11s of Tl: ftrlaek, Messrs, George � (lar1, and' Seines Prod crr ateslowly recovering front their sickness. 11Irs. Wnt. Mcetaly and children of Stratford intend.$1CUdirig a few weeks ,i vfsitit;g friends in. and around the .,t1- nage. Mrs. Ct°t tlinbauis the guestest of her elnughter, Mrs, Jos. Rands. Dame Rumor saws wedding bells will shortly rintg on the Town Line, • $5 Rain Coats at $3 On Friday morning we will place on Sale a small lot of rain -coats made 5 Rain' Coats at ,'11,50 of Grey Crayanette.-the regular price of these coats. is ii5 each, 2*� nn • to go at• • • , • .... .. , .. • . • • • • • • • �7. U 0 These coats were made lid+ one of the largest makers in Canada fro, this Spring Coats at $7.50 , spring's trade and were sold to US at a big saving in price -they come in They are ntade of dark Oxford Grey Gravenetta cloth, trimmed ' with and Wwitho�o tt scapes and belts, of Gre3r, e'ust a.few ofhth rnr left—regular made te self strappings, Buttons and belt, regular $11. to go at... .1 Q $15, forJ ,. Waists'- Our present. stock Qf Waists both in. Silk and Muslin is the finest we have ever shown—there are so many pretty_ styles it is .hard to describe them, We are showing very dainty muslin waists at $1, $1,50, $2 and $3, all of which are made in the very newest styles. Silk. Waists at $3.25, $3.75,•$4,50 $5, to $7.50 As these prices we can gave you a splendid lot' from which" to choose, everyone is . trimmed in •some way to show the different styles. Bente with tucks; sone with silk embroidery, etc. You are invited to call and see our assortnment at anytime. Stylish Skirts,. That Wear Well. a. d It .Weil Tailor -Made : Skirts at $3.95 The best sellingskirts we have ever shown are the ones we have at $3,95 . ' They are made of an all wool homespun: and come in several good styles: We guarantee then') to give excellent wear, the fit is perfect. Skirts at $4.50, $5`and $5.50 At these prices we are showing: a very fine range: of skirts all made of cloths that will excellent wear—they are trimmed with satin folds,. self strappings, buttons etc,,, colors aro black, grey,..ete. Skirts at $5.75 and $6.75 Theseskirts come in ngood assortment of 'styles --shine are triode of •broaielelat h while others s;re of fancy tweeds :till are trimmed in very newest styles, and. are rxtede ofinaterial3 that will give earisfactory . tvr ,i, Skirts at:$7;50, . .$8.50,.$9 and At these price we are showing a. very fine ran'ge.. of ,Skirts • made of tweeds and fine black venetiai#s, all beautifully trimmed and finish- e3 and.. come in assorted lengths • If you want a skirt a little out -of ,the ordinary be sure and t•ee the ones at these 'prices $7.50, $13.50, $9.Q 0 and 12.0 0 . Big Bargain in Woman's Cashmere rose Hose Worth 35c at 2 pair for •50c On Friday. morning we will place on sale' 200 pairs .of plain and ribbed Cashmere Hose (just received from England) the regular value of which is 35c per pair at 2 pairs for SOc. Great Values in Lace Curtai s Several hundred pairs of Lace Curtains are here for your choosing all of which came to us from Nottingham 'England, The values this season are the b st. we have ever shown and the designs are very: pretty.. All our ' curtains excepting the very low piicecl ,ones have the lock stitched edges that zna +o ° them wear longer. Nottingham Lace Curtains yards long at - 25c a 'air cc �t ci' . 3 _y tt +� "50c dr750 a pair. " 3i " « "85c ,. o • �l . ,$]..25 to $5 Bobbinet Ruffled' Curtains . We are showing a veryfine range of thet. a goods by. the yard, therices are 25c '30c, • p 35c to 50e, • • adras Nt Curtain a Muslins . With fringed ed es, in colors of red „.gold gold aid white, 5,U and- 60c Art Muslins and Sateens In a fine assortment' of designs and colors at. 15e, 18c, 20c.anid 25c Port Albert. Mr. aad, •1\I'rs.. •.Jclhra :Seltocnitais spent Sunday an ay ii1 Goderich with Mr. anti Mrs. 2. J.-H.•Der:ong. John 'Johnston is expected home ties w eek'. An engineer cf the Public • Works Department, Ottawa, was in the village the past week. Is :there proepccts of an election) : - • loin Green has•been..tlu•eslliitg-,cloter the past week... • Isaac Hawkins; is lionic Iroi'ii Mus lcoka at. present. M#ss•L Richardsc:ra spent a few clays in Dungannon the past week,. Geo. A. Green leaves shortly to take tip his :position as 'oiler" on the' "Tur- ret Cape". now in Winter quarters at t;oderiell. . Alfred Quaid:. leaves • shortly for his boat as' fireman; • Quite a numb& of the eitirerts inter- viewed, the .towerhip council Satter-, clay with regard to sendil•,g a delegate to Ottawa, but'ottr council knows how tc' save money as the, pian is the ivlii.ce seeker,not- the office 'seeking the man. Now,gentleetien, is your tune if. Ash- field i4 to have a show for a harbor at this place; Strike the 'iron wllile. it is hat.. ,;•„•...,,,r,04,04•„••••••••••N•N�N*N*•••N•iN•N•N•N• ••N•• t ♦ 1 .,: ❖ , CALI4 AND SEE . US IN Q• ..•. OUR' NEW OFFICE'. IN ( • , THE : COMBE • 13J OC1 , . .;. •l• :4. •S TIDE IVIOi:SONS .BANI{ • l The Wholesale , district of "Toronto was swept • swfire p by i Tuesday night • and $10',000,000' worth of prop erty destroyed.' . Blyth:' • • Mr, Thos.1b'atson of I:ticknoiv tree tlispcsed of Itis i:-iu-beri11hr husiness this town to two young- mel) of Brus- sels. They got possession and rt:au- itteneed work on • MO:day.: .• Mr, Thos. McElroy anti family are movingthis week to join husband and father in St. George's where he has obtained it steady ;ph at cooperit:g.. On tVedncsciav a windier of the mem- bers of T:..0, L. 963i Bly.tll, attended. the funeral •of their late Bro,, W. Pluker. Sr,, Of Auburn. •'I'ke reinafus. were 'taken to Ball's ,cemetery. Severin of .our citizens attended the funeral of the late Haley Allen of fiIa':- 1cek, who was'so suddenly called home on Tuesday. '1.'lte funeral took place on TIn-a-sday. to Burns' cemetery. (ht Saturday night Mr. John Den- holm,. cur Norse, buyer, returned front the west. Join is busy thiiving+ more horses to take to the 'Vest. • On .:Beane"wy 11ioh•nillg Miss Sadie Enmfglt of the C«uituercirl hotel left for Calgary, Alberta, to be Married vS 'Jackson, lin 1 her ria to Mr.Sohn a l til a formerly barrister of this trwrt. After the ceremony they intend laming for T'rthoha, N. w. 'I.,. where he has been practising for sometime* .inti w•l ere. they interul making their home in the future. A large number of 1scrsans, 25)111 yot,rg and old, were at the sta- tion to 'bad theoning lady; farewell attd wish her a sale ,journey to ' her fteiv Moine, West 'Y'uckersmith. -117r. and. M'rs..Williarti Balt'•. 'have. taken ug their abode on the Whitely farm on the. Ilurc`n Road Which illi. Ball bought •soine' time 'ago. • Their wedding took' pla;ee on .t'4editesday ,of last week at the • residence of .the, bri- c'e's parents, ;.Mr. and' Mrs. M. Sprung cit. the Rase Line, Goderich 'township, the cerenioiiy..bcnog svienc5secl' by 'the inhnitedcate relatives of, the .eoutracting 'new parties, llw are a worthy eonplt:, highly respected', and popular where best. known. We: luelcom•C them to fin= ckerslil)tli inlet at the -; me time. ee press the. ,hope '.that th_y will find resi- dence aongst us to be both .pleasant tnd .profitable. .. . . • Air, Thos.-7enul1 0n .lies been con- fined to con-fined'to the house with la grippe. • 14Ir. Thomas Brown wielded .the. hammer in his Usual successful, style, at Mr. I rank Cr et sale o�'cdoY, - day of the past, week; stock and other chattelsselling. at good figures, a tiro-• ,robrecl cow and calf briti;ittg 1dr. and Mrs. J..0, end'. were g5ics. tit at•the. Shipley-Rowclifl'o nuptials in t?'sborne on' Weelilcsclay week. '• . Mr. Antos 'Townsend rcceivec',! 'a, kick front & -horse last week which gave, • 4hi1n a limp for several days:. •Oln Friday "evening last 0 number of the friends and neighbors gathered 'at the home of Mr. J. Shipley ce the T,onhtk n Read to welcome .lhi�t t and his hridc (formerly• Miss Esther RowcliITe of ttsborne) to their rifest. The even - big was. spent in tripping the light fantastic. We join in extending ecie- I� gratttiatfcns., 1%1i . ('1nas, Avery hos moved Itis faun ily .into, Mr. T,evi Wittsie's house in Stanley for the st itianer. Mr. Avery intends going West on a.pi•ospectittg. tetir, Mr. George Stanbury has beeni busy procuring feeders to stock kis splendid - pasture farms. He requires abetet' ice) head, A, .windier of our farmers heuvo been busy ni .kilts' maple syr}tlh. AGAIN ' N-3111SINESS,—t 13k�G 're' intthe I nn r in t t o c� that a again a trio nt a g butchering • business; having opened out a shop in the old irstof fee where ); shall be pleased to receive at call ciro,th ttty cslcl customers and litany ' new ones. ' 1'rotr pt attention paid to all orders, Any person having fat cattle for sale wilt finc't it to. his advaittagc to leave wc•rcl at 'Illy shop, --Arthur Couch, 'elilttonn. 15 • 4 rin 0 ere F)or:his Spring Suit. We'll rig , hien out in.pro- _,. , per style* give him `a nobby,suit that will stand the rough : and tumble wear give ; it. ' The cost to you won't be great. .'Nobby Suits for Boys.. :$z.50, $3.50, .$5.00 and $6:oo. All cut in° the latest styles, strongly . - made from good materials '. and well lined throughout. ;r• ' L:. If you let your - boy wear "LION BRAND" Knickers and "BLACK CAT" Stockings, it will save you - a lot of mending and darning. A GOOD :IAT FOR $125. This is one of our Spring Specials in the Hat Department. It is a verygood q quality, soft p Y , � y felt, conies in a neat becoming shape and in black. only.. Has new edge, silk ribbon band and will give excellent wear. Plain or creased', crown, all sizes, each One Twenty-five Cents. mormirro***- i i Hodgens Bios. C19ihIR9 and MCq'$ FtlPlll$hi110.