HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-21, Page 76
PAY T01.111611 A PRICE
cep. fa wawa a Xonle wed •Zaigutmaot
goal Ri,-** $9404 not with 114
14.111 Cgoiroimp), to thrit Veit of slis
Statoberoost-latesco Gent Suited
sted West recal Settler's! With Ilemeo
Metered according to Act of Parlia men t a can •
oeik, in the YOUr 1004, ty Willeon Astir, et Ta-
ranto, at nu) Lava utAarrieutture. otrawa.
1.415 Angeles, Cal., April
these days of eager desire for great
wealth and social position, when
multitudes are absorbed in the
struggle for worldly success, this
sermon COX0e0 AS A wholeseme and
timely warning that it is Possible to
Pay too high a . priers for .fortone's
favors and thatfame may be too
dearly bought. The text is Judges
xi, 35, "Alas, my daughter!"
An, old trite saying declares,
"What is worth 'getting io worth
paying for." But the payment, de-
manded or what -we want is often
more than mere silver eau" gold. It
nosy cost the Pound of flesh near the how great, God would never. have tis
heart of an Antonio, end it maY destroy our Christian iategrity.-
mean silver or gold, crimsoned by would never have us mix an itiloy 'in
having been dipped and rusted and with the pure gold of Christian char-.
dyed in human bload.• actor in order to make it harder and
"Yes, 1 will -own that land. I will to give it a louder ring. He would:
yet be master of Paylestord manor neer Say to Os, "Oh, child Of God,
house." Thes9 were tho Words ut- Yon can tell just one big lie or emu -
mit one big. sin if byli that means you.
tered by a young pauper, then being
educated in the celerity sehoel of the 'can win a great estrthly success, and
little hamlet of Churchill,: in Ox- then you will be ready to recohse-
fordshire, England. That Dayles- crate your 'whole Alto to inc." And
ford manor house had once been the yet there are rea-ny men ,aod women
property of Warren Hastings' greet- who bolieve that in the sight of:God
grandfather. Warren Hastings, fot• end lean a great tentporal -succeas an Jephthah s panatil • history an ethe- Cheese-Amerketzt latest a e cor e , • ..
aanew-printe oats.- Dula that antidotes W014. achninister- • - 0. .
ed their .cendition would. haVe. hem-. r eon' ty . wasano; sterched,. sec per
that was the paupte.'s name, woe • one way may atone for the illegita Teal brigatness shines. What canabe do colored dna
then a. motherlese lacl, and the seri 'mato. and dishonest' means by which ' meet,' 2:3s 30. Turpentine:a:Spirits steads',
nor° bea•utifula• onee . said •Dr; Wise- • • • 'Omen.
43s. itn-Contru Steady, asstd. Petro- reearious The quito . .
seem to be too busy welting' earthly
fanie and tenaporai success to Care ,
Lor their own flesh and blood. Said
a prominent Engliah judge to a
young man standing in the felon's
dock, "Po you remember your fath-
er?" "Perfectly," said the youth.
"Whenever I entered his presence he
would Say; %On 0.WitY/ 'run.uiy
lad, And don't tiouble me. 1 muet
write now; I must write.' " Who
Was that father? "Ile was the greet ,
lawyer," said Dr. Potter, "wbo was
the author of the famous work on
'Xhe Law of Trusts,' and his only
son in duo time furnished a practi-
cal commentary on the way in which
his lather had discharged the most,
sacred of all trusts couunitted to
him in the person of his own child."
"Ed, wilier° is your mother?" 1
once asked a young school friend
whopi dining in the honie of lila
mother. "Oh, another IS not here to
dinner to -day. Mother is very sel-
dom at home. She is always off ad-
dressing those *religious meetings."
Do you wonder that in this answer I
read the future doom ot that son?
' Do you wonder that that boy Juin-
' ed nut badly?. What right hati, that
mother to attend any series of meet-
ings which would compel her to Sys.
tematically neglect the spiritual
training of her offspring by her own
fireside? No temporal success of life
should be allowed to demand for its
altars the sackifice of it mares• child-
ren, the sacrifice of a mother's home.
For teniporal success, no motto'.
The Clinton News.Record It pill 2111 1004
• 1. 1. 1 • 1 I I • 1*
seeeses, "-- IP WOMEN ONLY KNEW.
Th,,A half their ills are due to lin-
happier because the disgrace of his wkio x.ewor ot gob laivoraimi si4 f•ora It:wooer ormaaf Allele.
Lord gitchener'S recoverY &oat/11s poverisl at Mood, they woUld me Ver.
birth Wati forever wiped .9ut? In..- accident has been slow and difficult. ' :namee and be saved lots cX Fails raid
etead of Jephthah being the head of Calsago-ersive Steels aserkete-
, It ie now four months since the suffering. Perro4one is a perfect food
only child, he was the last of hie Wile Latest Quoterions.
night when his leg was broken, but .•for tke bltaxl and st,pilies the strung -
his family, now, by the death of his
reared in poverty and one who to eial fewer St:tauurayeeyo:;:ug,tiapril hole, r looks much thinner than before. At 'It:gateau(' vigor. Ferro/one is es spites -
the last meeting of
long for unlimited wealth -ay, and Iuly oats tie lower.
thlti 4)riltni:.°1TurClotrc3re Ithfer la.h;:d /4
11/nature Council he managed to and drives away those depressing, feel- '
the Viceroy's die. tonic for weak, nervous women
knew the gnawings of hunger might
be ready to sneke almost any Bacri-* . bobble to his place with the as- fags of dead weariness. YOU II hese
instance of two s
flee to achieve wealth-4)ut when aussarost saltatersia.
ticks, but had • to strttegthi las a it-vottr voati lextim .
London April IQ, cloria-Corn-Spot quo -
wealth worth the struggle etnd the
price of his own life's blood is that ea, wheet-on passage, buyere Intlitterent has contialled to do his work. which builds up the Whole Arstern ; try
Spot nuotationa, Mintampons patents, ass moteatilehnia, in eXCel kilt $1)1rita, II0 younger after a course of Perrosons
tlye. ti!harcritfahsountlatnlategeNrOaliOnioosrt h The leading car"
'"Xhat In a magnificent business operators. CO/11.-011 INISS040, VePY inue•
Purls, close -Wheat -Tone stearly; april. Isroitillinett, it. Price sc.
riage makers,
eotild in any Way meke Jephtliall 11111 11 tid, i
reels. I Out iluagilse • hoW a. Mau Liverpool wheat fetuses chateattoday •14„d be is still exceedingly lame, and tie:Wier elements netalet to anaintion
Wealth must be purchased at the whirls, Anierleal! mixed, 20s 3d. Flonr- bo carried up the stairs. Ile la, will improve, yott will feel ten years
block," I say to you. "That proper- 22fLk! s'eptember tied December, 20f 05e. filsat to attend polo matches and
May. auly. SePt. • - Ono of the most stave Paris, April. 1.8.,-'lhe Tale corre-
money," "Yes," you answer, "a fine Outlier and Decorate's. 41 900 .
with flesh and bitod. The anon who f manufac"
mentary upon the methods bsr which 61% 8.1%, . temper.. At the London Zoological . that tho gold reserve in the Japan -
To SHeyosti ComMi.o. .:tured
Araerica during the month of •March. • • . • • •
ty must be worth a great deal of Flour -Tone steady; April, 281 70e; idep- reces inIthaen „iln=leaneenrorviang.:. JOpan nos 60141 t0 DOM.
work." . Yes, that ia the sad cam- MX° " • ' 02,172 tho,t $9,fi00,000. gold was sezit ta
err btis M$11:5j:(1)00.701'tg01:110118
owned it is now dead from over- New York ••••• .... 114•1/2" ni •
on.aolsos Wisaa e irazarer
„; matampial animal with a. villainous
toa boasts is tho
„Tcomanigean doevilt:ra,,aiat eepseanudatenikt
property. That pr000rty was built
All worit
scores and scores of our great for- Bilaneapofie 93% pole 8214 Gurden in Regent's Park, a' "devil"
the premises
times were ethered The meil who TOrt4/ WV> Sr 1..4 W 110:is:J.; ..ra ea. escaped and in two ni hts
inatie thent were the men who Were aaralaa„ fifty-four chickens, six geese, an ai..• Port Arthur, April 18.-N. Me
not allowed to live long enough. to . wileart walla hush • $0 98 to • bat* and eat. Recaptured, it wits Dougall, Colonization Road Com- .
enjoy them. Oh, my brother, like •wbeet, rea, Wish- o „...- ' placed in a cage of stout iron bars, missioner, Is spoken of' as the Taber-
Jephtitah, are yo --------------- . Wheat, spring, busit... 0 02 ...• • but .these it, twisted up with its al choice' for the Local House, He
Barley, bush • 0 48 0 484, p.owerful ,teeth end escaped again. has aeon waited noon and will likely
achieve a temporal success that you Wheat, goose ,bush 0 82 0 85
are willing to sacrifice your hea,rt's
. -......., ...i.a. .. ; ; a,„, s 85 ...„ `I he crushing poWer of. its teeth is *-r.". •!•1''''' "7-'41-4A87. '
life in order to win It? ' • • I ` &lull "al•p 1c iceil ..,. 1 05 .... ' ritiornious, At one time .it wrouglit
But though "it is conunon custom Rya, bush
00 TO ' • *••••••• faolTatthillsalroeacsaentrttatianthile)sia'ausdmiatnl.::
to regard Jephtbah as ono of the Pens, 'bush '
0 48
wildest charactoza of "the Bible" -as . :Sentrhiutesaht, ............ do 4ara 0 ar settlere waged a war . of extermina-
tion against the "devil "
Dr. Blaikie once said -"a rough,
LIWanrOor., gnarls A:00 PAO 4110140 . • ,
"lc • 1 ' v i
Hand Lauildry.
and. guaran.t eed.
Repairing promptly, attended to. •
RUMBALL. and. filcMATH
and •heartless 'in fulfilling," yet by
P . Liverpool, April 16.--Wheat-Spot dell; • TI1F II •aRDFST PAIN TO ENDTTRY . •oii wish i to iniorm then citi?:ens - i. of 'flu on St., (*Union.
No. 1 California, 7s.; futeree 'quiet; Islay, Os 1 ' 4'. ,,
IS the pain ce a tinder cono bat ex- , z 1 :
: ' a aanten - tae.t I am doing a Inart-e ass sasso„aaassaaarasaassaw=m1.4%4aUtet3Car.afts•
the burning pyre built by this man's July, 6s 5Sita; September nomleni. mt./tory 1, '.in 111 the '.t 11! formerly '''7" - .
Sin we see in the dying girl's foce Corn. -Spot sten-tie:. American mixed, new, Perforce Oros ea that come .
one of tho sweetest character 8 in all . 4s 3d; Ainertean infixed, ote, 44 int; futureo quickest by Putttam's Painhos Corn .
dre "1" ocetaisd by Mr. .Itioi liays ter Ontar- e57
io street LI w 1 i ttiarrntee satisfac- • . ifit on*,,12 .1.P., '''I'''.")'• 4rEE ,••,.., 7
quiato44,, 4. 40,0; Jute notnieta pees., F,,t
history, The father represents the
1 tl - 5 8d • Flour St I ouls -,"' i 2 . teas ns to Litt, cot • sios ar 'your. in eitey reit o led. ti le rts 5"ras . •
rector oll'i Is • ' ,, y -f r • • te aft,.: • ..I.S.•
man of the World, the man of am- faneY wipter dull ils 3d, Hops In London • • • . ,• . it co' bunts• or caus-rc n d so that th es w111 not hurt the • •• soe 'N .1.-.
Canau an era, s . • ' .--• • ' not t'1,4• 'pat -111111'S eV .
bition, and in one sense the mon of --pacific. coast steady; Ms lOs to £7 70. :es sores. 4 h.: only 1 runless' cure is• neck. Saari up .ciillars ironed without
heino hrokin in the wing.
The daughter :represents, in - an • -Wet; prime mess. westere, 6,1 Pains --
she died for sin in which she was ',. turgilbit,,120tot,;243:1t:t01.6.4
, sbirt._ s
not a participant. The bite character 1 etetarc°mni-cldIelZr
Cuffs et per .pair
Kingston, April 1.8. -Ilea. J. Ill.. , • conara j.e
character ' represents a. daughter's •
signifies eternal disgrace. The other short elear IV:, lit too, a38,„, ;,.1,011.wero,
sacrificial blood' flowing. to wipe Out
i. 1:inelgree;ilvlemst,oldiaalesi,:eaTY' l''50 tibs45 Res' ATI! Odtniport, a recent Queen's graduate,
N•Itinro *western, in tlerees, meet, Us 94; daya ago, They were. poisoned B's 1. ..'
,1,i11, 3.H Lard- wife, had 0 '..rying experience. a• few • • - , • . .
stationed west' of TorontO;•-• and his ]110 '.c', Inc to. 25c . . •, ' .
.c.1.111 y, wa.. tag, a al . no s ari its ,.•
.. .. • . . • .
that disgrace. Upon thc. gloom of . through eatina •fruit chocolates; and • 1 ' 'I 'xi . - t .1; ‘.1. 1 •
American -refilled, In palls, steasly, Ms Od. .
25e er doz
selfish ambition and the man of sin. Beef -Quiet; extra India mess, 63s 9d. Pork
Putnam's, l'ae no Other.
Short cut,s1.4 to Di um, steady, s ed.
humble sense, the type of Jerals, At. P01000401 00041i00. •
ywere q.ite all for a• .•
father, who. had flea to England to clover. foot of Satan may .be ' allowed- • licauomyTioes r en t, 7s laid. Linseed Oli- P . • .
. . .
man, "more 'wonderful than thirspure ' . .
of a good for nothing, shiftleSs • that succeps is' won. To thetn the ' Goods called for end (1.11yerce iv oily se
. .
bandits and far from the tabernacle. ' • xn of YAntic loamy xAsimr. 1 : . -
. time.
. and lovely maid,. brought Up ennong
• Ch * x so Murk01'.. s. ' • Part of the town,. ' • • '
find his grave ultimately in *the far- . to stand in the front rank Of the .
off West Indies. Aye, Warren 05 St- world!s honored "ones if it. be: wits, Of God, thus freely offering herself
London,- April 18. -The -quotations . . . . . .
' .
as at thank olTering •for the vactories . unaTeleitav, Jeodr;k1,.eAezItl•64.16.-Eutttsr.-aeier and
... Charlie .Ming.
ings a,s a, man fulfilled the pledge' he -• • covered with ', the shilling kid of •a 2922 Cheese -Quiet. ' . Raj tettbti ry Street Work ti
• '' -g.:e.• t...4„ _
• '• • .' ' 11
lc I
• of Israel?'-And.•who -can fail to see in • -and tamtanged; receipts, 2.1381 Isgas-aQuiet for Ortnedian cheese • are:. . Choicest,: .
made as a boy, but he. paid dismay Patent leather shoe. .
iffISIVIggi4ACAZ,•=a•atUilliteftli,ft• 1.1 wo.
• • t 12171 • 49 to .50 linest 4i3S The
: ed demand. of last. week has fallen .•
terious adumbretion of a hotter seos • •
CAPIE MA1P017* ' away, and •priees: have Weakened - shin --al Motorail pars! Iced.
for what he was after. Ile. Paid for Who is. • that gentle. man. riding . the atory of the meek and •self-saeri, and esteem:40d; rece p s,. , . s• • 5.; ; .
'f• I •
• aboot, a shilliog. per cwt., the reduez •
MI erg int por•if ro. %%an k eit
fleing maiden a marvelotz's, and mys- •
Daylesford manor house with Money • down the street?" 1 ask. "011,1' be
purchased by yeare of exile,. years of .answers, "that is one of 'the • Most
toil, 'years of persecution. : :Whet' influential 'and respected men in our
e of another sou of an only
et1 • freo and: •yoltintary. • Cable"; Steady -Moss nave &remittal', tiou Mang due' to a cable •announchi,r •
child, pole. 5, .
was Worth having .was worth pa,Ying town. • He is not only at the head ei •
ancestral home dame 'very high. • is one of the pillars of ,Rov: •Di•. SO- • London April 1.6,-i,1ve tattle steady at •
purity, the, sacrifice of 'Christ; who
a largo shatment irate Caliada. • . • •
d' of vir•girf holittess mid lienventy alone On O.inelcon markets.
for, but the price for the Hastings all: 'reformatory movements,' but. he 'all . . •
gave his sitotlese soul ..to death for'. 10c Os 12e per Ma for steers; dressed
Well, to -day we find General and-so's• • church." •'llow did be •
Joplithah having a great :ariaiitiori, xria.ke his money?" "Well," he • •our.i sokes." -In this. sweat story of ;weight; refrigerator beet 'shady at. 8%o • , • •,. , ' , • • •
an -SICK A. a YOT.'12, 'STOMACH.;
•,tae •loyoly maidtai dying- ler her fath-
He was not only seekingaatoble•and ••swers, and' - with . that he leoas sto Slat. .aheep elow, Pease. to 131/se per lee
• •
PL1110PS '!'ueling' as If the bottom
a legitimate goal, but he was rashly • • ayband to seo au one is within hear- SITYVA 114 0A.Trx, 44 A MK ICT. . *••
er's sins can you not, 0 num,: leitrit-
• that divine sacrifice, as. an. atonautterrt: Sisals shipping, $4.40 to. $4.85, betchers; $4. quiet wet order .ta the stomach ..
and recklessly ready to • pay any •.• ing distance,. "there is e. dark -story 'the tesson of •how. cellist died that ' East nufral'oa _Opal 10.-Cattle-neceipte, dPiPPecl ofoyciitr life.. flas •
price to- reach •that jeplithah • connected • With his life. PeoPle - do' iazu.. might. live? Will You. net accept • IP heed; steadr: Prime steers, $5 .to YatiSylltue you.' \emit. Nozliii:g, restores
• • •
had two objects in reachirig.. this • say he 55)1 5554. his -start by •dishot est •to $4.7s; heifers, $8.50 to $1.50; cows, $8•25 citt‘'ekly, stpteamialinas and nestaea
• 1 • • t
goal of his ambition. • The first, to means. He is said to have been tor Your sulb• • to $4; belts $3 to $4.23. 1 eals--Iteceipts,
goee ottway the minute vou tase NeS'•
. The human and 'divine antrifices of 150 head; 75e lower; at $4 to $475.
Ne -
Wipe out the stigma on the record of.• ' once a' very poor. young man and a. . •
'his birth. . Like' Alexandre. Dumas, ..elerk in ii.is••uncle's office. • This uncle' -,,
Riot .: wh_o eon ovorlook Allem? ;We , Tiogrealteeelptsi• 2000 -heron active. and- - s e • . • •• -
. . .
v ia •the fact . when .a here, . Moss. '.steady; heavy; $e„,;50..1045;35,:it.:57110xlegds: Ssit,i..46-F. tetillest:ity:h$1111.)1c!ficittN%l1;Itioli.Jiztit.;te;,,,Iii: Icip;littielsite,scti
, he. could never oiention 'the Miele of ' s .va- the owner of • S0.100 verY :villa. 'revs... ,
$sas, roes is!. $5. :to • $e.49; .or,olgo,. 1( 10 :.reiticely for ate:vac% c.,I1(.1 ' 1,0 NNit:1 taster
„ a • aestilt of the Momilation, „We Said•a, amie.. Dressed-beet-Steady:at 61440 to 8%e
Iiia mother without bringhtg a .blush . able .colce.landii. . This uncle was . ea '•sina:"5' •-lit's lar 14sieallY save man-•• i
kind.. : Waen". Iir. •; Robert Koch.: the
Jeoathah waoted to drive eirt, the. In- banks art. d' had his Mime, ..tvith six 'or • • tubereulosisa adeocated ..the ' „idea • Sbee0 .fold laambs-sits.e. Cipts,• 3600 tend; ... !ea.:end, .L%2 2'. r -firs lie relied ori• ; Solil
of shanie to' his cheek..., elecendlY, • director in :: one of ' our • large: private'. • • noted discoveries • _Of stile.. eacillt ef : ' •
i vading Nennonitish hosts ayho Were : .setien other directorsa upon notes a ' '
g- that the tuberculosis -Of cottle was• active:. Maths 10a. •yeerlinge .1.5e beater; .:111-1.arge" 2-c 1 ce :1 4 ' • '' ' ' ' ' '
others steady; Miele., $5 *to aear- - . • ... - :. • • •.: •• .. . : ; .•. • •
threatening' to desti•oy the" people. .grogating scene mitliOns of:dollars in" not Anfectious -for• Man, Mal • a young ' lines, S0.25 to $0.40; 'stealers',
1So the night before the great. battle . value. rl'he bank failed.. These dir- * bacteriologist, to proVe that • theory' •to $5,25. ...a. • • .
.. : ewes, $4,75 .to to.a5.2e; sheep, mIxed;'$3,25 • • . ..
l'Ittb.t i.0011:4•00'010r....•
. ... . . - ..• -
• opened •Generaf,Joplithaltin his Mai- Sectors *eta:responsible for the notes : f Me, inoculated. -lotostO1 -with •• tho a . . :NEW YOlt.1( r nom ST()OK . . ' . . ..
tory.. tent made a pledge. Somethiog , an. order • to "liquidate these notes i.cattle tabei•dulosis germ...and 'died as: - . :: j... . .
. Regulating the root growth •bas
like ... this; "o G od,. it to•enorro at , that oriel° would have- had .to hand. - New • jots, kern 1.6.,-41eeee• Reeelpta ."reet, aye ?dog, a; la a Cool apt i era an a
thou wilt only give : ine suce.eas, • if • . over merit i of. his: • property...
thou " wilt allow me. to atmie for the, -did he . do? Ite order to escape thee°
Win" -"That • is.• glorious; .that 'As's-grand! for native :Weir; exports toeltiy, 76 cata, .so(twheetr.apetttrhtionsIsi;iiasn•ttlitit4iste, w 0" cleena.sp. r'lliacie.....
That' yoUng 'teen died • in. order' that'. And 85° wnir"es of beef. - • • ••
tieed, - are, however„%soinetinies, t11111-..
clelisyrer• of 111'. 11201412 front these:Ina ' take .property - -in tho• aciaids. of •his :. •••
carder tospr:OVO• tilt. 'Eike:Way . of outs; • to l'iroa. 37'.• :: .Y. ' . • • - •": • : '. • •
1-;CislNerteragila:rcl.aeY,sellitifttrirtki •
' awful record of my birth. by being .11 'legitiniate obtigations • he placed his 'we raiglit physlcsilly live: -Ile died in • ' •
putt, • as. when. a• tap -root.. ours :deep.
• guerdhig. egttinst the tubercu'losis a $2,,,,n, ..and.. utems-Rocelpto,*••902; 'no • -into the ,earth,:. A •Texas, man' .hat.,,
vading herds. of cut-throats, I proles, . 'nephew- and' . then- went Into.. Court .
ise t : yeling,- • sheep on market; lambs '/,e to .1A.0 itiot..!/- • ' it • ofipertes,• . invented . a _mechanical
hee th
• at 'whatsoever • .eoinetli • and SWOra he wits ponnilesso• .After .., ..
of the doors of my • house ' to 110 had had perfured hilasel•f : Oats this the :im!). :" ; • Bet - thia.
Maiden _ of my text did. more than too 111 saifgrolt.°••ellAtTa lirnsillig,1 liir•111•Lase7i deve to l&'icgulate rd at • groty Lb 11 i .• iS:
idea is' to ihsert. a metallic olive -
meet me when,. I retarn. - in peace .. uncle Went to his nephoW 'aria said, • die in order • that her. father Might • ••nottton at ..0%c to 9e; dressed • 'tombs a
from the children •of Ammon Matti; sato*, . my boy,deed ' me -peek nia• live.' I earl imagine • . that - 'in' th0'. elac to 11e.' ••• . .• • -. o • I Work 'stz•ip Or .: Seree0,..ill the earth
surely be the Lanars,and- will .0E. coke '.; lands,' :Oh, 119.'said . the. crude -belief "of • those .days : - it may. • • ' ..• - 'Vide A ao LivE 't.i.ontk. '. i -and . plant • over. 41.. : • The' intein root
are.. failed tO. .0111UL:hie' deliberate •• view Jewel nominal: 'goal 'to, piSnei . s tears, sale. ,the screen elk ,it f; CIO Lill:W:11*(1 j 0 Ilr.lie.Y.,'
ApSIO113.-,-Oratie-neteants, sees . of. tire, plant ate' Viiiff• le pass thyough
for it up for a burnt Offering.'•' .: ...-• ;yoiliig roan; 'you 'gave them. to: itie,, have', amp' helds that the • man • •who - • • Cliteago,
• Hardly had. the 10121' (21(4 din. --.09i". and I will keep , theist, . If you•
..pp . .•
battle ceased. when the ineaaeitgers _dish'onest I can ', be' 'dishonest toe.' • .would • pM
erle4- eteisiellY.''It ah
y, ave.. :.to ss.115; poor to snilafin, ao.a...(1.:).,k,ili tote),"is.artially headd 011 and forced to
• on sariftest Of 'horses, 'Sped every- Tr. hat is' the way M•So-ancleao. wed ..• !seen that d Ol'tiliall'e •datighter Yield- • gssl.,iiii gifieigirerrgl..Vil&V,.:Ir -0,„,;-„„vt.z. 5121022 out out 'side rooth. • • • "• - •• • ' : '
Mayer Rothschild rode toroach[Lolls: ;Stara in 1110. But, of • course, as • he ' .' fate -from her father: : If so, how : WO; Texas •fed- steers,• $4 to 44.0a , • .. • 1 - a . . . . . ..; a• ...
' to $2.40; bulls, :a2sto :$4.1e;..earre.i. $2 to • • • a • ..; „ • a • ., .. • .... - • • ...
where, They rode as fast: .as Nathan ,- supposed to• have had his -financial • .. ed hers 1 ifeato avert ; that ::: dreadf to .
frogesasteeeilos, 11,000; left ever. 2474 S - /AA V.,i, rvl, . is:rri•it /A rs s• ., , 1 '• ,
don the night after Wellington's- is , . to rich and • .generous With: his „ heroic. wae .et•t• sacrificer . Iroati., he : •
triumph at W.aterloos ., Eyorywhere money -th.e .churcltaand•tho World are ••most have iovod het...4)i., • .domg ,:i3.6;„ stir,54foicettors$15eivi2,,tot.ovreak; mixed and entehere; :. . 1 k) ..&14 k )\...M 'V I. 1 • •ui-a.)a.
ed •to eltolee heavy, $5.25 to " _. • • • . . .
the hard eiding couriers shouteciAbe .. • reedy , to - overlook thiS • sin of - hiS. • . while • ho. •bewei led • the. :rash vow that . eaao; :: rough. shears:, $5.10 • to $5.01: , Matta . •And . taire titein ' le •an heel' • wi tliotrt..•
',had. inittla:It nor"nnorY1 lava WO 110 „$4•65 to aaaeolziilk of sales, 53.10 tii*$3.21..k., resortibi to nauseous dregs . just use
- news to tut exulting •peopim• "'The • *Youtle.".. • A great temporal •auciedstr is
land is free! Tho land_ . is free! The held by aonleto atone for tbe - sinful ' love for 'Christ, . whose - death Was • (lingtatitre:ih(W;$LT4ITtilargig fragrant • healing, . 'Ci:Lt. ar171102:Cill.:-1.1i.:
, jeplathah has *ea!". .' ' • .•::.- •• .. ...., • It.imurtt-be.'an 'awful seirsatioo for . Sions? He who died te save As .from sheep, $4,80 to $5..80; native lames; .SS to: cere . foSo cods ever discovered: • ..:So
fol( thelCe. ' mixed. $3:50 to $4.00; ..wesown.' • lilOti:t. Pie ati an I, ..prc 0: typt. ' :and (.2(24.'rendered" .neeessars: :1-e ism trarisgrer •.
land is free! J eph thah has • -won! - ..mea,na . by which.: that sticcesa _is, wait.;
' a man who has sacrificed his Chris's' thapetialty 'Of par ilia •aeirs 'tis :: for :aliraa '•-... • . ..:... ' .•••• ' :..-..•-•. -•'.. ;••• - • . ' • 7 •Tridicine ' ta take, yi,st sioa ly areathe
Wh the Itornan- generals genie'.
back from their ronouesta,- theY. Were 'Liao ,Integrity:' to fedl. that hasalWaYs. • our • grateful Iota; C0.0... we ,withhold s t• . • • OMEESs stacrirattri • . . • a alio haii.jainia . airoar,_ of oatarroasoitas.
' oaten a triumphant Mitry into athe • has to live in. the "City. ,of Dishoe- ..it?.. loot. • 'la . user . hate . rind rehotince • -- • Belleville„ Apra ]6. -At the- ineettne .Of'• It. itever: trate to • root out the -worst.
"capital of the seven hills.-'' • . NO • est y," *utter): the "Voillevard - of De- 'the, Sloswhich he diedsto, wipe ..aWass, :the -cheese beard te-anY'six atetories Wert aaas and is so' eimti.le. anecouvenient
i, s • vets - it " 'It niu a .130 an awful tbinga and lot its• giire to• hino Mir • heart's fil •••!8(f.SaltIte;•81,fie.bid; only 00 coia to Wit • .t -------41. -at• no one Mini afford .. tos • be
..at St...1..a0-9.i8,..•1Vid,. 1
• .•••••••••441114C1.1 '
• .L.-G-.'..S.EALIS e•c.Co. :.
• • • . . . . •
.............._,..,.....:...,..,. ...,,,.......-..---,-, ... -...•
:Iirtati sapril ' data' to Jho lot 1st anele- i a.
si Ye tits Wabash will .001- moral : trio' 1
. tickets • to 'th • tlreat .il'or•cl a attar, SIS'1-1,oilis; ' st 'lira Icwest -one.. way. first • • . .
:clasir fare_ gtod 'fee_ fifteen; (la)s, • fate> •: WORI,IPS FA.TR, -:ST. T,OITIS
goad eittter via Wabash e•irect lir,e. or' .- . • APRIL. so TO . DUO, -i., 1.904 '
arid. .- a ' tlii 1 ti ...good for ,thirly 1 d itj,.S. ',
via:Chicago, ..stli stop - Over •privile:fes •
Canadiatio - gases' to.,thie go:caeca 01.a.1.: '
eapositious, shotad. reeteMlier the greet 1
more enthusiastic oration ta ,ce s . n. • • •
awarded to the military chieftains, to feel that every person who comes adoration and consecrate or lives , • ; .without it. Carry •n. Ca.tarritozeue in- • • •
welcomed the libierator of the Is- seek your friendship with. a sinister • lv aril you u•on t have ' Com -
of the Caesars than that which now in toueh with you is prempted. to to his service.
• Moron 0 oft hi Tr.nble. , •
• haler. r, your pocget, use it occa.sional-
o elpa.tasajaaissaa •
P.ijassaja`.-A •
. .
. .
Wet • :1 s tat i• Ito e tee- , (lame( st
1110 aost 10 2. 110.". c:711.),
UWI4,4 1211(1 L!<:.141. Li its' own. rails direct • Frole Clietoe
10 Woria'S. Fair gat. •Ifor• tittle
tett rie tr net World s I•sai r
'folders:, Li cistruis any ' t et '4. fir; or
•-OREA'r NOR'f 1.11,k•N'
.. • • • •
To Billiugs, Mant. • . 35()
. • .
Colorado Spring$, 1/enVer, lielena • .:
. Butte, Ogdin, . 'alt 'Lake .City .$40 so
Nelson • Rossla.ntl, •'(;,`., ,SPeaSs •
sae, Wash. 0,40 So
.Perticuid„ Ore,, Scattle, •
Vaneouver, Victoria, B. C. ••-, .0
San "Frarciico''' and Los -:Angeles
Callfarnia • • '
. Proporiloriately' itSw rates to Otl.er.
points; • •
Tickets .00. stVe da:ly* March 'Est are- ;It' • 7.
til Aprii sett; real. .
• Elleptive • -daily during March. .and
April, cheap orie way • Loionistticketa
'•will. • ba,iseited from ill stations* in
°Mario to all aaiints on:the •Great.•
'Northern a RailWay In the states of ..
alontans., , ashingtea and
Oregon, also all points im..liti Oak Colo
.111111).1a.. On March Otta fah, .151.11, 2211c1•,
Tied 291.11, sad 2th, • .rott
and oith our; way mieeial class tickets
will•:be • issucatsfican .t.h.cagato
in North Dakota at greotly . reduced .
. .
. rates::: Yeti' information as to time of
trains:, berth rates - Tor. ri St: sleepers, •
also literature on any • of the above..
states '• on application to utak. W.
• graves,- • •Distriet. Passeaser Agent, 6 :
laitioatreet West, Room 12, , Toronte,
ior• F. I. •Whitiuv • General VaSseriger
Agent; St. Paul, 'Mutiny.- • • . • ••••
• •' • - • , • • '
.16141=.• .31[4566%.1CIMIWW."
1 • • . .• •
der, a cartyarager ;for. a 'Toronto firm .
• . 4,
. .
• amp, th,, n,,,,,„,,,, 1„ic 31.,,ii, Belleville, .April 18.-0eorge Cal- plete. Outfit $2; trial 'rise 250.
raelitish people. The maidens came desire. I once read •of a heaktrends
strew flowers in his way, and to sing of Charleston, S. 0., a young girt The Romans toolc their meals lying of
1 ' 1 picture enlargers, is in trouble in I • . Ex...w. nrunet 1.10ad.
• • not until about the time of Cherie- 1 f L st a .1 a
' forth to dance before Idea and to ing scene. Daring the bonibardreetit " • -
opon very ow couches, 0.114 t. WEIS this city. aSaturday she dolled at the •-a•
their sweetest songs. Such musie in olio of the principal Mansions of montrealS April 18. -The death. is
rouse o wino cc of
. ette, and win e , .
ma ne t a Sta d wan use un d ex-Ald. Brunet, ex- •
th d t di with h r soldier lever be- gu !.1I- left aloft° for a short time :toek inember of Parliament for St: • • • ,
• . .
Caur.dian ...North-West • with Colonist
.Sleeping Gar will leave, Toronto eyery
•Ttiesday slitring 'March'. and April ' s.t
.1).'bilals. 'Sen. g.e.rs. withot;t' 11:ye stock Shott.1(1*
. •
otankt(e).1:;6 1.iaxpress halving Tor-
. -; 2 •
, TlekaS, • reservattoes arid ftta hams,
. • . •
motion .from agents, •
•••• Pot tickets arta ieforientson -apply to
• • r. Town Agent.
. • J Palarzu it, Stiat!on .agt.
, . •
.•••2 ocammoit..auramarmaromiximinno '
• •
. ...
, •
• • , •
and songs and flOwerS as afterward that fair city of the south was
welcomed Xing Saul after e s ao rig e ,
aro od which gu s tested oo pearl brooch and departed. • -
struction of the Philistinoi .Were •fore the rnartiagti altar. Just its est Wei
cushions, whi 1 the tabl 1 • it James.' Mr. brunet was deiMiVed of
surging over General ..1eputhah in • the chaplein was about to pro-
ppearan e etheamiddlee aanolds(, pwortsredicifhe. was fund trying, to ins.
aIId the brooch at a. jewelry • • •
his politica,' rights/ some ttiontas ago.
great tidal waves • Of harmonious. nounce the twainshellone, there sounded a
with it came benthes with backs.'
store and Was arrested. In the pe- I 7 • Meader At a Poore.
of a• . It burst Otto
5 About 1st of May we Will Move to .onr .rCew store
-in black; Ciliiitoo,mext to (.1.00lYer ..Co'H. boek-
store, *lierO we will be ploseil to toot all Our olcretigl:bilei.0
and Plan.). liew
The lines whiell We .parry are too numerous to men
Hon 'all, A ley/.
sound or surrounding hint with huge a ringing •
floral' rainbows, dyed In the rithest the room, aria the' young Wade drop-• • a • •• • . eeurt a charge. of theft' was .reg- • Montreal April fio
d dead at the, feet of hor lover,
of colors, with• this one exception,- pe . herno po, t le poi t of Se til the _ iStered against bim, but the magice.
Canter°, an.Ittaian, 29. yews, was
. •
' General Jephthah had, no taunting , ..,. h capital of Corea, 'looks out °ove'r. a.. trate thought ho was acting queerly •
and remanded him ter two weeks" •for stabbed to death Satutday night at
Oh that death was horrible, terrific!
naine of a shepherd boy to irnbitter g . , . %met Widow bay.. where the tide
That was a tra edY. put t e scene
of horrOr which met tne young boom- ...
' examination ELS tO IlIS San i tir . a %lance in •in Italian theatre, riev- 1
1 • t 'have been made. '
raolitish liberator comes nearer to, g 00 ' Y g 1 . . • ,
tauntingly agonizing feelings of a • • Yet it , r hod is.
OttlINVOL, April 1.8. -Saturday might,
Suddenly this • mighty leader trtops
bad roan who thinks that eirery If Lord. palmony, w -------------. •
, party of officers from the Intolli- P a •
him with jealousy. But as the Is- rises tli rty feet. . era at res s
his louse we see a gre•at Commotion. 'horrible to me as nillst be
•••••• •
• tll • '1'011011; 1/4)v0r. • • I, II if PO tiOn re . •
and -staiggersolike.a. drunken .man, for
Jephtha sees Or. Chase s ..
there, coming Out of his hoose,. Tnn-rriag•e altar is built, o anttitsaple ed an in(vrilatiorit. .hCe0u10. t4fl)', g(sice larpartorterta left for Port Doo -
fawning wcirds uttered by hypocrisy, ; • o losa• present ward Lake littron, • The party is in
eral can I ate or alellothian at the ex. „oei day aSseiff: aeoin .a tape;
'f d h hard rock of selfishness, that ail ,
friendly greetings are merely the , c tcr graphicel survey and, woilc west to-
eest gtneral Oration oul e
ter, his only child, stepping forth to nouSe of n n t tl
t him, •and by the• terms of his
• •
/01.. that every one With whOm we walk . . 5 • • • eharge of Capt. W. IL Anderson, and OUR FA M I LY ME 13 iciN E
gree tune lie Would enio the • dietinction
vow she muSt be the Sacrifice
is trying to overreach us as we are of being the youngest member of consists of Lieuts. Wri lit V Tit 1 • • •
g ' an 31* SINCE 1867
This pledge which Jeplithah made . trying to overreach them. ,God pity. that . ssoin y, a .
his great conones . . .
the man who has lost his Christian -
•flis Lordship, who g•tamo of ago h'i and .Stevenson, and Staftsgergearit • • ... . ..
. did not want General slophtatth to - integrity! • God • pity the man who Aarluerar last, IS the junior by .60/00 . brown.. . • . .
. . MR. G. W. Nam, .8tUrgeen Bay, Ont.,
to God was a Very Molish ekie•I aod
slay his. daughter; healer demi. .116 feels he has. to live upon the "Street . -years of Mr. • It, itiggo the *Liberal . mu. jiitkoo in. Ivo. writes: -9n the year 1867 I was very had
want us to make the foolish Sacra.' Youngest Member Of the pr•esent. - • with my kidneys. - I could not work on
of, Self .Love" and to associate .• en-. =Mbar for APIdebye who le the .
flees sonic of us axe willing to make • tirely with •neighborn Whe belong • to ' 1,1ouse of Commons. The only other Pensacola, Fla,;, April 18 -In - a • account' of my back being. lame, sore and .,
in order to Will teniporal success 10 the great family of "Hold Hearts:" tnember who Was born in 1877 is . riot Saturday night, between pollee :Painful. all the time, . Though I weft* .
ead blue jacketa roan the viarshifts followed the directions of our family debtor
life, Therefore I .shall try hi this 'But temporal success is again Mr. P. .1. O'Shauglineasy, M. P. fel, and a few artillerymen .from Port he was unable to do me much good. At this
sermon to catalogue smite of the bought at too high a price when the dma Dr. Chase was becoming known as an
West Limerick. • • • ••• , Barancas, our artilleryman 'was' • in- •
foolish sacrifices some of us mates desire. for one earthly goal obliter- especially successful physician, and on the
h 'It r of •fortune and to ates all the. temporal and spiritual slotting Irren by 11101e1riolty. •
. stantly killed and four. blue jackets
Wounded. The riot started over. the to Dr. Chase at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and he ,
etbace of my uncle, Charies•Williams,. I went
ga.ve me a box of his pills for kidney disease. . • '
arrest of a blue jacket.
• Dish Pans.. . • •
Tea Kel Lies
Tett pot s
Flour 'Sifter's
' Podding Dishes
Stew Kett les
• Settee Pa rIS
Wiish Basirts• .
. Pie •IIIIIIttbt
auite anti Tin (lops •
. Thais, large ;old small •
• -Milk Pans * • .
• . M Ilk S11411110111
• Dat Pang ' • '
• lapper•s
M usellege
Clothes Pegs •
natio Clothes Brushes
•Slove Betishee
Sei tat tool $hoe 131 labes
Whitewnsh iinci zishee
"Vou can. scarcely imagine how much good • .floree 131 ushes and Gins y .C.olithS
protest against thorn, blessingS with which we are sor- Suceeseel experiments have been
First, God would never have es, roanded. It is bought at too hig,hda made in the -various foresea of Prance
and physical and temporal liVes of IS willing to sacrifice everything else • .
lik le ilithah destroy the Spit'itual Pr ee w en Ma
gain -tfltLt
in Gutting trees by aneanS 0( 4100- a Gas Like radium. the did me The helped me` so much that Fire Shovels
0 •
. • tricity. A platinnur wire is' heated to Pr doggers. Befit:need '-and Wheeler I wint hack' to the doetor and bought a dozen
Oar ehildren. Ile welial neVer havo • he has on earth, and, in tho end, a white hat by the eleetrie curt* tt: • of the Yale Spientifie 81.11001 have boaes.• In my mind there is •not a medicine
us so engrossed in our work that We 1 May Is the prWe for which he has
and need like a saw. In this frieze:or come to the conclosioit , that the 1 all so good as Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver Pills
I . -
would neglect Otte own "flesh ' •arei struggledthe tree is felled nnich easier and radio active gas recently discovered for kidney trouble and headache. :We always
I can imagine how Jephthah brood- t tricker than in the old way bt s w
and girls might turn out. Ile Would ed over the evil chapter of his filth- just ia produced, and th.ore. Is a : by them in the drinking water of keep them in the house as it family Medicine,
blood," and care .4ot hote side boys 'I
not havo the minlater or the lataYee er's andirnOther's life whith gave him .
set uently hem waste Of the woode, teowni IaTril'iyvelslubSitsaill)coot dalsnsolVliCialiinatti°hre'•, .andbrI. arcohualsdensoKtlihdainekyoLfiuvseiregriainuy oatahaeop'ill' ' a
or the merchant or the, inventor: birth. tan imagine how. he wanted wiille the Slight carbonization water. The Xesiclue front the water
Rey: "I have 110 ti.100 to look atte eel by thg hot Wire acte aS a !pLrie'j.: ' dose, 25 cents it box, at ail:dealers, or
I. • to Wipe out that stain, especially
IS only slightly active., Neverthe- lalmanson, Bates and Co.f Toronto.
the nursery. I twist work and work to -wipe it out among a people that servative to the wood. The new
leSS, they have shown that the wat- •
can .' old process. • Th . an stn. ace wat- To.protect you against itnitations the Portrait
j kept tho rceords of family births •
method ie said to requiee onlY one- . ea among frott 19
and work. • I triest work. arid work ' • t d th
ha.vo to suffer." Ile would not t • th a gl can yi er. e;exper moots are continuing.
more radio rietivienthg) .fiP end signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous
• even though my own boya and girls turnerati n afte ener ti I co -
rtug 10, 0 00(
eighth of the time conisumed by the
e is ral ity mart o War impuleivery • • remedies,
ieceipt boolt author, are on oery box ef his
Abraham cater his boy Isaac Upon
his altar, neither Will he ater re-
quire tor to sacrifice the Spiritual
and temporal -lives of ourchildren
upon tho altars of tante.' •
And yet, to -day, See how many
men neglect the.: Own children for
the pursuit of silver and gold -men
who in ono hentle try to justify
themselves for this neglect." Oh, par-
ent, it Is an awful crime to 6124118"ger the physical and temporal and
spiritual welfare -of your childroni
ho crime among ll recorded crimes
ought to be Moth shunned or con.
doomed, And yet this crime WO 800
tiatiatits averywhoto Parent),
and hastily saying, "Oh, G�(1, If I
only may be honored atnong My
I poople I will give to thee rot a burnt,
• offering the first person that comes
out of my house to welcome me."
Bet tviten his beautiful daughter,
robed in white, was being bound to
a stake, and when the lighted torch
was flung among the fagots; piled
around aer bealitlful limbs, and
when the' tresses of her hair floatifig
In the winds Were, eaten up . by the
hot, hiSSing (Metes, and When' her
dying shriek Was heard above the
wailings of the multitudes that Sur-
rounded her funeral pyre, do you be
tkey,9 th,0 death 0: Ige ogle emit
11. fti the fonts that has stood thotest of thneeeetaride the heaviest strain -never
eags-the Standard, the world over, order through our local agent or direct from no,
114111.pAGe wird% pleNort 00, umiteD, Oats Renfro/41.1M0. 4414 N.U.
Sold and ereeted by Ed. :6 dford. Clinton.
(Moor Seats
Towei Itnek
Ilea Reeks
(lollies Lines
'Rollout Pine •
111 eat, Pottrulers
Tom- s
k Titeneta
Gentate. Tin amNS tuelen Spoons
Butter Plitds
Butter. ladles
Mate'. Bowie
Oake Cutters
°hopping Knives
laantee Met -lima
Monett a rid ltd Thins
Highe4t Nine Paid ror Ev..48
• Gliu-su tire
Pil fiiiii1,•19 and Ton:Weis
' till Di -hi ft, et c.
Od.1 pie( es in Teilet sets -
1 01 tun tool lei irt e r rr cionineys
• Pm rifest immeiviek
Galileo Set Heil Rita seed
Paperand Vtirely
in "Exchange for Cloods.
•Straince s
•flitstitin Pins- 1 •
l'ietitre 'Nails • .. •
thirp.t. Tacks . • • • •
y Old t Yen 114 'Vhertn om e tors
. n elies a rid Tooth Fiske
' 'real her Dieiters
tino Openers .
Tee ei g Wheels
Screw fhlivers
. Ws1.1) Boards ..
uninition and Dohorsted Lamps •
Machine and 0.1 (bins
• it a dilterent kinds
Dinver Piths sod liaskets
'orerell sod Open linkket
141,414 sod Forks
-Jock' K n Ives
111.nions HMI 111 ,4318 •
• neio f; k Mit NU der
st,i1 814 '\'4' PI dish
•Pettri • fliti tons nod 'fa
lipoid Thread
• Stopelijlers
• Wit It mei ni Sio unix it nd 1.`orks
Ring. Ls ei`14
0.111 at,(.$ 'whit.
nod 01414,4 sh newiire
rombliql v01,, ;04(1' Ss vet 111
Plitt I ere, Bowls, Egg etc.
SE 08
. ••{..rl•-•4••••4••••*4.4104Awylp.,4111•••.0.1•4.41.11‘.46 .1* '
Mrs. Shier's Variety Store.
Oprsite Mason Roue,