HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-21, Page 5•
1 21ot 1904
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1$5$
Vital 41101000d, 0,0001000 CaPital paid up $3,000.000
ResterVe Fund $Z,8$0,000
he public will please'hear in mind that we have rvnoved from our
Ohl stand, Itattenhury otreet, to our new and opaelous office (which
now in the centre of the town) la the new Combo block, earner et
Victoria omit Albertstreets (opposite J. W. Irwin's grocery.) .44 call
trout the puhde generally is solicited,
Interest allowed at highest. current ratee. from date of
. .
B. C. BRUWBR, Manager, •CLINTON,
ti1 k++++.1 lulu 8+14 FOR u4TDRsiGNE1)
• have for sale e splendid thorobred
Durham bull, eight • months, . dark
• red, he, is te very promising animal
eirscl will be sold cheap. We have al-
so for sale •a quantity cif :seed oats,
.., . berley end peas. These oat i are of
£.1 splendid !variety and great yielders,
a% having •grown .71s bushels to the
0 ee. acre lest year. Address, TYNDALL
; ; BROS., Clinton. . •
• •-• fortable house situated on corner of
, Church and Osborne streets. -Apply
" to CHAS. OVERBURY.. July ,i0th.
bout -the correet CAROL E, NEWCOMBE A. L. C.
' - A. —
.. organist of Ontario- street Methodist
2 time ifyou buy church, Teacher of Piano, Harmony,
e. ee• norm.. Free Theory lecture te sten
' Your • 0 ..1: (leas every Tuesday evening at stu-
•aio, • Over Newccenbe's store, Cline
... ,
red tO do all kinen of • Cleaning,
. .....,000.0.000Q.00_000_000.0.00,te: Dyeirtg and Pressirg of Clothe .
. atll week dons an Alert notice. ansti
—• All our wa,tohe§::. Peflirrion guaranteed' -`7- T. SE -
'are Warranted Wa.6i*t.' . .
e" ten,
H. WED. .
1 ches with a posi-,L .
• tive guarantee, *
2 They are- accur-2
— ate time keepers.: .
They are durable.::
Theprices are. -
— • right,
W. H. Hellyarr.,
- 'Jewett:I; and %Alden •
71'1111 1.+.+444-41.1..+.4-/41++
Could You ?
• nave built up a first class
II trade, such as we heve
unless our goods - were
Tight in every weer. • We sell
the Finest Goods far the lineee
trade. One trial convinces you a
of this.
Among other lines We ex-
cel in Fancy Bteeuits, We
keep Assorted Biscuits at 10e
per Ile. up to Macaroons at. 50e.
In Olives And Pickles we have
only the best: Chutney ,Chili
Sauce, Chow -Chow, sweet and
sour Vinegar Pickles and. alto
Horse Radish.
We still solicit emir trade.
.FOR YOUR sgAsoNs sup-
-• DES vq-ucg W1T411 BE SOLD
.PRICE , • ,
You Can See.
• Fier Yetirseif how much as shoe has to -
do witb the eppearance. o Saar toot.;
What • i tigflnthan a.poorly shaped
,Shoe. ? 'What is daintier than. • ' . •
• A ntnvf. CLEAN. CUT SHOE'
_ that fits closely • about the foot 5.nd
brings out its natural artistic lines: _
• We cen fled a' shce to fit your foOt.
• tio matter -how liatal_you are to suit,"
a' Oar epring stock 'has errand and the
••1., .1 -macs aee right.) • We are showing as-
'lirie . a 'shoes for nem at $3.5o :that .-
• epee be heat :for price' and quality. -
Also a liue of shoes fen -yeomen (The I
Qiieen Alexander) foie/32 whielt is ?ttra..I
Conic in and have:a .loo •
our. stock. No trouble t�
W. T. O'Neil.
Have Your
. .
.Otir stock is coinplete. We • have • e.. -,
• oOd • line ,of japan Teas, green anal
lack. In package teas we carry the
• Ludella, Red Rose, Blue Ilibbest end
•I Liptou'e Celebrated.tees, .They' were,
bought before 'the advance io price
which we will give oer 'customers the
beitefit on Plain aral Fancy Biscuits,
, Dolled Hain, femeeed Roll,' Breakfast
• - Bacon,. Pickled • Pies Feet, Canned
• Meats, Pickles in little and bottles of
. all kinds. A. ttiel crder will convinte
yots that miii carry a etceli tilins4 to
• any in the trent: and the prime roe-
esonable. Alt* a car ca:'• Redpath's meg-
. • ar just arreeed Which we are selling ga
cost. :
In eeecla we have got good Rea
• Clover, Alsige, Pima*, earfategold and
. Tenni) seed and all kinds of garden
• ' seeds; orchard orreeti,
In crockery ,we, have a few ' dinner
• sets we are selling very cheap, Your
• trade selected,
Ogle Cooper's 016 stood..
Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 2.3
TO HAVE Y01/11. wErtsx,
Tin *
We •
• Move
BALL-SPRITNG-4.t the rtiSnler:se
tio bride's parents 1)n the Base
Liege Goderich township, ou
t3th, by Rev, Mr, Coupland,
'441 of Tnekerstnttle u Ka-
thrine,, clarghter of Mr. In. Sprtiege
,TOild-eGUNN--At the residence of the
beide's perents, London, A.pril 33,
by the Rev. Mr, Wyllie, Percy H.
Tom of 1Ve11wo4 an., son of J.
Elgin Tom •of Goderich, tuMerger-
et, youngest daughter a Mr. aed
Mrs. A. M. Gions.
ch, Winghture Anita 12th, by Rev,
Father Ha,nlon, Mr. Geo. Haller pf
Preston to Miss Margaret Bradley,
LAMONT-LONG-do Wingham, April
7th, by Rev. 3. McLean B. A.,
Mr. Maleohn Lamont to M,oss Jen-
nie Loag, both •of wfogultr. .
• tkodist parsonage, AVingbane,
.A.pril 7th, by the Rev. Dr. Gundy,
EdmundHolloway to Miss Susan
, Forsyth, bone of Wingharo:
NEVIN-I3EACOM-At the residence of
the bride, on April 4, by the Rev,
3. H. Onne, Mr, Anthonyin'ennin of
Centraliano Mrs.Lily Beacon; 312
Warncliffe Road, London.
sidence of the Tate James Roweli-
ng, insboroe, on April x3, Mr, Ship-
, ley of Winclielsea, to Miss Esther
Rowelifie of Vebarne.
GOLDWIN-DEW-At the residence ef
the late Jelin Dew, Iesborne on
April 13th, Mr. Goldwin of St,
Thomas to Miss Atenie Dew of las-
WHITEn-BICKLE-At Lerelon on Ap-
ril 60t, by Rev. A. 3. McGillivray,
Mr. Walter White o :Hanziotan
Man., to Mrs. Margaret M. Bickle
of Seafc,rth,
SCOTV--SMITIT-At the ertanse, Wrox-
eter, on April 8th, by Rev, L.Per-
yin, A. F. Scott of Turielierry„ to
Nettie Smith, dangli•ter of , Mr.
:Thos. Smith of Wroiceter. •
GRIGG-LIti Clinton on April tatli, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Grigg, a COI,
• enter. • •
HERMAN -11i' Clinton on• Aptil x6t1j,
t GI Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Herman, a
daughter. • ,•
COLE -In Goclerich :township en, Anril,
e5t11, to, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. C-cile,
a son.
TPRNIITYLL-In Gcxlerich on April
loth, In .nroetd Mrs. Turnbull, a
son, •
H01313fie-Ie Londesboro on. April tab,
Mr. at Mrs: •Williani Hoblbs, a
• son, .. •
SHODOICK-In LotideSbord on April
. 5th, to Mn. and Mrs. Thomas
• Shoddick, asi. ••
Seaforth on April 9th,t0•
• Mr. and Mrs. Archiaald Beaton, a.
• datighter. •. •
DELBRIDGEndn UsbOrne- on •April.,
to Mr. and Mrs. George Delbridge,
sou. •
CORRIEn-In East Ws.wanosh on* npril
• nth, •tbe wife of David Currie, a
D„p1V-In Hensell on March 3rst,. to
Mr. Add Mrs. Simon Dow, a 'ion:
MERNER-On the BroWneon
• towrship, .on April iitlts to IVIr, and
•Mre: Edwerei Kerner, a datighter.
taeTLEY-At Zurich or April loth,the
wife of .Mr. tL1ey' a daugh-
ter • •
JUSK-Ia•dederich on April nth, to
Mr. and Mr. Albert Lusk, a
.Olsten •• •
in 13rucefield :at j. o'clock On .Wed.
nesdan, April .271115 and in Varna at
the same hour on naterclar, April.
•e3oth, with e load of. nape:env sae. -
James C. Pate:tette, leipeete:
.• ,
• Tito Clinton NewoopRocord,
o 0,10 00 00(
0 0 00 0 000 0 00
The News
Miss E. A. Sklmings,
of Goderich.
00 00c
The Fruit Growers' ,Assogietion mee-
ting* at the town ball on Petit April
Was suceessfal in liegfooing an argent -
zeta= which, it is hoped will prove
fruitful of good results in improving
the ealture, are and variety of fruit,
as well as the packing and Shipping,
two very necessery accompaniments to
fruit wawa. Mr. Tbontes Neftel was
cbainnen. The officer:§ are an follows
Presideut, Ttomas
Vice J. T. Salkeld
Sece!Trects„ 0.4". Heenthels
Auditors, William Dieltau! and Willi-
am Lane.. • .
Friends of the late Major Cook ane,
family were startled last weele by • the
news of the almost sudden death of
his daughter, Mrs. Fred, Fair awe
Miss Jennie Cool!) at her home in
Detroit. Mrs. Veer was a. very popu-
lar music teacher here some years ago,
organist of St. Peter's church for some
years, also of St. George's. •
Mr, S. MeMath left on Saturday for
Toronto where he will visit his sister,
Miss nerdath, teacher in that city,a.nd
thin lease for Winnipeg.
Mrs. William Mee/lath, Bay:field Road
is spending a eon* of Weeks 'in town,
the guest of her sister, Mrs, Alex,
Kirkbriae. •
We were sorry to learn of the recent
death of little tate JOhnetene eldest
daughter of Mr. George Johnston who
with . her parents spent the Summer
here, not very long ago. .
Master Frank Doty says that the
Teettniseli Club, of which he is 'setae-
tary, challenge any junior club, the
members of. which ieverage fourteen
yeere of age. Frank is an enthusiast
• and would like Clinton to answer the
above ' challenge.
Mr,' Searle of Clintore is quite right
in his information. that Mrs. Beatcons
• eon was the first' child born in °oder-
ich and that lie was christened "Goa-.
erich." In laeer years, 'after his par-
ents hied roftbvecl front town, he re-
turned and entered the employ esf
Storey & Davis, the haler still leeieg
in• business here. Mn. Goclerich
ton married Miss ;fuller here, a sister
of Mr, George 'Sillier who at the time
was a baker, doing easiness on Staisley
street eon Who with Mr, 13enten left
Goderich for Detroit. We knolw Loth-
ing farther of Mr. Benton's career,
hut Mr. .Julier died some years ago
there. •
The lecture given to the'Young • Peo-
ple's 'Guild on April 12th atot. Goole
ge!s 5. S. room by Mr. G. H. Hoe -
ken, entitled "A Ramble Through
•Cornwall" was well rendered end Ingle,
ly appreciated, nieing the, feir sized aue-
aience a pertect knowledge of the Cor-
nish niulcr, althotent ot 1 tee yeere, •
through elle. foresight' ef Arelibislicp •
Vanetone ,night schools were opened,
• and bends' formedlike car Miasioit
Bands, •where the miners receive whole-
some religious instrection. • .
eir, Hoskin was: quite at aorne as a
lecturer and geve es succheet sketch
Corravall'e history in the way of an-
cient buildings, • progress of
riateseal wonders, etc, .
On nith • April the Oddiellow's ball .
presented a festise eppearance, the de- _
coeatimis corresponding :to the lonely
clanoclila in cieeetai vases ,whieh •gave
tone to the. "Deffodir' leneheoo •wed .
ten gotten up by the Daughters of the
Empire iti -order, to swell the fend for
the hoepetale wa.S netted by Thee
rsday''s efforts and the ladies felt :am-
ply repaid for deer trouble. Between
300, and 400 'screens atonic -4.
• W. C..Reutleage•hae Purchased the
resiaente On Newgate street formerly
occupied and ()weed by Mrs: 'John El -
Wood and .leter- the -Property of Mr."
Charles E. 'Shaw. • • .•
Mrs: Widden and her ditughlerie are
•not expecteu to retern from their vie -
it to Toronto before July'. ' • •
•, W. H. Smith ofethe sus -outer hotel:
arrived in to.wii last week almost as
soon tes the robins. Mrs. •Smith arriv-
ed two *eels to pet theniotel readi-
ness for the stun -met. vieitora. •
• • • . •-• •f •
le= Bull for sale, 13 months oM.
two, will sell one nheaPaesele
hart Nott, lot 24, con. 2, ;Statace,
Clinton 0.
DR, .331„1"MER; :EYE,' EAR,'" ;NOSE
.• and- Throat Specialist, 37e. Queetes-
Avenwei London, :3rd • •dpor east ..of
• St: •Andrew's Church. Glasses sup-
plied.• :Will be • at the .'Rattepbury
• iloase, Clietorte Apeel•28, aerie a end
• s •
• 30. ' •
will be received bee the council of the
township. of 'Hullett uiitil p. in, Cin
Mondey, the 16th da Y af May, ,1904,
• for the erection of concrete abuse
ments to auppeat -three small .steel
• bodges, also for coocrete era 22 ft.
long aed 43 inchdiameter, Two of
the bridges are within ea miles • of
• Loadesbeko and the other pear Clin-
ton. The lowest or any tender uot
• necessarily • accepted: • Plats and
' specificetions can be seen at the
Clerk's office liondesaoro.-•-e:-James
. Campbell, Caeric, Londe:Iberia
Three registered. Hereford bulls for
sale, 1 yearling, r twoeyear-old and
r sget1.-W. Elliott at Son, Porter's
The • partnersbei heketolore eel:sting
between the undersigned Albert See-
ley and Albert Turner • has this
day beim dissoleed by en:utuel
ecnsent. The bitinuess will be
carried on as %noel at the old steed,'
A Seeley retaining the general blacks
stnitning laisittees and A. Turner the
bicycle department. As it is desir-
•'able • that the partnership acconnts
should be closed by May 1st, 1904t
they •woeld esteem it a favor - if
their • tustoMers could.make it, cesn
• vettient • to settle all cetiedue ac -
comas ay that dead. Both members
of the late' firm take this opportuni-
ty tif thanking the public for their
hiboral petronage itt the pest and,
though now separated trust to meta
the Sante 114 the futtlie.- ALDERT
ness C. D.'Hale, Match 230, z9o4.
• HOME AND LOT ON nilmsusirx
for sale at a bargain. ' Cost. $450,
will sell for 050. acre of land
with bearing orchard. Good frame
house, kitchen, woodshed arid stable,
hard tine' soft water. Will sell on
easy terms,--Sarnes Carter, Clinton.
about the 1st of May to Oar new
store In the Tisdall block itext. • door '
to IL Comben drug etore and will •
be Pleased for the stune tiatrottage froint -
car 014 custotxxers and leve many reta
ones to eve us a call.
Div stock comprises everything
necessary "for home use.
Eggs takett ift. -exthange for. pods.
Mrs, Shier" s 'NM
Beacom's Old Staid
oppoiite 1,116 *tied time4,
Lot 5?, , con. 9, Goderich township',
conSisting of 8tr acres, 40 acres seed-
ed down, 0 acres in fait wheat,' or.
Aged, brick -house and bank horn. 14
mile front school, 2,4 miles from
Holtritsville, 5 miles from Clinton.
Insuitilfate possession can be viven.
OtOrgO,*/*4 CP1Wellt Clinton 1).
Beat s.
in TAYLOR -In Clinton ant April x5ih;
'Mrs. William, Taylor, aged 71 yen -
re. , ••
LUSIC-In Goderich on April r3th, the
•infant daughter of M. • Albert
• Lusk,
ANDERSON -In Wet Wawanoshon
April nth, Mary Berbour, wile. of
Richard Anderson.
MORROW -In Goclerich on. April nine,
Mary Gertrude aged i6 years chat-
' 'Otter. of Mr,. G. Moreow. „
. GLENN -In • Asheield een April, tall,
Eleanor Jane Savage, relict of the
• 'late Jas. Gleret, aged 66 years.
HENDERSON-In East Wawaiiosb cn
• April 13th, lvIre. Isabella Hender-
son; tenet of ehe late Alex. Henn
derson'aged • 78 years, 5 montliS
• and 2 days.
YEARLYe-In Stephen on April 'Wile
' Thomas Yearly, aged 80 .ycars atel
• , 9 mouths. , •
CARRICK-In Stealten on April 7th,
• Meritta Stacey, wife of John Cat -
rick, in her ,33rd year.
Owes, Ills Life To
Dodds 'Kidney Fills.
MEDY, • '
. • . - • .
Tyndall,' Mahe April t8th-Special- •
Among the oiaay itt thegreat West
wee> confidently state • that they. 'owe
their lives to, Dotldn Ridtiy Pihis is
Mr. S. 3. Petkitis, well known resi-
dent ..of this place.
"For two years I was trot:tiled with
tny kidneyte" Perkins states, "end
at laat 'became- so had that the doe -
tor gave nte up, and said I was incur'',
able, • •
I, at tithes had !etch severe pains in
my beek are:kidneys that I thought I
would have to &nye up all hope and
die. -1 was unable to work and Was
becoming destitute.
While in this condition a friend per-
suadetti me to try Dodd's' Kidney Pills.
ai ' ' tem an it was
more to please him than anyilriag else
I gave them a. trial
To ray surprise the firAt box did me
so much good that I felt like a new
man. Five boxes cured me rpm-
plete y.
Dodd's Itidnev Pills saved my life 1
and 32 cannot praise them too mita."
Thousands of eases sithilar to that
of Mr. Perkins are the proof that any
Kidne‘t Disease front Ilackathe to
Driglii's Disease yields readily to
Dodd's Kidney Pills, •1
Mr. jantes Mcgatit -4.1.0 his little
son, Master Nelson, were the „guests
recently 9f the former'. fatlier-in-htsr,
DA. Dave 13e11.
Mr, 3. Rogers, G. T. R. engineer at
Stratford, is expecte4 to take the'run
here from that city; Ile, too, has
beei iU fin some months but is con-
valescent, •
Mrs. Joseph Tretrean, of Detroit and
fourteen months old son, Ralph, are
the -guests this month of Mrs. Haley.
IVIr. aril Mrs, Jahn McLeod o•f Baye
field 'visited recently at the home of
lier father, Mr. John Richards,
Mr. Jolm McLeod will hsh with Mr.
Ferguson. this season at Bayfield, and
titer July will go to Cleeelaude
We were sorry to leara of the death
-at her residence in Ashfield of Eleenor
Jane.S.avage, eatabter of the late
Captain John Sa.vages and relict of the
late James Glenn, Her parents, Cep-
a:anti John and Mrs. Savage, were
pioneers of the .courty of Iuron, cote -
nag here freer., Isle of Tanti a.nd sett-
ling co a fartn they purchased on the
Bayfield Roan, eot far front town. The
late Captein John Savage, lost on the
ill-fated Steamer, Asia, was one ••of
her brothers-, and Mrs. BerrY of Luck -
now is one of bee sisters. The decees-
ed lady was, we think, bone on Am-
hurst Island an' ceme t0 Goclerich itt
her youth with her Parents. .
. The ninety-fifth anuiversaey of the
founding of Oddfellowship ini -America
will be celebrated en April 24th by
Huron Lodge by attending morning
service at $e, George's' church.
Walter Inniglits; St. Patrick
street, is out again,
. aturdy Coohave had a • fouatain
placed: in. their grocery window.
Miss Skimings recently sent a letter
of ayinpathy to Lady Mitao which has
suitably eenhowleclgee by her
excellency. .
The following from- a VancOuvet pa-
per refers to the accidental death, - of
Mr: Andrew I/reality; formerly. ot
Dreaneyes Corners, Colborne, who went
to Varlet:elver eoOle yeats ago and for
Years was employed hp It canning, nee-.
tory there,, but, later settled ,upcn
cl• : i'etreefsing. fatality occur:tact at
an early hour on Sunday meriting on
the Lulu islands Roe.d.• The •of
the accident *as Mr. Andrew. Dreamy,
who met an untimely end by- the acci-
dental discharge oP his shot gnu which
he" had With him: ina two wheeled
cart. 'When found the body was still
wenn, lthough life was extinct end.
it is elioegnit that the aCeidelit occurrs.
ed wiehin n short Anne of the, discova
ery ;of the inidy by same boys who
Were riding along the roed on •their
bicycles. Shc•rtly 'alter 'Me. Callield
appeeren on the acene- and at mice nett-
ified.the ProV.ineial police Who -had the
body rex-honed: tosleleases, Center • and'
Hanisees elude-tn.:kit:1g parlors. Mr.
-a bot1it-ii-hiw �L thie.•die
ceased, left ehe city in a bugey a snort'
thee before Mr. peewee)? intending 'to
visit. the letter's ranch ea Isulue.
irid atel could not nave been , mere
Oleo beef a mile ahead. of the. tutfora
ntuale`mato althOugh he did etot, hear•
the. eppert .of the glue . Just • before
leaviiig the city Mr.. Owene .offered
take the gen, which. Was E., amain bnf-
reled shot -gen, in his. btiggy becanee Ile
Lad. room. The deceased,' .hotne
ever, replied that he Would rather -take
it Iiiinself, as Ite nugatacne tig
to shOot On the way out and' would
need the gun. The road where'. the: ac
eideat occurred is :very roegle and it is
'apposed that the deceased was bold-
ing the w-eaposobetween his knees ar.d-
. settle manner the hammer must
have caught in the seat and :upon be.
ing released, • exploded the cartridge.
The charge entered. theheart and deatit
must have been instantaneous.", • •
Mr. 3. J. Wright went to Loixicet re-
gent:1y to,visit his eon and • "while there
was '';'.y•.•that keliad
to -be remcved tO $t..,SosepVs hospital.
for, treatment. ale!has sine much hri-
prove ,• •
• Mr. Will. Ineaeray of bederielvePent
gaster at his home le' Conroy.
• Mr: Charles Varcoe tGderjeh spent
Part of hie Easter viteatiOn trat-
lord the gust of MS. fidand, Mr. Albert
lrfelainbeit and we must E.,da.tli•at.14s-
ter • Charlie enjOyed the visit exceed-'
algae'. well. , •
Mrs. Henry Horten was striekeo
with peralysss on Saturday whiele was
• greaVurptise to. her malty friends
as she sakied itt the best of health
and •spirits -early in the week.:
Mrs, Toni .Wyatt Sr. Das returnee'
from spending the winter with her ectii
Engineer Sant Wyatt, at Stratford and •
isiLoreivaethe guest of her claughteleMrs:
kid& on' the trees ineteed of leaves
• Satnrday, totn April.
The mental meetiuge of the Elevator
Companywas helei successfully on, /sten
April. A dividend of 6 per cone Was
declared. The former manager,' John
Z. A. lima, was elected president,' S. '
R. Stuart of Mitchell vice-presideen•
and W. L. Horton outliner, •
M. G. Ceenerou M. P. Pe' Mr. and the
Misses Wyfte all reatithed from Toron-
to tootheie homes nate last 'week.
Thse fumnmnt.I of the late Missy
Gertrode,, second deughter of • Mr. -
George Morrow, took plece or(April
lath, ''Gertie," as her family and
schoolmates called her, was one 6f the
students • at the Col‘egeata Institute
for teat or three toms. She was a
lovely Christian girl, She died peace-
fally On Wednesday, aged ree years.
One of her favorite hymns was "Jor-
dan's Stormy River"' and, she never
Waitted anybody to sine anything else
to her but hymns during her illness.
The casket in which she lay was cov-
ered; with iovely floral emblems, 0..-
moog theirs being a, crescent of toses
and carnations, piuk and white • from
the Sunday School. and Sernor League
of 'Victoria, street ehurch. A wteeth of
pink and white roses mid earhatione
from the Junior League, a casket bo-
quet of pink carnations and ferns from
ter own Sunday Sehool Class, large
•and lovely harp, of roses and, earna-
tions ,kroxii the knitting factory. The
fire brigade sent a lovely wreath • cf
pifth gtad white•roses Mr. and ,
Ina• recent letter to Tho poruna,
cine Co., Miss jilts+, Marlowe of New
York City, has the followieg to say of
reruns: ' • .
"lam glad to write my endorse -
cent of the great remedy, Perana,
• US 4 nerve tonic, 1 do so most
hearaly.".--Julia 'Marlowe.
• Nervousness is Tory common araong
-women. This owed I tion•is due to anemic
nervencenteris. The nerve centers aro
the reservoirs of nervous vitality. These
centers become bloodlois Ler want of
proper nutrition. This is especially true
tion for tho nerve get:eters. .F.roaerleadis
gested inea gerniebee these reservoirs of
life with vitality vrbich leads to strong,
steady nerves, and thus uourishes Hee.
Ferman, is in geoat fever among W9 -
men, especially tliose who have. voca-
tions that aro trying to tae aereouseys- •
tom.. Foruna furnishes the lasting en-
vigoretion for the aerves that such pea- '
pie so much:need. Thouserids a testi-
menials front women in. all tants of •
the *United States are being received
evaryeyear. Such unsolicited, 'evidence
in the spring sea -son. Every 'spring 4. vigora or. • • • '
stray proves that Peruna is -without an
equal tea a nerve tonic and a vital in.-
liostofinaalide aro produced as the di- 'fi
Mat Mita of weak nerves.'
This could be easily obviated by th " you d9 not receiVe all the boob...,
bottle of Perana .today.
!LSO . of Forum: Peruna strikee at thee "tsBily 4
from Perana that You . ex- -
. . . .
root of the dthiculty hy.00rreeting the pected, write to Dr. Hartman; Co- .
' 9- ti ti . "
c. ,,es 0 .. Digestion „furolehatt nutri- 111172 bits; Ohioo •'
$10,000.- forfeit if we cannot proilace . the• original .
le.tter. and 'signatureof above .testimonial which well
demonstrates its. full genuineness. : '
. . . „ ..
One of Abe prettiest weddings . that•
has taken plane at St Peter's foe• e,
leng time,was solettintzed at 9 a;.•
on Tuesday, ietle 'Apra, the contract -
mg parties being ale. Wtlljanj J:
nors of Detroit, •Icreierly of Godetech,
and Mise Lucy 3: Neville; clean elate
geter of •Mr. ener•Mrs, Dennis Nevillee
Rev, Fathee' McRae ollitieting tiering
High Mass, the choir leen. :at itt a.te
tenclence. At the offertory lthss Tra-
(inch se.ng sweetly ''Av.e • Marie." Mr.
D, • Neville,. father 'of the bride,' gave
his ,datightee awe.a atethe'-eltar auid
the merriage.etremoeir wee performed
in the earictuary.• 'The' bride looked
graceful and loinly fit eebeeettifully
niaele costume cf .white organdie, ege
waist a of wh-ich lied re beaistiful /rent
ofhaixlseMe flowered net. :The skirt
had • riteey tucks • and wide inser-
tiers' . of valereitnitee•rutining
to the seams alid two -ficeneee ot wen-
enciennee were at the bottom; Saab .
White latehesse satin ribacine the Whole
Wore, over white silk.- Thi bride's pic-
• ture. hat of white 'chiffon' Weal leande
same - white •plume hoquet, of bride
roses, rosary -6f pearls and laephand,:
kerchief completed ehe bride's wedding
toilette, Mies Lena A. Neville, sister.
Of the bi:ide, Was bridesmaid' atidjoolt-
ed very. fair he her costume', oll
:organdie 'with leo: front and ithree .
:little- flounces of white oegandio at the:
bottoni of her eleirt, white chilies:13 pic-
ture hat with pale green rosette on•
one side 'Cif :brine baguet of Oink -roses
and whitcm. laet handkerchief. • :The
an .es. S. Macdoneen• el
Lotideoe• censei . Di the groon. The
ushers were lefessrie D. J. Neville,' bro-
ther of the beide, and.. 341e. efacEvey,
Miss Josie- Shannon .PlaYfiin 'taxi Wed-
dieg march, ,Meedelssohnn, as the bri-
dal. petty • were .leaving tlme churcle:eor
tne carriages. A leselyebreahteat .est
high imeit greeted the party on their
return: to the bride's residence, • *to
Which.Rev: Father.. IVIaRae. was invieed.•
'The guests were -Dee relatieee ard inti -
matt friends' of the 'bride and petiole.
Those froma distance were 2 1VISS
Margearite CC:Otters of Detroit, sister
of: the •grooni, 4. J. Macdonald Of 14011.
William Lee a.rid IVII4s Fraser. casket
boquete, catnations and • ferns.
from Mr. Vrank Nicholecti. Although
it anew storm prevailed at the time of
lie funeral there was a large attextl-
a.iice. Gertie's C. I. and S. S. mato;
were present to pay their last tribute
of respect. Rev. en•. II. trraltarn offi-
ciated at house end Maitland team -
tory, The pallbearers were : • Tommy
Hogarth Johnstone,. Herbert
Ditchana4,, aolui Duil,• Towsley
and Willie Drey. Mr. and Mrs. Mor-
row desire throne.' Tito News -Record
to thank the friciuts for their real
kindness and sympathy through the
Illiess of their daughter.
Miss nicelregor has returned from
Clinton where she•was the Week of her
sister, Mrs. Wiltsie, and is now at the
aerie of her aunt, bars. MeSweoo,
• 1'
den, greoinsitraiii Mr. itAitt Mrs: • thar..
les•• Moss ef lijessrs 3.arel
• Reymenicl Rale -mild cf Weet, Wavencalt
and , 144.. -,a,nttl Jetnee. Flynn • el
'•clititon, Mine elec.:vales ninelier cee the
were a eosteme oi deve colored-,
silk, all the ecenis of Widen: Were fag- a
citedi with black silk. • About ite geests
were . preseht erel •a eappy: time was '.
spent total thu hem •for parting,. • Tee
bride's going away costatne.,Was made :
• heNew York aed was of brown broad- '
cloth •With trietiping edged with • gold,'
• beads, white silk 'Wean end .browii, toe'
. slue. . eilowstorni • of the. morning •
'• resolved bact siniehiele for the.. happy
iniaa.1 pair. t� say their good byes at
.thsx statioe•t� ;the 'hot of friends'Who •
'gathered there to wish them (24X1 sPeed,
alter inure residence: is 5o3 anetton •
Ave., Detroit. The groom's- gift . to
hie bride , was a• handseme eold watch' .
atule el in iuid lei her nrulininaicl: a
rebn ring. • Mr: Connorti was. a former' -
ipetelete (if. -St. Petee's 'choir and- was
asseeiated -fc.r years w t 11 t lie Mu rney •
Cc. -At present_ )Ir Comiore has• a
i';(1posi ti on esenight tette+ keepe for
a Detroit' firm. :The. Nk-c:(14 ipg* •gifte woe" •
eltaudsotne. and. numerpese • .• , • , • •.
Dr,: Percy. II. 'Tom,' soli of
• gin T,bni, InePeetor :oe Petaled,' selicenn•
wz.:4 united in 'mew/eager- oil e3th April
1.,o' Miss Margaret, youngese- daughter
Of 'Angus. M. (name. London.. The art
dal comae -Spent i eouple ' of days nt
the • old home here 'end left, oo Satire
den for, Well -wood, Matritania. •
Mrs. George Cox received a telegratu
Itect- weeks advieirg her of Ake nitcleene
death .at .Chicago on April 12t11 of the.
wifee,of her ears Mr. Ed. Cox, • -Nol fears
were • entertaieed w any otie • of her .
decal', lea The 1\1.'15.'8 thoeght a blood
vane' had broken 'which raftSed it.
We 'ere sorry .i,,o leaptof the dineeti •
on err. Grommett OnCollicrne,
•Ixtv,.. of Mrs. Reid, Lakeview:. .
The sc.:aeolt given to the senors ensi.
fisherinee in North street clittich Sun- ,
day evettittg by Rev. Dr. Dettlel was a
:perfect 'masterpiece. At 'the offertory ,
. baritone '.solo, 1?ilets' . watt
beautiIttlly rendered by Mr. • Charles.,
:::g.. * • Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks,
..... ....
4 11,..
., .
jr 3.
Prints, Staples, etc.
t nt.
• .1.. If •. .04 •
•.$4, 1 4
• 2 4 0 0 44+ 4* 44 4.10 4t. 4,44. 4.4. 44 444 :84 4 4 • 4 4 4 4,, 4 la ir
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.2. tfl 44 :
4. to tx .i.• 4.$. r•-, 4.*
• **.
y ":3 u x
c . •x New Dress Goods It cil 61 f. .
t. tcl s.„ t
•t; Ca, t•
0: itio ii Fanoy"Waistings :I; 1 ,,,c1. - 4:
4. ,. am. r+ V
1 +• Ladies' Parasols '2. 0 X
,,?, .r. Umbre4s, etc. 1., lag .. •
.4° el z g
44p ta( 7 x 0 y
.4 El a -1. . .
, A a. st•
A ill 4 .
+ = 5 * We purpose keeping only
4,4. ' • • 2. •
t -,,, ',/, v. tbe hest and most up- o•• .1. s.
t Y 51 e+t
X a 1.4 X 4, AI x
: date goods at lowest prioes X Ps A
x oil ri x
; 14 4es •S: ,4*? een X
$ ....'- A
..., .* si• +
), hi + E. Plumsteel •C.• li 1:
4. .,-. • x •:,
.* . .
2 • *.f.• The Old Stand. Clinton. + ;2.
.2. : y 9,
4; , , 244 44444444 44 4:* 44 4444 42:4 4:4 414 4424:4 44 4:4 44 4:. 4 44 4:4 44 444:0 4,4 44 Y i a
4. •if• .2
•," .% Boots and Shoes1 good quality Irrii .r.
:*(*. If. low price. Ladies' Rubbers 45c " ti +
xu .1.1. . ..
Is v$
411 11.11g
4.. -a 422. • , 4