HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-21, Page 3f'f•••
Arvilt 904
- •
I same neble dtsCharge et dative Will be
contineed while th preeent great p
, national prObleln Reit before us. The
goal 1s yet distant. Take the best
1 ear° of yoUrselvete that all txte.y..be
ektpetrialia Laid MineWhion Blew enabled to theiSh the great week ext -
Fire Raged and Many Were In,
VP the. Petropavlovek,
lotto makorows.p...ath. . "GTO In .Attonnpt to Escape.
Expreesions of regret et the death
Well Asuman, flg tIl41 jar Attack That of Vice -Admiral Maletroft are general
soot motorcar to the Mottoes -Tire Commander Ogasawara has published fluor aid was lustisetly Killed.; other
NI ifsitarth
here, Speaking for thei naval Staff, -6'4.'41' '1"6" ""1".4 Wr.-- .
Dew tke Basilan Mises Avreir a liet. a lengthy statement in which he le- PoiSlesetv, auit opoented 1./Peli I 01.41rOr
WO rk Cr sain.oison. canao, 0.0 or xnents the death of the Russian Vice- } to* shook ,,,d
. ' t
For Art-------- ade Asi. offensive ) I) tl
a* aspen s Tnir Fleet. Cornmantler Ogasawara reviews the sw -- e
Waslitngton,• D. C., 11.pril 18, -The life, professional career and the Per-
sonal attributes of Vice-Admieal Indianapolis, Ind., April 18.- conunissioners went to Loprez, when
JaPatlese•Legation Saturday received wintfloareceedel;icey fire department, re- another electrical steel Plant was in -
the following cabiugram, dated Melcaroff and declares that he is en- '
titled to be' classed with the best ad- °meanies from the sub- vestigated. it was at, (lyenable,
"Admiral Togo roperts that The Japanese report that the wreck fighting a • fire in the Occidental met with the establishment they
tho mire's in the world.
ne4, colnineneed, on April 1,1 „ ot the Petropavlovsk lies eoutheast Hotel yesterday morning, an alarm were looking), tor -a largo smelting .
• combined fleet, as proviousle Plan -
eighth. attack on Port Arthur. 1.40 • of Golden Hill, one vino oueereeo of was tented in front St. Vincerit's works where pig iron is produced
ituevine ceetarins Tose. lthspital. When the first fire cove- from ore, using electricity in the
the entrance to the harbor.
tillas end the fourteenth 'torpedo flo- anti several persons had beeu severe- Mr. Harbord, wee associated with
The Citlitert wstorU
••••••••••• 4/
Clasidloss Cosomies.•u of Investigation 1 2.
Ittiinris to DM Capital. . , . •
, 41
Ottawa, April 18. -Dr. Haanel, BroomhalPs Year Book So Ar. t
Themes °et°, Mr. Nailstrunt end O.
E. Brown, the commissioners who gllea From the Wheat Report. r
nave been hevestigating the electrical 4.
pi ocess ot smelting ton. et es, have ,
returned from Europe. After leaving "
London the cermnissioners went to
f..ltvetlen, and there they examined. a,
plant owned, by Mr. Benedicts, a
member of the Upper House. This.
4..0 lomit „mom yiee wag ae. eseablislunent used electric ty or
loss to the navies ot the world. " • , 4,1
p d 4111 isiMd H tel IWO. converting iron into tool steel, Parte roar.
• giskt Weare Drithilt iniperte VIVI*
001010410. Turfed, From 7 to 34 l'or
Cesst..-.Post, if owewor, . novo Two
cement, 1.4" Grotto re•reetintie, Cottle
sett At litedae04 Ptiee At• seta e'er.
was next visited, and front there the
Tekie, APell 10:• .ti i 'si ner
urbs, was being taxed to its utmost, • however, that the en ts o s
"The fourth awl fifth destroyer do- patty arrived one life had been lost blast furuace. An Englieh expert,
the mouth of Part At at mid- claim of Vice -Admiral Togo. come ,Dr. Mattel in the investigation of •
and ill , 11 b. t* it
tilla and the leery° Meru reaehed St. Petersburg; April Ht. -The ly injured. la a Panic'
night of the 12th and effected tee. mantler-in-chiet of the Japanese Hai Leahy jumped from ehe is p
laying of mines at several...points out-, standing squadron, that he sank fourth floor and wag instantly •Dr. JElaane'l in the report which is to
SiCle of the port, defying the me -•Mines off Port Arthur elecited an au- Miss Kate Beach is believed to be be made to the Government.
fatally injured. She fell front the
inyseerchlight: thoritative statement that not a third fitter, whiletrying to escape VICTORY FOR THE MINERS.
* "The second tlestroyer *flotilla•dis- single Japanese torpedo boat ale' by means of a rope made of bed-.
covered at dawn of the lath one preached the entrance to Port Aa-
clothinSister upertor otella,
Russian destroyer trying to -enter thiS thur at .that 'time. But the in- g, SInseision of 'Daiwa of ceneillatien of
harbor, and after tea minutes' et- torment of the Assrmiated Press, who •Wm, Schneider and Henry NicholaCl trike Com
. sufrerhd front shock. All had just
• taSk, sunk her. is in a position to have aecesS to all Philadelphia, Pa., April 18., -The
boon. operated •upon. Seyeral other
"Another.Russian destroyer was clis- official roperts, aelmits he can ex- Board Of Conciliation created by the
• covered• coming from the directron of • plain the Petropavlovsk explosion. nurses and attendants weee more or
less bruised. • ' . Anthracite Coal -Strike Cominiesioia,
managed to flee into the harbor. the affair, cOnfirming that of Vice- • The panic that raged on the third
ing the question of whether the.
which has hem for months consider-
,. Liapshan and was attacked, but she An admiral has given a version of
"On our side there were no casual- Adixdral Togo. - ahd fourth floors continued until
.; several increases in wages granted:
„ ties, except two seamen of the ilia- Russia sends subeseilaes. - . loug• after the lire had heen eittin- '
the men in the Schuylkill region, as
was no time to rescue the enemy's Pert, has gone to Vlo.divostock to cidental Hotel is - estiMated at $75 ..
The loss. .by the ere in the Oc-
.. 11,1(1027suit of - the strike of 1:900 . and
shell; be caleuleted on the
• zuchi wore slightly wounded. There ,Baron .Schilling, the torpedo ex-
, drowning, as the •Ileyan approached. take charge of two submarine boats , 000, e * gross or net earnings, made an
I "Tho third fieet reached outside of there. Other .submarines. are going . award Saturday which is virtually a
• PASTOR DUOUID SHOOTS HIMSELF.- board .. decided • that the advances
victory for the mine workers. The
Port Arthur .at 8- a. me *ellen the . out in •sections. •
Bayart canto out and opened firce Ftealt Illonebardntont:
All 11ital,,.:Ve ..a.•reineet
II ere granted' in 1900 and 1992 shall be
• .•-' • Port Arthur, April 18 -In a fresh
• Whije. coneregeti u tir d rut All
• added to the gross earnings, and
°pa\ oN,s ril 15, the• -Japanese disposed • their that. the pei•centage to which the
"Immediately afterward the No- bombardment of Port, Arthur cfn A
vik, the Askold the Potr ,1 • 1'
P -
End •Iu Llte With gev'elver.' • ,
the Pobiede, and . the Poltava came ships in e semi-ciecle about the port.. . Montreale,April. 18,-A tragic . at. conteact ' niinet:e are, entitled under
Five were directly in front of .the ene • The Micelle emelt, weed by the i--trike
out ,and made an - offensive attack, fair as reported last evening..
Our third fleet, hardly answering...and .. , teance to the harbor,. -three, others, • ecieg'regation of the • Maisoneuve all be calculated on the
gradually reth•ing, eititiced the .eitemy including the armoi•ed cruiser *Kasai- • Presbyteri'au • *Church . withered aii : net earieings, eille award dates from .-
tuiseioners, ell
within fifteen miles southeast of 'the ga, took up' ,positions off Liaoshen, usual, but the pastor, the Rev. Colin April 1,
. . .
port, when our fleet, fleet, infornied with the' remainder to the left 'cit tlie , Deguid, did not appear, and,. when:.
through wireless telegraphy freenthe first colthun. Active •pperatiens were , the deacoes. went tO, his resideece • • HON. MR. SUTHERLAND'S DENIAL ..
near the church the pastor a as found . • •
the enemy and., attacked them. ' —Japanese ships. The Iluesian -ships. dying .in his study with a rev creek . .
"While the biunny• was trying to - answered the high fire of. thee . enemy On tl e liaor He had shot hineself . • .
Says Me Imes ;ma zatos.d to Retire roam
i'altileal 1.1fr. • . ,.
regain the Port a battleship or the into .the harbor,. directing their aim, .' Pi . _. „,,iliiv.. me...Dueled was a
i i till had.. a id expired in . a et:1,y. • '
. I'etropaylevek type week mines laid. ,according to tho indications- whence nee lit nutes A .... Weadstpelt, April 18, -"An abeolu-
by us on the peevious. evening 'and, the •Japanese shots were .fired:. 'Many., ' young eleotelunitn. a no .4 astir, • .
ee .6 e tely folinciationless teport, the result
sank at twenty-eight minutes to 11 eyeewitaiesses of the engagentent clen-' ere given ler the suicide. • .. . no :deubt of tire ifitagination or seine •
natl. . . ' , .. erne the report that °ad Japanese, ,.• .
ltrakovii.a LOP 44 , .1 1716. • . • ottawa, correspondent owing to . iiig
"Although another ship was ob- cruiser. was struck by two ' welleaintea. Albany ' N le . 'April 18 -Fronk ,' for. a ' feve .. day's on eft at- .
absence froin. the di•bate at Ottawa..
•iv * busi-
' served to heve lost freedom of inOVO- shots. . ' • . ,' .• '• . ; Shear and Frank. Gralient, . 'West.
ment, the, confusion Qf the enemy's • It is declared -here that dna Japan- Shore ' brakemen, weee - burned• to. Leese' Tills' :was' the
James- Sutherland
statement give
shies prevented • us beim identifying . 'pee torpedo . boat was sunk -in, thie death •inethe wreckage of p. reareend. • en alit by 11011. -
the port. .•. - • . conerneetion.. . • -. Satui•dey afterne011 in witty te the.
her. They finally managed to .regain"engagement, but :this .stateenene lacks. collision -between freight tettizis el tile question. concerning the" rumor gle en
third fleet, suddenly . appeared. before condueted Only by two 'groups of' • .. • •
West Shore end Delawilire. and I -
a ud lirominence in certain of tire Totenito
. "Our third. fleet suffered . tie .dane..... Since the boxiMardreent of" Friday, ion roadse at' the junction the , snernin.e. yeeers diet Mie 'Setherlend
age and the enemy's dainage, besides "all .• has been quiet here. ..Viceroy • ,' two reads .ott. the outskirts pr. this, was to 'retire- front. public life. ie
above mentioned, is probably slight Alekieff. has hoisted. his'alag on the city. SaturdaY night: Before .ateeiste.• . etteee--td iii-heeith anti that he was,
London 1 ril •e-
BrootniuelPs feorn Trade Year Boolt,
just published, estimates that ill
censequence of the. unfavorable 'sum-
mer of 190a only 8,500,000 quarters
of English wheae wilt reach the
mills, meking neeesseree all bilizore
of 27,000,000 quarters foreign, and
colonial wheat,. Ten years ago Eng-
land took 70 per cent. .of grain trout
tin. [anted States, while in 19011 it
was only about 40 per cent., Argon- „
term and ltuesta taking. her place. in
eabh 1,000 quarters, Canada sent
3229, India 24.29 end Australia
8.00. With eight years ending 1003,
the imports or wheat and noel' from
the countries within the Empire var-
ied between 7 per cent, and. .24 per
rent. The total import, Droeinhall
say's, illustrates the danger of a pee-
fereutial tariff if the 'colonial and
Indian cropse failed. Arguing that a
coldnial 'preference fails in 'the case
of Algeria, Bropielitill asks what cer-
tainty there is or the modest pee-.
ference of 2 -shillings. a quartee•doing •
any geed to the 'Canadian., Indian
and .Australian agri'culturiste if the
grower en the North. African coast
with a preference of 12 shillings and
2 pence a' quarter in the French
markets, ,winch are separated only
by a narrow set • has not. succeeded
in ousting ell conmetiters great -
by exteeding his hold on the Freneli
.1fiarkets: Britein's himorts trent ell.
countries for 1003 were .20,960,0e0
quarters, The cern tae reduced the
:Britieh export trade. or milled: flour
• in 1901 by 467,000 sacks, the regis-
tration tax Tedecing •1t lgos by.
259,000... • . ' •
Canada Sale Partleyer.
London, April 18.--.(C:A.P.)-The
Morning. Poet, referringeto the stet-
gested• preference ie. Canadian wheat. •
points out the -fact that at elle
American exhibitiorm' Of the. Past ten
years Catiada .earried off the .. chief
• Priees •against •much more numerous
samples. Th& 'American development
• of Weeterit C attache was 'based on. a
.ecientifie principle. . While egnerance
nettle of the 'Aineelean west a greet
lone )4nd, 'it says that all things • fa -
vote its Canadian rivale who, ir
• tablieh'ed as '.aole...purveYor of • wheat
fee the Mother Country, Would • be
able to selleat'a reduced. rate. • • ...
•. ••
. • taitiere,, .4.. .
., •
-London, •April
.,temiion:lehreniCle let -trite on• 'good
,aiithority tillet the eellent points ..of
:the budget Will lie tax on' iimiorfed
thither, petroleum • and • kindred Oils
and eille There Will be ati increased
tax on sugar and 'a:reimposition .of
•the earn 'duty. •• .• •
.• •
• .
• • , • .,
London , April 18,--(te
telegi•aphic error; Printed in rin Keg;
lish• paper on_ it ttli'd,iy. tur tel
• the T. Pacific, made a )(Ammon
iitomber state. that the:Country to he
• .traversed canteined only. "musk eggs
lied 'stunted pine trees." ••
'the ,Ikt orkia.h.r..
tona on , April • 18.-( Ce A ere )e-eThe
tionunissitin :appointed to enqeii•e' in
• the . charges of bribery . against -
lir. Mentegue Op XIS at Mei..
enierne to-deete .0. P. Reia deleuile the
- Oman i an.. Aleermeer .0...:Peacoele le 0
-witness. Justipe Hood Or. the .Vietorie
. an .Supreme court ie the sele eznie.
taiseioner. • • • • • , •
., A hoard of Inquiry appointed by
the Government to investigate . tile
Hoteon 'Nene ceeft sits•et •Sydeee,
this week. .. • •
also. Our first fleet did •not reach • Sebastopol. '
. tame Could be offered .beth men were
. FOUGHT .10 HOURst.. ' ' •
. - . . . burned to. death:e, . .' .• . to lee -Seceeezie.1 hy llon. i here.s
• • • • . • • • • . . . • . 3iyinan or London, as Minister or
. firing . distance. • • • •
• • .
. . . •. . , • . .
.. . e eee.e.......- e ,: : • '
Kul ..Two Clayman 'Wilier. sae
•. SO YOU Irreu#Ora:.. • ° •
'pedo• flotilla ale° joined at 3 it: ni. . Berlin, April 18.-A despatch from . nunnhers cif the crew were injured, 7 :Port • - '-Arthur, April • 18,--Mayot•
. ..
and .7 n. in No tieemy''s ships.' was .• fol. Uutween, . governor of •Geermin .-F petunately. the other exelesiees • did • •
,.. Clayet • and Cofindill tie . le leg
found. outside or the pore: ••• , • . ' Southwest Africa, •keports that a su- ' noe.:become. ignite(1.. . . . . . • . e. e
nom. to, Toronto, wleit'e they will 41)7,
1)warayett 1..11.,m oil mines.. ,. ' -peeler. force of Hererps attacked his : • ...,„ • pear in the town's behalf when. • elite
• ' "Our.- pest fldet arrived tie the pert . column -with losses. : '• ..... .. • i , .; • SbAt..,Ne ..y ,..,..„. _.......-..• . .• ./e;an all] CO ita•S, la..19 re. t in.. '1 10 li Se•
'I ft' ESS.Pl-SADS'f?' '''• • - • • • ' ' • • . • ' •
patched to the west of 'Liaoshan and turned • ta ' : Otjosaid, .1 as it Victefelte. R. .0., April. 1.8. -It • is •
ritittee. Although all were of oeinizin
-••••••--e.-----e-retede indire.et bemberdneent• for two was . Impossible to bring no mune. ' feared that. ehe.-•Vietoria.. 'sealing that Me. •Jeniseit had' eights to pow.
hours; • it being. their :fleet ' action:. 'tions and attend to the wounded: ., schooners 'Trammel:. and Mahe hey& er and Wen' 411••as!(.1. to. see Iiiin win
The new . forts on LiaoShan 'finally Two offieers and 'seven trooperie. foundered . at sea, as the ilanal boaixl hi e• battle, . .1,11(te •went .to •• eve the
silenced, our forces retired at half- ..swere killed and fourteen Wounded in of the. Triumph has. heen found at. , town 11 interests ineee felly protecte
.past one a.m." . • . . •, , ... .the fight, which lasted. ten hours. . . Quatsino. Seim& and both 'schooners' ..d. . ' -• ' • - ‘• . .
In concluding his report ..Admiral . .• • • ' ' - - .. ' • (t•-•
- . • • ar, considerably overdift• •at Clityze- ' . • . . . ..
- Togo. says:. '.'The fact fleet not' • a ,- , '• ' ..tor..staiiiai Dead. (Mot, witere..Ithey.• eiseally. land their .. • • 11 .114114y. 1.,1114 .1 t.' i:ri!I .1411011,4..
. "Our fleets ietired .1 pare, P10-• • .
pared for another . elite:dee They re, . • •
'staled on April. 14, toward Poet, Ai.-- •
. thur; the• fourth and e the fifth ..dee "
'etre er flotilla and the ninth to •
. , ealeenif ; weeiaer. •
• • Publie Wores. • elie. elutheeleite says"
Paris, .."Atn•il I8.-e:13.v the :explosion ..he is enjoying exeellent• health. ,
of a small in•ojectile in the magazine •
of the cruiser Forbin :Saturday iiva • -‘.‘1111 4; 4 ell.. •
.. •
. at 9 a.m. and. discovered three ridees The column Was. advancing on . • • • • ' , . ee petiole or 1 ozt. Attlee .. clo not
laid by the. enemy and destreeezd all: 0.viumbo April :'13 and ,wes repulsed- -, Two ...inf. tuff v. ett, et ic.r luta-Are Nay • un- feel eat isnot). •• with the • i s on Bill
• The Kasuga and Nisshin were -des, - ;W"
ith loss. The column, however; re. ..sideraeze• alardee. • , ,. • as pti.ssed by. the Private .1.1ills'•Coinl'
• •
- .----- :eessiye-nttacks+-mast,,be,"-:a
le man 8 inj d, i i tthilittited,„ ...riTt_i3).._;_stii. i . , . " ' (atch f 1:1 All • 1 1 ' .1 O ' Port. A 11 : An..il PA ...---r •t A. -
ca c oe s nse i le ot en s ip 11-.. r iiir, . . . oi , r_
sing we ure. i ese uc- • London, 'Apr 1 18..e'eSainnel Smiles, .
geoneejonrifithst a-nd eraile .7. -ere •of tate fleeethave reporteel. The ' thee 000)101 UC( tee.. operation. 'or
to His :Majesty's gloi.lous virtnee... . road men; is dead. He was hem. 'at • Trietnph wee -the pioltee.r pf• the'Vice 1 SuiRlaY, etreet- eites..•yesterday.- • 1." a re -
The officers and men .proved .gallant Haddington; Scotland, in 1812. . • . teria fleet, ...havingbeen built 'at . Were run only ns ral•i.es the boundary
and did their utmost in the di'- . Sentinel Smiles .waS best . known to ' Sheihni•ne, 'N. S„ submit tith•ty 'years I between' the two towine . as: Fort
charge of their duties, delmite Manythe world through his books on char- eget.. She carries a crew of twenty- Williten. Council Ilea' tesited the . tom)
things , that ,s,etuned • to he beyond , .tiCter . building. • .Among his . many livewhite inenteed seVeral Indians.. not to run cars title:melt their streets
buriatn. Control. . The, . ships :freely isonetioaworks' eke the following: The ,•ownees expretis net tineasiness until- e plebiscite has-been shim) itted .
The care' were crOteden all day witli
moving over the .enerny's ground. "Lives of George and Robert. Steele- Yet.. as 11:.'r fai ii,ire 'tee rePorte - . ' - ;
. --• • 6 ' • - .
w ith out suffering any &Lamy,. must, erieon, Illustra- h , 1•. ;.* I u pe pie. .
be attributed to Heavenly. • aware- . tions Of ' .Cheractee and Conduet;", , St. .1phit e; Nfld., Api•il 18. Feats .
tiow Petropavloislc.Went•Up. .„ : or;'' "'Indeserial Diegralther,“ ."Men. settling' egtaanter Kite,: the smalleit Ottawa, .Apell i 8., -The aential din-
ated Press corresponclent yesterday -, 'L,ife :of John afterray; A Peblisher ebeen•reported by anY. kited:mere whiell • the Qounoolts r tette iii•ant Sat en I ay
and • tho • night„.:ind wia a ' big success. 1110 '
says of the fight of the, : 12th hist; , „and - His Triend." ' He was • also . , a have arrived here: lately,
reseeetene h„,.. i,,, rek.4rdad as . . les Mattlieles , of The Olobe presided.
after describing, the preliminitries: • . constant. ,contributor to The Quart- outleeic.
Vice -Admiral Makaroff •was evident- ' ,arly:' Review .and • other 'periodicals. gerious, and • eepecially tee tile weath- awl niweelk's ' W4." th'Ity tired ' by ' it
ly unwilling to risk his vulnerable 'SelfeHelP" has been translated into ' er is 'exia.ellielY SeVere. 5120 Mid • en ilumbet• or Parliameeitary gte•ste, in-
cluding• Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr.
craft to heavy projectiles.. .1. Watch- seventeen languages, and 'wag one cif board 120 Men,: ' ' •
. • R. L; Borden.
• • • ; " • 'neuty," -"Thrift," • ''!Life and ,Lab- • 'are 'entertained fOr. the Safety of 'the : . ' •
• ' "
LiaoYang, April 18. -,The': A seem- t?f Invention and ,thcluetry," end e•yeesee or. the fleet,' erlie Kite has :eta ,ter 'or • the pe(es 'gallery. 'wee) held in
• ed the l'etropavlovsk closely as she the most remarkable literary succes- • •
eteamed toward Electric C1111: See of the nineteenth century. OT LOUBET
All was quiet. It was the hush be-
• . , A :Sea: tatik#1. •
. .
GeneVe, April 38 -Dr 'W.
11. llreaks, director "..ot.Sniith
servatore • and •Protriesole•of astronoe
tuy tit .rreibart 'College,' • dieeovered
new comet, eteitirday night in Iler-
.celes, right, epeeesiene •
niinutes and 10 setemils;. 'dectinaterni.
ninth, .44. degrece, 10 minutes, with
allow motion nfer,therly. • • , • •
*I ilave you bought your new Rain Coat or
ele 4a
t., your new Umbrella. tiave you made all pre- fi'0
tparation for sping weather. • We have lust op-
: ened up our new Rain Coats and Umbrellas and :
t would be pleased to have you 'call and examine :.
4' them.
:31 • • . ,
44 aa‘ealeeeleleleleeeeeleeeweeeeeeefaseeeseneeenaaneweeieeteerwen wee. ...........o.. fa
e .eee eeeiteeeteetteeeePee tee**
-.Be Prepared
April Showers 41
t Ladies''New. Rani .Coats at Itt
Note. the'new materhtl POW COMM Uati011, DM ' '‘ Et*
i, pl letS va
t Lan aggregatiodof newnesE4, the coats aro ell that :s-ou T. ••
4I would wish them—corrntly tailored ,,hapely - and iym-
4, fortable. made of dark and light grey waterproot-
t-, . -
4' .1 0 -
fee e 0 i, collar or collarless design, special' value., - ,, 01.
$'5 CO 4
*t?'• •
. Ladies' en.] liirl ess one eve onn metal' butL- ft,
.: tons, newest de,sign..„,..... - •, . . •
$6 CO c94*
40 • • .2.21 . ' •
* Ladies' s eel .1)1 v: pr Area oxfthd crit.vel ale ee, ta
t tiltnmed witiPi.silii: 1)"iphig and briolit buttoilis .-: 9.00 3:
4 - b •
.W . Ladies' Fawn; heather 113ileiellePS.elli: 411(.1 de -...10.i60.5.0
: et . s'ign as above,,.,...,.,
• . •
• . .• •
• •
. •
fore a betth. I °eke , . aintnese • A ego ii t d. ere, 1 ard er. • -
. *ships, but they were :Without . moye- Two Attar/06sta Arycttod,. Ilts,t Italy Cen.,.
QUebee,' April 18.-.A .jury • Seine- .. . : .., odors Plat la elratsmil. mi., • • • • •
merit, save that cense(' by : the heay- , day returned. a verdict, of. not guilty
lee .800e . . • '' •.. • ' ' . '. ' - ' in 'the . 'entree of "murder against ' .- Marinello's; April 18.-111c:had :.(elo-
• ., My glance returned to. oue squad- Richard leerra*„ ,,a4oe. ono hones ,venni and 2 other I talians have been ,
. ron. The. Petrorittidoesk was almost .congicieration,. :moray; :who • 15;19. .arresteci' here in conneceign With . a . ;.
Lon -
without headway when suddenly I plot to kill President: -Lou- •
saw her tremble. - -She seethed to 1151. years of age, standg, over 6 feet amt... supposed
weighs'.230 pounde, was one -or three bet ;during his coming. elate to itale; •
. out or the water, e. tremendous ex- Men arrested .for the . death of- 'Rich-. it n""l'ilit''' I'''')".".''#.
. 1 d I 0. 1 •
plosion rent the air; theri, a second. ard Merin .last summer. Murrey alone 'eine, 'April 18.....1u. dging from ..
•. • and then a third. • wag held. Xle denied • his guilt; the information' which it; has recede-
, 1•'regments flew in all •clireetions, ed., theItalianCovernmpet considers . • • .
• an'd wreckage and men Were mixed • ', . as groundlese the plot alleged to ..•
U) in a terrible limes; was hai•dly
Otta,wa April Reilway 'have bnerl hatehe
able to rt,alize the 'homer of it W11011 •
d at Marseilles to
• to Italy.
1 hi
the ship began to het. * •
corning. vieit
selves that adequate protection has
In a moment the sea seemed eo
t , been pro idea, have:given or ers that Emperor William ia, credited yvith
The Petropavlovsk had disappeared, n
t i, Schontherg il- to
having indicated that he would be
open and the Water rushed aver her.
A1.... Railway be reedy meet • President LoUbet
• • •
kill P
resid L ent oui d ur ng s
The floating. woodwork teed the few
allowed to ernes tie'
e ,rand Trunk
men struggling in 'the. Wet& -were , north of King. should the evecaskin arise before the
all that was left to recall -the gplen- •
end' of his Mediterranean crui8e.
did fighting • machine which a few -" A PpointO 41 ra Wag., EXtlilirt 311atiaolppi'm Fisatk
hours before had Sailed out el the Napanee, April 18.--T, Wiggins, Vicksburg, eines. April 1.8. -With '
harbor.- •D.L.S,, has b ---------------oien- •
ssiss pp River aturday t ight cut
Government's drainage se*stem for
• Signalman Perchflok, after' telling through Killie Banks nook, 500 startle
the Regina and Prince Al ert dis.
of the blowing up, says:
3111kstrore 'tallied in Blood. • a roar that waslietied for miles' the
. . gineer of the • Northwest aerritorial .mi i i es i
b • wide, in Davis bend, and • metalled '
tricts, . •
. "On the bridge 1 saW an -Officer its old channel through what for 40 '
Royalty at Vesuvius.
weltering In blood; lin was our Ad. years had been known tte Lalte Plam-
miral, Maltzueiff. He lay face down- Rome • April 18. -Queen Willielmine yra. Several valuable cotton ward. I sprang to hint grasped hini of Holland, who recently came to Several
wore practitally newel.
plan -
1., the shbulder and attempted ' to Italy* rot the benefit of . her health,
. . . • - misi•. •
I'he ship seethed to • be falling Vesavais. •
isKept 1st 1120,000
' Winnipe Man April 18 -Ills
raise him. , has Made an .a.scension of . Mount .
gentewh6re, From all sides flew Princess Frederick of Prusgia is al- g I • t •
fritgments. I heard • the deafening so staying at COrrente, and she, Crown hits refused to reduce Jerry
screech and the frightful din, The too, has made an ascent, Iloyce's ball from tiekty thoUsand
dollars, 13oyce is the hotelkeeper held
Smoke rose in dense elottds and the
flames geented to leap towards the •rine° Vor De, el-az:goy, et Calgary iri tonneetion with Matt
Ingersoll, ,• robbery.
To get that appetizing,
, brown appearance and, out-
side crispyness on roasts of
• lamb beef etc.—to keep
• their goodness in them they
must be basted. In the old
style stove this necessitated
reaching. into the hot oven •
• and moving the hot, heavy pan
the oven while it was basted.
unsatisfactory results. The draw -out oven rack of the
and holding it in the front of .
A tedious perforinance with
Rarige makes basting a: simple and
• successful operation. Draw the
handle in front of the oven for-
, Wardand the rack brinbris thepan. '
• and its Contents out of the oven
whore it may be thoroughly
, basted with the greatest ease.
The Imperial Oxford Range
lessens the labor bf cooking and
. insures the , most suecessful
• results.
Call at one of otir agencies or elite
foethe Imperial Oxford leaflet.
bridge, whore I wtts standing beside .Aprii 118 - There wag a ,
• • and was washed off, but euceeeded in 1 *stems es sus urea
day that Dr. A, MacKay, eit-M.P.P.,
• was an old man with a beautiful c old & r Cilinto/
the Admiral. / jmnited on the rail well founded 'rumor in town yester-
• X * d
• grabbing' something, On oue ship , shortly to recc,ive the appointtnent Minden, April 18. -The house of *"."'""""'""
white beard, who had been good to to Asylum, in place of Dr. (nark, near here, was burned leatitrdaY night
The Gurney
Foundry Co.
Montreal. Winntssed and
Vancouver ' •
,of medical superintendent of Toren- Sanetel Gilbert, postrndster at Isle, ,
• ea eke 01, tee., • .1 •
men He had a, book in his ti 1 d th u crane 'With total lose.
• • who, is o p ace on e P
malted leSt. Nitro Shot At 100 'time&
fiend and seemed to be writing, per- Suffolk, Va., April 18. -After being -
haps fecetching, Ile Wad Vend- lima Pee Lup libel, • fells:Wed by a posse and bloodhounde
eltagin, the p•ainter." Quebec, April In tee action of alhd shot at more than a hundred
4 eist#A to I to V CO tit. /Ton. A. Itobitaille epithet, If thten e- times., John Batten, a negro, charged
Tokio,. April 1.8.e -Vice yita. ment for $5,000 ,alainageg for libel with attetnpting to rmeault lies,
nunnoto, MieiSter or marine, putter- contained in an article cenceening the Jaime. T. StallingsOf Ise of *Wight
. day gent the following congratular Peribonea Pulp l'ompany, Mr. eine-, County, Was lodged in Nanseinond
;, tory message .to Vice -Admiral Togo: Lice Andrews on Saturday gave, the Jail Baturdiey night. •
"X . Arn delighted at the success of plairitift $109 and cofits.
Sir Thutinkii Ifistrie.
. 1 the • eighth attack on Port Artittitr.
1 P'h� result was Splendid, and while 11,fontreal, April 18.-S1r Thomas
'4. t,n,01 cnta, 4 14141041.
i it WAS attributable to the Emper- Montreal, April 1 8. -Mr. Mack- Shaughnessy reached home yesterday
i Or'ex illustrious virture, the loyal told - rey, um, (11 III in the libel tee°, front a five weeks' trip to Eneland,
Sir Thomas denied that 1118 Visit to
I gallant anti*" 01 °nieces 4tild mon finished hie evid(1100 Sttenriitty even..
of M
1 played a conaptouothe otin.i• side had -anything to do
uo Dart. Their be . big , itlef.t. rnes-
. MacManter's o
With either the company's Aelantie
1 haviont leaves nothing to. tegtet. i !mot were mantled Py 'the court ' or racifie acts.
. "'Tondo 'my congratulations to ,i tdefence ooged their. ciao,
• ....._. . . .. ........-- ......, , .ip -
Frost Wire Fence
1 AGood Frieud.
4 • e • " , . .
• in Spring..-,• •
41- tidies"' ' bre] PIS 'fine
• 4 cletn. covering, steel
• rod and frame, a 'Very...durable •
-line,' handles. are:of - Congo
Metal Fancy•. Horn,
i./V60d. and-.13ain boo. .
• 4s• ,
• •4
tHigh Grade .UtribrtClitiS ilto •
4i • •
4) •
it • Ladie§:". High .class. "Und.frell-118 ,or silk eoye, i lig.
; 'Handles are- hair,cisdilli.;, ra:Nt.' vory pet.t rl,
8.111 0.1i,e(1 1...sein.1 inlaid 'With *.silyct..: • 'flio trimmings:
.sterliog and'goid steel roil palitg011 frame
a y dressy and durable u min • ' 000
••• 4
. .. •
, .
Men's fine- taffeta silk (O\ 111 steel .rod .and. frame :4", •
4, bo-twood handle, . silver. frimin„in....,ii• vei'y .....Con' v‘
*U * '. *l.', ' - le ' II . ' ' • ' . ' . ' • 2 CO ,
.:viemen um i e a , . p
4. • • • .. 0,
i Men's .Waterproof (oats
t . Mens natty spring .P.aiii or Shine 601ns—tiled° from :
Rigby Waterproof cloth iii Oxford grey stripes, wade tip l' .
• in new Swagger Chesterfield' style with:vertical pocket 0* ,
4. •
4, QUM: 811 d liried with. good farmers' satin, perfect, '. ot.,. : -.•
. . '. . • .• ' - 10;00 i' •
4' fittingsizes• 36 to 44.
4, 'Men's waterproof Coats iti grey. covert Cloth
velvet collars 'sizes 36 to 44
1, Men's Hain For Both . .
t Wear and Style"
• Men's F. ngl.ish Fur IPC,t soft hat with heavy,. or 4:
t medium, rolled rim, full or tapering croWn, calf leather
4' sweatbands sillband and binding $1.50.
Men's American and English fur felt stiff hats
t from all the leading makers with pure silk binding and 1.
4' bands 2.00.. .
.• . 11.„,
3: Just received a shipment of fine Scot- t
4 ch Tweed Caps, well made, newest •
4, styles, natty goods.... 25c, 50c, 75c
1: Men's Ties and Collars
4 This Departinent is fall of the newest and most up •
• to date styles in ties -and collars.. We are going into the *
line stronger thaa ever Yon are sure to find what you ,
4' want here' prices 25C and 50c, Cellars. 2 for 25c and
2 for 50et
4. . .
1: Ordered Clothing , •, ... ,
41 • Our Tailoring bepah4rnont is going ahead in leaps 4
1; andtbounds. Why ? Because we are. giving good satis-
1 3
• faction, Mr, Comba has this department in charge and t- '
1, WO can guarantee . fit and AVOI`kMallSleiti equal to any 4,
4 city trade. . 4,
4 4,
1: Imported Scoteh Tweed from $14 up
4' Black Worsteds from $ ttl up •
Odd Pants from $3 up
t If you are not already a customer
4.;• *
We would be !leased to have you so. ;
IiittsurtipooesequFaittratna orleenricceral :;) 40 .6.1,„........... . .10.111.41•4101•11.4111,41,041.11•416,416•11.411,%.11.
II 't '
. - %t will torn Stock without
- *injury- beautify the lawrif -- ;
does not need constant patching • fe
..... ..,.. and with reasonable usage will 4i go
last A lIfe-titne. Dooklet and ; 44
--- —. . _full particulars given on request, 6) to
4-1 (y
*V1,....1,444-#....00.0......01 FOR ilAbti. hit •) ta •
JOSHUAW. HILL, Surnmerhillir
•44++4*Ni:pioisto.44044‘44:.!ii#444i#9-0.0441...#.41###### ;
TozER &
Successors to P k. oats & Sol