HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-21, Page 2instansmemoniresemlaill Pal r" in the Back " HUNCH ISMORrillr MI' 1101tari Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or haZardetle to neglect, so important io My Lady Peggy •„. stagnatit condition of of the ,kidneya or liver, and are a warning it extremely !. Itealtby action of these organs They are eoromonly attended by loos Oi enervy, lack of courage., end tione- • times by gloomy forerimbug and de- opoodency. 04.X was taken al With kidney troUblet and became so weak could scarcely get around. 3 took medicine Without benefit, and ilneBY decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.Atter the firat bottle I felt so much better that Z continued its use, and six bottles made tne a new roman. When my little girl was a baby, sae cou1d. not keep anything on her stomach and we gave her Hood'e Saracen - rine, which , cred ter ,.14116 THOX48 • P WanaeCtUrg, Ant, ^ Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re. !levee the back,, and builds up the whole system, •••••••••••••••••••••• --MAY'S-- Northern Tho Clinton Newssilecord Goes to Town , ' By FRANCES AYMAR. MATHEWS • Copyrigko, 1,04 by. THE NOWEII.MILEMILL cOMPANY 1 'bands tied together and no but to hel4 head; Air. PreWell at her side, walking; a motley -crowd growing and gathering at every etep about her of gaping, won- dering, jubilant and curious persons of all ages, flexes and conditions. Never a whimper out of My lord the garl of Rxhang's only daughter. A, set, rled look about the drawn lips dnd an unearthly pallor shining through all the dark stains her ladyship had been a-usiug of late, CHAPTER XII. $ yet in the depths of Arms - Grown SOMS supposed higliwayman'e cap-, leigli eopse no news of the . , ' Northern Grown Seeds are known to be su- perior to any other,being - earlier, hardier and more producive. , : We are selling these * seeds ac the same price I as the big departmental stores. , 2o a .Package : c., t 1 1353 ipacctilateess ffoorr : 25$0ce : 68 Packages for $1.00, 4) , Make out your list of Vegetable And :Flower 1 Seeds and -bring it. to our store. We have the lar - igest variety to choose . from. In . order tng by t mail send postai note. T •••••••••••••••••• I H. iB. Combe- 9 .': Chemist and Druggist! sv-toii-6**-4444,440.t••0•. • ,•,•-•1:„.., AIANN.' • CALLS. are.feeell,:ed trom businees firma ar:d ',many stac'enta e.re 'placed. in good. positions each year hy the. famot.s ' • ETL -it ;14 STHAT.FORD,' ONT. • This sA. ho. 1 stanls forth 1st and t in business (clucat:orl'Cafl- aea tcd.y. any business colleges employ our gradaates as teachers, We. have setlres of a.paie,s.tions from other colleges. Ask to see them tha.day you enter. Cormuenze course now. Cato- ItP Ine free. • , NV • M4LI.O.TT,, . tura had penetrated; although tile earl, with commendable foreelght in behalf .of the entertainment of his yonug daughter and her companions, bird- sent .a. messenger to Impart the, sight shortly to be had. The messen- ger, having a .sweetheart in the other direction, must needs go appralie her tirst So the guy ladles. and their cav- aliers sat on fallen logs, Strolled hither and yon, knelt to sop their bits of linen In the dewy hollows, laughed, chatted, dabbed their facet,. now lacking any coat of crimson save that which nature alight int re vottehsafed, and made great. iltew of g tine rural siinplicity. "Hoofs! -Hoofers cry all these fair ones, • a -darting .this. may and .that, stuffing their napkins Into their. bodice.e 'as a.:coueteouS voice,. with a "By your .leave, ladies and sirs," greets.tbern,And none otber than Sir Percy, self and horse spent in Ids fruit!ess search for ,he supposed Sir Robin, emerges from .. :he. bridle path. across the common at . llie edge of the :eOpse. • • • ."1.Oe top pf the ,Morning list' jou, Sir I l'ercy de Bobun," hi ughs Lady:Biddy. "Perey!" exclahnsLady 'Diana. !Pritliee. what are you doing out of leers at this hour?" - "Seeking May dew, maybap,"- bug-. rests the Honorable Dolly. .' "144 nay,. Stir ladyships,". returns "1 ern seeking., Sir Ilobins-McTart:" And .• rin?thwith •sir Perey proceeds to .rive them a history ettlie-sadventeres .)f. the '.(figia, omitting ne steeliest' de - .a.11 of the prowess -of. Sir Rebin. 'He • fias JuSt cOucladed amid but . of -.OinultuOus. "Obs!" "Ails!" "Ludsr Ind ii'Vaat dear of coletniserating.syin-. lathy and .•.a monstrous 'collection .of pretty 'oaths and crimes for Woke' Kidde when. into the center of tills colloquy • jumps Ler& Brookwood's messenger, • smallest glance back for all the whee- dles and coaxes of Lady Diana, Lady Biddy, the 'Honorable Dolly And the rest. ill she asks and &tete Is her scrawl from Mr. PreWen. Courtly acceptance of. Lord Brook - wood's abject gamete At amenda.-gra. clews beWs, hands, words, laughter at last -and my lady in a hastily procured post chaise bids the gibbet at Brook- Arrasleigh village farewell and starts for London, where she swears she's du* and must not fail of being for to- morrow, Sunday. Sir • Percy, too, affirms he must up to town without delay to have the honor and pleasure of himself rehears- ing at Will's the splendid courage of Sir Robin and his almost mmiracnious •escape from a horrible and ignominious death. 11 WAN. 10 IC NI 1,1 .1 IC •,I., . • LADIES' RINGS Of 100 Ladies 90 at leas, prefer Rings to any other kind of Jewelry. For - this reason we p`ay speetal atten- ion to this line. • You will find all the favo ite Stones and conabinatio at their best with us. DIAMONDS PEARLS, EMERALDS, RUBIES, SAPPHIRES, OPA OLIVINES,' TtJIIQUOIS, :. Every Ring at its- very best both AS IC value and q nal- . ity. • , 4. J.. Grigg 9 JEWEL8R ANO OPTICIAN 1 Sieaking' Photographs Any user of the cam. era Cau make a,•photo. graph, but it requires experience, ability andjudgment to pro- duce the speaking likenesses we i turn out. We can and will please you. WHY'S P}10,TO 8T11010.. nudging hip -sweetheart behind a' tree ..tO tell as beat he can his errand, tobki : 411 the' cOmpthiy. ,et once to. see 'the: . ;fight. ItnoW not laeking morelloin the', ij arter• to the Pour When Lambe; • will adjust the noose ,and" send one of the boldest. and .I most eonrtly young .;,utlaws 'of his: day a-wieging to..his deserts ' 1.. This information, it..may be imagln- 'A, was reeelved: 'with acclaim by. alL• . by Sir Percy,With.positlye joy., his . • Ali regret, as. c.Ili-Monnting and lead, , •ng his jaded .horse, be 'Walked at Lady. ' 1.114pals..A1.0c,bolng-thatAle • se contrived to 'givethem the slip and . not even. to have :the happiness of 'wit- uessing justice. dole the! rogue who had So nettr deprived..hint Of existence, . "When' '11 we seethe gibbet?'" asks the•Hotiorable Dolly, painting with her quick 'pace.. ''' ..- . : -::' ' -•': ' .. ' . • -"Soon," answera. Lady DI. • - - - . . . •. "Oelione. an I hone we'll n•ot be • afther bete too late to see it .0111. . • -efiltues in Lady Ohldy, short. breathed too. • ,.' . : . ,• •• • ,* .: -• ' . ". ' ,"Percy." , says .Tplena, • "0' in your . ' saddle:And Spy, for ,,rd'not have us miss, So fine a sight for:a hundred pomade'!" "No Sooner said than done!" 'entrwera .• , .Sir- Percy.. do Bobun •from atop *Of his horse, where he shades -Ids !eyea with lila-hand-and gazes off to the -hill' Where •the gibbet' stands. • . "lieaven!" cries he, clapping Bolts • tbat send 'spurts of blood into .the eyes , of one gentleman and a a ower of sand all oyer the .whole .part, and away With him,tearing up the. 'dirt as he goes; 'into thm. midst. of, the strings tf . , gaping, jostling, hurrying folk; scatter- ing 'em right and left, teavIng "em ,in t his . wake dumfounded, : picking each other up.,,Through 'the high street of.. Brook-Armsleigh .Villtige,clatter, d'ash,- plunge, 'with prick and urge, and rind` of thigh And lash, and straining, start-. , trig eyes fixed On the face:he sees out- lined against the ' fair .hltie, morning sky.; .the brave, undaunted face, dark, under . its yellow- hair, bearing the strange likeness to his ladyhiS lady, ' nay, this is his Intly's•lordand love for Whom he rides -and with noose' about his neck now,. and mattof doth and man of blood both at hand; thie one 'with hook,• that one With cap, the sea et open faces: Seething 'breathless all :trotted. - ' . . • ' . "Cii, Mil" whisper's Percy, bending to the how and whispering hoarsely to the long roan, his very soul In tremer, his Ifin; parched, his fereheed tind.110 drip- ping sweat - ' . " • Into the midst of 'em, nearly throw. wit Low Brookwood from his seat; off. • 111,r..beast like a thunderbolt and with a long- leap up on the boards beside Lamb, thebuteher, and Biggs, the Pie Bee, and Prewenthe eurate. "Sirs:" Cries he, "what'S this ye're doing? This gentleninn'S Sir Robin Me - Tart of Bobinswold. Kent!" Tearing the hempfrom Iter ladyship's throat trete het' WrietS, pushing away the three of 'inn and halt lifting the Sup- posed baronet In his logy arma, he (trap, tarries, Swings •Peg dovert to the ground and up into his Own Saddle. " And thou the explanationa, the as- tonishments. the monetrous wonder tit it, the tinwiltty., the subieetio!t, the ap)logies, the supplications Of all these iords, gentlemenladles, worthies, woe- sl.lps..vagabonds and nitt:titedes1 'Womsh anlike, as e sitS herd for A few moments da2011; so sudden fetched froM .death to life, be hag but the thOttght that 'tie to him she kites elle ewes de. , Utterance. Bet none Of their hospitality or mends will She hat,..,e or eVen Men to, uo tarrying at .11,1:0zItwood cestff). • . In truth Percy longed, 'after the ex- citements of the past four and twenty holm, to be alone, to•seek, as was his Wait of late, in sotne.nufreqUented, ob- scure part of the town, such as the des- . olate neighborbdod of the Dove pier, an opportunity to ponder upon Lady Peg- gY, to guess fruitlessly of her where- abouts, to curse himeele and Sir Robin Who bad ..witb -4 good cense, be gener- ously allowed, so .known how to win her. from hitn; to marvel bow at .every "Sirs, what's this ii.e're:dr;ing it" . turn this saple baronotanpeared to lie- coine entangled:in his own Matters,' to- nueition if Peggy Were indeed new the lawful Wedded *We et this gentleman 'froth Kent -4n brief, to pester rate with nueries end surthiSeS• far too;litnnerous' and. intricate te• set /ticv.n. . . l'hus'epoti reflection he 'purposely. ab- sented himself after bus first ',deft to Wull's.on renChing London from either of the. chocolate or .toffee ho.uses-wbicb he we's accustomed to patronize, know. ng -full well that the most pressing' and -vbsorbhig Whigs he should hear' would' till have Sir:Robin McTirt .for tekt. etIsquItfrue -teo;•: that -Sir. Per - found again to that. region Trttiell rrOthil fOUlly over 'to the Thatile3 beak in Little !toy yard and the jotting, rot - tun:. creaaang old Dove pler. "Th1:4 1:e' 13 youn nobleman," 10., Illogolzed the cabman, "wot's in love Or elseL alnedltatin* on tt•talcin' ids own life or a-rutinlie away from the -Jews. or from lila gamin' debts, or I'm not James Finney. An' this here's the spot for him to- be dropped at. The river most 'andy, alsodeep, and lelf he's bound to make an end of lilsself no man wot owes a host; Is as 'worthy of the reward worfl be publIshed for the recovery of his lordship's corp as nie." With whielf pious reflection the chaise Is brought to a sharp standstill. causing. Percy to start from histnelan. elioly and look out of the pane. "Where are we?" asks be, not at first, soon is the cleptb of bis suffering, ree, ognizin- a spot with whIch. as Sir Robin 11111 been- at pains and expense to have discovered for him, he was indeed of late west familiar. • "This be Dove pier, my lord," an- swered James Pinney, now descending from -.--his box and standing respectfully at the kennel. "Dal Yes, to be sure. I'll get out!". He does so and pays the fare with such largess as makes Mr. Finney, through his tanned .hide, almost blush to take It. . Percy de Bobun is no. cowardly sort, even to think of eliding his woes In es watery grave. Ile Is merely a' brave, sore stricken somig num whose whole faith and heart have, been pinned to oue who has forsnkon intu forever (tut hethinks),•and. with the instincts of his kind, he. Is glad to be here, 'away front menkind or Woman either, to get his grip once more on himself, te fight out for the hist Buie, he • swears, the wild. . jealous covetousness which to teggittg at ids heartstrings, to quell the. tumult In Masai! and then to get • haek Mune to his unele's lituse like a .Christiatt and, . God helping bim, to lead a deeent tire and it. brave life for klug and country In the great new world neross the sees, ..His eyes are bent upon tho mown'. He neither sees nor hears,- nor wooldheed if he did, - .aught about him, .111 truth. there is not -anything to heor snve the river on its journey. But' there, is ..eoteetiting t� . see -Sir Rath& two desPeradoett, aritutking you-. •.(fer in the close eltittlow of the thn- b'red tenements whieli line the pre- cinct on the side where the 011 lamps - shine. . • • • . . A'.eros$ the -narrow. street, where the humping tiouses. With their, 'broken chimneys,' rag stn fled -windows, flap, . ping strings of bird ete-r,ee,- old clothes and forlorn areireetys; • are' deeper in. gloeut even tint onposites,:there's ambushed another, • ' . "I'was Intlesel'imly Peggy, het-be:art In her mouth. her breath coming fierce- ly netwizi her tight shut .11ps, the dreris. standing -her 'forebend; each - .11100 • grasping a pistol • reedy'. Nicked' 'and hei••(1ar1 eyes pinned • to the twe. 'erOochinefileets,kot thrmyardsway. • • front her.. •Aon., folloWing: the jerks tititinhs as they in. tlicate' the tnIl. •Sgure with.- bent head • Still.' peeing the pr; beck and forth', . she knows lier. lover and.ble doom are' . ., • !miring each the other. • • • .ViIi -high heaven help her? : • • • Der ladyshiP cannot Inter .'them, • 11, . indeed. they speak at till, 'which is un- •Ahe language of sech gentry tit Buell criOs conshdinggeually ef•signs. Luckily: for her, the glint • from, the •Three 'Cutts; meager thengh it be,: falls • &Ile -art the cutthroate elto*now move crii..,itse..wa$ a; bit .out.Of the •nsuit 1, in- . . itelettelt as the mystery of -Lady .Peg- gy•14 present abiding place ientained 60, deep today; as 'twas at fortpight ago. "well, Origsou," asked' 111s master as • " • • " his matt aPpeated unspininoned, "what • .• tett?"' • • '.• yeur lio.noris:Partion,".repties . 01114 "but 1 madeboldduring yoor .;•• honor's nbsence from town to go. down to: 1:".enlinston castle." tvelli" :Cries Str Percy excited.. ,.1y, "what neWS?"' - • ' . . °With 'suninission,. OW," 'replies. the,' man: Sadly, "twee. Olteekey does tioth- • Ang 'at 'all but cey out her eyes. trout . . morning, Aill nlgbt, und' went .ott bel' • knees.4-beseechin' me to find.her lady.' • • ship, -which all I could coax out of' her • by uty best endeavors at wneeiltinf the • seek, sir; .was that.she last saw her lo- dysliip ‘:4-- • ,"Where, where?" gasps Sir ...Percy. seizing ;dr. arIgseit.by.,the..itrin with a. grip of• steel. .• "Before the doer of Lord- Kennastan's lodgin's, sir; in Lark • "Yes, 'yes; go on!" With glaring, gas-- - Ing•eYes fixed on Manton's ruddy via - age: • . • . . "A-telkite,' sir, to •S.onte one arsIttin' Inside o' a most enigma chair!" "Did she seethe man's face?" he asks tensely. ' . ' ""No„, SiriPercy, but her ladyship' bade dhockey'go home and not tarry for her and notice ,Suelt •exclitte to his lordship as pm hove learned before. And, atik Ing your,pardon humbly, sir, Mistress clite:lcuy Is of the opinion Witt . her young lady got into that chair and was carried off, ti wine wletim,.sir, to the Iftt I to r, and in a riled to the contents of the ebalr. Sir, tifere thatWery noon," • "IlattgA,Chockey und her (Minions:" muttertt lI Pcrcy -under lils breath, picking up his het from the table and rietiting into the street, nigh to choking With his ontotione and his desnalr. Ile turned the touter, itintest knock- ing over ft coupleof link boys in hie path; tossed them some pennies for their tuielde, and into Plecadilly. "Faro. sir? Fare, your honor?- Fare, your lord:Min?" try a half 'dozen of 'bin. And he jumps into n hackney chaise purpoicless. '"Where to, my lord?" asks the Man. "To -the replies the passenger, "or anywhere else: Only drive fast -and let me,down within walk of the river." . CHAPTER XII/. . TIE Man, Who is shretVet and ' has In his time fetched and carried many gentlemen of the first quality hither and yon, takes this one's measure and sets oft at 14 tearing pace 'down to the eity,' peat the TOwer, across the bridge, intO SouthWark, back over Southwark, up to weatminster, to Pimlico, past the *very ruffled Hen, where at this very moment Sir Robin MeTart himself, and not his o1 disent, sits huddled in his upper mom over a tire, cheering his *mall soul with dreams of murder and kiVe, Ott to Ofielsea and a .w111.01101$ stealthily down the 'yard 'toward the pier, timing their pace. se that they reach rather side -01--the- ricike-tY— . tio;l t ly hen their eletint shell 'attain the. ••••p. The boat ready at the &I's end? The twin shots just in the niek or time? What of all this? Percy Wins feign return to Ids tinele'lit house, thrice puzzled now, since he bad not alone Lady Peres oblivion to. unravel', hut th,e, mitstenlotts saving or Ids own life to marl) it. 1101* Iadyslult,, 0000 :tare In the boat, pulled hard to the upper pier, paid the boatman and telek by devious ways le Peter's Court and Into her roomshut door and Ian:lied. dowu on ber. knees, wig tbrown on the liearth. a -thanking God Percy was safe. Tears? A shower Of 'ern, and trem- bling legs and itrtn$ and heart' heating to 'burst after the mad strain of the past eight and forty hours. ewrsald Iter.ladyship to herself - "now lean go -lidt.di to'keimitston and opend the remainder of my fife reeking elteesee for the vicar to. unineh 0' Sun- days, brewing cider for daddy to. ne, celerate the pace .of Ille. gout withal, breeding chicks as will win prizes and pigs as will be the envy of all, and" -a sob occurred Itere-"presently a -reading in the London 'print of •the grand mar, . tinge of Sir Percy de Bonen witla Ludy Diatta V4. °sten. And me without the chance of wedding even that little. ape,. Sir Roble ItleTart! But it's all right AS "'Us," adds her ladyship. '"IItied I ,hong on Armsleigh hill 'twould not have been too bad for one reared a$ I have been In a God fearing fashion, and Who, for natigItt save jealous', en- vy and all uncharitableness, did 'go end so. unsex myself. Ludl Is't I? Peggy Burgoyne, spinster; It -sitting here in breeches -and waistcoat, a guest in Mr. Beau Premmere house witbout any other Indy to keep me in counte- nance: 'Tis said one gets -broke in to anything, but 'tis false, fats& I'm not broke in to being a man, and I never sheind be. I detest, abhor and can't endure the being one. t that had al- ways figured to. myself the happy day. When I'd be taken upAo• town'!" Lady Peggy ls now. pacing the room, a trick, as has been set down earlier, Butt she'd borrowed from her twin. • ' "I'd thought to be, of the ton, a most genteel -young lady, monstrous fine, 'lovely creature, a -taking a dish of tett at Itarielagh,, a -riding to court in dacrs old corortebt voile)] and w)tlf all the feathers 'I, could borrow *on top- Of my . , '•frlizes and powder, and two sweet :.nstek.90..Sel PIA et...the corner of ray dimples! That's what I'd dreamed of, with Percy a -staring at me, lost in ad- miration, and love:" Her ladyship stamps her foot, • ."Btit What 'tis is •thisi" And she now picks Up the wig from the hearth and flings it on tne ' conch beside her cent and sword. • ".'Tain't no more -in this World flee gentlemen sighing and dying tot roe; no wedding favors and .ealte; no husband, I no children! Never,- for there's no.mar- • rying in heaven an 1 ever. get. there! .:Nay, 'Peggy Burgoyne' '11 be writ on My tombstone, and like as not the lines following '11.13e 'a .maker of most u» - common fine Sweetmeitstmd clieese$ ". !, Another flOod.of .tears, and then Ink Leib; Peggy, obeying that well, nal- aneed head of hers, brushes them away and proceeds to plan out her homeward • 'journey and to administer a cunning ;hither.' Itfalls out ne they 'have de- -'signed„ atid nOW not tett paces Separate Bit I eicy de: lloliuh froiii- bus eit , w teo. retouch of 'the cost:net:Ica. she had eta - While bought of the players' apothem, .rj! in Drury lane. ' '• Ent hOmeward Way there' could 'he: none just yet; for Bean Brum:net had. Made propoeition..of •ft most lively af-' .fair, Which. indeed he had already set afoot, for thevelebratingof Sir ItOb1n4 restoratioix to his :friends by 'the timely arrival and prowess.of Sir Percy. This was nothing else than going to Vaux- hall by Water on Tuesday night and In • masks. A score •of ladies and gentle- men badbeenhidden tO join, including. ,the Ladies Diana and Biddy, the Eon - °ruble Dolly, the. Misses Lovell, Lady. Chelmsford, with •LinlY Brookwood to act'as duenna for the unmarried fair.. • In vain Lady Peggy protested; swore ." she could not, 'Would not: These' gen- ' . IMIR,Agagl; 31:, CS. 1 111' Printery methods ai 1110IfsPY alio Ms friend find diffieulty whate'rer In the. I A. way of wresting from their patron an- April 21Et. 1004 other 4100, with which they ;mike off, e again and again rehearsing to him how great risks they had run in deeently . interring the body of his bated rival. Once rid of them, Sir Itobin rose, stretched himself and yawned. • icrerttlir4esimbOtg'n14e0;t :13gt)ol'odollaond0fhtole tiloesst Stock. on elther side which sometimes cumber the earth as if in ribald jest ag:eindisutat.he accepted laws of birth and br' . With no !misgiving save that of a pos- sible detection Sir Robin, now that. this even had betlt disposed of at an ex. [tense Of 100 guineas, felt nothing If not jubilant, and On the, morrow pro- . ceeded to order him a Suit of satins in Crimson, a let of the intest fashion. ruttlea, cravats, silk hose, a muff and - a lot ofother falials at M. Jabot'f$ in lIolborn. For the baronet, freed, as he fancied, of his enemy and feel- ing positive that Lady Peggy wouid soon, out of the overflow of her vast air ,ti for hi t • •a messago' through her obliaing Mr. Incognito, de, sired to be equipped in the latest mode for that alln1111011S to his lady's- pres- ence whielt he believed must ultimately Ind perhaps presently arrive. . It Is true be expected ,that his en, trance into the gay world of fashion, which he premised ,himself by way of -introduction sbould be at Vanichall, alight be a bit lienmered by Abe tic - ;toilets he must hear of the sudden ills, IPPearance of Sir Percy de Z3ohun, hut this. seemed a trifle in the path of a gentleman for whose sake Lady Peggy lurgoyne had come up to town, re- mained 'invisible, ,employed an Incog- nito as l‘lereury, and of whose name, albeit falsely,' the prints had made most marvelous mention. Nov, Sir Roble had not seen the. tenth part of these last. No, not any of 'eut, in, truth, SLIWQ the One be • hod• . sbown to her ladyship the evening thy had eneonetercil otteh. other at the :Dove pier. To he entirely candid,' Sit • Robin- was an Intlitterent helar; write .he could mot.; to read was a plague ..whielt Pc eill•Ingly donated, when. it wits necessarVN, lo tite r01.1:101' instructor .-that patient, • worthy emu, the vicar of Filskingdeon, inetwiltent et', the liv- ing next Be13in.4w1;ld, , • This one. 11115 even now, so Sit' Rob - In MA got word, up in Lontiou to eon- -suit a great ttian l'or the lement 'of his. eyes, aud. 'tyres presently egreed tviiiireeaern'em at . the Bishop; where the . stopped, Unit, they should proceed together to Vauxhall. on , the Tudsday -night.. • . . • "I,' have heard, my. dear Robin," �b - served tite excellent old' man, , "that there 'U. -to be n rare sight le• the .gar., dens that evening, nothing lesS, than a 'Most carious novelty . just come Into voglie In the world of..fasitiOn.." • . Ittiti.,;it. elalil)‘:;•,lu. tt?; that, ,sirr.".....inituir ' e the ' „ •• "A. patty of 13e.aii Bruniniers to come: • lby water to the.e4or, every seta of !itnr . . . in masks: -..lords, ladies •allpee- • sons nf the first untility: Some of the .names 1 • beard. in. the coffee room, be Sir $1 W • L There's:A . • I yatt Rte. EsCombe, • Lady .Diana Weston, *Lady Chelmsford, Lord -ISennaston of: sir. .criedithe baronet, jump, . ing abont.the robin like one demented,. tbe Idea •beunetrig ioto'bis pate 'that .if ..Kennaston is to- be there. his •isvin ,sis- . ter will also form an of the .distin-. -..gtilshed party. "Wbat'S to. prevent me :buying a couple .of inasks mid; With our cloaks set out by Our • sWords,: •a -joining in' this gy • diVerbien?"- The little getftle-nfors. eyeSTtAvialcle. 'sweet tuiticipation;. . • "But.", hesitates • the vicar, "would •• such levity be counted seemly for one of my years and.•professiOn?" - ' tietaen would not take • no for an " Timbers of Oak keep the ohl homestead standing thron:11 the years. It pays ft') use the right stuff. "Men of oak!' are men, in rugged health, men bodies are made of the sound- est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con- stitution that will last for years, Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy' consti- tution. Sendfor free sample. SCOTT & BoWNE, Chem oi ns t tse, rlo. Toronto. 50o, and 81.00; all drugatsts. • -- --we.. • * isii.0:):11(i 11‘it;Itc‘•01\111.,.1. 1,.olsreoegn ityilltitte."y?-prarnettis taSE"i IRbobe, - • "She faros but ill, sir," answers sbe, making to proceed. "NO. 116; net. so fast, 1 implore. Olt, ell% I die for her!" . . "Very weil. sir. She is willing. 1 a'n. pressed for time anti must away." "Otte word. -Yon stty. sheta willing. I sbould die for her?" • • , 50• Robin; importune me no fur- ther. , I : know not what sheN 'willing' for:" • "Now, new," soothes : the barcinet.,• ' . 'We're well Met, Mr. -Incognito; -.that • I'm assured of, and'that Lady Peggy 'd far rather I'd live than die for her,"- leers -he, "since for the •sake. et commit,' • ideating. With me •she'S. itt no doubt great expenses in:maintaining you?" ' At this her ladyship laughs, as Many n lady .may do any day, at the strange . construction a man whole blessed with; 'vanity contrives to put •upon her ac- tions.. "'T s so, ,1 knoVeti" exclaims. he, 'grinning uact.uously: • "Now; sir, 'tell she"-hisme, goes she" -his vo'ice Sinks to :wnisper as he•apPljes his-niouth nigh to • -Peg's, !ear-qgoes she to 'Vauxhall in .Beau trummers.partyniong,WIth her • brother Tuesday.night?", • thousand thoughts rusiy.beitar skel- • and cOn.the answerbig* of this query- .‘" Neglect a. cough and contraet consumption. • cirk6utapti Care The Laing Tonic • !Itit,0 tut, cries Sir Benin. "I'll ' • . not' take e • teasel., Ilark ye, I ..have , reasons," adds be mySteriously.. ,swer, and once again ner ladysltip per- ' celied, As . she reluctantly, acceded: to the nutsqUetade, how far more.difficult Ptwai:to. be Vut of breeches than into • :Percy 'was to. be . there; at least he , was invited: So much she knew ,from truinmel, and as Lady Diana .was positive to come up to town for such a, novelty: as a party tn.. masquerade Of course her suitor was certain to attend her: • • °Very well! Why should she, whose- • whole life was.tobe.passed in the com- pounding Of cream. cheeses and the vis-' lung-ot poPr. old Women,. 'not give, to herself one more cause of In regret, ting,: one more -glimpse . of him. she 'littered? ' . • .A.t that hour,. when gr.. BrUnimel and his guests were'clOing.honor to the • supposed •Sir Robin:Abe real baronet • 1Was called upon to receive, two _most. lamentable lookingbl h followed' the hoots et) ,to the gentle.' MIA'S roein, unheeding • both. '.remon- strances and ugly words on the Way I. At sight orMr. Bloksey and his etnn, pinion in aria,each lame, bound Up • and wound Up of leg and baek, -With their bonnets piilled Olen 'over their brows, Sir Robin skipped from hiseasy chair, with a gasp, 'half terrified at the appearance, -Wholly eager to learn the Outeorep of the pi t "."ris done," both nodding in concert, ; "and," adds Mr. BlokSey, "we're both nigh done too. Wot with bullets apiece hillside of us front the gentleman's pis- . tole, and wot 'With .gettin' our leyes knocked bout of . tis and most beilf caught by the watch when "we :was ..ato.010:.w.ueemorie, Lord Gower's heir hinM the m Thaes, we're 'ere, Sit' ItObin McTart, bly 'remind you that -*a wants m The baronet shakes his head, hands thrtIst 10 pocketa cluttelfing Muse and penee. • "Oh, no," answers be; "the jeb• was paid for Jr, advance, my good men. Not •another groat will you get." "Werry good," murmurs BlokSeY, turning on • his slipshod heel. "We'll I just go dewli to the roundhouse, and if It turns out as your lordship gets hadmission to the Tower free- you II needn't be toe much Stirprised.' We doesn't mind a,tellitt"ow we saw yeti wprielcie Sir Percy de Ilohun test night. and a-weight:In' of his:mangled ; - ; eon; and a-throwite of the same llinto the river at the. old Dove pier! 011, no; we doesn't!" This at the doorsill. "What! What, you ktiaVeal Mrs, come WWI COme back, 1 sod" shrIcks the terrified little geritlentan, 'seizing a slinkier of each anti forcing them Into scats, Aftyr appileattop of . . Setted Paoli front the, 1•Ctir. Peggy darts light footed, having cast • • aside her shoes, dewn her•side the ken- nel le' the pier, bringing hoe exactly behind the.finitelerers. ' • With the slow, precise tread Of brings aCcustomed to. such enterprises, mot too hurried 01 11)0 -perforinance of a not un- savory task, they • 'slip ovec . into Sir ,Percy's very! wake. Peggy itt their •backs, noting now with het ,pretty nose within twelve inches of their cut- ' like heels, the glentu of a dagger in the hand of eat+. , Before she had thought, the two scoundrels seized Percy from fhe rear, the -one. clapping hie hairy hand over the genie's moutb fOr a gag, the other grasping 'the- yotin,e man*. tWo hands, Which had been hanglog _Idly clasped at his back, Not a word, a whisper, even a gasp - But two shots. attending like one and striking Sir Robin Nfe'rart'S hirelings in their flanks, laying them on the ground, free Sir Percy de Bobun, stunned,. bewildered, to yet catch mere- ly a glimpse of a figure running to the pier's end, jumping into a boat, thou the flash of quick oars fading into the tralIbertnneio es. and the blackness of the With drawn isWerd he gore himself a rap an the chest and believed he luid been &canting. Bet no, tor at •Ilis feet lay tWo trate forms, each bleedipg n bit and feigning. 05 51)013 apt rogues will, to be ..stotio dead. . Pero, knelt, struck tinder. and es- sayed to look at their farett. They Were tilikitoWn to him, mul, pi.Nrecilving ttoW their eatate, he formed the eotteitis:on tlett eotiple fOOtlutint boil nearly made an end of him, and walked ni.voy, flUi of his Peseta'? The maither or it? Who. mysterious '01014 or ILO pry.; . vdI , 3.!Thereie one of the fate likely to. be present Who • Pines' to • Se:e me, sir, and, , whom yearn to behold onew more.. • There 'bath been an. obstacle," contin- ues.- the cold '"blooded monkey, "but . Providence bath teineved it.' I: prey of you to accempany me, sir, ,end lead inayhap* to banns:tieing read on &feebly se'en,night.'in the eburch at •Priskialgdean." • ., • • . The vicar, being carried awayby tw.o natural and ono Went a most laudable emotion,' at last consented. He was . quite in. fathertY sympathy with- his . Old Pupit'S 'ambition to Settle In life, •and. he had , that .scutiotis• hankering 'atter ..just ninitle tit :the edge et the „ . . ;fieshpote of. Egypt winch is net en- . eommon: to gentlemen' even his se, 'date years Mid fnilitig sight.: • . • • Sir Ronin bought Masks •end cloaks' of:black' and ordered them sent to 'the •Bishop, where be bad agreed to sup oa- Tuesday and go thence. by land tG . Indeed be bad just 'new eonte out -of the dtapeee shop and turned down toward the Vicaes hin when he ceuglit sight of 'Lady'. Peggy NiTnIking swiftly front him. She had been buying .stains- for • her skin and eyebrows. • • . „ • "Mit. Ineognitol" cried he. seetepering hither. and yon.; -into the kennel, • On to the path, jostling fair ladies' chairs, terming irito a porter's pack, thumping' a horse in the nose With his ill NirOrn • • etires consUmpuon,-- .bitt--d.O.-iirt leave if:too Try'ii now., ' Your money back if it doesn't ' benefit you. • Prices 25c., Sac., and.$1.0B • • c. 'WELLS gr CC.:' • . • j • . Toro*, Ca*. LeRoy, 111.Y. 1. . ' .471 '•'• • . 'Presently, zedately, at the 4•Iner of. the' street; Says she,. with • no Smallest 1-14)U91-1 of the import or the outcome of :oher words, merely uttet•ed as .tillabt ' and easy' nfeans of make Off, "Go mei .• see!" Anil she disappears teem view.' • . CHAPTER.. XIV, • R. BRUMMEL'S patty went . :by water. to VauXhall, and 'twits indeed a heavenly, night for such an exPeclitioh, with no -large lady moon a-starieg, bet the rather ..s".thin glip Of a envoi.. dantSel • • hanging,. in .the vault. and millions. of - • stat•ea-w.aiting On her,. not any of these a-reve,aling.. too quch or a -telling any' tales it a gentleman's hand chanced to, come in contact with a lady's amid the : folds of brocade.or under the.long.cloth, • of the black, crimson or blue cloaks 111( whicb•nil these merry masqUeraderat . were•enveloped. • Sir .Percy de Bohun NiltS beside Lady Diana Weston. Peggy noted the Same . with jealous, despairing eyes, while at ' the. left Of Lord Brookiyood's daughter , Sat her own twin, only the second time she had seen. hint slime the memOrable night in. Lark lane, nor did she see him • . - • • ; plainly now, for 411 the company had set forth in their Masks and only re- moved Went between Whiles to gain a breath of fresh air. 'Twee expected that the larger number of. the party woeld meet them At the gardens, and thereafter the sport and mystification would begin. So it turned out. Not only all the rest of kir, Bruinmel's friends in their cloaks and ;masks, with glimpse now and then of *stable, taffetas, laces; rile ands, jeweled stonatchers, bediees ablaze and so forth, but it mst asSem, binge of other folk also awaited the ar- rival of the 13eau's barge tit the bottona * r'c wtricE coNiriNuEim Pitre soap l' You've. heard the words. in Sunlight Soap you have the fact. • •••••,...„....4:5"*„.•••••••••• i•Po•o• • • "Ito, there!" cries she, turning, hand "Dear Mr, Ineognito.0, weapon and finally gaining on the ono he pursues -and dealing her ladyship's shoulder no gentle blow, on hilt, Then, perceiving who 'Us, she almost shuddera and. draVvs Up to Ur 11 lit ,1.1111111111.1,411110Oillialifililill.11111111111111111111111•16111:1111111 11 1 SI 11,1111 1111111 l 111 11,1 1111 IttttittOZS ZitPZNSZ ter *he Ottatonalter kit .41