HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-14, Page 8The Clinton News*RecoN Great Carped Stocli Come to this store for Carpets, because you wit find here .the largest stock to make your selections from that can be found in ;the County. Not a poor pattern or an inferior quality in the lot. We have prepared for bigger business than ever, this Season, and the p-oducts of the best trills in Canada and England are on our shelves—enough of them to .give you a wide variety to select from. Having two stores enables us to carry fust double the number of patterns we possibly could , had we only the one. We know to cut, make and. lay- Carpets correctly. Hernp , Carpets' 12k, Me, 20c aad 25c Union' ,Carpets Colors guaranteed not to ruin 30c. 40c and 50t; Wool Carpets Fast colors and rice front grease ?Sc. 85c and $1.0(0 Tapestry Carpets Made in England ' 1,5c, 40c 500 ° , and Vic Brussls Carpets Made in England 1,100, $1.25 and $1.35. English Velvet. Carpets English Axminster er Carpets Canadian. Floor; Oilcloths 1. tri, 1i and 2 yards • . ' . ` English and .Scotch L,ino'leurns 1, 8 and 4 yards wide • There is no time like NOW'. to buy your Carpets. You get first choice°of this season's patterns and ''see the stock sit its best.. Make your selections N.OW.and we will make it up and put it down when you are ready 64L 4444 0Oe0444w0444440'l�:i•+9000®984400@OC A. iPF I.a Cid Grove at o .o ,-, . - are 'G•u.ar�nteed ® .44s.0®**•4.44..4.4;e®*e *'$444c s�40044eo•44i•e1+s4 4404.444 • IIan .so e C1 i"tE11"1 Des1gns. 'Miss • mond spent from Saturday. to The Time _wa.mIs Now To Buy The Places -Hese To Buy House clearing will be or, ytitt with a rush and VOL' will need some Wall Paper,; Ti. takes a little Mane to Rcleet it, a little time to deliver'rtto you. you have more time vow, so Have we. • Do yon,' not consider it a reasonable proposal that you see out stark early, them when you are ready the paper will be ready. Our stock is open for inspection,, 1;ig ixr variety ' and good Pei Prices iron* 3c -to 5oc per roll. At 8e we .have scale specials, in fact they are very special, Will yon emne and see thein ? NORDIII IMI+{R PIANOS. Agents Parker's Dye Works. I, Fair ' Co, Often the Cheapest. Always the Best. About People We Know mover .Iroc,.ver was in I,oitdon on Mort clay,• Mr. IL Centelc'n was in Caledoai.East this week, ;miss. T+,va,•Cooper is vise_Mg .relutives., in 'Toronto. • Mrs.. -James Carter is visiting tt icn,cls in Stratford. nlr, John Newcombe of Exeter is vis- itir,g in town. Miss. Cora 13awcl'en is speeding' some time at Brucefield., Air; James C, I,eithwaitc' of, Goclerielr . was .fn town on Saturday. Miss Sadler, of 1t•fne'tait a was the guest of nlrs ".T. A. Ring last week. ' .• Miss Strachan visited under the par-. ental roof -in .Goderieh last week, . Miss Rat:hwell rf. Stanley has been tate guest of her sister,'nTrs. Thos. Dowser., • Mr,. Jche I,aird k'as returned to Tor- onto to' resume liis studies • at the 'University, . nIiss; O':STcil of Clinton wvlts'tlie guest of lIIss• ltiary Roas for •4 few cltis: Brussels Post.:. • • MessrsJake Burgatdl ar.:d Will - Sy- • mores of, Seafortlt,visited .ftiends town -over Sunday. Miss Nellie Spalding and. Miss Jean Winclell :pent the holidaiys iiv C1iii= • tint. -Galt 'Reporter.: 'Hiss .nlartlia nfole .i5'sl)enilitig a fort- night at her. .Ronne 'in Aubt:rn before leavin, for ]ort Francis. • .- Miss ] ogait • returned. from' Toronto Saturday • after a, tela days' . visit with: her sister .in that city, Gcc, Weir of :,Michigan, Indiana, • is .at present visiting her motljar1 Mrs, Win: i\ii feown of tt:w u. • • Mr. and: Mrs. • Flurry • Routledge art, We are showing some very handsome Lace Curtains. They are made by one of the leading makers in .Nottingham, the great centre of the Lace Curtain industry. Patterns are new, different from those of former seasons, 'values. are good, better far than we will have later, or: the'great advance: in cot- ton prices has affected Curtains.;Yery. materially _since present stocks were bought. Extra' good values' at each of the,lollow- ing six prices. OtT jj - 2% y and long, per.' pair 500 l �l&_ 3l yds, . �0 in.. wide, " $1.00 r t 11 1 " 48 in. `‘1,25' 52 in 2.00 5.0, ° an.: 2.5 C.AI�S 0 "C �U 11 2 50 in.. 3, 5 CC cg CC 44044444444` 4.444494, ed4 4444•.••.44 a... 44..4444 •••• ' America s .L'eader �. 4 rset, W.�. C® x.6 Z �>ri.oci, �><.35 ara.d ,� o 240Af 444440t►O t►44444a4P44aat04A4444�v440444444444e4..444 Novelties From Japan' 11Ic.'ncla.y with Seafoi tit friends ]\I • C McKinreon; the new elassicktl master at :the. C. C.I , arrived'Aloe- clay Inicraing . and `cntercc'..'upon • his duties. Mr. Jaines Cooper returned &ii,Satr,r- clay from St Thomas 'where lie lead: bec:ii .spending..a. wees with'his. bretie. t r:: Albert. •\!r. }.Hake has returned. to his school ;. at' \\'eisenburg •Heir Qiiidelt after 'Spendieg the .:holidays'at. the• Borne- • stead in lrndiett. Mr. rIank I3.tiwdon was .ir: London on Satrrday attcnli;itg t1•e .funcrai. cf his cousin,. • Mr, 'George Chapman, wlic died in Detroit. It.ev. •l\rr. Speer, h Day 1dva,r.t iso visited Brantford ind ustt tut' fest week, • HIe purposes Hold !:g a .team uicotilig in Clinton. next s: Hiner, nIr. John, fill, -who has li'ecu 'atter l- • r ng business callcbu at Stralforcl is. rt :presentt cat a vac0,tion under the Parental roof 'on tP,e Base lane. • '1Ir. 'Gea,. \\'. Barge Paid ;.a llrtsin;ass• 'visit to several towns' tip north last • week, n Cpresentrng .Ilotlgcns' Bros ; - inadc to -order, cloth.ng department.. nrr.` Geo.• M. • hitt, who carne •front Woodstock . in . accept a fcrcauanship ir, -tire organ factory, has thrown up the • lob and retiirned . to .Karil's fax - tory,. Seeley • accompanied, the rIhilat as • of _ the late Harvey.' Hell to Luck - no* cnt'Mottclay; thus evtncirg in a practical nu -inner'. haw syit3l athy lot lits. bereaved neighbor,' Mrs. .Tian: • Mi. EC?. Molt., Soafortlt, was.iri town. yesterday . on his way to, spend Few 'days at the parental home. in 'Auburn. He has 'been' i11 for-• a fort- Might bort: is notv.recraiting rapidly. Illi.. ' . A. . Neilans,' whohas been for • some . Una •in the cn kiloy , of the' Messrs. Ilii,• moved his family this Week to .Mr.. R. Baker's fair**., lit C:clborne'where they will ntakc tl.eir ho ire. Mr. C.. 11. Carter is again at his old post of Street ir.speetior after being laid on: 'orwarty a year owing ' to, •i1Ii.ss. \\ lt.: t• -t . ; ¢larts,l:i! c to clo he -cic>es well so the town council is much' • pleased to. have hili: on ditty again.• il'Tr.. Donald Macdonald, his daugl::tet, Miss Pearl, and his grand-dtrtigl tor, ,miss Nettie •Merrish, returned last. week from .a very 1>lettsaut t isit:wit l relatives in Detroit, iltis was Mr. Macdonald's . first pleasure •tril) • lit twenty-three years. . Mr. 'E. 11IcI,aughlin came. tipfrotu,Atir- ora on. 11_Ic>nclav to see. his arib'tlier who is very ii •.ret rile home 9f clir of her daughters, Mrs. John Lindsay of C'QYtcricli township. Mr: Mcl,augh- lin 'returned to Aurora on 'Tuesday, Ile likes the.place and is dornn, Well. .Watts,• to has been for W. '*t Mr, 1. \tl nI several years in charge of the loea1 . c>lliee of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co., was called to 'Toronto last week to lull) the Company over a crisis, Mr. .Watts is well known, among the craft as a swift and careful opera- tor. rile. James Danford, who has been ing iid Listowel for the bast cook of years, intends again becoming a resilient of Clinton, hat nig accepted ' a positic111 $'itlt hooter ,Cc Ball., , experience - in the lntsiness combined with his gou'al cicalitics will **take hint 111 ittvvaluahle midi. • Me. '\.4. Glenn Campbell Inas again resumed his ltttisic class at Blyth wlticit 1,y hail to discontiauc. fr,r a tcollle of months owing to the ire- ` clts nir, Campbell ] erg snow blockades, ,Coat 1 1 ` (Merit oV 7 a ) c 1 1 >s in Myth tach Monday and Tues- day, ill Godcrich oit the two follow- ing Clays and in 'Clinton( the reillail.:" tier of the wok, Just received this week shine o novelities in fancy waists . fronts They are real hand drawn work and " embroidery, done by the Peasants of Japan on Shantung and Japanese silks and linens, They come in different designs and are very new. and stylish. ' Not more than two of any one pattern.- Two .yards of plain material and one tancyfront will make a waist, $135, 1.50 and '2.0o each. Plain Silks to ltn2.tcl. at. 30c, 6oc, and 75c Wash Silks, white or coloredper. yard . c (All real Japanese goods.). 'I'1 -1e Showery v o nth April weather is " Rain Coat weather. The Rain Coat is just the garment for. April showery days: No more services able garinent shown to -day.. •New styles, made froin all -wool English cloths, just to hand: A t,) tt that is extra value at this 1)opttltlr price. Made from rood quality• ali tvool cloth thrttwil1 give excellent wear, 1111 hack and sleeve coat collar.• Oxford Grey. or Fawn, a stoat as good its wit have a )lel other seasons at $0.60 or $7.00 5•00 epecial thisseason ...........*1,6,6 Ladies Stylish It tineo•Lts alit ie.front rom flan iti?ported cloths, crit i11 new styles with capes and belts, shown for the first timei /15 i.hisseason, all sizes at each—. ....... .....................�• / Very handsome 13.•ti ncoats mad) from ,good all wool 'imported cloths, new stylets shown for the first tilnethiS smarm, new capes, full skirts, trimmed with gun metal buttons, Oxford $I Grey,. each .,,..,,,., • Materials by the yard, greys and fa'wns, T. 5, $I.5o and $2.25 1odgens Br • ain Coat: for $11.50 April 14th 1004 pthe best makers in Canada at is Last regular rice. These coats are travellers samples,11,9&? ,' th weekwe got a c once to buy23 Raincoafrom one of and odd lines of two and alhr�►�f were left over after spring orders were filled, la every coat in the lot is made in the verb newest at. Some have loose backs, while others have the fitted back with belt and capes. These coats are made an extra good quality of Cravenette and are guaranteed by the maker to give exellent wear. Thee coo are being sold in the citiesto day at $15, and are well worth theprice. ° While will be $1 !.50. While . they last our hail :_..-n Sale Friday Morning $11.50 Si RING JACKETS'- AT $7.5() These Jackets are made of a dark Oxford Girey Cravenette Cloth, in length 26 inches, trimmed with self strapping, buttoned and belt. They are made in the newest spring style and were bought from,tbe maker at tt hig reduction The regular value is $11.$0. To clear at . ,, Beautiful Spring., .Millinery • wonderful success of this department has been a- chieved by sellingexquisite hats•at:low prices, by never lowering the quality, by al-, ways useing the best materials andhaving: none but finest workmanship put on them. The appreciation of the public bas been 'shown by the.large business this department is doing. e are givinggreater' values than ever and are Show- ing more hats and better styles than in any previous season.' elegant }trimmied Hats at. $3 to $25 Outing Hats at $1:25, $2 to $5 The Corsets We Sell Skirts at $5..75 and $6,75 *,Fit Well and Wear Well Ladies' Man -Tailored Skirts Swell in style, beautiful inworkmanship, per— fect in fit) it only* needs that We shall mark oil there) our famous popular prices to make them. the grandest vsllues offered in this town. You'll readily ,.gree that this is so: when you corn- • pare our stock and prices with what you'll find. elsewhere, Ladies'tailor•made Skirts of an all wool homespun, 'in grey and black only, come in assorted sizes, extra well made and finished, very' 2 special at each...... ... ; .....,, L Ladies' tailor•madeskirts of heavy homespun in grey and black, perfect ''"'" in fit and finish; Sonne are trimmed with banclil of satin others .plain and :sortie tatimmed with self strapping and buttons, prices 'each. .,, . $+3.00 and., 7.5 Tailor -Made Skirts ofhlack hornespuns. in grey and black..These skirts are extra well made and finished, They are nicely trimmed with braids, buttons, et.o., and come in assorted sizes.. This is one of . our leading sellers at . .J,,,r. ..'.!••• . Ladies' Tailor -Made Skirts of fine all wool homespuns in grey,black and navy, some are trimmed with self strappings forming a yoke, also trimmed with buttons, others are trimmed with pleats, • etc.; we have many styles to Choose from at . , . , ,•,...„ , , ; :Ss. 00 and Much of the elegance in the fit of the dress is 'due, to the fit xo .a the corset Slouchy, ill- shapen, poorfitting' corsets will destroy the. beautylines of, the gown or suit from the hands of the finest tailor. Expert advice, when you p make your, corset selections, is absolutely nec- essary. ' Wo have provided ; for . this. ;' and. .can. invite; you to this department with. more ''eonfi dente than ever,. . knowing thatwe have . the . kind of corsets that will fit you' .figure. For fit anti ;comfort buy. the B. 4 C: At these two prices we are showing an elegant range of Skirts made of . the new. fancy tweeds. These ave ali. nicely`tri*ntiled with mittons and self strappings, also self pleats. The fit acid finish f th k' f • .•is,of the'very best,'prires • 1 - o ese• Wei s • , .. $5. 5 and Black: Skirts at $5.75 and $6.75 The best values we hay ever verhad.in '131aett • Skirts are the.ones, we are now. showing' at the :prices, -'They are 'made of a very nice quality of. broadcloth and are trimmed with rows of Satin. We can g�uaran.. tee the wear and fit of evet:y.skirt we send out. Skirts at $7.50, 8.50, 9.00 and 12.00 At these •prices we are showing a very fine range of Skirts made a d aui twee sand fine 01iteL venetaans all bet t fully trimmed and finished, and come 1n assorted lengths. If.you want a skirt -a 'little out :of G'Sthe ordinary.: he sure and. see the' ones at these prices. Pric 50c, 75c,.' $1, $1.25, : 3 ...,..7.5 $1.51 to YOU11. /HONEY BACK 1F you Mr el Mr AT :..Personal. ri ms„.' James IKahle. was in Ingersoll one Saturday, • 'Miss Mabel Dern: is nursing i►Ira:. (Dr.) .Blackall. of Ilcnsall •,whtc is ill *with. rheiiivatis i • • • Mr; V. it. Stewart,' Stratford, Bell 'Ccleplione Ceniirany • inspector; has . been an townfor ser•eral clays- of the • past week;: • •.Mayor T,e vis' and Rev. Mr ,1,,l1ic,tt• of Codericlt were in tcwu Saturday • on .their way hont1e. alter cauipnif *ting ire Morris in bc`li.tlf of: the C..1': R. bonus • \lis, 1)aj'. Seetcltmcre ofStanlcy aril MrsJannis fort, r :of :iivar. Csc•clk i ick have beers spend in,,.r• some clays with ..their sister; Mrs,. gA. 1vt115iitol,wl<r has > , 1 tw• very 'ill but is now 110 - ,,,proving. . Live' .Stock Market. Toronto,. April titin.- Ii:xpr,i•ters--I3est leads t•f exporters sold at 8.4.5o to 84.85 per,etvt. l+,xk)ort: Bu11s—Choice quality bulls are worth 81.5o. $3i5, per' cwt, • Export .Cotes--•ireport cCW5 are w•i nth $3,5o to :3.•i5 per cwt, • Butchers' Cattle—Choice p,el.ed lots of 'butelers'; ttxx>• to x5no :11>s: each, equal. in. gttali;ty to best exporters, are wci'rth • $:1,35 to $4.50 ; loads of good suld' at ' 4 to ,,5,1.25 ; fktir to good, $g.- t.oc to. $3:55 , cotnnloij $3:25. to S3,5o ; refight ,to inferior, $3 ; canners, $2.50 to $1.75. Feeders --Steers, of .good quality, r050 to ' /150 lbs. welt,. at ,54 to $4.25 per cwt, Stockers—One-ear, to ' 2 -year -Cid steers, deo to roc') s. each, are worth it1:; to $3.25per• cwt. ; off oilers and of emir bracer ng quality of Sainte weights are worth $.i;5o to 83 per exit, ,, Y. n11 1r >tv5 i ;h c() WS 'nd i u t. . n • r S'cr each, •s are worth ai *. ' et act 3 to �;,5 Calves--Calees sold at $2, °to. $io.. each,. or from: $3 to $&.e5 per cwt. Sheepi--1'i'ices, 2.l' to $4.e5 1;er cwt., for ewes and b•ticks at $3 to $3.50. Yearling lannbs—Prices for •graitit-fedi choice caves arch weathers for exa)ot't '$13,Iio to $6,xd\i barnyard lambs at $4.- 50 to $5.50. Spring. Lambs -0°0 spring lambs are worth $3 to $5 each, Hogs—Straight loads of Itogs, 150 to Zoo lbs, ,n weight, are worth $415 per cwt., fc'd ar,d watered. 6.16.4 Gocarb h. rices• Toltn. G. Clark and little son; Alexander, of Detroit were v1 itilig iter parcnts, Mr, ,1d Mrs. John ritor.y. . •1,t1 l;, It. Watson as removing to the house on St. Andrew's strict lot'iuerly occtipiec'a by Pr. Xtmitiitt;u, A Springtime Duty. line. , fohlctvir,g froth theRidgeti wit 1)cnniai.ioin applr;c.s• vary' well tc, Clirt- ton l lie • w aria rains' and the growing, strength of the sue ')lave dc.rr.1 1nuch rowwards' loosening the' grip ,of • winter: It is just now that care sItor,ld . • be tala.ln. in regard to tl'e sanitary . ,con- dition of the' tciwn, arta the Beard of Health, •Iilecl,ical Ilealthi Oliver;. and the Inspector shcit'ld 1)e frilly alive to their :nnporta1it duties,.There• . is' work to.do cqt every hand The Beard of Works, xo d3,ubt, Will be•soon .at Work cleaniitg.up tie. filthy. acewrlrr lations tions r u the' streets. Maim •st) ci1,,.in the business part, cspeCi lly '5110111x1, lie 1' . eitteiticd to':115 .5001' as •possible • and . then the other Streets. 'and tl:e alleys . will demand a:Wallicc•ti.:'1'Ire' private, citizen uitist not forget ,hat : there e is something for hilt* lo do, .IIe should see that his yard is clean: ancl that there is nothing of au ofensive 'natu c on the premises wl.ich' will be unsa.ni-• t try , to. the nostrils. of .itis nei'gl:hors as well as his owe. Closets niust be disinfected, manure heaps removed and all );anl>age humeri. tip or carted, away," y, The passing'of the snow has oracle it 1 plain that there are, Set era] .particular- ly boon places in town that rognire **tare Mau i)rtlir ary rattenifoti. The re- cent floods soaking .these places. have turned them into regt.lar cess -pools and l)recdi:iig places of alt fir;nd'y of dis- ease,: polluting not only the air but the water in the wells 111 their neigh- borhood. If not. given close attention an epidemic of scarlet fever, dilxtlteria; or typhoid is certain to follow fn tiles wake of tvarnl weather, hence it is almost criminal to neglect ,precau- tions. - • ° The duty of the Board of Health arca its officers i5' to protect the rceti and their powers are. almost t t- to1tet. Acarefuliitsj ot1)n should be undertaken at oboe, warnings given where needed. and Aran) methods. acop- ted towards parties failing to heed tltetn:. A. board of health plays its part rightly i11 Seeing that precautions are takeri to avoid epidemics, not in lr, caking- after the sick and their sur- rcAntd;ngs after cite 'has broken out, '1'itnely co -operations of citizens, board of works department and board r,F health will obviate a lot of Sick- ness as well•as relieve the town -of putrid ar.d'offensive refuse. Myth. Our Pnlllic selyools were cfelted again 011 Monday iR fter the �' aster holidays. rift. Aln \lettlnttcr shipltg several •earloadls of brick froitl his yard to Stratfortt this rvoek, •a; ' a , it .Y I ••lel .For a Ten Dol lar . Bill we will give the, best va hue' in a. Man's Suit, ready to -wear .that.we. have ever shown.. Made:from pure wool cloth, lined through- out with good • . • linings and tailor- • 1 ed in, first-class style. There is more' real worth ' and style to them than .you will find in many Suits that are sold for more 5 money. Mens Suits made frim pure wool Serges, will' stand their color and wear well, also front Wool )r Tweeds in new Spring e- 1 1; d sins andcolorings,. oo l ti�flnxmn s gc used throughout, cngthe latest style and tlerfeet in fit and workmanship,. each . 10.00 Let your bay wear "Lion Brand" Knickers, it will save you Lots • ' of mending. tiodgens Bros. clothing and Wen's furnishings.