HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-14, Page 7III, J
by Aet of
ereteolt isaa
e . 5,0000)00 -i
4 up" amoomoo: 4:
Mind ' Z 01 Mg° i
.‘ Assts ' Z7,000,001" i
Win. Mellott Mitephereen, President . •
toilettes, - .(letiorel Meneket'
We Ilene to (teener our new
• *oases ttor. Vietiorin, aiiOite
8trOP1.8, (opposite J. W.
enitengroneny,) soloetime dure
ft'llreeent van Beira
Oldie gettetnify te Solicited.
Brower, Mgr.
41'4011%D.ON DEPOPITS. -
-Sloatie, Block- CLINTteN.
iccessor to Mr. Jamtes Scott.)
e formerly occupied by 1VIr,
es Scott, in Elliott Bleck .
veyancers, tonimissioners, Real
state and Insurance Agency.
Money to Loan.
,• -
IX W. Germ L. R. C. P. &, L. R.C:S.
•Edin;bergh. .
th.. J. Nisbet Giles) M. R. C. S. Eng.
le. R. C. P. London • .
it Calls at front door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Preebyterian church.
ICE- Ontario street.-CLINTON.
. .
'OFFICE -e Ontario street -CLINTON.
Oppesite St: Paul's church. "
.it • c.. w. THOMPSON
Special attention given to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . .
-Offree. and Residence -
1i:teeth of Rattenbury St.
Office formerly occupied by Dr. P01 -
on Main street,
. .
Office adjoining Pita° Qallery. Open
every day and Saturday nights until
40 o'clock.
. .
opecialist i11 f_rown and Bridge Work
D. D. S.-Craduate of the Royal
C1 -
lege of Dental Siirgecnis of Ontar-
io. , •
D. S. -First class honor grkluate
•of Dental Department of Leone.°
• University.
Special attention paid to 1 es.sve lion
et children's teeth.
Will be at the River Hotel, bay t.eld,
every Monday iron to a. m to b.
• p. in.
member of the Veterinary Insilical
Associations of London and Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io Veterinary College.
iO3,FICE- Huron street -CLINTON.'
Next to Commercial Hotel '
• Phone 97
Itilp,rri v, e
B. Rumball 'Clinton
• \
. 4 cot A) , 4
10.11:,, tz. ivreimrrmt.ArtlY1AGAZINE4 '
/A FAMiLlil.11atiAtritr ,
111 Diet. In Currant' Literature
„, .
.,..;.• il. 0: 00,MP1.it1 NOVIt1.11 VtAftLY'l
;OA 14 it omorro. STORIES AND
' li i;:tit-ltfitV ON *TIMELY Topics
..1'.k.:3:3 volvrAn; 2+13 CIS. A OOPY '
-i 4 littfit attlfiltletk 4:41140t.ittit IN tteitur I
. !,,,;awatt.--0,*na9.40111;0414.4---;.,::.;4;.•.
rat, constipated bowels and piles is
Dr. HangIttet's Pills of Maudreke and
Iletternet which eitese no gripirg peen
and at promptly. Well known, to all
electors. TTse only Dr. lIesnillon's
Pills. Price 25e.
ee'r„Tolin Charlie:tee Iwa,lUi has so,
much fitnpreved that it is ho&e. d he
will soon be able to take his place in
Messrs. E. D. Garneau at Quebec aeid
Ernest tle Vieretet es of Weteelo have
been appoiele members • of the Legis-
lative Council of Quebec.
le is officially annoruccd at Paris
that France /1,3:1 1:c1. ilttellti(4n. whatever
dispoemg: et the isleuils of St.Pierre
and Miquelon.
0 0
For an tip-tod ate
try the -leading.: barber, •'0
rinn boOlt To IRWIN'S' oiteenRYI•
George D. Roberto'',
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
',•••,•-r.'""f.-"Pc•• ""',"".t"""•:•",
NVO0Crig P11061Plkodinet
The °rest Eaglied Remedy,
is an old, well estab.
lished and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over. 40 years. Andreae
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend ne being
Before and After, the only medicine of
its kiud that cures and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently cures alldorms of NerVOUS Weak-
ness, Emissions, Spermatorrhaa, impotency,
and allege:3M of abugeor excesses; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or Bei:mutants, Menial
and Braila Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity,
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave;
Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will
please, six will eure. Mailed prompty on re.•
oeipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Addriese
The Wood Company,
Windsor. Ont., Canada.,
Woods Phospitodine is' sold in Clin-
ton by Watts Se Co. II. B. Combe,
R. I'. Reekie stud J. E. Hovey, Drug-
The 111c1(1I1op rilthual Fire
Insurance COnuonll
-Farm and Isolated ToW4 property,-
--Only. Inaitrede
• .
S.. IL McLean, •President, Vipeen
O. ; • Thos, Freser, Vice-PreSicient,
Brucehelcl P, 0. ; E. Hays,. Sec: -
Treasurer, Seeforth Pe 0: °
DIRECTORS. •. " • • •
Williain SheMie3 , 'Scieforth ; • . John
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, 'Sea -
forth ; John Watt, Harloe.k ; John
Bennewies, :Demi-hag-or ;. James Events,.
Beecliveood ; „Limes .COnitolly, Clinton.
Reibert • Smith, Ifarloch •, •E.
chley, Seaforth ; Jatees, Citmenings,
Egenondeille ;• S; We Yeo, /Janes-
ville. ••
• Parties desiroes to effect •insurance
or transact other business will be
proniptly attended: to on application
to any of the ' above °Wiwi :addressed
CO their respective postonices, • Losses
inspected by the directorWho lieni
nearest :the scene:
. • ,
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton station as follows :
Going- East EXpeess. 7.38 sem.
3.23 pen.
Going lit:est 5.2o, pen.
Going West. •
Goin_g West • 12.55 p,rn.
-7.os pen.
• 10.32 p.m.
11 It 11
like Canton 7.1cwsoltecord
.11,11111,11818111 111118101111118811011$1101101118o 1.44 1, , I J oc• P 1Io
How Poultry Can * hatc• thing for the producer. No ler will •
he have to ke.ep these birds onghed be Building The
IlfeY Auld Minh are not sufficiently
Be made pr, ik.,„„, heavy feir sele ate Miehaelmes, right en
A V k ay • to Christmas. What tut immense iav
ing in grass this will be, if, for ne.
By C. E. 'J. Walkey, iir. Poultry, Lon- other reason goose grewers have now
don, England. mese to thank and foeter the feeling
whielt is slowly bet surely growling
As with Innis, se wit!: duets„ as far among eonstimere. 'generally that a
as laying s concerned.. The . stock bird -be it clicken, duck er gosliug-
bit& itilist be of a winter laying Ara- is only wanted on the table once eand
in, for the "early birth" pays. By if those who raise goslings for 11*3
careful selection eggs can be Obtaittel market will bot remember that uti-
Ut almost any time of the year. POT' cept in a few districts the usual grow-
. example, the ordinary As•lesburv usto er cannot eompete, at present at eeiy.
• ally beginto lay in Viihretary ar4 rate, in so far as at geese are con-
cont!ii ies till June, arid sometimes lene cerned, with the foreign market, and.
ger the Iudian Runner ;sill begin in will teen out first-rate birds of about
Augnst and lay till November t. the eie lbs. iveight, who 'knows but that we
Pekin .freire Octoetx to Christmas ; thou may oot jr, time educate consumers to
there are Rottene..,.!. several prolltalo buyEnglish fed ge•ese, and so best the
:le crosses, • to say nething of Camp- fr..reigner from one brand', of the Pula-
• bells, Orpinetens ankovher good ear- try .business,
Now to the matter of turkey rear -
Among geese time is the ordinary lug. I consider the turkey to be as
, gray bud, (h.! Elinl•dert, tbe Toulouse. . yet to all intehts tied purposes a wad
the white Italica, the Chinese, the 14g- 1,jrcl, for it hates to be confined at
yeeieet, the- Canadian and, others. (3f night, preferring to reost on low bon.
these the common grAy goose, erossed glis or the toe of a quick -set hedge ; it
with an Italian or a Clanese gender, caunot bear to get its feet wet ; and
will lo found as profitable' as any,
'both hecatise of their good: 'eying qual-
aim wet their .fine flavor. Of course.,
cress -bred birds cannot. .compere with
pure bred where the sale..of .settings is
• kept in view, thotigl• it is e. mistake
to- cater entirely for the latter. The
rele should rather be to hatch, at ell
hayerds, at the lost time of the year,
and- Ott the finest from the best
layers and keep these. Never Sell the
bestyoung stock at fency prices, as
then Gray second -rata l rds. will he left
to. twee& from. This ride applies alike
to all breedof poultry and .attention
•to tt means that every yeatecalr's sto.-
th.ond consueuently- one's name as - a
stock-kooper, will improve. .•
. • •
It must n� hSo forgotten' that .• as
duels and geese differ from heneint be-
ing ..waterfowl, they must be fed in
quitea different .way to give . the gem -
twit profit for the least .expenditure of
labor • and capital. 'theeteed: a greet
• deal . itoci caul green stuff.
Here- the question of tlei cost of meet
comes- .boiore. ue. Many • writers . say
butcher's scraps • and offal . are.,
it even has to be Melia how to eate,
when it first comes. into the . tvorld.
There is no double howeeer, that- if
rightly treated turkeys pay- wi.al, elett
elweys provided 'hit tleiy aro fed pro-
perly ; that they are reared on fresh
grand every year, for they are lia.ble
ta ill effects front tainted land,. that
they are kept out of actual wet - tend
are sheltered from cold winds, both' of
whieh are deadly. in their effects . on
young turkeys ; that if diarrhoea show
amongst their.: the Nick birds are n.rome
.ptIv. taken away and treated for the
dis'ease and not pat back age.in until
they . ha.ve , entirely recovered their
health ; .nue. $1144- CA1O hes plenty of
.stulffile land to run them on during
the late etenetner ' eud eeternu sett'. a
grit is not eesilY obtainablc,. it nmst
he ,supplied, for turkeys require an tat -
o -mots. -quantity .. by reason of. the
smallness of their gizeards in propor-
tion to their siee. After turkeys reach
the age of ten .weeks thee .become very
herdy, but 1.1•ey should alwro' •s be hous-
ed at .night and., 1„y the way; their
noines ' tioist have high doors, for a
. heap and. good. So theyare but. it is turkey • Is Iby nature intensely susple-
i:ractically • iniptessible• te• 'gete them.- ill; .3.611-1 'and .liates having eta look, down
less one's butcher ..18 neer 'at lia.nd, be- for .any ' other :reason then the finding
sides. wliklt fresh ineat . sometimes con-• Of his victuals. • AS Yong as .tle •liettee.
as ninth as. seventy per ceot. of •Intal'arinre°etnaeetiln6secilider'Ye:111,°P;Ir. wtillifee.e.v4elliist
Water. rhei-e. are .now on the market
eery excellentt preparations of eoeked it is .."Al 't° Ilan a .111°v .-1)1‘l frajr"itu.
_ fit two - aides, '*I•Ich cat be . fastened to
pent ..precti ill .free of • water. 1 .s.L. the hoe= in 'case of ver' rough weatli-
. . - .. er, or a.. heavy snow storm, •
- .Noue, if young etock ." and table birds • . •
an early age, they most of necessity
be forced, but this nvust be done care: . .• . • .
fully; for by reason: of putting. On ft • .. ,. •• . BREAK powx.
too soCie they . are liable to a "set
back", in ,coneitiOn,' Which lees, .spoil . Wan. is. •not A mechiee that keeps go-:
their 'Sete altogether. . e.irene. years ago ing. as •• long as: the: %teeth .is applied.
I' had -a .geeat .deal or correspondence He is ' a. creature' of blood, nerves • and
. 'cin This particular .tillliji:Ct i'vith a well,: delicaCelY balanced 'organism.... Many
hie. letters. ,tied tes book on ducks ,I .brains arid bruit* &Arm •Beale • work-
reelize .tItis, but everwork • their
keown American tlueli.bretder oral from (1011:1.;
proper , teeditee. Of eleicke .'and thichlingS .ers need' 4. strong,. bresieg• tieing ': like
Fterceone to fortify..., ilii r nei-nese. erel .
teede otet. 'a. series of formulae for the
el ,,eli .1 'give: lielow it. leilgtit• ,:: Ile -keep . .the.:blcxid pure •Ond rich:- ' Take.
rules .'.1...erei. as for thiclicn feeding, 'Ferree:Om ima .vott zio r etiore ..Worh:
are pot .1,a.p.e.rcrowd ,.. to feed and. wat- Volt will have'the •strerig'illi "the 's'hibi-
er regulerly ; to keini• troughs, - coops, tion and 'the Ilesite mr wentbecause
brooders • and h eases serteputously.eleme eleir syeteni willim in first-cleseeorin
and to pick oat at any One all birds., er• Yo.r 3/91'1' health •ord strength take'
,whildi .maY 'seem °tit of. Sorte, iskeite: Ferr(1701'°• ..regt•'1°.=r•IY:. ..rrk9 •' 5° ' cen"
, • . '
„ingeand . feeding :them. 'separately - Until • atelr
.. eggists. .
Well enough to go hack- arnopgilk tali.. . - •
ers ',..in fact, to exercise ordinary,' ctirc.
and forethought n•ecceseeeyeWitl: other
.". .
'.' 1.' .' ."' . ".' • '....... .American Fariner In
• Dtteks-For breeding ierds'•. after elicY. • ..
The' !lids.. of The
ef Trust . • •
are te attain great 'Size and entality e.t
Going South Express • 1.47 4.111.
• . • 4.15 Pan. •
• " EtOrth Express 10.15 aen,
1. • .
5.55.. Pitt,.
A. 0: PATTYS0'1, 'Station A.gente •
R. II•01).GENS,. Toyen Ticket Agent.
J AlACDONAleD;. .1)istrict • Pesach- .
.. -gee Agent, 'L'orolito,
ee-eeeteereeet_oenee;teeeeeee-teee-e.-- - •
eleriliii-gfeliragels et is Waif° •
• • Eg...1
E Surgeon, • . Speciti;ist;
• Diseases of Itlye, Ifer, Nose and
fiJ Tfiroz,t, visits. LI in tqn.inotithlyt tit
E: • •
. .
fig Nasal Catarrit .and Deafness
• 'treated. •
0 -
London Office 125 Queen's ;Ave. Er
kit • Clinton 011iee COMbO'S Drug :in
0 Store.
• El
Irours 8 a. itt. to. 4 bat!,10t.
gi es of visits4-Tues4ays-1?eb. 2, D
Mar. 1, Mete 29,1klay 3, May g
gi 38, June 281 July 26, Sept. 6,tD1
g Oct. 4, Nob, 1, NoV. 29, . 0
1, 1 A HAW! . 11
1) YttAteti*
titP ..131ZrjOt
• 1044. "
Ateente sending n slreteh hod description mar
quickly ascortain our opinion free yrhether an
Vtveation Is probeeteeritenteele. communica.
soneistrionyconudentini. Handbook on Pidatite
sent froa oldest agency for securing_patonta,
Patents taken through ?titian & CO. reosive
special wake, Without Charge, i1 the
$citntlflt BillariCall.
handoomelr illustrated weekly, /,arsont cin
erdation or neyeeientmo Tern:A.88
far; four $L go d Lynn newsdealer
tti • '
.11.. .1' • °I114 iL
are ten. weeks. old„ until they . show, •
signs of corning oi. to lay; and .:if iti-
lo4ved out to. greze, . feed as follows') ,
lee: pares cif bran (tt the weather be Be
ery hot Scald this), four of ,oatenes.1,.
ewe af maiee ; meal; '.tWo of..'eooke
ed' r ." cattle e peedi.e.erSe
Mi • of ,the • tritited
meet and two of grit, suppleing . this
• • .• Yes e .
xtore twice. and. as §.14t0 aPPe.e.T. tatlay Achat the
rintelogreen Food - as the birds wi I Cat' mercy of. the packing hoits6s1. corninre.
clui}ped clover, .being best . possible 18 • Texas reeently, the:NeWork •Post'
food. •Por laving. -birds, let.•the food „„'„ ' IT :. • G.f C 1 !. • t
Consist of' ',FIVe parts of.. Wheat' bran, v7' a eeee. ier two-.
live of, •lisiely 'civet ed calege, green. yesx-eld steers .wcre the best to. be
rye or green clover,. ont• ef boiled..tnie lied, though before the packers' per
nips ; or •sweeleti, two of grit and .one 'Pet d theircombination the settee Class.
of oyster shell ; eupplv
•Placell fh the, water trough' ' •
barleat iiiie • or wheet ixed
dt.y 'cleday gi'. 1111 11 btrds
with tele .aeal • Peak to Convince -the Man. a •. the
•• simply the law. 'of sit)* :demand
sleek sold readily for $2,2.
. prairies and stock farina Opt., it • is
. •
Duchlittes-Do Sot bi1t to- feed the which xe.geilates prices of live' • stO.L.k.•
birds until they 'are eweety-foer ItOtrs The exPermitce of rettehman in Indian
old, ,thett•for .1o,ir.d.i-vs,, met four. times Terri toy-, who, besides.. c wa. ng some
giving . thho. following mixture i • .thOusands .01 easttle; • runs a genemi
supplte store, is, however,. full of sig-
nificance kr • the plainenian s reasoning..
This • man.' submittedfigures to • prove
that the price of catt,e • liad decreased.
to such. ine extent that -hie no longer
found: it profitable to raise them and.
.et the same' time,as a store -keeper, he
knew that the prices charged by the
packers foe canned rneets refeig-
erated, rroduets are. higher than . when
etteirs were Ifinging beteer . rates
elle. Chicago" Stock Yards. The story
of the ,rancleman whe went to Chicago
with a train load . of fat steers' is fam-
iliar through haying bet,r, told ly:fore
.Coniressienal Committee, This' sit p -
per tome, at the .stock yards. only the
beyer Who bid on las cattle and ..the
'once offered .seemed- absuredly lovv,
waited a eay 'at considerable expense,
in the hope of 'getting another offer
but none came, end he .was cc/1111'0We:
to reecept , the originat;l biei; Watchin
the. herd after • the sale the ranch.
owner • saw it divided and partitioned
.aniong ittrittber of Chicago packr
housee. The .rattelimati, therefore, con -
chided that conipctitien • among the
great packinh
g-ouses. had .ceased- and
that he is, literally. at the mercy ot a
trust. And as it is in cettle today it
will he in other linee to-triorrow, tot
(.1111'in the 'United Stet* but in Can -
as Well. organization as ,
tricots of 'meetingceinpetition lies the
ferneers) only hope of escaping a 'ty-
ninny ee burc'enseme as that pressing
upon Russian serfs today.
tovett's Y.ZiWise tiesdlDisinfeetatit Soap
Powder is better than other soap powders,
rt• it ale° 14115 488 it 4,:sitifnutditt., 54
letglit Perks of well scalded •brate nine
•of roughoatmeal, two 61 baked bread
crtineles and one of very coarse send.
Itroin four:. to twenty -Ole (lave' It it
consist of Seven parts scalded •
.seven ./if rough .oatmeal,two cf finely -
chopped green food (if catbbage it 'must
he: boiled); two of maize, meal; one of
ceoked lean meat or Meat meal 'ited 'cre
of very coaree sand or fine grit .; foie
times . daily. Vt.= ,tY roe tosix..weeks
give,: One part of cooked lean meat or
eneat eteel,' one of fine grit, tWo parts
of chopped Wrcen foodr'fiva•.p.f. rough
.oattneal, Com of maize .meal and .six. of •
scalded le.en ; fourtimes 'Frcint
SIX toh
, eigt •weeke (1Vri's S•locci.t1 t6 he
kept as etoch shonldhat% ore part • of
fine lione meat. acleed, lvit' for those
set aside .for .stuirketing this ..is tot
necessary) the -following mixture 1 Ei-
ght parts: of melee meal, four of scal-
ded' htall fOlir 'of religh mettneet, ' three
af .coo•keil meat, ated one of grit e less
green food ; three titnes a day. 'From
eight to ten Weeks : Eight parts. of
:maize meal, four of rough oattneal,
three .of seelded. bran, three of cooked
meat, and two of grit ; no green food;
three- tittles daily.
.0ne thing may be noticed ; I do not
advocate the else • of any form of rice,it
beiree, to my mind, a food leech better
left,- albrie. It iltould be, remembered
that ell kinds tit water kwl require
leech cooler food (hiodcontaining less
heating mutter) than, land bird, and
more meat, of sone kind, and green
food. • • • .
the same diet and they will be found ,It es The Seed Corn.
oosiings may be fet1 praCtiCally
to grow qtnickly and to be ready' " for
s n this country are advised.
killing verv early. Just a word • here:
ott these •latter h,irds. When, atthe to axe:mine tlecritn they are esitig for
late- "Royal" show, I was assurtd bvseed the coming season, and testi it to
),,l'otilillAtt toilecit authority on talue mow nure it will grow,. A ,ven,uni,m1
poultry that the market for very large
fat goslings rapidly 14-vottling a, ill, farther . in this• vicinity .stretes 11 et
Olig of the past, bet ilia 1 birds weigh- about , 45 years ago this coat:ore passel
big' 6; and ii 11.s. still mut. through just a minuet and tt inter as
Maud a ret.tly sale. 11, 1104 all excellent the pest and .t.iw next value 1..t littl:e
. amount el' the corn sown failed to grow
Ife argues that • Ott account of the wet
TO CURE FEVER CHILLS. semen' lest year, Most of "...he vont (114
1101 mature properly .and some put
And such conivlaints as "khivers" . away in cribs is still qt.ite soft. 'rite
and ague we recommend Nerviline very seyere weather, he argues, has Mild;
TwehtY drops itt Nert Mile the. get•nts itt Much of the coin and its
taken nt hot water with a littlw stIg4r failuke teeprout will he the first know -
three times daily ttot .e.rly stops the lede;e that some will have that the corti
&Ins hut knoche cut the disease corn- \vein not grow.-- advisee the tonics
pletely. Nerviline has a dn to test actiotest the seed by putting it in dirt
on fever chills and removes the condi- land setting it miler a warm stove for
boas eattairg them. In stomach and four or live days or a week,when it
bowel troubles Nerviline never fails. should sr.rout. Anyotte having .19ox
It's pleasant. to the taste, quick tit corn shr old use it this year for 'seed.
liete and always cures permattottly., i The aficve is well worthy of consider -
Get a; lSe oWe tbday, ' ation.---Exeter Advocate...
Panama Canal.
The work of constrneting. tl'e Pf,tia-
ma Canal will naturally be separated
into time grand divisions, considered
iron the engirteering alio purely 000-
striactive standpoint. First is the coin-
paratit ely simple matter a complet-
ing the exeevatioi Wong the level
streteltee tend in.lialing the famous
Culebra cut, which, though a Ng oper-
ation, is not at tal complicated, or
difficult. Secend is the beakless of the
liahia dam,: which is to create the in-
terior fresh -water lake. This .calls for
engineering skill ofthe hgliest order,
and it is • possible that- tha comenissiore
ntay decide to do that part of the WOrk
itself instead. of letting it out to con-.
tractors. • leis well inown .0101 this.
is the only phase of the project Mack
gives the engineers any anxiety, for
they realize its difficulty ar4 delicaey.
Probably, . also, American workmett
will be sent out to bullet this dame as
it requires the touch of -skillful and
experienced hands, and Cannot be lea
to Jamaica; blacks .cr Chinese coolies.
The third division will he the constrit-
qion of the locks 'and the harborsand
1 men at the omen elicit; of 'the channel.
But repart front this.is the task of
ditidosing of the flood -waters . of .the
Chagres ; the sanitation of the entire
district, the dt.ainage of vaet, niarshes,
tie . effort to iiii (vete the mosquito
pest lied danger, the introduction ot
an maple supply of 'water and. the civ-
il and jedici•al itembastration of . the
canal vone, with its. population,a year
or two heuce. of 'perhaps forty. or 'fifty
' thorsand rough and ignorant people,
Itis quite apperent that the members
of the Isthmian Celia Commission are
going to havetheir hands full during
the next kW years. -From "The Pena -
ma Commission end Its Works," .by .
Walter Wellman, in the American Moto
thly Review ef Reviews kr Apra. •
N0TJ V�ETR v.ixtotti.
By noting your incronee in weight
'while 'ming Dr, Chase's Nerve Food
yow can prove' for a 'certainty that new
lino flesh Mid tissue is being added to
tlte • body. This ie tlte severest test
yon ear: apply to anY treatment f..nd
Prot,es :the stiperiority of this greet
restorative presetiptkii of Dr. ' •A. W.
.Chetse, the famous ,Iteceipt. Book
An attempt to 'Assiut:lc king " Al-•
nine°. of Spain was made at Barcelona
• Thursday: ' Details are .latkingt except
that a berele exploded .and 1.WO
nytied r.Vo: take medicine...int:4 be
to" i'vf..1cproP, (11,Dre,T•oliteoree.niftabec3o,tbterhantrbi de to.i d bs,
• The death is annbunced at Quebec of
' Mre John. Brown, a brother. . of , Mr.
A.clain Brown, ex -M, P.,. postmaster of •
Bggs earitinee to decline at Toronto
arid the market has weakened on ac -
co 11 t of loavy receiptsl'otatoes eye
seitree end clearer in 'the local market.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
beeti -used by millions Of Mothers for
their children while teething: if dis-
turbed by night aed broken of your
rest by a siek "child suffering and
Crying with pain of Mating teeth:send
at once , and get a bottle of "Mrs.
WineloW's Soothing Syrup" for. child-
ren teething. It will • relieve the poor
little sienerer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about • it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stoinach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic; softena the Gums, reduces
'Intiernmation and eves tone and en-
ergy to the whole' system. "Mrs.
'Winslow's, Soothing- Syrupet.efor_child-
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription Of onc of, the
oldest and beat female physicians and
nurses. : in the United States. Price
25 cents a bottle. "Sold by all drug-
gists throughout the world. Be sure
aed Ask for "Mrs, Winslow's: Sooth-
ing Syrup.)). . •
. .
..Toront.o. is anxious about the fourth
Class scliolars, who aPPear .to go. Ilo
further. • What about elle third.. class
scholars who dte.0 out end alkmeently
"too vent to. go tc. voirk ?-Froin the
Kingston Whig.
.Ever sieee .Dr. Chases' kidney7Liver
.Pills were first introduced to, the pub -
the sake: have steadily increased,
eacb'yeatolieing larger :thaii.the •yeer
preceeiing. -fThis is probably the. ' leest.
'evidence of -their remarkable efficiency,
as a ireetnient for . derangements,ot.
the, kieneys liver and &melee They
are eitivaluaLle as • a 'fatally nted ieine
• • IN. Tx -in -04.TTLE po. ',mu., •
• Don't 'you think- that there is great
(tenger,. hi • theiee 'acceinelations • of
weaTtit'?" . .•
' "Yes' ". answered Senator' Sorgliktot".
• • "Butyou are not negleeting to ite
crease your -owt pee:sessions I"
"No, Wealth may be o clatgerous
weeklliet I roga.rd. that foet all the
more reaeoit for not going around an
armed inyself."Prom the Weshiegten
Would Scratch till
the Blood Flowed
• dreadful ease of Itching SCUM* Whiellt
droned Ordinary treatment, and was
oermenentir Mired 'by Dr.
nutmeg Ointment.
MRS, LINK) 12 Walker St., Halite.% 141.8.#
states :-"After three years of miserable torture
and sleepless nights with terrible eczema., ttnd
after trying over a dozen remedies without
obtaining anything but slight temporary relief,
luttie been perfectly and entirely cured by
using Dr. Chase's Ointment. After the third
or fourth application of this grand ointment I
obtained relief, and n few boxes were sufficient
toylike a thorough cure.
"It Is *ix months since / was freed of thlii
Wretched skin disease, and ss thete hat been
no return of the trouble I consider the Cure it
permanent one. I yould stropgly urge any
one suffering as / did to try this ointment, and
shalt gladly write to any who wish to referto
me for particulars of my case. 1 was bad
with cocoa that I would scratch the sores in
my sleep until the blood would flow."
Do Chase's Ointotent, do cents a box, at all
dealers, or tdmattson, Bates and Co., Tomato.
To protect you aping Wit:14W the portrait
and signature of Dr. A. W. Chose, the famous
tccelpt book maorb MP on ovoly
• P1
4stabliiliai 16'79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, (trip,
Asthma, Diphtheria.
CR8801..888 18 A 000rI TO ASTHMATICS
Oasseanta is a long established and stand:4"d remedy for tho diseases Indicated, tt
cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic, is carried over the diseased Surfaces
of the bronchial tidies with every breath, mine prolonged aud constant treatment.
Those at a consumptive tendency, or sufferers from chronic bronchitis find Immediate =
relief from oeughe or inflamed conditions of the throat. Descriptive boalet free,
1,181011NO, MIMS itt CO.. 1051 Notre *lane iiontreel, Vesnollan Agents
Antiseptic Tablets
dissolve& itt the mouth are effeeti vo and safo for
coughs and irritation of the throat.:
fee a box. AlLI. 144
East Wawaacsix. 1
• Men andom
wen anti have to work
with brain and hand to
present and but sliglet hopes of lier .hold their own nowadays. Never were
1-11(111PRESSURE DAY'S, ,
Mrs. A. dIendersog is very ill at oneessently
recovery are entertamed.
'Mr. A. Quinn left last week fol.Win-
nipeg Where lie has securet a goodtsit•-
uetien. We wish hini every suecess.
. Mr. Chas. Black le.ft last week or
-Toronto after a bred' sojouri* with
frieeds here.
Mr, John Wigl•tman ineved tp his
new -farm about a mile north of Bee -
'grave. last • Week end Mr. 'Jas. Cloakev
moved onto tlfe form letely vacated
by Mr: Wightmen, We are sorry to
lose Mr. WWI:Mien front otir midst
but welcome Mr. Cloakey.
'Mr: Hugh MeLeao moved to ICS
farmen the loth last 'week, -
• Miss •Aenanda Nettory of Plueetele 'is
the guest O.:" Mrs. Jolut Lenin at
present. . .
-. Mr. San IIalltatan, who has been
very ill- ter • eonie tiine, is recovering,
.eve. are pleased to. hear.
Messrs. Wm. .IIelpe, 11, D. McGowan
and David, .Cock. held .trery suecessful
wacit bees ;last week:. - •
We are plee,sed to hear- itt the nn.
Provetneut l.17i the health of Mr. • SO,8,
McGill Sr, • • .
.Mr. Anent Quinu Sittidayed et -Mr.
Wm.' Nethery's.
'Miss Elsic -Garton Weil...eel friends on
the fith Line recently. • ' • .
Me. Wm. W4.142n has Iperchased Mr;
Wm. Ward's , &arin for ..$3, oo, Mr.
Ward is in poor health Old intends re.
-.tiring iron farming; - ..
.. • . . .
. .
• • Mrs. - 3, Clegg ite.e. returned.- • from.
Buffalo - where she Was-Ivisiting . • her
father, Mr.. .C. e Law-rence,. who - hal
been. t cry ill.• • •
Mrs. Pope 'and...children . Were • . the
.guests of -Me., and • Mrs. .Geo. Haider -
Son.' over Easter. • • . . : . -- " ... - .
. Mrs.- Edmonson. of -.• plyth 'isthe
guest of. -her brother, Mr. Fel:ell. .
'Mee, . (lateen -le .of Brantford spent
Raster -With bee' ebrOther, 'Mt._ George
-, Mr. Wtm- .ThLtes ef•Morris.'hae 0/wag-
ed •wil It 4r...'R..-.,Cofle..ii. for the setettner
inceiths. ...
. •Djettiet l'eseein€ee Ak.r.14, Toronto. . --
. . •
..,.- . • . .
the demands of business, the wants r,f
the family,-, the rtiquirernents ofsocie-
ty, mere numerooe. The first effect -ef.
the pretseWorthyeflort to keel" up with'
nil these thi
ings s Commonly seen in a
Weakened or debilitated cenditien .of
the nervous system, which restate • 111 e
dyspepsia,. defective nutrition of both
beely and brain ere] in extremecases"
in cc; nplete nervous prostration, It
is .clearly seeu get shat • is needed is
what will sustaie the 'system, giie
oigor Old tone to the nerves and keep
the eligestive and .assimilative Nue-
:Lions' healthy arid active. From 'der-
sonal knowledge, we Call ruCallituctid.
Hcoc':'s Sarsaparilla for this purpose.
-It F.CtS. 08 all t1111. Yitd organs, builds
up' the -whole system and fits men and
women for these high-pressureo •e•ays,
.• • •
The Great Pair.•
•.. The. Great WOrle's Fair, St. Le ,
•Mo.-, will he open APril 30t11. By .
comparisons.be• the MGM:. '
. .
watelerferexpositien in- all history, It
is the greatest of- the creations • 41
modern mon.. •Fi fty tuitions and . all 013' .
states. and territories mid statee •ot. the
'United States • lutee -comibined their
efferts to neake a twentieth- century .
wonder..- The :Grand Trunk leallWay
will leine an :exhibit iit the .: Canadian • .
Redtieed rates •willebe on
sale on and after: April 25th anct the
Graue, .. Trunk have arra/vac-Ad . toy
stop ot'er . at,. any- intermediate • Cana-
()fan statien and ii..Detroit arel Clti• .
Cage. • Tickets -valid r• 15. three
Sold at .single' .fare., 3o day • tickets at
fare 'Ont. 'ewe third end :ticketsvat 41. :-
until Dec.. ,T5th,• . at "So per .eent:. .
" Couble one • *ay :rates; .
For infoeni ation • a-pp1v:tcnv Greed
Trtinie 'A.gent, et- tr 1 1/..• kleDont.let,
, •
f.4IM011 • 4•112011-.
:•••••11,,,P4Att.•-•-,,, • .. .w.1••••••••4•1•2••••Pmenny•,:.r..../..,11
• 1.1, IN 11 ,
Gray's Syrup to ,keep the C1111dren safe from
mot:T. It disOlves the thick sputum - cleare the •
throat ••••• breaks up a cold ...r:and CURES COUGHS. *cep
ray's Syrup ofm
, ed Spruce 60.
always .% the house. A bottle of this mous remedy is your bast
protection against those sudden night attacks of croup.
. Equally good for an throat and lung trocoles-- for
young and old. 25ets. bottle. •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 .11 .0 .11.4% % 4..0 •,..• 4. .4...6. ,•••• • ••••••
11:4 •:••:••:64.••••••• •••••••••••••••••••40•,••••••••••••••••••••• .4 46*. •• 11. 4••., 410. • •••••
4. 411•11•16,1110 111 11106•101106.4•11•16/410 41106/41•111••••11•11r CLAI•Plerli•lb •:•
•:• 4:6 4:0 •:• 44 46 •:• 6:4 4:4 11:6 •:• •:• 4:0 •:**:• •:* 4:• 4:" 410 •:• +6:4 10:0 •:<•:•• '•:• 0:4 4.• .0:0 4644+6:4 46 •? •••
• 441
• •
04 * •
4i ..10
, A
••• •
4. •
• •
4. .•
111 ie Js-Jecoi'( f
Mr. William Colwell of the
Mr. Thos, IVIanagh an. of Olin -
ton. advertised a cow for sale and
had a dozen enquiries. Ile got
his figure' for the bovine.
London. Read advertised his farm
for sa,le andsoon found a .p-a.roh-
aser at'a good price in, the person
of a subscriber to this paper.
1/.1r. Sam :Appleby of Itullett
advertised a bull for sale and sold
it quickly. When he. has any live
stock for sale he always uses the
X advertising columns of TheNews-
Record, for be find- it pays.
If you have live stock for
sale The N'ews-R000rd will find
you a purchaser.
•.$4,4.2. ,*
IP •••• '=?.$01131***1 ''''''
&I, :$ •At•
•No 2
X i.
. • • • • • • A. • • 4,41 4 • • " • " " 4i- • • • • • • • • 6 •
• % ••••••• •••••••• V6,660 y %11%.14••••••••••••,,•••••••••••••••... •••••••••••••••11,10 ..,..w.....".."......", y
• ibikAsAive...iivovevown,a,e2isiveelo nou6i. O.., 4606,e. devnlyn .nano,o,,4141.444.446$:
A., 4.4. ++ 484+44+ 44 +4•4•41. 44 04 II+ 414 0:4 4.6;,. 14. 44 O:o 0:0 44 4. •:• 486 +4•141 4+ 114:0 4444 6,10 4
"•••••••." '..1111111 11 • 11 111111111111111111111110