HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-14, Page 5A tit 140 1904 C4ROL NEWCOMBE A. Ci Port Albert orgailet Hillogreen of OUtsrio street Methodist . . church, etreacher of Blanc, lia,rniolly, Form. Free Theory leetare ta state dents every TuesdaY evening dics Ova NeWconibe's store, 'same ton. MON um WORKS -I ATX. PRE. peered to clo all laues ot Cleaning, Melt% and Bressing of • ClotheS• All work done an short notice and. Satisfaction. guaraliteeds-J. WARD, . We• coumn coma Yon "? • 1 . na • Ve Wit up first clase sueh aa we have • le unes our goods were ig1Ju eVeny way.. Vire • sell the Finestatiloods for the finest trade. Chle trislconvincee you of this. • Antong other lines" eel in' Fancy Riseuits. .We • .keep Assorted BISCuite . per lb, up to Macaroons- at 50e. . Olives...and Pickles we have . Only the best; Chaney Chili fiance, Clhow-Chow, sweet and sour. Vin,egar Pickles ,and also • Burge Radish. We still solicit your, trade • W. T. O'Neil CLINTON Berditicundi • 'Thetlilntotillewsciikecor0. - Mrs. W. J. Hayden: of this reeiglabore Mr. James Turner ims. purchased . lived . died on Friday at her residence Mrs. Janice JarroWs lifty-acre larin • rear Sheppaseltoni aged 76 yeas. The ein the Parr Line. The price was lt3225 funeral tocke`slace on Itiondity to aleeit- aiel this leaves Mr. asitruer ihe owner land cemetery, Gseeelerieli. M. Harry of 300 tiCreS. of the finest lane:, in the erfReCi!) $ore oleo Jas. of tt is section, . township. Mr, I.in Workman of London: Spent W.e met etenductor Ausebrook the ' The Misses Spence cf Berlin spent ' with their • Hayden,. merchant of this place, ie a, W. B. Hawkins is. home for the his Ita t ' v- at' oid th e a .otker day careying a large• iar, to tollreairnatutishteerr, luvr4seltennry Marlton. . s sae - at ion u er e parole s '• a possildy leave at some grocers' and we • . . lieliclays. • 0 0 0 0 f Or AAA FA A.* el•.1 • ei 0 0 00C 0.00000000000 0000000000000000000000 • The News of Goderich. Male E. Skintlagat Correspondent 000000000000000000000 ,•• roof. Thos. Waster of Lucknow viSit. id "We hope Mr. Ausbrook you'll Leo Ellett, sou of the manager of ' . ' %L '-' Mr meet with nO eraSh en the train today . the Banked Moatreal bere, hae been ' _ eel his sister, Mrs. Jas. Tune._ r, 1-tho or you'll have two aers." He laughed. appointed to a position in that bank Morris Tranship, . we ere pleased to say, is improv bre — -- a heartily at the sslly. in the •exeteise he todk. Many Cense township era Robert -Stela of Zurieh Business. College at Stratford to take eter, X 0. .34 . in iilliy. Stickers have been. pass:mg rei the T -'— that he walkael the sOlee off his shoes diens are to be found 'in California . speuntt Ettveirn• atw.ethretimr arrespeiettais)/ 404174. . a course en that institution. • . Miss Lydia Beck has returned to Um Avers by the thonsunds s*zee the avoid the -inclemency of the northerly ' i breaking up of the ice,. - Captain J. W. Baxter of the. steamer (luting the winter se004 SO *9 ") with Mr. Jelin Consitt for tha sum- Brsiness College at Stratford. latitudes and if the. conning winters. are. -31rer. and 1VIr. Ralph Workmen wetir Mrs.' Rousta of Westfielei •and her. ' °I the , ananitote has. erlineers• fitting.. the boat to; be ..aselong continued as 1.10 one- Thos. Qousitt. These are two daughters, • the Misses Morrieh, atter her late illness. here. Messrs. William J•q•roft of Goderieh Miss /Mkt HoWrie has entered the This is the last month for the oys- . 1 1 ti I ti tat move t at now aeoncliallng it will cause no won- .. • eaergetie young men and are sure tO • weenie • 13 ace. to- the hoese (-aniline, Roael , , as to lie ready to leave ase ,stion as out for the opening. of. navigation so derment It c. much "Aron number seek p easi. their emeloyers. owned . bY • 1,-3. $neft.s of the Sae.'" 1 the Georgiaa Bay is fres of ice. The teassion for playbig guineS of Mrs. Walter Hendr? of Iteckinondyke the sunny south. - TheaSunsiiine brid re remit; ed s slight elialaila ivp by. the flood. . Mrs....SA Walker, Stli •Lira„ spept na.s.., Y Y - • spent same inoriths, and contemalatee ter with relatives at Mitchell. . . . Your- .correspondent in speaking . a- It is sugar inalciree time. formats spending tlie summer ae the guest of - Miss ,Ii.aiw fileerp, trained mime, of but the receut special,' services. pest . Boys, young 'and old, had tittl4 axes ber sister,Mrs; 'C. Blatastone. • London, was home ore an Easter vis- closed was slightly in error, Viltile -and tin pails and were'Snarching east its . • we .have on ,good authority ,Shat over 'hy. the river, presumably ' to insert Miss Ithrias returned on Thursday , fast frcm an .enjoyable• vesit to Torun- ; 3. Pinfced of IVIoosejaw, N, W. ' T.; that number enanifestisl a desire for • spiles en the maple trees. A- gentleman ' es :Sharp, etli Line, during Haster. • valuing the work doite, we ;night state the upper lianb,s. •It must be ..c. istmouS . ont el to, Hamilton .1,,.414 Buffalo. sr as a visitor at the residence of..I.aaa- palvation, without, kowevera under- told us that 'sap. was 'running Miss' Jean Rhyeas, we are sorry to .0wing to the waeliceit on the rail. that the umnber professirg eonv.ersion strwaring cfl time. • say, has. a relapse. Here attack,' was. loped - their .hoine coming. from the afte Zie E. Roberteon, principal, and • to Montreal on Easter Maniday after• Mes, jetties Stewart was called away prouounced appendicitie. • way ,Alexe alcaleil ctid family have de- was between thirty and forty. Mrs. (Rer.) W. .H. Grahame left.' On - West but are expected shortly, Miss C., Bueston, assistant teacher, • noon 1, - t .1. t v: ai h i Vedt ‘stlay to pay a, visit to her mo - y a t, tiram ad isi ig . r . gt... e o On Saturday week• Sant* Clegg, a • resamed their ditties. cn Monday after the illness of tier aor,' at the hespitg tiler, Mi -s• (RON) Csmphellf ..Toroutc.... : • On Sunday a. In. Rev. W. Ir. Gra- well..known Morrisite, arrived - home, 'spending their holidays ' at - their re- :Arc that city .with scarlet fever .• • . frora a trip of 4% months to Los An; spective limes, • - - M'ss Ma! ' le'Pr ucifoot • eldest dandle. liame of Victoria 'street chtireh chose gales and San .hrtinetseo, loolting, first_• • class. The - winter Was :beautiful he says and with .itS friiits•and flowers it Marriages . Londestioro. House. • marbles seems to have deserted the r'glar..di arrived rom BrooklYn • N. 1.1 Y., last week, in which city sheiaftrhas • :wish to Worm the citizens ' of Clinton that I am doing a first-elass laundry- business in the stand formerly occupied by Mr. John Hays on Ontar- io'. street and will glearantee sa,tisfac- Con or your money refunded. Shirts ironed so that they •will not hurt the neck. Stand up eollsas ironed without, being broken in the wing. Shirts .56 .Collars• c . Cuffs 2c per pair Blouses -roc to, 25c, Family washing, plain not Starched 25c per doz. , Family washing, •sta,rehed,: • dozen. -Goods called for and •delivere . part of the town. •ter of Ur. John Brondloot, entered the for tke •text .of his mornIng sermon, Business Co:lege at Stratford et the Exodus 19-31 45. Mister term. We wish Miss Proud- On Sunday evening last at Knox eh - is uot eo• be wendered at that he gain. .. inu foot ch sueceas in her 'career ' as a urch during the offertory Miss . Mc- • -ed. 12 or 15 .pcands despite .the feet WEBSTERe-CANTELON-At the rose-, • stenographer, • e ' • . . - Vittle an Mr.. Jaime ThoinSon • ren- • ' denee of the bridesparents, Gel- Mrs, Jamas atikeuheedi • 11E4)110d tiered besutifully Abe saered taio "Lead . . . •erich. township, °a April iath, by Road, has purchase& Ile cottage on Xitidly Lifht." , HEREFORD BULLS, FOR SALE.-- Russer, votnigest Waterloo street formerly °Woe by Miss wood of Torentc pent ha Three registered Hereford, bulls for to Beattie Webster of Ashfield. Mr. Hutchison. • Mr. fehephard sad. lately occupied by Easter holidaas here with her mother, • Mrs. J. Elwood, and aunt, . Mrs. (Di %) daughter of Mr. George Cantelcn sale, yearling, two -year -cid ' and CASSELS-JAcKLIN-At the resiclen: Mr, Charles 'Wells Ba. ld Road' Shannon: ' y te • „. cession. Grey, on April 6tb by- in flowers "or he .„is a conser- froth a mor411's visit to her , sister., . aged.. -W. 'bon, Perter's • Hill. • 14 ce of the bride's parer4Cs 2nd con- seems to think thal- iIdirg t there is a forthue Miss Maud Tilt returned last week . • Rev, 'W. Lowe of; Winghain darn -vatory halite grounds, We. wish han a; Mrs. Littlejohn, of Detroit. S MIR 511111M ENATOR Eza-tuxisam' Recommends Pe..rui-nas---Other I'voninent Men Testify, . . • daughter of Mr. •Hlijah J'aolkla to successful. Season. He is an entliusiest• The Wrerien's Institute met on Thins- . HOUSE AND•TIOT ON ERIE STREET Samuel , Cassels of Chaos. ' • in fruit growing .hesidtzs and has cite - day. laSt• at the resideace el Mrs, Ake:, • or , sale at a bargain. .' Cost $450, SLACK-PUNCHARD-In i ...t... Thom- era. apple called the 4,\\ -ells" apple Craigie about forty- members being in ' will sell for $25o. 1 acre of land as' church Seafeeth,• on April 7th, propo•gated, by himself from the seed. attenchfice, Mrs. J2,111,CS 'Miller . read . . with bearing orchard. Good fitame • by • Ile Rev, Rural Dean Hcdgitis, - lifmt Etta wall4; of Toronto ..apent. her . papa • on "Housekeeping" withal Mr. John Slack .0f, Eestner, county ,aer Easter vacation .*tow;. the .gtest 'embodieda number- el good points. of Bruce,. to -Miss Beatrice.. Mar- of her sieter, Mrs, Doak: . e Mrs:: Isaac Salkelcr e Paper was a de - •youngest daughter d Mr. li. - Robert Isbister had• a close cull on cideclly. pleasant theIne "The 'Kitchen hoese,. kitehen, -woodshed and stable, • hard tiael soft water. Will • sett am. • j • Cl nton easy terins.a- aeriesCarter, -• Punchard rE See..fortha. Thursday. while . working' at, the. new Garden" which. she • said was necessaiy-. rassoLuTION.. or PAIt'INERSHIP- ,• • • of the bride' S 211(;thr, on. April 2, trg being huilt on the island ship to good housekeeping e.s the vdgetables yard. He 'was uneer Ale' scaffolding were • essential' to health •and. also . tr. . . . • .. . y .,-BICRLH:-At the resid..tnce • between the undersigned ',Albert See- Norman Dingle of London to Miss when : a heavy ..piece ct oak in falling economy, :so: ler as the fe.rmere • are The ' • partnerskaP heretofore existing .hy Rev. Rural .Dean Hodgins, Mr.. ley . and Albert • • Turner. has thig- Clara May '.Bieltle, eldest daughter struck .him on the tep• of the skell, coricerred. Miss . Mabel - Trethewity , c.a,using a wound which reraiired sever- gave a pleasing itstraneental. selectidn.. day been dissolved • •bY ' mutual • •ftr'.1.f., rs.., *alfgaret'.'13,ickle• Of Se-- al stitches. • He ,. was •stunned by the. file neeet aneettleg • will be held at. the - ccnsent. ' The. blisiness , will • be . . . . . • • conCussion rod bled profusely. residence .of 'Mrs. A..D. Mcricalt dal the' A Seeley 'reta.iiing the. generalr.black- 'April ist,, by Rev W. -merle Smith . tide at Louden, the gaest of her sister, Bissett, Archie Macilo.naed , and IVIagmis Mr'. • -Percival E. Bell spent Easter-. second Thursday. of May. . Mesdames carried,cee as uSt,tal at. the' old stand,. BERTRAM-FV-In New 'York on. •smithing• business and A, Turner' ilia . • Swanson were requested to prepare ..D.D., J. -Bertrsen fornierly of Edin- Mrs. J. Cluness. ' , • • . bicycle department. As . it is desir- .... . • a- . .y l :g • , f• 11 the musical program and .all knembers • ' gli • If • _,T, t '. Ewing, • . - dance on Tuescla.yeeveitirig in honor. of were requested. to wear • their aadges able ? that . the Paritership accoents yeitiage,st daughter of Mise George . should be closed Ly May xst, 1904, Ewing of Seaforth.. . ' three .o: their !members who .are leav- at every. meeting .and 'return the insjga.- .. their eustomers. 'could inake it con- ,, ' -.the bridie's •• parents cn April (sth,.. ing town; Messrs. Ilareay Dietricli and zines. • pace them from, time. to .tune 'they. wonlel • este.ein, it a favor if. BERRY -ALLAN -At the. residenee Of Mr. Hugh •13erty, soa of.Mr. James, A William Wilson for Mattaoha, and Sae to peruse. A. lovely. five t..,'''lock • tut cor4 I.Itrt for Deketa... The 131a.citstone wes 'served •by Mrs. Cr'aigie ad her DINGLE 5,0, • 1)01 coinite• by • tv•en'aent to hat date. Both rueulhees . • Berry, to ,Ytiss Sarah Allem. 'dale' 'orchestra wasain attetelance. A uniqee attenda.tas, . after . of .the late firm take. this opporteri- ghter of Mr. James Allen, r a•-' 0- •and ;pretty' feature ,c.f the evening. was • thernas 'was teuderecl 'her • eud ae. seng ty of thanking' the public for then. • • . • • Biddulph • U4 the lit...ests' *ere all 1..loto.rraph,d the “National Anthem, 1.imings in any d; • liberal patronage in the past and Births. . by Mr. raylor of Clinton with his presiding a.t the piano. thor h noiv seParated trust to merit • - • flash, light. Mayor. Lewis- hoimeed .theThe .folloWng i• iateresting not i was i 1 f Charlie Ming. Harmony: chili' with ids presence.. . received by. a fr cric .o the same Au the future.- ALBERT MARSIIALI.,-aln 'C,Iitriton on April 12, . wri cur ; SEELEY, ALBERT =6MR. NV.fte to Mr., MrsaGeorgeeetarshalle • Mr. Will Craigie ha,s purchased the Mrs. Harrison • Levette. • ;•rtie essie ness March 23rd, 19424. a daughter. ' • . ionse, os. William street formerly oceia ,Coutts) fernier resideat of town, al • WALLWIN--ln •Seaftirth, • On April 6•tb, 1)d• and owted by Mr._ George Me- which she sta.teS that she is • spending to Rev.. I. B.. 'and Mrs. Wallwiny a .§wern. • , " -the present., month' in 1Plorila Luc) tht.t. • HAYS -In Seeforth on April ist ;etc; ,son. • Mrs: Elizabeth rovider, another. qf slie •will ltana •sencl"a. walking cine Mrs. • Tho•mas. Precious of Gaderich, • frchr: the shores of the "SuiinecElYcii" .. • consisting of So acres, 40 'acres seed- IVIa. and Mrs. R. S.• Hays, 'a sae. died at •London c 31st Mareh. • ' She. So noted "in, that beautiful 'song •• "The .Lot 32, :con .9-, Goderich township, FARM TO' RENT OR FOR 'SALE. -a with bOrn in.. England eighty -Seven yea. .01d Folks at Home." . Mrs. Levette ed dcfWri, 6 acres in fall wheat w or pi.MY•raiN-In MeXillop on April.- fith,' rs agd. Charles Fowler of Lexington, intends to. visit our. town this seas chard, brick house and bank. bunt . X . . to Mr. and Mrs e Thomas liloylan, , Michs is the only. surviving •sgla . son. inile:from sch.ocl; 2%• miles hone son. All the schools opened on iVfonday: a. a DELBRIDGE-In ,Usborne April' 5, Holanesvilte, 5. miles from • .101intim... Oka. the Eaeta• vac.ation to Mr. and 'Mrs. George Delbridge, . . Immediate posseseion can be eiven.- son.. • . • , ,• The infaiat daughter oe Mr. rend sites.. Porter'•t • George J.• Comeell, Clinton .13, 0, 11K -1n est,to Will. Craigie we'. ;very ill On '.Thursday -Hill. . . . 4 8FR1D as o an ThsTiTuVE ikanwriefeie -Owing to. the IVANTED-A GIRL TO DO HOUSE- s e specie !nee work, wages $S to am a, month, no . leIr: and Mee. Richard, Baleer, Miss Haley has remind work in hex.. "'to td tinge advertise son: cral , Ameritan. cities dining her , half *ere tiot -as largely. attended as they dressinaking,departnient ' -ahave- Me- - _ . Deathi, Kini, store. Miss Haley 'visited set,- ..,aIALL Ki•Ilea en a collision on the G. year s abseace. . Hill meeting was otherwise would have beemthePorters a .veey interesting washing. Apply to MRS, G. D. ,. • - MeTAGGART, High, street, Clinton._ T le t C ell • April 121.11 The lake WCIS eliar Of ice one Satur- one. In the afternoon President ;Young -''''''''' ' • Harvey, son of Mrs, (Rev.) Hall day, the strong wing which prevailed 'hiess, called john Cox, e* warden of iresided and after" a peat opening nct- ., d tob't 22 of Clinton . aged 21 years. blowing* off lte ehore. the county, who, among other things, Mratlarel c------------------------lleoting „ leers. John eltornton aged 74 the crown business at the; assize court er industries ; w ile the niatitefacturer • - of, x6o acres. rame hoe, ood 3;eare, ' • • ' in London last •week: • • knows what his finished* .product it hi You Can See. FARM TO RENT 0,12aSELIaa- TITORNTON-In Clinton on April TO" Mr. W. troudfoot tIC. C. conducted said that farming Wag ifferent to oth- Tor yourself how much shoe has e do with the appearance of your foot,: - What is uglier than a poorly .: shaped 1 shoe ? What is daintier than, e : • • - A TRIM CLEAN CUT SHOE. -- that fits closely about the foot -and brings out its natural artistic lines... We can find a shcee to • fit yciue Icot - no . matter how hard you Are to suit. - Our spring stock has arrived and the prices are right.1 We are phowing ' line • of shoes for nem at S3.50 that can't be beat for price and quality .• ' Also a line of shoes for wean= (The Queen Alexander) .for $2 which is extra value. Come in and leave -a look at .our stock. No trouble to show goods. Groceries, Our stock is complete. We have e :good line. of Japeu Teas, gretai and black. Ir package teas •eire carry the. Ludella., Red Rose, Blue Stibbon and, leptenes celebrated teas. They • Were, -bought before, the advance. ist price which we will give orr customers the Ibenefit ofe - Plain • and rancy Biscuit:4e 'Boiled Smoked Rola 'lareakfaet Ilaeon, Pickled Pigs Peet, Canned Meats, Pickles in bulls atd bottlea, cf all kinds. A trial cider will convince, you) that we 'carry it stock egtint. any in the trade and the: prices rea- sonable. Also. a car °a Redpath's. sag., ot just arrieed we are selling:at cost. Di seeds We- liave got good • Ited. Clover, Alsike, T inn:thy , • Mongol& • and. Tarnip seed and all 'kinds of garden seeds, (oohed grass. • In crockery we have a few ditater sets we are eelliag very cheap., Your trade selected. leenk barn end outhuildings. Well KEYS -In Stanley on April eth, Rob- - The heavy rain of Thursday , p. in. bring, hi fact pets the Price on 111- , . watered, lo; E-CreS: wheat, 36 ert Keys, age(-' • msde it! so (lath at 4 o'clock that self, the'fierrner demi not knew What acreS for' c p balance in grass h or H espelese At se . town' on Oiled lights were needed 'II man places his produce Will bring; and Alen price II • i thus from spending. a very pleasar.a winter •working at a disadvantages the only further' particaIsee apply toeRichaed • Balret,' . : , • • volt SALETIIE UNDERSIGNED have for sale a splendid thoroared Darhaen ball, eight months, dark ; • red, te is vcey lithe:tieing animal and will: be •scld cheep. We have al- so for sale a quantity elaseed. oats, barley end peas. • These oats are of • E., splendid .vaiSety aiidi great yielders having VroNi,n 75 bUshels' to the acre lat. _,A.adress, Y• NP.A-LL BROS., Clinton. R. ORAIIANi Ogle Cooper's ola stand. ,Caeli for Butter and Eggs. Phone a3 We Will IViove • e:bout the Ist of May to rytir oew Store in the Tistlall block next door to IT. Condee's drag store and wilt - he Pleased for the same patronage from 'Mir old customers aitel, he ,maity row mks to give US ea,11. ,Our stock comprises everything VOR SALE OR TO ItENT-A COM- fortable house eituated on corner d Church and Osborne streets., -Apply to CHAS. OVIMORMY. July t6t11. necessary for home use. P;ggs taken in exchange for goods. 1V11,64 Sbier's VAN011ib Bottom's Old Stand Oppoto Al4104 /Oak , Friday, April ist, Matilda Otway, relict of the late W. J. Hayden, , aged 7e years. • GRAY -In Datlas, Texas, ten A.pril 3rd . San A., Gray, formerly of Hid- . ett, aged 27 years and 9 moat es. WILCOX-In Exeter Oa April 6th, Daniel Wilcox, a.ged years, It .months. Seaforth on April 2nd, Norman Canthell, only son of Mr, T C I aidlaw agetl 7 y °are and Have Your Bicycle Repaired THE WHEELING SEASON WILL SOON DE ON. NOW IS THE TO HAVE YOUR WHEEL OM - HAULED AND REPAIRED SO AS TO 13E READY VOR. THE GOOD ROADS, W1 nog IN STOCK A NM& DIM OP THE BEST WHEELS mAnn AND ituto ALL KINDS Or BICY- CLE SUNDRIES, ENTIRE SATISPACTION GUAR- ANTEED. CALL AND SEE VS. SHOP OPEN EVERY EVENING BUT TyriSDAY AND THURSDAY. A. Thirrter. • 9 months. SMITH -On Easter Day, at P,grt Ar- thar, Martha' ' 131ackstote Smith, relict a the late Rev. Andrew A. Smith. • • MALLOY-In Hiewick on April 'est, Thames -Malloy, aged 96 years. IVIALtOtte-In Hick on April 3rd, Mrs. Thomas Malloy, aged ecer yea- rs. WAUGH-In Seaforth. on April 46, Elizabeth Crawford, wife of the la- * te John Wangla ...**kka** SHAKE -OFF SPRING' FEELING' Dows PILLS WILL Do IT NATURALLY' AND le ELL; HON. JOHN J. PATTERSON. Hon. John J. Patterson Ex -United States Senator from South Catalina, in a, letter from. 37e8 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa, writes: • uels quite a nihnber of my friends have and are using Peruna as a catarrh cure with beneficial results, I feel that I can safel,y recom.; mend it to those Suffering from that disorder.".. -J. J. Pederson. Commodore Nicholson of the U. S. ' g4T anafeilly satisfied. that your Pel-nria, Navy. ' is an efficaceous remedy for catarrh, -as Commedoie Somervelle Nicholson, a and many 'of my friends have beea" the lJnitedeStates Navy in a letter from benefited by itsaueei."-W. Hunter, 1837 11, Street, Northwest, Washington, M. D.-- D. C., says • .• . Well known men of dignity and promie wYonr Pernna has been and is now nonce the 'United St tos endor e and used by so many of my friends and . a' " reeoramena 1 -prune 'or eatarrlie - ftequaintanaes as a eure core for catarrh . that eiomplaint.a. Nicholson. full statement of your ease, and he 'will mend if to all persons suffering from write at onee le Dr. Hartman, giving a aanitties and unhesitatingly rocom- faetory resulte from tho use of Peruna, • that I ' am convinced of its curative If you do not derive pronipt, and sifts - la. S. Minister to Guatemala. be pleapecl to give you his Valuable ad.: . • vice gratis. rti. W. Godfrey Hanter,T.T. S. Minieter - • • • • to Otiateznala, art4 em-niember Of Con- Address. Dr. Hartman, Peesident of gross from Kentucky, in letter frorri The Heitman Sanitariam, Columbus, , Washington, D. 0 Vvritsii: Ohio. •• Goderieh; Port Alhpr.C.,, • •• "Wd -*crP eN:deedinly. sorry. to learn Mr. and Mrs. T,iliiiingtou,s 13rantf,ord, cf th'e. deatti of Mrs. William ()boding • .f,nee. Emily, alaillon). in. Branderi,after proeracted. ..of eight mouthS, ecnSeiti.eirt..upon a severe attack.• of lit grippe, :Mrs-. Goodisg and famity•weee 'Ioicieeneand kighly esteenied here. Mr. lVfoser is titivate- 'the old Pass- inore atid 'blacksmith: Victoria street. down in ' order • to use the, bricks, for bililding two.goOd. new houses. ' • . he cellar' has been excavated, this month, for the new building to. be er- eCted On Stanley street. for -Mr. par-, sting of tad. • . . Miss Hattie Dcaogh -leaves on 'rhy•rS- ay to; begin -the Easter ter•tn at the 'Toronto Conservatory 'of ,MUsie• Miss .is a good violinist. but she wants to TARO'. . Mr. Johnston 'of: Builiugton amd his •dangleter, Wise lelsbel, or St. slargar. et's schc,o1,4both spent. F,aSter week at their home. . , • The concert given. on laidap night was. in point of talent ver, incritdr-: joys: Miss Penny of Todonfo :is quite pleasing lannastuateret!S,tm• t`l.sheabso•Sloc sang good. tastn. She is ci...e of Our meat poPular Yocaliste: Mona Walterl is a brfght giar, as :fresh as the-. rosebudi stm.wore. m a g are visitince, in' the w th her' parent.S. .••• • • . Mr. Rolit. R. Andeeeme, teacher. • in . the eillege School, • was . saeadiag. his. -Eae'ter witle•bia•parentS• st COT:Nrallee. • • • -.• • . Vhe • ;.congregatiqn 'of the l'.teebytere . io.n • chureh • presented Mr. ,Stid Mrs. '• :.(alai a lest, v.ieCt$-• with n..tair of " easy' '• .:• Mr: tisat'ale .whoehas' been .. Stq)erintelnleat • of ---•-flat S. • Martha' of •Yearit,.- is in- pooreheelth • .01... :late easi• i. • to of • tko..time, •• ' . • • The high...Weitz' again did consiclerabe le:damage to. Lite eillege Sattirday, • .Itearch 26th; -who' at 2 ..-o'cleick in the enoraingsthe . river broke. over the side• .cnie away' the atain' read -tb: a good death...v.0 width, alSO tk ing Nels. Peereeses • away:.; • ..Schoefilmai • MOVecl.. oat of resi- • demo.. which, lieoked • anst.fe •at. . one tiiiie, .lose is... great, • *67 is. Mt.. ,PearsOn'S . to eeitue eatente . Mr, ' • 11a8 had a great ,d,a1 t Asottb- • le since, he came to this place,• having. stiffered.the ret;cits of tWey floods, one four. yeare ',sp., one had rSsideace , Sekeu away,. • Theo fire eleetecaed Ills' a' abotit .fifteenemostlisIgo tFtn is Much sympathy • felt. .foe hint in the •as ,g0.64 • - • 1 k t k se y • . . . . 61 ncl. obit ing e x MrS„ 1Z/"..3 ac returnet es • wee . some• with her 'daughter at Detroit and her temedy probably is to produce the best son at Jackson, Miele, • , at the least possible cost._ Re thought 1.. clot% thoet pwaisrt. itmer,rsiltlitrtteied wsees heahse the municipal cooncil should enforce been quite a source of alarm for fr . the by hews, especially the one re. family. He had never fully recovered lilting to noxious weeds on she high- froin the attack of nervous prostra; _ ways. There was little encouragement for a tida farmer to try to keep his tees ego.. aie was oue 04 our weattly the worst weeds. .It might be Well tO tient from 'which he suffered .suluttlQfl e farm clear when the roads were ull of Bayfield Road farmers • who retired have an inspector aPPeanted. Presi- . dent Young thought a good Many far-. some years ago after an active . and prosperous life on t IS! farir.•, stieceeded by his sons Joseph, Isaac and. Jobs Salkeld, all eprosperous farmers like their esteemed father. Miss Millie 'Stevenson of Cliaton spent Easter week in town the guest of her friends, the 'Misses Trethevvay. :Miss Pearl Trethewa.y has retuned from the Business College at London, She mid her mother spent Pac..stertide at Clinton the guests of Mrs. Steven- son, In a letter to her sister -in Miss Munro, Mrs. Charlie Munro of Vald- osta, Georgia, stid they were planting out their cabbage plants. A photo cf her little six-montlis-old baby, Met- airie, alcne• end another with her black nurse maid', with plictos of the Munro residence, la that far off southern ch -V, made lovely and appreciative Easter niers were to blame themse ves or e increase of the weeds. The same day a seedihnan in Goderich saidthere were four bushels of the inferior clover And grass sold. for one of the best, show. ing that cheaper seed Was more tie them than clean seed. ifts for ale aletiro family here. Mr. - Thos, McMillan, Seaforth,- gave a timely subject on "Soil Cultivation" d' after whieh followed a genera sion taking in horse and cattle breed- ing, feeding, etc. 1 -le said there was but I% of the fertile content of the soil, aratable at any Onetime, and is slow- ly made ready for the plant "by heat, moisture and manure. The soil bon - tains enotigh fertility for an indefinite I C. recited With . Mitch aPpreciatien.."Tas- geod luek tau future as he has ..b.ad . ca" • and "Ceeily's • Kitchen Lessons letdluck ir, the past. Front 13ridget the Cook." Miss Mc- The •citizens of elm village were sorry playeee a fine violist' solo . and to hear •on Teestlev 'of last week from. her three 'pupils, Misses ',Mabel Doty, A. V. Currell of 'Toronto, forenerly of • Ainy •Strarghan and McGuire clamed that village,- that am Smarty his wife Highland, aances.. Miss Ceinpaign;. 'ac-- died. • in the' ; hospeta.1, with diptheriaa cononerist •aa. the piano-, added that Tiiis• is the third deathin the, family 'h . sight .to er skilful rendering: Of scene 'within! teve inciithe:. Dick, as he , was difficult iramic. , , . • e. called, haS tie sympathy •of the citi- . Mr. -and Mrs, D, Macdoriald left on zois. ' of •• this neighborhood in his • Friday. ;for Atlantic City. • • - gl'eat.,10SS Of kis ,beeter After quite. •siege of sickness • Mr. Dr. W. Hayden, Goilerioh, spent a • Alfred , SatiltS reported for duty on. the few clays it tile village this week. G. T. R. on Monday. ••• • • • • • Miss Gracie Crawford has Secured a ' Station Agent • Donald: -/c.hnstonc- of &b�o1itt Dashwood and Miss Maltori has been transferted, td rret-tc.• McMillan. a school near. Wia;rtoa. 1301.11 ton, a prOireetion --------- leave tater Easter, . • • . . JON`111M--111111K/AILIMIAp 4* 4:4A A A1.:* 044 444:14044,:* tt 4:••:**1•44:44:;•:• t:<•:.+4•4eO.:••:44:48•4:,4:4•:•444t:44•4 x • Goods • 44•404:14, • • • •=. eriod with. the exception of the three • 4 elements, nitrcigen,potash and phos- *t• supplied inproper quantitietathe ques- . Sever:0(AS of our new goods have arrived and we are expecting y phone acid, hence if .these three were • tion of fertility Would be Solved. Some • more to come next week; Our stock is gradually getting filled up ILIld •••• of the requisites for Boit cultivation .S. business is commencing to come our way. 01(1 customers. and ninny •f' 77 finding thole way to tior store and are pleased •et* ere tlaorotigh underdrainage where ea new ones a,re ag FEELING' THAT IS 'EPIDEMIC AT sows clovier with all his grains thereby ae Clover, rotation cif deeps, He ,ao — and 1VIrs. Charlie Munro will visit God- necessary CAUSE AlD CURE OF THE, TIRED erich ana IVIrs. Munro's (nee Wes three years rotation -clover, roots and Miss 'Wee, Setiforth fs spending . supplying the Most iMportatit element .' '' --"--4-7-"a . THIS SEAsON Or THE YEAR. Iltiryy, Wilson, Wyoming) old hotne " fti The spring es here. You can feel it to tbe soil nitrogen. He follows a : in every part of yotir body. Vora elo. Easter Week the guest Of her bee•ther Hies are too heavy .and though you slid his wife, Mr. are' Mrs. W. IL' are not sick, ycat ir,:re too tired to wit- Bates. • Mrs. Walton was called to Wood- 114,tero tirecl to worlayes, „even •too tir- edut,os eoreta.t stock tem or three weeks ago by the "eiiring feeling." illness of a little daughter of Mrs. No, Armour of that city. Mrs. Walton re - Do you krtow the camp of it ; all you want to;loio* IS how to get Inteitied until after Easter Sunday. rid of it. Well, the explateatioii and Mr. Lag Mrs. Oliver Ithyrias and • little heir, Philip Oliver, arrived from the cure are alike simple. In the witaer you get mad to the their home at Ilrentford to *end the cold, you think. As a Matter of fact Easter vacation with Mrs: W. A. Rhy- it is tie body that gots prepared, It Mr. Will. Connors and his sista, puts on a fortification of extra tissue that keeps the cold out. De the spr. Mies Cr twos, arrived from Detroit en big time this tissue is thrown, at by Saturday night. the body and if the system. is all in Miss Jessie Thomson has aecovered gooe, working order, the bleed carries sufficiently from her late Moms to away the east -di ti'ssite vvhich is in ricettiriter t6,crler dnicitriicish its toad= at the turn filtered out of tat blood by ie Mr. and Mrs. Willie, Green vaunted some etrosiderea le a iterv g This mans extra work for the kid- en ttrednesday after their inentlars eieit department, He eafa ale hen in the kidneys and expelled from the body. ds and prices. • • LADIES' WEAR . A " gam, breeding home he thin s Itt get the best results, -the Shire and the .. We wish to call your attention to a line of Ladies that A ' ' Wear 6 we '0* elyde should be crossed, they are Orig- te have in stock and 'which we intend to haridle, called after Ladyship $ inally one breed. A good many point- 44 s Brand" of•Skirts, Biomes and all the different, lines, in Underwear. *•ors • re brought out in the discussions y Nothing better to be teed and at Deputes prices. and Ovations on arse. t which glowed that Mr. McMillan was :$. it practical MaP and Well able to ex- s.• press himself and also that there Were ':!.. e actierd 'men in the audience, se cattle sntl • • . DRESS GOODS warden Cox 'very ably filling the chair. in 1)ress Goods and Trimming we have bought only the newest and y Mr, MeMillaie game an admirable ad.. •t. Most up-to-date lines. Remeibber, uti have out it lot Of lett year's X deems, coniparint frail. statistics, farm Deess Goods to dispose of, • The hall was filled in the evening, ex- S. 4 asked' those Who tired of Lite farm to 4t+ think well before they tnade the move. y .s. Mr. Young spoke on the work of the *$* AO institute aua veviewed its work from *.e. 4. ....4. Infancy up to the present. r. O. BI- A " ford aside. littIe ort poultry. though ,s. i " I ifi t s S. 4.$: 4$ life with profess onal and merchantile, ote A Pew Lines At Reduced Prices A few Boys' Knickers left of ha'. advertised. Ahont one tkeen Boys' Sweet ere t fiae. A quantity of Ladies' roconint ion Collar Forms 2 tor 25e; MOSE QUOTATIONS LATErt ON. Worn out they fail in their work. The of their deughter, Mrs. Parielleen, and more In egg,s and poultry, Wart all the 4:4, United States, during 1902, produced 1, rieys and they are at all tired or at Detrbit where they were the gitests result is clogged circulation and Oita son, Mr, Willie Greco, gold and sdver mines of the world, for si tired timing feeling. Miss Marion Inglis of liclinoot Pate the same time, more than the combin- e Tie cure is to tone Up the kidneys lie school silent her Easter 'vacation ert ed incomes of the railways- about •s: pry Pale inake healthy kidneys, Ileal- Mr. Harry Meoers of Kingstost a few appropriate remarks and follow- .S. fog" is replaced with a vigor o body re of Mrs, ilutt tlood aridity was Soloif; duets and inetrurnetitale by 0. • 4. with Dodd's Kidney Pills. Doda's Kid- her home here. $200,000,000, I, 3`. Colwell ale° niado of all impurities mat the oisprine feel- The mothers' ineetitts at the reside* of tile entertainment .was first -0 ass, 4s4 4 A t THE OLD ST F. thy Kidtteye quickly eleense the blood spent I.:aster Sunday in town. ed with a recitation The tousles' part, work pleasurek addressed the iritetilfg, stock, and Woods, of Porters"' Hill. 44 4;4 184+ 4;4 444 4.44:4 41! 4:4 4:4 4:4 4444 4:4 44 9 +9 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 9 filf*9 9/9 419 9 .. • A Di CLINTON* ou IM and lotoyanty of spirit t la makes Well attended, -Mrs, (Rev.) Grataine W. otter and Misaes Start, of t‘ ood- — _........—a..*FAAA*.***•2****41:114 4