HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-14, Page 4,t."616 111„.11, 11111,1 The NewswRecord is published every Thursday at The News-Regord Printing House ALBERT STREET, - CI,INTON. Terms ot.subSeription-P per year in advAncO ; $1.50 May be cha.rgenfl Uots Paid. No paper discontinued until fell arrears are paid., unless at the option of the publisher. The da.te tO Which every eubeeription is paid is denoted on the Jabal. Advertising rates- Transient adver tieetnents, ret ceete per nonpariel Li* e for first' insertion atter 3 cents per line for each subsequent inmertion. Small advertisOments not to exceed one inert, such as "Lost," "Stray- ed," "Stolen," te., inserted one for 3e cents and -each subsequent iio sertion to cents. . Corantenieetiotoi intended for publica- tion must, as a. gnatantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy of advertisements should be sent fa early. Contract rates -The following table shows aur rates for specified per- iods and space ; • yr. 61116. 3 nue. 1 nuo 1 Column $70 oo $40 oo $25 oo $8 50 'A Column 40 ore 25 00 15 oo 6 en Coltimli 25 00 15 00 8 00 2 50 Column 18 oo Ie. on 5 50 2 00 I Inch 6 oo 3 5e, 2 00 I 25 W. S. MITCHELL, Will There Be A General Election( The Ciititen News.Record PIN• 1111444441141111110410111111111414111141411104400140mesefaislessaf ' I Sutnnterhill. flarvey Hall, Son a Mrs flullett Township. ^ Mr. Va. willi,ous left last week for Trowbridge where he will have .eltarge of a cheese factory. Ire enderstautla the business well And Win, we have no eottlit, gtect entire satisfaction to the patrousof the foctory. Mr. Oliver Claxle of Auburn, is taking out timber for Arr. Will. -Nes•bitt's new barn to be bent next summer. Ile already has the timber ready for Mr. Mr. W. IL Ball's barn and fpr the improvements whieh Mr. _Tyner intends making the coming -season. Messrs. Antos Challenger and Albert Nell had wood bees .last week. - -• Mr. W. J. MeBrico has had twc horses. very sick with distemper. Mr. E. Bett reit rest week with. a carload of liete stock, ete:, for Mani. Wm, This is his first trip West this season, but won t be his last. We are glad tohear that Rev. Arr. Rleocles ha,s been appointed incumbent of this. parish. In well informed circles it is cow sidered probable that tha•Ross Clove ernmeot will make an early appeal to the people. •Irene 0, W. Ross seem:. eitite content to hang on to •office even though his majority oF three is only preseryed by runny-J:1r sPecial ',Stock trait's.. But the better element in tlit' Liberal party ie beginning. to protest and it is understood that the Lientei... ant -Governor has intimated . to • the Preiniqf that the present state o affairs canno-t contititie, lic.nice a genar- al election. • • • • • . The cal-illet, it • is stated, 'will b.reconstructed:. An... Gibson • the. car poratiOn representative, and Mr. Lath. ford will retire. There.. seems •sdrne doubt aboi.it the immaculate Mr'. Sire.' tton. Mr. Ross would probably lik: to &et rid °Linen, -but then what Mre. Ross knows •he ehould v'ucl ;whet 1,, does are ;lot by any 'Mans an the Same ...•• In the event' of a. canteSt• RoSi• 61 courge, umert the. Temperance horse .e..goi•n, a eati: longesufferieg nag,. which has 0arriid to. victoey More thao crce, .sperrecl on by. peon% , • istis• „that. :I. a ee itever.beenTuljiIlecl. •• The secret: of -Mr. ;•Rogg's saceess in polities is the :enseewttik Which he hoe. humbugged • the ..Temperence Teeple, while at the teene time -receiving ti'. • snopor t of the ' liquor party. • KipPen• • Miss Maggie McCryinont of londou •spent Easter with her parenteehere.. • • • Mr. Wom..-Northeott of SeXtemith, ac- . . comprmied • by his Sister,' Miss Sarah, visited • in -the ramie •cf. Mr. Johnston last week. Mr. MeNevin, ief t ha. Molsous • Bank., Alvinstoo, 'spent rhi's • Blegter holiday:le with hie pLcole- here. • .• • • - Mr. Thos::: _Horton and . Rose have • returned to. Exeter- aftce enjoy- ing a three -weeks' 'visit With frienhi Mr. and Mt*: .Joitiistree Were yisi..tritt,i, o14ieu -frtie ateSexseeith Iatitewe.eke. • ". • John MeNevins .fr'ierole• are Oka:, sed to bear he is r..ecovering..- • ....• The following. have .retorred tO"' the Clinton . Collegiate• •ii -Pending. Easter vectetioo in. ;their hoines iit this section : Lottie 'ancleChorles Gras, sik Alrece jee'nie„. AfeBeath ' -and FeeebOrn Johnston. • ' • • • •- The hotu•e of Mr; WM.. ••Cm;eltoore wee ...the scene of a very pretty -Wedding on the .cycii:.n•g of. Wetritescre.y,• . the 6th inst.,- whom his daughter, Miss- Susie, and Alr.ThottuMS Wort:Mao 'were nulled in marnage in the . pro:it:nee of alarge number 'of asseembled....guests. -The Rev. Mr. Shaw perfortneeothe marriage eere ernopy. • • Leadbury. Mrs; .G. 3. GrieYe,• was Visiting fri .ercls ill -London Easter week, • • . Mr. F. W. Seerlettespett his Eostel with friends-- in. 1%...a..arti jr • • the ararnal •-vestry meeting .. •(..f • ,51.. Ci&ore's chart t in, was.- held. on 'Untidily.In thJ ' abstit.te ttl tit inctittibctit the*chitir was:*takell Smith.. Jato er..cl. : timit.h seere re -cleat d wardet.S.. • Mr. joint icarlett wait • appoihitt•d gate to. the Itteeting of -the Synod to lie held hi Lendon ite"Xt •3 time. -. A res,- ' Wit.S• liatiSttt expressing sympa,.• tlty for the it icutioltent ,: Rev. whom ill health- -has forced ior relin- quo.h his work for a season. Ire ten- dered his' reeigeotion but it was not accepted. It i.s Mona' Ito will. :mon be able to regtune his pastoral duties here selleee • Ills. sterling. •qualities, have rendirecl liim very popular. Mr. Peter liarrowa 11115meeve to. his term. wee. \Valuta. . • . '1 he surto; hes itomily All disappeared off the rotechoso our stage will lie an more . regular.. • Mr. -0ov‘rilrek • or it lar Blittl7trop, wric is very'ill, is not improving as niockly as nisi. many friends would like-. Est Wawanosh. Mr. Satoh Tugela, -wit), eopartecrthis life oti April. 4t11, was a. netiver, .of Switzerialid where he .was born on Oc- tober Rtlt, Iffel. In- 185.5 110 Caltle this :country and has long been ii res( - dent of Ifttron county. Ile, Was. much ee-spected . lit •ecetioutility and the bereeved wife family of live -Child.. tett ondefoltr elepo 11114re:to It Lee the eincere sympathy -af the ;natty Mende. in the' loss they have. sustained. ' • - Airs. Jacob Ingold deeires througb lime News -Record to Alifelk the ileigt- bnrs and friendsfor their. kindness ahd sympot hy dering beriate hushancr's 1.11(1 511100 1115 dentip. She.• preciat:cd it very tomb mid will always -14-•ar t1emlai-.4rpteful rententlfrance, • Bla.ster 'C. J. Stewart of Clioton 'was out bidding vood bye before going West. . Mr. John . ,Tortuston of Londesboro valltd oil his Mother • co. Suirday. . Mrs. George • Brownlee of near Aue. burn was the guest of Airs, Brownlee on' Tuesday last ; .• also•MrS, R.. Waite and Miss Minnc Wallace, Tommy Mason had a very .stiec'essful wood bee recently.. Mrs, T. 'Wallace loft last week man extensive visit to South :Dalian+ nild Montana. Site expects to be- away, a- bout six mouths. • . Miss Ida Colborne Of the 16th eon, apuit her 'Easter holidays .visittng frir ends. in Clinton. ' - 'Miss Mabel Sheppard 'was in, Reasall last week. 'Miss A. r.,oVett Was ita Lond'on last week.. Miss Jennie Wright of Clinton has been very ill at the honic of lter sis- tel', Mrs, Jos, Rapsoto, • of pleurisy, aitineh Rapson is natrecovering as rak.idly 11.; friends would like._ - •Ifill .was iri SeafOrth a couple of clays last week. • Mr, James Jewell of Ben:miller . • was the. guest at -Mie ens, Rapson's last Sunday: • Master Russel Stewart is speod:ng tiis holidaya. with his uncle-, Mr, C. Lovett.. • -• .• • 'Paisley .orel. Master ..Stewart iecinapauiecl 1;5: Mrs. Hill • - wore Ah". guests at the home 1.• • trownble londay 'week. • : • • •Wingliam. ,• • • Last' Sunday. the ladies in tl:e . . taist choir appeeree,•Jlt their plaees without their hats. 'rho ladies., gener- ally regard „tlis departure as .uowtra.g•- .-enus.'' . We admit it" was rather: hard on them, especially wleni.it .Was Eris - ter, and 'being. such a 'lovely: day '; • in • fact nti better. could• 110ve been •01101011 for. a, first-class. millinery display and no 100•1'c 'protninent pOkitien .could 110 imagined. ' Bat; asIkle„ wit• reallv- fhink ft .an iniiirovement.' Whew fifteen tVirenty • „ladies, • .wcariag as"..many varieties of fantastic shapeS atid colors .appeor togetIer, theeffect on•the be- • holder is :not: alwayS pleasing, 'I he Same' remark applies to• dress. 'Whit might he" perfectly becoming to : one, ',when:alone, lociks 'altagether different when side le: -side witltsomething, • .of ale incongrecem color.' Hence trio •ad., varitage.of a, surelice...:A'.genelemaiv.io ,:Winhmn wh rectittiv visited a 'city* *chara, said he, 'nett 17. -felt* more tever-. 'eat, than when he sew .the ;choir' neot. IY • robed In. plain black,: ;eke • their 'places in the 'choir and bow their hea- ds..t6 seek -Divine blessino,.-A.'vance. ..On Saturday a Leicester ;ewe belorge .11.1g tib. Jeatnes B. Gray, near Brie:Vale, 'gave leirth tie fourlambs, and all a.. -e, -living. This it; considered a rare- oe. errrence,. as the birth 'of..teiplets ,. eeldnio exceeded; Like. ,the early rob- ins, the ' early -leen-Its ;wiii • feet the .eieterity cf the winter that still ie - Maus as if sorry toeleave •ue. In this ease, otheWinds.: are not 'alwitYk temO•-• ered to the shorn •lareles. Asthe eeve referred icy could not raiee her . large femile unaided, a' friendly Cow ' is• itt- th meantinee supplying two • orthe lamiiS with hot meals. • e• • tiic"(Teeth recently: took pla.cd of two aged persons, .perhain; the oldest ..in the •ciitnity,. irIn'and Mrs:- Malleir;• Of Turvberry, .ithe one: • aged..96 -and . :the other 104. Pt.:v*111aq years they.trave -idled" life's journey together -a-lid death came to eiele 'with a few days, for Mr. • Malley • died On Friday and his wife. on 'the folloWinle Mcndey. . • Mt. Geo:- 'Henderson has solct farm ott the Illttevale road, iteee•Wing- hath,- to, James Fowler, possessions to be given' June: The farm contains eighty 0.erett,, wcf-11 sitinated, alai( is . desirable property. the price • paid •was .$6,00n. • "Mr. Iltelerson lase -ale erecting a, ••eesideitee in toWil ;during the coming stunufere • • • e.• •Blytli. .:• . ••• Mr...'W.' T. ' McLean', 'Who IS- a divinity 'student. •Ett Knox college, Toronto,••. is. visiting. his parents," Rev, llr.. L'Ir.1 M.r31,•• ilieLeatt. Ile will leteves in 11. few days:* l s, for Mill Cr •ikl.t;• 111anitoba.,', where. ' he will. : have.. It.t.rge Of - 'Pesbyterian inissinn •dttri ‘44,111,.! smuttier •vacation... 'Mr. 1', C, . 'Tent rely, .h ha tvent to Sl. George twn••wcekk 'ago, has :Secured it good.and iiIiiiiiiatter:it situation in tit., wooer. shop of thz• Brant, Milling Co.' .11 that village,.. As ..S0011 AS' lie, Mit .h4.-' C.t.til4 il.. h 0 ll Se .-, in • 81., George hi .wili Minn:: Idsfamily frora Illytin: • ' ' • ... .' Miss *Millie. McLean is Visiting .-•Ther parerits'.... 'zit „the.. PreSbyteriaai . manse. During the past. two 'years site... has. been a member 'of the :.13•releti ' - ll'obl.t: school staff where she Itee done ..exe cellent work fuel wasvery popular. She recently resigned her position. Ile - fore leaving lletdeu she .was presented with it porse containing .$2o. . . hits. „tones ,McGee of Ileyfield., 'tees the :guest of Blythe friends last week,. • An AW To Mothers, in thousands of vases it has been :proved that Baby's Owit.'2;tibletti is the very best thing for childreit suffering from colic, coostipanott, diarrhoea, eiinple• revere,- colds and teething trail- - bios. The tablets are gnaranteed t� contion: my opiate or harmful drug, and may be giveii with equal safety to the telecier, n•ew born babe or the well grown -child. Arne Yoe). . Andereon, titlianley„ Ont., is one of the mothers. who hove' proved the value of this medicine .and 80.VS. : • "1 11&tV0 tiseet Ba- tty's Own 1 ultras with the very beat results. They are easy to give • little (time and I•Ita.ve never known them to fait to latwiit,", -Every mother shoold keep, the tail , lets in the hotse. lit an emergency 'they may save n precioun little life. -Sold by all druggists or Mailed at 25 tebiS a 1 Og by writing The Dr. Wil- ' litt re Areclicine Coe Brockville, OM, . • Hall of Clinton, Killed in Railway Collision Near -Guelph. -Gue.ielt, April f2-1t'artners' Cut, ab- out .v tulle and a half east of the city, has been the scene of more aecolents etince tto 0.T.1t' was Wilt' than any point between Toronto and Landoll. The most seriots one yet, as regards life, took place Yesterday morning, be- tween T t,nd 2 O`.cloeh when two frei• ght traistS met with terrific force. Fireman. Snbwden and Brakeman. Harvey Hall of the westbound' train, were. instantly killed and Engineer Pa- ton of the same train and Firentau Vaystou of the east-bout:4 train. .were seriously injured. The engines were telescoped •and. twelve • ears smashed to kindling wood and piled on top of evil other 30 feet high.. The weetbound train. was "from Tot:- Otto, and consisted of 25. -ears, mostly empty. The crew were : Cooductor Vansickle,'Engineer Poton, .Vievenan Suowden, Brakeurenelleenett and Hall. They left Roetwood at x:30 with e. elessioice for •Guelph and were .rureming more than 50 iniles 411 hour when the collision took place. DarVey II4111 the brakeman killoc", came from Clinton, where his Mother, one Sister-4rd three *brothers live, .1Ie was" .21 years of age and bad been • -in the elnPley of the cOmpany a year ard half. Mostof this tittle: was spent in the yards at ti:e I.Toi0e. 'Station, kis • aPPointment as brakeman coming a little over .six months ago. Ife board- ed at 5o Peter street, • • Seaforth.-• • on mc,...ky evening, April 4th, ot Moe - wooer, "Kill; len," the home of Mr. and Mrs. John- Slumr„: Fo'rest, was tlw .eetmeof it quiet butpretty wed- ding, when Al lei•r 'daughter, Gertrneie moma, was 'married to: James, M, Me, l'jnjey B. A., principal 'of .the _North Bay High Seb.col, _and youreeest of Sohn McKinley of Seaforth.The ceremony was perfoyined K„te AlaCciotald B.. D. The bride was moo itteneed and . wore a trovelling • 'Ws- 43itne of brown btoadeloth withetrime. filings of' black' and gold cute: a- dainty_ .white silk blouse With .yorce -.of eleny lace. Her hat- Was it • •finialk - brown Peewit iceine .with trinimings of fruit; they left On the midnipbt train • for ,I'lartatto from where' they went -to. their new home in North Bay; The bride. received ..ar: F.3-tay of beatitifil And .costly • presents. Mr. McKinley hs 'been on the the...• Forest High Schnol for met -Armee .yeare, the Eat two' being • principnl . The *studentn. preseatc(V him. with* a thandsottie. MorriS chair...before Ito left..••• •: • • ' Arr. John Noble of • the Huron Road returrod Monday afternoon front a visit to his 1mro41ier itnd other fri- ends. 121 li,Vat, Vawanosit. Snmething , may ere lcug result front, these visits, .. hut then that's attell'er store'. Moo Carbert of Irullett end Mrs. Thos. Rowley of Port Demon were at Dublin on Thteetroy last attending the funeral cA their taster, Mrs. Joseph Nagle.--Aritchell Advocate. Mr, 1,; mi 1"ermin:3n has sold a lite three-year-old colt to Snell Bros. of Constaueefor t fine* figure. • Mr. Witt, Dunkp and fatnily left for - Ale.nitoba on Tuesday. We are sorry to lose item. Mr. Wito •Carter had a successful wood bee one da,y last week. Miss Rosy Field ;g0l her loot badly 'grained last week, Medd Bros. purchased 0, fito wit from it party in Colborne for which ttoy paid a l'anilsome figure, Or. John• A. Grav, 'brother of Messrs-. Mut. and: Joseph Ciray of Durrett, died in Dallas, Texas, .on Sunday, He was. in ,his 28th ,year awl 114 •only been practising medicine for ten months when he contracted consumption frout a patient lost July. Since last sum... .meer he has been att inmate of sanitare boos in Mexico, eoloraeo and texas in the hope of chnicing..the dreaddis- ease but all effortsproved futile. Arr. Thos, McMichael nee disposed of his young. Clydesdale steam; to -a gen- tremau from Manitoba: This .• is. one of the finest colts that has been bred in this cot,Itty. Ile was- two years. last October.Ho took • first 1)64: at tile Western Fair at • London last fall. Ile 'was bred by• Mr, McMichael from his well knowu Crycloestale mare "Julie Bell" and by "-Leading Article'' im- ported.. This colt weighe4 1,6,66 pout - (15.• Tbe • folloWieg .s'bows the relative, standiug of the, pupils of S. S. No. 5 for . the month of March, olso the cles- sifieation for the seen*, 'terine based on the .uviforra promot;on examina- tion .. • •Se,:stri-Roleert Vadden. • • Sr. .41.1:1-Jatues McCool, Albert. Voir,. dee, Ellie .jackson, 'JobeeVierclen„ Sadii ie MeCool, Mabel McCOc,), Essie Mair, Will IIoggart, • Will. f..:11:11,- Harry .Me - Cool, John Wellace„ Ella Webb, Ger- tie VocItien, Frank Hibbert. . • e . • Jr. 4th-Ele:e Brown, Aleggie Cole, Bert •Nott. • . • • . Sr. 5r(1,--Ernest..I1ee, , . Jr.3rd-Della MCC:col, Eitiost Veer - deo, Mabel Lee, .Clutelie Lee, Mary Jatiksorf, • Flossie Browne" Septimus Wallace,. Orval Rapseie- Charlie 'V.od- 'den,,,Atimienel McCool. • encl-EPhrai'm Snell, Earl IVIasor.i, 'Sammy••Core. McCool. „Iloggart„ . Pt .2,nd:-F1ny 'Cole, May Appleby, Webb, Willie Alcymouth, •• • t'st4-•Mary Yoddeni _Elea McCool. -.Average attendance 26,. enro11ecl.'3eeee strongly advige thet all whit; -.In- tend. to eminence -Int the moaner ;be' iIiottenclatice re-opienitig • afteflias- ter,' April .•ire as the, claSses .*ill the*. be • a,rmaged . for. 'the .spritig,ternt.-A. Johnsi•tVacher.. . , . • ..••• •: • • MesSts." Thomas., John ..and JOseih Glaifier of 'Vanden visited at: Mr. Hat,--; Ty -Freeman's the - past *week,. •":. :The '.1tillowing is the standing*. of the pupils of .S. S 110,'..10;' Hullett, . as determined liy the examinatc,ne • held korore Easter. They 'are artengtel,' itt CMClei, of: merit : ,.. • • . Ken.neth"Mair...•: -• .• • Sr. :14'6-I:re1y!' Hill, 'Edward Yentit, gblut, Sticluett • Lansing, . :Vedwin -Centto- : . . Jr. 3rd -Charles C,oiiik, layrtle.Mtur jamas Consine. • : • , • • --- • '..2ncleeLeila... Lensing,. Tie' gide Wai• Waite. • • :- • there. are 1-.3 names' the axed theeeitverg ottendatic.e.•foe •the 'three. .ittontrig, Wee,' The (WO .4.W:tiding. er.O.St regalatly•:were. s ti Waite ..-4lertit •Mil -Teachir.. • • •"A; quiet bet: orettY wedditee Was eolentr6eet eat the resideace of )1rs'. Ibercle • on the- wi!eu her, dar.- gliter, 'Clara: May, wits united in Mar.. nage Din•gle of pie Ad;: Vertiser staff, Landon, Tile bride waS dreesed in islOte chi inni and entered the parlor leaning on the ann. of ter ;uncle while . Arr. Symonds -played the• wedd- ing inareh. Rev. Rural..Deati Hodgins performed 'the tereitiOny. ' • hride an(1. groina left for Lon-ann. ati ; the: SO'le troin ;McNeill take mg; hotieeleeep- ing on. Oxford street: " :Ism St ThOinag (lint -eh on peril etli,. Miss .Bee,ttice Ale7v, ye:tinge:0i daughter of Itir, ,II. . J. Ptuinhard, :was, united II marriage •• to Jan Slack of Rope Bay. the ceremony was p•erfo•rined•by Rev...T.. W....frodgote, rector Of th.i. in the presence of only, the inenuol. late tektites of the bric'e. .The' bride was given away by' Iter 'Many.. friends will regret .to- learn of, 'the Sodden death of Mrs,. joint Wane gh -bcb oecarred 'at 11:or register:ea-tin Monday or': rant Watileo'Alth >ugh • wit robust health, .Mre;. Wene•li was. only ill two days., 'She Was 'attacked ' hy 'gallstonee tin 1. with. attending 'cells brottght on a e-votere ithich •resulted hi ' death. A family ....of stwerol ehilerren are left 'to Moern: her departure, . few -years -ago-..111r.' 'V, it • kilh.d hy lightnipg. • ZtifiCh".. -Mrs.. J. A. WillitititS' and •son, Calvi, are itt IfteSon, Quebec, visiting . her .eaughter,• Mrs,- (Rev.).•Whitesides. • • Wc,rcl• has been„ received here of •the death of Mr,' Jacob Selirc,eder in Nortb. Dalcota. • , • • .. . • Arise 'Mob t n g of Ilea n i 1 ler spent the Easter Junkie:vs here, the., guest Rif her .grandinather,. Mrs. •IIenry • . . wen/. . • • • WilIlani onSitt • has disposed of fiffy.aeres• .of laind ott the 5t11 con- cession, Hay,' *fo•-• his neighbor, , Mr, , Henry Datere for $21e7. ' • .• Arr. Alexander Thompson has sele. his .f•aritt .containing 75 •acres, "Ai ;mile west. of *to Mr. Jahr/ -Thirsk. ' ' A very picasaut. steprise party was held .• itt the home • ot Misses. Derma Led Clara. Koehler on -Friday evening. last; Maty ot our voting people • were present mid reeottell 11 very eii"oyakle thine. The Miseee.K6ehler provettlethemee Selves •to be -the ine,s0.111.ertaiving, of. hosteesee, 51 r. Free. WitiVer .left . for Pigeon Michel harsday to attend the ft:weal- -of 1 is brotlaitoinlaw,, • Mr.. limey .0eiger. • • . • . Mr. Adam Faust's' cow • presented hium with twin carets' On -April Tst. They are . holt Mr. ClMis-, Ziuiatee- malt of .the Goshen ,LineTmeing bought Beattie has pureliaSed the choP- ping and eider ti11 front Jok Thirsk, Blake. The mill lute becn standing idle all wotter..- • Mr. Contact Schilbe perchased twen- ty-five ares of laud front Mr, Samuel Dietz, the consideration being $t245. There is ednsiderable wood an therpre- inieee' and seVeral overflowing wells, which makes it 0 line place for pas- ture. • Westfield. Maitland Henry,. Mervin and John McDowell returned home front Strat- ford Ihrsinetie College for .the Baster liclic\ays. Owirig, to- the condition Of the rcada Rev. Mr. Couplaltd- was unable' tc• reach the Westfield Appointment - on Sabbath week. . We are, sotry to knott, Airs, A. 11. Carr is very poorly belt hone witen tlic warm spring weather comes she- Wi.1 regain her stragth. . . The syrup, ecason Opened last -week •an(1 lite ferment are busy makingt.inap. le syrup, but it iS)i1101101t the seasOn will Ile sltort as it is so late. , Isaac 'Lawrence of Ilitilett TiPclit .Suielay and Monday with his brother - 1 holaw, .I. N. Campbell', previotte to leavirg for Leamington, Where he in- tends to Make his Italie in futures .00$00000 A 'Cilre For 1.1150Aniat A WELL KNOWN $T. JOIN AIER- CHANT"tELLS HOW HE \VAS 1'R 1E» Vitont Tins TERRIBLE TROUBLE. One of the beet known men in St. John, N. B. is .Zr. G. teiersteacl, grocer and general dealer, 641 Main street. Mr. Kier:item:1 kal an interest- ing story to tell of failiug- health, insomnia and Fatally renewed strength, which cannot fail it.. interest others. ile .vs: "A few veers ago I was all ,run &wit mor fading in imeartin no dottlit due to overwork and. shattered •oerves, -I was evable eleep at night and 'fennel .no rest in bed. 11/fy life seemed a. burden to me area h found no Treesurein anything: I sought medi- cal aidand th,e ertysonatis whoatten- ded me were unable to glee me any relief. The doctors differed .. in -their 0.-i11io1I as to my -ailment . Finding, that I was growing worse ant ejmost crazed through Jose of sleep, 2 con- • chided to giVe up business and go to .the country for a rest. Jdst when was Tat my very worst axe' had al- most no destre . to live, uty wife, urged 'me to try Dr. Williams 'link Pills, • I . had lost faith jr all inedieines bat to please my "wife I decided to grog :the pills 4- trial. . 1 lave hod reasoe to be thardiftl that r did so. Ahnoitt from • the outset the •pills lielpee• me and. .1 • Was • able ' to find 'sleep, . I continued their :toe until felt peat:ark well agaiii. I.eould .sleep as I did"- in • my childhood ; I grew healthy and strong and have never known ore. notals-trott- l;le from that source-8foot.. I haetre hesitation in saying thttt I believe Dr, Wflhiains•Pftic Pills saved Illy life told '- any s'. h0 ' are troubled--witn sleep- tic.ecoistrislume.asolstivf.iyte, 3:ay a good word for thou to tike Mr.• Kierstead's after. doetors tteci- Dt. Williams pink. -Pills work •• cures rimeeeeitiee .ft.il becatieee. tley aetuelly make flew Wood and so streio I strict' all the organs of • th& body end. brace. up the nerves. • That s the way ;they :cure indigeetion Itielney and liver troubles, 'to:remote:Ss, neuralgia, 'pal- pitation • of the heart, rheumatienn rend. the special anti-lentsthatfill the byes of so many. women, With 'misery. The genolue• pills always haee. the full name "Jr. Williams Pink • PrlIS for Pele,Peo- pre' on. the „wrapper around every JfoX. 1 in eoulit • Rrite direst to the -• De: Williams Aredielue. Co„ Brockeille,Onte'• .arel • the pillsoill be sent; post' paid at .50 cents e.....hox.cee six -boxes. for April 14th 1004 I,isfaissolli ,110111.1.11, litsweserrytelssissiti, tiommovisit 5•48-7,44044044iO4,8•00:44-11•444.0.1,41..1;-;...,40+0.1600++4440 .$* IV! oKINNON & 00, BLYTH.t „ 4, y ? NeW Sprint, ItIr()ss Goods $ .4 . 4. 11116,111,41telb.lbelifrofte•sok,-ivirowiwsbelliwymyibeiheibAboowisskeistetio-4 • ;i•iiii**1..tiee,-4,.**"...4Weiti4e.:4;tesi,-44,...-44,0•7,1eAiiti.ii; Henaall. • • +Mrs. Blackall has been laid up for mime clays with 'rheumatism.. and is -milder. thecare of -a eurse, ' ..,-A very pleasant event took. place at tile residenee 'of .Win, •Cticlitiore ;tear 1<,fppeu, , Wednesday eyeteng .of reit ° week, when hisolaughte.yoteies• Susie, Was unzteci iii marriage with Mr. T. -Workman. Acv.. 'Shaw +performed. the .cetemony itt • thepresence Of a, number • of lee ited• -guests. After th> usual ezengraturatiopg a- Wedding repast was: .,sered and 0..Very enjoyable... evening : speth. 11ythc (mire: party. .. , Sinate :of ,:Chisellturst, has 'left, 'again :for .Mithitriba:. Mis sonS are'. IOCateei at: Albright .wherelte spentls.st suminee with Oleo; Th ie year he, will take up land- for himself and may ; go ' extensively MAO' rarealge el& est 'claugh-teriaecoropented• Mr. Sir:dolt . and wife ofechieellitirSt ha.ve :Moved; to Reeser]. .and taken up • their abeare"iti the house. recently prx- chased fieno . T. Daymon. • • ,An :old. resident of the • Cromerty sectionepesSed .oyer to the great :ma- jority on Spud,' v weeh in the•persOn Qf James MiDer; father of W. J. 11111 - ler of Massif. The deceased Was born: inwhat is now:a portiini• of Glasgow itimd•es,n01-tn'llis country:When quite a' young .ttian. Ile settled "oit t1m •fe,rin ou whieli Ite clied;...whiell be eleaxed. and- improvect' Beitg ,of.sociable tbsposittearlie made-intlay-lrienitli, Piot:alit Mach of Ris Wife *litre-, deeeased 'him 'about lour erhe depnrted, who was in los, e31 -d year,: . had •,:beenin the enloYmeeti of fairly. . 'good health -up lagt. f11ties. The .cause or death was InteuttiOnia. The, large' humeral oe Weileesday teetified to the hiph eget:ire:in which hit. was held. Re was a•MetluidiSt in religion: fle leaves five snits -and' f4y0. detighteee, .tc,, • mouni their loss. . •-• , ' . ;John Mtn and Mitts, c3axa Goetz 4cf0 tnitcd in titan -lege by Rev.. ATCLemout.'of-Kippi.u. The .happy cote - 1)10 have gone to Brussels --int a wedd- . iititt;it6rit. aft. et which they will settle in West Wt.W4,110$.11. JOhn.Wahster has •Iefe. kr- the' West. 1,akin,.,0- with hint a carload of horses. ••- Wesley • Sherrill, • retying secured a 811itable•-8Ittietion in Owen. Sound, has left to take up his •-euties. e • 'The • members, ot the AlethOcligt cltur- eh, Dungannon,: hoeing decided to erect,' a new. parsonage 108 soon as .Poresible, haect .solel the 811.-1'.01e0'Ao. T. G. 'Allen, principal E ,Dituganno•im . Win. • Belli haying decided'.te, retire• from farming; has sold his farm Ale West .Waerancell to \Villieen 1,11liott-ref the same • townsh,p. • 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.00000000000 000 • 0 • 00000000 Splendid Showing of Wall Papers here's.nothing that gives more A 'character to tivoorn tfuttl. tbe . ,Wall Paper and you mot answer for the chartteter of, an y ot your roinies fov -which env line splitter, aSeortment segmlies • the paper. and the thoOldinks, ' • , " • one thing- sestet' to ii PreSt4 1111011 VIM at, OW ste 11 stmerimAnality•.of (he, stock on tvhieli the i1P-igns This ttiverot a g:ect.clettl ittspenk- ingot Wulf : • • 1.Ve Want yott to see thece 0000 -New GlimMer Wall l!apers- .4.7!'lsers1" Yon woutdo't think weti prettiness possible at the priee. A large t. nod well assorted stook of pretty floral Wipe and onventionai de- signs. Pleasant is the sheen of the mien. that„ in perfect 'harmony with the colorings will so brighten many it room. All the latest col. orings are represented itt this line, and the selection is so varied. Per Roll 3c, 4c, Sc, 6c, 7c, St and 10c • The. golden glimmer of the New Gilt Wall Papers will charm. s' They have set figure, conventional and scroll designs. The colors k' are red, hrou n, Moe, green, pink and cream. The price • Per Roll 10e, I2ie4 Ic, 204 Zse 11. t. 11 itt the following geleetion svhat many think a further -charm has hem added by the embossed effects. There ate beautiful, artistic designs itt these New Embossed Gilt Wall Papers in the latest shad, es or, greert,.red, brotYrt, blue and ivory: Per Roll ZOO, 254 300 and 35c To the oesthei le taste the New Tapestry Wall Papers will par. - Ocularly appeel. Choice designa that present a vision of the Orient. special prldes on remnants and small lots of good papers. -ALL PAPER TRIMMED PREP, - Mouldings on Whieh to hittiwyour pictures li.inches wide, in col- ors to match tile pe- ewee, also white, gilt and oak per it 1e & We Will -talk to you later it hoe t .0111. 811001`. for stock of WincloW Shades. and Curtain Poles. •*•• At..** erVey 00000000000000000001F 0 * * • .4..4.- .4..4, '*I I 0000000000000000000000 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This week we show im great vat iety of Now Spring Dress Good's in all the new styles and weaves. ,Now is the time to selelect your Spring Drees evhile the stock is itt its beet. Below we mention 4 few lines which are now very popular t Voiles. in- plain lace,Knop. and Butirette styles,in black and Mors, st,75c, $1 end $1.10. Black Lustre::: are in fervor dentand !hie seassitt, \\Te Show • a fall rouge in black and eolore, itt 211te 11.5e, Boo and 'The. Black Venetians, 54. babes with', nee linislo itt 75e, $1 end $1 50. Oartvas Olottn•in black navy end grey, at Ifte e Fancy Flake DI'eSS 001444, lit iLli tu1osmi, 42 int•lies wide, oil WOO/ good yalne at. 50e, foe 1350. We also show an immense rotigo of Etatnines Pimentos, Borges, • .flabit Clothe and other Wires itt plein end fancy, .1..***4..1•****"..1..05=graSiaarA Wash Goads • t Our stock of Windt, Goods is very large,- Our space. will. not .11,110ev tut ? to give 4 full description,. suffice it to say we show it full mange or ziuslins,- V. V Lawns, 0404u -hes, Dinmitks, Cords, °becks, Piques, Akti;jours, Spots, •Van - ries, Wiwen Parley Zephyrs, Chant brays,. Knickers,. Dentilles, .Vestings, 4.1; Linen Crashes, Finked 1..inees, Jiko, . • • .8. • t. t 'Mel( N ota. Coy0 • • X• • r •••*-1,1. 302.•••• :• +4* 0:**:**;••:**:* 4:14,:**:**4.• +0+ *.**1* 1,* TI a 9 A St • • • I ******************************************** J. B. HOOVER. NELSON BALL FURNITURE 000 • 000 0 • 00 61 0000 004 00000000 The latest is "Keppel Oak." We have SIDEBOARDS BEDROOM ST.TITS EXTENSION' TABLES • EXAMINE' OUR BALL F;URNITURE. IN DRASS. /2 WILL PLEA.SE YOU. • UNDERTAKING—iN ALL ITS 1111/iN011gS HOOVER & BALL. Night and Sunday calls nos either of the peinerpels. • ******************************************** vere,d tie iesidEnce of; Arr, John Powell. o • • • 4:044,4)t4404, Cas is • to . • • ' -And Our Prices Must Win-- - During our great sale of Men's and 13oys' Fine Shoes • we have been asked for • LADIES' AND MISSES' SHOES So for a few clays we give 'them 4 chance to secure the * best bargains ever offered in Clinton; • . . • , • . . 120 park of Ladies' "Kid Buttoned Boots, the hest goods in the store, with • medhuatoe and good fitters, worth " regular from sp to $3,50, all to go at one price, for.... $2.2 '. • . They are excellent mine. 'Other lines of Ladies' Boots worth $2 25, now ....... . $1,75 15 pair Misses Ruttaned Pouts, sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 grid 2; wor- . th $1.50 to 1.75, to clear at-, •: $1.00.. Oar Spring Stocklis' now complete with all the latest styles and at very close prices. * The Old [414W TAYLOR & SON,. 000 000000 eee"..yeeieletieeee- geseel,eriXiTitentyfeleeee 111 E.: GREAT ..QAPIILSTO:R..: j3gCarpet.aiid.-LaceCurtajn- • 01. 111 .1.11n 1 LI 11.66. Otis A honor Carpet and Cuetain Siete is now in full giving. 3iist what is heeded at this sense') of - the year where everq house keeper is looking for something new to , tone •up both windows and floors. • . We bave been preparing for months in the way of securing' • the very beet values in Carpets from the manufacturers And have noW a Complete range. The prtulerit honsekeeper can save money by buying her Carpets and Lace Onrtains At this stortite'ee out, New Ponepadour Curtains. They are beauties. In the M illinez y department heiV goods are arriving every few days. Ready-to-wear Hate in (he -most up•titodate styles • in great variety: Never before hsve e shown such, it fine , selection of Trimmed Hats and Bennett) at rock bottom - prices.. In Men's and Boys' Spring Suits, Eats and Caps we have '• Seourer"il°nt11410eat and Shot Department. It will he yout age. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods,. . 11/1. MoBEATH, ▪ BLYTH Pretoria II31q01‘ 00000000 • 0 0000•00 cos 0 • 00 ltf)r.:SAleXn Progressive business :men advertise in the News Record.