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That are New.
For Spring the Raincoat Is one of the most use-
ful outer garments a lady can have, Made to -day
from better materials than ever and in nattier and
more becoming styles. it is growing more popular
every season tor general as well as rainy day wear.
We opened some very stylish garments the other day.
They are made from good English rainproof cloths
and cut in the newest and most fashionable shapes.
Here are three good lines.
Cleat that is extra, value at this popular price. llgade from
good q,uality, all Wool cloth that will give excellent wear,
Oat as gird as we have sold other seasons at $0,50 or $7.00 0
Tito Clinton News -Record
T yoT
4V Is Now
TI4%Pgue; Is Here
Boum!, .cleaning will be on you
with a rush -tad you will wed some
Wall Paper. rt takes tame to
seleet it, a little time to deflect' it to
you. YO* have more three vow, so
he.ve we. Do you not consider it a
reasonable proposal that you so onr
stoele then when you are reedy
the paper will be ready.
. Onr stock is open for inspection„
big in variety and good Dv vahm.
Prices from ec to eoe per roll. At 8c
we have scene specials, in fact they
sire very special. Will yon come and.
see them
Agents Peaces Dye 12Vorks,
full back and sleeve coat collar, Oxfor Grey. or Fawn, a, D• Fair 00.
spedait is season eften.,.... 5.o 'aftthe Cheapest, Alwa,y1 the 13est.
2`it $7.75
'Ladies Stylish Raincoats made from fine imported cloths cut in
this season, all sizes at each. .. .... . . ....... .. .. . ... . . / • 5
. new styles with capes and belts, shown for the first tirneP7
At $11.00
Very •handsome Raiucoats made from good all wool imported
• cloths, new styles shown for the first time this season, new •
capes, full skirts, trimmed with gun metal buttous, Ox-
• ford Grey, each
I 1.
The New Millinery.
Special display of new Millinery will continue all
this week. New patterns have been trimmed up to take
the place of the many that were sold the first few days of
our Opening. Do not tail to see this our best display
of Spring Millinery. It is well worthy of a visit. '
0 rder a Springliat now. Spring will be here
in earnest some.of.these days then everybody
will want a -Hat at once. Now we are not so
busy and can serve you better than when the
--rush is on.
Good Skirt Values
Here are some values in While Skirts that are good
enough to call special, • Made by the thousand in the biggest
Whitewear Factory in Canada on electric power machines that.
put in thpuSancls of stitches a minute. Reduces the cost so
much that it cannot possibly pay you to make them up your-
selVesr All made from good materials that willdo up and
wear well.
At $1.00
Skirts made from good quality
*bite Cotton, 12 inch outer,
frill duster of tucks and white
cambric embroidery, very. sPe- si I
At $1.151 value at each ,.
Shirts made from good quality I
English Cotten; :learns double •
sewn, lo inch muslin frill trim-
med with white Lace and in. it I
sertion, excellent value.at each s -Ree
At 1.25
Skirts made from fine quality
English Cotton, double frill,
outer of tucked muslin, fine
lace and insertion, a skirt that ee
will wear vvell each.. . ....',,.
At 1.25
Skirts made from fine English
Cotton, cambric finish, double
frill, outer of 12 inch quality e•‘„,
• •carabric Embroidery, each.... 1 X€P
Skirts made' front good quality
- .English Cotton, -bright cam-
bric finish, seams all elouble
sewn, double -frill, outer of
' tucked Muslin finished • with ,
white Embroidery, special val- a a
ue at .1.013
We have better garments at $2.00, $3:00, $4.(id and $5.P0
All our skirts are made full There is no skimping of Sizes in
any case in order to make a low price.
A Special in Gowns.
At 79c
Gowns made from fine quality Errglish Cotton; bright
',.caMbric finish, hemstitched ruffle, neck taimmed
with canibric Embroidery, yoke of alternate rows mg
hemstitching and tucks, very special /
Kid Gloves
• Perhaps you did not get your new gloves for
Easter Sunday, if not we want to remind you that we sell
guaranteed qualities only. They are made by . the best
makers in France and fresh new stock at the week
before Easter. •All shades and black in our three stan-
dard lines.
The Peerless at $hoo.
The Greylock at $1.25
The Dorothy at $1 50.
The "Waldie" Washing Giove.
This Glove is finished the same ns the 'ordinary glove in ap.
pearanee but it can be washed easily with Soap and Water.
This is a, big advantage especially in a season like this when
light shades are s� popular, Fasteners finished the same
shade as the Glove, • Every pair guaranteed,
Grey,. White, Chainpa,gne and Fawn.
Tilo price per pair $1.50.
.1-iodgens Bro.:
We KnOw
Mr. A: T, Coaper was in Win,ghaan on.
Tuesday. .
Mr. Thomas 13eacont was in Seafcath
on Tuesday.
Mrs,. (Dr.) Cook, speat Easter with
tonclen, friends.
Dr. john Gunn spent Easter at les
home in Aileat Craig: •
Mr. James Walker of I'ort Arthur le
visiting Clinton 'friends. • •
Miss Barteliff was the gue.st on Eas-
ter of Winghatu friends.•
Miss. Loganis spending the week with
• her sister- in Toronto.
Mr. Will. Centelon, Toronto, 'spent
Suaday at his home in town,
Miss Lillian
illian Agnew, teacer,
is home: or the Easter holidays.
Mr.. and Mrs. Chas. Cook spent Eas-
ter Sunday with friends in 1V1itelvell.
Mrs. W; Cantelon visitea her daughter -
Mrs. J. E. Brooks of Mitehell, this
week. •
1VlisS 'Alice Watson, Blyth, *as. the
• guest. of Mrs, D, B, Kennedy, this
week. • .•
The, genial James McClay of Goderich
was in -town a couple of •days thiS
'Miss Edith Tainsinore,. Stratford, .is
the or
Ccat/nest of her sister, Mrs. (Maj)
.Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffett spent from
Friday until IVIcnday with Winghean
friends. -,
Mi. and, Mrs. .George McEwen of Agee!
Craig have taken f.p thcir residence
• in Clinton. • % .
Mr. and Mr. George Swartz spent
'Easter with, their son, •Mr. Swar-
tz of Goderich. .
Mrs.. mqiveen, . Miss Dot Ball and
Master alcilyeeit -spent Pas-
' ter at Stratfard • '
Mrs.. Ed. Saville or town and leti;a•
AI dieter of, Teonde.storo spent a few
days this week. • in Centralia.
Mrs. Beall or Orangeville, Who has
beeu visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Q. Plumenere has returned.
Mrs,. E. McLaughlin aud two children'
were guests Thursday until Tuesday
:of her parents, Mr,. audeMrs..
Mr ailcl Mrs 'Josh- ,COok and . . their
three scAIS i•eturned Tueedey franc a
days yieit with • 1k/m11am
• friends. • •,
Samuel Rogers of Cedarville •re-
• -turned home Teesday eter spending
'•a few days ivith the Canteion and
• Cook families. .
Mr.-, Frank Jackson, Barrie,. a leader
'the .profession of 1 hatograahy,
,spent 'the Easter holidays at. hie
. old 'home- in token. J • • •
'Mr.. Walter •Baker,: whq'. is now. , second,
.teachet on, the PublicschOol, , staff,
Galt, espent few, days avieh rcla
trves here this wee. • I- • •
Mr: j. • H. McCOnuell, after a suceass-
. ful ten days' "cativr.s in the interests
ef Clintea Camp W. O. WI., left 'on
Tuesday for Marinora.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wallace Wheatley of
Woodstock were vests al the for:
niers patents, -Mr.* andMrs. JOs-
WEcatley, over Easter,
Mr, and .Mrs. Wellace ;Wheatley and
their little son of Woodstoek are the
&este of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs.. Joe. Wheatley. : • •
Mr. and ' Mrs. Geerge ..Herland - and
.clatighter of • Detroit spent a few days
the. past 'week with the formers
titer, Ma W. J. Harland. •.
Miss -Blanche Shepherd, Area, 'and Miss
Grace Shepherd of Lambeth ani
spending, •.theit holidays at the par-
ental hcatie on Townsend street, • •
'Miss IVInry Moore reunited to King-
. •Ston Thursday last. Mrs. E. Moore
..encjahee. daughter,' .Miss went
with lier es *far as 'Throat° tied
visited friends there until Tuesday..
Mrs. Om M. Kitt and her mother of
Woodstock' were the .guests of Qin
ton , friends. last ween. Mr, aral
• Mrs.'Kitt , have rented a house Ana
*111 take up :their reside* in Chu -
Mr. . raid 'Mrs, W. R. Lough we're in
• Seaferth cn Friday, . Mr. X,ough
• went on to Teterboro to visit his
daughter and this week attended the
meeting of the Ontario, Educeticnal
Association Intel in Toronto.
Mr. .1, W. Bell of Blyth was in
aown Monday ca his way home after
.spendieg Easter with his daughter,
Mrs, W. 3, Felker of Goderich. '
was eceompanied by Mrs. Felker who
Will be his guest for a few dose
111r. 'abet Mrs. R. r, Stoddart leave
tomorrow for their new home in
retest where Mr. Stoddart next
week 'enters upon his duties as princi-
, .1341 of the High school. They are an
estimable couple and have made
• many warm friends during their real.-
deuce in Clintca.
Monsieur Continei the wies.rei ot St.
Joseph, was ie. Clinton on Thursday
last, He is, now engaged in pro-
• metirg his latest scheme, "Ale le-
ternational Mae Vilna Company" tf
which the .prospectus tells its the
"Works and ractoriee" are lohated
at St, Joseph. The Company is in-
• corporated under the law
,s of the
state •of Deleware with a capital
stock of Inesoo,000, much pfwhich,
IVfolisieur says, is already suascrited
by outside capitalists. 1/e • is san-
gairm Of the srceess of this scheme
which will add. much to the proe-
patty el the "city." St. Joseph
deo not yet boom a eity in reality
It will he no- fault of the ladefutig-
able prOinotet,
eady for Spring
With The Best Merchandise
store complete in every detail to make shopping agreeable, convenient and economical. The new.
est and brightest of Spring goods in a handsome bright store. Our display of the new goods is
worth coming to see. Never have such styles, such an exhibit been made by any other ,store in town.
Our reputation for selling only the best merchandise for lower prices than others charge will be mains
tained this year. . Every part of the store, every department, offers something of special interest that
should at once appeal to all.
Dress Goods With
Style and Value
. 'We handle only the standard makes of Dress Goods=
only goods that we know are right up to date in style and
quality. Business is already beginning to pour into, this de-
partment -we have the kind of goods the ladies' are looking
for and at a lower price than is charged in most stores.
45c All Wool Serge at 30c
800 yards of a 40 inch wide all pure wool serge in Assorted colors of navy,
royal, sky, cardinal, black, etc., this is an extra heavy quality and
will give excellent wear. The Berne serge is sold in several seeres at
50c per. yard. This is one of the many good values we are showing,
•0 our Price ... . ... ... • ........ • • '• • • •••• • • I • • • • • • • .. • . • • • • .... i • • . •
Fancy Tweeds. at 60c, 65c and 75c
At these prices we have some excellent values in the new spring tweeds
: for dresses and suits, they come in a fine range of new shades of
navygreen, royal, brown and lighb blue. They just ihrive enough
• mixed colors to give them the style desired, all are , •n• •
.uu .uu and.
very special at. ,
Voils at 60c, 75c and 85c
Volts are in good demand just uo;ff and will be greatly worn during the
coming summer. We have all the Correct shades of blue, both ligleb
and dark. castor, cream, champag,ne, hitt* etc:
Fancy Tweeds at $1 and $1.25
56 inch wide Tweed Dress Goods -in aline assortment of shades, includ- •
nig green. ,s greys and navyta these are splendid qualities and are
very much worn for sidts and airfare , • '
Black Dress Goods at 25c, 30c 500 to $1.50
At these prices we can give you a very large range of the very newest
black. Dress Goods, -undue ing voiles, Arneson cloth, Mien ne, Mohair
Sicilian. Granite cloth, Satin Boyish etc. If you are thinking of
getting a black dress be sure and see our stock. a '
Mercerized VVaistings in White :
People a ho hove heen looking around tell us we have . the finest lot of
White Waistings ever shown in town, all the very newest floral de,
signs are represented here,Prices:28c, 30c, 40c 441c, 50c -65c 65c
• , •
, , .
• Personal.
mts, Welter tole isvisiting in eht•
cago. • .
1‘ViteMr ils1.41,y1'hitely returned tC Gyeleh
Mr.. Robert McLean Gederich,' Was in
town. yesterday ,
Mr. J. AV, Chambers, Louden, siient
' ay in own. •
Mrs. Bertha Kennedy, Blyth, has
been the, guest of Mrs. .Tanics Vlach:
Urea S. Rance ard Miss MaryReece
have beea visiting eele..tives in Lore
Spring Millinery
• Our Millinery Department aglow with all the
New, Bright Effects now in vogue.
It is truly a grand sight, th ese dozens of Hats, every one
pretty, stylishiand 'becoming. Again we have demonstrated
our leadership in the millinery line. We have sold more
millinery this season during our opening than in any previous
season. We are saving the people money on every hat -we
are giving better styles and. showing more hats this year than
Elegant Trimmed Ratsat $3, $3.50, $4 to $28
Ready-to-wear Hats at $4-50, *2 to *5
Perfect Fitting Corsets
The Corsets we sell are the best that can be made for the
money. We have full control for Clinton of the famous B &
C Comets. They are perfect in fit and finish and are sold in
the largest and best stores in Canada.
At 50c we can give you an 'all steel filled corset made to
give wear and comfort.
The best $1 Corset in Canada today is the one we are sell"
ing, they have. no brass eyelits to rust or soil the underwear
and are made of material. that will give satisfactory wear.
They come in assorted styles in white and drab.
Our Corset trade is increasing every year and the reason
of this is we keep only corsets that we know will 'give' our
cuslomers the:best satisfaction. •
Tape .Girdle Corsets
One of the newest Corsets for spring is the Tape Girdle,'
conies in white only, ,
ent lines of New Spring Corsete. „
%We will he pleased to have you cell and exarnine our difter
• rof
iverov. Walker Val
cu. • • • .
Mrs,. A. limper spent the Easter hola
..daVs •with her another and Meads at
Mrs., W. U. Latornell of St, Thomas
,. spent Easter with her' mealier, Mrs,
Miss Tarter, assistant in the .poet -
office, visited friends near Exeter
..this. week. •
Mr.. W. J. Lougheed of the Collegiate
stall is spending the holidays at his
Vane 'orest. ,
Muster Ciare,nce Finch is spending the
Easter holidays at the Badour home. -
stead; Goderich township,
Messrs. Alex. end Prank Sloinan spent
from'. Thursday until. Tuesday with
their brother. John in London.. „
T, Jacksce Jr. • mid C. C, Ranee of the
Jaelcson Mfg. • Co. are in Southern,
Ontario ;this week with their sant-
pies. • .
Miss' Hattie • '11 Cottrtice, who has
bc.ken spending the ehbialavs at hoine,,
. legate for her Seltopl. at Port Stanley
ort Saturday.
Captain Pattenclen and ff.,icettenarti
Setter of the S. A. local corps are
attending. the Army' council in ton-
. don this week, "
Mr, tester 1111itely of the teachieig
staff of the St. Thomas Collegiate
is spending the holidays with his
mether in. town. •
Mrs. ,Toseph Livermere spent Easter
with her datteliters, Mrs. R. Shep-
herd and Mrs. R. Bezzo 'of London,
She iees accompanied lar -111a. . aud
Mrs, Herb Cassels. '
W. Jackson, C; P. R. agent, tel -
ed the follewaig to Western, Mats
this week .1 John Emerson, E. 1V1i1-
ler, W. Cantelon and ,T. Elwoodto
inclion Head, and W. Elliott to
Sovris. These are all from Goderich
township, P. !Purdy, Varna, to Me-
lita and George Poster, Vanua to
Winnipeg. . •
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Kemp, Mr, and
Mrs, Thos. Kemp and Mr. George
amp of London came up Thursday
afternoon to Speitd a (Ow days with
old friends and to help their parelits,
Mr, and Mrs, E. Kemp, peen it
preparatory to ImVitig for the Por-
eet City where they have taken up
their residence. Mr. and Mrs,. Keitip
came to Clinton over twelve years
, ago and have many friends litre who
mock iegret their removal. The
genies are upright and iralustrious
people mid their clepatture is te decid-
ed less to Clinton. May their future
years be halniy and prosperous, .
:0141NT:0.11 .
Mrs. . G. Ikerifee,* Misses Estelle
aeet Gertrude of. Port Waine, lVXieh
elated Mrs. Holmes. -
•Mrs. T. C. Pickard, Mise Pickard
i‘barincitducdhAacyoily, KleRoberts of
• days' in our vellage. • '
. Miss Bertha Stanley was the' gust ,
of Clinton friends from Saturday to
Mr. Heil c.f Cliaton speat few
Mrs. Thos. Ford of Stratford visited
• Miss Lizeie rote',
Mrs. •R, W. McKenzie of Goclerich
spent Moralay with her mother, Mrs.
• Ifolanee.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Elford are
proud possessors of a baby girl.
Owing, to the bad state of 'the roads
Rev. .1. B, Coupland of Anbura was '
. not able toebe present on Sunday aria
Aloaday so. Pester Husser took his
•own Services, Next Sunday Rev..
lamer will preach at Fullerton. Mr.
,Taines Wallis will take the morning
• service and Rev, J. Grecne will preach
in the eveeing.
.Live Stock Market.
Toronto, April. -There Avas rather a .
light 'rue in the city bathe mr.,-rket to -
consisting ,cef- ea loads, .witb 800
head of cattle, 167 sheep and lambs,
200 hogs mei ioe calves. The market
Was Shunt steady, barely, however,
holding its own. A heavier run wbuld
probably have caused 6, distinct break
it; prices; 4.
A. feature of the day -'s. offerings was.
the member of Very fine . loads ofcat-
tle offering. The general quality, o1.
the offerings was higher than scene
time past.
lexport-'fhis class of cattle was in
cletneud leot prices are not high, thou-
gh high in comparison with present
!niece in the British markets. From
$4.60 to $4.80 was the top. •
Butchers -The market was a little
. quiet but prices held steaCy for the
best cattle. • 'rliere was' a little better
supply t•f handy butcher's cattle but
or this kind, about eso to meo pounds,
, are wanted. For medium quality cat-
tle the ,tharket was a little. 'on the
easier side ' •
Stockers end recelers--Market about
steady with e fair demand end not tee; •
many offering.
Sheep and Tian:hs-A very light' run.
Everything sold and prospects steady,
I w th export ewes dull ; spring lambs
and. grainfed yearlings lima
llogs-Market,dull and weak but no
cheitge in the apotatietis at $4.73 the
A Farrn Rand to work by
the year, Apply to
• 3. & N. PAIR,
Your boy will Want
his Spring Suit early -
with the rest, •We are
in first clsss shape' to
• rig hirn out from head
to foot. Never had
• such a st3ck of Clothes
for all kinds and sizes
of boys as we have to-
. day. They are made
,from strong paterials
that will stand rough
• and tumble wear.
Styles are new,
natty and nobby.
Serge .Sidta at $5,00
Bears' 2 piece Suits, inade from.
, all -wool navy Serge, good qnality 5 oo
linsizes each ..lng, pants lined, all si. , •
At $4.50 .
Boys' 8 -piece Suits, made from
• good quality. all -wool Canadian 4 S
Tweeds, Will give excellent wear, a
a tLI
• fancy pattern, each . ..... ... , . ....
At $6.5o
Boys' Stits, Made front fine anal.
ity all -wool Tweeds, very pretty pat-
, terns, lined throughout With good
' linings, alt shag, Opedial
We sell the famous 4 LIoN ' brand
ot est Knickers for Boys. ot eat
For smaller boys, we have Blouse, Russian
• and Norfulk Suits at $.00, $3.00, $4.00
and $5.0o.
Hodgens Bros.
Clothing and Mors F11111101110.