HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-07, Page 9..e
Atiortla lth 104.
Molsouss Bank
Alottlit..; at ed he Apr
• P1,1 13.74
Cttelltd tasnitorizedt, $5,000,000
cdeltal paid. up 3,00(3,00O
reaarirs 1.'1011 2,830,000
Tato Astx,,ts zi,000,000
wm. itu.,6i)u•Nticy4ivq• n. Prestdest
eral Mapager
'1Ve hope: to tee upy Ater *yew
•g pretniven cte . Vterette mats On*
IL*s sI rt et s, ( .0.1 J. .
win'esgitmes ssa sem:ellen;•4 tit
4he less -vitt womb A cell •Fteits
satiblie gem -tatty •sealtated.
A • •
'Cs' Brewer, Mgr..
7.1 'When tho nerve* are weak
everythint goes wrong. You
are tired all the due, easily
•discouraged„ nervous, and
irritable. • You r oheeks are
Tito Cituton vewsottocoret
Whant Growing in Goderleh.
O. D. Maavart
• OFFICE -Sloane Block= CLINTON.
• (Successor to Mr. Jam -es Scott.)
• office formerly occupied by Mr, .
. James Scott, in Elliott Block . .
conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
• Estate and Insurance •Ageircy.
•• Money to Loan.
pRS...GUNN & GUNN ..
-Di, Tr. Gunn L. R. & L, R.C.S,
• Edinburgh.
Dr. J. Nisbet Guru al. R. C. S. Eng.
•• L. R. C. P. London
Night calls at • front door of residence
On attenbury .street, oppustte. •
•• • ' Presbyterian church.
OIFFICE-i-• Ontario street -CLINTON.
FIVE- Ontario street •-•CLINTON.
• Opposite St. Paul's Church:.
Special attention given to diseases of
the •Eye, Ear„ Nose and Throat..
-0111ce -and Residence-
North of Rattenbury $t.
Office' formerly occupied by Dr. Pal-
lister on Main street.
Office adjoining Photo- Gallery. open
every day and Salerelay • nights. until •
to o'clock. -•
especialist in crown tied Bridge Work
D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons ef Ontar-
, L. D. S. -First class honor grucluate
of Dental Department of t ur•siteo
Special attention raid to ...s.rtnition
• of children's teeth.
Will be at .the River Hotel, Bay eeld,
every Monday front ro a. 111 ao
• p. m.
24 member of the Veterinary Melical
Associations of London and Edin-
. burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
•• io Veterinary College. •
OFFICF,- Huron street -CLINTON.
Next to Commercial Hotel
• :Moue 97 .
gale and your blood is thin.
Tour doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this
_ grand old family medicine,
"For snore than 00 TOMS hey* ueedAyerse
lo my fondly. ts eVimdaGela
at all limit, 404 a wondorfatmein ter
Pre 0. HOLT, WOOtelayee. Penn,
Olt.se a. bottre.•e. aux oo.,
an drum -ate. — Lowell, Mau.
Western C
TO The Inetse-ReCord.
attafigla• NV* hail' touch sslemture la put:list:.
lug the rtallowitig vote of thanks an 1
aetastu tan ItIneter gift, st.t hands .._
Weetern thtuadis wheat bus .an en- ef lot IL A. mid to whom we
viable reputation in foreign coontries, returat our vety sterol+ (haute Me
• 1013's Mr. •O. 11., ()ark* Chita Of ihe thOir conetetty end thosightfril Ramer
Seed 1111Fieloot Ottawin It iie ist des gift tool we trust we may long
Wargl Adoericali tiontree, as. fain their kitrt reuseentaraiwe.
well ne tho,ee uf liliorbkiet and Scotland To Sties Elinee eik.i mings
became,. ale Piet* in gluton or exceed. l'oetees of Lake iluron,
irate good quality. 'I'he 4.o.op of Western • Corespondent of The Newo-lieeord,
•Vaneatt ten yeasts; hence will reiteb, it Goderivh, OW,
tete.. etc.*
. estimated 500 nulliotot of bushel& In Deer Med:um-The members of the
tha PiAllkal7iliertildlitnii Product' Goths, teh Townehip Ride Assoeiatilort,
ion It le importaitt that. Re present at a speelai meeting held ott W01111104,
good vet:until:an les mitititailied or lin- day 2,it Stareit IOU passed al tisolutiskii
lasofsal natn der theist t nOntinue thatteing you roe you*. tita•!sy esteren
t ; grow in favor in Itire e01.110.1 ' faviire, anti begging you; oo nevelt'
where it must find a Mat ker. the accompanying minus ite, at Rueter'
' But the high standerti of exeellenee ; gift, imul es a slight token of their es.
• hes airesoly oeeu appreclabie lowered teetti.-Georgin Laithwait e Provident,
.titrottgl.,1 the linrechlel.1011 of wheat of John Newcombe, Sec. ; tiarry 14 Selk.
iisfeeior quality. Through eta. Treiteurer.- •
carelessness theee mixtures. are -allow- We bricl much pleamire on. Easter
ed 10 eat inereatee„ while in ether- Monday a, 1.0 receire Is 1)341th:eon,
tilsto tOlo frrlor Yartalett boort/ been nester Card ft om Alta. Orem) or Mem..
grown: Limit de9reclete the hr Phie snd another Ilestutiftd froui
the total crop. Mrs. 3enws etl illivary of Kingston
The ativaittage of growing only• From the city Air i mg() wo Neel vq.1
wheet nosy; be judged front roi. Hester Sunday, a beautifully silk
erve •
•tool, the bowels regvlar with Ayer's
just one pill ench night
se?'" ..".•
• •
0 .0 0 00 0
00 0 0 0 0<> 0000
For• a olipAoci atv
try the ,Iesdiug barber.
George:O. Robertom.!
0..000.0 00*(xxo,t404
. .
Cook's. Cotton Root Compound.'
. Ladles' raeorite*
• Is the only safe, reliable
yegulator on which worn':
can depend:4'1h the beer
and time of need." • •
Prepared.in two degrees ot
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2..
No; 1 -For ordinary eases
Is by . far the hest dollar
/ • medicine known. •
No. 2 --For sp.eetal .cases ---.10 degrees
Strouger-three dollars per box. -
T.Adies-ask your druggist. for Cook's
Cotton Root Componno. Take no other
as all pills mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. •' No. 1,and•No..2 are sold and
recommended by ell druggiSta lir the Do-
minion of camas.' mailed' to any arldreas
on receipt of price and four 2 -cent pestage,
etamps. WIte Cook Company,
.„ Windsor, •Ont,- .
Na. r and No. 2 are sold ih Clinton
by. Watte. & Cc., 11... B. Condre, R. P.,.
Reekie .and • Hovey, ..artiggists.
- N Ti;•- Raid and the next two gradee, as this roties et.a other Illawere were exquisite
differeeee is most e0ontionlv. due- to in woo; nee e'llarling, we hope Has,
the prevalence of soft, stercb y grains . yen win blessa11 those kind friends this
in the lower grades, . No. 1 Herd in- .einteous teisstee- Week.. .
variably • has a high percentage of• . . . ; 1
translucent grains lodicating a . high . .
pea ceutege of at good quality. of gluten
114 iti is the quality quite este och'its the 'IttlE 'SMALL-PDX QUESTION.
the difference in pi ice between o. 1 essoseotaseleo cones of who° sue. I.
About Politics of tho Put.
it. 'T. editor of the Lyle -
tot), Mane Ileceld, lot writing on
" Suatethiog About Priothigs mid the
Remieicentses of a Printer." Pens the
rollowing,,.which will ist a Interest to
many Newm-Itecortt reedere.
It 1$ enusiderable over 30 yearsince
I Met saw the present leader of the
Manitoba Opposition, then plain Toni
tireetiway, and the Conservative can. .
didate for the noose of Conmions 1.
,Soials Burin% in opposition to N.
Lnuieron, hats Lient.-Governor ef th.
Nor thwest Territories. (And in par-
enthesis, I can tiny Ilea it woe just or •
boot tide time tliaLI ficst saw the t Wo
(let:Berea-OA ye leedera, Sit joint AseDooe
eld and float. toim Stun:Odd AfeDOnald,
who were- then, so their opponetite fax.
preseed it, o hunting in couplee and
vieiteri Se:Mirth,. Clinton mid „othe,
points Along the .railways. The late
11011.a.lexeuder McKenzie, Joe Ellind
and John -Youngs At. P,P"s, also vibite,d
Seaforth about that time,atici address
publidineeting on the pOlitipel
Rues ef theedey.• Atelenzie *.L'.
• t ben 'coming into prominence !sea leads' -
er or the Liberal party end wee the. ,
picture of health and vigor.) Aimee ,
'this' time I rem* visiting, friends who .
thenLived near Eleter,-. and in coin.
pany with ttse old gentientan,(recently
(lead) anci -wine of • the young. folks.' ;
attended as few of these meetings. Gee
remember particularly that Was held
et Limerick' a few miles web. of HO,
ter. 't was a beautiful evening, at 1
the sp settee we; e made in: froif
the sot 1 hote), Mr. Patrick cPtill
doctri 1
-or tilO he expounded r an hem'
g1'1Pis usuual
l attleintYtioaRn1;1.1.°v01:1glen; -
ikwInw t to day and bow to express
iv atholie settlement, h&.
Novel so as to appeal strongest to
their nationaland religens. feelingS,
The one
over, and Schoolarttte beaPtifu
l church then In
question • g
.course of erection on the brow of a hill
. near by Was referred to in liatterins
terms. Just what Oritneron said on
the school question I do not 'remember
but 1 do know 'that It took • Berney
Doyle -now it judge I believe -the last
speaker of the 'evening, a• long ,titste
reading &ord.:the Canadian Freetnati
(the then Catholic organ) trying to. re -
Jute his statements and his arguments.
Toni Greenway then nieunted the
'Platform, but no sooner. had he done
. so thatn Cameron invited everyone in
• to have a drink and those who did not
care to go in he polled in 'by the collar.
Oto that Greenway had to talk to in
ply benches so to speek. In thoetedeys•
'Pout was no match for CaineSois • in
rtinning an election -indeed I doulat 11
be.everrould he -who resorted to any
trick or schemetowin s and subse..
quently .unseated„d isqiitu.litied and
w bite. washed.. The next time I met
Tom Greentvey was in Manitoba, titer .
ate now leader of the' Oppositions and -
bat ',ling for place and 'power with that
St urdy old native of Manitoba, Tory
And.Patriot, Gen. john Norge:V." •
illuityai. RIB
Insuranoo. cornanu
-Farin and • Isolated Town proeerty•-•
J. B. McLean., President, .1Cipriert V .
0. ; 'rhos. • Fraser; Nice -President,'
Brucefield P. 0.1, '1';
Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0.. "
William Shesno , Seaford' ; John
Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Sea -
forth .; •John. .Watt, .;• Jahn
liennewies, liroditagan ;
Beechwooci ; •James Conitollss.Clinton
A.GENTS. . •
Robert Strait, Harlc,ck ,,,•• S. %Tin-
ehley, Staforth ; James Cbmnibigs,
Itginondville ; • J, W.' Yeo,...liolinos.,
" am a licensed auctioneer for the
. Comity orlIttron .and. will sell by per -
or by the dollar. Residenc.e lot
• •sy aud Dayfieldltoad, ono mile
Stetter of Clinton. Satisfaction gear-
• aliteed. Orders left at The ews-Iteg,
• Ord oftee or my. house Will be prom-
`• ptly .0,ttended to..
Clinton P. O.
• A •catT*60,r1g.14.......1.4,..,,..
111.0tt Current iitoratum
OMit? Knot:A YeartLY
IPA'14/ f.71401•41* OT0111V2i ArlD
• c4tr4a 0/9 m t1:4Y TOPIC3
41, 4 ern r es a; it k cvq, A OOP(
At *1 fa:4E1'14'04S \ kiruFilco.
' '.1117,14:" r•r;..,. • ° ,14,11ttc/f. t"
!eetwizrd'A 'on,c..4••‘•
Parties' desirous to effect• insurance
or. transact other business be
promptly attended to . 'application,
to any of the *.tboVe",ollieers addressed
to their respectiVe. postoffiees. Lessee
inspected . by ' the • director who lives
merest the scene •-•
Marriage •
jB.71-11113:1b 4'11 Cliutoxi
Trains will .atrise at and depart
from Ciliate' stat on lis,!ollows
Going East 1141.reois
/1 11. • ••11.
Going East
Going West
Going West Exj.r. es
10 e e, • -..
l• 1 / 11
Going South Expresie
North Express
A. *0. PATTIS(4N, Station Agent.
F. R. HO N$, Town Ticket Agent.
J. D. MACDONALD, Distrig Pas/ten-
ger Agent, • foroido.
7.380 a.m.
• 343 non -
5.20 p.m.
• . 10.15
12-.55 pan.
• 7.05 Pan,
xo.32 pan.
7,47 Lin,
4.15 pan.
10.15 tun,
•1.55 p.m
T'SIAne Manse
CerrYttlesrre &O.
attyorte esti:ling sketeir end description mat
ituiostv aecortain ear 01/11111)11 IMO whether no
invention to nrotwarnatentaine. Continuant.
101181Ittldtlycontidetitutt trtnahookon extents
gala trce. West latency' for aceurinrliaterits.
emotes eaten through Puna As co, recants
!mita aorta, %valiant eharuti lathe
innatetners tesatertret nooses gatuest oft
emattojt ur raw t•ciehigto is,ams. .1 Mir, $3 ;
par; „ear te, soot. St, Sete
, -
qttatitity of the gluten that tends value Ans iffimligeut, oy.snesm:win loon,
to tbe :superior' wheat. • that you, ilott't vote', email pox becalm,.
Red Fife is the standard variety and etenetnae else lots it, hot beetitere ytot
the hardiest wheat gro.wtt in Western. ,r,ludity .14
Carteda. It. will. etuvise tale' elwhig a.ites ettomtenges sieknees and, at thi
seaeon eaten:laity, Qveryoutr should take
revrozotte which det;trov e • disease ger.
tits anal outkee the syetent so stisong
' and healthy that ,stickiletta can't exist
• Ferritzotie 1:1. it vitalizing tonic bel
makes etch,. red blot la. •builds tor tbe
frequently been injured by early frost. tiet,ves, mires r.isseousteets, and drives
It re from two to five clap; earlier limn w. tipeci,,Inlikulil teviing,t. To get
the Red Ede,. If the weather be un- ailln:g ato koeilbtrong Ferrozotie;
frosts that are sufficrently severe to
kill out most °thee varietiee. Its inlin
ing qualities are not excelled.
Preston wheat a -bearded yariety
that has grown in favor among farm-
ers in districts where Red Fite has
tit the' time whet). ri•Pet1108 - asseves lostlioliana costs telt 50e asi
takes place Plumy ripen even ten days al ch,„
earlier than the hater variety. Settle • .
Canadian millers claim to .have..uutde .
eitreful• i I I g testa of Preston wheat, • . „
and openly condent it as much Intel kir
to the Red Fife, Results of testa car-
ried on muter the direction of Dr.
:7;.bundersi who originate.d the variety,
; dice Le t bat it is MAY slightly inferiot•
LU the Fife. ..•
The comparative productiveness. of
vei•leties differs with ,localities and
.conditions of 5011 and elintate. • •Agnir;
there May be quite as 'Much' differenou
betweem. Vivo etrains of seed of •the
same Nariet,y as between tivredistinci.
Sorts; as far as their•capaeity to give. a
Ittrge. yield of 'gratin is concerned.
Whatever variisties , ere seleeted, they
should be grown separately and. eaten
kept reasonably pure; On . accotint ot
careless practicesou the matter ofseed
selection, ntix tures of nndesiralile sorts.
have i nereased in (bit • standard • Wheal,
of the west. ,These itupurities, consist,
ehietty of attrlier notturing varieties
that shell inore.rapidly Ahato • the Red
" Fife, thus having a iitT gee- proportion
of seed &mil them to epine .11$. V.0111 ate el
Wheat jil the itext, succeeding ei•op
It is of much importapee to the
country, as well 8S to individual wheat.
geowers, that these c.eitaitione be oyer
-001118. It 'deo .tleit even farmer -
w e careless keeping their
•Seed pure are willing' to pay failey priv-
et; for Lep,. tSVOIty Or. fifty •tsnehel tots„
of good pure seed. of Whear, 'oats 'awl
. Dut the slimily of high class
seed is limited, .Altheugh thestletrittua
for it is groat, 'butlittle eifort, has been
Made hy farmers- to meet the deMand.
Appeals have been tunde to • the Do
nonion Depart went, of.41triculture to
establisti farins at various' points • for
the teirpose growiftg pure seed • of
h tad tl el. cereals for distriba,
w ee , o •
(fon to farmers at t he cost of produts
titin. That .woota ..en tail a large
expense :and wonla be undertaking
work that Meiners are quite able to tlo,
:thenteelveti. The Department of Ace.
ricultiost la• Willing. to grant 'stride
Assistance as may he. ;recess/try . to en-
ceuraige .pristate.. enterprise in an
endeavour to cope with t he eitturtion.
In mattere'of this kind the hest results
are Ohtitined.fronl•urgarrized effort.
With a view, further to • encourag#.
the production and' more general use
••of seed of the best quality,an announce
theta NVItS made in the spring of •1003,
inviting fanners, who had been giving
'some 'special attention -to the growing
of seed grain, to unite. and forin as.
sociationss of peed growers. ROW
governing the associatlian and, stand-
ards of perfection for. pedigreed seed
will. be controlled by an advisory.board
composed of representative men trout
the variotis branch'associatiobs. There
are now thirty. five seed sgroyvers who
4Ire mei/alters of . the. Western •-etinado .
Association Their Work is supervised
and inspected by a superintendent.
Records are kept of the amount and
'pedigree of seed produced by them.
According to the -rules of the noose • •
iat ion, . each member is required' to
,give a definite -gnarantee as the purity;
vitality' and freedom from -seede lit
noxious weeds.; with all lots of sok;
sold by him. The association .eertifi
cote will show th8. pedigree of the se.ed
the number of consecutive years
ing which • hand selection • has betel
-followed. • • . . .
.„ Farmers of. Western Canada, who
tia,ve (OMB that are free from noxious
. weed,' and qtheessise suited ie growing
good peed Ore/beets trate rye, barley
told other -grain.- are invited to becotn.e
members of the association and make
seed growing a special industry in their
farni opea ations. They may eonartietie0
by sowing a plot in .the coming, spring
with the best obtainable seed.. There
wit) be a:ready market for all the seeds
that min be produced by members, at
priceethet will pay. handsotnely for
the extra trouide in producing it.
There is hOW •an annual demand. fin'
'75,000 bushels of seed vvheat alone,
• - Yours very truly,
W. A. Cletnone.
Veteran. Bi•shop ,
••Takes' Holiday.
• W ism( neg. A pri I t Rev,
tlhnw 0.Bompas, Bishop of Belk!! k,
11118 ; he dioce.sett of •the ecelesiast ieal
Peuvinse of limpet l.'s louttl, is le Wes
tu yokoo. t,- Lilo first
tow. to so yva t a that his Lot &hip
left lee tboete-e to I evisii, „el vilization,
and though he is his seem.; ietit Yeat
he stotal Lite' oratities t reitiarklittl, •
ity the dent or Arehlsislinp ; al:Leis;
ray 'he 11.8 liet,itilits senior ItiShop
geelesittst ical' province,. and in this ea;.
.enciltyle; i.sene to attettil lite -sneer,
log hisbups to, tri ange .gertitin quo*
• tious etititiect rd. wit rufceow.4011
lit.ber. snail et% , tam Geelea with, c h u Pe h
work.. ' •
ts..to04 Dotyratt LAIIGE.?
•.Tiest. 0. IV keeri it is n‘q* .10
eat! 'Abe deetta but Erse Nerviline in
•'Arend. If.or minor a'jltrients like eulds,
voila ittioehills, • eritutps,', headache' itivi
niteh . Cron Me N'4.1 I.It•
gtutllt )L :MY 11011,(0'.. IL breaks up ato111
1I 0I1 uuigltt eti e.sto in the elie,;i
and, hit alitt
.4iiiitism you e,iti't get ortylimig hole so
Nervill tie. The 6i itt of Nerv
end itt ilt,
stineselt extesals., far anti wide. -Othal
fqtt everything a li t can be goo,1
, or tUld .ebsts .but 2:itsfot...at rge,Itoltle.
. .
• ..seotlit
there was a bail. boy• filet; 'Berlin
Set etuldettly tiowtt no a ;
uttered it-yel",
. And trhathe
rt.pott. it, e ould sitoply be sir. -
Established ans
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Chip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
Oessosates along esteblished and etandard remedy _ter the diseases leateated. It
cures beanie theair rendered, strongly antiseptio itr•welei over the elwauted surfaces
or the bronchial tubes with every breath, swiss Prolonged end colvdene treetEnrot•
Theeeor a consumptive tendency, or sufferer* tram ehronto bronohitie, Onuses/WU
• Tenet from troughs or inflamed (renditions of the Wrote. Descriptive booklet tree,
Irg.nalesin, Nun 4 CO., 18111 Notre Dame St., Nontreat,ilaneitten Agetste
Cresolene dissolved in the mouth are effective and Nate fe• e
coughe and irritation of the throat.
Antiseptic Tablets. see a box. AIX ISIO.TOGIST0 301
.:i •
• .
tihvie' ilebbatritgeal°1(•legwittrolunre1,118.1/emesevott'sje..44. tit: .
Mr.: Wpm t last week talon ts, n Literal in. politics and- enjey.
• a Presbytelian lit his ieligieus attach.
•-vt ith his car load ot eettlei's elfeets for ed. the esteem of his uelebbors for uo-
his 'new(' borne in Nanton, N. W. T. rIghtness of Character. .13e was 04
Id r Robertson had been it residence of years of age. •
1 itist town ter nearly thirty-four years
including that of Secretary Of the
end had held many positions of trnst,
E. NEW C13-, CAASE JAI 1867,
eschool Board Oollector of Taxes aml
One of DP. Cliese's.oldests patients in ..
Secretary of the Turnherry Agrtculte
iblerfilijndS°helmebY;naMnyr .g30°011)Iefrrtlee°11ndeleaZheist gCeTrii?,(tSitiolisree1L11,.'0(111.t.,,I.VwlitiPrilttl'ibbellrlotglrolliieli
willhe pleasedtohem' (if Pei( lertillie -kidoey disease in 1867 by means .of lug'
attenalog him in the Weat. Mr. John now sekbps(sd Kidney -Liver Pills.111r, •
leftWe bswteio4ohfa. InW(enest Fwridaawya tvulistg, a 4cl:tit; . tPbakerti :lire soil'lryi tenstetcliiact Li nlete half
esongottmliittki .
load of effects for. his farm at . Yellow that be always keeps Di. Chase's Mile
'Grass, N, W. T. This week Ali,. 3 . TI. ney,Liver Pills in the lionse: as, it bun.
liobertson, from neer lielgrave is
• leaving with 'two car loads of effects . .
. . . . ily medicaue. '
tor his new home at Bombe -vain. Alts..
thii %yetis for the •West, titi7iir:g lat,(Ichtt.tr. outsirfitzd vofaevroo.otipre,swoliteonowpi_nthgecyoterheatitundeelzids Ls;
Rolsertson left, On Friday,
Ganagber and -family left .1.3ejgrave Intanto too young to take mealiiine mut bo
load of settler's effects, . -
Anotherof • the early. settlers of - .
About Huron's HOtels: •
,For the license. year of 1002 3, Eatet;
-steels and Weet Huron hFuI 10,10 anti
20 yearly Menses issued OeSpei:tiVely
The hest altar had one beer and .utine.
; he second OLIO 14 &II 1.1 IT • SIX 11113111,11,
license.' Ithas twitelerphisUises, of w
11) .011.1101,1 iota the whin. in Gotleeith..
En.t•it Flurtm. had forir licenses ttansfee
tsd. South Iltirett text, West, Ilitrott
eight. The tote' liCt'lldP$ issued for the
year were 21,48 and 40 respeetively.
Amount reeeteecl by the province from
all sem ces swats $700 03 front Mist Hor-
t-an, $3283$ Ga. froto South JIu.tn and
$2410 ft•oin West Huron: le 1875the
colony hail 101 tevern licintses, 37 shop
AA& LW() breweries; the next, Year 341 W
a drop t o 113 of the first, 17 of the 'sec
striti, ti id Iacono*, of one wholes);
The decrease . that followed as tin,
at went by CHM Itt 014,111 11 the fol-
foivitig figures f.:1871 -L-121 tassels' li-
ens*''. lOsihres.; 1878-121. 20; 1870-481;
21 ; 18/30-131, 10'; 1881-128, 13; 18823
.-121, 15 ; 1881-111, -141 1885.7, :Scott
Au e in force.; 1888-108,11; 1839- 100,8 s
1810-103, 0' 1801-101. 5 1892e-102, 5,
1 ; 1893-01, 5,1 ; 1804--02.5, 1: 1395-93,
5, 1.• 1800-88,,0 ;1807-85, • 1308.-83,
1/309-82,1111000-32, 0; fool -sq. 6;.
102-40, 0. NV hat better growth- of
temperance aniong our people could be,
asked • for 'OMIT IS demonstrated in
had 13 ordstiairmia 1 Peer and- a if) l•
and received from licensee told
'fines $305, its shoe beteg $09.83. 'The
other townehips stood as follOwa
licenses ittOt re'd ebst: e
Meltillon 1 , $100 818 07
[fullest (East) . 0 ...,
Morrie .. • • / • 32 00
Elowick 800 64(111
1 • 90 10 00
Brussels3 010 298 07
800 92 (X)
Wrtsxeter... 2
4 1020 • 462 07
slextivit'o;lith . .5 1105 050 31
Ginierich tp,(Soutli))
13ity field .2
1 (Jut
Is real danger because the sputum of
affected persons diffuses itself through
•1 the air and finds lodgment in tlie sys
terns or others. If expesed to consum-
ption tou) fragrant healing Catarrho.
zone, the tenst efficient gem:lode
known. No case of Catarrh can with-
• stand Oetarrhozone which cares this
loathsome disease ttioronghly. ()old
in lite head is cured in n fete minutes
and bobtlehitis, asthinn toad lung trod -
Isle are eared to stray eured if Catarrhs: -
zone is eMplOyed, "1 don't know any
remedy so good for catarrh and brow
chitis as Catarrhozone." writes N. T.
Eaton of Knowlton. "It cured me af-
ten yeaes of suffering and saved mo
from consuiriptiori." Two months
treetrnent $1 ; trial Mee 25c.
Powder is betteir then ether eosin powders,
•*8 itaisoasta as It td;sintedant. 05
Winglaatu Trivets -..plet passed to the .
quiet of the grave on Tuestitsy, iu the ' • .
person of Mr.' W, 'Netterfield.' De- A °email ivornan pittieet att St, ,
.4-a set had .lieen in failing' health for 13041face, Alan..-Bospitsil threw beisetf.
;mit two Years, -gradtually griming out "f all IIPPer . Witi0OW 1P1 NJ
weaker , tail II the end came. 'Be was . killed • ' • .
born in the county of °seen, Ireland .. lo the' -ft eight.. wreck 'on the Inter-
itvnetilycalneyotonnOganiailatt% N.vstieetitlieedoilipriliraiti; .. tieohliitioneii:11 .1(1.,111,11 Isreskyoecen ;T.( 3.1i.:(tis a„yi,,pi.11.14.,
Brockville -• In 1864 . be renroved • to cattle killed: • '.
• Winghtor,. where. he resided .until his ' :The 110(11' PI lkires,..Pelitty*.0 le wen
death, • Die partner in' We,: l'Ormerly - pear etilrem Owen Sound on March 2-3,
,iiiiistise ailiede!.01.1), vP:;:yia.sgo:,,Ilerirtatireis itttltncg(emrs. it/i1,1r.e.ter.totind at Veil'S Point, frukeu
There are ttiree sons• -•john Of • Maui -
Ione daughters oned remain -Mrs,
Atottligit.t;s7.1111:(',Iinnitla.tohid. 0.:axisito4rst:)11;e11).iy111:0::! „orwe Di..:
Chassos.Ointinent le -Comes
s m‘VIii?-,j0Tohptelite. sohf DMorkas.o. irt.hiphtleealeod l'Xi'lc41. kkitt.ictiT:iiwt, tit,,r.t at iit,ti. as.cisiipre,..,o6311,x,l,ninysfihnquhiflt:101..
3 (.)()11S°v'ttive in • Polities, -1• '14embell 4 tan he used. 'While this 0'111111(.4
of. the: Orange' Ordee for .oVer WO'. t i
is oest hi i owe as. ispositi ye- eltre for .
years, and a conimuti leant of St. Paul's eezesets.satt t beton, itchiug .piles;•;t0 I.
Obureh anti Was esteereetil as ;In ill'' ilbe most tortmiu . diseases of the :atilt
The' funeral of .Thittelod ItleGregoe se."..- shared, iseinteit . skin, . pimples. .
took p ace. o 1 . t . S. 100:klieg-is, mrisned skin, scalds, burns
dustriooS. lioright citizen. • it, is also unappronehed ats tretdment
• • Sat OIL 7' last from •
t)aetivoi ti pelt of 1
iee '1.1';ie
eswt.; ilk
11.11(; $0105 of every description.•
crnwtel y.
„ihnorritelasetete(cr.Al'illioPtict),f th6rteliell•Th•;•'etitu•s" l
ogii))°,. • Tilt. °send ;as 'sore Folloorg• ones.
he went to OttlgarY •but returned an I pithy pi .1„,saosi ease s•saossa
went to Bran i for d . On March 210i working force ',me half ob account., lir
While ise wee osis hunting, he hill, 1111. Den ish competition an the 131.1Us.1
his gun e ae• , tedent ly dischat•ged. markete..- • . •
: • : • • ' • , • .
• ew Route to The Southwest
—VIA THE---. , •
The Southwest Liinited, Chicago to
SanstrtiVity, runs via the new Short -
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Sr. •
Pa III Railway, aind offers a nevi? route
to the Sonthweets and excellence. in. -
service trod eqilipment not ebtaittabi '
elsewher:e. One of •the reasons for thi
is the fact that Lite Chicago,Milwauke
Ss St Paid Railway owns and Operates
all of the sleeping, dining. library aml
other cars nn these trains. This ts th • -
time to go to tbe Sontb west, and thi,
is the way. Despriptive folder (ree,
A. J. TAYLOR, Can. Pegg. Agent.
No. 8 King st. east, Toro nto
Sir Robt Bart, director at custonis,
has deviSed a flhencial plan for the re-
organization of the ()West) army,
• navy and civil service.
Capt. Seott bf the British Anterefic
expedition Boys the compass tarried
exactly the wrong way When his party,
the first to, do so, crossed the 80ttt
Hay-- 11 0 I, a. .. 1 • .4
Tueltereinith..... 2
Stanley .3
Bengali .2 840
theleeich .... 8 1705
Nest Watwitroosh -1 9(1
Hollett 2 . 100 00 60
West, ‘Vawntinelin .0.
••... ....
Wingba to .,..;, ..5 1225 608 33
'Clinton.., ...',6 1820 5414 (X)
Aelifield ' • 5 400 • 158 (17
Colborne.- .. 1 112 50 35 00
Blytti 2 ' • 310 ' 120 07
A Inuit bet of the inn nielpitilties have
inouseed duties fir excess of what Itin
ettit otos enll for,thereby devising mote
revenue froth • theslicense law, The
amounfs spent by the I hhee dist tiete to
pot 'tbo itemise. law in force Ine(
year were $5331 for Hest Ilueon, 5105.-
1351or Weel, But on, $80 08 for South
• Burim. .
*itio 7167
• 115
• 885
303 31
80 07
• 123 00
70 01
• 102 07
145 34
.769 07
28 (X)
• •
A London medical man asserts th it
corsets have been responsible for some
cases of caucer. • .
• The removal of the crucifixes and
other religious symbols front the
courts by order of the French Goveett-
men t is ardstsing Animosity.
Mrs. WinsloW's Soothing Syrup has
bear used by millions of mothers for
their • children while teething, If (Hs.;
turbed by night and brokenof your
rest by a. sick cliild suffering and•
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at wide and get a bottle of "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething. It will. relieve ,the Ooey
little sufferer iininedtiately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic; softens the Gums, reduces*
Inflammation and gives tone and en-
ergy to the whole system, "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and: is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best feinale physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug..
gists throughout the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs; 'Cristo/0's Sooth-
ing Syrup:"
Three hundred men have been laid
off at the Grand Trunk% Point St.'
Charles shOps.
Another smallpox vietim has !nen
found amoung the party of Scotch
immigrants quarantined et Wirmipeie.
Dr. Bucklv, Coroner of Prescot, died
in the Odenibutg, N. Y., hospital after
undergoing an operation.
The Magnet Creamery Separator
Compatee factory at Guelph was
daniaged by fire. Loss about $75.000.
TIT II OA GRP; °to Pitm.
. Is in vailable rsitudithition is Melt 's
, (wieldy remedied by Di . lIanditote
rills of M and take it nal thit terns' I, fiu
Isend end lin griping parte% For a I.
111, de Diet mesefoils use lit.. lbuilil
LOIN Pill& Pr ice 25 c•
Pains in the
far Twenti. Years
Oonid not turas over in bed-Itietneye and
bladder aireettd-exnerieneed great
Old people learn to trust in Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills, fur when all other treat-
ments fail this great medicine seeing to go
directly to the diseased part, and promptly
affords relief ruid cure.
Mn. DAVID lvlIMINgit. farmer, Port Robin-
son, Welland County, Ontario, writes :-"I
wish to state to you that 1 hada pain in my
back and left side for over twenty years. At
times 1 could not turn over in bed, I was so
badly used up. I had mumps in my feet and
legs, and my traria were to entirely useless
that 1 could scarcely Iift anything.
"Kidney disease was, MI doubt, the cause
stall my suffering, and sometimes the urinary
trouble would be so bad that I would have to
get up five or Six tunes during the night.
tunately, / began using Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver PMs, sod they cured nie 'completely.
I ens 70 years sta, and qatta well now, but
ttill occasionally nse these pills to keep my
system • in good order. Several persons to
whom I have recommended Dr. Chtuse's
sey-Liver Mistiest been equally benefited."
Dr. Chase's XidnerLiver Pills, ties comfort
• fold age, 0116 pill 0. dose. 25 cents a box, at
nll dealers. Portrait and sigiatture Of Dr. A.
W, Chest on every box.
There's a need in every home for '
RAY'S 1d16yRup oF ,ED spRticE Gum
Ale* deems, at the first sign of a cold; will. allay all throat
irritation -take away hoarseness -check the irtilammatiene-
strengthen the lungs -ward off the cough. , •
All the healing, soothing, curative properties of Canadian Spruce
Gum -combined witb. aromatics. Pleasant to take. 25 cts. bottle.
..111131 1.0
IM IM11.,11k4111.1.J,I..da116!..h6 11 1 II it 1111 14 ki
soma* •••••••••••••
• • Gone up 0
Owing to another ad-
vance in the %price* of
news print, stereotype,
plate and the other ad-
cessories which . .go to
make up 'a newspaper,
the expense ofgetting.
it out has very muchincreased. . • 4• =,
standing this e rit16-6
of TheNews-Record still
remains at One Dollar
per year, but in order
that there may be a fair -
margin of .profit it is
necessary that,, every
subscription be:3aid in
advance. Our friends
who have neglected
this matter will -oblige
by giving it their at-
tention promptly. The
date on your label tells
the tale.
Itenew,by express order or postal
note aid address
The News -Record,
Clinton, - Ont.