HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-07, Page 7Aptil 7th 1904.
organist of Ontario street Methodist
church., Teacher of Plano, Ifaraiony,
F.orms Free Theory lecture
Ont.& every Tuesday evening at sta.
Over Newcornhe's Store, Clin-
lsrtali DYE WORKS -I AM PRE-
pa,red to c10 all kines a Cleaning,
Dyeivg aud Pressing of Clothes.
All 'Nark done an short notice and
satiSfaction, guarautecd.-j. T. SE -
Gallia YOU?
Have built up a first class
II trade, such as we have
unless our goads were
right in every wey. We sell
the Finest Goods for the !Theft
trade. One trial convinces you
of this.
Among other linee we ' ex-
cel in Fancy Bisenits., We
keep Assorted 13iscuits at 10c
per lb, up tolle,caroons at 60c.
In Olives and Pickles we have
only the best; Chutney Chili
Sauce, Chow -Chow, sweet and
sour Vin,egar Pickles and alsO
Horse Radish.
We still solicit vour trade
W. T. O'Neil.
Hand Laundry.
I wish to Wrenn the citizens • • of
Clinton that I am doing a first-class
laundry business in the stand. -formerly
eccupied by Mr. .Tohn Hays on Ontar-
io 'street and will guarantee aatisfae-
-Hoz or ycur money refunded. 'Shirts
ironed so that they will not hurt . the
neck. Stand up collars ironed without
being °broken in the ming.
Shirts se
Collars ic
Cuffs 2e per pair
Blouses roc tcy 25C
Family Washing, plain not starched,
25c pep dot.
Family washing, starched,: atic per
dozen. •
Goods called 'for •and delivered; in any
part of the town.
Charlie Ming.
Mrs... W. D. .Sharsion is recovering
very satisfactorily front her late at -
tacit of heart failure.
All the churches had Speeial Easter
music, at the sarvices for Sunday
Mr. Willie Robinson, ferriaa Iv af
MeKini`s establisbnitait, Las :at1rial
'ram the part:terabit) intc ! whielt lid en-
•tered at, Winnipeg and bas aceepted a
.3TIdle4stiQatines Moorehouse and Falconer,
cousins of the late Mr. itlacKdrove
'Lea from hayfield to pay: 'their aespeets
tlie remainsof their deeeased fri-
Of the family of 'oar fine sons of the
lute Rev. Alexander MacKidd, we
learn that . only one survives, Dr.
Harry MaelCiad Of Calgary.
A specially 'interestiag meeting of
Eureka Couneil R. T. of T. was held
on Manday eveuira. The speeial fea-
ture of the evening was a debate cm
the •subject "Resolved that war has
caused more misery than. utemperate
co." Messrs. C. Bezzo, George Fraser
and Walter Mitchell spoke for the af-
firmative and G. M. Elliott, Nicholas
AM; Walter Sillib and W. n.Ellictt
for tae negative. The.- decision was
put. to the vote of the members and
the palm was 'awarded to the nega-
tive. .
. 45th, two girls, •one ca. parlor maid
and. •the other as house maid and
seamstress. Mast have good refer-
ences. Apply to MISS ATTIOLL,
•Gederieh. 12-2
for sale at •a bargain. Coat. $450,.
Will sell for .$25o, x are of •land
'with bearing orchard. Good frame
house; kitchen, 'Woodshed and stable,
hard and soft water. Will sell on.
easy. terms. -James Carter, Clinton.
"the •partnersaap heretefore existing
between the undersigned Albert See-
. ley. and Albert Turaci• las this
clay. beep dissolved . by mutual
• .ecnsent. The business will ...be.
carried on as usual at the old stand,
• A Seelekretaining the general blacla
.sinithing business and A. Turner the
bicycle department.. As it is desir-
. able • that. :the partoership. aceottuts
. should • :be. closed by. May lStr 1041.
:they World esteem • it a favor if
'their customers could Makeit eon-
venient to • . settle all caer-due 7 ac- •
counts ly that :date. Both 'members
• . of the late firni take this.
ty of. thanking the public' •Lor their
ihrai patronage ,•in the • past and
.• :Omagh now separated tryst to inert
' the. • same in the future- ALBERT.
'. AeSs, C. B. 'Hale. March -23rd, 1904.. •
geod. Size good milker.; Will calve
1st week 'in May. --Thos: Ala/melon,
• •
• • ,
FARM. •••TO R.ENT oit
Lot Goderich township,
conssting of .80 .acces,. 40 acres see,
• ed doWn, .6 acres .in. fall' viheat,1 or- .
char& brick house and bank barn. /2 •
niile .frorn school, 2% Miles. • from.
•Holniesville,- 5 miles; from Clinton,.
Inamedrate'possessicin• ca,nalaa
George J. '(.onnell, Clinton P.- 0.
work, Wages $$ to $10;) a month, no
• washing. a:Aln't,' to MRS, • G. D.
MeTAGGART, 'High street, Clinton.
The Clinton Newspolitecorri
0 00000000000
The News
Ms* E. A. Musings,
000000 000
Miss Attrill returned last 'week from
Toronto accompanied, by her • little
neices, the Mises Heaton onorcrito.
We fear our new library Can oulY be
lool..ed 'at from the outside a the buil-
diniel• by the American visitors „. but
perhaps the contractors may Make an
effort to have it opened by July to
inaugurate the season. of 1904. •
Miss Maggie Fulton el Brownville
will spend the Season at the "Aber-
What is the matter with Huron ? 29
Patients have been sent to insane
asylums in Outside • the past year
front this comity.
Miss Rose- NeVins Miss. Donegit's
•millinery einporiarn has taken the
Position of •assistan't milliner with
S, Roach, Dungaunoli. We will
miss very notch Miss Nevins' churning
face from our midst but we wish her
all suecces. It is her .first experience
of leaving home.
-We 'will •certainly Lave an early
spring when a black snake, measuring
5 feet 6 inches was found at Porter's
Hill in March as full of life as a
sprightly kitten,. Mr. Henry Hastings
made the wonderfal discovery • •while .
watering, Ins cattle and despatched, the
unwelcome visitor without having a
chance .to get any assistance. •
Mr. Dave Bell conteraplates crossing.
the Atlantic in June. TLe sailing fev-
er seems to have taken hold of hurt as
well as on his son Milton.
Captain' rarsons is complaining a-
gain of his rheumatism. returning..
When -he .had it lieCore Went••-dowra
atowat,:yli.e,. Arkan•sas H•ot Spring and the
first bath took oil los rheumatism
Mt. James Andrews, for many years
in the employ qf the water. works 4, na
electric light company, will take a.
position in the engiue TOCilll of the
elevate,: by • the 'middle of April,
Mr. Arthur Yule is home from his
winter's work with the C. P. R. sur-
veying .party. ••;. .
Little Bernice Davis and Harold Ed-
ward have been. busily engaged every-
day the past nnonth that they possibly
could. get • opening • ijp little, .sewers
across• the cement walk in front of
their. respeetive 'residences in the lloteI
Iledford Mock, •, We told them that
Mayer Lewis should give then, each ai
Theycertainly have ed
ore for their aeal in setting good:
• eXample. ' • •. • .
-Mrs.,. Briegel left the last •week r
March ' far St. Louis, where Mr. and;
Mrs; Hodgson had been staying ..for.
Some time, 'art]. • later accompanied
theni •to their :11canc• in Mode°. .City;
where they • will remain for the coma:
ing 'season. Mrs. Briegel will have "al
lovely trip. • • • . • • •
•• IVlr. W, D, Tye's' cellar was flooded
ili his residence en Elgin avenue last
week • Which caused Its family intieh
:•diacesirfort front the furnace fires being
extinguished by the inflow- • •
: Seaeral .of the priiiitiaga cf. the • latc
'•Mr. Crockett, artist, \VC:17C behnaliancl-a
saniely trained tr d escpcysed to view
last week in the art window by Mr,.
Wiliner ,Stnith. • • Many i,..diniredviews • the.
• •
Mr. B. • ma,ccorio.ae (Barney) so welf,
'known in town' for years an a. merchant
taller •-ancl . who acceptea the pesition•
111 OttaUra:•soine years ago of inspector
of military .clahing, is sericusly ill in.:
that :city.' Ho Was in KingstOn • some
Weeks ago and a .friend ofours wko
metlinn ir that. city wrote that his
strength was fast failing: •,-. • , .
At a late meeting of the Board , or
• Publie *schaol 'trustees it was :moved. -
by Ca,ptain Cartigie, seec,nded by Mr.
R. 'Clot, that •the tender cf..Mr. C.
Lee kr $4178 be accepted •fax the rdol- •
ing'• of the Central 'Scheel with steel
shingles, • aceording . to specifications
the 'work to 'be completed on or before
the rat Of August , • • • •
Rev, ..Tannes Andefion while iii Mcn-
treal called 'upon Itliaa Farny•Hatehis-
on; who has beer' at the General hos-.
pitaI in that city for some. tithe, leav-
ing anet , with quite a' Seriotis accident:
while Out shopping, Miss • Autchisan
was delighted teases het .pasfor ancl
is improvang moat satisfactorily. • She
is under the care ,Of her brothet,,,Sur-
eon Hutchison., . • • •• .
Our citizens Were all'sOrry to learn
of the serioes • .acculent that inlet
Colonel: (Ater at Toren:tea: „
Mrs. Relyert Youngareturried• in •• the
Middle of March from her wiater'a vis-
it • to her brother, ••ala.• Varcoe •• of
Pomona, •Cal. She enjoyed her. outing
Very. much.
00).O00 0000000)0000U0 VERY TRYI
f Goderich.
TIr, William Lee has sold his pretty,
neVe residevee an Colborne street, ta
Mr. Prank Jordan for the stun of
. Daniels of the organ factory staff
ha.s bought the old "Mack House" on
Montreal street and will remove the
old souvenir CA pioneer days to put on
new front on his property on New-
gate street. Ur. Daniels is a go-ahead
The Ladies Aid of Knox church nett-.
cd, $116 by their recent High Tea.
Engineer Farr now fears no relapse
and will Soon report himself ready
for duty. • • .
Easter • Sunday was the fiatli anni-
versary of the birth of Mrs. James
Storey and was the occasion of much
joy to her. Mr, John Storey off
Stratford eair.e up for the, occasion.
Mr. aid Mrs. Robert Xing of the
King Edward Hotel spent Eastertide
in the Queen City.
Mrs, King of Winglica-nspent the
past week in town a getst at the
ICing Edward Hotel.
Miss Linda Sturdy returned frone
Alum College, •St, Thomas, to spend
her Easter vacation at IVIaplehurst,,
the residence of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. 0, Sturdy,
Mr. McIntosh of Garrow and Dicken-
son's law office is no* quite himself
after his late severe attack . of
Mrs. John C. McIntosh wa• s called
away to Detroit by the illness of her
eldest son John who was taken to the
-hospital- -foratrealanent, but we ••are•
glad to note that he has quite recover-
ed. It; was .catite a trial for Mrs.
McIntosh AO find that when one son
was recovering with TVCr athome the
otlfer took sick away.
Miss Attrill aeterned last week from
Toronto accompanied by her little
,nieces,, the Misses Heaton of :Toronto.
Miss 140r011160 . Grahame; teacher
Westfield Ptiblie school, is speadingler
Easter vacation' at her honie.
•."• The Baptists are preparing to• take
away the 'building next the :residence
, of •• IVIr. .James .Watson• in order ta.,
make the' lot ready kr gettivg . the
foundation laid .for tLeir new church.
The building, is one of the eldest 4ri
.Goderich and • was owned and occupied
by .Mr. and Mrs. Matthew' !Black who
have iiOth gone to •their rest. • '
Mrs. James Vivito], is• one of the sur-
vivors- of Mia. and Mrs. Black's, fariO
ily. • .•
Mrs:. W. Casti. (nee Myrtle Titalgeon)
Owen Sound, . was the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Cash, 'during her visit to
Goderich this season. . • . •
Mr. .T. C. Wright; London, whe
.sPent the 'greater part of the • *inter
at St. .Catharines for his health, has
So far re-covered that he *tends • pay-
ing his father, alr. J. J Wri lit ••
visit .at the Park }louse at as' early. a
c'Ate ' as -possible. •
We were extremely sorry to learn
laSt. 'week ;of the '.accident :which befer
IMra Hilary Horton ciii; returning .,with
Horton after spencliqg .a pleasant
evening With Goderich. relatives. The
accident oceerred at Saltford by the
hors turning into apiteli-hole . . and
throwing •and Mrs, Morton, . out.
,Mr. ilortair!'s legis broken,. in two
PlaCeS but is • improviag•Verk satiSfrie-
torily at his Ito Ile at Dunlop. Mrs.,
Horton . fortunately' escaped • injury. '
. ..Iii a . recent issue of the Kincardine
•Review we read of a feat of prowess
Which is quite a tribute to .W0:: gallant
quartette • of sinaters,Messra John Bell,
Cleveland 'Bonner, Robert Carson and
William Akins,'. They left Kincardine
on Sati.rday itt x • p. in.,- arriving at
.Gaclerich . at 4.10 f. m.,, leaving On
Sunday at .9 a. ro. are reaching: Kin-
cardine 'after stopping. fcr dinner'. at
Point: Iark Lighthouse,
at 'asp. in.
We lik;Ve 'often beaaal. sk.aters 'say :that.
it was impossible, on .account oithe
mounds of' ice whlkIL roycr the lake at
intervals,' to skate miY distance on the
ICC. in • bur lake either rip or. clown, but
this is Leap/:'ear and wonders •may be
acepinplisheei i11. many. ways. . Bap -
:field Skaters have lost .their chance of
di stingoishing • their' •bravery in that
art, ;the season now beiag. o'er. :
Mr. 'era Mrs. Arekae lifli9tt, .after
'spending' the: winter in Capae• 'Mich
intend taking up ?heir Slade in Mr.
Elliott's oldhome on Palmerstori air -
severe, attack of la grippe, ' • '
• • .
• Mrsa Suazel was laid up , with a
Mr.•hat; C. Beck, late of Loudon has
been ahasea as engineer. ce° the . tug
Evelyn. • • • . . '• •
Miss Ethel Rhyne:a, after isiting
her. Meads at Tormite and Hamilton,
is Spending Easter '; week at Buffalo
With her relatives in that city.
J.• C. IItariSon has had Mr.
Mitnnings ;filni•sh the, upper ..rocs • of
her Elgin avenue house; finishing the
portico,. etc.:, and Captain: Craigie is
painting it ttefore moving in: • .
, Mr. IL ririn cf Ashfield has porches-
edathe two story btaiding oit Trafal-
gar street owrica, put a'."orinerly • °coo'
pied by Mr. •Williain IJolIaiis,. •
Mrs. Carletcn spent; Good Friday. in
Clinton!' the guest of her son,. Mr:, W.
Rontleeige.- •
• !'Y•.• Maitland .• con.; Colhorne, cousiating"
OUL -Can • See • of r6o acres..,. Frame hotisc, good-
••. ' • °bank :barn and .outtauldings. Well
For yourself how arruc.hte she ha.s to
do with the appearance of your foot. -
What is uglier than a poorly -shaped
shoe ? What is .daintier than -. .
that. fits. closely about the/lootand
brings out its natoaalartistic.. lines,
We can find a slice to fit yotra .•.faot
no matter how lard. you 'are to suit.
Our spring stack has arrived -• and tlie
prices are right,' We are shaaring a.
line of shoes for men at -$3.50 that
gan't be beat for price and quality.
Also a line of shoes for women .(The
Queen Alexander) for $2 which is extra,
value. . Come in and have , a look at
our stock. No trouble to show goods.1
Our stock is complete. We have
gOCKli line, of Japan Teas; groth • atd
black. In 'package teas we carry 'the
Ludella, Red' Rose, Blue. Ribbon• and
Liptou's celebrated .teas. They , were
bought before the advance•fit price
which we will fj,ive oar eustornets 'the
benefit of. Plain flied Fancy hiseuits,
Boiled Hann, Smoked Roll, Breakfast
Bacon, Pickled Pigs Peet,. • Calmed
Meats, Pickles in bulb and bottles ..c1
all kinds. A trial crder willconvince.
yote that we carry a steek equal to
any in the trade aftd the Dames. tan,'
sonalble. Also a car 0".• Redpath's sag- •
ar just arrived which we are selling at
In seeds we have got good Red
Clover, Alsike, Timathy, Mangold.•and
Ttrftip seed- and all kinds of garden
seeds, orchard grass. • .
In crockery we have a few dinner
sets we. cae selling very cheap. Your
trade selected.
▪ Ogle Cooper's ao stand:.
Cash for Iktter and Eggs. Phone 23
New Designs
and Splendid
• Values
trultes of Wall, Por are vont in,
Come in any day and We will show
you the stumpiest We also have
• good selection of garden 'mak; and a
• Special hue of Baking Powder at rse.
in Th. tins.
Any • quantity of eggs taken in ert.
'change for mods.
Shiees grow,
13,aceries .01d Stand
.OpposiW iha %mit swisc,
.'.awatered. 10. acres fall' wheat, • •30
• acres for ei-oP balance in grass- For
• further particulars. apply ,toi Richard
B r Union • •• • • •
• haVe" for. sate na Splendid therobred
Durham' bull, eight months, •dark
red, he is a very promising animal
• .aral will be sold cheap. • We have al-.
so for sale •a qaantity of seed oats,
barley and peas. • 'these oats are ,of
• splendid !variety and great yielders,
• baying 'grown ..71 bushels ta •the
acre last year. Address, TYNDALL
• 'MOS., Clinton.
• fortable house situated oh corner of
• Cherch and • (Marne strdets,-Apply
to CHAS,• 'OVEREURY. • July toth,
CHEAP ONE WA '1' 1) 4 TES '
Effective daily during March and
April, cheap one waS, •Colonist tickets
will be fantod from all stations in
Ontario to • all points on the Oreat
Northern Railway ht the states of
Montana,• Idaho, • Washington • t.m.d
Oregon, also 'all points in Britt& Col -
ma'am. On March ist, atli, xsth, 12nd
and• 291.11, and April 5th, r2th, r9th
and 26th one way second class tickets
will be issued hem Chicago to points
in North Dakota, at greatly reduced
rates, run information as to time of
trains, berth rates in Tourist sleepers,
also literature on any of the • above
states on application to Chas. W.
Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6
King street West, Room t/, Toronto,
or F. I. •Whitn.ev, General Passenger
Agent, St. Paul, -Minn.
Over The
To the great World's Pair, St. Louis
• Ilifo,, • opens April 30th, closes Decent-
ber ist, ecaers 1,240 acres, cost more
than $50,0°0,000. The most _gigantic
and colossal undertal"ing ever attent•-
pted by matt ,•
•The gr,eat'Vabasli line is tke •l only
tailros.d. t‘owns and controls Its
own rails n. Csauala direct to the
World's Fair gates,
The ••iiew magnificent trains. 'built cs.
peeially for this traffic places the
Wabas1l in the froitt rank la this bilsi-,
fleas. For other informationadd-
, ress any tieket agent or 3. A. Rich-
tartlson, District Passenger Agent, N.
IU. Corner U!'itg. and Irene streets,
• Marriages.
LEY-Jri the Ontario
street church, Clintora on April
60, by ,Itett. Dr. Cook, • Laancey
W. Lavis of Goderich, to Fannie,
daughter cf Mr. ThosShip*.
on March 29th, by :Rev. D. Perrie,
Writ Ferguson to Miss Ardell,both .
of Winglican.
WILTON-FOR't•UNE-At the residence
ef the bride's mother, on March
23rd, by Rev. W. J. West M. A.,
Frank Wilton of Carrick to Miss
Margaret, daughter of Mrs. Thos. '
. Fortune of Turnberry.
of the bride's father, Ethel, • cal
March 23rd, by Rev. T. Cosens of
Brussels, George Miller of Brussels
to Miss Mary Cantelon of Ethel.
Births. •
YOUNG -Iv Colborne, on iVlareli a4th,
, to Mr, and Mrs. Gorden Young Jr.
a son. ,
13REIVINER-InGrey, Oil March 23rd,
to Mr. and Urs. Bretnnet, a son.
MA.CDONALD-ruGrey on March 241.11,
to •Mr. , arid Mrs. Joseph Maedqn-
aid*, a son, • .
WHITFIELD-In. Grey on March 241.11i
• to ltir. and Mrs. .Albert Whitfield,
a son,
•O'ROVR.KE-In McKillop on IVIEvreli
to Mr. and Mrs. John. O'Rourke a,
, ,
son. •
MOUSSO-Iii Hay on March 2211t1, t�
Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Mousse.; a son.
Deatiko. . •
INGOLD-In East Witwanoslv on April
• 401_, Jaeob ingc,10 aged 66 years
and 6 inoutlis.
Seaforth on March 28th,
Gran, yclingest son of Mr, W.
Stobie, aged • ro years and 2
• months,'
NETTERVIELD-In Wingliain on
March .19th, Win. Nato:field, aged
7t years.
ivrtamt---At Prince Albert, N, W. T.,
on March 1131.1r, Miller,aged
72 years (formerly of WI oseter,
Huron county.)
CLAYDON-ht RoseWocd, Mitnitoba,00
March 191.11, Annie Urtise, \vire. a
Mr. Charles Claydoni and laughter
• of Mr. atil Mrs. Clktis Rruse of
Ugnimulville, aged 46 yearand. s
North • Pelham, .Ont., April 41.11--
(Spetial)-Mrinseph L.Thonias,a sub-
stantial farmer of Pelham. Township,
well .kiicaVn and highly respected thr-
oughout this, neighborhcod, has joined
• the rant s of the great army a Cana.
diens who..pin their faith to Dodd's,
Kidney Pills. .Mr.- Thomas 'gives his
reasons for doing so as follows i - •
"rot • several years I was sorely rd...
flicted with Kidney Trouble, having
many of its worst symptoms in au
aggregated degree. 1 ha& Lumbago
and as in such a condition that I
was unlit for anything for a week at
"Insomnia: resulted and 1 was .
intense sufferer. I had] almost a per.
pcttial itadache auk grew thiri in flesh,
"I had been treated by a doctor
without ,good resilts, so upon the 111-
coniumit tumuli of a cousinr, who had
been saved from a life of misery by
Dotld‘s Kidney Pills, 1 began taking
"The first box gave me decided lie-
nefit =el after talciag five boxes • the
old trouble wag a thing' of the past
and / was again in .evcry way strong
and well."
Ask those Who have used them if
they et er 'ware' Of f,; case of !Caney
Disease Dodd's Uhlitey .Pills would
not cure,/ ,
Are the
tis TO
Peculiar Ills Brought on Ly CatarrIi—of the .Pelvic Organs.
(Pe-ru-na is a Tonic Especially Adapted to Their Plbutiar 'Diseases.)
Catarrh is a very frequeat cause of
that cf•is..1 of discaoca popularly known
as foiaao weakness. Cativo* 01 the
• IN** or,Taus pecans= such MAW
Gg disagrooabio and irritating AYMpo
tJuns that Many pooplo--in fact, the
• toriargy 01 peopic,—have no idea that
._,..„'",-,y. ..,,,,,4.1'0,'44,0.::.efci..*'..,,y,e,',,,e
11,4„..x • ,,A, :4,..- 'c,,,,,,-- r Jestd4meric.
•• Mrs. Louise Westbrook, No. 9 East
.Columbia St., Detroit,: Mich., Secretary
of the West frae Lotus Club, writes:
4!For• several :years 1 snifered .with
1eneerrho3a and painful menstraation,
which was follovied by general debility,
until I was but • a •wreck of myself.
Thankto Peruna I 'am a well woman
to-day."-lonise Westbrook.
. , . • •
' Miss' Seesiemene Westland, ;No. 707
.Beatibien. Ave.; Detroit, Mich.; District
• 'I
• • •
• •
• ISS orencellurply •
thoy aro oa^asoof by catarrh.
A groat proportion of women have
some• =tactile1 ivoekness which has
• boon =Pod by tile variouu doctors she
has consulted by as many different
• names, Those women have keen
troatedandhpve taken medicines!, with
no relict, amply because the romedies
aro act adePted to catarrh. It is through
• a mi;lekon notion as to ti o real nature
of tiro ,TheaSes that those medicines
, have been r000mmended to.them.
• "11 all the redraw; who ace Buttering
with any form at female weakness
would write tsr•Dr. liartman, Colum.
bus, Ohio, and Wive him ar complete
description of thole symptoms and the
•peculiarities of thVie troubles, he will
immediately reply, with cuiaplete di-
rections tor treatment,' free of charge-
• 'Meth and Beauty' P uhook written
especially. for women sent free by
Dr. flartman, Co/04140s, Ohio.
Miss Alice Dressler, of No:18•13 North.
Bryant Ave., Minneapolis, *Inn., writes .
as follows concerning Pertnia.: •
4'1 was suffering from catarrh of the
, throat and head.. Ono ef my ..eogelva
„ *frieads, whe was yisititig me, asked to
to try reruns and I did so and fottod ft
• all and raore than 1 heti expecte& It
. ' not- only cured me of the catarrh, but
restored Me to perfect health."-Aliee
Miss Mamie Groth, Platteville, Wisa ;•-
writes: • •
"I have for several years Suffered a
with frequent backache arid would for
• several days have splitting headttelieSZ'
Several of my friends advised me to
take Peruna and I asked my physician.
• what ho thought of it. •Hp recom-
mended, it and so I took it and am .
entirely without pain of any kind now."
-Mamie Groth. •• • '
• In a recent letter from ,NO., 2 Grant
Ave., Derma, Col., Mrs, Ida L. Gregory
Deputy of Deticit Independent Order of
Good Ternplars, Writes as follows• :
"reruna has been a blessing to me
and. gladly •do 1 indorse it. For two
years I suffered With anacirrh. of the:
stornaela I lest flesh and grew :thin and
emaciated, nervous and exhausted, so
that I could neither wbrk or enjoy
life1 began taking Perana and can, now
eat and enjoy prirythiing 1 eat. I haVe
,been well over a year now.."'-:- Miss
Jessiemene Westland.
• "Some six Yesirs ago my hasband eat;
fered with nervous prostration; and
advising with a friendly auggist he
brought home a bottle of eruna. Hie
health was restored fro • iteausti, his
appetite was increased and restful sloop
canto to hini.”..--Ida L. Gregory.
Miss Florence Murphy,N0.2703Secolui •
Ave., Seattle, Wash., writes:
. `t,I puttered for over ayearw.,..lth.feinal :! .
trouble, and . although I tiled seVerill. •
'physicians none of them septned to be
able to help me permanently; '
"It only took a little over three bottle
ke mo;weadilacsate ostrong
ing down panus any xilaie."-;--171orelice
. .
Murphy, • •' - : .
' Goderieh.
. • .
' • 'Mrs. . Carletori is having a very . sty-
lish • verandaherected in front •of her
pretty cottage. residence.• • •..- •• . . .
. 1VIisa Floreace Grahraney • •teacher
'Westfield . 'Public schoel, •• 'is . spending
her 'Easter vacatiori al, ber home. •
Mrs. • (l)r'.).• Whitely :peat Eastertide.
at• mlroi
Mist. Eva
. •
a A•th.6•sor, is . sp.o.n.di.n.g-, ii-er,,
Easter. vacation at home,
We are sorry ;to learn aliat. 13and-
master Bassongthwaite ' • is •,
.i.':: ctnsit;titcl
found it rather difileult to ini
town •• butt Toronto will we .tr is , suit
lush better, as the MB
arine aird as
headaray. in a aionetark pease. • - . '
Mr. . W. J.- 'Irvine's little baby son
died suddenly on Easter Sunday.. Mr..
Irvine's residence is oerWarren. street...
• Mrs: ,St.. George - Pr -ice and children
returned. . to .their home at. Hamilton
oti Wednesday. .:...
MrS, .George Bates s.peat Eastertide
With, her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Mac-
donald, Landon-. ,Shewas accompanied
by Miss Mabel Macdonald.' •• . ' • a
Mrs. /Prank Elliott Was •called to •
McKillop by the illnessand death af .
her father, Mr. George Malaria.: • .. .
•Miss.Bean, teacher near Leainingtcu,.
is spending • her Easter vacatiop with,
her parents.
Mr. •ICenueth Cainpbell, after ' spend-
ing the Winter with his mother,. Mrs.
Tutt, 'left for • HS dredge at Loraine,
Ohio, - this, week.
'The milliners. were .glad that their
bad weather; th t ended the week. Miss
early' operangs last Weer,: escaped. the
Dorlogh ha.d a•Most successful opening,
her gold and. silver '9,:mbroidered laces
spoke ot a . wealthy 'town'. The braids
and styles were truly beautiful... . •
Miss , Mar-, Elliott ,left on .Easter
Monday for London.• ,.• . '. .' .
Mrs. George and the' Missea Evans
spent Eastertide at Toronto. • . ' •
The - London evening tram .brought
the remains of ••the, late Frank Lewis
MeGrego ,r youngest son of Captain A.
Murray McGregor, who died ' at • St.
Joseph's hospital, Londora. on Good.'
Friday night. Por ten long years
the late Prauk. McGregor 'iatticttid from
theutitatism,, only growing worse . as
the years .went by. Medical skill scorn-
ed of no avail. After the death . of -
Mrs. 'McGregor,' about eighteen Mon-
- ths ,ago, he was taken.to St. . caet 's.
hospital anal until the last • dae of las
11,,e almost, he felt certain that be
would recover. lhe funeral took place
on 'Monday to St. Peter's where a
requiem masa was celebrated by Rev.
Father MacRae. Miss Neville °resided
at the organ. At the ' offertory 'Miss
Tramich sang "Jertsalein, my happy
home," The pallbearers were Messrs.
Fred. Shephard, Hector Hays, Frank
Shannon, Tom Nairn, Fred Platt and
r. McCarthy. The interment tool pla-
ce in the R. C. -cemetery in Colborne.
The News -Record gives more Huron
news tier( arty 'other paper. • Are yon
a subscriber ? .
Miss Josie Reynolds of Leeds,
North Dakota, in writing her grand-
parersts, Mr, and, Mrs. Alex. • Itirk-
bride; last week said the scholars and
teacher hi, the school near' her country
residence had to remain witinnut loud
in the school room from 1.`hursday,2401
March, after their luncheon at neon
that 'day, until 4 p. in. on Friday,
When their Parents appeared and brou-
ght them aluncit before taking theta
home, not being able to venture out
forthem earlier. ,. Poor children, . all
itight slut up fn the school house. Mr.
Reynolds, too, Miss. ReynolcIsi saiei,
would have been lost in the 'blizzard
but for Iris dog rubbing up ageing
him every .focit of the way Irmo, a
neighbor's, at whose house lie w•s
when the Mizzen!. came oft andtrot
knowilig his way kept iy gi.
Mr. and Mrs. Rabat hell apent
Easter week with Mr. Ilell's father in
.• Mrs; ' Whitely spent Eastertide • •G.dbffrey •IIrdt.; •c‘aganist •Of St. Ste- ' • .
.Ert Toronto. • — .
.11Ii:is gyp. Aelth'sowis spending 7 her. 1 -r Itiesitliesr :Acal;letkil:.(•allin; .1:1;Suiliiilitzl.64. ri Osisdlejetitiecelillogf .71 -7-
Easter • vacation atJudge Holt. Geoffrey is malciftgi• such .
,..• 1VIr. -Grierson of ciNetwailoali has h•oti- 1,.progress. 'in his atudy of milsie . that
gilt Ile llell farm in Wawanosh, ... . the' • '1\ ;l: expeel al im yer'y ,idistant .efate' lie,
?..15,liiiii. Vribegsgi wie:ie:ylieVgefigectivito 113;1, u iti;; ill 8‘ii2tillisis„.1):::1,ipotil:0:11<.ilg-rs7q:Icco:fgr..a:Cet::T0:::::. ,
price wii learti, being. $3,000, ' •
„guest of Rev.. and •Mrs.- Neil .,S1 al,v.
.- Services 'were held• cut tlocal,-Yriday
' I Oat°, spent. liar Easter vacaticin:at. Lite ••
at Sta • Peter `s. ancl S ta fl Leapt' s ..ehnia j jiij'il,1,,rrt:dai.c'v.r. ' 1.1•e!: •;.1.1i'r ther'' Mrs. '( C aP °An)
• elies.
Rey, ItIark. 'Catalia
n' •preathedaa : . . •
'N.A.:1'y salutary sel'ilion from the . :teat: I. .. Mr'. Prank MA of 'Toroilt-G! came uP
for the' day, St, John 1•9, -;to, • "It is ,'.1,-•} spertfl Easter.avitle lii's . brother, S.
'finished.' , . . • • ," I .1c;' Hick. . , • , ..•• , : : .
.• The Misses.' Lulu Sinith and •Iiiini Miss Maud Goodwin, of Clintc,int spent
1 •
0 raliaine Were gr ests of . Mrs'. al• (math'. 1 Grod• Fr i day iv town the • .ge est. • Of 'bet .
an 'Miller' ,tit S.eaforth . for • ;Good !•grandamiti.ltirsi•Alex.,Kirklyride,.
Pild•Y. Pala Eattertide.. ':" -, • - . ' r, . Thtl Irrerat bf" .. tite.laf.e AellesOn A.
' 'Mrs.- .1a. Macdonald returned froth! MitelCichl cif Terento, 'oldest son of the •
her visit at Toronto:on Good Friday, rlate Rev, ,Adelainler. -MacKid(1). one -c-I
. Mr. .MeIntosh, C. E. of the .suavey i.tlie first.. paStors . of the Presbyteriait.
rPartY,. rettirtad telis.ilicinne 'at 01-1:6Arp, 0u:telthere, teak' place •fi-oni' the Orr. •
ta spcsa his Easter .vacutios; , . - ' . , R.' tr...1,I01i on tie the ,arrival . of the
•.Mr, haw C.. E.has .garic to I Mon..: .;...train at: 4p. ni. ori Geed .Vriday. k[..treal to pass ari.'exatiiination • 'before "•112..e,Kidd• was barnand educated here, .
the oarc't Of liaigineers: • '' • • a. " Mil •enterecl. the - haak of. Ccaninerce
•.• Captait 'Norman MaiulOnaltl,, a Whese ' litre -after leaving the then .}Iigh. School: '
life was despaired of some weelia is and later he .was 'proMoted. to .Toroua .
progressing most favorably .now, . • i ta. Ileinarried Mrss Maciane, datglo
. • Captain. joint Macdonald andilis' soil to. of the Rev. Mr. ".1‘faelCie by whom
John' left- recently to take• charge of .1..o . had four. children, two•S.Ons, Harry
Ids vessel,- the Azov, that wiatereci at ant Percy, "who, accompaniedthe. re-
vCiliilitglieb,..1..v. . " •-• . . . . ' :. 1, mains' cif their father. from. Torontc,,
Miss Light, who spent smite Months ;and Maitland cemetery. . The pall-.
,Stewart will '.- be glad' to . learn that ' MO Mr. MacKie of ,WOodstoek, - both
• The friends c...f Mr. and Alta. James ' as did 'also. 'gr... itls.eKie Of that ' city
she; Ida accepted...the peal Pi in olf. child, Reynolds. and Messrs. It. S..Williams,
to Bk.-. fIarriwel4 inerehltat c.f• - that. • D. McDonald, J. Galt and D. .Mac- .
recovered from' an ,attack - Of aneraaona '.ei•,•,ned. Rev.. Mr. Anderson conducted
la. ' . • •. : • • • - ,. 1 th... funeral ceretnoiiies .at both station.
their only son Ernie ot . Winnipeg k as ginitlemen 'being brothertairalakv •pf • de- '
' - town, has -one to •V- ati, a•heria is arera- were .t.. ;fudge Holt, Sheriff .
. ,
. .. .
•-•-statotaaaaasetylVAIOINIWAVI'Inrigr-kh• -limPrVillr.. .Wirifr."'-'fillsr •
.• 4.+4..:.44.+.:.:.;..:...:..:.,.X.e.).,•,.!:44.4..1v.:..:.44.:44.4.4..:...:44.4.4...:7...:44,
t..:. ' • . • •
*I* , •:
Goods . a t '
[ Y
i X .
I 'X •
•?' .
„ ore . Ne
. . ......
• •
:tSeveral lots of our new goods have arrived and we. are expecting 4.
.t: more to cotne next.week, • Our stock is 'gradually getting filled up and ?.
A business is conunencing to come .our way, Old euittomers and molly.' $ -
;:., new cities are again finding thole , way to our store and are pleased *.t..'
st w_ith our goods and prices. • - ' 4 -
I: -_,... ?
. ....
LADIES' WEAR' • . . f Y
k - X
t . We Wish to call your attention to a that line of Ladies' Wear at we .f. •
y have in stock and winch we intend to . handle,. called "}ler Ladyship i•
Y * Brand" of Skirts,- Blouses and-. all the different lines. in Underwear.
• 4*.
t. Nothing better to be gad and at popol.ar prices.
.•' X
t • - • • DRESS GOODS . A
X In ttrese Goods and Trimining we lin ve bought only the newest And
.". Most up-to,date lines. Remember, we have not:it lot of. last, Sleat's x
4 Dress Goods to dispose of, •
.i. .-
_ _ ts
••• "
Iv ve
44808•484+ 4.0 41•44 44 4444 +44 ++ +408o 44+ 44+444 4+:4 +:444:+:4 44°4
• A Few Lines At Reduced Prices •
. .
• A. few Boys' Itoiekers left of lot' advertised.
About:one down Boys' Swett tert; at 1502;
A quantity of Ladies' Foundat ion Collar VOrtriS 2 for 25e.
a •