HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-07, Page 6a AprU 7th 1904. CAROLNEWCOMBE A. L. C. M.— Goderleh, organist of Onterio street Methodist ellorch. Teacher of Piano, Harmony, Form. Free Theory lecture tie stue Its every Tuesday cleating at stn. dice Otter Newcombe s More, elins ton. se. • CLINTON DYE WORKS --I •AM PRE - /lend. to do all Itins of Cleaning, Dyeing aud Pressing of elothee. All work done an short notice soul satisfaetion guerauteed.—J. T. SE - WARD. -• ea 611. •-couffin't coma You? Have built up a first class trade, such as we have unless our goods were right, in every may. We sell the Finest Goods for the finest trade. One trial convinces you . of this. Among other lines we ex- cel in Fancy Biscuits. We keep Assorted Biscuits at 10c per lb. up to Macareons ab 50c, In Olives and Pickles we have only the best: Chutney Chili Sauce, Chow -Chow, sweet and' Mrs. W. D. Shannon is recovering very satisfactorily from °her late tate 'taei d ieart failure. All the churebes had special Easter musk' at the services or Sunday last. • Mr. • Willie Rchiuson, loteaely McKint's estalnishment, Weed freen the partnersbip into 'eltieh he m- ots:red at, Winnipeg and has mei-pied 4 situation'. Mesdames Mmirehouse and Falconer, eousins of the late Mr. illeeKidd,drcNe Lie Trout Baylield to pay *their respects to the reineAus of their deceased. fri- end. . Of the family' of four fine sons cf the Pete Rev. Alexander MacKidd, we learn ehet . only one survives, Dr. Harry MeteKidd of Calgary.. A specially interesting* meeting of Eureka Council R. T. of T. was held on Monday evourg. The special lea. - tuna of the evening was a debate. on the sabjeet "Resolved that war has mused, more miserythan inteteperma re." Messrs, C. Beezo, George•.Praser and Walter Mitchell spoke for the af- firmative aud G. M. Elliott, Nicholas Allin, 'alter SUM) and W. E. Elliott for the negative.The decisionwas put. to the vote of the members and the palm was awarded to the rogue .• . WANTED—PR°A1 APRIL 12TH -To 5131, • two girls, one a,s• Parlor maid* . and "the other as house Maid and • eemustress. Must Lave good refer - Apply to Aims Gederich, sour Vinegar Pickles and ttle • Worse Radish. ono-usn AND LOT ON ERIE' STREET foe dale at a bargain. Cost 450, •wilt sell for $250. x acre of land With bearing orchard. Good fraine • house, kitehen, woodshed and stable:, hard nue, soft water. Will sell on easy. terms.—James Carter, Clinton. We still solicit your • trade a • • • • ei CLINTON Hand Laundry. I wish to inform the eitizelie • of Clinton that I am doing. a.'first-class laundry business in the stand formerly occupied by Mr, John Hays on Ontar- io street aud will eluarantee eatisfee, tuna or ycur lnoriey refunded. Shirts ironed so that they will not hurt the• neck. Stand up collars ironed without being broken in the wing. . . • Shirts 5c Collars re • Cuffs 2e per pair Blouses toe 10 2511 Faenly washing, Plainpoit • starched', 25c per do•i.. • • . Family washing, efarehea, 50e .per dozen. Goods called for .and delivered, in any part of the town. • 0 • Charlie Ming. You Can. See. For yourself how much a shoe ' has' to do with the appearance •of yom foot. What is uglier than a poorlys• • shaped. shoe ? Whet is daintier -then A TRIM CLEAN CUT smog . ••. • that fits closely about the foot. . and, bringsout its nateeeal artistic lines We cue' find* a. shoe to fit • yo lse leot no matter how Lard: you .are to. snit; Our spring stock has arrived. end. the • prices are right.) We are Shawing • line af shoe's for men it $3,5e - that' can't be beat for price and • quality. Also a line of ehoes -fee women (The• Queen Alexander) for 52 which is .ektra 'value. Come in and have a Io'bk• nt our stock. No trouble to show goods, Groceries, Our stock is cormilete. We have a good, line of alueen Tele, grteet black. In package teas we carry the Ludella, Red Rose, Mite Ribbon •and Liptou's celebrated. teas. • They • were bought before the advance, priee. which we will give ovr customers theli benefit of, Plain and Fancy Biscuits, Boiled Ham, Sinoked Roll, Breakfast Bacon, Pickled Pigs Peet, emitted Meats, Pickles in bulb and bottles of all kinds, A triet crder will. convince .vtdi.. that we carry a steel: equal, to any in the trede and the prices reae• scalable. Also a ear 62 Redpethei su- er just arrieed which we are selling at cost. In seeds we have got good Red Clover, Alsike, Timethy, Mangold and Tarnip seed and all kilids of garden seeds, orchard grass. • In crockery we have a few diluter. sets we are selling very cheap. Yourtraele selected. R. GRAHAM Ogle Cooper's old stand. Cash for Batter and Eggs. Phone 23 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER:ea:Loa- The parteership heretofore existieg . between the undersigned Albert Sees ley and Albert Tureer has this clay been dissolved ' by enutaiel eensent. • The business will be carried cal as, usual at :the old stand, • . A Seeley retaining the general-black- sentleng business and. A. Turner the : bicycle • department. As it is eleair- ;the: that- th•e partnership accounts sliguld be closed by May ist, 1904, they 'world esteem . i1 a favor if could inako it • ss •• •venient to settle all ceer-due• ac-:- .: counts :by that date. Both members of the latefiriti. take this •cpporteaf- • ty of thanking •the public • for their ° patronage in the past and though now •separated• trtia.t to. merit • the 'SZJIlle'liJ the future:— ALBERT. SEELEY, • AIsIIERT TURNER. Nit- •ness 0. 13, 'Hale.. Merck '23rd, 1904.. , COW 'FOR SALE, 4 .ygARs. •91.,,D; good .size, gocd rndker Will calve • xst week in May. -*--Thos. elanaghan, Clinton. , . • , FARM 'J0 RENT OR POR• SALE,— . Lot ••:12,..- con: 9, Gederide township, °consisting sif Soacres, go acres seed:, .dosvre 6 execs in .fall whentes ors chard; -b,rick hearse and bunk learn. en•ilei" front. echocl, Miles. from • Ifolenesville,..5 miles front Clinton. • Immediate -possession eanahe George J. Connell, Clinton le. 0.. wAIMp—A GIRL TO.DO IIODSE- vverk,• weges 58 ea1o, a iiioittle no eraehiege• Apply to. MRS.. G. • D. • MeTAGGART, Highestreet,..Clintote• • : • , FARM TO :RENT OR SEI.,Ii.—LOT 22 Con., Colhorne, Consisting of 16o acree. Frame honed, good benk beta and outhuildirigs.• wa.tered, zo ecres .30 acres for crop, •balance niegrass, For further particiders apply tie Richard Baker,. Clietort. • • ' • • • • • . • .:. .. • • FORUNDEItSIGNED have for sale "-s. splendid thorobred , . . • Digliani hull, • eight.: inceiths, dark red,...Ye' is a ;very peomisinee'afinnel and be •ecld cheap. We have al- so for sale.. e. tmantity of seed oats, barley keen' peas, • These oats are of .splemlidayariety and great yielders, having . •"grewn 715 beshels to the 'acre lest year.' Address,. TyNDALL BROS., " • • • ..• , • • • • • • • • : • • VOItf° • SALE OR TO RENT-aA,COMe • for table house situated 'on Cerner of Church and Osborne •streets.—Apply. to.• CHAS. oynIpURY, •Jaly,.x6th. . . , . . CHEAP oxii WA •e. TES e ' •'160 THE WEST VIA —GREAT.' 'NORTIlleRN RAILWAY- - Effective 'daily. during March end April, cheap otte way Colonist tieket Will be• issued front ell stations . • ie Ontario to all points. 'on tlie Great • North -ern Railway • in the states • of 'Montane:, Idaho, • Washiugton • • and. Oregon) also *all points 111 Britisk: Cole =bin. • On March est, eth, 1501, and • 29th, and April 50s. 12t11, r§th and 26th :one way second 'Class tickets will ' be issued from Chicago to points ir North- Dakota. greatly reduced rates. Full information as to time of , trains, berth ratte in Tourist sleepers, also literature on any. of the above state e on apptieettion to Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, :6 Virg street West, Roma 12, Toronto, F. I. Whitney, General Passenger 'Agent, St, Paul, Minn. •.• • • • • New Designs ver me 'andSp1endd'W4BASII .. .. • a ues , • • values of Wall nate': are tow in. Come in any day and we will show you the eareplee. We also have a good selection of garden :ieeds and a special late of Baking 'Powder at fit lb. tins. • Any quantity of eggs taken in eV - change for goods. . To, the great World's Pair, St. Louis Mo., opens: April 301.11, closes Decem- ber . 'tat, meet's 1,240 acres, cost more than $50,00ca000. The most gigantic and colossal undertaking ever attem- •pted it by fun. • The great Wabash line is the only , railroad, cm .11‘its and controls its ..owir rails , in. Canada direct to the •: World's Pair gates. -. , , • The now magnificent trains Wilt es- ` pecially • for this traffic: places the • Wabash in the front' &ilk ko this 1)1151- Ileas. • Por other . information,. add., ress any ticket agent or J. A. Teich- arelson, District Passenger Agent, N. PI. Corner Xing, and Wage streets, !1 Totonto... . • • • )-- VARIVIN . Mrs. Sliier..s nolo, • Bertcoth's OM Stand Opposite the Mason Ili:inset' 0 00000000000 The News o Miss E. A. Wattage, 0000000 • 000 'Miss Attrill retureed last week from Toronto aceompenied, by her • little neices„ the Misses Heaton cfe Toronto. We fear our new library .con only' be loolten •tet front the outside .of the buil- dizial by the American visbtore •hut perhaps the- contractors may snake an effort to Lave it opened by July to inaugurate the season of 1904. Miss Maggie 'Fulton .cf Brownville ' NdVeie, lln.eye11(1. the season at the • "Aber - What is the matter with Huron ? e.9 relieves have been sent toinsane asylums in °Marie the past year from this county. Miss Rose Nevins of Miss' Donoghes has, taken the 'poeition of •essistant milliner. .with Mrs. • S. Roach, Duegannon. We will . miss' very Much Miss Nevins' claiming, - face from our midst blot we wish her all suceess. It is lter first .expereence of •leaving home,. We will. certainly Lave an .early spring when et bictek snake, measuring 5' feet 6 inches was found at Potter's Hill in March as full of. life • as a sprightly kitten. Mr. Henry 'Hastings made- the - wonderful discovery. while waterieg his cattle and despatched the, unwelcome 'visitor without • having a eltance to get any assistance. • Mr. Dave Ihillcontemplates cressing+ the Atlantic in ,Trute• The sailing fee, er :teems to have taken hold of lout as well as on his Son Milton, • Captairs . Parsons is complaining a- gain of his •rheitinatient returning. •When-h-e-eltatteit-beiveealre•-leenteadown to the -Arkansas Hot Spring and the first • bath took ell los rhetematism. ,lw•Mai3:. ,• James, Andrews, for many years in the employ of - the water Works end, electric light company will take -a. POSiti011 in the enginepecan cf the elevatbr by the middle of ApriL . . -Mr: Arthur. Vele is _home- from his wmter i3 work with the .C.. P. R. sur- veying party. s e • • Little Bernice Davis and Harold -Ede° tearn have been busily •engaged every. day the past month Attest they peasiblys. etitild• get • eipening' up little •• dewers across the cement,. walk ieefront of their respective. residences iii•the Hotel: Bedford eilocke tom them that 'Mayor: Lewis: sitotilci give them .010i a medal, They' °certainly .- haete • •aaereiat 'ere for their zeal n .setting a goete example. • . Breegelieftethe last °et March kr St. Loitis • weere Mr. e:ride •ellrs. Hodgson ,had been stayiug. • •for • some einiee •ard lateraccoaimanied. them to their heene in Mexico City,:. :where they will r-emaie for the e02.111- ing seaSon. Mrs, 13.riegel will leavc". ere lovely trip. - .• : Mr • V. D.• lye's cellar ,was • flocided: itehie residence :cni Elein,'"avenne • laele -Week; which caused las . family: einich. • discomfort from the •threace• fires being •extinguiehed.hy• the • innoev, _•• • . • • ....Seeer.al, of the paietiligee.c,f the late . Mr.• Crockett • '.aetest w ci c acing hande-. eamely •framed end eepeeed •e0 vow • last week' in the • •aet window' -ley' Me: .Wilnier • Sinith... Mane .-admi-red• • - •thes • : • • . . • • .••. Mr. 13: • MacCorinac: (13;nney) • so well known izl. toWn. foe..yeeria.es• as. mereleui ,tolcr end . who accepleici the „poeition in „..0etawa•S010e-. years ',ego of inen•ector. of iptlitary eleehing,eis.serieusly ill in. that • City" 'He tvas in Itingsten senile • weeks . ago .end te• friend of- ours wlee. Mat."'hiet . in ,that "'City • wrote that - his strength was , feet faiIiig. ...„ - .." • At a•• late Met:tine ••of the Board Of.. Public'. edited .trustees it was , inoved . by • Capt.ent • • Craig ita eseceneitel. by ,Mre •• If,. 'Cate • thatselie. te1lder...GI:1qt'. • Ce • Lee' kr Slee8 bee accepted.fe.e. the root- ing 'of the Central - school 'With steel.. -shingles," stecendilig'.. to • epecificetiems tho 'Work to bc comp1eeed".011 • e.'.r before. the st f . Aegust • . • . . • • .• 'Rev Jamee:•Andekeon While ' inhere:lea g• : • ,• • ereal• „called' aPon Miss Fenny "Meech:is- . .011 .selio has .heere at the „General • 'piled he, that city ,for some •titrie,- key- inMet with (vete...a:eaions accident, while . out • 'shopPing., 'Mise. liutchiecn. 'Was_ :delighted . to: see .hr• :vesticsr end. is iniprc•ving eimet paeisfaceerily., • She • is Midee the. ceee .. of her bre:other,. Seee gems Hittehieon, ••• •., • - . • Our Citizens .were all sorry • toelearze of, • thn eertene aecidtnt alest betel Colonel''• Otter' at Toepntc. ' •• •••• •-lifrs. Rc beet . young' returned -in :• the. Middle of Marele••froin her winter's. Via- • it .4.0.• her brothel -a leer. Varcon ot lantiona,,Cal .S1-4. enjoyed. her • Gating Very much, •••• • .. : • • • Marriages. LAOSL-SHIPLEY—In the Ontario street. church, Cliatore On April • 601, by Rev. Dr. Cook, leaancey W. Levis a Goderich„ to Femme, . • daughter cf Mr. Thos. Shipley, IPERGUStese-eARDEI4L—In Winglaan on March 2901 by Rm. D l'errie , D. , . Wm. Ferguson to Miss Ardcill,beth of , • , WILTON-aPORTITNI,.',e-At: the residence cf.' the bride's. mother, mi Dearth • • ., 23rd, by Rev. W: ;T. West M: A., • , :Freak 'Wilton of . Carrick to Miss Margaret, • droighter of Mrs. Thee. Poetene of Turnberry, MILLER---CANTELON--At • the home of the bride's father, Ethel, ° cit. March 23rd, by Rev. T. Cosens of •.to Mary Cantelen oe Ethel. • Brussels, George 'Miller. of .13, ret.esels • •• Births. •• leOtLeTOL°-Ira Colborne, on March 241.1o. to Mr, and Mrs.' clorclon Voting Jr.. •BREMNER—In Grey, on March 213111, • to Mr. and Dere. Bremner,. a son. MACDONALD-1u Grey- Mareh.241.1e, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maccient- a son WIIITFITMJ)—In Grey on March 24th, • to Mr. mid Mrs. Albert Whiefield, MeKillop cla March 26, to Mr, and Mrs: John O'Rourke, a , e M 220,_ to • sou. y Mr, 'tied •Mre. John Mousse, a eon. ea se vooLD—In East Wawenceb ent April • 4the Jacob Tepid, aged 66years a 6 inonthq STOBIIP,--In Seaford). on March 2iith, • Gray, youngest ssiit or Mr. A. W. Stobie, eged lo years and • 2 • months. • NhITTERVIELD—Iit Wingham • on March 2901, Wm. Netterileld, aged 71 years. Prinee Albert, W. T., • on March 18th, 1,V,illiam 11Iilier,aged 72 years (formerly -of exeter, Devon county.) CLAYDON--In Rosewocd, Manitant,on March 196, Annie Itruse, s'. "C of Mr. Charles Claydon, and daughter cif Mr. and Mrs. Clues Valise el Uginondville, aged 46 years and. 5 • monthsz • Tito Clinton News•kecord 1 1117. 7, " 000.000 00000000000000 VE 1 Goderich. Correspondent, 0000000* • 00000 0000 C300) Mr. William Lee has sold his prettei new residence en Colborne street to Mr. Frank Jordan for the sten of $3,200. ,T. Daniels c.1 the organ •factory staff has bought the old "Black Howe" on Montreal street and will. remove the :old souvenir el pioneer days to put on a new front on his property on New- • gate street. 'lir. Daniels is a. go-aluied individetal. • The Ladies •Aid el Knox church mitt - ed.: „Sae by their recent High Tea, • /engineer --Farr now fears no relapse and will soon report himself ready for duty, Easter Sunday was the 841,11 .anni- versary of the birth el Mrs, James Storey and was the -occaskin of much joy to her. Mr. John Storey of Stratford can.e up for the. oemsiora. Mr. aed Mrs. Robert King of • the King leeward Hotel spent Eastertide in the Queen City. -- Mrs. 'King or Wnashaan spent - the Past week in town 0, gdest at the King. Edward Hotel, ilexes Linda Sturay returned from Alma College.; St. 'Thomas, to spend her- :feaster vacation at Maplehurst„ the. residence .of her parents) Mr. and Mrs.. 0. 0. Sterdy, Mr, McIntosh of Garrow and Diekene son's law °Ince is 'nowquite himself again after his • late severe attack of Plenimonixo •• - • Mrs. .TcAnt C. McIntosh was called away. to Detroit bythe illness of her eldest son John who was taken to the •foe - treatteentealasie-we' are glad to note that he has (elite recover- ed, It. was quite a trial for •Mrs. °Alan:L.081a to find that when one son .,was recovering with hen at bona( the other took sick away. - • Miss Attrill returned last • Week 'rpm Toronto accompanied by her littic. niecese• the Misses. _Heaton of TOrcinto. Miss •Plinence 'Orablunee teacher :Westfield Public. school, is eipending her Easter vacatioii. at her home,• • •• • "elte Baptists are preparing to • take: away tini building next • the _residence- of•Mr, Jain6; • Wa.teon in order •tc. make . tl-„e . lot 'ready kr. getting the fouadation laid "fOr their new: chaech. The • building-. is one of the oldeet io Goderich .and. was owned 'end'meal:ice by Mr e and Mrs. 'Matthew.flil .eck • who: have botli. gone to their rest. e • .• • Mrs, James •Vivian is one of the sere: vivore ,of :Mi.. and Mrs. nleek's • • fame -•Mrs. . W. Cash:(iwe Myrtle Tetelgeoe) . Owen: Sound, was the guest of her ineAlter, Airs. Cash, dueing her .visit to • - Goderielt this seiteen. • • . Mr. : • T. C. •N1 right; tom -foes : • whe "spent the. greater. part of "the: .Winter "at -St. Catliarines for his health, has so • far .recovered tliat h intends pay- ing his father), Air.. J. I... wrigut, _ • visit .01 the Park Ileeke at as„eatly date „as • possible.. - • • • .. • -We• were extremely sorry ec, elearn 'lest .,. week Of '.th.e. Occident . • beret i\ir.Ililary Ilorton cin reatieteiege. with. :Mrs. Horton elect' spehdinga-pleasant- • evening, •Witne Goderich relaeive:3. The -0,ecident occueetitt'ate Saltfordhy. the .herse. etnetina into aspitelt-hole, ..and throwin•g. Mr. arid Mrs. He:item: ' oae.. 41r.. liorton's leg' is broken 'lo two -places-bu. t •imiprovng vary: satiskee: •• .tterely. _at his 11 Ile at DuidoP. . Hortoii. fortunately. esc4'ed...injury.., -1- _ • In -a . reeent iSsiic "of -the .1<ineardene „Reek:W. We ;read of a feat. of .proseess which is •quite 'a triettite to the gallantquareetee ofesteitete,Meeirs: John Bell', Cleveland Bonner, 'Robert Carson alle! • W111 i arti :Akins.- • They'. slate Kincardine" • . • • • • • en batoroay at xP 111., .arriving at •Goderich • at. 4,10 p. 111,, leeNn1g,' 011 'Sunday et, 9' a. in. are teaching Mae c.er ine a after. edapping -kr dinner, at ,point Clark ;• Lighthouse., • -at 5 - 1Ye "heye ;eaten keep skate:I-Seger:that it was impossib-le, •on; ,eic•coente: '0T" " the' ilibuiula•ot Inc •Whielt, Cover the lake "ate intervals, to skate: eny •distatuie mettle ice 111 per lake 'either tip .or doWn, but °this is Leap Year mid:wee-leers Maybe, eccomplishee, :lit 'patty • way: • Dare 7. field "skaters have Wet •their ehoece ". of • dietingteishiese tapie" bravery in that. • art, the• season now being o'er. • - Mr. ard- Mrs. .Archie after, spending ' the Winter in _Cepaee jinxed, taking :itp- tide alicele. in -Mr. lIliotts old . On PalinerStori. av- • • • • • •. • Wa' up• with . : :•:- . severe attaCkof., la. -gri ppe. • , • • Me. Eel. -0. Beck, late .of -Teinclorehtis been - choseuriTreiTengineer oe" the tug Evelyn. • . • --••• - • • • -i Liss ..Ethel • Rhynns, After • '.isiting her friends at • loiontc and Hamilton, :is • ..spietcling •• Easter weck .e.it :Buffalo. • with •Iter relatives in .th•at city. • Mrs: J. Ca Manson, hate had •-the, upper rocgue of het' Elgin avenue house, ,finishing the Portico,. • ete.,-•and Captain • craigie is ed. the two story hoilefing • on Trafala ger eteedt .contece. aed •fortuerly oeeit- picd .by Mr. - .110414, na. • •-' We. Ca:Oaten ;Tent -Good -hriday,in Clinton the guest .of her, son • Mr. W.- Rentledget° . : • . Are the 1. 1,1 ,,,,,,, IJ Peculiar Ills Brought on Ly Catareli—of the Pelvic Organs. (Peru -no is a Tonic EspecialiyP.6,1471:c4 to Their PeoapaQr ZiseQses.) 44.4.71,7eir,•70;j:7""eeeee . .e eei'i',e•-•:: tee a tee ' • •..;•.6'0,%:•,-,...::,•;•.•.....":;',••."..•.:. e :esee:e..eee" • ' ••'' ''• eree e " : ..." •le.• ' ,31".4....;!•• er '•'•*--- -.%) '"„,..Seet-Aft tee -se / ....4e -e4" ''''•"-- ' e " 0•"•ise rIt4:••*e. '1,-.4, •b„.,, vr 0.,.-t. .4 Jr ..t:• . • freSielneee ,asse• e „era- • „Tee, /ae'e/ zee eat-e-szaTeteelatian asesee- sea. essee-- ae.a.:...rliee„essas .sesaeeetee,„, • ' ' 7f;•714-, IOW • e4c0=C'31` •sw.4a ,44 1 ' 'ale; •aees. ArnqI, • • Mrs. Loziise Westbrook, No..9 East• . Columbia $t., Detroit,. Mich:, SeeretarY of the West terde Lotus Club, writes: • • "For several years I suffered with leneorrhces and painful inenstreettlone which wasfollowed bygeneral until •I was' but. a wreck of myself. . thanks to Perunit( -am a wen Woman • to-day."--eteouise Westbrook. • •. ° Miss .Jessiemene 'Westland, Noi eee • Beaubien Ave., 1)etro40 Mich., District . . . ..-... - : , . • . • . • .., . .. , . • . • • • • . • .. , . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . - • I 1S5 norerteelluiph , . • • Cataillt 13 a very frequent cause of tit cl-..as of cliscams popularly known as female weakness. Oataterh of the • pelvic or. -pas produco5 such4 variety af disaffrecablo and irritating syrup. tviar, thz.1 mavy people—in fact, the wojarity of poople—have no idea Mat tlicor an.? 6'z:34:zed by catarrh. it groat proportlos2 of women have some cad'arrhal wealmcss which hag heozi caPuel by the various doctors site has consulted by as many different names. Those women have • keen troo,..lecland have falcon medicines, with no roli-74 because the remedies zoc aelaptcd to catarrh. it isthrongh a sal ;IV/L....a notion as to the real nature of the 411:vases that those medicines have been recoMmended todhem. IF all the women who at.: suffering with any form of female weakness would write to Dr. Ilartmen, Colum- bus, Ohio, and *giro him a* complete ' description of their symptoms and the • pecallarities of thole tnoublos, he will immediately reply, with compiete rections for treatment,. fres of charge. “tlea lth and Beauty," a bek written especially for wornea, sant free by Dr. Hartman, Coitcra)as, Ohio. Miss •Alico Dressler, of N�;1313 North. Bryant Avo„ Minneapolis,l‘finu„ writes as fi.illows concerning Pernria; • I wee suffering from catarrh (it the throat and hea1. Ono of my college • friends, who wa vieiting me, asked me . to try Peruna a id I did so and folned it all and more than I had expected. It not only cured me of tee catarrh, but restored me to pe•rfOcit health."—Aliee • DrAereisssleil%an e•lt. Mamie Groh, Platteville, Wis., writes:• • "I have' for several _years suifenx1 'with frequent backache and would for several days have splitting headachel-e- BeVerel of my friends advised me to take Peruna aud 1 esked My physician :what he thought Of it.. Ile reeom- menned it and so I took it and ant entirely without poen of any kind now." --1Vfamie Groth. • • • In a recent :letter from NO. 2 Grant Ave., Denvel. r, Co, lVfree. Ida L. 'Gregory* wrAtes:si "Somex year ago my hu,sband suf- . fined' with nervoue prosteationi end • advising With a friendly evauggist Ini • brought home a bottle of Itemise. Hie° . health was restored froRe use, hie .• appetite was increased and ,resti'ul elect: ' 'came to hint."—Icle L. Gregory. Mies Plerenee Murphy,Ne.n703Secielet A.ve„ Seattle, 'Wash., •Writes: •, •, "I euffered. Lorover. a year irithfernal 7 trouble, and although I tiled aeve?r. physieians none of them skeriecl to• able to help mcipernaaneettl • " It only book a little over three bottle,' of Peruna to irtake me well -and' strong, I never have backache, headache or bear s ing• down pains any. moze.!'-a—Florenen Mux ie y.. • • Deputy of Detrcitindependent Order of Geed Templet's, writes as follows :° 'Verona, hes been a• blessing •to: me and gladlY •da •indorse it. Per two years I. suffered with "eritarrh 'of the. stomach . I lost flesh and grow thin and °Mediated,. nervous and exhausted, se that X could. neither work • or enjoy 'life. I began taking, Peruna and eau nevi - eat and enjoy everything I eat. , I have been wellover a year now ea Miss jeissiemene Westland. • • . • • • • • Weal • • ••. • - r • •••••••• Goderieh. Goderich. Goderieh. etre; Ceerletca! is having a eery, et)), Alee. (Dr.) Whitely. event EaSteet hie ()coffee), oritaiiitit of St. Ste• - lish' verandah' erected in'front of tee-at...Toronto,: ... : . . • . ' • • . pheues tharth, Toronto ie • spending :•-• • • , . „ , , , • •, pretty .cottage .residence. ' • .. , ; •• Miss 'Eeel. Atli:ewe, ' is. mainline'. ••hefe • leetsier •week co L °i's" hne ie, tesidereee ofe .. , - ........• ...es .. ... °Mi833: . Vicirenee .• Geedieenee" . tee.cher Easter yecittien it home, . : • ° 'Judge efelt. • Gee:nese' es making • taich • ' .' " • ° ' •• "Westfield _Publie selpel, is enendiug .: . illr. Griersoiesof ••Wawatiosh has hoes progeees • in his etude" of. ealiele, . • that her Easter tete atieet at Lee henie.„ ' ; glit the 3301 farm. in WaWanosh, •. the eepce se at no ver'y '(1.ist.o.at eatO, . bo: . .:(jw.) Whitely Spent • gastertide. • price We learn being 53,boo.' ' will elaaiii the d :oree.. cif 13oe4er• Of • " . . TOT011.0,. . • "Nliss easggie leelceeier spent. Euster eteste, • Miss • ..1.i;va. Acheispro is spetalinglier at the Prese,e•ters•, Egttiondeille, the • • . • l‘riss.stA,ern. 1.).(111;il()('.k.t's stteelleca)gcla-ali)ohner, a; t'l.11.0- Easter Vacation at home.. . • • - gues.t of Rev. and 'Mrs, N01 ,Shaw. eata, ' t • la •t • • . tl We • are sorey. to. learn :that -Bantle Services. were held eei Goon 1, elae hesne, t: ter lei-, • Nes, Cap tale) • - iptsater • .-1.3aselegthwait•e • is. • leeving .• at , Pete r" ned, St, tete:see 'e elute- 3.f6i..r. 4,41 , • .• • A:Own Toeento will we trusts. ‚.alit , :ehee. Rev, Turnbell P retuned et-• • :. • • • •.. • • • • • " TIIE REASON Wily °. • HE PINS :IIIS •PAITI1 1'0 DODD'S 'hire better,. ea, theeMarine Bead S. has ery • :saletary screen froth tne .1.ext• Mr.: FreultI ek of. 1. (wont a came 01)• • , fOlunt. it rather- diffieult VD melte' muck for • the day, St. JOlut 19-3), "It 1, 'spat. Easter :With his. leinher, i • • headWay monetery sense., •. - • . finished," • • . ' • le,. Hick, ° •Mr. -W. J. 'Irvine'ittle' babY• stet •al • 11-• • • T i I i ce- '0 ° 1 Nil • lt • . 14SeS ,,i 1 . lel 1 all( .. 1.1Miss . . • .• Matte :GebdWin• of Clinton • spent • . . , died :Merck:My Oa Easter • Sunday. ' : Mr, Grahame were .gueste et Mes, ,iettatei„ eel eeel Priday in towel' the guest of lwr . Irviee'e residence is on Warreie street.. . an • miller ' at feee,feetit IN .- caod . grandaunt, M es.' Alex: Kirklaride. • . • eire. St. . Geoege Price wide children Priddy:, and: Vki:41ertide, • • a e ••• . Is Tlikt 'fever:11 el tlw' lie e Aeheson• , 4.. returned , to their :home ' af Hai/telt:0n • 'Mrs, ' 1)-- • • Macdonald eel -allied: frone l• :Vitae idd la . e ., • . .. . . c , T...e..ron t, o:lde et:son of the ClI4(11eSCIgheyiSiteetToronto on Goed Vridayleete Relexander Afaciehie, one of Mrs. PentEaitidc• ..iriintOsh s. , . C. E. of • ehe. survey., thee ' arst pastere. of. the Presbytereao • • with'. her daughter Mrs. Lorne Brace' patty, retitrued to his home • a.t Ottawa ancell :here,• 1P'"k ole' fr°1".• the G•l• • .compamec, :to spot 4 et, el Vr.e0; 1011. • by Miss Mabel Macdonald e ' ' • Mr• Dast- C. has gene 1.0 tr.1.111 et 4 p. tn. lati .Gedd rrid/ty. Maa • Mee,' leteenk Elliott was 'called e: to eienti • to examisetticn beic•reF horn' and .editeatied•here, eleKilloe the illness. and 'death- of the f mil entered the • Bank: of Ccounerce • clonald, London. She • Was° ae • e 1 •t: t". ' stc-teei the thes arriealt of the • • • her futlier,'I‘Tr. George."MeAlmili•:'.- .'• . • 'Captain ••''''Orinan" Macthinald, ' who.se •lit. re . efter. leaving the then Lligh•fichool • ••• 'Miss Been, :teacher:near Le emiegten, .I,. re .. w asdespaired of seeie Weeets, . ' litT• and later he • was promoLed . to Tipton- , : • is 'spending *her Easter vac Mien . • with • proghlseing most favorably new.. . ,. ti :. elle In eer ri Lel el iss • ilf ii eK ie , daugh- . • ' Mr. Tie:ninth • Campbell, after her parents. • . • - ' , • • '• • • ; Captain ;Jelin Mec &Maid andrhie' sou, ter of the Rev. Mr. 11.14eNele7 ty whom Vend' Jelin left recently to take charge 1 (et lie. had four children, •tevet eons, Ho.rry FARMERGIVE - • . -, . inir the winter with his mother, Mrs, his vessel • ihe Azov' that Wintered at an Percy, who accompanied thee re - 'Ohio, this. week. 7 Chatham.. . • • • • . ... . • :. 14 111', . of thee': .fitther front Toronta, , • . . Tett, left for hie dredge at Loreene cie,rly: openiugs last week, escaped the The frit:lids c.f. 'Mr • eed Arts .Tatues as elite -also Mr; MeeKie, of that . cite- ; . • . . 'The milliners' were glacl • that their : ,' Dcrogh had - Most successful opening,..,.t,uillirvetircrdilYfrom. an Stewart will • be glad 0- " learn • , that. and :Mr. set, Urine cf Winnipeg ° llas ••gt•dleinen being' brothers-init.* of de- . ' '1 al' ie - of Woodet °en e both .: - her gold ancl-,eilver erebroider.ed ° laces 41:ii...ek-cf pat:union- et ietecl. Rev. Mr, And eeson . cam:Meted •• - • • eel • funeral terenioniee ill.. both. station • bad weather that ended:the week.. Miss .spolse • al' a wealthy town. The braids' ail‘liessosteilii,g•ilittalti ‘.‘.gicti(i)tesit)eol,1.1Vies'11,11(' 11•Tlilitelitsee:..1111talreelst)Atta'!.1...11(1 ::. es(l'ellile1gt't.;EHO111,11e° Shpellilli-1. . . andstyles were eiritly beautiful. ' ' • • Miss Mays Elliott tee east "i in eie. c :eel R..ylltYldS eild 'flussrs. -It, S.. Welliania, . . mit. 041.11,astei, she lida'eeceepted 1 e toe Mr. flatitwell, inenletne. e 1 .that .1).• McDonald, .1: Gale and. De Mee-. • Illoriday for •• licienotte . • •• • village.. " . . . • . • • leave 417-1,1E- • •-•:iiii*.;0;iO4•••- -• • • • Mrs.' Geotge and the Misses Evans spent Ewe:el:tide et Toronto • • • • • The 'London 'evening' train • brtaight e • • • .• • • • • r +0.4++44.4.•••••••••••.•••••4•4,4-4.4- 444441W McGregor, yottegest son et Cepto.in A, 7.4:44"•••••••*.:*,*:••:•••4*"."•"••••••••••••••"4"..4. •+" • • • • • • • • • • * .4' 7 • FeGeegor who died at • ..(.21: • 00 th• e remains of the late Freak Lewis • • es -More Neirtr--Goods rittiientiarliiindon ot otiff • • Prickly night.' rots ten long years t thc late. Prank MeGregOr eutlevediront rheumatism, only growing worse as • s the years went" by. •Meclical scent- ed of 110 avail. After the death: of ,t Mrs. IlleGregoe, about eighteen ,111011.,.. thS ago, he_ was taken to tit. .Tc:eeph's .e. hospital and Mail the last' slar of te ••• almost, he felt certein that he •i• would receiver. The fulteral tOok place y • litcr STRONG AND WELL AELER YEARS OF. IN- . •I'D.INSE • SUPPERING 112.0111 • LITMBAGO • AND. OTHER KID- NEY TROUBLES. .. • North Pelham,. Ont., 'April • 411— Special)—Mr.Joseph Lerlionia,e,,a sub- stantial fanner of Pelham Township, Well known and highly respected thrs. oughotte this.; iteiglibterheiod, has jellied .0 r s of the Teat army of Cana— dians who pita their faith to Dodd's . Kidney Fills, Mr. Thomas gives his reasoas for doing so as follows : "rot 'several ce.ra I was SOrdy af- flicted with Kidney Trouble, having ena.ny of its worst symptoms in an r trot/Med de roe, I bad Lumbago and was in such a condition that I was unfit for anything for a week at a time," "Insomnia resulted and I WAS an iritense sufferer. I had, almost a per. petual ffintelache and, grew thin in flesh. • "/ had been 'treated by a. doeLor Without igood resoles, so emit the les com.tece iatien of a cousin, who had been saved from a life of misery by Dodd's Kidney Pills, I beg`att taking • theta. '"flte hest box gaVe :decided be- • nefit and after taking five boxes the old trouble wee, a thin',' of the peat end / was again in every way strong saul well." Ask thoee Who have used them if they mer heard of a ease of Kidney Disease Dodd's Macy. Pills would .1 net Mee• ! 4 • ' . • Several lots of oar new goods haVe nrrived and wo are eXpeetln g X • inor.o to tome next week. Our stock le gradrutlly getting :filled up and e • ' bustness is • cominencing" to .embe our Way. Old cunt:inters and many, y. • new oties are again findingir theway to our stove and are pleased 7 •° :with our goods and prites. '• • ' • •• • "•r ott ' Monday to St. Peter's where a X . • ' • ' • s requiem mass was celebrated, by ledv., Path& MacRae, Miss Neville oreeided • . WEAR . • at the organ„ At the offertory Miss •. • • We wish to call your attention to a line of Lidice,' W.ear that we • 4. have in stock and which we intend to handle', called "II er Ladyship 0 Brand" of Skirts, 131ouses and all the different lines in Underwear, 0 Nothing better to be teed and .tit popular miens,. os .2 • • DRESS GOODS . . • Di Dress Goods and Trimating we Ii41 ve bought: only the newest and 41. • Most uplteadate lines, Renlember, we have notect lot of last. yea,es • • Dress Geode to dispose Of.• •••-4, • „ Tra.unch sang "Jerusalem, any happy y home," The paillielteers were • Messrs, y Peed. Shephard, Hector Hays, Frank x Shannon, Tom Nalra, Peed.Platt and I' McCarthy. • Tie iaterment tool phie ee in the R. C. mildewy in Colborne., The.• News -Record gives mane Huron ItOWS than any other' paper Are yoa 5. eubscribee ? • • • Miss Josie Reynolds• 'o.f Lees, ••? Niirth Dakota, -itt writing leer grand- • •2•• parents • Mr. and Mrs. Alen. • Kirk- 4 bride, last Week said the. sehola.rs and A. teacher en the seltorA near her, couutrv :es reeklence, had tie rerretin without foed in the school roont from Thursday,24th Ma.rch, after (then luncheon at 1100t.; that day, until 4 P,nt it Friday$ When their parents eppeo,red and broils .0, ght dent it, hutch before taking them ' home, not being able to venture out ee for them earlier, Poor children, all y night seut up in tile school house. Mr, •e, Reynolds, too, Miss, Reynoldsi saids would have. been .iost in the blizzerd st• lett • for•Iris dog rtilifillng up against • y a • -‘,'A Pew Lines At Reduced Prices ' few Boys! Kniek ere left of let advertised.' • About one dozen Boys' Swee i's at 5(ke A quantity of Ladies' Fonda( ion. Ooller Vorms 2 for Zle, MOIM QUOTATIONS LATHE, ON, him every foot ef the way front a • et. iteighbor'S, at whose house he wee ete. • H. PLUNthTEEL Y 1•,1 • • y • 4.. knowing his way kept by the• l d oge Easter week with Mr. ileirs father in when the blieeardm , cae on mid not ee CLINTON 4 pent ,2, THE OLD sTANP Mr. and Mis. Robert Bels 4. • WaWalloNTI4 • 4• t Ot:444•4141484444484484444:44444444844.1,41 6844:44,04:44:4444:444440:440:44444444444:14:1404,001 '4444W , • • ,fe"-•