HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-07, Page 5tr- The Clinton News -Record April• 7th 1904 . 1100.01.00011111POPPOWPOINOWSIMPOI • .• The NewswRecord 111:ti,41:10,Ort:t inti!3\vt9:t will Seaforth. . .Grand iPrunit is willing to provide. Mr. Tulin Grieve of MeKillop town- ie:. pablialted .every 'Thursday at • Are', whae, eves all this nwan ? .11., ma,- ship had a very narrow escape from • 401417re'SVPReCOrd Printing House ns, if it means anything, that at drowning on Seturday. He wt...8 held - ALBERT STREET, _ "iv,,,,oN. expending _such enormous sums Ile jag a herse to the back part of the *Y..' . . people of thts ecientry at the terminto farm and while erosin g a largv. civil tion of. the Grand, Trunk's lease will oetehthe fee gave way. M. Grieve - • * 1 * . . own tact Mee of steel rails from Mon- went down and sees carrite1 . aI en 1 ev eton to Winnipeg, will ly compelled to the Arm% current ruder the ice for buy out n11 unproiltade branches about two rods Where lie was rescued radio:tow front those rails ahd will by his 8on-in-1aw at au. open spot. The be shut ont of Winnipeg, a eitY witivb horse •was also rescued. Beyond the the government professesto be so an- inconvenietee Mr. •Greve was not the xious to reach. A 'mere "skeleton of worse for the mishap. ' a .skeleton'' will fall to the lot of the- A lodge of instruction- for the Unton se who will pay theebillS, together district was- ..1:eld in the Brittantia witlt the responsibility for the. vast lodge rooms,- A. F. .ISt A. M., on Mon - sums invested. Is that a sehetne to day und -representatives were -present hurrah for ? The wore it is examined -,2rom, every ledge within the district. the worse it appears as a sound and Maitland Imdge of -Goderich exemplified 'sane proposal: . . ' • the first degree ; Myth ledge the sec- ond degree. and Tecumseh lone ..of . . Stratford the third degree. The pro- ' - • - - Terms a subscription -4i per year in advance ; 51.50 may be charged if not s< paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearS are paid, unless at the option a the publis1iea7. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the lakel. Advertising rates— Transient Over- tisements, xo cents per nonpariel line for first iusertion and 3 cents Per lint or each subsequent insertion, • Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, Such . as "Lost," ".Stray- ed,'' "Stolen," etc., inserted °nee for 35 cents and +each subsequent in- sertion Io cents, Comnnittica:tranis intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good tattle be accompanied by the name oftie writer, To insure publication in eurniet, issue copy ot advertisements should be sent in early. Contract rates—The following table shows our rates for specified' per-. ' kids and space : I yr. 6 mo.mo,1 mo. Colinun $70 00 :$40 to $25 oo B 50* cbitur, 40 oo -23 oo 1,5 Op .600. •'A Column 25 oo 15 008 oo 2 50 1,(1 Column 1800 10 00 550 200 Inch 6 Oa 3 50 2 oo 1 25 ? eeedings oecupied th e greater part of Does Hays. ... overn Canada the cley and a num(lair cd distingiiished brethera (e Ystie . The full renorts of the meeting of .1 thmorder were present. , . .. the Grand Trunk . shareholders to Miss .Nary Scott of'inlito ale is vis. which was submitted. the ameneed iting at Hayden Ball, the' residence of Good Trunk" Pocitie eOntritet Edre at Mr. John Beattie. . Mrs. Dr. 'Maud of Ilarriston is - hand. and they. ineicate that the -time visaing herTut:titer, Mrs. 3: ohn Turn - has arrived in the history Of this eo- er, of Church . street: . .. emery wileil.a private corporation seek- Miss M. Riad le.ft for New York otd the . Monday Week Where she' will be the lug vast. voncessions ia which .. , guest 'Of her sister.. • pee,ple - have a direct interest, . has •_ .••• • . • Last smalay -being Easter Stutcley incre say in the direction . of lx"-hlte it Wes" duly observed in St. - James' alki rs -then . Porliameitt.. Thee prasie Catholic ehnia, Seaforth., by . Low emit' of • the drawl Ten runk. d eeyeral 111;sisii.garmeasotsiiiiTitzlnsititirinniottn (8)1,13ctiuo 7, ., Ruels.. ., ..of the direetorti referreei :to. the preseut 1) - session as one celled for, the express sure-et:tam Of Christ" at 10,30 a; to, and Vespers at 7 p. at. The neusie by purpose. of petting through the • amend - the choir was of. high order.. ed contract. It was repeatedly latpres- •• • st.d onthe' shareholders that their rat: ' • ' • - .. . . i heat' on of the centre:et meant its od- • Option mei that it would. go.throttgh Less Mail Ordering • in the fbrn jit wlt•ieh it *as presented • to them, '.It was asserted thot. the W. j. ' Goma Tome s consett to the arrange- . meat was the moet esseatial link to • the chain whieh viU Make Canada. Lot cnly reSpeosible fer .the construction ol th.f Emitere Section and the 'guar- entee.cf the bends of the WesternSee-- thee ;Ina the successfitl. eration of the road. for a 'period of filly years.; A Week k iParlianient. • • The- three days. no Mhich Parliamelit • sat last wech we:re again marked by the' absence Of business Of importance the eceunderation of ih Grand Trmili acifIc Contract was deferred nreil • pin 51.h. • .•. K.resolution .11 favor...Of transfeeriog• te stcres.branch'of •the Militio• depart-. t from the tied to• the Military ' tion was. adopted., • .• • In supply, .,eolisideralele 'progress .was made with the Publie Work s 'estimatee. .The discuesicin brought tett the fact. that; Tnoney is being; voted. by tbe government • for biti"dings,..ete., which .can serve rio gecol..irttereste For Pert- ly pohtieal purposes largewad-tints are beieg ,alloted for works in ctbseure villages.. • The treat:merit •atcorded some seetions of the Dominion. .t's. in. marked • conteaSt with that meted •.ont to other divisious. 'Sante% tewris are °forced te • supply free sites for Iniild'mers. while ie • others the crown pays kr the- land it • requires.. , •• • • . , . . . On Wednesd•ay the lierse adjourned • for • the Easter,•recess of live days.. The People'S MOney •Is'Just Spent.. • What aespeeteele is. this I_ Here. we have 'the • men elected. to See the- re- sources awl .revenues of the coux.itry protectedbound hand atol foot' before. they.were infermed a. the, intentiots of the g,overriment. • Bye -elections were held in foar.-preVinees of 'the Domin- ion but en no .instatice were :the .elect- ors pett •• In. Posseesiun of factee lILIl for many days beetin.the lteping of a 'group cit capitalists who openly boasted.. that they and not the•-peopler are to he•the •b.rhitratc•rs Yin U161110310- ef the G. T. I'. deer. • Never' Weee the poor • . wretches. of gladiatorial Rothe more _securely beund• Le the. • chanot wheel theit. bak•Canadaeleeen scented 10 . The eepartment stores in sotoe of the eitie8 soy that the town merchants are quaking so Much better use of their edvertisirig space in the local *papers that etstom.ers are awkening. to • .the fact that. they can pit just well Blyth. ' The London Free Press •contained the .,ollowing reference to the death cf Mr, E. C. Scott,brother of Mr. T. W. Sectt of this village : "The death took plate; at Victoria hospital yester- day of Mr. E. C. Scott, son of Mr, and Mrs. James 'Scott of lot 12, Con. 15, London township. Deceased was 38 years of age and was 'much respeCted. Ile is survived by two sisters—birs. Frederick Garrett and Mrs. N. Ryan, of Louden township erel sevee broth- ers • T. W. :Scott,. manigeo of the Bunk of iILlUi1tU11 4 Blyth, Francis. J. Sc- • ott anel George W.. Scott of •London townshiP, Dr. • J. L. Scott of this. city, .W111. J. iSeott of Cleveland, Ohio, Albert E.• Scott of Walkerton° e,m1 Arthur 1). Scott, schcol teacher at Maple . Grove. The funeral took place - from the residence el los brother,. Dr. J. L, Scott, to We'odland es:muter y. Rev. Canon Dann officiated at the. services." • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carter tele- brated their china. weddig 00 Mon- day of last week. From. four . to eix o'clock the old people In014 uosozisiOn• of °their ••hone and in the cveniug the young people were in nc.ss r.. and Mrs. Carter were- tin reeiPieetts iJ earty •congratulatz nri and .viuLy handSome and exquisite pieces of 'china all of whseh- went to show the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends. - •Iqr. •Albert Quinie. son of ,Mr..George Quinn cif East Woweeo8h, left -Myth stet:Lien la.st week for, Roland, Mani- - tobae.where he will miake his 'halite for several Months; .Mr, Roland Cook has 'been coufined to •his .• home with a hod Attack ,of 14' grippe. ^ , Health In Spring. NATURE R.14:Q1TIRES' ASSISTANCE IN MAKING NEW, GIVING 1314001). Spring is the season when your system needs tonh.g up. In the spring you: must have new blood just as the trees must have new' sap. Nature demands it. Withal: new blood you will feel weary, +Weak and languid. With new, rich, red blocd you will he sprightly, happy and healtty.. The One sure way .to get new blocd and fresh euergy is to take Dr. Willie= Pink PIM. They .actually make new. blood. They are the greatest spring tonic in the world, Mr. J. J. Nanette, a: well knowngrocer in Montreal, says : "I wash to thank you for the great good your Dr. Williams -Pink Pills haveclone nie. My systein was very much tun down attee your' pills 'have. made a •ness. matt of me. As I an in businesS,con-i- ing in contact evt.th many peoplei Mu often able to recommend the pills, and they have already relieved a dozen Oi 111y friends who suffered as I did,"_ Many people furtherweaken thelr systent in spring through taking iour- gative medicines, What tetere :needs to • help .her is a tonic and Pr, hatns Voile eupply rood as .110 other • medicine can. • Be stnyou get the -genii= withthe fell oame 'Dr, Williams Pink Pills.for Pale People" 'printed en the wrapper 417 round the box. Sold by 41 medielte dealers, or post pain at 59 cents per ltz: • ;cie tirrixneisa.of:sti. i 13roevville, Ont, • Lucknow. . . . • ' Bcigrave.. . • 150 - •licensed hotels .iitel.- 38 . licensed .In• the year 1878 Huron county had • . .•. . • . .shops and last year ,there were .• 78. On Tuescley . cif last week • a telegram' hotels and 6. skips,: • - - .• ' • . - • Was . received .from Denver, .' Colorado, •• On Tuesday •Itist Reeve,- Alpo eirt aithouncing the sad intelligence • that , quieted. a 'petition. outmg• our. eitizen,1, William •Le.WreLee son 'cif Chas. Law- which : was .willingly signed' by •every- re•nce, formerly •of'- Belgrieve locality, bpdy, asking 1 lio Government , to grant served ' itt their honie etore.s me; in the and brother of .Mrs.- Irwin Patteson of e .c tarter to the toroposed. new railway large cities, As • it consequence • the ' Win'giodu , ' had • passed 'away' frone • an; line .froin _Lueknow. to Walkerton •Which mail teener bueiness_ Of the large . de_ . attack of typhoid fever. For the• -past . comes tko . in Parliament • :this week. partmvnt ,Stores has :seen a.consideralo few ;months •deeeased was seemingly in ShOrlei•this road. Is. - Wilt 0 .and we have. •. • • his usual - health, but - tor a year pre- -.every: assurance that it will,' it Will •,l.e. ...e..h. ritkage. .• . •vious . to thet time had heen poorly, be a great .beitelit. to • this section - of the reetilt. -of a severe attack of brdn- the country and it. will in, the -very •• . •' • •ehitis mid pneumonia: .By .the tone: of near figure become a part of the great . -• . . his . letterS end reperts received from. C. P. .12.ailwity from' Owen Sound to St. Joseph. . . .• . . . . •. friends who- have 'h ve lately seen int, hte • Goderich. .. ' Mr. • Frank . I). Ceres. Who . has • . beenrelatives were pleased.. that his( nros-. • ' . • Absent for five. years,returned. to St. peels. were 'good for complete- restorae Joseph lest :week.. Ilarmee. his ebseaste tichto health. These hopes,, however, he served in the: BoeieBritish.- weer for have been 'blighted lie . the sad'. news . . . . . East Wawanosh. .t itee years And in, which he did • rot of his death, Deceasdd was wain • a• • . • •• • get a scratch. . . , . . • . . • The , cot met on March 24th, pur •- . few . weeks of passing hiss 271.11'• . • Last Friday death claimed the .three- day, .Re• waS a brother 'of Mrs. R..J.• nionths-eild son cf Mr. end Mrs. David Chigg of.11elgraye.: • • ' • • • •pres seant to • adjorninient ; members • all ent. . Minutes. of last meeting•read • and. adopted. •.1) 1 , • the wheel of the • Grand' Trenk: • Par- r -1 •-th' • ' 1 is 1. ony;niatv . • . And: the country iS tOle. ttoil face.'ef it all that ...,Conada has • respmemble. . , r •t weeh' • • Llady cf Brace . • • ca . , • • gevernment.. . MisS Aimelia. Oben of the' . Saidde Statute labor scale to be same • as .Litut 'left • for New 'Vork • last . week. last: year, viz. : AkS0,gSed . to.5506;, 1' where 'she. will reside in fitture.'•• '•• day's' work ;. tom •$5•ce) to .$1200, .2 . Morris .Township. mrchri ., . field vieeted friends. around St. Je•sepl. ' 11 1(1111 Bowman was et Clinton and dayo work ; from $2000 to $3200,Y . 4 hies ,.•.. • . . ; • if.O'Brien. eoi- '. • . -• .. .... daywork ; from $1200 1.0 $2000, 3 • . Goclerich laet week on • County' • busi- •'• yis work Lind fer cvery.'other $r2oo • . • 'The ice on the •L ke has beoydri up • Iles• • • ' • ' , . • . -; • •• ', • ••• • ' . 'Or . any part ti ereof,' one addititina• _ .and the fisb•erinen :were •thitkv, in savit 8- . ' . I Miss .Carrie • Specie rd •.•11lr's. - Will. day.. • •• ' ' : •• • •. ' ' •. . RepOrfs . rea.ched us• here of a noeo :ester visit st, it iitm s.. • I. . , i).. 'E. elur.ro; aSking kir -ecime :assiet- •.11HE II 1.• 1110.111111001•0111111M1 McKINI4ON8( 00. • • '4 NOW FOR BIG BUSINESS X :. • 's The snow :blockade, is raised, the freight trains are running .... •: again and goods delayed in transit are now pouring in, Our + . 't• stock is ,,,complete in evepy (Tepartment twit ready foe business. y .1. Onr space will not allow us to inentiou eveevtliing, but, a� we have • 2, 'e gone very extensively into. Boots, Shoes and Robbers, we mention 't to .. a few of our special lines. We make a . specialty of t be '•4. 4. , • . 0* La.dies' Dongola and 1Ci1 Oxford*, in the new tip to -date styles, *.e. ee. - ; o $1, $1.25 $1.50, $2 told $225, • 4:• Ladies' Toe 'Slippers, something Mew and very stylitili, in kid awl •-.•-it.> •ete ...2.. dongola, at $1, $1,20, $1,35 and $1.50. : Ladies' Dongola ',Shoes, . all sizes, Kt ti. ,25, $1.50, $1,75 and $2. • ee, .1.• Ladle's Icing Quality Shoes, in kid and, dongila, in all sizes and * ;`, " widths, at $2.50; $3 and $3,50. • .ta 'Ladies' Glove•Groin end Pebble Shoes at O • Ladies' Glove•Grain But totted 8110(41, WOrtil $1, for 75c. o. Men's Heavy Plow Sil0eR. at $1, $1.25, $L50 and $1.75, .t. Meu's Dongola Shoes, in light and heavy soles, at. $1.50, $1.75 and 2 $2.... e:• Men's King Qoality Shoes, in patent leather and dongola, perfect '.e. 4: . fitting at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. .T If you try the King Quality Shoe voil will wear no other. Boys' Standard School Shoes at $1, $1,25 and $1.50. .,:., ...... :* 4.1". •:e • .MILIaTNERY.. Part of our stock of Millinery whieh was delayed by the snow - blockade is now to hand, which make our Millinery stock the • Oneat we ever shown. Back orders will now be promptly Mlle& • cKINNO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J. B. 1-100'VER, NELSON BALL ; . ,• meiSt •of their nets and taeltle. .Sullers"are awey to Toronto. for • -.en CononaMeatiOns • received •-eFrom. Goderich 'Township. • Mr Jaines Butler .hae sold 'his eighe ty-acro• farm on the 12th .ccre to Mr,' George . Cook for •in. tlie neighborhood , of • $2,50o. Butler has .alSoi • • 1<1(ao1ike A few ttiles 'below Gond F•orkv7tht.7' 'Who' hos fukir Visiting "ance ifl';'aid • •;of i1i Auburn -reading Bend: lUr.•David, Gerdmette . and fain: here 'for scene weeks: left •for .114; home rormi-and lihrery no motioii Of • Mr.. lly: and Aire Solomon Williams • . aro ' at Frobisher, • N.• W. T., last week. • . 13e*Leeroft,. seconded by• Mr, ,Ellise is had rrfoVe out •of their hon- Voting on. the C. 'Re by-law will Was ;granted for that •purpose. Froth es • Much other &iota h heen d( take place n 11forris on EridaY •A!Orii A II Macdonald : seliciter for Guelph' • g as .41 . • • • ' • Tlie,,Itacre fanir of Theadiete '. lIcile ..1.a.ting to theObuiliDn • f,.'sant - - 1' •• • . jaeietion, .Railway - CO, On 'Matters re- • posed • pf . hiS.. cl'arter .seetion in .Maeti-.• •Cattle - .have 1,erielled .aiul .iii • looSe • 1-51.1:. :The.. s:iiri asked.' for is . $3,5oo..• .-- toba::.• ktilel 1)11rP0ge..'. tP,IC:ing -.1/4,1„...: land things :around the farms'. hitve been • near. ArCor.,.., Assa• ; • • .. .. . .... :.. . ,land, 9t11 line, has 'been perchased' • 'I,v • Ceived..and filed. • - if;'- '(.) 1.°'4•C''I.e-'' ' .. - • swept' away .' ' . ' • " '' Y*-11:he OppositiOn:have° been vainly .dit .• The iild..:t.pols. iiomest-eaci....f..4i. - thq... ,.. . . . . . . _ • .. . ..- : • ...,. ‘1.a.itiami- .concdffiintr was -solei by attc- . deasciring 'to. eseeetain the .., •principit. . ... : ,..ticee' last • week,- the:mocha:1er' ' :being 1. which underlies ••the..eXpenditure .. o , tie1 ,....%. Thos. Potter. •and - the prico'$3'1 I ty. • . 'the-- Overnmerl ..how- The' euentors -of the -estate Y.r.,re Mess- . . . , .. .. , . .. . . . . . • Zurich. -•• •Comicillor George • • jackSon. He •has ..Moved by Mr. Wilson,•• seconded rioted it. , . .• Mr. Illene,oes—That the Iteeve be oath- - Adam .Sneith of Lauder, 'Manitoba; orized to. •purchaSe lumber •• •regtiired .4* who -tool% a tier of stoek • from . herd, this seaeon forerepairing bridges. and uthnies• . One day recently a Serious •iteeident fastest trip he ever niade. Ile landec'. carried.. • . ever, many ways ofeemPtying .rs. Elford Mier 'Al:butt: • , • • . tcl ' f- • I ' have se 00000 ' • . ' . • FURNITURE 000 000 • 0 00000 000c4( The lateg .is "Keppel Oak." We ha,ve. SIDEBOARDS BEDROOM SUITES EXTENSION. TABLES EXAMINE OUR flA LL :FURNITURE IN BRASS. • IT WILL PLEA.SE YOU,• HO :IVER 1 • • 2 '; • IN ALL ITS 'BRANCHES L Night and Sunday cells answered; aa residence pf Mr. 'John, Powell o • either of the principals.• • ' • . •••••444,44••••••••••••• 41) • reached 'tome on. the:23rd, authine- the ettlyetts throtriehoitt the. towtediipee happent , th arm of 1\ r. John hts stock• in gool Petitiot .Of And.. W. Stoat!, George". • Mr....George Holland was • in Teratite el'falt,• Blind" Line. ' Me. Pfall had. bet Sidney Bolger left for his home: at Quinn and jos uther.ratePayerS mostly the treasury ;that• ...they find it ,imposS- ible tO exPlain theer systom: • In large 011 VridaY• cities, where the po• st ollice aind • vited Some ..of the neighbors to- a ,wciod.-: Ileltu•ont;'• Mmt. -on, Tuesday ill ning.. front- .sou ,enil • Of :treenship, received;-. ,carleed of liorees.to no:- praying 'the cOuneil to telt ..indnediate •Wnt S , • • •• Mr illiawann- hee •seld . hie bee and 'tiering the d•H ay cnry Howald ILithed a clwening and fifteen. akires ent the 'loth • lead the misfortute tc; eel, a deep•gaSh..phot,-• • • toms businees" etten rens •up into the concession to..'Mr. ITierry Ilibbs. • whoSe in ids foc.d., The eta. 'is alead °nee , .• ..• aetiort ane. sithinit another sectional kilbert nivni former bonos..by4aw 441;:•of the,- oadoi• . . . onr..-great sale Of Men's anctBoys' Vine Shoes .• •,40•44••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ask is lug And Our Prices Must Win hundreds" of thousands oft dollars, the place adjoins. Alr., ,aed Mrs. Swami totellig the •L01•10 at,(1 severing scverai Morrisite; was canine on eld nelethItiers. Junetien, R.ailway Cc... A. •counter pto we nave been asked for •• 1 l'e is it. ma.ny coinpelled to' will cootinue iiV0 011* the ph:cc...10r •al:teries" . leo .e(.11 itieuds this •week and. is enjoying .tition signed• by Joie McGill Si.; and.. .•• . , . .s1( tra ).(ax , but 15 dc aS • W(.11 a. good. degree of health: 1.1e. is agert .34 other raj.epayers also received pray- • tea' uP with all 'sorts of inconVeniencea the Presellte, • • . . )11 ••; •. • .. • LADIES' _AND ,N114S.ES' .S1-10ES;• • So .for a few daYs we:give. them. . chance tO... -seenre.. the * - because of the-, repented retueals of ,the kr,. 'R. -.0..'•gcle. acconie - can 1 4'• .X1).Cete(l' Tie ) 1 laid.' •for the Bower..an nuritery Atel.•has. • betit Tthe....pottittil not „.1,6 take' aity. action la-. paniddli Mr W-; Goldin spent a few' I‘ • ... weee •conlinne .- in t te• Lut wren_ c te . ell. e ilk:left 'Mot ris for 1.101)151111 le . • .clt. ...he children, iteetwered :readily. to • eo •T. After ..considerable •disetisSicat .. over. are advanced .in 'set:port • 'citest claim . the.-1,3ayheld Lowe • ...• • ,•. . . ,..i. . . .. . where they •intend -makitig.their this: innt ter. it ;wit; *nosed' liy..-Mr; Wilt- . -kindly . view ..iat tale .sitilation is taken. are ,speee,inge their .Easter• holidays at. the . 1101ough. trait into to;t ieed• in.! them .st oeli• • entitlements • ete W1111 'hint.. • ' the ..further 'consideration . of -.'Jlie. Pal- ;• thins now • presented be °postponed, WI.. Saturday, -,3oth •day. 'a:April .next • •a.t..2" . .. a'clock ' in. the .0.1teritooLteeediriede, ' Tlie Treasiirar 'reeorted cosh oithamd crowo to Stipply adequate, aceoemno( , , g, time Whee einisideretioti5'. days around Easter at hTs menu Cs11 • ••.• • doing- very well. . • . eo,%sefeeitiong the by -10,W aslticl lor.in 1 3, • • :On :Sul -144y • week. a.ela.ss of elevine • Teesday ot this weell•Alleirt McColl the' first petition, • • • • ; . hest bargains ever, offered in Clinton. . •• • for .an 'exPenaive public .work, a more. .• YE, AicGavin and lir. W. Jarrot t toe gee:dims pet to. theme. showing Lome.. • Mr; McCall took a • car ef seceeded . by•• Mr. Menetes-eriliette , 2 '120 pairs of Ladies Ktd Buttoned Boots, the best goods in 2. the store, with medium toe and good fitters, worth • regular from $3 to $3,50, all to go :at. oneprice, for.,.. $2.25 • ,• They are o.ccellent Valne.. Other. lines of Ladies' Boots warth $'.4.25, now $1.:71$: _ pair Miss's Buttoned Beots; sizes 11, 12; 13, 1 (laid 2, \vol.- ' th $1,50 to 1.75, to clear at. , . ; , $1.00 Our Spring Stock is now complete with all the latest styles and at very,elese prices. ' For instance, a vote , their homes Seaforth •enei 1-1111sgreext been forced tityouglf•fOr a Post o respectively.• . itt •the hands of the. peetor, • Rev, Sehuelke. • • • . .Acten, Vale, cleebee.. The2villege. ..• &his. Inat'a Clull was• last. we.ek.visit-- •.Mr. Sniiith of Th.:Saul:le Line. , has a poptilation. of 1,175, Its Postal ing, friends many•friends of Mrs. S. Ratio 1 /11:3'. ••haveetapped • do: trees and ex- • . : and there ie absclut'ely. no jiistificatioit .• The s.t. date 5363.15. almost recovered from het recent boiled on Wednesday and a. b" Ai in. Ramsay of Michigan, who. excel the next general election the Liber- Jonathan, Bentle •for 47 yards >Tavel, 't ' "nitted tO -$919 .riksorts good. SaP• Wet.titer this week, ..,WeAt Wawanosh. Well wilt be Pleased to hear she Las PeSt. to 1,a1) about 50: lucre, They ;We•are scrry to.repert the death ,. of for :etch a, large ,outlay, tSeept that' DebettureS were i'sseed favor. of ItV waS .obtained. • • • • ..• on the secoad of March, Mk. Rainsay• „. • Mr, Robert Pc•rte.rlield of •• Clifford was th.e. . hither of . David vied .DJA:. No: 6, 19o3, $3.29 ; D. E. als hope that • the grant will result • in :nT4S. • ,•• • ' • 13-0c.ns.a:Y., Munro, in aid Yof •Auburn reading recall an increased vote (Or • • the .• pa.rty . 'Mr. Bea. Rathwell lja8:1,1en. mil.g,'"AY has 'n.Oved 'Onto the farm he...recently Mack:mitt,. at Auburn, mid was tonl lilwary $5 John II. --McClinton; cowl iesete : • inwsP°8ed•fcir. fe'W 943'87' • • purchased froin Illr. August G., nottiv Years. a, resident of thie rieigh• . the . Minister 'of Pablic .Works Paying: his Miele', Mr, Stevenson of Stanley, . • Mise .Addie .Tohnscre ,who has ;been . Council indt aec•Ordiirg to .adjourit- April next. • • Alexandria, popu I a, i (in 1,9 r r and -only, •Wtiod bees' are the eirder of the day, • .eeturne.d. • home last Weelt . • IlleQnillan in the chair, The minutes ' ' •of •the last meeting Were read and con-- •••• . • . •• . • • 4; • Then thete is. the absurd spectacle of tAlt. ' A.rthel- Welsh has 'been kelpieg nlines. , . . . . • • borh-00-(1, • . - , dc;,,.e. tax..,ren,;.itteci. ' eouncit aujournecligtaill .ratul.'dayi ‘31.-.i1 , , $3500 for a lot 42Yxf.:i l'il (11.2 1-CAV11. Of :to exit wood for. the. past syeek, visiting. . her friend) Mrs, A, Guilt- at , . Idea ; members - all present, Reeve •54.,noo• C‘orit property 5811292, in (c -Mr. Willis Bellhad a successful, One oe lynirg, •population. 4,239. Atebtker cone Wechtesday last, „ . • . toast is• furnished in the treatment at- • • • corded the tasette" of. 1. heehaw .' and Fort William Oth • of whielt were fore - i b • , ed to donate free -sites for the goVerit- meat beildings erected. in their midst. `Why its Y the name....ef •common simse • should the two hittertowns be treated. differently from theformer groep ? Is it fair to•lotv sites itt Alexiouirla and Colottog • Whet the eitizene of.. Chatham lout Port William are foreeu. to out their Italie:4 in, their pocicets ? The methods employed by the govern- ment lack • everything 'that can be int- agtned etc. • be la the Ptilelie interest, The void mstolains in alarge measure the big increase hi the comiiry's ex- Penelittire. • ' Calada's Share :After ..Fifty Years. • ne'w Greta. Trunk Pacific Con- tract. leaves little to Cella& bit the paymert of bills Amounting, to millions dollors.. The responsibilky 0.:38,111804 in this transaction is kr over $15t, 0000loo. This vast suin will be speid. •in constrecting "o title 'from Mookton to Winnipeg and the gatatithleeing• the • bends of the Western The Monk ion -Winnipeg fici:tion will cost at least $t20,000eo00. This will lie leased, to the Grand' Tools for e Period of\ 5o years and at the end of that time ruunieg powers for a, birth- Correet Breathing the Bonusing Sometimes Pays. • • • • • ' Ilensall Observer : The people of Winghein tote in about' a month 011 a by-law granting a To year loan ef Sio,00i: to the Grey Co. to erect•o big Omit:cite factory. " te, firni tierces, tci 6Iopl0y 70 hands for To months in the year. Winghton lots granted loati after loan te have enionufactierieg. estoblish- tnent8 and the policy has proVed , so successfi.i that the rateprevers •endorse it evety tone an opportunity is afford- ed them. Itis towns of • the •Witighten stamp. that ere groWing and pros- perous. Will Make No Contracts. A fact WO haye leen trying for the past month to it nprese upon our read- ers • Is einpliain'ted as. follows • by the Owen Sound Times : "'The newspapers of Caraida liave been notificd by the 'paper makers that &winf to low water thesupply. of pulpsvotel has beer; de- creasedto such an exteut that they de - elan: to ecntinue contracts as the sup- ply iimst necessarily he lignite. This , acmanos west conservative metho- ds in regard to subscriptions and mak- es' the payment 111 advance imperial.- er period of so years will be granted Best Spring Medielme. to the corporation. 'r,fio Grand Trunk before the • expiry of 'its lease will lieve constructed most imp,ortant bran» eh lines in elf directions, It will be in a position to know just wlmt lines can be operated at E.; profit. The paynig investments vvill remain in the hands of the company but the government with it eli:re regard for the welfare ol the COulttny will tiny ont all the lines .wbich will have become so 11111011 scrap rot. . At Winnipeg' the Greet! Trunk will own an the terminals. If the gotent- Inca, at the etit of fifty years desires to cuter that city it will' be compelled 10 SPelld ettorratnis sums to seettre the firmed, The teeasurer's statement was 4•4•4•4":*4••••••"*"*":".:"."..,vvre''':*41 . • Hensall. • received. told filed. The clerk wee Or- .*.t •• dered to advertise for teams for thle :Mrs. 'McMartin, .who' has been visit- • grader, en •motion of •Taylor 0.nd Mee, • 0 iut ' her parents feecived telegram: Lean. •An application was • received for Iron 'Lc:tidbit iliferming her. that • her the . adtnittanee. of. Chas. 'Solar into • .0 00•000 4.0 brother-in-law,• Donee,' IlleMartiii • 'of • the Houk: Gf 'Refuge and ordered :to be 2. 4.1*.eb.9.. (3 8 0 co' „Li 0,cti, A •s1P. that .place, bad been drowned by gett.,. signed, la the Reeve. .The • following X . . . ing under . a. flow of ice during the. cheques were. issited e 'Pile's., Nicholson, : fkod. Ile was a .fine youitgt-fellow, grovel!, $7.44 e Moe. Phillips, tile .fer •.te.• pesto21, and was a uceeesful medieal dram $6,37 express, 8oe MuLicipal4. suidnt, ... .•w.rid,.st.optics; 3,85 ;. A,slifichltown-. y . Word was recei'Ved here (111 'Monday ship, balattee on totoulary line Wort*, •e*. week from • Mrs) ...Anderson .of Chi- $10,8; • The• Coderielt Star, advertis-' •:' cago, daughter of Me, eoi ' 1 ; am . Dell, • ing railway by-law,. ' $42.94 ; Mrs; Wil-• X at er son • 101111 o aged 13. years) • son, graYel, $9.36 ; 3; . Reet.nonet;gravel es. had 1)0011 drowned wbileoat plev oo the $2.1o. The council adjouroed to • meet *e:e bank cf the Chicago river. .II, sm,T ees Lei iteediey, April 12th, ttt 12 o'cick, eo* . • that he liad. beta star:ding...0k trcacher- . ',• . bus earth which '14;ave way precipitat- . •. . .•. • V ing hint into the water where he. $0141• . . . • oi. drowned. ' , . . Keep Little Ones Well. Y • In deal* with the Act to incoikior- • •. • : '•• • • ate St. Joseph, and Stratford Eleetrie ' There might Met .to he atio sickly, •e. Railway Company the Railway Com- fretful, sleepless children—there *cum 4,:e mittee of the Legislature has adopted not be any if mothers gave their A a 'wise principle by requiring cum- little ones an Occasionaldose of A panics seeking • titeorpcoation to • sho.w Baby's Own Tablets. 'Ilia little cnes t* an evidence of their haematite of doing are sickly and fretful . and siceifiese *e . business and • 114 Tnerely ta get a usually -because of some etemach, t charter to barter off. The timo limit bowel or teething trouble. These aird ••••• for beginning and finishing the road the other minor ills of little ones are `.2. was reduced to one and three yews, speedely relieved and promptly cured A respectively. The road purposes to hy Baby's Own Tahlets and the ' tit- 4 run front Stratford thoeigh lien:46.11 tetie. one thrives and grews olutilp, 4. , St. Joseph on Lake IIiirom - sleeps well . at night • and lets the *? Reeently the friends cf the White- mother get her lunch needed rest as 42: church appointment kindlyremembered Well. Mrs. It, M. LaRue, Mountain, ::. their, paetor, Rev.. C. C. &ante, former- Ont., Says : "X ce.11•1•ccommend Baby's 4 .. . ly Jr, pastor here, by giving him 0, OW11 Tablets tc. all mothers wlic• have .4. liberal supply of cats. Ile was away cross or delicate children. c do not 3 from licinc at the (11110 1...1111 on his te- know. how 1 co4.ild get along without t •turri was agreeably surprised to . hod them. Mother, isn't it worthy your •a.• ' his oat 1.)4n full and muting over. This whlle tri give this medicine jest 014 ...e. . is the secOnd time this winter that trial. i'. 11 your niediebte dealer does ;t; the pastor has beeti thus remembered, not keep the 'tablets send 25 cents to .2, Building opereitione fit the corettry The Dr. Williemis Medicine Co., Brock- 4. m proise to be brisk during the coming vale, • Ont., and the Aailelets will 'be oe seasc:n. John 'Weleit of the. London sent by mail post paid.• 44,• ••• Road lets given R. Clultnore and W. .te • Welsh the contract for the erection a a . • 4.$4 fine twit story 1410k residence. Walter . ••• 'Llieknow. • 4:4 Slater of near Kippen has. 1)0011 con- templating latiVing a residence -for two + years and has let the contract for a Mr. Robert a. Finnigan cf Dung • two story brick to. It. Cudniore . awl (ni, who has 110.11 801110 500 barrel:1'1101t e1i .4 .t: 11.eynOldS • aiKt IiiRr MU . R. Cudinore apples stored in Mr. Graham's build- 1,1_, hits the contract for a brieli licadse ing opposite the Sentinel (Alice, + is near Zurich. Varna seluxd has been busy repacking then, for shipment to ..s. bit to It, Cuditiore and Jacli Patter- the Old Country markets, The fruit:is .t. ttititiO Oa Very 00C11, . A. disthignished physician, upem be asked what was tho best •l)1 ing medicine, replied that it was breath- ing. l'ec4O1e have been exceptionally deprived of air (Itring the, past winter, and as the cc Id air becomes•sullicieitt- lv Wintered oototo injure the longs, 1..116,140 organs slut* be. built up agn ai ing is a sovereign remedy .for. our na- tional disease of nervints depletirn. Correct breathing brings into play 4.11 time develops the heart, liver and ,kidheyri, sok" by ("lady breathing .exercises. 'Breath - the internal organs atid at t .t 13411110 THE NEW all Papers ARE HERE 4. *;• • Come along any day • A and we will:show you. .24 the tounples. They , •A - :ate both ounterons•e S and ar tistic, represent- . .. lag without doubt the 4 : hugest stock and most •..e. hea In i fu I papers • we • have ever shown. 4. .... NEW DESIGNS . • ••• . ' t NEW COLDAINGS •.,,• • SPLENDID VALUES , . e • all papers trimmed free. • 7.e. • •t. \ 4..., ,.......,10b1., d II I hi. M ; .i• te ' 0% . 4/* 1 1 00/ C11 0 1.1 + se CLINTON. $.Progressive business :pmcoi 0 0 0 0 The Old Reliable • WM. TAYLOR & SON. 0000 • 00 OCVWAC.V.X7j);:v1)(;)'0.4MeX.',€.Sreere.A0 00 000000.0 HE GREAT CASH STORE Just received a large oonsignment of Ladies' Fancy Blouses latest in the New York Styles and newest materials, , In our Bross Goods and Print department we are showing. some exeellent values As theseloocis were 11 bought before. • the raise in price, Our Millinery department is just loaded with the latest novelties in Ladies, Misses and Children head wear. • All ' orders promptly attended to. Inst received two consignment of Mens' and Boys' Spring Bats. We can save you money in titia line. Just to hand it very large •range of Snits for Men and Boys', also a nice range of Men's Spring Overcoats. • Never before have we shown such a large, assortment in the Boot and Shoe department, as we are showing at the pres. ent time. It will pay you to do your buying here. Arty quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. M. MCBE - • Pretoria rtioctic 000000000 • 00 00000 CO •C";) • 0 • * BLYTH t?) (2) 000 0 0 4. 4.0 44 44 +44 44 4:441+44 04 •84 4t• 4:444 444 440 41", advertise in the NewsoReeord. 4-• men