HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-07, Page 2r.'
The elltiton Newsillecord Aprn ith i(1041
r. '40,11;1*•,:ar.4•e-aasetisestokarporkaaaaarasceseete
• _.,• AN
oeching jotnts
twit little dttaiardly groat Of a intro.
In the Angers, toes, arrae, and other net's plot to nturtior him that I once
end your frenzica about Lady Di with
nly troubles."
01 thought Vti uot ifiterrnpt the epie
parts of the body, are jointe that are
infiamcd end swollen by rheumatism -
that acid condition of the blpod which
affects the =soles also.
SuffererS dread to move, eepeciall
after sitting or lying long, and thole
condition is Comnatinly Worse m wet
"I suffered dreadfrilly from rheumatism,
but have been coznpletely cured by Hood's
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rills and this tuedicine. has entirely cum
me. I have no hesitation In saying it eaveo
my life." M. J. MoDorsar,o, Trento, Ont
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outward application can. 'Tato it.
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Make out your list of
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10. ia• 041,44).40.4). ••••••
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..r._ • • _„
MA NY C.1 ToLS are reci•ic c a froin
businem firms ,atal stueents
• "Very well, stet' very -well," tilays'the
baronet, reflecting that another ;corpse
ilaced in goal positions each,yeax by
the fattiot.s • ,
Y Lady -Peg y
• I -loved, veit's elle half aload.
"NViett's the use of note -331e, nulta I ,,wou what news of peg? Ally?.
. that toat loa. • f
. .0
Goes to Town
asks her twin anxiously.
4 lie's for 1.a.ty 1,1:tita and going to
s !wiser husband itrItcatl of mine!
"None. paw ("hockey and only got
taints': " murmurs ehe, flinging-, herself , ran4 hay what °rigs"- bid -the 1)°4 -
on the bed fu it flood of tempestuous
tive assurance that her mistress. had
. . . .. , tears. gone up to London. 'Of her own free
will?' I asked. 'Yes, Sir Percy,' said
I(/4d that her owtr willful words, she. 'Alone?' I inquired. 'No, Sir Per- .
In vain regretting 5110 now too fully
ealousy, her falsehoodsher ey,' as ber answer, nor could I force,
her J, de-
teats. were the sole muses for Sir frighten or buy the baggage into any !
: Robin's, terror and therefore for the further confidence. She did beg or me,
. Copyright. 1901, by THE OOWEN•MERRILL 'COMPANY ot . however, seek out ber ladyship, if I
abominable st•liente whleit he had just
concocted, could, and find how she fared."
i Presently she arose, tossed the bun- "Gads life, sir! She has eloped. 'Vs
BIolsey grunts,
"The tOWn 11 be nitre when it's oat
that a gallant like 1in that's heir to
Lard Gower's been done fer, and then,
my fine. geutlentan, who's to pay feet
If we's caught and if we 'Opens to 1,1,
seen by any one when we're 4-doln` of
your job? Not.tuoney all down now or
sir Percy lives as long as 'e likes, for
Peg's hand is upon the hilt of her
4 -Word.
Shall she spring. and run Sir Robin
flball. she hide and buy the rascals
•ut at n higher price than he las paid?
But no sooner do these thouelts rush
hrough.her twain than the utter int-
mesibility compessiug the •one or e"
-wee:ailing the other undetected, 1
•ven with her lire, and she 0. tit th0.
nervy of theee cutthronts, comes ta
--steady beri•:and•-sheerenlizes that her
.3nly part is to get away AS fast as she
nay rind unseen if site cat. •
Meantime Slr. Ittabln concludes his
, • etrgnin with the two desperedoes, and
ni they withdraw into their haunt Mei
be turns on his heel he espies Lady
Poggy rounding• tile- -corner with her
eind le under her arm. The little ber-
m'r with a sidelone glance et the hall-
- aaty to make sure his 'men. see out or
darts to the 'opposite side .of the
purt on tiptoe and then, putting bands
•o meth, calls across:softiy but clearly
.11 a tone halt' of joy, half anger: .
"Mr. Incognito! Mr. Incognito! Ho!
,1 say, Incognitor• • . • • '
2 Peg: stops short. 'Twere Wiser per -
!lane to try to discover what had put
:411•• Robin ale:fart up to the murder:.
"By. gad, sir," eries•this one, ,thaking
- (Testi now,eyer lo Peg's site the.
avey„. "here have 1 scoured the town
i'or day and night, and no trace of yea
thywherel• 'incognito' me n-� More, sir!
\vim are you, •Sle?• Pit stand -no more
mell nonsense!" Sir Robin's • Valor's'
thoroughly. ba'sed on' the knowledge
that were blade to he unsheathed AO
ills -hurt he -Could nod wbuld shout 'for
:ale hirelingsto the rescue. '
'Twastfirstbe •and ,oul time inbis
Aretlfat lie was.ever knewe to urge or
' ..eVen hint•a quarrel In laminae Persona.
. • ,
•''pfl ti "
;Ilitit,ter.. Sir Itebin:•MeTa rt." rinsw
Lady Peggy, *Clapping hand -to •'
'4TRATFO8D, •00NT..
Th's Sclual statias for t1ij highst
and 1a -s1 in business educatiotrin Can -
1 c(1;...y. ...arany b tt siitus$ collcges
employ our grdiluat es as 1.'eachers., We
11.s.ve scores of applications frotn. other
colleges. .Ask to SVC them the day you
enter. Coininewe eouree. no*. :Cato
logue fi.ce,
W. J. BLLIOTT, PrinciPalc
she shudders, now linking her aran in
her companion's and assuming an air
of' easy eoundence, by the ,which she
hopes to ensnare hint into a complete
revelation or his Plans.
"Since you go armed and are, I doubt
not, a master. in the art of self' defense,
what have you to fem. from Sir Percy
de Bohula?"
"True," responds the baronet, with u
reservation , to himself and uo tnind at
all to proceed any further with him
revelations... "Gad. -sir! •A fellow like
that," clutching the newspaper -stuck
among his ruilles, "ain't to .be trusted
as long As he's above the ground. I
swear, sir, 1 fear to walk abroad. and
hold•myself housed at my inn le Pine
1(.0. -daring n y (L.
A rutlian that's publicly prieted •as
seelihe life 'd stick me in the back. In
the dark an be got the chance."
for her sweetheart; "he's not that sort
of n gentleman- But, look You, keep
close; frequeut neither club, coffee nor
chocolate house nor rout nor drum; es-
chew Vatixhall, Richmond and the play;
house or any- likely place where becks
gather, for, trust me, sir, an you do
mit r city, e e the Luca. o
pay, and his, blade's his obedient slave."
l'oor Peg! She has • not only to pro-
tect Percy of his lire, but, as before, to
prevent .any discovery of her usurpa-
hen or the little baronet's name. -
"Curse hitn! I tear him not!" re-
sponds this one, his itching fingers
twisting about. the enapty purse in his
•• "Rut of. her ladyship;, • Sir .Go-be-
Atveen?''• adds he -presently tie they
.emerge•, upon the broader and • better.
lighted road. ." 'Pon mit life,. but to so
find mYself the hero of a romantic pas-
• 3. 3••
feta', a'hoblenetn thirsting fey blood,
a nameless gentleinati playing. alercury
betwixt ute and, my, 'tis amazing,.
sir, prodigious . amazing:" • Sir Robin"
• struts and htkos seuff very coturerte-.
dle once wore Wulf Into its biding place 7
and set to pacing' up und down the ' "One thing more asked Chock: Mad
wben he was looking high and low for •
0 know of.'"
ti'll'ivIngse. weightier matters kept Peg- "Two hundred pounds!" repeats Peg's
moving for on boor or more, and, quick twin in amazement. "'Tie ewe more'n.
she ever saw before in our lives put to
uswere her obeart and temperf
gether, Oh, the 'girl's Safely wedded,
her brain bore, a more even bttlance.
sir beyond a doubtl"
"Sir," says Percy, sitting at the table,
with his head low in his hands, "the
blackguard's :won her from me."
. "I fear so, sir," The two men's hands
meet and grasp in the silent fashiou.
or their sex, °Mimes more eloquent
orally other. This she soon recognized
than any words e'er speecbed. •
would have the fate of Vother.- Then •
• "Would I bad made a hole in hie
. Awes to eontrive some plan to fetch
heart. that night 'In Lark • laner cried
hint to Itleintiond Windsor' ani place
. else for Sunday; but tcr this -arose the • 81r•PercY next, ,
• "Sir Robin's nimble, sir, and knows
objection that the blackguurtis cheated
of one 'day or plaCe would not fail to a trick or two with steel as well as
• W the' smile 'other. At ince.'
-the-last bey indyilifp's ilifeWcr cOm. ---"A7e,- -galla-nt-- every bleb; -0Tierlair-
mon eense and Indomitable pluck plain.: tiiheant, I sobuia teetihuilemi, dt,h e*mheoure,I, avnedbyeeet,
ly showea her neve was but one safe ,
plan out -of the dauger, and this 'mist sao-snitaertihnigngatInItimhiforocrap
be to go herself to the river Sunday'
night , and there concealed, armed, • bling Peg, and it's made me halt like
unafteaer'aineYee caughtresem
• await the coming of tlie „cutthroats a chit at provoking of him. further.".
Kennaston nods. "Aye, I've remark -
front their den and from the rear put a
shot into each at one and•the same mo. ed It, but .held my peace, Percy, or '
,tis•sald man and wife often grovi.to
' .
Could'she do . • look alike, and doubt not sometimes
• • • Her ladyship had nmseles of steel, •begin alter the same pattern," • •
. no nerves, as the fine ladles of her day Sir Percy sighs. again, turns up the
• comprehended them; as brave AndloYal. rtioin with drooped lids, in' silence get-
s [tenet as.ever.beat in an , breast ood ling that grip upon his soul which no-.
. tioor as she'd seen lier twin at home her ladyship money in her purse? .
'Lawk Sir Percy cried sbe 41201) 1
' First she had thought to warn Pere,* 0 •
by a letter nusigned, the which she
knew he'd OM) into the Ore and think'
no mere abont. Then that she'd write
one to Kennaston imploring hint to
keep Percy flop tilt, pier Sunday ulglit
3 , g
• fnith. in God, for all her frowardness, blest natures insist on with themselves
end that species Of leve burnIng:Wititin:. even in crises -like this. 'Tis a .bitter
...her .for 'Sir Percy de flohun .whicli has. battle. . . . • • . . . , .•
atot a resit times in the world's. history - "Remington," says he, very (inlet and
. .
, offhand,:."I'm thinking 1'11 go to the
nettle frailest wont:taint° man's equal
' for cenrage. • • ' , ' • .-. 'k• •• -.• '.colOniesto VIrginiii."-.. : -• • '' •
• To Lady Peggy there seemed a di-. , . Keuilneton turns off, with ,tears in'hie.
vine conapensa tam . in the fact • that it' eyes - . .
•had come' to her :to save .thD Tell one ' "Mostly," says he 'brokenly, "were
whom by hes. lies. and willfulness sun. not Peggyany tNion I'd be in ripe meod
. alone. had 'been the Means of endan- -for a-enrsing of her! When, Percy?" '
• might cciet .him 10 „guineas. more ere
be were done with it, and. besides
4'0:1 ruing :for the' neWs of • his • lady
'VII1C11 he thinks he May glean.
stomach for 'fighting any man.
.iteligiou doesn't teach :fis that lesSen;
hut 'tis ecurvy telck 'you've played
4110, e -
'In what WO, sir? Out with itr re;
Piles Peggy. '
• "You, sit', sent me to keneastow •
a -seeking • Lady Peggy Burgoyne, sir.
. She was from home,' and no.t a word
• else toeld I bey or wring. out Of itor
mi.rvant's cured Mouth. 'Then. I Ialed.
to Kent, believing, from your fine Mess
sages to. Cm' (rent her •ladyship; that •
. • • " . she must be there :tit her 'godmother's:
*•,,;*s•zasiz•L-s•,-;-Itk7.sEsfesszzilus".-------, ':' •Ne,,.sir,2Plie.wits net, nor .couid.'any One
. . :tell •but that ehe was at Kennaston.
a 4,. ri% 4 :ix 4..to . . • .. .
L. ..L.0i 1.11'4.10 • : • ••itstie. for all, they knew. Back intown• .
.. ' i;osthaste 1 seek..tairk lane; where. her .
. •
t:s.% • • ' • brOther lodges So t had heard, only to .
• bly since he has got out of a very' den-
gerous environnient., '
Peg's soul sickens within ber as she
s•'1,,"N(;?(01:411t1 tglior 1:N11:1:111,74:linbilliiivre7sesslieh.e.?"
• "You've seen her?"
,"Not 1.7. • "
"Are like tit'?"
"No, sir." •
• "Yon can convey messages to her by
some foed way she's, planned ..to get
bee news Of me, ell?" • •
"1 can, Sir Robin."
whdever you are, for -pity's -sake
tell tee where is she!" '' • • •• •
"Not far, sir," • •
'Gad, sir, to -touch her band,' her
cheek! 'You're: itf her sure confidence?
She does favor me? She will not, give
Of 100 Ladies., 90 at .Feat
prefer Rings to any other
kind of Jeweliy. For
reason we pay spectal.. atten-
You will find the favol
ite Stono.1 and combination. -
at their best with us.. .
Every Ring at.: its very best
bt)tb t,0 valueand .011.11-
i fy.
Itiern that he' has gene t� sten Witia Sir
Percy de 'Bohun In Charlette street.". ,
"Well, you •Sotigait hlin there?"
quires. •P,eg; .quiyering :with stippreesed
•excitenien t, •
."1 diq not, 'sir!" replies Sir Robin:.
"Titauk heaven!" says•his companion
fervently, ah eiciatuation Which May
do double duty and IS well taken by
th.e• little gentlemen frotia Kent: •
"No sir You do not suppose sir,
that .I'm a-golitg to -risk a life that's
aver. to Lady Peggy at the hands of a
.eipping brawler and Pure kill ,like Sir.
Percy, do pad?" • • •
"Ah, She Robin!" nuoth' her ladyship:.
"If . rut. knew. 'what . consolation it
would be%••to Lady. Peggy to ' hear of •
yout. u•nwillingness• to hazard. 'your
erecious person in ** Rich company
'twiruld•etiSe•your Mind -and heart."' .
."Look you!" .whispere' Sir' Robin,
plecklugatt Peg's aleeve.. "But tell me
where she 15. This mystery'd killing
S peaking
Any user of the oam-
era can make a photo-
graph, bat it requires
experience, ability
andjudgm.ent to pro -
dace the spea,king
likenesses we turn
out.' We can and will
pleact.6 you,
tue. How 'fares she? Does she ,pine
roe :the? And is this .true?"- With
•hatids. Sir ,Robin . takes from
his pocket a tony of a print of the day
previous. and; unfolding, reticle 10 the.
astonished • Peg. the following para.- ••
""i'own's 'talk is all for the very pret-
ty quarrel betwixt Sir p -y• de B -n
and the . gallant and handsome • Sir
11-n 'Afer-t ••of Kent, 'Tis all osier
Mayfair and r beyond that the dense
Of the dispute is •the lovely but mys-
terious Lady P -y 13 -el' " • •
"'Slice!" interrupts. Peg, catching at
s ."Y
why 'Its that her ladyship must keep.
her IvIterea bouts.: a secret, •-even," she
edde with sentimental deflection, "from
you, Tt•tist toe, slr, tte yoo woUld trust
her and be guided by my Counsel!"
Sir Robin nods vigeronsly, fluttering.
his sheet with aexiotts angers. "Listen,
sir, listen to thiS further." ITO reads
on; ao.n-1119,,as alt
that's sacred, so ,118 saki, to, sticL Sir
R -n MeT-,,t to the death, and serious
'consequent:es tire reat•ed.'"
'"Ab!" .crles Lady Peggy, overjoyed,
le .110er anything' that may serve to
keep the little baronet, and Sir Percy
front meeting. " "ris a gentleman of
his word, I promise yeti. Better got
back at once to flabinswold and let
Lendon and Sir Percy gallop to the
devil an they see fit!" .
"Nay," • replies' the ono addressed.
'"Not, I, Sir Incognito. It is net for tt
MeTart to turn his back on danger,
but the rather," and here by the fish
oil. gleam the little gentleman's squint
eyes leer cunningly up into her lady..
BiliP'S face, "the rather," continues be,
glancing eatitiously around, "take
IneastireS 10 protect myself." '
"Very commendable of you, Sir Rob -
al taw coo Foga, room's.
mehopes, sir, •to trim aratied and break
my heart by. marrying of anether?" ". •
"Lady, .•Peggy, 'II • never.. marry .any
man, Sir Robin, Put of the•Ppli1ion„,0
Pd not giVe that for yOurthances!" an-
swers she. .. • . . •
• . .
• "Think you. She ever cared for Sir
:Percy?". risks he. ' • , •
• I• , •
"Sir, who • can •fathem .11 woman's
heart?.. 'Tit:: deeper than. the sea -so
deeP, •Ipethirike.• ofttimes- she herself
beide not that Phinifebt titan' tan•seuncl
it. . Sir Robin, 'I .18 lw My lea ve of you."
"IIold, *old, sir; 1401 so fast! Where
next may I encounter yen?" ••
'"That must be es her' ladyShip saYs,"..
answers Peggy, "Your but's in Pile;
lico?" ; " ••
"Yes, the I'uffled Hen; not far oft'
Battersea bridge."' • • -
"Farewell, sir, and.,Jook you keep .
close indoors and risk no quarrel With
. gyring. • , asks he .after a pause;
. "As soon as may be," is the reply.
. . CITA PTBIt X ' I ve the promise- of a commission by
IIIS young gentleman now. stood my uncle's' influence: Come, come, lad
loin a window o s
uncle's house upon all the dewy. '
lookingf •f o' my heart," laughs he 'through his
horse gave a plunge which tn'oUght tilin
-up neck and neck with the graY Or the
supposed baronet and the black of Mr.
"To the rescue, Sir 'Percy!" cried this
one jocularly."Your assistunce .1 beg,
and the loan of your wits in our argil -
"With all my heart!" answers Percy,
scenting a possible chance to woret his
rival even in a battle of weal. "What's
the subieetl" '
"A truce to ,tr. exclaims the Beau,
with an expressive shake of his bead.
at Mr. Chalmers, who, however, oelddm
;Weil auY obstacle to the pleasUre of
bis present moment.
'No truee at all, Mr. I _ r"
swers he gayly. ""rts"-
""ris nothing whatever, Sir Percy,"
interrupts Lord Essemnbe, putting his
hand on Chalmers! relit, and adding in
an undertone: "Oadzeiatts, man, hold
your peace! The matter's Illte-low and
. tinder betwixt Percy aml McTart!" ' •
"'Pon nay soul, gentlemen," novv cries
Percy, "I Midst upon ;lacit's being al-
lowed to proceed with his remarks. If
he wants my counsels. they're his.
Come, sir; Speak,"
"'Tis but tills," says Mr. Chalmers.
"I say to Sir Robin that since the
world's lausy with rumors of ills secret
mnrriage to Ledy Peggy Burgoyne,
sinee as I learn by my men, who had
it et the 'ante or the very best author-
ity -gad, 81.114 'tis a fact, even lc we
don't xells•13 it. the gist of our gossip
comes Dann below stairs, up, --that
Latly I'eggy is from home, her father
-11 elle VI lig- lief -hi' 1cent at •Ifer
er's"-alr. Chalmers smiles -"her moth-
er being In York,. believing her safe at
Keunaston. I say, my lords and gentle
men, it behooves confide the
matter te his best frietele and. give
them chances to congratulate him and
the lady, Bare I the right ort, Percy -
yes Or no?" •
Percy is silent for a moment; •It•seents.
to him a fieseeiettion of the sweet, 100d
('St and womanly :girl be has so long
adored thus to hear even her Heine,
'Much loss a diseession or 110r• most pri-
vate nedtors, nettle into mirthful sub-
' Jeet 041 1.1 mollifing's • ,
n Hues.. tuo. Is great that •thetnan
.whose tat WV (03)3 41(11 With hers hn
not' already .put a. stop te.suelt a con-
vereation.. even were it et the ,point of
the sword, • .
Shalitie bet•e and nnw 50 reply to Mi..
Chaintera as sled1 breed an Instant re-
tort front Sir Rubin. and a, chellenge on
1,.the spot.? 'nip 4,ven flashes
.0 threugh his brain t Rabin might
140 lert (1.04,14.1 on the grainal and that
some time in the (11413" future no might
'Will 0„3, [14(1. 0'111.111M .
But, with a tigli'tettine• re,ta he c echs
• lihnself as well wilds _horse es Ile an-
, own Misty. eyes. ?.."The wind's not in swers: . - • .•
.leitfilig. beenty., Of •the park itt AbilVe 'Salls,. yet.. prettified Mr,:
• .)fey. Ills brow wits..itnit, his lips tight
. •13 nujauiid Ues Dene for .the morrow, and I'll hardi,y.
M 1110 1411110 sat Kennaeton, Inky be ready -hi all points to get untler,rw'
g*red, serail/ling; eyes. new rolling, to. cd ['bql°re
• .
visit to Brookwood, 'Whence fOreisee
you're heck' In town front your
. . • Brummel for his expedition to Ivy
• "Alti"..sigheallis one. "If the iti you'll fly with • Diana's 'yes' .betwixt
e.er c
-her kiss on your cited- "' • • •
141g4 g ni
de not .fintl this. •canto to their, taste •
Twas ' no* Mr. Brunamel's• famoup
• :may I liejlangtal! ; • ' • •
• • • •• and, long talked. About party to. Ivy •
: "YOu're,like to go to •eottrt to the de.v.i
11.•I'm thinking, then, dc.ar lad,".epealta. Mae this vely. neat, day that dawned. °-
Des Rebut:Inver shoulder. sertvh,.ahter lady.ehin: had vowed to her.
• " ".4Faine! .Farne! cries the yotiog pa- • come what might, she would
avoid this, even did. tate keep her in
*C.:PUslaing back in ,his. chair, wig awry
. •• • • L'ondon.1 'Twas no pari of her pro -
Sir P.erey fie Bohun." • . . •
"Farev.vell; sir," welching her. lady, I
ship turn doWn the street. as lie turns .
up. "Ortd's life! 'Twos well he hap- ,
pelted when he (11(1 1331(1 not earlier to
eavesdrop tny bargain with the wherf
ruts! • 1.4(leath! Risk no quarrel. with
Sir ParcY!, Not so long as; there's
_guineas. lett •to bey • coepses• With!"
And. the little gentlentan trots over 'to'
tolerttbly •tfell• pleased with
e.vening's work, there, hoWever, to•
be 'greeted with reading' of. more .
neWeptpers, including:that one . withal*.
had e.erlter in the .day .so entertained •
• • Beau, Brummel and Ids remitters. •
Not for moment diti' the Imeettet
mistrust' or lieve a suspicion other time
1.1.3et Ills fame had caused. him to be
made the subject of such a pack " of
Pretty stories as IVIIS then the custom
of the pt•ess, 'DOW, :regarding : allY
.0,11f Ionian of position and gallantry... -
Sir Rotates • xatuity easily. swallowed
the dose, and he even slapped his thigh
and' lattglual his little dice -rattle latigh I
as he 3•01.1eettal how safe he teally was •
with neVer fl chalidnge sae a tirawl to
'hie (sawn rdly credit .siiice he , got ids
. „
first [toggle's nt Eton.
Ale .3tetually monthed Over his pro-
eaeetive wooing and assured winning of
lo,aly Peggy l'elt n calm satierne
Pen in 1110 knowledge .that .0;0 one
rival he feared would so. seen be be-
y ' the renell of Indies'. smiles or
No qualms ernite to disturb MS
r.p.h1 I. enJoyment. of porposcd asses-
• In those de's „to Id!! was
33 '1111,1' tempera titan It is today,
'Ill 110 witi3 mad:guard land man of
honor nuke the first redress for even
'the pottit.,,At sort of diapute; .1.1th•
dirirt.rt,liet, of method inter that the
lant hatotv height, out his quartel 031
the epee Leal. 'Mille the craven bought
41 lraad.o.; .'„Is.Aer to Ito 11 131 (be (.1,10c,
Indy. hy es direet a
route as she an Fol 1,1)111 out or the leby-
3,1313 It of her lesioraoce mei her distract-.
ed statv or 111i14 1110kt.ii biiCiC to Peter's'
Court with, lia•r .parc,..I of duds still ana.
.110` arm. •
Site enters, mounts the 5(413 1'C8$,
seeks hoe roam4 elost's the deer arid
8 down. •
'"lis 110W not to be douhted,"' sho
says to her:tett', "lnit that the tlevir
at the helm or toy ship nrel that I ani '
to be u men for the vv.:1 of my life,
'1.01dent111,410 dad says. I'll stop over till
Sunday idglire o'vr past, alul es eurely
3,10 Itty Uttlue's targoyue VII ton
'1)- •
• . . The to me' hands..nieet, '
nncl :quill poised le air. - "I'll hunt thee
to my dying bonr, and if thou eseap'st
me then; qW111 ail be Lady- plum's.
fault," • . • • - • •,'•
Hews that?" asks. I ereY, how-
ever, but small ring.pf interest in his'
"Oh!" tetclahned . Peg's .twino "The
:Minx mocks 'Mei.' 'Tis *Monday, kind -
nese and nil. stniles, to wake on Tues-
day for ittdifference; pouts on Wednes-
day; lure -me -ons o' -Thursday; forgot -
fulness for Friday; radinnce for Satin.
ditY, . all a -jumble, sweets and
frowns, showers, sunshine, what you
>vlil- end will not for iny., Stuultly
granune, although she could do it as
well as any sporting squire, to make
for her fUtureany such memory as rid-
ing a horse astride for thirty miles out
'Mr. Clieliners-. the Indy yen, moue iS
•oue whom I honor most deeply, and it
seems: to ace- if :alto hae.,seeti. tit .to "ge
. .
into seeleelen or to nutery•seeeetlY: that,
•witile I iney it had been In open
church. 1 must centitme to respeet her
prefetuic.ts until site elcs•ts to Change
them, with whfoh,:brealting the little
pause of f3.11etice which' • follows, Sir
.Perey gallops.alietni, joining stk:•Brtitti, •
Mei,' Wile lute' put,' himself quickly,ont
of • the cotinnotion he; had foreseen 'as
. likely to melee, ". • • •: '
'afettutime it may be Correctly iritagiw •
.ed Veit her letlyehip; 'with all bey. sex's
exquisite- ingentfity at • plaguing !their •
- wheuever • it pesSibly can; had 'seized
'mow:these •worde, of 'Sir Perey's.most
twiSted hito•ft 'means of 'self tor-
ture. • • • . . •
"I.,wish it had been bi 'anew eintrch!"
'Instantly' stuck ;itself' in her theughts
beside "eonsents," tile iwci. forming just
that species or flagelletlen which ladies%
so situated in Mind. ttre went to inflict
upon thetnaelres.' .. • • •
The SupPosed from- ibis on
- until. the • u rriva I of ' the • party at Ivy
. Dene became . tacitpru, even- 'teems%
• ..
. .
•and not a syllahle'eatald be -got front.
hint In answer to the wildest gibes.: '
•Iler eyes intent.upon Si' l'erey. 'who
noW- kept. to. the: fore with. his Mist; my
Lady Peggy, on the, Keen lookout for
the possible assaesid, and to •the •tahe
or"eonseuts" and its: ruunitig mate, "1.,
would it had • been: In open'" church!"
put in a •Very thalorous tiventy
. bin on dismounting at -Mr: Breibutel's
doeteten she :endeeyored to iitruse.•
little 'joy.onst1P8S 11It 0 her' kinks.. and
.,speeeli, •• • •
The afternoon. was spent as had been.'
PlanUed. . • The count ry cook's dinner
was voted a perreet success. A 'game,
.of cards was 'in .order after the repast,
tilt 'at politics, 31 weals* on the flues- .
dolt Of tea: in the colonies.. Le(13' PeggY.-
i The only kind of consump.
tciooliiisuntlopLena,r„ is " tlegleeted
People are learning that con-
; surnption is a curable disease.
It is neglected consumption
1 that is so often incurable.
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The use of Scott's Emulsion
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Neglected cdnsumption does
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Whiz/ and •aer batt Strikes Tont•Widde' . •
breathes; -end bas been the.terrer , •
• or:travelers: now. theee three. or four .•
years. gone,". says ,N'aite. •, • . • • • . •
• • •
. "Ile's.: not above '0130' and twehty.,
. • •
smooth faced as a girl, these Say • .
who've relight a glimpse or hiai• tinder
Ms mask; dresses like anatearonl,.vole-
ed like a choir eluger Mel nimble as an
111(11811 - MenkeY:",. • • •• • '
:".lorequente. lie tide peigiVaorhoeil.?"
(merles Lady. Peggy, 'whit at the men-
tion of the word • .."highwaymen7 .hes. ••
tightened. her rein, 'clapped A hand on .• • .
her holster.,and feiti,her beart thump as H :
site inVoltinliirily conneptS iteiVithaposh......-a-
•-sible danger te Peray. .' • • , •
"That-, he does," said NI.. Chalmers. . ..• '; •
"Ills den •er one of 'eel's somewhere in
,the delythe of. Epstowe, and no one can, .
and beck in the•eompany •a . half Score easily
tail witen 'or whore: he's like toturnup •
of gentlemen ninet furnish yet so is:
each of Us rather the creatnre of:, cir- (TO. BE' CONTINT343.1
:cuinstanee than:Will that the hour ap-..
•.pointed .found. Peg -Mounted on -a gray'
with blood in Ms. veins' ntid a -pacing .
down,. PlecadillY.. to- the White Rome
..bealde•Beau 13rumincre bay,: .
She, could not, with. Sir Robin's inur- •
:de.rous. pact- in her .perpetuol view,
make up • her mind le omit a company
that should inelude porcy.' :
• , It seemed to her that: Any • day 'spent
'tty- hint out of her sight. might prove,:
tatal•;...that Sir Roblif.s. hirelings might '
cmiceive, Whetter to: their. purpose to .
• put,,an end te•their,Intended
1ctltn be-
- tore Ilte,.SunClit.y. aching with an .
Instioe hat not unnatural impulse to•
• pull, rein and confetts all; hurtling with
shame to remember 'twas of. • Lady,
Diana'e,.sweetheart she was', thinking;
mortified beyond belief every time her
Saddle •grazed her breeches: intent lest
an, unsuspected sword should flash .
• froin „ the, hedgerows, the 'sheepeots
:or 'the shadow s of Epstewe forest,.
whfeh.tifay traversed on their way:, my
• • .
• I Peggy, I * t 11 thl
that she •had never -come to town, yet •
OontriVed to. display a very citeerftil
l'••rey sighs •
'''l'erey.'5ometintes I think •Diatui.doett
l• VueNZ ver I'i'e;re brolher.;
and sister, nothing else, savemy un;••
ele'e abeurd, obstinate (now cured)
.whIni since childhood to match his heir
With Ilrooltvvood's heiress. Odzookel •
.Ken, you're like every other swain. that
ever sighed -always looking for a rival
to be jealous • of. Lady 1)1 cares for.
you, An you doubted it before, 'tie
time to take up hope, since you are ask-
ed tto Brookwood for n visit, and go
PePpleg off tonight, with me left bottle
to think alone on Peggy." •
"Zounds, sit°, 'Us not you only that's
thinking of heel" cries the young man,
rising find crossing to the tire, "But
What would you/ If call out the ben.
man; publish her disappearance in the
newspapers, get word to nty father
and my another -what come of't all
but ficantlal and like tie not dad an
apoplexy and my lady mother a set
of tits and a deathbed!"
"Ken, I'm a fool ever to stop Inside
of doors or to cease pacing streets,
Initiating Inns, shadowing Sir Robin
MeTart until 1 find Mr.".
"Fie, sir, if sherfi gone off with Sir
Robin Matta% 'tis, I promise you, with
tt wedding ring on her finger and not
else. An she loves him, what's to be
said 00 410110 if 1103 her lawful 'Ord?"
"Naught, I 'Myself went down to
Xennastott yesterday. 1 Said nothing
to you Ken," he adds, noting the oth.
er's surprised and reprottehful start,
With a hand upon ids junior's 011014.
in en, o aug ou a ste.a
keeping. her hIgit uoteit cautiously to .
hereon', as she had 131 1101'. opeech ever
since the night, as Sir Robin, she had
made her first appearance in Lttrk lane
-.-to join In jest, quip, Prank, such as a.
goy eavalcade of jovial gentlemen were
'then wont to indulge in.
Such were some of 010 strange yleis-
situdefi 'incident to being that most
.atintzingly delidouS compinand,. a Will-
ful and withal true hearted svornano
As air,' Brunamel had planned, they. .
halted for refreshm.ent nt ,the Merry
' Rabbit at Market Ossory and left, 'after
.a genie Of . bowls on tlie green, to pur-.
sue•their way. Percy lingered a bit in
the rear. Truth to tell, his reflection*
Were none of the gayest,,and the pres-
ence of the eupposed Slr Robin MeTart
and. the cone US OIL IN. 1 g
withKeu, he had been forced to reach,.
• that Lady- Peggy bad rim Off with the
baronet, did not by nny 311081113 Conspire
to the lightening of his spirits. As he
wetched his peesunted rival, heard the
ringing laugh, the brilliant jest, noted
the eareless air and thought of this
' eavaller• as Lady Peggy's lord his
.eholer knew no bounds, and appeared
to hint that, come what might, he must
invent rouse of quarrel and one or Abe
other of 'em be left cold on the field,
• "Why," a thOusamt tittles lie asked
himself, "this mystery regarding her
imarringe? Why not have wedded Sir
Robin from in;r father's holm and, with
her father's blessing, since:. Sir Pero
reluctantly admitted, "110 ft111it Could
be found with so flue a young gentle.
maw, and Ids fortune be. kneW to be
Ile was attatre:tbitt her ladyship Watt
romantic to -degree, and he could but
deckle that this predilection had eaused
her to elope and to preserve the matter
in a wrapping of secrecy for a time:
no doubt even now from her retire.
• tp,ent looking rorward to the hour when
She should emerge as Lady Wart!
i Sir Percy grated his teeth together
oti, toe s Bp. P that 1
Those.whom neglected coughs
have killed were once as _healthy
: and robust as you. •"
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Priest 25c., 50c. and SOO
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Toioato;oaa. LeRoy, N.Y, 2
and Sir Percy keeping.. by the glace of •010.00: -Ane 12020020.1.10.1. in,' • ,
elle'', well apart in ail these onceonters, •
.atel at 12. o'Clock, Just !IS the meini was
risiter behind a beak of splendid' star
. .
fringed clouds, 3 1. lirtiminel and his.
guests set fostli, on..their homeward
road. • • • .
The beatity the night was such as
soothes and caste its own 'mantle of
. •
-peace ,oVer evett those unquiet Spirits .
OWSealle cord s
- Which maY Ite abroati.:.
The cevaleade had left the highway ' 4
some distance behind; the moon wag
. Jill ing _ ist• -
fast being overtaken by the clouds
whence she had ttli hotir or wore ago
emerged; the dews fell thick, and the ;
scent of the lete•thorn wa•s sweet In the .
air as they Plunged into Epstowe tor- ,
est, . 'the News-14cord and Family lIor-
"Ah, gentlemen," cried out Mr. Brum- •Itld at& Weekly Star, with three
mei, snapping his whip, "what a ,night prentintne -
e Totu Kaide and lils merry anent.- ;
The skies. dark, the moon playing bide
and seek, fifteen wateltes and purses
and as many t•ins
gs , pins and :teals be,
tween as yon leet not at Ivy Deno
with any cook Elizabeth!"
"Ila, ha, hal No fears of Torn glade,
an he .knowe our caliber, jtimping out
Upon OW laughs Lord Wootton,
"%life, sir, he's the sort of hightvay-
• man t� Junin out on the best mettle
that strides horsetiesia or carries gold.
The young devil's' afraid of nothing
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pairY World • $.4. •
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The News -Record said Toronto .
bail), Star $1,S5
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